t Sentinel -Tttic i. N. Rswsti. as Business 'Ck-rk, ihortsod make contract and cive re f,.!..- . St II 'KOAY, Al tit'KI' la. 1X7 t'H'V AN'l STATU ITKMS. f rKMPKMTI'KK. Till' lolllWll: (III' , .., -of the thermometer m I'iiik (!. Hiir- .I, Vr August II, H' (i A M. 70 W) 85 H. Wi nijiI .Iok w: 'Hiwi in Wilmington Wetlm-i-lay. terrific llmnler storm iuscil over U iIiiimiU" "" W.-.lii'.'s.liiv evouiittj. . II,; i utile dish inxr is kiM to ! i. Pmn; rm.i the nrrjment mtnirinr Tin nn'l' (.''''Wcr "' Co'ilslsiro' ul ,l, vieiniiy ure liiii"K lrfi- itiaiititiea ,,i fruit ninth. Tin- w iitis of the new tcle;.'rnih conia . tin Smtliern ami Atlantic real-heel t(l.,il...r.i' ou Moinlay evening. Tin- "ttiin rr in Kiljjci onilie is suitl , i-1. in ai ki'i tiiii', mi'i ni iut ;i.i ha . ..Ml I... ... I ....i,... iT cclll mine "in . T""- M tli in, than llwt v,'"r' Tin- Knl Ik'lt Hase Kali Club, ol Wash ii..'imi, N. '., rwently visited William iMT, Martin ooiiiilyTnint played iiiMiti i;;iiiu' with the dub t that pliue and were ,.li';lll'l. li, t t h is. l'liilliw, 1). I) , iiml one if !lir l'i. -lessors at Diiviilwiu College, will reach in tin' I'n sbvlorian church at 11 tnlisk Siiiiiluy morning the 13th insl., iiikI st uight at H o'vhwk. iIiiamik Watkhukuin Wu arc in i,ltci tn nur friend, I. W. tlroene, who rui'les a short ilsUncc from thin city, fur n mi aireplable present, in the shape of a hie oraugi' watermelon. Thanhs. - Our worthyoasheir and inuil iiii! clerk, desire us to return tlieir thanks In lr. V. Cliniin. llir mpular propiolor of ri .tmrmit uii.hr the iniitkct house, I lb' ius"iiiiu;eut dinner whii'h he netted ilii'iii in yestoriliiy. (1st T..iiK I'M'-oufrNViK1 irnif);-tli-insu who mi Thursday night lint ait i iliulitlly took a black lilt hat with K. II. Ku-Ui 's iKiii'f in it, will rrtiirn Dip nanif i.rthcsairT f . 1t.'B:, hr wtltWifim sro ual t';ivor utKin a bare boatled inaii. Cauk Nkaka Kihr. A fw evfiiSiifs MUD Mm. K. J. Warruii, bmjj thu Win kly A''ivv, passing from one ijooul toauotlier Hi ln-r rtii!-niMi with a lamp id lianil, it iln.hJi aiol set the building on fim, ii tni li AtVr sonin exertion wan finally sub iiui-'l with the assistance iiV ni'ihlHim. Thkii. N. Hamsay, pii'sident of the iiii rcninril, Wilfls n-etins ami th:inks l.i I lir hii'ihrmi of 'K ivriti vill", fur a Ihh ..fooil thinirs. He is ulail to have Iiml so kindly ri'iiii'iiibi'n'il, anil' reret tint Ik cimiI.I not lie with them in cele tiriliujr the third aiiiiiveniary of I'erseviT aiiri' tVitlnril. IIknokhsoh Fair. We are informed tlial Hun. Sinn II. Iiitgere, of this city, hs Ini n invited to deliver tlte annual addresa Is'lnre the Central Agricultural Hoeiety at iu approaching Fair, which will be held at lliiiilritn B the 10th of Oelober next We have uot lieen informed whether the invitiud has lieea ancepted or declined. Bay a the ltoanoke' Ami : John tlif father of Henry Wyatt, the first man that was killed in the late war between the txirth and tbe south, is now and has been for twelve months an inmate of the poor house of Pitt county. Although ha has lest health, property and friends his spirit it still unbroken, and on Thursday last he went to the polls and voted for conven tion. We learn the Rrr. Matthew Alston, pn -siiling Elder of the central district of the N. C. colored conference of the Methodist -Epiiicopal (1iurch( has appointed Rev. Mingo G. Cmnm, in charge at Raleigh, K. C. He will bokl service every Bimday at U o'clock and at ft o'clock, at Misa lla' siionl home, near the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. . : ' We learn from Then JRmmyT), deiif WaS'Soneii Prfends of Temper ance, that RevJL. 8. Burkliead, pastor 6f city, has consented to . deliver a Temper ance lectnre in Raleigh somctime shortly. Mr. Bark head has the reputathku of bei ng one of the ablest pulpit orator in the south, and will doubtless attract a largs . andienla to hear him. Due notice of the time and place of the lecture will be an wionced.' i rNrraiTiAr ArrAnw. We have been Umwroiwfiil In our Aflorta to ntkin a rr- port of the proceedinirs ot the board of directors of Uns institution, which lcpao one of its regular sessions on Wednesday ' and adjourned oa yesterday. We art informed that no alterations weremadn anion the ofTicera and employeca, and that the expenses for last month were $14, WW, iar-luilin(j the accounts of the archi tect for work done. ' ' ' ' Tlie health of the place la arfilto be impmvinK rapidly, anil"evi'rytliinir work i 'J! iwmth'y and well. We understand that the election,, of warden has lwen been it l take place at the next meeting of the board, which oecuni on the 1310 pm. .; Murli credit is due to. the, board of di tut the faithful and energetic man--w iaTsoieh they are discharging their duties, and. tlieir able and ecooomire.1 waitagenienit of affairs is an rvidnoef eantiovj and wisdom Wf tlie legislature ia "Seeling geatletnea so well qnalhled -wr the place. r- f. ween Washington. jt.C anil TarWii)o'. v ww-w , . y Kktl-hmkii.' Nearly all the l', (. troots sunt out tnmi this city to terrify ami in liiiiiibitc voters havr returned to camp ready fir the next campaign. Kit..; isr WivliDiNO.--- ( . Thiirsilaj' night, a little lifltr eight" o'clock the cohi iany liigun to aasinihlc-lu Chiint tiliumh to witness tliii' intitriiigi' of Miss Hannah Wii.i.ahii, daughter of W. II. Willanl, fyt . f Hi'lcigla, M-M.)H.t'r. A A&. of Wiluiingtiin. I! ilml.Kk the spacious eliiin li was itoWiIiiI with elegant ladiii, gi ntlenien, and sweet lisikiiig, sweetly ilressed ahisit .hla. At twenty minutes past nim the iiriihil jiarly enterml ihe Imn h by the weateni diair, in tlf ifciliowiag or der ; . K.rt gi'iHinwinan, Mr. .lunius IViyla, of Wilmington, with iliss Jose iliie Ashe,' sistor of the bridegrooiu ; Sicinul, Ht. TbiHnaa l)cltsiitt, of Wil mington, with Miss 1ive (J. Root, of Ral eigh; .Third, Mr. Saul A. Xaalirof lIUJs- Isirn', with Miss Wiggins, of llali (n; Kourth, Mr. ,loliu K. Crow, of Wil mington, with Miss Klla I'ritH y, ol Kliza lictht'ity; Fifth, Mr. E. K. 1'age, if Italeigh, with Miss Alt i-e Nixon, of Wilmington; SixUi, Mr .liimes Stephenson, of Wiliuing ton, aith Miss Mollie II. Crewey, of Eli Mtbeth City. Then came the bride an groom, followed by Mr. Win. II. Willanl awl Mrs. Dr. Martin.. Tlie ceremony was performed by Rev. It. K Mason, D. I)., the. bride's father "giving her away. The bridal party en tered and retiied from the church while the organist, Prof. lMilman, played the bridal march. From the church, the bridal party and friends repaired to the house of Dr. Martin, on Hi.llsboro' street, where they had a reception, and friends hi great iHiniUm culled to congratulate Ihe happy pair and partake of refresh ments. At 2 o'clock the bride and groom look tlie csrs for a tour north. We might say much alaiut the boauty of the bride, the briiksiitaiila, the elegance nf drtwa and presents, but that wonld be to imitate our hoddy brothers north, and that we tfiil aotaia. t j Kroi t m TiisTIffulis,1 .Smq IMth J --mm wmuf tvpma; s The sm iety tin". atBolHiralinjl die eondi tion of the jhsir Zoroastrians in IVi-sia have received by th.l la.-l , iitti.il a letter from tlieir agent at relu ran, ifesi riMng in lit At I the uppalliyg ravages made liy lifiTii in l lie si'viral ilistiiets. We .are i nabli il to uive Some painfully Uilvresttng parlii -uhiiM tnken fniw that letter. Iur rinTr tbe lmrtrve ycarg' TVi-sia lias IKeii' lulli ring froui two great calamities. 'Itain utd n.iw have disiipN'ared in a marvel lous degree, which, ol course, has induced I'luiiiie, ami the government has intensi tied lliL (.'alaiuity. by. imposing cnjiliuig iaxes on its suti)ii't8. Moreover, the sub rinliniite otlieeis, in order to enrich their ii prititfe I'lirsca, resort to cxhorhitnnt lev ies on thctr own account, so that the is'ople triii lly siiBi. The causeo, unices arising friiiii this shameless niisgoieni ment ami corruption siillieiently acinunt lor mm h of Ihe present tlislrcaa in Persia. The cnijis (ciiing failed in ihe provime of I'hara the Miost jeilile of all the provinces in I'l'rsia -tlis (f istrenaisl inhabitanta, un able txi niainuin llHiinselves even by Nell ing their own children, left their homes and Hod to distant cities.. Thus tbe gov erninetil, Is-ing deprived of the usual levy of live lacs of ruiHiea from the city, the (.Inventor, AsliidoliL, agreed w ith the peo ple to receive the money by long instal ments. The king, however, did not ap prove of the arrangement, and in the meantime a certain noble having offered him si.x lam for .thi? province, the king granted him the governorship. It may well lie conceived that tjie new governor will try his utmost to nver the lutter amount U) lw piid by hiintrt Uieing beside resorting to any means to raise as much else as he can for his own purism-. In Herman wheat was usually sold at aliout two annas per inaund, bat penpte from different parts having fled, through aiiaine and oppression into this city, ami the crops turning out very poor prices have - increased ninefold. The clamor of the famishing populace has obliged the authorities to search for corn in all the houses and cellars, and to con fiscate all found in them for tlie purpose of selling to the poor in the haxaara. The mortality in Kerman, arising from this stole of things, is described aa fearful. The soil of Vesd being well suited for the growth of cotton and opium, was never turned to the purpoeos of growing com ; the quantity needed for consumption was therefore imported from Bliirez, Kerman and Ispahan ; but these latter cities hav ing stopped their supplies since last year, the terriblciniscryjn Yczd may be imag ined. Although about 20,000 to 80,000 of tbe inhabitants have evacuated the citt, the people remaining part with. their children for trifling sums. At the first stage of extreme hunger neople took to di inuring camel, ass aud horse flesh, and cat also; but thc being no more ani mals in the city, many of tlie lower classes kidnap Children and devour them. It is aid that even dead bodies are eaten by the' hunger-maddened populace. A later copy of the Tinu of Mfo tnp pli(s some further parBculara if tlie sad calamity : "--- J he l'arsce agent at Teheran, coming to w of the misery in Veid-, forwarded a sn Ittciufit AfuariUly "olB"ear WfoflglV the governor, Asfudola ; but beibre tbe stock could reacrnits destination, it was looted by Musselmans. . The governor has pro mised to pay for the provisions.but this will be a poor rconiense. Those inhabitants of Ihe City of Nain who were able to flee, haj left their homes; but tlie helpless and weak were left to die of fatigue or starva tion. Their butlies lie scattered over the town, and none will remove them. The inhabitants of Ispahan have consumed all the animals in. the town ; not one M any kind is to be seen. The ravages of the epidemic and of famine in this town are indescribable, lumbers daily expire, ami the wretched Inhabitants openly sell their children in the street. The Armenian population of Ispahan exhibits a strange contrast to all this appalling misery they are now well off and safe as regards future supplies, for they are effectually supported by their brethren in Calcutta and Hntavts, Amadcn, Kmuiansha, and Khurdtstan en joyed in past years abundant harvests; nut this year the han of 1 ersia, returning from his pilgrimage , to .Mecca, having passed through these ctries with his num erous retinue, consist ing of about 26,000 attendants and M.WW Is-wita, the nnRirtB nate cities were taduced to Iheijt present ieplonible state, by this cruet invasion. Teheran itself, the capital of Persia, is now experiencing some of the effect ot the ca lamities tBat are desolating the province. A large number vt poor and wretched people have already reached tlierel and are daily ootning into the city, most of them only to die; Tbe Toherence agent for the Pursees nrsrentlf solicits aiwiatanct from Inilia, and assert lliat rf spordy. Hieasuma of reliei a, aot faitinmlng the'Zristrin population,' already mm b thiuued, will shortly bocouie ei Jict. A,uw. steamboat called the "A'ei is soon to comnienw runniii" ylieti lit . ibter'tiskertx, QoMt tAMJ 6Ei: cons ANr uiiy Hf.-.t, piitt. rK.ijs N.-w n.ci P.itsuies, tsrl; km .mil (iuaiuiic tutnu., Cliiai u t nol!iiiii' Willi.- t',.i-. f.ir in "riiua, K.D ami I opltj T(.iiiis' .ml :.jua-hi- , S -w Ihih Hl;a Utng H rfa ami piu-i- tmli;t .'-. rlJ,,.,, l Uie ilofcti or forpk-klosorJ t KH' tl'TTM A SPKCJALTt j . t d ii. WF.HT A (Vs.', No. 'iSt Marki't House, Finrt Mtanil on Uie. right Siuiil. aiuc U Iv tfttiR! KJ.oi'K!! 1 oacks Hii- Milk rAVII.Y which 1 ill ll wry low fureuli suil KuanuiW. In 8ure. "),' 1- tf O. T STRilNAt'll f L'lXETS! MUM.KTS!! if L twtli : Kalht s reeeivwl duilv. ' 35 i, Kl.ls. fwslt M;,eker.-1 no hll new Mcken-I l 7.V UK Xi U li. T. HTItilNAC'll. I'CTKIN (IAt.ES. t V. . y ' , SATl '!I).V, AL'd. 12, 1S71. fisti'S to I'liiiiuif-iire st 10 a in. and 4 p m. St Towles' Auction Warehouse, on Wilmington street : ftevurai im inal two horse WaicousiuiitoUitr whk k-ssml Uartieu; Kuraitnrs aad luisi hold srtii les. Tallies, Cbslls, Mrtlsli-aila, Mat tmtse;. jJsj: ,. thin Hu. a,. C a mg ai' aaxt fintiires, t;iMsl ss im'w. One siiliII livild Watch, warrantesl ; several Hood Silver walcbw. MKItCIIANDISE, Ki'iulylnaile t'luthini.', Hals, Hoots, Shoes, UsilW's ami Clulilren's tisiu rs ami Km y Ar lu'lm. i ' JAMKJ M TOWI.KH, aus: 'J 't Auclioiiier. STATIC Of NORTH CARIH.INA, Wmi CocNTir. In THK Ht.'l'EHIOM Col'UT. K. 0. Macv, Aibur. of P. 11. Stttrifivant, deeeased, IMUiim to svilv mat eu aijttu. John Kturdtvsnl, and Julii StuidlYiuit witc ot free man. It apjiesring to tlie satisfaction of the court tst tlie di-fcndatitia sliove nsimd, mslde lie yond Ihe lUnlu of t ls Bute, It Is tln-n-fore ordered, I lilt pulilleallnn Is; made fiw sil weeks sueeesslvcly iu the "8bstissi.,s news l.alHT pul.li.lied in Ihi illvot KalelKll, lintifv- IliX Die said defeildsuU of the tilliu; of ttiis retition, snd thst unU'- they sisiar at the ijinec oi ine i.ici, or ine ous;rnir court in snid eotuity, al UmM oiirt House 111 the city of Kaleitrh, at the explnilioii of lltsl tone, snd answer, pledd or demur to the said ielitiou, Uie sans will be lakeu as coutessed sial judirs itien! enteml. Witness, J. N. BUNTINti, Clerk ot said Court, this Uie Will day of AllKllxt, H7t. .1 N. HU.NTINH. A lock 9u Cfurt of . 1 j wak ceunty. PlSinrirTs Atlorney, (iso. ll. Saow. sag ldtwiiw Q Lii ixks lauiGii t. -V J. V. II. tfASir IVttTNburg. - We wltl giV4cssh, or wiltsxetiMige for vain al ii U andV MKceUaiimns old suit Second Hand Rooks. htm cash friges' ! will Ik- siid for some CO N K K 1 1 KR TF. I'll B I.ICATIONS, aud for BiliV.r'S Virginia, vol. 4. slid for all 4 vols ; nUlli's, Kerehevsls, Dev erlev'a,, Di'llasse's or Foote's Vs.; Jett'el-son's Notes, ndolili's nlitin , Bland I'aiwre, Ho irers' Geotogleal KeKirts, Griicsby's Viixlnls CouveiUiou, f ttamor:sNoWsHi V4rjinim, s nsisth's VorSjSii, Jones' Vlrglnia-f U'ller ri'li'i Virginia Willi map, Bullock's Virginia, Liali A Ka-'liel's Viixinia. HarriotU-'fl-Vlrgiuta, (for the folio edition of whlcll; in Kiaillsh, t&IUO WUI lie paid,) W illUia l Virjjo TrtalB WASHING r6.N'8 OCKNAL, printed al V illisuisliiirg. i .LAW I LAW! I . Call vols. 4, 5. a, or ft vol.; Leigh vols H, M; llohinsoll 2 vols.; Pslton A Uealh Svols.; Virtrlnia Cases, vols. 'I or 'i vo's . Rotiinsoii's Virictiua Piaetiee vols I, ' or S ; Roliinsou's New PraetM-e vol. ; SlauUiews lM(rest-vols, 'i 9t U vols; Lomav's Kkeeulor's 'i vols., 2nd edition ; titiiKou's Quarterly Law Journal, Tucker's t tii nmu tar lea vol. 1 ; Kolaitsou's Forma, Ac. au 12 If J. V. H. NA8II. NORFOLK fSARBAflK We are receiving en fSARBAflB. :onsii-ninents of tsnre Calihaire fniui Norfollu llivteis smt Boarding ire iroui 8 SlHIIlli U-'.f Houses supplied al wholesale rates, sug U-'.f ' W. C. BTKONAC1I 4 Co. f" iVfi lM- W8KJNMKNTOF BAW)N f)UvJ from Baltiitioro , which we offer very low su-11 tf W. 0. 8TRONACH A Co. t HHiw. BRItiHT CUBA Mol.ASHF.B- wkiek we etlor tor j.at N. C. Deo t. rm-.siis in iiertect eouditioB.x aiiKlltf W C. BTKoNACH Co. O " HALF BBL8. N. C. CUT HKRRINt.B, ai which the eonsiicnor desires sold iiume disUily sug ll-tl W.L BTRONACH ft o. OIJlO CLA88. Prof. Lllir hen Seavw to announce that he will start s Male singing class next week. A regular and thorough course of Irslnhur will bs Kivm. T buse who wish to Join win pleas spply st tbe new M usic 8urs. Temis : tXSO per monUi tn advance. aug U tf Paor. A. LiUiB. r TU8T ARRIVING , And will ba sold low for Csah 1MX Bs. Bulk. Bacon, -,) " Smoked " tun " H. C. " . . S.UIIO " Csnvass Hauls, -5.UUU " Lest Lard Burt.-Cora, ;; . -'- . KID Btil; Baltimore Flour, 10 Jlrglnla' ' '" , 100 K.C. 50 Sack Coum, to Bbls. Bugat, I " aw Sacks Salt, ' " - f ' 1 -SO Bhls. Syrup, ' . : . 1 10 Bhd. Mosutse. ; ,i Indacesnent will be offend to roinrtry mer- chants.' A. C BANDERS ft Co.,. aug lu-ti u -1 Ne. aMartia Stosrt. " . ' j-r SCLMNd OOOD8 IS W& OCCUPATION!. We never tail. sag IU If A. Mi e&JiLFKiul a w. BitUT RtK'KLAtiD LIME, ! Fro bsnit.. A tsnre lot oa hand, for sate clu-sii on eonsignnKnt. I UI CELEBRATED KU KLLX -r . ; aVOKINQ TOBACCO. w A tanre lot offered for the r Hiae bill. m market Hood as the best. Call ml try IL In qnarter lb. psekages ,, aug It s -A. 0. tKB ft Co. 1 , r "! pATKNT BALA.NCKS. ; Lsrre stock frosa lot to 00 1U.. for sals ebrajMrthsa ever. :i. - J - . aug in . , l, n. sniuus, TAON'SIMPROVtO 1 FRUIT JARS, ars sujannor to ail otliers, for safe by --v-wr. . 'r - -A.. eugyu - ' . T. U. BRIleUa. I f 1 4TR TE L EH R A Pll K' N E MAKK1ET3. Nskw kk. Aug. 10.-IiKnW"l activ ity iji mouey, loan, at ; tiijld fl 8 to 1 1 ti . C. 4.'i 1 ( otU nek, a.oia Bales'; , uplands. H 14a. K1ouri,ulWrll CoBllHitll to ' Whisky, ia1 1 c Wheat new n il 1 1 "lllcs-ce l 10 ; wllltyt red ll.tMall 411; niols r i-Urn, ,l 4aJI t t,. Lora, tit 1 t.tlifh:. folk, f hflf la.ttT I J. Heel quiet.' l-ai.l h.iny ' ;t k.-ii'le, ii .1 He. Turp-iituie Uavivv at t'je. i wjia'.i nt '. Viai.iW. ' . ' I . I.lv i lieu., August B. evening. Cotton closil tl.,1 ; upmnnWH 7 Mil ; t trkxnai I 1, l lie LOtisilAN A tiiU'l'tUJCAX WN VKNTION. j VINAL AUJol'USHliNT N'uw Illil.KiNs, Aug. S. Ill the custom house convention ihe ismunittee on cri ilenlials reiairtetl liir Wariuniith delcraU in avt'nil parishes and liveout ol tllteeit of uie city wards. hs5eclics were delivered: by Postmaster Lowell, Dunn. Carter, In grahaut, llardcy, anil others. All were ex cceihngly bitter on VV'ai'iitouili, and the luaiexitJL -urouounicd hiui..rctuant--to every trust aud an enemy to tlie republi can party. Tkccomniittec rejsirted resolutions gnar anloeing a place ot fnv sclnsils to every chili; approving the limitation tiEthe state li lit to twenty live iiiillinns; calling upon ihe gonruiir to prcscrV jsmx'; declaring that flovcnior ifenry C. Warmouth no longi r enjoys the eoniidcni'e of the reptib iieaa party ; insl rtieling ilolegalcs to vote for U. S. tlraiit for iiominalioii at the next national rvpulilicmi convention ; declaring tlie New Orleans Ilii,uhlimn no longer the organ of the republican party, ami asking the administration to with. Iran IVoiu it the federal printing ; thanking President tirant lor Ins promptness in protecting them. All the federal ollicinls were re-clii'tcd on the central committee. The convi-n lion then adjourned nine tlie. The trisipson duty were priK-urcd front (len. Iteynolds, voiiiuiaiiiliug in fii.ijin a riHUiHition froin the IJiiiteif States mar shal. YVarnciulh's couviiiiiou is H i in s. s siou al Turner's Hall. SIK'O.MI I'lSI' l ll ll f Nkw Oki kass, Aug. 10. At thu con vention of the Wurmouth w ing last night 107 (li lt gates answered to the roll. (I,n. llemin'a resolution was adopted tint Senator West lie reipii'steil to intro duce a resolution al the next session of I'ongtvss catling upon the jitv-'ilent anil ii, i r oilicias of the g. '.wniiucnt I'm all in loiaiilifin in tliiir p-sse..sion regarding ije ii-i of the- cuHtohifio'u'so fur Tioldiug the Slaii. ciiiiveittion ; the authority given the I'nitcd States Marshal for the appoint meat of di-puliea. and bringing troos to suppress the convention. Another resolution was adopted de manding the nsiHjital of Collector Casey, JVijImastcr Lowell, Deputy l!olleiir ller wig, Marshal Packard, Assessor Joulairt, slid ItfWiue Cotlwitot Htm kilale. T The conventionjthen adjourned until 12 ockx-k to-uay. TUIHD PI8PATCB. VKSTKIUIA V'S SK8SION. SfitwOiti.iiNs, La.. Aug" 10, Tlie con vention met to day at nisui in Turner's Hall, when I US delegates answered the toll. i The congressional committee was an nouuceil, and is the same as last year. The- nrsolutioiis committee reported a series ot resolutions endorsing the admin istration of Wnruniuth ; the faithful exc en lion of the const illllional provisions for the public education ot children, without distinction of color;- the. condemnation of appropriations to, individual enterprise urging the general assembly to reduce its expenses ; denouncing the act of tliP-cus ton house tarty in endeavoring to exclude by force and arms tbe recognized dele gate of the republican convention, and other unlawful acts; endorsing Grant's administration,; requesting the removal of the custom house party and the appoint ment of true republicans; and when it was ascertained that the president en dorsed Uie act of the custom-house otfi cials, they would withdraw their support from and repudiate and condemn him. It Was reiMiimcnded that twenty citl zcns visit Washington and petition for the removal of those ihtmoiis named. A resolution requesting Uuite Htatcs w'tmtor West to imuir. into lite authority givs'ii tin-custom bouse.party wassdopted. lis closed the btisiiitsts ol theconvcu- tioa. Ji iv. Wsmiiuith waa then invited and delivered a spcrh. ' " . The city press denounce the custom house ollk ials, and cliaractri,e it a a gnirt outrage. x The troops were removed to day, and business wus transacted as usual at the custom house. - - MORE WESTFKI LI) VICTIMS-DEATH ritO.MYEI.riOW FEVER, e. ' Jfttw I'okk, Aug. in. Three- mor dathsiif the Wostlield victims are repor. vx wiiien swells uie siangnter to 1U2. John II. Horn, the second olKcurof the st.'sncT Kherman, Inuu Havana, ha dicii fnmi yellow fex t-r. . )r. Morris, of the sanitary department, sayii that no unusual steps are being taken to prevent the ' apieararKte of Asiatic. enoiera iu this city, ana that there are no indication of itsKoming at present t'apL W. F.L108, of the IkmUt stoff, is dead. : . BKCOND IlISfATCH. Nfw York, Aug 10. At the coroner's inqMtil..ilUtt-lhfc-" WiiatfleId?--ciilMiity HtiperiuU'iidiint Uraistod Untitied that be, thought l.heru was no on aboard Ot the Wesitield who uaderatood totaing the cor rectness of tlie gauge. ' Tnr8 s5yTrtTJ7S rnspector Blnil- ton wwUTdav illeeojrered tliat tlie Boiler ef die Hlsliui Island ferry-lMatt Mhidletown was so defective that eiuht ran with a hammer inwle rupture. Fortunately, the, I inoniiign exsiuinaiion given urtve uie MiildlcUiwn n the liu tor some time. A new boiler seems absolutely necessary, as the boiler in ase is rotten,' leaky, and patched in several place. It was built ia 14. AUCTION 8ALFJI. . . , .111 C. W Oassstts id) , Al'CTicmssss. ( I . V. vry aigbt Uii wash) U , Satorda BHsmiug the 12U Inst,, at 10 o'ejock . f Dryi.iasts; I- turultiire, . , Hal, Boots. " - ' ' Blioes, I ,! . ,Cirkery, .. I ., Ac. .ii in I aug 10 St QOTTON IWS. . " WrTT? aiNH, j MILL OEARI5 0, 1 -? m n I alVkUiraa JaMtU as a, vr-j enaj SAW MILL GIARINO. ' I ass aawnt for Brown'sOeorciaase Osimt s tod Brash iiins. Any order shsil asv mf prompt stlentioa. Advuss eiven and pan-tosses matte of Mill Ulooes, (iearing, Haws, A'. aukVU , . T.BTROJSACIL TirillHRT! ' WHISKY tf ' l, J J B OIIIS. IHI.FIl c. 1 I . . ,11 OI 1. 1 H.' 1 1 1; v . . - , it . ..1 i . 1 . - A. I' 1 t . . un U.u OSDIUlIlt TCltsll H T MTUilXlSI'M lalyJuU UA.H! TIAMS!! I ' . B, N. C, y-t morliHrf ssS fr ssla, July HM w. n, ji.k..scii. 4- THOR OR 8AI.K, V Mee WUlto Meal, Floor Snd Cora, iuhrit( I W. U. JU.SKS inly J Co. HACK. -' Pom Uround Bone, the nest Fertiliser fur inreips, . JulvSttf W 11 JONK.8AC0 V FW ARRIVAL OF tiRiiCF.tilEi . IV Just reeoli i.l 1M Barruls Flmar, PaUpsiai Fanillv.j titjVeii Miita, up.juil SLC. iViaily in s.4-kV ' '? ' '' 1 July ai-tt 1 ; ' - X O. IX A CO. QUtiAlW, COFFHW ANl TEAS. O Tlilny Harrets standard A, Powdered and C, Higars. KM and Lsctiwm-Oolleaa, varitMti imtilss sad pm-os v suit Uis Uiaoa ; cuoice tlnssi ltid Blac i"V x' s. -r-rff.-tca.- FtVK K till BEST KSHI.IHH (HIOV, -twenty eases eon enlrate Lye, cheaper Mian: ever, eoiulensed Milk. Yussl Powders, Taeln, ti'tlon CaxK Powder MioH-Vsi, I '..it' wills, llwk- Wiaslen FawcuU, Horse Hi-ustirs. marking BiTuh.M, Ac. Jnlya4.lt . A. ti. LECftCO. ritWES TY BDXE8 HR8T STARCH. X ltM til'iss iii-st Parlor MsU'tie, twenty tsiies fnii AiHla tria-kia-a, tmt(iT Cukus, laontui Biscuit and MouuUM-iylal Biscuit. JiibJlU AULKt.tCO. WOMAN'S ntlVND SOAP, A VF.RY sus'rtor article. Also, Brown Turiien tiiiv.rVsiis, cll'-ap and gistd. A1711V Sllil Jiih' t tl Arfuy and Navy blai-king unequsliid. A. u. LSI I'll BAC M ! BACON ! I BACON ' 1' ! t Ihhiw N. C. Hams, isstt 8uicar Cared 1 1 sins, Iwisht N. C. Mdss, Weslcru hulk and Biu-ou idea. a full snplt euru family lataf Lard Hi Tiercus Slsd 1 ins. july :I U A. tl. LEE ft CO. 1 COLLARS, I lames. Traces Diinoi Cart Har- ne, Hih-s, sijiailes, tiovcls, Mails, tlum' sis, iiriHiius, ,vc., ie. July -4 tf A M. LF.K . CO. FINK Ol.l N. C. Whisky, six years old, . niello w Slid pure, Isj.l Aililewlld Peach RriuVly, tienuiue (.'sttiitet li)e Whisky, N. K. Rum ami (Jin. July Jl If A. (i. LF.K A CO. r!l'K In J'ieeiv-s, Molasses of best uuslily. V Sinrar Hoite !ynii ny the turret or Hogs-le-ad and trie,lil'4!iliteii Hvri.p. i - Jul) M U A, li. LEK ft Co. FKKs.ll umuod While Com Meal, Cora, Hals, Bran, Peas, die., ,te. july H U A. U. LEE ft Co. C-lllolCK Family Roe llerrliv-s In half Bar J rels ; also, N. C. Gross Herring, Very ciniai. julyM-tt A. U. LEK ft Co. 17HRRTr)N'8 Sniiff In Bladders, by J ismnd or barrel, cheap as the elit"ntr Uie iwst. . july MM A. I. LKklJsCo, TJ1AMII.Y Oroeeries of sll the best snd 1J most deairabie grades always ou band. tN-itwii ninenU solicited. All order tiiivd proaiptly. A. . LF.E . Co.. Whole sle Grocers, Com. Merchant ft Cotton Factors, Wilmington ot , East of Market, July 34 If Ualcigh, M. C. TUK vAKKFliiLL EARTH CLOSET, Is tit sll odds tlis Itar yet -- -.W , palmi usl Mud ui WssartaLli - ia--- K T Ciosst t'o. as le HI. J-llst 1 oik, -tat llsscrlntur j w mniiiihi, mm mi ii-i. TVo now on hand st ! W. U. JONES ft Co., ma 1H-U Anoint. JT E W ARRIVAL. FLOt'KI FLOCK 1 1871. Inu sacks Kites snd strictly Family Flour In convenient size sacks, dlrts-t from tit Vintuiis Mills. Dtistcrs will Hud it to their Interest to call aud exatuiuil this Hour. JAMEH M. TOWI.ru, july '.7 If Com Men liant T O' K To YOCR, INTEREST, L Aud buy - : 8uAP aiICR, . .-, : CAMOlM PEPPER, j ,. BTARCIi, BOIIA, ! I ; CANDY, lilNGKR, ' -- - ftf., Ac , ftc. Ht Of ATC. BANDEttBfttM)., sag I U Hu. st Marlia slmet. o UK MOTTO A. Is to si ways sell as LoWas Uie LOWEST, snd occasionally lower, If reipiired. i A. C. 8ANDKIW CO., aag t tf No. t Marthi st eet. ' 11 f ANTED AT ONCB. I 5.UU0 hsles Cotton. uikl bushels Corn. (SSI bids. N, (J. Flour. tlUI.I ,100,0011 list Rsxs. urn im Ihs. old t:ssilnira For which we will iwy tli" rush or groceries. A. U, MNIICIll X CO., slut 1 ti No. SI Martin street. . 0 ORN! CORN I COfcli I I '(( liiuluils WI1ITF. FLINT CORN, at ss toilislllBS tow Hirui-es, for sal" liv : A C. rANI)K'toCO., SUK i tf No. a .MurUu street M BALI MEAL I MKALt f vim wsnt NII'F. WHITE CORK MCAK ju-l iriiin uie uesv nn 1 1 in inr i-i,uiiirT, rwu on ! A.C. 8ANIIFR8.VCO., Seel tf Nu. Martin street pT1Ul'Rl r'LOUU! FLOUKI Just mcelved, all Krsites, st Sll rlee, and lust lie Sold. NIL V. BANHKIW At CO., am; 1 U V . Mu-ltabutut.smSat. v 1JKACII, rARKIt. Afr-LK P AKKRA Tbe best out. Jslytfitf , JULIUS LRW18. I) RESERVINU KK TTLIW. Buss and Porcelain LlnM " " tiULiimhi'.w Jsly He tf wis. t TSfitT i A. Mason's Imnroved 11 flem.M ttueen" and ' Eureka," Ttiea Jan ar otfeiwd at US- biK low Bnres. jalyU JULIUS LK1. APA1K (IF (iOi'I) HORaKs AND AM F.X . eelisat Wsiron will be sold st suction, on 'liiUy boob, August I lib, by TOWI.KB, OllflOor UU day. credit ldesiort. uj mi x . j. iTlabiaux. ' A It R I V.A L . t UBIES FINE tilTIES, i'.: . , .SLIPPERS, . - , - : , -0 ' . At - 8HOE STOKK, a.liU C D. li I A KTT A Co. " jrtt-rji'iis': HioLE ,r ;"',;;' I All h Ume on hand ! 1 - UKTU W. II. JOMCAACO. ' QCUARH. I ji H' Is u"ir Inst received. l. f I L..i. . .. u u I 'CP uiri Lieut tsrwwa f; K. 1 IK per Bid. ui 1. n rnxi.siA.UH. II oi k Mill Family Flour warranted. aug l-u . T. BTBON AC1I. pun roTtToti. - A lanre opi'ly prim N. U. Imh I'oUto s m store.. JAMES M. TOU V.s, July 27 it , Contt ar not f-, BHi FXTRA SODA CH At K Kite J t T Reeeited. - 'J - -' " JnlylsU .CITKONACUstCo.. !3L JCKT KE' FirFn I 15 Peshtaty F-nj'ly Flour, - ; , Kiuw c Suiriir, - ' A oris snd Tea, i 3Unt snd Bweuti, ' ' MlllsjHU-.S, ' J jFresu Butter, joraiwrva, I !Csynuts, if sa.lli's. fte., Ae r " . meytot B. !, MtluusoS'B vhr. 1- OH Mi PROFIT, t "is- aissis must tie solil to ptake room to ilwliw sri'lvaisf-oMS)enentar -e. A a) o so oriler, will ivtiiiiiiet; you thatwu say uolh tolS (lial w) do not iticsn I A. C. "Allr.l.fl Co , jufc 1- tf No ', Martin tfUveL KMII (IKOLM) MEAL Fr4m Merehan's' Mills, FsrstteviUa. , Jut eiaiiid liv Uimtltrh trsiit, V. httlhsm Rsrt rassll snd for sale liy . 1 A.C. BANIlKRSACo., jufclStf No. H, MsrtinJrtriWt, jIWWEETTNU WHITE FLOUk Pahurnn, Family tltns.k Eitrs Baltimore Bull,: Bnsik Super, N. (i Fsailry, Wiss rs tr, tlways on aainl aisl far skis 41 kiw ur.s by j A. U. SANDERS ft Co, Jii IS ti No it, Martin Slixvet. KatitloIili .Macon (tUtjc, i 4 . ASHLAND, YIlUlCilA..-j - -Nrnxjul prHi Thurttliif, Xrpt. IS, 1S71. Kif- furUier iiifurittsllim, cstslogtie, Ac., Address, W M WILLIS Rieliit.iind, Vs., j or Pnif. II. ESTILL, Ashland Va iuif 18 If i ' yM SIIELBCRN, PHoTotiRAPHEH, j os ik' snov i PESC 1)1), LP, E ft Co. Hltrlliurns' Pbotitgraphs are noted for their suiurinr softness ami llnlilt, and lamml be aurissseil In Uils State. july ISA YtiENTS WANTED FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF LIFE. Cocssst.s or tus Nitcks ni llvoiaasor tub M isi ci.iNli Fi MiTios By UK. Nm'MSis, auittorof 11 The stiW !, of It'twom, it relaUw- to Mstmdr srjr; is full of new facu; del teste hut outspoken : la-aclleal ami isijailaT ; hiKltly endorsed ; sells rspitily. Sold liv sob seriptkai only. Eii'luoic U'nitory. Termi lits-nd. Price Adtinnst for contents, Ae., J. , FERUUS A CO:, Putdishera, Philsdel piila, Pa. i H. S. SAVERS, i Doalor In Boal Estate, FRANKLIN, PA. Buys snd sells improved snd unlmimvred lands ani wberd la the United ttuitos. MEBCIIAImTS oaiiglaNg on is ;mi i on tarns Nff fiUU, nWofMuttt'Si, HumtrrkttitU or Vs, AlUtloiiu, s-rtlsut mii ytt-niiss, ,iini .VOiVss, i KOflM .i. els, l'nstl 111 nsia. AtsaA If lasMtis, Wofa, ifiiwi, rnss mtf. K4trni..lHtntit, Snmlhm, tr Urmm,- Vm (.'rants, MriHffhoil. Wimiyoh Hiuitif Alt AfttiU, J-lmtutrrM mi, nil AW, H.4 in .SAssp, itilm if Asian tU Rtmp in Wiry, seta, fynair Jtork, V , Alt. TaAm-As, Ae , d r , ' Lliwt' SIZE, l. T MeWO We." -t IsM ALL, -V. Tho Oanrllmr Oil has lawn In use as a Llnl nienl for Uiirly eiifht years. All we aaA Is a1 iwomi, ouv no sure srni rotijiw direirtlOns Ask your nearest ilrinjist or dish-r In I attest medMues, for oos of our Almanac old Vadc Mer.nms. snd read what tbe trnvt- isay about the Oil. The OariclinicOil Is for sale br sfl rciect hki dealers throughout the L'hUoI UhiiM oan rfAsr enuntrim. ) , Our lulimtmUUt date fnnn iwn to tti. I'Setent and are tmmilMttit. Use the tiuiytii .uni IIDIH lim.1 BUU 1EIMM1 II itas imira. we deal rir anil Itlwrsl with sn. snd defi lennirsdielluw HVil for aa Ahumae a, ( Wat ttsi ; MANUFACTURED AT lHJKroKT.N. t ht-. , , ,( ., ; ,. . INKH4:iIANT, GAfi&LfiitT 6lL ' COMPANT JOHN IKlIM.K.HKti'r. alHF, FRRAR COMWtSITION STONE NI - For uonse front, dis-ks, ilers, culverts, nils, fotiuwius ami sll liilitilliitf imnsMieat harder, m irwilliralile, ami IUI iarcent eiMwiiet tinui iiituntl -tone Fur suiijily uf same, or rutin "I umnuracturc, ror e. unities 'w Hlates, amiiy io ciist w. ii.ii.in, n-weiarv, H i -,.r rear sunn jo.t l,3-s nroaiiwsv- n, I. Liciio O PKRHi Is the slinkiest ami Instt made. ' It will stilt vou. Hell for cln-lllsr snd price to UClloKIKUl'S Inm Works, Maeo (Osiixla. '"onTeilerHle Local fftumps. ,b I Four Dollsis s vine paid for the local qT. stiutf tsstitat by the Coufodorste pust musters, i-xcetlu( Uie Nsw Orle.ins and Mem Idii. a slid V eenU, by WM, P. BROWN at 4 la Nassaa street, Mew Ifurk Cll. Agents I Head This ! Vlfk WILL FAT AUKNT8 A eALAR V "f ) PGR WKKK aud EAl'KNMKtt, ersllow a lanre :eommlaUm to sell oar new sntl wiiiiiliTfiiriuvouliiMn. Address M. WAU NICK CO., Manball, Mich. JbtrT)- A MONTH Mors, and Carriage rjpfJaisF fnrtiislttsi Ekimiisus Isuil. ii. oiusw, Mini, Mu IJ1 VKRT LA tti. who dsslm s FiIST-CLABs U HKWiNMMACIIlNIi (llian wUleb there is ti" suisirior) I'llKK, Sildrras, im losing staaiiis fur return uosIsks. I i r AVERT A TO. I Otnd Ayssas, JrwAasssW,. Ka. . A; MIIXItnTlli'ft.LAItS.t. '' ' J- Ithfewd but u;iii.if men' en"msji for tuiat by rsveaibiic the secret of lbs business to no emv '; .-" Address - ' :- : - WM. WRAT. Jslya&lf WH Broadway New Tork. s ALT I SALT II SALT 1 1 1 t AH Bush. Barlu Uvemool Halt . jjj ... .. (irouiid Alum salt, ror sals low m uie inula, C. HANIJP.UH I Jsly It) tf No. MarUn Blret gUtlARS, COFFEE r,C , c ' . Always oa hand and as cheap as ths very ebiwueat, at t ' A-uBAlUDRRAACo1 , Jsly lS-tf No. , MarUn Mtreel QONHlONMENTOIWUCITm ' : Htriet aUentkm Mid to eonsltrnmnuts of al) kbals, aud orwaliil riiturns mails by T ( . A.q.6AUNi)KRa4 0o., jfly lstr 1 I ' ; No. , MarUa BtraaL 1 1 r 1 T TiURE ItTE WIIfBKT. X Bids. Silver riiv?s and Boerboa W Risky rasrantaed uur, for sale by jBnallf.U i'.; A 4 (.. T. BTKONACII. 0"BE rCRMSIlINfl RARDWAlt IN eiMiiutM vsitetr. bily!Vtf JCLIU9 lEWW. fjARUERir HALL. -i . . ,' . 1 No. S, FAvmi-rMt f fiTiucrt, rtt KAtKlUL.t.C. Vi A (isms for - safe of 11 ia mnsswnnroral Rieiairsand Mowers, I ,;i , Oersors' eeleiiraied Thmther niK b'lcauei eoeiliined with or wlUiout Mors.' PusiV. . . v dm lair's W r iiiL'lit ot Cylender Thresher. I At Fsnnii g MiIrh lions Kake and tiiran- . Binel lair's Patent Rrsln snd Cirsss fcntbes la-si In nis. at msnufarturer's Dik-es Willi fiWtfht added. Also, sole Asrent for tlie Cetebrafaid Watt Cinf and 'Hi-ace Plow. , ' SiTsnifirs visiuiur the City win Hesse rail ud ss sswidiw l Uie ajmsh Baud. Ontcrc dot ruliaide wrstHi ailieiud.- I JAMM M. TUWI M. apXlf Ajftml for Mauufaeiurers. J UNSECTICNAL, UNPAftTISAH, UNPCLfflCAL SCHOSL-BOORsT; - X j- ; -. - . ' "'j : Tkafretlugt trrie of Tturt-llmH jntUlnhnl-eoutaining Ihe laUd , , retuit of dUcomnf Hint scientific mtearrh. r ' ' , ' ' - .'"- f 1 '' Offlclally adeptc4 by the TlnrlnU Li errb, StU Br ef OawsuUeat. . -- i .' ' JBt, ' M Kst lalT tsl II : ..... - ij i AswIinaasny Nottfam State. . nirnjitii Aa Assoriatioe composed of awny lbs several Southern Stales, fcet-8choc4-Books whicA-shoo id to en. wtpoiirical, which sbotikl vnaent snptine are now issuing a eon Text-bnokr by the trmneut schul. wbitb are the . ' Cheapest, Iisst, and ilott ws-tasw. T: shs-;; 7 . IS Now published. The'Cl MAURY'S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES. I By ODwsraoAw M. F, Msesr . of too Virginia Jntilitary lustitnta. A snva of books whit h uaiw n er is un mmay pi urn scunce, and wiiMn, in tn wuftis ol a well tauwa tt ac complished Houtliem Wher, " are cliaraetcritedjby a fc lkity of arrangement ami tinirts frwhness of style which must ever wmk-r litem attractivo to tlie younf, ami whsh will be used by all who wish to teach Geography as a sett, as sumetlung iu maA iiuial (Ai'nA, and eut meroly as aa ensnwrstion of dry facts."! Holme.' Roadars land 8pUefsr By Gaoana P. Holmes, LLD., rmfetsor at History and General Litmrnrs ia ta TJnl venitT of Virginia. A series of Readers Bneqnalbxt ia rafspneas, nrclk-are, and trpa. fVaphieal hmuty. They are stesvlily pmeresuse ia rhareir, bra-hc and firsk in isair scleeuoni of pniss snd verse, and Uiustrsu'r of Southern scenr, incidents, and kulory. - ' . j r , Venable's Arithmetical Series, ' r Chai.iis 8. VansaL, LKD, Pnifessr- of Mathrmatka hi the ITnirersity of Yinrini. These books am reoeivrd everywhere by buethtrol tearheis with tn highest sali.uK iioa. ss briuir most adiniralily ailapled he. meOUil dtOL as will as ht limine ouW tbe. Their methods, rules, snd niasueiugs ar ckar, duuuet, logaal, and umpfeboisive, and the serioa is carvfully gnuiej IhrougUuut i i Holmes' History of the Unftocl, States, By OcoBoa P. Hotwae, LLD., of the nniverstty of Vlrfhii It i enomrh to eay f tl.ai silmirable work, inlemtUnig, iui partial, and trathful, as well as Bum anil jrrMrful in I style, that it is the osjr History of ths United State which at ttnOfj nawfunw. It I comes down a the presant data. Alsb, De Vere's French Grammar. Readers, etc. - - Clldersleeve's Latin 8erles, ! Carter's Elements of Ceneral History, ' J Holmes' English Grammars, LeConte's Sclentlflo Series i Johnston's Ensllsh Classics - ' Ountonlan Writlng-Dooks, etc. etc. "I fiend r oar new ILLUSTRATED HESCBIPTIVB CATAI0t!R, which wtU bs i UHHsi fres to any teweher or srhuul oiliccr. It k ilt what Icachen think of lb buuLs, ami ooBtsias spscuwoa paKiwof aach. i I Addies. UNIVEKSITT PUBLISimiO COMPANT, j - .- -IU wU 1S7 Cresby fttnwit, Kesf Terki. V July i)in COMPANY VIRGIHIA. uKiiKtriirriiiio ii'EfjiitoiTuii (,. Oa I lA A. fl. McfLWAINB. President .-V - I' stii i i-aiii., m. p.ut, t, hVTENNANt, jVlee Prssident . nurrr pirn i- BAM'L B. PAUL, r... ...... i ,--:-,,-.- -.V-srilii ITnisnre Couimitlee. - - - A. O. MclLWAIItE, ' ' ' 1VARCT PMn ' U. B. TKNNANT, '" :j T. T. HKOlX KiJ, WM. AstALtOKV. . . F.toruitve t'oUmlttM. A. O. Mi lLWAlNK, WI. H IttVIS, " 1AVII) CAL1.E.N0ER. C. W. bflCKlt, - . K. T,.AflRlltrOrf,- DIKE C irArcr Psul, ; ' ' T. T Hrooeks, - T n iloliu ArntiifUMi, ii ? (ieotxe Cauienm, R . Melwalne, t'barlea W.Kuieer, A. O Mcllwalne, U B. Tftnuanl, Wm It. Maltoiv, Win. t'snuiron, R. A. MarUn, Wm. K. Jolinson, Ueoiwe 11. I la vis. it, ii. i i-Knim, ... -I. C. jioik, - . John Msnn, i K. B.Uollin;, . . ! In. 0. W. lsrr; J , liuafter, I Amoiur Ut olliiTrs mid director will be snd alusl Intexrily, as will bs a a-uaratilee, aud isiUifuily kit m i Wiib an soiui Csidtal, imalerste sstes, pulk-ssi WMi-forfehaMe after two year nrvmium Is paid In taet with every advaiitiiie llmt eaa wlis iiratlemw and sM tas e.lnuled m milk y hotucrs, Uikt eomisuiy aptieals with eoiittduncc bsihe s-ofae of Nitrih Carolina lor sitrouaj(e and idlers litem sn opiKirluuily to Invest with safety bt moat ssen'd caosn, A It.isrU of director will soon lw estahliafaeil hi KnlelKli, who will siiairvls the hiMstnunt of funds reeelvml iu .Norlti 4'ai-olina. - , j 1 ' . This srraiiireini ut will keep in eb-eulaUon s cu'ltsl iwnmiir our uw nei! wlid h has hem- Uifure Ui a irmU. ems-itl been eut stinsui to iWi uomlaUj ut tL. mils of strangers1 trmfr -ea.li'li distant' eomiiimiilies. Our eiMsiili'Sts ar so sitntde, awl su liiatrsl, that w euna deuily lutite eomparisiiu with any emiijauiy in tit horid. - tt W. II. PJtCE Attriiy ftt! taw, ulv " ll,Wl v folIN J. FRAY'S . .; , .r H llaU'i laiadcal aud Mathematical Ai'lio. l, 14 wtlasn Kaaiof KaieiKb luealio very bualMiy, 1 liu (vows session eotiunenees on liu; ill st on liu; ilissjtiuu , IMfl. ' - em is, dte., dsv f 4to davl of Beiitcmtier. Fur Circulars coiiIsuiIih; tent is. - - - Auarsss, . JOHN 1. FRr, ' or A. T. MlAl, July ! dJUw4wAwll HiucIkIi, S. 0. JJULL TRADK 1S?(. AO. LINES, Wholesale shoe "iusiuritctHrer, TIIOMASVllXE.N.C. ' f artor; Eiilarsfd. . v. - Oreatly tnrreased Pnalurtion snd Bole. Ureal nilnctlon, Whokswle Prk-e. (Ireal Variety f Ne anil Klelrsnt tttvles. Ijuvs Hl.s k of Brst Clsss Work. No Bhedity OiskI.. KveiyTdioe Warranted. -Mtirctisnli send lof Cleeubw SMt-IVlee-'lsH.- -Juy !ll-dm y ew noons. , A new Supply of BROWJ4 liUCK BACKS, VKMT8, AND PANTo, manuusctiired slwialty for larKe men-w R.B. ANOKKWIACu.' July IVtf N OW OPENING1. WilITt DUCI VKHT8 EXTRA LAWiK . . .. ' HI 'J It. ... Y.i WIUTK .MARSEILLES VK8TS, ,, ( Ali'SIIa if .' ' B. B, ANDREWS A Co.'s ;vV and btvl'ish. ' WU1TK DUCK UKKBV BACK i ,"-:, Mow Opsnimr at , , l. K B. ANDREWS & Co.' . TS riECK HUStJUITO HKt T1NO 1. AMD "N- 19 MunuiU Bars, framed a se and conven leut InrenlloD tills dsy received. W. U. A R. B. TCt'SKK A Co. lull t - - ' .. p F.Nl'INK ffml OIL. I I tor tannlsif nurtssv,'. by ibetMrral u In Israer iiuanut'es. '((ivt AMl.v HAIiHHA, Ileu'l AtretiU If tab (tiiaiio Co. uly 1-di1 Kim ., , ButfuiV, V s giiMisliiiig Sa of ths roast eminent alliens of I tog the BereseirT r a ssnes of tuHy mmaumU. mfxirhMui,tmi only the Jt of history ntl pints series of School and. Collet, art ami euiKaiurs aaassi bekiw Itcatttlful SchOol-Dook Scries" r tUi t D. 11 F ACKLF.R, CoMulilnf Actuary. itr.rrj.-w. uiwiki I M ... , , , jAMKlt t)UNN, J IHroetor. Msiuufiir ssui aoerelsry. TjO 118:. RoUrt If, Mam,' llarid Csllenier, B. A Phonaier, , JuStes C Ithldfe, 1. . W niarnxm, WjL.VViili.niia, 0. Bsknr Rjlne, It L PlumiiN-iJ ' Hartletl Ro,r t, Wm. A. Bracii, John M. West, Frank Polls, ... B. 1. BrtiLiTB, IF. !'tii(it f las ts, loltt. Itsrr-soti. l4t of--'ih-h loeli ehsiwt-tes un sanies innm. It. T. Arrtu.1 ii. A. (A. Allen. bikini ins bat Itnti Uie trust reoused iu theu uui b- IhhwsiIv n. nzniiissme. Wl WW SUUSUAD, B l i LKUOltO', Illl.KNKHAL A'IKNT -t. Ai tiit, Itah lsli. """'" " IIAHI1I.IM. . 'JiVV OOTOSl NKW a o 0 0 g 1 1 . " EDUCED PRICES PRIMIWWJE, rF.TTT A NEWSOM'B, No 11 .....iir,n j,ii,u . , : , ' ' J Auti" a7noT bAKu Jise iTifAiiu a i S5T"t 'tn BeasonsM Ilrrss (trssls, Uwns, P.-n-sles Pi.es, (Kxauiiw, Wlilta Koisls,Orsss thrths, A V,, t ' . PRIM ROSE, PKTTT A N EWSOM'. , June JU If UATB FOR MF.N, BOVS, AND CHIL ' dltill st low hh:vs, lliclutllns Isles! style outs"" PRlMKOBK, PKTTT A NEWoOM'B. ill 10 .J H -V -n ,, 'I :,i 0 UK OOODB WvFUK BOLWHT VFIir meeuLty. at low IW 9H and sre otfrnrt at" vers suiau pros 1, uwis iuni ur eiulomi r eaa . . - ... . . ' no buy roisrt I.oimIs of us st lower prices than to same were sold in New York in Man n PRtMROSK, I'ETTT A NEWSOM. Jim ttf A I KUCHA NTS BITlVd SOUTIlOFNEW York will Mnd our Bua k ellractiva .11 1 PfHssi to eoniiwrs lav.ieitt.tv with the lowest. 1 1 nissnuoa- rm t at MnsnU BiB.iV-tf ?tuafo kTh LA R(Te AND COM PL k T K V snd w era deismimed to sell by oderiu od Hoods at Uw lowest prlvit ' -1 j PKlMkOBK, PETTI t NF.W80M. Jjinetf . rpilK GREAT BOOK OF THE AUK. DIt'lXU.Ii PUCTICIt mmc,' 1 VoL Muslla Edition A'l.W. : Baav bi Miiboa au iirr or rait'i. ' H. C. B. k Wore, . ' " ' " iAA II. ENNlss, AKt ,f, )Vteb. N. c. I 1IIVKH, ltKKFKi:i)l'.lUs,Ac, x f Bend for Circular June 17 tt E. J. PECK, Linden, N J. lAIllllNIi AMI DAY SCHOol Loi'isst'Kii, N. C, i ' The tliiid wssslim of u,i siiosit it ra. nwiH-o J uly lutli, 1STI, ni.,1 t-titi,,0i. t.... lS-t, , 1 ireufcon rnniHlii-,1 mi aipb.1it.-.n t- Cli.B.I.I.l A ( Ill N -J (IV UIM T tf 1 rhivrsny Lvwli(itg, ..v. V v " -:'-.-;-

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