h ' " n- y 7" t-r -. "a. a a m V -' ' " Mitt; t ' -t-l ,.1 1 ' VOL VI. AU:iCH, N. C, IIOpAT, MAY 29, 1871. no. m. , :., t vf . 4 . . T" 11 1-" 1 II km.".." 1 I We pailj) . iiilihfi. JlflJtUwHM'r- Editor, , jb.1 iPEliti. Intrittt Uul EdiUr KATES 0' AIVfcKTIU. ArtieaBeat iwHI taaartei toUnDiin BaaTlm.et the tolWWmgratea. . Aaywarrw'U aa avuio-fier eathauiled at It mMm nr, or I ..n't t'A .; ix-! One iqun on Um..i HOW aiameh MilNMMtttiiliMrlkMi I h.u HMk ........ Ml tutm autuvre one week.... S.ii Kack additional ur on week. . . . , i Ou aoaar.. two week.. t UU E aeb kUthiil (" tw o vhu . . t Ml !., euuers one mouth Hl K h .tili1inMl utiuiira noa moiitb... tiM Ctwe wimrit lu wmitb. 1-i uo Krh kMiUoo! . u Mm WfUaM Wiro niuiU , H Oiie nyrtr cutiuoa .. rrh uiiiiiHii uimt ........... I v .... Vu UMeoluiM " Kui .... AdrcrttanarntaliiwrWd U Wwmj aMitlNU Wtfkty At nitei corranoAt)liiK with ilw buv Court wlwrUMNaenU lawrud 6 eki fur ta cud or 110 f rhrKd. WBOhBBALB OROOER3. PATAPSOO UIHNO H Uw urr fiir Uib well know rrrtlltcxr, mftd nude Uiv IwiuediikUi Hipar vtakm of Dft.0. t LlfeBta. ' TM ."nmpuj htr in'I no xpiM or plat in Making It Uie berit i-ti'l Ituw nwdt ud wtfrant tuLwrbir to uiv hfrUjf mfcta. TW Ific Will b Wbl iBiUlile tn tb liwn. - urStl' 1 vth bCH.ili.kni i r n-i,i mi.e mo t , riiATB. . TIM nuitrtiycMhrliiilld lurttliiiMf- uffamj 10 Um planter. - freynrea kmIj( (ur Mualk emtMUI oull. - tint A. . LKR CO. i S:X Htll.tLsKA llAXl t)l!ANI, i ' Kk-k la AHMiumta. It(ilutl Fkunkuiic AeM, wd Aikatint win, m rt Um bMt tiiuttlou lur Uw BUttLfcern ituie koows to CkMiMrjr. : . A.kUtIU. h4I .i.---i : ' ... .... UGAko, COFFKES AND TEAS. t Aarraki i nidiML FulrcruuxL tirwB- kuco, ex. V, A. ua rorto Km tsugm Cfc Rio, Linjn ii1 UU bar. Jftvt CoflbM. ttmn ai BUek Tou. . : - urlVU A. O. Lit CO. 0B 1REAM TAKTAK IN ft lb Pu-kwvr ti, T.it fowdarft. 4Mrw Cwml4. 'iiH-k, i i.tloi. Cinl, Pointer, ttkot, Cp. iX.ttM MilU B u-koU, Freach PulvTulw.Tivwu, W,xl,-u hiiwu, atareh, MiUtiu, ttUcklng Bratlic., f ttr- -a. e. Lseseo. ' Isra, Cvtlua OHl Htmr-BAilMtrti Willi r.uut Him. - ' r iM( Av. LEE Or 0 HOICK LIQUORS BY THE 4)UART, 0:iBw or brrvl, Pur ruantnr uud' rwh Bnuidy, tine Ky Wbwky, frtiVopper . dutilloU Apule braiulv, Yulkiu cuuutr Con biky In fcVn, CuW FIim Apfire Hrauay, eWrrftoKtatwl V iue, euuietlilnic nice, w 1.VU A. 1. LEC Ca CIST FAMILY LEAF LAXD, I.M TIM furkHKM, of li md 111 lb. Alto, ekoke Wd In KrirtuidKlta. uM A. 0. LEE CO. CHOICE FAMILY 0ROCEKII.8, OF AJi Um beet And muet deelnikle jpiides. " CALL ON A. 6. LEE CO. " I ph North Ctrolina HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO., RALKian, x CubUhw to faunr ll cImmm at pruperty, ra naounattl termi. it pyi 11 kMUiei promptly. AiU In sll parte of Uie SUte, Xmurare Home lnfttlmthmt 1 K. fi. BA 1 Tl.h, Jr., FrmidMit CaATOK Gauu, tier, Tree. , i - dev-iJ . r - J ' N OTICII i ItMflnaol "Allra end Aakew." ownnm of tu Fonwt M nuja.'iuriu Co. imiiv, In IU eowitf rf Vitlte, k Uu Hula u M.Hrtk Can hue, m LhU day diMulvnd by niulnal nruieaiW To tuMirraitfniML WiUiam F. Akt.w, Imu pur rkaavd all Uie nitnat of tlie unrttn-Urired nllliAte B. Allegro, In aald flrro and Couiimnv and uliliked hluiM'lf to per all lit.) out-aUna- ing dVlite of Uie Vomnf end ail debt due to t ie narue aiuat be liai'l to him. W. B. A1.I.F.0RR, f : "" W F AMkr'kV, Of AU.AUHH dt AaKIW. KalrbI,, May 4th, W1. Al pemMia Mrbtnl tit the late Una will plnur erttle with Ja Ik. Ki.yatnr, a I hereby app4kt iiiiti lai AaMit to n.lh rt all rlamea due lb.-no. ' ' yi. F. AbKEW, aj Mm Teleirnaa, BlMical Rerorder awl CbrlaUu AdvoraM 6opy t nauath. ' EUJUPTONS PATEST HOLLER , ,tt.... . , . .',.' MIGHT! FOR Silt, '. Ia south I arolina, icwrt City of ( 'harleatoa. riortk an bn. ta pt City of VI iluauuilou. Y-lii;iU.SiM(i AitefenebHUV fjlurateug and """8uiluin-. . ...... . . ' 1 . ., . . Dut.itt ot Columbia, Delaware and Mary .;iaB-sw,.'.!''i'vmx tot term ipptyto ' . ... tiKO. H. RRKIOB, ' v- RaMlih N C. DRANE & ilUit'ER, 1 awrn-tt :." - aUrnwoud, Va. . Ckaitotui Daaorrataad Nealwia Journal of Ciuuuarrvii, eopy I wek Aiut eesd tulla tu Utit a. e. r N IW SPRING SI MMER MILLINERY Ho. la, raTirravtuJi BraaaT, s (Dr. Crawford' old atand,) .' i , RALEllill, N.C. , : , Mr C. Taylor, hit of Mr. Yoanv A Tay- lot, raer,tfuily iufarne Uie public kaa juat returaed from Uie North and mat iu ia raoai. Mm jUxq stcmcAf stock or mil s irxssr, oowauTiaa rT or BouuMa aad Bate, trimmed and untrlmmel Bundown Flower, Ribboa, Blond, ' . Crape d'Anviur, Vilt, Elluilon, iUka, Dotted Metta, I v -' Ckhruoo, 4e.T4 ' FarUrnlar attention ia ealird to tt tarty, and lanul dtock of Flower, dud Bonnet for old bulk.. . .... Ordere for wedding and partkrepe.-tfall ubviirri " ... , ... tinuwful (or the lllrlptronaf! heretolor reituivvd I r.all eudi'ivor to tnei II Uie aacue, ay payiaa atrit t wttt.i.utiu to tny hualura I have alito ae.-uid the aervu of a FIRot CLA4WMUJJNaEfrua.taeN.etti. . . uw ao-i atnta Fortes, .f the Ureal I kIob 'Bftuir riV-w Trk. . JAMkd PIK.'iaiiN eiii bare ontUnUy1 aa kaand, at hi Piaiio H arerouui, turner of MaryrMt end &liburv r!trfa, a of theee '"Uery miKrjr Ibntniiuwuta, au.1 . tbrn C. tlie l..."l p.v. Lf . u u: had at 4he bury h. Nie. tork, aiut uuxk h.arr Uiaa n Pioieof Ur aatua iuMilr .-ae be aiad etiy-wh.-f. Th iiio, are warranted in ertry eaptxaud kept ia tun fox one rear, . -Jm jav! .s tt .-..-.'-- , i .... .Ti MAYOR'S OFFfTX, f I ' Citt or Kiuaii, May la, lim. f pUE rrI.U)WIN(l ACT OF THE HEM- jl eru AaMwitiy to pabuaaad fur the bitur- weuuaui ail uaaiw4 ; . iM ACT Tt PROTECT THE CITY OF RAL- iun rawm AO JWKNT Hi rlHE. t RaxTtu L fb Qmtni AjmmUv rf XH r...j..... ... ... . j. .. . -. -. ' lnr Cdy r HaMuh aliel have nnwer Vi M au end aril bonda f the cHrp. .ration, hearliH; a iw ur inurrtn.1 nut euwoiuf vVht prr cut tlaidrnouiiMi'hina, drai-r ptlun, whrihercoat iwn or utherwlar.l IrartA uf Liae Ix raa uu4 Uior inridMU Uwrea, tohedrtrfnunrd by the wwitnunai aaui t:iiy eekj mjum not to 'knrnt hi the eeornarate ili,uuu, frurkW, UaUeald hoiMla ahall t4 be auld at a dkecutuit tler tain Hftvmm umt nrml. .. . . ado. . Ta aruned uf, Uw aale of aarh hnde eknta) he applied ta the, awkltur of at nut antyiwm an raj, la Ua kmled at aura vuiMa a the 4atuMkMiera au do. Mrruiue, Uie aaave to be aaed for Ute perpi.ee " em.ii)f a aem.iy in water naajr lor Uie ex tiuKMiabn.riit u) dim ijIku. . It ahall be the duly ot the Omatnav awi ot we eity til KaleuiB lu h-vy and nil Uft-t au aanual tax en real aud ueiaouai tmtiiei. I eufliU'titbpay the nut. mi mtereat on aaji.l iHititle, and aim to I'nwta a aiuhliux fund lenVhmt li) datckvre Um piiut'ipei ta itruuty eara. Mau. 4. Three TiaaUwe ahall ha alertrd by the tlrwinlaaloa ra( aoue ol whuea ehall lie a CoamneuoiHr, aad earb of ahuai ahall lie Uie uaraer i hie oaa rhxht of at leant )t).uw real eaiate nnearaaibared la the city, fur the mi piiee of asaJaatnue and Inreetwm itha pru.tw.la or tne in levrMi lor ereauiuj; uie awraaeta abiklar land. " - i- i The Tax !( tor at the rily ehall pay orer i aaiq t raeieee an uie prorehue of emui uuea, and akid Ti aateae ahall .fnHn time t Uate pay the itttereatou Uie etramat iaaHlfr auada, and thehalaw 'f aaM Uie lhy ehall lareat In Iwada uf the rtty u Ralfrt or la United otetea honda. The latereat ol each Inveattneut kail he Inreatrd likrwlee In hke aarariUeaaa feet aa the aaui ahall he rotiected. . IMN!. a Title art eh all not o into operaUa until ratided by a naa)oniy of Ike unwerty holder who are etwtor of Uie rity of RateiKlt, ruuaa: at aa deetliei V he held after Uie kret Moaday ka May-, Wl, thirty day niMh-a beiiu; Kivea u( aatd eln-Uoa (a ropy of Una art ao iHMpanviMi? aatd nMiUltrail.tu)- try- adrertiHi. meat hi the Ualeurh Miraa auJ BaMTlnei. daily and by pontine; at the t miK lluuee door. i tu itnenu AaM-Mitiiy, -nwf three tnuee aad rkUded U.U4U. day of April, IH7I. . ...i. -..-I- THiie. d. eaBvin. -n . - ' -i j Biakw of the Uoaee. .' " E J. Winnaa, Preatdeut vf the aaaatc Btati oe fimCaouii4, orUie sVurtary u nute, Kluh!. Mxy I'Ui, )7L , I, Henry J. Meoninrer, 8 -creUrr of BtatJs, uereoy e rtiu tnat trie torefolue; la a L. a-J true eopy of Uie orijtmar act on die In thla olflce. H. 1. UENMNOER. Becrelary of Bute. In arrordanea nitk the almve a nt tha Qenerat. Aaenubljr an electioa will be bridal We uoan iioum hi the nty of KaiilKk on Monday, the I Mi day of June nert to llow neraiMr entiUed te roir aii nouurtuuitr to nt- Ifr or fPlr-Jt Mia art"" ThoW lb favor OT Mill l.lutc will eole " Aipr'id ' and thuae In ivor uf refoi-'tlng will uie "N.t Apiiroved " . . w. n, UAnrtt(in, nay 14de . ' Mayor. ' f t-iiiy papwra copy, , . 871, Um - Trade. 1871 aearan .aril nlmigjgt Complete eete froai K to t JU pay aat. '- 'BASE BALLS.1 - All the di&Vreul akiJi at rednwi price. FISHINU TACKLE. .i i Ot every deerriptioa. . r THA.VKUNQ BAGS. For ladiea and rvmUonten. . v . iPOREIGJT Fi.HCT goods, y 01JN8 AND PISTOLS OF " ALL KINDS AND PRICES. AMMUNITION. BPnpTSMKN'8 GOODS. fliMxia ahiT ped to any ftart of Uie onatry pereiweaa. The aanie careful atu-uthin kiviui to ordere by nwil aa to pereoual. purt'haaea. Prkea tor out good heaeu w Kld at par. . POULTNEY, THIMBLE d CO., , SOB W. Baltinort8tTt, BALTIMORE, MD. ap-eodiydw rpuoMAB P. PIVEKEUI, JR., Atturnejr ind Connrtelior at Law, (ortu iiu,niii(iMTiKaf. ornrA) THALRI(4II, N. C, Will pnu'tice In Uie aerial Courts of Uierhk Jadfrial llielrlrl, and U rleprvna Court t'oll.vtioii proaipUy atteuded to, awl rlalnw adjiuled.-- . Jan 1 a t . i - i i ; J OtEPH CARH, . (ivcoBMAa to joauan tout.) . ; - .. .- - - s , - PKTKHHULKO, VA. KeeplwTC oahaadalarirerttovk of IVniir. Patnit Medh-inea, Palate, Oila,Dy J atutlk, Yrd and Meadow UraaabVaiU. Ph ah iana and Mer rbanU will ind it to Umir advaataic to ex eru in aiy Block before pareaawnf eUewuer. Hkrll-U . - - U. MALONR, - 1 - ITTtrBSKT AT LAir4-. MARION, NtC. 1 ' WIU prartice in the loth and 11th DUUIcta, and in Uu Unlh-d rlUU-e Court Kapu-ud at uicttoa girra to the artruraaat of caaa . us Uu BupreBie Court at KalcuEa. .. febia-dnia f ' " . T H NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ; OV NEW YOUK . . 6KXEAAL STATE AUEMCX . lUUrOB, If C, Cext to the Yarborougb HoteL rayetteville street. i Amium eO e amurau PoUrtu, and preaenu aaN.faeoraol trruu aa ny Coarpany. la. Uie United Bute. Thirty Ihiyf free eKeeed ee v A pmnmur erer (Ar Jlrat pear, and the Policy k'td good durinir Uiet Uine. I 1 mMM eWWanat eauuofly after the drat Anaaai Pmaaat, aad railr4e in payment of aeroad ed ftubevquent Pn-aimta, rvdurtt..a of Unina, or Ucrrae of atooutit of iu-umoce. Ail of our Polirlr r tcontattUt after hre intiuel fwymenta. - . ? u . . . , Timtimt (tmuifnd JWkm Uued on at'plieaUati tor enie i A .. r. , t i ." JtJil ii II J.lrr i1 ( oxl PruHU of Uie C.HnMtoy and li tre a rutre in the elertios and riiieu?ehM.nt ot the Company. All PWiu akrtl ltir,l'i.ia uui her paid lu t. aak. hare. a' 'mk Jmrmml lwe, afur three or mureaHoiiMJ iMiyuteiita, en artar a uraaere amuial pe.ttienta a A H-lrf AvmU wuV ar evanuVd la Ik-k ot Uie aanM I.W aa awry yr a Uier hare keeaannaateaah preawanH pi.l. , i ..-,; Ha Policy or Mrdiral Fee rhaiyrr). I 411 on the prludple of Uie Meeewrhiiaetla Lew Dot U I, AS bell; ' T ' !" . . tjaafitu, Auarr. Cal'orarnd for Clrralar. AuuU wauted. hay ii-Sba . -. UPEkltrR Vt'PPEKNO'ku WINE AT U 1' prr Jnay laf W H. JO.NEdACo. JSJK.V GOODS t. AMD i o o piuckh or W111T13 FZQt7H. '7 .i-.i we have just oprned a laroe lot or WIITETlQUlS aud call repot ud alien Uoa WW place at tH CENTS A YARD. A GREAT BARGAIN! A1o, luliettsrf(radMt 87 c, BUe. lUH'-t and 7Ae. Aleo, we have Juat opened a full aa aorhuent of M lb Kg WIUTEiOTTON UWi(, all ie and qualiue, cheap. j - DAVLH, DRAKE AO), BMrW tf Peterbanr, Va yPEI NG TEA DE, 1871. TO Tilt MKH 'llI.YTS IA. i NORTH. CAROLINA Wl ar now receiving and ahall continue to receive by every (teenier from Sum York, oor aprlug Mock ot tQRJilOX AJfD D0MKMT10 DSY 00UIM adapted to your want, and ahall bar by 93! b MARCH, ib atore aUirk wlili h In extrut. variety and prtre, will eooIare faviH-alily with any aouth of New York Puri'heintt uu r Kooda - .axr dlnairefy fne auuiifautaree. and their fun aiiaalou men-bant, we are enabled to orjur Uient i - -.-v;7 r - I jfoia' tkhmhi- i Wa raapectf ully aulii4t onlera, which will r iva Uu aueuuiaioi one uf Uie arw.- TSRMa UBS Hit. DAVIS, DRAKE A CO., JobVr of lry Good, i . prrHBaBOita, ta. rM-ti - GREAT TTANT BUPPLIEl)! f : The SDficillc lairnre for Toliacco DrcDALi: v ciiHVivs BXCEI.LENZA TOUBACIO FERTILIZER, MADE KHOM PERUVIAN JAN0 r AND IMASOLVED BONKS! '. I t i s- ANAI.V1N0 , , , t Botiible BotM l'liunphat ." in. ttobjbie in the aul (additional) - ISM Ammonia , , A!W Ul AW. Rjtui Co3U0 a (A erdliuMy aVnrr jv. ;', rhmfhuitu :"r,'.l '.,i, ' Wa recoouneod thl arU.1 with eot'tr ewn den, and believe It to be what ha lone; bera I auuglit bf Totaarrar Grower, -conibinJri a It do, ta 'i .;. y v ; FORCING PROPIRTIEB OFv PERUVIAN GUANO AND THE RIPENING QUALl- 1 .. . HESf PliLVEO ROMia. - 4 TffrtA 0& IT 11 All KR4JiX! Prepared la Bn dry powder, and pai ktd in foodbair. .... Bot-k Paontia-Toaa, '' MA I TtMOJIS. M It. JONES A PLUMMEO, . j Gru. Ao;i, f 11 Tramore St mar 18-eodSu PatxnbarK, V. , 1 . i 11 W. BEST Si CO., ADclioB & Cramissica Mcrcfcacts, ; ; . - ..... IVo DOOM SoOTB OF RaLUOB NiTIOItAL BAJIK, FAThTTKniXB StRBCT, . ':-'VVj. ,. naieivA, jrv'cu '..Wl''. I ' CONSiaNMENTBBOUClTID. ra, v nanrieeioa, to IF. H. Wlllard, Pwildent, and C. Dewey. . antaf. Reaidirfc HaMoaal yrk. fan. (I. WiUuuuw madent lata) NaUonal Bank. W. k. Anderaow, PmsMent, aad T. A Wiley, Cahlrr1Ciur'B' National Bank ;od W. H, A R. A l acker A Co. wlK . r' ALEK1H KOLLZft BEATING Ca OAK CITY HaLL. ' The Hill wil4 1 am fw atatiiuT oa dark M.iudav, Wt'ttiiMMlay andtfelurday ttiirht The liall uk be opea e h af UrtuoOU durhHE Uie wark frota d tu d o'riuck, fur Udaua riclu aivelV; ; : . v , Amtwiwiai attd' a of ckehMk. .4.. .. an.ka . v.-,' ' .".J, yy C. BTUONACH A CO. HEA W AXn r At Y ti K04 F.KH, Ki, FAY ETTEVF.U.E STREET, . .fSA.:IllJnBa;'.il.-.- - 1 - A. i. LEC A CO, WHOI.ErlALR OKOCEKa COMMISSION MRKCHANTs. ., ; ' MAiKET IglJARE, " " . BAiJiiaa, . "y H. JONES A CO. AUCTION A COM M11WION MERCHANTS, v aAtaioB, . e. i epttn-tf' TyELLlAM 0. MtrRRMRY; ATttOKNEY A IKIl'fi.HEOXlR AT LAW, uuiim, a. c. 4HBFint Boiw above K. B Andrew A Co, near Tacker Hall, FayeUevill trwU , Profeeftional and bnainea eonaldrratlon have Indutvd aaa to move my omce tu the Cai.ital of the Mate.- I will, then-fore, be fihwaed to aee, or bear, trow wy thuala aad rtrade at Ralriirh, N. 0. ' For Uie unaaeil 1 will eonUnn to nvwd inverlf rlliacn of Oohlalxmi' and of W avae roanrr, and oa Moreiar of every week will aee imv f rlende at the ottire of Ur. Omwoa L. k mar, la OtiMihoro', to tranaact hualtiea. I will aleo, until further aotice, pnu-Ur In the eounth 'la which 1 have heretofore practiced, augk ly WILLIAM tt. MORKIdKY. aVOETTI CAROlalNA EOIE , INSURANCE COIfAIL. BxnraiTf A)nrar boas ax riaa. IHIS Cnmiwny pay hnae fairly and ctrca . latea it earuiiura al htune. Jt haa JtiHt (Maul rt hwaie hv IhccooAairraUoa t ItmtdehMMi, fully and tfout.tlr. It ratea arc aa uKutcrate a aafcty win Juattfy. AOKNTB IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. R. H. BATT1.K, Jr., PaaaiokMt. BKATON (lAI.IM:'la., W. II MURUOCtt, Aa T Bar ALoo. Au'T, aeptd-U I . . i. . .;, ... .u rpO TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS I HoiTiiiati, Lee & Co., - TOBACCO COMMISSION 3ISRCHASTS, . 63 ExCMAJtOB Plack,' ." ' . BALTIMORE. .-, t ........ .j.'--t w Pnne A Haul; fiuaau. . A.lvumwa of 70 per cent aatertahied value In CMh will lie made oa Bill liliuir of cou. Knin.Tit lo our buuaeatS pur ecu I. per an num. , . Prompt return made, with check tor hal ana-e due aliliir Immtduteiy on aale uf Uood .Lc i'njjorlerfeif Uu .Sl Vullo brand ftpatiuh Jiiai Licoru. ' " - ap-ttodrJaT ' F, 0. CHRISTOPHERS, DEALER IN T ; ' ' rimr .ciocBiiBi, - NnaraBtnaor Maaxat Sgoaaa, i Sttioe Buildimr rc cntly occupied by . Jeff. Fiaber. , RAI.KIOH, N. C. Ha "tint received a nice lot of Family Qro cerlea:;N. C, Va aud Western Bacon, North Carolina Mid Raltimore City iArd. A auperkir kit of North Canillua Flour: A Ira Corn, Meal, Mackerel by Uu1 kit, and Mullein by the barrel and in email quaiilltlea to ult fmiillc Aleo Superior Weatein New York . DAIRY BUTTER, Which 1 will keep oa band regularly. Call and exam U. octeVtt Wat. W. Joan, , AauirraiD Joaaa jor.4i a jo.r.. - A ttohney H A TLAW, 7" RAI.FIOH, N C. IRATTf'R In Ui" Puiin-m V.urt of the Slate, tlie (. Ir. nl t ( Hurt of Uie Culled htatra and Uie aevxrul I'.mrta of the Otli Judh rial HUIrii t, crHiipruiiiiu- Die rnunUea of Wake, Johnnhia, Franklin, Nab( Warrea, Uraaviila, Halifax and Northampton, 4HH.nl on FayeUeviite Street, near the Cowrt Houae. . , mar t-dly . EW 8 ASH, DlXlR AND DUN0 FACTORY, RALElun, N. C . r KBITS, VAUGHN & ALLEN, ri4PKITlW. (rnlera from a dlaUe&c proaipUy attended to. july-ly . ' ' " ' Wa. P. eaara. Tan. R. McDaajiaiAtf, Wat. T. Law. Graves Warehouse. . - ; DANVILLE, VA. a rwm mm or uur fourcot lilidf y WlKhlllM AtV-Jytdaw-. 'UMtbttBi HA ft. bHi an-Binit'jJ Iioumb fr UtM hmuH lu Tin 1'itwn. Wvtlj W liif floitm I; nky ItliLe. WMHy lusjJwua ii4 AM-awfe-t U l-imtml Hit t li) ttrm-f. fQd Biorp mi. fnimirt atiA-tiWHi Ua IL WtaJaTAMai 4mt teAhttlf itfj AtX VlAUUdiCS JjUfci thrtdjjiu. t OXNICRAL tX)M WIAHJON MIKtCHANT A0CTIONKVR; ,-JIALKIGUrNTJ. - Oretcfnl firr t fvar, rcairw hi rdrdVr toeerve hi old fnenua and the public to. the mud ol his i.ihly. Hpeciai attention lo tlie pnn-htae, aale, or rentiritf of Real Entate, PmKal Property, Cotton and all kind uf Cimlr Product and Mtu-chaudtaa. aept IS-tf ' ,, iH Leat a Certificate (a the RaleliHi A (,u lun Railroad Co., in the name uf W. O rMrk-k laud lur one ahare Applkatioa will be wade for dupllpate CertiAcalu Aleo. wtll tell oa June ih, at the Court AruiMi door In tbi city, the above hvcther wllh ten share ia the Chatham Kmlroari. , ,W. O. RKiiUH K, ' A.lmr rtf V ALU A RLE LA NO FOR MALE. I aul a. II on the 15th of June, at Ply auiath, apoa a credit of alx month, upon bond aud goodeccuiity, the weU kuowa awl hixhfy iluWVrd eetate, "bVlKrade," aituaU-J hi Vt hmirt.iu CHii.tr, on Scupoerriotur Kivrr, conuuuiii; acme, wore luaa tit) of bu-b are la a aueaula ot cuiuraUuu. ap W tf s , .. . , H. M. KAY "JiiB BE.NtHiW HOI SB, p r.aa . N. y WIU i ofwued f. cM.-at mi Uie lrt of June, the boure and furniture prar. end rtaU he k.-lrt .fl tlj drat rktna. I 1M-U'U livalU Jf and act-eaeiuie. . t eiuut uttuu rale. . , JA.JlMy.Nr,W. DrrDX StorM. EW l)Rl STORE!! DKL'GUIST & .T II ARM AC! ST, -A r.r tr-i. Jt f C1 l , THE UNIKKSIjNRt TAXES PLEaSL KE J: IN ANNOUNCINU THAT HE HAS .... . .i, .. . ,f- K . OPENED A DKL'Q STORE . AT li 33, raicllfiTille Street (ott Btabd or Docatiii Btu) j- " . ' ..; . ... 4 where he will keep a full Stock of DRUGS, J . MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, ' PAiim, !. OILS, : DYI4TUFTB, BPICES, TEAS, Aa. OARDKN BE EDS ANQ,. KVEUYTUINO USUALLY KEPT IH A pixsr class DHira stoks A GRADUATE is PHARMACY, Harmc a COLLEHIATX-Aud PRACTICAL Education" win have charge ot ui ' " rRJsaCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, And medicine will be diapeiiaed ouly by EDUCATED APOTUK0AR1ES1 IISNRr J MKNN1NGES. march U U , Utrt avmd Cattle Potrdea. FOR faitening and aaarraaHuj tb Sow of MilkiaCow, . . For aula at -. ' aagJOtf CAKMER'S Dmg aHora. Tooth Itraahe. 13 EST ENGLISH and French. ' . Jfor l t . CAKMER'S pmg Store. Vatrnlahoa, ftnd Clu. JUST received aad fur aale hy J. R. li. C'ARMKK, ecptAllf ' Druxxlat' i . .' Wotblttg Uk It. TTORSRFOKD'B. HrodPre1rtaoat: Pa JvJ. want ri Urearl iry II. i Fur aale at augDOat CARMEH 8 Drag Buna, i RiMadeill and Hmkoa. tpHE fiKEAT Liver InrtgiiratonanA Blood X purliina, , For aale at' auglWU CAKMEUIDrug Store. , KERtWENE LAMPS. CHIMNEYS AND Vi kik. A tine aM.irtut-iit, . 1 Juat received and tin aale at " ' ugiWtf CAUMEH'S Drug Store, Window Cilataa nnd I'utly. A Fine aaeortmcnt of tingle and douhlt lilaa. Jaat rci4red ami for eat at aept . if CAliMhK S DruirSUir. PESCUD LIE i GO.. ' Tkoleta and Kftnll Iknifulai, : ' 11 FmyrlltrUU SI., ' HLEIU II, ,V. 'X ...XIiacral,..7'atcr8e CI tcNl(Ht-iiatrrt,KiiriiULiu,Vkhy.atU I r, aud Elcvli..r W (. r, for aalr by - J'S,H.l.KKtO. I aag U-faf 1 . '. DniggiaU. 1 ToUcI Soap MUd Prrruanetiew. I-fftlrrw, fxmtJRAT'S. TtTlLEr t hd J Ptver Fiu Sini and Prrfumerha, tor aale by PIWCUD, LEE M ViX, augSIff DruggiiitA, Teas and ChoceIat. ' A WrTMKR Tirrpiily of Fiii Tea andB. kiar'a Prctujutii t .'h.M-oiate, junt received hf i-fcacL O, LLL CO., , anS Il-tf Drujrjruit. , Ciennlne Etticllem Bruahe. ALAH0E aortmcnt of Oenoine Kiiguin Hair aad Tooth Hrn.he. al PltSCLD.LEE ACO'B. aag SB-ti ' , " - , i . brugguit. 1 OW FOR CASH. 'I I KlO Lb. N. C Ham Bacon, ; U N C Bide Baron, v r-r: ' " " N. C-Shoubirr bai oo, "' . ' WeaWtwa Hide !,' ' f lo - Weau-rn nhimlder aacoa, .SUi " PrliueM wa t,J Prune City Lf Urrl,-) . J"J llh. Jim Sweel P.iutoe. - jt Irib p.Haiiua, : r- so Barret (t. C td.ly KhwrJV" : U0 , (.. Fhuir, BM, - M ' t. V llH Vll.,1 f rlfB. White Ow Ateak : At 1 A. C. 8A MiKhd !, irlO tf . No j, M.ruuairee. eOTK K. ' ' ' ' j".fgn siiUCfTOPfl WANTED,', ViiNE V I need f 1 v who rean.it a;lv .U reh-r encee ti4i4w ue-ewrj teeida. A rd op.r tunity for eoeorelir lUeu lo make fi.rtn two I luriii'uld"Hr. i. r rit A 1. j.i r to , ;l H Hfclll, tien'l Aceirf, , , , Life AeeouiLioa of Aiii. rira. ripiMTitrn. T"Vbbolution. J The Srm of JORDAN CARR ta thla da diieudved by mutual euuepsl, W. B- JtiK DAN having .dd hi entire' luU'tval lu Uicir aUn-k ol Dritica, MciI Iih, Palnta, tH tHe niutra, etc., to JrwrPIl tJAKH, rettrea fnuu Ute hwiiieH, aud la douut aut ih, iMauiiia kta aia.,r Uuuika to hi frumda for Um UlMmi patmuagu brekiwrd upon him, and eonlially dh ila a cuuUnuanc .of Uu euuM- to hh u: otauMW. . ' 1 All per mdekWd lo ta Irm wUt tdeaar act ti Uiclr wviuuta without delay. , Vhoar bavuig rlaiuia airaiuai thheuwearn wdl Mveul thew U immediate paytuenU Fithur tiarUier will aa the aaa of the hrra In UUHlaiion. - ' WALTER aC JtlKDAM, ' j eHibaM'li CAKU. -. .. v. . 1 ! " . oilrd." "l I have to-day purrhaaed the interval of Mr. W. B. JORDAN, In Uie Aiutheeary and Drug Huainem ol JORDAN A CAKK. and win cou hnue to eotuluet Uie aahne m all lie bmache, at U.e old ntand corner HVCAMiiK AM WAnlllNOTiiN SIHkKTS. Uaviug aiuide f j-ililie aiul a hmg CTwrleiie4 In the baatneea, 1 ran taaolji guaruutoa aatufacUuw ha my pa- triUML ; K.'luriilue; thank to my fi-kvida ai'td f twuer forth PA IKON At'i E au IPierally e tedi to Jordan A Care, I hofW liy irowd aad aaru'taUeutiua lo bwekiiwe, b murlt aud rav-eiv ooeUauauca ut Uiv aame. . 1 .. . JUBKrii CAUK, ' ;feb U . Peleretiug, Va. 1L0CK8, CleOCKS, 1 .-Ua- r . LARUE ASSORTMENT or CLOCKS, OLD AND NEW STYLES. ';-' ,'.' ti f .VV!.-:.; ; . 1. ID, FAdNAClT : f Ifllir BTOBB, i Dour alKive Meaar. Tuckar'A ' tebaietr J KTpJElV'JET." -wOHTHECEIVED, BOMETiTINO-QTrrTITfEW" "AND" YlllY tr NEAT IN THEWAT OF CHEAP . j Jet J owolry A T EDWARD rABMACII'ft JEWELRY BTORE, 9 Door above Maaara. Tm-kVl. ifebSSU IAW8 OP BUHINKSB FOR ALL THE STATES OP THE UNION, - - WITH kV'MM AK mttlHTWJI not ALL THAMBtrTtoNs, , Br TicoruiLLi mmi, ll d. AufAur PriMfhw en IA lm OMh-eWa, oa MtrvmttU Lew, ate., ate, I It ronUlrui and preaerrut la Uw ' rleareat, plaiHeat, and amat prn-hui manner, all th.i rule mhI principle which reguratw ata-lal in trrciruriw, and v.iv.irn every kfud tit buatnea, With full dlrertlmia for every tranaacthei, r Itexplahui the nature of everv kind ol ana traet, eoavevnnee, and regal oraiiratloa. ' ll give dirertlo tu Maglatratea. to Ad hilnlau-alor and Kiecuhira, lo luidlorila aud lenaiita. to Ouardiaiia and Wanla, tu Hiirer and Seller, AgraU and Prlrtriliela, Drlilor And redltors, to Trtnlcea, Oommim Carrtrra, to IneolvMite, to Inanrer and linderwrHer, to lurentur, Author, Partriera, Chelu, Cor- tairauoua, Sliareliolirura, ami all whu hay any luaineaa to traneact. It ekowe how lo draw and perfect Deed, to make an Agnwment, an AaMgnmetit, a Leaaa, a ttuaraiity, a Note, a Check, an Order, Due Hill, a Will, a Codicil, a lilll ol Karhange a Pnileat, an ladoratuiicnL Hill ot Sal.-, an la-dentni-e, a Moriuagc, a Warranty, a IViiitua, an Atli.larl a Rehaee, a Power ofWhtUimey, I'alctil Forma, aud evary kind of leajal luatru- 1 it m aaaauTiAi. to , ,. . Every Farmer, Every Mechanic ' rrery MtinufitctareT," EvrJ Public Officer," Every Contractor, F.rery Afent, t.very Landlord, L Krury lenaut. Krcry F.tecuuir, , Every A.iiuiiuatralor, very (iuariJlau, . , Every M.i.., . - .. Kvery Aiiienlhw, kvery Manner, Kveiy Parioar, Kvery irrk, Aa-lfutWaWriiaiJEeawa Wamhaaw i'innaiiga very A.eUiej. , rj every BiO.li )H,- .very J.neMit. Peace, kvery CMiMurairr, terert t.'imatalda, . Every Clle.-U.r, kvery Hhenn, - Every t'lider -Sheril', " Every Sulncuuea,. ... Every Cwmlaetoeer, Kveiy Oiend Jur.ir, Every Trcawtuer, . Every Marrh-d WoiaanEariy Wio.iw,, " " i, very Trader,. Kvcri Barhet-maa, Every Ka,,v!.yer, Every F.uifikiyee, Every Ctuaea, - , Every Property holder, In liort, a Compendium aad Hand -book, It la irellnpenaabie to all Who desire to know Uietr rtrfit nd dutle, or h, poeaca the lueeua of traorfacUiig, atuttdrd, and with1 comvtuca and aunty, Uicir ew lerl Imaiocaa . Tb work wiU r.eiUm aevon hundred page, cooid,'l ta.oav roiutu. An Airent hv now cauvaMirur Rh-WI for auh. arripUuu. Mnr tl.au lllty til.nl.ra hvt already been ohteiucd, ud ahouid th Agent au 10 reaca ovary one aenruig thi vaiua hl work, Uieir awnei will o rerWvrd rry , -,- ALFhED WILLIAMS, erB-tf-.-. ' ', bookeWller. JOHN ABMSTH0N0. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN- -- j.-UF ACT L R ER, -... ova vu aonra raaut-rka aoonTOaa, i RA1.EI0II, H, 0. Trial, Erc-ntion. Minute and Record I ne Doi'ket niede to oidi-r. .)," North Car.rfma h.-iwrl nd otlmr Jjiw go-, hand rn mrpi ii ,r fjiw Binding."' iawudlig numieM uf . the. 101 u)..l1ed uu) odd Buiuiwr Iwk.a lu mi h for hind dec 1, tHfteff; "! .:-':--. !' I RARE CHANCE J tiathcl wo oner v puiHie aaie a au evmri GlMe la iweiq, .e, r'l' r..ia-r-. aiH'WU Illll'Ulll.lfbVJ I. i- - .. ... . . .. .. n o F.n. I, IP will. llul Ul OT iMIllUMt fMlMMnm 1 IhunuHtra (a. the X 1 thcr.rthuaeie)uar and at the title reel Mi of two of the 4iii.-.pal neHie lc!iiui lo W iua bib. Sahia and Um Railioad .hp.4, i.no M.alt kuowu OB .lay of aaic. , it Ur a-uiva PirrBBSBTjita adveh' Llil Ufillll FOB THE . ., , ..Ia. Xili. V YfW I ' 54 PTBTTtirtU. 8TRKBT. ' CAMCOKS, l Uw atuat dcalrl.l Sprlug pattern. (..-. . IltKSS tllXIDS at moderate prteea. TfJIMalNliS! TKlMMlNtlSI TR1MXINUSI t jtteat ait lea ot " 1 CIIH1XONH. Ijidteeand OenUeaiea'a uffa, Ckdlara. An, IlKAlOr MADE CUiTUINtl at lirira to ftuil evervluHlr- : ' 1 t Ml. nd Ihvmrallreof all width. ' h ' rn A N l BIIOKa for UeuUmnea. Ladle audCbtldrcw. . i "'' Notlftus ! Nullon t Hauaad Cau. Tie and Bow, th I teat of Call, axanuv and buy l - L. LEVY'S, c : M Kt FayeUev tile Street, . , ; , Flrt alor North of the Mu ktt, febSt-tf ' QU8L1SI fHf fOMMST. j StHITHERN INVENTION, i ItHBt lMlflirt,.i.( MBcrtc. Clais dflmicr Dciililc Act- i force iw PATENTED ADUUBT ll, BY A.BALDlNii, n m nv, ...k w , i.imrv r.(iiv Ui ineiiniaclur ami aell the atHive fuuiiia in North nd South Carolina, have aaam-ielcd theuieelve toieetlicr uniter iua nin aial atvhv Tt. UH.I.M.I..HU1 t. . ' 1 1 1. .. -..I...! .1.1. ot the -' t'arotiu Pump I iMie)iuy,o mid hav tug enthiilied Ulclr alauafacloit at kaVull ville, N. C, aiwuow preiercd tofilruieh Puui4 at abort aotice Sciciu-e haa at lat iriumjicl In tb production of a Pamp admirably dp h4 for rVella and oilier purp"ea, Uiat will force waUvr any depth ur heutht, a bh-h, by at tachmg boae, at ouce bet-oiura a local 1 tr kre Cof Ktmt twwar, tliniwing 0 to l'J gal per minute. " ' " I til Pump com Mnea alnimtelty and dura hUiky, 1b wtui-k Uie aauir will never free or become tle, Ui ryiuider nd Tive re aaiHuerged, and o water remain in the iiliie whew-thw Pmnjr-i 'iirir"-jpwaihrTti INimp Worka almoef Incredibly light, alway hcuigiiiir the water freah and atmrkltuir frum tk hol.ti.in of I he well i ud theie ia nofrtc- U.i, the t vlindei being eUa. Uie put kin can not wear or cut, the valve being round, wad of dint ghma, working on gum ceht; cwtt netihar wear or Jaiy. 'I lira Pitiniia airu jietultarly adaited for aopplylug lanka lu iicr purta of dwettmaw, enilexee, botedi, hatiimg IuiUkiua, and for raiUiauia,. atraelav uardeu. dudiluvrieai die. 'I hey eaa h attached to umot or water puwi Auv onlinary mechanic ran tntt them no hv printed direclaour alwav acul with tlie Puiu have b aad re. I a ot tcaunioa.ua fruu. per tvtui who bar a-4l our t'uoi, who iHvaa great ftaUaf ai-tiua ; lo fai-t they era a auccea and wUI uuia ail wt claim for Uicio Buy oaa audaave Sre hiauraiu. rtierlal at. lenlion given to aU ordere. 'the entire duplh u well uiuelecoiniHiiy mch order. . v. aV.ur (v, H ilaorl. N C , C. TATE MURPHY, v . Samiieviu, N. 0. I W.C TROY, f " . Favalfatvllla, N. 0. ' Sure or to J. L E lU'lua. All order or eummnnicvUoa ddreand to W C. 1 ROY, FayetUivlila. i March k, 1.'L ) . CaBTtni.'ATBB, .. l-.i t Saaairr' Orrn a, j FTrrTByiu.a, M. C, April M, ltt;i. Hoi V rriMf, Awii'f i Wulut ISutvt tiimrarHt i 'I he Pump you add ai aurpaaan my moat anguine exiaa-iauoa. ii n. li you claimed f..r It Aa Fitix Kmnaa it value laiiiial.u htbl. V. III. twenly I iwt of bone I have tlirviwu ir euli.ely over Biy dwclliog, whhb I vurv high twu aud a hall ahirv hmiae. My famiif would not b wtUiont tt for any eov IderaUu). R. W. HAHDIK, I Btierllf ( aoiberlaud Couuly. BxntTi Caawraa, C . Ri.iou,,N,J.V Man-h IM, In1. Having had.vf lu twenty yeara' exiierl. nee h gokl mining, mug virion klnda ol puma loix-kig water from great de.tha, I Ink tleuaure ia giving lvrefereuee t Uiuee made v uie "oaroitua ruuip t.4iuiaiay " over ail ether for well and oiher purpueea. They eout hiM etuiplk'lty and duniivilliy. I i' VALENTIN MAUNEY, ' . . - ' .- : . Btauly Couuty. i " 1 Wn.ni., N, 0.. Jb. US. WTl 1. 1. 'ff,Ai, . irearntr: we nave nail ynttr nabllng' PamV regular ac, lieginiilug at vartoua Berloda aiuc March, IH7U, and a a are free to ar, that Uiey ar la every way aailafacioryr 1 hare I uo inillcalion of wear ur earlv evttinir ut of onti-r. All Uie water that uaiiire haa dcettnted ta. mae theuiurh ieU a channel eau allv ha rmiuirhl ap.even by children, f.ar onli ary aac, and by eiuchlng luiea, end putung twuhi lour men to tlie lever, Uie pump al dm-e Ium'ihuc local Sre eiiirtne throwmir anf Icent water toaabdue any ordinary Arc. We ttK.ref.we ri'e. ittitnend yuur pump lo tit care ful ct annuel ton and aee of the putole K. J, leyne-, W. I. honmltm, A. Harm.. Prolait J., (I 11 (irtllln, T A. vV.lnwitylil Jj ii..lf.ej(-t , VV munis i N,JJ, i ,!. j. Jaa.lt Woodard, , F. Brlriur; "'f hav mu ll fur nit nionllii ut our ' f tu 1 mg'a patent aul'iuerifcd puntpa. maitufariurrd al IA mum, H. 4, -hv J. L. hrtt-nm, raid take tleaa r lu recommcfidir,g it to the pul.ua aa aving lven perfei l eaufacluai, lu fact 1 regard it a oa of the brat irnnij n iw In ua. . , E. N. fi.it KSON. VttlMa-iMgi and littportMatt title, BY VIRTCi OF A DFED OF TRUST TO ma executed hy ItarriM Tvaor, lor Ute paynveiit of debt aerared hi aid Iruet and f ir carrviug out UtrpruvwKuia of ibeaauae, 1 ahall exiioa lo pulilK aale, -on the Itth of Mr Mi. at U.e Mwdeuce of the Mid HafriaaTv... ll Ihe properly not drspomd of, lierei.ifor mentioned tu aaid Deed of Trail. cemi.!i,r to the ter m ol aaid Tru', eoneiaiimr of lha riauilou V. here. in awd iiarrla lyaorllrea, with th milia, and oilier Ira. ta trf land nut ncreUifor rld, nd tl other pi-raHial proper ly found, bah) to contincoc at 11 ocluek. rurctiaeera to eiunply with Ui lax ma ol aaie before lii urreiul.ir of projrty. Term omde known oa Uie day of ; . - O. A. Tlfw.R. aii .Al Truntee ot llama . Tyanf. . Bl.OODKD HORSE. . " . " : J. J hav th p'eanra of infomiln the Pii'vtie, that on ol live oler)n txliin; citizeu of Rah-hin, .ceeltillt the Want ill kiknI SUH-k, ha paid rlfi.in hundred dollara lor a MtHKled htirae, arid haa committed htm u aiv er. tin can tw .. at the aiahicu of U-'o. W. ri irrue Co , .man street, oa lrri.iv and i.i..iy me i4iu ana l.Hiniiu.,udt ilon, Ute Hh and ll m-U. , ' iith.4-aUit.la will be annrruiiist. -I ' ' apll u . i , JiaA. hmiWN. Agt " 8 REWARD. ai 1 hereby offvra Reward of IA. for the arr.t aud i i.Uieu.ioa of m. C M e.-v, who ma.lv loa e. ape Iroia mv cuel.iv on 1 l.er,!-iv Bur hi hil aud wa n4 c4.-d m lte mu.il-T ut Vtai l. Holt, ol Jiihnatn eviuuly. lie ia man ol mclivMU eir. hU-k e e and hair. ata.nl 0 feci lie-hee hih, hunp holitUeidt lather Jow of i,ech. . U. cV'J-" ""hcriff ytr- vt Juiuojwai'' ,; AnSCCTXANEOCS. JRH.JES OF THE Llason & Ilaiulin Cabii ut-Qrfjfai im. rlavlng vaetly iru rcewd their l-iliiica for maaiilm-tarw, th :..''. . Kra I itelia Cms Cr.r.nT 4ra bow aaai.kd t ofler uieir- well kaowa Organa, wbhih am th A CAW) WI.KIH) Kit ST.IXDA Bli Or t XXCKLltSTK among Inatrurueeta of Uie raa, at pri.-e of inferior wim. They print their loweal pric a, wlikhar therefore, alike , to all, lotariy'l.le, Tb folk. wing re Uluatratyxut : M.r.YA4ee (trwuua I 41 Th4 -Smmmt, IkmUt AVe.1 tik (A4ue OryiuM,uttA T. Jrmlmt, , 1 thrivaf end tfnuimruuj , UK) Thi Voce, AnoVe fVrwf, mti A'lie ,.(,,. Pxt Aarelir utAee etpAet, ue. te. l imO All in aoild Black VAaluiit. AU the Ofvn made hy Uiut Couiiiauv are t.oroui;tiir hmle clam la every reaie. t 'ihey will not make lavo,ralled efaei trnrane at anr price. Ilia ciHataaraliv auert.imv of Urcar iuairumctit at now -reaUu than eve before, a avert com- . petcut u.hre who will tarcfallj uuuma aud compare eaual percaitgL i ILllHTSATtiO CATALOUtre. With Wood flat fnva Photneraoha nt the diuereul at) lea, full inlirrnvaaiva and loweet rice i aleo, i .tatiutotual Circular will be east Ire to any aildreat, . . .. .. . il MiH;i!n!iuO!i2i.C8.l'' irmraVOaiM SIX ifvexuf u , . Kiw York , .kps-tf'.. 5 RW MAP OF WAKE COUNTY.- Draw trout actual Survey . j ' PKNDOT. 8tAVERa, F-H,'' . ' i - - CoiWTt Si BVAtoa. ; . ., . ., ' Nomina have lawn a oared bu make the a.ap perfei l. lira luwiialup houndarhw are given. . Niul Uie ralir.MuJi., coiiiiiy riMiia, atrcaioa and name of many farina at e plainly mat heit Aiwitiipunvh.vrlll WM.. la plat of Ralen i, ahowhig lwatl.41 ol pulilie tMtil.lliiira, A. ; aiao, Ul.hr, allowing the jtopulaUi,M of the litteiciil tovrnaliipa, mal ud female, Willie ami ctdorwd, with tint nuiuuu of dwcliu,i uJ lamliiea l each ; area ht auuare mil. a, uuiaher uf farm aad auaibar of acre meovk hiwualilp. lb townahli tr described, lb nature ami quality of the anil and th product if eai h hetng given,- PtitKH of Urnrhy; amount tiiveated la mun(cturni( county aad oily mrrrbtedneaa, ate.' . . . futiluhed and for uie hy ' . - ' - NUHo'AABORMAN. - - 0.4 or lutiiija Um LildwIIovtuiis., May lit ... ... . jJ-AONOUA ( .j , 1. ..I'XiJf!'.:. r-.,. 'is..'- ?: y v--j : - " WILL CURE THE SEVEREST JUEAXlA-CIIE ONE TO FIVE MINUTES. MAIaSOMA. WUXCUBE A.Nr CASE OF f NECRALlUA f IN FIVE TO TIN MINUTES. " M 4UMOLI.V ' WILLI I KE ANY CASE OF RHEUMATISM, (whore it ia sl all cuntUeJ IN ONE TO THIRTY DATS. I - - ' . l JJagnoIIa ;.- WILL KIIX ANY SORT OF PAIN : '-' .!"-.'. .5'l!. .;'! - : --i,"- 'f:'v:'::.' , iiJ IV i,'1";"5:, -'S " ''''': :'"..,'.'.?''. : . I- : ' V 'I' , - ..; I, t FIVE MINUTKS' TIME. ITS EFFECTS Alk PEKMA . NEXT. Mw.xorii t 'her, tool oil or oth.r m'eer.- ind uu willhlialeroriiijgr. In -i , m lul u, t-W-e relh f f 1 h ) t I '. ,"L i U1. I . ' MAhU-vtV-"-' - ' -- i,-A..- -Warranpd. ' tT 'IS BABXM.sS, ' ; it ia A DBuoirrrvi tmn-KS, ITBOESXQtlSJVRSTUKSKIV. ... r - Tlie purt.ii. money will b clineifulit Muni- ' 4 If It fail to do what w . , . . kr aaterl roa xa (wboi.alb mijrrn) ar 1 U. WIDEST A CO., Raluoh, Omaeral AginW lor North Caroflha, AU reapecUbht Drudjil.t thrcwi-tignt. the Souihuiii Sutes, ap 2 Ua IVlMiams Jt HajwooJ, WuoLacijj. mu Rbtaii, Dmaoisf. Nave ta Stnre a ,.r neteeh d .i. k of ,!. i- ncll'-in, eheuih-aia. t.4Hia, leaia, ii,-,.,;!,, patent medk ion, 'iduu-uaat-euucat prvrva 4 ... vrlumery,4ay atm-av, hvu., am. u i . . iieei'jx tolw.-,, a.-t4r,, an;. I,,,.. whi.-a are ottcrnt t..r earn at ioej.t .a.t price. . oct 1 ll 1 v'Tt v.r.H a Lirl.fiini riv x!!.i Sii.iT ..r ij Di rc it kit's it-.i B,Hif. Trr tin lu, and s. "'iui'f tS-uiim" ft eWi:s... - .. I ,"f ...T,....AV-:..