mum ,..:.... VOL. VI. UAtEIGII, IV. a, FHIDAY, JUXB 9, 1871. ; 7- 1 0. 211 : pailu cntincl jlMlH Tl ltUtt. Jr Editor. .11111 Srllltl, iMoriiilt k Loral F.Jittr KVIt 0' AlitUUrtM.W. Advertisement will be Inserted hi UitfUn f Hii,,tiki.1 Ui following rates. A7nIU he hunafler caUinated t 10 minion Uttea, or 1 hieMtiar" (in time 11.00 50 . rac-u tiuaepieni utsoriloo' taiAli w ..i.. One. 'Hi'un on wook,,.. , kIi additional su, uar one week. .... I hie M nam two weeks. ..,...'....... F ii-li ,-v.tilitloiin.l aipntra two weeks. . , . . ( ,io nipisr one motiUi K (t .i.lllliiiral aumu-e oo mouth. . i in - nuiiai-e twit mouths S.MO ami 5.1) HHI 5 Plow K,i. li additional " .." riiwN (hi ' n pure three, .monlun,... lli K ii !i alilitloml lliiw" i On.-uuai-trr column " t' ihi. Intlf column " fcuw OueCoturuU " ,,i ltHJ.tlO AdrerUsiMoentalnsiirtod in Weekly ami Semi Weekly t ratm correiohilliig with tlut above JUijiiri tulvcrtiaeineiiU Inserted 0 wooka for fit h or fill if charged. WHOLESALE ORQCUBH& pyrAi'Meo guano L x We Inivr the agency for fhla well known li-rtiliiser, inade audcr liie iiuiucdlaU suir- VinioQ.of DR. G. A. LIEBIG. Thr ooiii-.Miy have spiM-ed no cYiN-nae. or pain in ..i.-i-inn it Uie boat article u.w ncd, nii.l wiifrttit ii siiierior to any heretofore made Tin; price will on tu&de suitable to IIhi limes: . -, A. i. LEU A CO. mar Sit 1 UTfI'8 CI1 ALLKNGE SOLUBLE PHOtl Ik I'ltATR. Hie ititMt active iih'I n;luilile off.'n'J i0 tr ptjuiU'r. Proi4tiVl evitrvBsly ftVr ullt cni i-jitj imd nil. marai If ' A. . LKE CO. OOl.l lll.K HKA WUNUlllUWl, O Hi.'U iu Ainaiuiiiii, Hotulo rh(W.inrtc Aci.l. iU .UkiiHiHt HulU, oae nf ttiti bin.t eom li.ii.ainii (ur Uiu 8oul4iurn dulr Wiuvrn tu ...Cuti5lry,- . A' S, L)"- E Ci. . ur 'si-li - -- " (jtliAltS, COKKKKH asi tkah. I) Hbrrrlim4ml, rulnxlud, irwiu- lUil. ,Kl. 0, A. nd r"irti KU (Mipvra. I'lioke Ui'H Lagnyni and Old (ioT. Cfilr tlrwn ml lilack TeM. inuflfnf A.O.LEKACO. Y 'iiA I'iiwilws, Vwry UwMiS Vtriia, X'.Huin (Jintii, Powder, HhuL 0, Coie Hills, B .tkiU, French Pail,Tili, Tinwuni, -Woodon 4i'i.W,atwi li, Blai-kuur firtuUat, i Ac. mar 16 U . .- A.U. LEE A CO. Jy lant, ('..Lluumd ttuaip b. kUn.l U1 1 au-nt lli.i.ka. "ilianS-Tr" ihok;e uquors by the quart, J lialli.n or Uwrvl, l'ur country Jiisd Snw'h Hmtlv, Finn Kyt Wl.Ukv, B.:l Vi.Hjr IMilloil Apbl Brandy, YimIUu wunlr ('oru W liwky in KKVow ' f jFtrrtr'Ai' Ornlidy mrtitl Wine, winetWni;nU. uur IS It A. U. LKK A CO. BEST FAMILY LEAF LARO, IN TIN Fa kMCt, of A and 12 11m. . AUu, choice Lard iu h.K and Kit. nuUitl A.G. LF.KACO. c UOICE FAMILY OROCERIES, OF ALL Uie best aitd unml ueittmbk' gnui.. CALL ON A. G. LEE A CO. OW FOR CASH. ' IWK) Lha. N. C. Ham Bacon, 600 " N. C. Bide Btccm, Mi " N. C tih.Mtl.lM Uacnu. 10,() " Welrn aide rtarun ; 1(U" Wcntorn Hkonlil. r Huron, tyftK " Mine Ma Fork, l,iW " Frinw City Xf Unl, Buah. NU-e . (tw FoUtloct, lf " " IrUb I'otaliw,- fill BaiwWN. C Family Flour, ' MB " . '" rtark Flour, GUI " " Whit Flint Corn, w . White Cora MraL - ' : At - -. A. ft 8ANUEKS A CtVH, mrld-U . ; No,, Martin gtm4. TOTJUKIt Tlie ttrm of "Aliim an1 Art:e," owner of the Foreat Mannfa'tnrlnu tinxiinny, In Uie county of Wake, In theHtate of Norili tJaro I1111, t this day diaxolwHt by mutual consult, TbnndeiMl(lli;d, William T. Affkew, hipr chimed all the htU'ffvt of Hie - ml. r-n,iicd Wilii.un H. Allfttrx, In slid iinn ami t.ooiinur and nldiired limiaelf Wi y all tha onl-atand-iiiK lii lXn of tha C.hjiiv and ali debts due to the tatuj uiuat lie taiid lo him. . . W. B.AU.KOISK, W. F. ASkKW, 1 .: of Au.Kniu A Ahkiw. Kd.ii.-h, May fill, Ihtl. . .... All perwms ln.l. t.U-l lo the latr. Inn win fileenc Mdtle with tn 0. Ilovrtcr, aa 1 k. rcby apiailui him my Aileut to colli i t a'l lames !),, ' 1 W. F. ArTXEW. umv h lin L 1.I.J.-HH, JJ'Mkal Rtcorf aaAlMlfJkB -'AdfiH-i copy! mnmh. DI.IMFT0N8 I'ATKMT KOLLEll lit Sonth CaroHmv, cicccttt (Jity of weato. " North Cart Una, exw.t Cily of H ilinlinrt.m. Vlreiniaein ol KKinooild, FcUrebunr and,-""' :" 1 ()laun,j ColoiliU,'I&Wii!l-S!ry: Imd. -For terms apply bi 1 UKO.H.iRl!I';fiR, '. aV ' Ralidth. N Ci !, DRANE A iUiV wiMf" V Ri.hmoiMl, Va, Cinrlott Oi mot rat and Newhera Joliraaljif Commerce, couv 1 week and send hills to this wince. 1 1 fJlrtR UENHOW liOL'HE. ." , (luamtan 'Wi' N, ft,-. Will w HIWI....I for urnc.ui on tlie find of .Tune, the ttonve aod furtiiture new, and shell l keH alri. tly rt claa. LfKnUon h-adthy slid Kcei-aatoie, terms ntfHicrate. l( W. C. BENBOW, "aylT lin Proprietor GITY I lOTKL, (FORMERLY COOK'8, HOKL ) Q'TCATF.O near the twitwaa portiom of Uie kj City, vet iuk-t and rctimi. . i Tlib honee bos bn newly nUid In rantafvle. and will aifnnl ewrJIent and flew nt ati'(Vmkill b uaiii-i. i.t and (private 1 ntn-Mere. , 1 1 ..r.. . !i tor L'UaraliUm) Satlfcfli to all who mar f'ayor him iti tltir win4tae, 'i'l nmnw ar;:e. CMi.fonai.le ai.d K-at, arid his table aliall I f nrnHslMKi .Hi Uie beet aw an Pnrtera wiM tie at tlw ib it on the antra! '"Of IhV trabm. and omtiil-uneeii will take twa'Cli- O-rtoLI 1I.H4-1. M.-ti,caatie batt at nil iioi'-ra. Tlw twt LI"fBO Mid Cipai will be kept at ui oar. ja .K.v 1 1 iaimv Oct tf 1 1. Prtnirietor. VIHSAIF.. J V i.,il.le Bnlldlmr Lute in the Fantertt tt-d of 1.1 .-rs ea-A, can be auliti . kird In all acts ua: V . Ai.idt at'nmefc -i - - - Tm c" :s. c;.LA.suvorH.FJmT; MAYOR'SOFFICK. 4 . Cirt l Hauiiuu, llay I, l71. THE FOLLOWING ACT OF THE OKN nd AaavAiMy ki pul.ll.b.Ml fur the Infor mation of all Mwnia ; AN IT TO PRDlT.frT THE ClTYtlF RAJ, FltilM Al! 1DENT BK FIKK. RM'Tina L Tkt ttmmi vlaamfy if Sank Tlie Hy of Kalouli aliall have lnw ta.ia ane auil aU Itouda of tiwcortwniUoit, tiearuux a wU- of Int.irr-l not oisrjKnliiHCKttilil er ertiL Urfi dfiuMiiiiM ku., d.M-r U.m, iwhMtrio iwm w uuMirauw,) bmi(n of time w ran, and otlinr In l. loot Umraot In tie dvfcroaiiml uy Um Cotnutkteiuumot aa d fitly aaul uoxda not to tc In tko ainrnitnttas le,iW. Frokle4, ttint Mid (halt Bot he aold at a iHacouut Itn-alt Uiait ilftrji par eont. t. T1m uroeeMto of the Ml si MH-h lioutui ahall lie apiUod to the niakliur t'f at Ihw thirty cittern in mid city, to be atl t an. h Hdttta aa the Conimlwlonera may de termine, the aame U bo ul for the purKe of balding a enpuly of water ready for Lli x thiiruiithiiitmt of HrHk tin'. .1 ltahall he the duty (if theCommla sl.numi of the city of Kah lKfi to Invy ud rot Itvt an aruiuoi tax on r.-l mu jieraoual urtiar tv aulllrlctil bv the aoiou t of ltrUsreet on Mid iHxida, and also u create a alokiiu; fnnd kullt'lout to iliKli.ruc the )U'liuljt a twenty ymra. bc. 4. Three Trnte 1ia11 be ducted by Uie Uoiniiil-wloni ra, none of whom aliall be a Coninili iiior, and each of whom aliall be Uie nwiirr In hla own rtlit of at leant 'V".i" real iUI Bnent'wmlwrud in tlie city, for Uie pqr xwe of uutiiHiriutr and inventing the iroceele of the tu lcvKd for crealluK the atomaald SIOKIIIK IlltUI. i. ' ' Tlie Tax Collector of tlie cHi tliall pat orer Uie cHr iroceeda wi uiii i rnmoea au uie praceeua of aad tanea. and na.t Trutea ahull from time to time pay Uie Internet on the aKainxt aakt bond, and the Inilknce of eaid Uxiw . tlo r ehall invent In honda of the city of Rnlc.i(l or In United ntatr tninda. Tin' tntcnmt ui aaeli inv. tiu,iit hail 1 luroatcd liki wiw In like aocurilke a f url an the Milne idutU mi collci-U-d. :. S Thin act aliall nol io Into operation until rotlltoit iy a majority of the imua-rty' holders who are electors of Uicdly of Ralulh, TVUut M art "etUct toil ttf I li.-M after tlie find Monday lu May, U71, thirty daya notice beinu (tireuof said election (a copy of Uiia trl ic iiotuLiauiiir auid nolitlcatlou) hr advi--rtiae-ulcnt III the Kalfiyh Trlfyrum and ttRKTlMKl., daily and iiy ioUiik at tlie Court Uouaedoot. In (leucrul Aamtiublv, reaii three times and ratuu'i) thia day of April, 1HT1. Thoh. 1. Jturiit, MiH;iikcr of ilie llouae. t.i. Wawtm, Frcadduit of the Bi-uate. Btatk or Nokth CitlOl.tNA, OIKre Sirft Ury of SUte, ltaivlKli, ILi? 11th, 1871. 1, :1tcniT J.' Mpmitnirer, - ftrntaiy- of State, hereby c rtify that Uie forcgolne Is a true 014 y of Uie original art o.u file iu . Uiia tlhee. -- . j. MKNNINOER, t fteerntary of rtete. In accordance with the above -t of Uie Ouneral Aaeenthly ait election will be held at itus- Xjiwrt lUmnr fn tlie rity jif LJMt'JSfadi JUM- -Moiuiuy, Toe i'sm uay 01 dununeit to atlow leiiawue-4wtmed"Wi yimi an opinirliMiltr ifv or rejeet maid act. TUoan in favor of mU tile.' will vote ' Ainvnd 1 and Uioee In favor of rejection will vole "Not Approved " ' W. U. lURKIMON, . i ihay ij-UU . r " ...Jfajw- City ua(asrs copy. Xortli CaJ'tiliiu Agrlf4itturUaJ . Machine Works. CEEESTS; CO. iHwoiMiwn to . r. wm,uwok co MANt: FAOTUK8 OF F1X)W8 AND Aerl cultural hnitlemeiit, Kciwlr Mill Jda rhlnery, Ktcatii KiiKimss, Ac. Caatoina and 1A7 twls tall alt! MSI f t Ja a. . ail 1 11 I - -. a. - r T ' ' bbtt T'w. IT I F'UieiHPJ UIPW' IU HinJI I notice and eatiioVtion fruaranteed In material and prkie. fine of the linn la Inventor of Uie celelirau-d 'Sunny Month Cotton Flow. Also, Uie Tar lira, and Needle Flow. i. H. SEPARK, W. S. HICKS, . i. U. UUXKN, i. B OAl'LK -wmt IftKn t rOHPITAL ACCOM MOD ATIONS.' - . Li Thonarh I hare mtiirnrd tlie Chair of MtiYcry In Vtaahiiarbm Cniveraity I ant auil r.irti.( u-d with one of Uier Iieat i- appoiub'd HiMiliala in BalUraoreIti Uie femu room of whk h my naUenbj from a dkUnc are arconi modeled with excellent txiani and proper nap, J 'ir. vu rrtf 1 . ipH.MifiMv irnw fi.ier arrange- menu, ititia1tym mttlaracviry, hai t(lt inwle for Uie cure of t ihab'tncaJ ami Uterine canea. -r . JtUWAKU WAKKRN, M. ., apjTiiha . Ualbuimtt, rpilOMAA P. DKVEREUX, JR., . j Attoriicf and Couitwllor atLnw, (orr: anirairrno aaimnat, arrica ) I . KAI.KIUH, N. C, ' Will practice In Uie several Courts nf Uiefkk JndichU IHatrtct, and the fapntne Court Colleetion prompUy atteuded to, and daiaia ttdlimb-d. . . - . . Jaa 7-tf '.-. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,1 ' j uiitinM u n - ' t FotmiitL or LaniiiitJ I Will ie-i tieeln tlie lth and lltli IXntrMx. ami hi thu UnltiYlHtatrwCniirla. Kwrial si bunion uiven to tkeanrumetit of caees in the uiirpiuc i:mrl at ltaleitu, . yon u imt mi Sftinf Irale.'" 1871 CROQUET. v winlete acts from fs yi f9jtft wt,,,. BASK BALLS. ' All the different k!m!nairj3liiicA4rj rf "erery deacrlpUon. , ;JRAYELI0 BAGS.. J For Udie and (. n'Jvmen. .Jl - roitEioK faN'cy doona e GUNS AND riSTOIi OF ' AIX KINDS AXD ritlCES. . AMMUNITION. ; .r...: 8l,OUTSME;9W(H)D?. :; ;-: Hoods snipped to any part of the Vrnwitry iter c'tiireaa. Tre,aHic.careftil attention uiven 10 orders by mail aa to personal poneluuiea. Prices for our ooda baar.(oa s;W at par. : . POULfNErrTIUMItI.E&CO., -'JO W. Jtiirttm,l I BALTIMORE, HD. aptaodlydAw , T ANTED EVKKTWIllilia, AUENT It '. Ilm) lo I ?al r-r miMiUi. Maldand FermuV, to Introtiiii-a Uie beuuine tuiproved Common rtenne Family Seturing LXa- t ' chine, I'mler'"! and Irverf.- .etrlea. Prtce onti The, XSacbii will lf;il,Hi, Hera, Fell, Tack, Hind, Brakl, Cms tiiev and KmoroMer. The ekith cannot be pnltad rt, ere after e?ry other aiiuh la euu tT"EvS? Wai hlne warranbal for Ira year. Wewill tr tbealaAff- Halrv,ar a Cowmawkaa whieli twiea Uie aauonnt eaa be Aiidreaa Mr U-rni V) t-rtila, etc. " ' 'JfJKOROE MrJ5JkTTfT!ilN A tO. - , - Nal.ville,Twi. I'AI;TXN.o w4 be hnpoacal npr fc o1lM r titlew i...iiaiiu.',on wnrUlleaa Caul Iwrtl Mw ir ..' -r Uia aanie i'i vf ritberWlali i. ' ., ..I. 1. MH,l HUlul Hl, ,1 'IT" m vim iwij e" EW GOODS! Mi- AMD Cheap Goods l.OO IPIKOBH O V wnrmt piqud. - -.'' -,' - -. WI HAVE JB8T OPENED A LAKOK LOT or WHITE 'PIQUES and call esieclal attention to 90 pieces at 4 25 CENTS A YARD. A GREAT BABGAINt Also, to better irnutea at Mkc. fUtfc, and 75c Abat, we have tnat otiened a full a. sorUiienfrof MltktKS WHlTEoO'ITON HOrJK, all siaes and qualities, cheap. DAVIS. UK AKB it CO., . 3a tf , Peterbnrz, Va, gPRIKG TRADE, 1811. TO Tllto .HKIU IMJrTS OF VI. S NORTH . CAROLINA Wi are now recelvlnaT and aliall cimUnue to receive Iiy every'aUvuer from New York, our aprUnr atock of , - - - - - PORSWXAND D0MKMT1C DM T OOODH -TalltWJT5faaB ilSlh MARCH, in store s stock which la ertent, variety and jificiitfW iB- wwnppnVW fiw,fwTaililjf wfMl " 94HfM of New York Pun-heatm; our riaaia ex clusively from maMufat-turera and Uicir com niiskioo, utervhautv w are anabk4 to uBef I limn t BALTX()BX ram AXD OX BALTt MOMS TKJUMI We reapectflilly sollell orders, whka will ra- X fWlt HUUIUI)tliiB.ol Mm ui ins Bnn, TKUMS LIBERAL. DAVIS, DRAKE 4 CO, Jobbers of Dry Ooods, , rKTUaBDBa, TA. r32lf, GREAT WANT 8UPPLIEDI . f&c Spcctllc Mannre Tor foTiacca" UVfaD.tlX efc'felKVWS EXCELLENZA T0BUA(1'0 FERTILIZER, " MADE -FROM PERUVIAN OUANO ANDISHOLVED B0NE8I -1 ANALYZING Stdiilde Bone Phoipbat 81 W liluhleRfhi-iil(iKlilitinnlr -, IHSk AminOtil . ' ' - ' '"' A lOUOa. jHirtn9fJ0 A fAr anHiesTV Aiper W( recunmenl thh arttela with antlr coo- Sdenra, and belter H to be what baakm(bera aomrhl by Tobacco Growers, eotnlitskur a It doe,Ui ' FOKCINO rKOPKRTlFJ OF -PERUVIAN mi a no avi TJHtJUPEHina quaxx A TRIAL Of IT lit AU. WK ASH golaj bsga ... ' M . , - Piffjtlalo & iiirrln, - ' " - ,! . - ' , -ioNES I'LWMER, . I ;'"''' 'vi'jt "Wfltt.AsMBnaV' -. lit nyeMMUtw n., peusrslinrc Va. mar lfl eodSol lt W.iBEST & CO., . Anclloi & CciiiiiiLssloiy Isrctai Two doom South of Rabknia Natrikai. BAJtK",Arrrvii.b Htkkkt, nuth, jr. c CONSIONMKNTS SOUCITEB. utraa, ux ranwisaioH, to W. II. WHIard, Preatdent, and C. Dewey, Cashier. K.I. Ith Bank. Ino. u. Winnuaa. riwaMent State National W. E. Ambwaosi, PrMl.b-nt, sad P. A. WUey, Caebier. Ctltma'e Aautmaa Dana ; ana W. H. A K S. Tntker A Co. asarStf , . . J NEWAhUIVAIfk LevtHm Crsrkera, Farbw Criai Jaaabf a, 1. Rainifia, -' tiUlH-ers, , - lttema, " . finlim-n. . im, Unl, M.daaarsx, F.i U Snifer, OiirTcea, k D, liAJtRIbO i BuaiaeM Card. iry c. stmon Acii co. hi:ati AIFA.N VbKot:n, a, FAIETTF.VILLE nUEET, u.aioa, w. o. A. a. LIE A CO. WHOLESALE OROCEM A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . MARKET SQUARE, ' auihb, a. e. JONES A tV AUCTION A tHMtl8S10N MERCIIANTS,, . 0. aept37tr "riUJAM O. VOKUlnEY. ATTTORNEt COUNSELLOR AT LAW, abaien, w. c. . OfBce Ftrst loor shore K. B. Andrew A Oo, near T aches Hall, FayetterUI street. Profeaaloaaj and buaiiMwe eooaiileraUooa have Induced bm to more air orHee to th CaplUl of the gut. 1 wilt, therefore, be pleased to see, or hear, friends a Rakdjch, N. C tu see, or hear, from say diesis and For the nreeeut I will conUuue to reward myself a eJUaen of Ooldabnro' and of Wayne count v, and on Monday of ever; week will see my friends at Uie orHe of lr. Umwni! U kiaar, in Otildaboro', to transact btiainraa t will alao, nnUl farUier nnUcw, mctice In Ihe eonnUea In which I hare beretofore liractkd. tug Hj Wll.UAM U. MORklnElf. nohtu cAnoiuNA HOME ISSaRJUICE. COIPAHT. aactrarrt aaaiser boss r roa. THIS Corany para toasui fairly aad eirca latc IU eaniinK at borne. It ho Junt add Ha loaaes by Uieronflairratkia t HetHienaaik, fully and promptly. It rabw are as niodttraki a safety will Justlf j. AOKNTB IN ALL PARTS OF Tilt STATE. R. )l. (IATTLR, Sr., PkamuaaT. BEATON UAI.Ert, Bau.. W. 11. MUKIKKJIl,AaV8ao.ALocA,T. aepta-U fJW TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS ' HofTiiiau, Lee A Co., TOBACCO COMMrsfUOV, MKttCUASTS, r3 Exwanu iS.cit, ,, f . UAL'I'IMOKK. Pauur A. Bam, Jaleshaw. . " s '.f e Adranrea of IB per cent aacertaatad ratoa in Csah will lie made on Bills Ladlna; of con aiKmnuut toon house at d per oent per an nua. . .riontpt mtows- Mb)r- with rnrrk for tatt ance due shipper I innnxl lately on sale of Uood. fbh imports 0 thi Kl Gull brand Bfuftinh Miti Lkmoi. apS-sodOn - - 3 fjht North Ctrolint . : RALBIQB, - " UonUnnes to lnattr all of property, oat reaaonabla terms. It pays all tosses promptly. ' - AirwiU m all parts of tie HtaU. Eneonnure Home InsUtuUonst R 11. BATTLE, Jr., Fmidaat. BaaTOW Oaija, Sec. A Trea. oecf " 11 ONNETS, MRS (KTTINOER HATS BONNETS, fiu BATS, HATn, HATS, BONNETS, BONNETS," BONN ITS, BATS, BONNETS. HATS, BO NNETS, RATS, BONNETS, HATS, . ' HATS, IIATS, BONNETS, BONNETS, MILLINERY BONNETS, - HATS, HATS, .... BONNETS, BONNETS, ' Pun IIAtS, iMi'iiiiltl'rJ, '-. MA IB, BONNETS, BATS. BONNETS: aaoi. HATSj BONNETS, aaa wiu. aatix ajaar UATJ, BONNETS, HATt, BONNETS, HATS, BONNETS, anw 10-14 UasoaaBlS f lUtttl. HATS, Ol EASON AJiLE CL0TiUN KJ - Y Are now reetHylruf their ewslomary Supply t of tl.ln latuu suited to tb : '.':)"'":. lpiwnckliM Warai Weather, j,'- .' .-''; f :, ''mia-adnc '.' . .-' , BLK ALPACK SACKS, . ) BLK., ALPACA FRO KS, , ' WHfTE DECK LINEN VESTS, 7 . WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS, BWtWw LINEN CITS, iV ---. - - -A - aetdafwIlUiMnl N l.AVY.i VHM& WEAR, Y,::, f V.weat price in th City. -;'.;"'-; R.B.AKpfStC9, Drug Store. DBI U STORE t! "ile ftRl'OISTA rHARMAClST. ':'" -:. x". I . . " ' . THE UNl)ERl()NEn TAKF.8 PI.EahI'RE IN ANNOUNCING THAT MI UAS ! OPENED A DRUG STORI AT lo. 33,' FaycttCTiUc Street (ntn 8ta0 or Dotiiitii B i l i.) where be will keep a full Stock of DK108, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, : ' I FAINTS, OILS, ..'.)',,,. rttl ... . I 0yiyFFSL mvt.XXAXA& WARDEN f EfiirS ANfr - XVEKYTIIINU USUALLY KEPT IN A' . 1 , ., ... ,' ... iuT class iniva siajts.. A GUA1WATE n I'iJ A RM ACT, Harrng rOLLEfilATK anw PRACTICAL" EDUCATION", will har eharge of Uw 1 PREgCRIPTIOy DWAKTMKJ Aad aasdMnea will be dispensed only by EDUCATED APOTIIECA RIKSI HENRY J. MENNINGEr! anarch' U-tt . - . . gUNDAY SCHOOL UOOK.9. i SUPERINTENDENTS AND TEACHERS OF Sunday Schools are Informed that they can and at tha Bookstore of . ,v .. . . - ALFRED WILLIAJM3, A complete aasortnient of SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS . . .. eoMiiatinc or ! Primers, S pel bra and Rewlera, Ceterhinna and nnal 11 111 -baai- aiiinsay aeaiooi ynm aina I'uae Booka. Tkki'ta, Reward Cards, e., Sunilay fiool LHinuie at all prieea, Claan Book!, Minute Booka, RoU -Book and R.I.Lr, Bibbs iMeliorav- ', rlw,TtjaUuiiit wtUi Notes, Bi - Wesatid Tiaumeauiatall pricea, ! BaidAri Paaliulat and t'aal ac. dy, MeUnallst and Preaby- i - iertaa Hymn BtMik. Also, Jual received Ui '0 NEW BAPTIST IIVMN IMMK. A liberal discount wilt b tnal lo Sunday st'hooa hnylnit in ililaiitlty. r!end for Cala- katueaud Prices, - 1 ' UjV tne.u. tt ai . may 3n If 1 Bookatdler and rSlaUuner, Ioi'iBiiD.isuciiriixii. : i . ; YIIUIINIA, :.... I OPEN MAT lh. 1"TL ' ' This favorite and. eelelaratod waterlna place Will oner sddlUimsl atlracuona thlnauaaon; aiueiif oUier lmiroveuenU tbta-e ha Imh ail dial aa eluiralit and simm-Ious Hail naifa ailtolil. taAbao. tMjawki. Ua.b ettktrnl ud much imprnvial, and Ue protiinity, of Uie two ntHilar eak eaaily ectWKibkv-.t will lie kept In a style not surjiaaned anywhere lit Vlr 1 -lha wtLlera at toes aumwi sernufs enUier ewea or uratnly -ralnive twoat cnees mt Iwrtvriibl, Incipient -cnnaiiiuiabin, t;tirmiK' nroni-nut, Chnmar lArytqiiitMChrtnite Pmntfilomii i'krmi. Ui lyNpewla, ChrotiH: Olsrrkiea, Chronic llya nitery. I hey are alao a great vsinii In UiMe srteetlona which. are peculiar lo Uie fcuiate eiitintltnttnei, and as aw epiietlrer, a tonlr and iefAnlal roaliltattto, tbay are, prrtiaia, nnrllar led amongst Miner! waters 1 The propni'ba- will have provided for the lawna end baiii 0001 s Arsl-clans hand of tnnMV, slid in general ail Uie atinree of amuawaieiit and nvreation unn ally niund at oar beataumuiur rcsorb) will be at Uie rViiimend of Uie gucata at " Kot amiMNiK AU'at." The dce la wlUiln elcv(.B to U.lrtwn hours of Richmond, Waahlngton, BalUmor, etc., by rail, all in day.lkihk Tansoeayrs kmve tbe ears of Uie lUitwaiieiOk aail Ohio Railroad at GoahiB lieiioi,. wul i.f w and chasant ktage hea, lianiiiiii rapidly' over I road of only eight Riitca, nm.H'iu alio act dowu Uie visitors at the tirliwr to tea. JAMkjl A FKAZieK, PrO.rblr , Dr. It R. Now, ml liaiuutore, Kesiduul Pky- Slelan. " , 4f Th ttoekbrliWe Water for sale by Vut pnm llmKirlntn of tlw Unibal Munli. lleaurlpUv (imphkt sent fnw on applH-a-tlon. . . ... ;, , ..' .. : 1 may iueodlin- ' - .; NOTICE. . ..- . 1... - - ' ' . lawt a Cettllleste In the Kalekrh .: km Railroad Co., in Uie name uf W. G. 'Strick land for oe share. Applli aVion will be oi.k tttr itHntl.llA tVetidenLa. Also, will eakl on Jwna atb, at tba ,urt Hons door .to tide etiy. Ui above touUier Wlin tea nttare m ute tMautatn luiuroau. "., ilKUWCK, ' ylT-Ux .. Ailmr. OLIO, For Waabifig diabe ad fe ciesa'ni all Klb h'n LlreiMl It la ill. n Vl.b-. ll cleans Btnd Iron and Tin War, brae ul '"'I r Venecia. Knives Sltd Forka sod -41. thuln ol Cutlery and remove all nunbia, lii.-, Idrt or isrntea amckar Mian tax an-ara, naaa ntor, oU or emrrv. Jt tseliesn and UecUve. ial I. s great' saving of Urn sud iatHr . V ck idi- 1, iK t. I" ae. , , tbm w n.c, , ., mvn, ,.., VVtnd.'Wn, Mirrors, Mart.kt Pmlntv, Printi-d Hf W.rfk, tltlOtoUM, Balk Ti, Mart, Fhwrs and Mantels, It Is invaluable. It rlenni Greaiiy and OH stalle d labbsa, ba-rn, 1 antry oiiien. ,.e , iinan . fTr'IlVNACIl PETERSBURG ADVEHTIBEMjCrTTB. DI()LUTION. of JIlKllANA CAKR fa this diiy dim IvtXl tV WUlatW (UJtMLilli. W B JUK- luflis A-.,U wGMkvl'li CAKti, rUn trum tnuwnsijutksi U bl fitrtttl fur HttttntJ t-iitvlte cUuiuiiKv oi UttJ mum lo Ut wo ttxr. AU rroftt hniwbti Ut irai win i4fw tU Uwir fjTOHtttW without 4)v. -Tbutw ninK Plains or miiata uw ixwi n Uieaa bar UMUMniiat payiiwnt. Ellher partner wul 1 tue 01 ii.e aim in tiiiiiiuniun WALT Kit M. JOR1IAN. - . JOeKPtl UAklt, Notice. I bare to dat nareaaaed the tntereai of Mr. W. B, JlllftiAV, to Uie ApoUteawry and limit Mnalneaa uf JOIIOAN A CAKK, and will eiw. Ituae to romlwt the aame In all Its Imnaehik at Uie old ntaitd comer rlVCAMORK AM) WAMIIINtlTliN nl'liirrTH.. Il.i-mtf smote f:u ltlliiw and a hmic entairrenee tw the lawiueaa, I ran safely tpiaraiilee anUnfaeUon t my -Irons. I i - Relarniac Uianka to" ray frienda and ens- bain-in for Uie PATRONAGE so liberally as tended to Jordan a Carr, I bop by - prampl aud stnctattisiUon to buniaesa, to suertl aud receive a conbitfuutce ol the samn. JtXtKPH CARR, ' feb 1 tf, " - PetoraliuK, Va. c LOCKS, CLOCKS, LAIU1K ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS, OLD ANI NEW STYLES. At ID. FASNACIi' f IWIIIT If SB, I .Poont atxiti) Miuwr. Tnclux'it- -febS-tf JETrJET, JET. SOMETinNU AiUITI NEW AND VERY NEAT IN Till WAY OF CHEAP ! . r t"i-. J -y-T" o 1 - v 1 r.itwARn rAAAf nt JEWELRY STORE, I Door above Minn, T acker's, feb 35 U L AWS OF BUHINKR8 - FOR ALLTHKBTATES OF TUB UNION, WITH FORM ANU In utter II i FOB i V At.t TKAHHA(-lirMa, ! Br TnEorniLm passom ll , Aar rivet aa lAa- Lmtrf f brrava, on Mmmt Ot tm, .,!. It evwrtaln mnl pretu nU tar th chart t, plnineat, and avoat precise mnnner, sll Uioa rnlr and prtnctplee whk h rtarulale aoeial nv trrcoumr, ami govern every kind nf bunlueaa, with full diiecllona for every tranaactbai, It expUlna Ut nature nf every kind of con tract, conveyance, and legal obligaUoB. It give dlrerUoua, to Magianrabw. to Ad iiilnUtrators ami kneeuUitv. to Landlords and Tenanta. to Gnantlana and Wanla. to Bnrr and Sellers, Agent and l'rlnrila. Debtor soil miiitars, to I niavtva, UHnnion Carriers, to Inatdvanla, to Ineorere and Underwrlb, to Inventors, Author. Farlnem. fJlork. Cor- uiraUims, Mhanirxildera, and all who bar any uuaincas to wanaacv '-.'..- - It show bow to draw and perfeet a Deed, k make an AgreivnenL an Asalgna-ieiit. a Leese, itusmnty, a Note, a C1n-k an Order, s lnii bill, s will, a Codicil, a Bill of Kirhange. a Pmleet, aa Indorsement, a BUI of Bale, an In dentiteeL a Mortingi a Warranty, a Pellunu. an Aruitmvtt. a Releaee, a Power of Atbiraev. I'ab iit Forma, aad every kind of legal instru- UieMn. tt la tisinTlu TO Fvery Farmer, - Every Mechanic, . fcrery ttiwofw.. timer. - -k.vFf . Ptintt tIHnarr kv.iy Coiif 7tor7 JlrCitlliri-rVi-,',,- - Kvery knuntloril, - - Kvery ;t eiianH kvecy Kxeenbirj .Fverv A'timinntrator liwaztitwl. T" - ii'twv kelti.rrr kmar- teari'Laaii-.jK'Vnay iiaatan;'i'W!tiifi ITvevy Atiwentic,: Jl.-'- ISrtiry klArtnof, i"" r.very raruier, s urery i:iera, '. . kvery AucMoneer, "-f Ivety ftrnker. - -F.vcry Notary. " Krery Bank Olflrsr, Fvery Juatle'eof Peace, Krery Connlgnor, kvery (lonstabhi, . , Every Collector, Firery rMterttf, ' Every t! niter nhnrlff, Klciy rVtcrtminv, Hmry Hommlatiloiier, li.veryitrarHln.uror, r.viry I reaauref, ,. Kvery Harried Woman Kvwr Widow, ' ' Kvary Trader, ' Ktary Market man, j Frerv, . Kverv F.oii.l.iroa. Krery UUneo, tvary PropiTly Uoliler, la abort, aa (mirndlum and Hand book. it I to all who deal to know their riglib) sod dutlna, or to imrmwa the meana of traanactittg, mml.lcl. and with eofrec-Uioaa and aafetv. tliclr own liaral Imailtes. . '. . 1 ue worn win eontaui sevoa annaria pages, iiomi.leto !o one roliime. - t An Agent in now ranvaaalng Raleigh for iob aerltitb.... IMor titan kflv aMttM-Ciriera have already been obtained, and should to Agent faU to ntark vry on desiring Una valaa- ll work, ttietr "awes wip tie recuived ny i ALFKISU WILLIAMS, BcrStf . . Book aaller. JOHN ARMSTRONa. " . BOOKBTNDEB AND BLANK BOOKMAN ''; ' ' ' I'FACTVRER. ' f ov tsl aoniB cnlioJU", axxriutiou, '-.!fl-;r.!.-.'1r,i,.'KALEIOH,N C. Trial,' Eteiufioi.. MiuntcS and Kutordlrat Docket uisde to order. 'Nie-tk aiarnHn Kejxirte and other U aUaika, bom.d m ntij.-n.a- Yam ittnoing. - Mleeing nttoleir of U, K.yorts ntnillt4 ma 000 nuiuorrs bnaen m .t.ujge jiar una OIK- A T $2S' Uffiil). 1 hrhr offt r a Rfwarrl of f ft, fr lb im-il rvh. tvfariHiiK of Wm, (). MwWH. W.KJ mvl hi tm-nm'inM mi uiUwiy to 1 aiuitxU Htht tart Mid wtw imjkl mlrt tn Wifl tnurter.of Um. i. HIL nf rfriiirx,tn mntir. Iff l man ttt (Hthuitt ptiw, trfiwlt vmr iitri ll, CtTUM, Hurt UHjfl if f JwliArtWiA, SOUTIP.mjI DiVKNTlON. lat' llIBlftlN. ' Sueicrtci Glass CyUnicr !5;iilile-ict- lEi Force feat, . .v PATENTED AUHUW T inN, BY A.BALDINO. The indrralifned, harbm Uie eirlunlre rlfht to nuuiafaetHre and sell lb ahn l'nmw 111 Nortk and (tooth tirolliM, bar aaeoeialVd Uieanwlves binretber -onder Uie nam aod sty Is uf Uas Cjrtdlna Pumn ttmiiany," aiirr bav bia entaldbibed ttietr alaniitaebiry at v.tyetla vllle, N, C.,anjn.. nreitnred lu f nmlnh pumps at short notb-e Scmo baa at met triiuniied bi Uie pnatucUna of a Pump admirably ted tor Welle and otlier mri, that will force water any depth or tieljdit, which., by at taehing hue, at one ttocoxutie a local Fire Eu fflu of icreat no' bnn par mmuLe. I icreat power, throwing WI to 1V gai- This Puino romblnea aimnncttr and dara- Idllty, ut which Uie water will never treat or become stale, aa Uie cylinder and valve are aabmmrud, and no water remains In the ptint whea Ik Paaip I not la nperathitt, Tha Pnnap worka Inil.t, always brtiurlnK th wster hsab aud qiarkliur frma Uia ladtnm nf Uie well ; and Uier i no fHc Uon, Uie cyllmbw ben tflmw, Uie iwckiog eaa. not wear or cut, th val vt-a baiiur round, tinula of lint irlaaa, worktua; on k inn sen la, can nelUinr wear ir Jam. These Pumps ire peculiarly adapted tor Mpplyta; tanks tipo. irt tit dwelling, eollvtiea, kotai batlunf aaliaeis, and for railroad, street, arardena, distillerfe. Ae. They oan b U butted to aleaut or winW power, Any ordinary mechanic can pnt them rrp by prtnu-U dlrecUons always aent Willi the I'mui We aars bundrwbi of tcaUmoulala from per Bona who hav asud oar Pumps, who cipn-aa great saUafacUoa : In fact they aro a auoceas and will suataln all w claim fur Uietn, Buy mm and nave are hwurane, r)neclal at- tenUo aivvn to all order. Tu enUrv thipUl of wull uiateooniHoir each urdot. 4. kkU Util.i, Wllnon,N C. ! C. TATE MURPHY, Muaiwou, N. 0. W. C. TROY, FayetUjTlll, N. 0. . SuoceaaorsUiJ. L Kltchlu. All orders or eoinuuntesUou' addressed to W C. TROY, FawUnvUla. Maixh i, lifTL , , OmTiriCATM. finsairr'a )i, a rtTarraviu a. N. C, AirU t, inn. Wm V. Tron, Jupl (IsnJiea Tnp UmMttt , Tbe paiau you nold me suniaanee any aiunt aangnln mpoctaUon. tt does (11 yu clsttned for Ik Aa a Fiaa Imliai lie value la biealra ktlil. . With twunty feat of hosel kave Uin.we water entbely over my dwelling, which hi s verv hlrk two and a naif storr bouse, kit fsuillt would stot ba without R ftar anr niu sMeralbr. H. WJHAHtilR, --- BDenn vuaiieriand couut BantTI CnawiiKM, i RAUHMnl, N C., Marnh Pi, IHi'l. i Having hail llfbton to twenty years' criarl nee In gold mining, naiiig various kbi.lnof rmmini foretna water froaa great depUia. 1 takr rtranirB tn aTiTtng- r.mtrraiu' to warn Haaitr be th "Cavibn -Ptrmtt ;omnuiy " over alt obien tor well aad other puriajsus. . Tbey eout- stimicrijraTitt ouianrnTj. T . .Z : .lZ VAbEnilA" AIJNET. , A . .. ... . .. . - .- ' Mtaulv Countv. Vu-aon, N. C., Jan. aYl'im. IsXaVAsn, tV, uear mr : we nave had your Hahttiig'e rump in n-gniar nan, taviniiing at varmio period alnc Marrb. IM7tl, and w are f ree b out of order. All Uie water tint nature mo d.-nlitneil to ( through such a i-hnuin I can easily be brought np,uven by eiiuiirtai.. turorvii nary una, and by atUchbig: bona, ami pultun two to four men to Uie lever, Uia pump al one necounes a mrai art -nt(ine tnruwtitg am .em water to aaiaiue ny oiuinary nift. n Uierefore recommend your pump to th rare- f ui sxsinluaUoa and aa uf the public. mc lniiiiie. W. lY Ronndtrna, R. J. Taylor, A. barues. Probat J.. G. II OrtlMn. V A WalnwrtgliL Wtlllsms a Nailni, Jaaa Woodrd, ' M. L. Kkodca, Jia. B. Hatia. B. F. briKga,aur'ft I bar fianit hi.ibtha lawtmie of rlM tng patilt antnuerged pumim, ttianufatHen if alAVilwm, N. il,, by J. L. k Ib-lnu, awl take nteamir tu iwetiwimeeailng n to Uia uubtli .an navtug givatt lattiect aauaiaction, tn fai.t i ftigaid 11 aa on of Uie beat pumps now In use at, . t tl .WMUtv. N1 KW OtJODH, CliEAPI CI1EAPK8TIII 8. KLINE & CoV Take great id nan tn Minomiclii- to their nnmeronn Iriemls, patrun and Um publi gen erally, Uiat indnced by the pnwelit deprenaell price of an merchatniiaa, Uu.y hav (mrt-hasiid a very targe ana wen suimieii ui a oi HI'KING AND SL'MMKR (J(M)I)H, vutmratniao . Fancy and Staiita Dry Inmals, Ready niaild LHoUnng, Boot, Jthovie, Itnla, Cais, . Ladies' slid Geotbuucu's Ii uruiali. A big; tkxkt. Notions. Carta AND MOST EVERYTHING UHUALI.Y REIT IN A FIKST-CLAlbJ DRY HOODS I AMD CLOTHING HOUSE, ' SSU) jjllEilr.ot,a,lt t PMeaji We particularly esll attention to -onr fine. TOif'ewwJinpti wsseas-ntv . - kkautm Ana raxntuita,' and we are di.tornilnd In Uil Una to out-aril any House in this city, and ready tu supply . MERCHANTS AND DEALERS at the towrat wholesale figure. We akto afra wnrte that tn .ennttervtnn with Mr .. . ... ..i... ,. . . M , . r in y ttotais-war vKiuttng mmiiiummiwt we hav uia only t v, , - . , .REGULAR CHINA STORE ; lntkiaelty.and keep a 'utl Uns of ' FRENCH, , .-.' '; KNHH. .'' INDIA CHINA, '-..'"..- .. Ac... aye., etc. And evnect tn nniiolv the wanta of tbe twll. lie at nnunuallr UiW RATES, and nrombie In diiceiiieiiv Ui all who witi favor ua with tliclr . Tliankfol for pt tkvors, w rwpejrtfnlly aolieit a rail, and yoa will convince youtaeli-iet of toe superiority uf our stock, and tbe lair a of ear prteas. 8. KLINE A CO. ap tf J7"TTRELL,8 W1UN08. ' ibis famous aumnver resort win ba ope oe tlie jsjtk June, and will b kept in a style to give SnUnfactnott. . Kntlr new furniture: good Miulc, Bull; sud elegant shsde. bigetber with price to suit the Utflea will mak aittrell'a plenaant houw either for the titvaini or pieaaure aet.aer, The wattn S a siiectrli! fin" Scrofula, iMs- S'i.a, KruilUons, general delilllty or diansars pccVisr to femalea, are Uai well known lo re- tnlre anyuutig saio ba uieirnenan. I :i.Uir of family yt4. hl. J term per day sou: weik l'i; mouth to. with a liberal dcdocUow for fu(llllen r-ioaoiliiK incseaeon. r . , 4 BLACKHALLACO , Pn.tb.N, - . . KlttnUs BpriuK, H. ti. T. It Bi.acai.L,t . W. K ivvxau, k ' , . C. IL Raaat.r , I .' ''' ' Jun l it N A alKwTSt MKA THIoll . k- JTV We wUI pay Ajfeuta a Salary of 1.1 aumtii and e, itelote. i aini etpctoatt. i uue ui snort, Addrean at on.-e, ; ' v u, te k w I V.mV . i-.. buyatwlui' StockavUh, N. tJ. A4ISCSU.AN EOU3. RUK3 Of THR Wwiw t1W twrwAtHl Uifir fwilitiw. for lm I Eaalii Orgai Ccinpaiiy an sow ntinl.kwt to nilnr Uiir well know l InrMin, I.U b are Uia ACKSQWLrWKD STA0ANI Of ' KXfKU.KXi'S among Tnatrunnoiit ot toe citwi, at vricea of Inferior work. Tby print their lowwi pric a, which are therefore, alike to all. hivafiui.le. The ftillowtiig are liluattaibins : flooMAtfUHf t.i.t. f V 74 .., twtr AW.f Ven IWor lMmn,nmA 7'fVanw;.tW, t Timed itaif (i-a,liiuae.f . . . I(v) Thr Hunt, iA'uMl Jml, mtA W SUtipm. .1 l .ft rtr GlAer .Wjan, w ......l.tkid All in solid Black'aluut. All th Orcana made by this Corcpsny are Uuruguly ai.l claaa In every reapeci. Tbev will o..l nmke Uie so-called ehee., I ihfnnn at lev pric. 'I he OMiparaiivei"HTiiiiiv of tlKir inniruini nt. la now groator tlian ever before, an every com. petcnt linltr who will caret u;Ti-eininto and vuire must pen-oil a. . " thh UMTS A TKit VATAtOOVS with Wood Cat from I"ti.ibijrat.!i cf tl a lltiilWlt atvbnn. full hte.-t,1ati,.u and li.we.l wice i alau, T eeUnvoeiHt Clreuhir ill bw sent rae ui any anoi.raii. , : ' lason ft Eamili Orjaa Co., Il'orrrooieta 41XJ Ur04tlu at, "' . : new yors;- ap - , Jjq-KW.MAPOF WAKE COUNTr. lirawq irom actual Barrcy : r- .:.- FENIKII, BKAVKIlH, Ej., :; VtHJkTt llt'VA(0. . Nontlna have lvn ansrnd to maka.tlm mitn tmrfiak Th to onlilp boundaries are given, nd Ui ralircauls, county roao. streams sud uainit of many farni see plainly tnarki d. AM,jpanyng the ,ap. is a pint of -Kalel- , allowing location H piiblio' tadlding, 4c; alo, Wlilo, showiug tl, iMjiuiaiii,.,, ,t urn dillerenl biwehiia, tiutln and fewale, while and colnnal, wilb Ui nuuilajr of dwuiilncs and fanilik-n in atU'li; are u sonars oilier, uuuttHvr of turtirf and anmber of at res lu rack towiiahlp. - . Tlie townnlil cr deacrilwd, Ues Nature and UUaiily ot jUw vu and tha pronutcta-uf mack hoing given. PopuUUiwof Uie city; amount invented tu mauufacturuMg ; county and cily illdebbidlHieSi dfie, t i'uliuahed aud for sale by NICIIulJI AOORMAS. Al(l foraidoatUMiOtiy Borikntomi, ' Way I If - ' wi;w cooivi NEAV GOODS! yi Al t I r AMI THHOW uuV m) Ur t hrwrM witi. . (jasjt bHlijtQ ; 'HliyNwlM lit llf'4lf) tlljlllVB) tftl UmA ih l,t!' T.rliy f.r fuh'V WW bvt ptutavil. I' ins imul'itMi UtiUr tiv ulii(Uni(. htl.'k illMl tlM'tf tH fcttlW, i UtAHllol. MHB I M.Hk MU.'UL KibardM, H RIO litf'i'tjLlliL JisM 1. jws r k ('! ur HUM MM, WIIH SHI Wuii fM-tlkllf'rmi U uvli Vjlt'tU ArtJliJ m I (ftM Hi the iit-tw ui km. lily iUH'k ol ..AIM tO' t.iKiOH U Urut hihI V't iimiplUt, fnitiriu inir, Um ru ti 4iJj runui, hihI M.4t tiiMt rttiii u I rki4 wttkaH lh tvuii l mU, rttttiip tht Uiy urn. . Oti.HU for K NTH BUV'H, A.N I) CHIL DUKN t VvitAti, sut wuilinn., Twi OolbiUHafV ll1 LllrfQ kffKMtn Itt lUUflt O'Ui- r iifiL, eotrw i Biit, I Iimv firt Ut m nU Will K Uimrtll" tli? pili'MH. IL ttl!iV1it'R tt Wliitt lioniwl cwittt tn.tuiiiLum WiUltllV orOlil, Larpfi tfiii4U.t. - B1IOKS! hlluKHtl 1 'Iiiil!(K Miftmtt' lltl wMtliilinli'm. (JmhI' alilil Ht'V'at. I lie sUVCt'rtt kUft IlltHdt I tHIl 1 '1 I H Ulllt llu! citr, Ulif I it tjitirHL'ii Lu kb(ci Ui ll a ltd jh hU lr tht ifftiti iuM. Uf lUti fttrti fclMulL WO VtUt UUlaksM LU WU1 jM.lktU'Uat. ...,-.. AXD VMIilStMA'P, . . . LAbIh:tft MiSSltit AM) CNll.hltFSV UiTS StyWw new tApe li-incrxll'iMtw cl.t(. enough. - - lSX IIATS!! ' FrwHwil B.Vr. tfiTt Com ikw, a.i t you Wbii.tft it. w bail Ion buvtt t:ii wmrLiig Uiu old own Imuu utkmiuIi. ll ltM tii i-om; Cwiu to t iwh't Lu buy r.iv rw word in ly iiur hu.i Um ptilflicu ft'errittl iw Ut my Umt ru m- M M Hi niiuiy ttimiiire t-tlvwtlwtnuiiu. muttr; iMt. of uiHi kwi wtn mmv Mnv kmi ; MtiM uOr Lhe tit- UU, HsiflM lMHttU UiMH t ht. Ul- list), till Ui hfwt Why tth y ..(, tiiivti y i iu .NilM't jut lo utut h Wtf 0r imj( r.tiMH thu cuihiiit . -u Um Uih of tttnune. Um a hn kr ( t Uvltuc liuiimii ImIuknI Hut Jufi 1 L mn mv Ut you, tli til 1 have iin ihhIh far tim MMt Jl iffnrA, that t ttuva u (iiitH'r U tit vi tit- jrr()Ln HiLU. i tr-uiiiito luuJt wur, ik.. im mrtii rr. hrtt Tii pit niAfthn winY'f-(' iimito hn I l v i. L IltA 1 mturt K.i- t AbM-M tr' H 1 dct lir .1 1 II V) and uur,.. turtiY.. lattjatr. auUsUui. MK. k- k. UKAKri. wno i u noli at: d raVitiatniy kuuwu in UitK C)ty tuitl ltirtMiirlioitt Ilut hutc, f.r lit VtTttltTt ttrirtdlttj Uvtl.f(Ji'ifif;itU(i u -HHI ANIFil fllf: JVU.VT FUHHA'T 20 VOMK TO WtIOLKLAL.I AND UlVi AfL I)iM,o.lP.ri. meviiciiwNi, rtomiimlt jaH, tuft, rtt-B.ift Mtut tnttitif'TtHM, jiliiiri.iwrillit'ai w -sit-tiu-n, t tsarf llinrlfr fArbV hi tlj-liirfi Infninl Kitaiti. ti an. I rVlivviitg totm-v, f4rai. Win umi tMHtiilt-- 1 are uliutctt iu wUe at luwvrt oim kot Oiii iv- , . ... j it HlH filtxt U HI-WOT T suf fto- .;. HtTaillkM'tl, aSt-'UtHlit, f'.-.H V' '"l" N HrttttK, Kim th iin.-.-ii,.is, i t u I'atim in tiitiw. hni kt m iAtui A , ?. Ywl, niu4y aiu ntav ts tfckfn tuu-t i iw , rwwUv, Wy tttrt(ju JtVv-ij tnuVr waiMint-.ti to cflrki irt 5 uu'iiUtii. : ' . 4 Hi Mt'tj4 iff ttiUf1t WiHtw fut wiVitli'ii may W tf I lltt MINKUAL WTRHa MF T.IK IM leti itc mU atiaa, a o.. ft if ei;l I'l.iUn. ft'ni 1'ei.eittl l.r.-ti.m t-.r r.-.-i.u,i M.ii.niI l'iiiun. .in .,. hi lo Ui..- v.1... ii, k 'imI ki.i for l.-nl'tr or j.!.n,iliv. .,-u-ailin cvVr.'i f -at,-, n I'.l. f ' Jl ivi . .. tor wil,-at J. A, J. 'S i...h.;..rv. way In It mum:: ,- (Mil) I f u.J JNU-ll't'llli'M XI AN I l Mb.-1 ,..,.-v a li. r J.Vn.-t sive l--'1 iu ell,-. .i.i tile H.'.', ti ln,.i.. .1 , -...I tiioiH tn-i-ii.-i -.'! in to-'! i.f mi-.'..-- i', (.... I..HI-lli.'U.ianu .!'! I... -.-' . .o'; ' ,,;,t, . , II lil-.IJl. i.e."- , "'".'. LUo Aoi i'' atak-iU, y, C -, i.St ' - -'-' "- i" nioli'-iUctui v.U, v- ta' i.' I 'i 1 1 - .j .A