7 f he cnliucl riTV AND STATE 1TKMS. xnj-i-VTi" rKiairAUY ti." mi. Tan !" Hamsiv, a Business .Clerk, 1 ... u.a MttltrSeiS UMt 1IVfl at. u HUtftJHTSm . " HMXlflU fioTQN. NAllKKT. WILBIKOTHK rTIIEKT. lUlrigh, Kit. ifl. JteaeiptS i - - t hales, i f' nlnpuK-nt - - Hl F,ir l inure - -v 11 " Market dull, stultia 10 to 13; while 1'J l u is wi , - ' ; , ', jls Atwitww'KMW.-"''' iirrfvals ,t Hart"" A Bixsughlon 'a Nurth "J1 Mar M H.arv. . ll'sJ, hoee T. II. Briggai Fnyottovllb? street. .. . .... ... Itied arrivals in the Pry Goods lim, Rirr a.e t'MhUitf, etc., at Levy'-, Pavctteville street, firt door north of ihe aiarket. y 1,'as Notice C. B. K ot, rrvoiilmt. plirtteis of Oeo, K. E. law Ligon A gills, Haleigh.r liuneltiiig line, Trinleca' favid A. Barnes, 0 i awrlioe Nock, Northampton Comity.' . -k limit u ' Jan. IT r..r., KT f r ' I B-ok Store. Himnioiu' lii'ver Invlgomtor a Houth rrn (,jtedy;-iVilliaiiia & IliiywomJ. I)iiMluCbiv -Overliy A Burt. I Fine Mare for sale W. C. Stnuach A Co. Alio, choke fruit tree, .- Peats satic . Mfcfcite. We arc, 're 4tiiWi instate that there wSH beadWw Bwtiiiijof tTie citizen if WaW In tbe jltyjnt Raleigh, on rUturday the 8oth day if Ft-brnarv, iiwt, to cwsitft-r"Gov;XTiflI" well's eU mesaagu, aud the present state of siTwrt. Let all Wake attend. Fpikhm, ot Gkohos W. Monnwii. Ai will be ecn by a notice elae harm the Itieral of the late George W. Mordecai, will take place at the L'pns-'opal Church tMA fc'nHKHiiat ftI '1 o'elm-k. We lwu that iu orji r tiiBt the ottktrs and mi jiloyt-es of the RaleigbNftnJ Gaston Rail nwl j'owiiany m' atUnJ tli fuuemj the diwiineil having lwn Inng ajiniininiTit aaJ laithtol Inroctor in IhatftfrjHwatkm ti, tniHineaa will lie aujeulixl .during partnii'4w-ly'i th xlKwa atwi ahttM 4 the C'iiiDnf in thia city. ' . . vuMt. thah in ai-mlaiHW with a UwiB .UnMiiltJMill vlntrrrd I'O'.tjmi, all places ol buainoai be chwcrl 'thrring the hours ot the fuovrnal of Mr. M. to-day. ".""WeTtri" truly t$u fliarTJapttTeliK ' Eepr!ufjiiru"fii'iiflt iy'ro3,"Et 1(tnntr Vi pfnriTflv hirprlhnt tiex will aooa he rtt"rl to hut wout4l ln-Jili, anil be lle to adilnua limwolf to hia leiHlut tve 'In ties with the industry, tact, ability, rjtriitiv di-.vciti.m aud ftlTrTSBirdi-pfotT erica which xve hittiurto' chara:terixnj hi career an a mcinlicr f the (Jcncnvl Aa acnihly, which hare made him the tema .of Uie oirrutljut the 4!idofhia etai-I atitiients,' arid won nr him the renpw-l, edilent and gratitude of every true hivet of the old Nonh SMfo". Jaxi. Chkkiji. Vwtenlay iiUxit noon fire primmer, (lVrrxsaJ confiued in our eawuty jutl wwvKk4,w fifciiig thg hn'tt rfllieeinjr which they were confined cauinic throuyh a twelve imb brick wall betwwn lite p-iwtige Ihey had gained aicl I an ailjoirtinif paia fifrclnx the lock ot the dour of that f turner gaining the jail jird fotvlng the yard and making t leir em-e, They wwKijak kl.v pursued, however, and recaptiwd. ' We think '& itriff Lee might eaily improve a poo the 1 ka 'of hia doom and oella, rjtljerw iae there la no aecurity in hia jailing. If these & owe ba1 broken lino igh at nigtit.tt , would have been, moS a' tilth diifleult task to reevptore thein. - i- , . . Hi n.rtiatj Bkixiht. The report of tHa ' bnildinga cr;ied within the city- dtirintt the yenr cuijinx January I at, t s 1, aa kept by thet.ilv MjtinhaLUeeH'Uowa: - Dwetlinsta, - . - Kikliena, Salilea, ' , SitiMtl houam, . tngine tKHiwia, . . The total valuation of thia proajrty hi .-wiiiieiiifsiH:ii."irf.i': - tfiVfti,'wlwti'i.I ItleTa'ihuW'wual Italvlfh tiaa dote du'ing the hut year. ' " : -r . Kor Uir H. nltnel. Hn.itKiH, N IC, rVU. 3,.lM71. EhiTOKs HPiKTram. : The report of my ivnurLs iu tlie HiKise on Snturdiiy, M alt wlui henril ttiein, know, Terrmeagfe-imd i apertwt. - Mr. Kiwwh'a reply, an;iocted in the ''ecyrmn ot'rinedHy morning, W Tery full and coniplcte. T)i word "ifitHum"' wcura twice, and I mply wish Ui aay, that so rVur aa I am h di . iiluull v yHuvmd, I conaidcr tlie npia k nitl in the firnt iiirtuiKf!, aa highly a nip iiuentary. If it be inumukt to dnO'ire acounilrt'li!, then I tin willing to be regarded in that light But the report atty ' be (Krem h) ae knowleiigcd that thia State had been at flirted U Iter detriment, with aonie 'eftr-pet-h,!:gern,' but when the gentleman made no diw-rimination, and denonncetl all Northern men aa Vai-pfit kvrster,' it waa ..J4j. and did no ereVM to tbenivea." Now, Ikntturiy deny that 1 1 trer denounc ed all JiorHivru mt'n aa "carpet oli gera,' I think that my1 detinition of this cake, ' Waa mtjiciently eliar and dintinet v . One f the bent friends I erer had ia a NoriHer.i man; I hare no '. prejudice au nut an niaa iimily on account of Uie ha aiity in which he waa born. But when : Men come HitoourStateasoltW-aeHieni, Jnterrwt 4 wr- proa- ienty nd iesve, like Laflin, whi-n Uiere nothing in the' public ciib U tliWn to . filed U,u,. 1 do'ol.jit U u h ne dic tating to of-iHiikinj? law fttr the honest people North t'arliaa. In com !u-i.n, I' have thin to ay, that if ii anl " Z. French nays 1 ever ih-uooncwl Nortlw rn uicn v l enryni Uujtftr," lie .kihfmHHi li'ar. - - r4r-' -,rs , Very iwriectfnKi, -, . U W. MAI'TfN. -v- ' - fi,rti,UiielI.miof lii jsrentativea , n Kndiy M. liro .kx. uf Jiow i'ork, mure aa ollt .ih-lt he wonM rh-ver Tote one tt - lar t T tlili.pi,( of a Hidi. nr-ny t ite , ihe rroy w4 twed noiitkal mac hine iocotitio! ehcti. ni'und atjirivetise penple .-.f tntk libcftm , . v1 -.' Tor Ihe BeMtaaL - IUTEQKSltit&.tyr; f TLtutaturfKirtk Carina:" " I hv noticed with aurptM al m muii sregrot, lhrwH,-t a corruiahirt ot tlie Wilmingu J-rartai, tlutt U'v. 'IV IS. C'aldwll haa.seiit apvdul mi- b the llou in hi(ji lie yitirtlf .Ut-lnn to glte iWrw-y to tlie onventinn biff," atttd aa aucb he now withlnlda hut prc-luiim-tion nitifying Oie people, .; Tint resaonii, if ny djne.l I13 the tiov ernor o jimtify Ilia rtfiiiil, I hae iHxeet but WppW they uuoii lie a belief oil hit part (hut llie eall of theiieiir by the leu kJidute, jin4 Biadti i ill, lltisli ovr- ttunty a kiyk htuiltd BUuaum, and aaaik h it loudly cal I-, n uu.ii!itUi-d nbutt fivm the honorable laxly to whom It luw been iddreiwed. : ! ' I aicrt that even a Holden iti TWi too eeuld not have beenguiltyoYagnmter dereliction of duty. Una It Miwroceurrvd to lii Kxnllency, that there are vaiioua coiMtitutionaland legtalaUrer&iuirutni'nbi, boih Folcnil ua well aa btate, which be ooiue tttttrt niilean Uu-y have tUalUj inimirlixt W them by 'cj nnt federal aud Bute rexptiaiti(iiia;ueh as.forinrtan , ttie riht nf trial by jury, the ktittentcrput ct, 4-.. - . ,' Tln-nTore, to wilboid aw b aetim aj( may Inwaie nectaaan to jjive etficiMnrv to the law in qiieHti nfa aa mueb hlation of ihoae ajcml uMninieiit i aa any alit would lwtlutt yiolatea openly one if it esprean prm isioua. I hold thia to be clear eon lilutional law 'a Weil aa lain "ouiaioou euao, Fiirtunatoly, however, ia it that in (lie pnaagi instance of Kxecutive refuaal to carry fiut t .tegiahtUtt. niiremat, )if wit (let popsae t UH ' w-ti y ; ,iieit bf I.tiaai be uctaaa cat-ordinala; brain Ii uf ibx- Taw iiaCing power Tiff""ire 1 iTilii' f 111a nmnui woutii oe 00: 11 aosoiute a; Well aa irmneiliable ! the time b;iii!T and would cause great delay in relieving the fMsiple from: the great nbuaea tinder which ignorant ivd criiuiiial raUul ruh? haa imposed Uion them. The remedy then ia (and it ia the on ly remedy I can think of) to ditpenar with requiring the Govumor to fjive notice it timo and place nt to do iluit byteialative ciiai tui. uL There haa iieen'. already, enine talk alxiut yiii;biiig Gov. t':dlwelj, Jiir ilia Uerel liuu i daty. , Tim thia hold can not tie .lone; for the refusal to ia h iiU pj'tK'iaiiiiitioa "rests not upon his veto power, neither upon iia beiilg t eo-otlinut br.iiKih of the Lettialature, iH-itlicr of which wiil he be found to be ill (be rnnent cae. Before an KuK-utivc aubjeeta himself U tmneachuient, it inuM be shown that the violated and neelccted dut v haa been cuu- ntUliiMy unpoaei and that he ha taken an on ll 10 taUTj-H out V? , ' la the premmt instance, it haa neillu r oeen ImpoMi b.v the Mititution, nor haa he tiken any out h to carry it oat hold, then, Uiat he caiwitbe-Haneaeh- ed and that the remedy ia aa almve eat for tli. The most yon can make of bin re fusal, w that your contldence waa,.niia- ii.ifed,'TrT a-twiin-tilin fir jfvB nr.tU-rot iiif, plane, 4c., 4c. :iu"itEr.Giuir; FilTuary 15, 1871. i AS ACT TO Sl'SPIC.YD TUR TOOff am pnocuDuuit in ckh- 8 Hi T ION' l The GfHrral Autmblti of .Viirtfrf 'rrrrttinn ytamrrrt -ThntTitt mil ae turns shall be wniuicriceil f ij UuiisiDiiiug a sumuuinii. . ... . Siii'. 3. Tlie aniHiiiona sliaiT ran hi the nanw 4 the mate, be aigned by tlie Clerk of the Hu peril Court having jurwia tiiai LuauiUajLue. eoert, and shall be directed to the alieritl of ;the county in which the defendant re side or may Ix) found. It shntl be return able to the ri'Kula-4enn M the Huterinr Oourt of the county where the plaiutitf, or uf or fii"1 of tb' in, ir tliy d fi ndants reside- aud shall emnmund tlie sheriff or other proper officer, to autumnn the de fend.-uit toaprn'arat the nest.enaningterm of the Superior 5tifrt, und answer the caiiplnint-W the blaintiff, and shall lie dated on Ihildiiy of Ita issue -1'he orh'i-w to wlioru Hi? amwna fs"diireiweil ahull mite ell it the day of its delivOry to bira, imftiiaTlJeiiiT "t day"i tore tlie Iwoiiuliiu of the term, to which it bIuiII la- rtrttimal.hv and titm leturn it on the finifdny f the term. .Ui 1 8kc. 8. The pluiniiff shaJUBIe his coin phiint in the clerk's olfi-e oitiir lieli1he third day of the term t which the net ion hroui'ht, otherwise the unit shall, on n'lion, lie dianiiaaed by the court at tlie owt of the plaintiff. Hki-. 4. The deli ndant shall spinnr und demur, plead or a-wwer attlie aanie term biif ine auiniMiMiaslmliNbe naurnable olio rwise the plaiutitf may have judgment by Uet.Hiit, as is now allowed oy taw, ; I Hue. 0 The plaintiff shall join in the de inuiTer of reply Ut the answor at the saaie terra to which such demurrer or answer may fie filed; and that the insinw whether of law r fai t, aliall stand Car trial at the m it tenn sncci-eling the biu at wiich the plesuliB ant Coniphfted.!' I i Sw, . Tiiat nil writs of uiMutoBs in ei if aio ow - in- 4h4 huait if- the ihcT.ff nr clerk, sliafl be morm-4 by snjd ollicem U tlie next tenn of the Sujierior Coiirt: and inch swriU. toacth With all wntaofaaiamaua la) civil aelJons Iwral'. Cire nrtujraed, in which no final j.tdgiAenl haa katsa amdered. jltafl lie. placed by the rteric -m t hot-W'sf t-ifop?ttte at Die next ensuing ti-nn, and tlie plead -rnmtfn wti artimit sH Trmd'ar which iflsuin have lieeB jftineii, shaft staml H it trial at (iring Term, eighuwn hundred and seventy una, r,rrrzrr... ,-r Kter. T. All executtona issued or Judir- K-nt in civil action shall be tested aa of the b-rm next iH-tiira the day on which they i10Hi.1l, awl shall be miOTabte ta thc.! term 01 ine inirv -uvt mnvi uw lynji trbleh they bear test; -and all executions Hw in the hamiit of . any sheritT, iasued front any Superior Court, ahall tie returned to the next term of s4d court. -f8c. 8k.Tle pnivisnaif of thia act shull liotajiply to inroceAtliiigs dry attachnwait. ' Hue. . Nothinir in thi'a-t sliallonat to repeal tlie ' pumwoas of tlie Code of Uivil i'roceiture, wnwn allow ucicuaaiioi to be arrested and held to bail iu certain eases. . ." Bbc. 10. All lawa and cJansrs of taws hteonsistent with the provision of thia act retsoK(iendd until the first day, of Janua ry, -4bi ytomirtt eitrnteen nnnurea iwiu seventy three, and tltis act sluitl In in from and alter Ua n,UlicaBon. ana snau continue in force Until the first day of January,! eighteen hnndred and seven ty- ttiree. . - -.' , t' - Ilatlfti-d tl 25th tlay of January, A. I. 1871; ...v... STATS OF NOKTH CAllOUNA, ' iirvKK a-KTAat o trrvrK KaVicA, Febrnary B, 171, trlteiiry J. Metinrngr,- fiw irtaiy iif fH-tte, hereby eertity thai ne i.tfegoing is a trw copy of trie original on nie in this oIlM-e. fll. 1. MENNlNtiKR, , H t te-rrtary ill , State. Misctswssiwvw. The thinal.le hhw our Rilori'd popalation air oa tlie ;' iff to the report in eiirinaiinn con- ceminir his iiiieowoM , ..--. physii-;aa, who i on isf the 'piofcarwa at 4ie,l to the-Howard Vnivercity, leading soon t tlie rnatriroonml stfsra lidy- his seni in rear, but of nnadnltersb d white e.miplijvjoi. w trt a formerly ciMiwctrd with a charitable imtjStutbui m thia ity-, but who is at preiret trachin a bo-d la Virginia,-"- )( '"" idjaaVieaa. IIIPEACIILitrillT. TRIAL BP W. "it. HOLliEN r . TH EN riJr.Tir DAY. J tfUTi slut, Vth. tttth, 171 Ooiirt met, lion. I'bief JnMice IVaraen in llirihajrr 1 11. -.. I. Itoll called, and iurum found t lie pn.av at. . ji- Uusioess ch-rk W tlie SwiTiiSKt. office. Then. JN Ibimsey, sworn on liehalf ' of irtaniiiprs, ml htitle.t In fibs if the Kn- WI,WhtelftyilaBa;-Ttohifa. Utitfiwt Uslilkd liit.-k c, ,4 V.vr Hnt.11 waa reMiiliirlv Mt to the l;e.'iitiwc iiili.-a .lur iug Iiwt year, to Mr. Ilimier, clerk to thai deinrtinent. ilr. M'Vrimen tlen irtfem the ariginal SltoaniT bii ax introduced by Phiitfiu'r in the LegWatnre la niaiilter lmijt. : Aha lllo of tlie t-a.VTvt.ia, iuwii.H r, dated January lath, 1870, ttiim whien waa read the pmrecdrngg.of a public meeting held in lli-uliuni, AUman. c eiiunty, ua the Htli ,bky of Jiuiuary 170, il. ikhuh iug the SfioiVner art, Uw lnaneaa and aHtlragmt by wliwuowver i-oimiiitte,l, 4c, ,' , Cot UcAUler ur.VMllwl and tMitbd Uiat alter Uie killing of (Hittuw,a mevting Waa railed, for the Hatni-day follow big, but fetleral trtMw uotnV thiw Iwlimthat liine,. tbt nweUug waa wit hvl4. aa it w n.' .1 wmtied to hoi, I iihi-iiug at the point of the bayonet, . The p ople were generally iJiocketi at Unoitrge, and but for Ihe nrneriotLoTtlie troia, wouhl have held tlie meeting a pioKd. : ' t I . Teli'graiiM. nthicb poMaeti bi twei n Ilitla boro' and the Suo)ia, Irwn Huimcyeut,t aud llimco k to BurKep, were read, in which Mr, Tnrner't anvst) jia omimtiuu aie.i, and Barren onlcis itiiuilcycutt if haiataiii it nradr-t. Jl.. -fui 1111 ' ai iet-tnitoot--ht The taiunael for the mipondent alsto put) 111 uipaM'niM, wnu'n pameu inmi f'larke and Vf. lt Hiihardwm, Govt Uol dun'a private aee.ntry, to Mr. Turner, and Mr. Turner repliea Ui both, directed to GOV. llllldtn. i - : Mr. Merrinvu also pot ia flies of 8cTI nei. containing accoanta of Kirk and i4!rgBu'juutg upon Ui people in Ala- iiuiuce, CaiWell and Orange. ' It Vaa proven that Ihe Governor .waa ureadorTif the btNTiKKP., or that the puller reirularly went t bis nfiiee ; nd not wkhendiug( thiwe rtilngs a ere constantly brmiglrti kM attention, he took no steps to prevent the' outrages. Aj?! deat of argument waa iudttlgcd in by eoutiael tm both aides, a to adiuiiibility of the papers and tele grama, ax evidence, i'hief Justice ruled both admissible, -ri - - - C. F. i'ouug, waa sworn on- behalf of the Malingers, and tcatifietl: That be lives in Buruaviiie, Taneey romily, and ta a uii iiliaiitand trailer generally. ; Wi" ery well aHuainted in Vanecy, Madiaoa Wnd Mitchell counties. Many of the command at Kirk .were from these counties, and the general reputation of moat jqftlietn ia notoriously bad, and many, iroiu my owu knowledge -serir tueni---Ther weee geniTalty regarded- a band oTlawies tiken, jimy-.f .-tlMau.-wuli him lant aiimuier were the same who were with him during Xit'SLJimmjmtpm laous during the war, and have been bad ifflsnasinoa, Kirk'a rerintation waa that tataons citizens aim-e. Kirk's reimtation of aroblter and muril-r. , In Tenneamw his reputation is the same. : Col. A. Gi Mc Alister recalled, and Sens-. tot Jamas A. Graham, Ixith testiSetl (o iwifmija u.w.li kiiaa U-ing u-iiila-i Ws s,tld i-i-k, ol KH'a " (vitmuanil. mfTfifrllnofl.irioim--! formaiWgr-Ts; hw-e announced the pru-utiou would rest tyr the tin uU. Mia..-JlL-t:oi'kle.atid..CoiiiglHnd.l L etaiuwH for rmpoodeut, made siateiiii-nU aa to the Mine mjuiml for the respondent neaaes, jjnniare brh:f, dien Ac, and asked Uiat they be allowed until Jfoudity week. SvnaUir Itobliins, (if Kowitn, submitted an order' that the defence prodwd oa Thursday next, . Afii-r a 1I1 bate, the or JerJaa Jop(el. - On motion of hi-naba Jones, the- Oairt adioimieil until next Thursday morning it'lltin, -'' ; fiw. :i' -1 fn this rltr, en Snn.tay eVenla(f taut, at 7 o'elm k, (ikokiii VV. MoHiiacAl, 111 the 71 st jiairol hissgev " " 1 " " - - 1 -v t t b r , -V Ihe funi:ti will take iilonr at the Kplseopal I 1 I f I -t,S Wian It U ia alb moon id R I o'cttw-k. - -4 .-r. -a t 'X'1 tu rr ' Advertiaementa. Mow MKHRUrT OF HUMII 1UISH POTA 'I ' rliok-e iiii.lili' for ulantliitr, st f 1 If Jl If ; Il.tHlUM X ltkuV Hill O.N . IKIWH ARBIVAI4.,, ,,, , We hni- Jnitn-e.il lit s laie 1s of H (' Hams, Mali's and bhon tilers. Nice shea for tanittly ase, at kw prk-es. , f Also, s Isttfr krt of Wnsteni Bacon, cheap, at febpl If 1IARTON & BltrHrtJllTtiaN'lj. ;4.- r--1- i IJ'INK MAKB FOR BALE, .i' " '"i i "; v- ' A lartre lilaik tn-owu MARK, six years old, sound slid kind, tfmt rale btigy and draft sal ami . ;aa be saen lit sfipK inn; to -fa-bSt tf W. USl HOJIACIIAtJO. j; IJBtlsl ANfi AnFjTTin?l'.TK,w'ifKl.E a oecapsnt of oB"e t-fuses to pavliis ' fist tail, IMt:uisun:.iti tfilt aeeias ttfajr '. tctnft to;suiily fi ttuv gas for emnmasiibisji III Uml Iiodw, uillai Ui bill is "iit. by order, Feb 3t . C, K, B'JOT. , .---it frr ;- t .... S Ste'A ... : '4, '.. . ..,.-....- 4. TVTtlVV W TIIK TIMK TO tllir CIlrtltTE Fruit Trees, lraie vniea, Small Fruit hii. ;. w.- Mtiatbeook w9t Kive fa-owftst-bitiibin to sll orders niei'ive4 a) to the 4iti'if bnrtr, Wt ' AlfwWotl.!! Win tn ftrT'ttieTr' ward at olN-e. l-ataliatUe sent fr,-. AdilreHS yvesilinaik, Hmi. W. C. 8TOACH Co;, Aleuts ai bab-ib, N, C ; T-i I880LUT1 ON. 1 .. i V Tbs tlrm of nv t RB i A BURT has tills dav llf iotndrtiyrrtntoitt eoietit. A It paysons wbo sro- Hidelded to-nlse flrw wlU ploaws- ouaia fiwiwartl sad settle wilth -itlir of as, Ws i--siHK-tfully return our thanks to ear patnais and frUnds, stid bo e, iu mir ehature, to en)oy the same liberal patronaa at tlat-ir bands as bcretofia-e. J. t. Hurt may be foatld at No. 1, anil Win M, trtertiv l,Vif. Harnett btrnet, sati-teii, h. c; ;i : . '..... Wf H. OVKHItr, febSl-a&wlt J. O. UI KT. JATKBT ARRIVAL ! FOR TUB BPRINd OF 171, AT i - - - - ':'-, - L, I.KVV8 M Vavwrraviujt tataaarr, : CALKXlFS, of Uie nost droimtili) Bprlof patlenia . - . :.; . -; , UbEHa (,IK1W at atodcrsO! piles. THIMMISriSt TRIMMINGS! TRlVrMfNtiS ! "Latest styles of. : : t CIIIGXOXH. If . i , - Iaiitii and flentlemen'a efTs, Ciiflars, Ae, KKAlty MADE CUnlll.SU sA prices to aeit everybofty. t lotlissMd IVitaeaitlesof all wldtlia.' booU sad 8 noes for (ieatienen. Ladles and NOTIONS 1 NOTIONS NOTIONS ! ' lists aud CataL. Ties and Bows, the latest of all. ' . ..- .;... -.. .,, I all; sutniae and bur at , T. I FVYVt, , 64 aUatFaveueTllleStriet, Flint hIimt Nortb of toe Market. feb 21 tf (FoaitesLT Cooks.)' ' '. ..' 1'Hlt projutetorof Uils wH knows Hb I e-rvs-eiiinfttoitrillos to ppcmawnt bvr d-Ts si-.d ne-niim of ibe l-tri-.!tre for f ai e a ati.T:i f.-r- an seetjw- Aboard trr in ril,-d t Call, evsminai a n-s a4 sli-iv toenitfelvas. eWe nsrular sdwrtisement ia uoa tli Bar is sanulkd with tiie t'.t II . - MAki. eCJii-OaS., jaa tdtolAwirw ,V . v, , atff in inHinm. 'fisf itA. ai j. sTrKlTTi anw.ki r'iM- J!i J ,'TON UoKtk , " ,felJltl ' T. ItT, HKIfitiB. f . .ifT-r"" jiiit i;i:sr, 1 For 'lit. fir the Itnlsiiec f tt-r .iwar, one irrtlit.tFFt!i.,'.H. wttn en lanre rissm ma sted ,M Nesln-rH Mre-it, oiKM-lie l!iewlS tlate Hank, HM yarn f rutu Uw. t.Vpa 4.- Ti ais M-'lo. t A wily to i - ' f,-b 4 it ' ttAat lXIJI A BRiit:tlinXS. : - i . Itv vsrfac nt I v vsrlac nt tlie siilhwllv vonfcm-tl nims ni lvs "i-eil of linia exeeuli-u hv llrnrv Jov ser soil ti. J. PifM. I shall, uu Hu- tltn ilav of Ami. tl. sell on the m-nu,u-ii- for eaili. a IliVfl'ilF LAND knoira a ftrawl'a," ait- MSU-i,Hn Oiiioni-eeliesT Neek. NorUiampUai t ouiily, Nort tianaim, mmiattiivunnw tli smularna. ; I.AV!lA. BAKXkU feb ti wid . J:. ;.'. VI4!T,' H'llt-ltr Cnitisma Ka u. it 1 t A aew AiaiMteaa Novoi,. bv (.UavWtiau-. Kcint, sslaor of. oakrie Atl,vitr," will b eouniHui-etl In N'n, hw, . Aiieton's Journal, nolIWK-4 Mareti ttM witltM "Mortoa tl'iaiM." "Wvirton ttmuw" ts a 8,mtlMirn novel i th see- ta IsMlii 11m tiaroltnaa, 1 airly ) er"jii:o. and te a tMuk.that.wJII I'liitT M an-1. una- ia Ifti ,lrr. 'jf .tw-si .vtwii,. - (iaisvriUiaifir UiiirM'' tiy Ui wivk, luMt, ueiaoiitlity irt by the,' year M-U, muUS'il at Ui N. :, tUaikvbsw-tk i , Mi-at - ,IAB,-Jb KNXIS8, Agent. l.i.MJA- M ONl'MKST TOGKN. K. E. I.KK. A M AK1 KUPlEt'E OF STKKb ENtlKA VINti. I vna ura-aixa riTiT or EngTHveil on Steel nj- A B. Walter, un.'er Uie ; A lureelMHI at wo Ali cia n Art i-bimb.; .4' v-.yi, " ' ' Uttih ft t-rl)Um. I t!(? SA IT.A1. j-WfiircT.''-"-- Katiw ii,i. Maw t thkhs I'sMscsTa Ttiat tlie tlesersl ,,Hitsal the l.i Meiuotftl Ashv elalliai of 11 bunion,, Va, liave eoteinou-ft aiiu appulutra t. P. LiK" anil ! J ."ill lb lr gtiaeml agents bar ttni HiaU-of .Nurtli Oari'tuia, tnai-U fur the AwH:ialloii tlie Portraits of Hen R. .K. Lee, to raise money for tlis purMiss of crei-tlne aint aeeomtiia; a suitible laiiiiiuuenl over tlie tufflt) of tti-a. ianyat lie- w ankiniftiin and bee tabersily, at U-yiUL'Uuv, a., aiul,ilic tMjtJltemMi4M. J. aallaa are fullv au tlHsriseil to aiuiai sut.li nub agents as inay tie deenaaf u.;ni.iar Ui emrj nu the work thraughr out tlte Htate. - - H a-iiv; Ibe sbtaattirr of lln tJeiieral AirenU, - WiV at l.illir KKV. . Tills Portrait Is ewtririn-il by the luuuW uiir dtnt)Oi;uil.rd t'oufeUiiriiUis : --'..' TasTlMOSUl. ' ;. . ,-.. Vow JiifTi-r"" Jfai, Tlwn- , 1 Tlie earai-iit Hkeneisof lieiieral Iiee which you ksre wiSmilinl, Is Uie best tbatai'er eauwj uudey my oliservSHiia. m . . Pn Hajut Omrinl Ch Waiktr, ta Mnnw- 1 , far- nf' Itiir, V. A at. Tuts t an adttilraMe likeness of liVnriral Lea, Uie very neat I liave e.te anen. fhJ:-A 'u, itvaaVfif of WnMiitt ftif : '. i 4Jrt I'lioita, . ' - i WasaisuTON Cihj.ihib, Vs., . - Nureiolier 'Ai, IkTU. " Oentleni Yonra of tiie Iblli iunl. eame to Imw. laa. whirti vto hsvs twea kiiid eaoiiuh toifat to t4Uiitu4ta-wasjlv'adJbi morBisg. In the nsrtmof Itie FBcnlty, I dealm to Ui.nik Ton for V"nr ktnitnesa in sewling so aauihiuic s llkeiies m m (K-lli fat etnersl ol ui rseiiity, to wiioini snowea u JuonibjiattutKik ami Uw bert that I oaa aay for the portrait is, thsr mrr who hss swa It wmu a copy. U'lll v,.n 1..1 mm lun at wltat .nrles VOH will funnnti llierKirtmllto certainly Ova of the of tlceiiB of Vvanliuigtuii Collntm, and firubaWy tea Biuret tt ou know" tlis priuu of tit sbn- Itle 'iimrravtinr, and prU-a at a-tili-b you eau irniahtl with biudi.uiiie walnut frame and s-ilsr -i rrwrstov ur r. i.ih Uwiti- I J. JWHJ lKAiiiifC Prcs't. - We want relislilu sml eie'ri?. Ue Afii-iita til every enimty tliruiiuhi'it i-ili Mate, Ani-lv to- LII.ON BALMS, feti Kal- ih, N C. A TTENTION I l'LANTEUH! IiOES, jj notis, I iIoks; hoes; IIOES, IIOES, IIOES, t IIOES, S IIOES, : .': At No. 10 tfayetfaivnie 8treet ' feb SMI T. P BltlW.8 ,..: i BimmOnS'l l.lr:..iii labitare aiaaMlieS anu alil II tlie milt:, horn, inns the pant b tn tlie 'knulder, slid is niliibikKR for rlieiunntinni. Ibe stonmi li Is alli-i-leit with liMof atUK-liu- usd sli-kiHiMi. tiowsls In (eneral eiisliiax ata- liiniai ultnrmilliiir wnn tx. i nt in an is vna Miid With BBlrtv aiaf ittrftrVtn-jr st HitHion, o- .lilt-i-aMc loan of ainanrv,- ii'eopijmmed wlih )biful aenaatbai ksviiut krfl Hahm aofne Umiff wlik-k oiiKltt to have taen done, tifien eoiiiibuiilnw of weakness, delniuy and low spirits aoiiielunea many oi iu aoove svni)i touis stbmd tlia diaeiuie, Mid at ullier tones vt-rv fi-.w of ttu;i!l ; tint the Hur la ; mi illy I ajasjajasBBBajaMaasaWi tm4 ta m-D Jaw, M-JlSt-SUi, lii vtJE ISX&milu lav tt my on,r - - i - U fail Uxo used by b.in.rtrcfts nd Ht'w f1 lit1-la A frtrtf Vir m iMwt rcUfttfH jttU-tw-iti.t aUid iiitrm.t! w(iu"ati(i wvnr of rtA Ut th nufti'riiig If nkm tiCMf vt& litre, ivrhie, utt Jl jMkfltitb rhrtHiir h-Jfr y dljrrh.i tWlt t Li'jnat .f w b(:.fli r, o-.tmp fie but Ml, racUu.Yr dt'JinwsMH'a ul i(rtni, "nrirnrrn, rVu or rnt in thv iHiWfiltt, twitD i Pm-ired clv bv . H. VV,,W A Ol., I)niKil, Macon, lis. Frleelf ; bv mall l.A f Kor sale v tVlLLIAMaAs'llttWiaili, tetiatwty:-.'.( -.Kab-iRa, -'U I AAA (ft suurator qiuiity ad true to as me. . Cstawba.iierbuilUrcd, , f Oft ( linton, 0 . Ciaw-noi, i ' - net , IKrvfuwl Frottae, per hundred, u ; t W - tnar iattMe st risissaalila raU-s. . Tha Catawiia la tlie, lnt 'wine and table arraiie. wtinre it wlH mireeeH. it orlrliratt- lu ,e western trtof tins Mtato. 7 he I imua, la tle best rssjr Ut.itiiw-. ivrata-. The laaxutill la Uie rras; lor Uir.Hlltoat. II look Uie i.i.- 1 lev prize lis ttoft tieHltaliJe RraS and Ine pnse Nif Uie I'lni-lnnalj Wine t 'omiatit, for ttie I.-! aatai tor &'-iieral cultivation1 U-ls a Wtw-fc urm. berry aail baneb, latitt lartre, sad rlie. vine Is aWtnwnr frwi-e. sod bsrily awrt produe-ttrsvervwlM-re. 'ftte Hartfird Proline l a tdsek eraiAiind UitMit-nt sarlv lalile ffraiw Uiat an vt-t lan Wieoflpbiv V-nti-d. Ilriiieiiii aisait tea itava ttef-Tre ths t'ofirrtra..' .We eomineai-e shtppniB- lie lf:rrd l Mi Nortlrn tnar k tbefssl f Julr, .-yo will park Uie vines and dt-tlvst tlt'-ro st the feitnisd ftaliim fi- of elianVe. toiieill iitintilieif vines we will IrsHsmtT 4V SHSlI i Utr nnevsrlt bi 1 iill ljearfMf..irtiihiTiaeeinlr ser. snd we see iiw rAU iwlis K, sntenen v sooa fail kave'ton BrreylBn iw Vard. AllV 'Hi IlKiUirit. fuv if,f,.v.mtiin t-ot,eera. Iri jfrsfe enitore sill receive w-irrimifrt snawsr U fcioeii w ei- l -"fl totMRTS A CAAIPWI.L, fek l&-Awtiirl MurliWoro', it. fX LATH TELEGRAPHIC you tr rm t coxa rush xwu.xn WssiHixuttUii, Feu-.Td -Tip-BtiSA.tS.iiThe Avaa aWkargtsi froto Judu tin- Couiuiilteew. the tarthur eiinsidnfirtion uf tlie K, -male Kntlmge'atid the rm-j iiiti.ii uf th tlit.s liirti Siofitffon ejieahai', ' : i J i 1 lie Jutlkiori t ummmee n-ported ad-verst-lv m the bill toestablb4y a Vvetirm Jmlliial ii-lii,t In North Carolina; also a bill wjvtilitijg the screed mis retutUtg, tti inn leiiiire ot una1 ,ntf tun: n cMtsifAt, mi ,1on, leb. H.The tlcjiart ineuia w .u la;cio,i on Mninl iy at II M., aud nil "1 utulay ami iVsnlneatny, iu ooa sa'HUiiice d the grand carnival in honor of tlieur'w pavement, of IVnnsvlyania Ave nue.- 5- ' iv: -if ; --.' i . ir ( TlMPOUTICAl SqtTJLBELliUi -v.r-f- ,' AUKASAa , Y,vTi , ! Ahwjwa; Feb. la-s-1 itif Arlamaa 8ev ate first rdii.il to nxrive tho iinpeach meat iilauageis, and partiullv, altoruiuih w w.Rnng, a.tjooru.4, thiw Ib atiiig the oilicial iiiuioitiKviiieni id v'aly tint a iia-pcsrriinentj-A inrasietrrirt4ov.-tiii-f.Hi was n-nt to the lioiiae uniaiuutbig Uiat by tlie advice of the lt talent he w.ui iu formed Hint h timid not l suspended, and that be ; Waa ttoleruiHsiii to retoia t-liai-rjoof the Mate by have unlit tiw artk-aa bf iuspeaebiaesu wets tegubuiy pr -ciitt-d to the tstnale and otlicially com Hiunatilssi to him, alien he would rcailtly siimaulur. Tin) lltaiae rejeuual the me by a. vete t if ,411 to till, , The tsovcr. nr liiat all the appaiaebca. tjo the tc W live mansion uatlevl, ami will ihs-lare uiiutinl law it iHa-eaHary. - 3ai:S that l.H ilt. Oov. Jolinaon la imiiarinir to cad out tliu military aud proiiuiiM huuiiclf tiov uruor. EM1I.ANP 1ND TIIK PICK It (JI ISTlntt. Lokuok, feb, 17. Mr, Au'wroo Hur- ln-rt nvned to resolva that iu lb oiiiuiou ol l!ie lloiiml l M Uie duty of Ilia neuti-al powers to lulerlcre lo prik-ure mrh moder ate tmu l pv-aee as may rwt,a tranijuiU ly lu fcu opaud iaiicpeiiaeiu. tolMauua. Hit Iwiln w as tipn.iaui-'a.4iioppuitiuUL and iniisilltic. f-eiland and k awewtt, while liny partially sustuim.it theguturii- Weiiuwi'MMMtt lttot that LogluaiU a pi ill lion was one ol illr-b tooialluli. t'cus sia was aliuady iKiineiiiiiiutiiui in livr. tone towards her, Kngiuit LbitamlimuliyH Wtisiner oaty naleeojiut I.ialuie. Tae deflate Ihsmiuu Keuerui. , lr Ibmrv llulaef auid tluua waa mis. c hnf iu the rnlve. It would tiTaute lrusaia, , , ! MOVUMICNTtl ot faVRs. i-pNixiH, FefS. l7..,-.M, Kavre tiaa left l'aria again tor Uonleaax, vheibe 1 wdl ail' ri i.., I 'US rtSSOIII1 I lily to liegotbrta a treaty of peaea. ' Ail crkitritiutioiia H hu h have beefl lectotl by the Oernians in lfraaoe. other- "wtHl tlnn"iauU"u5(, wii'WT saiueiTIo' Ihe aoaitoiWTijen t-SIimuala toTnS diiartmut at Jura Doulai ami Uoie U)r, niiii the la tli iost. The hue dtaaarkav tioii between tlie hostile armies runs south of Ijoii Suanief in Jura, but tbe Feaiii : Utiu lleaiicoi and Auxiorr, -anrta limited eifcle of c opnt ry brbniiil tateli; ''';' ,l'.,''' "SfiW-nw mCTfra-m-.ii i ia4 I is) u, l'eb. 1 I he J-.injieior by - ft V auMH ibis Line stale ut aleuilintlig tbe tin noun, and iili is the teiiiporuty rub-sat of potittnrl-prrsmtcra a waiting trial, wtl tr out prejuitica to.Un.-tr future pronucutiun. wiaTookiTtoN oe Tim mkw wey kRuattxT. IbiuiiBAUK, Feb. 18.- Tlte Kiltfliali, Austrian sail tla ian Ambmstadiaa visited I burrs to-day aiiil.otliciully iixtigiiid the new government, V. an HKi.r wia roa t.Nui,iao nth ita- - 1 VKBv ttiNims, Full. 18.-: The debate in the H-awe of 'iiintuoti1asi niiflit was tienfhrli Tine prevailing tame was to the etlii-t that Ktu;laiid 'a weak luilaiK-y bail lust her the lKCt of the bclliKcrenU nml invited an aatiy sfnt Hy hur eaiatotiut, - TtiK KATioaai. iHUKUBt.v TitiKiie mauk - fntwroiMrr scaa-A.nti tsinuaasat- I oMtillKHI-ill, JlKHtJS, Feb. t8.T-Tbe i'iiUtl Aa senibly ha eimfiiTetl - executive powers iin M. Thiers, with ptiwer to stbvct hia ctrtiin.il, of whit h 'fillers t, to be f'l-esl dmit, Favnj contimiea- a Minister of Fon lajn Alfaira, The (.'hawber showed a dupositioa to (Ksitpme the raHmitleratiim of matters regarding Alsace ami liorr.iiiie. 'I birrs iiw.-liil njain ita pnw-nt rousttlcra- tioiinSayuig Uiat (lie Aaecuthly uiuat, ou Us ow n responsibility, rluarly ducbus lu Wlshea ujaiu thr subject. ' ' MO V VI DA. ' ' Havin. felt. 17.- The auirendurctl in stirgetils say tliat('espeiltai,"lhe l'ivsnleiit of the Patriot i a i ta atteuipUng tai t-:lpe fnmi the Wand, - - in . i aVl.AA'7W. "Kitw"Tni.K, r"i 1 - M.inTy u. 8 jar cent i gold fit Ball I 1 8. ': t 'olltiW 'I'1"1 and steady - null 3,400 bad at hill. i . . Bit.Tiaoita, Fell. 18. Cotton .ateady and in liitr ilenimiil middling HI 8; Itous hauls .i.IUi. tot. txuj.i I, htat. te-t gfidcs flim, others dull j emu white hl)titlnra t')nr. yeilow f"Ulli-M .Bua-il nt klCjitty m-iVariork ti ni t-fiW; ns -wi flno ln millers- It) 1 2 lib rlitii I ',. i-liwr riii't4V2r"sii(j!u- ciii-i if Tluma T!"l lialS f lard (pllctat Ul t ; wluky ilull'it lljiitt lKTJ.'EaJii:iiii, Vb. IiU. - lteentfbi uf Tobacco i rwitmue large and market -fuirly active.. Weipiote l-iu-s 'i lo f-'i.-vo ac rordirio to nihility F lti ijriutrt bied Iul'H (j t Co ! inieit) would aril It in (ioMr- gootl do. t to ill.i'KI. Nu fancy y"t4jut Uwdted and (orsnlevery low. by itunin" to iimrkiit. ti ll toliuccn as-ana. mid ifTanuml, gotal pru es could fie liati. We uiiHtc Mt:b at IIU t I3 .40. ": Ht'oJraaK-aUfihsaaesotf HutnrdaT. Vtr ijiiote coinmon is i-saisaf, rair 14 t--i good 131-2c,; ami prime II 8-4oV; not ttim-h of the satter ofti ring, ft euipi this Week atuatlar than hat. , ' a ' '". ' laivRitnxtf Feb. l.-Coifnit elcserl ata'adief,' Uplands 1 1 3, orhniis 7 8 4a 7 7 tkl, hales 10,(Xa) bales, Haula(iiB and a. r. fMooaa, , ; . ; .. bWf ! .MOORiB" A'ttATXtNtS,1. -rV,TTN,BTf fJAJ bA&s i , BALEiail, N. C. ' Bute and Ferit-rU Courts sue Uhi Coarts of tlie 1st and IHtt Juda-ii liialricts. . -not Kl-tt. hViulual r.-bEVKKKUis, JE.,"'X":'-""'; AttfirBPjf Bfl ('ontiMl!oratl-w (orvti-K1 a nu ii a i an !a uf i sat, orvu;a4- h v i.r.iitii. ra. r... 1 Will nrm-tb e II. tbe sett-ret tkisrta 4 tlieftth fwlicial IHatrk-t, snd the aumus tlotii-t. :olirrtliau itrasnisly altraded to, an easiM wi7V ' Wi V 'i rvv a, , - - 1 t'AVO, OVANU, OUANO. ;sl bsiia W'itotX, tallato A U'a Pt.n-uix and Manltatlatot l.t'ltoas aw oa hstid 'ito, townni ate uiiitieUMuilily the fVs) and ri.LM fertilixera tltattbe taraanr eaa oar- rlwac. forsh.aild they fail tttrmiS eaod tiMttt ra Uie nrt yt-nr, rr(tn stir err s-nftms nr jiuirr rausen. tle-rt- in s iwv-a ar f. prMWt7 r' mrir k ft te tiie soil to be draws upiial.y 'j" iu,-t i r..i - - -A . t all ana e;arabi trtliotJabi trom faiauin in ttie fcoaih ts iM haa Ua.-a usiua: tiavse titt ' lor several years. - i lib .WW j iftUWKtH A Iu01. ', Soci:xl JSToticerf. BATCH jUIjOBI HATH EYE. . - . .. . J - Tela fldcndW ttalr Ire is! toe IsMr tutor f Sfjir W.-Hada, relialile, IsiataitbutUa, saa-s faiai 4ta bsad. "saar any Walle oa,' to jinWtuie iwratysis nnleatlt. Avoid Ui vaunted oud daaive r jaratSaSbisstl( vtrtesm tsWf do no i isMst-ss. v The Buulne of Vf . A. Hatcaa lor's If air Dva ass had SO years' aaiaFnlaW n uut ajion Uvii jihoUl lu lntsa;rity as the outy fierfe- i Hatr Pysv-Btaek or Bros a- 8l tf ill lb SiKteisT' 'Apply at W Bond at., N. .. . Bov tJiV dly , "' 1 mnrrliucci ne Ollban-j. - JtssSys tor Voani: Mea aa gnst tMH'IAl, EMU and AftVsia, wabh tnterfeia wU MAUKlAttXwrltt sara isvaaa t rvdu-f for toe Etrbtgattd tJntorlanailu, IMseascd and tle biltutrd. ' feee In aaaled Eim-kina, , -. f Address HOW AUD ASaOOUTlttN, Mo-A JSWlb-Nlutb StaawC PUUadelpkls.Ts. V ' I 1TM1HTVTTR' -i.t- ;' F.saite oa 1 mm Maa.-The eaorvited and Heed ap, who baiii lout their jontbrul a ersj, tmWtlon, and budlly vraa-, la toe pwaatdt of tkictal, Pi.atat as, wilb Words sat ekear, and siailtary abl fof ttl awasiiiaiy hta-adsaa. Sent fyee, la seated smrkipea. " Address HOW-. AKU AflWX'l At H Iff, Bos P, FbHsdetpbka, Fa. , , i r ,- ir ... Ti hi 't j ('iHrrn, TsNosfra, I'lWrfa. l .Astonishing cares v1y Prof Eliiw, at ths Pltllsdi Ij.hla Caisw liwlllule, (HI Art'Ja CU, PiilMelpbla, fa. , At Branch t)ffli-vs by Dr. l)altMi W, FourUi 8t, ClnuluuiU, t).; by Dr. Ibviw, CharhHie, N. C.) by Dr. Hu0y, HlnlildeKi-lil llona. AUanta. lis. I'WONUEW i"NTimTKs. A a A'iis, - An (.'hsWki MluriiM. , ,Av ' v i 'Mood. IMIU Via. FnrpsstWalara, ealtua ar astdiviaa atUusr tat Uie above. Jati Kb w-'ka ,' - sjf.-',i tli; miar. 1840Vf 18Z0 a- i I'ula l snpuoe4 to be th- Jot of as r" tnliriaU, as iuevitatils as dmUi itsell a4iu balds at any lame lo cuius upon ua. 1 in-rvfure it b biss-Uiif Unit reuieiiial ai(ciit should tie st (aiid to ae used on an emetveucy, when Uie beialnal prliieile hsUf-d hi Uie ayaUnu shall ikvtlour IU. U, aud A foal tli enertielalun,' axoulasuf .tin, or Uie th-irvsnlii( lullueuee id diaeaae toieb a rsiaetllal aiint exifta In the Pal hiuavn, wbuse taiur baa Inads the elr eutt uf tlie alobe. And the eU-nial kva of Uir ralar retiious or beui lh too liituhMwbbi and urijii? sun of the troides its vfrtueaarv kuoaa and appreciated, titular all latitudes, from ta enesxresaeto the vttwr. suilertuaT buuiwiuv fcai found relief from many f its Ills by ua -T"!.- I.t.i anri aaA.t iiTB riiiv mhtnh ,1,. . Bir.tli Iw lis a)irriatl, stusu ltd value and m-t-ioey i From a amsll tieiantnif, the ria all ter haepsahed gratlnally alontf, lusaiiidE its owu highway sutely nv itosutniiSi - - nai-ti uat ianitied ssreeas and pouu laxity baa beutnrht otbers turn Uis Meld, who have at- "teiiiptt-C 'SbiVIWntthtrrrf vrr mrrap; -to- -aswrf uie f iittit'S-n.-e or vna iworne ana sum it w Uielr own setltstiness snd dlslivneaty, but Uieu eilorts bsvs prvvved truttieaa, while Uie Fsia Killer la sUll arrowing ta public favor, iaos-eodlia . - , arecosboro'tiToney Market - Bll VfMl ti A'TIWtir'B A N K rtTF.,dto;t ILaOii 4 bUui H BASK TRs Atl K.xcuos Haoaaas, Mouth axa Braaxv, - t tiaseasTswo',' H. ti, Bank of N i. a ...,....,. -tk " t!sr Fesr.. .....-.. ChMrhUUi 41V VT aileala Hr, I . ". Wiliniiii;toa R aslairo . , . " TUoinaaville..,., " Brsham. ........ " Lexluirtoa.M..., V. t'ommeri s, IU III . 111 1 1 iti ai IU ttu 4 H'l w fiaretilienn. ' Fayett-ville...,.". ' uj Vr'aaliiniftoav.-....-i..,.,v,,.. "i Taaeeyvltle.'. ,.,..,.. Metcbaiits' Hank of New Item Faf1llers, Hank of ttreenstMiro'.i.i,.,. Miners' and Planters' Hank t'oauiicTcial huo f WilHibufUai.,, VlrvinlaUank N'Hea aversars alaiat., ., KoiiUi amillua m, ti. M,,tvtoit, Wa liny ami sell at lilstral itriiais, tlold sad Mlvcr, Ni'Uih I'at.iliiia Howls, tonlsal dUbtn nonus ana an mner intu-auwriHi shnims Orders for Kank NuUw nydnlaaantaiidatswk tttikler, wf Hanks will will reran e prouapl at teiitliai. lbtturns for svatam iisekasTia tat Itank nntia Ac, will Sa awle on Hie dav rw-Mved, lijr ehtek tm Ve If urk r Bitllnaura, . or katar- reili-t, aa desired. ' - - i l.lfi and I' Ii" lnsiirsnea I'oucsis aaaaetl la g.asl ( itiiiipaolcs, st best rtea.v SHD"iw-nrn .... I A.-MEwk,Bl,l..'jaC ? . r i. h r f ht- Plsuts of I, .' Varlntlis fm kile in suv tiisntlty trimi la els., to al.On ea;-li, vitiorschia'. Uera aiaans, fbavea. :atiistbiavawleas, lleUotnajaa, LanUilan. tft'nierss, Ik a-aisis. I auii-blas, Ae f trtli-rs forali)nl iiriaud.ly. - Koarliviuk lariteits, ktiuinolst, M. t. s ;' i i- f 1 . I.i' III Ml F. bs'li'i Jo-Is Rv s- ti Mar. fn litres qilnn fi ll IU If . ? : ' also, ornMt,al and dies, w. si. s'o ri ia A i.0. c BUTTON BF.KIf MRAL , ? AlwaVK tai ii.-on. W. C.fclltnNAt II A CO. fhlltf 1 IKLUl.-Jtitl',-er. 1'o.kij.w. X 1. - - miioiia-ta - J-rr-lt tte-f Tolln-'S. tlltUy VV, i' rrrirvv"iriec'1: 1 .T) Biirltaiik and (lallairluw's-drf and au. air nalive w Ines. fi sale ev ' sm- son Bonis. , taHbaa, 41IUX fib Hi If EW t.KIlP MflLAtOiKS. Jil btitts- 10 bbls.. ta brlsrtit new rarkt fvax". 1in Brat busartatton uf tint sesaoa. VYOKTII W .HT11. VrllinintiUm, H. U. fib lfalswwlra U,tlKT t-f W BPRINIi BTVLE OF HATS, Ljiiturei;0.tii4 III 18 PAY.. The style k trslnlit cn.ai ei la II snaps, otcs opiy ffi .'sl, and of the li.jsttiBIlty. j "feb It tf W, U. li . tlCKB h ta- 5 tarty Kiew, Krlv Ooodrieh, V- 4S.-SMIU " I I' I I l lilM. Maine Carters, ' F. sail by littlSACUACO faflVf'ff ORTttl.ET A tew anarss Rilelh at (tastt T. Railroad a - . t dioek, . l l air r.itar of Ral. k- li Bt Mad. i u Bhsns BaaVteb t.s l.i.tit Co. ! ' ' ! ti-b vi u b Fate national bank. TIW IKKtKS. BY n. c. AUTHORS. i ti-n" UmiMJt ur the Lilly and Uis Falin, to Mr Nary ttavsru Lbo-s., i vol sae- aiilly bouua sad prinbai oa tanwa pspsr. Iri,. llfl Vrfttii Aluutte. br ( nrbttlaa kXtt. tuaaw Ed. li.saiesmts, saatsbaUlttontl.W. AatrtlMwlanta suuty el' in ststv tints, jui rercivea sua foraa'liiat N. U Btwk tta-t, . . ' i - '. i JAU 11- F.vima, Aa-t -- I feb IS tf "" - tUtetttb, S: t?.,- lari. ti $10 000 Jo,' wtiRTH OF TIN WARE lbs apr"1 Xrsda, ai ss low prtens as ran be tousd la ttw eomtry Nutib or Isomb. Ten per ev In Ins Freiiiiii saved by toiyli'ifc Ihvt f find tr w Prii-e Ltt sod fialeoilie your nt:uHilsar. ' I in slw. ritde Airent far uis asks of "Chok-e Durham Sakokmsr folBr.- AadrrM, H Fta.CF.. jn f,sr ' tlititotle rteiri.'M'rat, Wihsi FIsliMtesler, nt iln,lii"'ttt Jotimal, iwseklvl enjiy two Bt 'iiUas and lorwa'd bill to E. IL l'otue. - ' i ' ' - ' .. TprfT RALE.' . . ., Iv vU'tnc -of the fiewcr ctnifi-m'I noon am, uielt-V a died evi-t au d l. Vtiiiimii liin. oa Wi l.ah day of dae tM, I li4H sell at l.anlUf aa lia at U,e touit ItoUfC iliair In nii,.la, M mx tlir lsii,.da. u Fab. 1-S7I. Lllie Itdftiwatf wrty, to-wit : ' ' ' an-Si-n aiiuea, Uiree llorsea, , Twt TurjKUle HtilU and futures,'; - Fois)-, 4 llorias Wagons and liana-,, .laas,l .- " .. . ,., - ..OiKyoke atvtseo, .. : ,- ' ; this il Horae VV aaav and llaavHMS, : - j I blears Can, ln-iul of t'sitle, . -Thirty newt if fines ' - - ' M -- Hoasi'Btdd sod kileltea Fiinulura. ' r ' Alsa. the ftdlowiair real sUtt , tine trset of land, siaiut IN nuba fmm ttie t "ity ! bsli iifh c.ialsiauts: Jit aeiwa. amre rat less, laiinji tltetrat't tat wbicb. Wiliiaiu I tiey BOW avast. . t t.. , , las tract adtwtMUK tba above isaaWrtuii 50 seres naire or leas. Terattl s'tt. JOHN O. WILf.l t M , Jantodtds 'Irualew. he North CEiullutt iiomeVuie iiv'suiiavkcE CO? SALKiait, :: ' tkiuUnaes to tnaem all rtassri of property, oa reasunsbls tvrrua. I It ears all tossts proniiitly. , " ! AipieUi in sll rt of tbi- Slat. ' ' " J" Eiu-oaragv llotar lustltntimis 1 - - t IC It. BA Prt K, Jr., I'rosideiiL i"oi wsam star, a, tresav aeea-M , QYIUEmi'ItK, ,, , l ATTOHNKY 'A T LAW, r. , I-;..? IsAWlUll.M.p..,,,,';,; rntrttrse ka th trt of Wake, la tb Bw uruuie Court, of N. O , sad to Uie Federsi Couiaa, msks svUtwumis la all parts of Uis Hist., attd irlves -spseW sUvntbui u sba sx aititaabtm iti Utlos, and to eenveiancaia- CkiMua seal net any Insarwuee Coniauiy lu Uie I'nib-d states, solliaitetl oroniiHlr. -Befers-m-tlis baMS-trf-rawgh-saea-AtavsreHie. Wit u J-(l'BK FOR KENT Jan tS if AiMdy to LINN. ADAMS, NEW UVER15;ANtAj.BBTAtLsij - IN RA.I-F.IQn, -. ' ON MARTIN STREET ----- raves ansa of i-ecacat-a noon's ' ! rjoHMissioa aoi'sa At we hsva ta Baltimore aa Aircnt nf several years ax lainsnee In Imvinir staak and vehicles, we are iH-aoared to (it all orders ,fia bmses, utulessnd velilt-lea, at Ui btwsst raus,. i All onleri wui receive promt sttention. Jaa K 8. M. ItUNNdtCa $1,000 VElt WWK Csa be saute oa tbs uiet bypartie, who are up to smitr. witfaout tnterfrrtos' srHk ether fcatw intra, Address, cotttldetltlallv. .-I 1 ItUstAB stUltil AN, A alO., t to Broadway, N. T. otItf , Tllf, HAY, BAT. tr. ; Jl lUi bales of aiasl North Csrollna May, fuc sale at A U. sANOEUS A (JO'd. w ANTFO. .a.- - lll.OO Busbeli Corn. fc,ISJ " trsUta, for Willi h wa will pay hialieat market prk-n. f.9U . BAMtfcKtt da f Abt- , WOOD LAWK MILLS. This vatuatile prtsjierty isitoata in Oantou rouaiv, North Carolina, on Uie Hotith Fork of tlis Calawlia Kiver wluna one mile of Uiet ihar lotte A Atlanta Air Line Kailiostl. wU.it use thousand ai rea uf laud allarhed, will be aold st Puidie AueUon aiMat Uie iireuiliais tm the lath day nf Marv, 'tfvlt, -ta makesrtitiiwrsHwenr ie tatroes-imttvttatefr,- natd Mills ant erected In a iitlattanttal and eriiiimodwrna tvntirttsir rtrtawt hysM-wtto tlv aouta, aud ruias ad tuouts antt l.tisi spuiult-a, sll la gnod condition snd itHMtlv Ai-w. Au to bed Ui Uiia are ti rial Slid haw klllla, t'otton Hint, Ae. 1 be supply of water Is biexbaust sua a iutasau.au a itasi. A full eoiHidtitnuot tif teuuiueiii kousus are ctwivetitstttand eomfurtabto, - - - . -t ALSO, Ai ttiessme Unte and plata Will be Mild abtml lixi ttalea uf Cotltni and a ireiHirat assortment if iirv liorula, 13 bated of In tfiiea, Ull Imsliels wf etas, a aawauua, utct'.iuuucau uauaeuieiiLS ai,a S Variety tf srtlcles bat unitieroua tn mention. Tfaesale wlU ronUuuti fnaa day to-day UR concluded. .. 'terms made known oa day nf aula, 0, st. UNUI BCIRK, ' fell II wXw Com; r v .a p. uiaciB, ' 3u,"rAtirtTIEnLi."imEfr'T BiVt iprurt) font plfte Kturk ol Slajilf ! sail Psturjr prj buudt, . , ' BotrTS, BIKlKS, HATrl, CAPS, DMbKKI. I, VH. AeM As, fur wlm k Ikes rsiiat Uullr stilb-its an aaatniitaUoa. . ' FKK-llt ARRIVALS EVKHY Vi EKK -And having at alt UnvHS A resident buynr In New York, will be able to ottur tiidacviueule Ui the Ustle. i' fcreal iiiuai-enirmtsooVreA to eiiunUr Mer- ciiaiits. - . . fell s U - - . - i ! X1KW MUSIC, i liit me lu luv llltle twd, (toan Mother lake we home Bjjalu, T Ltitts Emlv, . t . I site lo Umi lira. I.UUebauev KaU:, fflslbip by froin') brnax, Hn sk, Brvak. itvoui Wuiila hf I Taiiitvsori.; - - r f auw Ui iuv tairal tiava, (Hoty) starry iih t-ovtt, intiniii - rNe I auin Like s ltreAin, ltoim') ' 'IV aJI.I.E Misson: (in...r . toailoi..! L.lAl ( l , J IV l . r-r-r.-) ' Wlatre Uir stiartow falbith aeVSl tkkatif) to I. Inila, laebtiUaadl by U Everest) - IS I Wiaat Uu,as yoa lovssrti stiMinm uiair,i.Boaia an I'tay ehiid Uttttt insy, lasaatf) , t . , . au llaii)' Hlnata, tMoutti - , , itf t'kisv vnur aytw Uis alirbl has einae, (Stmgl ii.'; r-irMitlasestr t-tmaa 4vsaltsw-'--s.-i.-.-ts.-.al- ttaadows on lite bimd, tnoiuf attd. laua-) MtrvKsaanb IVktta. t- w- Ike I'llirrlias, a,u ft d Soaail 4 'Is i t 40 fkUfbaiWliiJia. v.... r.AU vb-iittirliii, eiHiH. o er not, (isonv) . " to V lira torn' life niililt-sl we ruve, (Sting) :s lyrsk-iwetiatl, HialliMil - to Slut Hsla by . -JAS. 11 rs.vw,r't N. C Hook BOtra. .ft 1, 11 tf I j T . Ktlikb, S. C. 1170. ' , ' ' 1971. . WHUI.FSAf.B AVO RKTAIla EAlAbLloUatENf , , W, .A.fOATTf U'l 'ji OmfeetlnHeries. Fsnejt Condi, Fin t'tesrs, 1 Buioklntr aodOica ltia; 'iullaiti, t.snut-d .1 Frails-Vaa-labiei saal MtsUav j ' .. sV HDA FUUN'f FOM BALE, i, ' Flstoressll aoraiitste. , No. 7. FavetMitllh- lrw t, oiSsite' Uis Ex- ijress (titles, lUleib, N. C :,. , ,. r ; n reu is sta " 0HAKA B PO;KET OIANT, . .- , . ' PATFNI En. NOV. Star 1M9. - " ' Awanled t)il .iialtiia at tiiialslipl Stale oir iMiii.t : taniislaus and 'i'exaa ftute Fairs, tatW. WrivM, il'a ouoees. bltrlla 8 Bushels rhoari UUisualy aiteller Uiat illa dif nnil osrts ot Uie ssnss ear Into dnli-rrut re setrlatrlaa. is "Inst Uie Unlit;" to pull rura, ftrovlajc a rterfei.t prutecUoa to Uis bsnda In tliis a.it jsaaorK.us process. oc siniput n portability, eoleirney, ifsat variSty.of ases, and rheaiiuead. It stands uurltaled and alone and ehsleuees Uis wkola world t Sample by . torts, wiut luu jsruoMlars, l au. , ji ll Asetiit wanted In est-ry county. I You ran make from H to I SO n-r day. Ulauat atiavouat to the -trtile. a.. 4 fr tar. talar. Jt.liS h. ItlStm, (kfaaufaeturbif Ai t for ft. tl fc.M,,., ; ,..,r,,, . i . ..Bskstgh, N. C EUIT .TRFFa, SliKt HHKRY, AND Ili-UN.K PLAN lit. I We leave stilt aa band a lew Uiouumd An W b4 Peach Ta-w-a, snd Hetlee fibula. Alan, a few hnttdred eviirgrt-A-HS wtttt-h we ftfler uiub-r . stauosue ptiees, wl.ert ni.oi' Ui'Ui si si aw an teA t: B. HAHHi-HiN, RANEJOUNiUS. Irftll-dAwSw - x - .- -, .. . T BIT LJ Oi On Hill-toro' 8uv-t hist tVedvui-.lay teortdnffi a Far Cstie.. vita and-x t,: j (.. lt!ieisi,i,y rewsntrd by leaving it at tl.a fct.N 1 1 N Kb OH K is. Jl-U FW H'RlNrt fcll.vt la.l Jii-i rtviited l.v !-,,(.,..-. tl"e ft.il.rli, ma l eiatttos. la tienl's Neck lass: Tbe I lHld a, srf, ruaioa How. , . t tin" I'tiaar Vrf. ii,,. i .1 . A'atvs fti-vaia, , 'i t It'll - Bow, Aa , A,-.. jaaf.tf W. il. A K. S. It t kklt ,v to i -a.l.e-4 " '.us i 1 1 ' ---i 1- ("1 ENTS' FlWf . Ml s-siKts) ft PR I I ) SI'tl.K of IMt.-v lallltl Hrasdwar stale f.'i..si: Ibe ttr-d bat la the Hilte for tlie ni-iee. jaelitf W II. A R A TI t KFR (tl JjJXt HANtlR 1IOT1SI., IltoiasttRO t raTKRaT, 1 Bear the CapUtd, t R A LB 10 Hv H. 0. " j A. A. HARB1V. taut 11 wftraAdlta . PpO T"E Bl'SlNEMt ITBUC. M Tlie anderata-fted has aasmeti a tsamaiatmt itfltee In Rsteli:h, attd oilers kts ss-rtaeiai to tiut tinainitas nitu uf the place, lu Pitihn Kisdis, tints aii! Bonds, t tMilrnets and nines tttvUn- Bienl mlloslinr. Armnnta sad eoile.-llitt t'tsints. tins eviairtetiee hj eat k siii.-iilsv, Juatintai hia tinuuialiu: ctitlr eaiisfaetiiiii u ail that lUii'loj him, ttipksofauy wntluMmade aeatlv and exactly. , Usivaas Tti Juitn (t. Wlllbams, Pres, flntat Nslloaal Bat k : PrimrtaavPeltv A Ni waont. A;trrrb W. W. While, KtotUT of theda. et a., nnuenaav rresitieui l timetia nialioiisl Ranka - . t : .ALKJ1)1!LH. For-tbe peasrnt. I niav van founa Hi iba pffl.y of Uia kUtalsiur ui laetxia in live t'otii t lamtsa .... ,;, ,. .,. .i a i n feti lux ..,....' 4- C.KAII.1M GltAIIAYl, ATTO IINKVHAT1.AW. "t I: f prarttce -fir -tn-icrtnr- rm its-rrf - t tlraji.iN anj 1 Iihi.u.w ,nJ a.ii. ...!.. HUntliW. AIm.1. Ill rjtliiir,,!, 1 l.,rl II. u MI..I, and federal Co-trtsu . lows W. bat hvm, I Jaws A. Oatniu, HilUioru, N. C. J Orabaan, N. C. )au lii&a ' '. 1 ,. . . UPLENUID VALENTINES FOB 6T." VALKNTINK'S IJAVI IdTii .Faaatriat Nax-r. Just pseetvtitl. a lartre sad thMMtta aun.a. - nwut, of VALkVi iMtjt, eu-niatnentai ami isailr, for til. V ab-ntiiir'a fiav, tlie 1I1U tif rrorsarr, Willi saivetoites To netttll 1st) jvo. t, to eta. Bile Nil ft. TV els, 1 (at f 1 ral " a, i &. Srt a. 40 Ik, bU " 7, " a. " u. ' lu. COMIC VAI ENTlNFRlflf ENftPkH in.,. oea. uj man on recelil Ul price, llvsiail. fut sort v. iti amil jt&a mw.A u, ...i U ....I yourordets to . 1 dAMUS It; F.NNIS, Ac.l.L North t!nlii lttaikstora Ral.-iult, N C. Jsall tf . ' l"Bf REf'Fl VEf, t allies, Billtar, S-ru)4, t Slitiaee, ( Milolla. Irish PoUloea, t .- ' EtMMseaa fills, Ae.,. - At -U at. D. ItAUkl.KiN a. Nl W ARRIVAIA Kehurd ItoHey ttvruD, . Vaav tUea t'l'i't-tt ffvrups, .Om-nand Black Its, . . . , ..i'asljtaiil k -inula kltus,., .i....... f resh Peaebra, Brandy Peaches, Fntab Toiuatiaii, , Also, au assortaneut of Caudy. Ac, At.' ,'-, J mtf ' ' B. Il llARUmtiV A HENRY J. BROWN, OPI'tiMTK il.l. sonic Hall, kt ieir.li. N. I... I adritsker aai on ltstid litk i ali-t nil,- Tin, ...... fteirieteattlltr M Matte ft.i.tul '...: 1 IV :.i. ami -oilier Woott Lotlius, il-ivrae iuratsbi-it - i ,A'.t"r-tlHl tttVf'Kilin UK KlUialltllir aiui aritislilocr Pnani.tlw t-,w. ii. Jail . lira ' AYI HAYtl- . . . FtOIkti,pmtl(!Kft ANU OATS I II " COKNU" - - - - For sate by K IL POt.l K, Jail US d.Is IiTuRSAI.K. ' i A ileairaide fam of t "s arm, 3f mlb-a Witsi of law. t ai Mi.itti t is, ii Si."M',lt liliul .li.O.'.r ...Uul I ' J-rami-d dw lliui' House with I ti U Kniat well water, gitud slabli'n, wi ll llt-. d up a-'".in.... n. it. suni-.a ,x iu. U " , I.'sl lluabL'bi lust rt. tti-l wbltn snd , W, it JtlNFSitu I i lie. '... I' -i .1 .ti , - - MlWtl t.AHt.g fatuHtsohte Lookbvtr (ils .-r rn-iti'u I late. VV. R. JUNES A CO. I ( JOUDS ATt'tiMTI! Ill Silt ar.ll fi,r llv rl.i... , .1...I. Uis.d tTt'tatT u iiitke'rooio for Urn rtjjulsr. sjifma atta k. " ... (...... ) have a very full line uf aew and ili-lrsl.to 0iid, In i , ; S ' ' f , i 1 1 1, i' , ! x as. tf. ti' in r. it, r-MVi N. C. MEslWli: M'l VWtW 4W aU.Sat.ks ,. tat a ) tJt .uV -.'K-: ,.. -. -:ar .iaSJ-.t" . n w.asnsasj ,.rl f V TAtTFTy -a TY'nTnT-S'7, -r. l i " If be returned ut ood i-on.iii 1. 1. f.tiTtt ' Toit aAt.p.. V Thirty first ClftH Ifiifes, I Ai , iv to !fub-U U. T. ST8UNAC11. Tmniot tiavtiori al I-t .4 t Ot 1 oa " i lXr 'H lUCKl-Ii HALla, HAsLEKiU, !T V V 1' Pkllirt f..r itsrty two -!, wni ,,m,. liniw U Hki i I.KAe&, f iiKT rs.'W -NtMl, m Ui mi .WT.ikt tt-ttoi, stusl if Unit tl ntUt nffinii (nM'law km rttttrr fcttlt-ts-bsts, I All H'mmi hftv imr f.ani to jit -thui ft' f Ihi-ir m to mU t cmr t.iht , M t r -(fiinl with ua, w twr fifcciikUt e. t.i m iti' tvms.fii ttvtry eNijf, I UN 'iH ' i-HltmA14T: MA- S.tVT S,!r,H, 4v. Wli U.KFfl ttll .Stttft aitiiUi.iiHti U i i hlfliij .! fMir Wet 1 -litctjaw, ( I'Tlut prt.-f.nif tit iwkI lniH'l' uf UirMi.?'ri v r w.li kiifto ; aiH. ml-tn.i- .'(!, u (;,,,, In ill-rt lUfia, fclUlVP Uttl In -I (6V.n,iWi.. ihiy wiii br- initiv rv r --itu-d, Wj in ntN tiit It ? v ti'l'r I 3! il or roiti'-aiiy irt.jf".t,it- ifi ft Ullt hUU iitli Bl tt fla-; ,-. . ,1., ti. v Sj : , f tit tlaVtttH HIrll Ui, iff ui l,1 ifjt a'ni.I t J:.1W tf IM (T," RH fh-fUT., fn,.. l i A A I. . 9 ' A.l.lrrss all i.imtiiii. .o'.. , t., : . . : f.entliafl Land v..., or V" m . - ; y f" ' ..:..: " ..'.: t'l. LiiiLii . t Yi'u. &.OTT, Src'y. , j ' ..... t.im.t -; ' Col. Ot-n. Little, Ti. (S li i - ri-a. L. i i W !. ir. J. H. hiaiu,, ii..i. i man, W ta. ea-oit, h ' . l jn U d.U it I. 1 A v.l . k ail...... at '1 ,1-v-h (.,t tmu. . 1 ('0) . li VI.. itie a r J 7 I m a a Hs.l'f i -1 ' i i