fl' X 'i - U..J...M 111... I, SVmUIA. M. Hawass ' JJ.flrtwd to make euiHrml aud flv re . . iTlT V A H'l'ATK IT K MS- T,fKKT.'B- The fM.iwin:;i til. r.i... il.ennoiiieter at Fink C. liar , 1871. 74 7 37 Tffl 74 - 5 " idmriUe i to have a ahating rink. Mid to have two of the Jefferson I" i . :.. .......I...... NorHi fundiim A vein '' cM lm" diawwerad o" .. ,M to ?f W. B. t'rewa, E., near O Granville county. Aw Udiea of this piuopl eburcb ol Ttmpi pert'ortuancea in order lo raise lgo.ii (iir the benefit ol laetr cnurcn. A little boy l,J a,we "f " hstcbcr Kjaiiig, ft 11 from a tlirt-e atory buildiug Wilmington on Saturday, end wan not awca turt. ffe learn that the ladic of Oak City (aacil, Frienda ol Teuiperauce, will give , wries of Tableaux, Charades, Ac, at jt,UOBijli(an Hallj in ilii city, in the mom of tw f three weeks, the pro nto to be applied toj.br ayltig off sonic Ma ul' the Council. Due notice will be give) of th" time. Nw An. - Freall i-euimu) at Bradley t Christopher'. Cuacord Grape at W. C. Btronach & Co JVahwi bag tie by Robt, Martin, Pe icnburu, Va. fall dock, Boot and Shorn, C. D. Hcartt Co. ('aiKUlTT,Col.llHi & AlHIIItIT lUll aoA We learn, aays the fkntthrrn Home of the t'Mi inst., that the Pennsylvania I antral in taking active stops to buy up a controlling iiitcicat iu the (took of this rued. Tli company haa paid 45 cent on In dollar lor large quantitiea, and it in brlieved that they may have to give from HI la 70 belui'M tiW$ tfet ennrmt The atorkhulilere, who paid nt for their utia k, will be reJactuat Uiaaentioe it whim it hn aearly naclmi a dividend point. iKrj.CKNca ok thk ruiua. An eiliuir of eeaut'our thriving cuuutry iiewftpaKra, after a iliort mil to the eutorpriaing little tuB of Durhatii, ou liia return, wrote that "a man ilyinf at i'urliain never got a dwut burial uuhsw the death occurred tlw latte prt o the wnek, and then he eouM lie bui-ieil on Buuday, (for during the aeek, every body waa ton buny). Tliia pmduced a aenaation ut Durham. She aow dimts twelve laeloriea, four atort, two ilrug alorea aid lour Imr-roniiis fnim It a. m to 2 p. iu. daily, for divine aervices. ATTaanao Karn, We learn from a gntleoiau at Lileaville, Anaon county, aaya the Wihuiiijftou Star, of Uie 20th inatant, Ikat Charlua Ueaebum, a " aix toud no- pu," ane aereotoeu ycaraof age, aud a autorioua rogue, waa arruaUxl at that plii yeaterday tod held la bail by Magiatrate riailger ia a bond ol'IS00 oh a charge ol ault with jjiteut to cotuiuit a raie Uxn Mauoetablu white irl, agjn thirteen ftari, am failing to give aecunty be waa MNiniiteil lo Jul to await his trial. The roirfto poaitiv!mafriiittj lt trbfleebr k tUapuaition hou to do otherwiae ' tkan to await the due atmtm of law. ' , TW Mlrattd VkrUtiar Werlly, fw Aaguat StiUi, ia promptly at hand with a 'ried lolile of couteuta, and an unusual MuaUsr of ae vuravinga. Tba great Oeotral Park of New York la depicted ia a tenet of ilfuatraiioaa, and tha editor anauiwi o illuaUate " Proapect Park," of BjMlya,k few weeka, -We notice that tbe pubUahera offer to tend the 6 rat three oath of the paper atitohed in paper oven, poalpaid, to any addreaa, for ouly fflicmu. Tbia afforila an excellent op wtnnity to all to examine this beautiful ittuM rated weeklyX Addreaa, " llluatrated 1T regret to leatB that the dwelling koine M Dr. A. F. Telfair, Smithfield, "aro5Mrbyga- By fri i ofi-SalUrdaf 1C Tke are waa couuiunicated to the main Uiiig from a foul kiUhen chimney. Or. Telfair, aucceeded in aiving must ef furniture, but the bouae waa totally 4?tK)yrd. There waa B inaurauce upon rmprty and the loea ia eatimav I d at faouo. A briak wind waa blowing the bom' of the Sre, and H waa With pwt difficulty the flaoiea were prevented " eureadin toother buildings, thua WwiBg the greater part of the Til- Muck praiae ia awarded to the . ored people for tha fajibfal and lealoua ..MrlByhicb theworked..- ' ' - IfSJtoam&um fnttr at Uwi "Wa call atteation to an dvertiaceaetit in Krd to a hone found near tbia city. A ftagro naa claimed the bone but waa not rBdtted to take him off without proof of r"Ttj. . Thia negro aaid he came from l He ia uuite black, with ry hue ejeaix tuut nigh abd weigliaaliout 1W poaaila. " Ha waa drmaed in btaa k ith Alpwa cuwt, and bad oa boot. He ""oioethinit Hke light flnnnel ahirt, U nrnad aletoia the centra having a red Wpe oa mlk aide. Ilia age b about &0 8iaee the hone got into the poa ."of llxMorder thi nagro took off but the home again returned and. locked up. We truat Uii fellow may "bm tha hiwae. He baa not been heard "Hreak. Pan bin round. ' : MAGAZtXKg. , Scr04r'$ Monthly for September boa our table and ia a capital number. The tollowing ia ttaUbleofcootonU: Piciures foiu Uanadaj Mercmr, the lth Kinder itfthe Sena; Wli.we Wife Waa 8h; M.iun 5itn TiiTw "aiiX Aitveitturi'a : "rtiii 8oim 1 nriiUuuiiiHW carol ; Soeue from the Varble V.fnp Chimw Skilled Labor ; A Woiiuna Kxex titiin. boeia; The Uiver of yi" ; tht ( 'lond ami Fire ; IVu i' IHoU h, Harm Legend ; An Advaiituren Japan; Tin Khn. of (:ld Trinity, a pia-in ; Tin- to Kdih atinn of tlK- s,n ; Wilfrid Cum iWmede ; A N.-w Study of an Old "Yanx Topira of the Tiuun ; TheOld Cabinet ; Borne and S i. ty, Ae , 4c. The work ia beautifully iHuntmteil. S ribn-r Co., Kew York. yri. e ihiIj $: p..r yew. ; Ttr ArnfrintH Ks-h.lhije oW tirtie ; a ajiaeellany of useful knowledge and gen rul literjture. Philadelphia : Kevirw Puhlihhiug and Priating Coiupuiy. A per annum. Contents of Augunlruuiuber : The Great Plains of the American lutcri The Stone Towns ol Central Syria ; ronrtiual Rcpreaeotatiou ; Platouk Fhihawphy and Modern Realism; The Military and MaterialinaourceaofRiuwia; department of Mining and sttl1urgy Monetary Department Inaiii-ance Depart aient Departmint of Railways and Trans aortation Department ol Patenta, Art and Science Noting and Commenting, i capital work. In Onrrilovk rouutv, N. C, of utI kiliiy, Auiinnt 7Ui, IhTI, Bknj, 'i', dmnorts 71) yew moatiM uid 1 im. . 1 In Plymouth, N. 0., un Uie l.'llii a Aur. in fiif tttt . ytw ot his ftice, Mb ')houad 8. iftMiHTXAD, 8r., f crt li-ipti. ( 1 n hiiu tlitf couiui unity h lo-t a mot uwf ul eilUKUt kujcUy iw uf iu iituat vtu,-il n4 Wttiviiiod uwiiilMratt utid ihi (hmv Uikvt "fiuntl feu need" wliuge Unt at Uiu Uiite is irniUliv Nrvtir liavriij; uiiirrieil ur U-vo uu iniiuedinte itwiiKlarii, u4 - bui un. ot Ut wm, teiJatuw, hi mourn hi- loan mud maintain th louorn t one uf our oldest and iwat t..wit. iittUaKtiisli'-d fir virtue and sai, for pa trio IJhui nuul chivalry and ft.r uhartly ai;d nviuivo- . ilia frteudr. wltl th picjtrwd to learn that hr ditl iu Uit: (ilt'ai ui of Uie redvt'DiiiL; uocr uf a Sa torn love. Norftdk aud PfU-ralmrv; Va.t and Mariauiia l"la., MjKr pleaav itotit e. Nmr lltrtford, N. ' , un 8uuday Uie Hli of-l'i'v, Mum. KiaizaniTH ttKiMNiaiu tuetitltfa, Jearf her af, Mn. 8. w bora at Harvry'a NtK-k, N. (J , aitd waa uuvriud in LiWi, to U. Ntl tieu. 8. HkHiiMir o( Uie awiue place. 8evral cuitdren were the fruits of tuia nuitn, nearly ah of wuotn are bonori-d coniBuiiipmnU of the euurvn. Mia. 8alNKt waa rurJrUied by Bmtioi Jve, and abe lived and die! a moat x amplary and tn-luTtyi nieuilrer of the Holy Catholic Cbtiri'li. Her piety vu deep and unilonn noUiiaj; cmfulsioiial aooul it, but her inwe HuMied tm calmly and beautifully an the rlvtT. tier life iudrci, uwmtnl totie'hid wiUi Chr1t iu (i.rii tht- did Mil 14 HU h uoi and tflury. Hh-- will U: amdl) iiiW-4l.yt.iic ehurt'ti of which ahe w do hin au ornaiucnt aud n tUy.- lud'd bitr place can hardly 1k fillcd, for tthe Wart atway ruady ntth himrl and fauiul lo proittotM ber Kwau'a, caaan, 8ht aiwuit'd n Kat rince Um tvii for the Kood of tlic church, which hIu h.vci ao well. Her ieutper w awert rtftd lovrry- beymd rteaerip tiou. Hhe wan never known to ajicak unchari ialily of any one. 4 ue the wittinuy, aiie wa al way n ready with a Word i ciim Oi iavllia tioti. No one could have held a wanficlac4i In Uie atfeetions tf Uie iwpW aiUUtiK u hotu he Jiv d 4he t ao woman, hordcath would heapntiitrcaiHinitv.ivhe ha noeiieVnina.' fcxpn-jwion like th eric Jiintijr her lut ilhicsK eouM Ih- htMid'i every hand, ii waa awy (invtivt: to U' with hc.r whe (til aJcjv and 1 ia ver Bitwj-I ia m-vermift fttf4iMti-li rxinatir rotvli triift, biici pewtv tfiie ia mad avrav at the cUw ul liitf eartliK 8it- onui ui inu e life, Irtiimi'li like tie is. .arli, to Uie cWiwi 8alhiitli tt iti n, Hol mum ai.mn. snnj my ib-i ena w J. A. W. 7t AHR T( J DAY nv- Win on Itwialw-d j f ItllU "Aahluud," "I'HWIwu," "Welch," fiid Btsin Mi Hi Klour put up iu eighth, quar- icr Imlf Hiul whole liarieU. an in it vv. u. bntoSAUll A Co. ti LI'S . Bnnarast Mtriim, mJJJ ,ial Lhs Haeon tiittea. 1,01111 tiula Molasi.es, lilHlnrv. W. 0. STRONACH A Co. ui! in tr GENUINE N. :. Koe Herrings for sale by W. V. HTItONACU A Co. , aUR ltetf CASKS K' 1VAI.AK1NH finVDK.liS, (ianue a Foaei do. W. C. 8TKONAC1I A Co. ' tug in if rTT'NIKm Mil tN(K?H MOKOAN A SONS' "San " LiJJ J5 Boxes Toilet Nii:iib. HUf W. C. Bt KOJIAJUll . CO. i 'TriKI.I.'S 8I'1CE, aud Superior English Xi Miwtard W. C.STROSACHACo. it") f CASES Cove Oyatere. fci.)X W. C. 8TRQNA0H Op (aiuj l-tf lis VAA BOXES Canned Oooda. 5 lOUU O..TtOAICH, i aug M-tf " 2 E W BOOKS. , THE A NO EL IN THE CLOUD, A BEAUTIFUL POEM, .; Eoiii W. Fuluj. E. J. Hals A Boa, Ftraurans, N. T. Heaiaaoaaery bowMk. Price l US. Foraale at the Bookstore of angWtf ALfRED WILLIAMS. MEMOIR OF TlE Ker. 51HI EL B. Srmr-KTKKS, B. D. ! Riv. John 8. Okahtt. PRICE aitw. Tbia Memorial of a noble ana anilrhrlaUaa illnifto.LB;.BativijBl.MeVa,hiJi te oooaaiorBoi i' an 1V-U ALFRED ILLIAMa TJtD ASH COAL 1 1 ' K 130 Torn best quality Orate Coal, direct l from lkilaeiohta for sale at L. k",Pri..,. .. ... . Ogil-U UOUObAS OE.L.LI. r ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE F6R bale. ' . A house anil lot containing; twe aerea on Halifax Street, aow nc apied by Rev. - Dr. Mason. Terms easy. Thia ia very valuable property! ' .. Apply to, a p M r r. pal i i.e., JOS B HATCH EI.OR, or WM. E. ANDERSON, aofKl lm Cotton Tics ! l l' I - i- Cotton Bagging ! Haa tons anur" PUU APPOVED COTTOff TtEA TXH-BLB ANCHOR BaIs)IM.u ; Beat and Meat DeelraMe Maautsctnred. . "Liberal Terms toMeirliants and Deilera. IE088ETC4 lanufacturer'a Ajcenla, WiLatiMOToa, N. 6. JaiyJButwdrwlBi N WHWUVt-WHInKT!- " 5 ML.la aL.wem A SILVER SPRlSflS rUeHWIiV,- th. uweea a V-Il) iiu.aL U. T. Bl KONACli. ; ' ACT" ' yp"!I,a. Tbaf' Iioky'aYtaat PowJw will produce from twenty-nve to forty pounds more bread friau a oariel ef flour than by fhe old tii' tidiiiui fanaaw raiaing dough "J"1 .J 'Pr' "t .Hon Yuaat; Tbe-nawni my f purchaaing lVailey'a Yeaat Powder can readily aeon by all. It permits no wasie oi Doarpreiured with it, prCKluctx ttjigaut, Bght, natrition rolls, liacuit.or pastry, swh aa ran W eaten and reHsbed by iu-valid or the moal conftrnied dyapep tics. Put up .n ,. kagca to auit ctutoni era, and tor aide l.j any and .all Urocera. Dofley & Br.'thu., .mifHurera,S0 New Ctreet, New York. lllKirillMKIITIi. T C. PAUIKR. fj Ke-wvnU a few davs so a lare aasort om ut of Slii-ll and Jell (ituids to rtetu, Braae li'ts, Jtv. Also, rbnsp Cl.a-ks, I'laled 'ar ot all iiUeni- lias aewlv tilted uu his store, will aril low and work well. a Jlw j.aj PALMKK. JKKsH LEMONS RECEIVED THIS DAT BKADLET A CHRISTOPHERS'; auii Kl t( -tON(RDKAPrR()M THE Abbot. Vy font V ineyard, pat ap la iv. Mj.Boioa, Kor saie bv m C. eTtlONAC'H Co. N OTHE! ,A BAT HORSR. about ten veanoM in tlr. allle ifood Older, lell hind fiaH while, black suae and uul. ban tooled all rouud, waa lak.'U up in uiv olantatiuu Bear Kal. uh on aianiav evmioK toe lih Aujruat. Ou Mou la l.'Ui a vuui yuUloi Umltlle a a found when; it bad been bidden, etoaa by waller Iho aorae is ul ord to have beeu turned looaa. I lie liurau waa evidently stotun, aad the owuer can rexsvr his property by paying ex- eiuratst HENRT MORDECAI. AOOINU AND TIK8. Iu due time we will hive a full supply ot BAIiOINO AND IKON TIES, and we will lm pleased to hara the orders ef war trtttiiiii For what they may want, and win. ii win ue ruruisnea al reaauuanie prlees. ROBT. A MARTIN A Co,, No -i lro . front. bus lm Petersburg, va. FALL STOCK BOOTS AND SllflUS HOW OHMil BIOJC STOIIIC. 0. 1). I1BABTT A (U auK 23 tt STICK FOR HALE. ,lt M. Htane baa at the fUl.le. of Measrs. Dunn .V Bra , a line lut of Muleaaml rloriav, tbal be will sell ebeap fur ('anil. He will re luaiu at the H atiaas uut Friday iiiomiii, and all ieraons desiring to purchase's kVo.1 lloo1 of Mule wou d do well to call oil linn la tweeu now and that Uiue. IXJBLICHALB 1 : Bv virtue of Ui pawif, eoiilainaw i" te.'d ef iiKiiteaae avaiiilail. bv M. aallr ae Cathettee "IV Kslliy lo Uie Ktsi.fc'a Hullibn ..ltd Loeir Asam-iatioii, on Uie .th ilsv of Alltrilat. 1H7II' there will be sold at the Cuert HouatMloor tta the etotyxif Kabclij Jialf all aereof groaad, situate In Uk' sul?Biwf the city or U.l.ieh, east of Uie Kair tir.ein.Js. adjuioliu; the lamia of Mia C. U. Kureli, 1 1. L. ouieiif and' ilioa. J.rlikilia, on Ihursdav the 4al day of ttept., JWl, at fj o'el ek iu Terms cash. SEA'I'ON I1ALK8, Hec'y Pwuile'atiaildiur and Danixi. i. Kowta, Loau Amaiiauoii. ' Attorney. I au;;-lawUl (JITI1ATI0N WANTED, 0 As lluuaekerper or Malnwl, by a widow lad).' u iio haa always beeu aecuU.Hued to re lined MH-a-ty. Sbe naa two swail ebildren 1 tajyst to educate, and WOald refer Ul take elnuM'e of Uie BoalUitur lleparluieiil in a Coia-e vr Seuriiiat iu aheaiUiy liaality. Baul'ai-tiav refereu.-eJ i;iven snd mjuired. Address M i MAHoMLV, -.ut hu M. Kaleit;ll, N. C. i) v or,: TI.K AM) XU1 IMS Alarmlhc t oiy (STiailsuai) ia lli"!. I - ....... .. Is still eoirtiwiad al the old land, W axlen Row, want iafcie r syelleville MieeU Keep on hand all klada at Ti aW .SA,Wi, II' n, I ., Vill, IUflr B'Wf igNo oluiwi, Hull,. Wa r. in BiaiHtlaei rnillCaiM an.1 Jars. JaiNOim-d t'bamlmr Seta, and Kileben Furu shiut; (roods, IUUiiuk aud Hip Tubs, Bird Csk , . el reaaa Frweaera and ah kladaef !suim aaKia. BBPaianaa o krjoViM, wtaBAXrto. E( E LOt'GEE. Bbxa of the Red L'oBVai Pet. aug 3 lm. s ' Jouua Law is Nicalw. Want Jl'LIUN LEWIS & 10., MJMMU, c , " i r Tie Ware tRnrr-woTiKrTon" wrtrrjixs, RooAng and Job Work proapUy attendee1 to an W-tf A UCTION, Wa will oer for sale aw Wedaeadsv aad Tharaday g&nl aaat aatk hast., at l e'elock a. at oar sales Rooasa, oaa of tha heal aaaor ted Slock of goods ever offered ia this ehy. The ladles are parUciUarly Invited to call aad bib ewraaoea. . , . . . . M Fiecea Calico, . - - 1 Pontlae mea Tfcweaue, ' Hwlaa Muslin, " Ltuen uiaasr, T cannne,. PUud do Naloeooka, - . - Tm-kM PklrU 6t U yard. Pieces Brilllanu, Alpaeca Bawk and White, M Pieces MBaqaito Mate, iPifik aad White, Pieces Llnea tMrda Eya Dtaar, , 1 Pieeoi Pillow Lhsa,4Ahaeha wide, Ii Dob. LaiUea . attoa H., 18 ! " IJale Thread, 4 Unea Spreads, 1 tnt'aMuaaaShhrUaBdDrawart, Dob. lulya. I ; 'J6 1. EmloMered aad Heaawtilchrd . MasVdkerchleta, OlUHuaa Covers, Bead Slippers, . a Daia. Bridal BllpOMa, 13 Msrasillea JuiiU, t Victoria do. N .'I w. - . , . .. Towel la, TowellttHC WapKina, ixwaeua. A huxe ail roniiiSi.U ol IHeaa uoooa, f Buspei(kra.shlrt froata, ce. ;.;... ; blbo, A hew tot of RaxlywHvile Cloth brtr, of fee hteal atylca aad beat aaallly. . . ( U W. OAlsolsTTR Co, . ana till . Aue-rioasaaa. A) I'F I'PLE BRANDT. j . AOUala. Mask Besa.lv. DBALBaam . HasnwaKa, 'jV CCTt,r. FAINTS, f 'UtOWy ''" St uvea,! J Crockery, MaBofael'4. aug2l-U 0, t. a laloNACH. . Ute telegraphic new. MAKKET8. v Nww Yoke, Au. eI. Mohej- aaiplc P"ly ; Hold 113 Salt I S -JS. CV old i, aew ssu. i 4 ottrty-anl! nniiea, aalua 1,W1 liakta, jlplamia a. f ;t-i alau BtlO South Aowiua, averiii; nta) jNttnde t the Wir ,' floarxstherf ahaJe Biwaw.cioaMav lo bur extra S.ftth. (1.15. (food to h.ice (mh; whuky 94; Wheat ac tive, winter rod western 1 4;i.i i.il; CU0I f ahaile Hftner" at rl7ut I 3; rice lini) at 8 1 i. 91 3;'mn irk firnwr at III I. t,i I :i .VI; lar.l teady. ' J l.i vki.i,, Ami; 31, evimin-,'. - fotton ekaier, uplands 8 7 a 1. (hix.uis U 1 S.I. j 8AI.K OK THK W A KM M lilNtir. SPW'H 1. TKI.KOUAM TO HIS, UIKI'ATt ,H. I , WKH Hl'KINoa, V .'Aug. 21. This eelctiraled wnfrmg pbwr was aohl hi day at public auction lor ftl.UOO. the follow ihf parties jooiuiug the purchaaera hu the entire property vis., W. C. fairing ton, 8. C. Tardy, John L. Kuiiank, Ke. K. 11. rbillips, aad C. M. Ke.vwolda.Tlie uvntlemen alxire naified am well-known Virgiuiaiui, and the Waim tjprinys Valley, unOcr tlteir maaageutent, will wain be tuu a lively and attractive pjx'eof re.mrt. There are preaeut on the ifrouudn to .lay about four ut five huatlnxi iwraona. L'ol Eubank will continue the management of PEHSONAI. KE.NCOMTKE A MAN FATALLY WOUNDED. (si'm iAl. TKLKtiaial TO THI DISPATCH. I'UiTRAl. DtPoT, Au. 21. A aervoua arTiay occurred laat night between Joaeph Chuillon ami Kuubeu Thoiuw at IVpper'a Kerry, in' thia county, in which Thouiaa Waa shot twice. He ia very liadly hurt, and hiit recovery is iuipoaaible. C'barltoa baa wavde hia escape. LATEST FliOM WASHINQIHIN. USTTIR KKOfct A LOt'lSIAMKA RADIt'Al. TO THK PKKHtUENT. W AaniNOToM, Aug. 21. Thoa. W. Con way, signing himaelf " Suite 8iiieriiiliul eut of I'ulillc Kducation nt laiuiiauii," publishea a long letter to the President, wherein, alW alluding lengthily to his er vices to the republican purty a an cx auae for hia boldiiees, pria-eiHih to narrate that on hie way fnmi iew Oilt.iuw ua tl e bearer of dispatches Irian C'oaey, t'acknru and others, he remd the diapuU Ilea to the paaaenirera. too way iuipeachea the trullifulncea of Casey, I'ackard, Lowell, and the real. He Concludes hiahrtler: "No act of your ad aiiniatration will give more aatislai'tiou to the men who voted tiir you and uiade you pnwident than Winild Uie removal of the olheiala who have periM-truled the outrage iu ipteatiiMi, and thai uothiiijr ahort of their displacement w ill aave the i t publican par ty horn dcleut in the cuuiii cuuipaigii." yUAKANTINK SHIPS FOU NEW VOUK, HAHBOK. Wasihnoton, Autf. 21. -The lhilaware and Albany have beeu turued over to the Health (Jiioiuiiaaioneni at New Vork lor ipiajiiniiuo use. They will be anchored in Ihe lower bay for the reccp ion ol Htptu couiiug trinicholera-iulecUHl nv U'oua. THE FOUKTKENT11 AMENDMENT ' Wabhinoton, Auir. 21. The Attorney fieiHtial haa nvxiiveil numerous reiimts lor un opinion aa to the ctfpctof the Will amendment upon the eligibility of pcrwina lo otliiv Not iH'iu able to reply otticiul ly to tboae nxjueata, he haa ieaiuHl a circu lar stilting Hi it it is not hia duty to give ollicial opinion, except at the mpicst oi Ihe PrcHidcht or heada ol il.'miunciils.i )Io s.'IiiIh a copy ol the Utli amend fount. . . .. t I AFFAIRS IN EUROPE. ja-IIOM LONIHIN I'AKI.IAUKN'l' PHOIUHII'IW. LonInin, Alio. 21. Pai liiiinent lm lai n priM-ugiicd to Novenils r 7th by royal coin liliasioii. TRRRIFK' OALK IN UKORtllA. 8anannah, Oa., Aug, 21. -On Friday ami Saturday we had a tcrriliu gale. Our i'ailj'OMils ufn waaheti up, and the mails have Ui lie brought by pule l am. We have nocuMiiouiiicaUon waith of etaliou No. 7 oiitlio Atlantic ami Uulf railroad. On Ihe t'eutral rairriavi Uiere are two waahee -'we neitr thia cily, aud the other ail luilce out. No regular trains bate arrived miicc Friday night. Many buildingahave la-en dniiiged, and great damage haa ireudone to the riiw crop. j ! ' TELEUItAPiltc 8UMMAUV. The Fenians will join in the proposed Indian Rroccwrton in New York on the -eath it.if otlier uutioaulitiea are alhiw- lil lo iu'tii!ipnte. CkiiijiIi to lotums ia lientoeky from all tiie couiftnw except six aiakm ljutlio'a ma- jorltf .ti.OOO. ; no nHCEiuiN iCkw your, - Naw Yihik, Aug. 21. A partial inva ligation waa made yesterday by t'oronef YnuiHf and Dr. Marsh into the cane of Maiy Kelly, who died of euppoeed Aala tic choh-ra. ' Triuti the evidooce, the cor oner waa satisfied that it waa not a eaae of cholera, aa the woman had been drinking lo execae, and bad also eaten a, quantity of unripe pt acbea and the greater portion ol a woioi melon. The yaiptoms deaeribed ly the aeteadirur phjaiciaa ware wot at all like those of cholera. The Board ol Health deny that any parson has died ef cholera in thia city thia aeaaoa. I M PORT ANT NOTICE. L ' . - CONSDIEES OF DEI GOODS. AU. RETAIL ORDERS AMOUNTINO TO EM AND OVER DELIVERED IN AMY FAKTOF JIIIWUII1II, Itailtti Etitcr k Rem of Baltimoro X.IL. In order the hetter to avxt the wants of their Retail 1 inbaaars al a distance, bava ertahliah- B A MPLS BURKAU. aad will, a poa aopUeaUoa, pmaptly aeast by aaall full liuea of namplra of toe Newest and BMl yaahlooeble tiiMata. ef FRENCH, EN l.IBH aud DoMESTIU MANUFACTURE, roarau teeing at all thaea to sell aa hiw, ttmii al leas price, than aay house ia Um eoaeU. Buying ovr irooda froa the largest and asoal eeletihuad mauufactureri la the' different aula of Europe, and 'mporttnr. the ssw by Kteaia araduwel i baltuawn, ourctoefc iaalaU Isauw peiaoiaJy sapphed with the aovelUaa of .lbs So. a4 Parts aaarteta. 1 Aa wa bay aad aeU.oeiy tor ewah. aad awake Bo bad dXiia, we ara able aad willuig to awU oar rooda at raow Taw To Purr as a Paa Csav, Lm PaariT thaa If wa'eava eredlk la Haaltnar for aawuw suectfy wia kiaai oi roods desired. Wa keep the beat gradee of avarv rlaas of good, boat Use low sal to the atosleoatly. - (wden anaceocalauilea Dv we caaa wui ac aent C. O. D. PROMPT FATING WHOI.FJJAE BUTERS are invited to inspect Ui8bck ia oar Juhbtsai aad Package llLrtsaeiit. AikJroaf HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, al ' WW, 'JM and U West BaiUaxm Btiwet, -iae-1V7aodlrAw ,.., V J ' TOHN i. FRAY'S fj .Claaah-al and MU emaUcal B.WI, It nnksS. Eaatof Rahh-toeath yeryhealthy. TIM) aeaaton eowaHiacea o Um at ' daf 4ll llavt oi ieraeniisiv, msinm I , i '- .dAtraaa, ; iZaOH-N J FRAT. r ,. . or A I. miai ' JulyidJUwtwAwlt KaJcigu, , ,U MMOXO MY BOOKS. ( I. J., UALE dt SON. FUBUSUEIiH, N t. BufTircu.T Siauaa laXjurw,' 4- UIASU 1 Fnaw the "SouUiera Himbo"-J0c I1!' awr.) r'v . I )h ' ' i, I ' ur exfKvtatia) were far surpassed W llive aevet Uffora rad snyUthig io ebarinlug, 4mI we may wld. so Instrre-tivu. Its Inlrtcstc uierita wilt rot Uie al;eUrjii and evoke ht. elitlou.lsiu of t.11 .HetMHta Af I USU and eut ipiru. It is Uie etMaVui-d wiiliiiu ot a ble Vlnia devoted to atttdv ami n'ft.-etion ,f . ' Juaa Piirtsl a satoed su(dy of iie above wry rewtabk' beok, and h.r sale al l!u Booh latin ox ALr Ut.0 W1I.I.1AU8 hiiM l i t j , . . NOTICE. iHOD BOI.ieiTORS WANTED, NONE T noed aridy who eanaot give good refer i1mi and lh BWiwaaey taaels. A aod oiaior Uauttv ht eiwrwvlie awaav ha twahaMfViawlwe aa four thouMUHl dollarv tier yewr Apidv Ul ; II IIETH. taewl Ail, Life Aawa-iaUoa of Amertea, !'- RaWak. N . JUST ARKIVINO, And will Unsold tow for Cash HMOn , Bulk. Bacon, &,0UU ' Smoked " &,uuu " N.C. ; 5,050 " Canvass Hams, S,0UO " Leaf Lard, 1,000 Bush Cora, luu Blils. Bsltimore Hour, 108 " Virglnui lot) " N. C. ' Ml 8sk Coffee, 60 Bbhe Sligsr, JlHI Sacks Salt, btt BbU. Syrup, 10 Hbds. Molasses. g Inducements will be offered to country aaol chanU. A. C. SANDERS A Co.. aug 10 if No. , MarUu Street FUH'R! rUH'RH 2isj Sacks Hope Mills FAMILY which I will sell very low fur cash and guarantee. Now in Store. 1 aug 13 U . T. STRONACH. s IN0IN0 CLASS. Prof I.uVr bees leave Ui announce thai he will atari a Male souring elaas nexi week. A regular and Iborough eonrse of training will be given. Tboae who wish te join will please apply at Uie uew Musk- Sba-e. Terms : t2 SU per mouth in advance. aug 11 tf Paor. A. LII.0E yj usyi'iToEETTiNa 75 PIECES MUSULiTO NETTIN0 AM1 12 Muaipilto Bars, framed, a new and conven ient invenUuu wia day received k W. H A R. 8. TI CKER Co. July l.Vtf c OMEANDSKR4 COME AND lll'Y '! Bread, Butter, Eiaa. New Bwocl Piiial.wa, F.arly Itowt sial Miaxlm h Poutliaai, t'lln.-me! rree Sl.iue While rlm f.ir l.reaer.ine, r. gee and I'ropliy 'I omabata aud Suiielies, New lrHin rurtra, Long litwll and pure .K.i l a rmnfierm tiy Uie .loKeu or peek for pickle, in fresh eating; tianteti and Norfolk t abbnae KKk.HH BUTTER A SPECIALT., at WWiOu'i. No ii'., Market lion aug 12 I w Flmt Bland, oeitie r.nlilhi.i.,1 . - . ... e ig... rT- I AltlJAlNrt! llAkUiAINSU BAKOAINtflt In Senaonable Dr. as Hoods, Iawus, Pereatea, l'i.ii.a. Organdie, While goode,Uraa Cloths, tc., at PKIMHOXE, PETTY A NEWHOM'rt. June jo If . HATS KOK MEN, BOYS, AND Cllll, deeu al low prices, meludiag latest stylea out at PKIMK(E, PETTY NEWSOM'H. jiine 21 kf OUR (KMIDS WERE BOl HHT VERY tiweutly at low prices and are ooVred at very atnall larolit, Uiereforu our custouiera ran now buy moat tstaala of us at lower (M-tce Uiaa the. saiae wore sold in New York ia March last. PRIMROSE, PETTY dt NEWdOM. Juue JIti M ERCHANT8 BUYINU SOUTH OK NEW York will dim! our Slock attractive atal prieea to couoaire favoralllv with the hi weal rit i hiii ma, ruin a, mawia juu twtf J JOARDINU AND DAY SCHOOL, lovmai'so, N. C. ' The third session of this school will com H menca Jaly loth, 1871, and cotitinae twenty Weeks 1 Circalara f nrnlslied oa application to M trie COBNKL4A A. CKKNHIIA W lane l it LoiuatMng, N. V C1ORNIO0RNII J ouu Baa. Com meal cheap. ; aug 14 If U. T. STRONACH. KM k BBLS. Lime. Rockland, ghrea ao to las lue veal aug It tf U. T. STRONACH, Ag't. rVTORWAf OATH. 82 Baa. Seed Oala.' f aug l-tf Q. T. STRONACH OAA 8 AC 18 N. a Floer, best and eheap- 4 J eax. u. I. sisurauh. -'BBS'l-tf ,- MULLETS 1 MULLET M Fill orders every day for fresh Mnlleta. ! aug UK 0. T. STRONACH. nrifl LB8. Redaed Lard hi ail elaed JWVJt I paokagea. aug Ut O. T. TRONACH. 5 2000 aagtf UtatAI -ds T. STRONACH 'OERTON'i SNUFF. JZj By . the Barrel or poaad and will olt By Us tt-tf oa. W. l.Biaunaiiaa, MACKEREL. In all kinds of packagea freah. aug M-tf tit. STRONACH. A ff SCK8 Liverpool Satt aow oe . aug M-tf ' 9 I. BTRON ACtt WHEAT FANS.-'- Beat Balthnnra made Fannmg Mills sltMenotactwrera' prieea with freighl tor aala at the Faraaem' Hall. , JAMES M. T0WLES, aag 17 U Agwal r STKAWBERRT FLANTB. ; S,w plants ot the aaoet appraved Uad. WANTED I , I i SOS Bosheta Aahaa, ' ! aug Mil . T.HNBSOJV. , IJIH WREAT BOOK CF THE AGE. Biiis.il pSKTicH hnnc, 1 Vol Muslia EdiUoe HOU. , Bbbt mi Mau. oa aacau-r o eaica. N.'C. HVioi Mtve, ' JAB. I1. ENNIH8, Ag't! iUh'igh.N.lL ONE Barrel ef Siltierlor bppofted Freteh llrsa.ly ia More aud hw sale by aogHlf AU,LtECo. TCBT RECEIVED rj Peahorf v KsaaUy Fkaar, , j . Kxrira C Smrar, I I indea and Tea, I Lard ai4 Uacoa, r f i Midaarea, ... j Freall BuUer, . - V xnanawai usv ta-tf . ' IU.I HARR1AONA JJROFITOR NO FR0FIT.I . ' ' Our goods mast be sold to aaeke room for dally arrivals, eoaaigBBMSila, das. A eahur aa order, will rowvimw poa that wa aay Both teg that w do aval aweaa. r , A. C SANDERS A V. July ltf Me a Marlta SlreeL iKKirt)ROUMI MEAL. . Kr.ii. Marchana Mlu, Fayettevllui. Just r. elx.l by llipimgb waiu, saw CBalaaia Had reail, and foraale by A U BANDERS A Co., luly 18 If . No, , MarUuJJlroel Jr RW, SWgVr AND WHITE FUiUR. ' Paragon, Family JWrwok Extra Baltimore Sell, Hnaik Snper, N V. Family, WinouaSa isjr, alwayaua kaad and for aaM allow tgure uy A. C. SANDERS A Co.. ; July ltf No 8, Martin Street. Bauilelph Macon College, ASHLAND, V1K0INIA. Htxtiai put TkanuJajr, Sept. 1S71. for further information, ratatague, A.ldies., VVM WIULU. Rlehmoud, Va, ' or Prof. a. EBiliO-, Aaluand. Va. July 18 tf SHELBURN, PHOTOGRAPH IfjR, oaa Dooa aaova FE8CUD, LIE A Co. Shelbitnu' Phobarnphs ara noted for their superior softness eiil Bulah, aad eaoaol be surraased hi Uiis State. July 18 Jt lOBNTH WANTED FOR TIIE TRANSMISSION OK LIFE. Coowaaia or tub NsTcaa a Hvuiaaaor nta M AiOTi.mi rt'a.frtim By Ira. Narwaw, auihor of " rj MpinVW if HWaw." It relates to I AsiuaJs au ; la full ol aew facta; del icate hut outspoken ; im.Ucal and popular ; highly endorsed; Bella rapidly. Hold by sub scripUon only. Exclnsiva territory. Terms lllieral. iPriee 12. Address fur sautanta, dte., J. 0. FEKOl'8 A CO., PubliaheirB, Philadel phia, Pa. II. J. BAVERM, Bealer Ia Seal Estate, FRANKLIN. PA Bays and sells Improved and unimproved lands an where iu Um United SUtaa. G.&nGLING OIL 18 4aOOU IX1R Hun aaaf Hctthli. fhilbliiiHt, rtwiws unit fnltiwa, rhappfrl HmiU, JVWMMVAttm, HnmwrhatiU ar fUm, Nnrt Aiipies. fVii-siiilreasfs, atufct, Mtmtrft, Miewsa, Aaawatiy, Irrateaas, ar Umut, MrhuAail. H'taJoahj bsuwtirwtf AW, IWM HtM. ciaa Hounds, fVi Bi(rt, KrlrrmU itijwms, Saaif ( V.ii-1. ItalUcf All A'hafs, Akid Atnf"W eltsiyj''-'-' Hurt iJf Axim ! In H'MiU M Jbullm. WTS, IMM IHtCK. cc 7h.-Ar, tr , Jte , I.AROB HIZK, l.lri MEDIUM, 60c, p M ai.i snr. Tha Oargllag Oil hss Iwea ha eaeaaebrrrl neiil f.w thirty alght years. All we ask la a imr trial, but be sure and fallow direction Ask four neereat druggist or dealer In !u-m inotieinea, for one of our Almanac, nut Vade Mecntna, and read what the pet, ..ii alaiul tlirOH . I lie ttarvltiaOnia for sale be el! rasnacta i.le .l.lalers throughout tha United Htatm amA liter oomn-WM,. ll.ir leatuwMhds data from IM tn th. i reMit and are unmitu Unt. UaeUieMaCfliai; ' and trU year neorhliora what. ioud it iinj(i.mu. Via deal fair anil liberal with all, and deft n'railietlon, rt'riar fur aa AUtmmM a, i w asst. MANUFACTURED ATLOCKP0RT, N. 1 ar HER4'IIA!VT'a GARGLING OIL COMPANY, JOHN HOIMIE,8ac'r. rpHE FERAE COM FOSITIOM STONE A For la hum froata, docks, plera, ealvarta, walla, roualaliut awl all Waiiding purtaawa lianlur, mmdurakla, anJIXI pereeat. cheaper ' ii so naunw suaas. so aupfHy ox aama, or right of manufacture, for counties ar Skalea, aiipiy xo u ii aa. w. UAKianu, Baeretsry, N, i., f roar Stone Co., I, Boavdway, N. f. O PRESS is Uie simplest and beat made. It win sun yoe. ReiMi nar circular aud price ui sen iuriBii.u a iroa woras, aiacoB, ueorgta. -A 'onndrrait0 Idtcial Ntwrnpa. ilh I Foar Dollars a plee latid for tha Inns) Jpt, stain a humid by the Confederate Post ii ii .oilers, excepUng the New Orletnsaad Mem phis a and & rente, by WM. P. HROWNA(X., an naaaau auveb, new i ora uiu. Agrcnts! Read This! ;r WILL PAY A0ENTB A SALARY i VV of A'aiPER WEEK and EXPENSES. or allow a targe eotniuiaeioa to eeO our new mid ..n.lertul m.anunns. Address M. WAtr t. i.v., xarsaau. Mica. VsrT A MONTH Hone aad Carriage "UUaiil! rarutabed Eapeaaaa paid. U. Miaa, AUnd, Ma. i . 1 Vf5yLA II Y who desires a FIRdt-iXABS U SEW1NU MACHINE (thaa which there ia bo awpertor) IKKA, sdarwsa, eaeloaing a lamps tor letam postage. a dsanl d,waU, AarAmaad, Fa, 4 MILLION DOIXARA 4 V aweewa am quasi eaa make a for- tuua by raveaHng the aoowe. Addra of the business to riiuTyaV'tf WM WRAF, 88 Broadway New Terk. g ALT I SALT 1 1 SALT 1 1 1 Al Busk, isoks Uvaryool bH, . - nniiM anans aaut, . or aaie sow to ina traoe, A C. BANDERS A Co. Wyitf , Ne. t, Martia Btraet. U0AR8, COFFEE ', Ae , Ae. Alwava ew hand aad as ebeap a the very eaaapean, a At-SANDER. AO's, : July l-lf No. , Marua Street. QONSIUNMENTS SOLICITEa , : HtHet aUenttoa padd to ocmsiammeBts of all kinds, aaat smapt returns made by A. V. SAUNDKR8 A On , . July lAtr No. U, MarUA Street. T)URE RYE WUIBKY. Bnla. Silver Spring end Bowrboa Whisky gaaraalead pare, for aale by I, lor aaie ny . T. STRONACH. juae TTOU8E FURNIdlUNU KAkDWAR IN ill. eodleaa variety. I ulyXu JULIUS LEWU. fARMKRd' HAU. ; H. 81, FvrTTptvii.. PeraaBT, , I , lULtUOii, Mjaef I Agewry tor tb sale of tb aaoM apptwved Iteapwrs and Mow era. - ivanbrned wlUi'ur without lloraa Power, j aam talr'a Wrnwgtitopa ' r lewder Tbrestww. I Haa KaBniug MUia, Ho aks aad tilewaV rra. . , . Sinclair' FsteM Orata and Uraaa Beythes, beet la as, at Baaowfactwear1 twteaa with Iraigwt added. - I Also, sole Agent for the Celebrated WsM Unir sort lirsra i'low. .. gtramgwwritlnr 'the ?lHr wlIU rleane call and samples of Ui goods on baud. Orders nxa neHaOia paraows slleiuvl. JAMK8 M. TOWI.KH, AaSeal fur Masiufacturera, i -,iv- - UK8ECTI0MAL, UHPARTISAM, Th ftnstke mL of TfaetHook xxmum vj nucowrjf Omciaily adepted by tha VlrgiaU wad (reergjA 8Uto jBw.rda of" TAurnUtm, . ' ' ' aara www aAwaai.v ra na iw ..... , . , Aadtuaadny NoWhera BUtaw.r,.:o VV- , ' '' v': V'''? Aa Aaanrialkai enmposed of many th several Houihera 8tawa, fcei-Bcbiad- Hooks which shoo Id be en asyaaVneaf, which shoe Id preseat aneaea are aew hewing a eiwa Trii aooki pj the easiaeul seixaV wluckaietUa CKeapfH, IttW, and SIosl m How publihed. Th " Onheiwty Sorie eaihracoa , , s Maury's Geographical Series, By CusBsaoAaa M. V. Mxnav. of th Vliginia Military Imritnta, A tenet of books wl! h mark an era in the study of this arsVooe, and which, in 'the wonts of a well knowa ami an eolished Smtthern le. her, " ara ehspacu rind by a felicity of arrangement anil siiniile freshness of style which must ever nix lee tlam attractive to the yountr, and which, will In ased by ail who wish to leach Orography aa A seamr, al auiucthuig to aiaaial pupils Uuuk, aad not merely as an enumeration of dry facja." ; -' Holmes' Readers and Spellers, By Obobob F. Houik, I.L.T ., Vmfeaanr df Hiwuy and (Icwaral Lileratme iu the Uni versity of Virginia. , A serin of Keadert uaranalled in rhrapnraa, excellence, ami tvn. graphieal rieaary. -fitrj are lleailtly pnptl.1vff In TharacHli, bfTVTit aud Trih in ikir seha-oous of pruse and verse, aud illuatralive ef IjWtbera freuoi. inciuVnu, and biatury. .Venable'a Arithmetical 8erles, " By Cniaiaa VaaiBt, UD., IV.ftasor of Mathtmiitfca fa the t'sdnrJiy uf Virginia. These hook ar received cverywhjie by bilelll)Mt trachea with the hiubsst aaiiafacrioa, as bring most admirably adapted Ha? mental drill, aa well a Ihr business .slur, aoa. Their amhoiK rulea, aud nawouings are char, distinct, luuiral, and couiiirelieiiuve, aad the aerie is carefully graded throughout. Holmes' History of the United States,"1 ; By 0 ao bob F. Houisa, LLD., of tlie Uniarreity of Virgiiu'a. It ia ewoagh to ear of this adarirahl work, inierviting, imjiartlal, aiel afiiUiftii. as well aa pure and graceful in style, that it is lbs easy History of the Uaiksl Ktafc-s abkh i atranta muwtiim. U eomea down k th present date. Alto, , . i . De Vere's Fronoh Grammar, Readers, etc., Clldereleeve's Latin Series, Carter's Element of General History, , Holmes' English Grammars, ' - 1- LeConte's Sclentlflo Series, 4 Johnston's English Classics, Duntonlan Writlng-Books. etc., etc. Read for our aew ILUT8TRATF.D 1ESCHIPTIV1S CATAt.OOrR. wWch will be aaaUad Awe la aay teacher or school officer. lt tells what kweban think of the book, aud oonbuna apecimea page uf each. j i Addrea, univeksity Tuiusuma' compant. July A mu 'JL2 LIFE IKJ3UEANGE COMPANY OF win III!AIIQCAKtMH -(- orritarRSi A. 0. McILWAINE, Proaideut, ICARCY PAUL, m I. B. TENNANT. 1 Vice President. BAWLIl. PAUI l'lnanor M. II.WAINE, TENNANT, D. H. WM. R. 1.) I ft K A. 0. Mellwalne, ' Ii. B. Tlillliaiit, Win H Mallory, Wui. Cameron, K. A. Martin, Win. R. Johnson, Ueorge H. Davie, i. tl. Drake, D'Arcy Paul, T. T bneu ks, John Ainugbifi, ( itirge l 'aiiiemn, R. I). Mclwuiou, Charliw W. Spiccr, R. . Pegram, John Mann, BL Bolllllg, Dr. U. W. Uliw. Amomr the nflleera and ihrat-tora a ill Ih atui exaiUM tnwgniy, aa will be a guarantee, and faltbfullv kelil. - With an ample Capital, moderate rales, Policies aoa-forfeitahle after two years praaulma la paid la fact with every advantage that can bilk prudence mid aaely he to teniUi to policy holders, Uiia company appeals with ronlldeiu U the piaipte uf NorUi Carolina for aabrowi.gil ami oSivs them an opportunity to aivea, wi'h safety iu a wiiMt sain-d cause. A Hoard ef dlrrctora WiH soim he usbiuttadM of funds received la North Carolina. This arnuuremeiit will keep in clrculaUon tnfor to a great extent beeu cul abriaol lo enrb-a dlstaul eommuutue. tier cih,uiui.iwi deatty tnvlt euwipariaua with auy compauy in H, W. II. PACE, Altornpy at Law, . yuiy 1 4dtwt - 1 " ' ! c - Dxam'B Patent bo t ton Tic. INVENTED AND PATENTED BY A -"PET filJHM'ROKR," THE BUST, MOST IWL'LAR A u aviatri.aa t nar a. i BEING MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS FfJK TUB BALE OF TII1.1 ADMIRABLE TIE, ta Virginia aad North Csroliua, we beg U inf. t lie trade and planb ra that we hare a huve stock oa hand, and are daily expeetim; a rfmml nrr..i, out of a huh aeean till order at LOWEST MARKET RATES, We hava a.std'aneiv from Uiose who ueed Un m season, tbat they are superior to any Ibey baveever uu befian. I'lai.b r will emuuilt their beat In tental bv aaiiig Una TlK exclwuvifly. They caujorder Hem from their owe Commiaaloa, Mar. V cbsota. r-STBE SVnE AKI) OU!b;K TUB DUNN TtGS J ' ... 1 14T Liberal terms to the trade. : The Tie can be had from tha foUowing Lr0 A do IMS, Kaleigu,. U. , , ,. L H. Adams, ' i " . . ' . 1 T Hlnoiseh Ralehrll H. C. W. 0. BtronarhA CO., Raleklt, N C. A. C, Handera A Co., Leach Bro'a, J. M. Moule, " " W. D. Huiilh A Co , FayetteviUe, N. C. J. J. Mionstrse, Iulsbumr . " Wm. H. tillver, Newbeia, . . aug liiWm WHITE DUCK VESTS EXTRA LAR0E H1.K8. . . WHITE IHAR8E1LI.EH VS8TS, AU. sum a " B.B, ANlMEWSACo.'a July ll In" EW AND 8TYLIHII. rwllTE DUCK DERBY ACK Y-'v -.' . ",' , Now Dialling at . , ,'. V". ', 'k. B- ANDKEW8 A Co. (iMPOLITlCAL SCKSOL-BSCKS; i iublihrd-coHtaiing fie latest ama tcutnttjte reweorva. of the amat eminent Htinefa pt tng tha neceasur a aerie 'uf tireljr aassrfitaag, awnarnams, and only the fade of history and plan eerie nf Rchool and VnV ara and. aUucatuas aanaod balvw 1 BeamNfut St&oot-Book ' y and IS7 Oreahy Street, Kew Terk. r -1- M. JBG l'ETBRSIIUHG. T. t. FACh I.Kit, ConaalUng Actuary, fir. D. W. iJL-t l'KlL"4 ,, , , lir.JAMKS DUNN. f Medical Directors. Mjiiug.r aud Secretary, .4..,- . t'wmmiif pc. i D'ARl Y PAUL, I ' ' T. T. UlitHlcKo, '-.' - MLL0KY. omiaiiltre. i VIM, DAVID CALLENDKB. Nl.l'ON, flT 0 K S;.:V':' I.'' : T 0 H 8; kih'rt tf. Mn Jiio'M Cs Hi-iM Wunn, C. Bilker Ralrns II I. I'lmmcr, nnnlelt Hop r, Will, A. Hrnjg, J.Mlli M. Weal, Frank Potla, H. H. BrtdrTera, F. Eugene' Davta. ieler. ft. A. Phiiiiuo, ' !: warnes (J Rtdille. ' tl. 1', Williamson; tW .U Willmms, ' fiir. amea tmiin,' ii. T. Arrlngt u, a. a. anon, ' noox. itamnm. timnit moia hut. names uf u.i..li l,i..h .-,..!.. mat the truat nnajaad la lueia will be aomllv 1 .... T . . - in Kaluigh, alio ail! supertiae the uivoatmeut capital amour our owe vcople wliieh haa here-wi-ttutuuit..ili ti c ' Hula of straoirera and ere so Naiph), aud sv liberal, Uial w eutub te auilil. G. Vafllllamsr, va itiiuuiB, . BATTllvDOltO', 18 t.GNKUAl, A"KNT . m mi a cauoum a. Lgtiiil, KaleL-li. ; i.: ,,r i.uivu in i ns, a. ib-T - I i :. VcILWAISKACo Agents Virginia and North Carolina. pirUoi Wmmoiis 4 Co., Weldoe, N. C. R. R. tepiehJdt :, Halifax, " J, T, Alaop, Kiilleld, T! H. tirlUiB, Riwky tyouut, . C. M. Rouiilreana: Co., Wilson, " Hani at BlatkWwU ' . . H Warren livana, l . . " ; W. l. Teel, Tarlatro' ." O C. Fairar, . " . 'T. ENKR(iI MALE ACADEMY, GuAHVo-Lk County, S.'C. i . . I Th Fall Seanloa will e.iiHmi'iiee on Monday, tjm ;ill day of July, ami e.nuiioe Ku wnkn. rtlitiiettla are a-eato-d for iy I'iftii In Cullive, H- imiy take a Ctniinietviat Isiiurae. SIinlMiit will Iw adnimcd at any time and clnKireJ to the eluia. of Uie seaKHtn. t,Hmi in g,Hni.aiiii. lie, (nan 7 to lo i:r niiuuh. For Circukim. 40re tue pnuelpat, Wilton. N. t:. Y. WAIAEK, i jiily-Jt-wtw , t'rim'tial 'rl)oro' rtiif Amur and XVlliiili;-t..n.. ..uoi wjiy 4 wwka aiiwl ra4 bill W 4, .y,.WalaVir. r "In RNUINK FISH )iU'.,,L;';w....-.- n Fr -lauetng purw-a, eau he euruUtital 1 i the barret or iti lai tier qiPMititit. . Covt AM). HAKKlsa, ; ' ' Oen'l AgeBjle a'hdt tiuaoo IV., uiv Ml.'.wiB Buuuik, Va t i: mi V. juiy hv . . v t - " . -f

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