7'? l-Tano- M. Raawar, Business KVi, ,,ulhorl'd to make contracts and ive re rAiU, Ac.. ' HtlDAY, A I 'OUST 4. IK7 CI I'V ANI STATU ITKMS. Ti i-i.in i riiB. rii' followinff was Hi L,;,. of the Ihitrimtiiirter at 1'ink C. liar nicsl'bfar ritore, AK'wl 4,'li?l. 12 M. S 1" M. , Ki; ; u . m The fmil '"' ''rry ,rai,e '" V v.-rv li i-H. in riilem. rliirlolte in sWumm m have median ,p-itiim. Wilmington is """" u. ,,!lv I, .ml compocl f wtiiti- men. j ilcors'c K., im "lil filiwn livlnK ,.ar Mt. I"nl"r, Forsyth, while lit work ... Krhlay, It'll uV:l1. 'There wire ei-rfit intcrim-iils in I'im .',,t (V tcry, Wilmington, .iiirinjr the ,.,ntli nl July- - The counties Hi' Wake, CxHwrll ami l, uton, have reluriioiJ to the State Amli- i..r ulliri', tlitiir lintiil iilsti'.u'ti) of tax , ie for the year 1ST I. AkrkkhkiI. II. M.'Miller, Ibputy I.'. H. M nih il, bmwriit three nu'ii to thin cits on Tlitinwiiiy rreuitiK, arrested in Jolm al.iii county, charged with ktikluxilu;. l . ,i - " Si'HiMM.tiiR.- A slight aeriiiimiiijc oc curred at the poBtoflicc corner, jcalcnlay ullcniooii, between (". L Harris, aupt. of p .lilic winks, ami Mr. Wy.itt Holli'iimn. (Vc dill nt learn the origination of the iliilkulty. Nobody hurt. . I Cahky 1). (Ihaniiy. This talented j ,ang Rurttt t'sniliulaoi h anil f , T. 0 .i idy, of Oxford, bore off the liigln t h norsof hin eluB at the Virginia iiillituiy .t.iitut. This spnika well fur North 'C rolina, ft the teat of scholarship at tliut 1 ..liuition iw riiil ami impartial. Sti khoi.iikkk' Mbktino ok N. W. N! I'. It. It. t.'o. At a meeting of the stork holder!, of the Morth Wmtern North ! I i Jiailnri'l f'orniiHii, held mi Tliit ,liv. July Hill, lari, the following in'iTtli" lin n . re el.vled Directors : C. K. Wholiei, D W. I. I'Jenlww, Thou. II. Keogh, K. !Uo, II. W. Fries, D. II. Hturbuck, I). It. T ivia, II. W. Wheeler, It. 0,ray, M. Mas t, u, W. P. Henly, and I. 0. Lash, K. IMo was cluetcd Prwililent, and W. A- Lcniiy .Secretary and TreiWnircr. TiM In. A ft-deinl wildier t ramp-aaya, ive him twenty men and he will take Oxuiuline, Bowi Btrong & Co. Inatcad of calling federal noldiers iutoauch cervioe, they are sent to Chatham to in timidate voters, White two regiuieuta of militia are called out to arreat aiz lawless . niijnaw. Twenty men would do lielLer w'rvice than twoNvgiinentB. If the gov e nor h ni called a leaguu inuetin at Hhoe Heel, B'HS Hlruni; and his men might have attended and the governor could have capiured him. Skkiol's Aiiknt. j)lm I. Nuaen, nays the Salem Stntiad of the 8d iiutt., wan Seriously if not dangerouslj hurt ou last Thursday by the cavinjf iU of a xir tion of the wall of the well at Fo'le'i, sieani haw mill. Mr. Niaaen had gone down ia the well to ahow how. to fix t mil -thing that waa wrong, and while giving inatruetiona to a workman, a part of the wall fell in, striking him on the head, and knocking him against the buck et, fracturing his upper jaw knocking out Btaie of his teeth, and otherwise injuring him badly. Sudden Pkath. We regret to learn, nays the (jrcensboru' Patriot of the 3d inat., of the widden death of Dr. McCain, one the moat respected and highly es teemed citizen of Bockingham county, which occurred last week. It appear that he and fit. Scalea were returning in tlie evening, lit a buggy, from a political meeting which bad been held that day In tlie neighborhood, and when arrived at the gate leading to hit residence, Dr. Scalea alighted for the purpos of ojieuiiig the gate, and on returning observed Im companion aulTeiing; from muwular con trwtion, and in a few nmmeiit, tfore aid could be brought, he waa a corpse. Wakb Kobbjt CifWJoi(l.-r-We are in d . bted to Prof. W. M. Wingat. 0. D .foi a catalogue of Wake Forest CJollege, the 3(lth aeaaion, 1870 "71. TUuiiiulituUna ot .luarotoji,. located. 15 mile of lUkigh and immediately upon the line of the Uateigh & Gaston railmad, e ijoya a bright reputation throughout Ux 1 1 tire country. The ktcatioa U very healthy, and the thorough ue and extent T the scheme of studio, the high grade - of seltolanthip attempted by mnt of the daily oral, and quarterly written eiamln- . ationa; the careful discipline and health f al moral time and the success attained in cheapening the cost of education, recotn-m-nd it to the careful consideration ot all ' 1 - i'- f The next aeeaion will open 8epteml)er 1 ith, and all persona desiring further in f mnation can obtain it on application to the President, Prof, Wingate, at Forrest ville,Jf.C. ' ' Don't Kail M.cmlicri of tlie commit tee appointed by th mechauios meeting, fwill no fad to Bieot icoutiling toappc'nl mmt, at the court house to-night. Kn ' couniging .newt Inns me;haniui i and . orkin0'men is cmning ia froin all quar ters ot the state, and they are looking forward to the repnrt of this committee with much anxiety. The following gen tlemen compose the eommittest : J. 1L 8e parka, Jacob 1. Allen, John Armstrong, N. B. Broughton, David h. Royster, Robert Dobbin, Joseph Orecn, M. Graus man, Anderson IJetta, Wm, Bimpson and John Wbitelaw. " - " ; The ftiT''partmtiit of Wilmtngton has imt received a n. w steam 6rc engine, 7 Board .k Tb a dr. There will be a ineetiivgAif the Board of Trade huld hif evening, Attgost '5tli, at 4 1 2 o'clock te t-ikc into consideratiijin the qiifttl ions' ot iii, u-ier.-ipn. inciuiK'ra are re i(ictid ui attend promptly, by order ol I he President. M.w iii'n Cot it r. Notwilhdtandino that .(leduy previous wan election day this tribunal yeaterduy was troublul with only t:.!' inMjrHificant cusea of Jea ;1io jin rurtunittMlj to,,k on Iwmr', too much .aiijle 1'iKit." They were proM'rly t ' I'lidi d to. ! ' from the S Kramiwo llulleti. July I. OKATII Oh'rilK KI.VoAs MKXl vax iLx.sbir t.o.Aj.i, lit RKMAKaam.K i akkkh. By Ihe Cnlor:iilo we rceived, via !rta- Bt luii, the repnrt ot Hie death of one of he nit'Mt reiiiat kiilile men of our day," llmiuel l.o..-ula, ol I epic, generally, known uiinng liii ciuiitrjnii ii by the. not iuappro ; while ck'figniition ol "lil Tigrede Alien," he tiger ot A lica. Mmean er. hie thai f !! Francia and Lop7, of PAraguny, Koiiiil not have Ircn sHtcnilIy rtMiiarknble n Kurope live eeilturiin ago, but in our lay it ich.Is Almost like a romance. Bom a" poor ml Km parents, in an olna ure vjl lg' of .laliMii, he win retired a iimletiw, llllt noon dcveloa-il talents tii'iing him lor higher things. , Iti.dng to Hie dignity of highway man, hv noon made, hiuist il' the terror of i he roads in the mountain din ;rict of Tcpic. Two great foreign houses contested the control f" the trade of that, part of Mexico, and one of thorn found il convenient to retain Lozada in its pui, while the other Bought and retained l(, jas, who w:is, if poHMhle, a grealc'r bniti-tti-oi the ex muleteer. The rival factions ravaged whole districts, 'ojas butcliert-d in cold bhaiil the entire anile population of whole villages, ami fjiizada fa-tionsly skinned the feitt of his prisoners, then walked them over beda ol tiot coals. This was one of his mildest ,okes. 8o the war went on for years, but finally l.oad.i triumphed, and Itojaa, Iriven out of his district, was carralled .ml killed like a mad diMf-nahe dfwrved, It heyula. I.o.ada inereast:d his power, mill he wns able to arrogate to himself i he , title of "v hicf of the Neutral District f Tepic," and could summon to his aid hi army of ten thousand Indian troops, 'ohnaWv wH wiik iI, bfavt and devoted 0 his cuse. rWilimtt openly declaring his independence of t ho Fed end govern nn nt of Mexico, he managed to control the district of Tepic the northwestern onier of JalisfYi, iKirilcrinjj on Sinaloa, with Kan iibet tor its port of entry and mil ify theactsofthi; Federal idlieials. The in lemal revenues of Ids district he collected iid expended hiinsell. When a vuseul consigned to his friends arrived at 8an Hlas he notitled the cintom house au horilies on sillat let ins Die goods oolsl be ullew'ed trt-ei ti't, himI. if hia or iel were not obeyed, i.muacated all the if ivenuiieiit moneys he could lay Iiis amis on and drove the officials away. The almost impassable mountains in the rear of Tepic protected him from invasion by way of Durango, and the government, having no facilities for attack Mi g him by tea, was obliged to temporize and bideits time. Tepic prospered under bis rule loads came in virtually duty free, much jf the time ia San lilas, al lM!seted the laws, such as they were, very rigorous ly, allowing no one else to steal or com nit murder. Tepic was the moat orderly listrict in Mexico for many years. Maxi nillian olfcrt'd Iosada the. title of Count, md a high position uihIi the Kinpire, and the shrewd lint unlettered Indian was half persuaded to give up his . position of ywtM indejiendence and accept the flatter ing offer, lie went so far as to raise a large force," with wlncl he invaded Sina loa, to act iit conjunction with tlie French troops and Imperial iiienuaries in rais ing the si re of Masatlan. There bis first disaster overtook him. The French had promised him supplies fiir his troops and 1 large sum in ready money, which, not I icing forthcoming as soon as he ex MX' t d, he halted some distance from Msa tlan to wait for them. Corona and Ailgel Martinez, of the Republican army, saw 'heir advantage, turned back from Ma .atlan and routed and dispersed Loitada's irniy ; then, without a moment's delay, marched back to meet the French force wnt out to unite with him, and served that in the same manner, bozada re treated to Tepic and declared his district henceforth " neutral " and closed to the forces of both ltcpublicans and Imperials. Several times the Juarez Administration K'lered General CJuroaa to march into Tepic from Ouadalsjara, Dnrango and Maxallan simuittuicousiy ana put aown TizadBrbuf each time an insurrection in some other part of the Republic caUod on tbo tnuips, and he was enabled to hold his power until the re opening of an old wouud given him by his ancient nemy. floiaa. terndnHfahd tSMKt remarkable career, if our information be correct. It is doubtftil if hie mantle will fall upon successor of sufficient nerve and energy to maintain the position which he held for more than twenty years. Placido Vega would succeed huu il he could, but he is part Caucassian, and tlie Indians hate and despise "'m- UORA CB QRKRLY'lhfrA RNIKO TO THS -V0L0RKD RTSPVRUVAJfU ON TUB SOUTH. -" liepublkana of the South I you have a dcKerate struggle just ahead, and you cannot win unless you send these villians tcar(!t baggers) to the rear. You cannot rely on their modesty of their sense of do sency ; they will push, thcuiselves forward into tlie moat oonspimioas posts, no mat ter at what peril and mischief to your caiisi?, unless you sternly say, UO HACK rtllliVKSI You cannot afford to lie delicate will i men who do not know what lelicaey means. Unless you show by your acts that you dcteet speculators and oni to be led by them, you wjll be beaten, and will deserve U be. You can put those fellows where they belong if you try ; ami you must try. Their effrontery will desert them whenever they sue that you not only loath rascality, but do not hesitateto show your loathing. - - : 1 .A stranger? went to church at! Middle, town,Xjonnecticut, on a bunday rocently and sat down in a pew, when, just as he was gettibg interested in the sermon, a rough-looking, pious church uicnilier came in and took him by tlie collar, and threw him into the vestibule. He thought be would stay there and hear the rest of the sermon, when the sexton kicked him pfl the steps. He. went to the side of the church to listen to tlie sermon through the window, when one of the members said " Amen " to something the minister Mid, and then. spit tobacco Juice out nf ho window iuto tlie listener eye. lie lays a man cau't enjoy . much religion at Hiddletown. i During the mouti; jo J ut Um, Wi beevus, till aiukp, ! ty in vuluiing- n, 3 hogs, and ? alves' were butchured. We kuow of no vay of getung at tlie statistics in re gard to this matter in this city. NOTICE. .10OD WHJC1TOR8 WANTED, NON .IT bmI iii.1v who cannot r xood rshir- and tu aecesssry ton da, A Kuo4 opfwr- tauiiy tor snuiveue soea co-Biaac mnn vu iw tour Uiousand dollars iwr ar. Apply to , . IL MKT it, Ueu'l Agsnt, ; Life AsencisMoa of America, apM-tf Hakb,.a Died. -1 i la thru ejtr, Un 4th of J Anast, llttte Locr, luf ut u;bter of W. C. mi Areas farter, agtal 1 years awl months. Suffer little chif froVi mi ,. ivUhi. aii'l terbid tle-ra aotj tor o tmrk la th giniloul of HuAVen. ( E w k u ri; t t i . t h k j i x . ATTENTION A (KTT'HIN UA1.ES r-Bi C. . W.U.uwtte A Co., this day at IlloVlock. A lot of new furniture, Hnlsteails of ilillceent styles, Kockliuc .Chairs, fl.Uw werjh of Boom and tttitMM of the laUt st i le. II ATS or ALL OKSCfUl'TIONS, DRy otKiiia, And uiany other articles of use and valu. Halusat 10 o'clock, .a m , and M p. m. C, W. (iASSKTTF. A CO., aua; S-lt , , AucUonscrs. j" c . corn w ii i a k y . Pure for medical purposes, t- per gal. .fur- Milvrr Hi rings. augS tf (I. T. 8TKONACI1. JJ OPE MI I. 1. 8 V LI) I! K. . tluamnteed to he the best. W limt tirarid N C. Klour In saefca aug5-tf l. T. 8TRONACH V tl A"K ! 8 U (J A R8M A. B and Itx. C. Dem. Portl Kli-o New Orients. i aug& tf ,T 8TUONACH. c 1 O t E F. 8. Ilovmt. Java, baaruli-a and Kiu. angfi tf u. T. 8TKONACH is 1 1 i . I v r a M "MACKkKF.b, CLT IIKI1KINII8. FKK8I1 COII FI8II, 1KISH POT A TO Kg ail,'5 If u T. 8TKONACI1. Y UCTIOS 8 A L E 8 , HATCH DAY, AirOUST 5th, 1871. Commencing at 10 a. ni. and 4 p. m. One good buuftv and several wairons. Vnr niture and household articles, bedsteads, fea Uier ImmIb, inattrasses, Ac, Ac. One lidUm gold wati li and oue ltood clwik. A collection ofdryitocAla and fancy articles, reailv mailc clothing, hats, ImniU amy shoes, and a small lot of N. O. Bacou to close couKhrnments J. M. TOWI.E8, ng 5 It AucUoneer. Q K18T MILL FOR SALE. One rood second hand Orlsl Mill In imod order, lulling atnuit 4(1 bushels per day, will lie delivered on the N. C. Railroad at very low figures. Parsons having the power can make it pay well this dry seamn. ang 5 U JAME8 M. TOWLE8. N KW- KtAHfR; tt At A!t OlMtf- Constantly reireivlnit sunnlics and sold at market nitea. sua 5 tf JAMES M. TOWLE8. Q O KSfULD fEtS. T - - SO ' iiskels st deaot augSU JAMk8M.TOWl.8s. tVilWOK CObLBUt, N. tf. Its next term wfl! tagln September 3, JS71. Aneual lleitit evK riw-s from taisi Uii-Jilfi For cstalo i, or otlnT idfornisUon, anidr Ui Kav. CUAKLE4 Pllll 1.118. U. D., aui; 4-wlra Davidson College, N. il. "VTOTICTE. is nerenv given mat tne partnership tily suhsttitlrur fietween J. M. Pool and B. J. Ilohlcn, both of tlie eltv of Kalciiru and State of North Carolina, under the ftrm arf PtXIi, A lloLDKN i desolved oa this, the M dsy of All debts owinir to the said TtsrtnemhlD are to be received tijf Said J. M. Tool, snd all Aa inanas ou said parinersuip are to be presen'ed to blut for payment. POOL A HOI.DKS, ; I anr-lw . by J. M. Foot. LOST, ' - f Batwecn tlie residence of Col. Wm.' K Anderson and Mrs. Jno. II. Brvan's, s MOM) Cll rr BUT Ti IN. The Under will he reward ed by leaving It st the " Soutlncl " etlla:. ang a-fct , TTrANTED. V V Four Plantations containing from oee to fonr hundred acres each, within four to ten miles of Kaleigh For further informstion spplyto JNO. UALLAUHKK. . sag B-ot ' TTlR 8ALK JD S,ttj6,00 OOfID HARD BRICK at 18 and $7 per thousand, occorUing to quality. Apply to JNO. GALLAGHER, aug 8 01 Raleigh, N. C. e?(r BUSHELS CORN 0JJ aoo busliels Meal. In store. aug3-tf, W. C. 8f RONAC1I A Co. K AAA LBS 0- R- BC LK 8IDR8. iJ.UUU 2,M0 lbs. dry salted balk Shoul ders. 11,500 lbs. sugar cured Breakfast Strips. Just received, angS tf i i W. C BTRoNACl,l A Co., Ci h BBL8. COMMON MOLAB8K8. Z U S hhds. Cnlia Mulssti . sugSti W. C. BTIKlSACTfSTTo r( HALF BBL8. N. C. Bt8 ANII CUT 0t llerriags. sugStt pr. C oTRON ACH A Co. AT Jacob karber'8 grocery store . may be found Canned and Fancy Goods, V China Ware, Perfumeries, Musical Instruments, JNew Patent Brooms, ' GUss Wm, Willow Ware, -Wooden Ware, Preserves,. Candies, 4 raeken, Sardines, ' Teas, Pickles, and Bnuff, aug 8 tf EM mt CPTHSERT. formeHv a Uisdinif Dry Hoods Merchant of Newbeni, N C, hi forms his acenattitaiiees snd others In the llrv I4oola Tnde. tliat h Is now located with (lie larK and popular Wholesale Dry Gouos Honstt or ;i ELY, OBBRHitSER & CO., Noa. JTJ7, S-JI and SSI Broadway, corner of Worth strmtt. New York, wb4re he will Iw glad to see tfyaa when in ths eltv. and lake nleaaure In slnXwiujc tliem tlietr extensive and varied stock ot DBT 0018, MOTIONS, Ac. N. B. All orders entrusted to him will re celv his iirumpt anil apiaHal attention nesiaH-iruuv, aug Mm KMMKT CUTI'IBCRT. JJOT AND COLD BATUS. , , This establlshraent has bee fitted tin na the Riiropean stvle. Gentlemen w II! 8 nd it to be erne of the most wholesome systems ever In troduoad m this eity as Uie following dlstln- ruwried pnysirians wiu vouca lor, vis: ur. it E. Johnson, Iff. W, U. lacKea, and Dr. Jas. MeKett. ' V Mra KARRER kashe honor to Inform tlie dlixens of Kelelgh sni the surroundirac eoun try that the business lately carried on under the nam of Jacob Karrar will lie eoatiiiiu d as heretofore, ander ths same same, Also 0,a tl.A ' 1 BATIIIX0 HOUSE has been sornpleUt and that cleanliness, eom fort and rood altentitta will be found. Hot Baths, eielosively, V) cents; Cokl Baths 8ft cents. , ' lf Fleaee secure roar tickets at Uie store. SUIT f-tf yARKKNTON FEMALE COLLEGE. WlHBSSTOll, N. C. The Fall aossioa ef 1871, wiU bcKla oa We assstaf, nb Jnlf. . i 1 Tliui luautution -oners supenor mnrsurmai advansmrea. lta urosoertty, nnder the present autnniiauvkiim, wm "NS'"J j ' 1U patrons and frhjods t!SUUH ni HMHUH rw aw wmkbi Board, (exclusive of Light and WsshingX j - $70 Tnitloa In Aifulsr course - - Ul.o Cliarr for estrs stndise, eaoderaU. v For full particulars apply to if . kEV. T. M. JONEo, President. Jane lft-lm . T JU8T KKOUVEDII ..." At w. u. ss . a. iiKser awtw piece White 8trlped Fbioe at 35c. per yard. ' , JulyW-tf 1 MARKET i Yobk. Aug. SM.mey abundant ai i a ; gold I la 1-8 to 1 IS I 4 ; N II. 144, hew 24. V j . '. .(lot tn sales T70 Ii.slos : unlanda 1 8 4; rliHir-Haniibern heavy ami dioou- iH ; common to fair Mtm'4f.3M,M.jf, giaxr u choice .99 i.( Jf wbr.sliey (o w at ill; w heat U-ss active an4 ateadial, winter red and Amowr W..n t.3 .it.4:k new !.:! il I I : corn cl.wd a sl'udc 'caKirV atSOittbi , ricc'i SUt 13; mess pork a shade lower at 1:1 111 1 2s,U.n? I 2 ; larrf lower ki ttle 10 ;i s ; turpentine :la.V ; rosin dull. , l.lvKiiiMol., 'Angfl'st' 3, evcniiwj -CVit ton dr.-,. d lirmer uplands 8 7 8daU.il ; Orleans y I 4d. THE KLIXTION IN CHAftl.KSTON: (-HAIU-KsTo(', rl I"., Aug..a.a.'t h couul of the voli-sast in yestetday's election is not yet conrludnt, but the ejection ut tkn. Wagner as mayor, and Ac whoU eh ia-mi'4 ticket, is now couonied by thcr pponenta. The majority, at tlie lowest cstinhttc, is 500 votes, there ia great re juicing among the citizens. VUZ WESTFIKLl) IMHA9TEK IMATRS T1UA1TON. Nkw Voks, Aug. 3. At the inveatiga Ikin into the caufte of the disaster to the ferry. lamt Westliuld, lu-ld here today, Henry Holijiison. the engiuonr, Itaung saorn, tost i thai that the Isiat left Stateii Ulainl at i l I 2 o'clock on the day ot the Haaator. When it came into the New Vork alip the engine bell rung "all done." lie went out and put tile Ihmi on the t.-lnka, and W'eut on deck to straighten tin in. He went back into tlie engine-riMiiii, and saw that there were ii t poiiiids or steam on, and then went out. The fireman shut off tlie water, "I then saw the llrcman coming out of tlie lire-room, and asked him if all us right, and he said 'Yes,' I then rcfiirucdto inotiiie ii saw 17 wilnilsol' steam on. 1 then v, alk- ed slowly oil' towards the bow, anil saw the antatn with his band on the whe . I then returned towards the Kngiiio riKim, and when within 10 or 13 feet ot it I hoard the explosion. I rushed br the engine room loor, and stopiwd and lilted the trap, win n a fireman came up so badly injured that he lieil liniiicdtatclv. 1 was not absent lour minutes after noticing iiJ aundon the gauge. I don't know whether' the gauge was correct or not. When there was no steam ou, the gauge would sometimes stand at 3, and other times at zero. I wntltisd ,ssUiV1M.-4i. 1U.4WuiuI of steam on the way up. I generally use iroin Tta to a I pouuiia oi steam, l ne vaive was set at Ml, so aa to give the steam a chance to blow off and keep it at 'i. W lien Uie gauge suowed Z7 in the slip, tlie safety valve was just simmering. The water in the tanks is sometimes iKiiliun. The valve is live inches, and I couldn't tell the square ot five, or the ilillcrcnce be tween high and lo,w pressure. There were sometime little pin hole links in the en giuc, and there was a patch oft the sad dle -put on last fall -which was blown off at the ex plosion." .TRCrl'BLB A110NO THE LOUISIANA REPUBLICANS-DESPERADO KIU ED POLI EMAN SHOT, &c. Nkw Ohi.ksks, La., Aug. 3. Serious trouble is apprehended from the bitter tecling between the wings of the republl can party wheu the couvention meets on the w. itrst. A desperado named Oererend has been mortally shot by Sheriff Houston. A stray shot hit a negro. Oerereud hail killed a man in 1 HUH, and another in 1860. Houston is in jail. A policeman was fatally shot while warning ins i. ut last night. lAim DRANCH RACES. Long BiiANcn, Aug. 3. Milesian won in the steeple-chase to-dav. Wiuoeap won the West-End hotel takes. Time , 2:4H 1-4. Nelly Gray won the third race in two straight beau. Tune : 1:55 1-4, 1:47 1-3. Helmbold won the Tamniauy cup. Time: 6 minutes. I RESIG NATION-REDEMPTION oy THREE PER CENTS LAND WAR RANTS. Wahhikoion, Aug. 8. Thos. H. Dud lev, for nine ynars Urfibd Stutee Consul at Liverpool, has resigned. The Treasury Ih'partmeht has Announ ced its readiness to redeem one and three- quarter millions of three ixt etfnta, which cease bearing inturitst on the gist Scptem her.- . Assignniciiis of laud warrants must hereafter be uiadcon tjje back of Uie wiirranU. -..) -AFFAIRS IN4iUROPR,- F;llOM KNOI.ANP. Inixh, Aug. SiThe bunt and Countees of Paris dined last night With the Duke de Jlrogte. the French Ambassa dor. . , . In the H'Miso of Commons this evenbiif Viscount Enfield, of the Foreign Depart ment, denied that negotiations .were pending with the United Slates forthe alKilitiim of privateering. M.. itartelot expressed hie approval of the grant tit Prince Arthur, but deplored- tue continued eeciuaion of tlie tjueeti. Mr. Uladslone ileuied that her Majesty was unpopular. He eiprosaed ecr-iot at her aeclUKion, but declared that the Queen waa an jinn, to resume public duties as rapidly as her healthy permittod. ARREST mil LIBEL TILE ITALIAN PJUX.'ESSION-TIIli DISASTER, Nkw YohEi Aug. 3. Tlie nrtiprictor ol the Jersey City Koriiitig Journal has been arrested at, the instance of Ueonre Watts nn chnrffB uf libel. - ' The Swedia of tin city have deter mined to ioin in the Italian procession in celebration of Italian unity. . , r . tin of the ri'inainmg sullerora from tlie VVestllcbl disasuir wili die, A DErUiRAULKFFAIR. St. Ixifs, Aug. 8. A woman, crazed from nursing her sick c.liild, took it iitst outside of I.'! Cygne, Kansas, and choked it w it'll rags. She then strangled herself by tying a rag around her throat. FROM JAMAICA. KiiiosToti, Jamiia, Aftjr. 3. The llor- aett ready and preparing to -leave. A Spanish war vessel la watching hereto ly. , f , nuK in bostox Boston, Aug, 8. Tlie Lyman school house waa burned to day. Lose tlOO, 000. , x . ' . t B iij.fji.NU lots irqR SALE, In the Nirtheastern part tut the City. 1 lot SHMrJ'i fn-t fronting Fdnb. CfrtVit: I " JOti. i.:-j rec froiitii t''rsoi los't, , i ' tll55J'( fwi f ronting Jones street. h M SlOKfti' hMtt fron'ing 4imhs street, .. . " uxiri- Met cmnung KioodworUi street. For U rms anuly to P. A. Wilev, CkslilsrCit- liens' National Harik, or stXftrUi tareltna Land o., Tuekar Uall. juiy.vilt BARK. I wish In purchase one hnndrSd eords of good tan, bark, Ut be delivered at ar lsa aery near kaleurli, V J. For fMrth-atan address Ui awtsrsicsed at thi alsve place. A July au-ii.lwjmr n.v, utwia. T-T 4Mt.. lA.ijs If ....ss. s.dfe A a Best N ia twceNM a for Nle, julySilf, Wfi, JOJiESA Co. T7,-)R BAH. Nk Whits Mosl Floar snd Com. ' W. H JO.SE8 AtV OH SALE Puro round Bone, the best Fertillier for tnmlpo, jiiiv at ti h; w H JOVE a o. NEW AltHIVAfoF GKdCF.HIF.8 Justnavlved USI Banvla'Flour, Mapsca i'4iuily, ticvem Mills,. Sujieran,! N. t Katuily .usieka . JuiyilK A G .EE A CO. QCG R8, t'oFFFW ANIi TEAS. O Thirty Ksm4s statnlard A I'ewikred and C, Wiikrarw. Rto ao4 Luuyrsi'ettis3S,.iarions trradc and prices to suit, the times; Chun (ireea anal 81 k Tim. July 44 tf A 0. LEE A CO. Five" kkgs'best "enoi.isii soda, twenty esses fsm'enUaU,1 .Lyeclicaier than rvur. cotHlenae! MwW, Teast Fowiltrs, Tarka, ftii U ili, Powder Mint, -Cape, Coil,. Uiiu, bucket, WotHlee Faucets, llorss llrnslies. Itinckkug Brushes, Ac. July 14 tf A. O. LEE A CO. ' p WENTV (. BR8T STARCH i. HSI tinais hvst Faiior, MaUue, twent. Ipokus fmsli ,al iraeksra, Uiag r Cakai, lalinoa 8i H tlit and Mtmumeulai Bisi-utU July U4 if A. ;. LEE A CO. TXTOMAN'S FRIN SfMP, A VKRVl tine 8oas, cheap and if,Kl. J vniiy ana navy niaikiug niicnaafed. July J4 tf A. G. LEE A CO. BAC N I BACON 1 1 BACON ! I I Cboliai N C liainstKtat Sugar Cuml llama, brtght N. C. SldiMTWusttini bulk and bacon Sides, a full supply, pure family Lsaf Lsnl in 'fairer, aud TUia July at,-U A. (1. LSI CO. (H.I.AK, llamiw, Traw? I)ump-t "art llar- v. ii, hi, i-mm iws, cnr'Yi'ni, aoi lalls, llorss jnor . u A. ly. bill, It UI I, 01,11 N. C. Wldskr. iv vi-srsoW, V How ami pure, lu;-i ,.pt. ;,"n, iw'ti Itn.itwV, Genuine CalNnet Rye Whtakv. H. K. Rum and Gin. July M It A (i I.KKACO. 1H:K In Tlnroea, MoLwus of best Ulily V Sugar HnunaSrriiphr tlie Barrel or ll"io ie.i.l and li.Wu Uol'dcu Si, i, i July iHi( A. G. LEE A Co. FRESH ground Whits corn Must, Cora, Hals, Bran, Peas, Ac, Ac. July U A G. LEE A Co. C CHOICE ramlly Roe llerrlntrs in half Bw J rel ; also, N. C. Gross Hurriugs, very cheap. -Juk .?; ,., A GLEl. A C& IIHIRRTOH'8' Snuff In Bladders, ' by the .J lund or Iwrrel, cheap as the cheapest, julyiM tf A. G. LEE A Co. I (H KINIillAM ShmUiigS, heavy, white IV and smooth, Inferior to lloim; Lynch liiux Cross Clwwlug Tobai'eo, prououueed the nest in Uie city. July 'M tf , A G. LKK A Co. 1 I Ml IilAMILY Urocertes of sll the host aud ' moat deniranl" grades always on hand. Coast. aimmts solicited, . Alt imleri filled promptly. A. G. LEE A Co., Whole ale Grocers, Com. Mcn hanls A CotWn Factors, WUuUukWu 8t , Fast of Market, Jnly34 tf Raleigh, H. C. THE WAKEFIELD : EAftTIl CLOSET, la bj sll odds the tow yl listeatfrt rltmd to Vi ah KriBi-u r a a htm I'imitlto. SSbei l $iw Ytth...fcr. JlMcrtptlve. V psiaphlsi, or call and statu --y Ins. Two now on hand at W. IL JONES A Co., may 18-tf Ajtwils. JST B W A R K I V A L. FLOUR I FLOirii I 1871. 1(10 sacks Extra and strictly Family Flour In "'nvenient sise sacks, direct from (he Virginia Dealers will find It to their interest to esll ana examuut uns nonr. JAMES M. TOWLES, JulySTtf Com Merchant i HESTER WHITE PIGS SOHRAI.C J I have for sale a snoerlor strain of this breed of bona, of rapid growth and easy faten iiik properUm Boxud snd dellvenid on Chat h .m R. R. at from 8 weeks to It months old for sin a pair. A RKNCEER, Pittshoro', H. 0. June 8-owswHm. Q OTTON Si ED " , . O I t . " , 4 As agent for the Oil Ml 1 located near this city, i am prepared to turoish cotton seed oil i., a.. r a.. . , ,.n i,iv ,h p nwn Cotton Send Oil is an eterllent sohstitnts tor tunaeed m, st his Mien half ths east, JULIUS LEWIS, Jlily 4 If Raleigh, N. . T OtiK TO YOUR INTEREST, 1 J , Aud buy soap, BPRflry ' " CAN1ILK8, PEPPER, STARCH, BODA, CAN Or, GINGER, Ac Ac . ' Ae. tf ' Of A. C. StNltEltS A CO., aug i-tC No, Martin street, QUK MOTTO Is to always sell as L'iW as the LOWEST, snd oecaFioualty lower, If required. A. C. StNDERS A CO., ' No, a Martin Steet, augl tf w ANTED AT ONt.'B. S,0t bsles Collon. o,lS. hiisliels Corn. , l.tsju hhls. N. C Flour. , s . Iisi.issi llaj. Rags. v., ,;. ; - luo.oisl Ihs. ntd i!asBnira -For which ws will pay tlie cash or groceries. A C, SANttg Kit ;., sag ( tf No. Martlu sItmsL JORNt. COKMIwCXIKHt-- 1,000 boshels WIIITeTlINT CORN, at aa toulalilng low flgurus, t 'tr sale by A C. 8AN1IKK8 A CO., aug ( tf ' No. Msrtla slrert M KALI MEAL! MEAL I If von want NICK WHITE CORN UFA! Just from Uie best mill in Uie country, rail oa aug 1-tf No. MsrUn street. ' F ixyuKt Flour i fmjuri Jnst Feeeived, all rrades. at all miens, and most be soU . A. U BANKERS ACO., aug 1 tf , i No, t Martin street. INSTRCCTIil,! VfKJAL ANI IN8TKU JsKNTAL MUSIC will he icivea bv PROF. 4. LILUE. Aiml st ths Muale Bton. rtlBtinf lti July vt Hi i ' 1KACU, FAKERS, APPLE FARERg. The best out. July au tf JULIUS LEWIS. J RESERVING KETTLES. 1 ( j Brsjw'ah Forcelaln Lined. ,.jhity ujj, . Ji'LiL'oLr.m ; TT'OUfiri FJIi.wSliING HAU0WAK IV endless vauuty. July o-U JULIUS LEWIS. RUIT JARS. "Mawis'slmprored "fiem,' "gfn" ami Eureka." 1 1ras Jars are plfored si senMf : ing low 8 fares. - . . Julylf , JULIUS I.K1YI8. WiriSKTI v!H18K.y,!l "r S Bills. B.wers A SILVER SPRING WII1HKT. the oarust Wlussr n t-e City 14 in iisl. , . ii. X STUO.NAC1L )uly U I LSI BaV RIVED J Pealsnlv K-ia ly Flour, Fstrsi 8a -ar, , i t .i: i o8e and IVa, 1 j. f r iml shis-ua,' . 1 - - Molasses, t mtk Butter, ' j Orani', j Coconuts, 1 Candles, A., Aa : At mar ttt-tf S. II. IIAKKISON'8. ROKITOKNO I'llOFIT-, . slur irood aiHal. he sitlil Ia make m,ui, r.,. dally arrtvafs. c-onstm'nents, Ac. A ealt ot an order, will eonvlucc yvu thai e say nolii bur that wedo not mcaa, s A C. bANDF.KS ,C . July IH tf No a, Marttn Str.s'1, pKESH GROUND MEAL, From Marelilta1'. MUla, Vavttv4ll. Jsat ns'iveu ny iiirouKii Irani, i CttaUiam kail rdail, and lir sale bv j " A, O, SANIIKRS A Co., tjuly IS tf T No. 3, Marttn Strw-t. JEW, 8WEET AND WHITE FLOUrTT"' Paragim, Family illrook Extra Ralllinim' Bell. Briaik Suiht. N. C. FiullvWiii.ia Sn tier, always on hand and for sale allow Mguns by ,. A. C. SANDERS A Co., juijrinu no. a, Martin Street Randolph Macon College, ASHLAND, VIRGINIA. Stssioa ojirna Thiir(liiy, Srpl. t 1S7I. Kor further infnniisifon, caialogue, Ac Address, WM VVIi.blSj Kli limond, Vs., JiryTs if mlLI1 t"J,"'1'i "hlsmt, 8HEI.UURH, P(jOTTWAV'IIKR, ONE OOOH SHOV PESCUD, LE E A Co. Hlielhnms' Phiitographs aru notwl for their sB-rlor softness , nni,h, and cannot be surasMil in tliis State. July Is -it A (Ir.NTS W A NTT II K-'il! TilR. TIlANSMISHIikS' OF I.IFB. (WssSISor THS Kti liBAMI llviIKNor THMs'i'i.iNcFiairriiia in Ih.'Nai'1ikvs, anthoruf ' rr lyMn$t hifftj' H-).an." It islaus' to lAriwtlr i; Is full ,,1 new facts; del leatc hut outspoken ; practt al and popular ; highly endorsed; s,-ll rapi.llv. Sold by sub serliitioii only. Encluslve tenlUiry. Terms liberal Price iA Address for coiiielils, c, J G. FERGUS A CO.. Publisher! l'hll,l.,.. jihia, Pa. ' II. J. BAl Klt, Iealor In Beal Citato, ,... .,..KBJMU!SU.EA,-,.....-., Bays and sells Improved and unimproved lands anywhere In the United States. msmcnAfrra1 canGLix7a on. is liooii roK UkUbtimu, Ueimrrh.mt, or V, l.'fettvfciseaa Dntlm, Htn A tpUtM, rhafiml HamU, fil4 JtrnvH$, i nimai, rwwa, MHUQt, "S Hi'", SimMm, oiamnrp, fttmuil ilMij, ,ricSM or mwt iSaad I'raeJra, Wevf, H'l,fu,iifj UrfUtf AU A'imlj, Fimmiu-ul Het, fsilss nf Aatm dtJbl tempt Ftntltry, ests, Immlilaek, o. fWAwJW, 4x,4r. UAROE SIZE, I.0u MEOIUM, Sue. citi at, i., oe. Th ll.wrHn.T ,111 l,ud I....,- t.. . rLl .... ,ta, .nji, ,,, uw M Ullll meat for thirty eight rears All we ask Is al , i i.. . j.j.,, ... i .' " " m ww muiv uki mrnrw mreerions lattent raedleliiM, fcw. nn of mr Almanac . TliM lianfllnwini l t.. I.- ..11 Me dealsrs throughout the txirwi matt east I ' ' ' II",,, 1 s, Ml HI hrentsdarBiiiufiflf. Use the '" ma guar ututfuuore wuai ffwoa n laudons. " uw fr nu noerai wiin an, ana aerv on' rs tirtiim Uritm t.. ii ' MANUTACTUBED AT LOCKFORT, N. I r OARGLINa OIL COMPiKT. y , J0H HODGE, Bac'V. rnilf FRESH nilUPIIUITOIW stovd X For lious fronts, docks, pier, rulver wall., foiotliiln. mnA l,lnu.. harder, ninredurahl, andluu reent liieaiKT man natural -sume. ror supply of shine, or rlgii wi iiiHninni-Ture, tor counliesyir Htates. apply to CliASs W. DARLING, SsereUry, N V , Frear Vm Hp., I,I8 Bruadwhy, N. f . -J v- QCHOFIRLIP8 PATRcftEB COTTO.N O PRESS la Uie siiHiiMt snd best mads, II win min von Bcnu iif eireuisr sue prices to SCUur-IKI.Il 8 Ironworks, Macon, Ueorifla ' ielwti INsal BtwMsM. S t Fiollars ' nice paid for tlie local ruuni Issurditi Mrr C'iPfedersle Pnst-laaaiwsjiei-ptiittf ths New Orie-in and M,-m tills IsM isiita by WM P HRowM A I J , o MaSsau street, Mew York Cll. Amenta! Read This! Vlffc WILL PAT AGENTS A SALARY V of Ml PER WEEK and EXPENSES, or allow s larva eommlssloa to sell our new snd wondartul InveiiUona. Address M. WAG NER A CO., Marshall, Mich A ofi H'srsa and Carrtagr u' j mii f lumuuta m,.x Cipeusoe psid. SL Siiaw, Allred, M. 1," V ERV LAIIY who tlcalres a FIRST-CLASS J SEWING MACIIISK (than which there is no saperlor) FRKE, address, . emdosjiur stamiis for return poauufs. AVERif A6. . Omml Agmlt, tiu-hmmtl. Fa. MILLION DOLLARS. iv Shrewd hut iulet men esn make a for tune by mvualliiK tin- aocrot of Wis business to no one, -v Address' , .- , . WM WltAT julyift-tf ' 'HH Broadway New York. s ALT I SALT II SALT!!.! I H Bush. Backs Uvenwit Sail. X " Ground Ab(in Salt, For sale low to the tnutu, .; ' A C. SANOKRS A Co., July IS tf No. S, Martin StreeV UGAKS, COFFEE , Ac , Ac, ............... x - i Alwavs on hand and a cheap as tlie very cbaapnst, at. 4 j, . . a. o. ssnt'i'.K a co's, July 18-tt No. 8, Martin Street QOSSIGNJIENTB 50LIC1TEU. 8lrk situation paid to consignments of all kinds, ah4 prompt returns made hrr i A.USAUN11KK8AOO., Jnty 18 tf J No. i, MarUn StrMtt. POKE KYB WHISK Y. 8 BlUa Btlvsr Btrlnfrs sad Boarbon Whisky (usraataad pare, for sale hr June JT U i.t 8TRONACH. YIN STORE. JL . . 1. ! ... ... I S dose A lbs. Uns Family Lsrtf, ' lo eiuKW 1 osicentrated Lye, , 10 csae Thole's Starch. SB baW a.ar,.. . ' a vwn-vs Canal llama. WW Mm. siilns. . tft bIHa Purhi Rico snd Demererar Baear. t Wikiu Mackerel Allbhls Flour. 1 ' " tkat shuImIs Whlta OornVMl . A' , , ; 1 .V) k. Evan.' snd Maru(Slt, ' , t-S !,.. Lann-liv Snap. to rases Bskinr Powders. ' 70groaNew York Matehisl loo rms s amied anil Fancy ( roods. liiciMasGmte and Hlach i nn.. ' . ' inly -it if W. C, 81 KHNAl.il CO. J B I 8 II fOTTOtll. A larK supply prime N. C. lnsli Potato- s iu store. ,. tlAMBB M. TOWI.S V July 'il At Com. Jturchauk. , - v , UN8ECTI0NAL, UKPARTISAN, Thufrttkett irrif of Tejrt-Book AA AieaAaf aVi-fiia nf tric m1. . ... .!' 1 Ii ""- "r wwiwOT-f csss vnsiuuuiretetiren. ' tr ' l - ) ,. ' fj Offlctallx adepW by lb TblfinLl and Oorgla SUM 'Boards ut EiitscalJen. '.unnvuHernvna uxruri-v aouTiiKniw statu, Alld saany NoiUr CUtaS. t . , i , , . t na An AssneWiaa ormi posed ef avariy the several SouiIb tu Btalea, ft4-Bchool-ltiMiks which sltouM he en WKfwiitiatl, which should present wieuoair-are now issuing a cm-Text-buoks by the eminent scbut which are the d II Cheapet Bm,ana t Now published. " Th " University Ssries" embraces Maury'8 Geographical Series, By Comawdon M F. Mrr, of the Virginia Military Insiiinte. A st-riec of hunks which mark n m in ths study of this seicnos, and which, fa (he wonhi of a wrfl knows and ar nnluhed rswlliem teaclicr, " m charch-ri-d by a S-lk-liv of arrangement and simple frentrooss of style which must ever render turn) attractive tn 'the vomig, ami ha h ill ! e " y ' -n rrogrwpny as anu ikh uwrciy as an enumeration ol dry Holmes' Readers and Spellers, By Okoror F. Hotens, LL.D., PmfVasor of Hbtory awl Reueml Virramre is ih Uni vsrsity of Vinriili. . A series of H-adcrs uisApullrd in rheapness, t-urllrncr, and I vis graphical lieaaty. They are steadily pmgrvksir in character, brij-ht and Ircsh in iinir selection, of pruss and verse, and jllustraiire ef Southern seerna, iwakuts, aad kiskry. , Venablo' Arithmetical Series, By Cnaaias 8. Vaeaaiji, LL.D., Fmlenor of Matlirtnatic in Ihs t'aivcmty ef Virginia. Thcso books are received everywhem by umlllcent tearhrm with the hiflmst satkifactien, as buing moil admirably a-laplod ttsr mental drill, as well as Car baainess ntnra tkm. 'Theiri methods, rnfca, and R'asoeiugs an ckar, uiitinct, logksl, snd cvmimhrauvt and the series is carefully graded tbroaUuut.. . 1 . , f ' Holmes' History of the United States, By Oi oans F. Ilot, as, LLD., of th ITnin-rslty of VirgiBia, It is enouL-h to say of this admirable work, intermtinn, hnpartinl, and trathftil, as Well as pure and graceful m style, that il is the osfy History of the Uuifed butcs whkk is sf esurfuua. It ennuis dosrti to the present date. Also, j . De Vere's French Grammar, Readers, etc., , Clldersleeve's Latin Series, ' Carter's Elements of General History, Holrrtesf English Grammars. LeConte's Sclentlflo Series, t Johnston's English Classics. r, Duntonlan Wrlting-Books, etc., etc ; Read Ibr ear new ILLUSTRATED DESORItTIVB CATAIIOCE, wl4 will I mailed Ires to any teacher or school officer. It kills what teachers think of the books, and contains spsciinen pages of each. . . Address .tTTsTVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, i i T l 137 Croaby Mrwt, Hew Tert. J t.,1 &-UU1 "ji?.b LIFE MSUEAjNTOE COMPANY t)rt VIRGINIA. UBADQClUTiml PETEllSlintfi. A.fl. MelLWAINE, Presklent, D. B. TENS ANT. t Vta Frealdcnt. II'IKI I BJal 1. I . , BAM'L B. TAUL, ITnanfeCbmntltte. " A, (i. MiiLW AISE, it u IVARt.'T FAUL, I. B. '1ENNANT,V 1 ,V T, T.BROOC. Vi M. & 1ALU1U, utlve A. 0. Mcll.WAlN BO. H V. W. BTiCCft, l. AltlAUlU, A 0. Mellwalne, I) B. Tonnant. ITAm fVnl. . T BruiN ks, -i- Win. R. Mallury, John Armitfton, , . w ra. i.ainorou, Oeortf Cauienm, H. O. Melaabie, Charles W. Sph-er,-H. ii. Peirrani, . s John Mann, n. a. stub, Win. K. Johns, 0 cores U, OSvia, . C. lirnk B, B BoMliuf, Ur, U. W. Lasslter, AuKuir the offlcers and dlrwtors will ht arid stalled Inteftrily, as will he a atiarautce, ; aiid fslthf ully ket. . . t With an atuple Cai.ltaJ, mmlnrate rates la tmfd In fact Willi svorv advantaim liiat edniivlUi nrmltuuitt ami af,-tv tia m.l, ,,.,.! o. ,u.i,,. holders, this eomtany apxials with contidenV to Uie x-oii of Nortli lirobna for pairoi ..uti snd offers tlwm an opportunity to Invest with Satiny In a moat nmd raaae. A Board ot director will son b estabUsusu mi kakluli, who will auptrviae the Inyasbucn V of fuitils rwsivtid in North Carolina, ''i,,.. i. , , , This arra)iri-miit will kp lu clrralati,m s rspltal aniw.our owa nco,le which has here tofore to a fires! intent Uaui sent al-hmil u aieuiiinlultf, w u.r m-la of atmngt-rs sml earh:h dtabuit voimnuiotiea. ilur t-onibiioii are so simple, and aw liberal, thai we eomt dually invite eoiupariouu with any coiujamy hi ith Korkl. W. II. PACE, Atlonioy tit l.nwj juiy f uiTWl, TOKN J. FBAt'S tl l liuielcal and Mathnnatlesl School, 14 nulosH. Eastof Kalctah lmiatlon very healthy. Tlie MiaiA smsIiu uonnuamon tit llrst Moil dav (4t i dav) of Sciiu-mtK-r, lfjTl. Foe Circular wiilainhuf terms, Ac., , I ... Address, JollJf i. FlUF, or A. T. MlAL, July 19-d'JUwtwAwH ' ' Kali'iish, N. C iALL Tit A I) K 1K71. C.lYLl.a.AsXlVCS, Wholesale hc Iflunitnu'lurrrs, TllOMABVILLE, N. 0. f Bf torr Eulurjtrd. ,' Grmlly tncrsased PriHbiiMlon and Sales. Orat wdiicliiai, W holuaabt Prteiis. Great Variety of Ne and KIchhiU Styles. UrireY'oek of Brat Class Win k. . 7 No 81ilfty fflVid. rvWyWllWWslTlilib'il. Mwhan-nd toi Circular and Prh-e J.lt, , July SI ,wu "jSKW HOODS. A' nw"BoHiVorROWN DIJCK BACKS, VESTS, AND VAST3, kianufactimal S(ecla)ly for uuks men. : 1 ' 1 , Just received at " - B. B. ANDREW A CA't JlylS.-ll , . - , jyOW OPENING. WHITE DUUK.VKMf8 EXTRA LARGE BiZk4k - 7 WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS, . six sines at ', B. B. AVDBEWB A Co, July l'J-.li l N' KW AXD 6TYLI8H. I WHITE DUCK tERBY 8ACK8 Mow Opening st X. B. ANDREWS Alio,' f L'lHJtMTOE NETTINd. 7S Ft EC ES Mt'SQ L'lTO NtttlNf j v tmm '- sau It Muaqulto Bars, framed, a new and ronvea tent Invention Uils day received, W. U.k R. 8. TUCSF.lt A Co. July 15 tf t KNU1NK. FISH fHL. t I for Uumisif ioriH.i, can be famished by .he barrel or in l.rr jftr inantities. '' UIWANOA ilARKISS. Gia'l Atntts It tab Guatvo Co., ii uano i.,o., hwlolt, Vs juiy-a.uuswiiu.v UNPOLITICAL 8C0UL-ED0lt3. ! vubtithetl Containing tlie hftt'pt ii-sfea"' Of the most eminent eiiljma "";V,l T ' I tin- th nmstsntr - Cr a series of ly KwcdiwoJ, mparft.ua, and IV the lEmSk " S,,w mm.i tlkne seraw at M.-luwJ K,ll,.. an nnd ediwalora aatuul Utuw 1 , Jitfiutiful fkkool-Vooka a tcunce. as sornvtliuig to t hug to nuke pusls' thihk. facta. '; m mm; D. P. FAf'kliFK, CousulUug Actuary. Or. D. W. li.v-l f KR, I . , lias 1 Uf I S:KI FlfU t j. i;M iJ-?il LW b t sedlral tHrectorar Manager and SsvraUry. . t a'omiulil - t. , feAVIft, DAVID CALUNOEB, USUTOHBt. . su--" I Robert H. Mann' ft Raker Rains,' ' 11. I. I'lulumnr,! fist I led Rop r, . ' Vim. A. Hrar, ' John M. Weal, Frank Polls, . S. 8. BrbhtTS, F. Euirone I la via, j llavid Cullender, i B. A, Plummnr. t James O Rnhlle, J. P. Williamson, W. L. Williams, . Dr. Jam-x llunn, K. T. Arrtiact m. a., a. Aiin, , iuic iiarnaom found now hut names of am-h Ini'h ,-bur that Ui truel rviKuwd In tliem will be himeatlv . . ' lVllrtas iKHi-forfulbihle aiu-r tan nani i,r..mlm .aiibAwaiv, inunio.nai,aHll.l r FOR NOUTU CAROLINA. Agent,, Kaleigh. Illl'l'l l., ,1J, .) ,U lif V.H1I ....UM, T-KWi tJOODSt . j NKW OOI)8ll , At R K D U C I D P It I C 1 8 1 ' a lRIMRi8E, FETrY A NEWSOM'B, mU ' o Fayctletlllea,. j aImTaj NsTAw.ArNsTnu in Smuonabln Ihva Grinds, Usui, Pcn-al. , Phpae, lliajaudia, W hit gointe, Grass I hubs. An., al . . 4 - PRIMROSE, PETTY A NEWStiM'S. June at tf ,, , i MATS FOR MEN, BOYS, AVI) mil., limn. at, low UB.-liidnw bttrrirtylK - out at .. . . , PRI MRI-8K, PETTY NKWSoM'8. ' June -M) if , ..ai'-Lii,iin.w im n n,., i, I. ,i -i-iir-i," ;,,r iS,,,!;.- Ol H ft'MlDH - WKRB BOLOIIT VkRT ri"ii : j at low (irlci'S and are ulfcrcu at v-vry siiiat, froBVUiep fore .uuri'milonu-rsium.-. now buy nioat Gixals of ua at lower priira" than Ui same were sold hi New York in March PRIMROSE, PETTY ' NEWBOM. June US if MERCHANTS BUYING SOUTH OF NEW York wm Hud imr Slink altrai iive and prtues to romiair favowbly with ih,. lowrai. ' PKlMlvusE, FEl'l Y NkUrSoM. ' o L'H ftlOi K li LAKtt K AM) 1 1 M fl'L tTK ituod (jriMx.N at th ltwrt nri. vi tiUXAT iKHK Of TUJfi AUZ. DicKsors ruiTicu mm.,- t Vol. Muslin Edition 3. oo. - -8st st Man. oa aarair or rstci. N. C. Book SUirh. JAS. H, ESsNISS. Air'l July It tf ' T T Bs'elh, N. C. WAKllANTKII K'KE. v....,...- .J,.. t . Send for Circular . June K tf K. J. 1'KCK, Linden. N. J. I tOARDING AND DAY SCWiKIL, Locloaiutil, N. C. 1 'tiff tl,it-,1 U,nl it O.l. llll mcn.-e July lutb, l.sfl, snd continue Uciity Cirvular fn,bbe.l on application In x "issuiamua A, i.IiKnshaw. wttil!. itvue i U, LouiabuiK, .N- C 7 V

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