In icnfmii i .., FACTOKY. ,X AH order proaapuy aUaaded to. TH08. U- BRHHJfl, 1 Prounetnr. ' BEAUFORT, H. C. i Gn W. TaiLcX Proprietor. Howr open far Am reception of twat wk win o wcu provtaea-tor h prices ui uu uic tune. 11 th duly Hotel in Um United ;bllee kaotadialeJy veer In ur. Karl f Meo aud Uia ocean In full Vivo. Thrc ITOWHdtt and a boll room for the enjoyment Of fTUS, SOd basd rlUIMic tu eullVea Un? wwi-uac kuan. AM eme-diiir Um most arellk f ul uH aalurktfal Biuueatc hetnatl on Um At (antic aval, jun k-bf QiMLLU PElf COIM-II. SOUTHERN INVENTION. . ' ! Iiisfati'ar. klmmi Glass CiMor Boae-AcT- forte fuel. PATENTED AUGUST IH, Br A. BALDING. Ta anderslKned, hevliurthe exclusive ilglil 1 1 BAeanraelun. and ecii uie above 1 uiups iu MttrUi M4 bowUj Carotin, have aww-wM thiwasalve together under the bautw and i) - - of Um Croliaa Fump Company," aud bat - Her MtaUnM Ibew Manufactory at kiyeue Vliia, N. C.,eraow prepared bu lur uuC I niups at abort BoUca kMUa Um at last, Uiuuiptal la lb prialucuoa ol a rump admirably soap t -d fur Wells and outer purpose, Uiat wui f-M-ce water any depth ur linttlil, tiwh, ny at I u-aiujf ko, at otto because a tin al k tie an rfio of greet power, luruwuia; aw to toil gal , lou per uuuubx. , . Tbi Pump rjocuhiue auapUcily aad dura bUH. lot which Uottwwfcer wot nerer 'reeie m . beetuus aula, a Aba vytuuier aiKl valvee ere tattatttrKod, and nu waler rtuuuits in tnepipr when Um Fuuip ia uut lu upciauwu. tut Pumps Mrkr almost tueredibiy Unlit, always briustinx kba-water fresh and epev aMua; Irout Uhs bolbouiof Ul wtuJ ; aud Uifcix- m uu Irit' . taw, tea ejr tiuaer twiwaK KtMMr Ui airattig tui iutl wear or cut, U valvua uetitK ruuiut, uiadr ul HilH laaa, wurajox uu rwh auau, can ikiumh wear or jaut. '1 tiuwa I'uiiiw mn wcaiwrl KlaiHaa fur auplyuig taiiaa ul ujm-t jwru ui U 'iiiflir, auiitfaa. btitalk Uabuuuc uJuvu anil fur raUruaua, atrauu, (araviM, UtoUHarkw sc. i utjr uui tw auaciibd tv aluaui ur Vir, lor. . v Auy oMInarr uecbaiilg cm pot thun up bj printed dliweuuna aiwaya atmt w itli Uie f uiiil. kara kaudrwla uf taaUiuuilaua fruui Kr oua wuu aava uavd uur f uuiia, wbu vtyitut Kroat aatiafai-Uuu ; iu faut tuiiy an a iuum aud will auataia ail w claim lurtuuut. Hay ubo aud aat a Mr tfuuraucc. bpct-lal al kiutiun KlaB tu all union. 1 111) entire U. .Ui ul tl luunl acvimfujiy wii unlr. d. U H.IICIIIN, Wllaoil, N. (J. C. TATE MLKfl.y, euuiuauu. N. C ' W. C.TWJi, tayuttcrllle, N. C. Huifeanori to J. L. 8 itcliiu. All union ur cunimuuicaUuDa ddreaaud to W. C. Tltoy, rayeUorUla. Marcti u, lo'ii. : BUITIVKJATU. """" " fi'iiiwirr'i Orvioi, rirrrrivuxa, N. C, Aurll i, Isil. Hra. C. iVwy, Hup I C'uruuma iSnmp CWuJaay ; 'J'ba ruuip you auld um auruaaaua 107 luuat aaliKUiuu ixftaUuu. It duu all yuu claiaud-f-ir k Aa a i ma Kaomi lu raiua la liaaUu lanla. MuJjiwuuii ii. 1.1 110B4! t iiavy. !iruwu walur entirely ovur toy dwtlliux, wliuli la a Tory uih two and a Half uy uuua. My fauitlf wuuld uut us wiUiuut It fur any cuu aidaratlUB. H. W. MAKIJIK, ,. . Mueriff OnutittrlaiHl CUUI1L7. , BaKaTt ChKbBA, tULIIHH, N. C, Mar ill IB, 1811. HartBr iiatl ttfuxa tu tweuly yara' rl antw la Kuia uiiuuur, luiiuc variuua luuua uf puiuua furciuK water f ruui itreat deullia, 1 takr uluaaura lu givijur urt'teruiH) tu UMiau uuuli Ly tbs "Carnuua ruiup Coiuy " uw all oUtera fur w ull and utltur uuqiuaua. Tbay emu iMua aluiiihiiLir aud duiabllitv. VAIdtttllMa If AUMKT, Btauly County. 'WlIAUIl, M. C, Jan. at, lbT Ilaar Sir . W ha bad your BaldiuK' Tmip La rwular uae. IxnrluutUK al rarloiu panuda alum March, 1MU, and w an trwa t my, Uiatuicy an In every way aauaiavtury TlMtra ia uo lndlatUii uf wear or early kuK out of urdur. All the water Uiat nature hat t--eued to paaa UtruuKh aui'h a chauoel can eaaily tie brouvht un.ert n liy ttilidrvu, fur ordl Bary aae, and by attaching uoae, aud putuliR two to four men la the lever, tlie pumu a oaee neeoiaea local are murine uiruwuui iul neut water to auldue auy urdlwnp fire. W therefore recommend your pump to the earn iul examination aud uae uf Itie pubiie. K. J. Taylor, W. U. Houndtree, A. Ban, Jrubate U.JI. Uiimu, T. A. Wainwrirkt, M L. Khodea, Wllllaau Kauai. Jim. B. Uavia. Ja. A Wuuuard, B. V. liriKga.Blu'll "WnXBoii, WrCTTeb. 1K7L I bare need tor tlx moulba neat one of Bald liur'a patent utme.tKd uiiuiiie, manufactured at Wllaon, N. O., by J. L. KiU liln, and take liliwaure tu reeomaBendttiff It to the publfc an iiavinir jpvea neriect aatierai tion, in fact I r.$ara it one of the knit imiiiii now In uae. V E. N. J"KTEKoO T?'M SALE. I1 $ Tract nf Law) : On Vart of W ik'rM with dwelling houaa of Uoouia, a not ouUiouaea, la acre la pear k aud.a4e trere, MoU well adarruid to eorn, eotum ainl wheal: tliia tract lie niilea North f tb eity ou U Loulauurf road, for Uila tin't kalf i aali Wi W re)i4rwd, balaure is S and U mouth. ALSO, . Owe other tract of lflO acre, within S mll of Ike eity lov acre in wood mul balance cleared. Tlila tract u W t of Kalciu h. July iM4f W. H. JtN MA Co. CATIIA RINK'S, ONTAEIO, ...'.,CAHAIAt---- TIB "STEPIEiiXflJI BOISE." .AJSD J3AOUI3 eoaneetloD with Ui celebrated well of imBrMJra At water b new open for the reception of vlaltor. reraim dealrotii of 1urkxui( hoard will pleaae addrre the Projirtetora. BEVIRLV TUCK EE ft BONE. July T tf lie North Crolln UOME FIRE INSURANCE CJO-i RALSIQU, Oonllnoee to (near all clamp of property, od reaHmaltle trrrua. - . It par ail loaar proiIy. ' . A141-UU In all parta of tlie Htatc. V ' ' Eueoaraire Home Inatlttttionay 1 Hi. BATTLE, Jr., freeideot. Raimn UaJlJU, Hoc A Tree, aejew-tf . W. W. Jonu, 1 ' AxmrrniD Joam. " JOr v jroNCS. , , ATTOBNKtS AT LAW, "." "V RALEltiHi N. C. ., "RA(rrJCE in the BuiiTema Court of the 1 Bute, the Circuit Uoart of the United BtaUw and the arvcral ( oiiru of the nth Jwtt- nil IHirtrh-t; wnifi talriaT tlie I oniitiyaof Wake, J ,I,.U. Krauklln, Nah, Warrea, Uraovllla, lialifal ami Sorthauiiitou. Oftlii OB fayetterill BUWet, near fhk Court HOHW. mar l-dly JL fiS t.'MAK. A KUTM. K. K. - - lwc(1e!uXTk- iUi'i and Balanbty'. Arrive at -t lierrVViile : 1 r 4h v. m Jonvvawa with Kood kark tur tJleveuwrt Wrnwrrf Hprrnff J ' ' Kulurn to UiaruMUi li p. "f , a, ta mii"'"i iuly saw fcupt. TARl'GB AMD MEDlC15ta. Milliam At lUywwMl, Wkiluaiji iB Kxtau. btttuoumt -Hare m ebire wll aekx'ted ttock of druir, tnealk-ilual, cbROlickla, palute, oila, dyeatullr, patent aMdu iiwa, phannatxutiMtl preinratkiiia, perfiraMtryfaney arUrlea, lam, aioirtdHtt awl crkewuMi Uruar-ito, eryara, wuran iid imiiidu wliuk are ottcroI lor laie uTToweaTTuarl pneua. ,. oet tf JJMUUUK LINE iTEAMKK, (Uu.ivei WUEU1T mi) 8Ti ul.r, Tc inDra.,kNKW ItuUK ANL)ULAUilW, CallhiK at Loudouderry to laud Mails ant) t'aMeiiK-". Ike Mawjuera of Uiia favurilu liuu arv built expraatl) fur the Allautic i'iWac -x I radx, aud ktUwl ap In every reaiNx-t with all Mir ommI' rn nupruveincut .atruuiUd w iiiun- tin eicty, eouilort, aud fooviMilfiii'V ol lnutuwiKt'ro fAHKaua Katim, fi !. in CuaMm;r, TO OLA8UOVV. LIVKKH(ML AND LON boNDEKKY. "ibst CaBiR, W aud 175, areardlitf k U Uiiti Caaie Keri'nw Ticmra, IIMK, aet-uriue luwt arrofutuuuaUuua. ij4TkKjifcMjiAi'f.t. 1 rrr.EKAUK, fartiea armlirHf for tuiilr frUftidi lu the (Nil uuwivf reu piireuaaa iichtu, ai. rati twm;i . ror lurUi. r paiik afpiy u HlLMlKllBO.y liluvriiiltiii 1 k...L....t:. ... w V 1 JUfrmAr AyntM mttnhU in Umit ui4 nmntry. juud 17 d.Vw.Jiu N OTICB. Notire U bri-lT rivui llmt tlir Uufiy aulialitiia; iM'tween J. M. riiol mul II 4 IJulileti, ImUi of 11"- 1 ity of Knl, it I, nib! Mate M North Carolma, uik.m tlie Urm ul l"(Kl.! Kul.liKN in d nolrrd oa Uiu, tlie M duy of AUKUKt, ln.fl. All dHiut uwhik to tlie nald itartm-Tbhip aro to lie rei'elvd by aald J. M I'ool, and all dtr uiauda ou MaHl parUiviiillll' Mru Ui It' let:ll1ed tu Lin for payiuciit. ViHJl. A IIOI.UKN, au lw l J..M. 1'iiou N OTKK SUtU of Nor Lli Carolina, t lu-ni.v notify nil IU Irredlbn to Hie Urfir rlliUm wltft tin ill deueca thereof , with ihe, or Mr, . lurrUn Ih any. 1 have a aiaall fund to U diiiileti pro ruin among ile rralitors tt tlir Hli.Uv of iiitn-l Beit, at the KaJuiicfc Natuuial tluuk, I alii ue uoUUwt aa uUu-r fuudu ihh, hf n-rcivrd; II Mi "IKK, )cm2TUtt ' CralWfXTEH WHEEL, Mill GearinShaftin Pulleys ?0QlEl0rLTlM0BE5' L18END FOR A CIRCUlAiI.fe" JauM, I V.' I QLOCKiS, ULOCKb, LAKUK AHHOItTMKNT CLOCKS, OLD ANI NEW HTVLEH. EU. FABNACU'B ilff HIT ItOII. 3 Door ahore Meeera. Tueker'a. febafVU JET, JET, JET. JUST HKCEIVED, 8OMET1T1N0 Ql!)TE NEVT AND VEUT NEAT IN THE WAY Of CHEAP Jot Jewelry A T EIWAKO TAiliVAC'Il'S JEWEIJITBTOKI, t Door bo Mmar. t ker'aj fehtttf AKEEICAH HOTEL. . CHESTNUT 8T It K E T, OppnailTK Old Inikpkndknije IIaii, rillLADKLIMHA 8. H. HEtXTNaS, fmiPBirMrt. aplSdtf. - ' 1 AK."- " -!K I J 1 wish tn nanhaae aue hundred corda or good lan nark, to no iwiivered at Illy jn: aerv near ltalelrh. N O. . For latrtlcatar adunwe ui upaora'giiea at the above plai e. ruiy--' - .h LEWUV-t ChwMge of Bchednle. . , KALEIUU A WABTON K. Jt CO., BitranmTnainnUT' (nrrHtn, Kauihm, N. V., Auk. Mh, 1871. AN uut fl ToemWef. Arnr. 8th. llfft V. ) trains on the Kalcbh A (JeaUm Kitilroad, will run (Bumlay eiccpU-tl,) as follow " MAIL TKAIH. Leave fUli leh 9 i a. w Arrive at WcMon HSO r. Leave Weldim..... lu.t a. m, Arrive at lialelirh.... 4.W r. u. Trto leave Halcleb. ....1..... i 1.45 p. m. " arrive at Weldim UA. u. leave Weldim ..' r. ' ajrrtves at Ralegh... M5. u. Mall train wake fomaa oioeaCTroa at Wet don Willi the Beahoard A KtwnoM Kailrosd and Bay Line Btcauwu via Balu.i.rH, to and from aft point North, Weat and Northwest and with Petershinx Kailniad via Petersburg, Hkbmuod and Wajiliiiurtou City, to and from all point North and NorlliweaU ai kuH-Wh with Uie North Carolina Rail road U and from all point Boutk and Binitn- ewL and with tne cnauiiua nsiiroaa au uay nud and Fivetteville. AitminjodaUon aud Frehcht train, connect at Wfldou Wltti AiHuipi"lli imJ FrektUl train ou ru-alMiard A Kouuoae Kaiiroao an Petrrshurv Kailroad Aud at Kahtkck, with Aceomui. mi llion and FrebrUt tiaiu ua North Caroline Kail mad. . . . f I'eraieia livirur alonir the UM ol uie Koaa ma visit Kaletirh In the luoniliur by Aeeominoda- Uim train, peuuia several fcoara, and retnru UM tune evening, A. B. ANDREWS, au-u v.c. fiiuiv JTSW FUiLE, MEAL AND COKX. A Constantly recuilui; uiHiue ana aula at market rate. aU sAHH1V"ua Xalfb IjaMurtUace. ": w MTIOMl Life INSURANCE CO OKTHK I'kITU ftTATM UT IflUIMA. 7 WAafllMUTOW. I). C. AOKNVY AT JtALKIOJf, If. 0. Case Capital, $1,000 800. (karlariw kr Kuarlal iwlal aft af Jaly ,tk. Ii I'aaareea, aapearal IIhani.ii Orrn K, 'HIJ.AIIKU'IIIA W h-r- tin- tnii'liiciw4 of trie Coiiiimuiv U trana 4rU tl, anil to wiucli ail j(t;ueral etrrrmioiidcuce. naoiiiu oc atiiu-Lwaco. (IKKH:KltM Ci.Aiteuci II i;i.ahk, Phiuuli liihla, I'n-iddeiit JAI Omik, Chninnan KlllHIlrciitlid Kxcctitire (Jonueittii. If KMRT I). DcOII Wft.liii.ttou, t w), u ,, B. A. fOMXina. uhilmtriuhia. i Vke-rjr-iln. KuauKoa W. i"r, fbiWiaiihia, fteirctary ' and ArtnarT .IdiiM U Hi-w, t It.ilu.i. i J. T Hu. W.'.l.i,,.,-. f Aaat oecreUrio. K. M. NwniT, riiii rliiti' iit uf Aa art. ""'iM. "WITH. M. II, M. DlreeUw J. r-.wfitu Hun, VI II ,Al Mimical Uireeti HllJ.IAM 1. ( WttMllinirloll acul llMnton fUittilNo, fhlladi Iplu, BuluJlura aud ivionifya. CaplUI au. Aiu iiii.hitloiu, Alig 1, IK7U, l?iih Kdi-tjitu fntm Prcmlnma for Uie fwar odiiut A ox. 1, IH7K, Hll!ii.hl. iMti K.i''ii.l fruio tnu-ri-t and other sour .ra ioo,nri, j.v r.itol Cm Incoroe, Bwwud Flacal Tear iV,3 no. Nninimr of Pollclc. nicd In tho two year v w.nmimj fniinirnf,, 11,1,1, Aiii.iun: of insurance, ai.tltt,?!". Ttie eitrnorilinarily rajild pnntreM of tli .v.Mi.iniij iiiti..ij, uic i-aiiiuaiion in winch it lici.l l.y Uir piihllr, and the large aniouat uf li w oiiaiiiciw irauacUal la Hie bwteviileuce lb. ).uianlv of Hi, principle!, ami Hi. auai ..mi. j u. iiiitu uit rcijiiiicuiuuva ul Assurer. ua tiiTiuau Lira iuAic COuraa has a Cab Capital or (I,uuu,u. .o. i:iwk in prrininnia are B4 low as la en Slai.-iiA Willi entire aafclv. lu plan ia entirely free from any mnialk WlMi. or N. U. K. Interval iVe . or niHcrtaiMtax. ami .iimt.(.iiiuil.niu, or illvlilemla It. rontnti bt arc ill-Unite, i letir, and ini)aaMi ow i.i tM- tniiiiHii-raloiHI, in iiiiMroi.rcaftiltid. Jl I ollclea cniitain all of the lirouilt niailc by tin .i,mny, and arc rxccedituilr lilntral o. ...e .Miiunu.1;. i Him in'.iMi;ea whlcll cat. iai l urunuu pi the Insured, are l'Ivc by iui uencrveaiiy iMipuiiir and alroiifr t..ililaui o wtr,riiui oi inu4;riiy, woo arc ilcainiua latnaui'Uiic tlie buiiH-aa of Life Inaurance iuhiii and correct ivnncii.l. s tlie dim aiy is pniiHu-cd lo oflar aa Ills ral Inducementa as can i anornin by tu low rate. rti I Until .pprn-wiiona Mr aciiiiee or ror pollt'll) njy ilniilc to the 'Company at its Braucli Ofttco la I'liilaiicli.lilu, or to r. f iks:h; jr., llwMtru . '.A.mW dec 10 tf Kaleifc-h, N. 6. QI'WilALITV" North Carolina, IK BOOTS & SHOES, T NTt'DWELL ItROTIf KKS, No. 17, MUKKAY 8TREET, ( A'A'IV TUHk. . J. K. kt()OHE, Balmhan. I lime l.Vilnm Htt3 t k'nrtmfn Hits 4Mhcra, rHiHTKV TO M.KJTIt. IVE AruKHJlATHIN OF AM ERICA, Office 1 J over Cauarna' National Bank, ban money to lend on unincumbered real i-alntc Aillca tlona for loana roaile and received at the oitle f the eompaity nism blanks whkh will lie IHllllSlllH to .plH'Uta. v H. IIETH, aplM-tf (i.-nersl Agent, AV": ANTED Aitcnta wanted In every connty In Uie CUIe ror tlie N.ortliweat,im Mnlnal Life Inauram CoiUjMtiiy of Milwaukee, Wia Aiiurea. F. A PAGE, BUt Air. nt. June T-tf HuJ.'ltjU, N. i jgUNUAY HCIKK)L IlOOKtJ. H UPEKI NTENDENT8 AND TEACHERS OF fnnday Buliool are infiinucd that they out uuu at toe oooasior oi ALFRED WILLIAMS, A complete assortment of ' BLeUJAI BCU "MIL, UOOH8 ooMaiariNO or . Primer, P-rwIlcra and Keudera, Cetcrhtaiiia and (Jti. atloii B"K)ks, dnnday school Hymn and i line notma, i ii ii-ia, Kewar carua, Ac., Bunday Bclioul Libraries al all prices, Claaa Bonks, Minute Book, Roll Book and Reirlater, Bible IHetlon. rie. TaalameaU with Notes, Bt- , dyf MeUuMllatand Presby tcriaii Hymn Book. I Also, just m-cived lite ' TBW TIAPTtST HTMN' ftOOK. ' , A lllirlral discount will be made to Sunday erniana i.urun r uuaauty. Genu lor Cala l.yisand iru-ia, IM . ALFRED WILLIAM!), B-i.kwlliM-auddUuouer may aS-tf tO.IIKKlFF BALE 111 ilvvirlueof kKeculinna In mr fn euiwoion imvUT- oT 4i-F-OiUw H-. The lllllslioro' oat Minuur and 1 ranaiHirlatiiH, Louiiiiy, ior an uiouatinti seven humlretl aad tweul) live (ii.rjr. 7Tii dollars. 1 will sell on Uie llmt Mon.lay lu Auaruet neit, at the Court House door in Plllabnrw Chatham county, to Um hkrheet lu.kter for rath, twelve linudrcd acres of lanil, nuenr icsa, iiiur on urn wsiera oi ifcep mver, near KlfVlit. aiHouiina the land Of L. J. llamrbbai anil ollurwl and the Tayku- Coal r H iii ijuni owneo as tne nropprty or aw.l llillal-oni' Coal Mlniiur and Tmnstwrtaluin .uuiieuy, tu ausryaaani execuuou. U, w lUlAUIt, BueriJL June m-wtd "I ITT TAaES.v t "11TT TAJtESv At meetlna of th Board of Kilv (Jnmmia- alontra, held July IUi, 1K71, it was ordered that the time fur imyment uf eity ha ax- u-n-uit aiUH-n oa-r . . . i , llr,llngiit-nlare hen by notllled to call at Ihe Mayor's Olflcr and cttle their lave wtUiitt taw .ieeiod tuue. M. fjRAli(M AN , . aiur l td . , Tax Colled' J JOT AND COLD BATUS. 1 bis establishment has been fitted nu on the Euroiwan style. (Itrith-oicn wll! Und It to be one of tlie most wholasom svaUm ever In troduced In title city a ui f.vllowtn disthv lushed imyalcuuis will eoura for, via i Dr. C : Johnainu lr. Wv ttriteE, and Or. Jai. McKee. - Mr. KAKREB haatha honor to Inform the ctUxens of KaleuA aud Uie aummndinsr eona try Uiat the buslHeas lately carried on nnder tb uain af Jacob Karrer will b eimtinued a nrretofora, nndar tin uuu UM XSAUXUtu uuuntii. ha bee completed and tbiit rleanliite, aa fortand aood attentio wuike luuueW- -Hot Hatha, eteluairelv. Ut amla:--Cold IlathsKeeuu. 1 Iff Plea aecura your IkkcU at lb tor. I aiuj ati . . Th Great Nedkil DIvoTrrt Ir. WAUEXJA'S CAUFOAKIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ii Haadreda of Tho a bad da f . vf asar U-Mhanwy te OiWr W natter- I a 7 'I (alkaraiii kSncis. ! i Hl.-itititti. wm . a. . ana F"l IA.EV m f DRINK Mi Mad caT rr Rfjia, Wkl-alsrf, Pro-f tiplrlia mmd fAfmm tAnmrn4 u,Tv&,W& &4 WtAf4 to pmm th4- Ufkla, ceJIaxJ - - App-Uer, Ktmutnn," ... tiit Ut tlpitr ob to druftkttftbfmi. and rulb, but r uv utVfin, mw)tt from Ut Nut rtot avtktl Herb of i;.iirornl, ! trmm nil Alrhl.o tMitntilatifas Tfr UiiU BAT BIslMDU ri liiLviKit a.-t i.i pk (jivinu trxin. ( IPI.K ptt' et KrnfvmtAt ftbd laTlgnlor of k P1 J" . CAfTfllkf Oaf fkl) kOtVUMrfia RiAltr 4V04 UktlarlJa UiB Liuutl ta hlTaVilKj CJllfitaktt (Xfrfton ravii Xttt ti( Ulen tvccorlla( U fSir? ttu wnt rantaJntiJfig in well. $ Vmr IslNMMMlffrr aattsl fhrmulr tt Mtllii nm4 Ummt, r nppmlm. mr lutll oAtlM, HllUtJ, MMltlaC a4 lnffr illttMl Frvera, ll rn mf Ikt BUtnl, l.lrr,, mm4 HlsrfOr, ttu Kit. Irr haTt) lrn iul urrt fa. fVarti Ila msmts) are oaa4t hj lilaicnl Rlaat, wtiwi. H gmrrlf rffMlotMl b dr4Viitfuit!iil uf Um DYHI'M'KI A INIIU.RKTfOM. Hcaiart4. I'aln Ut yhr (UtouMms, outlta, T';rht aNM of Hir ('ln.t, Iifitu,ii,ls.iiir Urm'ttiioni of Ihr Ktt-iBfMTi, Md ttkeit, In Ui- Uoiitb ttilimt Al tirki, i c't. r Hi.' Hirt, It(lainiii4tl ii ut U LuiHt. I'Atll IU Uf rrtfl'MM ofll.e h l-lfir yw,, i. aliat. trtl t,tbtr ,aiijriil pntin), mo l)i irlnsif Iyn(r (. Tiie-y ln in'tf tf tt" Kl'rioftr.ti ftttl otlniDlB'1 thi turpW hr ai'tl fmiBi iii,TiiI:hritnt.rthfiifif tin , nal(aMt ItlraK'x In i-lftkitatmrr t"io lil .. -f mj lmmrltlf, miid trtii-mrtldK uem Ilia vlr Ut ttie wluilr ry-tom rtt HHIN IWKtBM, Frnptlnn- TfttiT. IU.ralamti4Ultr.ilt, tSMt. I IrlliiJvfJ, rUftllllaM, Holla, ravrbtinclcti, Htit Worirut, Kr.ltl-(ftit. r KTM,KrrBlk-la. Ileh, ftarft, lM'l''ia nf the HUd, Humor anil (- of tin- 8k la, of vhatevnr taatva er natitTtt, arc tllratlij' don ,np and errted out of tlii aysttutiii a liri tlin: by Um ulo of tbt iuti. Ohh b'ttlt' In nob CaWkM will cnavtncM Ui tnual, lucrtiilLluu of tttvtf cnratlv) offfflU- Dtt'AViiaW Uiu VI tin ted ni"'"1 wt fit over you Bud -It" inipnntlHt huratliiK UiroiiArli In Pim ple, KrajitlotM or 8irtw, rlr-aun-it wh n yoa flnil It ob-trurtt1 and l iimti!' ta tho Tt-iiw; rlt-alUaft It WtlHll l! l f-Ml. ttlllv"Ur 1341 1 nf- wMI Vtl ym vltttn. Keep tt't- Id. j. ! ufa anl Uio . uttti of erN iii will f..l1. n. TA rii-wl 'Mir"' WOH M-, litrfcifi.' In hytiU. fjh il eiomfkn) tlmO-AinU, r HI. i tnsthy if ft.ytr. tii r,';ntPil fnTfiiH lltrti-tfifM!, read ru.vfullj th ftrriil'ii wruitn-l ndi imli t. J. WI.lyK. IT'M'il-t"f U H Mi l"VA!.!J rd , lmufhri "I V" f'". H11, ( ,(,. K bvikI M t'lmt Mif t ork. bUtAt Y ALL nKIJUUlMili ANU UaVALHi-H teb adWVwl FOK ALL THE rtTATKS (K THIt VNIO.N, WITB PORUR AM II I)UiWTl4)NU Wm -AM. TRAN8ACTINft Author ijf TrraltMt oh (As 1m , VuntraeU, ) MtrnmttUe hit etc., etc. It contains and presents In the clearest plainest, and moat pre. me manner, ail Ui rules and principle which regulate aiM-ial in U-rcourec, aail luvi-ni eviTy kind of busluees, wiui tun airections for every trunsaeUon. it explain the nature of every kind of tract, conveyance, and Isaral obligation. It live dim-tiona to Maerislnites. to mlldstraUir and Eiev-utor. to Landlords and Tenants, to Uuardlaiia and W'srda, to Buyers and Bellera, Afrunl aud Principals, Debtors and l redilora, to 1 rustce, Common Carriers, to Insolvent, to Insurers aud Underwriters, 10 inventor, Auuior. rannent, Clerks, Cor poreuoue, Hhareholdera, and all who have any ouainea lo traiisattt It shows bow Ui draw and perfect a Deed, to make an Ak"reemeiit, an Aaaurnuirrit, a Lear, a (luaranty, Note, a Check, an I Inter, a Due ism, a will, a Codicil, a Bill of Bicluuure, Protest, an lndorseuieut, a Bill of Bale, an li denture, a Mon;iye, a Warranty, a PeUllon an AlUdavit, a kVuieaa, Power of Attonwy Patent Fonua, and every kind of legal luatru meui. tt is asaanTiAi. to Every Farmer, Kveryfanufai-turer, Every Contractor, Kvcry lsnilliirtl Ever)- Exeolitor, Every Uuardiuu, Every Heir si lw, Kvety Apirentice; Kverrartoer, Every Mnchanlo, Every 1'iiblii Klllcer, Every Atrnut, Every Tenunt. Every Administrator, s.vei y Kio.r, Every U-L'aUi. Every Mariner, Every clerk. - Every Hniker, Everv Hunk lllllier. It very Aucliouuer, f.very Notary, Kvcrv JuatH'eof Pcace.Evcrv ConsiLMior. Every Constable, Every Collector, Every Sheriff, Every Under sheriff, Every Beloctiuan, Every Coiuiiiissiouer, Every Uraud J uror. Every Treasurer, Every Married WuinaliKvcrv Widow. Every Trailer, Every Market mac. Ever Eiuutover. Everv Eundovee. Every Ciuxeu, Every Hroiierty-kolder, In short, as Cormielidiuin ami Hand Ih ik It Is lndisiensable lo all who desire to know their riirhts aud duties, or to uosetua the means oi uaiKwWUiuf, anaiiied, ami wiui correctness suit safety, their own li iral IiiikIiu hs. Tlie work will cnnbiln scveu liuutl uudred latirei mildete ill one volume. A If Aireul Is now cauvassimr Raleieh ftar aub criptlinia More than tlflv sulau-rila-rs have aln-ady le obtained, and should the A.'tul all Ui reach every one itcvmiir Uiia vatu oie wora, luelr uainea will he received by ' ALrKKD WII.I.IAMB, mer B-tf Book Bellor. "TyiLLIAMO. MORKiaKY ATtTUKNEY A COUNSEI.UJK AT LAW, aALaioii, c. Mi First floor ais R. B. Aii'tnwa A Co, near Tucker Hall, FayntlewU mwt . .1 Professional and huaimws ronsltlcrations hav nulMeod - .me tai uaiee my oiltcev tu Hie tlapital of the mala. I ill, Uitk.ifore' he iiised tiTsiv, or near, rnwr my cikjiiu ami rienda at Kak krli, N. C. Kur Uie m-eaeiit I w iR eontinae Vl revarU mvwclf aeillecu of (liddabom' and of Wavtus eountr, and on Mondayof every week will aee niv fiu-liils at Uie oliice of Dr. (ntauia L. Ktniiv, In tliililsiairo', Uetruneact bilauieas.. 1 Will also, until further notice, ntactice In the eonnuia lu wkk-b 1 have ncreuiTorc practici aim Hy WILLIAM U. MoltKIMEY KAI.EKHI A1A8T(1N1AILEIAD(1 tiixaaAL PaseuolK o Ti. Ksr Hwc't. . JiAiJiiou, n. c, July an, inn. ri 'Mie public are rcspef'tfHily kifiurned that A osyiiiauitb. "Hoe. ul I mi'' ami vatraii:b..' Kxeniwlon Tickets AT K EDUCED KATErt, are now tan sale at the KnltiikkMud (raeton E. K. 1 liael mie, la Usp lollnwnil! places : While "ii idiiis Kurtnrs. vt U. l,liri.l.A Alum Bpr uaia, Va Hath Alma. Warm 1 E .. HiA V' 1 " M . llcallne I " Bweet ' " Hweel Chslvheste " Niagara Falls by II roiiUt. BaiaUara Bprlnfa by i routea 4 , I jike ileonre. r . Newport, R. I. For full diarrlidkm nf rootca, Umialahle Ac., or any other information desired, apply f THOMAS RADUER, , Ueneral Ticket A Kent. July c SHARLOTTI FEMALE IN8TITCTE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 ; Rxv. R. Bt-awiii. . JUwa H. kWwauA-.M.- Pmlpsls The 1-4 Lit anaual session eomwewres f ondnv. Oct. mut,.aBd eununura until Juw Hk, IMA Clrrular and Cauuoirue eamuuuiiiilr full latr- ticulars as lu terms, ct.ura-- of study. Ae.. forwanktd on aHdwauoa to Uie Pnm iiaia. jUiyUWAWUA ... "V hi. a Mi Ja XwpS Hi n f J m H ' XaC. lit iit tsF A N.C Y DR00OI9T A PHARMACIST, ' 1 Ko. 33 Fajetteyillf! Stot (OLl ITASU OF DOt'OLAS RCLL) DKl'UU, MEDICINES, FEKFUMEKY, TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. SPICES, TEAS, Ac. FIIM K CHJAUH, Smoking and Chewing TiI)to. A fUDIATrril r IRK ACT HavliiK a ('(ll.I.KOIA-y? and PRACTICAL I EDUCATION, ka ehart; of Ik Prtkfripli.s Drpirtmrit, And mettle int-a are dispensed only by EDUCA TED A POT II EC a: KIM! HENRY J MK.NNINOKK pily 1J tr T UK Nil I A WATKIt, IMPRllVKII NEW APPAKATl'H, I't Kf. KU I I T J I' ICE V Kl P, TKI ITAWIi loi'l. cil.l. Altkia MKNNI.(JKK"rt U K CRKAM FOUNTAIN Jnly 12 tf AI INEKAI. WATERS, CONUKEBS, K 18- ill siuKeii and V udiy. ME.NSINIiER'H July 13 If Druff Mb ire Lt t EKN TEA, A No 1 81'fEltlO.K AU Uele at MENNINUEK'B Jnl l'tti Druu Blore. T INKS A Nil ItliANlllljS, V V for Mi .1 . bi ll um-, al ' (ELECTED ""MENNINdER'M July U tf li in,' More A WAV V. I I'll H.IKS AND ENATM. A 'I ti. v no- eau. lit without the use of 1'olrol, . . YlENNINtlER'S FLY PASTE a5 urn. a Box, Cull al Uio BUire and sue It operate ! I July IS If Jj"RUIT PRKHERVINtl JAR9 MASONS LAST IMI'IIOVEMENT. . Buperlor lo all others, at MENNINOEU'S July 13-tf DruK Bture, GO TO July I -J If MENNINUEK'B - Drug atore. td Hi net e o o (5 te? rs o q L-1 a - r o "A I I o B 0- W P. (iKAvia, Tko. R. McDiAHMAn, Wm T. Law. Graves Warehouse. rANy;iuj-. va fob Tr si. or Lba tobacco! WE Have Juat put an a.ltllUim to our W.arehuuse, nutkinr It tlie lanri-t and mi-b, sreRiieu mmw HH UlC business In III, Town. Wilt. 1 larve dtaira and lu ska.ll.rf.t. Wauoos ka-ked in, in the Warehouse at nivl.l J ,ri JSlal Is oj korac...Uoul Bwuwr- for-pk,n- Mint ui eiKiK sua slceo In. PnMi.ot ,11 ..... to the Interest and rouifort of Plsalera ami uirir team. oet I dly rcmeups dt. irnrnBTrnoivt, A.tlorneyH at Ltw, 1 RALEI0H, N. C. a. f. rmi.i.rr. dec at tf A waiiuoa. 1 yiLLU 1AM WINSTON H EATON. of th "NATIONAL, INTELLIGENCER," Rlntrraphlral Sketch, with muainr Notkv "i "in nu rneuua. l'HrAUED BT III UADOBTBR. ' Hantlaoinrly hound. Pric t.TO teat by ait For safe by ALFRED WILLIAMS, mar V-Sm . . atookavllar. JALEIOII F'EifALE INSTITUTE. KaT- Da. akd Ma Lact, Prtnelptls. The Eleventh Terra nf this Hch.tol will kwta on Friday the 4th Aagast, 1B71, and eouUnue j iwcnfcy SWM, The Princimla will be aaalatesl be intaiwlwa ami c.ajw-r.ei,i-rw AefUeia. ner r vat-aueica iu the Btavdirar Deiawtuaeat. Cirrubu ronuhiirur Terms, Ac , arntoa art-1 plleallon. ttry.M, a..y u, arfwaacs, aW rsraaui I aVraf (Ac mt.i.Hr u (As as juiy amw- J-OTICK TCt, SUE RIFFS Natie lakerel.y alisa Uisl all eaajilcU ke- j U-nced loUM Fen.u-ntiary f,- two year, and I mure, wiU h reivsl uw aad after tat day uf I AloTDtt. 1M71. , By order of the Director. W. a THOMPSON, Jul SS lw Deputy Waruen, IM P E IRE Ilk'tDBANGjl OF LOKDOIST, K8TABU8HEI) A. I). 1S03, (n i f M 1 tausl v 'naili EIGHT MIIaLION OfrHBtM-: LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS M. M ARCUlBALDtJI. I l.nW nf A A I nw RrM K 8. J A FKRA V. of E 8. Jaltrnv A Co. Kll ILARDIKVIN.of Rick'd IrviuACo. All liMwes nf the Unit. .! Hut.- Mian, li will let adJnaUnl and pall In New York. The rei.ubition ami stsii.linir whl. h Ibis Cinnianv has secured diirine tlie sivtr five rears it liaa tramtactM.1 biMOneesktlirouirboiit tlie woihl, toiretber with the blrire snd undoubted se eunty It odi-rs for all ila ot.lutltlions, will it is hoped, secure for it a share of the public atlrolia,'C. C. H. HAHTUNti, frmm, EINJAK W. CROW KM., limlrnt Mtnmgrr, 1, Old liwiAD St., Lunikin. ' j Kttw York. JV. W. XMV11CIXJJK, -lf Aireint, UALK1G1I, N. C. Alilet. BTATE AtiENT OF THE BliiHlEI.YN LIKE I.Nrl KANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. mar 7 3m M K II CHANTS LIFE IS OF NEW TOEK. W1L T. I'milll,, J. C. DeL.EOlS'. S a per in t e b d TIE MUTUAL PLAN, I All Policies Non-Forfeitablc. TVikI I?ariicii)ae IN P RO FITS OF No Restriction oa Rcsita or TrarcL J i A . K I Ci II .A (i K 1ST CY - OLD UEUISTEIi nUILI)IN(., Ol'I'OKITE COUKTIIOl'SE. F. J. HAYWOOD, Jr., Mepioal Examiner. TIIEO. IV. Ill SI Mr, July tt-tf THE vfXTNA LIFE I.HKURANCB COMPANY of Hartford Connecticnt wU. t.A, I. tlie year in-.u, aaaau-tuf Uie iVTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, by Charter of the Bute of ,'Ui.iiceut'itl. Polit le of Life Insurance In this Cnnuonr cure Iroui all claims of creditora bv the Lcci'-lalure ; IBM. In the rear IHMi the lavs of tke State reonirlni Life and Fire Funds tn I kept setainile- If ,- " ,,,"",,n""'" 'n'l"nv KtiUoneil Uie laislatur of the Bute for AN ALTERATION IN 1 IB CH AKTEIt : eoUMtituliiu a seiairate fun of all moneys derived by them from Inanr ttuces on live to lie kuown as Uia .Etna Life lure, May UMUi, lanl. 1S8UED OVER RUiVEN TtttHlSANb POLICIES OF INSURANCE ON LIVES IBAri NEARLY NB HCraim) TnOTJ8AlJ POLICIES ISSUED TO DATE. AeeumiUtkxl Capital over Sixteen Million Dollars. . AS NTJAL, INCOME OVER SIX MILLION! DOtLAUSw TftPVlLlCT illll.DRKB IM T! i.osses nv UM I II iTII. ...-- .-;,-, ) $ 4 , n ilividius di-iare BlaUirrd Eualu AuilBltles, OVER POl'-K MILLION TJIREB Hl'NDRKI) AND FIFTY NINE TllOLfAHDl i w .i.i.a TI I K SAFEST AND HEBTMNVEBTVICNT old lElnspf Hartford. The .f&TNA is one of the strtwHrcai l.tfn known wbcrvvev Am rk-aw clrtliuition exteoda. 1 In! re. f v A Issues oolirtea OS Life lt i-rar other apivoved system of Insurance. ALL Itrl.K'IKS NON FORFEITABLE CASH RATES. CASH IN LICIEa ASH DIVIDENDS. DWIdcnds pnld Annnallv, eomnlencina; at end of the first year H the HALF CENTURY of its existence the A-TMi ... lOXttltHlir DKA TU, ' , Jf .l TURJiD KAD 0 in I iiiKJYJfS akd AXNCIT1KH MANT MILIJOXS OF DOhLAM TO ITS l'QLW-T UOl.DSRS CABH FAT D TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH CAROLINA OVER $ 300,000 UM Hvi done more for Widow A Oplians than all other eomhined It lioot to be aV,m.wi at, Uiat it should be, as it I the Leadine Ufe Coaiuy in th Bute. ' w woooered W. IT. CEOW, or lu..ei.e u r. v : rj tv. ii. iwi n. civ ax. u cxAamaa aau T R XJ lOII FEMALE PHT8ICIAN, No. TSI. Mam M . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, La mm irrmrM rwow niim-iBDriWa f;iiaranleed speedv relief. All commnwkwLiwZ Itrtctly e.mnUcJLZjtt free of charja. Mediciue forwarded vj mat. or evxproaa. 1 - Room aad ' raroiskml stu a . . -...: - ' ..." jua uVOAWiy . -w a)- ---T. EJ A L U 0 31 P A IV V AcMimll I tt t Idiiss, DOLLaJIS EM GOLD, 4 PISTE ST., FOR THE UNITED STATES BRANCH. B M. Umsul, ('Aao-wum. IDAVIDRAUIMON. No. It, WeatiHth Street J. BiKIKMAN JOHNSTON, nf J It. Juhueton 4 Co. JAjft S'I'UAKT, of J. Arl. Sluart. 1 . 1. II., Secretary J b t Af saeiti I TIIE COMPANY a-gent. for the licnefit of Mi-ri.-.l unw, mA. of Uie Slat of l :.,,,.,, i...... L - lnenrance iompauy- BUI paeaud by Iks Legiata ce THE mm. UK SINUi.E YEAR IM ixm ' 5 9 , G 0 .3 . a , iu. Is a Poll,. .. , .. ;".e'u liMUraam. t!.uw.ainLMa.,M. I..:, .e.,-... - ... Life 10. IS. and 211 t. .... . j ' ass an V i ' WMSJfTS, rxVS vita Tig .1 ' MANA0ER, nsiiiiniM . . w tf.lriirh r. PFOMATTOX PAPER MILL," PETERSBL'RO, va. - - tI'I'''" ' """" Wra'1h J Order antidUA ta. srwAiak alteauoB. MclLV Oeoeara A C.awii.iwi.iw Ulj marJt-oia ',' . . . "T" mM FRUIT PRESERv'lNO JARS, UVf tlMWrtBakav. . JULIUS LKWaB.. EM ... r" o taw. aT CHANGE OK &U&liZL& ( N and wfter pfoadar, Uw Um V4 UU a fa. AK I. ' i Witwt " Will Mr.ODH..WmV. Ut aTZ: t mo ua, i JaD favf-l'lll.avil . . . U-avi Wiluu.urt.Hl lu,iTl aT1." tt ttXl-V-li Ketamins, kav OnldaW, . a. arme at wourfoK. ai A L Thedav Iralna keav WilmielTt,. a ,. and Weldim wu a K Tarhoro' Braaek tri.. m!V -k-avin,- Wuuun,ftriad i?-ai, Wedaawdawana FriiT."?"- nl iU lu. TartW brauV. ZZ jaaetf . T YNS ADAMBT -- WHOLESALE A RETAUj HI mm r.ivu A1D-FWARD1II " ERCHANT, A U DIAL. .- IKON. ' UAKDWAKK, FLOWS, BHOFjt, , liEY iHtnn v . a. . w'TttNTAan No. 5, Market K,uare, rVtk RALEKJH, N a lril ll-tf North Carolina 1, KSTAUIJiSmti) fOH THE Trnnaportntion ! NoBTHBHH AMD KlIHOP... u Uf- oaTTLaat NORTH CAJJOUNA, orrica TUCEERHAIA. RALEIQH. Ml p rpillS Cunpany has been In aacc.f,.i I ratlin, ftn- nearly two ,nr. tlTS rcpoil with us, ,, ur uT 0' Uier,-a,i,K every day. Ua.'","'U- Tut I n. a or lMum,Tii.p ais sow and w. call ,a U N)wUl cjna. k?S a in ,.r. this Kr.-,t e,,u.,p,aTL a-t krtM.udup-lHirwte,wl J'k'" aa The President and Dire, tors of Ui-. Uiat they will (a, fairly re,.oL ul We have Do connc.-lii: n a 1th ant idkivLsad A 1 lMW. rrurwT I? t CaroUa. Land Co., or u. Win. Beotl SLZZl DIHKfTllllS Col (ic... Utile, lien. R F H.e. Boa. Be.-t. lr. J. U Hui.U. II.... -r '. Ti num. W m 8,tt, ai. ' '"w JanlldAwtf J C1TY MOTKL, J (FORMERLY CODE'S HOTEL I BAMTTGH. IM. C. SITUATED near the businoa partien of ttjr City, yrt quk-t and retired. This kumaUuia ln.en aewle eelliil i . i Cant style, and will afford rica-lieut and iikss anl acciHumudalioa to tnuHueut and nttm tKiardera. . The proiirietor guarantee aaUsfartloli k ul ho may favor him witk Uirir nau.. w. MHiis are laree. rouift,rtjtl.l ..ul u, table shall be fuiualieaTwiiii Um best las Bar ket affonl. BATE MODEaXATB. Poru-r. will us at the depot oa the arrival of Uie trains, and omnibnase will take pessra raUi lhe llotel. Meaisi-aulM-nadatidlkM tlie best Liuuoraai. l'iE. i.t II. U.r " a.-. "Tr?1" MAH sU'lllUU' oct utf Pmprkaur. A DA YTON, DEALER TH RATtTTAT. . Mal.ufactun.r.' anH .uvium.. uiu. I liUi AtrewV between ktaln and Cairy.aiea mond, Va. . Steam Enu'mes. Haw-Milts, atilt (rearinirs. Turbine Wir h'ki. uuiunua HolUnK, PlaniuK Mackiuea, and Workinir Machiocrv t.r n li...i. ua-riisa Hamrera. Fnlleva hVltiiw l liw Haas and Files; Wr.ueb.ia, TwUt Itrilta, W lrdinx Machine aud Clothing. Bteam-flaMSt, Haw tin.niuera. Steam and W.i.t I'ii fir- lorea Paeklna;, Journal McuL Pa and Tool Handle, etc : , If you want Steam Erurine for a Saw Mill, Cotton Um or other puqMise scad fiwsilesrns Uve amphlet or call aud eiaudne Ik "Aawa," Uie wt E urine made. . I have a general asaoitm.nt of aeeoMl kaad Eneine and Bolk-ra, Bew-Mills, Mitlskwa, and Wearing, Plsninj- Machine, aud ellief Wotsl Workiuc Ma.'hincrv;auaftuur, Pauel, knd Haiurcra -, DiUllii.- k'ixuin. etc. etc. Beeood band Martiinery and BUwa BoaVrt I bomHil sold. I Sep -tf I ' and ait-liaiMd. -m -.le AGENTS WANTED. The moat liberal mdnceraenU will ha oncrea ui Aaretita, to eauvass every eonntf la North Carolina, for th aal. f Wsa riiauf yaluable iMiblk-ationa, via t Family (tibia al tanUy illustrated) on aueat sold 17 corset at oueday. Liarht of tbs World, eoauusiar valuable tofomsauon, a book evwry oa aatxltl kave-D'Autaicu.. History trwaWexwntlea. B.-reU of Intrnlal Revenue. Commentary o Luke's IkiarpeL and various other works. . ; Beud for iireuku and term to Agent. ; ' r f. W. BEST, - Box 4. Raleurk. Wly tveafl Afuat far f. . T ALU ABLE LANDi FOR BALK Wa will offer foe aaU llul vtnslJs aad i uu.,,ti rasuum m noruiauipu-B ecMtaty, late the ruviKartf of J. llwrareax, a4 sisiai a auaiiwa, (a ! TRfRSDAY, OCTOBER 5tb. 1"7l , of the land ran he see hy seplrla i Mr, Ntwsaove. ar L. II Ro. ill i .1.11 I Unm 1st prenkwa. and mtlahenw tbtXikl kur dnea to aav mhu . ... 1 ; lba plantation will h. .i.l.lj lTo. a,., t S4anU ,kj S1.U--. . . ... ,. . . . 5 i The aakt will tk ttTr aw Ik Aav aksv. aienuooed at th Montruae iloauuv. terau f i-s-f.Hirth cash, Um lauanr oa bbersj Uae, Uk.k will M ms.k- known .t i. .. i V U 'i DlihBU . , ; WALTER CLARK. July W-td . . y JL FACE, ATTORNEY AT LAVT, ; fOfflca, SoBth U of Market UoaaaJ MLJEIiV-a,Xa- Prompt atlenUnrl rirra to um arrangeaint and eoHertioa of debt aad to all other pro fclaa hmdaea minuted Ujaveara. will l me net t dour lo J. P. tiallr A Bra an Market troei : Jeltf J) K1V MALE LNSTITUT LAffeAL ANl WATTIEMATTOAfi. f Tuil her IS .. V rr B-aL-.' losn! trim, SHI to l iS perarimlh. Fourth kwjiJi w.ll i. nw Mot ITtk dv Jul, l7L A, at MENDKKBON, uae slulJiwa rtucipal. ERtMu. in Uii, SUA. lint X 'ZZSuZ ZTZZ tlie nam. and .,, ..Th'. T.T 'iS nceiH 1 or Cotlllia.iv f un'J- ifJt E V '