. . : ' ' : : 1 - '( '-" ii.m.i.1 .1 I! I. a. nswrBS-.s.rm.. , -ii. an . 1 1 "I - , . . . . : .. .. . ...... ;..,.,.., - i ,-,:.,,') : -t - .. .-.. j.s -s'mMmmii,mMui a ' ' .' '. .." : "' '. 7 I1 ;C3J I7KLI11 laUU ft Ul Kltor. enrniALXwoxDUCTorjUDQK PEABS02T. It irmin tW W "Whrf iiotlt th ljfUliiit! wit! tit rf MpMrnlleWI mtr, ia n-ffw) to tha writ of Ltu$ vryu Issued by Mill'" Oor W. KMtJ t tb intoe of mwijr rf heltlwu oT Kirk hd rrwtl withmrt "J hwftll M Unjrity,' and In xpra vIuttio of i Cooilutia of the 8U4 W tUlnk (tiat of tbe pijpW a BuUli UfatA HoWm oovli nut hf done M 4 " P!r" tm hid Uinkfmii H6jfge4 h iutjr w Ctiirf Jaf.lco. nrfJen b betfi tly d. id from :'at tthU-Mma pat peat g JBfcwilijJp'sd of jutwl tra not... ;".MT l""" f mtt t tb &tf of pl1)e liberty at B aa to tmnmiti f4rtta,ti PoaWos hail 1 .called e aoeonut at well a pal d?n. If 1 t aothew w ki te, jf thai B aui(ioy o wanibl afUry caa b bmkJ wr TOtrBgwt paopl fcr "Kicll BfglertiBrf tfujia -'wiiriiiaaia "" Tk eUlrf s aU of awnplaiBt agaimt Jotlga Pearw", i teftnmt to tha toiun f i..;. iimi w thoia i 0 apiilhiUoa r j. . - . V rit of iiian i?M waa aim at the Wane of A4utufcafll aaJ dum.d to Owrga ,W, Kirkt . auMtioK Kirk to ptwdnc betoi body of XiiIWwb Kuk iii i mU rttrff U tfU, bot, on th rary, awd ba woulao, aad aant thtCUM Imtiat a oat inwlUng aaawaga. (kelariog thai "!acM pap ka4 fUjtd out. AppUcatkwt wal tha tada to tba CUief Jnatka tor tha wrtt f fea . to aomprf Kirk jMbauoa Itooa. Tlx ttttoW iwt.lrel tha Chlaf JoaUra t ' grant Uiia writ uuUm K.iA wautj hwlM aoiM tCi una-" H ttad ecaa ba did not return Ua writ, yat Judga PeanwB rtuni to .grant tha writ if at tacbinoot, and on hi " awMaJ and - gsiftit tha pot of ovtmtd f loore, a eorrioodeo with Got. Uat'k, w.. Ttii Hl.l-a Jd, ami ttun iwgt Timm miii that mmtml niwrad fKirV. " Uie ttMt -(HasariBf anailily, JM- , chaptor.U, tio4 18, ag M.) W o Airth4wand aa that no Mwadaat t auttaia awh i4t cu lu found lo flia imlicial dxMmaof England or Qua oottB- tr. aor hit law fika it r and, wfeat ia bkmW uJ Taura; $at& a oourai f ketion Irft U eitiia tapnaon aaiparU of bit " tit wlthtwt nme&f. Tha awentoenth aaoUon of tbaj laaw atattjla mguirea thatjhi atitll a tWatatod aboira, tUa Jada ahalj tlrwupt W ahariir, eoronaf ethar bring hefivra hint tha paity dotaitw t in tha lghtntli aeeio of tot an not provhlw, that tha anariff W wf Jfaraon eharipd with nu-h precept, aw) Mia tha -K..u nawar ut tha couiitf la aua)4a Urn to amtta tha praoBpt. ' la atooaaV aaaa, applicaUiia wa mul Jdga Paaraon f auch a pwcapthia ha grauled, and airactod Uwthawaratial ef thf 0praa Coot-M 'wf v arrfa ta tU fr 4 ( (?. Ulkn,fuul that it aWwU aat ok ( jwUm axMiU 0Hw do U i iiul thw Jiit, liirdprtT)d tlMtdtt- if tlia tnnaa irorinl by law ft tha tiifuicaim-ut wf tht jwl writ af liner- J. - - In the opinhKij Jud J'oawon, m ina ease uf Mixira above Mfhlioaed(nn by tit ttrtmp utitlimttm, mw Zfc - v.. M,.t hjt Maid tft aUn tht Ht of halnat mrpu, he thfa h4 flt to dttam ; M"rt j atJU TUi. I.W plainort : Wind will pwrwive, on asading tha opin iua. li aUn aaidpubliayaiidn-aeatediy at th. U.a. tbroufitU atbcial doduntaata, 7 ti,wrresiar'"iT'' pood.w aad to toe Pro-deal, that Judge pw,i nntiinrnt hit hi UxtUt i num. " TtiW i idfl P-aroa welt kuaw. Indued, aa of lUn j.uai Ceiled tliu Bin Star ape- fi Hit aaka of liUriy and tb Juduiary, m 1) tai f,"iViq tih-nt(trf mm-ttim tht tmt .. ( ff.llrlUM(ola;irttif aarrf , 'indent ffl York friAww, tant ntulvtn in jxren hnrmuvf. w Oo Holds - bMwwwio- hat aaawar tw to aatfejaa of Jmp. hm.MMi; Aiat-.biw 3 iag Prrn tutmimd hint, aad hiaf 'counril oa Hioioed in tioi arguawal before the Ttieiefaila raonot k aoxsoBedVi!" dV nled, id, tha tword i li hJmn 4.Tihnw wtoal of them tb ba true abuuet lo tlie.Wlu-r. . . .i i "t Now we uiidfrteka to y, tha tbb Ju ' dkud conduct W not only ettrawdinary, Vtrt r.piwmlU4,aBd wholly without the aaactioa of U, and wrthoW amgw pr dt lo tliu entif or England to aun- i.;. it It w eontrirj to W outj of the Uw and mui6wUy lubrenite of peri a-mal lilierty. H eborkd the bal profi on h're and erctywher and, wa hea r.mo to know, almoot ry jbtellb Uwyer In tbia Stat O(woly ooadpou jt It u iHntrou a'l hKkln j. -- Jul Peamon nrtidd to aay that ' v tiw waawrt-iia-a by tliat of Chief j,tl. Tuiy in il.ia M.arlipon'i turn. V'ht a -Umiil iterversitua .of auwoniy la tliat erne, Chirf J'i" Tany dlracted U-e writ In the tomwanUirtg SOaoeral at pt MI. nry nf IWHmore. j Tha On ,wrnt4 tho wr'wllh tha Met drfaf. ' bd au?pnid-4 tl writ of eW ewp,. Tina what did Chief Jutfc , ,,v S.;VTM a- p-JraaiilBat tha eohtrarr, without an wait'aj lot a lawyar ta opaa bit mouth, ba ort; with eisrh of tha court to tew tit m H f , tmlumtml aad dalivar It to tha1 tuanlial with orden tofexacvia it. i Tha -luarahal want ta tha fort, bat waa tadtlcl by tin tait Btataa army. Tlioa-Hi Chid natioa dalivarad aia aolcroa opiniun aad diraetad ih cirrk ta oartify U aad 'a transcript of tha record to tha Pnaideat. Taney did tut l W aW ar wt tkt met f hit tmttrdumti. ltrm aiir TbWJaUl furtluwdir tMtiear-Jadcf TntJ-"wa; nftiKat a cf,,HaarjWFj thai hole oonjt aa h.armaW Ay,-4 M na&i) W' lar Imiint"prf1. IN aoaj ia L tint of paaoa, pnUmUd U trtm Ua nV the nreaeacaof HMn and a hM fulf lawkw a.pedrti W aaidj ha wai afraid If hi enforced the liberty of tl, citiwa, jrowhl JfOH What a thiunful aubterruge I Ha knew ha trmddj&baV&tl IrbpfpVoT every party in auataining and anforatng Ubrrtyaod aonaar tuip vi,"arafiior"II'ploB and Kirk -til ia ba knew wall Ha kbew aora--tiiat If thia writ waeitoutatwrding to law, Uuldna would jmI no retiiKi he Bo of crxniaid ha would ! He knew mora 'tliin that that if Holdon kadi nfade naiatanoa, that .wa' btto' that a lawleat OoTmor ahould pih then tha UrMtla laopift- There nw ba ' or apology mad tut tlii oodu of t> Faaraon. Ha oooperated whb and'aua tatnej fluldc la hi Crimea for whl be baa bren bnpparhrd-and di-piiaed fmui oSum. luetine aad the aafety of toe'eon- atitutSon and Kbarty require that Pnua ball aharaaHketata; BOUND UIM DOWlf. ' -WMii t&Jrtriiaa iutHluia Maulikifw of eenMn) upoa Cbief-Joetira PWwat Inr hi eoaiplkily with W. W. MoPlo iijiMM pending tk writ of holm twpwi Mr. Pblllip ad Ut f.rric Wtnaelf aa to Move to rJuet the rowtlutlotia, and aaid "fpull- tHeo werj auiptla(Mi lManil down an abii lawyer.... ;.' ""?' j '. If we war looking for run or houatli bt tha Lojrialatura, we abouldlook aaMNig thoM who deiend tha Infamoba oondnct of 0vHaldea and CiW-Juetioe fearana in perrertirig tha conatltotion 'and htw to aoaUia Kirk in hi acta of brutality upon the paopirof-lh SUU. ... Mr. Phillip, by intimating that br partake r ij- canine qualilh, ami ara awsking another rerolution, naydrl ions tmu ooauuRMHna; awia I'earaon or calTTng CiwyniOoa. With the penphf of S trl6 rri 'Tina, H'lUtar and PuurMUtaM PbilMRVaiinof. WflBaaafirily. dttwhi ditiilav Ha alawlil mit attempt it, aauaptaa llul. daa eotmaai drfimdeil tinr pay. ' i wa remember no pantile) to tbeenndwit of vt; Tiiiiflp,:?'pr mat or c4iu, wka during tha Jiotuaa Benal lie Called ltoro dojpBinrterjiroilnddeflW. lie talked of ain bineing, and ilareaib borfBgat.hlin, bat ha did , not tikan Bo- taaiwrtb HaU to "lutmdt btceuw they pought to puoUb hia for Ua andeUarr,,! 1 r Mr. Jordan, of Peraon. la andtUxi to tiie thaakaof mrj good aian fnr t rebukr lo tlw fijwjibor ff uiu Wajiaf'wbo 'pubiu aelf npaa tit aapaid and aoluntaryda- Hndr of the greatest orbninai aver know to tb liberty and law of ortb Carolina atoMtbadanof tb tyrant, George I IL '''' ' ' hi i ...... : : I 1 suspwsroir or ran writ or k bin baa lxwa Introduci'd Into the Annate of the United JHatea I iliow the f ftsRldittt pC Ttu$yiiiot$X hAtnt aaraa, ia aai-fc eauntie and dlatrirta a he awy think pnper. Tbia ia tlia fihoffuer bill, it to tha work f JohS Pdol and W. W. Holdaa. , Wa hinr' of cert til n Ib-publidan in North rarohna who era' writing iad ad rwing Pn.'!Mdiit f!rnt, agairutlj bting ftnther deoal red- ami wtietwt by ibtlden. Wa tiai Ml wry IfcM M fore Jq'tmdno- tlon of aut'h a bill In Congrmwiii the better dura of, the republic, would have alarmed the whole country a a Or i bell at uf)it But tlia awnrd ba tamed he apir H of the peophi Wl worth an aouth. aad aapacially at" th Mtb. 1 ibapicable a that of a republic Without th writ of ftdAaw aariiua, In foot, when thi giwit (hatiiiw of uemoaat liberty ettlnguUbed, the govern moot a called becomra a dmpotiiim and uo inaf ia aaf, ia peraon or pfH'jty,"uutM hole' willing to lend a ahmitb obediewe th power auiipeniling the trrit. ' w4 'i ii i - 0,r r n f Cuitett&ttiitv.-t-Ki ruiiiei wtrapnhHuh ii0?i nt no bMndrt-d arid dt nwea itrf th liCKkuttafti gMag raamat tu tli peorpa wly toey J.hJJ ki a Cub TfTition, .Tha? .reaa.Jiw: ar ix.gaut and ronviai'iag and bav wot, at WmM in th. Mind of th people, bee weakjnoed b) tb veto tuoanga f Oov. Caldwell, fcr tltev eonttnti to noniinai camlhlatea Air rMMrMtloa aa f CkimtHir Caldwell bad not 6rulddi them. i Oov. Hidden will Kt be enuvk ted ev- ca-pt It lie dons by tha raoat m-kleas vol Ingefnr done by dner)ite man. Jkw Urn (Had.) Tim.- ' t j ,; . . . Wkat do tb IUdicwl Senator from Craven, Mcar. Lehman and Mora, think of thai They ttrtod to CMivictl And what do nor Radical senator, Bar- aett, Hawkins, M-Cott think f "Tbey, lv v w4mA Ia Mvl4 "Vliai Atrmi.luifl fiaas'l ma baa bees going it bgudL Jaraino Jaato Auaui. Thd TMiom' &m(Wsr annooneaa th arrival l that piaoS, from IUleih, on Satunlky 1st,ef Judge Jaybird Jouo "in a atM of i tiwua bitoxiealton, ao much aa that he Ml off tha cant, and had to b caa-id Cram th omnibus to hi room I th Howard botetl IWremalnesI tbr difiog dog, and oa that day a vary din.utabie pttnna wa forcibly ejected fror bis room by Die lil!ril ( , ' : , j " O tnturdsy Jaat a. party af bslf dwn fn.lisits were in Orecimboro ith a view iMgft'fca& : i,. -..v..E- y-r.'i " 1 ,u , . . . . lECilSLAXIVE ADDRESS .'i ' W TH ; , . COIIVBIiTIOHi h j i N ii TVUa rtiflt XtrkGnr&nn:Sf' Aa act hat bee DWl at. tba or awiciai uf the General AaermMv, aubwit- ting to the votere of the Btata. the quea ti.m of calling a Oonvawtbia to nfiai aad tuKkr ecruia apenikxi reeuva I man, Uiecxiatiag fkwatiuitin of Wartb Iwaaad aa mkUub la oraoi ao b held on tha aiiropd Thuily of April. IftTf, to aarwrtaui th aenae of th peoole oa thia trapivtant aubjor f ,,t ' A We, tb BJUleMKoetL awmixmi Oi inei Orwarai Aawaably. wib b a forth rb)f. I ly aatne of the rmanu wbieb bare induced the fvielature to pea aaid art. I Ttotwaraeldfoeal (tA twwat (XiiMtituuua cava aiwaa ewncedeo: wiat it ifBwredby many , great ermre q iiapiufrictiooa. .. It , waa eniy ratilb4 W- tour neHBi wave in aa araoamaainv pnatrioat aad went promieed ' that it hould aoa be apiendMi The great Onn fuaioa whu bx it baa' wrouglit, end tl bey burden ii baa impoaed. bar proved it to ba atteriy anmilixl to one eoudiUuo and etowmatanee. and rcpognaat to.onr taste nod uoagea a a people. We cannot nj)W undertake to point . out all II telle. and wilt aMioj only I lira af th atore Brorniaeot. . . , ... T Thia Conathntioti ha overturned oar awM-ntjudkial ytn,oaoc th pride of tb rxate. and baa tntKHiooaa in it atoati a Boaei en ao roll af deaaraitia that -it bar barom byword of repmaeb and eontranpt. ' The old method of pnKHice and proceeding In the court baa been alxiluhed. and a eoda of pniredive kub- (tituted, o iil-digaated, crude and Inow- tradirt'T ia it provinona, that car hltfn tniMtnai cuulcaa Uieuitulve n.ii fully to andentand It r ta admiawLer it. tlunit 1 iudklat Inrulatuai, The, aav funuitit af rikdit aiul tb Mdre of wrou: hva to be mug bt or aura tortnoua an eau leave etiaaoel that It pnen rbeaper to auboilt to injuntH'e thaq btaeek t remedy tbronifh tho court. The Code of Proomlure uuuiol be repealed or tt tiaily . chaagedby tha LvWatum j tor cither thia or- awwethtog bk h, le. pre- wrilied by tb toottitutwm, A. t'jvveo- tion aktue ran rid ii of Hit lunitMi aim nuiaiiace: The nunibtir of judicial, dis trict b too great, ntailig mm-h oaele eipenaa. . JUoy . oilier leal mea oi uie preanit ytem are incoaaiatent wun pun- tv. atfii-Jeaey and rJteapnaM in the adiiiin- tMratktrj of Justice, wbieb f one of th prime- object of all good : govomment The people have, by mperianoa, bee mail ao aeniuble of th criof tliu Ju Ji cud tyatom that w will not. dwell loager upon the auojeci. a reiorm u auaoiuieiy neeamary ta prevent our judiciary from lining into general contempt. The pmwut county ana. towtunlp ov- ernuiuiUa are Intolerable eviia Tuetr peitaivetMa, and Ui numeroua ven U ueculatloa and extortion whbdi -titer opvn mcjirrteTinjetw- -eowulaiitt and rmonlritt ,fra. all irthm f the -Mtatoi-'- W4lin ttrorwt atewet uuivwei uWrtor toe-wi tion of the old County Courta, aa tha aim coouiy gi .vsrnmmir ensrdBTlMdr i(d: tv witg Itaj whorl witiiw wl.a. i,i rhlng the pmpl with badanat-ThAlranaa tion of th boiuoa pertainiug to. the probata Court ia also much mora trouble some and tmathr than under tha if I- plan. A UoftvMilioQ at neeoea I isrieol line form whWt irr bnporatively donuuided M lt tt Joregoing pirtttuur, I Then ar a ntuiajtuaa or wane amcea, atal4t4ted by this Cooatitutiani Iwhicb otiiflit to b aljollshed. " Tha rhoH ipii of tore than ontLOtnr dv in aaua ttivia mil, fat a serious evil not now prohibited. The foal of carrying on the government AhM th rirescnt Irian." ft i tint rU nsrtiniiiil daw to tllSiirart . eiivkiiaJiil iuaueea of tha peace, M vastly aruatar than it oiif(ht to hoj Tb taxes for the last two year bar been heavy, and yet t Irene- try ) hannrept ; at) 4 it if oimriat to no viae tli mean to meat current eipewdt- Uirra. Aoonnling to the went uixattgu of (oTcmor Hindnn, at Irawt sxeea kvmurtd Oummnd AM.u will b r)uird to py the axpenaea of tha Htat (pvernraen tor th current fiaral year. Tbia atnn to' ruinous ta npoo aa impoverished people belnt twtcw a aiara aatitey i wn taaau hut year ; tha leal General Awiahly noi having wviei nan aa mucn as tney Knew would be needed. . A ConrenUOo, by implifying -and cheapening our j ttnn of gtiveraiitant, aouta any imoney aitouxn Ui on year to pay itsowaeipetise several tim over: to say nothing of what it would save in ail th future. Nui party can ailmimster our mat governnMint, on th present ulaa, torlsn than about ssr aamfrvif ttowssad dollar' annually, reduce Mlario a wa may. Ten .ear nan, under the old ;, tht. snnutUriwt oHltcSut Kovernraent was about bra kmtri ihtxu J tloJbinOl OoirtoiBon of true bad pa- trVitic men will give us a frame of giwcm- imnt by wnii'B wa can return to tin old Aiiurea. aad save seven hundred thous and dollar a year to tho counties, latodea. So that the call of a ConveuUon, mat- are of obvious and immediate eeWttur. W promised the people relief, laud wa r animus to giv it, But rn qiivuung he rnatoa fur iter ouipiiidimt; 1 this tJenenil JkMrtohly is met at every pan by nine rmtllntiiiuju tmrrler: Unit we u ciMUiwItiHT tu'rttO'iitKiii ITie pi4M'' (o liiiliitrv nr iianits oy mtaiii); ine ii--aiy culiliiliiml AiiH'iidiui'iiU), thut we any buabhi to hgilste ctTw'tullly . fir Thwe hr-ow overwtpiw-wii! iwn lo wbtWiW tnytt. particular anon 4t aad ;wh tflktlf 9if rfodar tha yiU. Of VPBTCUUIMIt.JB-MWI ltllllllllll,-aa-llt- 'QeraitV ui-nity tJn iif tb tuuat striking provhunas of tba urt (!aai- lMbwMiaa it contains n direct and positive feundiU, to tha General AnsemWv, which men t eoraimia lumtaty, rrirardliil of Uit oath. and who feat bound by Is rmiutitn nt our Muprenia (Vurt In retaUim to the limit ol laiatb), know ot h.W to disolwy. , It la is theea worda 1 " I he ueanral Asmih- blv shall, bv. appnuM-inie kiTislatiittt, "and bv aiiouuste iaxatbin. urovidu nw " th prompt and regatartmyetriet of .the - utereax oa Ui puuiie iiwk. . II una D eooatrued aa aimling lo th d .iWbl ly, it require the levy of ttth4 kwtJrtd tnenmn aaltsrs or tax to pay I intermt. Add t; I"" tlia laa necesmry to rsry the Btata gnvamment, ana It wll be otttved that the tost Ux whh h per- this UvislatUi saa levy if the carry out thwr obiiiratiooa aader thia Constitution, ta largely erji ouUmm and a hM of dol lar, or ttve tinvia taa ui or the bast year. Tha Governor asya, m his jnetone ite mUlinnt and a AJ or eight tiiuea the tax f th past year. .7 , j'. ' ' s' ' -. Wa know vvry well that ioy sot'h tax would crash th people inut the dust. Yet we have taken an nnth Which cannot b ftilfllled unlms w do make such a1 levy and aa honorable men, w are ao way of escapa, auka ma people will ran a veatKMs and retiava us wont tha dilemmi by changing thetWtifatioa t tbia tar bcalar. Wa eannot Mieva the true and bonea people of Jfortb. Carolina expect u io vmmsis our owns, n a uiereiura ap peal to tbem to come to our raacua, an their own. JM a C oBToaii.m be called, thai the eoiMiitutianal nrovvsiuna raspeel- ic the pahlie debt y e altered, aodJ the tisetr put ia tlie' way of beimi eoninronilseO, or otberwu . I lintel. aken tow tha nmnm p!)slimei)itofthi4 ttiio'-. w tan aad will daisy any actu a m the prwamve, nntil aftnr tha Conveatao I baa p'rf M lt .t Bat if the paoplJ IliCuiwvr n:inc. im can a iavennn, aim fc m ud the Cuustitatioa by atrikuur out tli afinwaid piwaiaton, bow eaa w avoid 4ianrpfeti3 ihoir actio to ansa that we and Wvy npoa them b tax tow griavoua to be hornet We bewM arwm atteanua of tha people to to foregoing otauaden- TbA Venernl jU-i.bly bU'W snoMaV lo aall OovoU toamwit as-' ... .Mi, . Jf .L. era ,nma ao rmvnm rsinoa' vii nh wiahe of the peopbt toOatrfy tar doing that: W tn.ply aabsaitlb asltoa to the people. Tiwy bmr tb burdens; tbey uOar,tb vil i and they alao ar tlia e- Irtii'le I. Herlun S of mir lSm- ent (rfiatitutiiai declarea: Th pfoeW of (hi Dtar nave aa wimni, ama, ana e elusive right altering aavlaboli-h big their Coaantotiaa and furat of govern ment 't Hisy anahriuht slimild ba iarrbirl in aaraaaaea af iaw..d coa- sistentl with th Hmstitntio uf the faired HUtrs" " tar Act oaly provid method by which the people ury exereia nnvw d ordor 'Mi inn lonrrnn rnraa wt a regviai ana It miorr. " in pniwanaraa uv.r .. aor av in uenerai . A.sni; uioed to theoMeWea any riiiht ar power. of tbeirov. mer, motl'i, to iapoaj re striction noon the Convention when! a anbililed.' But being wll aMir4, hy'ea- tanarvw acqaaintano wito th wlyl of oarmnstitoMUa, umi to peopi an ne to pmrrv snchangod ansa fcaiuiw of. our aawatwa; tMnsutuiioa, w. Bar iraniea out act chat the lasovie toewari may, by approving it, Mtipwa aea nMutcaona as will prevent alterations, which, br our Indirment, are ant wished fir. (tor art. when tfeia). approved by the aoesreign people,: win utter their voice. Wot our merely ; aad that vote wm b !ccngtnia as impel atiy. Tlri act, wtrh H flsjH. rlavan, will ua the popa pwwer oy a toruey t lb or drlialut, whith tbey caa not w bavund. A eamud man Win am I fciEil ill K .. j ! THUS HlBre WPSWOttWIr sstwii ' "--j ttfoptUrt aiviMniunty, can mrerml ' aad (ttanarard th friutmU irgtity m ui uaiule.x Aud to make amura doubly surai BBatb iaembotbwl in tho not bind ing til dek-KSto to 4lserve its reatrto Uov aud tlu peoulo aill tertftiuly not oiaMMW !(. whoi woitta Miner neg; lad or violate that oldursuon. I The proptatd reafricuons wilt Unit and smtpllly the work or tb uoavimtuia, aion en h SMsln and fwloce Heowt. It will not enat hall a much aa th UBMxwary taking of th awaws ta 1875, wba h die present Coastitution reuuire shall be dona; Em4 which a ConTentioa will no doubt dispense witK Amooa tha restriction which w ask tha people to luipoae on the Convendow I tha on which will forbid any totarforence with tlie homurtead and peraooat property exemption. The Conservative party, now autaiaaut u tiila Htata. m-ccruimy a much interested. (if not mora so) ss its po litv'al iiiiiswioBta' in iftai"vlIlfci M boui-. felMKit nmvkhin : and this nartv ia fuHr de- termiued that aaid provMoa anau never be-abwwen. -Thw-wppiSHto- party -wmy b&ojito 'willhuc to';' alnif.; but ilia XJoaservatuia. .iaMtr(iUaoAiuaBMA Wiat Ul hil I On that nolntwe neraeiv tlie aneinies uf a uuhveulidn are busiiv4st work, trvijm to vAiabtott d d4 eetvehe peonlei; 'i-guara- agaiusa any ptwsible' AmfM on this homestead ijuee tlon. the Ooiicral Aaseuiblr bava ineorpo- mted into the act very stringent provision on that suuect, ,n OD not aeum it nec essary tor as to 4a morn, than simply in vite sweniKat 4o. usaaaa..uwy -appear They eettainiy show tba earn ed -rmrpnet! nf the Cooscrrstive psrtf ta T0wvttar1lointotp4 nd (xi!iiptltJB ngbu intact. , ... . . - UUuaa at the. pconosea resincuoaa wui krerrat tu; t (Olan-MS ri fh trtgtl 01 ClttTCOS or me uiuenmi imxm, una nj miltrcmnt or propsny .iiuwusxiuw for otllcers or v(itr. Th nrvkwd Cooso-twtiaa-riuiatlao bwaabaiittod In thp peo. pia tor raniK-aiion, ? noa w nunsu j thaui bofor it become of any validity, But U at needlesa to refer, ia detail, (to tb several restriction ; they are. to be teen In Uia act and will eaideia thorn selves, It is hoped that tbey will ineet with tba general approval nf the people, Jkmt of tliaja are ptrnnjl unnciaarr, pecause mey ouj iMohibii what u rHnt Omventiim tot Msat to du wider Ilia Pethsral Constitu tin. ' Hut wa hav permitted their inser- tina tn nrrler thai the nconw or all partka and of llio fltlir Volon maOeedlly cam pruheud the true Intent of our act, and the spirit to which It has been adopted. , r' ; ; in train, i& w pu fjihu w .-"w ("t revniiition, of or rcacBon, wnicn ;ruora Us, ' All these tiling wa most asrnestly d. praeatib i Our aim i b mamre o Our puinle rislitif from the Ihtoletar Imrdeus uf dulH and taxation. by which tbey ar now oppressed. ;, And w "K to aac more a North (.Tarnlina umuu nw Surtb Carolina, whl., whit rntriiilii2 tnall Cfce teniiirwnenta' of Federal law. slmll jet ba Instinct with the gniunf aor isvipl, and unuer w uu-n an M; fmsem mi Hva iu peace and, haritumy ;-a Una witutton wlurh wilt ensblo' the 9tt to recover biT former prrwwritv Snl high credit, and ultimately to fulfill all pur Just obligations, Weuncereiy iriwi. tnsi wuul ing aad pilnotic nien or aw parties wui amt4 the call of a Convemwa aii eswntial step .Inward h Bttiitnieut"oJ thest nappy mult. (aurnei)h , - . Tbna. t. Jarvak' K. 1 Warrea Ai J K. . W then. . W. 91 K.iiiia, J O. H MiUlutt, John W. (lt..hm, frnrlm? ' A-i.'lMrjranr'-W. II. Lues II V. Jonea, 1 WVfrTf&nfureT"r" ' C. CiwUisJ W, P. fchull, 1 'C L Cook, -QXUtoMV-vf. .Iluiu. K Spifd WrHi AJrawlont,' -I avawauts, HeaiirT'arrle,'7 f. M wnrrn.i tluib-B, vo. V Mh-v, i l hoa. I). Juhitaloa. . Jm, C Hkuuwr, luka Fnrr, IthsM, 4 A . 4tWawf !. A. Ashe, - i ll tonnford, - lb. a. tjinnct. L R. WeddJl, Use H. Mi Ahw, , K.t!aweU, i K. 1 Iilwtter, t!. MrTrMK-'aBleT, U K. Pb-key, F. C. Koliblita, fh(. A. Ni. hotam, W f. Troy. S '-i David Kiniald, K M. Norimait, Geo. U; Uretfiiry, . l. t'urne,' t . Jai!ithsu Irfoaitar, W. It. Coamal, It, P, Wsring, IJvingHion urown, J. tK Wilcox, ' Jus. A, Uraham, C,ukia, Wntiuv,! ' Ja.bCUnurd, G. M. WbittaiJ, i U C. tbre, ' ' 0. T. MrrrpJiy, .AlwateT, fJ W. W. rTeumtmg. J. & Msxa.ll, ,8. Adama, I Hoary T. Jimlan, . W. G. Allihl, 1, & An.jerson. W. A. Alhau - , JrA. Womsrk.;; 7 Law. P. Bailie, Sat, Kclsey, J. Turner M"eehrd, I. A. Urane, - v W.C. Smith, V . T. I. Rryson, i i P. Young, J. A. Kelly, t. P. rbuiih, Jesse Himuuit, " ' J. C. Urnysocii 'f U W. Martin. Jnn, L, Iltodmoa, Jehn W. Dunham, J. L.,RotiillM,. i a a b. liuutoa, Ctilvin Jivncr," A. C, MulitT, ; U. & Atkmsou, . 8, THlinBB, i, T. gparrow. . Jaa II, Meramoa, X. X. Armstrong, R. J. FowuU, . N. Lorkay, J. tV Bold, j , Tyre Y.irk,) J. Harm, ' ryl., Jr., A. U Johns, Jr, ' Davbl'N-tli, J. 0. Mills, ! , Edmund J-ioea, r 1 T. A MoSrtll, J. M. Wnoodkoww," J. I. ChuaherUia, P. If. Btriblwkk, W. P. Woloh, J. U Itockwortb. ,. - A party of shoot a hundred emigrant rt Kandolpb 'oountjr- o alocdsy nig tit fur Indiana, " ,; ' ' rjOtyBTa, KM 0ETTIJOEIt ioirgT. BT, -III flATS, it i) A -BAT OMHgTa, I.- i,l. HITS, ,f MB"- )MKTSj UHNBTH, rcxt ATS, BOHWgT, ' t,-tt:-- um ;HAT8, WHgT.,,'',,o t tit A OHNgTB, WLUNIIT HATi, -A OraXTa. Hat. a BOSNKTS. , ' H i I bONSETa, . . HATS. 7 ngwitsm, ' urn: - K4T8, t ONNCTa, seaasa ITS, FXWNCTa, aasaoa, HATS, 4 hUNNKTa, i swa mn aau. avaar Hit, 6XMKTtvTauiu tm .atu. .HAT8, ftOHNKTa, BATS, aONMKTa, aasaoasaia tsums. HATS, ritLUAM A DC7NUr, VA . .. 131 arcsaoaanv., rarsasausu, va, afw fur mb , , t fteAned. 8dMi and Hammered' lout, ' Bmsll Konnd an aunsrs Iron. ,1 y lli-ml, Half OvaJ an llslf KosuJ Ir.n, Norway Mall Koda. - riiiraa and Mule (Uios ,bua. i Hsnd sn serotl troa. Irua Aska. . . . , CaslBtieL I A Iso. a isusiaT assavwamt at Aavknitaral Imitteweala. aisr 10 alia TATAPaCO OUAMO. X We lis re th senry f fertiliser, msds auder the for this well known Immediate uer rlttoa of - DR. fl. A. LIKUd. The arabsny save spsm ao expense or psha ia sashing It Las best article now used, sad wsrrsnt sitiierkir to sny hitretofore aisile. Th prio will as made suitable to the tiimv. . . us a i " BM I) UTH'B C'HAU.eNUK olll.l'BI.18 PHIJS Jb vrv -.-:-r rHATl. Tli most stllrosiMl njlilili! Fwi-tilLuir oneml le Mm pwler. Prepared sipressiy forooulll O LUbK SKA ISLAND GUANO. Uk-k In AwMMtt. alubt Phunaaorte AeU. aad AlaslhM Hall, aas of the best coot btnstkms tor tha gnnlastn atates known to Cbamtstry. ' V tb LKK W. StwiAirs. otmes Abotkak t 30 Jssaala .. rashsd. Pali seised, Urn Bled, Ka-C, A and foil Rieo sagsr. C'hotea Kio, tosmyra aad Old Itov.t Jai Treea and BufcH Teia.7- H i' mr ia-w A. U. uta L. JptgRAM TARTAR IV I lb. Parkasis, Soda, J Coneentrsied jya, Coadtmsed iMilk, Vsastrowasn, Vurry Comlis. -Tarti. OoUuu (Jscda, rowaar. ; nkoL lus. -Guas Wilts sUKfcata, Freaeh Pslls, Twos. Tinware, WkxHtna rsaosia, amrca, jsaieaas, wcamg anisues, Ae.. Ave. I 111 . A.O, liUCVU t " t'Hr.CIKT JIAftNKSB,, H AMM, COl 1 km,XoUua ana Uemp Hsefctoad w 1th W . t'. 'j .it. 16-If AO. ACO. "IHOICK LIQUORS BT THI QOABT, Vy (iaUoa or turret, fnre coontry rssrB u randy, noa Ky a bisay. Best (Jritier dUUllad Apple Bran: Lisoam eouaiy uorn ' Fiaa A oyl Brsady, Wlii y ia lev's. Cowl. IscmaMBlal H ie. Itur nice. lot A CO. rT -T- nmr FAMILY Lt AF LARD, ' IN TIN Packsires, of Sand Ins. Also, choke Lardta Regs sad Kite. ard la Kegi martotf AO. LEIAtiO. 1WU0118,PL U(ill POINTS, gPADES, .bMuU, Iixfcs aad Ibaav 1 1 ' ' ' wr lo A. u. ua aj o, ( I.'. '.-ft I. Hi . 1 riBOIGR FAMILY ORtlCERIBS, OF ALL V anaoestan awsvasarsowgnusai CALL ON A 0. LIE A CO. TO U UPTONS PATENT ROLLER XIR j X..... 1 . p . B M A r ? . Ia (tooth Carolina. xentCltv of rhsrlestoa ' " l - -' j T. Vbviniaaxeept Hiihnond, rsteratMi ( and nuriot. Distrti:! of Columbia, Delawai aad. Msry man. ... ! ffMtoiMimtvlli t ' ksiimitb. is c " URANC A OLOVgR- aarSAtf ' i I RVkmoeA s Va 1'hsrtolLs Dnaoeml and Newhera Jnaraal of t'vmrnwire,- rrmy t wee aad am MM to this ir-irTan"' (tTRONtt - ; '- V. A'wts ha aC CUtiwa, to atoraJHaA tor sslasfapal . mrnit 'i . w- w. at. irnjtrt. ClTARRSTSr Cl'RRETTSfl A fo iOi sapoly of Cai rents Ml aim and lor sale cheap at w. i 1'Ti.kr-a. L ftt-tt i. v Marlietj uam .. . " " """ 1 ALR. X " ' " I4 I liood sabstantU) Rmxy, t i Whkl 'has , 1 Beeuud hsudr.t, ao nrm Wagoa and llsinas m (noq reuiag ta-asr, I aiarltf fB A,rflANnERaoa VERAWUw. OF HONET RASrei I ne ttUtaiaed frnm oae swsrrs of Nw la IMS br Ollat lalnr UllllBtaillU MOVABLE HEK-UIVK, entass Bess furuishrid ; llahsa (jueensnnt by jiia.L. t;t aiia. Besa wanted la azehant iuv Uivs.' ..awrah A4Aawti4"a . .. 11IIT urM a. l..JMtl Faaltaliohw' KSIubn's-ia i Muotuneslah ''' . ReTtraas. ATLANTIC, Klnrs aBd ether eetetrmted mslrra' Porkid I m I. re BleiU,Ruck, Pealisnd Hone tlanillms mar aa-u j t. n, vaiuita. ME8AJm0TKfF.HS' I , .. ViUUU) MtSOWStiO 5 V' 8ida, Bioel. Muuet fortu, Wmnitht and CsM aioel Hoes, Kskes, aad other tint is PhIw tMreat uupMmvai, Uatt ha J mar i tt ! ' No. 10, FsyuUevUleatmsi; " t amti- i I' In ii iSrl .1 I' i trt trt'SEEirpRKS rt THRErrc tX titom. "Tin tiidint Air Tkat," b i vniMatly VIM T. H. BRKrftS. aurtO-lT 1 BUG STOBEHVv HENRI J. lEIIIIER,'j 4 .. i't li It i f II 1- DRUGGIST A.PHABIIACIST. THg UHDEalSRD TAKES PLKABl'RI IM ANNO0M(!IWi THAT Hit UAg I P AT ' rll . , 33, F FaietteTille Strefit i 7 : inlP 8tad oi Pqtjti.iil.BM t.) I-''what ' w keep a fu 8taek; of DRUGS, MBDICINKS, TOILET ARTtOLrJt, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, DYEsrurfs, sricK-s Tns, c, ' ' ! OARDRN BKE08 AND j RVERYTlllNtl rl!ALUY KEPT IN j A HUNT CLAM ltKVO STOHS , . ..... '. A GRADUATE iIMIARMACY, . i iiavtiig 'ollWatk 'na practiLai. EDUCATION, wdl hsve ehsrge of the , I PKESCKIPTION DEI'AUTMENT, ! Aad mialU-ums win be di-uned only by I EDITJATED AFtrTIIKCAKIEs ! I1ENKV' Jt MKNNINURK. mamhuldf - A N l ClieitTp 1 O U V I K O ta fe.r O F" wnrrn piQtni Wg HAVE JUST OPENBli A LARUE LOT 1 . ,0F , ' ,1 , H I HI I I I . 1 wn IT! PIPES I. tl ... ,...-,, , ' I I. II .. . . I . and call especial aUssiUoa too pieces at W CENTS A YARD. i A " G" It IS AT ' BA if(i A IN I I Also, to better grades at STr, Sue. 75e. AIo. we hwv hist ousnsd a full sortimnt of MtaeEd Will I K UTTwN HOUR, au sue ana uusiuiey tMi, , . Y -i IMVIH, DRAKE Jt(3a,2 i toar.B-4-tf i t .t i. ..lhBwlmrg,;vw gPRIIG TRADE,"! 111, TO THE JHKHtHJ.rlS or V1 C i , NORTH CAROUNA wi&.AtBiiaijiiiiii Wt are aew reeeirW and shall ennliine to Hy every svisaisr flora. New yew, bnr ji.iu.. PtttKHtffir-fiMfTttBST GOOD . -1 i.l'. 1 .- vy l r aJttA'ir--.jits, and shsB kawhyi rT-flMh-IIAM'lt,' la starvastoek arhleb at sitanlvtars-ty sod eve w via eniwyare rsvaraoi wit any smiUi hi Ji'w ramMHi war. pxmi ri. hwivsjr fruovmsaufailiissia bud giidr uiishai Bietupautai w aa pastAA a uttr X M I U iU Ui KX K BALTIMORE PRICK A.VA t.V hut7 T - . MOKK TKHVSt ' r UT ! 'S, till ) . . . I t We mpsetf altv aollett oedera. Which will ra IBs atsseuuaot aaaaf Uia Bra TKR31S UBKRAL 4 ; DAYIH, DBAKK& COL Jobbanj of Dry 4ooat, y .. ra-rBHam ati, in. Xf Al l ABLE PROPERTY FOR SA1J. . Tb lsa,.taeW.ii(T text Fsyeiuivill aieees, sua a.Mnnia um lsrrmretucs ilnui, veil kuirwn ss viie uflliw Un-uf Bej V . bav- wood, Ki : will he sold at anettua t the Vomn noase aonr at ia ., oa art tires 'Ohm dayed Msreh, IMTs. One halt cash, the, uiha epos eemnsot s wow wis wiva Brutest . Tills wasmsd Uli pmyient, - - , . . - - i- . B. F. MOO&R, AgcaL -Bar At-- : Caahesastoaa taa .atel by pstflm Net aae ap to SBag, witbost hrlerfertny with other baa- Biyii i'w f-wiini..t i a 1 1 v I THOMAS Mi HiAM. ft AO m arosdway, g. Y. TTESBY T. BEUU'""' o mm Fin Catawba ISxti . r act. aiura pirn e Comnnt PaHt-rini.1 ( an F fun a-""" ' v Juki J mB LIVER JWMFLA1NTO. JAIUH f P'W'T.Wi.V'T.mflV ENKiit Ktc. I rift V VEtiETABI K, 'V TAlNINtt NO MERfTHT, MINEKALS OR DRLR TKRiotia iMtutsa. . -f j y ,,. 11. I These Pills see the moat delhrhtfally !! nut nwnralivsY sBpeawoma; esmur hal.llJ-s.itiWMA- Kive .Ume iid Ktmm noUxr asases aor a-rip"; ' ' V'J ....-.J of tke riNssv iKuaaniSNta ".r -i .... mia. Ukss wlsoeesto siHiear mu-seaioas w " t"t- u T HJi.ihida's t'ooiround Plaid ExtnVt Csuirlis tirave Pills sre not snKsr-eiMted, I nwo IB ft llstsagr'raaa'us-tiis.ew bt lsua Uiroiwh the sUaust h without ditr - Ine ........ i. proawe incni-cfd. rntrATAB.ruRAPE POiA beina pleasant m taut and odor, do not nejtea- CaNTa rlLa aewt, , ,i n , nutfRYT trEtWBOLD'B H10HI.Y IXlNCKNTRATal) umwiujtu FLDID EITRAOT SAESAPARILLll Will rtdlesilv Mterrnlnate fmui Uie, syi. ia Umifuls. ByMis, Fever . aore, l'tir,. m ryrjB, tTt'iv aann, truia r'"i" Bruorhius, rin Dawaaea, Salt Kheuiu.t'juiaers, UuMu.ua fmaa He air. W UlUl Wolita. TuaM. Mk. lilt S- U. Illsmlalsr -alvisHiss,:r tdalweala -ttaah, TUrr. Hlliuurs ill sit Blllila. 1 II roll H: ASav. roatum, ITyspepast, Sua all suaasse Haw fane been eslaotiahed m laa system lor Jraar-, ; nr.- - ' Beint iireiMml exiireasly for th above om- iiatnu. lis inooa lnrriiviiiK inn-iira w urwii't thsn snv otber nrensration of BarSBiat rtbx It Ldres ' Bar eonmfi-xisn a dear i ami lMltti rotas an reasonM ts lisllmit b: auu .4 iieaiwaaa pacuy auv pumyuia Uiti. susvh! all etmajm- eonaututkuisl dtetwta arising frum an iuiiare state of Uir blond, ami the only reliable sua ana-tnai snow I . f . ,M nar. lit lull.. M..I MSellilUf . Uie Iwues. UbvrsUonafsI U throat auil leKs, BliiU-bea. fimiiHW mi Uie Iu'e. grysliHias,' anu All 9-aiy B.rnpuua ill Hie aain, anu ut..w"; iiig.theLVHnjihiiliH. Priw, St. HI per bottle. ,, ., i. ... ..... .1.:. I u...,.if,. llr-nry T. llrlaOiwId's CONCENTRATED. i FLUID EXTRAIT BITIU , THE GREAT DIURRTIO, haa i-unA iunrv. esse of diabetes In wliMi luu Iwen inven, imiauini oi uie n's ui uir ilailili-r. ami hinautinatiou or the ktilneya.uti mtloii of th kntaeys sad Madder, nnaliun f aiine.'uiaeasirs of Uie proKlrale u'luihl, sluue In Uie hladdur. cak-alua. aravet, brick dunt de iKMit. and mam nr milkv dlsi'ltsives, and lor a..ia. atlendtHl with Uie f.ill.iw mir avtuliUHiio huliaposltlon to exi rtlon, hiss nf powrtt, toss r mTOrn:lflcTrtty-nt brent litna.weak-mirTrari teirinn.mrrror f - -"Tllaef'Wlrefnriiess, dUHHuasof vlaion, palu In the lau k, bothsnda, tlu.hiiai uf Hsu tr --ilV . iy'i"" ' "kin enip- Uaa m. U -t"lli e.uit.e, ninvenad UuMituile ol tlie ainwuisr ayniein, etc. Used by ueraoaa In 'in tue ai. ol ii;uun to twenty- Bv, am Wrtm Itilrty-Hve to fifty live or In Ho dei'llne or cuMngc oi uie; slier, con Bmsaenlor labor paiua; Jicdweuiiu; ln;cbil dnaw. B lUliabokfa Extract Bhcha la rliuretls and from .slats sif ' is.'lniH?i "'".' .as - .w.u. in life, utiiunuea of uie niornti sr SIS iinaili III swa www kw aiwo avskiuthi anuiUuns la ithes dtssaaes, Bsed ta couiutlluu with JIulmMd LADIES, it ' . .''nil ;7 In ny arKethin. peenllsr ta bdiea, to Vueita a .auwiusiMia -uy awy fHasr Reuiixly as in Clilorusls uf Retention, In-ega Isrltv. Pslnfulneas nr Snpiinvision of enshn sry rsenatlons, Ulcerated or htrra state of the Uterus, LeueorrbuM or H'hites, ttterilitjr, sad for ail eouiplaliile hHdent to !Uts sex. eouiulslula hMdent to .Ihs i whether artsllur front imiin-rvlma or hittiit of illaalisitioii. It is prea'rilieil axUmalvely by tlie moat emtuent Pkvsk-laus and- Mfdwtvea for enfeebled and Mli-ale nmatltnliiaa, uf bvth actus snd all axes (aMemled aith say f tlie susts Miaiiaa, a ar,jin4wiifc. .... , , i - B. T. rIELMBfiUl'S EXTRACT BVQ1ID URKt DIBRAHRS AK18INU FIIOM IMPRU HENl.fca, BAhMTSOF DISH1PATI0N, am lu all their stages, st little expense, little or no change In diet, . no luciaieetiti'iu'C, slid mi exposure. It u a. fivijiu nl desire. od ICives sirengHi u tirtuaia, uisreny ruiaming owH wmm -sireiHiHH suti uurinx ' nine tures of lite Urethra, Albttinjr Pnin stub I nits msuoa, so mnuuut lu tin eisM oi disiM and ciiM.lline all l'oiunius matter: V . - immasmis wmi-oieee riem tne varuins ol Inconipi-lBnt lereuns, aad who trove aski lienvy leos toeeearau ia a snort uiue, nave rmim tuey asve asea Ji-.ailva, and tust Uie Tniauii has, by tl ase of Hpimtrtul Sstrtuif -nle. been dried up ia the vntta. to bnk oat a more stranded tunu,- and pertiaia after Msrrlsire. ... ,1 r.n Use 11 ELWfcg.D'S RXTR Vl'T Bi t HO for ail Albx-tlons and DiMsseeu Uia.trlii rr Or iisns, whether exietia: In Mats sit . Keiaale. fnsa wbsteve ranta orighiatUu;, and np mat tt of how lontt sUiulliur , TKlcKi ONK lM4.LAJt ANtlT t Ithh'sw ihwispm I i ? h. HENRY T. HELMBOlJD H IMPROVED . tROHlt WABH ..b (niot lie inrpsjisediis FACE WAHtC"ad witj tie tlssritleaW- pesles of Cutaneous Atfeetioa IV ebi'inlil ctiiirorB, r.in, ui.n.mw- i iryiieaa, iiimrs- bonitof llief utsnmus Miatnlirune,: etc.,aitfpet KiltB.- and liMjeiit' lnHnmnislion, i Hives, IHtottb-airitr Irrnat Bitea, mutatl sarpiaMa far whleh gslves wr eiriimenM sre a ; erswe Uw au iai aisle of parity and softness, snd insure Jon Unued heulUiy sction to the tlnsue ul ii.vset on wfnrb d-Tje(Ui 'tto agreeetile clcurtits and vlvoi-ily of .rauiplexiua su miid,tou4.au4 aniiiRve. am wntfiw TsieBiiHSi aa s ytimeoy hsiiihih iiwrisTia u-ms sa w, ss. -s iiimm- bod's Hose Wssk has lone sustained its prints ile rlshn to anlw.HiD.ltHl palrunsire, ter aosauai. nr orta titles a nil li i ndi i II a Tettet A intend a: of the most Hapertatlve and Ciaiflrenist chsrarter, Combtninf 1 etexwil furmnkt uksk aromineut reiiuisliea. asrety sod asicaiy tlie lnvsrtatitrai i t.iiiiuuUnrlit u( Iu tise a rresrvsbaaa Hex rnshst ait llm Cenirdei ion. , It is an exridkmt Lution for diseaaa uf 1 bj-plrllitie Nature, snd a an htjeeaan diMsses of Uie Urinary Organs, srUia from knbltaof ilinhiiititliiu, Hiied in I'OiiDm tiou ilk the Kxtrm-u. Burhu, Saiwiiarills, snd Catawu tarsias ruia, in auru (uu iins as ri-t OTuniciulitli, rsniHit lar surhsssed. PK1CR, ONE UOLLAJt .1. Full aad axvllrlt" dlrerUoae accomiany the . Evidence af 4I roust raspnnatlile snd! relish etisrscter furnished aa Bi)liesUua, whh hnit. dretla or uiounnmta of MriiiK witneeaea, and up wwadsntWlButlnnaiilMti'sl aertHtrsUs and ra emmnenOHtory tenets, many M whit -a arc from the hii;hrt s-mre, Uwlattov ruirnent ijiasa eians, Ciesyyiuea, tliataan, atft xiM, ,lru. prt:tor has neeer reMwled lo Oh-w piibliuiUiis in Uie newaiNrs; heihwia not do liiis frum U lail uil nia art-ls rank as ft! aixfc.nl l' jrs ttavni, and do1 not seed to he limivpod u b, eertltieales, . i."77 r, ' UJCfiRX T. HKLMITOtD'S CEKCTXK ' PREPARATIONS, s Delivered to any address., Recur tVom ea- sereauon. ( E-TABLBHEDUrWARDS OF TWENTY I KARS. , aold by DrUEttiata verTlien. Ad- Veas letter fur Infianiad.ni, In eoutidenee tu IIKSKY X. lim.mii.llji, DruttlM and Cueausl. t ... ,t u . r K . Only Depots.: H. T. nKI.yBOI.D'S Prod mm 1 w-TTTH-ai mtrrflnmei .. Tl ne aoaa1 aesr Yora. ortn H. 1. HV.kMfMtl.D's M.lir Depm, lot Boalh Tooth meiet, 1'Ula.l. ijihui, ix . ... . .c.i ... .i ( bkware or nirNTfRprrT). Ai r BUT1N6 BATES or BAN I NOTE, 4t WIIAN ASIIOBKU. .., ' Bxcasaua Baoaaas. ... . s taaaaasauau', N Bank of NrC. .e..,,". avtm isw . tsiie rear.... I'lisrioUa Oraham. Leatrartna.. t 'mnmeres. . Ctsrenikmn.. ysnceyville...... M errtuuiUr- IUuS of Nnsrl. ruirB' Bunk of tjraeuuH Ni jers Iwl fluiterS' llotaaien ad Bsnk tA t Vlitii.h. Wik holr i Bunui (.srouaa ik-Mvis W, ti. K. K. Btork wiy ana sen a llaend mina ; ' " lsr. North CsraUua LZTS al ma. sou i MOIHSJ. . i - f. Kntoma tor expmts psrfcam of s.v . . ., .ill a.msVuJT.V..?,, sui ae .saaas aar tlis ; sy'rs.ii, JT? mdesised.. ' i At i ,. fcc.. ehsek oa rency, good -" iea, at bast rale. - - ai T"''J'rTsTTxanBB "'" ' " JOW FOB CASa . . ,. m Lbs. N. C, nata Bseoa. ' ' M " M.arhdBeo',;,',,i' Prim. ttt?ILar4? M Barrel. IL t-lfnlSy l 1 am U hu. ? S-lleW.2 ;AP-i'iKitAiW)V- RuAMsrtuiautst 'W II s rtotf TnoS BALK. Jj A deairsbUj oiasd 1 ai . :' IW acres III Wauds.. Dwlll,u. t i n ' " ha palfie kuMMtfillce fnal.bS;"T .uu-sjut -W. J4Jhitaax '- JIANlHj", '"PIAN(iir?TOW,ItrtTr Kia- sale a No. , f f k4a m. rcasonabhi hirma, t-aab down, UuZjhT, iiiiiiiiiniiiius. t,su and ase it war 17 if , WUJogltavi A NO-IHhJl LO f of sWathiriMHua W ' W.H.JOhB14eol' ; S llRtna. marU-U I AUUIRA AND Km rnKr-KK h.L, Ljcz. '.". msr H-tf TTAT. HAY. XX h. C, tulled H y Tor ssla. ' w W. U JONES A m. uisr 17 If o: 'RN MEALIabuvaiiaaatHr uuirHtf ... . ILJoMKSAoa - -1 J Clif I'KKNUNU -44KAPE VllslWH'hW O 1 iliimhu euunlT, hiet to hsml " t nssrtMl i,t...lW,.B,JOMK8V0ft ; ClTHAMrTo"rUMS, VERY stfrersf O ami well tiUBiit ' iM....a ....... BI.ES AND PRAYER ROOKH-1! rUueh of Bildea-anuV I'rajer Bnoksma- 'irrtMnit'an strtes anil iuiriri. " mUtlU N,tXBuaaItor. ,". .-; KBSTER'S UNABHIIMIEW Utrrbifa -sry, Lsel Edition - aleitSeeant.SIr kat r1 laStnre. j dAB. H RHNIBa, a'i, . . mar-tf ' Jf, C. B,.. CIOE'B Drawing Card's. sH nssiliers.iifnei , S ii''-aV-ii. - N.C. Biws, - L - MV.4 -nfTASAsnXa'B VOB APRIL. ",4 IV L Juat ntived, fraak Leslie's LktW sliurtilut. 40e.; Deiuoreat's do. Use.; bV;' do.; Hsrpers' M atresia.: Bast by auul s s ealptot prid,. '. i . ' JAAH. toSlSS.Vt,8.'.?. lawest1 stt" 4T.4" vwi TSjrl" affSSSr -TirpntW'1 '"M .. tja :JgVifti. 4stfc IWUI'lt CiOLD FENS. i X1 Amitbur supply of Jnu. Foley1 WsrrsaV Otl liultl PtUUk , Uuats. taa bsst Uukt re a ; '..JiAllt-w'teijArt'.-. taDUUiatftt. inu 81 tf - 4--' 4w J H. u Bueiuuaa LYMAN LAUNDRY LISTS. . Amaheauwsaiply ol Isdt senrsslrst tioiiM.liold. Artick', Ui-mlemso't Lint c Udli's List Doe Family List Me. Seat by msil u. receipt of ark , . . JAIL H. ESNlHft. Aft. msr XI u . N. UI FKRMR FLOWKB BKBIk . A fresh lot Jiloaer Heed from UneVrtl's t stshsrue with prh-es fumlalnd oa .tl Uua ... ...JAS. U. KN.MKit.AKt - wr Jl If N C tliKiWslor ; Taos. B, Kan,- ' Jxo W. "ttaul, j ke'nan1V dushai, A T T f) ,U N K Y 8 . A T " . , WILSON, B.C. msrll-lw iu North CaroIln AgrlrultarAl ;!;'- ' mrcbIbb iTor.. ; : o.it 4-8EPABK, ORXia C h. Bmasgaj vo a tv wnxtnaso cl MANl'P AtTl'RS OF PUw AB. to culturat bdemeeta.--RefsW " T" hlnery, Weaia Knffines. Ae. CartlnifS era Fenri-d Work sf ell deifnliit noti.-e snd sullif action Rusnuiidd at m?' and prkw. One of hs Arm Is totesior t eeli.bratrd Sunny South Coiton low. , the far He.' and Needle Plow. . ,,., J. II "K'-ARH, . . '"" -.,. SBKESTTTTi ."- -matJittok- B ! Frarf.. Hlha x f M'! aktn, siKtiMtUl aad ssr Vi Jis . ita lar.niola, and sl " JT aas. TlHsaatyVi.sTriltl","H " voriusa is if rtitr r i' ".Vtrt n 1 u a uatssirat an "r.' .i-ei aMssrie ki BUM EHK. aiillM HS. ,1 IfUAisW aw-w -1- TJOQLBT ft BROTHER. xlsJiaww""- ... sa.ia tvfPMlT " 1 mar SdeowawAat I 7, , Geor Tg & . Na , V. Scnaimoaa Sr.. Bsi-" ' v. MsDafactnrer tt 1 1 ,-' ' " HR1U BTltNlXlM STEAM i IWtU ..'AH rsTxarr nirtovxn, iwrbiA Circular Baw Uj , , Oanf, Ml"f nd WB18T M1LU4, TIMBER WM." Msehuu. c. I Mules in Cm-slar f ' u and Will sniiiities Jg' h"?t jm Hirer's SKeuts for LeflVd'a t -ekl a-'d Wer Wheel and every ''J W, S'jj, -Workina Machinery. AOWLl blV- filNKS A SI'Ct.lALTT. 1 s fyto JV-eeud for deseriptiv Cab" Liibt.. ... ss ' t dec S-aodlyswAw , ' I'll Sorth C4vfoll.j ' HOME FIRE INSlTItAJiCE 00 . ', . . SAi'ioa, . N t ontlnaea to teases sU IT oa rsssuasbk) tsmal U prs sll losses rnn,,"!5, A.-ms in sll !. "f 'K7 . W.ure Hti-r"- l-if..'"-. ' v av Wsit.stisro' .v., Wilaloa....,7.rr TtKHuaarUle m si WVSHHt , . 1 mi"'7rr- - 1 iarss aauMiI ? ' !.."..V.'..v...".w..,-.. . aa wmm a,sssww.B , . - .vat ri'',-. B. II. BA I 1 1 .fc, " . triTnaGslJa.SeC.!'", i Jwa-U BENKYT . LUBUiUiLJS! T B n4, -ti..J(, jl l J U pure baa laod la tliat swotiua. ; to poopl may doet prepej, if aiep b ; is.i ..i A r