7mT ' ' vl-' Hr " " 7 --- -p - 4--- - - . ( - , " I " i FRIDAY, JUNK 90. 1871. 1 urTuao. N. tUaur, u Jtawawane Clerk, hi auuorbied io make contracts and give re- CITY 1JD SfTB ITEMS TKMPKaATVKK. The Mtuwiug w Uie nngK of the thennninrtor at Pink C. Hv- diet Vtgtf Bum, dune a, isii, AM, . , - ' IS -Mr-1 .' - ; P. M. :.:.-; 70 83 81 WA KB CO VSTY COS VEST! OX The dcleftutoj to the late Wake count j conacruative convention ere requested to meet in this city, on ' , ' SUTCKDAT, JOLT 8TH, tihnonilnate a candidate for convention in the place uf George W. Thompson, who declined in consequence of ill hcultb. A fail attendance u earnestly requested. OEX It SNOW, Chin's. Ex. Com, FlKS CtfEWUtn Tuum-JV,. V1J Pjak Hard!, the eelel and cigar ma. of thU city, yesterday pre ented na with aome of the heat golde. twist chewing tobacco- that w ever in, tile, brtfiid. but Wflfn Ifftvisaw At.. fa 1. . Pink'ak of cigM1, chewing """""d Moaccoj c is one of the bant In the south. ' -"V - - t ' ' I:'. ARrrsfc tSTaBan,a i-.n rw. W ri-ll.'.- a... .... 6 . oaiuruay night last, at Oak Urore townahip. Wake. A man rf . t-.rk.usl, bad character, stabbed and cot w. JL flaaeey and hia wife, the former it ia thought fatally, under the following Circoiurtanaa. Gulley had treated hi wife badly and she Hud to Museey'a house, whitbr he fol- Ui wife rrfiaed to return with him and be proceeded to use force. Mia. Massey intoifered, wucn W icou drol cut and stabbed her several times. Mr. UiuaeV weut to the msnm nf ki. wife, when he received a terrible ,u. down tin fW through the now and three atl in the left breast, one of .l,i..k u thought to be faUL Gulley i, t Urge and dttiea the office. IV. a..it... bsstjs coram cdxrsxTioy. ' aD1 othoaiaatic meeting waa i . . . VVJ.ndfw JJ, the i5th In'lj P. U Wiaaton, Kaq., w .p pited chainnanXof Um nwetiiK-, and tsqi. ascreturxa. . Acommituw of two' from each town iip waa appointed to report reaolutiona and a auitabla rjin.li.t.t. m.. preamble and reaolutiona itronely adro- ----- - ...vuvivu, wuiua were adopted by the meeting. r They roooajmended D. a Wuwton a the candidate, which waa unanimously ratified by tha meeting. He at once came lurward and accepted the nomination, r...MUUi m uHHuugii canvaaa, Bertie ia alive to the aituatina. Blo- qnoni speeches were made by Joerph a TJ,!.PUIt Winto. B. SpraiH, J. L. Mitchell, D. C. Winston, and other. Special Notices. "Buumr-( fluii," eaeful and true. of Ht tie ttue, and easily duterted. Take care of rau, All jrHl need U frnuit u" ' dally, and your teeth will be the last of nature's gifts to f ail you, . taue t audi . . 1 A mil aw w-a.r n -a. . .... . . . 1 I. LAih J KliKiiHArHIi kVJ I list axcuven avu ,iro ALt TT-iniicT - s. aiHuna.cu. The Residue Bteani Fire Engine Con): -- p-my of this city, hafwntl puwhaswd a beautiful parade rope. ' There is to be a fancy dns reception at the skating rilik in.Cliarbitta on the eren iug of the 4llu 1 ' "" -' , , Aknouhcbu Iter. IX. T. Hudson nunoHWted as asaociatoaditoraf Uie CAW. f.u'a AdtocuU. Mr. II, is a fine writer and ripe scholar. W. U. ('mittilsMI. of Cbilticolhe, Oliio, ia tlie otiTin of the U. 8. lil"r win. was idled on the, W. C & A, U. it. on rrotur- iUy, near Florence. A aurere hail aUmn NtiMed over (he northuasturn portion of Kowan county on rUlunlay. Though tlia trac k ufthestorm was liiui ul considerable diunago was done to the crop and fruit. 1'oi.n k ! Police ! I Down in this ncigh- l.irhood there are several backyards which need imme.li.ite attention. Odors not the most sonlhiug to the olfactory nerves, uuprcguuCe ihe. atuisp!nTe,.pirUkiog t: t uf the sweetness of "puchu and milk." Mavou's Coiiht. Only one case was dwpofmd of by his honor yestenluy : . - John Mt AilwUn anwtud for drunken cesa and disorderly conduct on the street, was arraigned but on promising better be havior for the future was discharged. Mica. Capt. W. II. Smith and John - 8s ' ' a)iivc opened - and couimenocd I a mica mine of considcpible - -vjlie property of George Alex- lie Hwannamw Hap, in Bun. 1 Tkia k a valuable oiiner- list will prove a great profit Miturprising gentlcnitjn. 't t iuk. Mrs. Miirv T.' Joiiml wife of i,.. m.1.1u Itt ..!U HiiiiniittedsiliLliluon nedueailay by i.i.ijjiilg hersvll' in the sfalile. Site went out of the house almtit 1 1 o'clock a. v., and was found siwiK'iulud in the stable alxmt J r. . Xo cause is assigned for the ded, - Board or Citt Com(iHions;Ra.-On Wwlnwd ,j evening the regular meeting of u ooaru oi city omuiami,men was held at the mayor's office, Mayor Harrison praading; alt the board present excpi Messrs. Battle and Johnson. mi. - , m HHuiuiicee appointed to assess tho property of the assessors, submitted a re- x wnicn was adopted. . The account of W. V. ClifUm, for Im provements maile in the basement nt h- wuket bouse, which be occupies, waa al lowed. "'. . 1 ' A petition of Dr. W. II. McKee, asking a reduction of tax upon his property was, on motion, lni, 1)n the table. A tctition fnun citizen rmidiiif in ihr RouthuuitcrB portiouof the city aking f.u- a i.ige over the gully, near the lusidvnce of Pion It. Rogers, was read and referred to tne street committee. A number of petitions from various par ties asking reduction of their taxes were aiu on the Uhlc. : Policeman Doyle was charged with leaving his beat and tnsnassiax, on .. premises of W. t. Blrouach. Doyle was allowed to come forward and make his statement, and Upon bearini; whUh, the board acquitted him. C. M. Farris, captain of the sight watch, was arraigned, for" being diiuk and neg lecting his duty.. Oa motin of Mr. A. t-penuren, lie was acqiuttedtof tlwbarge, Miwrs. Uchurch, Clmrohifl, Prarie Kllisfin voUnglai'tlw aifinSiative. Those who voted iu the negatie were Messn. Haves. llfU-iimn .nA ( Sylvester' Binith' nuide H'ai"t the Noith Carolina BailroadOoni pfty 6- bftxHiing-tr the street leading to his mdilenco. On motion,' i be. mnttor was retermj to the street committee V ' The contract for piling lightning roils upim Uie 'market hojwo waa awardod to Battle, and a committee waa ap pointed to soperiBtetild the matter and to mpnrt to the next melrting, " - Auuwnius petitioni for licenses to open eating houses' were, Lai ml 'granted. A resolution taxing alkllgktning rod deal ers 25 pyr annum, waaXadiVted. After allowing numerous Wnumti biuird fcljourned to meet ntVt Baturday MlgUb . . ellmate are sources of SJuma a a sifWioas. Etrinnce having proved Uiatsthipleienwdiusaj'tsiw.lily wbm takcte u U,e Mriy stage of dle, take at one, "AiW BnmrhUa JWAm," rt u,, Conifh, or Irritatl. n of tbe Throat U ever so "If V, SS by Ulls pmtsutlun a nun jBwgrw hre3 off. " jUUOjW oqiJJjt. . ... MARKET! Nsw York, June aS. Money S tot : edld IU 1-8 N tV lit ! i i Cotton atnuiff anil I e kiirlwf u ,.f uuiui, upiauu,' at mi to. jriour quiet and tincbaAuwL W hisky 2a9 1 Sc mm a snaae miner, with a nMHtemte export and milling demaud; winter rod andV ainbor western 1 Soal.5.t. Own a ahsfdeflnner at 72 187 Jc. , pork firmer ar f IS. ljud quiet; kettle 057 bo. Naval Btores steady. Freights jinn. Livekpool, June 88. Ikitioo firm or; Uplands 8 1 2d.; Orleans 8 i 88 .l id-; &) la.wm hales, including 4,000 bubw for K,ft AUK, vptxULKUOO. T.ATFrtT fiKiu vrnnita! Paris. 88. It is hoped Hist at of the u ut-puiins cievuioie oa aunilay an I'aris w ui u,ur nit, mivimttifiit i'ilm I4.,nu. partial sre very active, and" luuipldcta re tfiiiicraie lu'puiiiicatis npAteti Oambetta's elet'tion to tfie Asumitilv. Tbe-feport made to the Assembly re Kiuig uw swimiuag oontrvu tiuring the war, gives prominent place to Viclur Plane, hit ejMiMul mi vuu. v,.b The subsc.ription to the uew loan has' own uuw-ti. iniiceuis aiiKHint wanted naa twen sutMcritwd. The reouhliean e,ufiiifl l,' muLw. ity of two, rejected OauilxilU's caudida- 5.( Ltw.. Hulk Hl.li' 1.1MI" . 8ur('url 1 1 an,. f t- t t suiity-i.srii. UerriiigiL ' .. w Hois, n. v. skid cut. i im -- m M-arn i, l Hm-k Km (0 . .. I. lit bbis. Hum tiifmitt KTsdes, p . worn n niKf, & " t'ommun JSy u, Uieky, JiuwSllf .. 0KO. T. 8TKONACIL neivel utwD7tf I TCK, ICC, ICE I am now mvtd to i. I I Iivr Ua tat kS mill aatat a k.iJ Ik. n. .... 1 I , p v w, m isa sax IU, I T- I Lis. Mats.. Il.kkk,. I.e. 4 .T.lA..k i 1 . .. Ttstl'lJk," TI II i J (four viittutaft.) 1 MtUHHirft M Ifft Dmatm IfnWtaaaWM itliM nla. ut. . JUUt'BlKlrVIS. Til X 4TTV A f rw T...n , . . . . . ConaaeUcaU ' U-ttwa(,t If Ci.Ur w tosa'aiaW FolleWMftf T If. ... , . " " . " . . ' the .AT (?Z-7J?r ."" " T'-rT0r!, to v, W. 'H AK I KU mu,Jtit..ri:... . . .. -V owwio-AN A1.1J . ' TiUKR HTC WHWKT i JL ft aVils. MUver VwrlnaH and Bourbon vt jiisky minmiiteud puns, for sale lir Jtmo i. lf ... . u. 1 rittlNAVIL -7 - : A lf IT UUIL'IW A . ' T Httln. tttl tt Annlit ftruttv fWun ftiiiilln. CfV M lauium, 4 J 1 y tl. lil ii in it.-; 1 .U t Um jUjj,., JATlllNiJltTr ,j" JVLH'B I.KWI8. r buy now ss Uim sppi . T. BTrtoNAUL- "IXrHISKTl WIIWKT1I VV 4.1 lllils. all irmilca. North ti'sn.ltna Ooru. June ; if 18 BbU. pure U. T. 8TRONACH. r0 !?''KH. rK V,T PE8SBV1N0 JARS, 1VUVH LEWIS.' t;.ift.-e, 8uirsra, fliiura, Rtro, flUjiin, iiauix, rian, sum, n iy, loiwctt, sy)M, ., 1 1881'KO OVEK SLEVE.V TUotiwj'D JhiucITi QT KXUXU 0.V UTIS iv rrr ' isas 19. u. - NEARLY ONK Ul'ipREO raoCilSD'rouClEI IS5CTD TO DATS- Aecuiu uIhUm! CaplUl OTcr Sriteea XCHoa D Jbyj. ANNUAL LN'C0M 0YIt BIX POLUia ) POLIt'r UOtDISs I Uf liUi KSCIE TIAB Ct 14T) m a 4 . a r. n n n o in fact cvuryWiuiif ! imi.tui a dtvt n'lis Wtitaflskiuslu, ...... ..1.1.. s. I raf'aia ft., tit.. .l..I.11 M...,. .... .t. ... . a is Sfs vs nx vesan nHI jlll IVl HIV Hlttllll V I v ' v IM (rllVWIVH WIUVU V tllJtJ wotedtopraiaisof the ini'mrialvovern. W"'!"""!. IMS SI U (ir4 i. -VIS DKAIll.KS Wrain and (rau SeyUiea. V n l"ta KKHa, .... Loe. h, DKAThT. I.,: " "Wfil Matarod KmkiBuxno. r ik ZL K AnuuiUes, ' . .r .'' V. .: OVER FOUR MHXIOK TIIMJ! HWDBED'aXD KTlfyiXB TflWsAlTS) 2 Ths Anvi NTkdM (if ........ It..... v . . , . lM,,l(nl B t BAi,T rownes arc shown In Its superior .,-.)cnfB uMHtrs, Dy wuli'a eleKsnl, IiKUt, sweet rolls, blsesiu, bread, pastry, Ac., (UI t wiib very Uitle trouble, food thai can be eaten wito impiiiiity and rellnhed by the most sensl Uve dyiptie or Invalid. It permits so wants of Hour prepared with It, and tbe ipiautlty re UlKd tube used of DoOLJV'S Vsast Hownn is one-tblrd or oue-half leas than Uioss uf other Buuiufaelarcm. Try it sod beoonvlnred. For ssls by Grocers every utters. June aH-eodlw devoted Ui praiwvof the inuwrialuovern merit and the ch un-h. The demoeraU are npesslyividwi. The Communists still placard the walls. On of their secret orwiMejl kiu 1u-.h .1 It is reptirUiJ that the Him Canal (s ftllln.. .... ...'.,1. II ' uj; ujij! .lffl!)l. . ! M-Aiiiuo, June iS.- Moret has made ex Dlanations. and nuiiAknu In t,oi... London, J unc iM-A'trai. The Oatrttt aiinoilmrss thtti ntti8.l!,M. nf l,u of Washington were exrhanrd oa the i no. iu omimiliwionms will m lw named, llritiah snhWta a ts,m.,.i prwent their claims within six months .O... SH. :.. . . . . . . vmw ui uiut;uug oi uie commission JULIUS I.KW13. 0. T. 8TR0NACH. eld Krd!1 BE3T BTMWtS, U Ufs tu O. lh KfNA hi oueof the slnnrsd Mfn t.,,. r....... ........ '.. s ALE OP VAI.rAIlLB I JKAtoj rmytRVINO K)TITLK8 ' J0LHT8 LEWIS. R f WlM.n II.. a......i... . ...ni st the Court Mouse door l rti ituivllla jortj Osrolina, on . " WElNtaiAT, It T OF AUGUST Mix r. I 7I At'UTTIB imil i. i..:. ... . J 1IT4US-4MAH fvivrns ... ,j,u ,n itifieoun&y i w ....... ... , Mlrt4elinthi(tawtiKWaallntk.M'l I XV 1 V' " suatoovine, vi ml,w Niwth of t:irlot.Mj i,i Klnmt 6 mile Wost of me Aiisnw l tstoteottw A llliiii Kailroad. JeiJtf JOLiira Ltwis. tauiil will be sold in lot iu fallows i no. i eoiiialnliiK m r muni or less, on Tbe Mstfor. was s,K.ke Moadav 1S4 ilX' r ork. ilea fnun fVtu .1.m. . f : , 1 N,, H a.u0.i.,... 'h.1! - milea from Cane Cl.nr Hie small pox deaths here average .840 VALVAULU Mimn. . A rexsrst bsbltl of body Is aitsolntelv Ual to physical health mii tlnnn. nl l.ii kt't Nor It Uil alL Beauty of person can not co-exltt wlt)i aa unnatural condition of t iNtwsIa A free .mmu uf U nf, nuttur of the systm Uinnurta tlwse natural waste pnws, is as nsresmry tu Uie ptirllyof ths body ss Urn-few (wttut of Uw nual of s T . f". -"ar" is accestary to tie bcalth iuf iu inhaliitanis. . . Iiidiirrttmu la Uie priuiary rslss of most of ....jtuiK M)(MI, UM1 o" Of its mmt eionmnn nwulta Is coiuitlise Uon. ThU cotnlsiot, iKKides belnif danirtsr oqs t liwlf, ii v nisny dLwtrMable uoucomi taiats-nsuidi ss aa unpieasiuit. ttrwlh, a sallow ski. r.4jlmln.UuK bliwd and bile, heuiorr- dtulity i memory and general . Hustetter's Stomach Bitters remove sll these evils by renoviog their humed ate t9u,- In Uie j ....... m .u. wiiw- dlt;wUve orKB, snd nuistliiK the action of KnQ suiuuiiuuion oi uniiwr--Ubs tn Uiureelehrated Druiwnulon Is nn at u. K it r hull's SpRiHua. This delightful summer reaort ia now open and Uie season ""Wts fair ur be a guy one: The 'Briit fate style in which tbe establishment will be kept, tbe elegant accommodations and the superior properties of the mineral water, all combine to make ECittretl's on of the most desirable summer resorts in the south. Let North Carolinians patronize North Carolina springs. Attractive. Maj. Itty, of Primrose, Putty and Newsom, bas Just returned from New York, where be purchased k complete stock of summer goods, This firm ia recotrniaed as one of our sunst r . ---T-- r - energetic and reliable ones, and tbevMajiir particularly for his good taste in selec t,rt Ar. ' vt..i I. ttlt in our adver. tiaing columns to-day, may be implicitly relied on. ' Next Wrdrkmuv NimiT.The public will not forgot the rich treat ib store fur them next Wednesday night, at Temper ance" Hall. Major gestoa tiales, who stands prominent as a must accomplished acbolar and etrgant - sppakrr, will thv - Href - " -fcct)inj,"- upon -Tin- Cmtttry. That the subject will be handled in a manner " everyway worthy it char acter, weVhave not a doubt. All who wish to iisota to a literary effort truly ad niiruUe io every way, we urge to go tn rempcrance Hall neit Wednesday night, Cokckkt aso Bazar. The frk-an M 4 - church sabbath school, propoee giving a concert and Iwxar on Tuesday evening, I Jul 4th. at Metromlitan Hall. Tiis managers intend that this shall lie. one y if i uie granuest ana most pleasant eiliiin i tiona ever given by . this. ai hiMA At -tbe v eonciusioa of Uie concert, the audience will he Invited to peruke ohoiee deli , caciea, which the menibers of the church ; have kindly consented to pr-wni. Admis ;; sbm 85 cents. Proceeds to assist in liqui dating tb church debt. The great Outrage, says the Asheville ; Citum, lik-h has lieen reported m Ruther ford, is said to have Ns a gotten up by the juiis in mat section to lurfhcr their pr gramme in the coming electUin. ' Wo had no doubt but that! tliis was so , as soon as thc.nrws Whcd us. OariK-oter wantJ a press doubtless, and hopc.1 Uiat hia friend in the North would contribute ami purchase him a Ufa one. Justice ami Logan taw that old Rutherford was about to be redeemed, and it k aUl.tki4-akI 4-1.-4V f they got up Uie affair in orikr to put Uie county in a state of insnrrectiim, and give f tuemaulves 8. little notoriety. ; These movea en Uie b ard are too thin , to deceive the most ignorant We suspect : that Grant will iincll a mi is be did la - th HolJen affair. i Scprrmr' Court. Yeaterdy the fol low! iig cases were token ub' R A. McConnelV vs! a W. Calyfwoli tt v., inecRienourg. w. H. Bailey fo4lw plaintiff and J. H. Wilson for the defend ant; conttaued for bisues,, - Btonhouse tt McCauiey vs. W. II. Bnead andW. H. Sinit Mecklenburg. J.VH. Wilson for tbe plaintiffs and Philliiis an.l Battle and Vance and Dowd for the de fendant; continued for Issues to be tried. Q. W. Williams sf of. va Charles J. Fox, Mockfonborg. R Barrincrer and A ft Merritoon for the plaintiffs, J. n. Wilson, Phillips and Battle and Dowd for tbe de fendant; eontinuod. Mary Lentile v. W. W. Jlart. Mecklen- burg. J. IL Wilsoo and H,W. Outoa for the plaintiff and Dowd for defendant; continued. Kexzia Jolley vs. Merida Jolley ttul. Cleaveland. Phillips tt Merrimdn for piaiiiun ana Hragg x Strong for defend ants; continued. : Whitcsidea, adm'r. vs. Williams, tt oi., Utttherfonl. W. M. Shipp and W. H. Bailey for pUintift and W. PT Rynum for defendants rule ittw for aon-returnto a toraier rule. StAte on relation of 8. N. Martin ( al., vWnu hlnsn. tt al .Attorney .General Shipp and Messrs. Bynuin and Dowd for tbe rttate, and Mrasra, Guloa and Hoke for the defendants , W. R Combs and. Wilson Wallace, adm'rs., vs. N. C. R R Co., Mecklenburg. J. II. W ilsoo for the plaintiffs, and RBar ritiMrer and W. IL Bailey for defendants. vlf. . IL. MiUer st oi, va,. T, a Duffy, Rutherford. Bvnum fur nlaintiffA and Battle and Bora fur tl a defendant 7 dtg- mlssed at the cost' of defendant. Allies Froneberger vs. R Y. McAden tt al., Cleveland. Phillips And Mcrrimon Cir the plaintiff aud J. H. WUson, for the ddendants; dismissed without 'prejudice? P. A. Carpenter va J. A. W. Koeter and wife, Rutherford. Hoke and Phillips A Merrimon for the plaintiff, no counsel 'for the defendants ; argued. . Wm. FmneWgcr vs. IL ). Lceetnl., Cleveland. No counsel for the ulaintiif. Brsfg Strong, W. tl. Youiig and VY. P. n,trtunn. for Uie di-femlunts ; certiorari ordered and continued. " HUte va George Queen, ClesveUuid. Attorney General Shipp for tbe State, and Brag A Strong and W. IL Young for the defendant ; argued. State va Win. Massairee. Lincoln At torney General and J. hi Batchelor for the stale and Bragg Btrong ana W. U. Young for the defendant ; argued. ' Bute vs. e. Lutx, Lincoln.4 Attorney General and t. R Batchelor for the aiato and Bragg A Strong and W. R Young for tbe defendant . argued. . , chief merits. It Is not au ely a stimulant or a tonie.. Ar .n .fitO,.ll.,u. ........ . r t a tiio,nt disiiureut, or a cathartic, but all these suratfve olwmnts Judksiously blended la urn I.wrful nsaUrat4v. It iud seUvlty and sud frivol lone tu Uie ausuilirsiie wrueh Uuc " wvnuumiot uie uver, uraees tite nerves, and diners tha animal spirits. No -titker MHMwiv hwmm .....t. - . ....... gieob: vlriu;. It is to ttowa ehara-u-rttie. Ul.L tt'ftW. . II. - . , . ... ......-. e..Kn w, uuiuwni.HU aHlill' rlae. Kiprrieucs has pravivf that it is as harmless ss It m eMuacluua, and buttce it is as poular with the weaker sex as with the stroiiKer. lliLiMtlAr.. mi . - - - u.mm.u jiiera on siu in hptUus only, and Uie trade-mark blows in the Klasa and enKraved on the label. Is the test uf xeuuineiiess Beware of couulorfdts. juae Uo-oodlui . llfrHillttmiiii;. QELECT BOARDINU AND DAT SCHOOL, ' BoxaxoRo 8. 0. Tbe'Misses Nash A Miss Kail nek, will i mime th tA i t.nis. . ..., (twenty wseks) Ureulsrs forwsnlsd on atioU- Juue 30-dAsw2w "ANTED. ' ' A xatl.lls.tlsM Ska hw4aIm1 I . . .. . chuol hy KeiitimiiAii who ht bml wsviMiii VtAurn iuinluiu.. 4.. a.u..i.i t FROM WAHHINGTilH WAsiiiRiiTidi, June S8. The fi'llowing ww iciveu ai me navy j t pariiuuit to- , 'oiiRA.Juneea. 1871 Of the iVlMW.' Th IWiiin. ... ...l.u. lnirfor their. -treacherous attack on (lie loth, I landed ou Kul(g No- and took ui.ui.jni 1, in niwer Birt ana munl- ...1. v.11 ui inni hhk another fort, ana then stormed and c.iptured . thoir stronghold. Five form wore uken, The troops were niiortc-d at M.tKW, Tjutre was ib-pemte hand to-iiand flgbt- "'M luuMciwuet, 1 lie oni nance deal my eil waa four bumlivd and eighty one pieces, pmuupally small brass pieces, and vuiy many smsll arms. Fifty flatrs Were taken. We counted 848 dead Coreans anmna the ritaUid. Our killed Was 8 the gallant Lieut M Ke, who was the Kino uieciiaueijiiy iMiiiet ami siioar; a marine nmned Dennis Hanrahan, and landsman Beth Alh n. Nine were wound ed, who are all out of danger and doing fHiirnedl .Tm 1 he tleometown fTrinvnl n .1... eu the nnvMrn anfl oli! ,0.11 & 1 liraliain of Louisiana, Jennie Walters of luiwymmi, mary umgoia uf South Caro- .,1,1 v. iuoi ijiiienor of Washing ton. The silver m.l..l . 1.1 f.. 0meli Robitiaon of Ua., Husie Dixon of meiwno, 01 . tieorgia, Ikrasie Romucrgh.of North Carolina, Annie Matt ,,v.M .uuiaiia, iivuiiisa vaaey, ot Uew iritk. Annie Iaiim r, iLmnn. r 1 ..-j " - -- , ... -"'n mua umiw ney,of Georgia, Kate Clinton, of Geonria, Kmibftrtv. of (li.inri. " m .. -.' . . e. - Mue auo-xukiux Committee will go Unit v viuiyuio, o. v.; uuince to nnartanlHirit nr ftekenfcilh, kiA ... r... ..-... " I " vw .101111 viiniiuiA The cohii,iitte to-day examined Flouniey tiiu i-iuifouiu, ana irord trora- Muriiliati, Miaa. Ford straip-htened oiit the not to th utlaitictmii of th iuaocrtio Nik. it s?atiit.ultiiiiu' :fs.k uimui u- ' Jaiid. "'""""" N't. 4 intalin.niV SaWtPsa. illl..t..a. u... a a 11 m . A, a fNHiuiiiitNv a iMimarb or Imm. a iit. n (MH.ia.umif 4iW nrpta, on which Ct A. is annum iniw livasu a ibii.i.... u... a On Uicie lan.ls an lonps bodies of line 4iise tou t, Uwre Is airwid Mill lioaos and Watur-iHiwer, rood Ilwelliiur and .ill. i,i,.i. i itiKS. Good water . on sach traeL I Ttiwe Binds sre s isceptihle of the hltbt Tpl.EMMiNU liol'Si!, JHAIUON, N. 'sli is new and aluiKiHiia sm.i.i..j iv.... no opened for Uie r-Uoa of vMUna to -. ...w,n.uK .in, ruwaiiue mminlKliHi of nusHnn n um a .aLrti 1 1 iftsx iihi nil ima.,.. .i... . i lnjC fr ftlr tvivd niaMonii rhntt 4 kru Mrtb Utrmium of tli WwMrn Horth lirv- IlllA Kiiil n kail It U saI. vl, .. a .. .... . . fertJl vilyaof Ui lUnrUft and ih titon mum juMi orchard f McUtiwell it so. .. A .. T . r,.v..a.ati nwt mt, nm (itiuu, !,, whip IWUU IflMk U III. No ko; AmTrb, 7" th! I IbA j. P A iaxasniM ui,ll..t ... m ... a. . . . . ... ether ...proWd .vatem.'?.; ! iRirlST W, Md Wjmn U&nmM, ,a4 aj v CASH JIATES. . ' ' U Jl t'Asaf0UCW9. "w.11 "T. ,. , cash pmrrsBi - ruvweiiils paid Annuslh'. roniiiJii . t i,.i ,.r . 1. .... cm, jf rnti jr.vzi 0 n-tfr-r?-.?. CA8H FAID TO T1IK ClUiti,. OI J.gitm ClAWA tv ti. $ 300,000 XN mE YEilllC TfftVlltO sflslWI MAM tM UT1J... AV t. . . .1 .. .rt ... W. n. McKEE, M. P., ExAMfwH iJO peTtswjici. rtiTa!ciy, r'St!' A fins fcoa.'irood 1'idtii, wiih w,..tf ,, , fSrr It (,,;,) UOHl4t...--;lil U.U,i la) sea. Wsiiiaitcii'iji . , W. Tl. J() rs e,-. state of ciillltl.n, Jie iii.liuida Itarinv 1 (.roftmOiMrtoii; i i.lnuvi, liH atw.fll ant. wil TaifUllw--OlUs llAltf Ui A nsi.,l.l. al... . .- ........ .... n; Ul'-ttll'Xt, t,IfT smifLiif'vJ in niiiuin., iiiiereai trm ,. t j,, wierbnasr way mv utie third or the alio! of tliM Oill 111, 1. .... .'I... 11... ...I.. .1 . . Holld wtth()Orov4 aivuritv will be n-pilnod .... ... ,. , ,, ,. 4 iw uue iUj ua n- tallied until full Mymcnl U tusdn. . . w m Mia iiKia will niesas ujmi Col. A. . brown or Thoa. Hmtoa, v. J charge tor omnibus or lmp. June 83 HutwriuUiudmit MIIX'II oowa. I bonrs r.inr OftA V 1. 1. 1...!. ... srii two of tlioia, buyen ran choose. liuw-tf G. T.81'ltO.VACa. BCILDRRH. , ftwt of good sessmied heart loor hut whle.i will anil ro outmhiv. r.t anS ..... ,i June ?-U o. T. l'ttO.VAt-i, Ailra r .L. I1.i1 ..f I u u !. .. Iji " ." : lis, lis. At raj years es.KtrUiiice iu tiaKiliiiur. For rvfaiwtBS and full lau-tleufki Box 4, Joneshoro' Moore Co., S. isrs, swdross HKKirrs NOTICE. . : Msrehants are notified thitthe Htota and s LouBiy i.H'1'iise tax (Beliedirie "B.")o our ellMMM r. Ui. AH.... u..ll... T.. .. 1 . im . . mmiii vu-iy lat, in1 will badn ua that dayand they will pall at the tttierilfi Utltee, make vmnt and renew tii-w u.iui ,.v. v, or uie penaillHS im posed, by Isw will be enforced. JuovnSV dlw T. t. LKE, Sheriff. JSJEWGOODSI NEW G00D81I At RIDUC1D ritcii a , FBIMBOf-K, PETTT A NEWUOM B, iuno 30 tf NEW YORK. TUB CBHSUi OF WKW TOHX CITV Nbw Yomk, June 8. The ccnxits of ims city is as b.Uowsr- Natives-white. Sift ..Ua ..n,,l.,r.l ia e ' ... , ,r . . yv....,., ..mw.iw-. diuiiiu wniui tlB.rtio-coloreil.' HH h.,.. ani sou are natives of Ireland, and 161,82a nativrs w wnnauy. total population, W'fisa; A WEALTif V f!fTI'JTV isKsuiKrn Nhht Yum J. urn a t ..i.i..i . - . tM.I,,. . Wik,i sea lias town miwdng lor tlit..e wei.ki. It is anppoaml that he has hinm murdered 101- a tuna uiousami U'JHar Olatlmmi pin-, FTVK MKN fil.'FFOfUTFri . Nkw York, June vSSV Five men were suffocated today while Vpairiiig a irati leak in Flnmklvn ; Tn i' it.. . ..... . - 1 , nw w. Wl. IUDU Will Uie. . No. SO, FayettevlHe8ti, J ARGAINS! BAKU AJNS 1 1 BAItGAINS 1 1 fu acii)ialiTeTr a) floS, La waa, Pentslas, rvtue. Urjaadie. While goods, torsos Ciotbs, PRIMROIKPKTTT A NEWSOM'. June U ...... V v. . t FaT Vim iv - ,h I L drea at low prices, Iueludlnir Utestswles AuL al PRIM B06K, PETfT NKWBOMB. ....Jme-m-U.--. .,.., j. . vi:it ftiMins txrwosj "nVit mi I I .. . . ..'uwiii I r.ai recently al low prwes and ar onVnd at WSUP aull .....MS IL.... ( rur buy moat Uuod of na at lower prkw i -"v axwwkwwxj pHtt in ,nw i vtkui Hareb " mVKMl, PETTY A NK WiOH. : JniwiJW tf f ., . 1 1 F,KHANT8 Bt'TINO mVTll VtHZW twin wiji "h our kwk aitntsntre anil yv-3t, w r-faiTT. TaTOTRPtr who th hiwmi, . - PlHUlt. kkAtf IWIr" l"ff V. UL-11'ji.u - w.s.i.iwusak! A Hi I I Ob- H W LTtjai, A PROCKHrtloN PREVENTED. Nkw xohc. JnnA 9.h a ... I f'uivumu uw great BKrgmeat proCasiiun 1 .0) , pi ii - . ... ALABAMA TRB POBTMASTKIt AT MOHH.B argrlTTKa OK A fllHtoH OF RIIIHKHr. MOHtf.SL Jims '.M fi.ti. I 11.. I , ' . a nam, the HCWlv ainHdllUMi noatinoaf.a- ar 11,1. Cit.V. II rum an tri.lifindnl l.u - . jury charging him with bribery, was tried cny iin HMiay. J tie evidence adducwl failed to establuh tbe cliarge, ifuivuu wiuiuui waving uietr aeata. I' f)T AND SHOE 8TORR, C. ft IIEARTT & CO. QXfyRD FEJLt ACAKMY ' v (aMVItUII. Mm. W H M,l0la,a- I, i a. . . """iv" , v MtitniTTIVX I IWrBfr Al ..lift .UlAstlrt IkMtoa........ " " f the ssa ,!, tn Hia on lbs Arst I h Aeiuii my U .,-.waiiiy loeuted In a most dclrsliie. loirlef u, nlh ,y titt.nti, whirl. Is raifarilBd as one of Uie iituduiioal in North Cnniiiua. . Tha connw of stiirty Is tiinllor to that of ....... . ,:, iiui. mi niffu srntite. lenus luoUtft.U). tjireular. a,.ul oa siiill ealhiri. ' 11 ""'"''": All friend- and im.dl. of tbe 7 . " " " 1'e.ver.ay ot N. O. illlia IA ill lit.. r r. .on, FEMALK PHYSICIAN, lfA Ml ;Ar.i.. aha T-t imiiniA, LiAnm iivvaM.iixuA sstokt .aa ..... m- aj vttmpiaitit pwyMar in Uili ar trkaw idmiidd. Lrttni of in-miry mi. VWttrvNl fiMf ff irhitwa UiJIoa. ' f...t... j K. Id -it " w ITWniS j ni w awAHrt)t. H.miu ana iutu&uic furoiB4 wbcta :S;w.aga. I "XTOTH'K I rT"r""w, iu u nam oi w. u. tttri- k- fur JiiplimU C!nrUftottte. I AlMl. Wilt aw.1 ihn JitF.ot At I. .A At. a. -i.... I I1tiUMtd4t.tr In thL dvllv I l.aa s.l..a.. ,....i.,.. with ta, ml- -t: .i.r ..r;w.r.?'.r " I M aw V II. DIM, ItllllTTHUl. - W. U. HJtllDH K, "T AN ttlVKB MALI INUTITUTK I J-jT ii. i- .. AT ' ...... YANCEYVILLK. V. a CLASSICAL AND at AT!tiIU ATir ir llJlllon fmm BIN tt S.01 ,v u. I.... u fri. aiu W iic z:. . r " , " j Kourih Bosahm wilt betfln on the lTtti day of . ..,.,, n. a.. iia.-iuAi(iN. jsiuvyi-diwftswtw r Priiutiiial, A WOMAITOX FAFKB MILL," PETERSBURG. VA Monufacturen of News Print, s ut Wrapping TAIiWOLCTION OF COPARTNERSHIP I AJ the Urin nf Kuthis and Ajl ttnlnll was dissolved by aivluot ccutorat on ths lib luU All sceoanls das the Uu tna will bs eo lrll hy lbs daratswd, to whom aloe ati hi it of i awaw wa tnwaiiiivu tor uavnivBk I, ...... . . , i ci , ... - OTsodlw ""V"" Soon ONCNI-vO FOB A BCHU0L" VI The (tixiuiKKlioiu Hehoul Uaou la ha. nuuioi Ijiowi (..livirth, t 'oiiiiKiiv auow, will he let im tit SUi day o July, J.l. Apolii-aUons, with refenwvs, wffl be ta. eehrdtUllhsldsT. . . Addruos, ' - ... I. 0. MtMlltR, sarr, Tatnreasi D. Worth, J. u Holt, if . Bernoant, A. i MeAlister, J. U. aloaia. Juue.a7ibiwAwlw JALEIOll FKM.U.K BEMINAKX The Third gesnlon will befttn ei" Jlondsv " Julv Wth, 1, with a full corisi of sviaia Vilt Slid eXnrllHWd trneiiers. - Terms par sewiimi of twenty wsetl, fav,y.. Ona-hair In ajlvanea I1,m mm ..i...i. ..F , . Will. lie. of .rto. a. WW luHlon m Literary Dcinrtmcnt " from - tWteWOU. Music tm Plane and Guitar mim.uvi:1 as. 50 sad U OU flano Hunt 4,00 llrawhiir and Painting re. sieiively- - I0 ) to WO). Illuidelitau sxnonses .......1 ui Biotrd, inclmlliut fuel snd Ihrhts 80.ua Fur particulars, t l,1r for ireular. F. t. llyliiiiKUi, A. M. jane IT-tJst i'i1uil.A lit'K KN'l. X? A tle.Urf JtmsStlw UAtiweOaxiwa Losr. - . A Csrtlih'sis of tn k la ihn V v iu f-ivcroi K. ft d fr itupt: JlUU 41 wl i," Kutt. saw. - aylivaVyu iu be ACUM' P.RAPTUISir We will U) .-.-. . ..r 1 nvi ' ' A.tart.w, t m.cfi, a... . stuCkUTMllft .t Cu. X casfTrnwHiTPFiR Ap.ily to fmMvs ' - t 1AT,T - lu. Ud, . C, X --Ahad.-sa iraM.rrg, tsw Iftlsa .1 i. luksdif Jt. ;o-rs Jt Co. . Panej-'a. I Ordnra aollellAd Ia whlk . . . . i stUnUon. MolLWAIftd AliT. iwiiaia. uuuumaituii aiarithaiiuk T w, C..TR0.Vtce fc CO. :r" 1 n ""-M fBIMI f ACTOKy UUSUK . a, v rmwiviHj w-nav. June Ifi-tf ATA ft M l vMiHLAND AND LOBK j-ine H-l-tf W. C. 8TRONACH A Co. 25,000 Dollars woaTi or, fr BBLA, XUKKTON'BBNl'rFjlldTXaV orlveft Juiis 1 Lf W. 0. HTKONACI! A Co. g.'Kditurv '4 ITorth Carolina, oa Win MAS3,CJfUEfTa DRATIf OV Ifll. OMtOHlia WrtniuiiiM IbwariiM. Juiia 1 1.. i. .-mi,wi,. ruff, the oldest trainer and driver of trot tlnir horws. was killed tn d AV It a naaainn truilX " If if fMIIH.na W.H two tAiirMa Asi lH.il. Ttip imii wtriti C.tr.er6f RAtl.ROAnAmi.KNT AMD IMS 0V LTVR. ..Mr. lifiiTfti. JmiM 9tMA ,......,..:... train on tbe Atlsnlic and Pacific liailroad ran into a h nil car, and hfiwn persons wM .tlirowu twentv feet on the .t- tn of whom were "kilted Xnrl s!l the oilier Burt, . arfrSwitvsi: OL'BBTO K 18 LARUE ANlHXiMPLETf v an w eo-BS la.ioa w XW;,, ajj Mi r?ri llKgr guu sfuanm TM in HtWffxM Itnf'ia. ' PKIMKOUK, VtTTt At NEWSOM. .. . 1 miwv aa ' . ..... . .... 1 . ' '' 11 . 1 "I "' "" I 1 ' " '. .'' QjALTt BALTM Backs Im Kiowa Bait for sole very low s " WORTH A WORTH, June 3 Ssr w ilminicton, N. C. yARKESTDN FEHAfK C01J.EGK j.. Wiaxawroa, M. C. . I 1 The rail of 1S71, will bKld.ee Wed CHwrny, vn auij. . This IrMUUiiiisi orTkrs. aupertor ndaesUooal advantajroa. ' Its proafierity, sader tite praaetil sdiaini.tratkn, has immsi idghly graktfyiat.v.lo CBAaoas na saassoe or 10 wnxd: Board, (eielodts ot Lights and , Woabmir) . . . . . W flr 1 wuob in rwtmiar eonrse . au.OU V " ' . PVtttJ IM A I 1 St. Locia, June Ot-Jierul Rarnes, uijwiiiia or ma .nr..rviMti.,ni M..itK...i company, is here, en route to New Vork. THE crop PJtohPtitrr of rivn JJ.MT. Locia, J.ifi iW. Di(itrhes fnun n.atMs report aa unpmmieoUily early aud prolilk cmpt , , , - .TENNESSEE. ' , t J' coirwrr WAMKAJiTe niv tAHi:n void. Mkhi'Hih June aa A ,i.i.. ing nwriiy wmtsnU void, rntt exeite ment Tbry sraotiot to a million aixl a ouarter dollar. ljvj,f tl tlHimaH(i .en, Limh1 to the Muwlwiiini rallnia.1, bow held by MiCnirt Co, ' AFTER a'kLKLUX. ctUiv-na of hmmu, ar oa the trail of ir.xvA ... J,il. La . Chonres for eitrs, studies, ssiidcrale. xwrtuUjairtieuia.rssLii.lyui REV. T. K. JySEd, Prtsldest rEXSSYLVASIA. ... , . 1 ; , DHHOCKATIC omXATIoll III ltti,AtlkX- ''"! iiii A. .' : .. Pii.Aiet.pifiA, Juue 28. Tim r)mo crats have nominated Jjuucs 8, Uiddlc for mayor," SOOTS & SHOES, 9TUJ) n'ELL imOTIIKUS, MfH'IIA CorriK, TUB BKNUINK AR. Ui Im In store June as tf W. ft BTKONACII A Co. M: U iltL HKMiW NK, AR ( JHT, WILL UHaiiaeiii rn .11. ... . , h.. . 1 . vv "u inviiMainiuai bimhiass alu.ut Uirae week. june ni,K y-ANreD imi.isw lb. imkjd cast ' oirsi imu. Aloe, su.uuu lbs. wrought ; Ui(best pries tn cash or trade, - - -, BKPAHK, UBKKN dt Co., JuneWlm Kalelgh.N.'a ' t. X. MOOSE, Balmha. loss U-dant XSW YORK. CAME T0LrB KKL'IT. " r.: MA80N'LATF.sf IMPROVED. . . . flERr) FKClT JARS, Vadoebtndly the best Jars tn ths world. Buy them, trv Uikdi. nsa them and h. .... vmeea. " sale at tbe very biwent prlees, by " ' ' T. 11. BllilKJS, ." JB-tf No. I. rayettovllls Bt "NT C. FAMILY KDF. snd Cut Herrln?. JelM U reetuvud snd for sale lnw for eh! ( ri. M. JliriK-lC(. CJHINUI.KS. HlllSlll.rsJI lie. j4tf ,0. laKB ,fpkfe.io BllfNd'l.KHfur , W. I. JONES A VA). , ' Htutim N.Tiowai. Dins or !.. O . - Kiusioo. JunciliLli ls-,'1 A ! P1 Y")"t," '." Ir mil, bo. been -a A. dwUirrd, out of Hie omnia fiw Mia lut six ovi.tln imnihi. hi tin, nim-khoMers ou Alts Vilh of Juiv aunt at ti..a U...1.1.. . 11 iimewtd " Caahfer. Amcoiif. . . 1.V MoflAittflt. Nalu, k.v. ... I t.... ,. .,r.h..ll-. I.....I ..... .7 . . ' "r : , ... m anno, are , - - - - .... ximt:if anil do so, and save th nw.-oMir f imiiiis- a OoubleTax. Thle Juiw l.h. a;t ' . ' B. 1.IUKKIH1, JaaelStf L,.iTk.. fv UawM- On , X. C.t one of the be.t to 1 Wm snd irraill Caruio. wVU i,..... it Lulfjinit alkiii lam ...... fi...u;.. , , ' .. , . 1 . w "T e-tiien ja Hiver "Kl ' b""""? , Aso, a llns M t ..! toad of loll aertvi. 1 IA ill L .a ..... . 1... ViStjUter. iorttMSjy. Ar.plv tu . ,' , T. i. BiWvVH, lose 18 wTt" -' C ' C'. L'OR ALt T ITI..I., ui..... . m. ,.. . it-iiji - nines m we reoples' UNlldawc Lose AsootiaUnn. . m,. 'if o.'lad company, DHY OOODS J , . . A. Greatly Itodureti rrlcea. NOW IB THE TIME T(J BUY GOOUi CHEAP. TifY etiUrs Block 'to ba eb.wd out by tbs rat of Auxmt If possible. As t Intend adding some 00 feet, tetmy store as well as remodeling, tutiw up, tad In fact taming obi things to' new outs, U will bs necessary to suspend buhtiws durls tks month of August, Umrerore t offer my sutlM Stuck st unprecedented bw prices. - Till, Is a rars opportunity and persons would do well to avail tlteinselves of the dAcllae, Country Merchants wishing to repleBlib their Stocks, would flud It to their Istorsst t ell bdfiifd baying elsewhere. COMB AND 8EE.ME, A. CRKC0. June 90 tf u,stf Juh ?-if i 1--I. ... . Iw ,aia fey .. . . .' T. 3. A. J-'N, I. Il Li-lii ; s!,i...,!t..,t Lif h, C ' ''),! i temd f ',-. ;:lt LSI j...,li M h.i, A t-oetnes en h nutirs; i,i i.i-i.r "adleal Core of Kiwiiifiswi'S' m-S.an-l vtrnkwrn, luvtent,.fy j,. ( W!gi p, t biirta, ami liu..i-.!!,..fl,i;i;-!- ,,,,, .; , , N- r imiiena, CoiixiUhftos, h'rsjvpsvaiMiliiWi " Jli-lt'aJ Ui.it l'l,.l.. , J0 ,-,!X !,, J'lf A U-e, yi. , ' v u-.r. J I I'.VKHwSjx M. R, sata.-r of He -u.us.a Coo. ' v. "A Booi ro TorsAi or gi rrxssR. Bout ttn.tar Heal. u. . ,.'.! .. ... .... sddr.wii fiftu ,iU rit j, t .n'eeii ,'r r,""- sistnH, Ly C 4. C. Jn.ti.MJ ri7 ojtxsr, fxw Yux, fo,i Orncx uj j.ds 1 dttvSm Y 0T-.A Af-0'Jvrfl.K.K. th7tlir Lj h,t irtrikii' .i.-.l ..i t L; .. .s to uis at bWi , ; Jiwiwk ilu,.M, M,ue, A llT-tf f -tl.Li.d,.UW. Tl'JMT REC'KIVRD. tl Puatxaly family Floar. ftvlraCtfiiirar. .1 ,,. .. i ... if" ',! fscwSa-T. MolaHava, . Ji'mab Hotter, Onunrea, 4JoemiuljL " - i"1.icSAfi.,A! -A may Uf-tf Al. A 1. ilAKKISON'a, T A MtKIKK'g INIIIAN LIQUOR ANTl" J J d.it. The only reli.l.l. rum ktmwn 44an tw ailii.lwl.it iir.. -t", I - h ..,iii.w w i,iu iiwr, awl reimivtw forevur all desire tor alronK drink. Siiaie vemiin. aiiilk,. 11.. ... V.,. LA MIXiKk. sww l-o- IkatuHsavr Boo's A Co., Ueacral A Km to. Bull unors. . for ale In Rlrljh, hy j hlKf AblU)ir4ITf,- in a Wuwngtow, wear ilsigetl ML may III om 1 TtroTH K 1 1 " iw Aa 1,'M.i... m .. i.i. a..... .. .. , J .7 - wanw or uie I ui in nuruj t.arolliia, 1 keraliy nMlfv sll 1 Ii. HMtlt,iM ... ai ii...!. ..i-i...- ' . i .... . ....r.... M,f ..laiuiv wiui las evi- deneeii Uiemot, wllh iu,or Mr. harha apwary I have a small fund to bs divided tm rl stteiini its enviliors on the Mih day of Atixnat . ... ,r:H ,,.M,n,n. owua, j uer will bs nouhed aa otUar funds nay lot rw-aliiaj. a. . Mm ikk, Truatolti KEEP COOL. . Paeaiina .tatilna ka dewaa wImJ . bS m eVimfortalde at Uieeanie'Qme,(ian de se by tailing; at ; IL B. ANDRE Wtf & CO S, - j audauHolyiug;- thrmaf Ivos with 4He at ttess I ane bi-ai.b. .i.rai.& xhiiuk. lUAia, Jtnl I oprned. i-a n L'ST KECHVED. june tl tsa 4- X7r.TTRELL,8 SPRINGS. 'filial fajnfma inmmutf mm. I. o.... - I .i aavin w-Y" :tt'..i : ',7 wax. or ... uw smapiis, m m i VK u VlVflt WtMat raf'U.Ml I'l tiifarjlU.dfhl4i.Sii. tat ,.tf l.r still, i,..i...L. .a n rah-r.w. a T. (SOU SSI ,VJ MS U I.lfn'JtwwlsViil liiuaii, k ttt...Tl'j a. . .1.... ... . 1 mmiww tw iim- nuaitu or pifwure frMcr. Tht wnt4r aa Ht-itn- ftr H. miufa. Div pc.fx.ia, KrupUtrna. ti.ral dfliilttv or tif-'j Vtniisliar Ut tutu,, artt tff w.-ll kuuwa to r-. 'IJM.lfYUIfViwiMfllUlvrTti.t.fcir, t JT KaU .Kif .. SV..I.SI ,....:! ...t. ...... (...' v a... ... . . . , IMWrlll o wfUi a Ohwol da.rtioi for fantHes ntroatuli , BLACKNALL A CO., Pnijirl.H w. T. It n.-.u, I ' '- If. Hon . ( . )tis l. if ' ; ' ', VI eiAL MKhl'IMto , nr Ilia L IIIIUImipu1 f i,.,l U1.1...I ....i'f. ... ... . .,, , , aiminn-iav .- 7, w- a. Mia vnitinv a. iiimaj ID Uie elty lieseuataaro' tt. 0., I .Hiwiaj .uiy jaut, inil. . ' . i '. A Kt wtriirw J A full line of 81'MMKR CLOTHICA. fast manufactured Out of the Ui;htst tsbriss, sad siwclally ailaiitud to tbe WARM WEATXJER, ranmbiUiig of - ' BLACK ALPACA BACKS, HILAC'K ALAPACA FRIX.Kfl, STRIPE 0 ALPACA BACKS, WHITE DUCK DERBY- SACK!, WHITE DUCK nTS, ! WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS, , WRITE DCCK VISTA, Of all KnA sb-es snd prh1 a,ai B. B. ANDREWS A '., Cletbirrs, , Rsleteb, N. C. J JOAKDINO AND DAI SCHOOL, LOnsevao, N. C. The third oeoahm of this st ttenl will sa naaneaJutv loai. htft. and eiiiitiuna wea . Circular funmhed on pviicai..ltii to - .iivis, l"i.Z.Crit3, &- -Bsitil forChculr JuasIT-tf K. J, lX!.b, Llr.4ic f. YJHUIIAjf HCIIUOL SfiBaxcvitis, N. C. TbS FoS 8.-sriB of '."fl Oin-.ii J,.ly Jt.Jj,, S'ur Cadll.,'tl A'l'.ti.... June JS4li ... Tin; vt'Aiu:r!n,i - l hy tl! .. lj'l,, ,fi " , p.ie.,1., j v, ,u - "-nTa cja.,,, r., ...i t. '' i ifi.k. f.r It- - .(!Wet, Of ail Sfcd tni. 11 Twuuusruabtlid at . . . W. ssyUtr . .Aipnits. Ir,p.rvftwfir.vTvivr,t;Trrt . t.li.l.r.tt. e. I.. . i . Aiuuuu.u bailor aud i t, i r . ... AJ-t f. Tl... I -l joaaSt-lw - - ti.m.M.T, - CHrSTFR ft ii; IT P!'.;a oitstK I ha fw , i..ri,w jir,,,,, t!j ,(,,. b mad or Ii,,... r ,. . . . , - . i ". ui.a.i.i I'a.v r. ... ht ,,roji. no, H if .a , ,a atllw , , J.iu tt. tt. at fruui u t.i j . .. n-i . . i.i fu. a pair. ......... ., a. f.i,ot.l r Junsttewawn. Iai otu", 2,, C, 200',Vei'";Wf)ra't"''"'-' JunsT-tl W. C. f!7K'.AACII A Ce, HYrAXTM " - VV siviy atii.t u,u lAKIIO. ! .JaiisHlf Soa nee I i UHVti a L l.aie..!i, N.'c. TOCKIiuLClZXS xvev.:: Tha anmt.t MHnu ... - , . - - ' i -it .-i Hi Kjilvlafh I,-.,.-..: i , t ba hc.d at Cm....... . i .. .. . Vh, It lit 1. ,;!:, Tlil' I A.jof JtLT. !.... i-i .. Jnne lu-.lt i . T."!rt.ra.ad a ftf ..!;. . ut m.; we Vjl 'a. D1 A dW,! itoikof'ii 1 i St Ilia i i.; r"t. r'"o.t li;i-r.o.-t Ihstis . of n ;f -, lis flu '..'. n t,,., on. i.-.i-i, .4. ,ier r ; , !.' I .r.a, V ! ,, at t ..... . f'l-Vv'.., a. t ptl.ii,u. . Juue 7 U Luuikijuig', ffS, f, w. v, . A i iniw.uidl7 ' Ueiretofy. oitoa wuai.ua a. i.(..m,naw