lit' 7 . A aV . t -"aa" .. aV A. . .JB. UP. II. VI. RALEIGH, N. .C.HOXDif; MB 19, B7L mi if i" JO&MI TtWV Jr, Editor. JM , SFELlil. Atwtiim torsi Editor ""mate or AOVEBTisii v). J Advertlsero-iiU will be ttwertei in UiePilLr g'",IH-tu,,oll"i"'tlu A;rwlll be iHirwHer esUtuatod at W mhto Burst, or 1 Inch. " . ' - Oua ,uar one Unw , ..' m each uljeeo,uent Insertion cm UiaO week.,.. ........, !. t hie reiuare one week Rack atddiU.asel suaarauns wee..... One sttirsretwo weelia.V..... Ksrh additions! witter two weeka.. . . On iqam oe mouth KM addlUoBal are tm month... On square two nonlli., ...... ...... F-achaUdiUiiBal " - ' One square three month. ........... Eeh wlilHtomU three" On tiuartcr eoloinu " Inst blf eotutaa " Oueeoluina " 11.00 S.H0 "; si Mm so H ll B.00 12. Ml S.IM . 14.00 TOO as oo 10.00 100 U0 - AdwrttaCTHWitaltwertad to Wirj and Serai. Weekly tt rate otnrwpotidlug with lb above Court advertisement tnaerted 6 weeks fur t cash or 10 If ciuuifod. WHOLE BALE OROCERS. CI UG A TWL COFFERS AND TEAS. . O 30 Barrel rushed. Pulverised, Graan l,l K II A. end Purto Kit Sugars. ' , Choice Riot, Leguyr iumI Old Uor. Java C-rlce. . and Naek To , ' nai 13-tt A. 01.EE CO. CUE A TABTAK tM ft tb fVaaire, Coariitnitd Lye, Cwnlriuwd kilk, T.autluwd. CorrC.Hoha, Tuck. CIMa t)rd,' -Powder, Bhot, Caw Cutf UUU, B ickela, Krunr W, Tlnai, Wundea Faueeta, 8UrcU, Matt-b btacklog Braehea, Ac. Ac. aarlitf A. Q. LEE A CO. PATAP8CO OUANO. We have the aKr for Uila well know" Furtllliwr, wade under lite iiaiaediatu auuw- DILa.ALIEBiG. 1 The Corapanj bave tpared 00 exprnae at pain la aiakluK U tlie beat article bow need, and warrant It emM'rinr to any heretofore tuade The orb Will be made auitalile to the luin-e. ;Biar8tf ClHOICE FAMILY OROCKKIE8, OF ALL the heal and laoet dealraUeirrade. .GALLON A H. LEE A CO.- BK8T FAMILY LEAF LARIJ, IH TIM Pa katcra, ul ft and 13 Iba. Alao, choice Lardhi Kiva and Klta. ' iBarlft-tf - AftttlACa AK Oellon or- Barrt'l. Pure eotmtrv made Fearlr Brandy, Fine Kye Wbtilsy, Bea Copjier- dinlilW AnnV Brandy, Yadkin county tara 3aEZmfn(,yi Rre; eBwti Fine "Apple Brandy, ftmi.ram..ull Wine, aoaaetbitnr nice. - jiaiJ4 U A, OJJCEAtCOr- It UTH'8 CHALLK VOK fKLUBLK PBOB nuiK, " The moat aciive awl reltalile Fertlliier ulffred Im Uie planter. Prepared expreaftly for ttouth- ero uuim and eoiL .i . . . - - uar'Aitf A.lEKACO. SOLUULK MKA ULAND GUANO, Klrh in Ammonia, tWuble Phoaphork Acid, and Alkaline Ball, one of tlie beat roa- biOaliona fur tlie Boulhern Blalea known U Curmintry. A, ti. LKE CO. DiarW-'tf DUMP CART HARNBS8, HAME8, COL lara, Cottoa aud lleuip Backtaada with PaUnt Hooka. . aiar 1&-U AO. LEE A CO. JOW FOR CASH. M0 Lba. N. C. Ham Bacon, ' hU " N. C. 8ide iiatun,, - - 61U " N. C. Blioiil.ier Baron, 10 oJ Wrntera Hide Baeon, lu.UUO " Weetern Baonlder Bacoa, i K.tliiO " Prime Mm Pork. ' 1,000 " Prime City Leaf Lard. : IU0 Bnah. Niea flweet Poutoea, 100 " " Irtmh Potabiea, 60 Barrel S. C Family Klonr, UK) ' " tt,uk Hour, UO " " " W hite Flint Com, 60 - . WlUbs Com Meat : At A C. 8ANDF.R8 A CO'B, . marlO-U No. a, Martin Street WRaTanH N C RinaoiD CoMranr, : , Ofico Faiw'T. aB fcuKaaiirraaiiaaT, MurxanUm, N.C, iuna 1, 1B7L THIS COMPANY HAS COMPLETE!) ITU niad to Old Fort at tub Bu a Kmoa, 114 aiile Weat of Baliabury and wlUiin H6 mi lea of AtiHavn.LB, to whkB latter pmnttne fmir horae CoacW raa etaty from the end of the Railroad. Harka for famllln are la read) weaa for any point In the Weat. Excimaiott tVt, (food till need, are anld 1 by tlie variona RaWroad Companlea, U rtthterd riot, to all BlaUona ua Uiia aUavl, and MraaA H AOM. Onr Eaatrrn friendii will Ond mr avnontain all that eonld lie deeired for heallli and com fort duriny Uie anmnier- araaonrMmii prppW raiioa aaa bera nade to entertain comfortably and cheaply. 8AM L Mrl). TATE, ! ' Prea't and Saut W N. , it - - Jane tit JtwHt r TICK! -Tberm nf Atldrre n ' AalirlfTOwhcri S. wanly oj v aae, 10 me duimi 01 nuiH ana- : .j..lin&.ull.ti,jA ili 1 ill ii li lia miiiIiibI . iii.hiiiI lsawjlH aadwralanmi' 'WiittaW'-Fr Akw, baa tHir- T" ChaftiHl' til Uie lnUinwl of' TIir"uui;riiiriMvd Wiluaia B. ner. In aald Srni and romiiiy 'and obliged Ulinm-lf to (lay all the otlt-staud-hur debu of the Uoiatiy and all debt due to . aaioe woat be imil Lo Um. . ,-. . W. B. ALI.EORE, w r. askew, ' : - of Aiootoaa 4 Aaaaw. Kkl(!h,May4th,,li7l. j AH person Indebted to the late in will 1 plM tM wiiii da. D. Kureter, aa I b rty apfaitiia him aiy Aciait to volUet afl clerau duelhailnn. W. F. A8KKW. ; may aim ' - - , ' Telr;ram, Bihlfra Recorder and Chrlatiaa Advocate copy 1 month. JLIMPTON8 PATENT ROLLER - - JtlOUTS yOM 8AI.K. ' la South Carolina, exempt City of rwieaton. North Can lina, eTeept;ity of Wilniiiurtos. Vlr1fmiei!.Hpt Ki. iimiited, trteraimr) aud . ! IhatrH tof Coluiatiia, Delaware and Mary ' laad. 1 For teraVa apply to WkXJ. H. BRKWiS, , lUlrhrh. N. C. DRANE A I,1XVER, mar'JUf Ktchmond, Va. 1 Charlotte Denocret and New barn Journal of Conunrree, epy 1 week and and bill to Ibi nita, . IR ItLI. Val,j, l'uJl RulMlna- Tj.ta la the Htm Wurd, of M see. ,jL nn be aulailiakd u kaif aom ln. . 1 .' Apply at onW auiy w a.ulamoco; MP ANY. fpaE BE NIK) W IIOl'SE, ' v" JaWWiof'l, fx, TOroiKn'fof-rit. Jtnoa, the hiHiie and fun.iuire new. and abali be alrv tly rt rhwa bruke fcrallhy and callk. lermaBMHleraUiL - - ' 1. W. C BEN BOW, ttaynia. v i'n.j.rietor. IrtARMEKH HALL. , ' i ' 1 Uo! l ttm HaBTmT. 1 .. I 1 am itcm for the aale at manufacturer prtia Willi fn-it'lit only added, of the lisle, bntted "KneWor," AdvaiH-e," "t tiam pion," "Wood " and New tork R.iera and Mownrt, all of which are the oMiet reliable and amirnred Rcapera ia the eoantir AUn, tiuiarr' unrivalled' Thiveher Cleaaarr, with, orwIUinnt horse tmwer. and J.MKSM.ToWLEfl, may 18 tf v kp-uU -TILLtAM. WLS8TON EATO "NATIONAL INTELLIti ENCER," A BlnirradilcaJ Sketch, with paaabaj MoUee u sia Aaaoi-iaiea ano f nenoa. rnriaai at ma uiwim IlandNNBrly ImiubJ. ' Priee ll.Tfi arat by utiL Fiw aale by J.,. i ALFRED WILLIAMS, .amy tm . Uookattlier. TT7-ORLD ESSAVa I AKOS MT BOOtl. Tbla li an exceed (iut!y pleanni vol am of inerarj aoo unural BkelvBe liileraperai'd Willi bloaraliicaj M U and reeorda jf m iwirm. - and tniveL The obtecU are vUrioaa Junius 1 na rrjrr nuua. oorniHia, noure, 1 DMHerr, IHtaUwjr, ., with mny oUtera uf Internet. t lie dooc m Terr popular, aud U) iceoud edi tion ia now pubHaliiiic. K. i. Iliu .. N. T., Pnbll.hera. BotuUfullr bonml. Plica I1.S0, awt by naa tut aale br ALFRED WILLIAMS, JMft Buolueller. s HOB FACTOR! FOB SALE I.N THOMAHVILLE. K. C. The Coirtmvliip of , "hilly Bro. A Co., liahi( expired by limitation, we oiler for aale a nmt ciaas BImi FacUiry complete fa all It appointment, in cowpMe roniiinj order and capable ut turuliur out l"iO paira of Bhoe pnr duy. Located lu Thomaeville. N. C, the Lynn of the south, with amide Railroad facUi tiea and a ai eataMoeW trmit. Prk 3,000. Addrea. .NO M SHELLY, or JULIUS A. liRAY, June S ddUwUw iiroenaboro' N. C. Wa. W. Jon, AaaurruD Joaaa. JOKES V JTOMES. AT T ORNK18 AT L AW7 RALEIOM N C IyRACTit'E -to'Dia Sntireih roMrt of the State, the Circuit Court of the United State toil Uie erverel Court of Uie th Judi cial District, cmnprbilng the countie of Wake, Johnaton, Franklin, Naah, Warren, UraotlUe, tiainax ana Aonnaauiion. OUica oa Fayelteville Street, Bear the Court Huuae. OFFICE N. a RAILROAD COMPANY, (Jon rial Huoea, J vbb 8u, 1WL n and mtut Rnndar. Jnne 4tb, 1H7L traiiu ijtmim - am - im'iiiSi'fg wecMaanrwiifr I Uie tollowlni! - TIME TABLEr - rWHIMat farn'r."11"" ooim boktb . ooibb aorTB., Leave l ba. lotte, 5 V a. m, ArriTe S 00 p. bj, "' Saibiburr, B l " &.lft " " (irM-iiauoro'U.IH " M. 10 Co- rhiii,L05 p. bl - l&HOp, ax. . lUllaburo' S.3S p. tu. ';;fTT 1L0J a. m. BUILTBalB, , - aoraa bobtw. aonra ut. LeareCharlotte, ' S 10 p. m. Arrive 7. IS a. m " . Sallabury, a.,10 " " 4 " " Ur'ueburo Si l.a.m. " Co. Miopa, 10.10 " 11 :t7p m. " Hlll.bW 11 T " " 10.07 a. be. " KalrlKh, a. 40 a.m. " 45W p. m, Exprea Train leaxea Raleigh, for Charlotte, at h.4ft a. m. Mall Trla leare Oolddboro' for Charlotte at S.00 p. aa. W. H. linriKPi, June S-tf Muter TranaMirULioa. BTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Tacaat'Kr DapanTMaaT, .... . .J; .MrJfaiBSiaf, 18TL 7b7in(fjaAmr(VJi . ' t. Aurth f arafiaa : 1 bare cause to better tbat Biany Agent of Boa-resident are trave.llur la the Slate and carrying oa baalneaa under Sei-UoB 20, Schedule B, uf "Am Act to rale Revenue,'1 wiUiout having obtained the license required In aald Section. It is Uie dutr of Sheriff to see that the Re venue Laws are not evaded in Uieir reatiectjve counties, and you are adjoined to observe due diligence In preventing a violation of Uie See- uon n-ierrea to. rtptirial attention ia called to the provisions of said Section, which have been transmitted to you with circular irafa lute ueiatruneni, t oa will arrest and carry before the proper officer, any party or parue who may be de toeted In Uie violation of the SccUon men Uoned, and la ease of eonrh-Uoa, rigidly enforce the penalty there) 0 preecrilasl. Junel-U .! State Traasarar. TTO FOB TENNES8EJI. FOR SALE, OR WILL BE EXCHANGED FOR NORTH CAROLINA LAND, 3ft Fabm Off 500 AOBBB BACH, at $5.00 raa arhb. -TM-tra(!t"Tif LaTi 1 iltuaUal In Mldille Tennessee, adiolnlns; Maury county, on l!u.k river and near Railroad, the beat grass, grain and farniiiitr land ia the Bute. Also to exchange for a good farm on of the handaoaieat residcacea la the City of Raleigh, boiae cinutms l! rooms, situawa )b a tHrauUt f ul oak grove of H acre. . , lur parucuutra adilrcm. Tt 1 , .. b .i-.i. 1 zv Ri..,i'cm.'.1'i.t - oiaw mu.u iu w vi . may 10 wAawtf '(' Oorjr Page fc Co. . t K. a, N. cW usAianaB ST., BaXTiBOaaV . eianBiactnrers ua feTilMA RTtTIOXWT STEAI ENGINES ASD TOILERS, , FSTKJTT IMPKOriB, rORTABLI Circular Saw Mills, Gnng, MuLi? ai So Sam Milk, . GRIST MILLS, TIMBER WHEE1-S, Bhliikl Machines. Ac. Dealer In Circular Saws, Bciy unr and Mill sutipliee ircnerallr, and aaanttfae tnrer'a agent LeOul's (V.ichralrat Tarliln Water WbeoJ and every aVarrii-tmn of Wood Working Marhinery. AGKlCLLTt KAL ES Ol NES A SPECIALTY. , ground fur descriptive Catalogue A Price .at. See -eodlyswW Taoataa Butwi, Gaooaa V. Sfaewaj. ATTOBSiElf AT XJLXf, RALEKiU, N. C, OFFICE ap stair over CiUMau Naliona) Bank, ExcJiange Place, Will practice in Uie Bnnnim Court of tb State tb Circuit Court of the U. A ftnd sack Buertflr Court aa have been heretofore t tood by Uimb respectively. Mr. A. K. hiuoclwi, parljier for Wayne county, will occupy olttc ia izoidsboro, lately that of ttw.rge V. Strong. )sa 10-tf rmT.T.rra a. mzzutimoTi, Attorneys at Haw, RALEIGH, N. G b. t. raiixira. deeinVtf. A. A MBBlatOB. CI LEANER. " T Just rewrrrd the RevolvrnsT Hay Rk and Spring tooth titnmcra at Faremra' lUU. i. e'.aair.aai. i t i.r.. jtuielo-tf Ag't lor ManuiMtuitrk AMD Chcvip Goods IOO 1'IEOKH OP 'WIHTD PIQUE. WE HAVE JUST OPENED A LARUE LOT ' OF .. IT E PIQUES sad call esaxilal attentloa to SO plecaa at CEXT3A YAKD. A GREAT BARGAIN! AIM., to brttarrraitee at Tc, SOc. ttic, and T&c Also, we bare Init opened a Ml as sort t of MISS RS WlllTEwOTTON UOriiS, all slaea and quail dra, cheap. DAVIH, DHAKE A CO., . awSS-tf Poterburg, Va. 1 gPEIHB TRADE, 1 S 7 1. TO Til Mi .VERtUJfTS or M. i NORTH CAROLINA Wt an now reiiving and shall continue t receive by evci priug atock oi receive by every steamer froot New York, our FOREIGN 4ND DOMESTIC DR7 GOODS - - adapted to your want, and. shall ha by 951b MARCH, . brsiOT'i atoci: xrS la- price, will coitre favorably with auy south of New York Purchasing our, goods ex clusively from iMaiiufaiiuree and ilirir com miion mercliauia, we ars, enabled to offer tueaiat BALTIMORE PSWSS ASV OH HAITI - MOBS TERMHt We respectfully solicit order, whlcB Till rt eeive the aiieuuoa of on of Lb Ann. TKRX3 LIBERAL ; . 1 DA VI 3, DRAKE 4 CO., . Jobber of Dry Goods, ' rrraBaBOTto, ta. aiarSS-tf A GREAT WANT SUPPLIED! Tlie Succific Manure for Tobacco DIXillAEE V GIRTIV EXCEUJCKZA T0BDACC0 FKHTILIZER, MADE FKilSI PERCVIAIP GUANO . AND DISSOLVED BONES I ANALYZING Soluble Bone Phoihat ' Soluble la the suil (additions!) Ammonia ... . 13.SS I.W 100 It. Mifml to300 Be I At trduHtrf Sansr . - . . . ilsnarkalei. aW rerommend this arMcl with eutlre con- Odea", and believe It Ut be w hat baa hwg imio song tit hy Tobacco Growers, comtuniug' m It docs, tb V. FORCTNO PROPERTLKS OF PERUVIAN n OOANO AND THE RIPENING QUAU- TIkJtOg 1IHILVIU) BilNaJL,..- . Prepared ia Sue dry powder, aud packed in prbagi,J. .. ,.;;-."..:,v.'; -4 Dugdsle & UlrTia, Soli Poraisrrp - i . BALTIMOXJC, MO. ' : ' v V; JONEHAPLrMMER, , GasiaAL. Aoaara, 114 BvcsmoraSt, ma.- M-eodaot Peteraburg, VA Hm W. BEST t CO., . iictlcs I Ccssidia IcrcisutJ, ; Two door Socth or IUlkkiK Natiorai, . BalK, 7 AnTTBTILUI ftTBKItT, ' Raleigh, JT. C 1 CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. , - aaraa, x rauHissiuii, to W. ir! Wlltard, President, and C. Dwey, Cashier. Knlcbrh Natkmai Bank. Jno. tt. WUiuuua, PreatdeBt State ftstkmai Bank. . W. K. Anderffl, rVsldejit, sad P. A. Uey, Caohtrr, CILinru's National Bank ; aad W. U. A 1 S. Tucket A Co. anrS-tt , TkTEW AKKIVAI A inr XN ImoB Cracker, c Faiina , C ream JamU a, KlIHrM, Itungcra, I-nioria, Sardm'al, -1 . Bacon, Lard, M oumanr, E I. C Sugar, Coffees, Tea. c at way &U S. D. EAKRISON'S. BusiseM C; C.STKONACHACO. IlEAYVAKIrr'AVf V4VK4H t:R, fci. FATKTTEVILLE S'FREET, A. G, LEE A CO. WHOLESALE GHOCEKS A CNiMMISSION MERCHANTS. MARKET SQUARE, ' ' kkLBioa,' a. a ' . Ty H. JONES CO. AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BiABWM, . O. s4 37 tf -yyiLLIAM 0. MORRISET. ATTTORNEY-& COUNBELUIR AT LAW, ' K1UIIOB, . 0. OfSce First low above K. B. Ainlrew A Co, aear Twcher Hall. Fayettevlll stmcl. Profnwlimal and baalneaa eoaaldrrstikin have Induced axe ta wove my nince to the Caintel of the Stat. I will, thenifore, Iw pleased to are, or hear, from say cueati friend at Raleurh. N. C. For Ui present I wtn continue to regard axyself a cJtlaea of OoMaboru' ant of W syne county, and oa Monday of every w-k will sea my friends at tb oiie of lr. Gaoaua L giaav, ia fVndsbnro', to transact baslue. 1 will alo, anUI further aoUce, practice In the eoanUes la which I bare hereb.f.ire practiced. augkHy W1LUAMU. MOKK1SEI. NOBTH CABOXsXN A HOME IHSUSIJCE COIPAKT. ' aacuBiTT aaaiasT Losa ar najL , - THIS Company pay loaae fairly aad drcs, lates Its aarninga at home. It aaa Just psl.l ha Uiaseaby thecxmSagraUoa St Henderaim, fully aud promptly. It rates are as moderate as safety will yaaUfy. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE R. H. BATTLE, Jr., PBgsiouiT. BEATON GALEA. Saw., W. H. M U RDOCH, iV Sao. A Loo. A', -eeptevtt . fJK) TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS , HoflTmsD, Lee t Co., TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANT, j:crl?.ETMJjrBT fiuujr ,LCT BALTIMORE. A Bill, SaLamuif. Advance of 70 pw cent aarertalned value to Caeli'wUI be maocon Bills Lading of eo slgniiioBl to our bona at fa aaaaV jer se aura.- Z---'S'Z . ... -. . - Prompt return made, with check for bal ace due tppVr lauocdia ly oa aale of Goods. "Bub' imfMrtert of ' f A Ml Guilt irmmd Sfxmuk Mam Lieorit. MS-eodOoa ' -" " " I fjlie ?orth UroHna . 1I0ME FIREJNStTRANCE 00, RAlKWn, v ConUaae to tauar aQ clsasea of property, oa reasmiaiibB term. Jt fra all biases nrrmptly. I Agent la all pert of Uie State. ' Knoourage Home InsUiaUona I R. a BATTl.K. Jr., rresidawL Saarow esxaa. See. A Treaa, dee -U MRS, GETTING ER HATS BONNETS, itATS, BONNETS, HATS, BONNETS, HATS, BONNETS, BATS, BONNETS, BATS, BONNETS, HATS, BONNETS, BATS, BONNETS, BATS, BONNETS, MILLINERY HATS, BONNETS, bt'Sias HATS, BONNETS, BATS. BONNETS, HATS, putt,' BtrNNarrs,'"--'- insiws ''HATS, BONNETS, iciaoa. HATS, BONNETS, ai will sill irtar HATS, BONNETS, Tina oa Ta HATS, X1' BONNETS, HATS, BONNETS, aaar lS-tf BBSaOBS BLB IIUI. HATS, Kl one wall ftprltig. t THE STONEWALL SPRINGS, Alamanct county, oa Uie N. Or UUroad, Uiree miles from Haw Rrrer statiow st). I ate railee froax Oraliam Mallow aad Uie same dutam from CVuntainy Whops, as a aew summer reaort, wi tie opened to visitor to-day, loth, Inst The waters of this spring Sir known to be vsb uablefial Kidney and Liter compisitit. Board will be found t Uie lowest lignrc. Apvlf b F. W. FONVILLS ABiiN, Big Falla, Alwaaaw Co., N. 0. ytlO-lat. t Myoa'OTricB, RalWrll. N.C., Jimev), IhTL THE FOLIW:.NU Reaolutbiauf the Hoard of Oommlswionecs Is nubushed for tbe lu tWmsUoa of sU eoneerne4 : .- . , I (tnUni, That the ele-Un, whbh was to ink place Mmiday, June I Mi, 171, oa Uie ueestiiMX of Cisterns, be posUninRd until furth r order. . VtM. H. llAKKlrKN. Mayor. M. OiicmiB, Clerk, ye 10 tf. W1 KTIDi 1 Amenta wall ted in every eouolr In lh,ltU for the N.mtiweatern Mntnsl.Life Insarawte Company of Milwaukee, Vie. . Adilrea-., - ' " , V. A PAGE, fttat Agent .Jhb Ttt JUicitu, K. C Drtijj Storem, N TEW DKl'U ST0REII rtU- V 4!. DKU00I3TA PiJARM ACI8T. THE CNDEPaSlUNED TAXES PLEASURE IM ANNOUNCING THAT UK HAS OPENED A DRUG STORK AT j-' . - i Ho. 33, FajillcTille Strwt (om Btabd of Doc.t ass Bill) : whar lu wUl keep fuU Stock of ' ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILFT ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, .PAINTS, 1 OILS, TtTW. APICES.-TIAS.. V A GARDEN SEEDS AND EVERTTHINO rst'ALLY EEPT IN A: riiisr class iw storm A OR AtoTTAtE in f II ARMACV, Having roLLEGIATl and PRACTICALJ FTir CATION, wifl hav. cl-rg of tbe !7KtflTlbNDE;pARTMENT, AaS awHeine win Im dliraed only by EDUCATED APOTHECARIES! - t HENRY t. MEN NINO ER. march 41 tf CCSDAY tn6n00L IW)K8. BUPERINTFNriF.NTH A ND T.CHFtS OF Snndsv Scf.rto1a are Informed! hat Uiey can And attb BnoliatnrAaf t- - ALFRED WILLIAMS, A eomplefe assortment of ---- SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS -.."i nwaiarraa or ... Primer. Sra.llers an RemleFa rsrbinis stid Qneslior) Hoka. Bimdav ft-tOMil Heme ana Tnne Rooks. TVfci. Reward CsHa e., Itnfwlsy Behonl I.Owariea at all rrtnas, riua Hnolis, Minn) H.ioka Moll Book and Regbtler HH.I Otetlims, rles. Testsmcnuj wtb N'di, B. hie snd Tetsment st all price, Bstitiat Paalmlat and Pnl nc dr. Methodbd and Prealiy. tuiiaa r Hyma Botik. Also, insl received tb V NEW BAPTIST IITMN TtOflK. A liberal discount will be mud In anntlsr f.oos hnvtiig ia quantity, fend for Csa logue and fMcea. ALFRED WH.IT4M'. may lift If Bookseller and Stotbitmr, jpiiiiiiiDGi iMimmp. vruoixi-v. ; - OIWN HAT Vdh, l7l. . - - .. This favorite aud eateuratiai watering place will offer adililional attractVnis Uil svwMii among other lintrfiivemcnta tbkre has bsa-u ad ded aa ebarant atrd sbai'ioai Hall rooui airioin lag tb parW , tu paraor has bees, enlergrid sad Hindi im proved, snd the proximity of Uie two ernwlr vm'h 'easily a.iseilMatrit will be kept ma style-sot sorjiacd anywhere lu Vir ginia. . ' ;- . Tlie waters of Uwse wcuil aprlng etUiar eoe or kteHjJy. e-Bt;v usoat esaua. icrulaav fjecrpfent Coasam(rtwm, 4.emnr---BrieBrTmrf, Cbronh lauTUgttis,Cbroiie- PneMmonia.l;lir.m- i. I vuSiiiaH .bermie luwtr'ei. Iieimlr Dyil;' swfar;'-'TBWvBsWW rarert-tliw- artWtwa whK-a are peculiar to tba fetaal consuiutlon, aud a so apeijavrr, a loakt aud Eetieral reswrslive, Uiey are, prritajax, anrlval' t aattmgat mlaeral watera ' Tbe liropi-ietor yill hare prpyidMl for tb lawn and ballroom a arst-elaas band of aaaaie, and in general all Uie tource of amusement and recreaUiMi uaar ally found at our beet suuimer tmim Will be alUieeonnnaad uf tbe guest at "Kocaaaiiioi Alum." Tbe pleue is within eleven to tlrtrteesi hotira of Rk-bmoeid, Washington, BelUuiore, ete, by rati, all IR day-tight Passenger leavs the ear of tbe CbesatKaae aad UbM kali road at liosiiea Depot, ami aew and elegant stage coaches, naaeliig rapidly over a Muooth aud levl road of only eiglit mile, set dowa Uie rial tor lth btrringa tti tea. AMUi A. rRAXiER, rVofirletnr. Dr. H. K Nubl, of BslUuaore, Reaident Phy sician. : I rf The Rockbridge Water for aele by tbe nriiM-iaa! Dnucgists of Uie linib-d Buta, Descriptive pamphlets aout free wa applka- saayiwendtni . N' OTII E. Lost a Certidcat 1b the Rele'zh A Gaa- ba Rallnaid Co., la Uie name of W. U. Btrii k ttnd jfuroae ahare. AiiiteaUoa will be made for (Tupllcste CerUfteaUi. Also, will set) oa Jan rh, st Uie Court Rous d.Mw la Ibis city, the above vitrstber witti lea Share ia the Chatham H.llr.vd. W. M. KKDDK K, may 17 tf Adiar, ; "W", H. M ALONE, .1 ATT0RXET AT LAW, MARION, N. C FoBatesxr or LuoiJ Winrnrticeni'thsiirihaud 11th INatrtcta, and ia Uie Uuit-d IttaUw Court. JUfn-tl at Vnti. given to tbrargiitaeut of caeca ia tbr aurweaie irt at Kskjgh. . f ldOta , - , - : -A- M GENTI READ TH IHII iL We will iv Agnu a Salary of I JO per monlb and ei prnm-a. Thu i .t, . Aildree at m,'e. i. .. MUhkhMi, tl'jio. A --, saay 34 wlut eUo kaviiie, N. C, PETER 8B0RO ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSOLUTION. TheartaofJOKOAN A CAKIt It thla daydlssolved by mutual consent W, B. JOB IIAN having sohl hie entire llltercat lu tbelr sua-k of Drugs, lsVdi.-iiiee. Paiuta, .Oik, lv BMHIa, Ae., lu JiifKPU CARK, retires Iron Uie K"Mi,'fla and in th'iir n he returns hi ainceie ttianks to hi friend ftar Ut liberal patrooage btetnwed uHm him, and cordially solicits a rouUuuiue of Ute'sauie tohia sue- All perana Inucbtml tn the Una will please ftetUe Uielr aeiyiupta wiUiout delay. Ihose having claims siriuiist Uieciucern will present them fiu ininnuliste eYmeat. . EiUier iiaruter wdl as the uame uf Uti- Orm tuXlquhlnllon. " WALT Kit b: JOHDAM, JOfEI-ii CAKM. Ktlr, I have to day purchased the Intarest of Mr. W. H JoKIIAN. lu die Aa'Uiwrynd Drug Busliieaai Ji'KIIAN A CAKR and wlU con siuue W tMiaduct tb eanxe in all Its braarhea, t tbe old stand corner BYCAMOitK AND WASHINGTON S't'RKKTa. Having ample facilities ai.d a long eierleiH lu Uiv buaiueaa, I ran safely guarantee asUsfacliiw t uiy pa tron. ... Retnmlag Uinuks to my frteads and cus tomer, forth PA TRoNAGR so liberally ex tembal to JoJilan A Carr. 1 hope by mmpt and strict attention Ui biisiuesa, to merit aud lucalvn a enntinnsueauf lb same. JOHEril CARR, leb l-tt r Petersbug, VA - QlI)CKS, CLOCKS, LARGE ASSORTMENT or CLOCKS, OLD AND NEW STYLES, A t Ea FASNAcrrs JlWlLBT STOBI, I Doory tve Moasr. Taukur'a, . fehSStf JET, JET, JET. . Jtal' HKt'EIVED,' SOMETHING ydlTE NEW AND VEltT NEAT IN THE WAY OF CHEAP ' Tt3t irrwlry A T EOU AHIlj FAMMA4 H'S JEWELRT STORE, S Doors ly Messrs. Tucker a. febfttf L AWS OF BUHINESlJ FOB ALL Til ESTATES OF TflE UNION, WITH roHMa AMU IIIHKt.l tllsja m . ALL TK T ll ma, kr th Knra i lis thtmx 11. 0. iuravar vf TtmHm ea (As Im of (Wnavs, ea MtmtmUt Lam, tie., ate. II THWIam prnanuU in Ui clearest, plainest, aud mmt pm-lse manner, all those rubwaiMt priwlplea whb-h regulate social lit Wriajnrse, snd govern every kind, of Imaineaa, SFlth full db-erUoaa fur every Iransscthm, It cvplsins U nature of every kind of COWs tract, conveyance, and hga! oiiligstbia. It give dtrn'tiona to MaKlalratfl. to Ad mliiiatrsUit aud Kiei'uUira, Uj Landlortls and Tenants, to (jiisnitaiis and Wants, fjl Buyer and St llera, Agents and Princlails, DcliUtrs and rdllors, tu Truatue, I -oniimm iscricra, to Insolvents, Ui Insurera and tliderwrltera, U Invenbirs, AnUiors, Partners, t'brka, Cor PnUoii.lliBliold.ini, aud all who have any bnnlnrsa to transact, , It sliowa. how to draw and perfect a Diwd, to make aa Agreifnent, an Assignment, a Lea, a tiuaraitty, a Note, a Clio k, an Order, a Hue Bill, a Will, a Codicil, a Bill of K, change, a Protest, aa ladorsruuittt, a Bill of Bale, an lu denture, a MittiUiigi-, VVarrauty, a I'eUUim, n Alllilavil, a Iteliauuv Power jf Attorney, Patent Forms, aud every klud of karei luatru aaeat ta n (asaariAL to E very Farmer, w Every Mcchanltv -..-Every Maiiiif t'ijrfA.J;very PuWie Urncer, Every Con tractor, P. very Agent, . Every I..iuilurd, Every 'l. nsnt, .Every Exncator; -,- Kvery AtlmmieUmbity Itrart HBnrjIiaa. aKeassy asgaMfcys fcvery Hrvr st lw, " Every U gab, Every pr. uu Kvery MariiMm!i WiiaiarrBtt fc very Notary, KieVv Bank OfSeer; Kvara Juste i of feaaa.Kvasy t uaslimnii)- Every ConsUbka, ., Every Colhs Uw, Every Sheriff, Every Under BlierilT, Ataery mdseunaar- - Every ('onimbwioner, Every Grand J ii nsr, Every Treasurer, Every Married WouunEvery Widow,, Every Trader, Every Market maa. Every Einpbiyer, Every Employee, Every CiUarn, Every Property holder, , in kliurt, as a Comiwnd iunmnd Hand book, It la bnlisiwBsable to aU who desire Ui know Uirir right and duties, or I" pisweas the mean of transseUng, unaided, and with eomcUtea and safety, .Uftr owe livaj busineas. The work will cr iiuiiceeven hundred page, oomplete In on voluuie. An Agcut ia aow canvassing Raleigh for sub ecripUima. Mors Uiaa afty anlwrilMrs have already been obtained, and should Uie Agent fsll to reach evnry one desiring this valua ble work, tbelr Mune will la, received by ALFRED HAD WILLIAMS, rAtl -stook-oalier. j OHM ARMSTRONG. I ! , . BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOA MAN- , UFACTUREK. : oraa ra bobtb cakoum aooaaTOKa, , f RALEIGH, N. C- 1 Trial, EincuUoa, Minute and Recording Docket made to order. i Nora ;sniliua Heports and other Law Bo.ks, bound m aua-ti.a- Law Binding. Mining Biirutea of 111 fe-imrt alipplled and odd uuiubers takes la exchange lux Uiud big. I dee i, WHO tf S25 REWARD. I brby offi r a Reward of ft 2D. for Ihe STTest and aciin l,iiiii..n of Was. C, Maimer, who nuuie bis eai'aja from uiv cuM.-H, on iTiuiaitiiy ei!.'lit last and imn fllis in the mnni, r ,rf Wia. II. Holt, of J, button cmuly. lie is a man of UH-.llnia sire, black eye end t1'r, i-out&eiivim-lirs hih, htnnp fttuiaitd.ired, rather l ow of spi-ci li. " , -----' W. li. CCLUIM. V hr-riff My AU uf Jolmatoo. iiMim n ip ibspajiy'. SOVniKRN; INVENTION. Born la an flirt a re. Sifficnci GIbs CyliPicr oulile-Acl- 4 m t ores mi PATENTED AUGUST lii7BY A. BALDING, i in umicmisruca. Having te exclusive rtgnt to nianufRcturc. and' sell tlie above Puwim, la North and South t'aroilna, have eseucialiat tlieiwa.Kee totn-thcr Hftilcr the haul and sl k of Die 't'arolma Pulllp'omlenv,, and bav- u.,Ulili..hcd their Manufactory at.Fsvclte. Yiile, N. ., are bow prepared to f iirniah Puinis at 'abort notle". Science ha at issl Irtomiw?! hi the tiriHlucthin ol a Pnitin admirably adeo. ted for Well and other puriHtae, Umt will tore water any iiepui or aeignt, which, by at tachuig hose, atone hecotna local Fire ICn gins of great power, Utrawing SO to loO gal S'lia a-v Ulinuw. Thia Punip roniblne almpllclly and dora Mlltv, la which the water will never fiv e ox become slale, aa tbe ciiiuder and valves a, sulimergcd, end no water rctnailta hi toe p; whea the lump Is nut in operation. The Pump works aliuoM inumlibly light, alwavs briugitig-Uie wave ishaHipttekliiig froai- Uis taittota hi uiswcmi sue lln-re is no irttv Uttn. tlie cylinder being glass, tbe teti-klng caa- not wear oi cut, the valve being roe ml, made uf dint glass, work tug on gum seats, can m-llber wear or lam. these ruiuita are pci-uliarlv adatitrd for supplying tank in npa-r parts of dwellings, cilicgos. hotel s lutUtuig stUieioa, and fwntibtaalii, atreeta, gardens, diirtillerics, Ac. They oaa be attached to steauu or water power. " - I Any ordinary mecluuiie ran ,pnt thii np hy prlauid dirocUous always scut' a itb Uie Pump. We have hundreal of tostliaomals front per son wlio hv Bd our Puini, who exfiiess great satisfaction : lu fact Uiey are a tmccvaa aud will sustain all we claim for Uiem. Buy one and save lire Insurance. Special at W'titiou given to all order. Tbe euUre depth of well must cvotnienv each order, J, L. kUCliiN, 1 Wile., N 0. C. TATE ML'Rl'il Y, Satupsoo, M. C. W. C. TROY, FaveUellIe, N. C. Successors to J. L ElU hlu. All ont'ianr cowmunicaUoiul adUreseod to W O. TKOY, Fayettevllht, March , 1OTL 1 , i ,. CKKTirituTBa. ' Smairr'a Ornca, - Fsgglii44UWrCr; A)iH! 34, 1H71. "r H i" f TrnB, Sup'l rVraliaa Pxmp fieiifvieff ; Th Pump yon sold me eatrpeaiiee my luost sangnlti ei-ctalliin. It dtwa all you elaiuml for It A a Fiua Ekoinb lla value l bu alcu Inble. W itb twenty fret of boa 1 have thrown titer mtbely ov.r my dwelling, which bt a very high two and a naif story house. Mv f bih II r would ui . jrtUiuul. lt fiir.say- sajiar- lUeraUou. K. . UAH l UK, J: .: Sherm Cumberland Count-'. BioiATa CHAangg- T RitginitN:. GJilMxkiiltiiL- ""TTmTi.rr liwd iiM''i ""iir ynn' "n i4 enee ia goM miuiior, -using, various limliitif puiBW fin. lug wal fnuts greilt depths, 1 tak ptaaswre m giving nrelej'eiicB to Uiose made by Uie "Carolina Puma tJommmv " oi other fur well amlolhwr purpose,- -They tuue eiutpiicity ami uii'aMiiiy. .... V ALKN 1 1 N MAUNEY, v Suuily County. Wiii, N.C., Jan. !, lsTl. J.L Aifi Wa, .. Dear Mir i We Lav had your Balding' Pump In r.-ijtilnr uaelielniiiiig at-ioUU-'lis perenls situ- Msrch, IKio, and ae are live to ssv. Uiat tbey are in emir way s'ifn. Im v 1 lien, hi no iudleaMon of wear or early gi'ttinn out of order, AU the water that nature baa d-slgucd to pass through such a rusooc! can easllv lie brouirht mi.even by children, for ot-di uaryf use, aud by attaching Lose, and puiuuu two to four BM-n to the h-ver, the pump at once naeiMues a local nre engine Uirowmg suf- lleiiit water tosulidiie any oi-dinary tire. Vie therefore recouiiueod your pump to Uie care ful evauiuisttuu and use o tit pitMic. B.J.Taylor,. W. ft. Rouwltreo, A, Barnes, Prolwte J., ' . H. OriiUu, T. A. W sliitttlgbt, M. L Kbodus Wi.lian.n NlaL Jo. B. Davis, J as. Woodard, B. F. Brigga.Blir'a". " vVlMMH, M:'ei,6.Xi' f have need for six months istat one of Bald ing' isibut Btitttuergrd pum.s. manufactured at Wlkeeti N. J.( by Kltcbln, trod take iihuutitr rtt reeimrttieniling II to tlie public as uavillg given partccl sllaTnciiiHi, In Isct I regard it a oue uf Uie Isisl puuifis now in use. X. W. PKTKRSON. N EW, OOOUH. til EAPt CHEAPER II CHEAPEST! II 8. KLINE & CO., Tak great pie sure In sitiHumclng bi tlvdr numerous Irlcnits, patrons and tbe pulilie g. n erally, Uiat, buluccd liy Ujb present dcmweeii I rices of all mcndiaiidlsej Uiey have mrchaaod a very large aud well selected stock of 81'IUNU AND ttUMMEK aotD8, ; coMraisiNii .' Fancy and Staple Dry Gieals, Ready made Clothing, Bits, Hbwia, llala, Caps, Lsaikv' and Geutlemca'a Furnish ing Goods, Notioli, larHta AfDMtT EVKLY11UNO ISUALLY SEPT IN A Flllsr LASS KllY GOODS - rLOTirr n ti 11 o i, S " Which Uiey offer at Entraindiusiy Low I'llee. We parilcnlsrly Poll allciitlua. o Our Siuv lrfi aXeiteestipKS-t - "r READYMAPi: CLtlTlllNG. snd-are ewfliWrtuciT Jn tlifs fiiii It. oul s,il YTOfiie'lli "Mils ,.)tv. and rcailj Ul tlij.iil) V JIKKC1IANTS AND DEALERS at ttrctowta wtmm.-aiPIRfwna,'" -r--r- We also give notice I list ia eonnerthm with our Dry (beats and Clothing EslatiliidiHleut, we have the only s 1 KKGL'LAR CHINA STOliE in UiU ciiy.anj Itwpa fuU lid ERENCH, ENGLISH. ' INDIA CHINt, ' Ac, etc., Ae. And expect-to supply the wsnisof Uie pnn Hc at unusually UlW KA I KM, and promise in- diu-etueiit to all wbo will favor us w lib their pstrouae-e. " , 'thankful for past favori, we fesiectfully solicit a cell, slid you will convince yourselves uf I lie suHrioiiiy of our stock, aud the fair acas of our priu-a, S. KLINE A CO. ap Sbtf JITTRtLL'8 fyl'RINua , Tliia faintm smmner resort will li onen on tin 'Aith Juue, aad will b kept lu a style to give saUsfacUon. Entire new furniture-; good Music, Baths r4 elegant hde. Uurc-lier With price to suit tlH;Utne -wilt make. hittn'H' plcssaiit hoiue wihnr lor Ui Invalid iV pleasure, seeker. Th waters as a siwellic for Srrufula, Ilia s,,wa, eruptions, geucrsi aciniuy or dieM frceuiisr Ui icmsk-, are bat well kuow to is- quin- anything said in Uu-lr beliaif. 2,f mfltiiv of yiuir lafully phynlelsn. 11 terma tier oay a (ai; ntit day ; wei k Vi: aumtb Hi. with a liberal dcductlok for fantlhw reraaiuuig' lac'ii. ULACKNALL A CO., Proprl, tors, K'lU"" "I'P'k'N N- C T. It Bi.tcaAi.L, 1 , - ' II. W. KlTTHIU l, ' a ii. h-u J lime 1 tf TEW CROP CUBA AND 8. II. STRI P. 731 IIM. New Cnip Citlst ' Molassuj and Syrup, Usiiy eapwijied, f--r o- i.y ,,ri(i Kllfl, a Bur 1 3a iluuug wo, -N, U A4ISCEIXANEOU JJBU E3 OF THE I.Iason & Ilamlla Cabinet Organ? HkVVlrtaf VlEjit.r fJBMliaaHi rh..!e ft. ,U t i... . . UsaUtufwrture, Ut Masca & Hamlin ana terr are tw ensbhd bi ib-r their well knowa - ,'tHww, wntt:u are me ACKsonKtiaEo sTisnxmt'or.. - A'Vti-r I 'c,.a sibone Iiistruiu.-tiisol Uwrlas, at prUea of Infcruo- work. They p,,l their lw.t ie s. wluchar tnercf.ire, alike to ail, IniurctMc. I tut following are iiiiisiretii.s i cwa. t,.,.. , t'KI Fas ,,. Ailetf..,.. 44,. t5, r '-""- iv.m.,MA r.m,f,.l, . farWiaul llnu.u.u TV Msuu, JlxtJJt JCml, ,ni AiV 4 I J, r;t UasrMjsss, , t ua AH ia solid Black u.l.,t in .. . o.w ,.i;.aMs made by Uila Company ae tboroughly Ittxt i'laaaia every re.-cL They wiu t ,uai,9 lililSMIW pllMnllH-... .i : . ... . i ,..,mBMWT irree.- i cttutsruvc suiwriority of U )r Instr nun-til kOOrClUMUewbttfrna., as every mi nelent littiirs alio will mminii i ixir must uercelv. i 7 lLU'STS.tTJiIlTjTALQOtf-1 I With HlAnd r...t. . VM. ., , . . dlttererlt etjlea, fuU informal!, ,n sud bjwe-t la-lcea ; also, TesUmonial Cirruiar will he seut tree to any. ddrca. " 3soa & Eamlin Oman Co., If VrrroesMa M Ilro,lav, mltu 4 4 Nw I,mK JtTEW MAP OF WAKE COCSTT,- Drswa trOa. actual Survey .at : .FENDOL RE VERS, Eo,, . . Cot.!TT StavAioa, . ... ...t Wb iw it mi hiss wie penw-t 1 Its Uiwusbip houiubuie are given, aud the railroails, cmnly rosd., slirsma aittl , t jiMiiii, itttMK'-ti. llStHIIIUII.IlIM tll. ui.1. - ... L. i i . Ihoalng looaUoa of,, Hilillo buildings, vj lt, a laltle, sitoahar tiw populatiM, of ti, dilfereut towuslilas male ami fcui,uV, white snd colored, with in, niiiiils of dadUua... and families In ea.1i ; area in senate anlva, HtimU r of (armastad uuuilier of ai res bi t-. li ..... ...wnipMrmwni, uie IIHIUrtt SHU (pialrty of lite and tlie tmulucta ul euch Ik4n' u-ivtt I.i,.i.i..ii.... ..I ,i... ,.t... . . iiivcaUot in: Biauiilacturiug , county and city hidetiUtiiieea, &c. i nuiuiut;,). aim xur aaiuiur ; NH'tlolJt GOMM AS. And fiirsaie at Uie City Bookstore. M3f 1-U .. - ' :lvxis::oiiAti-i - -i a lull im iTy-sc -j,rT.-:".'."-n'".T'.""''"""r"' To 1IIK .TIMt-.S, IS STYLE. cttlLirv aiui, - Plilt Ki. ' " 0.nt! TO CHKKCII'S. I THROW out my flag to tit breese with tlie to : "OieaU at hial.le Hgun-s ua tlie salt Imeia." 'Ilia day for Islley U paiuicd Xha-Inrulded Wateis are sulwelinii'- I nuea, . u.l, una ami prl-j are aaiu Bi lling bsek hilt, their oi-igliwH ebanhet. Wheu i sj'ttsk lit gteaia, It giTflS niR iVanuiv fi say tomy custtuiuTS ami II. ii pull lie generally, that I never before or siurr l,l,e a w, Waa so well .,4rrd to sell Uiem g.i,al as I ftoi t the prnecnl st'aaon. , My sbfi-k ul LA HI I-is' HKK!rt GdMiIW In Isrge and vry complete, eiuurs. -lug enn.-i sverytblilg that Is new and doairahle.' I adopt Uie rub. of small proms, and aell line fni-ws at pra e wiUiln the reach of all, name the In wit iH-icesaud rciresriilg,MMls to be what Uiey are. Goods fir GENTS BOY'S, AND CI1IL riKKN'S W EAK, such as Csmomei,,., Twt -s, pletetvirick Hi the til, if you want h.-avy or light, entree or One, I have got tli'-m and will guarantee Uie prl 11 matlera W,t ahsl house I cine in rtititpcUUuawithwNev, or Old, Large or Siuad, WIOESI 8H0KHJI J'!!' Mlascs' and Children', linnt'i and Boy . The largest aad most i-nii.. te st s. In Uie city. VV uy hare enough to k.t p ti, Buys Well aatal and pb-llty ftw tlie genu,-,,,,.,, Fur Lsdic snd Miaacs, can plwuui the inoal lasiidioua. -AdXiAV WA-.YJMS TBiMl'KD AXDVXTBIMMKD, I LA Dins', JfAvvjew al.Yfl a, . ' , vniUHtKsv.MArs. SHIcs ' iiew-Sliape cliugf4 tWw citutip enough. 1 1H)N T FORGET TO CALL AT ClitiECH'B. IIATdl HATS I! HATS til For ii;nl and Boys, a great variety. Come now, doii ton wants tnw ball You Itavo eti WMuiug the old one long enough. It look tune aornj Couio to troe'h'a to buy jour Hals. ' Now a few word to ay rnalomcrs sn.l !, Ptuinit me to say thai you m e a great many etiaitge ativttrl4Mnictiu, son.e s-ak of Sst-lalllt.-s, some of buying gteul mnulim mai kcl was ptoile sloeken : mine rief Hie do iHriie, and sofue n.l m tone t,, ,,i t), ,tM 'Behead. W liy Uiey wotiiit have ,,i im-Im-v Uialthcy knew all, snd ill lliev had to d.. K-ie jusitotoueh iot row tin' USaUdaat f.lTttm , ' a Imky set of H l llllid I IX 111 lu,l let, i -y.ill, Unit I hate lice.,, tniiiug gootia f.-r M.e "'t -' Fwr. I tut 1 luia n stetnrr- to irrchtsf IVOhlwwtlh I tnlvel I. , t, - . . . , . . ... - - . -..-"i li'W'lf .imu I i , am, j j, 4'WViii.. And It gltes uie oaasaare to ev 1 "C':M.led Uie Btrta-at sat Boy ,l.enie.t frlni l sou our worthy lelhiu ettiaen, Mil. I. it n l l , wuo la so well and fa ft., j k niiwn m una tity sod Uiviughout ji for to Stralgilt fol waid Slid lr-Mt'dttllmj. and A a good 1 Mori: mutt . - COME AND Sf!E III M. D01TT rouusT TWVVUK TO : . cki !:i it s. p tf D RUGS AND MEDIC INE. Williams' A.Hij-wooil, WMnMMAI.R U KKTAIL D'nCtMUeT, ' Hv in Store a well aelcclcd stta It of 1. ..... medicine, -r-UovnU'iMs, r-.;i.s, oilN' liaUnit aseaUrinaa, pllimuat-eutli al pretatmli-ma lierfunrary. fancy artuiej, lain pa, stooamg ,i chewing toliSccd, seKars, woe and le.oelt. whk-h are tattered fur sale at lowest axarket Jtfices. , ' wetlS-tf , JOTKI. pWII SOLICITORS WANTKD, Nun emea Slid Ut ant-easary bonds. A g.aei '.fi" tunny for enervdie men lo make lumt tsu ftmr Uiollaaiid tlwlliti rwr vi-at- Ai-i-H l- II Ilkl 11,'l.en't A.;i:, 1 Xlle AastHitttlon Of A loT :!, P;W K-lcUiU, .. C. MAYOR'S OFEIt'K , , CiTT or Rsi.aiun, .li)iue is'n, i, lHE f'01.tW;tt 6ri;o.e psil.-..!,. ,, Ju Ute iltlorui:,!,.o, of all i -t ri- ,! "At a,; of llu- iio-t.l ,,f 1 . . aionefa', Jf,e .tul, --,i, it ,s o,' , tb Books Of R.,-ktest,a '.,',.H.' 1 i DAY, tbe .loth of Jan. IV. I, I,-, i' , : .', , of allowiiii.' f i'. 'kit tt.4 lte-0, r . Sit tiiMifii.Hy I-, ,1., .. nt-,.n i: ; acivo.,u:.oe ,J .,..,1 t Mtsk,. t , . , the city tit i,.i?i iV.ll. ' ' ' VYVI. ii '. ' : : M. Jh ai"-ti s, - i 1 !:' ! i 1 r t' v

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