TT f. J. 7'.; 7 '.I 'It.' ' , I"' V, ft ieniincl i v JDS1AH TI 8HR, Jr., KdiKir. jiinnmisi iiBjf k un taut kvii: or Aivi:itiii. Advertiftrutents "ill be Uwerted ill the Daii.T SbntiW.sI the following reb-a. A ayuerewill be hen-arter eaUmated at'lO mUw Ultra, or 1 huh. lne.iiare one Uinc H.ty " " rati SUlalCUUeiU hie tfiiSl week ( Ho- stpiara trn week y K tl additional mpi.irc oneNweck. .... 'One square two woeks. ...... K. li additional s-tueru two weeks.... One square one mouth , . . . Km li itd.liUoual square uii mouth . . . dim wiunre two mouths. Each additional " 911 8.UH &ll S.l S.WI 5.Ui r.'.ui .mi 14. tut 7 U Oue eouare three months... Such admuouei uiree ' Oue nuarUir tyiluiiin " One lull nduian ' 2fiu - emr rnunvu,.-. . 1H) IH A.tverttaeiaeata lhaerted Ik Weekly end rVmi Weakly Jit ratal eurraiini1tti with Uie above Court adverUaeiiicnte litarirted weeks' foe fl nidi ur 1U If cJiariced. WUOLEHALB OSOOBHB. SUAKS, MirKKKS ANI TEAS. M Itirla nilnl, rVlvrrlwil. UniDtl luvt. Kt 0, A. unit l'i.tu Rivi Muioirt. .in' Kiu, Uu(UiT wid old Uuv. Jai C !' . l.r. . ii and Blark Tina. luarl.VU ' A. (1. 1.EK CO. CKKAM TAKTAR IN 5 II. Fm-Iucim, (.'(Hh'eiitrati-il lyt Cotidt'iioU Milk, Y 'ant rVrwdira, Curry Cimilia, Tai'ka, (UilUth iSrda. Powder, Stioi. Caiw, Cullw Milt. Biit'kcta, Krvueli Paila, Tutia, Tinware, tVixxkiii r ik-ou, uix-Dt Matcbua, liitu'kmtr uruanea, IS tf A. ii. I.KE dt CO. ! )ATAI'8(X) OUANO. Sv kuv Uiu ui;i'ii(y fur UiU well known li illlii-r. wade uudcr Uiu luiiiiodlaus aiiwr Vinton ut . r DU.U.A. LiKUill. ; . t'tiu ' 'tmiHiy Jtave ajiarrd no exinaa or pnlur in making it LUk beat article iuw uia-d, and warnutt it .superior to any liervtofum mode. Tile pruv will u niadti aultalle to ttM tilnt. A. U. LKK CO. nmr 1W l.f CI Hi (ICE KAlil.YUI(IX;KKIKN, urtU Miie beat and moat daainible frradea. CALL ON aTo! LEB diCO. 1 1 KMT FAMILY 1.KAF LARD, IN TIN 1 Packatftw, ut S and 18 lua. Alao, cliok Laid in Kegtaud Kiu, mar 1&-U A. O. LEB CO, WUHCE LiyiloK TUB VlIiARTf J 4ailon-or Barrel, Pure eomitry madv IWh. Brandy, -Till, kw Whliy, W.Cihihii diaUiled Auida Brandy, Yailkin ctmniy tjmi hiiky In keea, Cow lea1 Kino Apple Brandy, oacnuiinnuu n id, aooieutiiur UH'e. mar 15-U A. ii. JLKK A CO. KUTii'8 CHALLENUE SOLUBLE PH08 PHAIK. 'lira moatat'liTe and reliable FertlliaeruSered .0 Uie planUv. Prvparad axureasly for South em ero and auU. - war Jlf A. U. LEE A CO. C OLUHLE 8K A ISLAND II 11 A NO. O Rn-h in Aiuiuonia, Soluble Plioaphortr Add, end Alkaline Sella, one of the beat eom binatiinia for the Soutlteru Slalea kuowu to ClirllUatry. , A. U. LtK A CO. mar XLU ? i I MIMPCART HARNESS, HAMKS. COL 1 J Ian, CotUw aud Hemp Baekbauda with ruieni iiooaa, uarta-d A. G.LEE A CO. ,1,'UH ttAKB r Valuable Building Lota In the Eaatern Ward, of ow act K,,can be aubdtiidud in nan acre txila. A n.ay'JUnw N. C LAND COM PA NY. A TLANTIC HOTEL, BEAUKOKT, II NORTH CAROLINA. GEO. W. TAYLOR, Prapriatnr. PRICE Of BOARD REDUCED 1 1 Board ner raaiilb : " week " ' day f.'IOU lit mi With a dealra to aetuuimodah tlioaa who. wiali to enjoy the coal aud healthful breeaea fnna the Oeeaa at eomnaratlvelv amall coat, 1 will rent Kooina in the Uotel for Uie aeaaon to partlea who wlah to furnish theniaelvea or i will board, at reduced ratea, where partlea furntah Uielr own Hootna and aerranta. The Proprietor baa bad Uhik experience In the Hotel huaineee and he pronilaca Uie pub lic that no etli'rt ahall be apared oa hi part to five entire ealiafeelion. Tlie Allaulie Hotel la situated to full flew 61 Old Oeeaa la not surrounded by any othW Initldlinra, and let tha breexe come from what quarter it m the aneata of this liouae will grt the full neueht of It. i "Partlea dcairiiiK to rout and furnish rooma will pleaae eorrcapoud with nw at uueav . )uuet w 1 i CHEfTNUT IIKKIV OrroaifB Old Imdufknokncb Haix, & M. 11KVL1N08, PBOPkiarrosV anlSdtf. IL PACK, t ' ATTOltNEY r tAW, : Offii. South aide of Market liouae,) x RtLEKill, N. C. Proiuid attention Klvco to the amnicement and ooHceUon of debl aud to all other pro. fraalonal huaineaa lutrualed to my rare. Von ill and Rir mi, t dour to J. P. UuUjr A Hr.i., 'oaaUrketatreet, JelO-U1' 8TATE"OE NORTH t ARiil.lNA. TsauauBt DcrTaT. .. u , JtaUeK Hat 8M, IS7L in .V.-rtA rinralliut I have eaun to believe t unt many Airenu oi ll'ie-resiiloiiu are Icurclliut In Uie Slate and irr) ii on under rlc Uo i, 8-heduleB-, nf "An Aet U nttse Kveuue,'r w tli.iut bavin obtained the Ueenae reubed in Said Section. , - It la the duty of Shertib to aor that the Re eane Lawa are not evaded In their lr!ectHe enuflttea, and yon are enjidned tooliaerve diK diliameM In prevail tiruf a violaUoa of lh Sec tion t. fern-d to. HcLd auenllon l railed to the provWow ' faaid beeikni.wlitcn have beenlratiainlUed to - you with ('iri-uler from this lieiartiiienk. i na wilt .ren. I and Harry U-lont the proper offl -er, any au-ly ut rliea who may liede teilnl In Uie violation of tlie rVclion m.-n tioiie.1, and In caae of eonvlrtion, riulb enforce the lleualty inenln mwM-nlNl. UtA JKNKIN8, .. June I tf : stau 't'rraaurer. i - . i I OIIN ARMSTRONa. ' BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOKMAN LACTUKEK. V ' ovBm MB aorra CiaouBa Booairroaa, KALEIUH, N. C. . ,1 Trial, Eiwntlon. Minn tea and Recordbut D-a keta made to order. North Carolina hU-orU and other . "'aa, nouna maupv-nor Law ninatug. Mnaiii, nofhliera of Uie K' .ru iip)4ed aa.idd aaaruera Uhea bj excluin(a fur Uuid . Seel, lsitf V '7 . " " XYTILLIAM WINSTON BEATON,.. y r Hie , "NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER," A RioKruphical Sketch, with pasting Notices rUBFARSII BT HIS ItiPO-flTBB. llanilsoiocly hound. ' Prkd tl.75 sent hy nuail. For sale t.jr ALFRED WILL) A MB, 3w B.Hik:Ur. . kXt K HIUHTH t'Oa SAI.X. la South Cmlin, exenpt City of ('hiriontim. Nortli Cmn liua, rirrpt City ul WiliiiiwrUia Vliylnu irvt Klckuiood. PeUraliuiv utl NorJolk. ItiiOrlctuf ColoinhlB, DeluBnd Mart buiU. . tor UniM Biiplr'to , KO. H. BRWHJ9, Klelth, N. C. DKANR A ULOVKK, , Rirtimoiid, V. t'lmrliHU' IKmiirrat snil Nowlumi J.iuni.l at i mummv, eapy i wcuk nd laid Milt to tbin ti OflKRtrr 8ALK. Br i hi ii' of Eiec'iHona In mi bind, fur niiimnm m.ia.Timr ul ij, Fr tmrwell la. 1 Ur IIUIa'Kiru1 i oal Minim; and TmuportUij :onitan, for air Uiiaan4 aerea kundrrd and twenty live ( j.7-J. 7.'y dollara. 1 will aet! on Ihr nrl MOB.lay In Auimst nelt. tin1 Court HoMe door In Pitiabora' Ckatluuu eouuty. to Ute burheat bidder fa rali, twulre hundred aofra nf fluid, more ur B-aa, lyiiiv on uie wal.flra of Jioru Rlrr, near KKtrpt, aUJoliilmt llie lauds ol U J. HauclitoB and l4ter, td known aa hTytttr- Coal t H-ia mihi owned H the nrojwrty of aald llillaliom' Coal M tilting and Trauaui Uiiop conipaiiy, to anuaCy aanl exei'UUona. U. i. WILUAMo, 8briit June '21 awl da 4 V f ICHAltlL-tON rJ IltlBH LINENS, - LUJtfASKB, unen cambric HANDKEnCIITEFS, Jfcc We feel ourarlvea called oa aira-n to CAU TIONCONSUMEIt ' auailMt the indlacriinl uate uae of Iriali fabrica made ud to iniilute um Kmua IN fi.Hl, IIMUIT llint, HOU (riRYVI Bp. lawramw, and to Warn Uwm. ihat ttmir ol mlvf uard la to aoa lliat the au. hemic atMil ul our urut. J. N. RICHARDSON, gONS ,t OVVDEN, hta'ainut'd on audi arU.-lc. Drtcrrnined to conllne ouraclvea. as heri'to fore, to the uae of yarn sttiu from the chol iit and slrouret r u. , h Uhs ltml uiai-lunery iblaiualtle ; uniform iu weitrht tid e'astlcitv manufactured and hlcavucd undirr nnr uwu Mrprrniieiiilence: the eoiMiraer iu be .Ul'AliAKTBBO HT 04'B SBSL th5 aajne dnraWIUy and aaltafacUim Il .tthi wear, w lih'h the irenuine arooda havealwavs anorueu. J. N. Kit ITAni80N. SONS A OWDEN. nrlfaat, Irclaud, ft Mo. IS, lU. june (i,ivfflji" . CIUXiLET. Com pie tract from $3 to I'M per ar.L BASK' BALLS. All the different kirn's at reduced prlrea. FISIIIN 3 TACKLE. Of every description. TRAVELING BAOS. ; For Udiea and gentlemen. FOREIGN FANCY GOOD& GUNS AND PISTOLS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. AMMUNITION SPORTSMEN'S GOODS. : (looda shipped to any part of tha country perexpreae. v I he aanie careful atlenuou Kiven to orders by mail aa to peraonal Hireliaaoa. Pricea fur our jcouda baaed on gold at par. POCLTNEY, TRIMBLE CO., SO ,W. SaUimertStna, BALTIMORE, MD. ap S-eodlydAw , yESLKYAN ACADEMY, .. 1U1.EIOO, N. V, ' REV. 8. R, TRAWICK, Principul. '" The aeeond tenn will bee-ln Jul' tllh. and coutlnue twenty Waeaa. BATaa m tbbm. Primary Studies, . . . 81MIQ. Intermediate Stud lea . laj.Ou. Advanced Enarliah Sludlea with ... Latin, tireek or advanced Mathe- ; WMM . - . alkOO. . One half ta advatwu. r r . I jMsBMeyw ... Orrica AiLMrrie, Miasimipn aau Ohio, htaujMnlopBT, . SnCTRKIDB flTVlSIOK, PETBBaiiL'KO, Vi., Jane lal, IsTl. GICUSIO!) TR'IETS TO RPEIMiS, LINK ATLANTIC. MISSISSIPPI AND OH 10 ON and after thla date, Eimrakm Tickita Kood to return ualilOUiScptenilwr, 1x71, will be sold aa followa : Pi.tumliara' W All'vha ny Mriinrs,) " " Peleral.unc U Bin Tunnel, for Moot- (oiuery White,) "12 SO Peteraliura: to Chrintianatimw, for T .--. low Sulphur SiirKura,) li w BauKaKC checked. ' B. A. UOOUWYN, M T., June 10-taei3U Southaide Division. THE STONEWALL BPRINOS, Alamance roanty, on Uie N. U. Railroad, Uinaruuiea from Haw Kiver atatlon and Bve nines iron Ivraliam autUon ami Uie same diatance front CtHnpany 'Shojla," aa a new atuniner reaort, whlbeOned to vialtora to-day, loth tnaL flu watera of thla alirina era known to be vat uablr lor K iduey and Liver eoiuptainta. Biatrd will ha louud at uie iwei nxiirea. Apply w T v or hiiulii i a uj.u Big Falls, Alantance Co., N. 0. J 101n rphe North Carolint UOATE FIRE INSURANCE CX)., EALMQH, . 'ConUnnr to bianra all classes of property. OB reaaonalite terme. it pays all Knwe prom)vuy. Airenu hi all parte of Uie State. aunconiaee Home InrHtuUonal : ' R U. BA I TI.K, Jr., PreaidenC 8T.iaftiiia, Bee. ATreaa. der-tr v. ' 4- 'JlIlOatAS P. DEVEItEtX, JR., . AWxtrney and I oiiiiMIIorat Law, (orricB aojotMiMoaBNTiNux orrica. KALKIlOl, N, C, Will practice In uie aeverai lawns oi tneou Judicial Hintrlit, and the Supreme Court Colloctlooa proanpUy attended to, and eiauaw adjuatrd, . Jaa T-U FOR SALE. , la lavi Co., N. C, one of the best toJ ijcc. and arrnin Farma. well Improved, ron- taininr abiCAaa) acrea, ITJ5 of which la River Mi t'roek bottom. Alauvk Doe Mill and tract f Hl acrm. Wilt te aM -usuij or toother. Terms a r. Apply to 1 . . orwrt .w, Jernaalew, P. O., Dvie,Co,,N. C JutM 1ft att . , , ., BusineM Cards. "y C. 8TKOHACH A JO. IICAVVAII'A YGKtM'ERA , F ATTTEVILLI! 8TRRKT, -ALBHIBY, B. C. VIHILESAt 0K0CKK8 A fOMMISHION jh im. n a n i a. M ARKT 8QI! ABt, AI.BIOH, V. 0. II JNE A CO. AUCTION COMMISSION JEBCllANT8, BIUIUB, a 37 U yiLLlAM G. MOKRI8EY., ATTFORNEY A COUJXSKLUJB AT LAW 'I maunha, a. tr. Office First (nor alwe R. B. AndreweA-j Co, near Tucker Hall, Fayeltevill street. rMfeaaloual and buainnae considcraUon have imluced me to move aiy otlii to the Capital of Ute State. I will, therefore, he pieasea ui ana, or near, mm any clients and friends at Ralehrh, N. C. ' For Uie preeeut I will eon tin ne to regard myself a rlUisen.of Hiddalioro'- and irf Wayiie eouutv, and ou Monday of every week will aee my tnenua ai ine oiuce or tir, ttmrROB Kihbv. in (Milshoro1, to trannact lmlneis. I will alwt, imiUI fuillier notii-n, rtnwttca tn thr counties in wiilcli 1 nave Jtereuirore practiced. auic ly WILLIAM Ii. MORR1SEY. . r. aooita. JOB a attunf MOORS A QATLWO, ATTORN SYS ATILAW, BALEIHH, n. c. State and Federal Courts and- the Courts of the let and oth Judicial Dutricta. nov 111 tf. y II. MALONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARION, N. C. - Fimuaniit u LatuMa. Will practice In tha loth and 11th Diatrlcta. and in the 1'uilcd StateaOmrU. Rsiiecml at trutbiu Kltea to.theergiuuButof ataee la tha Bupn un- iurt at JiaicWu. '.I. 1 J dr.m IREAT SALE OF LOTS - all MOREIIEAD CITY, AT PUBLI0 AND PRIVATE BALK, FRIDAY JUNE 30th, IS7L ' tyto, r,- rr J BH EPARiys iWNfNt!bMpANT. June 2tf-tda . .v.-j .-. - NOBTH CAIIOUjVA HOIE .INSURANCE CCMPAHT. ' -.ihactiBiTT aoAmsr lout wt ibb . T1B18 Company pays loaaea fairly end cm u- lavna na waniuiira aa Buiue. It has Juat paid Ha loaaea by the coudaKraUon at iienaeraon, tuiiy aim irouipuy. ii raws are aa uoaerate aa salety will jusuty. A0ENT8 IN ALL FARTS OF Till STATE, R. H. BATTLE, Jr., PaaalDBtrr. BEATON OAI.ES. Sao., W. 11. M U ROOCU, AsaV 8ao. A Loa Ao'T. arpt a,U w ORI.D ESSAYS. A M an U M I B Q 0 K 6V. This to an eiceedtnelv nlcaaant volume of literary and CrIUeaJ Skekliea iuteraneraed with lii(Frapbicl notes and records of experience ana traveL i be auiecta are varioua duntue. rue rrayer dook, Bcrmona, 1 iieaue, rnackery, HlaUiry, A., with many othrre of lntertwt. The booh la very popular, and the second edi tion ie now HililuHilnc. BV J. Hll.a A Boa, N. T., Pul.liahet. . BeauUfully bound. Price, sent by Basil For sale by ALFRED WILLIAMS, Buvi't-Sm Bookseller. IMHS v AS OVER-IMK'TOKED WOKIJ). All ermi pliynUfiuif Admit Uiat Uie world m over ilrrrtAtW'il" wiih rWWtMit dfutr. Inauwu of In dtsMUita, lil.aiwim,coiil.tion, wind coin', dij-him, mm! UrW chmwI or wn chmittc krir ctiprw of i BliBwHt, Htrr Itft) MmiXn- till UijU Hi -ltHi to rftre Uit niiUr aetuw of Ibe dttirnitcmd oran, t a dime or two ol .m.mri 'set-TZER ipehext. la value anl alfentUve la Uie whole range of wedU'ul rclilediee.-.-,i -I eultirkjlL. fur. Uie alAiiu;cat, cannot hann tlie Weatcat, and Hti-mediaii-lv relhce Uie nausea which ordinal y ealiiarUca aarxravate. SOLD BY ALL DRUUtifSTA. July 6 aw QVIWE DUPRE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : Prartiree In the Codrta of Wake, and la the Federal Ouirta, aivea aiwelal attention to the arKUinK of cauace la the Siiireuie ijtmrt of C!., eolleew claims atrainn any r in fir Aie mui ra nee .Comtianv in tlie Unluat Slatee. aud aU ends ironiplly to any other pnf.iiaioual auainia uitruaieo to. ttim. ... i febT-U ' '.' , Power I'lrtlut'dj, EiDtl It bt lierthat, J S N.F.-BLRNIIAM'S a.. " V W I TPn lrilDPf Itlnstnlcd Dcecrintlra PilnnliU't and Price U.t, IN7I, sent free by N. F. BUKNUAM, J . .. ObHKi . . apBauamerurw -f. 'I - 1 ' roTICE.'. FARM WANTED! One adafited fiar stock raishiir, fnev caature for a Baadaoaie rest-. . dence la the city of - KaMa-h, , ateo, 1 to exchange for North Carolina Land 3 -r Teaneaare Farma of 5nO acres each loeeUd m Perry ronnl v, near Tea- aiaaec Riverand Railroad. Uie beat fanning land iu Uie - . "V.-." , Stale, ; . For particulars addreai ' ' ' , - - R. KINLAND, - V ' a 0. MOHaWkvtt June 9-dawAwtf ButU Land 08 d A , M I tl ; 4aaMrt' Teaw', RALEIGH, ft ft, ! L-.U.-.-.JUl ... .!.!., UTfJAL LIFE LNSl'UANCE WITIIOIT DIVIDENDS. - ; COMBININU ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF - A BA VI.NH8 BAK ANittlFE' INSURANCE A NEW FEATVltlttt 7 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF XEW TORK! Pi.ah ( oubininu Smm.iciTr, Sara-rr amp r..m,M I I ' . ... . ... . . . t -T .1 :: ' ' .. !au- a Policy pav il'lc at Ih ath, or aa soon a Uie I'remiuitta inlld and Hie acrttinmaLed Net! earutntra amount to the sum hieured. ' ' TH18 PLAN OFKKK8 . a premium for your failiily In raiu of letli H'U An endowment tor yoiiifH'tr u JT.m live. DOUGLAS HELL... June 13 tf : (Ikkbral Aiikkt. OR LINK Bl K AM K1(S. Sail avsitr Wednebdat aifn Bati-biiat, to ao rtoa NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. Callinif at Londonderry to lend Mails asd raiuniiiera. . . ..... The-summers of Uila favorite line are built exprciiair for the AUantie Paaacmrcr Trade. and fitted up In every respect with all the nuar rn .iiiirovumenta calculated Ui inaure the saf ctj-, comfort, and convenience of paeeenKere. Pabsasb Ratbd, Pthu'h Ci'kkxnh, TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL AND LON- DONDKISBY. . . , FiHUT Cabix, H5 and tTS, aCeonlin( to Loca. flon.. v am kkti'kb l it a its, iHi, erurui;uest lNJ EKMEDIATF, m 8TEERA0K, tM. Partlea anvil Ine for their friends In the O'd Co tin try eaa purcheee Ucketa at reduced ratear for turUier particulars apply to II E NDKKSON nmi l unit's i On aunt; l.nen, M. y. June I7-d,Vwuu pRTNTINfl JtATCTTAITOK 8 AXE. The nnderalinied ofTera for sale one' of Hit beat and iioat cnmiaete Printluir OutMte in the South, both for a large NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. The newlaier ninu-rial la neftrlv new. and ia-auiaudid order end every article ht -on hand to couiiiuaH-e. A JiiumaU Hn lisa Uo a new CAUPHE1J. PRESS, AN ADAMS' BOOK PRESS, and two nearly aew GORDON JOBBERS. In good order. Tue Job Office eivntnins a large autumn oi exotlteul iu r.v, ihwdar X.ymrU, CV-ihWa, . tniml Mow end enW TwvUun- The Neasinuier and Job Deourtnient will be soui acparatciy. a oanoun is oUered. Addreaa, JOS. P. TRAIRK, June 31 Lf, N. C rpHK "ALL RIGHT" COOKLNO STOVE. The "All Hi'rht" la noalUrvIv without a Superior. It la uiade of the very beat material; and for Weuflit, Streiiirtli. B autv of Dt-eimi. Slmplu'ity and lnr il.iatv, r fl.hly f Bukiiia; and RoaatuiK cannot be Kcvitcd, : t . For salo only by . : JLI.II'H I.F.WWS June 1,4 tf Kalehrh, N. C V. E. TURN Ell, DENTIST. OmraovBH Wru.iau's Book Stokh, '..T7" Jt lU-UrH, rV. - Oflcra his acrvlciw.ln. averv dciiartment of Ida profcaaion. . may id u , , - RICES OF THE 2Iason & namlln " Having vaaUy hue their faciliUea fur manufacture, the Mason & telm 0r.2i Comrany 'to nlffv tliir WPli-liBfowB ra VrTHWtr liutrtiHarffiu of c at prW of wrutr wiH tL wr itrmv ututr KiWaitU tme ft. lifh are Ih'-rrforvk ttikkc U IL aAuia.LI lie fiiH.twbiir km lllu,UUjti : , . , ffimf 4tHtne ihjfatui J. tW Tha tmm ikmbl Kml 06 Ctrvrt and riuuruUl. VK) nty inifr myt mputx ... i,uw AHlRw.H.) fUH( W4(Nit All h Onrmt mm n rwrv rvwt. tuy will male be wtVllii flHJin (trnu ml fttiv iTlt i-. Tin rtmf4ra!Hai trMtnrtty of tli-tr fnttlrumciiU Wilt tutt "bo rmrtifully ezajniiw wkI tj L VN TtfA TKD VATAIOOVKH Mh liMxl Cutft frm lit.f...r,. ..i.. al. ittHiTiTiT nfyfr, "'full rnfiMrriiatiitu ami mre( prwra j Imi, iMMiiumbu tin ulw will b mi.i Kasca & H3E11S mil cd t tfarertmuu A1 Hritailwatf, , NEW oltK p4-tf ,. , ' V 1 . 1 X -A Wa. W. Joaas,' ABanrraaB Joaaa, JO.tES eV ATTORNEYS AT LAW : RALEIOH. tf. C ' RACTICE In Uie Snimmo Conrl of the HULe. tba Cln-ult Court of Ilia t inted Staiea end the aeverai Courte of Uie Sth lal Di.-u-t, pompVteiitir I he cuttitiee of Wake,, iiiHwhm, rraiiaim, Aaab, warren, urmetuie, ahas. and Nortlialnpboo. .. lw oa Favottovulr Street, near tlie Court Uouea, aaawa M0XDA1V JILT 10, Ml ldfb aiifaxaac. INSURANCE CO. . I . OF THE : - -jtTMHrrtTtx tr m. " WaShhiotoh. D. C. -AaCSCT AT SAI.Kiatl N. a' CaSuW. $1,000 twarteml hy Nao-ial Jl.t f fane rem. Aetewvfd Jalt 4 .11.. J ata. r.l?MMM.Oinrica, PMII.AltW.PIII, Where the hahtea of the Compear la trans acU'.t, and' to wiiicirall general wirreaiiiahiettlv hould bu addreaaod. . . OFFICr3 Cubbbrb a Cum, Phlaubdibia, PreaMent Ja Coou, Uuunuaa Finauee and baecuUve Committee. nmtT 1. fjiaika. Wtoliiiu-tou, I u, . K- A. Pblla.lcb.hia. t vwTrai ta. 'Ettaaaua W. JfaaT, Flukdvlphia, Secretary ' anil artaarr Jem, W.Birtu-, . flilUda. I ... j. r. ni.fiws, waeiiiiuium. I R M. NaWront", SuiaTinieodcht of Aeearlee, FBAna4, Saira. M. .. Mctllaal llteaetnr. J -EwiMeTtaaaa, M. Ut.AaaL Medical lnreator. Wuxjaa E. CaaauuiM. Waaliiiirtua and ubohob HAJtmna, ptiilwlt liihu, SoUciWra aud ptiorncra. Oaah Capital and Aocnulatloua, Ane. L 1870, l,ti7,17N.W). - , , , J Caeh Haxlut from fnafuwlur the fear MiMf auk. i.t, mn,i52 5T. Caidi rtc rlpta from InWrval and other Soar (ea UCi.lUt a. otaf 'mli Ini'ome. Second Fiacal Year. Nmnlatr of gollelea laallivl'hT'The two veaiu or uie iomnauy-aeniatnce, ii.v.n. Auionut ul Ineuranee, avsft),7iu. Tha-aafraitf-dlnariiv -pudd --oroucaaa- olAtv Company atleau the eetliiMUou la which tt h bold by Uie putnic, and the htree amount oi new biulneea tranaaeted la Uie beat evidence of Uie jH.pulanty o( its prtwIpUia, and He adapt- auuiijr to tuoel uie najUireuMiuia o Aaeurera. Tub NjuTtoKAt Lira laanaaar-B Coatraai 1 148 ACWl CAHIAL-tBT ivlUfJlu1L - Iti rate of iTCiiuWiA are aa low; e4 bt eon alhtcat with entire euf ctv e lu plan la entirely frue from any comiillca thataof aotea, attereat Ac, or uiieevtaiaUea and diaaiiiadiiuaeuta of dividenda. Ac lie contracte are derlnite, dear, and tmpoasl' hlc to he niUnnderatood, or nilareyavaetiuid. lie Policies contain all of Uie promisee aaade uy the uomfieiiy, and are exceediniy liiwrai. All Uie ailvan'tairee and privilcjrc which can be-aaf ulv i(noiUl to the Insurud, are (fivea by una deeiuTeiity iaif.Hilar and strong t;otnauiy.' To atfenW of liitearrlty, who are dcalroua of traiiaacuni; Uie nuaineaa or Lire loaurettec oiMHi hoiMt and correct principle., tlie Coin pauy is prepared to Oder aa IHairaJ luduonuaeuta as can nc ny lie low raiea. Apidlcaltons for aircm-hai or for policleewiay be made to the Couqaiuy at Ite Branch Othvc la PhUadelplint, or to V. F. PESfTW, Jr., UBBK1. AllBN. dot 10-tf ' ' - Kaleljrh, N. U c HEAP TICKETS! SUMMER AIULVNGEMENTS. ROC ID TRIP TICK ET8 ' Are now on r- e at Kalduh and OoMaIioto to all the prim iial poiula In Wuaum North Carolina at - ' GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Offerliur to Invallda, Touri-itdand olhers cheap faciliUea for viailiuir - the t:inuia mliinai Spiinita, aud viewing Ute atountatu auuaery of aorui vanHim, .... RATES KaleiKh Ut R la teen lie aud return 1H l1 titcviry lavernauu return vio.iaj , " MinvnnUwi 14 . LiUfolnt..n 11 IwrrvvllTe 10 771 mm III 7ft 14ll iheVlslHiat1 to aaiibury " i-nerioii" " Sutcavtlle 17 laj l.'l .'M 1HIW lUJt " HI. klirt T u , " MnrKankni . " LiiH.-oliil.ia " " i.uerr)vUla I'LUU 8. t. ALLFN. flea't Ticket ARi-nt, N. C. K. K. June 17 lie .notice to I'Hrmt're aod Atltera. : ,?i.f;t to II 1- K AtM M . 1 A I l( . N O K A M K K I ( A, Oll'ue J over t'itla. us' liaok, haa money to lend oa nnincuniliereil real eaUte, Appllew Uona for loans tuatle and received at the otik'e uX th,Aapaui, aiwu JilailVa-iui.h.- all! he ruruiabcd to ai-'pncauta, . r . , , - it nam, apiHtf , General Aeit tyiD, A irente wanted rn every county to the Wat for the Ntintiwratern MutuiU Life liieurajHV Company of Milwaukee, Wis. . Adurea-i, . F. A FAUK, Stale Ap-iit. . JmwT-ttX KakiKb, N. C gUNDAY 8CH(Kb BOt)Ka SUPERINTENDENTS AND TRACURHB OF Sunday are informed that the oaa find at the BookaWre of . , s , . .., ALFRED WILLIAMS, "V '" A eomi'W'tr awwvrtreent of V . SUNDAY 8CIKH1L BOOKS wrxiawnenVa or 1 'I Prlmera, 8iel)er ae 1 Riwdera, ( etechlame and tjiiiliou IS.H11.S, tiuuday rA-tioot tiyiua Bad 'l ime Ihaita, Ti.-kcU, KcWaid Carda, Ac.,,, T Bnnday Sr-titad Llbrartce at all prtcea, : Claaa Blaika, Minute H.hvka, Kdl Hoot and Heirtaler, Siblc IH. lh.iia- . rlea, ' nU wiUl Notre, W- , 1. bicaand I. atnntciitj.atall pricea, ' BaAi1 PrfallnLt and Paalic- ' - dv, M.iUi.HliFt and rreauy Ieriaa Uyma hooka. 'Alabl juat receiyedllie , s : NEW BAPTIST nYMN BOOK. A lilmrel'diAconnt will he maile to emidev aeb.Kila buvinir Iu quantity, .Send Caiie hunte amil Pru-ea. , , ,. . " . vii.i.iaim, mar tf Btaikai'ller and SUuouer A' TLANTIO HOTEL, ' - BEAUFORT, N. C. ' . GrA . W. Tatuir, Propiictor. Now open for the v.Metdioft -of who will he Weil provided f at K-ea to suit the line.. It ia the only Hot. I ut the United li'-aU-a'ly over U.e water. Fiat Mucin and the ocean la foil liew - Three pneiieniulea and a hail room for IV-. i lornieni f lroaate,Bnd s tmnd of niliah' to.t.nlt., n lite l.wi! hone AU tt.c anuat h.nilh fqi ami .1. liiliklui Suuiiuer Keiieat on Uiu AL lau fie i-oaats June ft tl JQRUU8 AND MEDICINES. rWftHm & Htjwood, Wsviuhalb asd Rrtail DaraooRi, Have la Store a well selected stock of drop, Bteduinea. chemh-ala. linU. oils, dveatuu,. patent aaudlehiea, phanoacmtieal preparnu.m narfumery, taney articknt, taatpa, amokinft Ami die wing tolMcM. aetrara. alneaand hraudiea which are ottered fur ealaaat tuweet atarket prteea. oct Wtf IS40, Perry Paris 1870. , " VtgfUble "Pill iilkr,' After nilBTT TBAB trial, (a still recelvliul Uie most enqnellttedi tiilm.Mill to ta vlr tu'ie,' rriiajgrariTBj-nt tW hrwingiifrcr auu reainwrtWMly. Phyak laua of Ute Ural re apnrtaldlity, recommend It aa a nwiat rHectual IweparatHin ror Uie eilinctlon of lain. It I not only the h,.t renn-dv ever known f. BiuiMit, CulA, Buna. Ac. hut for Itva nine or t, ra or auv .ul ,r iMIM Jl mm...i .i..i .1 ,,,m.u y nnaurimaena lor cilicH'tlcv -rftwtity of art.4H4w4hitt'at eiUm of loile, " oiner not ciHMica, 11 lias h.voae the Stan dard Meille ne Tut all each complaint, iu well aa for Djapepaia, Liver Complaints, and other nimircu uimirocra.. For ( atol a.1,1. v ,..-re,. jiaixoua- aim ftiiemnallc uilHculla it fens bean ixiivci by tlie moat ahuudaiil eon unci, ig lestaaoiir, to be aa tuvalualile meoicine. Sold by all Drugvhd. JulySliu QLOCK8, CLOCKS, A R0K AStHIHTMENT or; CLOCKS, ! old "And new styles. A T ""' Etr FASNACTTi" ifital Stoaa, Door above Mewra. Tucker's feb as-tf JET, JET, JET. JUST RECEIVED, SOMETHING QUITS NEW AND VERY NEAT IN TUK WAX OF CHEAP Tt3fc aJtnvoIry A T EIIWARIF FAMKAt'llH JEWELRY STORE, ' I Doom alwve Meaara, Tucker. . feb 25 tf JA WS OF BUSINESS . FOB ALL THE STATES OF THE UNION, wrra h.hms akd DitttarrniN for i, ALL THAMBAtTtOStl, BrTBEOrHIUI -riEaOJiJ, lU- B. , Auuer e TaMftai ea Ms 1m tfVimtneU, en ' JfrmeafOs Lea, sfr., afe. It ronhilns and preaenU In Uia clianaL plaitieet, and mi preclae manuer, all Uioae rules and prtarlpkawbtch mrulate social tu tcnxiurae, and govern every kind of l.ealnesa, Willi full dli-eeUuua for every trannacttoa, ll explains Ui nature 0 every kind of coo tract, conveyance; and haaJ obluratlon. tt irlvee dinwtimte to MatflrUaun, to Ad mluUtretora and Kvcnton. to LandbirOa ajul Tenant, to Guardiaiui aud Warda, to Hovers and Sellers, Aiceitta and Prliirll, DebUka and reilitora, to Trneleas, Conim.m trrteraj, to tmadveata. to lnanrera and CrHtcrwrlicra ty tin'-ntnw. A JUtwar Ptoeeac . H uoratKUHt, ffinu-tiiiobiers, aud ail wha have any buslneae to Uanaact. It shows how l draw and perfect t Deed- to make an Axrecnwilt, an Aaahrnw,4il, a Leaae, a (, a Note, a Check, an Order, a Due nm, vviu, a i;ou.ich, a run or ftvettanffe, a PridoaL, an IndoraenieHL a Hill of Male, an In denture, a Mortciuri), a Warranty, Petition, en ANi.iuvti, a K. i.iw, rower of AtUe-ney, Hiihvit Forma, and every kind of lejral instru ment. . , , ,,, i - . . , IT at IMBBTUL TO : Every Farmer, . Evei7 Maiiiifacturer, Every Cootrecuir, i Evwj IjiiHliord, Every KxeruUir, -Every Oaanllan, . Every Heir-al laiw, 1 Every Aprcutlce,. Every Partner, Every AauiUmeer, . ' Kvery Mechanic. - , Every Public Officer, Every Airent, Every lenaaT, Every Admiiiartrator, Kvery Mmur, , Every Lemttee, Every Mariner, . Every Clerk, tv.vj Broker, ' Kverv Hank ttffUw. Kvery notary, Kvery J uat a-r of Peace, F very CmiAkaor, Every Coual able. , Every tXiiliKtor, Every SherW, Fvery Under Hherlff. ; very Setorunea. , . Kverv Collinvindouer. Every Orand Juror, Every tmmnrer. Every Married WutuanKvety V. id.lw,, .. Every Trader, Every Market an, ... Every Kniiaoyer, Every Eiaoyee, 1 " Every Cltiren, Every Property holder, rn short, as Compen.linin and Hand book, ft is inltap.-naabl to all who dcalre to know th'lrrlboi aud dntint, or bi finaaesa Uie an-aiia 4 tratoaacUiu', uuahied, aud wiUt correct ueae and NttfctT, t fo lr oa n l.ifal bindm. 1 -The work will contain seven hundred Tom. euilete 111 one volume. An Atfcat iw now eanvaaalnn Raleigh for enh acriptn.ii. More tltaa tifty aubai-rilKwi have, and should Uie Aifwit fall to reach every one devirine Una valua ble work, Uieiriauiea will tie received hv , v . ALFHKD WILLI AM A, nterStf W.i-h !- hook Seller. ThouaHhaoo, , V ' Cbourb V. Sraoaa. ATTKV ATftAW, 1 ) KALEIUH, N. C rrrif'E up Main fiVcf ClUneiu) National tvchaii! Piece, vt ill irtiu-tM-e iu Ui Supreme Conn of tie Sato lite t in ait Court of the Ul 8. and aark rtuM?rhir Court, aa liuve. Iwen bew-lofore at U'lideil l.y tbeili rcafirUvely.- Mr. A, K, IH.mdca.irtncr fie Wiivnecounty, 111 ocellhy odl,.-e iu tioldaboro, talely that of ltemre V. Btroiir, s . . - . . .7, Jaa W-tl . 1 , QlEtlltJH rur C6SPA.r. BOUTHERN INVENTION. 1 .wv . , BoaiailjaiififlBrf- Sntocnci Glifi CyUnlcr DoaMe-Ac ;-'r:-:;;'..BttTTce naj. PATENTED AUGUST 119, BT A. BALDING. The ondendcaed, harli Uie cxcliiidvi! rt fl w manqiariiire aim M'li uie amrve raorta and South tjarolltis, have a... 1,1.1 tbeuaalvee torjeUier auder the name and elvh of the 'tan. Una Pump Coiniuv." and kav nit' uauUdUhed Ibxir Mjuufai hiry at Fayclte- vine, . m., are now prepaml to linMrt Pam at abort notice Science haa at laat trluuiia In the prmluctlon of a Puiup eutuiriihly ailap ted for Welle and otbtar ounKmea. tbat wil fori water any depth or hchthl, which, by at twhlnir hoae. It once ttecuunia a lonal Kite Kuj iflne of uTuat Hwer, uirowing &) to luO gal Ulna per minute. Thla Pump contldnes stmplkdty aml-Tlnrn l.tlity, ta which the water will never fnteaa or Iwconta atAin, aa tlie rvlindisr and valvea are aumiiud end no aetir mniaiiia In the l".i whea the Pump la not In oMniliou. 1 be rump worns annoat Ineredibly thrht, alwav liriuKinjr the wat fraah and arklUiij ( the la.tlAun of the. we'll and tliore la no fi-ic taotl, Uw rylinder liehu; fflnaa, Uie-rW'klnsrran wewiM TUfc, uie vaivea ihVlie rouiht, am nf dint ataaa, worklliifou i;tiinaoaU.'caii 11. ill; Kmr.iW.iaia- Tlume I'mntMl an. ncciillHrl ala.ul tor aunptyliuc taiikj, 10 iij.p.f'psn uf uwcouiL'T, coin-Ken, niwt 1, natiuutf aaloona. ami ror oauroaua, atreeta, ipiruiiia, UMMiteilcn Ae. They aaa tie Attached to stvum or a au power. : -- : Any ontlnarv mechanic can tiut tlu-ra tin ii printed directlone alwaya scut Willi the Puiapa. We have buudreila of teatiiuoniaJa trow piir atHia wha have used our Pumps, who express (treat aaiiatecUon ; In fact they are a autvuaa ana win auaiain an we claim tor uiem. - Buy one and save Srn iuauram e. Sueclal at U11U011 iriven to all order. 1 lie entire duotb of wu muet acooiuiwiiveai u oruvr. , ,ti., . ai itius. Wile. .a, N C. C TATE MURPHY, Sainiwou, N. U. W.C. TROY, . , FiivclUivUlu, N. C. Suceeaaora to 1. L Kit. iun: All onlera er etimmtntiiati.iett atldrvaacd to w sj. 'I KOT, rateLtevllie. 1 w. Man-hu, ltf'iL ,, i.- . ... , SiiBBirr'i Orri. a, FatittiviI.I.B. N. C. Aiail W. INil. 1 ne rump you aoiu ate sunaianea my lu.w! auruiue eaimrtaUoa. It does ail vou claimed for it. Aa a Fine Kmiub ile value ta uu-vdi'U. lalde. W ilh twenty feet of hose 1 have thrown waicr entirely over, vnueu 1 a vwr hHrh twt nrj 1 iIf"WirriiiiiiMt"Mt laniuv wuuiu not ue wiuinut 11 tor any cott- atderaUou., K W. 11AKUIK, BbcruT CButhuriaud Count?. Sbxatb CHAanne RAi-amn. N. C . March In. IH71. . Ilavlne! heat ifutea au twenty years' expert rv m fcohl niiuuur, uaiiijc varioua kiniii wi puinpaioreliui watfUJriHii jfrvM aeptba,x.take pjeaaure-UA itivma. prclcrence Ul tlioMi nia.le hv the Carolina Pumu Coaviainr" over all outers nir well ana otner poraieua, I licy com ouam aimpneiiy ana aneai.iuiy. ta-uaniiiv". aauai, , Stanly County, Woeoa, N.C., Jan. Bft tifJl. ' . L. A'ffcAla, toy.. tteareirt we save mut voar naiuiiwi Panip in mrular uae, bwhtuliiar at vanoiu peii.nla aiuee March, IB.u, and we are free to aay.-stiat uiey are in every way eeui.iect.ory There la no Indication of wear or enrlr Kctliiui oat of order. All the water that nature hai deaiirned to paea tbrowxh such a channel can easily be broturut up.evee uycnuureu, lororut nary uae, aud by attaching- iMiae, and putUnit two to four men to Uie Vver, U.e pump ai once beeomee a loca! (Ire envine. tltrowiiiM' sitf- leent wator toaubdirc anv mdinary tra, We Uierefura reeonuuend four pemp to the care ful exaiuiuauoaawd uae of tbo iiubbe, J. Tailor. W. f. Koiiuillrou, A. hanic TToTww- T -tr H. trrthHr M. L. Khmlee, Jns. B Itavia. 1. a. wainwnrut, Wllliauui A Nadal, ' aa. . Woodard, B. F. Bri(tg.,lir'8. v, M, C . Fob. IrfTt S have used forsiv mouths tiaat one nf Bald ine's natent subinenrcd liuiutia. mauufaetilrnd at WllMdi, N. C, by J. L. hltcliin, ami-take ideaeure m reeomwH.udina It to Uie imtdic ae navuuf K'vea pmiia-t aaiiaiaeuou,. lu rai-t 4 resfard It aa one of the beat i.iiuiim now lu uhb. ' E..N. i'trklWt.i.N raae. jftv . i CASf ... . . at rri i R'H'l -v cafe tiht FLni k no pf.ibl mm) BILLS. W 1LM1NHTON, N O, TILE CUXURAl M I'rjAKL tlOMINT THE GREATE8TIN VENTION t)F THE A0E." Fit I. K OF IlllAYAIiR any HtiI or wnarf In Ilia eitv In lots of luu Ilia, or mure at ntf eenta er pound, and IA 11 ui 1 or in., poun.ia nan aud m csutalte: -juu mud lau-rela Stnid for eaiui.ic : Fnnifra havlnfc' EXTRA (limit WHITE MK A f for ante, will do well to cori,.iint Mil mesa I will lie reedv town tile lliliil. Kef MAKhKt i'UK E HiHlllHii) Uiln ui he d. livi rrd lx-twm a now and leet of Julv. EX 1 Rt lviiLl F.i it al Willi Lira at. i!i drayed free. ' ' ' ALEa.. rtl.lttlA vf, mayl5!ho 1 ,)., Proprietor.' 0' ITT TAX NOTICE -iRotke U' hei.Tiv Itiven, Uiat I will attcniKat the Maror'a .HncedaHy, between the hountof 10 o'.b k. m., ami 1 p. at , and from si o'clock to 4 p. .ISuilihlvselecpledl for the n. vl HU ,lv. for the purieo' rvaeivhis: Uw City Tales fi r the year IKil. Atl iwraods are re.111.nded to come forward and fay Uie same promptly, nonce ui a;iven an aoo-propcriy nobicra wtio have faihl to list their pulTUn, thut If tlwy llt and iiay the name by Uie Jaith of J nly, in-ele-ten only will be rcuuirail, but after Uiat Ume I ahall be compelled' to tjiari;e double tat audaollu'thydistnwa. 1 ; , j- M. uRAUSMAN, . JeSStf , , CoUec-tor. HEKIFF'S NOI K 7 Meichante are fh it the B(atJ and !onBty t.hnwa twa tft-tualule -ti-iiaiiiiic kchaece f.w Uie quarter Ku'.ln July lt, lta, ... wto ou mat aay ana Uiev will call at the stcTirTa Ollice, make pannont ami renew tbetr ljleenae pnmtptiv, er tint penaltica Ira- -e r, mm a ui w Mliunn-q, ; 1. ; JniiS 'Judlw T. F. LKE. Sb.-nll. g ELECT BOARDING AND lift SCHOOL, IIiLuaoan' N, C. ' The -iMieaet Nt . Ml Kollnck, win n re Uw eten iea of their eehool oil Krid-iy, sin July, l.-ol. and clihui lh M-. etlitHr. Itaenty w. Aa) t Ircuiam forwarded 00 applt ka) t Ij June 30 dAa3w OCHF.DV1. WF.STF.IIN IHHMON WiL , O :MAK A Kt:Tll. K. Leave Ctarl.. 1.,Tu.lia a.Tlmra ay a ana oaiuntev e. Anne at. chemt'iite a. m. tfiuivevaiiH-a with 1 I.... lot Cleveland MtiiiTut Spritur. Keluru to Charlotte Ii p '.a,, Mrw Jne : 14 JoiiN,u-, AnsL BupL July J d4w n . - -saw TiiH 7: A4ISCX LLan: Eotra ( CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL V S,CIItK)I TAI.1.T HO, (IRAN VILLE CO., N. C. T. D, JOA'ATO, IF. n. uonxtfR, Vmr,, -Ihe-Fatt geaehm of ttilftSchil n aecimd ttofifbiv in Jtilv. Th. wil.. ,.r ,.,,,1 A"id tuition ti'Hip.T aiMlonof tw.miy weeks. rortetriieuaue, au.Laae Ute piuiihi, Tally IK N. C. ., ...llelOU NASHVILLE HFK 1NSPRANce"c(KI -. ,. ., PAJYfcJi'. : ,, .... The Dtrect..ra of Uiie pio-vperi iia c'luriurr bae irtj!(y lueih, thchr aruiiui slatciunit. AmRTS, AyulL 1st, 1S7L i prom D eoun.c, ' . . . . ;li A 81 Total liahllitica, im luilinj; premium reserve, . -:- ,, . , ,, ..IStjus-IS' -l ' 8UTV1US, ' :''.'- ; f-.tliVSIEt M No, PolMee t,it, coverlne,- - eit wsl.iaii) o Dentil loaaes Uieee tentha of one ja r cent, ' - nivniKKoa ' On iwllclea In h.rce two years, -ij per cent N. II Mr. E. W Adanu. of llohl..-,.. ' has lavn ajipolntriil 0.n.!il Tinti-II'mir Auctri hi Uila State, with povri to select Aub a", niji, , v. ...oi.r.i , . ' ; ",., ''". Stale Audit AAevirio. N C. June 10, 1S71. J. i?tf EW 0(HDS. CHEAP I ' ' ,r CJ1EAP!1 C1IEAPEST1H N.KLINE & (ur:?tf" - Titke jrTPetphTTnTre 7rT nnoiim'Tiijr Li tli.-ir numenma trtrails. iwtroaa and Uie i.nbli.. erally, Uiat, Induced by Uie inwent upreaV.Ht i ricea of all men haudlw. Uiev have ...o.-i..- .1 rery tanreaud well selected atoik of ii 6P1UNG AND SUMMER GtKlDS, j ,-i .i'j .ooarraRaiaa -.-; faiM-y and Staph. Dry Juods. Ready tnaite Chilliitur, lloola, Slioea, H.ita, lpa, tlnw and Uciitlrojeu'a turoUh -i Mat ttouda, Nutioua, Craita , , , AND Mi. iT EVERYTHINO lISCALLr KEPT IN i FIRST-CLASS ; J)HV GOODS CLOTHING HOUSE, - Whfc they oner wt Rrtcavrrvhwry twtVarw. M'e nartleularlv caII MiiAi.rL.fc tn , Jlf aud emupl. Us etock of BMliHAlK CI.OTIlI.NfL and we are d.-termlucd In Una liiK to out sell auy liouae la this rtty. end reedy to supply aisiitjiiA.T IS AND DEALERS el thrhrweat trhulesale flguree, .. ,. ; We also irtve notice that lii 'n.n, ,n .11 v. Mr .Dry Honda and ClotlilnjJ UaUtidialiiuentJ wv iec ine uuiy KECJCLAli cniNAsfonE " ia Uila Hy, and keepafuH tine of ctt FRENCH, . INDIA CHINA, " .r.e nr., Ac. And espert to the want, of U.e pub, lie at unuauallv UlW RA'I F.S an.l 1... Juminema to ail who will fat or us ilh their (lairoiuuffi. . Thankful for heat favnra. mm-IMI. dtclt b eaJI, and you will convince youraclvca of tin- eupcriimiy of pur stoek, aud Uie fair aeaj of our nitres, B. KLINE A CO. i aitf ..-... ALB OF VALUABLE LANDS. II? Order of ihe BnrMrior Court, I will ac!. at the Court-llouse door ia Slabaviilu, Noilii Cerolliia, oa WEDNESDAY, It DAY OF AUGUST ..... -NEXT, , 8.. ? ACRES OF LAND, H, In theeounly of l,ontheCti.wli and I anitwrt'a t.leiiitil uiilBa Sunlh ( BLMjEiVUte. 2T uulea norm 01 1 I. Kilot le ami alenit (. iu,!, VVeat of Uie AUiintM) Teiiiiiwaee A Ohm Railroad, ll.e land will he sold In hitaaa follows I bo 1 eonteinitur xm acne mora or li-sOon tilch Dr. W. Hv una livu : No. S outalnlnir $ B. rea more or Icav ad. Joliitus; Lota Nue. I, X. end 8. ' No. a euataiuiua; term, e.ljrdiilnr No. 1, 'Jsud 4. No 4 eontalniiig 2H5acrrw, adjornluit Ni 3. a, Ii and a. - . No. 6 CHitalnlnt' 3tK) acre, mora or l. ..I ' Joli1ln)rNni-4ai.dri. .to, a e.mtJiilu lu acrca, on wiilch Cot. A. S. Brown now Uv.m aitioiiiin.. u a ainlS, . . " ' Ou thine lands are laruw bodies of llhiv Klv.-r and Crock llolloiiia and a snifi. i. ut oainUvvof WwHlinudloa il lrct. 11., 11. ha.-r trai t, Uiert. la a soud Mill hoime and Water-howor, Dweiluuf and olher huild Inm. O.Mid water am eet-h tract. llu-ae hui.ta are a nf t!. i.1.,l,.i lle of euUiiaUim, heBplaiidshaviivau,Hl clay aulieoil ami will pro.lii.wC.iUon, 'i'wharais Vtu.-t, t'ora ai d the other raln and ..ra. r..(-; siida.reaoM aa lU .laii.b. bcbmcluir to ie relate til Uiu lat.'- Jn..n a, Hvar. formate. -1 snua -ttne half In a, ii. r..,i . .- Iu U mounts, uiUircat fnun d.ty of ,1) l i e Mtrenawr may pty one third urib ,,f -htid stir time a:le Uie ml,. i,M,..i u.. H..111I Willi approved aecmltv will he rrnllimt for the BVn-l.aae nioncv. '1 tie title will iu, .... huned until full pavtuiuit la nuule. i. 1 1 raona w 1.11111X Ui s.1 tin t a ill pi. ic llu.uCot A S liriwa or I ii. i,j l t, A. CAhl 1 1 in A.lin r ii tuMbi a.. of Jaiues S. Hvtra. jinn .1 Uli. j-rrriiELL's sprinok T&ia tunoii- ;Mrt--.,j..i,'1, .," - and will ae kiVI m a nle to .'lv.. i.nii.r,,ctioi. Knloe new InnitUirei uvhkI M..... iiu.. Ml el. L'iut shade, torn tb.r will. hIi uti.n will make KMIh-H't a pl.-f.anit ti.vnie . 11. ' 1 1 .in! invalid or plealirc ac.-ker Hi..- Wil. r aa a enei-iiu- for .-...f..i,. tf... - Pnm, hiuptuvna, (, muvd d. l.itilv or dn.. i , euiiar ui rctnalea, am too well known 1,1 Hire nvlbinic aiiiii in tli.-ir 1., l,a!f Ivy avu.iuire of your faimlr 1 liyalctan i f I . nil. per nar Xto: w ek I .,......" j., IthaUlwtal deduclioa for famillMi r. ..,.,;,.!,, Utvaeaaou, . . . .BLACKNALL A t.'t'L, Pr. KiLirulla. SpruiKN N. C. 1! BlUrttKAit, W. k iTTHatx, II. Rahbt. uue 1 If 1 STATE OF NORTH' CAROL!, I p ," Mcowai.,t;iiiii r. , eamea McNeclev John Hotherford a- d Wtn Jt. Mi heaaon, ; a. 1 - fVuL'.es' hi IK UAlaey Bttnrln, Adnr. of J. aa U Vaxaun, dee d, , la nurautuvce to a decree mal. In itt. .... by the Ju,lj;e o e Miivnor Court for Me Dowi'll c.unty at the laat lena. ihe i....i... IkihhI will pn-ard to take the mi-ouiii onlci e.l 1 Monday Uie 17lh di.r of July 1. (,,d iee.-eu.i. daa until uaii.. i., t , This oeina 1-le.lttor'a b ll.t.i.,1 .m, ... -Ul the erwiiuira wbo may make themacfee I toe priH..wlli.g,, u,j e. tiieremr,; to noiify the cre utor. ( J. u tin., dwd, to llie Uielr reajwlive clailna in the taking of hn 1 amillitt at the aloy-e tim,), in nh-r that a tt al th-eme lii.y Wiede ill tin- iwnt Icrin of tie fciliwrior I 'mi, I. for M.(lnitl conuly ' :." . ii" V l"'"M' at Ihetiiw ll!k ol Mahme, Marion, N; I:. C. L. S. t'tiltPFNINtt, . W. 11. AS AtA 1 Nh. JulySdjw f. Re fere.-. TUFFALO Sl'lIiXtiS, : " MECKLprit Uit, Co., Va. Tl.rA welt known w-it.-riiii; ji!jee v. II Is . o(. 11 f.T ilton. Jiuve lt. l'..'Htl l-e .ill' - , ... . , Kl:,.,e cilfV.i. ifl.T Jlll.V tOHl. S.A..I l"t t'l.cuji Jtiui; 7 'itu mi.