,$fte' Jtnfitirff. MONOAY, JUSK'lO. 18.7L, - -jffBo. N. lUvmal, a Mwuimm ( (era, ts aalhoriaiid to mako enutraeta and Rom p ' warta, '.. !. I'lTY AND STATK ITKMS. ;. TkIKKATI!HK. The following waK the pUlrr of the thcTUIOIIIitW III Pink (!. Utf. 4ie'.lVr Wore, June 17, lt7l.- A. H. ... " I M. 2 V. M. 4 73 76 Ml 81 80 Ripe peaches and. tomatoiM have ap-pe-ired in tliiH uvM'ket. ' We thank Mi Li any Powell for a basket of the uirest and tb ripest applet we have netn this eaon. William 8. Anderson, Esq., an old and hiidil)' esteemed citiz.cn of Wilmington, d um at h i residence in ttiat city on Thurs day momlnjr. . 4 wig Cloud liaa gone into the moiiti Uiu country on a deer hunting, expedi ti.n. W imagine tint he ia a much bettor huntnf than judife, do matter how pjor a figure he may cut in the former capacity. . He wer in error in announcing n day ... .n.... u.. t a i. .j i , . J n.in,tHljf liV tllejinrvalivM Hntl ,tunwi2 I " - crata of Anaon county, for theeonvention. Col. K T. tion, BiiuneU ruire.1 tha On Mondty laat . wfhile Homo quarry h i'l were blitKliiiijf riH k i at Warm Hpriiii;, a gentlriiriii reime.l Ittiiu wiw inn k ou the held by Ira'inent weigh iui; T T 2 nnn J and w m iujured ao b.i.lly that hi life ia diMjiulrcd of, J. A. DiiKOAjt. This gentleman who . l.-lt-r HnurM iu tha ISkntinki. of to-day left the city on Friday. We heard bia (onveraathm with regard b the Kuther v fori) ilitliiiiltiiw and anlced him to put it iu writing, that our reailera might learn the true' hiklorv ot atfaira in Kulherf.tnL JuJiXeTgittjibalit k hcMjyriiiiA' fr the vinlatioiM of jaw fit tll'it connty: 1 lift Judge and hia paity - had armed neiieWe to aid the tlieritf itf arren!ing I white men and guarding them aa priwm- . . ir'-' i i .i .. em... Jl way d. fotjtne.l ocgro,4 In (he mw. w wiim ora whiib uieu, mil win i ant ao M ttie weL i HI1P8KMH tllflT. Sotlinhiv in thia '- 1 eourt only two eaaea were taken Up, :' j State va. J.weph Lamb, Peru niiniiua, I the def.iidniit. HUle m f). A. Pnrith, New Hanover. Attorney Oeneml tihiiip f.r the atate. No counael tor the defence. A a eaiw cover ing the same points had been argued a day or two Jcforf, I hi case was submitted wittitMit arguiiwMii, tieo. L. MiiImoii, col., of New Hanover, and Tli . It. Warrick, ftol., of Wake, were exaiuiued and obtained licenaea to prac law iu tbe several courts of the atate. Chiik.-h ttKnvicaa Susoav. Pretf- Una CAerrA. Rev. J. M. Atkinson, Pa-1 tor. Sund iy tk hoof, A. M. McPhetiira, 8u pehnteodeiit, H II. Service 11 a. 01. and 8 p. in. i AioawxirrinrrA.'- R K. Maaon, PaatoV. Pijii.luy 8 'hiiiot, W. &. Anderson, Superin le.ideiit, H a, nt. Service 10 18 a. m. and 4 p.m. ....-- Pastor. Sunday, School, W. J. Toung, Bu- perintAiMlent, 8 1 $ .o'clock. Service II "H,9;mA T,v.,, p' R'yfttt Ghurck. T. H. Prlkbard, Paa- tor. Sumlay Sihool, a. m., B. W.lju- tice, Muiwriutendent. Service ' 11 a. m. ,' 1 and p. m, ttt. Mit't Church ( CrtJWt) No aer- vice, the pastor, ltev. J. V. MtNamara be- . , t tug al-ent. ,Mavoh' Coi'KT.-i-Yesterday morning I the following were up for trial and were J dispoaedof: Alice Davis, colored, and Daniel Hoi land, col., arrested for an affray. Alice .V. ... , . i h v W aa Mied 1 1,00 and coats, and Dauiel wan fined $3,(10 and costs. V T X Lilly, arrested by offitHw Dnnston, "" for ill in.; drunk on the Vru.-u'i lined H Jits. IlusVty and Andrew MeUuire, nt cated..by ollkjua aJid fpi lnirchtfnr -creaUn.a,4isbr - ) l i were fined 3 each. fllibirr-Walhrr inlnrail aail A4UfeB4 Smith, colored, aroslial by thk-tuf polhS J Martin, for creating a-disturbance oo Har- tretl rtreet: fimd 13 e b. . , - , . , i , r tiireaawi ui iir. it weaver, UeNvsuitrg, katsi William, colored, arrested by of- wi .f, ,, tini ltweeii ni-er imnsion, tor owing uruua ami aioonp on Ncwbarn street ; case continued. U. 9. CiikI'it Couar. Satiirday in the ease of Win. Morton, of Virginia, via lb-. D. It 8. Peole, of Warrea county, N. C M'e plaintiff auhniitle.1 to a nnn suit ; , Tbe U. .1 v. W. T. Wiipp, charowl with delaying letters, was taken up. The Ut 8. DistrhA Attorney BtarlnKk, apered for the govt niment and Rj C. Ibolger f. the defendant The case Waa sul.mil tel with out argument nnilcr charge of (lie eourt The "jury returned a verdict of guilty. In tlie afternoon the injunction case' of Anthony. Bwaaey et , ra. N. C 1 B. and officer and D. A. Jenkins, Treasurer ot North Carolina, vis taken up. Tliis rase ia brought to enjoin the Public Treason from nsiag the dividends dis"lar "a Uie slate's st.s k in the road lor J. I J. 1 J. i purpose other than the payment of inter ait on state boni and asking tlie jjidin P. Lockhart, w.un w appoint a receiveroa tbe nart of J- the tate bond bolder. Measra. Pliil- n - ; i I wr iai ft Alemmoa and R. a, Ba-lger, d that city, C. Cusbingof WashingU.n, D.J C,an4 Measr. W. J. Itudd and T. C. Krewstrr, of Philadelphia, spfiear f. the plaintiff. Tlie defence is n imsieoted by Attorney (irneral Shipp, B. F, Moore and of Battle A Sns'of thia tit. I T" Nokth Cakomna Dkot Got-TYSBtm.-TtM fothwing layfcr, with the' accompanying'!! of North Carolina dead now lying at Uettsyburg, ha beca for- aranled to the presi.b-nt and lstlie of the Ui.-mi.rial association W By tlfena it mil lie asm that there are flay of our dead iuhTred at OittvstlMir;, ami that if they1 are not removed very Boon, the owner, of the land threaten to plough nplhe flidda aul convert the liuuvan boon into fcrtili era '. , 1 '.' CwARLiwnm, May 81st, IhTl PraiiUut ladiri Mrmfrtal AmuriatiM, WUinyltm,N.C.' Ikab Madam t -EiMoaed is a list of the name of the North Carolina dead, now lying at tlettyshiirK, whose graves can be identified by the original record and plot of the ground, tut seen by our prvsi.knt, Mr. M. A. itaowden. in herrecent v',ii r.. Hint desecrated resting plat of our martyr dead. 1 .. .' - . Mm b. had the lint copied, hoping to in!ii( v our sider aiMoriatiima to enjragc in the like nered duty, at we lately ii!ragd in ourselves, for w have brought home to their native anil, the rentaina of W gallant spirit, whose latest prayer was to be taken home. Urought them not only from the desecrated grave in which they were ty nv but from worse, for the owners nf il.e grouuda have (riven notice that next ymr they Intend piouuhing it up, and trill grind tip tha bnm to una for fertilizing puriHieea, Thi thought is irauirh with aueh horror, that we hoife it will induce your aastx-iation to a. Tlie thought that our nome martyr aiiouUI je i.niel but noting plai ia unlieantble. Mr. 8. who visited tiettvidmrg in erin, and uw all - iimrnv pimeruv aatwnMi tllttt we have the remain we wilie.,fiir thereciWil I enrrwt, and the graven canity identiuVd 1 bj I'- Weaver, the lH-moo we emotovnt and whoae futher kept Uie record, ao this j . 1 . w i irm-or iiouot peed nut deter you. One thing more; if yon art at all in thia mat- I We tmot your xm nation will, fl miiHi, iki eeuiiy, tor ur. W. will remove iroin ueuyaburg in the Autumn; he .nen; uow, mi win lie till AngUBt, ana we cat iinwt hinrtify eiMmiiend him to run .".u. ..... i. . i .( . . .... i am ..., img Kin.i,emcient ana iriiii'im. i ii. margin are very moderalo, a he ilmiiil.ta, Im.xi up carefully .and io.ely.ni.it .1,-iirenc in tbilnimire, liir not link' SI fcireach iliMntcnih nt There are. several hiliiilrtila more of onr orave Homheni d.nd from flie dim rent State, wh.Me mom-H uru ioe,' u.l " iMwni-a minim uv aep-mtety menu tied. Tlicae twe hope tlM Holly woo.1 Memorial AsfcieiatUm, tit Uclimond, will take charge of, an they haw given riotic ofthcit inhinlion to do aAj and I believe the people of each nte have contributed I li mlit for the purp.e, nt hwt J linn a our have. I must not ouuleto utatethatnuin IM'TO of Indira o) Itnltiiooro w lionurwd at fVftystMiiv7;"iTHT fhe'TmHIe. menlionwl to Mrj. 8. Hie touching fori, that every one of inn lxx.r leuowa iney lia.l nuraeil tliere. without an exception. rxpre-iM'd I heir will ,nH'"J to die lor their country, bnt lieg- U d th.it IhiHr bmlie might lie sent or ten-bome to-thrir tttate,1'rn9tmrtht appmi will meet wttn a tavcitnulc nwponse nmn your AOtociatton ana awnmni; von ara iH mmjialljr rfwrd yoa all tha lafnai r ' .... ..l. S' 1 iimiv 4 ihmm, nMma.my, ac., - -. Mum Avail Birais. .. : :; y. t. . A I'tiartoaton, S. C. tlHA KBAIV Iff CAar U.llEJl MAS UKOUNO, OKTTTHDUmi, PA. -4- KAMRl i II fiiiminger, Priv I 1 IS 20 c A ciiiiiinona, Jolin Tuvlor, Jan K.'lll.ii, William, Oik hrist, M BMcltae, An.lerwio llnith, J T Carter, I. 0 Cobb, Henry Pauley, ' 1'hiw Wiiliford, lilt Waewer, Win Hernea, I. H Oreen, 1 1 37 I S.-rgt 4 I 17 18 i Priv 27 7 n it 1.1 fcHlii 11 7 83 8 T I Turner, IrAThompaon, 10 'it 26 3 wmBArifl P 8 HeMiell, B i Walker, ?u, h q Edward Barker, .. i TJ??' 8 HMerrv, ' Jo(m 0 Fllrnulni W h Battle, Hunesaen Cne, 0L Kincaid, . . Lieut Priv N" : M 9 11 14 iSergt K U I (J E 0 A fnv 20 23 28 Lhut a e a 14 26 30 Allen Dee. - B H C Ktrk ham, - , I! 13 4 7 II Tullmaa Bailey, J B Kobinaim, j'r!n''.,iB Luther, BFBittmaii, gpp,,, ' M B Peudley, 8 H lleagun, VH'; n n Thompson, Jaa fi Perry, 1 W - Iainii5 B 2(1 125 apt H !3 8 1 48--!- ai Srgt lriv-. 33't ?i;t S.'S ,31 Id "8 It 2l!9 10 Hotfiiian C 2W !l Tt. 1.- 1.1 I n. - ; .-Tr"H "-'HfW',J Weaver.' book. The names, are aipicd a ctoseiy aa potsulile, but we know come iiirarle. in all Hie liata, A letter ad- mis ami August neil, um not alter, as h i going, to remove. Tobacco 6it.pi. Iklow we give a list of the ppcr of tobacco sold at the Dur ham Warehouse, June I'.th, 1871 : B. Amoj e, John O. Karris, William M.a.re, John llitrria, It. Sims, I M One List - f 10 21 " 112.V " 8 75 " " V. 12 7', " . 8 00 " 10tt " 0 (K ,, , " .M o as .. " " 15 50 " - IS'2 " . 18.75 " ") 82) " " ' 11.25 ' " 1025 " I' " ' 7.75 " 7 00 " 7(K 1000 " 7 15 11.75 " 25 tm " SM " i Moo . " " S0.00 W. AJ Rarton, A. lilalork, l. n.m h. a Pk'asiint, f '. VanliiKik. P. Is khart, It V. Crslrtrec, William Parish. Nat Willnuns, Krank lhy, ICds-rt liavis, W. J. Allen. Hirelntt - - 'i"'away, t . i . . . . Do. ' Gnsm Blahrki Do. Tin .j.iexLiou whether' tins dng or the jwi.le shall have poseewsion of the town Wils..n, is being disriisacil with a kood dcul of fidtttj on botf aide. IlKUHioim Notr'.-4Rlv. It. T. Hud "nan will deliver a 8andv 8cbo.L aildrea at the )(t.tho,list Chun-h thia (tsumUy) wienmoB, at o clock, p. irt Among the cU'un conadered by the BomiieraCTairiwOmnniiwioB on TfieSJay, at Waaliingtoo City, my Uie Wihnl,-t.m Joral, waaone Wfavorof JonaAPy, ninueny ol WHmingto N. C.,tor r,4ii4 For a numlwr of year during' the ar Mr, lvy aignaliccd hi devotion to the Cuum cause, by selling wppliea to the Confederate gnveument J . I VONKKOKKATB DAD AT OlCTTrHBI Bo y W are pleawd to eara Uiat the ladiea nf 1.- M ... i . .to airuntrou AHaOCllUlOS Ot Urn eitir wiintneir wontjl putrotiam and appre ciation of holy duHL have initiated atau looking to the jcuioval of a ortjon of tlwr North Cnlina dead front Uettyaburir to our beautiful, cemetery. It will be renienibered that notice ha been aerved that, uijl.su Iheae bodUi are reamved by Auguat, the fteldii beneath which their aacred asheal are buried will tie ploughed an. Without couimeatiDir ia atrochma ' vandaliatn, it hr an imperative oUligaihm retting. upon the Boiitheru people, that their iWd ahult h. rewuru mtiw it, and hwild lie gi ven decent sepulture in the soil of their loveartd their nalnity. 7Aey givcNheir pmjous lives lor at; stinOld be the i.uiut i hid be egrate6,unwortby a place in the memories of meo, did we fail to do all in iur hum ble power to guard their remains aua their fame. eJ?l''c" "LPPi! to our citizens to aid tliein in this phma nndertttkiiig. We believe thai the apiwal will be generously and gladly responded U. V r j - . , A Bl.ACK CoNVsCNrtoN. niror the our. m- mine ... .m.iiiii orgaiiiauou aim .........I enorn, we areioiu. an aililnstsha. Iieen issued to tho colored citin-na of the States of Alabama, 'Arkansas, Delaware, Klorida, tieorgia Kenluckv, Lonlshtna, Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi, Mitwiuri, North (larolina, riouth Y'arolina, Teaaa, ..Ks, mm, irjrinis, sun mo lernton .i . .i.oiiioia. invniog mem to wild ilcte gates one fr.an ewh CongmHsional Ii triet -to meet iu (.'onventloii nt Columbia. South faroli;ia, on the 18th of October next.. . P RKSIN4I,. Wenoticed lloonooratraela . emeroay, vm. n. iv Jmn. the talcntw SLUator from Me. klenl.urg. The Col. is i.a.King wni, ami ) nitite sauouine that tlie Wesl," will' viii altmad' ttnanimmisly tir a convention, on the find Thursday ia August next Of coiirse Hld Mecklen burg" ia all right AewAeni Journal of -Sloi-Kyf it iiTTdi o it a a n Cou. Fi w ia awsreottlHilinportdnceof cheeklngaConghor J.Hii on Cold," In IU tlrststaice: Uiat which ffl. JMWWIiajWil to a sulH renjgty, Trmleetial, soon l.itjs U)Min the Liuiks. .WrnUN s avn.AifV yoaA(mo or iMZmsnm, sftiird instsuitrsllet. mK-eod!w h --. "KPALniao's Ou'a," mends ereryUiing. pfM.K fig TOQTg P'IB.rWB i Tl'll.lll der the naiae of Uentrisee. Adopt sad ad hare to the only prvttarstloa tlut rtwJir un- aene the teeth and hardens the gums, fragrant Soioiiot. Its eflect oa decaying teeth are nutrrcnmii: t June 17-eodlw . A PITIFUL CONDITION. It IS a sad thing to pas through Ufa onlv half allra. Tot titers are Uionaauds whose asditaal eofKlltloa la on ol la rtror and da intily. They complain of ao siclH disease they suffer no positive pain; but tney have no relish for anything whk-k aff.nda mental or stTnauous iiieaaarn so uielr taunt ralnut and enenreiie iiiiiow-mtntr. s In nine eaa. s' mil of tea Oils stale nf laaal. tilde-sad turuor arises fmaa a-iiarlih atraiinel." lu.liL-.tiou destniv the enenni of l-.ll. mind andindy. When Uie wask; ol nstum Is not sappwM uysnussud nulsr aasliullsUon o( i". every organ ut sisrved, imi ruse ti.Hi Interriiotd. No, what doss common sense sturjresiander irai ein-uniautiHS or dcurSMu.ii r 'I'ha syst.ni needs roaiuiur and stmnKthentnir; mrt piertdy f.r an hour or Iwo, to au.k atlerward Into a Btore .illable eemdition tliaa ever, (as It aseumtty aouM do if aa ordinary slcobolic u.uu.aii. wrra osjonca ut,j out radically and e . ...'r. ... I . . How is this drslrlMi. l,U. t in ha a.w. pUshed ? The simwer to this uueslion. fouii.led oa Ui unrarviuirVjiR-rn-nce of a quarter of a eentnri, is esaily itiea. Iufaae Bear yliror llllo the dnn.stlve iM-irsns h a M.uraw lit lf.ia. tetter's Ifloiiut. b Hitlers, tht not waata tiuia hi admlntstt-riinr temKrrv remMlhw, hut wsSe ttie syaUius no Mr nvojwralin' liie foni.tBit. J , -. , .1. n, RKrww alio mv.. uie grwstorKsn 0kiu wt.io all Uie ether organs 7. nunurw anu I... .X V By Uk time Uiat a dosea doses of lb great .cK.iai.ir tunc sua invtgnrsnl nsse nee token, the fwlde frsw of Ine dyspeptie will beifiB to (Belli benkfa hdlHenea. AppeUln will be ereated. sod Willi acpeUts tha eauaetly to digest what It craves. Persevere anlil Uie cure Is comidete until healthful bluod, Bt to he iv Hia.e-nai ... nms ann musei, ume and nerve, sud brln flows Unuujfh the iduunuds of cirealslloa Inalead of Uiu eatery n)iuluiu w.i.1 .uieu vney nave aerefcocorw been luoatr feotly nourished. June 14 euatlut . , . a w aurrau jHsi..-i The funeral of Uie lion- James B Shepant will lake pWi.ilo afts- iauVf ajt-thf tpHeOSWt httw-a, tS O'cl.K-k - JIW iBJtTlIalimi, BOA Rf or TR ATiK: : r -All the aeiiWn of the Board of Trade ar- fenu.al.al to wm.it at tliift I tlistmh bank at 4 o'clock Monday Jans 111 June or-ia . j. IOflT.-AN AHOUNT B()K, the tinder J Will he Itherallv rewarded liv biWmir It to me at Hisll No. tt, Marki'ttlouse, hiT -igh. f. ii. ms w row. Je 17 tf WA,nUANlKI) K itfeJ IHVK.H, UKE FEEDKlift, c- tVnd for Cireutar ; j E. J. PECK, Llinlen, N. i. JnnetTtf OOsTMESCEVKMT AT WAKE P0KE8T , CKlXEliR. Tlie Annnsl Adilaww t(or the f.ilerarr K-k 6lie will In delivered on June 2!t, at eleven eVIoek s. m. by Rev. I L M CI UKIT. bl 11. of Kiehmowt. Vs. .. (Hi TI.Bnj.tav miinir. June Khid stlo! -o-eT.M-a, nrauons y uie ursuusunir iisss. June 1. u "1 fANTKU. Two good WhelwrliflilA. None need apply Aec4 UiOse who have a Un ..njh ose ol J.U16lt ,1 Baii-Ujh, S. C. TJRAUo AN1I OPTF.R XJ Pi 'reerWiis; Ke Ulea, may 13 tf T. H. BR1WH'. "y It M ALONE, ATTORN EY AT 1AW, MARION, H.Q, FuaaaaL or Lbbotb,.) ai prsetlee ia the 10th and 11th Dblrkt. sd ia U.e l.n'rbd kw tea tuns. Y.rt-r,ti al tenlhsi vfiveo Ut Uie srifunMiat of uirr I lurl St Kal.X ia turn iui ia uua , ' IJLTTCIKAPIUC NEWS Wahiot.i!I. 1). C., June 16 The "M.manyX ' Pale' and f.Mr steam U.imhea, nnder tlie counnaiid t t!o. Htake, vrenr sent, Jum. 1st, in examine the nv.T rtal.le, ia t'.tfra. At a poind called tliediHicnlt piasafy, ihm navigation is most pwilou. tuaRk.-d Imiieri.-s, mauifed by anvcrnl thrMiwiiid tes, oti.xl a heavv tins, nwFewieh K-aselainailvani. hiught galUntly. The AKerhan vsNb bearing p, drove the eiwoiy fumi tlie works, and tle tide wept aill Hie wl post the ja twii. Tbej nnrhiXrA and threw slh'll among th rv(riiing imitiir, Tlie "Monao liey" wwnJighity inpmAl by ruonint; .hia sunken. n k. The vi-naels return in.; recited nt tire In.in Hm-(.h-i. Two A iiierHnns wen.1mri. Pm iiie v tnres ao- eviwrtcd, ..ihcrwiai- the Art Will destroy the torts UkeB, and mi.1. otner inensun- as the interwt .4 civilisation d inai'd. The Coreiuis are a treacherous jnd waihke peotile. cutirelr iml, oen,l...i i China. ' ' Biaitwell diwiiliwthat he can entertain an appeal from the ('ommissionerof Inter nal Ik-venue, but neitlmr iheinterertofthc i government, nor the central road will be ! advanced by a hoaring. AjiimmI iu ce in iraestion The d. orliiu-nt will make a i demand for the tal and if ..t nid. will attach the Mad pnmcrty, ln t, mud can carry the mailer into court. the W isconsin IMu.- rntic Mlte Com mltttw tu calling Mute Convention says the true wisaioa bto d.l with srk4l question of the da, ignoring eontroversit m-ttled by the I4tvn-ss of event j ,An unprtsHilenteil thunderstorm is rg- .nn.,-,,,,.11 oreon. Tfliyrspliers were stna keil to in.-enmlnlily. The Herninn Ainencansol Hun Francisco, in mivention, aiiorovei,lhe reiaHistrur turn acta; tsvor uiiivrrKtt amnestv and paynK-nrrn5crwh.de-B.-tli.ihiii deltTu'asv coniioir w ith the tart of the rswiifW-t-. IHHMe Chineae lala aiwl ..,...1 1 ".tuiiiaii.i a moUIU.-Allon or tlie ImiSanJ I a w.Kufe.1 ..Cu...l... ... . . .... ",""- ""' O'lor unmc laws. flttw. oaa dunr ln.-4)b.tl.n A Wood- h"M h.ivo sm-il ll.Hiry VVsr.l lUher anil the Christian Colon for libel. -Uuuiagea m .j'.iu.iTr lUlllltm. . VVcshm eoiKln.re.1 "II niftes at II o'cl.K'k todiy. lie wilt probably mm plele the dial miles nilliin the lime!!! I VHtm THNNKiiSriK. , Af sstn n.i-a June 16. Itvllroad excite ment at CbMng- ia unaluted. thus hundred employiasi 1'r.nn Alabama seised a hicoinotive mid cars ut the dejot in 'Chat tanooga and bk tliein down to the Chat tanooga jiii.I Aliilwma road. Pursuit wa mmle but the luboirrscut the wire the Kiwult is unknowa. FOI1EI0N. - 'C"'June ipthJi.A.j-TheCottn. less Af Pari, last1 night, gave btrtb to daughter, " NaHloa and Eugenie have made a visit to the Prince of Wales. The 7'iWs Bays the French Loan will amount to only two millianls francs. .rea Tv iiuiii i arts report unit the taU) siefje eenae to duy. Fridav.)- re-1 f'! 'I'l''l. ami vncite nnarter l untiiumbat teqiiar Tlenuan swifter visitintr I'aria am t, ii.. i 1....1 i .. ? ' . -"-" r1yr"TmJ:-".tu '" "vc ai ms Mtilia in natau-T rants. ; J 1'AKlB. Jllfio Id A nm,.U,.lL 1 I . . L , . J nterriaurma1 rmctcry, 1 I Which declares "we are diiuu-rued, bnt not I i buk iktoi. ami are still one hnnrlre.1 il,.,.,. rir'sllJll(" Knvre and Troeh'u win?" tbe authors of oor nikafortanea, aided by the Capital of th Priest hood. We accept the responsibility of the conflagrations. We must have no interior truanla no di. vision at potaT; nwloH "liSi! "away "oiif anus, ouv uos our votts-,viva J.A KS'ial lfcpiiblk'iiuo viva a Commune." MARKETS. Nitvr Vork, June ). Floor and wheat unchanged, dull ; corn scarce, firmer; pork dull, I -la 1 5 14: lard teadv:cottiBtroiiir sales 2,000 hales ; Uplands 20 18 ; Orleans 80 7 8; turpentine unchanire.1, 4H I ia 47 ; rosin weak, (trained le.5.1 j fn-iulita itea.lyi Btock. .ICH.lv, dull; Bold 18 14: jwrTOinuaita-aloadouiut Loiiiu,, ' , rt ' i . a 10 ; short 10 1-9. IdVKnrooi... June Id. Colbm firm iiplan.t H Mil a 8 3 8.1 ; Orleana 8 I 3d. rWlea 8,000 lade. Kpncttlntioa exiwrU 7,000; Btock aftont 4;),0lH), American, il'J.oOO. Y arn fiil.i ics lirm. Cumlierland- cut bacon 35. -piEIlMONT 8PIUNa The anderslimed takes ideaaant In .nm.nn. cli.K to the jtublic, and ssptji'tally u Ihoaa In ssareh of --: HEALTH ANIJ PI.EA8CHE. that hs will open at Uie-above named Wtrs-a aa Pi.soa a ll.rrai. f.ar tha AiifoKnoriAT.. or Visiwsb Uie present season about Uio IMh or Jim. The hixb ifrtnWeu qttalllies of Uie Piedmont Wster Is so well estat.lbdird ss u. require no euloiry at th hand ol Uw Propria tor, all he asks is a reference to Uie thousand who have eiperl.B.ej lienedeial resulis fri Uie use of tbe Water. This Water a.-U like s rfasnu ajn Uie ll.ti. ie and Hcrofult.ua, in vup'nueaanaairenirineus ine we SHU IsOjriiMt, renwnes all imimrlih a fruni Uie bkaal. mm "i""" oi ine asm. a a cl.r..te altars. 1". diu.ml rbriua-a are ailaaUd tn HUikea ennniy two and half mile Nrth-west of lhrtwrty. the-roirntv site near ttie Jr.Si.bn-n ter atlnus of tie,J4sura Town Mouuisms. 1 here am niau v plaee aesr by of great Inlereat and attrsrU.Ni Hm.ais; wtotdi are M.kibb s Kaoa Hi. biiet pii . f tiir ssura Iowa rsnjre of nmMmc-rr-f-r --....i;..ra.. fcfclSli'tKlSlT fAWAREr Twit Dim and IUSi.IM. II. I, k Thsseenerv aiouinl la beautiful snd Tdflur- froia k.iieru or Weau-ra Nona Csr..ha win and dailr He of t'oaehea- mnntnr: frmn una i .nni on uie is. v. Kainosd u. Haiem and VV inUB atiere tnvevsneentn be bad without Wmlmt, Una beine oi.ly iwenir Bve miles froOB aiula...... . -- Mv T.wtt-ia mud with theW faUbh't tlm market. altuida.l shall Anepln UAH wiui miwrior Lwrtin sud i;omy l i,.ssa isia-a I boaO, f per day. tt per week. $, per I asoatb, : , i W. W. kMIANI.Fm Phtorkhr. I DAaiMmr. N C.,May sjlat, lt.71. uay t smw A CIKxiL A. r. tVkar.1 will opea his srhnol. st .sra1 ' ks. ttrmie c.milt, N !.. on tha Best of ti 'ust H71, sod wiile.Mtin.ie It to the twenty- lilt t.f May IK7J, wllbottt h.lermiwtna, es- t. one w.-fc at d t 'hrUinii Tba Sr. l atadtm I e lw. lv .-nd uf. tafetnlter. clit Urammar, die., ill ebate on the li'iroia: Mii'l Lanao.rA e.. at, per mvuH.m. ' - He waa eoaested ai Um Hottrham IV has lelwa-n taulve and infleea v.-ara evia-ti I 1 enee la Uiaehinir a l lasaisal rlehotd. ran ei SO Kim srnpte teslliwrnUIS of his WMnH-leney 'snd spin, a to tnu II.- Boys' ber.airi-d for t...lf.-r sno ii in in-.llnsry Uu inea. ol life, A uoi ler of hovs eaa wIMatn boifd . (a.u.) v fareita .Ht fannliiv at rt per HhuiIIi. wllh everv Uiinr fumiabed, srt'pt litiU. fine hall of the b.aud and tuitl.m must la? paid in sdvanee, snd lb.-, ladanee at Pie eh-e' ul the aeaanm. The ehool at twatv ailfe r.t .f Uiiuimh-o. , A. P. PICKiKH, jthtka, lmrb,e, Co., H. C. Urlrirw,oUm bnnjUaia, Mebsnsriile, Jurrt a-waa . . 1? 11. REE!E, M. !., ' jm In rharxe of U.e Hraneh ofllee of Iht. Ium'i Pnii,aiem HibUirt a Issnti-i and Csat-'ssa iariawaav, ,1 CtUKLOTTH, JT. V. , Will best tbe ,WArr iy,-a Qrnnuh. JT C Afrrl. M!. f mrlnrrm.;k i.r, Jouttfk, A" Cv A,rU lv IttrrWi U-imm, llimo..,, ,V. C ,d.rd IWA. F'r Uies.enOuD'idati.i of UnMewlMtmav wbdi Wietauntlt loin will. r. I. r-txe b 4 .a. sk. and sit nttewaf l.lir.n.e fi.ug staadiiijr and i un duuaae o! every aiod. bust Ko-Ut . HIr TICKETS! , -;t ' Wmmer AnuAxoKvj;Ta.: 4 ItWMJ TRIP TICKETS1 Ar a.iw on mV. t KiWh and UoMsfcoro' to all Hm priB.-ttal point an Wiwter Niaiti tiarotiwsst. . .. tiRK VtlT KKDUt'tD RATfcl. .1 Offerinc fi InvaKda. T.Hirlu ml oih-n. rhrah ' '". lor vmiiliu the vwluut wlwil .nitit, wmI vbmin; Die aMmniuu snsuery of i.VriVIU4 . r ..... ... RATKH: .. ' .v: : .' KtelMb to HIitfcwvMW. M return i:i tll.-k.rv lvyruand return f ' Ston:iil..iV " Lok-..i. ; " w awvlMe " UolilJW til HalisLury " " CHaHolie ' " " MUtrxvitl , " Hi. loirv 'larsrw " " Morirsst.w " " t mrolntoa - " a VCtierryviiie M tli.lHI tti r.s 14 IU 17 no If. VI 1MSI It IK . iv on Ovirt Ticret Agent, N. 0. K K June 1? lui , Sau. avsm Wonfewr r fonfiAV to ao raoa NEW YOKK ANU GUlitiUW. Calllnir at Umdnsderry to land "it sits awl AsHeaiu. 1 he Mrsnier of this favorite lbr are buili 1 expr'? tor Uie AUsii iiUe Passeo.T Trade. ,wi. ttud "p te ,vrA meet wXtli All tit t re liunrovoasentil nalciilaled ft. in.an. ihr safety, eimitort, and eoavenieaeaot isawiiwn raasAsa KATsa, l'r tw.a ra Ctiaaaacv. Uy, tll Aflniiw I rvirnprvM ivn W,Clbo" .KSr? 'ase Cami. CHS and Zl undlu . t Ihhi saia RlTtraa TtcuiTa, 190, srrariogbest aeeoimtt..datiiift. lNlKK-dtUUTK, jsv HTKKRAdlt,, !8. I'-artlos srodkiur br their titenda tntl.sd'd Countrv eaa naej-hsse li. kel al mimvd ri.- For rniilier imrlll ul ra iq.y U HKNDKKai IN I nion tiaiiS, 7 Hoaliiw 1,1 en. N V. "'3fi(HiA; Ay.tti untret n fvm trSmii ri. Jun nd.kaaui , " tfcm T?ALE1 KEVAI.K ttKMINARV. I L V ' tb. Third Beast. will tu n. M.....U. Jm. jhui, imi, wt.h a , S. I lent aii .um.ri,-,.. U'a. liers ' twins nut seMst.ni oi meow weeks, psvablr one half In advance, the reiuuluder at Uie nihtdle of term. .Tnlibw ia Ulerary Department from , tjptoaooa Mush, nn ruuio snd (Itiitsir erajwiiv. I 2. VI slid ISiflO. PLo... H. nt '' AJUU. umauij; au.i raiiiiing ra- shviI,,i5 lOUUtolSOO lovident U esK'nse 1 Jul K.Nu'd, Ineliidiii; '"el snd lurht tsllAJ. J'or parUeulan, aptily ft Ci.enlsr. '. t. UUIMUHII), A. M. June 17 1J-J4 rrluclt, rM10MAa P. UEVEHKUX, JK., Attontpy and (iouiiKolIoratLaw, (orrua AnjoiinanssKTiMitL orrua) . ' . IIAI.KIHII, N C . ' Wit! nraeUen in Uie several Court, nf LhaAlk Jndteisl IHstrtet atnl Uie Huoreji.n Ikmrl I Ci.thtl.ur nromritty attended tn, and -rhnaw I wijiwmi. Jaa T-tf I 1 I HT KWETVEDsaii lot of Tod Flah ft 8.-lrd Herrings, bo. 1 Mackn.ll, Burou, ; um, stoisssiw, sio., as a. u. HAKKiaob'tt. ap 95 tf. ' f VIDE Dl'I'ltl! J3tI(JkKiLx k t lI at, KAI.EIUI1, M. O. Praetleas hi the 'oiirti of Walrr-wtln-rliir- eeai iurw, lves i.-.hI alt.'nU.i to Ui rmnjt of ransea rn the Hiipreme t'onrt of 1 .eoiu-eis elslins sksiukI siiv Kiss or Ufr ooa.iv in Um rillb d Hll. and attends i business lm.niptly to any other islrssliud s hitrusld to bliu. febTlf 1 at PORT ANT NOTICE.. I -. . .to CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. AtifrttRTAfb-fitfflFHtt AMOliNllNrt tft ISIASIIIIVH lKI,l VKNKII IN ANY PAItr tir TUK COUMKlf, Free orEtpreaa C hstrRnB. DibiIIIui Eittcr k Soda, of Ealtlcioro Hd., in ortier ms bettor to meet Uis want of their noun busuHuers at a distant, have eslablisl da . Ol uir a frn.M.v - -s.u. I J'l"'''. pomii'iiy a-nd M .m iiH.u amo.i.w i t.i an- newt rssiiil.nsl.le tl.nala, uf KKKNCII. FNlt LlJSti and IM)M KM 1 10 M ANbVAI.1 1 hK, Kuarsnh-eilur at all Ullies to sell aa low, tf n.d at bw prlera, thau ally houae la Uie colilltr) eeleliraUvl maiiiifaelarers In Uie dllterent lairla 0 Eunlpe, and hnHwUna- Ul saaie by ttUaun 1 a.wMia irotu uw larueai and anisl rtm . w o... no.ore, our ame la si .11 UfHe 1 pnonpUy snmdml with the novel Um ol Um Londtai and Pans niarkeu. As we buv and suM only f.H cash, and make ao bad debt, we are aide and a illliut to aell oar koous si ruow Tss to Kir. P.. vbt, ..Rn rattriT Mian u we aave eretttt. in srmlnir for snuiiMe speetfy the kind ait, aTOodS dusired. W kavn Uie la il inaila every cbusi of good, from th koww.1 to Um m.im etmuy. . . . . irrdersunaceomnaoieiltiy toe cssh will U se.ntt:. . 0, -. .-. PltHMI'T I'A.TINW WIKIlEMAE HltVaA are ioium mi oim i me Bus k in our J.4dln u . m-atiai; i-iiartrneiii. Ail.lress II .III.'KiN KAMI lilt aiiua Wl, m, ail and SB Waal bailuaore Blnad, aeesHHMUVAW ... . TIIK 4. RE AT Suifc en Piano MAMUFACTOttTi Wil. KXADK & CO. PIAPTOIITBS -'PfcBaW'f iWlJT1WHIf"t? WB"ten?t(,''4WsF,st'f ttwCtllf " Be Tfr wl l tnrtjr J wn, Vol uuxj their . efHrm-e minnn li4ni m nntuirrijaaii ; IUn4 , c I .. A . I """t! "' l'T""T' swsetties sad diie slnif- m; qnasiiy, s, well a rrt parity of InWnw i " sw.wuks wiruugsoul Uieaollrasoala. Toi'cil 1 . Is pHwit snd elastic, snd entirely (re froat tb Buiunsa swwnai as so ssauy tiauo. IH WOKKM A.N SHIP they are uae.luakd, Balm? aim but. tha vers Beat aeoasn aaTSHi.i,, the lanca rsptLal smidovi-d tn our lita.in.-a eiubluur ua b keen tosd'iMuUly an uiitnenae Ukb of hiaber, mU:, wnd l-i"u ttw M'saa Fustst hiva oar Mew ". - "'"" 'a.wit at awj HI aOBAJTr ,: .. .... r wtfut ean spuetal klt-nlnift ta oar lf lo. ..lveiela in I.HAiill PIANO AMI I "vosns iAm, I'.Tsarao An. 14, lwid, Wbn fc Iwllir the I'laoo SMBMr pnrluctiva taea Itvaar Puaoai ij.t Wisunvan J,aVa.. We bsv Bisiie srra.iK.-.oeuLa fta- U. BV.Ie v nox atoe Aireney tut ll.e Snat ,Crb lmit.d PAKI...K OKI, A.N") and M KI.OIIK.I I.Na, al... t. we ort-r W bokMte and Kehul, at Lowest Vo tar rrwaah , - , ' Wn. USMir. &. "4. 4MVdbnModwdiw I Baltibobb at o AT11K!TER WHITE PHI Fdit HAJJt. J I have l.ik sak a soia.rl.n- atraia of U,la KTM9 m waft, to: rapitl irr.iwin and eaay fu. bur iwo-rta b..K.-d and delivered ..! li. i h ua K. K. at from tf weeks to m.ni,. ,,, , r a jaur; A. Kr.Nl;kKU, : rrtistMiraP, M, O. Jana a-owswUes. 8T. MARTS mJlUMiU - , , Ki.i..n. V. r KionvRar Tlt'iK ATKINV)N,yi 1) VMbs R Al lKKT fcVK!h, 0 U , Km On". Fkv. HKNNK1T HMKllM, A. M , Arrant. 1I fiHr tilnlb lertHOf l ,ia Mead Milt oe-n 4u'j pnli, "rtl, end tot unne Jl a,-, ks. For r fe.Har, eooUi.du 4 nil parttt ular, ap; ly u the Kctor. June U t '.-' ' OTOCKUOLlltKB MEETING. The annual rnetln of lh torkho!.kr ef ttie Kalnrll Usihi knltiotuKI'omiviiiT wtlr h. hll al t .....imv siOH.'w. k6 tt.eeilt of Kt nr. . Uie TillKti THt:toUAt Ortai U4 aivfcol it IX, Kit, at iro'ciiH t t ; $tt10-.tM Treasurer sn.t aonvrtsry UKNt NuTlt'R. A UtTl.teml of t iier ieni i.n the esi U sUwk .t it Kalian l Jt Uaau tinllnuul i.wa- Ianv lis Ixwu de tsmi, pavable oa and sfttrr liilj- I, tsrt. y to khil..ir rmldenl In Norfolk will t wkl t lit.-1 ili'.'i.J' lUnk of ttist etl.v, and tlaaat in tvu-slwnj, at the t ill' gating Mauk l tN!.Tl.tt. j. . ' ' The lM)f.r ll.s.k a ill he rloaed fosil date antit tts -Ul ivt.fciuio. - ': - i W.-W. VANS, Kaleish. June 10 dljnlyW Jreslnirer TilOK A1.R. r V ra lvi Co , N. C, owe of ths imd ' to hareo .tirmin Fsriiis. wll tp'i.rv.t. eoa-' Uinir.fr U.ul wv acre. t3S ot iii. h U Kit.-r Slid mk huU.im AM Bi.e Mill and b.-t BV.VB. . iii .. iw WAu.'iy or w(eMi-v. '.Ttas a .' .n'i.v o. r ' T. J. tiROWW, Jomwl.-ia, p. O., Psvle, to., N. (X lane lt M Kt BASl BfHLDl!ta STtK FOB iea(10Shama stu-bwile Buildlog stock. Ani.lv to June 15 tt JUtitAS BELL. X7 Olil K i.'Ni t'r. 'O h.oits who have not lasted theft M.n.hsuilist wu hand tlie Int ilay yf Jims, are i.TMei i. e'lmc lufwniu etinie.iiau.iv seii do h.! and shy tin. neei'Situ of lwiviuj s lUll 1S IklS June nih, tr ' a D. HAKKIW1N, ' June l& tf List laiiiir. rAKRENTOM FEMALE COI.LKUR. I i WaaKitsroa, H. C. -The Vail b.-i.ib ot IS71, will begin on Wi'd- irenomv m it i v . Tins lntiiU!ion offers snherhir ediiesUoest 1 uivsuuri.f. lis ).r.wfh:rtlY, under tin. pn--ul I sdiutniKirsttoB, has l u "highly grtii)l) w I a puuui auu.iivrntis t aiKnts raa ikssiow or 20 watas: Boanl, (eieliisive ol Lights sud . Wslllli)!t ... i l no ; TiiIUoii in regular eourse - a aN&l.i Charon fiu- svtra stmlies, moderata. For full part u-itlars a'ppir to , - KKV.T. M. JDNKS, President Jane l&lm IgPIHIIMTV j FOB i North Carolina, BOOTS & SHOES. STniWKLL nUOTIIKKS, :,vjnr j oax " 1. K. M(XfiR, IrVAt.KHMAeC. June 15 tWio QXrOKD FEMALE AGADEM T, Onvomv N, C. . Ml M. 8. MlT iisi.i. an.) Mrs. E. N. (iMitiT, I ..PiuutpahL. I Mustr at Mt. Msrv'S. KulelL'h.t has idilni'e nf I i lie mimic oeiairnnerjil, lie itetl S.S-I.HI will wnen oa ttie 1 v .-.ineaiiav ill ninriiHib lfl. The Aeiuletuy ta pli'iiMiuilly Tnesteri hi a hmwI di'stnilile paitaif.Aow.a.iiiiDfn r4.t , ( ..fii-aHiiel! 1 rutfardul aa uue of UioUvsJUOeai ia boi'Ui t;sr..uia. ' Tlie eourse of atudy Is similar tn tllst of oilier Female Seminaries of lojih jemde. Terms niodersto. . Circulars sent on appll ealivai. ' IturKuasi'Bsi All friends and iun,ll. f lb. una 1 ioi. siiv. lle.il or ui I'tllKirwlLV ol N I " A ltniV, IIEAI Ell IN RAILWAY M:tliutsf'l4tr..r Sllil K.ub..ar'ahiio.,l.eM let. Ill stmd Imlaern Mam and fairy, Hll'tl ai'm.1, Va Hleani Kiu;lne, Haw Mllli; Mill- "esrimts, Tuil.o.e IV alar Wheels, tlllt aea. HIUiH!-ia.d.ti, I'lioiliii; Jatw-lilues, anil WikhI . ' s -, 1 ' ' I sli kind': HhaMiur. llai.Kei.. Pull.ya. tl. ItiuK, t see tqilli.ir. nasa auti rnea; n ni. ne. I ajial lrnia, Wmd t'anlini; Ma. Ill.ie. au.l t'lolllllifT. Mb-wu (lusvns, Haw ioi.iii.sa, rlt.tou ami WaOr Pli ris tuns, Paekuuie Journal Mebd, CO k ami To.,1 tiaiHjoss, sw. ' If yoa want a at-aia Kittftn f.w 8w Mill. AJWIH l.tn or inlher putnueand lor s dosrrlp- U osinidriet vrelliidsH.hiebAiruts," lie beat Maine wads, . .. i ua a awe-mi sortirat Of e.md hnd Enifloe snd rloilera, e Hill. JMillstoma. and Ueartnirs, Ptmilng Msehlin-", and other noon-worn f waehmerv ; BiallliC, Polteys, and llaiKi-r-; limU'liiiK Uteres, etc., ele. Heeond Inuid Maehimny and Blewm Ikfitars bonarbi sold, snd eAchsngml. seuwif OCUAM. Bl'ilAKM. ij Ut Hid. "A, ' B' snd E. W!" i " IV 1mi and P. tl. Mioais. Tslloaa C 0. T. HTKiNNACU. June BP T , A . Tlie Ausshle (Idrse Hh.ia Natl It la il, only arood nail uiado. May I tf T II 111(1(1(18 elHJU IStvr Hlija.UA 1 tilt K tAr k; vr il JoNMa-Io puktz 1 "i- it - I VPFHt(K RAI Fl) jrol.DfcK, JJaJLA-NlJ W. WHnmm, sftWal atlTIJU M00HB OAfUNOT " A TT 0 K N HT8AT LA W , RALEIIill, N. C. But sod Federal Court and tb Coarl of Uie 1st aid itu. JuditlaJ Kistrtct. - VVI'-IW VrI WJI any MM aovjll U. - ID U7' H 0 T T f, f FEMALE PIIYHK'IAN, No. 7.11, Main 8t, KlCHMUNIt, VlRiilMIA. ' Lsniaa ai rrrmao raat isss.tr i vs.iin or any eompiaint porn oar p, their mt ar" I BuaratiuMO .iv rvjller. All coiniuanieallua almtlr omji.Unlt.U j..-H.T of tieptiry an- wer.il irw . .suirire. t.di.,.w- -raided I Bourn ud saeii.Um-e furnished wliea r (piire.1. June wdAwly 1 L, OR BALE. " KlL'Ilt Mmrvs of Hloeb la ll.e Vi,... I.V.I Bulldiea; latu A aa. anal I. m. Al.l.lV slolloai. may Ua ' ' li. C. LAMO COM PAN V, WT MKfEIVEU. 1 ' . Pealaalr Fain'ly Flt'Ur, Estrs t. dnuitr. , J oio.i mil leu, Mri.-umeH; . , Freeu U.itte, t ll ai&ea, . l;oe.,t.uts, I I and ,-., Ar . de. r At mar 1 tf a 0. ilAKRIHON .A M MIKE'M INIllAV MtJtiOK AN Tl J J ooe liar onlv redahMt eor'e. knoan t an be ailtuuii.u-r.-d in ( ..Ilea or l.i.Uor. aiul re.inove l'.r.ver ail dealt- ..r alnvov; tlrlnl. m-ne tpynine i inoirt the Utimiuru t.f fill I I alf w ,11 IMi t.iieayr Bao't t'i.,(ien.-nd Jkg, lent. 1 .In.. :; i - f A- ' l..,f A'- ' i . ur le in Rat. !.-!i, hr AKt.lt I A UWH (.IITiiM, llu.lin,on,'eaA UaieettBi inaylSOtu, ' ui nMn an savemwietii, ib Kk.bt iiikouo a men. . Mi.riHM f.w,Bn Ik.ij ASS nut ua T lint uw li. m iell Kill rust 8il iK.lt ats, Two linvs lll y-t Tlv iHillars mid Tr -but will Ameriea esruu-sits Ur,it'Z 1 r.i nuijt i.rs. f. PrtnuxlUsl ail.mM .,! T. KHV4 KI.L '().. A.) wrli.ms Agents, No. 41 IVkrr Kow, Mr I OTA. 1 1 I Htllt Mil TI1.K tlKWIMi mm INK t m a III UllllMll,l,-jl1 i ,.. ,;,. ..,. tie Maeti'ae bt as, atatis llie UtrU stnrbl (Ok un !., nh. AimiU wsiitnl in every eounijr. funwulara.l.tr.-wt tj Msiwaul uw .Vr.nl, t Fragn rrasraiatvSapoliene i i.-ans km (ilovni and nil km.U ot Ct..U.aiMt 4. 'I. U. In if; nHouvea l&u.t, (lree. Tar, At' lSl'l. wlllHait the hvut Hiiurr tu Um .1 faiaies. e-.ld uv lliiu.-irju mi.t Kn.'u.a tiHA! t f'AtvmN.K s, j bon-litf it.,H.w vMr urk.ttt trtljlicM.,t hicwiu. A rrento I T-..l siTflTi AAJtlltai alLCaa AllS 1 WJt Wll.b PAT AtlR.tTa'A H.A.I.AR ot l t'lCtt WKKK anil til'kBH ... .i..w wnjB r.ni.i.os,tr w.ni our nrw w wue.irnui tnvei.u.mo. Aildniss si. WAU iJlAA tUT FiiB ALL alt Xtm.1) Tmds O 1 V Addrvaa A. ft' UttAHAM.eoriiigtkld, erunmL A unVTW .-A . . fimimlMd Ltuauscs I -aid. 11 auaw, Aiimi, Ms. ' r W VANN V1KE. M I. sn.wsfiitU fl , trrat all classes ol Chronic and A.iiit lliaema.s. fc-eml s1h.iiii for cnriilar emitsuuna i srtb ulsrs sud Uliiuoniaui. Addrvns lfuA ai-ii, . I. lily. BIST ?7 4w ' v ' W-rJtv" aV ' i a r hov i nr ntt t KKMicnrr t. w in- i'criiH plHiit, ut U bh! rmnrr. In II nii VM-iiniat of hvir rmplntnt, O.mtrUrr if liir IhiW(H, fh'iutitv, ritiiv, rlifunmnitiu, At- MiH'k Ui Mil fMMiir lurtDU ut (.i rmanv nl Hrf tut inUum, In UtU euulry, in Ui of mum sttTZEi mimr. It Is the Spa imide portable and arsllahle f.s- I ine natal of the nnilion. I tie mlmon use it I It 1 the ereal b.UMeln.1.1 nie.li. ine of Uie Imi. I. at ones detleh.ua, refo-shioK, and unei;usted as l a vorreeiive ami snersiiva. (. it If U. .UKUWUlaTJi JuneS lui llUS-lmETU JiUT CHEAP CltMlDH. UAVit'sT katsivsu "IWrTTdrd" STOCK nf : Bl'RISO ANI Ht!VIMK - DUY y'MJha. II Ala, etltiRs ANtt NiiTtONH. ' June IU tf J 1 ItiUKJ. t'liit'K.rl, PlijCKrl. 1 I Wtirlti A'. '. " fSI ' 411. St . PRIM Itf r)K l'Ktrr A hEWSOMH Jims tu if 13 KKAliK IJIIKK (II Mil .3 st IU and llrts ut . PKIHK4IME. PETTT A NRWAtlli'sV. jiiii iu ir j Xw'""t:, IWK' UiLLa Mi CotUmsdss; I'RIMIttlfiE. I'KTTT A NEWSOM'S. June iu-i' I AllfFi in.1 ner! Hi,..,-, ,i (ultera al Ij I'KIMH.wK, fKTTV is NKtVMiiM'H. pint 111 If I II aSJ 111 ATM! IIATal ,M ! 1 1 HATS! 1 1 11 At PlirmtiiiSK, PKTTir NKWa'iN'a. June iu it 1t AUTIFI.il. NEW PKINTK PHIMH -hB, PETTI A NKWaOM 8 jiiiih iu tr AKAM(llJt, , ..PAtUiu.iU), i sramos. At. I'KIMttiNiE, rKTl'V As E'.V()M'B. June III If lKNPKl'TKt'U.Y rsl! the attention of j , Meri iiiuils Uj our HltK'k, and ean una-ranUwa-oialastss In urlees s ran In. bouvtit. rKiMlluee, PG1TY A NKWliUM. June 111 tf TTT-ANTKU, RV A ViMINt M AN.A Mtna. . v v lent in a loiero u-sePtry as mansu-er. With Mrice4.lLOaf4es.-e Ul loaliutdt'lllrillir iMIel.i I and dart Tobaeeo, f. il.HHMStlc and f.wi i.n I in trkels. Krfers P. the le l.oiL' inuupfactureia ui vuis. Vliy, Alan, llt.'liuioliu, vs. Address, N. B I, June i tf Pe torabiiiiji, Vs. ZOO1-: nlV3itf ' tVi All,t Vlje rtlWK ntTKTVWt,' Ml WftSF V-y alera, tttr asle fls-S.. ior nnr J vv. tl ji lis Kis tt f .( I. C PFKIDIt H(.l'l'PEltNilKt WINK AT - ( la-r eaae. -jnay in v WTTT. JTl?iT.S"S TftT rpnE"AU. Kb. !!'! " COOKING -STOVE, The "All Rl.tit" is nooltlvvlv wilhout I SititN-rior II la inads of tbe vt'rv U-st Jiltermt; Iuittl tta- Weight, Mlreuifth, Beaiilv t.l l.-vii.'t, ftitiiplit-ilr ami ilurat'Jlit;', n.tuhly tlf bsVun; i am i.n....Tia nmi. w e)t.:eiieu. r.a sale ouiy bv , , ji'Lii'H i.r!wm, June U If XN R.ili isli, N. f. J fl.II'U I.KWIS, . ni.i or Bill PAi I.1K K. i Ib'sler in Every ferii.ilon of ' 1 1. mi i) w aim:, " " CVTW-UY. lltorCNAKA STOVKS llOtE rL'KMSllINO lUfUnV'AllK, -tSa ; or riliiUKilisrilS, ( to v ; . . X NKW OAI.I.KRY, bjre Jem aw e-tU.a to otMaiaadrstrlMs (.k-lurs, 11 W u.e t ift Ulit, tb? Ih. armw.-Fd tiIU . . titi in-i t. sltttiwmta, Uie lri-l evr-... aw.i m uii.o.d WiLAR CAM KU , for ;.'.! .ld Uagaerreolyimi,; Ae,, ihf'io.ij in U.is fit)'. l!o is Ui niy ),.. ei.l..ja BKIIUU8 ARi'l.-if, t 'ly Uis is Uib oeiy piaw in tbit neeli.ni .t iwi.il , y hers sura work eaa W done. ll . d ke U great ImpniviwiiU In fli..Vog H-tij, tiro doors sbii! Tiu-kw IlslL March if. BATCHELOIPS HAIR DYE Tht S.U.Ud Hair Ufa la the b.-t in Uie world. Hanuless, teli, i is, 'rfUslaiiUnmrn. ttianr otentl lu.t, nor any v)l..)n- u.i.u, to 1 eP"Vsiata. Av...i.lH,vA.,m...l 1 and d.uivc tu-.-naijtt..iitu.i-..,a w'..,.. . .i do not possess. Tbe .., w A. lint As tor's Hsir 1)) h ay(11rf utitn,i,l,d rcr-nlatoa to ue ita i-rity as ihr only iwrteet lUir Dve Bu.'k lit ltrosn. itud h. sfl Drutfiritls. Al.plr at IS Bond HL. Si. V w mt -11 1 j. The ltritlat rhaiiil.t r. ESSAYS FOB 101 Mi t.KKAT SlKUb a.iL! AMI Al,t -M W hi. h Intrrfer Willi M M:iili; i.i iin'an( retiet fr o. a,,,,,, ,,'. , . ,, ,. ale riiM'ahtd uud d.-tuiiUl.l i4,i.t to o ,i letter envebiea, free ot rurm A.l.ins. lluWAIt" 'A li' ai.v itiv ,'A IIJ'N Na a, Bumli .Siu.L 81 , fl.lLA- ,L.T..r i-'i a, ra. v may li dim Head Carefiillv. AUL'K AN1 FEVKIL Theonlypterentln-knoau fori loll. .m.l F.vur is thaaw uf Woite's lo-hinlam a, WJ .p. WOLPE'S rH'tllKl)AM.HCHNAI'l'rt." " ls(indf.w Dysasi. Js a iwvveullrr of t lilll sod Ke Vr. BeVV's .trAmfam 4A,ii.ji. Is Imitated and eonnterf . lted, sud pun-hsspr - aaaisuiuun Ui purelnutuif. M.y's Shudttm VAnwmw, Ioodforall kidney and bladder cmnpMnlji. Wt.hlJt'S at-illKliAM tHlt.Afl' U nvd all over the w-r:4 by phyat. lans in their Wt)l.rK'8 oCH !EUA U 8 IINAl'i'rl Isjtood (or Gout Wi)l.KrBOillllAi bCIINVI-IU lsirood fus'all Unuary roiupi dnt. WiiLkK'S iciMKnAw Si'llNAfi-a 1 recommended t um Midlcsl rseuUr. r.J's SrKtntam Is rood for tsrllc snd pain in the slomsi ii. as leave to rail all.-,,, inn ,.t i,. ... .... tealliuouials in favor of ll.e t. tumpi. ; B vei-s as bemr la every resp.. i pre Vnit neult, pure, and deservm of ai..tu-al ,.,i.. sue. Alsllei.nlslllsll,. pine.ti.M. i, ar Uess-wf Holland r,,, h. it b.f,.ra ,!, ,, shhlls l'""w, hy fl')' nwnnr vi.TT u ii v.... rChiaaisL, Nt w ... k. --tM'vtl3. b nrrtt1 1 r I it r - hsTBxwsn SUM. ef Hie sUai.l fcirattih I ease as Uiat rvuiisly bail.iuaui. t i"l J. w. a. KtlJHT. -"rkiiaspiarts remrdiin ehm.,u .. i. . roinpiatlita, Ae. ' VK'' K11 1'lessur. hi bwhtir Wyhlv creit- liable to.uu...,,y U, Hs e.Heaey i , aiwrt tn thn ,tl-s.-. f.- (,.(, , r,nmH ...1I..U a iiutHrai ieit.len.-v l 11 erfuees, with a alleht aVvl ..' . I. .....I. .. .. renard U sa one of tha most li...ui-... . itlos ill itirtiute eaUirrlml n....i ...... ,l .. I...... .. e.i..-tt' rwift 1 r - - Ks-'WlfJaibisry ..aisntesr- rut Hff Uitit.. ; i UAH. A, tKAH, M wl liit!rKT, haw Vi.iia. Nov .21 t n t!o.a.eu.i Woi.ra, Kq , Wat: lis. a am. I I have niaile a eliemleal ni.iuiuii,-. ... . .le j.f vou, "K, l,.,,u s, !,,,.,,," ,, lw iu, U nl't.f deleru.lul.iK If suv I...viK r ,jrtos sulwlaiien had Uxiu atld. ad ptrits. to Uis ainipie Uiml. 1'be eJisHiUiati.nl liaa r...l..Hl K n... ... ,.. Sltm thai U. sampHt nwtaiued no... ,,,, harmful stluiuiu,,, ( mVB dlseover any lea.- of Adetertons .MM.mn wlo. t. re s...H,auaai,n,i,.e,tin ir i U..II of ibjuurs. 1 would 11..1 ht atlale p. ,. wivseH, u.H' to ree.nn.tieu.1 l.. ...i...... 1: dual punswus, u.e ,.., ,, r. Ui.os -- s ".. aaeeiteut. aji.1 tuu...f i.i.. vaiu iv pf V,, . ery n'ii('UHIty y.Mir IDUTIlRll . 1 11. A b-L'i A...MLtt rKiriui-,L Chkmicsi, mn Tar a.... lit t btSj-MO vt.ua. If... . A.. u ...s Tb M.lerluued have eareflillv snd thoroiieh' V aswaid irf mi i,.,, d.un h. l,ui,p.," aeln-u'd by ours. ivea. ami e roun.1 u, ., ,w (1 alil1 Itn.ruaiile suPHianeiM ... i. .. I Jnrlons P. h.llli. Kroui the r,.ll of fVan.illitl.lon w etuil.t,',. l,.. ......... of M,ni.r nualiir. Inuilibbil a. a !.,.. . , snd tri tu in in n,,.,,,,., i . , Keaoe, ir.,lt,' (thvfned) AIA,1ui- l..,l x 'mA tHP UH K, J.M.l.KllAHl M. 1. Far salt hT all mtw...i,i, im and Iv. t;.l. lJ,'U'li,J '-"! KM Ai.l.l,,ii. nuir an,t:to .... just hzquiviid Kf PIKCliS WHITE AN l BLr'F i'l'JI t V .from Iti-i tn an,- ' 4) f PIW tstF KK'IMKPSUN g I lf Medium and f amllv W l K H.1U1I li pwx 1 Tf h J .V. t'i.: Ill : 1JI i. V aj : , . v ... W .11 ABB TU KI Kit,, Jul v 1 t' :a tm7- etr. vi..r..,ir.h ....... . ' . n " J-imr.itr.1 riVKI.r.l(l jsaJJr.. Li.OTtt's. Alb.. WhsWIatne CnraetlK. t ' ." Vt h.A H .iu. l u . .. ' Jurwl t' UMUKKLLAr", efhWlAliKS' " Pataa..a ,' . '.' .W. II. Ill T'fk iraa. mayfl tf At 76 e cent psr bun.lt.,1 tt. U. Jn.NK.i i . Ultt ii if s 15 bb( S.I. "f" Sil l A 8li. ellow ,i V U - dual re eiv. Hf li BS 17-tf .Mill T" Di. r iikk n i vi , mi hint. ,..a-, . . , ....in, anu ue n.,.,.. ......... . p lb niar n-aetwiiiu onn tm i K m mi i n k i. may 'JO tf W I M R(1N K( U v ( o -r x I w a u u lwt m KnlchMi. tir !.... Aai.wrv a Hiiiali Vellown.'!. h.ak. il ta t.l uu vahi.i p. owner. Mr. Tl.iil...' ("Irt Mi." u , it rov.-r. 't Ut. alM.t.. tt-av.K.u II. al Hi. m j t. i J I msv .si if T K I OR HAI.l fs wek I -t V i .'. i " (tin. :t tf lADf WUlK el i rn ... M.. and !'' V .. 1. .i ii. ltM.ia r Clout'' t Li;.". .. i t , it J; r"pilK. TU.U'K . I r..,,i.i,v vi i.iVli.'d ttwn t. r June It' U W. i:. K ) j i . i . . luk ..!. N. C. piiu I ' '

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