ltc cnlincl Etertioa Yewterday. CITY AND HJATE ITEMS. Tt'KdrAY, MAY , 1871. TawruiAToaa-T" Morning wa ... ' .V,mAi mi link C. Har- iiae w ure ... . i ciirroTOitwTttttjtti.i Special .Noticoc. HOUJlllU.g 0UTRAG&1X HCTUKBr f. ... . . FORD COUXTY RADICAL XV -t,u.tKo(l.o,"llbUruk,lJ j KLUXAT WORK-A 'UOLK FA If- ready (m, . UTE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. It TMASSA CUh'D IS CQU BLOOD &EQl'KL TO JUDOS LOO ASS - zsrmic I . Jtumtul EorrnaW: TTmreday avirninr. butt onr uaudly nub community waa ulttHkol by the hue.',! ,;ni-e that 0 tlit previous tntW whole family, consist ing of mi eoul had beta faoghtered In dfc's Cirgar MJ 1871 " 1 p. M. ' 88 st TO GO 78 mVr:Mrn .r tx tiov. ui..w. en tice jrrith deep regi the death f Bx Gcim Charfc " Hri, tjfe.after-a priBfuUJi". !, .j,,., Ann ytey. Amrtlr of our cherished ton rid away. O! B,..r, U )rf Ml M u . ,r" ! f"1 ''ak u"Katm DEFEAT OF TUE IIADICALS. r RALEIGH IS HEARD TlluX Ibui-igh h biiutofbre given a Radical majority of nearly eeven bundii-d. , Y- terilay rite gave a lVnuoenUic tnsjrjnty, ami beat the Radical a unlove for. MayonJ Tlie ttorut ia rising, ami will buret in A- jst ; '. . . ' --A l'-l,.l.l fVl IT.rcO. Tim Wl nwa- . 7 . .. . . ., - . Iquentlv received confirmed tha' dreadful ciavg aouunoe, inti Be wuuiu no mure or . r . . . ,;,, - Major of Raleigh flian be b Sorperinten-1 wlMumiully a fblMwt ; dent of Public Work, though he receivi 1 Bllaa Wetton, a free negro" Wore tlie a talary as such.,.. We have to wy about tits city elcctiv hour in late, we wiU merelr ill Tk. ,.ir !i. Tl.. I yotmuBrt bwIt two year of age. fcUlaa rnk no iiitimiilatiua or violence, exoqit Soionoirr.T-AU . dentriftcea had their aruwbacka, until U aaluhrioaa Bark of tujsoap True wm brought fraca the CUH iaatalleya, W perfeci theifragrani Bo .loot, the motit wiutlMnme reliaUle and do- Ughtful artm fi ti"Twth, that a bruah Mrra toweehirt, aot far frn the Mo-1 wee eror dipped into, -A Uowell county line, luformatioa auhe I n 2erxllw - ' i .. ,.. . Piiujc Snuanaaan Stitoca wiu. nn ,wi 1 war, ri bit many yearn u uina wim i j-j-" m.t I a 'I'T re. ea wf mra vamaama i or URirinir. mi ri'Iin Illtr uw airvi r --w " m dU6&- 1-olly haa, ot l Jor chikiM . . "JL;. jJw .rfTh. .i ormui ' .1 .1 I i i. ... .1 .. -i ( . ..i...... i. ....... tl.l - .-- - -. f -'I I .mi ,u,w iMril 9 i rnxxca ukvolctwx kuuul aaurrLTa rrrfxiMwanro, PW April W.-There bat bwt bTj Kru, Ln-U mth aad wntL of the city. lite Venaillieta are bow aUackuiir all i point rattltanenuiily. The Comtnnue baa Biale a requUtioa for 8,000,000 trance pa the railway com paniea ' . . ProvWirM arrive but at4dom, aod are growing acareer. V luiiun, April i. I rn imiir! (rta wrre bombled forintwly all day reaterda. Vauvrm rvntied i(jirouly. The aight paaaed offni-tly. The etrwith I r, of the National tadecmtaing faat from H the inoeaawt Brine ami futiyoea to whh'h 1 1 ' SPBIMO AND &0.MMEK GOODS AT LOW PklOEA V NWNCIN to eur fry-ada an4 Uw IMilta that oar tack of VVK1NU, 4NV J ViKKKMilta euaioMte, " Tk.iful tor the Hhoral nlnwW arkhavr iwvivnt. we iwowtfuily Htt -AenoUai J IK MM 7 Wo a )rv4 Uv . U te Im-tou ea at raxl lrnn aa the liuwU eaa be bought evutti o NtiW Tura. Our atova eomiwtae, hi part, BLACK SILKS, For riloriKiRAPHa, go to WATSON NSWOALUtkT, abere jrae eertaia W ubUiaearetetaea pirtnre. He ka pus bot UiUl, Uie beat aiTant," Uailery, tha lt In Intnb, the larjri-H MpcrUwa, -at bU M Paafwotyv, . ., la the only oar Uita city. ' Ue le tbe only aa who a RB0UI.a AKTCT.eBi!uy kbit Uteeujy pUr la tbla otio caouW) obere u. wak eaa t4ue. tSOl aad ate IwumveuMaU l rbotoiTdy, two 1 1:. it. b.otv, -.--. j Attoni'j- at Law, !' VL H I t II . O. Pr ui ie Uw Hla and Mi i J ( "in la C'Utiiui ia ait iarW ot Uia Uic au 1U . ' ' JAPANESE SILKS A,N D POrLI.VS. J J wnvhoe Tadhar lull. . . tef March l-ll., 9AT1H STKll'Kn OKKVlDINKSag I J. Ijt Prnmmur ahva tlie Coutmuoe will 1 i LA anerkil to the haviair a iwrulur adaption to afl tm I Mn thai ai davluetik veetorJar tl and Polly lived poaoeaWy.trtolher, ard wh'hih disturb the organa of apoerh, To tnaurjpsnU attacked tbmliiKaHt, Clainart, wiTrela tt drcujiiatamWthau BtoJtof c Wha aad Cbk Me IWeawaM Hbetual and Khatilloa, and wrre reiwbwd. - tbtirelaMu ; , - " - K!rraitur.iT a Tuamii-iaa. . Borne time ao three nobwbwa Aarac- ap38-eodlw J , IUtrr, April 89. A freah oaoy of b-ra-Oovan and (k.lumlH A.lair, and M.I rsrr" I Fmarb K.era Tnaa UtnHaay aa. t- B,ard,fwre efcK -with 4b. tbeof -.- vlJf' V"?!- T '.'Tlf itiMiititr of bnuidr and hound overtol " : 1 I tm yemiiiai utireiwni iliti JiiiiiiiUlutiiirT of yuknl, 8UU aad counlj oilii vra : WialTrr, (arl lngG)m nii wi.mvr in lkuikruplcj ; Perry, carjw batf liivcmie tuierviaor; Tim Ie, car pet k jfiherilf, and Ilia duputU Magnin, Kowull, and .Qua Logan Harris, and the unbhe dMwucy. i I Uon. When the reault waa llama waa not thtn ; Logi r HKHai.- l,r j - Shaffor waa not there: Perry waa not deniaitioa of tlie woman. PotW Stcadinao. oltbe wollknown QrocWjoro Nurwww, (here frmiim were not llur; Oo Wwlocwlay ereniutf, AprU Mth, ... . . mm tlianka for a tnaket I. . .t . . . mi. t . , 1 ahortly aftet BbditfidL wlula tha faintly ot ury I ana, wiui me inurrnei uurei ".-I ine fcullilul art cm tue neann pegan hi ,Dr"1 " J""1'"' luw heretofore chatacteriiied him and bark violently Polly kking thron,fh AND BKiaillA OAVKB MOlUUl,Ml)2AUUIi4L'ii AM) LENOhS, BlCUreMJ Ann x wims"', H PHJL'ES, BATK.-rt A PKRCALES, Ml'BLlN. LAWNS OKUANDKf, m , LINKS LAWNrt, . , tIMVitlAl! ' 1 I Read Caro l ally. . - AGCEANUKKVKa Tht ' iwevenllre known ir MlVariJ TV. HtiKiuaat Wolfe' Uetuwtani Scioiapi riuiarK-a schwdam a-uVS. I. food tor yyapenabv , Norfa Carolina AlCtrteurtuTal ami s Machine Works. l- PEPAHK, GUEEN & CO. " (niix;a3oao iu-.H'iuuawn ) rANt'VAtTVKsor plw m nmi. TV L. rati aral imi 'kaat-ata. H mir Kl fhiut-rv, Kum Kiiu'itn-, Ac, t a,.iii.i. hi. a foniwt Wsrk of ail HrriU,Mi u. m j nouve and ttUnla.-n !r-ii'.n i nwi" I aixl iri. Mt tbr. aim tnvi'iilor of U e I celct-ntoo Hltiv im'n iiif " u te4iM--aii4 NimiiiB rt r-j- J. .It. kKI'..a . w.j ni' Mi i. U. toKhtM, J. B. UAtLK. ttarla-ta KtiiiUta of I!'- Wder Cui "7Tl7arTWlHrtwl of tltcir wgiilm ,a.iUly meeting, thia Tuemlaj evfcoiag, May td, at 8 o'clock. -JUiear, J. Lindlcy & a (Iii-Witii T ih ikiuiuj ana wmna w-w w . . . i. I " , . - Mcl.i eminty oeairt, wbkb weeta on wMA "J?'?" I tha pmeWkiwin, of Pah. by the fcVma to tha lat rnat - tblaa had nee tha ttuevee la danger every day of fallh Tietlaw to Uw I entin,,y iU,1,MSi . - carryinil off the booty, and waa aufaeaed afhWlaaerttwbkhwearaallafroaua-1 To-day betu the occasion. oTthe tnonl- ao, anaa www ann ptiirwi niTaii ni.iv, i eM enwTiiona .i. capable of aaoawnig Uaaa aita ue rigor ymj i are partuaat ot in I aria loumii have I hall Son, aiiBxmiiced&be! 1;" vT elty, towa and I ieaued a revolutionary aildrwa. There v" . .,rf't,1B . ation to bring theroKin. to justice. What .nl. Itavlght reaaonaWy ha tkougbt been BO diaturliaBca yet. igewata.rtu.ere, ! MW pr.rd to etate la the Lhal .fw, b taatv yW experW wbieb PAlua. .i.l,4iwerix!eiveill . ' nlaVkVre.ieM m Y.El i .... . Thoy are tlie um I carried him forward, he made a f, and a tpeech ! O, Tim, Tan, that AitiaDimonwraATioii.i-1 we tbould ever be called poa to record CbjTWwJaT do.non.tra- it! But.H tonight, Tim. Uca. , L th .t ever arre.1 b the State will wiU entllat it, and, in juatlce to all con tirtu ever .... .i I. rJ TtlM..Toor. theaorMbat hid of nortettWa nifera, an would know that It efDtct hi to prevent alar. it-.:. j ' : At certain teaaon the atmoephere It ar- ehargea with to teed of mtermltleata, ra mluent, rhetuaaUaa, pulaioaary eUaonjera, Mliont eomplalaU aad the Ilka, PeraoM whoa anroaa tyitema are nlaaed are the gratia tanewab to theee eWeaapei. Braee ap the pbyatoal energle tliea with thla potea the chinkt between the lotf received a pUtol bullet in the eye. With a wild cream tha iprang back and at that bl atant the door waa broken down and In rakliod Goran Adair. Columbia Adair and lkiuard, firing a they, earn. BUe leu I m g,. MiA n the nut powerfal a,0(K frM demaartea Vf Mw Paara Anrll 99Thi morniiut the cua- .Jina maiMl alotlir ttl whole line. Tl.a no'Jirrn foria are in a dilauldittid j;i aa,l it ia ivlii-vtj will aooil be untenabla, Tlie knta Bill, nndur ordi of tha Conamnne, be bkvwa up h caae the tnwma am blimd to luidon tliein. Earth work have boua conatruc ted to rw plarwthcm,) " ,. . TlieNoriUre lUilway bat paid the $00, ooo franca and tha Lyon Mailway Uus rrintal Prints! Prlnta! !, Mull ami Nahawok Manila. BUaoM aad VkHuria Uwa and Jaconet, ; ' Brllltaate, India FrUlad Long tloth, ' Uce Collar, Lines Collar and Cutta, . Ue Hamlkwrhtefa II. a HaAdkerx-b'fa, ' auminira, Butbrunlfiloa, Ac , , ie. ' kitlox Caaaltacni, l.hiwa, and Cotkunulea, ... ....I k..,.' w.vr I kl,-u,J uid Hrown Cotton llrlllliur. Bbe.'t- hm. tonik Naliklua, Talde Utuuaak, OU t'l.uba for Table Cover. II . ..1 .,1 .1 vl.m Hwalokof llli. Mime and ChlMriVa, la P'5fCI!i. "JH'V!- WJfft A-Akafoaa tk3mlf. Ula.llt.J and eonnlwWled, ami jwwheaera a ill kave to aae cannon u i" HWfft AVAiMtam ) T-)KI7.K STATIOSBUT r.M KM M I 'trie II. IS. Hiici ii' euuomiy l'"t (.unlauia a Mieru ini-ve "lr, . a r.uvt?i,)Ma, t l. IVra-il, V 1 ivn H,.iut r, ' 1 tinitiK- liolil f'n, a-' ,. Ihuw Hook, M;. I k !, W 1M. HM '.Ml., waareuiaaiawaijin i ,.,. --,..--- UgooatoraUkiaua, aud vWUt JTvtTX Mun and Boy' oboe u4 Oaiter a.v eoeinluta. , -' . :' ' ' ' btv aa aeall, and esamlne before yoa buy. PKtMKIltSK, PETTY NEWSOM. - tprB Witra v-i-.-- ttce tr I'nrmor ttMd Oilier. .iiiM'Kr to LKxn. TtAPrKH'IATI'l OF AMKUK-A.OfHc. "j over Jili-a' Naiiimal JWk, baa nimj In Wnd on unincumbered real .latata. AntJIca Unna for hMMHiaiie anil wwived atth otHce of the comiwnv uin blank wlmb a 111 be (umWwd U avllwiU. HETII ap M-tf ' 4 " Oeaeral Alo. .ran ciiw&M titjipr- UWallwwlhwwWryUiyaktaoanittiU - praruea. -. WOLFre BCUIEDAM eXUN Aft1 lagoud furUoab "wi)i.rrs SCHIEDAM etniN m-p I good fur I1 Urinary coniiaiiiU. WoLrK oCIUKUAM NCJMAP'paT U raroianHiudvd by all tb McdU-al faculty ; -' Tf,"waa . - la goud lor Colic and paia la lhtowebi . take placo fa thai City, "e n.v. ov cera, - ftniJied with programma of the cere- Itora Billy "on you," on last Friday night, . . . i.i nn thai occaaion. I tint tn the doction. ' - iuonlcto ue '1 -whkh we pnklU i J'l "5". i.Ail A atbf Bl dleg to me 1 Middle ward, Teoiperanca Halt at 9:30 o'clock a. m, form ami proceed to the Capital Square, wltere the proceaaiun will be formed in the following order: -Goidsburo' Cornet Band in ackarhvt drawn Uy At white bortna. Carriage , with OraUiit. . . .... . n T1....1 i . , , ' iaa vny ma ww i ton u ato : trafriiB," 2!H) 208 157 llArrtu, 3M 745 634 m I Miutial Ktuic. Officer of the Supreme and State Council. Dekyatot and Viaitora.' Oak City Council IT"- --- tJranhaeotnieilKoi- Juveaile Tcni)rance Society, Majority for Harrison, 81 COMMISSIONERS ' Water H'ttrd. W. C. Ptronach, D., ' Jentha Horton, D., J.M-tmP, ' -" ' tf Albert JVhnotiiB., v .t ; ii Il.m ilun n,l If J. C Ooruvm, Indt pX,. 1L ( Scattering, 4 fouler Ward. ..ML C. UpchiuehfJX. J. S, Overtif , IK M V Ik ntiin" D..S Ai to aaSek UMfe laoocaauio. jtuuiiovc jw Pfooi-itr, rdow. FaycUeviUtltD DATir rtroet, thence Aft T to UkHint rtreet, up Blount rtreet, mm' " 8 ' .".- I PKkUIIIK. nwth to the Bptlat Female Bcminary , - MMU ,t Morducai't drove, where Hie assembly t,,. j,, D im t addeemed by lfe. Or. iMmcan, ot i K. w, Iteltte, Of M.-lt Val. Re. 17 C. Hiden.'of Wit-1 J. Q. DeCarter., p., At o'clock a banket pic nic be .erw.1, of which all win be invited to partake. IrW. A, 1. lougeoJ1- M.iW. Churchill, R, Wax Mitchell, col, It, Fmui the foregoing it will be teen that Cot W. IL llarriaonbcattjlwtaijciij dead with two balk ia tha head. One of U ajmuolnt etood over the children aa tliey Jajnpon the finor, thooting them throujrh tbe liead like an many pig. Polly ttonped to creep under the bed but waa flung back. Then the began to fight like a tiger. One of Uie Tnitclii r attacked her with a knife: finally, with Ova dop I cut in the body, with her throat deeply M I mhed and a niabd thot through the eye, tliit poor creator sank to the loor and waa kk ted into a pile of broom ttraw preparatory to tha grand awte ia - Meanwhile every voice ia the family had been (tilled ; U Ufeleae bodiet lay on the bkiody floor; the old man on the hearth, the mother haggled in piecee in ilia arras and tlte children In their night 888 1 clothe, Ijiug where they fell or had been " I balleil bv rude leeLi ' The fiunda cotitenmlutcd their work to 311 mukaaum it hail lwcn done thoroughly. 3401 ,nrf Tircnari'd totddetlicir ttatkar- PtKng 31 1 on cFotliini. atraw and other coniboetible a matter thev anolied the match, and flien with an iiu-flacAble (Uin on their todl fled away into the dark no. . Tat-W"MM'atdf '"Mtt' Tliey coald retire to peaceful bed 1 . Wat nut the county overrun with- kukluit (la ikia Uiev hmftilUid LSiaoS roDinion.; See hit lot tor to Oov. Caldwell, read in Oftfigre, publitbtd ia tha OloU, and re rmbtiahed within five hundred yard of the Judge' door.) And it waa nnderatood to be one of the object of the kukluz not to allow UeifeatUim. - v Hn till aeirro and till white woman. ttktwg-tuswr atagtitared -nd-lnmnid-by ncuperaat which the botanle kingdom bt J var ' ykld-4 to patient reareh and eipert awnk Try H. The bUndett dbwipUat of the okt BKdical dogma will at leaat adaut that Innie and arteratlvv. eennoauded of mmved hcte, root tad liarka can do notrann, wtrttr Uw leaUmoey of ttaouaa- da Uvltot trial of It virtoe. . , ,' ' Vigor I th tiling moat Beeded In thaw nana a well a In d ypnl and nervnu afluc tiona, and HotUerF Wller I the eafeat, araat and moat waohainm tmnglhawng nraparaUoa that harnaa k III haa yet etmeoeta i. Mandradaof Dhvalclana have etaadooed all lb otHctnai raempt aad pieaeribtid tbla haraa-1 moral,,,, iem tonk a a p"aUv aad aara tor all oaaaa I of chitla and fevar. MaySeodlw mune. The otni line nave ataw j tuma aiaeaard upon theiii, em'lit the Weatern. which, U, tutcd, will be -- A decree kamed by Gen. Cluterct dlvtiW. tWanuiLlutiie-Comffln4jBtot one for Uie eiterual lUKuce of Pari, com mandml by Un. UouilMrowaki, and one fw internal defenca, oouunaaded by Uvn. Laoacilia.-- piuiuHB) o tnn rrt.trrHr. - Lonimik, Ami! v. Three new Ver- taiUc battarie wore to i'f on Friday TUB CA&tXT ur Jl'ViUi, (Nmtalii I Bl eel Lailie Nole Wui-r i 1' Ku4ottaalch : 1 iirmiti' " Pnii 1 Ia rVa-U, I rSimg Hook, ti tuib 1-ouinl 1 y Arl itf livei 1 I ol.iv liuir i ?"" r'lirt, ottrt ot Handkenbivf awl o rliUa- ll"ti. " - . a in a.bliltnn, . li rJiet r,it ins fmoi Tiviabi A dollar la mow , or we II I tol tolachialilearlfcfc!t UH. Mit.-H.W Vtalcli; I thlillentr.'j lo.; . Hie J orlom Ui. n IVn Kmiu, lilukaj thw ti.mii-uw" I'ih k. t BiMlk IHHt l,llca I'm-arl ISiiok i IHW l.,ll lukuUMd. Hraw rtf cru-li ' a k, l. VI, , ', aaki at J. A. IM,VH..i, Nlklft, ryll";,l",! a,t,,i hakjish, . autl NKAV Cr't)l! f law have to call tU Uo of th wader t la favor of Uw 8rhnpai 1 I fuel tHimid to any that I rcrd Jfoih ik-hiot ll.illand gin, acrxu'ioiv iH,mia,. 1 and a aek u be aafaly priawriunt by l I VUKAWAK 1IOVSR. M. MD Llaaa -' .1 , TO TIIK TIM Kit, iS tUVLK, HAVIU t MTT, M. P., PbanaaceuUcal I tt; Al t t T ASU Ceaauat, Mew lora. UP -r-rai.u ear f a uiiiii mn m nun vn tin n .. ,.-.. .. - Twou-nd peraon. M from l? atWS lev . L.nt. 1. I fi-el that bav mm au aitli ln of gin atiHulik) tor ' m aa Uwt nuwdy b ;a.lai.U I to, ' ... . t'la. a. w. . i..t ailma.i" la a roiiKdy la hronk catarrbf eiMtiplatnta, Ae. . : ' , 1 take til' paiaaw w hiwh, j IttllitlW Ltic lOOtt a ( " on Wednraday. ...... ,,. at the lcit f. a Mrtat MiM i .879. 36S m ?30T hi inntunnti, AS1CI LOT or FRknlt IX)C0AN UTS, Foraaie by V. M. UTI.BT, May4t lacktm Bbla. f rcab Burnt Lima, hut at hand. Aiao. Ground tWer and Ukiraulic Otnent, Uia l Four Oommuiuatt, eaiilur in a aaity ti . v.,-t.Mi wr,.r, rk-ared laud; Ctr Villi Juif, were Immodutoly ahot. I culartMw pot up could gt enijtlojment lu Tlie aauor nave a i .-.. -. . - -t ,,, to9 (. . Tl. 1. kunl v t I'll ill Ut. I tT-tf w V LO- TUB VKMH OoHr-KKItSCK. Uwy. X !MBI LIMEH ad 'ivrrti 1 ' - '- - Any amnW"bf tfederat WWay, I t dWfor whlera-amt prtea-wtlr be Artftrfiat, May It! ' ''" bar Unci Offica. Anril SB. DitlkultiJa have fa llin IWt Ciiferew m theanb- jout d'eontrilutioot and reqiiwitknit made in Franca auee uie , oouciua anniaUca. . Antl)' decree of W. vnworen urge that thlii'er of the Kattonai Ooard bt furniabed wlthTagviaf ouuilou. , 'I UBT KKC IjFvED. Iltvli a naUiral UniUn.-)' u lloi mueon; awfacea, v. lib aal.uMd.itn' or uu.uiaw..n, ri;rd tt. a w of ta iol Important " Ijlll 111 tmiOUK' eauuniai m-. n'in, ,,. laity tlioae of th genito-artuary i(rt CUAb. A. LKA8, M. !., Hark. it mt nm BoBd7"i&, for paid. 130 . ftW 117 .- Ciariara. Anril 211. A million dollar' worth of tilk worm egg, recently I hunt rtod here by Jtnaneae merchanta, aSlUKTB, wore lipped overland yetcrdyv having graph, to Italian anu t!34 boeti Id ly tclegr I VMn.H ilMalrlera. Tt it rumored that Uie uenimv i ikihl , : tioarn CaaouaA Rin.aoiri rjoar-aai Corapny Iboia. M. C, AprU,hh, 1811. T NOTICE TO AflENTS. laaa Ectura lf-trerjr-ftir-oita -flnrr ebuar far to ele- B. .AwbT vrho but tlie kukluJ "5 X'uTTuf C rH,ny r ntinting tlie could have done Uf But urder wiH I -f .Kahhlhwaday "V mtfebaf -4'adflc.Mail bloam.hip , U..M TMiuMirtiUoa . I CVmnanv'a PiallM lIUUOl HoaoiiTra, w thev will tranttcr w me ri m.m t Traneportation vompany wnou " ton MEN, .Youths ah4 Boya- out," And -now occurred wual may well aound manrolout. Polly Steadman, Mayaat At5 tfdockth. pmcBSd.111 will rern;ill0B for Miiyw l totes, and that in her youngeat dlild, -who' give I I "Harttg aold tha 'larger porUoa of aiy I overland and by tea will be immediately . .v.. to Mutronolibtn lliul where a I .,. i .i p....,. W the Tlailt-1 ;..... .,r ifr and crawlinir toward I tana 1 will oow acll m.nuskiam. uik. si"-r.'. - - friendly to the Ordor will be he.,L omj.irityJ when U.e mirity tbould have .VU.Skt lh At 8 o'clock the offloan of UtoSupreme, tutB ,0,, hundred. - ural ttiwngth, Polly alaggert the dittonoe BUM and Subordinate Conncil will ta- i Jlu Ward we haw elected oft half a mile, to the jwidenot of Mr. atTempnAandetth. rth,ottt uU frk?d Simon H.yet, 1! garom Be. IJr. Atanaey ui . . thod of th poll, wiui a ue uovwn (e u( . bliaUired corpat lay wiui A .1! .... KI. il,lMrarMf1 lecuina on au I . ...i;.luu ,,1 ttii- I .... .1.. .1..,.. , " -tJuhi:- i Cotton Gia (new) Rowland' beat. 1 . Praaa UUev'1 Biaaa. j Horae power for f hreahar or Out. -( Dump Carl, Iron axhw-oew. I W aggona, old, rarajCig toot of all wri Cotto PJowa, r-. .MiHrtL I will atU 1" r ea change any or afl of the bave article fur good temperance)." The nwtuben of the Order respectfully invita their friends to join with them on the occiwiott. IL H. IMierta, Chief Marahal. ' O. Hutching, A. Btcitdman, . A. Btrouach, ' Bobt. 'Taylor,' - r Mattliew Mooio. O, W. Wainright AsHttiuit MarJial. The Martlial are requested to meet at theatableaof Geo. W. Wynne 4t Col, at 8 o'clock, A. M.,Thurd.iy morning. tUltcala, ,11 , (ilor enough for one dayf t The candidate marked Oia ) r elected Tbota marked t era Uad.. , , : ' t' .taaAVTnAitSTOBitJlisyirogohTgtOH pre we kuim that on Sunday evening ltu4. a ball gform' of uMtwonJ drnaa vitit'd I tiitne portion of the wealeru aoctioo .of thin State, ? flrat bear oT it at II mi Poiut, taking in .t courwt Jittncatowir, Greensboro' and other place akmg the At Jcmc young Milch Cowa, ' ) Apply torn or J. B. Manaflelrl. W,.rB am. " i MaySdHtAwlf Kaloigh, M. 0. T"AIClsa 8CU00L, ' V " METROPOLITAN nALU MRS. ADELIA'C LATIR, wouli moat rraDectfullr Inform th CiUva of Malel h, A a anna aa ivnaible. nicaaencCr Wire A,r, .ichiul C,r Xirln Walker and fur Modi e.U atdFtunc. lbfora either arrivajl, PoBy tiipiaaiitif herbclf wtrwa the i laat noiHiie of death, aoleniiily teattftoil ag.uoat tho niordurcw. Slie know tliein well, tliey wrdher m ar neighlwre, and weri not dia giliwil. Iler tostimony waa tto clear and putative, it carried conviction to all who iieaid it. Accordingly, A. HS , i,.,l warrant for the arroat 1 ....i . 'I.., .uw found 1 lla iMUlclcncv ot nieupec.-.. p-. "V ":;--,- a --I.- of mmiri. in fntwav at bot Mine ot tneia n oau, .ii..b ..- l nw. TbiOoa lor fbatleatea, , i ui :dr,... vrivp,l amirt- I ' . .... . .,:, IIIIIIOUV. diiini" .. Iy afterward nd coirveycrl tlie prisoner t i UI13 pwir, v. iK'rc vi'i am iir l,.h,i W flartls. who w in attend ance mi I li auftcriug woman all day yt Moore, with a few troop, ha killed thir tv.ffwr Iadiant in two Huhta and driven the reat to the mountain,hre they how to kill all of them. Th aetUer an flying from U Indiana.) :-I DSCORA T10S OF FKuKHAIi QRAYK8. i OiBjcfBBATf, April 9.Tha Board of Aldermen dechna to appoint a ooiuumu-A. , n aaiat at tha decotiOUHi of the gravta id , Federal toldiert, tlie manuor ia which tlie oeremonlet are naually onnducui oeing objectionabl fat tha eye oi ui Board. . tSPOZEN LINEN 00LLAK8 AMD CCrfa TO MATCU ' that an will eMamen.a a. r erd & aaloo Uik ngA m'Of AON. JAMES U- MASOJf. awrn, oo Tu lay, J 9arf , a ' .v I ... . Anrll 89 Hon. Jiia Thauk fill for Ior,er liainmajcn, aiwru. i iawi"""( T t " - : . .. ...iicinu,. her tteiA he attaiued, to be If . Uaann died laat Uliillt. Ill) hnd licli Which w tn cilMng at greatly ra. ' duced price to eorrcapond with the . attreawlykm arlraof Cottoa. . Aa early exHlBtloa by bur - ' ' , . raraoat Aad ts ruw.irj it gatracTrulxr I . .( .. ?. i, . . aouoiTin, . , ...v.,. RaASDHEWS A CO, , Cixnataut Ako OtKTt', FtiaauHaaa," , ST Farettevlll Street., - " Molt door to Tucker ap tf . RaIlgh,M.C. Pia gvaaaT. Naw Yoaa, Nov. SI.-IMW. I!ihiio W.Mjr. Watt ttaaa u I lava aiaite chawiical avamtnatloa of a a imc of vrrar "Bcblclamjk'l.oai'pa," with lb lr Ut of dotarmHUng U any loiclga or Inl'irk' ,utuuc bad boa addwl to Uw abui'l dUUll ad . fil' ,rMttscn-msaaitt: I ilia eftHHIaiJin aaa r,u,i; . ... ki Uuttiaa aanipi contained o polaonouai tartnltrt ndaaHlwrfk. a haa. been. unable to. dl'toverany o-ac oi "" v , T i re oaeuiae emiHo.vcu m hi..i. rb,rtM IihihJ not tteartac -to ave ...if u Mroaamcad to attier, for audi iHirj". toe "Schiedam achiiaw' aa aaceUiiat and anontecuonahl varUy oi . vcrv reapecuuiiT tuui. iaftitrrmTaniiiirat -taoiAdar mhicumia fica, Naw oa, Nov. ., irt.- UwHj'Uo Wuura, Kg. t ln Bi. Th nadaralgBed have catcluli)! tin! lboroufch lj taalvacd t temple of your "Aromatic Inc. dan Brbnaiipa," acli-ti ov " I k., tiiund1 lu Wn' frfl froul All Orgeidi I , lnnnl aubatanma. MOT or H'M m jrW te bealla. rr.HU ta ratuij o UuulnaUoa ullcr th artb'.lo '' of luo-inor quality. -" AKt 4 affwioat ta -tta-awalwlual -auaum KotlMctfnlly youra. (Ki.,' I ru a w.'l t o.nt: to .'''. out my (!.. t tl.B tn villi tt.i: "tiMhla at mehlc ti un -m itia "I lie ny tor Itto, t,ur-,-i kia Tlia tronl-,! water w, iitwiimit. I'lii-.., ealow and ricc are ), 0ll gi.iiil,i k hrtwtbett orlgbml ibanael ' WIh-b I l"nk atMt Kb. II K' ' '4, tn an) to aiy (ul'i r unit Ilia luh- 'le -jetlCiallw, ll.Hl I , -i ,ar, waii'tl iril ti -U Iti. iM h.-kU a I cut at Mm prraeni Nnwn My lid 111 i.Ainrs tv.r-t. .i-cm.p a,ut, fti V rv eimijwu', ewMiTe-M'j cvMttbing that 1 ana -" I I't to rule of wnall l"oi, and a-h nn.fiii d, brlexa wiU.UI Uw .a ' Of til, l'-'l"' !U jt Htea and rvMwa. guuda to b ut. ilut ant. . ' 1.m1 for HF.fn tr, in ii n, a i' v mic UHkN'S WEAK, aui b a t'ea-nnerea, 1 w. nl , Couonaikiaaud l.iuca good: In, wo. ai (rfctv block iu tha t'lty Ifyoaaanl kavy ur unlit, coarao ur Bun, I lii "t ""o wilt aiiftrwrtc Mia pnina. hihim-i. ,i liuiiae I ciiiiif ineouiuu.mwioilrrworotii, Uifca or 8iuil. ... SlTiatoRsi fnor.i'f.- liwlka'. Mima" and t'lillUron'a, f-cnt a aii lai-if,Mi and moat cofliputu Mm a Why I hava cmnii:li u kep ta ll.-ae Ui "J , In Uia Bi.ya well aliod ami plenty lor uia gMiiienH-a, FaANCW t. KNiibkllAHlt. M. I' Bm .au WltlUllNO '"w" NKWBBIUt. in. p;fr,rMntilini(mt;UT totliel line of tho N. C. Kaihoail a.:, t.ii. --..,1 lu ckivcr huliand we town Uie ttonu ia deambo.1 a U ing nir ... . I . . . , , ..... t.l... .Ir'. copy the following notice of ll.clr wihi- Uontany aevere, on -a,K '? -rMamim Polly fU-aaimi ding. Alt the partiew aw from New York ping tnwi of tlir fdiage and rruHa and wiHiaHi. bttt that . - ---.i.-,:K I m 'j.. ... tl,. n., on. I itn i . iil.j. t. i ' 1 :1 ! City, but they are 01 inose wnu wo i nwug ginv nmn v. B.,-.- - - , --, at to ttay and help to btuld up our waaie i and mat on ymieruay in mil. t j '. s 5 tf t Yetlerilay at' 3 O'clock a hail tonn ton r pi i lor Wednnsdav od Friday frn I ill ! Ladiea Thnrnda Monday, Udie., IIm aad Ma n (11. TiKwIay, rborday aa i B.ttHnlay, froaa 6 Ull 7 V. at. I Tan at, f.a Uaauna, half payable ia ilvanee. May 8 Iw rlitld ia likely to placet and who have acted throughout I u,e groun -UK II.. ncinln of the Bootn IB au our lata noliOcal conteata. All tb'artien are of, like actH-ritJ provafUt fr amne . a.-l.-. n.. Aa-iab.- 'The briil 1..I1111I la 4kiklrb"i'.lMiO j weu huuwi. w . 1 -; - kt a moat eatimabkj young liidy and the I 4 , u diameter wore picked from Ibe f...,.!t.. .mi Uiix horrible tITtrr, it it broiicrto !' with emphaai,. th 4 bM Ilia nart ice are of I hit lowest order of fv I cictv. and that all of them tho Um and . '! i- 1. ,L..Luuul it. the tlarurt, are;iia m ; Tlie Adun P -yvwH ,' -tlHiiuoa ."' 2,000 .; May lit CART1I tSENIA fresh ami aweot. Cocoauuta, Jutrld, ud fiw by , ay, vt , pyi aa bridegrHMIl a Worth gentleman. i3 lmi our lieat wMie for their fiilme hl- -rti-t;srTssg-,a'1nni tliiiemrt heen the olwerve of Q eharining 411111111I. . ' f f . It in feared knt the fruit and crop, In Hie aiwIkilrVlalterl by Uiia attain, have p. nier. We hope to Tie abUt In our nevt fidh-r oartieiilim aa tn III lurdav fab May Beat, before U front do. af the !Wik ot North Carolina, oa Nrwbcni Htniet t tut d funi.iurc, cmaiiwna 01 1 . . ,u .1 .., ..m. .if ntna. Atail. -j r- ry, ... .. . I MUM ..I ...MM. n - " I 1 hIIh for no other purpose Mian to liauiii i cfcatra oaa nall won ebeat ua vecai and iiilmililitlo contwrvaiivo vo..-.. i nier arw-x-a, i,... ii :i"....l..,v H, ,l even with imir I u lf.aij loo p.".'",M--- - T- iiur; aa .i'-" ' - " - . , , ft I ,ortt HKb-tilb', -hte d Ma""" i f t, nt of the iUirut and th ljrjF whWri Uol.TTiu'rETaw" 4'k,J City. anI now resident of Ncwln.-Tlie auiiart atuvioe wa performed at the , McnorTal Chanel by ItevK. Tur ct'l were Wutlfuliy A-50M tryW - ; ,iie-kvtioi iirthe friwws W w " Uk If atteiicnt.T frT, , tkiautilid baiiging iWkct flllcd with wli.W flower which wa rich in the eKtjMind, and under which tlie bridal tmriy pawdi Friat eae the fHenda of the. bridy, Mbww t. and Van L of N. Y. city, meat t.a-fiillv dreaacd in piuk ailka with court train, t' M 11 ttwr?? .1 . i.iu...i,l anil u-niutniuuMa. Mine K and Mr. A. M Hi drea wat o liite and i elaborately triminetid, Laetly came Mr. , , 1 ..i Her drea wa a neb N Ilk of a neutral tint bordcriug on the : ' bnder, trfjule with long train and trimmi-d -.-..i. 1,k;, 1W. and wa taatcful .rf err. becomine. Tlie waa plain 7.,. .i Lm,.W-c!rv etnwran and tor, mU d albiffrt Mih It wa an unusually beautiful . bride. The aira wore foU drw. auit. Thecn-mywiinivelvread by the rector aud at it c''e Mi", and mm. i. ..uimtuiidedlrr neat frieuila, and retiirning to their hn awaited Uieir ac wnoac call were received ' r. i until B o'cli k. The home wa pexfec t louver of beauty ; Iwm I were pro ' foa and claliorauly arranged. Tlicbrid il .. ..i . i..i,UcinK dmiiiav. 1 ue I II l IMIw tow.". , , - , . lii . f-M n.l Van ! aaai.'icd t th reocption and thev with Mitt K"" were wn-n-i'lv attfwtii-e. The cntertkinmeiit bountifully p.Md by tlie gKHl boat and hoef.-a. M t of Uie viands e.-e ImitiRt from v. eil.r ami were a miKiit be in the' beat rtrle. Heidi wi ha It L . ,r Ui m he orwent at an enkryabk aa aifair. awl if a titlieof (lie kind w!n . k....,.i ,1 tir the hauiry pair -ins - u.r,.i liL-fiiia wiil ovettliw. .1 lie d wa ap,l"0 awl all onie ttowl, and " th.U they nny prove to it til unity wwli .w : ihi.ic tuntrta, I aimtJtil W mniie thedekd redotuld bir the lierwllt f th. w r ..t the mcrdv winlicd lo kill ssiiuflrraKru .1.... it h.-vve livn Ul nave ,l.. in an iinmlmrded ninNH'llt. wilt 0 he wn alouc 1 hi work. llur Irr Bttiing the wtiiile finrrtlv, and bmntng them Tip, aa'iyferrtriyfitivgii'tjiii'ii laid un thaofet!Hdkuklu)i;- Judge' :lnlKtlt May 1 td DEWEY. Awlt'iiee, Bv t. MOOKK, TluaUi. XL Jk..SL..H.ja.B.1. lve: wrlltiw 'another Aipcal for trraipa, t n f ViciHintiT. onuejuore rhawal the ... .1... c.i ;a iim ,c. UhaaTauawL -. T, '. '. '-! .. i. ' irVAWISlM PliierrtAli."-i'he WW llfrriat AsBJCio-WrH lrvf.MlivalalTuckanall.enTtWTayi ., to , , , . ' .sr. . 'rvkioj.' fitf aale ml i i,,..M. tJ u, H.,riiitia a ualure. lut a ln:ic fwiiii!jw.-r-- - i-'T:r-.:.. i.i. ..i th r.rinui ao henioua, it may weU be aked if the galloa ia not too eaaj neat", win anon. 11 A. B. IVrtvlJiTffCTC TaJctWllI. Btr I M(iai, rwioiw, 1 I .h-i,. nulla. -Mcmwa. . . , ih..w aid Tire Bi llnna C.mii-a, ftaet Bach and uneoruiciiiu for a day or two, and dteil without pun. ( i ... ' , -i -. . TELKORAVUIO HVMMARY: Cid. Acoata, a native Cuhaa, eranutand In,, a ftnankih battalion, deniw h ivmg aaa- aminalcd five women and children, - Cia- v.,l, aava h did. . I Wni, T. Blackford ha been apH"'1'1 ..met oa Mail detiHxlnbu' in Ala bama and lliadaalppi, yice SchnMiuii I (colored). I L..1 UJL. WH. J NllM I n gunnoa ai-w - V..rk friim llnvalia. There were two fatal..-boilor ep!oionti I In New'ork yiaterday. - ur W Vliinamui waa .better Inat nb;h, .... .r . , .. , . and tba aiiimiheutiuilit Ol Hi u ii.uua uau much abated. , aad eaaier; tale SOO bak at 14 i be Im ,', ' 1LI' . y riN i r-wsale by all nwrwetaWc n nicer n i.rna I Uia UDOM'UO vrni.rr. n pai n ........ MKfT, at BAAVaaai , iar -a.wsoi ... "( rffHrrrt, Tmourn, t Urn. Aatonlabing eure by Prof. Kline, at tb" PUIIadelvhla Cancer InaUtuie, Wt Areb St.. rwiadelphla, Pa. At Branch Offlcet, by th DlllomrsM W, FotwUi 8t. ClBeiunaU. 0-i Dr. n. Oianotta, M C; by Ur Ileal, SwhbluOAlit Uouae, AUanta, Qa. VOKUKKFUL CASCltB ANTIDOTE. Jf A'nf, ! A CaulU MolidM. A- fur (hu-tlcalara, ealloa or audwa ellher lb above, , ., , JaufM-wn-... ' - ' ;'v' MYATERWilEEL, Mill GcirintShfiitinfew Pu!ley3 Jan )i, i 1 I . ..t. ml. -teiiMir a " arwi'to nrmi T i I " . .. -A. ... . . ... fir ..Irn I eH lor mimnj. -- ' I t ...i n-.,.n no r.n- Uiuiii. .w Mi " Jack. Biiuith and othrar Plane --- t ,thaVadabtorJ'l'-V Ma, IU T. ILBRI0C18. I lia .tvotkvUOM evur ral.:d AKkloat Atll - una da, reduced tb price of Aatrol i v to caN'i'M PKB OALUl.S. Tkua auuuwl ILwUbla, UiaaaKbalaU. At ill cauia i r ;i" rrcli a Antral till ae- ... i i . ..I... I.. A...... .1 I a7al ,M1 I All Sr7t.aT w ntrr red ta-.l, -oeiaWH-e harawrw. t WrenU, lux. auiiiiH, mr - ... I icallOU, 1IMIIV(A VJf a ti.iaua iuuart.4 from 5o to W, Jrlaj.VW.. T. 1L UKHiOS, Aj .tunes' bookstore. !Tlw tuend Miction of tlie Bfedcfiito ninnuuienC will be WBlf Nnda in the tremyof the Memorial k ociiition are not aulfeaiit to moot, tin: piiymcnta, Thi ttrtwberry frttlvaT 1 given to mine niooey f that purraaa.. W have bid' aeveral tain or leeuvaie, a., well 4iaerving the aucceai which they met Tbii pmiioaad frlvtd M one in which rio iknominaUoB or est it alone Intcrodcd. W. C. r,. W VTh. Anaatiie Hone Bbo !vtt, K I tin : oif goodnaU mid. May I U '. i i. ii. immi Bimcatt fttinrn' It . - C Burdeb' Mora and Mule rhoca jgotag rkoap at T. U. BKtUOel . anrinrr. and amber weatern. Corn acarc and laje bettor mi'WISc vrAdcrn. - PW -'Bidvw acv' Vid tlrfiwa' ,..iam u.r iu4. Iard uniut and Meady al ,ftot A,,1-9rr-fc atavwi, and It S tie fW nettle; rtaval tora tjiitit aim nrui Orocerieaatcady. Fielglit dull aud falli'f heavy. . - , -Money eaay at 8 it on govenimrtit ool latera!. BU-rllng 110110 1. On)A ill 1 Hal 11 It. N.Ca47il4,neil 4. ft ia lwlnl H .Sti ll givia tha KCat IJirttt ' di-AiaMa It K.-.tior.w no rltaoga ot Laoia. It UiHJu Ll I'iMll , "' 11 hurn tlm-r ttratt aefnacTre -'- - for ante airtv-ha , jUlipbi.ewin, anto-tf .' KJMclt. H. i UHKU UP. Baun roa Yovaa M. Tb anbrvaUnl aad turd Who hv lot tbr yoalbfal argy, ambition, tnd !bodlly vigor, In tb purralt ef Buvui. Puiaiia,-llb d-aer Midtanltary aid f the tarauugly bh Aiot fro in taaled envclor'a. AAIrea IlOW AUD A8WXJUT10N, lb. P, Pkiladelflibv, t my HT-dAaly. ' IT IBATOHELOK'B HAIR DTB Thl aillll llaJr" Dye la toe boat iu lie wiiria. llnuWa,rl(alili,lnln(iM'oiia,do4 ratemilnln lead, nor any vllalle polaon, U laiiu-rtaiMlyaiaaok-aUi. Avoid Uw vaunUxi ami ,k4.wlie (..cparaUoniibogaUng virtue the, a..t hice. Th genulu of W. A. Bteb iiH'iilail. lo ihoM It bitegrtty ta tttt) out) iierfcet Hair lva lilauk or Brown. Bald t 8 J),i-.-1ta. It' t ill Bond Bt nuv ao-di,, . , , .. 1. - iernanr -for Roving- Men- -on tfrra ttlH.'iAI KVILa and ABU(i !k lb-xfc Hl .1 .,., . . 1.L ...n. ..I .ulluf f.M AiuuAiiaM "in pww - tat ltrttae an ljr4wtf.kariwi and Da-1 hUUald. fk-nt free la tnaled EoelKie. . A dure. UOWARtt ASBOClATloM, Ho. '4 aoulb Sintb Street, PtiHadeHiMa, Pa. BV.,', 'fb. ia chv. Hal r,( LatllM and Utwea, eaa wnu. taatldlou. . . -- h.UtK.f A Vim ThtVMKl) j-' dxat'STiiivvt-i. - t, jatiUtf.MtoMJtAsn nrr.wrv mtv. Style new 8ua eftanntd-Prwe cliuip " llOlt'-tl. IX l!v T rt)Kt!ET TO CAt.I. AT CKKECH'S. " f ... llATiil IIAT311 HATS!',! for Ociita ami rlnvn, n grt vrl. lr. Coin sow, dil't joi waul ii kf iutl b.-ie keaa 'W4aM:iug ilwi old . una. biugciuiii. U. . It I'Mk lliiieaoilij Clime to t-rm Ui ilmy ,.,r lUta - " ' 'N Nuw t ( Wordt to my ewtotaer and th .while. Penuil aw lo y that y tea a gnut many ulraajifl ad. artiaenicnia, whh ni. ,.k of li'l.ilitli-a, aixne of Un.rmg good v. In-nth ili.-lt-kel waa p-n.c atilvkcu ; nunc atler the de-i-tiitn, and w mc Junt in tinoi to hit in il iu li hewl. Wti Uia, win. Id hava you Ixlu in ihal ll.r, knew all, aiutall thev lirnl lo d" Ili-lt to Uincll lUe -ipniid III it ! Uie i urt un tirtllf. Uilaof furtuiii'. Whit a In I. v Ml of living htiiiwn helntra ' l'l-l M me aal u v.ui. buvlnu ,ida fur tlm Ifmt JS1 yaapa, that I have no piirtiiiT to itiilile ;irh1tla alUi, 1 liavel no hack. waur, take no ,idi hoik, kttt riile at Uia kclui wiUi tlie mono 'Ciinia bi Cri-eee'l.1'- B Itutyim muat rgctlatt lue, I RiuHt li:p the lawli I hv just mild, aa I Ha ilrj iiuw -riHiiina, luaiiid with inure iaandii fi-r n m I a. And tl le ma il,ia-ium to tlmt. I ln.v -firt Uw aurvuia of my ctnn-t I ti . , ,ml our" wiirll.v fellow cHIucii, MK. U h. HU.AHI'T, wko i i II .mil ''' i ' l kiiowa in tlilaCltj and thnnii, ll.c flaw fur lua Htmiirlil (iirwai-U Mini kuneat iIi hIiii:;. anil aa Hiaul Mereliaata COMIC Attll HKK HIM. -0XT t'QUUET TO W VS TO j CHKU'U 8. , p8tf X ' T. li71, : ; hl'Ki.Mi is;i. 'j rrd. ArtTJls tliLs rr.y. 1 ftPlUNt'P IHtlCS,- UtKlUJ, VIZ.! . OltESB LINEN, ,. LAWNS, Aittl.l.D(iRAi(-. , PLAID LA WNU, Itltll.l I A NTS, JAPANEHIT KOBKd, Jaincaei, anaort.-il h.iilea,tlr:atea, A e.. ltVoW151115 ,.,m-.ih.iimiii. h.kiVW row. bi.a, and ia ki art ul pej'- rv maan.r tirkt, ,k.lMM and d-lk-knt DIM HIS, liOU.t, Bat ail, -.t'u.ol.g aad Mr t'lkia, .. t. It ta ir.tuui. arid aM.a ri.'i f. la.Mia!tttf aaa. iv ka ITf r-m .sainiB M,aU tuUi.nialJl rurtr im,Mi, 11 la MMmLat and H O wtTV Br roou fkf Ciai l ai l u ir. fkdd a-rarralwca k, taviku, BMirH.uaiiotAaa ad BiLiLtka. DOOLXT li BBOTHEO, Xaaufaeturwra, ; wanuauui prov, : MIWTMMMt. MXm-TOBM. but 8 daowaweia n. t. -? P0PLIN8 AND WipKMhlyl 1.1. jtARKflK, pn I f.V.f, fVAOfJ VI, i x. HEAVT TAKCY OBOCER-i 1 o nil bos Iabotb VAIUIBOU .11 Motna. r - - FAfETTEVlLLI BTRtiT, 0 U Bui. AahlanaN ratopteo and Paragon I Hu " N. C Family, Elba and Bwperl Fkvar . ' - . M . - I 7 Tinrce ruear v"'"'.':'" WiO Lea. " Break fart klrtti. I " ftmokeil Broilnuf Beef and Tuaigaa. RALEI01I, N. C. Tlie object of Hie occatiori fat too laaiLilde I u b dlJ B 8Wpl tni invoiced Mid too urgent to need further enauneru. Mm. SuATa Pcwo Srnoou A will be teen by n reference to our colnnio of new a4vcrtiement, the at-cond tcasion of Mr. SUtor't daocipg tcllnot,' will eom- nieiicc tonuirrow at Metropotitoa nail TUinniiirknble. prf.fliicncj of Mr. S nm.U luar evidence of her noceai and talrilily ad a teaclier of thit beaotiiul art rT.-Mr. Hi IL ( Roberta, wiU d Jlvcr a Terapeniac Lecture at ine Weak-yen Chaptsl to night, at 7 I - o clock. The cilin of, IUleigh ara invited to attend. ' ' . AsiTiI LlBKIIAt. IIoTKt KKEJ-gE. Mr. 8 likwa, proprietor of the City HoteUia k'nlfl.ii hit intention to enter- Udn vMtof Jo the trroew- in llu city on Tawtay I 111 MOLASSES. TflB BUT OF THE BEAB0M. 175 BHDS. 200 MLS. A kiOTHKH LOT lF ixD J. ! HAT. ap ill u n.i'niwr.i' PV A irw'lortni.-l of f liver tilted , M Met!. Stiver ltl.l, Curt Kr""". 0a.!"" Halvaa, ; ,1" ..,n p tt-tt - w i.. CEAM BtlAD, CUT AJfD RB Hivrhiga lva MiA M Rnwriuul Rrotlltur : u V..1.. lluhrt .1.. la Vickie. Maarm'a C.-ea, UfnM and IW Biclt ' luJ VUmU Craaba, fulvd "A, t. K. Buirara. - ' ' - ttn-en, MKrd and Bl Tea , Old ilav't Java; Lagatra, Maracaibo, ai Bit Cofleel. . . .. . ; . . Camtd frraa rrut ano iitpiw". i I-tah nd !Wl PoUloea. ' J ' jr.Hi..e Kice, rn Mrlta aud Homtoy. ; Daryoira Batia Cloaa Btareb. . : lianta Pure Cream Tantur. Englwb, rrcoch and Anwrb-an Muataid. L-im. ... fuwnmd Pmhm and ttiiteea. ! -.a, Ul..-klla ltw ClwiW PlrVU: Uoll .k Co. A.d Henry Weteh Uaudry .tieert.-a' aad Rilnl Mill Banff. Final llraod Chewing and liraoklng To- 1W ffbda., n BhU. Sugar Ho M-daama For by wrnnTtr Mayl-dAwtw Wilmington, C- JHarrlau UuUU. . EVERT ONE HIS OWM IKXTTOS. ! A private bwbru-U-r for marHcd pwton or tlioae atKiut to be niarrid, both male (ewale, ra everything eonceming th ryal mtif) and rcHtioa of oar -iitai ai'tcr , mJ Um ur.aiucK.Ht and prevenlk-aof offaprinf, Uieiuding all the "'iw diaeoveaica aaver bef.-rr givHi l to laellab Uiwunga, by Tot S, M. D. -thi It really a valaaM tad iteraUiig work. Ill wrttwn ! plun tanir f,ir uie renenu nanw. -' . .. apHl-lf ,, W. II. JONMAC. pwcr Iledged Ediil. U sbt SvertW, ' 'ST Will J S.F, BCUJfHAMS. , Haw TeaeiHa. , . NEW HKKKINtM. , pin Harrel Sew,H. 3., Cat ItorriMg, taatamttng -M lof euea ..'-fk- A WATER WEELL. ; inuawwted DeeHr-tr Pamvt.lct PrW I Lb, lor imt, ent fre by M. if. btUAM, I I o. . - ' P d"aeoUiw -y : 1 mm-V : 1 I1 tujrWij-K thow. otminiTlatXg avarrlafa, I jj AH pareoiw wA have eillma or not, Hnp-BMJlM-ai.. l. '- I tal ijh enmeroo enirrasi.wa. Afl yoa. tarco. avW-tf 'f,t I i v-ii a- I.B a i I j VV -Bofca, to .th'mg for Ciw - apU-tt. W . ti. JOMuoACo, pzi Oeorf rjjr A. Co. V. a, M. Bvnaoeuaa Sr., BaXnitoaa. Manufacturer of fWBTABUI Al TiWl3lI ma mm aid- iw rATajrr twpaovao, wwutabmi . 6'.Atf. Afuwy and -So Mult, ; i1 f.RMT MIl(li!, TIMRKR WMKF1A Bhln-?t. k a -hiB.-a, . Il-iw C'l"elar IWw H i. .. ... u : I .,...,. .,..: : . and aiaiiufar tnrWa aiVtola bat UlW t.rauat jBr'JUia V. ater W lil a evary dcMij tu.k of Yi W.KIiiwir ttrw-i.iner,. AC4Cl, L k tBAL . , 41 . . .... . 1 .1 TV ' i v V , .,.,.,..,i. ni. iit ( jrikttnl I twtnciivt wiiw k... . 11,. Imat . .K.m.I nmA una hooa. IKIiachwea aorll tint vy en aaoa.J ha aciiuuntcd wit ; a Jl a t souk Uiat avuat b lockad p and tie ahoat to ho-v It wiU ha aet ,. ad iuam rneril of SO eta. Addia lr M. y ot ' NO , bo. 41 Biwac Sir, aouve F oarta, Pbtlaah-lbia. - v 'm la-waai ' alnat Uie eatal of W . mrtekhMnt, f bcrcr.y aodtlod to 8W ttma wi'li the a.V I i ..-, ii . i.i. mm, nan irum .oil. ... , - ri!lcnMl, or Uwy will ah ara la the land I my,r amritmuon. , tp Uwtw ' jd)iof frooaia. -rTT-EITT,R-fl ff ABRyiXifD mTH- j A large (lock of famllr Orocerlea alwayaoe uaa. Call and , 0VER,(y. ap 19-tf Eaat aid WlbabigtiHi tt 1 R BA1 E. ' ' . . , ntfi a US, l, non T. V. 111X10. AIEEICAH HOTEL, . CHESTNUT STREET, OmaiTi Oi.r Inpura-uwica Uaix, rillLAHKLrillA. . M, ilKVWUS, Pnol-micToB. v ap 18 dtf.. ' ' ' i -' ' ' .'. AVIBEBI'PBE, ilTORHIT AT LAW, . RALEIUIl, V. C. PracucM 1a the Court of Wake, anl to th Fadurai Court, give ywa'ial to tlw 'EiHng of c la Hi eupreo'l i N. C c..llei' ctima!iitt , lr" bl. Intunini' iiimwy 0 II Cwwd '". aw tuenda lirrimptiy W ny oUiaf pruteaawl huMn.-. inuuted lo boa. , ' ' ,sb''u '; . FOB MAYOR - We aw ra-'i wealed to m; n.nlncw CoL W. ii. ltarruaia t date f.M- Mvor, . Cttv paj-racopy UU dy and tend bi!! lo Mavor'a littis. , x' ;r.,;.; -;t ,wi. I'afTi;. . , ... t CArj Nirf f-iSTrt, !r.t.lrl) : h"ur vinMitJi-., Rov !n( til-mis' 1J aiM(ci.j..rart fvv'i !-!: '-'- K-ii.. 'i i Li., ... -htai- Mimki. tiil'lc-ti a Ibit . in van. " .-; -7 ii-Vlfl ' ' Ullk, Braver; r.'ll. Fur,1 Cii'iinniii i..l ti. tlttta far ti. itil-imii, ail (.tiilitivit. Straw Mala, all grade, r. Ueatorurnbliiiix ti"il, H'l..iit nl. Paier Collar w ilk i'ruc uU al. khlIc 10 ui ; ectita. BiaawIM Up tetdy made SI.ih aw.irt.d. (LOTi'rNi;. ' Ntrr iuNt pf MitK r VA.tim . : A Wore Room felt of lj.kK hi U'llto to tt- liiiltu, , V. e Jr..;-i-e U. ll l'-"- l'i -i By ttrtumlb the City. We inlnra ibwik to. oir paimii tor ine uueiio iini.niiiii:n i. -j n-.eiii)rl al th.iir tmii'lii. ami u pplil vUm-;- iMicatein lo huikf mld"ln rtlit a i-miut ti' tieof Ui aaiiio. CAbIIUKOWTUE i P. 0CU.KY & l.H". aplMta - Irtiit BAI.K. . 1 W'toUaitd BV-ek Peuk , ap 41-u iv- ii. i -1 i iv i . TtWlLFA. BnlNHLKS. ti.e euMt t-i.Nk lil"Hil.t niatiiicr. I'ru-o 4 i.O .,ir biaeanj. Aju'ly to i.uin it. . i:y..f .1 HH p 19 Ira A - r. ti.ivr. A Kb At TI .1 t , toiiiliil-' an jt' AM i ') j ii A ably .reduced tarn. - '". of tha editor.

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