: I -MjijJ IUI..III, ,V; C, SATURDAY, Jill 15, IS71.V . . , , . .'" m. 271; :: 1 VV -A''"'' " i i" I ' fm--'- ' 1 ' .' 1 " " '" ' . ... 1 ' "'. ii ii 1 1 1 , ''i ,' 11 r j iii L : ." .' j.-. 1 , "x u ' V I IIIIIII MI'IIJinrtl It" i r , ... I 1 3 ..I ,,-J i : jrr . . : 1 I ' - 1 . -MMBl Will air- I. -.jHmlm win ff- - . A4kwL.ttbef.ji" rwrtUI. lofltt L..l Editor KATE Of AI KHTIil. Ad vertkicniswla wUI be lesertod tn th D AIU bixti BX at the f oltowlug rte. A ipm will tw heroxftwesUuiiilcd et 11) Mtefea line, or 1 luck. .. r . . ttnc Kintra n ttine:'. SLOB ' each auhaeuBent Insertion ! thnwh.. ................ ... One square WW week '. K,a.h sddilhitisl square oim week..... S HU lm square two twin ....... . tUrk additional wHwnl two wank.. k.faj On auuareoue Uloulli - k.tlb Each additional annare oim mouth... A' l me nam t wo month . liw Kaehadilruomtl . " St line uuare Uire month. ........... 14 t Earn additional thro " t " I Has .inerta" eolumw a..... BK Oil ball column , ,..,....,' WMW due column . " 10i(X) AilvertUBiiHnU'tiuertnl In Woukljr aiiA Semi Weakly at correpiuUi; with Uw atwra Ouart ttiuOmmmU iuorUid week fr WHOLUaAXB OROCER8. M OUAKH, OOVJtKVA ANU TXAB. O aV warmkt - wnkwli futw-niwit, Uiwm . Kr. !. A. and ftirUt Kk Huirara. Cli..kw Ui. Uwayra and Old Uuv. Java Clha. . , . Ui-eeu and Black Taa. mar I.Vli A. G, LEK A CO. "IKK AM TAUT A K IN A lb rm-kakra, "d J l'r.lKlUl. a l-.V", OHcl.'lliWU MIIK. Yiuui Fnwdort, Cun? Otmilia, T-kii, ftrtloy Uanta, ruwdr, MhiC. Caiw, VuVtw Mill, B.K-kBla, Frriwk Paila, Talis. I'tnware, WiKubsti KijiifU, ttuirta, alaU'lioa, blacking llrunlico, SJuM..- A. tt tElt A DO. TJATAlHt.'O UUANO. L Wa kave Uia aeutf for UiU well known t'erUlaw, uixia anUer Ut lunwdiaU auer Vltlull u DR. O. A. L1EBK1. T'be OowiMay bare a)aid no iHanr salai in utakiuK k Uie buai. artk'b) now iudt and warnuit li attperior U any benU(on niaUe. .j:UciKK Iflil iKl nad JuiiJ'ta .Ji.UiMi-i A. U. l.kK Cif. mar 9i U . r lUOH'K f AMILI 1KK KKiljt, Of ALL CALL ON A. U. LEK at CO. BKt-T FAHILT LKAr LAKH, 13 TIN Parka, o( ft and U Uw. Also, efcofcx Wdia KinandKUa. , mar tS-tt A. B. LKE HOICS LiyUOKS BY TUB yOAKT, .Viaalliai.. ttarnwl,-.F.WBB.-mMty.-iHHl-ffach brandy, fliw Ky Whisky, B1 Copiwr dlaUlbMl AptAe Brandy, Yatlk in dimity Xftm Wkutky in Knn, UuwW Vine Appla Arawly, nwrauHniUi wiiw. aoiaeUiiiiK nko. mar U-lt . , JL. U. LKK 4 CO. . 1 ) L'TU'fl CUaLlKN(1K mihVBLt Hloa It , fUATK. Tha noat artire and ndialde 'ortlHwir offrtird U) Uie pbtntr. FreMrod xmMaly tor ttoulb. eru cnHMt and toil. mar it U A O. LER & CO. SOLUHLKSRA I8I.ANU (H'AND, Kirk M Aminouia, Hululde i'hoxiiborlr 'Acid, and Alkaline MalU, one of Um brat ri. IMuaUona tor the ooutberu 8UiU known to CU.inl.lry. A. U. lKKCO. DUMPCAHT.UARNIWa, HAMES. WL lara, Coltoa and ilinuu Kackbanda with l'abnt Hooka, Bar U-U j . A. 0. LER CO. 1THJK 8ALE. 1 a Valiuiul BnlldliuT LoU In the Eastern Ward, ol am tor mcA, can be subdiv isio m ball Amdy at oflee. uayUow A. O-LANDCOMFAST. A TXAMTIO UOTEL,; BKAl'FUKT, XXi - MOUTH CAROLINA. GEO. W. TAILOR, Proprietor. ' -PRICE Of SOAKD KSUL'CEP ! I Board per month. " " week ' " 4aj ' IU.IU . X.UU Wlih a desire to aceomaodatn those who wish te eiij.i; Uie eoai and healthful breue !r nitfieiicoaa at eomparatlTelv amall cost, I will rent kwxna la Uie Hotei for to aeaaon tu mrlkis wlio wbdi to furnish vbemsotvee--or I w(il board, at reduced rntee, where ArUus f urnbdl Ultr own Koouab and servants. The Proprietor haa had kins; experience in Uie Hotel buslneaa and he prumiBe the pub lic that so edort. shall be spared on hi part to (ire entire satisfaction. The Atlantic Hotel la situated In fall view of Old t Jceeu is not iirrouuded by any other buildings, and let Uie toreeae come from what quarter It may the jruonU ot Uila House will (et Uie full benefit of It. Parties diiiriiiK to runt and fnrninh rooms will please correspond wlih nie at ouue. . JuuclU-lw N ' AHEEICAK HOTEL . C8IIITN V T DTK K ItT, -' OrPoeiT UJ iMflKPKHUIUWla; HalJ .... wrjiiLADJxriiiA, . - kit lusUUMuti, iWhiimw p IK dtf. U. PACK,.-: ' ATTORNET' AT LAW, ftMRca, Snath side ot Maikei ItouaaJ KALEHIU, N. C. Pmmiit altmUoa irlren to the arrararement and collection of dr1u and to all other pro feaalonal baslnees intrusted to Buy care. Vod will knd neurit door to J. If. Uully A tfro.4 en Market street. ,; . . ; JKHWf-j TATE OP NORTH CAKolJNA, ! Taai:ar UKrsnTMiirr, 1 . Tt Of SArrtjfi e tlu xpiu i ttti ae North 3mid . cause to hrllere that many KnlaoJ hon-reeidelita a- tr,,iK in tile Mint and oea under cx u.n an, bHiedule . of "An Art to raise Reteone," withont baring obtained Un license required In said Mectioo. ' It the duty of Sheriffs to ee that the Re nne Iaws are not eraik'd wi their rmnortivr "(ntiea. Slid yon are enjwtnnd to orwrrtie Am- "incc in preventing a tiolaUon of the tv U.m referred bl. 1 iwrlnl u-fltloo b) rnllitj to the provMom ... of id Hertlori.whK-k bve been tiwiiitted to 'on will irrest and carry tot-rore lb proper. oraw, any put nr imrtlea i-.v'tw U ' - al'd, and in eiwe "f conviction, rit;i.ll euiorca the ueualty Ikef-in iirem rinwi. .'' A. June 1-U olate Trrasurer.- JOHN AKM9TROI)l(. BookBINUKU ANO BLANK BOOK MAN VrACTLKKR. tyraa m oa-aai ciaoua noOEaroita, , RALEIGH, H. C. . ' Trial, Eierolbm, Mmutee and Recording Docket made to onirr. v v North Csruiioa K.-port and other Lae Betka, bonnd In anperH Lw Binding. ' M laeinf number of the aUporte supplird and odd number taiten in satelieog fur Uad lee f, IStW-tf ; " !.'J Hi.termnhleal ttkeb'h. With lutssinir Notielm ut nia lAasoeias auu rnrnuu. ritn'iitkn T an iuiiuvtibV lURTH. I 175 sen by HaiHlaianrly bound. ' Price' ntaiL Y sele li ALFRED WILLIAMS. nay 3ra , , bookseller. H B KATES, j - MJOUTll MB BALK. ! tooth Carcilliia. nxcent CltT of Charleston. : North (Wllna. exeeot Clll of WilmimrUns. ' Vlnrinie except Kkkinond, rnUwsburg and nwiisi. . DUtrlct of ColunUf, Delaware and Mary Pdr tflrma anidv4n ' tikO. H. BltHKiS, i , " Knlriifb, N. Q. .. . DRAKE OLOVKR, iaaarsa-tf Kirhmond, Va. Charlotte Democrat and Newiwnrrnimal of 0 mi mere, copy I week and tend bills to this O HRir HALR.- I- if., i O Ht vtrtne of Exeentions In my hand nr miteruon in lavour 01 li. r. uiwm va, ine lillhttioro ol Minina; an4 Transporttition t;miiauiy, lor six Uioueanu sevua huudrr'd and twenty lire (U.?'.S.?!1 dollars. I will fell on uie nrsi (loa.my is Aaxim next, at liie Ctiurt Uouaa dmir in Pittsliora' (. Imtliaia eimuty, u Uie hlKhet bidder for eaeh tweh'e liiuidreid arros of land, more or Iras, lyllnr on tlte wnlers of Dnep Hlver, near. "itvi't. ailJiuiiuiM tlte lands of 1 J. HauKhUw ami outers, aiui kuowu a Uie layior Uoal Field l4tnd owned a tlio pntperty of snid hillsUirti' Coal sfltiin aiid Tmtsporiation voiiipuiiy, w sauKiy sain rxeruuon. ; 14. i. WILLIAMS, Shertir. . jane 31 swtd - JLt , DAMASKS, USEN CAMBI1IC ; I HANDKJHiA-IIIJSFS, dec We feel Ourselves railed nn strain to r A IT. tKIV C'UNSt'MKIt- acsinst the Indlt4mi nato use of Irlk faltrlr made np to 'iinttau- oor irnoils In fold, trade mark, and rviwsl a inwranoe, and to warn them. Hint thefroftlt mtriruard is to sue that the authentic seal of our llrui. . i. M. KI0UARD8O; PONS A OWDEN, h)siamH'd on cai'h artU'le. - v , lieterHiiiH.'d to routine onrselrea, as hereto fore, to the use of vnrm stem from the rboi rest and strOfmest 1 l:i. t Uir hral nisi'liitierv tiTtUiiialile; uniform III wcitrttt anil elaitiritv' manufactured and bl'whud uihU-t onr own surirriuUidiHic :tto consumer will be ei'HAKTn t ?. ithe same duiaiuatT"nTBl -aaturarl inn Hiniie wear, w hkb tho genuine goda have always t. N. RICHARDSON, 8ON8 OWDEN. Belfast, Ireland. S Mo. 15, 1D7L June U-diVw3iu Orrit Atustic, Mississippi ann Onto, . i, Ki'LUOAIl t'llMPAIff, 1-rVmpiiril ftrviriiirw;- f- Pwananunti, . y., Jmw.lat,. JSIL TTTHTWflJl TICKETS Tfl SP1SCS,v LLNE ATLANTIC, MIWIfSIVPIASDOHIO . liAllUIMU. : , ON and tftei' this date, Rxrnrsion Tickets good to return nnUUkilhricpUiiuuvr, liTI, will be sold ss follows: IVtorabur to Coyncr' Piirlnci f 10 3ft KeU'retiur to Alletdiany, (I Alucua-' nyBwriiat,) lit 00 PntentburK to Blar TonoeL (for Mont- I.miery WliltAI last) Peterebonr to C'lirUtlausliimt, for I el- , tow Bulpliur8irlu;s,) I 13 DO tfsurjragv oberked. ' , E. A. OOODWTtf, Wi T., June lOvteepoU ' BouUiskie Divtsion. QXroKO H1UH UCllOOL, - V OXFOHU, N. C. 1. H. Honnn aid R. H. tiiurn, Principals. Tba rail Term beciii the 4Ui Holiday m July. :. law of the lmrsnrertshed eondiliOB of the cotintry; the price of lesu-d and tuition has been reduced to I1J6 per Term of twenty weeks, .... Prom the larn patromur for more than twentv veaes beatowed nisin their sesiiM'llve Schools, tba princlpale are hod to expect that Uiey will he Utierally sustainid In Uieir MKtfed etfort to fare ink a Uiuh rkmooL, tn wlnck bova mar acuuira a Dractieal business educa tion or be prepared for advanced elaesea in any of onr Boulhern Colle:ea. The eonrsea of study m the Enirlish, Beleo. Uric, (Jbuwk'al, and Mathematical depsriiuuni, and also In Modern i4Ubxut;ee, are sut forth partk-ttlarU in Uiir Circular. June Sl-dwww . ... - - . gPARKLINl CATAWBA SrilLS 08, roBMULT CU.D TTIl CaBOLUU WsUTk . OUU-sUlk, l .. CAtAWBA COUNTT, N. C Thht hlirhly popular watnrinr place will be open for visitor on f4iio, Jttm lHiA. lite Mineraf water ot these ttnriua-s ftpe, the White and Blue B.ilpliur, audClialyele-atu, the mcdichisj vrontrue of which an1 not ex celled, end Wat Uiler and more delightful war-erina: ptaoe at not to m rotma. t '1 tie i&itrintft will be nuder the sjaansueniffiit of an experteueed hotel keqier, tosrether with ra, W hswm, and visitor may rely upon good fare and guod attention. rUetity of lee. good Band of Music and good rtyssesau in atWudaieWf eW.. . . Leave Baltimore or Waslilmrton City In tie? morning vis Anuta Creek, Richmond and f-hmvilie a. fc.iL kr Bnlietntry, whefiijon tear the Wwli-nl lnil Morirsnton Rnait, and resi-h Hk kory Btatlua (Ih Hpring Depot) by bait past Bine o'clock Uie next morning ' Lewve Atnruta, t, at atriit, and lake the t htrlotte and suibvville Boad at '(Charlotte yiti reacn uie njimigs eariy uie nexi moruing. C harleaton In Uie moruibg, and be at the opcinsra Uie next looming. . t . A good lour Dorse iiuiuii'u will ran in eon- nerUon with Uie trains to the Bpringsover oeauuiui roau ouijr ri anjina. (BOARD. Per month, (of four weeks) r (an an P.tt week, m -s.jp---- lliou Per day . . . ii.50 Chil.lren and rosrd errvknt half price. no enanre utnianu under years of J. OOI. Ilk N W fATT. iuaHddVwlm pLEAVEUND MINEKAL SntlXUS, (eonnsMI T wiijm,) 65 mlkt Wed cf VktrMU, W. C. The sulsicrllicrs, having saorlaU'd them, selves hi Uie mneieiit of them Bpniurs, would announce to Ur friends and Uie puii lk Uiat tlir House ia now open fur Uie reerp Uon of visitors. To those who have tested the virtue rf ,)iese extraordfnarTiwstent, It i8 dnicatiiriiieuary to say anything b.yaiiofriiiiiiiicndatem hut to )'.".t--f)" roiili,l,iitlv secure tiafartjay If tliey will nuke trial of Uie bralinc pri!r Uif of the wnUs$ for only s abort tnee, . . , 1AepU..)e ourm-Ivr to Vjuire n-'lllier pstrn nrirvxirenae in order lo render all who mtv favor us with a call ae comfortable as pnihla. la prosnv-t if an atumiluni' of snp4le we have adopted the folhiwhu; aeale of KKDiCEDtUArUifH: i If over 10 days at . - Al.Sn perdny. If not over1 10 days, r ITS " . Single dav, - 2 fal Children between Uie si?' of 3 and 8 years, and eiitrcd servauta, at baif rates. VhaMliituron ltSMHi,e trnna. U ia expected tliat UK WiterB Divlalon of the Wll , Char. A Rulii. Railroad will l? com pleted to within a mile or two of the (spring at an early day. , , J t BLACKWOOD, jime 7-3t3m K. M OA1d. STKJK PKAS. -Pin- aaJ In la ire ansnfitr. JulylU W. Ii. i0KlA Jt Co. C. BTRONACy CO. heavy An rA.rvcnMXBs, j C4, rAYETTEVlLXE STREET, v '' bslbiwm, w. o. - O. LKE A CO. WUOLE8ALE OKOCkRA 0OMM1BSIOS ! MERCHANTS. MARKET SQUARE, . u.iion, r. e. "y- H. JONES CO. ' , AUCTION COMISHlpN MERCUANTS, , U4is,b. T einif -- 1 .riuua 0. MouKisET. ' ; ;,; j ATTtORNEt A COUN3K1 JX)R AT LAW, kiijnoa, ' -Ofhee-Plrat lorn- almve R. B. Andrew A Go, near Tucker Halt, FsyetWvlU atnwk Profilosul and bosiness considerations hare Induced me to tuov my ottuw hi the Capital of th Btate. 1 will, therefore, be pleased to see, or bear, frowUny client and friend at Raleigh, N. C. j v 1 Por th present I will ronUm to regard myself a cllixeu of Oolitelwro' and of W avne conntv, and on Minuhty of every week will tot my friends at Uie olllce of I)r. MminoB L. Kittnr, hi Uolilshoro, U tranaai-t tmsines. 1 will also, until further notice, praeUre In the (wnntles In which I have herelnfore prai-lieed. aug-ly WILLIAM ti. MOllRlBEY. V V. aTOOH. ' ' iTUW MOORE A QATUHO, ATTOHJEYr) AT LAW, RALEIOH, N. C. v Slate and Kcdrral Courtnand Uia Court of Uie 1st and OUi Judlulal Dhtlricta, bov lll-tf. I J y for. a MAIiONS, ' " '- AllVltniil Al AiAtl, 1 I MARION, N. C. , Foanaexr or Lxaoia. Will inwetlea la the loth and 11th District. isimAnemr im T Avar and In tlte I'niicdistuUir Court..' Ppwial al bmUoti given Ui the arirumeut of caac ia Iks Biiprrnie tionrt at Raleigh. Q.REAT SALE or LOTS r -i f r M0RKUEAD CITY, AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SALE, - PR! DAT JUNE h, 1871. by th ., (11 EPARIVg POINT LAND COM PA NT. iii) ii Us " - r 1 NORTH CAROLINA ' HOjllE INSURANCE COMPANY, SJKJDIUTI AUAIKST um Bf MM. rtHlS Company pay losses fsirty and eirekr js- iatfl 11 earnings nome. It haa just pahl its louses by Uie conflagration ax nenowraim, luny ansi imuupuy, ' 11 rale are a moderate us Mlety will nuuiy. AfiENTS IN ALL PARTS OP Till STATE. . R. II. BATTLE, Jr., Pnaainut. UsTlTllXI il k I 17 hi .nasi vr.'ll. ML KiKHJU, AaaS. 80. A Loa Aa't. epiu-u ... w. OKLD KB8AV8. -AMONG XT' BOOKS. ' Thl I an exceedlne-ly pleasant volume of literary and unuiai bki.u nea.tnttTRraed Willi hioffraplnoul notes and rveords of experience snd IraveL The sBhJerta are variooa Junius, The Prayer Book, aeouona, Tlmatre, T harkery, HisUarr, etc., with many others of iiiUreel. Tile hook Is very popular, and Uie second di- Uua is now puiuisning. - m. J. 1 ill. boh, n. 1., riiiuiancrs. Bvantifully boniid, Prlcll.6U, sent by null. Cur tele by ALFRED WILLI A MS, aiart-Sm Bookseller. - 4ffiY AN f.VEHmvCTORRD WORM); All jr-t-Hiit phv-M nit mlfiiM tlitt the world i oyt StK Unvd urtth fioli dnij'w. Ih wmt-m f in d wfttU tn, MJtottim('aftttHtMlliit.Hl, itiJe)U', Uw 4likwiml4l iH-K" do! ur Iwo ot mum ieitzee ireinatsT Ui m'Wt delicious and-liannless felirlfu?, laislive and . alterative in. the whole ntnee of medteal remetnea, W Is- uluiei we atroogest'esnuot harm til wea'Si, ann im- 7T tiately relKVes uif nuae whkh wwr cathartic aggravate. I . SOLD Bf ALLDttCOJliaTS.. v QTIDEDITRE, . 1 , ATTORHlty AT LAW, RALEIOH, N.C. Praetiee tn the (krarU of Wake, and In th rederal Courts, gtvee siwial sttenU.m the Viiiing of cans hi Uie rlueme Courts S C., eotlrt't elaiin against an? flm ear Uf lnirsa Ikimlautv ill Uie I'niled Bs, and sifinls pnmipily to eny other prvfvaaional buainrea intrusted to him. - . teb 7 U . . ; . ! f Ia an. .!,,. I at ' Ciliunt un, vfi;iaueai C N-T: lL'UNIIJiM j; , -"jsj Jfinr Tr ijbww . WATKK HHKF.I,. Illna-tianit IVarrtrdlv Psnit'lil.i n4Pi( List, fi-s',T.mil fi-ee by N. K. IK BMIAtt, YoaK, IVaa'A ap -4UneoniTW r ALEKiH FEMALE INSTITUTE. Ik, a l RT. Dm. bd Mb Lsct, rrlnciiiaJs. The Eleventh Term of Uils eV hool will be- ;Hn ow Pri.ty the tlb August, 1971, and eon uttiie tirerji, irei-lta T he Prim-iiaila w 111 he ftaaiat'-d hy eomretr6t and ex(-rtnni-o Ti;i-ier Tliere are tu VSi-iK-h in Uie BoaiMing ltepsrumnt, A.'ireulars containing Tertiia, Sr.j Sent on apnoeauon. ' a,r"t w i w wwww, am rw axaOHSVr ml 'At muUit tf (A, sasakav, JulytsUW for 'WtTltfltT DIVIDENDS. COMBINING ALL Till ADVANTAtlP.S Of d ABAVlNtiB BANK ANDLIFE 1NSLKANCK. AiHtWHUTVRXIt . ' - '' . : .. '.. .'; ;.''-' v NATIONAL UFE- j NSURnNCE COMPAIllI I -m 0 If NEW YORK ! - Plab CoatBiMiHO Siururm, 8irxTt ASii - ., j - Ktoxoat. " , . ., ' Upon payment of ordinary Life rab, we isirue Policy pavilde at Di-eUf, or as stain Uie Premiums raod and UwaccwiM united Nott earnings amuiuil lo Jam uu MuuiruL tiiuj plas orrEits a pwliim lor yrmr family ha raaeof lh-aUi axid tn iuuluwaiitivVior yonrsilf It )ou live. j rxvoLAH im.u June 12 tf . GlMBHAL Amint. NCHOR LINE S1EAMKKS. Sail svxnr Wur.MiT and Bsti nrny, to . ABD mM NEW YOliK AND UliAMtiOW. Calling at Londonderry to land Mull rnd Paaeligi'rs. j The hteamer of this favorite line are built (xpnwly for Uie Atlantic Paawiiu'i-r Trade, oil nttid p In every respect wilh all Uie bhnI ni hiiirove4nenta cateuluted to iHsure the safety, comfort, and convenience of paeaetiitre. PaAsaob IUtws, PtTtm.B tb Cpbhwhut, . X) OLAsMiOW. -LIVKKIVH1L AND LON DOSDKKBY. ' 'inn Caiib, tu3 awl 175, areordtug to Lots ion 1ABIK Hrttki TlVklTa, ItSI), securing Inset colunevliitlnliS. NTkKMklHATP, 133. 8TEERA(iE, U. Parties sending for Uieir friends in the M1 Country can ptiiL-faaae Uekete at reduced rstea. Kov-urihwiMU( it'ly ba UKNlJKltSOi t!K rfHflli, 7 Hoalinu Liven, S. i. 1 iMpimnhlt A renia saMied en faosn ami ossniry. June 17-dAwihn, JIRINTINU MATERIAL tOK. BALE. ' . The Bmlersigneil ofK'rs for sals One of the boat and must complete I'rluUug Ouuil In tu BouUi, both for large , NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. The uikwaiaper malerial 1 nearly new, and la splendid order, and every article Is on liaBd to commence s Journal. II ka also new CAMPBELL PRKH8, ' " I.-'' AN ABAM8' BOOK PRESS, . and two nearly new , I " 0ORIXIN JOBBERS, In good utiler. The Joh Oflli-e contains large amount ot exotllrul ; i SmoU ttrtvkr Armyasriel, CMWf,' ' oniNiia, Anmes na eear 7 Nauru,, dmf Wi Of Job Lttur. The N'i()er and Job Doitartmenl will be sow aejmralaily. A bargain is attHred. Address, ' , JOS. P. PRAIRE, June 41 tf Kaleujh,N. a rj-"tTE "Ali RIGHT" 1 ' ' (XXJKDfo'sTOVJ! The "All Right 'V Is noslilridr without BUiserlor. H ia tila'l of til very liest material; Slid for Weiglil, Mn lif 111, Ikiauly of Design. Sunplicitr end Diinilmily, rt'idity uf Baking sou noesiing cannot ne execiieo. fur sale only by JLIim LEWIS, , jnn U if Raleigh, ft. U. -JK. V. K. TURNER, DENTIST. x Orrir ovak Wn.i.u' Btkik Stonb, m I, mm, tf r. OfT-rsM am ire bt rr department of fits liniieaaNitt. may M 1) KICKS OF THE A - Mason & Ilamlin Gftbi n trOrgaiiFQ ' rlsvlnirvsatlr htcrrased their faclllUc few miriitrfitnrej ttia-? r tww saaltted As ogee their wall kaoWB Omana, which era the ACkHOWlKDOKh HTAXPARB 09 , KXVKU.USt'li ' ' among Instrutui-nta ot Uie clnae, at prtre of .,lMri.rf worav - i In f print, tiici? lowein-pri., whieb are UeTetre, alii, ti all, Uivarudile, I hi lH-inl U,t-i 1.11. a-Urie. a. I lUe, I The folbiwlng are iilustraUiw f tutr I Kt,iar ifoia....,,i. 1U hium, IkmH HiM flHa- tirtaw (Aronwss,ieiA feemifiAni, (Mntd ai irawarweafivfv , TAe Amne, JWal Jcni, mlk ' AKua, OfAer- Allflaa, effc.. .... 14 lie 1.9 All hi solid Black Walnut Alt the Organ math? by vlits i.aitMfainy srn. Uioroughly lii'ae eiaes In evnry rmian-t. Ihey will not make Ute so-eidli'il fheap I irifsna si sny ice. Ill camipsemivesnfiei Mrnty of Uieir ' sdriinieritr Is now ifnaitirr than ever before, as' every cm la'trM iieli;wlio will carefully examine aud conHre Biuet peeeetve. '.' - " ILL VSTSJ TKli ' A T.i . 0 ' f'Ut, with Vt'xid Cut from Phrrbiifepha of tier diflirrtuit ft) lee, ,fuJI ififoritiatliw and kiwi!! nrii-ea j sli, T ealiiiiOlilai Cin illar Will tap k Att Iro to. any Sitdree. , ... 13531 EirallB Ortaa Co.. . - Ifttrrfrw! utHt ftmmtnaif, ' V 1 kV ak Wat. Wi Joaxt, Absiitbaj Jona. joxcii v josi:s. . k ATT0RNET8 AT LAW, ! ,'ralp.igii, y.c "'. - f lRACTHlt in th B. iwnie Conrt of tir i. Ulate, the'Cirtuit tourt o the Culled SI iii1 and the aeverai Court of Uie rith Jud. rial liiatrh 1. eoMtpfing Uie eowulie of WaKe, 4,HttUt, kranlin, har-h. Warren, liranviiie, Hail's and SnflijeH.; . . . tH'.ce on y-ayettevitie htrert, near th Court Hiaa. . ' twrl-dl . )- 'f f 0 0 ;y" '"""'S' JL'BT RECEIVED AND FOR BALE ' .CIItAPl S.M LIB.; Rnlk ihW, ' . ' l,si v jnursr t iireo lissa, s 8,0! " rwnli. Lard, , V Ulda, N. C. aud Eastern Uross tlvrriuga. ' ' 40 Bid. N.C. and Cat, '10 Mackerel, ltt Kugs fcagtish Hod, , SW Backs Rio Collee, ' , It IMils. Sugar diiferent grades, ' , W M. 0. Corn Whisky, A Omtmua Hy Whisky, ' '- FhseRv " )uuU , ; , UHiJJt. BTRONACll , f)ORTER! A. Do. ,'reeelved. tutm IsT U HtTERM. iblatrd's Imported Phrler Jnt - U. T. BTRONACll. PURE RYE WIUbKT. -, A Blda. Silver Bprlng and BmrluB W kisky giwuauVeed puru, for sale by juue tfi-u u. 1. oikuhai u. A PPLE BRANDT. ' 1. i Bids, pure Aiiule Bramir. from BouUi auiptoa county. . Better buy now as the apide crop I failure. 0. T. STRONACIL , WUIrlKTt WIllKKt'.!, U III.U. all grade, 18 Bbl. pure Ninih l.srolina Corn. . ' 1 ' ' June f7-U It, TTR0NAC1L ("1 RlH KKIK. " ...... ,. t - I Collees, Siitrara. Flmint, Rire, Bacon, Uaius, Kiah, bWt, t.'aii'lt, I iiliwn, fttiift, e., ieT t fac evervthiirc that la krrit in a first ajaas tlroeery we are dslly reeetrtnr whk-h wa one- so uie puiuie at hmw im wiibai wo oury laillla't4UoH. v! ., .. juue'J. tl U T. STKONACU. . kS North Carolina, 1 BOOTS & SJI0E3, bTl'DWELL ItUOTIIKKS, .' : No, 17, Xl'KaUT STUKKT, ' NHW TO. ' i. E. MOOSE, oaJJatMAK -V imXA4im?--'-- ' '" "': - gAVE YOUR FRUIT. . ' MASON'S LATEMT IMPIIOVRII ' Fnurr jAita, TMero fruitTara . , ' UndonhWly the best Jars m the worlL Buy Iheo, try Uie, use Uiem and be eon bscod. - :! :. . ... , Jfot alea Uiarv Wwusiptk, by. 1 T. H. Bit 1(14)8, - tmett " Ko. TO. rayevttfrtltii ttr- "VT -O. PAMIKT HOW nrl -tftnt tferrlnaw, X. . just received Mid for sale low for eaali JriM-li W. H. JtiNKi at CO. OHIW1LE8. SHINIil.K , . O SU.Uui large Ci'PhJUel SUIN0LKS for aatfl. yuu - W. II. J0NE8 A CO. a QHEAP TICKETSt SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. 1 ROUND TRIP TICKETS ' - !'.'...,.. V. Are now on sal at Riilelgh "anil floldahoro to all the priiKl 1 point In Western North uaroiina as. " - ' ' RK TLT REDUCED RATES. Offering to TnvAlids, TouriaU and others cheap rariiitii's rnr vlaiung Ui various mitmral Eprhiija, linfrlnrliig th miraiitaln SKiurry ijf ISOrUi VSiKMluA. I V, i f. ; ,. . 1 . RATES: . Ralolgk to KtaUwvillo and return ! M 00 " ' Hickory Tavern aiul rcturu 11.1! VI ' " Monraiiton- II17S '' " ' Linrolntoa t ' ' ' W.ntl ,. " 1 hnrrvvlll -. " " KI.7S GolilabiHo' to Haliabnry ,. " ; M UM " i.nariotial " " 1M Btateavilla ' IfkiiM Htrkori Tara " - IH " Moncantam . , " 1 Llacolnlon , " " ..18 " Cherryviltf ' H U -t T -A-E. ALLEN,, lW.tkl Gcn'l Ticket Agent, N, C. R. K. jitne 17 lm !VotIf3 l rarmcr rtnd Milter. 1IPE Afcw H.1A ill 'N l)K A M khtl A.Ofnil' j ovur Cltiacti Nalloiia Bank, has uionev to leiiit on unmrunilieri.'d real reUUj. Applli-a-tlona for loans mtute snd riKvlved at the oHie of Ui rouiiHiiv Uwm blank wbk.lt will b nirnistsott Ui afiiMuwul. , II. I1B. J II, ap W tf General Agent ANTED AiC' iiut wanU-d tn every coiinty In Die Watc for tho Northwestern Mtittml Ivif Insurance Coiujainy of Milwsukee, su. Aaure t. A PACE, Ktat Agent June 7 U Raleigh, ti. i LZJiXX SOUJOLOlUOli MUPKHlNTrNDKNiTH AND TI ACHKRS OP Sunday. SaUioola are. I11fuiiae4l.li1ak. khey uw Bud at Hie oooasuire 01 XALKRKU WILLIAMS, - A rornptcte aasortqlent of - - -5 r SUNDAY BCliOOL WKIKS ' mwrTiMO " . Prime- Spellers anil Readers, f ateeblsitK end Uueetii 1 u b"0, illlar ? Iiool (IV , 1 one oieiaa, i tra'-ta, ncwini . arils, etc.. hunday Iti'lioot lllirarie at all pneea, Claaa Bmika, Mlmrte Books, Roll ilook and HogUter, Kihle lib Uon. rlr, Testament W1U1 Noti-s, HI- ' , . bh-s Slid I raleinents St sil price, oaptiai pasimiat ana raniJsr- dy, Methiellst and Preahy- turbm llyma Books. , Also, Jnst received th ' . 'ptKrY BAITMT n'TMS RtXlK. A llliersl discount will h piaile to sunder srhoo, 1 1 11, s ui uuanUly. Vend for C'ala- hiKUksud riice. ' AiLKKKD WIlJJAMft, i mayaD tf ' Itookseller and SlaUonet. A TLANTIC IIOTWi,',"'! " ' BEAUFORT, N. i U C.teo. W. T,tTti " ProiiriirJiiIj; j .... . ' i ' Wow) oii-n for the reA'eptiihi of iu.v.fa who v.;ill b w-rl pri'Tuiiil for nt pfieea tni fot (i tliiies. It is ll.e only HoU't 111 'tlte Lltl'fid ttute inioie'liiij'lv over ih water. Port Macon and the ocean In fell v-w. ..Three prnuieriMtfic slid s leili nifim for the enjoyment of L''ieats, ami a lianil ot nniii' to enliven tt,i Hi'i-llTlp- boiira All affiirrili. lire moat In-alU,. Tut ami deliiTltful huinnier Retreat on Ui At hULtie. enast. '. ;. .. ... t )uae AW ; . ; - ,. ( . - ; , ? j , lULKiorf. NTiot. Baku or N IUlsiuk, June nh, ln?l. A D1V1DRND of six per cent, h Ia J V dra lanat, out of Uie prulii. for Uie lat aix roilltha twvaljle t.tlie rtiiW,. . r on tlie i-ith of J.uly at.xt, ailueii H.inl.!i,- i',tic in tiuat ity C. IKW KT, June 'JJ lit H'aaliier, A' copy." ' ' IWtllt A. A HiK-HI, rht-IlaM'!. (Mliutdk oHft, dyMiuUtA, fMltti timtlHtM, 4lslllLMLK! pf1limU(Mlft. IMUfuiiM, tBcj mrUb Wl-I, !. HUT ui tKiwus: iavlMMfj, wxara, wuim BVDd tinmd, w.k h offorvtl fur ml$ iM few- nwrtivt Itrcfc . OCt Hr-tf ' 0 vvti -iaar-' 'I k II RA lUdtU 1840, ; Perry Pavl8 " I8t?0. i - ItgeHblf, "Till IttlfT, After ntm man trial, WMUtrserrHp ttie most BnuualiBsd temlunniUOa to It vlr tue, from lamon ot Uie hljiest character o4 rMm(lUily. Physirlaiut of ths final re tiecUtiHlity, recommeiui it as roost etlectual prrparsUoa for Uie extinction of pain, ltt not only tho hcM remedy ever kuowa for Bruism, Cuts, Burn, e., but for Dvs iib ry or Cboietm, or any sort ot bowel cowipMut, ft I rwne-ly nneursesed for eitiin v ami raphiily of sxUon. In the great elUiwof Imlis, anil other kof elliirali. It ha kxeosa th nun dani Mialie ne for all eh complninta, as well as for Dveietpala, lint Omiplamu, and other kinilivd disonlvr. Kor Cone lis and Colds, Cankers, Asthma, ami Rheumatic dillleultiea, H ha ten proved by the most aliomlmt and eouv lining tusUwony, to be an Uinluabi Builii'iiie. - Bold hy U Druggist. ' uly 6 lm Q LOCKS, CLOCKS, LAR0K ASSORTMENT op HLQd-niv OLD ANU . iJJW - STVLkii. a r Kl. FABNACIl'B J W L U T 8 T 0 ft B , ' I Door above Messra. Tueker tebiVltf JET, JET. JET. JU8T RECEIVED, ' SOMETII1N0 QI'lTE NEW AND VERY MEAT IN THE WAY OV CHEAP f : ... i- : - ; , i- .... ; :.;( l Jot J" owelry AT KIWAKI1 rAHHACIt'S '' JEWELRY BTtiRB, t Door above Msasrt. Tucker. feh-Jft-tf y Awa op uuiiiNEsa ' FOR ALL THE STATES OF TI CNI0N, , WITH IrilkMS AM0 UIKW.TIOH fOB , .,. AlA THABSACTHHIII, vi. .......... If TIEOrulLUS FAESdXS, LL I. AwlAer tf 7rsis w A sW fastrasfa, w , MtmmtUi Im, tu., u. Ik contain Bud tireaenta la Ui clearest. pbtiiH'at, and most precise aiauner, bII-hIioihi ruieaaud principle which regulate social In terrviurw, and govern every kind of tmaine, Wilh lull .lliecii'ios for every Inunwi Um, ll cplaliM th nature of every kind of eon- bai-t, eouvevanee, and legsl obligation, : It give iltreethwi til Magistrate, to Ail- nilnlatrabir and Kxecutor. to Iridlonls and -Trnanta. to Uuanliaua and Wards, Ui Hnvera wnt onliees, Agmil and rrmrlpala, Delihir and rlilor.U. 1'ruele, Cobuuob Cairiera, w irisoivenui. Ml li newer aim vnilerwrlbnrn, to tHvrntor, AiiUuwa, Partners, Clerks, Cor 1" i' 1011. aiiareliitlduu. ahU.aU Uttlnue.aiiV baAlrsra to rrii.:t - - 11 shows bow U draw and perfort Deed, to wink an Agreement, an Asuigiiment, laiaso, a lryu':infy. Note, Pn-ck, an ttrder; lhir BiU, W ill, Cudicu, Bill of Eclingi',A Pnnamt, an Indoraetilent, a Bill of Hale, aft In oetililre, . MorWago, a Warranty, Petilhm. an AttiilHvlt, Ki'leaan, Power of AtUinu r, t aunt roiuis, aud etoty kind ol tegal lualiu meut, . 1 - '. ; i aaaawTMh to Every Parmer, Every Mechanic Every Manafaetarwr,. Every Public OWear, ' kJwry Coiilnn-tot, Kvery Agent, E.VKTV lAiiyioni, Every KxcUlor, Every titlsnlian, Kvery Heirat Isivr, Every Tenant, Kvery Adininlatrator, Every V Inor, Every Legatee, Every Maimer, RveryClerk, , Every Broker, . every A H entice, Every ParUier, Kvery Aiftioneer, F.very NoUry. Efery rlaog (Ifflrsw. Kerry Jnstii'eof Pe,Kvery Ckinehraor, wverv a.onaMMira, sivery vaineruie, Kreey Shevitt, . , Every L nder KherUT, -Kvery' tH,i.A;ioian, . . Kvery Coininiasiouer, : P.very tirand Juror, ' Every Tn-aaurur, kvery Married WomanKvery Wutow.f (tvery Trailer, . Every Market' man, J Kvery Employer, , t . Eveiy kmploves, Krciy Ciuxeu, . Every 1'roperty hulilef, In alt'ert, aet Conipemiiiiili snd Hand lv,k K 1 ileliajieliaiihle to ail who d aire to know tlieh rilitjisnd iluties, or hi ewses the meant of trnwiiiiig, nnawteil, snd with correctors anil ant "IV. tlietr on leial healimi Ike work will i.Miwou avma huaHirwl lan". eompleta hi oue voiuiue. An Agent .1 I10W ranvaaalng R'lh Igli for sub scripttiHis. Mure Uina fifty sutieriar burr ai'VMly Nam obtained, anil should Um Ai" til fall U reach a very onW desiring Uils vaiua tde work, Uieir naoM-s will he rtweivcd lr , ALTKEll Wll.l.IAMrl, i IhsrStf ' 1 ' Book -:i lor.. ' TiatA1ftitn, ' J ' OavwHi T. Btbthbii. , AVroitXE l' AT IAW, RALI.IOII, N. C. 4 ! frru up strlr over ClUrcu NsUoaaJ iianK, r n'etoiA-e i-iai-a. Will une te-eln trts tnl.ei-mJ Cmirt jif , MsU the Cnvalk Oikrtollhe V. 8. an.l sie l iinpertor tilni sa ha. a tteim hervtofor kemUat hr thaiu r-aiav'livelv. Mr. 'A. K. rlni.'di-,airliHT for Wvm-vounf will iMi-ipy oll'ce Iii Ouldaboro, lately that of ereorj" v Baroug. -:k ( , 1 ve- u lioUTUERN IXVE.N tlOS. .... .-v ' Homt KwHb fairture. SBtscrssI Glass Cyliolcr DrcMc-Asl-lui Foiixj. PATENTED AUGUST IWtt. BY A.BALDLN0, Th snderslgned,havliif; Ui exclusive right to nianuraetum and aeil Uie sliove l'ttmi in NiarUi and Smith tlarolhiA, have aseiariataaj Uietnaelves tnireUier under Uie name aiu) tyv it the 'Carolina Pump Comuiy," anil hay lllg uatahilali4'd Uieir Miuiufut'lory at a)elie vtile, N. Care now pri'iaired til furnleli I'ttifltei at short Botlee. Sendee lis at laal triuntpoii tn Ui prealuethm of a Pump . aUluiraiiiy ad'ip ud for Wills snd other pnnaajiw, that wnl foei'e water any depth or keiKht, which, by at tarhlng Ihim, at once become s local 1'ire rai gitKof great -power, Uirowlug 3U to loO gal Uma per minute. - iTiimi Puino roml'lne simrilK'ltv and dXir lMlttv,-1u which Uie waVr will ncror freese or become stele, a In rtiiituer and ralina.nn, antimert-e4, and no Bttt'cr reiuaius In Uie pii when the Pump ! not In oivrntlon. The Pump works almost Wnslilily liifht, alwuvs hliiicing Uie watif freak slid tarkling fnnii Uie iaitloiB of the well; and UK.ru ia-no-frio. lion, the cylinder biilng glass, Uie packing enn not aearorv-ut, Uie t alvt iieiini round, uiade -f flint glsas, Work itig on guru eve la, can uotiher wear. or him. . The I'umia ure peculiarly .sdstih'd.Io.r -sni'illjiiig tanks 111 npvr Mi1s iA dwcllinga, eollegea, noleli, intli.iug s-ania, snd fH railroads, rreet, garUeua, ili.lnl. in s, Ate. Theyoau be altariiea to stnuu or wsIau power. ,,. . ' Anv ordhwrr mechanic can put I !,, in tin Tn pninl direeUon always sent with tn I'mnps. IV e hsve Buimreos 01 teiUneoiuaJs ln,:u iwr aims who have uaedoitr Puiiimi, alio evprca gnut sslitcllou J, In f't they are i-eviw and will sustaltt all wo ehum for Uium.. Buy one and shv Hre iDAUrutee. Hpeelal at leiilloti given to all orders. The eitU.ni dt-pth f well ittttst ai'eomt'utiy each order. , I J L, KlTtJHIN, Wilaott, N ii. C. TATE Mt'Hrillf, HdUIIMKlU, N. 0. ! W.C, TROY, ' ; ' KuyiitUjvillc, N. 0. '. Siieeeaaor to J. L. ElUiiliL AH onlem nr eominunhaiwu srvewial to W C. TMDV, FaniMruia. j Marckli, IKiL j GHHTISICATB. SnaHir OrncB. FTHTTvitJ.V K. C , April sH, 1871. - , H'm. (I Tn-fh msn't Oarvfm JSeaua Cbooiimfy ; 1 he Pump you sold me survac my moat im;imie icai-Ute-Bc-.-M -"Kiea-jvll jjtm jckiuwl. fi.r U. As a Kias kNOiiia ll value ia lie au-u lidde.. W-llii twenty feet of lioae I have thrown water enUrelv over my dwetlint;. wlin-h ia -veyTilHi Tao aiiuT baTr sCiry liouae. TH fauolr would BOt b wiuiout II lor any cou dsialutL R. Wi 11 AH DIB. . . . ' - Skur CkBtburhuid tyuuuta. ,. ' Bcnatb Cnitnmg, " Rai.xioii, N. C MaivkLS, leiU. Ilavln- had tlfteen to twenty yi-a.iV ciIhtI ence tn gold Bilntng, using vanou kittilaof puaipa forcing water from great deUi, 1 tnke jlesureBtgiiihK, l,rcicreiice..Uj llioue iiindc iiv the " Caroinia Tump Couiiauiy ovit alt otluir' for well andotlnf purjioaea, Tliey coa Utuii ilmplidty snd dniiiimiiy. - ' ' V ALE UN k M At: N R vt--.... . '.: Blanly County. " WtLi. C , Jan, ti, 1871. T t IM .LI. SI... ' " ' "' '"' ' - "v't ' 'i'' IhatrSirt WeliAvrhadyoitrfliiWIiir' Pump Iti regular hsn, iNvtiMiing at vartoii luaiixi sine ilwcii, isiu, anu we are t h any, uiat tiiey are tu every way sauaiai i"i y 'I here la mi ludlcnUoii of wiair ur w l g Uin, out of order. All the water that iiiiirtaar ilalinu-il to S Uirotlgh tnich ehannel ran easily tie nroiiuiir up.even oyeiuiiinwi.Biroiiu nary use, wtd tr attockiog liiaw, mid putuiu; two to four lino to Uie kivur, the pinup a otiii tieeomes a lorul tire irtii'lmt thi-nning wuf St-vol water to subtlne any rdlnanr ee. We Uien fore nximiuend your pump to luo are tut exaiutnatHHi awl mm of Uia put-ne. K. J. 'l ay lor, . VV. I), Knnailtree, A, Barnes, t'roluite J., G. Ii. Urlilin, I T. A W'aliiwriflit, M. L. Rhode,' ' ' Williams Medal, Jo B Davis, ' Ja. S. Woudard, ' " aV V. Brlgg,Sur'a. .":""':, : WllAw,. S.l8fL" X have used hir slk tuunUis iiast on of H,ild. jng'a luitent aiileui i'-d pumps, niuiufurtuird si Wilson, n. C. tit J. u hlaeiiin, sun WKe pii-asure in rcciimmondniL' n 1st uie fiuotica having glr perfea't aaoaiaeUoo. lu. liM,t i rngani it a on of lu test pui-s now lu uae. , CM. J'ETKR.S. 'at- Je 1 c '"3'"i i .1 tire rci.FLors .mi ni nm ILU. . , WILMINGTON, N. C. - TUB CELKIIKATLO 1'KAUL UOMTNY 'THE GREATEST INVENTIOM Vf THr AilE " TTP.LIVFIIEI) VNKK Of DWAYAflE 111 llM, or tnnea at U.1 I'rul per ttoillH.1. and l-'l rent fir list poundi Lag and -v caul for ika j,ionnd tunrets rVwl for aoi,l'a. ! iirflirt. iiavl f, A I KH-.UtH-Ht .xifrTXC Wll . AT foresle, will do well to eom-aini till men I will lm rreilv to pay the llli.ll tee! MAKhkl I'Kll.k kllK l.l M il I 1.1 1 1 rl. to be ih lUred helwi-n nrw sod lat of J ill v. fc.XTKA hOLTi!) MEAL with bm.- $1.15 wyed free. .. . , ALEX OLDHAM, Buy 15 am , Proprietor. C1ITY TAX NOTICE-Notlce Is hereby J given, that I will attend at the' Mayor' olllce dally, between U10 hi.uraof Id o'clock a,N., sn.l 1 p. m , and fioiu 1 o'chak lot p, in., tHunitavscxcrptrdt for -the next .111 davs for Use porjaoai of receiving the City Taxes fU Uie year 171. AH perrons sr. reiiii'.i-d W ne torwsrdaod rvr tbemnne proiiyiittyr T Notice I given all mm i,rt,irtyb..l.Vrswh have failed n Hat Uieir poll lax, Uiat V they lilt ami pay the same by Uieht'Ui of July.1 siii- gle-tal on) v IH l r- 'iiiiri-. hut aft. r that. Oine I shai las eoina'1lid to cliarg lUmlile lax and lollecl ny atstrea. . At. Ain.Ai.rivi i, J.8S-U. liUiiuAlog, ' SHrTKIPP.'Ci NOTICE. -Mercttant sre iii.t.lliM Uiat the (tfat l 1'iinlv Lkciih lax (rule ,1 Hie "H 'Ii on (a r ihiiKiefor Uie qiiarbr uii,ln x J't lit., li 1, v,:n ne one on 1.1, ,0, iluv-wi.itu llii-v a ili cul si die rtlMTiff'ST Othcn, nnikc panm-nt an.l n iiew Vlmr lleiilae pr'-mt'Tlv., i,r fne aoailivawA awed bv law WlU lm eufon-iii. " iiineJKdlw 1. P. LkK, f Vr.ff gELl.t'I UOARDIMI A Mill A I W.HkiL IIil.l.niMio' N O. Ttie Mih Neh A V a K"l' a k, w 'i re atmic the I'verria'i of tlimr si hool on Pr'il'iv lh,'.'.t July, IN, I, enn eliau' llh llik eml'i r itwimtjr wei ka) I Ircuiars ory.4ilul ou appii iiUiio. , iutse3iidd:2w ' . Q Cintm IV. WKirTEKN IilV.VION WIL., a.r 1 iiiv, ee nt 1 n K. n. LewteCbatkith 8 at, m .Tnetaiay'sitr osy's snd Ms'iir.i'ii'a. Anon at li. riwi ,, '7 P m t-nvi'vam-ee auh gtalmei. , l,n Cl'-viiand IDikmhI h'tiiiga. Sliuiu w Viiiuloi.lfc ti p. 111., iiime ,i .y July d-tw A-art. t Ki'k CLAHSSICAL ANt MATUEMATICAL W a - .. Ml ...:.' K,rf 1 TAl.LYHO,(.llAiVU.LECi),N, C. P.D. JfOAAA'A, If. li: U0K.Kit, Mwift Ttie W'tll Miwaton .,S tlita n.1.,,1 n.UHM seciind Miindav iu July, "lite p'1'' of bou d ami tuH'lop. 1 tf ,SJ ier seasloiiof twemv wei-t.. Kor partieulara, addrea lb prliicialis la,iy Ho, N, U, r Juneltlli "VTASnVILLK LIFE INSURANCE COM IN PA NY. ..... ,The Director of this prosperous company luvve recently made their annual statemcuL ; ... 41WBT1( apuu. lrrr, 1871. ' Prom -all soureea, . . .i.tl,'iw0 SI . Tolol lui.iliit.is, tucliiOlii prcmiuia rcM-rve, l'Jl.Vw IS ' Burplu, " '- . ' t jtrT,iei tw Nrt PoH. le l.s-H, eoviirimr, :i.ss'al 11 Dunk hivat Uireu-teiiihs oi one ia-r et-uL I -. mviiiiciHiaT - ' ,: f n poolp in force Uu wars, W per cent. N. li. Mr. K. W Aiaaroa, of i..0,1ik-"' ll,ia la-i-n apiauntcd Gcuetat Tian lling Aint til tin. Slalu, with jHianr Ui aclc'l aun innu, 1 , . 'fJlOIL IS BAILKV, ' " - SUte A1..11I. I Ahlievine, H ti, Juiw ItL 1871. . J 'ja-ll . i:st ooods. CUKAPI CHEAPER 11 CHEAPEST! f l S. KLiSK & CO., Tke great pie 'Sure In ilnnomicjng to their nuinervua (ik mU. patron and Uas putller Kro sraily, Iliat, liiilu eil b Uie present depn-awd fina a of ail lnri'hiiiilw, lliuyhave pui'i'haai it very large and Weil seUa-Ud su k of . - eriU.N0 ASD St'MMKU UtK)I, i COstpn'nlkO f .im y and 811 pie Dry Goods, Ileruly made ' Cluiiniig, UiMita, rllioe, llms. Cap, i Lulau' and ti ntlcHion' uriiUi ( iug Goods, NoUolia, Carpi la ' AND MOST KVEUYTIIING 1 81' ALLY ' KEPT IN A FlKHT-CLAod - i ' t l'RYUOODS f ' ' (.-,-'- AMD . , , i,'. CL0TinNt3 H0t" SK. W-hich the ortiir at Extraordinary Low PriiT, We nartleillaetv eall Itut.ll.u. a... Urge and cuniiil.ie ,UH'k of 'f. , RKADYMADK CLOTHING ' M wa ,re delemiined Ih this Una to out &IL ' Jlou-ii hi die City, aiid ruuiy Ui supply MKRCHASTS AND DEALER.. atlhe. hjJM.mlljjtele Ruriis. We alao etv ai.li.ui 11..1 I. .1 . w -liry-i.l -c'iothtng- ICstar.iWimolit, - RKOVUR CHINA STOIiE ' ' in this city, mil keep full lint of . P BENCH, - ,!- AJULlSil, :.,.J.-.LSJ0U 1UNA, . ' " "r Ac, dsC, Aa. And expert Ui sum ily the wants of Uie ik He at. HliuMUlly Ia I W RA T KB, and pnmilae in , towiininiUio iiU uu willlsuu Ua tklli, ibair ptttrmuuris, Tnaiih fill for tal favors, w reaic1fullv solli'd, B call, and. ua will eonvniie )..ursel of dm siiiMrtority of our aU.k snd Uie fair w.h ot uuririvu.- . 8- KLINE A CO. s 1 ALE OK VALUAIJLK LANDS. Ily Order of th Uilnerlor Court. ( will aet. it tin- Court House dour In SUbaiiiile, hoilo i.sroilli, un WKNEDAf, ilhit DAY OF AUGIbT - Mi XT, l,7i ACUEil OF LANIt, lylmf h, thewinntf of Irv-MC l,onl.hu('atiiwliKn'i.i and Umbrrt'V Or, IS null's ttoutn uf ritiinw HIe, j7 n lie, North of Clisrhitte snd ahoulO ' ' e, ot ttie All jiilic Teiineeaee & Olilo kiillroiu 'lie land will be sold in lot follow : No. 1 containing s a, r. more or Wa. on. . which Dr. W. Byar. m.w live. No. 'J oniniiung .. ecu mora or lead, ail- ' Joining Uils No. and B, No. k oonhumug H acroa, ..llofulug No. 1 J and ........ ' No. 4 containing 'ij5actcjt, ailiuiulug No. 1 11 A and b. . . s No. 6 containing JOO acres, mora or 1M. d . Joining Nos. 4 and tl. ' N eonlaii.iug .ere, on which Cot d I 5 L"l1"lMUX- u"a adfohilHg tiisxi-B, - tm these hind are large bmlle of fine River ami Creek boltJnu and au'ltii. nt quantity ol Wooilliuui un each Uw4. On I he t"J wru Unit, tlwru i. a n,n i,MW ,nU Vtatvrjaiwer, g.HHl llwi lling and ilher hllild lti.. Good water on each tract, , lmee lanrt are siaceptllile of the lil.-heat luivof rulUralion, the upliiu'la liaiii." a irmid ciy aalieoil and will iirodueoCotlon, 'fobaiM Whml, IHU and Uia other grain and gnn-s I'roj s; and ore tnitl as tk. hni.ts belongiiig to Uw kariateof the Into Jam,,, a. Hyarafor aeU. T..n-illle half in i inoiilha, Uie bahince to 13 mouths. Ifitervst tnnn duv .. sale. Tti j 'Hi'lasxr may pay one lliinl or Hie wliolwof In bid any lime alter Ine anlo ia t. mini., d Bond wlljUiproved Ms'Ulilv Hill b.-iv,iut,ii Tor the pun-liiu"! iiiniu'v. I'll title will (k re- hiLi.iL:4 until full aiynient la ma, l 1 craona wixhlng in see H i a ia wi II pl. call iljamt-ol. A, S, ill ".in or i.,,,-, ll.nioe , , C. A. t'AKI I. IN, Aili r le tmtb mm of JantusB. ilvaia. June tfi bis V ' , Ermici.Ls Pi'RixtiH. - I ui fnmons fninmer n aort is J ........ and will bek. pt in a .,le t give aan, :im 'tairjm in:'ritmouiii-"x..-4.. u.v t.-...- and eiegantali.de. tugi.ther wiUl li.va lo .,,.1 Uie trm. wiu ,!,,. Knu-, ll'sa pl.naint Innni' tlth, f,.r 'ii ilivatul jii iii.-aaure L.. TtiarB--nr;v''A-.-aVw4eV -foe Ve.o. w in " pi'lHiia, krepuons, g.lneral 'dei.tbt, or',,a...,.,', li'Milr to temai. a, are taut well known to re. u,lre aliiUifug salii in tlirtr luiialf, I r fcu'iuito ol your tawitfj phvilrhm J i.rmaiwr dur Sidi wr,-k i f ... i.. With a lllamd deductlou for I .'imiO.vt rM...,.O.I,. - tbfiaeAe.it.. A ... BLACKBALL A CO., PronrhWrs, k.tL,.-ti. M, , a, C. H Raarlj. J ' v Juo I II ,' ' STATE OP "ORTir b'AlltiLINA, I , Mulh.wyi.i, fun y. !Tne-T-e'lev Job KUiert(d d; Wu Craiifir' XV'. Aloey Bnigiu, Admr of J . i. Vaiaou, drx' d. In punmaneo to a Seenio msAi la iv.t hy the Jung f tint touiwrwr Court for M. Dnw.-ii county si u, i,Jt ,,,. n(! ,IriaU.r. rll.ll. d w.hpi ail !ol,il.i thsa.e..uii ,,) ,,.', mi ion.h.y th 171(1 (Inv f July lis. , ..i.,i n-naruing way mini tie.- (me ia com ,,ctcd t 1 Ins litinr creo,t.ns b li.lil.il n 1.,-Wa'l' i f all Uie rrv,lr hi,., un., ,,.,, n,,,,,,,, (""''" t" tie pr.-.... , ..ti,. ,., ,',v VT " ' ' J L - i.u w rtirttKif re-iwilvB i-Uima" the Ul i'i" ol ;i s nont at Ine shovr imie. in oni,-. i. ti a if- .,i dlllCC 1I,.,V , ,, ,,, ,,, ,!, siita-rcr l .-( Un rlcliov.,-1; ,,,. T V'1'1 W"' 'H 1 "' ' ''ilit-e nt V. u. il..h.ne, VNJff, N I' i t !..'. t....KI'PNtG, ', , . ' W. II. M.U,(,S , iulyOd:.. ' B ll'FALO SI'IU.NC-S, MKi'KLF.MIL'i;.;, Co., Va. This wvU known Hif;i"g v!!e open f.-r v.-.u,, Julie 1.-.U Biwo-d .r day . . . 2 ;ai " ''( , . 1- .. " " 1'"-' :h -- ,. H'.v v. 4 1.I.-.A "i ei : at II, , , ... !t ' J':' " Aiood '-i"l .if ii". v i -,.1 t "i. nl-o-. .1.1 ' ''' -u i ''-.