"' --r-fr -4 'y.'v ,i ;:7'. ), ; ; ,..., , ' icntinel TUUltSIUV. JUNK . 171 la snthorixed ! wake contract And give ra i lintst Ai. ND ArB'lTKMsf"" CITY AND , j rrinntrTli fiiilowhtK was r tag ff the thermitmeter at l?i0c p-Jb- I A. W. .if : ' 74 5 -t P.M. 4 " Chios la Greene county ar said to lie BrotOtalllg. , Tbe section of country about Chsrloite enjoyed astilenitiil rain on Saturday, vonna tiurriinno prevailed in did (' j Fear ftbctLm an Sunday. ni witnesHed by thecitiaens of Wiluuifg- " ton oa Sunday night , u Tbe.yMing-'ladie 'of 'Chirat Chunjb, Jiewbera, are bidding a fair aod festival f the benefit of their church. J. .;.! i -.4 'II.'" ' A new temperance society nas nee mvamzefl in 'Wilmington, called tbe CUruBaivBami of Hle.,' , , , , , A mrMBBRof ladies ami irentleuian rif Hits city left yesterday ntorn'ng to attend , ,Cuajecrtnewt at Wake Fore ttonejje. tConei PI. i Pbkbobau-CoI. McAfee, Cap! Plato Durham,: and JosepV lV Carson, Esq are in tbe city, looking well and hearty. .:iiV: 1 a r , , ' i James Brown, a distinguished nerolier oflhe Wayne county clmiB-g-nw, ""J" liU escape from the guard tin Wedaenuy evening. ; r-.,; '' ' ' I 1. Q. JuJuihl. Kau.. ban been nooiina td by the demoorata and oooaurrathei Ureene county, to reprvaont then in the i preaching atate convciitiim. Mr. John Elwood, of Charlotte, han jut returned from England, trhere he obUincd poaMsftion of a (brtune of $150,000 to be dWidfid between himself and hu bruthej. monntratioo at Qoldsboro' oa the 4th of July. Several distinguished oratore will be wedent on the occaaion. . f The conservative and demoeraul of Vaiea eountyrwillhild.a.countj.CoVeH: tlon on Uie lit. pruz to nomiuaU! a can didate for the coming state convention! ' ' . '" . ' . f Pjusonkrs AiiJvD. Quite a hiimbt TofTjr8rpriinefa,cua big In Rutbwford, arrived by last ever iliig't train. '' iLwongrt than were torn half dozen women. , '" 1 Ber. Or, Moran, pastor of the Fron street Huthotltet Church in Wllniingloii l"mm htaen suddenly ill while in his palpi! last Sabbath hionuW, and had to be takea to his reaideBce. s ,i ' , ; llt.Mra, Maugsret Warlick, of Lincoln county, who ia in her Mth year, has lrt children, 59 graadhildrea, 120 greatl graad-cnildreai and ,1; atreat-grand j h ..v i ., j Anothrb PaoLiwc Noth Caboli liiJlAa.'iJlA-auar-aMUBed - Jwreaea Feathers, 8.1 years old, formerly of thui . atate, but bow of Tennessee, has 16 living children, 1 H grand-childnn and 87 greats grand-children all living. j , i v '' s f '' Wi Bkteral nf ooi friend In the temper ance cause of Baleigh, left thia morning tor Oreensboro' to participate in the grand teperancq dessonatratioB to take place In that city, o-day, , W wins them a pleas. ant Uine. . - -, ...,t. t it, i I a ai ' ' A. lew days ago at Clinton, Sampson "county, Wallace Fakon, son of Dr. FaiSon, a youth aged IS years, got into an alter cation with a negro, which resulted in the boy stabbing him. The wound i sup posed to be mortal , . , . 1 . : 'I i js " " ' Mcii5iaoBl Couktt J. 1L Wilson, Esu., baa declined th aominatioa of this , connty for the ouoveiitivn, in oonsejuence . of his inabilit to niakex the caavan by iuisou V hi engageniuaU at his courts. The execntrve committee have convened auotlwr nwwtiag of the county convention SMimSsafMSI, ! .." ABBnrrcu Yeatoiday Sauinel Fbwers, --aMWafcy MByili lliBilawaw.tymiiin1lll E7.itf-Miry:jfcuffy;::chtf,a ' 7 ' wUh 'inaking aTaSssull;; optm"ne Thursday. . AftoV an , examination of the 'case, his honor lymnd Samuel over to Uw Beat superior court in a lumd of 4100. CHtKtroiiT.Jack Mowatt, the ecle - brated prnfessnr ot boot and. ahnwhtgy. axlds to his numerous accomplUhiiMnte that f a lr4 oJascfciripadiK!,' Ue-will, ' fr, seasonable eompwisation, riiv !1 those xfe aW uflir.g front Wrns and Loniuaa.-. Iliew be (Mind at any tiiwnat the Ik Nit and shoe estllUhiucnt. uf W. 1 1 i Fayettevtlle street, i V ;'' 4i,Lctub tarNlUv, OaoBAiiuKB War rime, or RowV-Oit Tntdy evening till Kc-mlaima iMiered a very able and highly intwvi!ig li-nir on "IntcmpKT ancafeay Tmii perVnwe I MH. Mr. Wctiuort' enniteoled himwlf aitli Oik CIW Council. of tlais ty, est. Mowlav n:htv lit wit! 1 rwwk net teniiH-raiM a4 Green. boni1 to-F f Bight ,:':" " ' . ,;. .' l t. , : - W vT.ji .-! Tfl,0lS WHVjuit.m .tld iff ! and (?uy(i-t,ippera, with iron r,lail bills, ju., iamb sufficient to command aid grand army, when divided np iuto s 7 of J00,000--eaid grand army to lw disciplined in military tactics, fi the pnr Bose of denvJishing ail the Betting spread witliia the dty rimilax-: -. Oallinipper eiperta, to look after the lhijusand an4 oee barruls of wator i to back yaril f ike city, eta 4nd active etn- I pleytnent, . Axothkb "AfTirB" 8lWt.ED. Gn. Thos, 4 Person, of Oaryalwrg, Northamp ton, wa) arresteA on Tufeiday in . Petera bnrg, wilhv he had gone to "meet W. M. Moody- Ei ," and was bound ia the srira of (,000 to keep the peaos ia Vir ginia. '' . I v t H ft ; H1 j-' -V ni'UM.WMWii M.ely sent as some nice ice cream the hottest part of yesterday, only for those v. ho did not chew tolwtvo. The' eagerness with which - WhitleJ's best " a ss sought for .day W 6re was frg.tten, ami uMkhIj chwd. SlkixiK O11.HKB. This bad and noto rious, woman, who lives iu Chatham conn. and Who has become soniFa hat ftui5fmif a tgurlng nonspic-niHMly in some alled kuklui caw in that county, was yesterday brought before U. S. Ouumimioner Vest, charged aitR''sV'ning hlsy without a license. M;J. R W. Vurtt apinwred fi tti defendant. After the examinatiiia of a auuilier of witnesses, the argument of the raxe was poolpoued fir tbe prtaent Nbw. Ads, K. B. Andrews A Co., clotbiorr; r-- r-.r;T C. 0. Hcartt A Co., ImkiIs, slioes, hata, c Julius Lewis; hardware merchant,, , Nashville Life Iiunirance Company : T. B. Bailey, Agent fi N. C. AtlauUc Hotel, Beaufort, N. C . 8iarkling Catawba Springs. Hughes' academy. , , . ; , . . , Great sale of lots ai Morehead city, N. a : . . " ';,:;' ltead these in the columns of new adver tisements. 1 TJ. 8. Cmcott CoiBT Wednesday June 81st. The court assembled at tbe usual hour, ' - ' The cam of Hill, of Minnesota,-tb. Cjnis Mcndcnlialt, of N. C, upon the sufficiency of a record growing out of a suit in a court tit the staUi of jUuiuesnta, was resumed, K (Jov. Graluun appearing for the plain titfand Mcasra. Phillips St Hurriuioa for the defondarib Alter argument by cuf sel as to tii juriMiction af he court Which gave (udgment against the defend ant,- the 'court ; amiOUBOed it Would K- sofv Its opinion Sir the present, i ' I inecsj otant t M 'aim, l Balti more viiOyrua MoikIoiiIisII, N. C .'artlan in assunipsit on bill of exrlunge. 8cott A Scott for plaintiff, and Phillips & Merri' dereadfc-erdie-,f5f) aod interest in favor of plaintiff. The case af Chaa. Beway aaignee, ti. Win. Daniel, T, & Venablo aud C. F, Jordan, action of assumpsit, was taken np, ' B. V. Moore and Messrs. Phillips and Bcmuion for ptBtntiflf, and tewc J. B. Batchelur and T. C. Fuller, for defen dants. Verdict for tlia plaintill. I j u amBooa .bebbiqs. . U. S. Ci-irict Attorney SUrl.ock made motion to ' postpone pair tbe criminal caatt, sneuig under tbe recent acta of Con (Tress, (kuklui) antil aBiul term of thi court trcoutiiience on the second Monday in Beptember. The motion was granted. A true bill having beca found by the grand jury against M. M. Wilson, Bobt, Biiihcheart and A. Yoder, all of Catawba county, for committing an assault Upon A. L. rlanson were, allowed to give bail for their ; appearance at the adjourned term of this- court in September, which is to be held specially for Cases of this kind. 8i;rKsua Court. The following cases were taken np and argued in thia court yesterday; ' .''.',";.., Q. f , BimmouJ Tf. cdmmHiimerj of Jones county; Manly and Haugh- ton for plalnlifTs au40iwen and Ijehman for defendant. H. H. Core vs. Penny Holt ef at .Wayne ; Bragg and Strong for the plaintiff, and W. T. Falrctoth for defendants. 1 Samuel Hirsh, vs. J. D. Whitford ft Co., Wayne; Pliillijia and Merrimon for the plaintiff aud W. T. Faircloth for the le' fendants; eartiorvri ordered and cauaa continued. . ' . ' J. F. Scott vs. L. D. Wilkie, Jones ; Mcasra. Ilubb ird aud Oreen for the plain tiff and Manly aud Uanghton for defen dant. John II. Steadman vs. J. K. Jom, Cra ven ; Manly and ilaognton lor plaintill and It F. Lehman for defendant. Ann lie Kirk man vs. Jos. IX Dixon tl id. Craven ; Manly and Huiiehtoa for plaiutitf and ti, Oreen for defendants Ihm. Jatiuk Turrur, Jr . B. low too will Hud tlie sales ottnbaccn at tlie Hillahnro' warehmise, Juue 10th, 1S71, which please publish and otilure. W.-A.-t). .WtftttiAM.-- Thoiniw Kinif, Mt lb, to Jamess Y. Wliltted, St le., 'J4. t' M 1.. (lukli-y, aa Hi, to Jas I. Whlltcd, st UO.t'.IH'' lit W.ni.ll II 1 rill, ITS WW Vr . f.-Wllttlrt, yr..J4 - - - - -- -iM.Iltw4i,i4JU. to J- S, ttMUad, al 4 UU, tlin. Mainly mn h, list lbs. to. weun as Hoamsc, at-. tcttiS. . - 4. W. WUiriead. BO IU. to Webb Kouinar, atlA!., Ill .'si . .. K.MiOH Turner. M ii la A . WWto, at Cult a 01 lbs. to Wslkdr, Junes ifi.t 41. . . . , " .' ' ' . CaKiii.rouus.Gu Flu. to Ju. I. WIiIUho, si 7Te , f t . ml. Tli..inM llU..W II to Jaa, I; WblUeH.al t.,ra . . -x Thoiiuti Ihill, 1 lbs, hi Walker, ia OS Co., at 'if, 'o 7., 'Jess i-rp II, m Ins to Ja Y. WliltUjil, st t.taa.rilW. Alvin Ki 41 Ilia ts ss 1. ivuiii.il, w It U, l?JU. Alvis KiirL., fj II to t lker, Jones A Co., at !-,. Mi ' . '' 1 Ihitncr furker. 1 11. to Webb Konuiac, at llr, J V. . . . J. V. 1UII, W His. to J. t. WhitU-u, at We , Wuft Airrrte no. pounna, ,sia ; total amount. 5t.M. Aveiapiwc Marriti, y Rev. r. C. Omnrni. U she miaen'4 nt "aiiw, jalirnM(il cN.unlT, S. J MM fifth. 1471V O U.. " J ti iiiiiianuuNi. n. 1; mini SI ix 1 ",, l Jo. J. tiareel t, III 1IIIITIII1 MT1. TTUfiHKS' ACAOEMT. k , !i JLA. Ike aet aMaioa nl my school' wilt cuouaeoce ea we swum Hoadajr la i ulv, UP t. tsaas ess saxsroa or ttva wobtbs TuiUoa lii OU. aVoi (inHnitlng all sarv iiSms ursnt nVbtsi t. uu a. ti. ih'mihh O. F. Tbs reaalar tm-t BIS? Of IBikVtlM IvibSS held this I'ltisradlil avrainir, at sail pan s o clock. Bv order of the N. . W. M. BROWN, Beeretarr) Q.MAt 8ALC OF LOTS MORKHEAD CITY, AT PVBUC AND PK1VAT flaJ.K, I FRIDAY JUNK Wtb. 1U71. BHKPAkng point landcompant,' A TLANTIC HOTEL, BEACFOHT, Xl , - NORTH CAROLINA. iitO. W. TATLOHr Propria tor. FKICI Of BOABD BEUt CKD 1 1 ard per month . ten to weea S.MU ' With a desira to scenaimodatn Uioss alio wkb to enjoy the euaJ and hralUiful bnesra from the Uveas at comiiamtlvelv' aiuatl eust, 1 ill mt Bonus In the Uotel for the seawn to parties who winh Xo I urn bill themselvM-Hir I UI lioard, at rtaed ratns, wbet psrtks furnish tlioir owa Kooum and servaau, Tl Profieietor has had towc experience In the Hotot btuoasM sad be psomi.a uie put. Uc that bo effort ahull be spsivd oa his part U sivs Ui susfartiun. ! The Atlantic Hotel is situated u fall view sf OM Clceaa is But samHuided by any other nnuaiiiK, sua m uie urease eoase fron whst quarter it mat Uie meats of this House U1 aet Uie full txaxlit of it. rarues afsiruur 10 rent snd rnnowft rooms am Hease eorraspond with m atouce, JunaXs-lw - ."J" '"'' t 1 ' V" NAKHVlli.1 LlFli INSURANCE COM- . PASY.. . .. j Tlie Directors of tltls proaperoas compsny have rw-anUy unl their animal autteaieiik 1 . f ssnsTK, iriiiL 1st, 1K7I.. ; -tm afi sourcea : t- T';dlh.(ilUfc.UK aiiui DremkHai 1 BarpluS, ... 5 . - Jtn,tM as flo' Polk-iea l,Jt, eoveritar, 1 tH,,!) 0U lirviDssos. -: 1 On policies In force two years, 33 per cent. W O. kl n ul 1 A . t !. .1 .1 .. . hss beta sppotnted Oensrsl Travotlins: Ait-:ai la uila stale, wltn power 10 select miu wruuls. . 1UIJO, P. BA1II I.1 Hute Aiiit '. jej-ur; Aahevule, M C, June 16, 1B7L a AND SEWED 8H0R8. X OKNTS' PBlNOKAltTBL'R OAlTF.Ba, l t ; a ? I r f 1 - 1 s GKNTS' HALF t'ONiiKESS UAITCHOj' ; ,4-A w - GKNT8' BTBA1 TIM, BOOT AND BHOI STORE. e9S-tf I C. I. HEABTT CO. JUNB Km, 1S7J. .KEEP C0OU Pursons wbbiiif to dress Renleel and to keep comfortable at the mine time, n do so by calling at ' . . : i K. B. ANDREWS ft CO'S, snd supplyhig themselves with one of tbose Ine BLACK ALPACA FROCK COATS, just opened. - - JeMtf JV8T BBCI IVED. 'vrr . A full line of BUMMER CLOTUINU, Just mahufacUired out of tlie lightest fabrics, snd especially adapted to the WARM WEATHER, conslstiug of BLACK ALPACA SACKS, BLACK ALAPACA FROCKS, STRIPED ALPACA BACKS, WHITE DUCK DERBY BACKS, . WHITE Dl't'K 8UIT9, WHITE MARAEILLKS VKDTS, Of all KradVt, sUes snd prices, at - - ' R. B. ANDREWS A IXYs), - ClotlilwSi Raleltcli, K.U OPAItKLINU ' " 7 CATAWBA RPltLVOfi, " ... ''T ' PoBMBKIT CIT.IB Till CABOUBS WhITI -.i..:, iii.riitta, ' CATAW BA 0'Jt'NTY, N. C. , , Thlii liijrbly noiulsr wsbtrlng nlare will hs OtHOI lr VWIUirs OB rmtt"uiy, inrm ii i . . it; -1..- . .4 l HhIiim im the White snd Blm-Hullihur, suit CiialyelH-atc, the nwdicmsl protwrtka of which sre hot e eellnd, and a htsalUih-r snd wtore delightful iiluy u ma to be foood 1 ne itirimdi will b unto Uis maawmwit of an f hotel kMip t.Ui.-r with :l . W aa a sod viMtnm any rl UJiob gfd fwe sd rood aiUoa. I'-'. ' I'leni r ot l-e, e-"d Bd of Musk snd (nod PhVM.'iin m atb-iidsaee, u; liyr fsntutors or WaxhlnKtoa City la tlie iomiw-U ciiii t:o. Kk-basood anil bsMvllhi H tl., to AdWowy, wiiere yos tsar Urn Wt. raa M.snUin,, Rol, aiwl nh Hk-korv Blaaon l"ii,' '!" ' half Uiot sine o mx I "' Uive Aukimu. .. st MfK ". ' ChiWw and .HUWilrilUi R.d at Charlotte T0. rrx h Ui8ii. early t moruin?. ,teM.a. in U morning, and be st the Sofinifs the Beat mornliii?. - t k eood fourThlnii.swUl roaui eoa awu.' with the Wins in the Png "W s Maauf ui MMt only mx sules. , ,v BOARD. , t pWoeth,(v t.mt , P week, : " ' J . .. I'omdwsi 'and' 'colored serranta half peka. ; juu 3 st -1 ' t I J .. 1. .0. f4TE TELEGRAPtyiSTEWS ' V . MAltKETii. J T9bw Ib, Jiuw Uft. Miiney east ai ia 4p. r-ut rtterlinir advawi to 1 10 $ a Uold 1133 Hal 13 1 1 , o,n.oietit stiff. HoUUierus dull aud Ir.vular. Tenne Tit new same. Jiortlt l'aotina,'e 47, m a ' CotUm qiin-t and un aauged ; sales! of 1.TJ5 Uahmat 7-Sc, SonllierB flour dn and uV liniuir;, common to air .50? Ml; good tn chok-e, l.l.'wll. AVhifky hiier at M 1 Sc. Wheat laflc. lower, wilder red ami anther weetMm. &jt;H 1 te. Corn in liiir ft. mind at 75aTS. I . Kk-e thill at HI l:t4c, I'oik a tm.lc lower a' U Salt T'oV,. , Wd ilull. TuriM-olhw aa,1 Mein un-ttlU.I; utalned 2.J0.. iallOK steaily. n t(lils rtniiirr. , jnrttm'l I kl, I eloaeA hnu. Ii4.iuib. s1 tor a Orhraus ;! 4d ; sain of lb.000 Uh. In eluding for upwolauoo and ep.al. Manchester advice amtiriBer. Breadaiuloi (hvliuiug. l'oik 50. Lard 41 l. Bacon Cnmlierlaud cot ftft. TalloSV tHa. d. r LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. juaiaX'bt Aftn Miam-i.rm. bom CI1IKW JIHTU B I.H VWK TO HON. 0. U VAV ' tANIUOUAM. ',' "' WaatitiroTow, June tn.X Jraious col ored woman poiMimxi a rival here to day with soutrthing white on a lump of sng-or. The victim of the poisoiiini; is dead. Tennrmee is presxmir a claim against the Oovemim ut for a hall 'mtilloa af autlars for eqnipping nips tlorinjr the war. ' The Oil i conrts have trenerally "ad Jnnrned in rtvpiH't to Mr. VallundiKham's funeral.' Mra. Vallamlitrham i somrwliat restored. Mr. Vallaacfiiam's ssUle will Bet ftll.lkM. Tlie following Mter from Hon. S. P. Cham to Mr.'Vallaniligliaur has juat been Jiublishcd : ' i, j - My IhsarSir.-i-l have iust read tbereah lutiiHis of the UUitKomery county ( hio) DruuxTatic convention, reported by' your self, UK'tlier with your remarks and those of Mr. llHiik." Yim have rendered a great service to yoor country and thu party at least sin k t my ju.l''mt. May O si blcsa you tor U J .Nolliinc can be truer than yourtloclaratioa that the mnvem at coiilem pistol by thurcwijtUjoj)n..ia. the restoration of the lVsmaTattu jmi ty hi its ancient platform of prognwa ami reloeia. I know you Uhi well to donht your cour age or your fidelity to your convictions, Very truly, yours, ' ISigiwd , , 8. 1'. Ciiasjl . DISTUIPT AITiiltN'EY JACOHSoH UEVENl E ACCOUNTii. 1 ' Wasiiinoton, Juim SO.-Tlie pmvnt district nlbirney ol Missiwuppi, Mr. Jacob sou, and his predecessor, (leneral (1. Oof dim Adams, are here, having bom sum moned by Oeu. lllair to baitiiy before tlie kuklux committee. -AmwmHiTjne ranath' fr)mwttnrrrl revenue otticera are as follows :N A labama, $.14,0(10; Arkaneas, (MW.OUO; Oenria, $4,W)0; Kentucky, 112,000; Louisiana, 11,11X1,000; Nort h Carolina, $74,0)10-, Texas, $16,000; Virginia, $IS8,tKK). TheaKi;re gab) for si) the htaUia ia nearly $M,000,IKlO. LMlisiaua-iatlie-only-ata-whk-eaK-ewfa a million, which is partly attributable to Uie cumbrous machinery for collecting tbe cotton tan. Suits have been commenced in every instance, and in many canes judg ments Have already been rendered. T-"'- '-' -'-t, - "- THE WHEAT CROP, ' ; WasHiNsffin, June 80. The BKricultq ral bureau stnli ment iu regard to the wheat j-rop -li'iivfi that the acreage has inensuted t'oiii Mr cent, or nearly three quarters of a million ui' ai res. The Increase ia mostly went of the Mississippi river. Reduction In acreage are shown in the following states : Maryland, pur cent. Kentucky, 5; Indiana, 2; Miiwippi, 3 South Car olina, 8. The condition of the crop ia VlrRinia is 8 per eenb below the average ; in North Carolina, 18 per cent; South Carolina, (7$ Georgia, 25; Alabama, 23; Mississippi, 4; Texas, 14 ; Arkansas, 13; Tennessee, 86; Kentucky, 80 j California, t Other states show fairly, aud should no disaster occur the crop will be fully equal to mat year. - , , j " -.J--V FRO ENGLAND. i lWBoa7-Jf ne"W: t. "ijieciaT" to" the TVsww says that the meuibers of Uie Ia. ternationai Hociutv are diBtribulinn' elect tond manifestos. . i Jourmus stale (tint the procoedines of the Society cause imuaainess to the Belgian Oovernment, and that the garrisons bare tieon roiniorcea. . . ( ( llaron Hausarmsu and M. Lemomc have declined to seek the soff.nios of eltnrs. (,Huserat has ln an-mted. Mitore has lieen-seen in LIverjxKil. - -Tlie 'iMitf Ac HMociul says that In' structinoa have been givon from Borlin to stop the returu of ticnuaa troops from France, and to discontinue the surrender of French prisoners. I 1 he Mt'Tamg Vsf says that tit grand review has Imen jinstponcd becHUMi the triMips woiiiu cry, (-we ffmmrmr. A plot to awuiswInttte.lhcroiHiiBi-n.iiUxl Ul the Internal ioual MN'io( y. TUB WAKHINOtoN THBSTT AMII. IioNixm, Juno 0. Ill the linuw of Lords Karl Oianville, in ienli wnwrn inir the treaty of Washint;ton, soul that Aprilthc !Kh, I ttti't, the date of Ueu. Leu's aum-iidf, had dua wx-iiite.1 as tlie date of the b i.iimalion of the American war ; tint lie thought that lumcs occurring sub CiKiitly would be considered. FHKNCHJiEWS.. Piti!!,- June W;ThS IP ifiaivli u a! ph iears the I moo lii'piilihcan journals. A committee) has Iwea formed to nm cure ttio return to the Amemlily of the fonuoF rejneoe(tvf A W.ijunJ. Jjor taliie. . Gamls'lfs li m dmHiii'd A itooimntion lt tlie Aiwsolr-. - I)iiiiii..(uii of Communisfs are male daily, and amls coutiiioe freUt,iiL . Tlui idea is mooteil to form a second Chamber to lieelvikd by goneral coancila. TH PBHtAH PKKla, PR S, I une 20. Tlie war between the' eigbtwn miiii -liirt and five repnttHcan pen u vory bitter. I ue rciuiiucan iMuii repuiiiate tlie t ifimjiune. it is thought they wprewnt tlie iuost votrtTs, and are oniUil. while the uuinan hiat jour naU are diviiM. A HEAVY CLAIM. , Wii.vinuton, Dm.., June 20. In the U. 8. Cire uil I'ourt, James W- JIartonby, of California, claims, nnder an. old will, the land upon which the villiiffk of Clayton now stands. The argument in lie case will oouimenoe tb morrow. Hon. Jaa. A Bayard ex-Senatiw ; Hon. The A. bayard, and Him. Wm. O. Wliitriy. rcimwetHrh plain tiff r and II'. licn-rdj Jolinson aaPias. Q. Kan, Ej., n-prtaenl Uie (ktemlaats in possewiimn... MOHR F SPRN!KIVl.fPOrNTKT;i MohKk, Ai., June 20. Alesander and Lunp two nvn appointed by Mnaiotir in ttM Cusbim house, hare been indicted by tle grand jury fur forgery. t .. .t IuAjAB A'itpKNV? i;'-,'j jti;BTiti N. Y, June 20. A eollts km occurred to day oa -ibe Central rail-' road at Fairport' Cyrus A ndrews, Xm., of K&fsunah, Ca. haii a leg broken, which Was sulneiwntly aupuUted. ' ' jCAULB KEPAIHKO. r JL HaAKT i ConrBNT. Jun20. The cable ol 1 4' was repaired to day at boub., fl U. ... i FATAL STEAMBOAT COLLISION. ' PttKtiKtPUla, Jhib . -i-The eamrs tlclea Getty and Fdwia Fortefcollie1ed bwlay. Win. Wallf, tbe mate of the lut ter, was killej. . j TELKtlrivi'HIC 8VMMARY. J Thttfurpiiratio Court of CanandaHjiut, H. YdH'iilee Ilia Wtlkr patent for (rm ingpajier pulp M pulilic property. i lien. L.- Palnaiu, pmtinader at' Molile, was hidii'lMd and ain-M.tl tor iufluemiig votera, and not Ssr perjury, as stated iis rdat. I, h TPm suit InatituwHi lj MM KJ A: Pi'Urd aaninst l.yinw, in WhHii ,. tlie re tentiim of hvr -war.lrolie has rtwulteaiHn faviw of the plaintiff with damages t ir OuIy claims unil.C llOO will be referXd - - - ' ciioimi-su.miTS appuiiked by fee ,,tli'rn t bum CoiiimTwon. , T- 1 J.l -JU1 . Ad vortisementa. T TIHBKBT8 PORTER Fl)R HALR. J L JiM reeelvsd IK I Km H0lrt porter. June a) ti K). T. a i KUMACitl ICE, 1CK, h'K. 1 siu wow )irered iut and a half iier lh to 1 liver IraatoueeiAit and a half iier lb. Par tie dexlnnx it will Jvare ordxra at aiv stall at we Mantel liouav hy a o'vloi-R vrv Biomlrti. ' a. u. uaaai je Itiitlw BCTIC' Id CREAM f BEEZEHh, j V (four minnt.4 ) i " Mwner's" Ice Crum Freesers. (four nitti- avw.1 :.... . ! Jtf I JULIUS I IWI84 OEIT HEATlNtl BAD IHONs. ' leSS U jin-iua i.Ewia.: J JATHINO TUBS. tV .ur7 JUUUt LEWIS. rrrTKzEM frht pheserving jarb, ilI ' tlie heat make. I WU JULHJi LEWIS. (i if C RAIN CRADLES. llrsm snd tin Scythes JUi.trs i.Rwis J JRAH8 PRESEBV INO KEETLKS. ).itl ' ' lT.It'8 LEWIS. w IKK DI80 COVERS. JeJtf JUUUSLRWla. QXFOKD 1IIOH SCIIOtIL, OXFORD, 0, , , J, H. Hoasa aao k. 8. (iBavas, Prinetnahi -Thr-Fatl Term Jiegins' Uie 4Ui Moudai as dnty; f-.- -' . ' . i la view of the impoverished enndltion of Uie oountry, the prhv of hoard and ItnUoa has namcea u ub per lens of tweoto werka 7 Prom the lanra nabuaaM SW exaa ik. twenty years bottowed upon their respective fti hools. Uis iirinetpals are led to svrwet that Uiey will he liberally sustained In Ihelr .( ..n w lunuon a niua oemoou la whleh boys may sciuira s praetieal baaimM adora tion or lie preiNom) for advanced classes In auy of oar Southern Collres. f inir ui uie kmtiimi, neien Mathemallcal deiwrunmiut, lllirilHIM- IM MMt fllfll. psrlh slsrly in I helr C Uvular. , . 1 25.000 Dollars i ; ."' .. WOBTB O i S ? - 1 , iinntly Bmlnred Prlres,', P0V JS THE TIME TO BUT UOOOS , ' CHEAP. jyjY entire Stock to be closed oat by tbs smut aaicun u posstDie. - i ., A- t l..4- J -.11 .. . . . . as i iuM-.ua auaiDSj soma no rest, to my stars as well as remodeling, Ixlng np, snd m fa4 tarhlnc old thlnaw to new owes, It will be eaMarj tu suspend buslnese during the! mnnlh of Aujfoet, lluirefim I dnVr my entlra Shirk st uncodented low prk-es. This s a rasa opportunity and peraoas would do well to avsll UieiamlrmNif the decline j osittty Marcluinut w Willi); to rrphntali their Shx-ks, would kud it W thulr In forest to call before buying elsewhere, i' COME AND SEE MR. ' " ' V A. CHEECII. Juae JO U 0W HEADY. ' - - IB TUB iMPKlCHMEMT TRIAL- WILLIAM WHOLDKN, - full ai feNoriBAriirc ltEVuRT8 S.SVISSD TO CDBBBCTKn, Oausaisf Opening Areameat of Msnarer Sparrow. Openhig Arg.anteat of Mr ContRlaad. 'ChjalBf AiYumeat of Gov. Oraham. Ctoate( Aqtaawnt ot Mr. BoydB.- , , Cloidail Arxwaaent M Mr. SatHtt. ; ' - Closing Argument of do". Hrajcg. A few eoptee ef the open Ine; and rtoolnr. snrimimit of eotnmel Iu Mils keeat trial are now for asla at this otlkn. The report of UteMi eliflit eelehrsU'd HMultes Is fall and tiom plria aud covers t'4 paues ortavo. PRICE (Lew rMcp) sM 00. As th namhor of n'bls votame Is very Itial ted, early application Is asawmary to ware a copy. Btiut by mull oa receipt of the price. Aduraaa, June 7 U HENTIMEL OPFICE. CnCfTEn WHITE P10S FOR TALK, 1 have for sale s uprrior suaia of this hotrs, of raiid rntwik sad a fiOnti intl properties Buxnl and-drllvered on 'trst-- hua UK at from a waeks to H miitl.. .IU tor JU a pair. A. KKNCKKIt, ? f .!,, Frttstwra', aW Ci t. June S-ffwwf,m. ClluE FACTttr,,fOK SALE l f ,-( TIIOMAVIf.LK. H C. The C"irtnrHlip of WnU ltro' A Co., savnix eijrtrwt by titnltaUoH, we oH,-f fur ioe s he elans mioeNPsrtory tumplvm ia all it appointini-nt, 1" rvon-te jutuiin( Mr-Wr Mot L-aoaie af Uliutii; oat i.io jir nipi pr dy. Intatrd Jn l au4Ht oif, N. i; , to Lvim of the Itonth, With sin4 fUilr.ulfa IU U.:s aud S mil tmnH.thti Irmtt. . . Pri;i,uuu. Ador.s, jn m shu.i.y f orJtLII it t. i.atV, aasd'iUw3w IM-am1!! C MtrlKE HANlitNU HS1 ETH. , 1vV-- I Me cheapest evqi yrm m f:s;.ieli. ia.f A1U 1. H. tKlooi l QTOCKUOLDERS MEETINO. The afmaal'Bieetitts: ef the StoeVkotdiws the Kal'-iuh A ifeMtoe fUilruad Cianpsttv he tuUw at t'omiWnvlHtire. hi tliefltvof Km! MrW, o thn I HIIIDTIH KKOAt IwIiUh' ,lut .. llllV 11 .1 II .'-I.-.L W . . W. W VA8, Junetodtd y Treaturei sad Bwrretair, D IVUIEN'D KOTR E. A dlrkknd of 6 per rent ea the eaoilal Mat has hntia dsilared, payable oa and after uirt, 11 1. Muvkhoktm r.-4deatla Norfolk will he paid at The t'itiqrtM' Hank of that rtly, end those hi Peh-ralmrii, ft U- UiUi( gas bug) Hawk of . The teanater hook wiB be rmsed frtsa dal an til lb liist uroKieto. -ni -iiW. W. VAik. RaldcB, iun 10 dtlulrJS TreaMirar T3t8 JfXLIL. ir.iui).i- 1 1 !) Co.. N. C. one ot th best to- haceo win! rrrnn Farats. well imiwoved, eow- laiiiina: aimut vol) acres, ttt of whu-h is River sail t 'rtvk hoUom. A iso, a I oe Mill and tract of bat acrva. , Will h soul , HnnMy, of ( ; - y. i . brown , Jernealem, P. 0., Davte, Co., N. C. uwla4t IfKCHANIvS BUU.niNel STOCK FOR M baLkim i . i ; , j ! (10) Shares MKtMii. BuikBiu 8to4t. AvoiJ to Juae n U IHI U01.A4 PEl.L. MtCscMHtlfta: 4Mb rIMi UM l Uy Of 4 B, atf ivarwtod W forvwt& raiaWH)ivlsnir hhI do !, atitl tax r the KMmJkv u( pv'iia( Uuuhte Tx, Thi June MU. 17'. T ... m 1 il . unioAif rj aaonniuniin, 1IM 1VU tint Tak. 'yyAKKKNTON FEMALE COLLEGE. Wsbbbktob, N. C. ' L' The Fall sesslna of 1M7L will bngla on ea- nwi'i.y Hh Jutv. this LitlTn(iui offers eutierior educational sdautmcs. Its pnmiterity, under the iweut atliuiinni-iatioB, has been hl);tilf aratllytatf ti its pattwus snd Irienda, r cbsbuss raa ssmioa or 20 waaasi Board, (exclusive ef Lights sad Viasbina:) v TuiUou tu rarnlar enwne t7uea AIM Charires for eua sludlas. tfur lull iiarUeulars siipiy to fcllV. T. M. JONES, Freskteat. lane IS 1m gPECIAUTV ii'jii 1 l--J- . Ilorth Carolina, BOOTS A CnOE3, STL' DWELL ISROTIIKIUS, i No, IT, MURRAY STREET, " '.. .'A-i'ir route. J. B. HOtsSI, aUtMiAa. " i --' -pme la-dom ' QXFOitO FEMALE ACADEMI, ::' ' , Oiroao, N, C. M , , , M iss M. E. Mmmm i snd Mrs, E. H. Ubsmt, Prtnilla WrsJW. IT Woiiiiow (fonncilv Teachrrot Mume at St Ms y's. Kali lull.) has Jhaie ot the Music tiepemnent i The next smdoa will uswn ua the lrt Wmlnesdav In Auit, IHTI. 1 he Acadiimy ts 4eauitly located la a aext aesiranie partor tu village ol tinroni, wmea Is reraruVd aa one of the beetthWet la orth Csniiins. ; The eonne of itoilr k similar in that of otaer Ftaaak rViiUii-i of, U$h s:"adA ; 'ferma muderalc i,irutus ssul aa applt esuua. HsfasBsctu : All friends sad pupBs of the bus rrur. wiiu-neu of ua univumity off is. v. Juno IA dlwJUwam ..i, B v r The AuaaMe Horss Shoe Nail, It Is Uis only irood Bail mada. May ' I tl T B. BRIUOS. GOOll BEPKItibKATtilt KuR HALE. W. U. JONES A Co. June 12-tf " SUPERIOR BALED FODDER, HAT AND . UaU, teat received. juae7-U . , W. H. JONES A Co. a,"f, wewss. 7 ' r Josrs eTLnm MOORB A OATUNO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEH1H, M. a ' State and Federal Courts and the Coarta of the ht and UI Judicial Districts. BOVUi-tf, t'OR AI.E. r Kutht niiares nf SUiek la the Peoples' Baildiiu ljoaa Aiwoeitttion. ' Apply atoiHiie, auy ttM N. 0. LAND COMPANY JUST JtECKIVP.D. Pi-alaidv Ifunily Flour. Erra C Muirar, . , A ..lt M,l Twl A Lard and Baeoa, ; :. Motaws, frmli Butter, OraudMS, , (. . . Coc-onula, Cauuios, dec., Ae; ' At mav to-U S. D. HARRISON'S. ,1'ltti 1 Ma i .i an feu floi i no mn mm MILLS. ' -wiLMiaaTOi.jf. sJi.. . T I lrt'ELE BH AT KU FEARfj HOMINY. "THE 0REATE8T IN VENTION OF THX AOS. DELIVERED FREE OF DRAT AGE to sny ltint r wharf a th ettv la Mi of luu Iba or wire at eat pv poaad, and In eeala fortuu pounds hajr aad US eebtetuF lfUV posn.1 liareels Vksid fiir esutplee. ' KW-ou-ra lisiins; EXTRA WHITE W1IEA I' formoa. Will do well to oorreMiond with mess f wilt he ready to pay the lll'ili tat MAKK RT PRICE tukt lo it'll LOTS, to he l'Hvnri-d Im-1 .VfHi now sad Isft of July. EAIK Bii.tk.l MEAL with hags ll.U drayed free. - 1 f ALEX. OI.miAM, . iBiaylvaw - Proprietor. Oeorf rtr 6c Co. . Ma. a. B. aV'Bnoanmt Sr.. BuAiDoaa. kittnutaiarwrs of M pawfsai as aririomt STEAI .15311,0 AND EOIIIES, s pstbbt rurnorsv), roKTam.B ' '', CiroijlaV Haw 0g, JfuUf and .Suk tUt 1UU, flllT HIUJITlMIijrH WIIKK1A, Slilmde Mirl.S'e", . Mh-al' m Cttub (lt; ttt a ! Mul 1- r.ttlv, s -c 'in.'.n E r tori 118 ;WkU Vl' iau, M i,.,Mifct4 I S k,mt V tr tv Im-oI aod eiwy d'wii(.uic of Miwul Wurtilng M.tilo..ry. AlUlCit.TlVRAi.Eli-1-NKUT BI'kXsALTT. . , f frMut fi aneripuve CaUJ.nMS A Pries Loila. . .. tfr a MMtlmwJtw . '' , J( A4jk-s't! KKAB'fllMlt ' vt will p.iy AkhU a Blsry of tM -r monlh anil le .-inwii. Time kliorl, AJdnnn nt imji, . . , Jtublili'W. HRt, .. ' wnf 3v wli' Bl. linl". N, C. 1Al.l. ANi ,kT V A i.anl.-a tar Wee.ling Hoe at prices to suit th Uioea. .... , way tU U T. H. BKIUUtL fpllEAP ADVF.RTI J will tnaert sa advertlwiat IksnasD AmerV-aa Mswu-ar liou,AHa raa imi pee week. F.RTIIIJ. .Ws sdvrtleiaent In Kh ht Mswu-araaa for kits pee week. One lineonr swk will euat Si, UuiUn. Two ruMwtil Co-t Twelve DoUsrs sad Tea Mors hull rust nuiy IhiPsra. Itend Aw a ftioied kint. Aod reus OBO P. KtlWKI.L A H1., JAd veruiiug Aa-enla, Mo. 41 Parker Kow, few :AAj '.SV r-Hrr-l- 1 TOME SKITTLE SV.V.1N0 1IE 1 1 The loostsimptesii't tpular t-ht o, tut tie Mat-wine la sue.- Makes the C iilt. h (like ua both Stdea). AgeBts wsot.'l la etwaly. For etrrulars addma II U M ii w S Bute Ag.uk, CharhrtK North lamliaa. . Fragrant Sapoliehc Clrsiw Eld OiuvMaad all kinds ot t 'lotht snd CkaluiiK; reovoviw Paint, ihrease. Tar; Ae., without the h-at lujnry to Uie CiSkI fabtlLS. j Bold Uy DruiUik.1 sad. ui Uuuo Ua t KAl.K.tN tBAPOUfcNK 1 1 . barcts St., New I ork, a La Baue St., ChK u. Agents ! Head This ! Yin WILL-PAT AiiENIS A SALAkT Y oftVwpPR vTEKR snd KXPKNhlA or allow a hW cooitulAia to sell, our if; w and woudtTf ui lareulMHw. Addmsa M. wAU N ERA CO., Marshall, Mh-h. It 111 A DAE POH Af.l. with SUiK-ll Tools. fj I U AddnM A E. liHAIIAM, evpnitliia, V eruaaiV ' . AOrtK A MONTH Horse sad Cerruur r?')4i.J furuished Expen paiA il. Suaa, Alfred, Ate. T W. YANNAMIE, M. D . etKeesrfullj . tnaata all chuwe et Clironte sad Ai ste Dwessea. Hk-ud stamp lor ein-slar eootsinaia Particular ami tesuimmials. Address Ws ilJU, N. T. City, ' ' .-. " Bmy7Sw . V..1 Hit. ..I I . t: a : f- r7 n f j (TH TIME TO BliT CHEAP " ' OOODii PKIMRtnSR, PKTTT A VEWSOM BUYS JUST SSI KlVSU f ( ' .!.-: kthelr Third . STOCK . ' of 1 ,SPRJ1N)) BUMMER DRY0XP9. . . . HATS, B1K1ES AND NtiTICWS. ' huitOtf ' 1141)KH, PKjliKS, PIQUES. Wmtb US at . - - 1 1 " ' d ' " Wt - SO to at PRIMR4WE, PET IY A NEWStlM'Ai tuasiutl - ERAUK DRKSS MUODS st t snd llicts. PRIMROSE, PETTI A NEWSOM'S. .yens iv u i ' t T 1SRN DUCK, DR1I.IJI and CottPusdes, PRlwROSE, p'bTTT A NIWSOM'l.f iuas MM' , i IADI KS and UWl Shoes snd Halters st ! 4 I lilMHttfh., Pk 11 Y A Nk.WM.JM B. . jase 10-U .1 rEAUTHljlj. NEW PRINTS " , j PRrvfRoSB, PETTT . NEW80V8 j Jons IU Lf I PARASOLS, PARAtKHJI, L. .j-,;;.,- Parasiila,, ..;:V t - I " " ' . At " 1 PRIMROSE, PETTTAWrWaOM'S-f 1 I IUU . OPSPEtrrriTLLT " Ui ateention St V stiauitauta to oar bum-s, am est eu raulesaomla st as low in-ir-tn ss can Iw bmutlsV PlilMKOeiK, I'k'I lK riEWniiM i tuns 10 kf ,4, , . . , f , , , , n I'ottvr 11:l;d; s Iqnttl tt isr Uufklml, W W. F. Bl'KNHAM .t SU' WATER WHEEL , -s ' . . , , j IllMtretrd rOeieripSva Pumplilet and Priiie List, for 1171. sent Ires by N. f. BUKISIIAM, fo, Psaa'a. i an wiwiiMaeusw -. . - FFIM PELEtT SCHOOL, v; CAHWKLL COUKtr, NORTH CAROLINA The Fall SemdoN of. tills SihonL sllustWI near B Itlu StaUon, on tlie riMmoiii Knilnwd. will eoiuno-nee mi Turansv, Jm.r II, IXil Tim pupils f this Bekaortatvw bitlwiip Kiven uieir leaeaeni very nitie iroocii. uo-is-fors Uie suhw-rneia do not wwh UI reeeivt sny whuaiw BHWiUlug to suhiuit to Um strictest .qiKipune, ..yv, ,;y . TLRllS. , . .,.) raa SBsaioa ear rwaaTt-oni wbsks : Rsai.isB Obsmhab The Equivalent of r irteen txiiiaia in npni-ie LANOtiaoaa 1'he . Eunivalriit nf Twenty Sve liollars lu spw le. I Hotait, purnnnith. eTi'luidve of LlifliU, tl la currem-y. ou!tf lntirs esir hoiod sli Uie Teai-tiers, Sad Unt Msliwaod Pemsies slial la taiiKlit in si'tiariila spiMliiieuU. i la Uie Peniafe lleiiarlHititit wij lisie deteri uiiiiod to ditnse with llunh of tlie li tit Literature nwusiiy tsinit.a remic odmoi-i, ami to Milmttitute a wore tiioiiiiii'li atnf ona-lj eal eouras of muiuea,. aoinewhat aunllar ta me wiin-a w tuiopuHi ov o'iikiiuik, rillliiHt llonwir, anil otlo-r eivd Male I na.-lir All iVtndan will admit that ttw icr-uie of H,-holarl ship la the BM-hiuHii sllinlml to, has to-rlolore Immsi saperior to thai of moat rVmalc Ht'liooU, 1 he lima baa eooMiV that education must hd Mud aiwi nut, Mnnvni ial I A slight pwuaiaryN Induliremw shall he rrsnted to peisbt who ate pr.-iiariiiff to U-srh P"n1it Uiu are But able to iay Uis whole BhHl dae. - Msine-a Sidrik-rf sliait pay imly; tww-thiede of the ordinary piii-.s of Imtinn Sooiin-r dedovue,f-Koeptiii't!es aif poSVacted e-k- Bav. v ' ; - T : .. Parents living on tha Bullroad, between (l.ilUlMiro' anil tirAWlMiro' raa ftii'iimli their eUlldrsn with money to ihlriv eif-tHtM, sn'l piHi-e Utem m Uiecsrw or the i.nuiictor, snd Uii f Hall V$TWtr-VI -t pJAWi soil ! n j ' "IBirieiif Uie. arsi it,y .of the Srsion, puplU csa Ket uouveyanui Loia Uis Station lies of Ciuuve; ' -v Patrons Acs -reu nested to yU.lt the School fvwnaeoUy. in enkr lo sen hue Un-tr ehiidieu pnvrnM. lbs soviet Is good slid luusuon bealliiT. . JAMMH (TRo &. u. . x1 Mas. KATE . IAMkR0f,f Jans si Wdtdtswll : JJtUSTINO MATERIAL FliH SALIC Tbe uuilerlirnad oflVrs fur sal one of the hern and en I i-iw.iil. Ui PrmUna OuUila m the kWiuUt, both lot a hoga NEWSPAPER AND JOBorriCa. The newnpapar nmlerinl at aeayly new, swl ui splrndiil order, snd every artn-U. is on band tueoiaaMiaiw a ioumsl. lie has auioanew CAMPBELL PRKHS, ' " ' AH ADAMS' fXXlK PRElia, and two nearly new '.'' OORDOM JOhBKKS, " !; ta good order. Tbe Job (iflire contains a targe ' amonutor sieeiuiuti . . 'UkuS Aoa, Drwfar, NmptrtA, Codfnfrt, Httmi, Afcswe k4 Pws Ifmf ' The Newiipr aad dob (KitMTtMo.iitwill be sold sepai-sb-ly. A lnotfaia la uUi.'Zi:-.L., - k jMi.f "it tf ; I f i RslMithJSildi SIIKKJPP BALK. 1 liy virtue of Keitt!oht In my hamls tor (t..ll Ui la fitvoiir D. r. t.'slwll rt. Tlie Ii nlniM,iro. 4 oal Mining and- Tnusportalioti I: ifiany, fur all tij.eind ervnn huniinl and twvot) hew lH rj.S 7.il doltsrs. t wtil sll o Ut Srst M.iwiwy ' lu AoKHst finvt ss tl.e (.not M-aiM dour aa fin-i.i 4 liaUiata county, to the hitfheid. IoOOi-c liir ea-h, lao-lve hundrwl arrna id land, more or I. , lihot on tlio wall of iHeq Kivar, lewr Kr. vpt, ailfuaoiMX Uie Untla of ll i. -tiaoittiUiii snd othrra. aoo known ss Uie 'lnyior t-'n-il l-i.-ld lad owo-d ss the r-n.riiif if n.ul lliilalioro' . t-oel Stinnilt anil l'rao.OiiLiou Couipany, to sstiify shi.1 -xi-i'l)l.li.ia. ti. 4. W1LLU. BttMriC )ua IU swtdg Soecial ISTotice Por PH(iT(KiKAPII8, go to WA,1.?UN'd NEW GALLERY, aliwe jou are iv.Umi lo oUaiB a (rat class pkturs, lie has Uie twrt Lit; 111. the best arranged Gallery, the Ixrut In strasaeula,' the largest eiierieiR, and tils taw proved StiLAR CAMERA, for enliu iriint old fguitratypes, c. Is the only one hr this: elty. He Is Uie only nm win employjs KKlil I.AK AttTteT,ruvcB.tly his b) toe only place in this eettloe of conutrj where such work can lie done. Can sad s-e Uieirreat iuirovein..ita in Ph-lo;r.liy, two ooors above Tm kr H1L M arch SUt BATCHXXOH'S BAIB ZFB Tkuj splendid Hair Dye Is Ute bud. la U s nt contain haul, nor sur-.tribute iviimu- to prodaeepsrslyiils atdosth. Av.,1,1 omi.o.i and drliuifve iisraUon huatting vtrtoes tloy do not powwa. The genuine a W. A. Bahfc.v lor'sHsirDye hss kid SO wars' nnuml-hi A ivpatsUoB s uphold U toteerity ss the on) peneviiiatr Cyw-Ulsi-k or Kiowa. SVla ly all llnwlu. AHdy U iu tiuud t., . t. U, 4TU1 J ... . . . The lirltlal t hamlivr. ESSAYS FOIt TM'XU MKN, OB ' . ORE AT SOCIAL EVILS AND ABl'MFA WUek Inlerfi re with M AKIiltdle wild , sun of reiki for the kmmi u.J ii,f,Ht sta tluB-nscii -i dbiMui. Bent in sU4 k-tliv enveloim five of i.,,tn., i Aildmu. HuW AKIl o s ! i R V tin ,4. K:A1IUN, No,,BouthNllilh84.,i'IIILA- " a , . . ; may Ham : ; ; . ' j Head Can lu 1 1 v. - AUl'E AND FKVKH, " ' ' 1 lie only proventlveknown forttiillsnid Km-r an .!.' Mnra il Rim limillll ft. Iimpl ' WOLFEU rK'UlKDAMMCUNAl'I'S." . Ts tpod for Dviwla. ' Hide's -i.oia i Auyia. , " ;' I s prvv.iuUve of Chill and Pever Wolfi't Allium .'v W I,lluilt.-d and eeuaterftatMl, and ri-hsi wui nare Mi aseeaaiom m pUfi haMiig. - . .. ffwVi AVAw.liM.1 BaAmMiML . - bgoodfurall kidney snd blarfil.T mmp'alrla. WOLfB'S SCHIEDAM SCHXAl'l'S It ased all over the noild by pfcysloUas In Uieir pna-uoe. t WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCUNAPP6 t It gowa lur siatJt, ..r WolE'8W.'lllKllAM SCHNAPPS Jsgoodlorall Urinary mi pi tui V'lll.fK'i StJMlEDAM ScilNAPPS. Is reeunmieailed liy sU the Mydkai Fscnlty. I , ii Holfi'tadMm& kMi i. Is good ti Colic raid pain lu lh sUMnacb. T biir ltate 'ai eall slu-nUoa of Uie rwili-r (o ts'sMiiHaiwis hi fnvor of Uie m huppe I font bound to say tkat I nvid vour Si HNiein ss heuig iu every rasped pr'eini mmiljr pure, and di-snrvliig of iu.-.IhuI paunm. ami. At sll events il Is tin. pitu,i mii,i a,.. l lo of lli'ltixid Rio, lwHh. nm.htuiiiiiliU. ' " ' and an iiui II mmV be saf, ly lumH ilued liy uhv sli imm IIAVI1) U Ml ITT, M. D., Jlartnaceiitlcal Cbeiatrt, Mew Vork. LotiMvuxa, Kt., Sc(it 1. I fe.-l ihst we hsvr auw ae arUi le el gin saitabie fia suck uuuaiUit rwo.il) i .i ii,u. i. Z7?f'iZ'T"imciyt: i- I'ti'i'T. 'Srhaapps" Is a renu tiy in cbnviiu- rafarrbsi eiMOfilsiotn, die. 1 I Uke urutt phWre In tiearinif liiMy vrrd IUWi Mmi.inf to its i-lli. n. ) u i, i,-,li,il ain nt In the itimwea InrwhU n you n, iiiiiun-iid H. IUlim utllurnl U-luli in ) ,j Ula inu.-ou, srCse, wllh s win-lit lii itrm- of kUi.mbli.m, 1 . r'i',ui'l It s one of Uie tnotil lmpiolMtt itne. item m t-hroiib- i-atsrili:it utli-i-tiiiu,, iMrlii k. ImI IIhiMi id IImi fM-ioto uilitiiry' spinoutiiiC I n llh luu.-li fa f-tyH-lli olfila-iilsertioiL I tlAX A U 11, N. w toil 1st IVieXrskkv, i..tK. Nnv -il, tn;T, Uluniuo Wiiuk, Ej., Jwwof..ah Ma: I hnvi- lu.ule s 1I11U111 l null, iimHi.ii ,,f miia. pk- n bi, 4ia j, tan.., p,",i, tin; in liKil oi . 1 virtiiiiMiu ii an) Inn ij,u or lni.i mini nismv Lud been uildml to u. iuilr mjiiU d iu-iU. Te vxamlBstkm low r.9nlied in ihi- r.ii l-la stun that n.i uuiple -unuiuij noM.i-iiuMior harmful lltiirt 1 iavk hei uimlil 10 dnn-otnrauy tm. of drh-d rioim suhatjiuvt wlilt-h sre iKiuMiUtaea einphet l in tiiv suulteia Uon of tiijuoni, 1 auuij aoi hraiuie to e my-lf, nor ui eeuoHunnd tu o liria, f,ir ai.'-oi-cuisl pur)ma, Uie "athinlioii n, huapiw" an ' aa aaeeUiuit aiul oeoh- -UntiuVIe taiiely of glu. Veiv reNiieiltiillv vimm, irilifiied) OlI.vH, A. M-'.kXV, tln-mlt t'liSMirtt, atri Ts. hki.-i. 1..ih.tkhv, II Kinwii 1'Lica, Maw Foaa, Nov, K, l-W7.-lliini.rmi Woira, f. 1 Utxa tun' Tlie Biulor-disutd hv earefully and Umiou -lily aimlvwd (simple of ytm VAronisUeStaue dam Hi hosppV sla d by onnwlvw, uui hsve fiiund the Mine free from ml urvenle or fiuincsnic nii..i uuiat, wore or h In )urion to hfalih. Pi.oo Uk- ivilt of our etnratrmUon we coiisuh-r Uie- artli la oe of snpi rior tialily, Inalllifiil as a In ver ax, snd eilaliil lu lu iu,.h. ,nl utulttws. I(i-ih ITuMf yniirit, (Silfned)' Al.KH 'lltit'l-Fl .t I,,!,,!! , . ... FKANCIS K. km;i,.iiaki. M. l. Fur ali hy !1 mjiv.-uliir llrori-m m,.1 Trii ll IIHiLlllu Wllll-V. rt i.i AilllNllll M,Nr. . lashAvtRei , n, 1 . nisi' aVaAajUul ' r.( PIECES WHITE AMI UfPFI'lylA. t J frin 1,1 u, -mi,. W. H. A K. B. TUCKER A Co. UM I tf t) ft P1FCESOF RICH ARSt)N'8 l-l.NKN, MiMliuin sod Family W. M. K.tl. TUCKER A Co. Juue I If , J I S Hi 'I'Lkjft EN I'lLATkU 11.1.77- 4 w V r uc u.irt. i Wi 11. A & 8 1 1 kk U A I , jurn 1 tf I , AID HMnllkD SKKIKioNf aal ' i.oi-m.'I.-s. : -1 lliiA, V ludUa.101. inoilts. 1 11 ..,i,,nn.Tft v,,v-? p-. t t-rrits:" V, H K a lliKI-.l June 1 If , t MdKKI.LAS, Hl'NSIIA.lltS- rarioKiU. . . - W. EL A K. 8. TI'CRF.RACo. may tt-tf . , r . u ha . - 2. . A.N Afcfj celyts per huniio-d. rauMf la .u W. H. JUNES A Co. QUllAHS St'USR. ' Oi: ir Bids. Kx. "C " and A Sueirs. -14 . IeJ!waad P. R. '.t Justre..tiv-., msn-i- U. T. STRONACIf. Ol fMHiH LMnim, Kl Y Kf I.I DL Tt.ilfc.tt'8 l)Kat Hi lot. for tied liiiira Try Ukw, ai aleep lu jwaee. . may diiiodlm - ; ailM t i Dos. Sunned ' may II i W. 0. STKONACII A Co. CS f REWARD. , ... , l.ilt In Ha'rlgti or Mvwl U;,i. i.-l, aJ ArTiry s inail yiii.w l.i.i.n.i W, itH,(.oi,ii m h..k; Jttoof BO VMil to iuf un .iu u. owimf.. "ir. Thyiie C!r.-n" Is wilrii 1, nu ti t. side Kmr. 'lite alum, ri-vi n .:) ,u 1 y loii.sr ii ii lilt: tjiii-na's 1 Mtice. imyoMHi - T. r. LKK. .. SO e-inks Ht N. t:. Pami'v Pl,.ur ao-I Ism 1 , vt i,i-. 1 . Vi-i. 2. may 81 1( ' A. li. JilNi A C, 1 EA(y maur' si i i.-t jutt i ahk- v1 uioria 1ihi ai. l iu i,.-iuii In;,-. i,iul Ciuiiwe sLoii-n I luUia. .U..S. 1l'CKA ( d. -"V ' . ,4 X 'tiitry Vi-ri-(wnLBi t-a n--- iMtii-f h.U. Us. K aplfJtt jQM&dAwla