T 7 (entinet7 JOSUI tlMM. Jf- UiUt. I i -JM imm inenttt twit Miter, WEDNKSDAY. AUGUST U. mi. All QKBA T MOB At, TH1VMPW The two old sinners--we liked to hare Mid devils-of the preen, Orecljf tod Ben Deti, ehivoring aa the abort of eternity are tfjoicinif that Mr. Isaac VaoderliLlt, millionaire, vu raeentlj imprisoned in the brat of Kew York- VanilerMIt and Branded were two of the officer of tb BUtea Island Ferry Com pan, who owned tlie unfortunate West Held," whoa Uoil- cr exploded, killing Marty ana hundred pnraoaa. Tbe two office above named. Mid the negro engineer were arrested and imprisoned. The law entitled them to bail ; and after (Mauling a few hour is jail they were admitted to bail spon tbe great .writ which Petraua refiued to grant to Impriaoned men but summer. "We are aorrj," say Bennett, now in . nftjw .0 i um. that wnt fiuta tbe supreme court spared (hit wealthy gentleman tbe pleasure of spending 1 night in one of the hideous, vermin haunted cell of thia prison. The few uotira he would hare spent i durance vile would hare given him a valuable ex pen ence of the treatment which poorer men, meted on the suspicion of crime fat . , lea dark thaa that which east a shadow over hi own fair fame, are required to Wntlura. Still it U a great moral triumph to ham a member of the wealthiest family be America hauled off to a criminal' eel) aide by aide with a negro. Tbia old eioner doee not rejoice orer tbe punishment and Imprisonment ol Vendcrliili aa a culprit, hat becauee he waa rich, did lie rejoice to aue him in a tuatluKKM prison. If men are to tie imprisoned for their ricbee the aoutb wilt ncH be much punieb ed. Bennett and Greeley Would both fall t. - -I r . j ' i . 1 : it are to be poniafaed for their riehee. Bou- "nett, instead of aorrowing over It, ahould rejoice that Mr. Vanderbilt is a millionaire, and waa able to give bail according to law. If VaoderhiU'a atock in thia com paay had been owned by the leborera and working area of Hew York, the roauli would have been the nam the boiler would have bnrated, Uvea would have bee sacrificed. It should be a matter of comfort and rejoicing to Greeley and Ben nett, that Vanderbilt la a millinnv"-"" able to anaWer la dmwr '"! , . , . itC"' to the maimed Vu of the ateamer " Weat- - Aa to gloating over-the imprbnn- meot of a man became of hia money and sot of hia crime, it la abewing uaa'a de pravity in a new lit'M. ITAUAH V' ""-V sags. We received 00 Monday, by, ex pre, three Italian Queen Bee from K. 1. Peck of Linden, New Jersey. W have lent for Dr. Curtia, who Uvea throe ntllee from the city,' to buert the queen in an old hive of the blank or eonimon bee. Thia baa been moat onfavorslue year for Beea. We have never known them ao thriftless and unproductive. The auperiority of the Italian ia tecD over the eominoa or American bee in many. Inatancea. Ir. Bason, of Alamance, informed aa in June, -that hia Italian twee had swarmed in May, while the American bena had not awanned at all. We thai be glad to know if the beet throughout tbe atote have (ecn aa tliritt- leaa aa in Orange and Wake and llir couo tie adjoining. One bce-r&iasr blla u the beea have not awanned becaaae they have nale no honey ; another tolta tin hia Ihk arvar made more honey and yet they have Y 1 -- aoiawarniea. : We ahonld be glad to know through our exchangee out of at well aa in tlie atate, how the Iwwi havo prospered in thi4r variou localitiea. We Intend there aliall be more beea and more clover, graaa and alieep la Orange than In former daya. ; " SOVTUHUS A TLANTIC: . m . t 1; .1 , J w w uio line Uf a magiwin puuosneu in BaltinwMm, by U. K. llayua & Co., devo ted to the canae of the Huuth in her edu eathiaal progreaa. The August number ia now oa our table. The publiahan call oa all anuthern editor! and toachera t their aid ead oo-operatioa. find the following, taken from the New lot JUrau: . " In-North Carolina he fimnd that ,tb legMatare oaa riuoi me arnari nt uie Htate Hupertntendeat ana rtepnvnl Hue 01 any clerical aMtotanee, lor no 01 tier pur peeext,it to ioiair tlte efficiency and uaeluliMMa of. a friend of ttie dmunon . acbMd evalMB. Ia many parta of North 1 1- " .1.. '.t . . k-..Uk.J celvwlthreaieoing"TcieaTnHn' a Abei axocaijojailh9-Jfidl jsL&M. Uvea." Ilayet and Company, with aucb publl- cationa, may nt the co oncraiiod of Praiae God AaKky and Ibo carpet-bag wiitots, but not of the native North Caroli alana. We tee and hear eaoug hot each political tun' without reading It in a jou rnal ciaitatug to be devoted to education. We U tlMr. Hajca, the decent people of North Carolina will read llffc page of h journal' with diaguat and it will give them ao taote for hi neit number. TWO TIHK8. A Tacitua tell oa that the ancient Germane ( alwaya debated thi'nga " tim" once drunk and once aobcr. , 1 llie A& haa debated mattera of aUU " t we limt," but it waa drunk both timea. When will that poper take a aober view of things f It ia tiie beat endowed paper in the atate. It baa a part of I.itllilW.I ? IKW.OOO in ita fbuilding. IthaatHOOe inyanit collected from Billy Hmitenma, Long Ferry, SlnflW and web Uke pitivtU. ' Thn ia a rniod onraiuff fur anv U dcmocrikt whoMcta to turn radical .n. An editor ia wanted to-jive a aolier view v of the Arnk Who ia tlie timinK wan f ' A fvh man ia diiiwj by the til.'vha There b a rumor 00 Uie atr"-! that Uie - Amh ia trjing U ,eti Mr. Lowl: T!anea of U.e Old bttit to becobie iU edj- .,V:.......,;... 100 Ays DESPOTISM. s.' Logan, ecoggina fc Co.auoraao to Iloldea, Kirk A Co., aayalrjie Shelby Ban ner, continue their dtvpotic rule in Ruther ford. Their reign of tormr h)t no itw dent in thia country. Their partiaan malice -taewe no Imundn. llulpliae mi men and children, the aged arid infirm, i vtell aa the atronu and athlHir, are the 0I1 jeeta and victim of thefar hatrul and tranny. fevery 011c who rvfu to Ixm the knee to th petty (loitiHin mul wnr allegiance U ita ruler, ia spotted fir per aecution. lloiut cilizcna dare nut peak tlieir homatt X)liiicul heiitiment To be politically opfioaed Ut th'w Jetl tyrant, iaa paiwportto the filw-k Hole, the ltiilh ertordtou jail, in which the Iwet pvple ot the country are, while wc write, crowded aluKMt to wifTucation, beting ever foi water, like famished children. The young men of the county, who an1 aa inmicent of crime aa a new born balie, are leaving fur cither paru, ratlHr than aulimit to tlie npprewion of tlmec people. Deputy ManshaK, or flenda in iiiman h, ride through the country and pnwiath every viciou noro who h'ta U-eu chaatm ed f"f hincriiuuii (ragic, Iwrn-liitrning, it" .) to appear before theinorant anii ittitrrate commiaaioner, and make allidavit that eer tain partiea are guilty. Th'W niamhaU are inmilting and ta.rritying wntneu anil children, breaking often hi him, tiring upon people for whom they have no wttrnoit. MY MIXTA an they nay, and uirryin ell to thia Black Hide wrrnutT wauhant, the' nuMt reiectalile citiwna. I'artii ' cuaed are not alhiweil Ut aliow their iuuo Office befnre the ignorant umiiui'winncr who ajta a judge in thia role of perxcru tion ; but they are held to Iwil or cotn OiittiHl, iiKin the Untimnny of the iiumi ricioua and ignorant Vkgiibondn. ultlnxiuli tlieir innocence can lie cotHlilinheil li) tin? tcatimony of a dirnm tno.1 MMple. Our beat iitir.en iirv emwiled in thi Hutherluril Ultu k Hole, tortorw) by thirxt and nicki.ticii by liltli, for daya and daya, before their can ure briiuiht before the' IgnorniiiUbC (not lire: of w lioni can write three lioea of eiiyliidi correctly) for priilim inary inveatigntioii. ' Thia la not only a politi. l rnnr hiiie, hut hi alao a mowy uuuhine, .m l wlmt nm theae ignorant bihI v ieioun men, ilrunkard and foul YAgHltoiiiln, if they lire paid a'eil for their dirty work f CoimniiMotier rk'Jiggins talio uiiclit tr lie hw) ia iiaid $4 or in d bourn work. The pr. - "aw-r. 1 r '"JrTiii couiiiiitted. Tin: balance of the laiuily are paid from $:! to f7 fur each pereriB arreateil ; Iwaidea extra expennwi. which amount to aa much mw. Thin ia certainly tempting to people who have never heretofore perhapV rwefvcil higher wagea than 50 cent per day for ordinary kibor. 1 What hia honor, Juilfrr Igan, who employe hia valualilo time in taking parte affldavita aa to tbe objwta and pur poeea of tlie Invinihle Empire, reccivua for hia aervlcea, we don't know, but aupfioaehe ia greaeed handaomely I'roui the aecret ervlre fund.. We caution our people to lie quiet, make ao reaiatnnee hi theae hVnda for the iree nt; bide your time. You are entitled to your legal reuieiliia and wnn you will have them. More than one half of tlie arreHta which have Ixen made by thoae pnople are illegal ; at the proper time, and that time it not far in tlie future, aue tlieui, lay your damage at auch an amount W wilt'eompeoauta yog for the inaulta, the tremble and th expenaa which they have eauaed you 1 bold them o )aU, eoch of you ; fur undor the code, tlieaa arecaae in which defendant can be held to bail. Vndor the law, the party wlieauoaout Uie warrant, the comiiiiwlouer who iaauot an ilUral ot Irregular warrant ami Ilia oflkorl whoejoculea It, are all liable in daoiagea h the party kggrived. ' We venture Uie aanortlon, farm what wo have been able to gather, that in nine Gnat out of ten in which arreata have been made, theae particn and all who have aided and elicited are HaMe. ' Await your time, then, fellow cltizeua, atibmit to all that ia put Uion you. , Ignorance and brute force oan run riot over you and your wivet and children for a time, but the day will aooa come, when tbe hoi run of filthy dungeon, bow your tot, will be the lot of your peraerutura. Commit the beat lawyer and await your time. TclluaaU month from now whether yrm are afraid of Logati,' cWggina til Co., aucccaaora to llohlen, Kirk fh. For tbe Sentinel. NwnR, N. C., Aug, 18, 1S71. Hon; Jom Twointj - Sir: HitrhHaxe ia the topic of Uie ilav her, aianv r asking what will be come of the country, Ac., while the rrtfice- hlililiirs aliit Uie' negrVaS" are 'Isuglirrig iff their calamity. -. 1 . . T I wish to ak one outstion, that is, if wiiiis tilan ran 't lw sdi uited bv wlitcli all voter will hecomneiletl to MV taxes 1 Hundreds ol pontile no not tmy tneir ... t t.. . u..l ,H ant 'I tr.i l.ii... M in wtw timr " bo convention." ' -li .., n, 1 . j ... " - . - , Why not have a law that will compel ns to show our tax receipt at the ballot box I - Tbea these mam, low tthttt Umtied aiVysrs, will not tell the negroea, " taxes will not eltect you." Mr motto la uitHeJiaxes or leas voting. iTIiiiy that ilaurk must pay the fiddler, We that Vote sliouiu pay the taxea. Very rcirtl'nlly. For the rk-ntlncl. Aug. 18, mi. Mttsana. UtirroRa: I thougl.t t would' write you a few liens to day to let yuu know now a maca man is iruaiiu on count of voteing the democrat ticket in 1WI4. ratwtd my vote. 6r tire eonae native oarttv. and was beat with M tic as and rttohv- fi doing So. I have votowl for the white man party, ever Him I tiecani free, and i expect to do 80 aa long a i live, let the consequence be what it may. the white man baa bra any friend and i will be hia bow henceforth and forrever. tjiellsck men all toll me that yon white folks want to put me back in Blsvevery lait it is a He. Tom Tad Alston a Horry while radical rV.tnp Hays that the league w ll take Hie iu hiunl if i do not Stop ,ot. inir the democrat ticket, but I do mrl bar him nor the league either. 1 will, now cotusemy httcr but you msy exjiect to bear from. me again Boon, yours uiy -, - Couiiui Vote or Walnuts, j-.r:.. i!, Hi tol net i.t..,, ,Kion BKSATOH 6CUVBZ. , We give to day tWtber extract from the great apeecb of tl.e Uuaouri Senatiif, a apeeh 'wJi!;! l4ale4- iaVntttatLin than aa p"!h di Siren 4 ine Out 7f congrn aim I tlie citiac of the wait Macli m aaaelt miiW H1 Wpi) tliff Apcficaxi niiuil h l rmliial Miravitv' : THK fVVHKHK Col'HT. I allmiv to the revuvion of the leeiein ol the Hipreioet ouil cue eriiiny die iugai li niter et in coiineiiiieiice of the iiBit iiient ot two new judt;ea. 1 banging , tire majority of the court, ll h i-' been charged that tliene jii1g.a acre uppoiiitiil for the vory pirpMe of -II:l"it; that end. Win tlm the charge U VeTl founded or not I am not alilu to aay of toy own knowl fcibje lint it certain that alumat the whole eoli titry believea it to be but too well fouryded. and that event have given nuppurtto that bulkf. Huilha: do I at tach uiocb iaiportanoa to the aueatiao Whether the original legaj ten ler uechnoa van right or wrong. , That ia not the iiuestion at iwue. But what ia to become of the authority of our court . what of the popular rnapect for the aanctlty of law , what of tbe fixity or conatitutioaaj (irineiplda, if the practice obtain of pack no; tin W'h"rt tribunal of jiwtn in the repulille like a ward caucus f CIVII. HRltVII'K. ' iiok at tie- n-prewntatiriw and law ffiveij of tlw putiplo, I'hey think patron ae iiur;eMMary for tliem to niHintain their liillueriVe nt home. Tlu-y lfrcul to the r'Ue tt' office broken, who ftaiid iK-fore the pccniilerit, not aa iinleenilent repre ai:itntivi of the wivciein Mole, but a lucre iH-titionura ; for Uie pretudent may grunt or withhold hit fuvom, lind, it' lie (Itwirea, he may aell thorn fnvor an the prn: of ai'oiiieiMang in hin Hcheuiea against tlieir coiiwii ncea. Uiok at the president biniaelt. 'i'he gnvitnewi of liin authority lr-rmre for him the iiiont wductivetemp IntiiHi to uc the ajiHiiuting and removing mwer aM a 'mere machinery of tyranny and cnrni prior' for liin wlll-li end, ami, M c-iukuvorint; li, nin U.t favor, he i turriniii.hiil hy 4 cIimn of HycorhaiitH wtm loitke him iH'heve ttiHt. whatever he may do, all humanity in licyond lueaaure de lighted with the perfi nuance. THK fUKiOUKKT' IKDRKD. Ttwi oouxiu aud brotlicraiu law at the jreidvnt may, aa olHcera, bo no worse IIwmi othmi; hot when he puts them to tbe pulijic erili, the chief of the atate -teaches hia Rulmrdinato by bin example, which ia everywhere vmihle, that in bis opinion a public ollke may be used for aelttah end, to iimkeoul of tt whnt can lie made. And who w ill wonder, when those auliordinates alao luHku out of (heir oHice all that cua be iinnle I When the chief of the atnte ttike pnm-nta, and then puta the tlunor nun uiii oiacia ami nigniea, me men So upiKiiiiteil iri-iy lie very worth ji-iBf . "!.'"?i,fl lloiV' Intvc hud not Til; lo do wilh tliHr apiiointnitintH, Im the chief of the Mtute has ithotin bin 4ul 'idinsteN Unit, in bin opini-ni officer 111.-1)' tkepntiitn,iiiid then jrrant hii ftllicntl tiivors to me doiioni 111 sn olllcial Way ; and who will then wonder, when llie subtrdinatea, li blow ing the high ex tmptee, also take preaents, and give their Oliicial iavors to tuu tlonors I I ho New York pitpttrs are' iniikiug much clamor over tho fact that while lteputilican con yentiitnii naas n-wilullous ill favor' of civil service reform, a United ritutes mamhal declare bi a snlHrdiiinte oflicer, w,iom he kaa just romuved, that tor the removal there were only political ruaaona, and none timing out ol any olllcial shortcomings, is that surprising, when tlui Chid of the Uovernmeut, al'lor having declantd him Self in his message in favor of civil service form, continually and iwraisentlir re move officers whose olHclai eonduct was animpeachable, meruly for the purpose of putting political tools Ul tlimr places when he, as I hare shown you in one in Stance, carries the trade in consciences so tnr that tlie world laughs at it I Like master, like man. - That in our tlavs, Ibis ixiinon descends in audi atreams from the highest place, is oertajuly a misfortune, but it is a greater mislortune, that party spirit covers such aota, which undermine olhcial honor in the whole Koptiblic, under the mantle of npoululiillty. Tim cvuu roH tint bviu. 1 Yos, it is my conviction that the Ameri can people, if the) deeire to restore the original iiurity of our public life, must di rect their attentiun to the lined aa well aa the member of the body tMilitic. They have to prove that, when the head of the state doe not undt rxtaml II e gn-at re- siMmsitiility ol bis 'example. It is not in dillenut to tlie people, anil that Urn peo ple crmaidcr the moral tone of our public I ilo important enough to distribute their favor accordingly. With the res witter ST llatterv, suck cancers cannot Ik- cuietl. With polite silence, or smooth figures of sperm, mien evils cannot tie erattn uleo. It requires delernilnation, and I hope we shall not have to wait for that until the disease ha become incurable, ( pahty snniT. : It is blind party spirit that fosters cor ruption in covering it It is blind party spirit that flL-hts uotaarv reforms lik that of the civil service, because it turn its abuse to it advantage. It is blind wrty spirit which renders possible arroga lions t power and violations of the con stitntion, by deeming it ita Intel cwt to sub mit It ts party, spirit that breaks bold m-sa of thought, that tilMlies truth of spix-ch, that confuses our feeling of duty, aim ttiat strives to euueate us to moral cowardice. It is time tbata barrier should tw set to thia baneful influence, for every iy Increase III dangnr which grows l(om it. 1 have already indicated that the inrnascd power of tho government rentiers a more careful watuu. aocusuarv- and a mora eonacientiou maintvnnnce of the oooHtimlitmal limitations of its power. And still greater must las our caution ii. vii-'M:.uf jJm.aiksjuil-scciiiiiuisliiiiisof-wtu- itul iu Ibis bands -olxeat oorpuratbina. railromr companies, etc., wtiiencoinolitlstc thuuisi'lyiia a iMOmipatio, emiluuutUy growing striHip-r, and which alreadr en ercise a formidable and almost mcaleula ble ixiwiir over our locaJ aa well a nation al interests. Already we are accustomed tp tlie phrase, "This or that railroad coin pany own this or that atate, executive, legislature, courts, and all;" and, unfor tunately, it appears but too true in many ilow irreat the moneyed power m these eorporalions will be (a ten years'; bow extensive Its ownership in governor, legislatures, and courts of law I Whether they will then, with absolute? power, give m laws, or im pose taxes upon u according 10 their pleasure, who can tteUI, , 1 . ,1 aj - ' ntur VAI.ia MAWttVACTliRTMO fOW. I'AKT. One of the beat appointed manu, fiuiluring vatabUahmenta to bo found iu the entire ouUi. is aituaUsl on tUllinif1 vAotk, within the corporate limit of oar town, anil known bv tha nam and style of " the Great Kal la Manufacturing Com- panr. A head of water, ot alaiut forty fact elevation, affords the motive power, which, operating through an ihn flume, on a turbine wheel, enable the company le weave, except during a very dry season, from Ova to six thousand yant of sheet ing daily, and supply the loom with aM the heccseary thread. Tho (tyleof good made, is not surpassed by the product of any mill In tbe country. liKltnjham Ok- ' Pkiuiohal. Judge Herriinon arrived hen last Friday, will remain till the open inn of the federal ourt kt Mtu-i4iu,-herB be will spe-jKl a few daya, and then with ihis family, ictum to ltuieign junaeut Oiliun, iltA,- -"'i '- " - 1 fv th BeatincL rocDdctsv ry svonojfus cousTY.y. a fj r Bocev Motnrt, Aug. lttth, 1871. . "-Jfaaar. MJ Uon To the plulauthropint and lyi'i-mlArwaat. who fondly dnanu that ftttmm, Oji.i and kiudrnl hii baririea are cxnflnrtrto AlrS S ahT Tuu huia, we aay you are mm li niitaken." Itarburiim and Imrtmric temii neio, IkJiW iu witchcraJt and eutfivmaturuj ngeuciea. uperatitioiia, " conjiirationa," " IriekingJ' Ac., prwail to a 'alarming an txtunt in dgaumlM: county among the aegreea, a In the InweMihU) junglea ol ttheopia. It ia a lueumebolv tail lu reiatrt the latest nymptoui of elnm relapae into P'UeJ aiim: uii u. w 11 una oiaxiuu:, to aoiae hx-alitiw, a tirat-ciaiw nuimnce. Tbia ia the seanon, w hen erwj are "laiif by," and wlien the'nirues " moat do em gregate" after aighltall. Oa such occa sion one or more will become " poaNCaaedJ' fall down and rrrfl and tumble abmrt-tt)tr a uecapitauxi umnne iau, troin at "e tnouth, and diacourae with breathless ra pidity, oa a high falsetto key, auggeetive of Aluig a 6m saw, afier thia wise : "The Lord auya, I shall bowl like a dog, ah, ah, so HI bowl, Aoiei, h o-w-l ! I)e Lord aays, my head's got to go where my feet is, ji ! lie Lord says my head is bound to go where my feet ouht Ut be, ah ! I may go Into de wooda,ah! I may go into de swam pa, ah . I I may go lutoiii heiil, ah ! I don't can whsr I go, ah ! Ir Lord teiU put 111 v lutad wliM wy IM, iiuli. lie Lord ia do true ei.otui, nh, an putn it 1M ujion me, ah. He any 1 -liill howl, liuvvl, hnwl. howl! in I will howl, howl, h o-w-l ! J)ty noiv put Uie in tin juil. ah, but when iliy pin - me iu de jail, ah, dcy will put the j.i.nl in dur ihi, ah ! If dcy put de Lonl 111 .le j ill, lie can kill ilciu, for lie Loiid sii), I whall Imwl, howl, howl, howl, howl, howl, howl, howl! ll i!tii work im to ilo dene thiitp. nh. lie npirit stiyn 1 shall ilo diii' thiiie 11I1 ! An nho km) 1 can help it, nh. Will ,1c p::i: riot turn Hie llM.HCr. ah. (mm) In I ioill . l .) llllN tho' in-, nh Iloii't come to nit- liotit il. but lo lioii. He nwiyri III 'h e.iit uuinj wayata show you de tine way. nh' He SH)'H 1 niiuil howl, itii' f intiitt howl, nh. lie Lirtl iit ItieMriini; me, nn' lilinsmj; in. ri;-ht, ah. An' tie linl houln tin.' me di An of you who Iniiolm i mi- h,w 1,, ( ,mt to lilt-, ah. All tie hie;h huft .oit to U bMUht low, ah! lHixttd he de r-puit. ah. (Joiioj to do Lord, ah, an', He will bless you, ah. 1 cannot help it, ah, I munf bowl, ah ! For de Lord lias got many Way to bring you Ui tie enws, ah. An be will make you howl, huwl, bowl I as he makes me howl, howl, howl ! Ah, but what shall I do ? You shall howl, howl, bow-al, how 00 I, how-o o-lj how o-o-l bowl, howl, howl ! Do Loid la in me, mi' make me howl, howl, Ac, tt. This noise cum lie distinctly heard over half n mile, making niht hideous." anil continue n:iiJJ.vi,w.i ., ur-'i;" . "-o '.WMS5' rtlll'l 1', which often 1,-t in the " WW - nount. 1 eihiiiiu un crroiii-utiit 1m1.reH.-inu hil.t Im-cii lirtHliiceil. Them- iltiielt8 do liol ri .piire any excitement, -un-h n- pn-.u-liin siniinit, it.., In Ihiiik' lln-tn ini, ut inun ill cold blood, HLltlttt lit , iind -m i pinl) 1'lle ntHllifeStiitioiiH MpH-iAr ill l!i li nne'it almoMt cxcftixiiely, And the inoinef hi ttiHt, t-ertauily always in the sgr ot iroin 15 to 80 yearn. The iiarlies most to bhiine arc the ag' liegrisM, who sit around on inch occasion, Bod their heads inyalcriou-ilv. niR Uieir el iiows 011 their kiiet-Haiul tlieir chins on their hands ami iniUUtr and bum hymn airs, and invest the whole alTair with awe and superstition, ami won't allow the " h seast-il 10 Ih3 llitcrlirrntj with. Jhl "victims" who arc really ";isrt," but of the devil ami lueaiineaH, lind themselves regarded with runerutitui and reverence, as la-nig oliiccts on whom llie hand of th Lord ia laid, aud especially marked tor salvation, on Uie will I, will I ' plan. So it give rank encouragcmv)it to the coiuruituon 01 crime, ia aoove suspicion,! iucreaae these aacriligious prtH-eetlings anil uistiirlM Whole neiglitiorliiiods with impunity. Sometimes "one will h tiler for three lioursjnearly withouttiikiiig breath, am nuisance they ere an cut be success. , Vnu can couslantly nee them with a small silver coin uttached to tlieir ankles with a string, and if you ask whnt ifin for, the reply will lie " sometsHly tricked me last year, an 1 puts dis silver on tt keep dem from doiug so agin. " " How were you trucked V " Well, tie water w ns tncketl, air I drunk some of it." " How did it serve youf" "it made me sick, an' I flung up scorpions, liards, an' a whole heap of black things - dat looked like feathers." "Was the water tricked in the welll "Oh,, yea air I" "Did it hurt any body else?" "No, sir, dry in Irick it for one, an' it'll Tt-cLidui, an' mini take no Tis't jiin nobody Dis silver liri'Veiits it." ('ertsiii agetl citiy haired iilutes are "conjure" doctoia, and poene-is te siwer, either to teat-h now u tnck of to imtriek, ami they ah' held in most exalted adoration, filltciv one can lie found with snakes in his logs, ocai ui, or. feet. Nothing is more coiiunnn than a visit to the iloctor to ascertain how to " make a gal love me," or to " keep her from loving dat odur teller." If religious matters are at a lower ebb among the heathen Chinee", then give them tho ballot, and let' w- hew thry will vote on the convention tjuestioo. The Visitations of l'rovitlenee shove re ported aw not exaggeinlci by thin m lt-y. slid all stateuiciitH herein cont.-iiin-d will ia- vouched by our Ixist -citizens. Theq what remedy in there I How Vmn tlie nuisiincc be abated, rliuiiethiiig rennirka ble alsnit it is llie iiiut Hint it esista in a country full of Hid tit lend liaptisls, wilh scarcely any Methodists or Missionary Btpthrls. ' The while Intelligent hi.-iiiIhtp of the " Old-HchiHil," bowcYi-r, to tin ir 1 rcib't Is it said, re pud into the whul alfsir- aa te- volting iuslead if " higher civilmitioo," a sMtdy n-lne Info Imrliarisin, and (hat ia about tliejliic-tt sei-tion ol North Cum- 4ia-,-d ilre-nimiterrtb crnturyaod i,! W MHjilly-MttUltCOUYcAUuil. j. , , 1 1 - Kta- rhtiSt-ntbTelT j ' Cav. N. U, Aug. 51. , Mfn. Kilitort: Hevejitl day ago. oar riiiet little villngi was vial led by a couple of , very rude AAoys hailing from tlte tHty of 'Oaks., Willie ken' they visittsl the melon paten ol str A. r. I age, vUhmtt ftrmtMitm. After eating what they wailtml. (Bey amusna memseivos 10, pnrsting oH-n the Rita melons, literally destroying the entire patch. Mr. P. is a generous heart Ml man and would no doubt have invited theyoungater to dine with him anil par take of some of In melon,, but they did not give him an opportunity. Mr. P. waa, advised to publish their names, hut be declined to do so, as he did not wish to wound the feeling of their parent but such tnr. Iwt, Mensrs. Editors, will not be tolerated again. x - Pbstimuitiau The. world, the flesh. and the devil, in the personification of Jim Justice, of Kuthrrtorn, potlntod the street of Asheville on Wednesday of last week with but unhallowed teet. 1 Thurs day night he harangued a crowd ef hi colored brethrea (we mean no reflectum oa the colored people) in the court houKl. Hi remark were Mich, 'w are infiimietl. aa might be expected from a low dirty fellow. Let the aegroe avoid him if they Would not disgrace ihemsHve by keeping bad company. AtketUU Citim. a-..- 1 1 . 01- 1. OB! (IHEHTBrl WHITE W03 fORSAI.H J .1 have for sale a srrh strain of -this tiretsf of hot-, of rspld irrwwlk auU nSty fst a tav oroiH-rlii-s.x lltmed snd dli v red ua lllt- h.iu K. H. at froia weeks ti T'ie7,iilT,i7.Tu'Krt J a Mir. A. KKCKKK. -' ; JuaeKewswsas. . . : ; XL XL XL ? BIDWirs READY- BELIEF ; J Cnrew th Wore Plnt , . J. lVfr.tM '!) fwlitf Hiltta. j nva sf m si, uvt ew after lesiTirir ITns aovrrtnMuu-vt need any oa . (iTK'EB WITH VMH. , RADWAY 8 KBAIr RK.I.Iir WA CUKB . ftti EVKkY fAIN. , ft fas Uie rt sinl la TItJOsAly Ialn lnirI4 tbM kiatandy slops th omit cscris islint pains, allays liiHmainstitins. sji4 cum 0"Siei!i boas, wtisuVr of the Uaijrs, amaiseh, l or'olfn-r slsnds or orvsn. t'V our AniilirAtloo. IN rttoal (INK YOTWKNTT Ml.UTkD, ao mstU:r how violent or exi-rucutimc Ue pjuuitlir. K1IKL M A l It', hVtl rittiien, Indnn tripl'I'il, Nervous, Neurali;";, or prustraleu' witulttisjass may uar, . 1 1 .,- ElDnlVI IEADT BELiEP WILL AKKORI) INHTANT KAKk. INFLAMMATlOSI OH lilt KlUSKKtl. 1NKI.AH MA TIUN "K 1IIK BI.AUfltH. INFLAMMATION OF THK H'lWKIJ). IXINltlTllN OF THIl.UNaS. OKITHKOAT. IIKrR:i'I.THHATniro. I'ALl'ITATKJN tK TIIK IlkAKT. 11TMTKK1C8, CKOUP, Dll'UTHKHI A. CATAKKH, INKLl KXZA. IlEADACllg, TIMlTHAOIlK, NKI KALIdA, Alt KL MATISJI. COLD (JHILLM, At. I K CHlLLti. The snlli-sUon ot tbe Hsunt Ksi.isr to Uie rt m isrts wthre the Jtsiit or dlfUculty exists will allnnl esite And coiiiriirl. Twiitf drops In half s tumbler of wster will In s few iiioiiietiUi cure t'rsroiis, 8tsma, e-mt Mhuastiti, lluartharii, IMi k Knsdsrtie, 1H arrha. lly-MltU-ry, Uolic, Wind lu Uie Bowels, and U Ititt-rtittl I'sins. Triot-i.-r' wliniil.l alwitvs i-srrv a hrrttlr of Hahwo's Kbaiiit Kki.ikv situ Unin A few drop in nlir wiir j'ri-veht ii-kneits or psms Iron, , liiiiiL'e or wtite:. It In lielli-r Ihan r'reneli Urmid or Hitlem iui s Htilnulsiit. FKVEIl AND AOI E. rCVKR AjNII Ata'K. eun-,1 for tiftv rents Ttt. -el- re Y m ri-uietjul scent In lliln world Uist wii. i iii-c rA.cr ml Atrtii:, sml sll oilier HAta ri-mi- Hilnin, .-earlel, Tyi'lioid, Vi-llow. slid i.lli.r ft-vern (si.lftl liv KAIlWAV'n PII.IJ) sotiatck an UAIIWAY a KKAUI KKLIKF. Kilt i-t-liU ptr bulUu. Health ! Beauty ! STIinSil ASI) VI! UK HU II Hl.ottlL-lS ' ia sf! of yi vsn ii WFimiT 1 . 1 u ,sa .v i n hk 1 ( y . cum 1'I.KSKi. .tA'l IK Kb 'HI ALL. DO. HASWAVS SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MI)K TH MUST 'ASToysHf.Vfi criiKH; SO vVJCK. so HU'lh AiK Tim vtiisoks Tin: inun .vvav. GOKS, UyiUKH THK IXt'WKSrv nf THIH THVLY WuAtiAJiJlL MKDi CIXJC, THAT Every Dy 11 laereau ii flesh aud Wdfiht U Seta iHd Fclt ' .TTTSTiuf BLOOD PUHIKIKR. AWk. fV.r of Urn ftARSAPARILLIAN t;K VENT cotinnHuimUti thruuti Uw b(od, Hwv-ttt., I rioi', iih'J othui litiiilH and Jiiira f lln' h v rsU-iii fwf t'tfftT ( life, ttt il(rf.irn th.' urtli-s uf (hi- ImmIv ui.h lirW tftd Mtniml lim t-nttl Stffiti U t,ummnjiiit Irtuntl ui.i, , i f.r('- in th thnmf, J.''i, '' iri. r , . -f.,s in UiiH't ami ttthtr jxirt 1$ th tij m, A'jr'K, iV uiwuoMi ft', Ayftvrn Jnut Ut AW, unii tftt ytHtrtiirm . Situ iiiu, A,Vf MtM, fr'ttprr Surrn SmLi tai, Hmuj Hrf, Isilt A'umt ffrmiituu, Arm, iUk Axtf, ntrnn tn th rtrh, UHur Latuwn in tht W !, ami 11& uxaimiintj ami fkun f'ul ilim-mr nn umt ml imuUM tht lift j(W(?'WV1 art u U.hin tit r un r it into at tht trtnulrr ff AtmUrn i'hrmistrfj, anttaetf 9'u ' trill fr.imt te ttmff per mm hMuj U Jii ettlJUr of tt Jnns of tim-wte Um jxtfent 'fniim' to nrr (hern. KtiNKY A BI.AUnKRCrOMrLAlNTS, ro.wy, ttttitai'i of Wti'liT, Itit-OiiUnctu'ti nf I rini, Itrii;lit ri IMHt-rwaxv AlMiminurin, Hint in H chwi whure thnr &re hrk-k-tlitnl lf(Mwiu, or Um whVit In thick, cloudy, mint., wiLh stniiee like Die uliiU: of mm i-tfic, or thrfjulfi like win It ilk, or Uu-ie in a morl-id, tUik, I i 1 It u tapptiariutfti, and wliiWr Mtni' dfittt do w iifutiion when ikhhij? wau-r, win pain ui tht dmall t the Buck riiui k1imj Uu i-oin. Dr. Radway's lVrfcrt Tursative IMIIn. jMTfwtly Ufltulww, i ltuiitJjrroftWul With nweet iumt vnw., rtniirtU, pmify, rlruiirw, and Hrvntrthni. HHtlwi)' Hi In, fir Llie rnrr of all dtrtordt rrt of tlui Httin)i h, Liver, Bovvt'lrt, Kidtitiyw, lilatldcr, Nervoun fi(ii;tiM-H, Ht'al nt-titt, Conn Li nation, ComMwmikmh, lijilirttitui iiyHM'Mta, UUnHiHiieHH, iiiilotirt rtiver, InUaiu nwlittn of thit Bowule), l'ih:i and all Dfran-re menu of tlwYnttiriml ViM i-ra Wamti-U d to r;. I urt'ly Vcj5otHld, con Ulninx no uiureury, miiieraU, or dulturiou iUtUu rnrni lH(HnlTHi)f the PigMliOriKnK; Couwtipaiion, Invrard rilf, Futlik'Mol tin RJiKid In the Head, Acidity of the Htniiiiteli, NHum-it, lltur;,Uurn, Diftnnt of Kthd, uWttf VVuinht Ui ttw HWjKt h or Erttt't UoitH, Hltikini; or Klnttt rHi-.' at tiie Pit of tlt. Btniowrii, HTrmTnin(r of thr Head, Htrrriwl mtti IMUit-ult Bruutldtit;, Kltim rin at tht lltwrt, ut tfulfirfatititr At'fiKatiott.) hen in Lvin I'tw trjrc, Uiiniii VIbUhi, lltr Wdm Iwfon tJi-Btifht. Ki vrt and lalMJita in the llrad, !1 Ik lwiicy of i'crHpimtl.m, Y.-Howncs ot thv. ttin and Kyit, fain In lh Side 'Chtwt, Jiiuti&, aid rtudJoii Klunhc of leat, Btirulng iu tlu- A taw dfMa of HAD WAY'S PILW will the flvalom from mil tlir a(wve tmim-d -lin ordera frice, & eenU pt-r Box. BY KHA1 ' KALsSK AXU TAfK " 8,11 rt one ItjtUr-aUunp to KAIWAY A 00.; No. Hi Maiden Lane. Now York. Iiifonimlion worth ta)oQAarid w ill W wnt y on. ;juntH atuUtt iy isio, is:n. V.MS Kit m;h. This (elfhratfil rniWIelne li won a d. wr- vrJly -hialt .retaHmt Vsnsherlat.tr of pahr snd (ireaerrer-jui-Jnsiaili, It has hwoisr tamsr-liold rvmtsly, from tin- Isct thai P. gives iiaealisW snil ismwamiHtiTslitili'ms a iwes. vegelsMe propsration. made from the Isnt iiid purest msUutiala, saf tA kp-p anil-Ui use la evory family. It is rt-eornni nidi'it hy plivsi t Inns an persons of all rtsases, ami lo day, after S nnhlie trial of tlnav v.. -llie hv.-i rtrtt Ttfe ofrasn U stamls tlnrirslletl and ui ekeelletf, spreailliii; its uaefuliltttvi over the with World. Its Isriro sntl tttcreaatn- sale alftiribi issntive rvidenee of luemlurtinx fame. i Ihrwi-Uons sccninWiiy each litiUle f ' tkM hysll llniKi-ists. A I'siisv Itivts Mtm, Provtdenee, R. I., Maniifsetnnirs sad Proprietors. ,aaa. ha r ' TICK. Havtnr nnsllflMl this ilav ariytrtMnr to law as RrrctiliM til the Mwt wit) and trsfsmenl of the htte Alfred a. THotNfison, I bert4iy iris notice la s'l rmHtors of liw ;eslU hi reaent their drums projwny rovea at or inr oi day i Juim, lrt, or this aotlee will he pleadva at isu ox innrwravsn. llieMorser in Will please maktt httiiiato paymeni, - JIKINU. WILLI Akti. water. JSty 3ri ww Halrkli, N. C T rUKRAH! HURRAH t. ULRRAHI t OHEAT KXClTKMENT BAOINOl At Corner et llorna and Dasoa Slreela, 2iailw Masonic ttaU, Uuuiis f tana; casnyar an ever below I il take treat pleasar la inforwlnr UieclU seus of Kaleatk and puhlke Kensraily, that I have just received a full and well svlecUsl nlot-k of ftrocerles, eoeaisUtnr of Hseoa, Lard, Klour, Ileal, M-ilanaea, Suitar, Cotlne, Pepper, Mfil-.es, Teas, Tolwretl, Huutf, "-ia. Htarca. wUt, t endifa, (, rtt. Corn, Butter, Kelt, Uhteaeiu, anil le (ael everytliiii aa stir kept In scrstrlaas Uroeet-v, ' vti ,w mr a rati Benire tHrt-iiasintr eisewnrrv, id lie eoavitwwd Uu what l ai ia trsa I Sll W.r k-ooas 111 kiweil '(aisMlle.rales . QFTCES. j. GovwL Jsva, Lsrulrs snd Rio. ; " i. 5 suit 4-U 0. T. 8TR0JI ACm fjuLL TRADE 17 h c. m. av o. Lnrrs, WkWleMtlc Hhoc Mawaiatr-tMrrra, TIIOMAVIIXE, N. C. Kirlory En!rerd. lirefllv iiii-ressetl production snd tHilis. Itrt-al rfliiruon, WleileiwU- l'nt-e ' llrest Variilv of Mes mid KleKSiit Slylns-Ls-s-r Alock .'.f rlrsl risss Work No HhnOilT Hoods. Bvrry"roe WsrraBted. , Mrrehsnts acutl for Circular snd l'rke ljt. )uly .Mil , : -. ft EV (iOODH; ,;, . . . : . . .- A new tlonply of BROWN IHX'K HACKS, VK8TS, AND I'ASTS, nisnufac-tured siwclally for lsive men. Just received st K II ANllKKWH ACo.'s July 12 tf 'I'TTINO KNIVES. Hmltli uimirpswt-ilSiiiijIe Blsded Knives. WiltialiiHtin's Patented do. Sinelalres eelelirst.-d l"nt-llrr CutUnir Ma fliinea, all sir.ea. from s tn i: ineties snd llie fwinoiiii I.oojh-i- Mtilp ditto, i-ountaiitly In store St Kunni-r.' tlnll. , JWIM M TOWLKK, ' siik17 tf Aif't for Manufacturers. T N S V U E Y Ol'K UKK IN TUK 'NATIOMA a OF NEW VOUK," 1NII TOUH H i; H K I" il I. I of LK1KHJ.VN " am 17 If Inmirsui-e Arrnt. NO RNJdVMRNT WITIHIUT HKAI.TH. Of all thr'properly we own in the world thst which demantts tlie irrratttitt esre Is nnr own htMlii-s. Ht ller lose hontw-s, lands, hslaners in Uie lauik, anylliintf taut reiiresents wealth, titan tint strenirth, vtiror snd eisstleity of the phy siesl frsnie. - Ttis d spefitir, the ttlltlltiis suf ferer, the nervous ImaMd, esn not enjoy tlie iriftmif fortune. Ilii'lly, liowevfr, dvstiep sia, litllouitness, snd nervous di-bilily sre re niovalils evi's. TARBHT S SELTZH ATKRIliVT, ia a j;ritlr for thin. It n'novati'S the iitniiiat'h, tmprovua ih- ajwiit, rUaniwa Uw lnrV(d8, rt-uUI'iM tin- ii.T, filling tliv ncrVca, and dirfltifeHa thf dnrnvi4l tlni'U. SOU) BY AM, DULUOISIU f nXKTS ' MlM.LK.rs Kreidi Mullets reei-iri-rf dnilv f St Hlila. freitli Mart end f l. .'SI Kll li.iw .Mackerel l.7.'i.. latf (I. T. HTKONACH. HEW COMPLETE MUSIC STORE. FAY KTTKVTLLE 8TREKT, (Ursiilnani's ultl Bund) i KILKII.U, ID, C. 1 1)IANr OK THR WKI.I,.K,N(1WN MANU fseterers Kml ,v Co., sntl Bansiso ft u.'i, . o As to the err!!-nee of theae Inslniirtents, in.-ie is sesn-eiy any nreessnr ni tv snymtnr : tke rrpmtati-n of IU A'aV Vi. if an uitiKi iilr MiraaH of rsrrllrmv. 1 i Illustrated Catalogues sn Price Lists seat oil sptmcsuon I)rn0T OK FORKKlJf AND AMEIJI CAN rlHKRT MUSIC, Instructors for Piano, Violin, (Inltar, Singing, yicetirui-tms, s luuuses, eic l ie. .ViiWeiif rnntmm.)tn of ttU lind. snrh as Violins, Utiltsr, Flnt-s, AiConleons, Klnll nas. L'oneertlnaii, Banjtia, Tsuilsirlnea, Fifes, etc., ale. iW.Toeis, Fmrh am.! .trim few Violin.. Violtmi-t-llos and tinitars of tlis verr ra-ai .usiny. W.I rir v hj V.iW. As f sliafl always hsve t uieit slock, of rart Musis on hand, all a-iters U1 lie proinpllv atu-iiiled to. I'lease address, fnnr. A. 1.ILUK. au?Ua nttlHTKH.l (UViBI.GICilnillliva8tans, - mtfc Atwntidr-Hmm' i"i ntnry -ix lli-uty Weteh's Ixiimlry Hosps, -. - ' I, do. Ooliisle .t i h ' Laundry do. rjniiil i Vsrl.t," acinic i -' -In sL.V. ; hi If W. U UTKONACII Co. Jos. Van Holt Zla&h, I , OP rKTEUSBCHO, VA, , KPKRS ONE OF Tn BUST. IF HOT THE BEST PIANO. If ISii 'i I'l ' - .' ' anufsctared In Uii country, . THE "lrilBEIL" toUeethefoRnwinr: " ' TIM WRRKR PIANO Is trader, rrmtw- IlieUe. brHltant, powerlal, all la .' Chunk , r. - --tv-. ? " Tha W KB M PI A NO Is a mlrarle of 'tea nine, solid lunerlcli, f ull, slesr.," AcistawyA JkmrmL A; w '- -" ' 1 " For tneaeas of tnsie, ekarnra sod Imwer, no piano nHtinfactaredoaweinlllM w i bkiK." --AiseusW iMmatral. . ,. , . I -s - - I . - f t-JTDlsctMint to Clergy sad Teacher...', f f Mttwfha ' ' f O Ft REWARD. JLdkV 1 wtH IM. I3.M at-ai lit TmabJM lakaATa . ttllajL lk-aB'fcleertaHllfrWilayPfrr ' ii I Has Bini-v HsmniM, II pair Lhww. il BHnd Rrkdfesv -I rW.IU Rndle aud Blanket, take from my SUhlea oa the Burnt of the I lea tnasi aufc-UU ' ' AC. SENDERS. &Ar fkrx jajataaaaaajpajBanaB yf6ai-Niw goods. O.iWtDb. SIV7 SUMMER AND EARLY f FALL PRINTS. N(WeTYI.EjCillNtNSand SWITCHES, assilo of linen thread ittrrfy new and- almost ntrxsl to thrlll'MAN HAIR. ' 1 bllwKi AND liAllElW. ' Pull Slock ami Krel Jew Styles. TIIK OAITKR, NEWPORT HULK 8KIN, ' BARATlMiA WALKING BHuE. WHITE MAKCLLEn FRII(.E8. (lur ai.a-k will hvi' kept full and complete, ml will Ih- sold Ins to suit tilt' times. siu7 U W.H 4 R . TUCKK.K ft CO. J l'T RKrEIVEUII Al W. II A R. 8. TuckerAfci 's 8t pieces 1 White 6triwd Pl.iie al 'Jic. H-r yard, jiily Idtl 0' 1,1) l,ilH)K8 HOI'OIIT. J. V. II. NASH, r ti nl,nrg. Wi- will rvve i sli. or wlllrtehniv for vain ror va I bo sliltt lw snd Miscellaneoua old and Beyond Hand Hooks IHIirt 0A8IT PU1CEH will lie mid forsomrCtiNKEHKRATE PCB LH'A I ItlNS, sml for Bnrke'n Vlreinia, vol. 4, Slid for sll vol", Willi's, Krn-hrvals, Ht-V-rrlry's, IK-1 Usui:' a or FimiU-'s Vs. ; Jerjt-rsou's NoU-s, Kiuidolpk'a edition ; Bland l'a)rs, Ho rers' (loolouiciil Rtipturts, (lrlsliy"s Vlririnis' Convention. 17711; llsnior's Not Sou Virginia, Waiiiioiith's VoVBlfo, .1 ones' Vlr((lnls ; lj-llel-mi'ii Virginia Willi nutp, Bullia-k's Vlruhna, Ixmli A Kat-hal's Viral nut. Harrtotle's V irtlllia. (for' the folio edition of whirh. In Enplisli,4 frmim will tw nd,) W illiaiu V irjfu Inuiu phaus. VVAMlIIN'UTON'S.iIOl'KNAL, printed at WilllauishurK. LAW! LAW I (-,lvol. 4, V fi, or II vol.; Leiirli vols. M, , Itiiliintoii -i vols; l'atton Healli avols ; Vii i;iiiiH it-es, vnlit - or - vies , Roliinwm's Viniliua r.elii-t vol. I, 4 or H ; Rohlnson's New I'nielittti ml. 4. M tllln wit' liiiieat vols. t hi ' voIm . I .. .i .... .' Ii.xecutor's i vols., Jlltl wlitlon ; liuiirmi'ii QiiMrU-ily Lsw. .lotniisl. Tut-ki-r'n t taiiuit-iiUtrits vol. 1, Rol'tnaou'a Fnnnii. ,t:c. sun IV! If J V II. NASH. c z- o 5 w 'St -tl o w 0 0 c c 0 0 r-H . O w ii -i 5-sO U H swaa 2 F-5 1 w o La 0 : -i t H r Pi j Si 1-1 w - rJ r . O D KB AT EH IN CONVENTION OK 1XSS. I have a few coplof tell of Uiese vsln siih' oldntMiks. very caniliilalr snd esnvasscr . or atatwt uia pniMaeti cinvrniion siKiniu nave a copy, Sent! soon 1 Price per mall f'i.-iM). J. A. JON4, UeekseHer, raJylS-lf Raleich. N. 0. QEI.I.I.NO (loon IS OUR OCCUPA i'IOfH. KJ - uever rail. sck 10 U AC. BANUKRSACa OUR STOOH Ii I.AkfiK ANDOOMPI.ETE sud wo are detsruiined to sell hy ofleriiir goudOuoditat the lowsst nrice. PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOH JuneJKU TR- W. P. MALLRTT. LATE OF dispel XJ Hill, offers his professliinsl services to tbe pltliens of Ralbuu, and vk-iolly. Oilier, for tlie present, at his residence in the Andrews' House, ou llillsboro' Street, sug IIKjrn JOTTON 01 N8. COTTOil 0IN8, L MILL Ot AR IN O , 1 . MILLSTONES, SAW MILL OKAItlNO. 1 1 tm irent for Brown'sUeerKlasndYliillett's Htel Bruah Olus. Any orders shall Hsve my prompt sttention. Ailvh-r eiven and purehsses taain- ui .win out lies, uoaruir, enws, ,c. isugHlf 0. T. STKtiNACH. T MPOHTANT BALE OF CITY PROl'ERTT I A Pursuant to a decree mailt- in the Court of Pnihaie of Wake ronntv, aitproved by bis Honor tlie JBilire of llie Siilh Judicial Watrk' IS s-c-e wti. rein Jmt. -W MfT ., rHalntitf. and 7oA T. Wtlluunmrn and arAm are ttefeiidaiita. I shall srocoed oa 1'barsttav the fMrihry ofSrTrB'rrrherTMt; kt'OreCimrt ffttUse i Kir iu tlie i lly ur Kslt-lKli, lo sell st public auetltsi that valuable hit 111 tlie city of Kal eitfh, known aa Uie "Williamson Lot." , Bald lot is sltuahitl In the Eastern Ward, nn Uie SouUi side of Davie St-near the Metho- ifcat Uliaiail, and contains two snd a half acres more or less. It wilt bn sold in one or mors parcel to suit -purclissers. There U on It lAmal dwelling house Willi all tha necessary tailhuilihniaa. Tie at destrlnx Ui nan-hsM will iki wi ll to examine the properly before the lay of Mile. J. W Buck will take pleasure in tdittwiiur the preinlnes tt Uiose won desire to tad.' Tlis title la uniiuestiomsl. i Terms made knowa oa day ot sale. j . JAMES W. BUCK, Executor af Mary WUtUunaon, deceased. ismlSStawlA ' 1'ra turn till if. nt aala and aal hin b. ecmv Bushes Bi usnee. 4- "VALOABLE Cirt RESIDENCE FOR 41 Hie of Ui moat sltWllils residence to e rlty of tUM(h. Tbe inuisralirned Is sntnorlsrd to aell privately aj-v unrna. use awslliB; boan and bit oa iba North oast corner of Wllmintrtoe and Eauotun strarls atljaeent tn the Canltal Muoarn sxl wo n.aamau marea, aaowa aa in 'Hay wood" LsV W. K. ANDERSON, snifla-dlra. Ciumuii N.Uoasl Bank. 50 RJW LAND II I efler for aajn a oti.Tl tw4 r.1 t .n-1 illhmkeaUielLAU. Kailroad. , 1 srms ntwnu- , ' en: ITU , DOUGLAS BELL. AVIDSbN COLLEOE, M. C. Ma next term will etwia Senteoiher 3S. Is71. mfasf-eotli'iilale e.in'iipli frrna e-JSe to infli. For eilaltHru. or othtr infiwmatjoa. atiplv . , i, . ............ .. 1. - ' - u bit. rnii.i.ira. tf. -.-, -v j - . sjidrk of Farnitv. N lu4 wl Pstldsoa CoUKge, M. C. OrevonsboroToBey BUYING RATEd OF BANK NOTE. 4o, .WI1JON 4 SIIOBER, HANKEha AVn "U 4Bau.ii, , N. (J. Bank .A It. V -4Jspe Ft-T7TT7 " ChsrloUe " WjatlestKiFo' " Wilmington .. i " RiiirlMjro' at tirahaiuj -... Lexuurtoa ' ! ' (Itiuiinen-wi I I t tioiiiaatruiv. Counneree Fayutteville. YaneeyvUle s MerrusnU' Bsukof Newhcrn.. J Fanners' Bank of UrecnslHro 7 Miners' snd PhuiUtrs' Bank... V if Coinnaireittl bank of WilaiiiViriln ' ' ' . Virginia Beak Notas avenge sla)t'';''t ioutk Lsrollu. " .... . . e-nrta .. !!!"'"' ! it J. K K. Stork i-- in & . . . "oersi prma, MoU . Wi Im ai1 a..U t 111-.1 ..-.1" f "vtT-, nor, ii , artuina ataxia, lulu act-T Honda and sll oUier marknusiiitatwka I orders for bank Noma b delihirs sad atia Mdsrs of Bank. Ulf Ul 'rwva prJt!' RsUittis for xW paekaKasef Hank a., ., will tw iiuuie on Uie day reruvad T! eheek on Now York IWUmoVu? SJj rencv, as desired. em- I .I'e and Fire Insarance PoUctas ' ' u total CoiiiiHuitaa, st ImsI ratea. " mar 10 Sui Bpociul N otices! LEI P r o uo a i re d b y C on lolsssars "THK ONLY COOD SAUCE. , It improvn apiwIiU) and dntestiua. sad it a, anrivsled for iU davor. ' " Ws are direclt-d by Miwar. LEA d PKR Kl NS to prtiaecuuj all pariie making ur vend InK ooiiuterfeils. jtiu-Ti uum,,T esJNS, Art's, aug 1& dtkntaw ew York. - . The Bridal Chamber. ESSAYS FOR TOt'SG MEN, on GREAT SOCIAL EVILS AND ABUSES, Which Interfere with M ARRI AOS, wltk east menus of relief for the Erring sad Uufortau ate uWiasrd and debilitated. Scut in sealed letter riiveloH-, free of charge . - -Addreas, HOWARO SANITARY AID Aft WMJIATION, No. il. South NluUiSCHIlLA.. pKLPIIIA,Pa. ."-. .- may Ifi liiitn BATOHELOH'S HAIH DYH This siileutlld Hair Ie is tha bust la U World, llanaluss, reliable, liitaaitausoea,doa not eontaiu lead, nor any v italic ptaaon, te produce ralysls or tlcatli. Avoid Um vaaab 4 and delusive preiaraUoiis btamUua vlrUM Uk y do not (sissesa. Tbe irenunis ot W, A. Halcb-1 lor's Hair Dye has had .Kl yaia' ar.Uniinli.id tt'putatiou to nidiold Its Integrity as tie- only perfect Hair Dye Blsck or Brows. Sold by all DnuTiclsU. Apply at IS Bond St., M. t nov Jrdly N EVV (iOOUS. New supply of SEASONABLE (iOO(, ' eoiiKht iu the last ten ditys. Evi-ry dcatrtiueut redenished- FREafl NEW AND OtW. j W II. A R. 8. TUCKER a CO. i auirtj-f c COTTON SEED OIL, ' As sKt-nt for the Oil Mill located i r ttua Qlty, 1 sin pruiiered tiifuniisn COTTON SEED OIL ,.. tn the Trade : or at retail. : Cotton Seed Oil l sn excellent snhstlttRe for Linseed Oil, at less than half the coat. JULIUS LEWIS, July 4 tf RaleiKh, N. & 1EST R H'KLAND LIME. j Fresh buml. A large lot on kl rsr tm 1 suir v A. 6. LEE A Co. rJUlE CELEBRATED KU KLUX 8M IKIXO TOBACCO. A lsruc lot oir. ri il for Uie drat Urns ia Uiis market CJootl as the beat. Call and try a. Ill quarter lb. packages. 1 aui;lf A. O.LEE A C ' IMPORTANT LAND SALE. Ti On Friday tbe 1st day of BepUaahsr sett, k shall asll at public aucUoa on the Drt-vlaas. Siat valuabls liouss and lot where 1 new iw ile In Uie citv of Raleigh, on Newbsm Street. Tlie tot contains Ave (ft) sere with a kandsoes dwelling, eontaininic sis larirs and ataaaai., rooina wilh a kinmI kitebea of four rooms, new tfroccry bouse on Uie 1 it, staoke bonss :; tables, du. There are several handsome baild ltu lots on Ui premise that nurht asaold, f if desired for a gKi price, a splended inmle and excellent fruit trees wilh a well of wsief in the yai-d inferior to none In theeity. Ikkt I one of Uie most pleasant, healthy anil dtslr sliht brt tn the cily, and In a ytHnl aud qniet nt-UrbrairlMMMl, ' and eouM not be boagki if t? was not conis9lled to aell. 11 most go fur kst win nnntf wii.nout reserve. Terms wiatie know ea the day. Tie sal - dill take I'laos at li o'clock (in.1. anx to -aw JOHN EAT. ATENTV BALANCES. NTsB Large atot-K from 100 to 600 lb., for I oncaicr than ever. I auj 8-tf T. IL BRI0CB. . tAX N0T1CR. " i The lax list fer the year Itrtl, ksiliut -tan Disced In mv luyids for rotlecUiai. A will it aa nty oiuos in luei.onn inmaa rrtau anw i day aulil f ul'Uier notice, ftw Um iwrlass) of .: LitlccUur tbe same. a . T. F.LKE. lenjrrt daw Blisrilf. , . 3OARDIN0 HOUSE. 1 , ,,. ,--J Oeo. B. Baker havliur Ukea th Hons Btu-ly kept by Mm. H. W. Miller, ran seeoav atotisle boUi penuaiM-nl and transient bosrdsr. ' Ten or twelve members of f Un UnUlaUrs , lodaing, fal a4 San be (nmlsbed wltb board, nr!ii at e per wooil rpHK BORDER AGRICULTURAL $QC0i- , L TY OF VIROINIA AND N. C. EXW aVwMy wiU- wdd Uieir wsit Aaaaal-e Fair, at Danville, Vhycinia, eommetH-nui on -Tuesday, Um MUt day of October, UU, aad . diHitanuiiur for S ilav. . I I tht list ul PrenuuoaUrmiiiiJlysttrcl'S, ana arranireiaenU are tietua matic Xor t latau i exhibition la every oVpsrlnient virat. at. aunsi.ai, , anKlS-wtuSf , . , etocrrlsry. EW 0OOD8 1 NiVW O0ODSII REDUCED f 1IC1I PRIM KOBE, FETTr A NKWSOH'S, , '.' Mo.B,FayetUvUI nne9tf ' - . - , i ; ; I ' ' ' v. WAHRANTtDiI'lBK. Ul KK BKrVFKEDKHS, U -' Bend for Clrrular jnne IT tf K. i. rCK, Ltndea. . I ,.- 1(K'KIN1HAM BherUiura, aeavr, '' ' k. ana aM.At.lh twfMnoa LSI nM! l.TSt nurc Cross Chewing Tobacco, Ufuoueuosi hesl in Um city. I , rr - ,i .nataia a - raiy a - h . a. ia m IqbiI t HT IrvYlkfi) till K. F. Bl'ILNUAM'S UrW WATER lVHEEts .1.. . s.. .... I IllaKlrstetl fVsericuv PwmpWet soti rwa Iriaa, 4. Itl,.4.i free ay M. F.4liBNrU"i sad Price Itiaa, raaaa. "iMIaisaaUtW ' ,Y T V," .r-'-'.-- 1 .;'. ,N-' . '", ' ; jtr.-

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