( V.: T ,' . ! i IjCiysJl'.i.C.-viMuVl.)..; ,( .t ,..,.-,..,.,&, j . 1 1. . JOSIA' . H X r t l w ,.f. in;; (i nn tiie Knox- iw W Jlrmld, M the general nailer, , VIVA ' '"" We give tis I " t!Ue (Venn ) !): 'j 1 natter ft inti '-cst tu aad of e-p il interest to the Burr Bpntcnil r ' il ; Lnoxv 1870; Joseph B. Hoi..i .!, Attorney tn-neral ami Ite-MH-tw, . 1.J; II.- IB InfjwBoH vs. A. W, Howard, Judge, V 'f" , , ... The Act Of If-.'.-!, c. - I 5, rotiiilrlnff the eourl to a.l ; -- "' 'iraWiiuf the Kn-Klux, to "ml oiiiuum,' iJ not p ply to Attorney. . . I ' The court had no pnA)H require suA rth, by (?enerl niio. ' . v If jml;re hnimpcHy exclude. M at torney fnin jrxctic ami rvtua to put theenlcronr 1 " eHow him to appeal, hetol'r..w .ukwiuii to mauti.uims, aad liable tor cost. 7 ";".''.. ";"'i' From flic Criminal -Mi Green;: & KF. Howard, J., presiding. ' " This nauw being docketed in the name tf H. U. JvgmM a fA Hint, m motion of the Atfcm'y-n)iit!nil, it "WM or J end that the sum tar eorreotcd, to an to atanii A lugerwH rt. t, IK ffotnri, J, In support if tlie motion he cited A'mns m, M Jdit vf, Claibora wfy, Hay;, M, 21). Sec it r m. M Jtuticm qf. VnAinf Xm pfy.vi'Ptclc S:i4, 361, and Hardin ti. ti4 HUirtt at llaritm wy Voek, OPIStOJI. j,, vvy)fnrf i At thoKarch Term, 1808,fthf Crim inal Court of Orrme county. (Ie following rule of the court wn reitd ' in open court, and ordered to .W'tiprwad of record, M an order of courts. ,-vj ttf Tfl T "Order or rnlf of court, ,r.. , ,,-...,,, The nilijuofc&ititttter' ViP eMldb'hiiig a niforni rule of practice, for the govem meut f attorneys jpracfidnij in tlie Crimi nal Court, ht the ' First ''Jmliciiil Criminal, Dintrlct of Tenweawej endcr the Act of Die Oeaeral Aaemblyf 4n tte 'of Tenneg- me, nnnied on the 10th ay"of Bcptemtter,' A. Ibto, entiticrt lAit Act to preaerr the public pcitcc." licina undef tioa ; tli Court u pkaued ,e . ,rdar nd i direct, that it aJiali hereafter h n ettabti Mlukfwl and wil tf fit H.uif In "the tlroF Jmlidal CriiniiuJ Piatriot, that fall attorneys propotMtng, taproctiaa In laid (Court, in any uf the poitnti In nid dhv trict, before being rteruiittcirl"do' ao, ikall, tnulur oath, giife antitfaetory etfdeaos i 4bat they are in ho way aMpciatd,lfeiMr iouf to tbit provMona of anid jict of Aa. Mmbly,jNufeKN on (lie 10th tiiv of i'ituB7 lr, A. 1808, aa nxjulrtxj tyr auid act, M the name i conHtrued and dawtood Itythe Court." The aboTrrai jtU. lie peremptory and uniform, tmhl, .nioh time aa the awne iv y In; am md r iMoUified by the Court, b, w itut tuado trith a Tiow to iiippreaa, nor with a rirw of niaklng invid loun distinction!!, but In eompliance with, arhat ia nderntnof by the Court, to be a kolenw duty.1i ' to 1 v the nroviaiona aid Act of A niyiy.'.uiU. juun-"lith, A. IX, IMA ..:' ;-:i'.. "' 1 I'po tlia entry rf tlill (rule irpoil 'ttii (ccord, tlie Criminal .Judge, Aj.W' How prd, ordered the, Vlw'Kita diiatroy , theM hdl of attorneys and make a new roll, and ) aster the name of no attorney thereon, rho had noti eomplid with h aliove yule.. In lli(m to this order, the hameaof the (tft.imcy'i were niricken from Ihe toll, Inrliii! ; tac ii:iuief IL U. In Kenoll, the pt'tiaiiii i-, , who had iieen, for nix months, a practicing attorney in mid cnart Petitioner inquired of tlie Judge jn open court, If such wi ttic urilur of tlie eonrt, whercn)(m, tlie Jude ordered the clerk to read said rule for the information of the attorney iwnt. i-TMitinncr then stated to the j u . ..t lie wag not ob loxioot to tlie i! v i; ion of the Act of A emWyjaml, t; ' t-trt nrnoeed t0 the f Mha Kln, nud all otliui wicrot politi al orgsnizatums in existence in Twuiuwee, V. &; but, aa the mlc Ti na a new or in tlie m, and the oath extiMonlintiry, he atked tlie privilege, .in li' lmlf of .jiinuelf and brother attorney, ol i inji heard apon the ume, but the wn "iiMultingly icfuaed.'lf -petitioner litcn stilted to tlie snnrt, m resiiectf'-i .m.-r, t' ot as there few wide dilU i-.v.a' xpinion upo the i : i . e 4 i.i.. i.n wrunun wi win, i i ui ijw-iiiui,, w ween the prewdii - ' Judcand . all the itlier Jodgea of Ihia aection of the State, te wiahed an authoritatiroconiitruction of he arnne, from the Supreme Conrtj and, k order to obtain 1t, n ' cd the .Tuck'e to laT a motion eni. i record, that lieti- ioMr be pennitttiit to ''practice without jikmg the oath pnw-rilied in said ordw, nd to decide the name, that petitioner night hare toiutiliiii,' from which to ap ical to the Supreme Court.,, But thin mo ion, the court retuHcd to enter of record, nd 0ned petitioner, for contempt of Court, making auch a requent, aud pereniptori 1 ordered him to t- ke Ida ai-at, Baying, hat petitioner had no ri;rM aaan attorney a party, to lie heard iii timt court. Pe- nioer then pmeuH l m;i.--r -attorney, ,iio waa not iimli r i, to niHke tlie arnne iintion for the ' udje perenii'io' aid motion of : . . lie aaid at: .. i r tme time st.. ' lit the correct to queation. i ling to go ol lw ... eal could be tulf , 'id, then atatcd, t t I ill of excepti. .ns ' lonor, in rcfuhiii t entered, hut ti e co ould not sip a v 1 ie action of t' " In April, 1 , tin reaented hi n-t i. i..n, leof the ,lu 1 " h of t 'which the t . lged, when t i, and the - i 1 ppear anil h ;ry manilnum ' mding him to t mplaiucd of, il tliat the k iircnie Conn. n the il v t en t-n -d 1 me fiHo-t. ii h he i;! i railoHi,,:, t allow pci roconl. - V U ,.; i -"one, but the n iin to enter i inreatcned to llemnt; at the r 1 n-.t r , tile c.....4 ; j auy t i nidi an ap- ! 1 e a a to t he to i, t- any knowledge of any person in the State, or out of tlie ouu, that shall be guilty of any of the offences, contained fat this act,1' i ftc, 'lonatniing the 5th aection of aaid net, m including attonieya, aa 'officer of ?'c i iiirt, in tlie meaning of the makers of the statute, be bad ao altenutiT left hint, la, the court of hia own oanadence, but to administer to then the oath, m connection with the officer of the court,' and hence, he adopted tho tula, alreatly wit out. ' The rcaxon of the mnpondeut for not allowing petitiooer'a motions to be entered- of record are stated a follows, viz: "tli&t respondent did not r-gard the aid Inxersoll m being aaaorlateq in any wiy, obnoxious to the act of September lw, 1800, and had. to, tttet his mottvs in rosintlng the rale, ia seme other aaas.i-' And the conduct of Mr Ingenoll, war-1 raated such ennolualon. Tliat he mani ftated a diapoaitioii s t' brow-beat, and override (the eaart, and bring its authori ty la to contempt ; believing this, respond ent may have anted With some decree of pnmiotnnvl'i'-tt pi?mv!""t rtii.-lit nt , i.lmabui . i, , . , courtexy was ahown, ' KeapuHueaa be Uevad at tlie time, and still believes, it waa an absolute duty tUo beach, to in flict some degree of punUliment Uion Mr, Ingenoll, I which respondeut believed at tli time, and UM imtintM,lm doa teniency and forbearance.?' .v, yisvn Aa a Turthor reaaott S not allowing patiUoaer's motion ta be entered of oaord, nmpsadnnt says i "To say that all the rules of the cWdV ' Chancery,'1 and. Criminal Courts, made for theif a a projection anil for the dispatch of tlieir own bualnaas, and mad aooordance with tlia written law, are subject to' iwvWoa 'ht -the ' Snpreme Court, whtrever any captioua auorncy sees proper to. ataVa qnentjon upon the rules, aad carry them ap to the gunmin Cphrt, ia just to destroy the Inherent power p the inferior tribunals, and take from ,Uem all their dignity, and ad their rights of pro tecting themseives." V-tos ' i Aftar appearing and flling his answer to the alternative mandainnji, Juilge Howard, at the Julv term. mu. A tLa Criminal Court, at Omsnville, had a oomphts nsor4 of the proceedinga, on Mr. IngenolVs mo tion, enter ad of record, includinir a bill of exceptions and tlie gran,ting of mt aproai, or wtucn -we, nave. a. traascnpi in mia Court, under the Improper ' caption of a H. Ingarno . lb Btate, .;This is die re cord, to preeuro which. Mi Jsiiprwoll filed his petition for a mandamus, and which would have been prosored by a Hereunto, ry maadannn, if one had been ordcrea by this Court, j Whilst; tluirefurc,',it ia tmnec- ary for this Court to order a peremptory manusnius, we deem it proper to remnnc, that, ape the petition aad answer thereto, a eaas is noeseateiL wiiioh would bars justified this Court in ordering a perempt ory mandamus. it tne wuuge Baa Been right, h);) his constructioBi etT -the '.act of iha -tlOth of Sept 1808, end was authorized, , thereby, to adopt ihe rule as to attorneys, his refmtal to hear a motion to allow if i; IngersoH to practice, without taJuns ilia Bfeaerlliea muc. , anu w auow the motion, to be, entered of mount, and to ' sign' 1 bill liof excciition, were aimsea or Jiiajjwiicmi ' autiionty ana dcnilictioBS of official dutv, so palpable, that nils' Omi oookf Dot have heidta tea to tMnrgasB fur. the. nrotecttoa of tlie rights of Mr, Ingersoll, saij fitf theeorreo tion of the enam involved in ttv exercise of judicial functhina. " Nor. are we able to discover, the stigtitent legal excuse for his couth In the ruaoa relied a by the Judge, in his answer, to the alternative mamhunni. j V Mrs Thgeraoll was guilty of violating any or the projinotlea of aa at torney, in hia demeanor towards the Judjre (of which ws) have miled to diaeover the evidence.) It was competent for the Judce. to Ttroteet tli Conrt, Jiy inflicting tiuniah- ment, but to undertake to prevent W own otUciul action from being reviewed, and reviseilynpoai appeal to a higher tribunal, by-muaug-to allow proper motions to ue made or entered of record, and by refusing to irtve tlie benefit of execution to Jus rul ings in bills of exoaption, was a -mode of maintaining nne Inherent powers ortne in ferior tribunaU" and of preserving "their dianitv." and or rotectwa' themselves." altogether noa-el and unaupported by law. But, ss we. nave already remark!), a per emptory nuuidimoa would now accomplish nothing, n)Ccally since the Criminal Coort, of Which the aaid Howard was the presiding Jtidfje, has been bouhed by statute : we. tlierefore, deem it unneccsKary to make any further order, in the matter of the petition for mandamus. ; - Upon the record, setting forth th pro ceedings in the oate, aa mad out and sent wp, ht aimwef to the, alternative ' mandav an, we deent it proper to remark, that we think tlie :rule of the court as appli cable to the government of the attorneys in the Criminal Court, aver which Judge Howard pn-aided, was baaed non a total misconstniction of ttii Sth ioctioa of the Act of Bepteiaber 10, 1868. It la pmvt ded, in tliat section, that it shall be th duty of all the courts of this -State, at every term,; fofr two years, to call before them all th4voIllcer' thereof, who hIl be sworn, and have this act rend or explained to them." Althougli, in outs buhsO, aa at torney ia an ofUcer of the court; yet, that he docs not belong to tlie clam of officers, referred to in this section, is too clear to admit of discuiwion,' or to require elucida tion. The idea tliat the LegislaJiire ever intended that Itlie Judge sliould call be fore them, it ny term, for two yitvn, all the attorney kif tlieir resiHXtive Court. ami liuve iijei Act of Awtembly read or exoluiiied to them, and have them sworn to aim-lone, aa timiiiion iijfonncra, all their knowled're aa to peniona, in or out of the bute, w iio have been guilty of the offencea in the a,coiunioiily kuowaasthe Kitlhix i..iv, u, ao palnahly alwurd tliat it cannot be entertained for a moment. The Ian ciiii 'e of the act piainlv indicates that it aaaiiit'-ndeilby the Ixfr' ' ituro only to t'vwe i-mona w : 1 i . .- and who .., ie s... ,1-ct to f ,c orih-i of the court, t . t to Hit- iie Iio hold DO v". it' ., are ni i m.. ' ' t 1 the onlent ol , ,,i . fxc ot iii i il (ii rtucl instancea. -,,,. j . .n't i.aw dictionary, Title "!, p. ( ). i 't p""irs from the ni-oid, tliat t.u' v , , f w:is a rc'i-titar pnictii wr attonn-y. ;-, r j cynimal circuit, ami, as fit h :i. a i! itterof riL'ht. to aiM'W in ( ; -. -oi-h. and to -- " i 1 t ill e-.-O lf ft jnirlf. I., i c 'I'..): - , 1 t K c t ..a a I).'-"' i'H . ,t' !. i ,:l t . nokl'mg, a w d i, t: t the LeMatiu did not biuud to aui jcut allororvs to be fore the Judge, and sworn a to their knowledge of offcnilrta, under the art of September 10. 1W.8, it .follows, upon the foregoing authorities, that the Judxe had no right to make, nor to enforoa, tlie roie aforesaid, against the petitioner. - Th re lief prayed for by the petitioner is, tliere fora, granted, and the defendant, A. W. Howard,, will pay the eeaU of this pro eceding. i.-..'. KtuaoLsoa, II. J, . - Atrueeopy. -e.-n'ft -nu Test: J. T. DKABririci, Clerk. nJ-IUUI I LJ JJI-Ul41.g C-qiriawrt Card. UEATT AWO r45CYC30T&t8, : f ; I, mBTTXVIUl KUHji'if fn aALaiaw, v a, - i- - A O. tEIACO. - .ui.aUUJta :C05fnl3aK)S MIBCHAST. ' 9 ;U .mil UriTIu, .7TT , (f, aALfeiaa, ,,. .4 i . tost a co. i AUOTlQJf 4 C0(M188I0If itxacuAMTa, a unrest, a. A m A sptt74( JAMI AMIS M. TOwT.-ta,V. wSNKBAL UOMMIUIQlf fH ,yTM ISB . t i vi, 'Omictiit lor past favorj, ryaews ala aMaw tamahlaoMirCaMla and Iii pubUatauw bast of hi ability, special atleatloa to th Krehaae, sal, or renting of Seal Kstato. reonat Piopsrty, Cotton aad all kin4o Country Produce ana Uerchaadlsa. . ptU-tt f 1 1 '' '.i r Hi1 Of NORTH CA1UMJMA,4 ' :Z' succitaon to ' ta, Wam.ansaaneto WsesV-l ' " V aiMmoae. nn. . .i ..'li.. WHOUCSALE BOOKB&XLKU ASI BTl- ' ) , jTIOSEBn, ' A fall uaie of Blank Books, Wrapping papot aad aJJ good partalnms; to tbf Btetloan bud nasi aoaaUatiy on aaa4 -i ,-t i "' . -. rDBUSUMl OF THn ONLT . SOCTkXBM BCnOOL HI8TORJ OF j Batall rtc Hon, gawiies eories sent by Bull fret of postage ea teeelpt ot tl.sH. " t JOHK ARM8TRONU. H BOOKBINPER AND BLANK ttOOK BtAK' i t OTACTVUK, . carta fas noara eaaccrwa arjoisroaj!,""; '," t1 , raliigh, a. a . ioi. it P lie TrH (Mention, Mbrntea aim JUsmadki Dockets maa to erder. North Carelta Reporta and othea.ii law Books, bound ia nperlur Law Biniuag. - Mlmtnr umbers of th Repurl sapolisd aad odd Babers Ukea la ezeuans fur Mad' TTTLLIAM O. JKORRISKT 1 ' ATTT0R5IT OOUNaCIXOS At LAW. jrtt M' 1 4 Biriua. W. e. K I , . OfleaH-nratioor ahov R. B. Aaatewa Co, near Tacksr HalL rafettavlB tweet. - Profesokmal and hasineas ennaMnraUsBt have htdueed me to move my otUea to the Capital of the gtata. I will, ajserefora, Vt 'leased to see. or scat, tram mi M see, or heat, tram mj eovoU aad end. at iUJ-iKh, N, C, For the m l ant 'l all'l eoutlnaa to reeard oijself a eitli of Oulijsboio' sua) of tVayac eoantv, and on Moadsv of every wa-k wiU aee mv friends at th office of Dr. Uaotwa U K mar, In (toldalrara, to tranaaet bnslneaa. I will alno, antll farthar aotke, prtettr hi the conntira In whk'b I have aeretofora nraetletd, Hinues in t auga-ly , WUXIAM U, itOKKlBKK, NEW aUSII, DOOR AND DLISD ' .. w RALEIQIl, W.ft t BEITS, AtlGHN tfe ALLEN, -l P..aM..na .I'.ll'. -" . Orders tram a JMsaae promptly attended to. it? r";,.j: Wsv.F. flBAvas, ' Twos. . McnaanA, Law. . .1 I i i , C BATES TTAEE-CtSff. 1 S. li-:. f - . ,i , ' a..w... ,1 . 1! I. ? l't'ui Vii iti-j ori.A tolw.'oK", "1 1 FJt Bavs fnat pat In i1"t' to oar vv . wareaoate, nr-Hii"-ti i !' t ' best arrae-'-d hoiine t'r ( is li hi ti Town. With 1U larsre ttc- ntid i j f Wcms kirked p In tlie Wsrvmnise nt i Dry rtIl for horses. ,oh1 nn.iM t-.r l ten to cook aad- sleep In. rrocc-t aiti-mnni to the Interest and comfort of l lsiiUm ami weir team. octt-dly' t nj3TOG3APi:. OAIX AT WATON'8 GALI ERT, east side of jTayei t ins street, and your pictnre lkca. lott eon'd ..t tf-aa a fnore sinrcpi -e prr-i,t liwic wcii y-.a I'mn a truiy j.ie-Uko iMHoi-aeii, nek u Hhims never fiots to niuka. Lookout for tlte rigtit piiiee, f-.ono Qoor iroat iaesr 11111. - Ot 1 i t r t . , -. .. i 1 ' 'y A D. rczr c NEW STVLT ! I i V. ..I , . i ' Try C- Ta I OF NEW GCHUii ' ' ti ,1 M 11SI 'H R SSH dullv ret.ettit- c , i, fAU M4 V-l" u" TAPLI en " t T I'M V fHlODa, T"' r NOTION! B(KU ' -f i , 3 V.. UATBaadC-' j I w r . . AlMaaooaUneafelothhu' ! i. Ton n and Boys, of wbk'h wasiskr a ' ' Ws til SMv-ial atUaitioa to iie ( . , i OWN ALfACCA Uw bout irwxts In u markut for Uia iiioiier. Wa also call ttt.-mi -u to the kwlii Laru1it KHtiKS, some ol Km, la took a ranum tttiiii lata fcUUi Vtj) KMijawe Ml aisy a salt ia ear luisat tue aa any hmiw In Uw CUv. i f rMtmty stays ifw fme ft , ' 1 4 m J.i ,. ' m a semratoepsrtmaaa. . ', ovlq-M J. f , ULLLEI BKU. - . I - ; -!r" i ' ' " . , 1 ' rt DCUCI MOVU.Tla. .- l NiPlOTliACTIOX? f v-t.H in ... , , w-nt v FDRTHER KKDVCTIOMb '"J' 5' v 1 ,rP at - ' ' ' ,.1' ' " i ' ' corner nxtrrtvwji AND JniJuT .nsj -f ,jin'n sssiiij' i-tt? ni.i nuia atn-s ' iB a-!""!"! h w esB Blaek Bllxs. .. . ituvkiwu: ,' surksmareaaii Honalrs, Slack KmiifCWtbaanirff g,i ,. if i P" "d l''"ls Real Lees' 1 "f 1 OulUiwtia, A- n'1 " cl if- boaaiitto ei' wit -rtr'H- , , , Linea and Laes - .ft 4 RIAJUiiXvt TMIUMXD HANDKrRCJTW, Choice Bantbani Isaatwaaaemt Rddnm end -Intel thia' 1 Km. 'i i.-i " - " . ' Vrenelt irfeated Shirt Vrmits In irvat -variety, Beavyplam ssu JUhkoaav - ''" r A hug ao vaitrtVaiork ef peotnne fjornn, Uiii ot PrkU. Bfowa 'and , BWlied tHiMlnrs an HliKiliiifls B D the aavloiist WftU, l.ii,!l tif .ftil.jeiie-.., j'.ii'c . t i Cluaa bayer C any oa4a, Wttl lad H aa mntaKWus t examine our prices and stack befurajna; elsawaora, n " i -i 1 .,.,( iww.ni) it hi I , W ask the esixiclal attaqtam qf Ihe entente of kWlel:ta Slid Uu d our tuprkr stock tt Blankets. Caminwu'S, DaekKkhis and Woolua Goods, b Moaa , aad Boya wear, Ckiaka, Shawls, (ahnorat skirts, BooMklita, Hutsery, ouutia,Ta, w. , - BOOTS AND 8HOE8 IH 8RlAtl""" A-rtjt X I VARIETY. - We. rail nulleuUr attention to oar lam aad varied aaaortmeut of China and Crockery Ware. - A BX1NR CO . . octuvata, .,-laatgB,'MV' vtbw JOOOD8! HBwaoosati i I 'make Bit Ikw jajirto' a ay neindrenf Mends sad patron wltb luy Boas luu Ol pwdsswdsUlIUMyeonM. Why, piatlookl The streets are IIMI w(th arevt ail khuios wiiu new uuaas. a wu Just Recclt'e, qAB",R 0? HRT OOODfl eontatnina a buva aiat varled assortment i; an witan vott tia awaii unr "o uviib. whea Jon tldnk of NEW STYLES, and a d sneak y, bear ef roods at tti RIGHT JPRICES, why. M aalna nwt. UHf ara Bt-at ana uowopwaoat .oaqdkatKUqn Ql!fS,Oi9oS, . JL Itl .ta, rU.- uhI. sms. . ' Wtll awj J" vattwiw sv o ' y ' j un( ym look t thei at W eeut f mm! mi, jroti tfofti them Rt cent t&ij GOOD for Kliytf and JPOV't i t , lames' a Wf.u A,.v l . .. 7 jivftfawi - Don't oa know that t keep th belt asaort- BMHt In Uw Oily f You tliat do not know It, cotae end look at M, and to T"U that do know, eome ngni along ana any wuai you warn. -1 have gotVaome for the Ttor. pleolv for the Toutlis, a fine aiiiMnv for tic 1 v "H Men, aud noaitk to keep tne Old (umiiIi-iiicu wanau no wny Hoi spend a lew uiouu uia al , t.,i j . )...! iiua .l--.nt aj-iM. Aad satisfy yonrself ' . ft. i . -., I Vi fl,i . 1 ' .1 . . vVhere th remote BemiiidM ride 1 -1 In Ui Oeeaa s bosom unoapied j , 1 4 Kroin a small boat that rowel aton. , vine Uat naif WUMltreeei ted i (. ,', '' LOAKS ANDQf JplLOAK AVPCJ I BlIAWLkJl Vy ' t-HAWLIsJl ..Didlsay CliwlaaiidMiawlaS Tint Is )wt What 1 mean. VI ' V Iniiia..)! tin 'il to I'i'l lnr3 UI Vliv, u,i rou ant Uieio t rf aaiiui mtalitTf ;Ca t ttnd tlirtn I )-o ! wsnt tbetn tioer f ! n 'i-t i i. -I Uieni, Si) (SI, 7 in, (..too, n in, t.jln l.'. U0, .11 i $Jft (J nnd 11 W. li V"0 want them ttni-r stilt f Jiint any so, and 1 m Uaema loanicr uwm. B'S- t - ' tn-J till ti' - -(.- i !- It f.-'i. r t-.M-t r h'.Mt, t..r aw i . v .-. ,, l ,. : ,, 1 av. 1 1 . Hrr - i. i v .-r u i, if) III' II!, hV Jim UU jiit U ttii. M'i0 tu Ami Imv a N- T 'r. lit Iwi.-r. m v w-'v : t' and prci rve )..na il- p. 1 k- ii your lvA-l a y IP T, II TT rj : i A U, 3. a . tin) tic vl , -. 1 f-i- o. . J, i lints; Stuoi. i ' . T)t? I'.ru lies.' -wj 'IttiT ENULfci'f and Fnneh.' " '"'"!' -A j., .Hrs-''-t i'.-'. . . :. - t ' i. , ,ri4 1 ivii,. ii..fc. . Tau-uialtea, auid i.ar' rUBT rscalved and h tale by . i .: , i futleninn mill i,,. J Mlk 111 COH'M. - . -A or ae t- '.rti.!j,,ic;a(i .BftVEilTr'iASimv Ll-I'B. HORSRFOlOVs, tHv,l rrepaattkNWll.foa want rood bread try IL .,, . i tersatoet .-n'? ivr' aaU t'AR.MKR'B llrwir 8lW jrMla!la ttw Hoakoe), ' ' 7, r'KtT.Ui't"l:'ir,toiasiid Blood I .t .. TT-ERrtSKNK LAMl'S, CI1IMNICY8 AND XV Wk'ka. A line aworUiwnt,, j ., :,, ,. Jttrt raceh-m and f.,r sale at f aaa-tt - - CAKVMt'e Prtu; Store. , ,L irtiGiHwu- i r5uy, "; J 'Fine assortment of i lo and doubk uA. "lata. JuMrecelvid nun foraaleat uptaV-UE , o-VAHMhK t lrug SliirttT fPKCBD'UPrppH Wbliwln nand UUiU as niggtata, iM aat AC J 19 fF,' JT rI""i: i, 0J M lllf UllUlfll .IJUlif Vyt,J j, fMIIUfinf. .awfanwrii XBtJCrjXn?,,' . . ' Vatv,rrtlsbyol ..... ' 'fl a waai-... rt XV tS E 5ooaa, I aar.and KlcaUw W M i" ' 1 lAL'iJi ! I a I L- a a.ua t hi..H MWa "' r . ang w-lf s s, , lni -,'lal.M Toilet, fhaape a.i-ll'ci . ..!. it , LUBiira, ooNURArrt, vi- r.rn a id FIvar'sFUnl hi"' nml I um-run, r "j1-41 ' ,1.1.., ,!.rugiist,, ;Tpur,lc:'5;"yit'xI A 'JIY)TnEaiimttr PvW frff (infl Ba it A- kfUi PrtJllllUtlJ lHkMkiatK illatl nttaaala-stAl r wratasinei.ntiutn Airiia,uca,(f n aW s at. ' ' '.A' 1.KRGE aasurtaieht ad Onavtw EntHisk JX. faair Slid liKitii brualaua at -t.,'.' lo vl AUgSlCtt - ,, rinwulats, , iIew cYnopon 'orutraTi itiom A thaM to-Christian toarlihiK, einlini. uur jCA. Mytaology, AnakighM, Loifemls, Par hhi. atmblema. Metaphors. Bhullns. AllinKirica. franrtntM, t laoaie. Historic and Kili'oin A- vcinnfw, (t., iij but; r.ion roaiur anil Hev 8bt)ihsn H. Tynaj, D, D. Every nhil.ik r and p Ww speaker v vwrj. r-M sbMMld bavoa C"P. ' ' . .. J Boat by ansrttiNiNi:'''l " ' " " Price In KniflUk OhithJ """ ft on i . . library atyhi Miiawawwlu-vx- 4 For sale by al. A. JoNEB.utt ( .a- i -T ' i Norm :Mllnn AlnMnr. '' TH B BEST bf ATE ALMANAC f (JBSISUED. 'f,iit., itr imIoov ,1't r-. - OKDUKS SOLICITED." t - ti.i -1 'i sfk'' PRICE oar irroas ti ims hniatrtf aTl' f, ,lf i:nwatt; per don 75 uedta. Biiitrltt -r.i).i lUeenta, Slnoln enplua and pm-ktot oiw t mora dossn mailed fn of po.inje im rereliH ( prase.. i -.JAB. If. EN MM, Aijcnt, ' BOV I . . j. mat Uookaullur, Kali iH' ' OW. TOtPINO A Criw r , u. , , . if . ' - , nilHlil fl Boil " l I1 PWJDL'CE COMMIHWOX MTCHOIt.NTg Sta GRBi3JWiJU 8TREE1V Reiadvara of alt klaas of itaitaerri ana NiMtbtrn prodnctlon, sink as Xobavixa, Wool, liinia, Hides, Skins, J ura, Fnat tiers, llenni, Rous, Beaswa,troiHtnd Dried KrnllN beans, Peaa, Scuds, rioaraad Uraln, Pork, Bnf.Vin lm, Fonltry, Butt. Cb.'uw, JCgR, lard, TalhraT. High Wrnaa, jts;,dsv' ' - ' C ir fouif cxrtenee in the commliwlon bust, nr.. i-r.ni, i, tu to sell Kooda witlioutaVhp-foi tiie IP urat market prices. Mnrklnar plut'-a aud eiroiiiiirs sent on uppHostion. ConimisHbHi for ataliii!.' pr.Hluuu i piir ecnt. Wwil, Tolme eo, Ac., j per cent,. Ooiwlifiimeiita solicited. ant a Urn v " " " ' QOTTO PLASTERS, , vJs n. 1 ( ?l tCxandne end hny tlie" oifatnaf OALtaJI'B.) Il behag the I rat insde. all others 11 it niltn I ious, sjprirzcsrnATE c:n:'E a.-i '- li li'eT ' a, , t f - ri .'uW T H V inure In ni:!'?t f I or 1n!tinifi Hfti a, rt h in nil) ' fi m it r, iii(om-it n? fvit lf Tt-ll, prVWT'l ' i'C- j '.(: 1 ' -'.i''- III It' ---i ithiiih!e !.! 'i i itt .i- .i n u ;i'MHi-,mt IM f.- .i , ;i.ii i inti i,i uttj p-.iMi i, Huti vivr'ii in ti: !! wvhmi err'-. pt WHttMOlJ - .(!' t I.;- ;'" -Mi '"Ml, t ! it Hiiitii.iiti r -uuKiti, H (ircvuiit i t-i t-n i. I i i F-,r.-'i p, i i, m: ut V. ,1 v. e leci'in II I - i t Life I .'Tt,'- ! '" TOTr .c : W ...V 1 1 t' ' wilt- ' fl AiA ., u.uv ia) aiumaiwiuK W you Unt T?.Trr - ';-; '" -; ." i i ), fMwu-i Amu mm: iiy iui'ahi tii lit, , , y nt pH.-c, v'tl ;;!'. a.-v t.H-k a-.., " ' X 11 aoeit - in i c-l cf ; i ! hondll I , '-! , ! h . i ti.-. 1 i aammii wii-c, I .., .. prints of eiety'vu .1 ki Blaakatk.) ' '", '"" ' iU Vm,T""'l"'" ,.,K . :. i TWrtf-iuf t t f; .1! t 1 1 i 1 tirest Gooda, u v ti nr.'t - .i .'All of the ., 4ut t 4 "'HtVtUaAOTIJHt ( AtiNTi," cousequentlvw aw enui'K-d to otnv thcia aa LOW as JoUmk-s ia any of the . . ' NORTHERN CITIES. Ciinruue to Ntil tJuisi ttt .,, .ISitltlrrlore i-U es iiii4 ' If dii. na;.!mnre Ternta. ) ,r i of PlM'HhRC(k ...i. -a-..ji , til Inltr rtat llr J JH I alIJi rV ,!' Ue, , ,, l'oUirMmrs.Va. i 'i o ' ,1J ' "r ' ' - -' 9 tnamcuics tjrt a. -a-v-a-n. u ,..n.j . , , 1 - . "TtrE reaneetfulM nvlte our Iiinnl W'cx-I IK I.-rAIL-. I Y an.iiir e laivo lot of I m i - r ' , I WHITE MA!isi:;i i.r.g QVIlH, j bn talaa.lt , . i'ni,.,.s , ,t , (iim-reni from anviiiinij ever siiown in 1 nkii, .Iher are ihiin. .1 ' . t DAVIS, DHAKR ft ftO., ""! ' 'VCiaaca Kid (slave-.! . 1,. YwViici4 atiatat v .vK V Wl ,flwoT a beinitirm nmillly ami ('H('at, art .ol J 1 jDAVIS 'DR VKE A CO., . aiVflai j Vs n ' PttiiahiircVe.' "i-TTrrJwmilt lllle, ililaVtll)a' V laaes .il "tihlRHINQ Vtbll, .Very cheap, Kit- j, , - Cntpta.Cprpctiul ; . UTJGS, HUGS, 1 ' i , '. i' " .itrGGHTS, DKi ur.r. rs. 1 . .,, C, j. ,;.i. IT i,C. in , ' ' - Just In hundj the ktivnsi atia.k f ("un""t meraliomi In K'teralniru. and AT PltH Is m t'H LOWER THAN TI1KY HAVE UKkN OKKthkU lm- the War. The stock coin S-riwa-- , M 'U".i. Ul I. ' ' PiV,"" . . i TArTTHT I.Milt .,:.. .. llal'K.klAL INIiKAIV. 1 VV t h id v.. ' ' i yKI f rs 11-1 ..I. d . - 111..." i URUGGETS Hoaale Ru,'s, ,,. .j j. i. ,k i Valvct Hid.;, , , , . , ., .) .atraaaela Kiiift, 1 . r ; t Mats, Carpel Linliiff, Cariel BiikIIiil'. r-.r.t r'-' f i vV'eiiivlU! evrrv tmeln waul of a f'arin'l to tflve -ear slock aa evsatlnaUon. - We eHioct fail tit )lcai lu elKLIk,rttLAUl.l A.Nu 1'etWJaS.f , J 1 1 1 ! j, I nAVIn. DKARK CO., . . S dirt ; 'i 1 lSiU-ralmig, Va ' 1 ' " . .tl.lt.ll. . .'.1,11. .--t- v l1 a-jit.m'j " ''liar '-"i. t;.4i""i t.m i -fc miuGS. WWWaa.S ' a u. rkTOiauuiia, va, . . ... ... i . .f 31AER pli-asarr In atinotmehiir to the VFH fllAM i of VIIMilNI V, NORTH tAll .IN A anil TKNNKMr.lv K, Unit tiicv bnve one Ot tlie most exteiittrveml aomplcui MocKs of (j... tHItR. MKDK'INES. ' .' T TI 'S ill MIM-i ' H, - YUVlt r-i'l KKH. WINIMiW LHASA, I 'll bHLaliKrl, PrHFUHEKT, ' i i-- COVIH. FANCY AND T"H,KT ARTICLES, . : H I'll I s,- . ) ) t TOBt') AMI VI KK( ' ' Tn be fiairnl 8utli of NKW YuRRV ' Biiylint axcliKivcly for Ar.II from flrt haiiilannlv. tlicv ran nll.-r linliii. iin-iil. i i in anv Joiilmiir H.hwc JSerih or HohLIi,- t all and exniiiuiB tu. ir Baoua and prliMS. ., ' , , WAIT HI H lOltUAN, 'noVT tf . V" JOnM'U CAH. to;. ivtfc nnr.:t (.i l. . ill I IMIIIUlakiilll IJtTt I.ft Jl, i ' N011FOI K, VA. , , , . W o now hare on hand fil supply o the fTK' I'HATE FISlt,l.UAN, n ' I hlnAvsovn, ' Aid uif i, icif inriHllents niwasnry to forn ' ' I - -- - ' A POWFRFVL tud ACTIVE STIMULATOR of tiie cruo f -i - k front Vmr aio, l ,. on Mu- (1 1- i .. v ninUnl Mm1 and fri"e fruin i ;t:i..-i 1? - -ir, r . .'H - ' K,U V. ...:.V1',0 i TON, and VEtiiXU'i. ' it has so evreama. ' . lliatinr.u-tiin-d In tt,'- : .. . ' ,.ii. ,,.1,-iii.i lv n-id Una ! .r , ..it i ...i-'i-ii Not tli -. i i. . - . e L, i, I;,r lilictul ot , ,. f.p t v, Ml re. ommcml It t.i i jf? i )-(.': ;".'. r . : ( , ii. , ,1 A . f-.r " c C ' S.ii.mi.K, VA. .V.. i -f-r i ' i , ,t t -.. ', i v.li -4wr , i 4, an ami '- -i r . w. c. timu.1 ::i a to. i .i! i a:: h iiin t ( hnn, K ;., ,(, I. j: keivl.' ' " ' i t it Na I. V ..-k.-i.-l t una No. iA. iii n-l. : 'i '-1 " -i , i, . , ktm-i, a. t,. tin llerrbef. . f ; t r tit'lo 1, a t.v iovlu.it 1..IK.LA.1 bi.l.U !! : i i i f ; ; l.'V.ilo flu."-! n.- m l! in.. I,.. In-I,,- r ii-u. 1 a ol rem Ih.oi i eel '-'5 tf NO , 1 1 ( I 1 v Iv 1U A I. 1 nl .f liiva.iiH.Ml Al ..awltvil UOUOLAS BI'-'X'S. ' " 1 CI NTAIN 1,1'i'l I'H, I'Uiilj (awk...-!. j1 i .put rcv"uiHi. , At boy UiUI ' . lOlT(fl.AS 1 : 1 ! - NO. 1 NORTH tliMtOUXW K i . , I 1,) mmi ka lust riH'Hxeit l.v - i BUT 1(1 ihiLI.US 1,1 I QUA.L8R. V. C. U1H.-1, -. fa tiiixot rwiorv Uic. "'' ' fi anioa narll-li lislrv (therar. i c,i boxus I'uie Anpki t livvae, .-:-.(.,.... iur tula by . '( HoV Iq ., ' ;; 1 jl (il.AS I1KI.L. Jjl'NN ADA.HS, . i i t- I I w' "' Hltn y.tt IHH, (Hi v Il.y, h nl' H'l.Ntt AM) ' dhl'NQ, , !, MkUCIlA.Sr, , w. UARDWA it E, , . , I I'LOH. to 1 v, . o , 1 LJ".' IHl l,Xli ,,..fltH t-" rtl m I 1 . f-i, 1 .j .- l;lil -,i.x VAPN. No, ,1, Market 8.Ure, South hide, aprfllltf , ' - "ITf ANTED IVW, ,t ,TP..r. July ! , LYNN ADAMS. LHS,, Ji 0. BACON -!'!! BM ! July -. If ! rM; ''.-t LYNN A!i.'. . n. P. 1'irton, k.vi. l ion, a. v ..j.r . '.. ' t i f k" U'ctrfel rtAisi:iGii, c, HAVINfJ wwlly ri-tuni'-il from tin- Nnnii vm mt'('t, wliw li"v i'im lutinni Ui'tfU Uriu tut: 1m w tij Iimi r: rra c:::" i, Itii-l..-. I p-.ju', liuilv- il.MllI tin' li, !' ii. Hi K o- ,i, I ti o e,iiioiiiii.;i l-iiimiiv lu;;-.' Hi- ,. a . I. - , , i. i. -t.'.-ln'-. .1 to Ic-li in 'V I',. ! 1 0"- , li it- in, .mi li to ili iil f-.i .v ur.iiiiil. Wet, 'SI e nlock, Ulul HIV lii'tel IIHHul 111, It Bon- - il IH, 1-' II US. v ti'ipc tan- tni-iiiis a ill illve iin a til.il i.cil If im.i unt tmil you rlu'il, lla'il don Ittm i ti - i i ' . ' - ti i . c a ' ! ,' - ' : " SAsii,'(rn:.n, amJ.dooh FACTO UV. - - - - All orders promptly slteiuh d to. . : -' TH'-H. H- 1t'Mi;i; ' tpU 13 ', ; i ri V'K K" I'llII'l i. ' ' II V.IIM IIHIIIII - Ulti. ,0 Co- I , J t 1 lew Soives an Roiilliel-ll Miokel. I. .li ".. Him k on ' t.ml i.ii'l n;i.. t aov 1 1 1 1 1- i ' i. !). - , nill . 1 1 I 1 ll.r supply ol I I ' I