lUIHIill, N. MOM, M 21,' MIL 101;. VI. A )ml2 cnKnel. i i i c V If Jf .. Editor. jOBM STgHLI. ItmtiiU A lotil Editar T; oV AIVKKTIM.. A.irrrtlwmrtiU wilt Ik miterted In Uw Daiv tke following ratea. A urr will ! h, nftr catliiiated at IU awMiuH Hue, or I inch. ' ( ( hie square oiieUnw. j'v I. ,tfmnwik Oik au,uaieou week... Keek additional square on work One iur two . Bach additional wam two week.. . . . "i Hie auuarc mimlli S, . . U.luul u. NflW 1WIH 11,1,1, Ml . 11. uu Ml SOU 9.00 600 mm bin ilw sonarr two iiiDii tin (.11 ,Ml,l,nw "1 13.00 BUI tUC eqUATS UUM month. . ka h it.lilli.ll three " .m" " Hue halt eolnuiu " 14.0 TOO 'ifiOII UHi.m .. line coiutau . , 1.......I.. lntt,. in UWklv stiff Mrmi A.l.-i .mw"" ; - r .. A .... ........ ..Ii.... will. Uii .Ihivh iy at ...... p, . - (i,urt tdrertinrinenU Inserted weeks tor ffc coh or 1 10 If charged. J OI1N ARMS TKONU. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOKMAN UFAOTUKEIi. OT1K Tit HOKTI CABlM.INA KNWaTOU, KALRHIII, N. C. Trial, Rtecatlon, Mlnulau lad Recordint Ika ket wade to-urdur. - North Carolina Kejiorta Wld other La Hooka. lamnd in alienor Lew Bindm-. Mlasotg nuuilmr of the KoportM supplied sinl odd liuaiuvi- UKea iu exctiauge lur uiua hi. u 1, lU-tf orric Atlabtic, Muuiiasirri aii Ohio, KA'I.HOAtl 4 OMl'ANr, Boi'TnamB DIVISION, PcTuitauuuu, Va., June 1st, 1X71. Eiciitini Tirtm to si'.ius, LINE ATLANTIC, MISSISSIPPI ANDOIIIO 1 KAIUtUAII. ,N and after Uiir ,be, Excursion Tirkelr V (ink! U. ivlum until JOtkiiepicuilirr, IS. .:t I- n til J follows: 1 -l.'rflliur, i' djucr's 8riit a:u VvU rsliuri! u Alltttbanv. ((or AlU-irlift- n HinilaM,) 19 ll PUTAtmn: f Biir Tuiuuel. (tor Moiit- (otuert Vi !MI Pumkuiv to Clirlntiaaalium. for cl- low HuliilmrMpriUKA,) la 00 K. A. OODWVN, M. T., Juitt , ttiulliu Oiviaiou. Eilrnil Dfitrurtive knit Irmriljr Fluid, ' WarnuiUid Uiklllnll kJu'Uof Troulibwiue ' U1M4'1,,U'I M II r. I BIK1H, FLBA8, IjCK, ANTH.K1.IKj,.. TIm bml remedy for M kind ol bkin IMrmM. Ittrh M fl, TllP, Ring wnniw, B,imk Hiepn, Ming from lniH-t, nmnd Iti li lu tm All kiud of dfliw, Ai-ln- lid PaIhx, H.'ldi, Bump, ornis Vnwi-lMlteD ITeL tiout, IMt.,, Acnk'hn on Uog Mid Homn, Brulam, Wreiiebr, MtrAim, Ovemtoiu A. irkti, k UA IIOUUS, 0U CU 4(ML, l. PHOFE8UOR HtCkrt' ISTtkNAtTWNJC- UNO, Dtucriom."-tof Arte,' Palm, Coltr, Onlrra uiortiun. DvAUdWiw. AthliiA. t'ouuhA, C'.ildn, Bora Throat and Internal Piuu, Uk- an man a oajr, mi hwiiohhi in a iiiue waWt and AOirar. and oftener If uereMarv. Hor Tootliacha Bold a little to tk tuoUi, and rok tin outward part of the face in Ha full atru(th. The aam remedy wllLruru Uir Mradarba br batliiiig It weU. fries, W ct. f irttwfc feotUai - PROKE880R HICKjj' UPK REN t WAX, '' tor DlaaaaM f Mm Wamh, Kidney, Whitai and Meaaral DeMUly of ha ByaUail, and ulaer - Uiraaaf -Hia tianrauwnraBa; lliaaoTioaa fill eack day, It beforeeac aaL Priea, oruiaary tiaa, btf oU. par box. --nor. Hiciff STno or chills. Brrakt Chill. Resewa tha Blood and Ai(K;Ut, e. , rrtce, a eonui a pa aaga. W 1bt undenilirmd. of RaWeh, Wake county, N. C, cortiiy Uial'tlieauowtaHdiuirna an no IiuiuUuk: mat w nave aneii ueuia uur f Ainili'V, and He bv heard of their won dart ul merit in r-Ueina; and enrtnx rariou dlitaiaa, ara a ara aboTe maaaralL Dr. J. O Beaaiey. Maal V Browa, H. D. Sritt, , K. J. Mom, M, Tboaiaaun, John W. Paam, Kf.Oyertoo. Mra. M. Beaaiey, Mil. Ana Pierce. Jolm Ulckaun, (tol.) 1 T. Carrow.U.iMil'l J- M Blair . trot. MwiJli, Sheriff T.I. Lea, J. 1 Chrwtotihera, K. Campbell, , H. T buiitb. Ji Hcraou Cbarla. W. H. June , W. B. MarUu, (lief ' loll(. Ho; W. B Harrtao. Mayor ot KaWrt. Nortee', JJerkWtdxeconibeBuperiot Court . ' j B. Bryan, Sheriff f Kdgecoml ronnty. .. arl, Solioitnr.. ., ' V i Takb.,.V, KlKeimnl county, m. w. tkidlB. Wimi Mamiiar. Kit Wureilia. (rut.) . Or Kuoai Mouatk iX W. W. rrkr W.. aaiilKiO. -W.-ThMBiaa, C rorda, laaai Tboaiaa, Jamea Hunter, tk fountain, Jf r. , Of UuTitaiao'. H. C utuva HAAoa. : 0 Wuaoa 'CovMTiV M. CJoha Wilker Ma. .... '- i . i 0 Jsuiij;.aali. CoBBly-JolUa labhelir. ; :. - An ulcerated .oae the Inward iorenew ol bft- I Itt; tto H 4wi of BWIlM"t Kudu, would bccoaia ehroiuV u vureti wild Ula "Kit tb1 llertoicUra and hVuel Fluid rk JlbtTt. s Wbm an.t by Kxiinaa, eliarirm, ate.', added, eatO. o D. If preferred, letter eontahiine . awaey may be arot at my riidt, If ealed hi pnaeuc of P. M. Uberal de.iix tl.ia made fe dualra. Ap-nu wanted in erery vouiit ami flty to Ilw United BUtea. Knrl e lOranU ir eonartmttAi reakwii. I ka o rhaiy . ("rawtooMtaniiM eit. AU order w.aupvii aUwt, and lau laiwn riuu-autoed. Aildiaaa, PKUr-kiiK P. . HR'he.x ii , Raumiml (I. i p. o. Hot 14.' Tea aardlriat can be oiiuuneo in all trd ; a4 Llountiy Storea, Uiey ran aiao bad atj OH" at W. B.r liu'A Cow" iauon Btora uoar the euruer uf rat-etiet uie and Uar- lU strma.. ' I )Wy al-dlw . TTTORLD ESSAYS, . . . AMOWO MT BOOK. . . i , f . 'U I iv........... TUa k an neaadiavlf fitaaaaiit mlM af IMerary aud C'ritteal rrVbahiUnirafd wilii bk(raphal note, aud reciao vl ripwHiuc aoiire, Tlisal!j'U)re rarWna-dumiM, Tlie Prayer Book. tV-ruxait, Tht-atri,'rbai-kary, Hwtory, wilB nuuiy ,Uwr of. "Mi Ta huok ia tery pouuiar, and toe aeroud eui twa ia now ualjlialioqc. . . , i f t J. llAia am. , N. T., Pal.l.Ali.ia. awUfully bona.!. Prioctl.&o, aoat by maD. ' ; tor aaia by -. . ., , ' . "' . , f.AljrBSOWIlXlAMS, ,'. ; -W.i , .-. Booaaeller,.. " qViDK Dt'PRIl, ; '; - A- T TO RRt T- A t "LA if ; (, ' RAUCieR, M. O. .' ' FVarttcea ta the Coarta of Wake, and In the ffldnra) tarta, ioa aperta) AttrnUoe U) tac afKaiiut of eaaaea la tli Buprnue Cflort of C, aojlerta claiwa af alnrt any Ki'ra or Life Israranoa Oontuy in to United matt, and attend, proinily to any otocr piyft-airiml ;l BluiawaiUlnkitad W bil. ' tab 1 at ,. ' x ".. "1 RAND i ; - Closlng-Out Sale! DRY GOODS! 5 0,0 0 0 DOLLIES WORTH OK UIODS AT (fltKATLTUEDUCKI) 7 1 It X O K In iirdrr to n-tlure our fl.x-k of g,MnU to miike room for the 1: A KO KT BTOC K OF FALL l)l;y (IIMlDBerer offered In Uilarlty, as well an to ?et rid of Uir oW prevlou U tins NLARI.'KMK?iT UF RI'R STORE, We Khali from thin dale offer the entire aUk-Ii AT Urwytly lN-iluccd Prices l K ENTIKK ririW'K I IK DKKHS IIIMI) WK W ll.LBItU, ABOUT COST. NntwiilMtiiiullnir Uir heavy ailvniv In col l-Hi fnliriea, we alutH oontinne W retail all cot ton good at : old I'HfCKa, " ' ; W alll eli u, i-i hk-KMMUiu iu toaa. tVe will ll ll !.,! :c,, !:!. ! ,1 (. utUio Mi town. Ve will !l th licat 3te L'.cacliiJ Cotton In town. " W"K "WICT AISfT" ITX 'AT TST.I) PR f C r.ST Our aUH k of KLANNKIJI now on hand ihea.. tr.MNlA have advanred mt.rc than Cotton Wood. ThiK la a ood oiprttnnlly for ier in in buy UiHr KJI Aaufiiy of Flaunela now Atid aave at leant -2- wr itiL VVu'rall atlelltiou to our Plquea at ceuta W raU UuiiUon 1o our PueaaticenU. tVean aUuuiiiiU) utir TKjtiea'MaO mill Wacall atu-uUuu to our Pujuea at 4.1 rent. We eall alUmUoo ti our Plijun at .'A ivnta. Tbeae good we have ic-eatly redui-ed in price. UXIK ATOl'K French printod Jaconet at it! cent, Woi Ji 17c befoie the war. French Organdie" at 2! ceuU. T,he tAt Onramllei at 35 cent. ' Lawua at 10 cenU. . Jaaueae Poplins at 25 cents a icmil lraiul Buu1. Iron -Frame Beruge much reduced. WE ALCO 1SVITE ATTENTION TO Our full etock of all xradui of White Cotton Uoe and . ' Linen Cambric llandkerekicfa. We alao have alwaya on hand thelergeat lock ot Trending and Packiiur Trunk. : An a word, we are daierminod to fceduci- our it.-k, aud IF LOW KHlCkji wttl aefl li Kuoda.U).ey JiUheipM.., J,. X ' O.iVIS, DKiKlf VCTV - eerner Bank anil Sycamora'dtreeU, .aiaraS-lf" ' '- W PBtiaaauax, V. DAMASK H, LINKS CAMBBIO w : nANDKEROniEFS, -t We feel oanwlvrs railed ou afraa to CAU TION CONSCMKKM airainat i indiwrliul aate of irtnta fabric made np to hwitat uw (ooda la fold, trade mark, and (raeral ap pearaBoe, aud to warn Uiem, that Uieir ohlv sat etcaard I to aee tuat the auUiceUo teal of our Una. i. S, RlTHARDBON, SONS A OWDEN,. ia lampd dn eack article. Determined t rou line oarselvra, A berate fore, to the aae of yarn apnn f nun the hoi eeat and atroKat Vlajl, by the boat machinery obtainable ; uniform In woinlit and eiaaticity manufactured and bleaehed uuder our own uperuitendnnce : -the comrumer wUI be . SUAHANTUn BT OU aBAL tlie aauic duraliillty aud aallafacMon In the wear, abicb tk geaoiua a;"""- tuwa-aiwajf td'orded. i N. RICHARDSON, SON8 At OWDEB. Belfaat, Indeed, & Mo. 16, 1".L . June tw-aAWiBa' - i . . ( ; TOBACtio MANUFACTVRERA TOBACCO COMJttXiWX MCHCJMITS, tS Exc"Airti ri-Af, BALTIMOUR, V PwiLrf A BaIx, Balsahaw. : ' " , I i. "i V"'"" ' ' Advancm of TO per renl. aacfrtalned Tala inCaah wrll be made on Billa Lwhnf of con uonueut to our bouae at a per cent per an num. i Prompt return mado, with cheek for bal ance due hlpMr imiurilaUely oe aaleof iiouat. (mjtortert f tU t'L OulU brand ap 3-eo.ttkn , a MALONK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' MARION, N. a ' . -tt Fimirtmi.r or I.Bwmm.J Will prarliee In the 10th and 11th Dirtrirta, and in Ui I'aitrd Btatea twrta, Eaporial at leetio;ivewtohrar)fiuueiitof caae in tor lluiHrmel arttKlei:. " - , feb UVdBO NOBTO CABOXaXXVTA ' jfiOIE IKSUEAJCE COIPilT, V. iBXJtlBITT aaaiBBT LOW T FUI. ', .i ... . i.f'l ttthis CMniy r""1"-" ,A una o eanouy - ll naa ium pew n f" - at Hemieraiaa, NBy end promptly. It ratea are aa Baodurat a aatoty will Jnatify. AOENIUIN ALL FARTB Or THE STATE. R. H. BATTLR. Jr:,-IwBJr. ' BEATON OAI.BH Beo.. W. H. MUttOOCB, T.BBO. miMMM a. 7 Baiiiea Cards. "Yyr C BTKON ACU A CO, RfCy.Tr AMU f'AXO GROfTRI, K, FATITTEVLLLE BTRRET, ' BALama. 0. A. w. LEE A CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MARKET SQUARE, KAjjiteif, a. c. w. U JONES CO. AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAI.BWB, B. 0. I M-ptOT-tf QLKAVKLAND ; MINERAL SPRINGS, (eem.T wiLao,) to kuVa Baal (lrMtf, Af.' C. , The nharrttwra, havhiir aaaoctaled Uhbb ri'Ki in the nianaanieM of tlieee SprinK, would auuoumw ui Uietr frlMHia and:tbu pub lic that Uie Noun ia now open fur the recep tion of vtAlkm. To thnaa whe have trwled the Tirtaea of MieM rrtraoruinary water. It hi deemed unneetary to aay anylhluK bv way of conimcajdation but hiotiier they imliiteiitly aanure aatisfa-Uou if thrr wil make trial of Bie healliu; proper Uc of the water, for only a ahort thn'e. Wa pledge oaraclvM to AMre eiUier pains nor i'KN'-nH lu oritur to render allVho laey favor u withaeaUaacouiforlat'ileM peaailile. la proHtiect of an atiunilalH of supplies we have adoted tiie foHowiug acaie of RK.DOCKD t UAHIIEB : If over 10 dors at fl SOporday. If not over iu day, 1.7I ' Kindle dai, - i 2.50 Children between the aires of 8 aud H years, slid colored nervanU, at bstf ratea. ' Wimhint; on n'saonalile bTms. It 1m ewu-d that the Wcateru Division of III. AMI .('liar A Kulh Railroad will he com liifb-d t4i wB-lun a mile or two of the Spring at an eel1!)' day. ' I J. J. BI.AI'RWOlll), jiine 7 :;tw'Ji I k. M. OA'I'Krl "Mlie I'nivfiPKit) of Vb. L THE KOI.UiWINu L'EPAKTMCNTA. I. M.U..I of Latin. 2. School of Orrek. :l Nboiil of Mialern letuaaea. 4. Bilioid of Moral I'liiiuuphy. 6. School of IlinUirj and Lnalish liiteratiire. A. Bchiail of Cheui lalry. f. aU-houl of Natural Philosophy. . School ot Mat hematic. V. Scutari of Cnm moo and Statute lw. 10. School of Consti TBtMhat"" aiid n ; Law And Eiintly: 1 C School or rhyal. ..y anu,raiyery. l. nciiooi of Auakany aud Matera Madita. M. School of Mrdiclne and Olietetrtca. 14. School of tpplied MattuanaUce- 16. eVkiad f Anly tical. Industrial aud Agricultural Cheuiairy. Ill School of Natural History and Agriculture (Pnfi4iaor to be el-oted.) tf-rrovujon inade f.a erawiea in M ineralfary and 44eolvy, Hebrew, Political Economy, i'rsA'tkal "hyaUi, Mficjdiariaprtidin.iwwitdBMiAkriW'. - INpkMnaaud Oertiiiiieeol Prottctency are i;lven iu the scpjiate M'h"ois. , . Ilin folhiwiUiif t'esreet are conferred; I. Kii lwlor of Lette. .. 'i. Bachelor ot Hcteuce. Mantcr ii ' Ana. 4 Doctor of Medicine. 5. Bathclorot 1 in . Ctvd Emriueer. 7. Minin. Etu(iuccr. The eipenau of : Atndent, exclusive of text book, clothing? and pocket tttoiiey, Amount to from $.'166 to93Mperehnof nine mouths; of which sum tJM to faw ere pay able on admlas on. ' ' Session open I ictoner 1st. Tor CabAlon, addreas, CHAKLSS S. VENABLK, or Faxxtltt. P O., University of Va. . July A dlw HON-EIFLOniVB IER0SESI LIMPS, (Piaata. A Horn. Patbitt) This Lamp abeolutely sa'e, safe a randl and tlyea Ibrht equal to Oa. Money refunded In any ease where tha Lamp I not satisfactory. N. C. Book Stoab, JAB. H. KNNIPS, A at July 14 tf Kaieurh, N. C. q-EW AMD SPLENDID FIANOfOllTES, From the C BEAT UNION CO., of New York I jAUEi PIBSbON, 7 ,.h Rcepettfnily kifornw the pnliUe (lust k I as ordered stock af lacae Mparier Buuuments and Xpert them 1st a very ahort time. Such I Ihe arret bjmI iwreaalnc demand for these Pianos Uiat tlie company nave arectcd a new factory of aalricWut capacity ta Bsanufacture aiity Piano par week, ami are now moving into it, which create a little delay m thesn plylnir of order, and with tan townaeed tarifl ly of awrhlnery, sad the Inest workmen that money ean procure, and an uulimited capital, the cotiiftftiiy are enaldcd to defy competition and put their Pianos In the market at a lower price than any erlaollahmeut In the United Bute. Person, who are about to pnrrhaar Pianos will do wrll la wait the arrival of thear PhiBiM, which will shortly be oa eiliiMlloa el J. riRSSON'S Waremom, corner of Hergell and Baliahnrr ttraeta, Kalfutf. July IWU ; - :' t: lriiiTniac. . 1811 CKOQVET. . Complete sets from tS to ". per art --Afn-BMi- AB tke dlltaranl kW A radaead' pvteaa, ....... r 8HD(3 TACKLE. C4 every AeMriptloa. TRAVKLJNO BA09. . Forlsdtr and gepUemam, ! FOREIOS FANCY oooua SUHS AND PI8TOW or j ALL KINDS AND .'RICKS. ' J 1 f AMMUNITION. 1 , BTORTHMEN'd GOODS. . Ooods shipneil to any fact af the country per aipreaa. The same raref uletlentloa xivea t orders bv mail aa to personal orders by mail aa to peret! Price fur out good band oa gold, at y : IHJdJLTNET, TTUMBLB J bo I :J7vi too W. BMum-f ftond, it V : f t" "- 1 f t ' BALTIMORE, MD. 'JapSModlfdAw ' " ATLANTA OEPART-JKNT Southern Life JiiBiiranco Cn"I'J- tiEM. JOHN B. UORDH, PBawnnr. "r W. C. NORR18, SntiBWrAM. . AssirrTraT-1 , ' DfrWod to Policy Holders July Wt, W, t parcniL Thirty three and one-third per rani dirwhod rnrauUrd on LU Polkiea, ln hrnton ail the saaai plana -' " ' ''tOiPLETAHAl', i E bXHatwooo, M. ..' -. ' kron. Agta. . - Medical F laminar, ' atin-a pRICKSoFTHE Mdsoa & namlin Cabiixot OriyaiiH. If vine Uy -ttcreMud ibuir (M-iliLk lui auuiaf4V-iar, Um Kuess & Baniln Oreai -Companf r now owblfd k flv Uuir w41 kftewn (iX-.n, whK'h um lfa AVKJSOWLKDQSD tsTAXDAHV OP EXCk'U.ESCI Amouc lnt4rtMiMit of tli ( tatM, at riei af irtfrniM- wrrk. Tknr print thrir lowrttt jrric ft, wbkbare Ihwfort aJtfee U all, luvarUbie. TIm foltt.wluir ara tI.u-UfttlHi : fW iktim Onant fMl ft ltU Jtntti.,.,,. b IA w. Am...... f A T- tTarvnim4jmmmtt 1(lb flu .SoffA-, faubi tWtJ, with Fim SuM. . . VA Othm- StyU ufk. l.UUU ! All In aolld Hlark. Waltttit AD Um uuk by Uau CuutLamuy arw U.uroui'UlT tirnt cImmb In fverjr n4wi-L, yiwy will ut make tit - .u clim f fxmHB at auy pruM. I n traiprttv UMirUkritv ot Utv'ig biMLruinnldi ta ihw erealur thtMi ever Wfure, aw r-ry fmUiui ul) wlfu will cirriuUjF iHii'u awl uiual peroeivs. ' JLtVSTRATk'P VATALWWKX, ttiUi Wood CaU froio Pltul4Birn.lLa of Um 4i(1urDl injlca, full Infoiwalhiii jaihI HrM prkea ; aJao, TiwUfHouiai ULnular v ill bv atii.l I nw to aiij f-raaa. - Mason i HamliD Oreaii Co., Wartroom KM ttroatltray, NEW YORK ap 4-tf rjiH K "ALL KIOHT" COOKING BTOVK. The "All Rktht" Is positively without a nu lienor, it ia inaoe oi tne very bei nisUirial; and for Wehrht. BUririh. Beeulv of ftesiirn. Biwiiclty -alid-Duraotiity; ratntli'tyof Bakthjg auu BtoasuiiK cannoa ne eaceiietl. For sale only by JllUIIS LEWIS, June 14 tf Raleigh, N. C. a V. K. TUUNKH, BEMTIBT, Orric ov.a William' Bong 8tkb, i or his Hwlcr in every his pnifrmrrm. deiiarbueut of aaay la tf a if a '1 as Ll t CM A Is.. 2 - m 'il 3 . IS P K.T2 w - r-i H & o h a p 9 O I PL t2 C -g o 4 r-j I i . s 8 n or o w . Q 'IP -2 E a o" I 4 iJ a s . w m t t a M a "I Pi PS J AND FOR BALBI Pursuaut ti a deans" of the Bujaeme t 'onrl of Noitli Caroliua, Ula.1,' at the 4ajinaiy tcriu, ltTl, Uie uudershrne-l oiler for sale the ... VALUABLE LANDS beliiinrine I" tlie estate of the late Throne P. UcVeiciiA, of Halifax county. The aaid land embraeeai by, eatimateu ',' I'lt?vei Thotiaaind A err a, ttina on Uoanoka river, ta tha counties of Hal itax and Nortoauiptoa ; and a one-bait inter eat SiaeIluusilii laidftf Atra.. '.I, . IN HIDE COUSTT, Tnaaip: On fiiurth cash, remainder one, twoaod three iiara ...TUie nilalued ButU puf. ehaae isnmcv paid, The laiMls wiH he sold In email or Wtrrr tracts. r In a body to auit tvurehaaer. Par tie deainng to pnrcbaae will call on or address . WALIKKULAlia, Scotland N k, N. O. or JOHN DBVERRCX. July 14-tf t , KalHKh, N,. C. nOKSRS FOR BALE . line grey Horae eleht year, bid, very last m nmt at nod a most xceiient aaddie animal. ' One lerfre brown Mare, seven year ok! good In all eort of.hanieaa. ' . - On 'laaiuti'ul Bay Pony, three year old, brnares well under eaddnt aud . Ull broken to liameee. 1 July W . W. C. 8TRONACH A Co. 1lUHf. 4 HANDLKK, of New a lectwre dcHvemt by him at Cotaar In atihata. March in. 1B70, aaid: M tt la tianlly Bs-tiaary to enters Boon the trmide aechteata waicn naye rosaitca trow taw nse of umMita keroaone( yon aaveaoly to read the ncwsiMUieca Irom day .today Ware Usraa. ll a atated by eomelliiat Uieae are ei airenraked ; thai Umh an-itU nta i'1-r occur, aud that yon and I never Bad friend turned todoaUi t aUII we do here n enociaona nuut aorof verriideaccidesjt fnim petnaVnaa. . In the rsauaceee) awMilueof IMai Ishim were t Ave Bjrueca aveidente in Brw Yorkv eMatt inarni twenty tk era dadha, saghaenai aerioia, latartesMtd foaitecw ekkt'oea, Ibe total maalt lor the year iww. fiar tiw city aa? New York, which 1 myeelf nave rut fro newejav pava, is B fly two fatal necldwlsi train danjrer im krroeno, Afty aevere and ( sliirlit; an Ik tuB per., to niy knowkidire, from my ) . . u-, -. . , There ha aever been a aing) Acetdeat from tlie Be of . a ; I'RATTS ASTRAL OIL, ' -It has hern before the pablie nearly FllillT YEARS, aud k mow need by over iaju.UAl fauiilKa. Fur aalr by i JLLIL'S LEWIS, Bag t-if Kalcigb, ' HAMA1 1IAM8U , B.vt N. CJu.tmcleed and sakf . July M tf W. H. JONES A Co. fTMR BALK. - - V Nhv White Meal, Flew and Corn. ' joly atU VV. H. JONES Co. TlOtt 8AJ.K. Pun I. round Bone, the beat Fertiliser fur turni. a lulySttf W. II JONES, A Co, XTRVY ARRIVAL Or OROf EKIES 1 1 Just received IH1 BarreU Flonr, Patapsro Family, Be rem Mills, Sujieraiid N. 0. FataUy In sju'ks. July 34 tf A. ti. LEE A CO. SUOARa, COKKKKS AND TEAS. Thirty Barrels staudard A, Powdered and C, Siuftr. Kto and luuruyr Coffee, yrioes aradc and price to auit the time ; ilHdee ii men and Black Teaa, July mi A, O.LEE A CO. lvKKTiOE8TEW)T.isa 80HA, D twenty eaeea concentrated Lye, cheaper than ever, condensed Milk, Yeaat Pewdera, lack. Cotton Card. Powder. Shot, Oaus, Code Mills, Bucket. Wooden Faucet, Hues Bruabea, ruackiiig Brnsnna, Ac. July at U A. (I. LEE A CO. rpWENTY BOXES BEST STARfiH. L KM Onus best Parlor Minvbyba, twenty Ihikcs tnh Soda Crackers, Ohltier Cake, lmon Biscuit and Mouuiiieulal Bwciiit. July Jt U A. O. LE A CO. WOMAN'S FRIEND 8AP, A YEBY suicrior article Alao, Brown Turpcu line Soajmi, cheap and (ood. Arhiy and Navy Blavkltur uneqnnletl, July it tf A. U. LKK A CO. I AC N f BACON! I HAclNI! t I J Choice N. C Haras Imst Sugar Cured llalim. urlulil N. u. Bute. Wealeru bulk aud B.-M'oti Bi.Ich, a full siiply, pure family Leaf i.ani hi i icrce aim i lua. July H tf A. U. l.KBACO. , (OI.I.AR8, 11 allien, Trains, thunpCart Har- lie, 1 1 ore, Suailcs, ShorcU; Nails, I torse Nines, Bnmma, Ac, c ' July M tf A O. LEE A Oti ft INK OLD N. t,. Wkiskt, sit years oW, ' tuelliiM .uul tiure. best .MHile and Piwli Hi ui, I' iiiiiue tal.iuet liye Whisky, N. E, mini iily'34 tf A. (1. I.EKACO. RICK III Tierces, Molaase of tx al qtialHr Suvar IliiiiseNyniphy the Barrel ur Uia. head aud bright Ooiden Svrnp. July J4 U A U. l.EK A Co. TilKK.HII Kround While torn Meal, Cora, 4. i mi, nraa, rcas, ate., A. July M U A! O. LEE A Co. HOICK. Family Koe 11 err burs In half Bar V rcls; also, N. V. Uroas Herring, very enrap. July 34 tf A. 0. LEE A Co. HKIlTON'8 Snuff in BIwMvrs,, by th pouuti or tau-nu, vuoap a uie coeaprak, . July S4 If A. l. LKE A Co. TilAMILY Or.KTrlcA .of: all the heat anil JJ hh deateahlc tfnrdea ahravs on tiand Consi ninent solicited. All order Ailed promiVy. - A. Ii LEE A Co.. aletlroiwra. Cotu. Meri:haola A Cotton Faclors, Wihuuigtwa St , East of Msikvt, jiiiy nu Haavign, n. t;. TUK.lVA.Ktt'iWl.t),, KAKTH Ol.fcSJKT, I by all odd tha sf yt man o w taaaiai.v '.a ii, a lia, ai .,rk Ltr llMM.rlullv pule I, or call and Aia- Two now ok hand at ' ! mi.. ! ... W, H. JONKBAOo., may I it U , , , , j,, Ajfciila -T-E W. ARRIVAL, . , ; flocri nxn.ui imi. llkl aarka Extra and slrlrlly Family in lircuieut sin- aaaks. direct troui III Virginia Mills. 1 - ' ..:.., " lcaienwtll And At to their IntcpMtieesU and examine thia fl.iar. ; - JAMES M. TtlWLEaV , July 27tf , Com Merc ban L T OuK TO YOUR INTEREST, IJ Aodbuv soap, spick, CANDLES, PEPPFR, , STAIH'H, SODA, ' ' CANDY, tilNOER, Ac., Ae Ac. Of A C 8 AN OF. KB 4 aug 1 If No. 'J Martlu su,l yiH Morn ' f I to always seU aa LOW a to LOWEST, nd uwrnsionalljf lower, If ftdrea, ' ' "t ' ''"'' A 43. BAMIMUW CO.v wig l it N.k Martla Bboet, : w r ANTED AT ONi'E. fl.lSW bile, lilloh. s.isst hnshcis Com ' ' '' l.uuo bbl. N. 4U, Flour. lllO.uai lb. Rage ,,.,;.; K,iiil Um. old Casting:. Nf- . , , For which we will taty tin- ch er gnM-eriia. ' A. C. BANDEKa ACO., ng f tf No. 9 Martin atreet. QOBNI CORN I CORN I 1.0110 bushel. WH1TELINT CORN, at as touUliing low ftarures, for sale by t - ;.AUlBANiAaAiXW. nog 1 tf . Martin atreet MS if VII KALI MEAL I MEAL f frtHriif RTCI WtflTttaSBlAi: jaal irout tke treat mill m the country, rail oa A. M. eAnur.iuj it , ifg.1 If No. B Martin struet. F IL01 LOVR! FLOUR t FLOUBI Jaat received, all era. ire, at all prtcea, fad must be aoid. . u banukks at uu , , augl ti No. B Martin street. 1EAC1I, PARR KB, V - s, APPLE PARERB. Thebeateoa, Jl'I H S LEWIS. )RESERVIN(1 KETTLES. 1 ; J .Braa. and Pieelai Lined x . ..i July tl . JULIUS LEWIS. QvKtfn fAK -1".; .... ,rzr". "Mason's Improved "Gem," ,ylleen,, and " Eureka" Theee Jart are oifered at exceed Inis low tirtirea. , Julytf JULIUS LEWIS,' ! A PAIR OK trtK'U HOKSES ANI) AN R a il c.llnit Mag'iu will aoid at auction, on Frlila i,.-.u, Aniriml lllh, by YiiVVLEit, 0. flu or '.Si dsys credit If di-siml. - ugT-tf ' ' 1 . U I.ARIAUX.I W Hi V All, UPIEa nl UlTtEi, - ILII'PER 1 6IIOE STORE, augilf 0. . UEAK VT A Co. ' 1 1 a 11 : I 0 1 Y PEES 8 8H1N0LKB , 111 ihM Vl,i ran 1a .ai.l g 7 tf W. U. 4biMA A Ui. BIST MILL FOR BALE. oV rood aeeimd band Orlst MIH la rood oreW, jriodtiia' ahoat bashcui per day, will Ic oViiveree oa tl ai.Aj, ttauroad nt very hiw BAtuiea. l'erw uaritut Ui ouwer cau niake it pay well khi dry aeaaoe. aut; a u ts ma m. rsiw Ql)s FIELD PEAB. ' SO bushels at depot,' ngatf . JAMK8M TOWLES. osfT JJ Bi-tween the residence of Col. Wm. K Anderson and Mrs. Jno. H. Brran'a, HOLD CUFF BUTTON. Tbe Under wll he reward d ay leavtng B at Ms akuUael " oatee. auKU - rr Itfl BI HHKit 41IKN. UUW bushen Meal, in store. ,.aag S it 4A..4J, BTKON ACH A Co. K AAA lbs. c. bulk sides. (l.UUU 3,jtnj lha, dry aalted tralk Bhool or. ; i6uV lb, augar (urid Breakfast Strips. ' Just rocelled.-. ; ngtf W. C. BTRhNACH ACo, O rt BBlJt, (MMMrN MOIJtBBEek iUl hnda Cnl Mtdaasra. aug II U , W. C BIKONACHACo, f- A HALFIBI. N. C. RUB AND. CUT trvr iierrinR. anglitf W. C. 8TRONACB A Co, JULUKIM B BAB 11 BALANCE. Tliis Itnprovament ran b applied to old or to new windowal auch a low coat that tt uiuat come Into general am. One motion rataea Uw lower eaah and lower the uuuer on ; auoUier will lower Uie upper eaati and a uiira morion win raise uie lower aaaii. There are two raat Iron pulleys put Into the upper part of the frame, and two ram in the' lower aaeh, altogether wehrhing one pound. Iwwaty rtxhu for ale at low prhi. Every per sue, whose windows am old at'lc, all., iild call at my ofBce and cnlne Hi. iiHxIel, and are how eaxilyie can tenlilsle but home try applying Uue aash Imlnnce. .nug a-tf DOUULAS BELL. TAATIr.kT HAI.AHlr'Ara 1A 11. t Wai-nuiUxl correct, at the Hardware llouaa "i, Lsn in, aug 1 tf Kal. IajIa, N. C. A T JACOB KARREK'SURXHJERY STOKE V may he found Caiiiud and Fancy OmiOs, China Ware, I'bi fninoiiea, Miiau-al liwtmweiits, New PuIenA Broeiaa, IVe u. Willow Ware, Wooden Ware, Pi'cervea, Candle, I rwekers, Ksnlim ji, lea, Ptcklee, and nun IT, Mg-,, KMM ET. Cl'THBERT." formerly a iiradiiig Dry Hoods M reliant of Newbern. N i: . iufitcnis his and other In tlie Dry flood Trade, thai he (s m,w located wlo. tbe lanra 4 fHipular Wboleaale lry tteod. iiouae ui SLY, OiltUUlAIXKR Jt CO., Bros. KT7, 1MB and Til Broadway, Wurtii etividv New lurk. ef where he will ba glsd to sue uieu when ia the city, and lake pleasure te showing Uieui . Uicir extcnarr and varied suxk of DTMB, JJ0TI0N8, Ac, -: N, B All or.Hiraa.ikrusUi In Mm will re ceive bis prompt and aiwt 11 alUatitlon Keapcirullv, angl-lm EMMK.t Cl'lTtBFRT.' , CHATHAM l ai (.BiAiTctiM pan y7 , . . . t SlipalilWTBNOtMt'afllfril'B, ' Kaluhh, '., Aug. ti. Inn.' ON and after Tneaday1. Ang. Hth, 171, trains oa the AHiatbaui Kallroad will run daily (owiraay vrewiiieui aa inflows:. . j Mail Tiaiu hiii Raleigh... ..4' P. M. arrive at Sauford-, . . . ,. ,',.T:Mfl " 1 Mall Train leave ramfitrd .14 A. M. arrtve at Rak-urb., ....., J4ft " . Mali tram nukea cbee eimnectioa at Halrhrk with the JCskoigh toMluu Kailioed to aud froui .11 ptdn'ti ,Soitii. , And a( Sauford with fjie Western Railroad t and front PayrtU-vtll and puhite on Wn bar K..ilr.d. ' 1 A. B. ANllKK-WB, ; ang Irtf , , . BuperintoudenL puE: SALE, ,,. A renulnc artlcla of French Brandr. Bhiwa and Pale.Bherrv Wine, kmported and houkd by e North I ai oliua bonae ta liae I ho-war - m I If , - I : W. H, JONKB A IMJL : jT Ol.WHISKT. Wlllnuua' tkMl In amall kegs -augTU . VY.M. JONESACO, . tAMikKrH TIIRNJP BEK.1), -RUT A BAUA. , , LARiiR NORFOLK, '. LARfiEOUiftr. KAK1.Y FLAT nil'N'H aud Beven Top Taiwip nwd at M iwnU mi inii-e or 76 ccuts per putiud. Bent per mall U ueaireu ror sale at ' ' I. A. JONES' ... Jnly -JA tf fkxifcafair. JirilJlilNO LOTS POK BALE, s In the NorlUeaativw iiart of the City, t lota BIKl.Wii- feet fronUmf Rdntw BIsmL t " l..yi fen. f mating Person atreet, . . " loWrJ', ffnwtingjiinesalreet, . S i!lll..'.:! t feet fioniang Jnni atrwri, t lltix6ti4fiielfniiitiugUliodworUistrit, Fortcnee ap,l v to P. A. Wiley, CaehierCIl Irene' Nsliimal Bank, or al AlorUi t arotnu LeuJ o., I aaiker itslk ui, ; . , juia i u -.- ....j.;, v.'.:":r" I )! I 11. I ! II. W.I DINTAU MWTIE.' .... ,' . -B. :f. Dr. Turner will be alwent from hUofliee lu till cltr for Leu dava eounuaui'liur Imihi date. ''. ' ' : Bog A-tf . J.-;.-.,;.,:.. tTOl'SK AND LOT . ...V .. , ., .. AA For aaie on Wilmiuk-ton Street, mar nekton, .Hotel. House !, .i.. cii. n.nmis: h ironu n feet an wninliiKton Street, BIB fee deep, Term X raeb down. balaiHe In 4 asd 1 moiiUia. , . nusr lo tf- w, H. JONES A Co. '1' TIONAL HOTETi, ; , ; Bitvatbd bba Piibfic BqvAia, m tbi . .. Cbbtbb Btiaiassa, - t;. lu o f,:n:'2',.!j.; , The hnlMlnaT I new ayau-lonaand elrant. every eiipoiutaaeul Uie accoaittVKtaa.Hs of ritcaL, naaeiMiand parkiraen suite yf or faaai lie, and single room eomidrle, noautifulli and aiuply furnished with an eye to comfort and conyenrnee, ,- "THE DININO ROOM, , ' ia Jarge and uerbly f umUhed la the moat St tract;, innn r, whilst Uie servant are ecntli and pirfHav No eapnae or e,ict will hi siaw.l to reader the Matlnnal strict ry Irst claae tiolet, to ctwussns favoratae with Abr beot Hotels North or Boorh. v The patronage of tke traveling pal.lle re lawtfnlly aolicited. thunliw at the. dH t meet every train, to cetwy Mte.waers free ot cluuve, CbaiyrnaA low aa any oliier Brat rlarjj Hotol In the ewuutry. i & "W. RFAAfo. l'liiirmkiiiK., ' I Bahsbury, M. C. sngB-tf SVtaABa, .... y , 11 Kid. 8uKrfut recerved I.iKhl lirowu P. It. 1 1 t-r Bid. ' nng.kf O. T. ST RON AC B. II OPE MILL Family Floar warranted. augW-U . T. STRONACn. Rttn tatuii, rrt A large tppply prime !Y. U Irish Potato, s Ii. store, ,.: ,, .,-.' JAMEatM.TiiWI.E , 7 July'dl U i . Com. Mrvbaat r BIII8 EY.TKA SODA RACK KK. JTHT r ttiivil, jBly latf W.C. BTRONACH ACo. (3 I ANDKKTH'S TURNIP SEED , (all kiuds.) For aale by pound or ounce! N. C. Boob 8tikb, JAS. H. ENN1SS, Ag't j - : ... y , Rah lith. N,0. , iuljfH'U EM BRANDT I'llOTOIIRArHS. Harlnir lust returned from a .4?omenUne of the Nalioaal Pkot,fra44o-nntuictiititiii, Iweide VlshanK the principal raorlhwn Ctluw, 1 take pleasure in stating that 1 caul.- in poatteafciou of many valusliie iiuprotewicut In Uie Photo grathie Art, all of whi R my cnnVaocra hdfl .have the benerll of witiioal eyira charge. Call and aee th beau tit at HetofeFendt or Vhailow tuctures. . . J. W. WATeoS ' Juue SO-tf TJMBEU.AB AND SUN SHADES. S6B UMBRKtXAS AND , t , ll'g ' .. ... , ', V-IJNUHAM PA ROSOLS, - ' , He. ei wd to-day, i ' W IL A R. A TUCKKHACo. : July li-tf . v ,,' St'MEK TORS At 'E4, for aal at Uu' Haioware House of aug I tf JUI.1UB LEWIS -jTk- i;iiPot.iTA iu w t" C, BkWAOWAt, Siai-.v T'"l, ; ' j Will riMiMo uniitir new iiwno.(iiui'nt Al'OCMT, aJn,"" fiir Ilw rncrptloa of (ItireU Tbe atwious building haa been thoiouhly renoviiUd. til newly fnrnll"il t,umghoiit The Pnn.irWor. hsvc ui.kienry exertion to ada4 it to tlie eomfiwt and eouvetticuc of I la latlroBS, and uavared aeiUwr pains uur ex pense to aecure that end. TWEED A GARFIELD July SI 1m ProprletorA. iri 0 R BALE. ISO.' 00 No 1 SIT inch heart Cvpre. Shi clcs, In lota to suit, delivered on board Ihe car of urn Ailan-ik and North Carolina Railroad. VVALRJCR JoNKS A CO , July 31 Im Newbero.N.O. B OOTrf 8 II (IKS. ilEAUTT 4 0O'8 ' . Perfect A Wii j aud. -dlegaut, BOOTS ASU BIIOESfor Ijidlos, O-nll. iiieii, Buj antK h irren. The largest asaiirtinrnt of Hue work iu Utri'lly, at tow prnxu. v , NEWHTORE! NKW T .Vt C. D I1EARTT A CO. deal only Ik Boot, and Shoe. 18 FAYETTKV1LLE STREET. . . ... July W tf .. .........r HE FINEST CHEVVIN0 TOJIACU1. tlo tor your (l(K)n TOBACCO always to ' , ' A. d. BANDRKB ACOi, ' migltf. , Nu.BMarUntrtek,, T1RfllNIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. n I -.i. . .t'i . . -, ii , i LBiiBu-roa, ViAamiA. , .. Beaahier opens 1st (iJ September, 171. To secure adiulsalon, as Uie numlier of va caiH le la hunted, marly Bipluation should be made. : - - , -' ...i ...i. . , I - .JAMES H. SMITH. , ,. July IMtewVj , . Bnperintcuikut, , ft' M.. N I i 1 " I "kJflVlavJu,irt.. vM.-e" ... l.....'..; jr - a iil an tin hi: a ism nm mm WILUlNoTON, N. C x"' llt IHK CELEHItATKll I'KAKL HOMINY, 'THE OREATEBTllivENTlOJI OF THE ' i , ; , a(je." . ,. .' . t : Dl'l.l VKKED fITF-E OF DRATAtiB -to any li.poter wharf in (he eitv kt kite of Itll li. or lines al lllf tieuts par pound, aud lb cent lor too pound bag .aud ido cenlaiot VMi poit nil barrels . Scud for sanoilca. Fanner baring EXTRA OihID WHITE WHKAT for sate, will do well to corr -laind WIUi ma a I will be reedy to pay the II (till te I MARK ET PRICK FOR frOOD -Mile, to he delivered between now aud last of July. IX I K BOLTED MEAL with bags ll.lfi drayed fnie.. . . i AUX pIJlHAM, . aaay I6hb . , ., j Proprlator.. IkTOTltE! All persuna are hereby forbidden from reafraaeibif on out lands, all uated.Uear the City of Kahixb. and b iween that iila e and Crab tret, Jk Jiog- us tiaii, or ottaa-woav. w are .Kaei mined to pritaei-ate all anaih oneB dn to the full axtent of to key. I . , ..,. ,. ..: HENRI MOKDBCAl, , ; -r Ja-aatK P. TAVtf lit -Wtt l.ti-rtf: KmTtKIItj - KO RUB TAYLOR, Joiylkf mil P O.K. BALE. JIJ Acrra of I And for rale, sltuaUd within t . .u. .... tu.i. .i.i ... tlu. Railroad, and ten miles fn.m Rab-igli by ihe reilrnail. Th hind ia gid for Mllmrtf corn, as well timbered and wiieated, with thirty aerea an etalUveuon giiua orrhard and ordinary buil.linga. Apply to UEoKliK W.'Alha.N- SlN, Kalrih P.O. July gidlwAwtf ' ,';," w 1NTID, Hlil ijltrrk, w aHH uwm1 lmUHia Uiai tl !k.v a ( un.; man lit old, i f k-mh! uxri nttlfH5, fpWrtl iAAlHU aiifi tHMiftfN (klrt, - JUiara, MALEUill.M, 0. i u it u,. At-Jr ; inlying n. r. MKHiB. i coun atTuw- aWOOBUB A OA'IXINO, ATTORN K Y AT LA . ., EAXEIUH, M., a '' Bute and Federal Coorte end tnw Coart' UwMaiHioUiJilJiijalDwWKl. nan al It ' . , r-JtRUNKBJ TRUNKSII , .,. .w.v IB Ladle Large Saratoga Trunk, now to . W. H. AH. S. TUCKER A Co. jiuy i l M ASON'B )kt PROVED , KULMT JAlif, 1 are lu all otliera, for sale tiy . Of -it ' T. IL BHl(JUt, AngCEIXANEOnS, ,j. , N aSHVILLB LIFE INSURANCE COM ! The Director of thi proieroua comiany kave rceeirtly made their annual atAleinerrt. . I " k " kieagen, trail, la, 1BTL : . . Feaiii all soiinie, - r, t:tjm HI a f'tal)iatillltiea,lucluding premiimi reaerve,.., -'. a'...-. , li,'l,6fl ... f ;'!'ur,.lu..,f .'i : ir7,siIw ' . !l. vSmviak l,rtverin, J';!,t. ;.; liiaMi.Ji.e.Ujrjie.bieUi of; jf :r ceiia, :if; . j Ob poll. lc In fori two years, per cent; ' -t M.jB.VMr. K WAdswa, ,) itolOaooto' Biia been a(tMilnb4 uciieial Tiavellinir Aireat'. : hi thai Bta te, ant pewwr to select sul. auraiia. j -io. i,.,, -., ,,j y TUO-S. B. BAILKY, j Atheville, N C , Jrtns 1, ll. j. -tf . gAlji wjp. VALUAhianJ iiNpa J'. ' ByOnWof Ihe Superior Court, 1 1 will sell at la AHut-Mon. aour to Btateayilm, N.wth -Carottaa, on . WEI)NEB1aT; W DAY ;f AUtil'ST ; " ' ' JlKliT, - . I.liw A(.'kPi OP LANfk K4e. I., ll,.i. of Iri(4( I, .hi; t ala Ii Riyrraud Laeiiicrt' Orrek, It mUa Bouto of BUtlo-ville, tn mile. N-wtti of :harlottbd ak.nt imb Went of . ' J-hi"!1 AUmitic Tenueaaiaj Jc oiiio 11 Irpad,, lluy . No. IroiitHina a,i moorKai wbn-k Dr. W. Hyarsn.iw lite. No. 3 . tiatatniiii. ea a, ,a.w a Lu .a. jrIiiuig Low N. I, H, 4 iuiJ o " - - No. i containing ,! aurea, adjcujlng Not 1. Hand 4.'.- . ' , " 4 ciHltaluilur US&acnia a,ta,liili kt. 4 X 1, 6 and,. . 77T r ' ' l"fteoiitJnmgWieBera,niiilorl JolninifNiaj. 4 and A ...... . : ., ; , ,,,' No. 6 eoautiikititr 4m) arrce or, AhU ..i ' A. 8.' Browu now liven, adiuinp Jiti. sl 4 i.inl,k ..,.i ln ar 1ru. iaalke of tins Wv..f'.u.d ( wit L.lU.iin, aud a Midi, l nt .uaniity et Vw,aliaad im eack Iniel Ala, ta. 4tWwre. tract, their J a jod Mill lj,ni. . d vvurer-iHiwer, gooo uwiuilni; an I hoi To. 1,1 Imts. trtiod oa aark tru k ; , Ihcae iai da are saaccnliiih of tha Ilia, . J talenf eultivaUun. the iiia.ilhat0 clay .ubauU aud will prod metrtiUoa, J la ,, Coi-a and the nilici gtaiu and era ws ; end are old' as tins land, hrlimgiiig to w Mutwam Mie law aainea in. I ,vv m . M nnnnla. Tn. One half in I) mimiio., ih Iwlnn. in IJ hueuia, knueoat fmn dayot aam.' ' iiiifcliaaer noiy pay on. third or the whole nt. Ms hid any time after tlie hi con in nr.), ll. .ml with npteoyed scearity will be rciaulred tlie . t.. l,.o uioney. The till will ben. talued until full payment I uiade. Penama wiehiii Uare the Lands will plaaae cull upon Col, A. B. Browu or Tho. Deetun, oWo. j., t ,,...,.. . u 4. taAHIIDN, . 1 A'lia'r .A coeuiiu of James S Bynra, June -J7 Id lrritiaLs ai'KiMiM. i, 1 .-w.nia miilllllcr Vlrt I. now 1hH .u.l eili t, xepl 01 t .1, uUra, U.-U. I Eutlr n tniuiteawrgimd Mniuc, tiaths And ebganl atuada, toeetbei wiU prhea to auit Um uiaiw w ill nuke k itu-ell's a pleiuwuit baeu ettfter for tlie Invalid or pieaaum seeker - The w.leni aa 4 apecmc for S, rofuia, Duh pel!, kiuptions, g.oaral debility or diaear ' peoulair tat WiaMa, are too well kootsn to re iulni aiiyUtlug aaid ku their behalf. ., , ilay Knumre of vonr family phyalf lan'. j&i J .eras per day week Vis m.uiU. -hi, with a ulierai dedactioa lor laiuilHW reauiuwiu. liie keaiion. ' 1 . 1 1 ' iBUAC K NAIL CO , PriHai.U.fa, ' T. II. Bi.sritNALt.. ' (, Ft. Kii-THma, C. II. . I , eiytreu optima, . C, j June 4 Ii IUrKAW 1-KIN(W, " J m : -. .( i,l Off -vi: ' ,t ! ,;!S MKCKLENBIJIWlCo,tA, , This well known wabtrliij, m-c i wilt, ha open lor visitor June Ink Uouid ar day v f a im, " ,., wiaik , f. p.! ia 1, . , woiilb - . , ao.taK ' Stag will meet paMiuira it llr-mli-reou fl,w July toUi. iiuod laaatt ui niai'ti.i.:tAged. Send foi t utelar. T Hiil- . Junef J10 . I'ropiiekuil ' f homas Hntoo, (iamm V. 8tikm, Al-TOM:ii AT I.4W. - "MA1.EItTtt,1v C. "7" OFFICE tit atatrk over CitUen NaUoual Uauk, au&cliaiige Pbu-e. 1, 1 , . .. rl lil piiw tlce in Um -Bininn4i Onua of-' the Stale" ..lie Ciicwt Cevrt of the ll. n. and nrk riiilHirkirCourlai a. have nerai heretofore al-U-ii'lctl hy tlicm rceiaa-Uvely. i Mr. A. .. riUHalea.iAu'UH.r for Wavaaeowoty. will iki ujiy oillee in Uotdslioro, laudy that ol OeoivilV SlaXeag. 1 1 . JaB.I(cU ,,;o -jaCi.i.l .(, -!;:,.,;; m :: , - , .- .- . - . . . ': OTAtE OF kiiUTIl CAROLINA, i'f kj ' 1 MclhiwBu. Cota-rr. f Janies. McNeeles. Jidin tieib. rfoid and VVto, ".' ' r. MrKesaon, , " CmlUmt MM. Alney Hinxlu, Adir. of J. i U vjaraon, dec d. I parauanea t a dWre made te this ran by Ihe Judj;.' o the Superior Coo, I lor kta liowefl c-Uiil) at the laet term. Il.c un.Ur. ig ned a ll I ptoaced to take tbe aciruaul oi-uaart, ou Monday Uie t'.lh day of July HJ1 (and occerding day. until the same la ) 'Phis (muif urediuir'4 toll, Hied ou k iall ,,f all lha crwlitois who may make Uiem ..v... panic to the prieullgs, thrakttlH.rui.irf to notify Die er.ltn ef J. L. A'nm ii.o 'it, to die thirh- ri'e(iei1lvflpiiii tti Die Ink in,. .l ,lu account! ItH. atMOetiii,e, iii-OiHl,.f it, nod decree may be wail th,, HCM u-uu i!l Ihe Bujierior Coart f,- ateliowull laiioUvj . The aceount will be Uki-u al llje 1-uw HUiv fty i'I"AAllu-luu, 61. C ---- M.L. tfRPhNtMtk . It. MALONK, '; July dsay ,' ' V,.' : Rtferee. ' QXFORD FEV.AI.E ACADF.MT. "" ' ." Otrvio,'N.c.' .,,"'," ...', Mia M. E. MivcnaiA. sad tlsa. E. N. Chant, -J l'nnclNila. Mrs. W. H. MoBaow,, i l.Mima ly Teucbcr of Mimical St. Mary's, HhIcIi, ' haa 1 Ihn j. ,,f ibe Maak- ile'pa. t'lHclit. " , , . ' The next .,iu wllj nia-ta vn the fwl Wednesday In Annual, IfiTI. , Th Academy ia puwiaaUy llicated in a dealrahK paitof tlie villa!!, f Hi I or. I, wAi. a, is revardeU a oue uf tk.-bcailiilral iu .o:i Carolina, , ,. ,. . The eourae of rtu.ty U to Unit of other Female 8,-nnuan.a of hifthfnidiv , Term uealciaUi, Liiculaia ajJ s-o appll dalion. - . Kariaaacaa : All frtemls aiel tatt lli ot lha lata Prof. Mtu hrll of th. Umveraity ol N. C June lid lm.tswltm ''-. JiViRSALE. .. . .. . In lhtvre Co., N. C.,' one of the tat ! baceo and grain raruiA, well imi v. j, ei.n teiniug ataiut law at rev Jta of wiii.h aktiif audi reek bottom. Alao, a line Mill and tract, ol Bat acre, WUlbt) ld aeparatcly or together, Term W Apply to V. J BKHSVM. Jeruaaleiu, P. a, Davie, Co., It. V.: June in wit i - i. . . ' ' MAVou'aOrKr.-w.- ' Rntcurh, N 'J., June , is.t. " rpilKOI.IXW.'N(ikoluli,.nofUieli.,rr ' ,1 X of ia pubUalied tor kbe la fininttoh ol all corereniid ::, IneA lb ele, ikhi, which "to take pita e Mmiiiay, June UUi.yl, on Uut uii. Mti.,11 of Cialcms, tw pi,..ti,n.,l iintit ftiitli- BT-oraeii: ' WM. IX'tlAtoifi.-V,'' Mayor. M. flKtirauA, Clerk. , vJtlOll. rill. Y I . WIllflK Hl. RiiweraA BN.VFK I'I;IM;H tviiIKM, tuM pur, i lVnl.y in the lui tiK,,t - 11. T. aTlioZiACU. July ialU -V ,1 eyiB-ii . A.