lie: miiircl J: JflSUI Tl'IfRL Jr.. fait.- riUDAY. AUOI8T iV 1M7. YOTBrTiTi4'VVgive to-day th officisl vote of the state (or and against t invention. Th majority against con- volition U ,243. These returns show that thecoufervative rot of this Jrear eomet wlUiio 1,641 of that given, for Attorney at given rear, ajrliil Ooeral Ship last jeer, while that uf the radical give a gain of tmlt Uumimi mad tnty Jitt notwithstanding th fact that It k known that thousands of negro " radicals Itave left the atato since -th. last election. Tu-omhtow we propose to show up the tot in ita true tight. BBtTiJra rsRnrera ahids. We Warn that Judge Watt net aside tin verdict of the jury In two several case at Granville court, which in now in session. Tit partita convicted went rvuultUcaiM. One of tlteui wan e prominent npiililiian new essnii ort, by Ui naraa of W kilo. Is the lurinir of 1S70 he Ule lour ixixm ot tobacco from Mr. C'awtliorn. Mr. C. and Major Blacknall tracked him on ties wet ground from Cawthorn'f bouae, where the tobacco waa stolen, to hU -own granary, Ooing to Ute house tliey . Informed Whit they bad tracked the tliiof to hit granary and tey wished Utwaroh it. White (aid there waa bo us ; the barn was locked and the key in hie pocket. UndiT sorui chaff they found the tobacco with tlw same of Cawthors on the W. ' '. Mujia BlacknaU told White, when be duaied stealing it, tlist the shoes he had on made the track. A plainer caan was never be fore a jiiry. It is tu be hoped Die legiala ture when it meet will set aside Greasy Ham. Judge Watt gave it out before and about the time of the meeting of the leg Islaturc that he ex pected to mjn. If the Home had preferred articles against him be would hare tendered hie resignation, an did Judge Junes. Tun Lee1 evidence alone U sufficient to convict Judge Wait of receiving, cor ruptly, eS.OOO.of bond in the Kebue bias rtuuling auit. If that la not sufficient, the kgialalun will only have tit suruinon a oertaia member of the liar, and the guilt of t lis Judge will ba fully tMtablUhed. The negroes and radicals will na doubt say the vote againmt convention was aa en dorsement of Judge Watt and the bond business. We have no idea the WgUla- Uira will take that ia f ha strfyeei.-- A to Juile Logan, Chief Justice I'ear son and Gov. Caldwell have already ex pnviWd lieutlva la fuvur of his resign- inybecaw) of hw K'niirwwy and tncimt patency. ' The bar ot his circnit are snan imoui for bUJiupoacfainent, as we are in fimned. . Jutlge, Toargee U famous for setting verdicts aaide. lie is famous, ton, for libeling the state. If he Were set aside, with WatUjnd Fgan, K would tend to the purifiuatiou of the judiciary. DESPAiiii8(TorTiiie hkvviiuo. We believe it was Jndge Henry Who stated before the outrage committee that ha bad no hope of republican govern- ment. It waaOov. Holden whowas ready for Grant as cmM'nr, and bis son, the lad at West Point, ftr his uccor. Jf this iulitre oiii'nif fifr the empire knew how to liehare bimself at school, the future em pire would look miaw hop:ftil, Tbe arbitrary (tower eierciaed by Grant is some evidence that Ute empire is near 'at hand, tiranl sent lroo to Now York, which fired mtt only the, democracy of that Slntu Ifflt 'I'" -ipltlleii flrani's'ilisplay of guns and bayonets in New Orleans, at a political meeting of his own party, bat called down npon his aduiisistratioo blows from Gnviey .and otlier republicans. Grant it seems, talked with Abbott and Pool ..I Imam In K irk- anI ' Holdon in their tela war. At least we " J have the authority of Altlaitt for ssyiiig I 'so. tirant has re:eiitly scot additional 1 Uoops W North Carolina. Carmw, tlur Unlteu nuties marsnai, wnn a Uio new emblorn of his authority csn ar rest any man in any noiitoir of (he state without troops or posse to aid bim, This display of troops is intended to . ' Jutlfy It next year when Grant ' etucfW amies off, at whicb Uitw, we aenlure t prtxikt, tliere will be a gmUr diilay ol troop thaeXeve known bcrore at tm These military dinplays am only :baab5- !I"B np Uik empire. ". r.. n.u.tuun 11. II.. ,U Uie prnjMsution to call convention d(tiie people of tbe state, it IwcomBS nwieswiry, - .BiyT..tjV4tutWturd-YiHAitalar, -4a bob to the next best plan 6r milking needed changea in tli ponstitoUoj, and that plan is by legislstlveouai tment Truetliecar; pet bag insUiuuent was to iasbioned as to give tbe longest possible h-ase of power to ' ' ,thft4u!Viwi4'ians who formed it, anj provided tbt su:h chsngus as might be de msmled by the people of the sUta should bsve to be endun-iiiof several years, it is now tbe only plan which promise relief ' " to th oppn4 taii-psyers of. the state. It is, therefiirt, tbe dotj of the bialatiir to propose su-'h amendmetits ss will give the nceiied relief, and tlie clause- hi th couyitution, in rcgara , to m puouc debt," should rrweive lU earlieat atteB- Una then tbe census clau'tt, wbereliy then will be a saving of rtS.OOO, th b olitio of th tovwships and a restoration of the eountv courts a redurtioo' of tli number of nwhsM oW-e, and nVing the -7.-.J - p-ty trf ili uymbcifif tbe gtanal aiwm bly st tBjdtmte couipemwlions ( t least tea year. TtK-w Jtropnsiijoirt cannot fall Vto be bemJdal to the people at large, and Iud piirtAu-oiolives cs be charged to ll parties who sdvocatextheiu. - . . - V, (Jtrr. ftdvri!lii-ttrnm w Real ajrent of the stale ft tli flhrtalio of IfVmtkoe Iwita, :mU , P, Kiwcaid, ITAUASIZKD. . Dr. Cy'rtla, oo Wednesday, succeeded in putting' an Italia Queen la hire of black or American bees for u. Tiniid, laa)-fear lug men use rb.k triform when they work with bees. Dr. Curt in h an. lies twe a be would chirkens, sud they dure Bot'sliny bim. Ttie ftyfics IIMeri Orpin hat delivered an opinion on our elfiwt to Italianize bees last Wednesday, and says we were stmu and let the queen escape. ' This must bsvs been a drunken opinion a we were not irtuntj anil no .iie-n es caped. If the An til was solwr there is no Home for lux fslae' statements. , WIIITKH AND Hl.ACKH. Buwov Riot IIktwTk rVn.niKRH ami Nuimiiw. We learn from piuei-ngera on th Wil mingtiMi, Columbia & Au'UHta It It. ays the Wilmington Jimrutl of the 2:d instk, that a bloody riot occurred at Mi rion, H. C, between the federui ooldn f nd negnx on Holiday evening l"Ut N o'eba k. There hsd i n Un mmh- time ill feeling Itetween the negroes ainl I In mldiers of the frsrrin, whu h toruiinateii Honday night iirjPregn hrr3dife. Kiro sniis were used ua lth tili. Ht "in ieven negroes a'nd one Mtldicr weru wound ed, some itf tlte ttegnies very bs'ily, pnilt sbly fstally. The liito' ititt)nn if Marl oil held slonf, and the riot w coiilincd entirely to the Soliiiis alio iicom Heverat. hiHima were v:rfrtrd with lialls, but fortuitaUHy none ol tlie iuimtU Were struck. It was thought the figlit migbl lx reiiewnl last night, as the soldiers were threatening to allai k the ncgr'WK again, It was UiiHiglit that the entire nltiice ol negroes from lire stnts would 4ie pre vent a rewimplion of the riot. We ttnvr no later news. . Offiflnl sole oflhc Male. CoUMTiaa. Alamaitce, Alexander, AUcs;hnny, Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, , tiiaden, Bnittswkk, Buocoiulie, Burke, Cabarrus, . Oaldwoll, (uuden, Csrteret, ( 'unwell. I'M I."(i."irl.:tln Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clsy. . Cleaveland, (ilumbus, Craven, Cumberland, t;urntiM)k, Ihuw, Ihtvidson. Davie, Duplin, Kdgeoonib, Forsyth, frsnklin, Onston, Osli', - . Ursaville, llmene, (hiUftiril. 8,2 W llsrnettf . I lay wood, i itwwtTsilu Hertford. " ' lfyK , InxbIL ; JscksnH,-! Johnston, STTi Jisins, Jnrtlr, ' Lincoln, Manna, Msdison, Msrtin, McIVwell, MflcklenlHirg, attuiheti, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Nishsw,i f (muige, I'aHqiiotank, Perqitiiuans, Person, Pitt, Polfc. ' Randlph, Hichiirimd, Botteson, K-Kkiiigiinill, Kowsn, tmhHinrdj- $(UlltMOU, ' . Htanh-y, ' ' .'.) l,;i-tui l.illl 41 tM.dteSj - (turry, Trnnvrvniu, -747 20 ?-1t JtlTfl Tyml, atn ao7 6I4 1047 I nion, . - 77S Warren, WnsliiiiL'Uin, - 08S 8,153' 91 9 OUT Wstsuga, ayne, , ilkes, 1.61.V - mm 1,117 1,117 Wilam, 1,141 827 Ydkin, tancey.. .. : 4111 S4I 13,4197 10,007 Ntt.JM M,0O7 ! Nut. The vote Caswell and OsU oountU (unoffldal) lias follow: , , Miipp. rninipas Caswell, ' ' ' 6S7 251 Oates. ' ' ' Ui" -:KA ' 1381 -.w7 This woidd oiake 9bipp's jujort U tb But ,-' i f, i -n je-h u r'ti. Keg i sieved ' rote of the Btat Nov. Sfl8Whit 117,640, Black ,78,028 Vt bite niajorily 38,7 U. ,:.-',.' '. r : TwKrrr IkVnaJKi. This college opeiil m . . I yL lit. ,JW ea tor me session ou r nusy sns nm students Kaleih and' Wk county Is-ing welt represented. t, ' i Fr tuk Ulairit is stated, expresses him- cU'-w fsvosls) Oor. a 4iiM tiiwwttr-of Missouri, ss democratic candidate tf tM rtreaidencv. and way he li workintf to bring slsmt Ul nominatiun. reriisisvbut mars rights. Tub Histout or The Gnat KaroKM .4 y Wovanwrt; t tf H If row tie KMwsiawl tausiner l At i f.niufHrd In VirtJsiltMr livad s mniilv af dn-siioltils, wi-4Hiini; of two (i' aere game and of the lit breed, xnd wen; rmuarksMe f-H- their pliK'k sad gallautry, aa well ss for ll.el dctoli. and sl'enliim Ui iVi" wivets. When fond 'was thrown to them they never wrtook ot it before callintf up the hens and seeing they wire served 8rl, so-l. whenever they rbanred-tn rimt a ssrorv txl.T nr t aeratrh up s di'iU.iil'i worm, tliey always denied thetiiMclres the luiury and invitetl tint (teas losiijovit in p4ivara, thus show tag llieir rkief grstifliatjon confinted in tbe comfort, and bsppiuess of Mteir help uittcs. And the bens were not slow to svail themsnlnea af Hie self denial sad po Ittcnnw oftheir huiilisnds. but gobbled up grains, woniis, and biigs, a eve unyiny "Tlmnk you,"1 or V Won't you join Ms.' Tlsty seenMii to look uon these delicate sttcntion of their lordn, smi llx sfiirsriAUon n all the liutt tliiti-. fa tl, em Ives, as Hielr istural and iiihemil On the other hand, the liens were lov iuf, gentle, and itliedieot, and sttendeil to doithxUc duties notiilily ; luyisg tirfr KK" v rcionniy miki 'iiKfmo u, myutiil on tiicm ciircf'llj y mid pallciitly. :tud rsis mft ItttM Ini'ki H l tlie (ost-il(nia-nite ami lb-voted miomer. Itoth uit'ii and wo men. if their pride h iuiit(l. iinlit dra instructive UstwHis i'rnui tlie -wM-iii life of tins family of dinautlH 4'owU. The men Mie:ht eojiy after the vja-k in e'lflme. aelf denial, snd thoee pleasing little stteutiiHw whMi arc so much sfiprecialed by tliClt wiviM : and till- Wolm-H l.iiilil Imituli. lli. ben in their .regularity, tiKiicr.. siitt- cie-e, mid inductiy , in their tlevofiini (o their cliildn-n . and in then reH.Tt for, iUid HulMiiistiion t theii tiuilmnda. One tlay tlii-. f.iiail of foala wn vid ttl tty two straaue Uen that hail arrivtMl from Memchow lis. 'I he stmnjjeM wen tnlr, raw lionnt. Iing lggel, itn ma.kod, snd bi i'itoU:il. snd liad ctarse, harsh toicea. WiUiMUt invitation or intnwliic ton they utrldert into IIk barn vard, and etrr-trtaled mrtrtrit tlio helM, sn) convef 4i.l with tlinin in ss fa-e sud essy aslvli ut if. tttoy lud kaowu thijut aU their lives indeed, one woald bsya supHsied that tlie barn yard belonged Ui them. After a few ruiiiiiika Ultou . Ml late wsr sad tlie scarcity ol ciskx, t'liey requcated tlie liens to aiartite tlKHiisulves from the Riosurrf, and toeolloet in a comer of tbe yard, as they had nistters of vsat importaiKW to connnnitics.te to them. The curiosity of iHhis being thus excited, they Died off lus tivelv tiiesipointed corner, and lomsd a circle around their new neouaiiitancew, aiiil in solemn and r(xvtfnl silenra lix I. -ned to one of tllcui, who thus sddrcincd them ; ' " l.adus : I have tall you together tit address you on a subju-t of paramount importance, not only to your own emu lull and happiness, but to the tuture muccch snd proirress of your posterity snd of aU isvilfzeil NiulUy. You are aware of th acnrpleU lilea that ta Uic beginning ol tit m world Ute uial unrtion ot creatiou were his Is tkst, and that tlie temale was inilinl as a sort of afterthought, or side. iBHOe, io it-lieve tlie inaw from Ute tedium 'if bvitig ajouc, and to cuutribuls U his :coiiifort sud pk'sstifii. lhore is no doubt tbut, acting Uioo this idea. III male has Mtusti tuted hiuis If the lord til tjealuin,snil has set himself up ss being the superior of the female, and, taking a mean advantage of his great size and strength, has unpisi d iiNn the female all the cams and drud gery of this life. Ksiweislly is this the case with ths fcathwrvd tribe, and pre-eminently so with that ixiHion ot It that we repHsatnt, Upon the female portion of our trib have Imeu iiupusnl all tlie nicon Iveoisrsw and labor i if laying rgxs, ami the responsibility aiwl trouble ot raising chick ens, while tlie uial.lias uulhlng rise to do bat to strut slsmt saaLsdiuire himself, and (five an ooesaUNial scresin wlieu he see a lawk bovuriag in the air, but taking good Care lo get out of I he way when tlie hawk ttoMwes down upon our unprotected brood, le will fly UpoU tbe top of a feiu-e, and lisp his wings aad crow ss if the world betoMiied to bim, and linik down with the ttinont emnplsceni y noon us hens while Sre aru tubing to supart our families. ; Now this sort of Uiing has len going Ss Sir so tuuga time williiMit I be pniteat, ml seemingly with, the conaout and ap prov'sl of the hens, that it has conn- to be (egrdcl ut the lutlursl stala of airaira, J lid I siipssw it would hsvc gone on Uir vir if riyuiouUi lit k hsd uevef Ix-cn Viaibsi tV our anciwtors. ou have all Jlleard J Bis Mlsil-stoiH), that lul mineral vtliicll, when Slilillcd Ut I In part bitten by a mad dog or simke, hiII Uiaiautiy exiritci tlie vcnoin, ann save lln hfc of tbe sulninx. Well, Plymouth ItceK s tlie great uiuriil iiiatl-stone, which, when SnplMMI to the moral sona snd bites which ililKt this world, will iiroduce an install turn. My mkternal aiiceatoiV, lliily II aid Slicll, came over lu the Jlitjllimer, am; s aa the first of the oultry tribe that ever Set loot on 1'lymoaiti liis k, and the Hist leu thst ever Isiiti, au ten in America Wlrcn llnlily lliird shell gave her cackle anon that classic Sunt. Hare was uticrcv lie warning note of the distuthralliucul 41 the gentle sex. i " rtiiKNj then the female at the north lus been at work, and its activity is im lense, far Iwyond anything that you lux rious dsiightersof the sunny south could tver liiisginu. Idisu tlisulhal through ih lemliic ot our iiiinils are nrystalixjit inn sua of tliollliht that sue doitined to dsr. is ths world. Yon wiH then'IVire not Ik- 4uii)iiscd when 1 tell you that w kavc a Inch our social, domestir, and totiisl Die have heretotora Iteen governed, aa- unnslura niiiust, and dio-udiug to the a-mre sejt." . . ' ; To a hen of an inquiring mind the nUi UHtarally arlaea, Why are tl ihiCT as they are t ror t'l.-iiiiiilc, mliy It mar, mviis lay etrtv-amt riswrors io1 ilTlVTiy is Tt lliaV a HpB saWia-Ti iTIi Uie ineimveuicBve of ineulsition, alttlng like a fooL stannic at vacancy .for three mortal wueks, in a very confined and OrsuiiH'd poaititai, ui order that a dozen ik more hungry chickens uiay be brought Into the world, Whim Iter sell atylt-u lont, ho has beca the cause of all tlie ntisi lika. struts about and amuses lumwif paying gallant atlentlows to other deluded te males I Again, wny is it mat roosters orow and hens only cackle f The lirst liiesUnn Is rather bard to answer, and 1 am afraid that in yoor present uneducated tat It would be dilbcult of (atisfactorv axulauntion but tbe second question, has Ikwn very clearly anawsred by Pmfresi? fjroeley in a smsll essay entitled What I Know slsmt crowing,' in wntui it issuumi ill ut lu-u thu hnU nssstr crowed the ben aimed lately dappled her wnors snd env oi also: where is th nxwter, indiirnant at brbig im. fated, and no doubt fearlul of being excel led, im mediately pounoed upon her, and gr brr sm It a wring of tbe nrck as toj cause stricture of the bsrynx, Ir-m which she never noovercd; so that ever allerwanls whenever she attempted t crow the artund Itegeitrtsled into cite ttnptilile cackle, ami that aU bar d seendenU were atHictad M th same way. and enoaequeatly eowld never crow. The leaned professor ba noreovor shows that the stricture U accidental- and not natural; but by proper culture it would b entirely removed, and ben would re gain their raws-powers of voice, and aeon Inarn to crow ss well as the. (water, of which I Will give yoU abundant videaoe bvendby. ?Tber ar bow at tiw Nortb two chisds of philosophy. On, is calledthe I'sailive School, which looks to tbe culture snd training of tbemslr. so as' to enable and induce tbem lo perform all the functions nd duti of th feuwlus. As far ss th ittinij, paeiiiig, fasdiug. and nursing I thebiofcsais are coia-inte-f, this aclnaii u) s darided suaas, ami the day is not far distant wt4 thrvab,.ri wilt tie nr.a'i-' eil almost entin-ly by WHtaU-ra, and then ae piMir, down troldi-n f,.mi,le will hsve ame time to hstk sround and enjoy ooV iielves. Hut the grand idtjeet of tins Dchtstl h to mke the. ro. alters lay rug, and here, I tegrrt to say, tiiai vol itsta lias. Dot been ,att so dtrhttsl.' Oirr' plaii is to s urouod the pupil, and ben- po k him to wil a degree ss U deprive him of all ol his 'ail feathers, and tlie larger portion of lus oanb, and the feed him blwrslly mum pan-lied cor aad. pulsssixwi uyslar nhelU, and drive bim briakly up the biH. The result, as I have informed you, has not lawn entirely satiafactiary ; bill Mrs Dr. Cackle, of Boston, the eminent lieu rhomist, sfbir a profituud study of the filliji-i't, lets suggivtiol the addition to the diutof proper KO)Hirt ion of itulphur and Ivceriiie, ami Mrdicts thatour aot-es sill tlieu Is saann-d. The school look also to the cultivation of the fe4,ite voice up to the Ktn-ui;lh and cosrHeneaa of the mali-M. t 'rovi iu hhiMiln have lieen itab-hulii-d all over Nrw Kiihuid, and now it i s ci'tniiiou Ihiug lliere tor heus lo crow as ncirely and lilLily ss roosters. "The other miiiail Ihcalcd tile Negative Siliiml, or lli- K.i:ietst fur upprcs-iion or r-tfU. !"ld lirrc, Also, we hsve uielvtitil nialketl nicri-a, ao tiiiieli i. thai lie pro dutiion of ea by the lutlive Ni-w Kn laml lit n Ima Ixvm rcdiH iil frvm what it was formerly, in the ratloif cl;;hl lo Iho-e; thai is to soy, thai alif-re an iinciillivao-d In n in old tiritis llMt-d (o lay eighf cgN u vell i-diicat'i'l Inn of tlii- prvMent iiay only l.ivs lliree, and -im- diwi n't lay Im-iii unlike .-he clowMtS. b idles, ftiat is what 1 c;lll the liturt li of inlelhcl. It U Plinonlli It-m U' kint; t lit: t.iiiinli llioi Hi- rcat M;tilt aliaki lull-. IfVti ii Oil illiprollllj at, ,ti- li til miii ilnp la) al bigclhcr, aiid lle-ii tlie nanler will iiavc to take it up, or ih s ud Mhhi tlie lndi ma I'ootraa, l-'iM-lun t'lnlia, KleuiLdiuis. snd other foreign bret-da ti ko-p up t!n-alia-k . And now, ladii-a, allow uie lo ivc you your lirst li-Msmi ill - cnivviug. St.iud up straight and turn your toea out, beada up, snd uecka nut to their lull i-Ucni ; now sll clap your wiua and crow mm 1 d And there srisw such an iiiicnrthlv sm uuneuly screech and veil, that, tlie rooster. wlin was behind the barn and wondering what bad iMs-ome ot ln liena, ril-licd trail tieally U the siail, aiitl them he. Iiehcld Hit long legged intniderNclaipin their winn sud crowiuir st t he bin ol their bents. II tnsile one apriug at the orator of the day. caught bel liy Die couth ami dui; hH-iMiri into her side, iiitdn-d her oyer ami toii-iel el Ins to aiieh a decree llctt she hardly hail ellollelt leatllera lell to cover liel haktalniiaM. Am soon aa ahe could ni-ove IhV breath and lu-r loiif;ue ?-he cried oul "Hold! Hold! Mr. lloM.-i. aru'l jo a.ihed ol voiiiacil lo U-tl a holy III that way 1 thotii'ht yon S.iiiIh m ( m-ks s f iui'iiiM for your galluntry and alLi-iiiinta. to the fau sex, and here you aie Itealitig a lady tl ileal li "Lady, indeed: cried the riawter, " didii't I he:tr you ervtttuu How was 1 Ut know that you were a la dy!., law -sure- yoo -ltrt - took -ft ke ntffi; you SMtk to nut like s caiaui ; now gel you gone, snd il I ever cut u any more of you Ioiik Icggcil Itot-ton she ntalea coming down here and presi'lung hen rights an -setting -p--eTtwfng--schoots, I'll beat yon wi'liiu an inch ol your lives; clear out! The loni leyifed desiiidaiit of the il lustrious Itiddy Hardshell, of Plymouth IO-k, aixt lii-ri-oii Htmon, tin n si nni)a red oil, ai:realllllli: si the top ol their voicca, " Kuklm I Kuklui ! t Kuklux, Klui Klux. KIhx!!" JSP CilMIDM NEW UUODHII KRDUCKD PKIC18 pkimkoue, ptrrr nkwsom'8. No. au, Ksyettevllls 8t jii i if ji, 1 1 nillK IKIKIIKK AOKH'UI.TI'RAL BXKJIK J. I V or VIKII1NIA AND S. C. Tlita ... k-Iy will hold U.i-lr next Annual fair, st ttanvllls, Virginia, eouiliienehttr on Taeailay, the atlji day ut OeUilajr, P7I, ami coultiiiiluif forlltliva. Tkr Hat of PreiiiiniiiH Ip iiiuliuially atfracUi-e anil airan-iili-nla are tieiu njile for a,larje Mini oi every unnnanu - VYM. K MOHKI.F.V, huh IS to-J -- Bcrretary rri k iiiiANiir. J.-SI llalH. fft, lrjii,lv a'MK'JI If tl'T. MIliltNAtlll 'I'AI.I. STOCK HOOTS ill) SHOES, )bov nptMXi i I..... ST THS c. i). nkAlrrr-.&- w. a:ij; XI tf NBW KAKMI.ATK !.lluyentudioi.Wfl taatr.!, id Wort-tvtlle; ? V. rsliwbsl July Hit, liVI, No II7.1IM ) I it mutf Itaa Ut to tea to lie at"-eiTited. G iuT't-oulhlellt that all w-tit MSt tfc ft ill luiffc,- dial il i (he very llii K Why 1. i-eesniall Isaii easll.uaiJii, L II will WI so lone. , J. It- has-lw lieaMtu tar lylsjaMSTtil eanHot be sLrui-a bv ssom tiuiai 4. It liaa two SM.of tt(iOiiiif - both tguod. V. It is ilouUly set sn-il slisiV,aliilt to-, li ft lta Ute ft k iml Of a lalch. ' Now sll of lite slaive I clsiiu btr nir irlit,; : and la-t of all U will only eoat, l-weu Ute itaWTial to Bulk it statu 'M to -to ivHtH, .aad there Is nothing staiut- it Utst every man has mtv on sis isruu , Ail.lirm Uie sahstrihrr for RUte Kludits. W. M. 8uit, itf flreen laivel Is one is! siy ajvuts tor uts esuwra eouaues or norm isntuna. x w. u. UAKI-l !."!, faU lltee. . Su17w:liuS Morrisviilo, M. C TAKUllUBLft FARaINU LAN It rog U oA I. a. On WediHtadSv., ths 4th dsv of Ort nevt. will be sold Ut the iiUrlieat tdtlOer, Uiat valu stile tract of land ou Lkk Jrek, Oak liruvs Townsliln. known ss Uw ower Isad of Mary UaUey aw ti, utuitso-lmr slamt 15 Seres. . W caali or Us euulvaleul t," twi Iw m-wiki credit, ths balance t years ; thu Wb Auost, A. u., imu i nusu, agens , foe Ut. setrs, lisvtiss, H. C. I slM, effer bit ewa laa at urivalc sal. W lt. ... .1. 'trA 1 . .aug lu-wUm - - - . ' MaToa's Orrtci - Ralrlifh N '! Jaitr tt I -.71 mil I rULLQ Vkl!U Ittwolutioaulths Board X of OauuitssUMiers Is nubtlsasa fur tna ia funaatloa of ail eoaeenwd : OnUAd. That Uts siecUo. whlrh was to Mks plana Momlav, Juas I Jtk, IS71, a tbe qWstitai of ClaUtrtift, he piaitlatneu sntll fartii Wal. ii.1lAKUllUlN, ' .1 Mayor. M. t'lVsHsa, Cferk. , . - J W It ' ... xxriiisicr! wnu(f!r ' x Y a kuls, Blswts KlIiVEKBI'WI'sDH WlllllKT. ta par cat Wh skv la Ilia Utv ttiw tial. ts, t, alaitN ACil. aly ! Is WI AK( TO-DAT reostvloc one haadred Bids "AahlstKl." "Pslapseo," "Vi'sk-h," sa B-uia Mills rieor pet ap hi sigato, fus ler half sad whole barrels , . aug u K , .. Wt U IKOjf 4C! 4 Co, j. T, l,wi M , ' ! ' sii"ll W."vljfKCAt:H Q1MUINK H. sua: levtf il Roe HTritiKii for sals hy W. C. SI KDN ALU at Co. SKkKi ' ' Ua YAI. HMINII Pliallliaa. OantR H-a 'asiti " ' no. W. C. HTItiiNACfl A Co, . su itf T'NKJH MOKI1AN A 'HI IMS' t8a)otto.' ( li ii IK sug I tt Ut Boies Toilet Kor.K w. o. rtios.4gM a (,o MIMl E-S, au4 iqs-rlur HhkIIsI MimUrd suK IS'f W. C eTKONAC'll C I, ) , C AMKd Uov.- I tyaters. JL ) w. c. arms .u: it oo. ailK Itf :j()0 B)X EH Osuned (Jo-il ti. T. 8 1 IIOfiACU. JUJ N aui! It 1 . K W B O OK . TUB AM. Kb IN TH l;Ul!l, A I1KA L'TJKL'L POKM" sr K li IV i t W . FlILLtH. K J II, i a .v Sua, Pi auxiisKs, N V, lUii-l-oiie I) lioiiiul I'rii i- f I ul I'rii i- f I A fault- al tlit- Hii"ton: of ALKUfcO VMbLlAMd. u 111 if M KMU1K .IK THE Krv . S t III IL B. MrPIIb'ETKUS, II. D. lii-.v. John H. (!k.vstv. I'liH K I'Iih vtiN-irial of a iiohle insii and elii-iil'ian niM.ii.;, r fa unlive of Kahluli) can ta- liail al tie li. ik.loreu( aut- iii if a .Viced wi 1.1.1 Nftf. I KII ASH COAI. ! I it ijll Tim ln-iil iiictltlv Orate Moalolirect tmiii t'lillul.-llila lor Halv ill km irii-t. K 17 tf 1MI lii.Atf I1KI.I.. ALUABI.K lUiAI. ESTATE A house sad lot eontatltn two Srn- ,it Halifax BArset, now oe -d V'-B''v. Dr. w ..mi, Turius eaajr. This hi veryiialuahl itriiiwi-ly. Apply to KKVP P. BATTI.K, Jitrt B. BA-HiliKUrR. ar W'H K. ANUKMMON, sugSl-lin ... .j " 1S40, 1870, pai kiixi:r. This cilhratMl itMtllclne hwi won a 4eer- rmllj iiitcti wifuUlio -tm m ttcTratnr of pAt vnI a rrvr of iit-AJth. U hu lecorae boum huld n-iutMly, from the fact that it give liufoietliaU- mid permanent relief. It U a pa re ly vt'iri' table prftiratton, niade frotn tlie best auJ pureAt BiateriaJ, Mfe to keep ftad to in every family. It in recuuinieDded by phyal i ititiM ttiul jwrrttmA ot all elattiie, aud lo dtty, after a pultlit- trial of tblrty yearn the avr ate life f matt It stantbi unhvulled add ua celled, preailin IU ustefuliieM over tbe wide i ltl. lU litrL'c and inrreaMlnir Male ailonla ptmitive eviiWitre of iU enduring; fiMiie. I'lm umi tteeroiu(uiiy uacll Doitle. M-ld ly all liruiHU. I'ekki Uavi A ?W"J. Providence. R I.. Mautifaeturi-nt and r'niprirtorn. an;. 5 Uu N" TICK. ItuviliaT fiimliftttt tliin dav aeeorJIni?- to luw n RieeiiUsr of the lat will add tV ftldiueul of Hi. bite Alfrl4. rI1iiupHm, 1 hen;ly jfive notit e ti a I creiiiUirm of the estate Ut urvaeiit their elairti fvritptrly prown at r tx-ftira 2Hth day of Juite, 1H7J, or thin imtit e will be pttub d tu imr oi uiAir recovery. i-nurti me eUte will (le-ae make iiniiKtli tU tHtvnifiit JUII ili. VVlUsl..MSlCxe.-utfr. july ww Kuit 14I1, N C. j J DKRAUI HURRAH! H!R1AU I tiKKAT XeiTram4NT..llA(JI.N'fl At (Jonier of Morgan ami Dawmin rtln-i-la. ljiMlalle Maaonil- Hall. Itooila Kiiin eliini -m ever la-lorv I 1 Lake trn-al ilUalll, in infor litsr Ilia i-iti n of Kali It'll and l.iililli- I'euerallv. that I llan- jilal ri,i-l,,-, a full uinl wall rt-li-i leil k of lii-iii-erii-d. i-niiMi-iliiur of Kai-011. Ijod. rtotir, ,Mi-ai. Molaam-w. IMnrar. Cullix-. fenia-r. Sle-, Iraa; 1 Itrtaei'O, lllln, Biida, 8U0-I1 Salt, 1 aiidlea, I'anilli'a, ttoap, t'om, ButU-r tfa, Clilrkeua. and in faet uvervthiliif uli ally kept in anno i-laan roi:iTy. tiivu me a eall la-liiri1 ptiri-hasuu; elaewuen-, ayut If i-iuiiiiu'i-d that wtiat. I miv la tiur. 1 sell lit v i;i"kU at Uie lusi-al laiaititi-rat.a j iU(! Ilftf JOHN W HliOWN.' Stl.E. V liy v n ine of U11! la am-. riHitatned li, Iht- deed of uiorltnii;!' exeeuted, tty M . Ki-lly and t atht-rnw . Kelly Ul Uie People'a ButllliltK sud Loss Aaaneiation, on the S7llt nay 01 .tutfiiM uiere will lie mild at th' tvourt ltiu tn 1U0 elly of Kali ili. half sn sere of ground, sitniitt In the aulmrlisiif Uio "ty of Kalriitli, eaat of the Kair (O.m.ija, aojiuiiiu on- laiuiaol Alia t. IV. llun-ti, O. L. Bur, h, and I hoa J, ukiua, on 1 uiusday Utu ony nay ui Dept., lil. at 1:J o l-UH-k 111 f cruta casu- . ,.. (HAf; I eer'y i'lattile'sUaililhic and Umisi. t. row us, imju .Vasocisliisi. Attiuii y. uujy.Jatia..i . . ri. Biti:ation wan fht, . . Aa ,,usekia-r or Matron, by a wldm Isdy who has slwsya taaii wx-uaUniHitt to re flnen sirMf. She has two small eltUdren llaiyal lo eillliate and yniuKLvreturtstskv itrarj Itf tile TfiiariHiia l'aiiinieut lu S uonen or seminary in a In a!lu liaslity. . Slifaetory rcfiixon. .given and n-.iuiri-d I Address MISS MMKlWLf , wt3-U Box igM, Kali iiih. N. C. w 1- - LODGE 'a - i'i . f TIM t SHEET-ilM-l'-r:? I Alai nifac tory ! , isTsausuin IKS.) -y J Is still rotilliiu. d at Uie old jUud, Wootkn Bdw, weal side fsyetteville Struet. Keep os laotil sll kluda ef 7 in ami HlkaUnm Mare. (W iS(, lUrUr ismrl Opn Hollow Wsr, I'm an lllass rVnitCsns snd Jsra, Jsutnial (Jtiamlxsr SeU, ami Kitehee Farn shine; fiouds, HaUthia: sad Hip Tubs, Blnlfsires, leeCresai j eiKte asp aounso, wasaasrsa. ; i KJ. B MWwBK. We-s-sJw Bast Uue twa STUCK rilRSALK. . K. st Huota kaa at th' StaMaa wt M iMiaa A Mm . a tws knf SI ulna aJ Hm thst k wilf sell rhmp ii wW .! inain st Ute a awes saUl rrMsv ssaraiisr. an sB narsMBS onalrisv le parehss a (and Hon or Mai woe' So weU 1st call oa hoa betwes sw sa Utst Ittn. FOHS t. PRAT'S ( uustesl sad Matlieatatkal School. t4 idles li K. sal of Balesrti-loesUua very healthy, 't he sotA w-saHm eoittttieueesuii Isr (4i T da.Vof liVitenilv, IBT. (ur tilrt-au. couiatuUor terass, sw , . Address, . 1 joiurl. nir. or A T. stIAL, U KsMsu. Ji. C. , july U dJuwtw lUlswiwJi oiriiH. GovmL Jars. Lanlrs snif RiA. aagt-ti i . li. T. STaOXACH. itv nui llitf iAiuii utiuriisit. m An .rfirrr H'bolcsulc Hsio nansirHCtiircrs, ") TIIM AST.l.ft, N. 4 . Kifbiry Knlsrfrrl. Iireally tncreanetl PrtHluctlei- i- I -iri-al rifducliim, W'bol-:al' !r llirat t'srfc-tv ot Ne ..mi Kj.- ,-. U-KeSHn k of tlrnll'Uu V, . Nu auoddy UouUs. Kvary.Mlor U ., Vi-reh nils scutl for Circular sud Pi n July al Hi j, ( r! Ktylm taule-ii, t- L-lat. JkKW (iOOIIH. 'AWfhrp'idy of ItRilWN DCci BACKS, VEalH, AMU I'ANTll, manufactured ttierially for lart ihi-ft. J ual re-i'lved st K B ANDREWS A To July litf ( ll'TTINli KMViji. niitli-niitnilriiaiiiM-it rtiiiu'li- Bladia! Knives. iv i iiiiiui -ii m ntteiiU-s - no. Mitu-lain-d ci---hrat'-il ProM't1i-r i nllliitj Ma t-tiiiu-a. all nix. n, from H to 111 ini-bi-a anil Uu fatimu t'iiN r ,-tri(i tlttUi, i-ontantly in utort at E inie in Hall. JAVIKfl M TOW I.KH, aihr 17 tf A't f-r M.iiiufa,.-ture-t n i H e v o r it blKB IN TUB ' NATION A I, OF mY YORK," . ': - ANIl rot a . - U .-O V S K ' ..r"ii of BIUKLN.' I X IOKILAH BKI.I, InaunuH-e Agent. au 17 tf .I'1.I.KTS! MULLETS!! ilA Kr Kresb Mullela reeeiveil ilailv. Ktls fr.-.h Maekeiei i.1 n iviia uew aiai an si. 1-1. autt 12 f ft T. UTKONACH NEW COMPLETE MUSIC STORE. KATETTKV1LLK 8THEET, (Orsasusn's old Stand) R1LEIGH, 1. f . 1IANSJ0FTHE WKl.l. -KNOWN MANU rsiSsssw Kaawa st A'ia, sad Behsirc A Ki.ix ' Aa t't the eteelleiu-e of llieae inatniineiits, lliere i si-si-sly sav ueeeaailv Ui asy suyttillu; : tif rrpnUtli it 11 A. limit J'ittmm in ua inttUi tllUNlrati-U tlatalisruea sud frii-c Lists sent ou applieatiou n IlEl'OT OK FOUKIIIN AND AMEHI t'AN SI1KET MIS1C, limtnu-tom for Piano, arcordi au, FIUoae N'iolin, liiiilar, HiniiiK, sir,, .-U ,1ii.ii-n irfr'ii"i ..7 i, .. .mh sp - Kluli K'fea, V'iol.iua, tluil-irii, t'tiit.A, Aii-orili tiaa. t-'oori-rtiua, Uatijoil, Tain' tie., ete. Violin-. Vi..l. ll('t'IU rtlltl !ltii '! . ,1 beat iiiality. a trn ut httM-k of Kli.'"t Vi"i " id, a orders wilt Us pnmiuilv attend' rhae addrt'M, lKOK A i ilriiE. Ri TKliA- 0 S Vt Hi K.a Kvtrs olive Beat Kiitieti Muniii ,V iSona' I i-utiiry do. lli-lu-y Wrk-li's Jiilutrv Koapi,, No. I," do I'oluaU- A On. 'a I,nuni1rv do. dlllilh A t'arlst, Chemical ' III Kline. . ins I" tf W. c. STKONAC'II A Co ii. MALcm, : ATTORNEY AT LAW,- MAKION, N. C. ! fKoHMWRi.r or I.knoik. , Will prai tire in Ihe llllh and tlth Dirtrleta. and ui uu: t'lillil fttales court,!, iiccial at alUuin irivi-ti to Uu- arif uinuut of eaaes in tlie auiireiiie court at Kstus;ti. teti Udnni (IK KRWAKIV - CiO t will psr the .urn of Tweulv-five uouara, sun skk no iiueauisia ; rr IJitt return ' i oet uuevy llanieea. a anr Lines, il Blind 9' klle. 1 Ma.ldle. llridle and UlankeL takan ft om niy BUI'Iik uu Uie ukillt of tlie 11th Inst, 144. s. ..A..i;..BAJIIKBe. JL'ST KKI'EIVEn. l'sslaaly t'.nlily Klour, KatrsC.Aui:ar, -t-tnfh and Te," JSidsnd Bsiiua, Moktsatat, Fresh Butter, ' Orsatriw, - Coconuts, - I sail a.., ice. , ew. At. l. IIAKKIbOVb. r Kt-tf KTKW STOCK If SPLENDID j- VjAXt) ,li'0UTKi i 1 f Jumi'S I'lrsAiin, reapee'fnll Inf .rm the putilk-, that In- ha.-, oi-detyd fiiiui Uislireat Vnlon t'oniiatny of )ew forks new idoek of riaiiiw aim h sill a tioae laeverv laMntor t ts-liew-e snyliiinit ti-st hat yet tteea eaVred. Ue- ImHti use reaotiteea of Uio sbore nsmed Slsiiliiihuti;nt being sueh ss Ut enable Utetn at Visee betoni tlie pniifle sn aruels that csn not lie snrawwil If ennaled bv snv salaliliah ssent hi lbs I'nlted mates, and st irr stlv re- iauee pra-ea. rersons wno sre auooi pur disaiiun rtnt Vsvts. will Had Hto Uu-ir la tsrast lo wait Uie srrlral, (oae or wbhb lots asrssay arnva,)oI UMasapartor la.Uiuaenta. nefurs psrchssinir rlsiiw&era. The Conirayny ww juaa Hovtat husv astr isasaiia new s ae- trv. la Muri arts Uses have Sails in 1 aaar. 5K-k has been the Irani en aa demand fur ttu-ir wlsr inatranemt. Mr. V. leaves fur New s-k In day or tw. tv sstsct biS'sloek snd will send l beta haatedtsUJv as. Win Rouias ebnwr of UaixcU .sitd BsUsbary Strsets, Ksl OKI, la C tt i A BtV (I A BAT HOME, statu t tesnsvra old In InUs. aow i-ooa order, lIt bind loot Waits, blsek sssa and tsll, bare footed all roaad, was taken Bp la wy psaatstioa Bear Kalearh ua naiardav eveainc lbs ISkh Ass sat. On Mon day IMaaaaduaSHWssaUlawssfoaad where iv had see hidden, rluss bv where tbe bone at sappused a aava bsea tarasd Htusa. 1 it ban waa an tdonUy stotea, aad tb sa saa retwrer his pnaastl bv psvnur psusca, 4te. . .,. j i iusk w. .. BKHBT MOKDBCAI. TTOOSB fl'RNWnjNO BARDWAK IN A a. eaoiess ransu. ' 9 ta,4SjOTM. ItKW AUMaEB AND EAKLT fALL PRINTS. t HEf BTYt-kV ClilH.NnNSauil 4WI TChC-l, - faade. of liurn ihread lomeUitSsareettirl new sod slinost equal in ''t' ' Ui Ml' M A N II A IK. flloK.1 A Sll liAITRItlt. ruli rit-i k ah-l Vrrh New Ay lea TUB liAITKK, NKWPliBT Bl't.'K SKIN BAKATlMIA WALKINti SllOlf. WHITE MAKCELI.K8 KKINliES. ttur sUa-k will Ik- kept full aniK'oiiij4-U Kit mil In- sotrt tiiw-Urmlt the Uuies, su((7U W. II A K. B Ti l Rt'.K t-'Q. J 1ST KKt'KIVKU!! At W II K S Wlilu- Klnia-it ll.Ut- Tsi ker fo.'a JII I it iK-r yard. july III If 0' ItiHlKS Iti it till I 7 J. V. H. NASH, IVterNiiiin:. We will eir vnali, or will eXt ltaii;-for itlu a I.w .irttl Mi&eellttiirouft old and rteoiid Mini i cash nucEsS will h,. p!lid for .Home t 'ON KKIKUATK IM'H l.h-ATHN.S. and for BurkoV Virirti.ia, m I tun I for ull I sol-, HMltrrt, Ki-rein; !. ltv frlf)', l Hatr"a or Kott" 'a Va , -I- deron'i J. ...... U.. ..-i .t.-l. - Bllsyss.t lilt vit.-n, n km uis"ii . 'T,'t" ift-r! tKKloiri-al HepotU, iriniiy'it ViminU t.tivrtttioii, !7T ; Hainor Not. on 'irtjiHia. VV'tt' iihmiUiV Vttir, Joite' V irtititi . a l. r rt-n'n Viitiinia Willi iiiup, UhUk k r Vitiiim, U-ah A Ka- U'-V VieuiiiM. H.irtt"IU'e Virginia, (for Hit folio t-'hltoti of whitli, in KiiifliwK, J.Vl(i will k- jMidj WilUmu Vliixa Iriuui han V ASIIINsiT N S .H l UN A Is, 'riuttd ul Willi tisl.'ur;; lassWi" l LAW I ('all 1 n i vol ; llli vli Im1Imi VMratli -t Vii- ttt in J vio , Klni-i - V4. I, i or H , U.'OiU lrL 1 -tt, i i a i -kdi). IMijenl - v.. J volt , 'i .aw J,ir-i; 'r 'i Villi lajtilA Mlhittii ; (iiiitr.n 'I (irk it i I'lMHHl Korum, v. AUii i- tf yun tv-r-y KttlillMMl'f J V H. NA.I H y, u o M j w 2 O a e j-1 s ft S S & t-1 as o W S C-L4 I 1 Kfis, 2t w o o DEBATF.S IN CONVRNTION OK IKti. I have a few eopies lef t of Uire vslu side old lliuika. very csndidate snd canvaseria- or itiniuV f"t i iiuiiii aiioinii nave s copy Bend soon ! Price ir mail 'j.5li if. A JONES, BookseUer, J"'? 1 tf KaleiKh, N. 0. QEI.I.I.Ni;(itM)D8IS0U Q We never fail. Vw l" - A. ti 8 KOCCUfATION 8ANDEK8 Co. OIR8TO KWLAKHKANDCOMPI.ETE and we are deteriuinud to sell by ollerilui good GiMMta at Uie Ipwrat. priees. riu.Miioea, rKrrx newsom. ; Juus'JW tl It- W. V MAU.ETT. LATE OF ci,u,.i rim ..a- i.i. . i ... . . i. ,ii,i, tint-IB inn iiruiuaaiunfli lu'rvii-.iii ui (lie c itizeiia nf Kii.silli, and vicinity. Oltiee, for Uie present, st his residence tn the Audrcwa' House, ou Hillaboro' Btrect. j sui; lo--iiu jMOTTON 0IN8. I COTTON 0IN8L ' MILL OEAHISO, I MILLSTONES, , SAW MILL tiEAIiINn , I sm sirest (or Brows', fleortia anil Anllett's iteil Briii-li liius. Any orders almll hilve my iinH attenHmir ftfiiiraiid piircnsae. Blade of Mill Stones, Oesrinir, Saw, tc. ; sug tf l; f. BTKDNAC'H. IM I'OKTAMT SALE OJXITY I'BW'KKT? 1 Pursuant to a decree made In the Court of Frohatu of Wake county, approved by hit Honor the Jmlui- of UieUixlii Judicial District, in s case stiereltiiJau. W. hack, Jii'r. da., pliiliitlir.'aiid iim '. ttuVwasosi ad allien are l!'l'Himtr. 1 sliailprutaaid ott Than' ihvy the 1th day of Si pieuiuer neit, st Uis Couit llouie iliior lu the nty of Halcrh, o sell at pttlilir aneiion inat vaitntiiie Hit lu um city ot Kal tiirh, knows as 'he "WilliaiiiMiu Lot" .. - i Bald -fiat Is luutleil lu tbe Ksatsrn Ward, uu (lis South srtto Of 1 Hi Vic Ut.. near Uu Mil In, Hat CliupeJ, shd c4tiiUiiua two snd s tisli scrta IS ore or K-aa. II will tie sold hi isle or SB llan-i-la to auit purchasers. There Is on its uonn rrwnimiriionae wnn an Ui unaan qtilliullduiKt Tliose dealrisK tu psrehsse will itr. w II t-t examine Uie oriua-rtv before Uie Vy of sale. J. W. Buck will take pleasure i leisinic Uis premises to thus who dosir to tsu. lite uuu l. unquestioned. , Teniut uiaile knowu ou day of sale. JAMES W. BtlClC, Cnrutov af Mary Williamson, duceased. snilSSUwtd - . ri f 1111 dJ of sal, aad stnd bill to uimuee pusuee. "y 7" ALU ABLE CITT RESIDENCE FOR V SAtiS. i On of the most eletlhle mddrnces hi Ue city ef Ksleura. Ths anderal W l. anvntinsen to sen privately oa luiwn the dwellimr hoase snd lot oa tb NotUi oast comer ot VfUniineton sad Falentoa .tresis adjscent to the Capital Mmbst aad N.irth of Ute Episcopal CUureit, knows s the "Jlsy wood" Lot, WM. B. ANDERSON, . --a iimiiii - jHacBfli-rttt71""nf ACRES LAND M i , . , ' for sale a small tract df Land as Millbnto ob the K. A ti. Ksilruad. , v - XVTTTFw) lit era I K IT tf DOUOLA8 BEIX.X JyiVTiaoN COLUUE, M.sA lU next term will betrd Mentewthea 9 lm AiiHital eoilt'u'iaLa aia-naea fross lm o I 'iil Ftwralakvne. or other hi forma I tow annlv 14 Kav. CUAKLES PHItUPB, D. I , - - vwra oi rsenlly. BUTINt, BATE Of BASK JtOy KjLUs-4a hHttltttJtaj, 4HBIJ't)iit, Bank tif N. C " ( ttAVlwLUv W .ideatMvro' , VV liming iu ( , . . LJ. . , Kn tarn.'.. .'.T..... " 1 lltMUOr-Vlik; ' lirtslilU " 1 (jntiTUtn ' N C. ' 4 "lllllHfTC. , " K iytiu-,illt! l iwtii uie M'TehaiiUi' hrtiik of Nowtrii .V riirmer1' hun It of UrwimtMKxi Minerh' aud PlaiiU-ra' Btuk..., i stuttnule l ...lueien-uu Hank vJ-ttjSiiilimt,, ... ,T l a ViiKans Bssk MuUs aienve abest. ''I t uukusruisuj" ..... At . c. K. It. stock. . ; "'Vi ' We bit) and sell st lilsjral iii.'.-';r?! (JiUer, North Catuiuta B.Ht.l Ltuwi' """- "ite-r raantetasse sbleka ' ' trdtrs (ut ttsui MoUis UdeUlraMs.' hoblers u( Bsnks wUI wlU reeoivs i.T U-iitioH. t"! bstiiraefeezswas usebswot BsbkM Ac., a ill tn- iiude ou tlie dav rm- luick oa New ork , BatiuaAM. I?1' dan-y, aa di-nired. UK- and f ire Iiuursiiee Pulich aui A'aai I iauiantes,altaialrstsa. star 10 .'an to Tn WATtklN'd uAt-Ukl tut Vt It " J auriata. autOil.- Ue- I'liot'-uioU linu ever laade la k.iT.. Ili.-y Uik-lku hoi iuke, evorytaall ih- m, l liev sre not ulv the ia.T ........ . ... Mle alJ m. kl'iu a-itlic o. Ut' tiuc.l ou Cakati I link. -ir. no Icvi-r cxinbikal ill this maw. Ijlll ami . Uicui." byii UK ii ll UK. A.4..1AUU, 'l.T AaiTsv lnTsn:tAaor IsrtsTs,mj CKITV Iloal-ITAl.'S, NSW YoKSC'lrT ' Otter, hi- pro'feaahmal aervtees to UwrW clia .if 4talvuh auil ililliity. Knots lt "S Exili.inite IfoU-l .mil from I Ui il p su M tfiu Ollku hours, Utu U a T LHi a nuw XII tE. Prouousied li y C tt a aoisss - I II K-o.ttY CaU eAl'CK.' It iiui ailt UU- Slid duxer'.tuli, s (favor. adlti unrivaled ,,r t . an tlliu ii-d hv Meanra. l.kt Jr sva HIMd lo pro-rtif-nU: ail jairLua taakiae ur ns4-i-i 'Uillerfeila. JkiiN UL'MCAN'o BXNH, Ant's. " suk 1.1 ,Hau.itw JiTwrr" The ltriilal tbitmM'. ENSAIS FOU YOC0 IKS, o. (.UKAT Sih;IAL ICvlT-a AND AKt'Kts. nmih InU-rbTe wiUt MAKRLAUB, wlfltas.. umaiia of relli-t for the ki-riui' and t'Dfurtss- aut dua-said and deialttated. Beat hi wstsw letter enveioiN-a, free of cltarlfe. Addreaa, HoWAKII BAN1TAKT All! If, aociA'l ION, No. a, BouUl Niutk BL, filliA- irisi.i n i ., ra ' - may l. BATCHEIiOH'8 HJtIB VYB Tins apleudiil Hsir Dye is lbs bast hi It world. Harmless, reliable, iuslentantxses, aocs not 'contain' tesit, not siiy vitsOe pols ' is' prialuce jwralysie or death. Avusd Ute naastd aoj delusive preparaUoat hossthuc virtassUsw du ntt possess. The yeuuius ot W. A. BsteV lor' .Hair lye ass iutd UU ears' - ttatsrsiskwi rt putsUonto uphold Its loleghtj ss the tatif perleel llsir uye ttlsck or BrowL Bald by all DroiritlaU. Appfy st 1 Bond St., N. Ii BOViSi-dlj ,,,,rl K W ( OO lTsT New supply of SEASONABLE UOODS, tiosftkl tn the lsst ten dsys. Every department replroisued ; FU81I NEW AND WOOD. W. H. A R 8. TUCKEB A CO. SUK'iAf c torroN si- kd O I L. A agent for tbe Oil MI'I located l rlkb city, i sin prepared to furnish COTTON 8EEI0IL to the Trade ; or st retail. Cotton -d oil la an eicellent SBbstltutefor LhlHced Oil, at leas lliau half Uie cost; ' JUUIS LEWIS, july d tf Kalelgh, N.C. OEHT KOCKLAND LIME. ' J ) freiili liiitat. A Isnrs lot on bias, tut sale cheap ou consignment auK ti ,A;0. LEE A Co. fpilE CELEBRATED KUKLUX SMOKING TOBACT'O. A large bit off. nil for Uts II rat 11 ute Is this market. liiKxl ss Uie best, Call sud try sV , lu i)iisrter lb. atcksfrua. A G. LLE A Cft Z- suis" U TMI1 lalial FORT AST LAND SALB. . 1 Ou Frnlav Uie 1st ilav of SeiitenibevM't.; shall sell al pitblib sucUtm .on tbe preniiass. . tliat vslusMe lloum and tot where 1 bow w iit lu the i Itv uf Kali-ljrli, ou Ncwlasru StnaS. ; Thu let eonutina llvu I5i aen-s with s bandsisss dwelling, containing ait buys and slsessl , fooiiia with S K'atd 1tlteti,nof four roOMia, S , Auw Krocry house oil Uie l it, amoks biavs , Slsbloa, ft. There sre si ver'al lisudaoiiK buikl kiir lnU oil ills prciilUes Ihat uilL'lit besoM,'- ?' desired for s (food price, a ajileudcd sstu a , nd oicellcnt fruit trees sith a well ofwster iii (lie yard Inferior to none In the city. Tbl; k oUe of Uic moat nleaaant. healthv snd deslr- lile tuts In the city, and In good snd inlat Scijiiiitiiruooa, and could not be boinrht U t wa not comia-lli-d to selL It must irofurwhst , s. will brliat withuut reserve. ,, i t eriiu, aisiai, juiuwa Jta Utstlsy,-Iltsssts. . kill take place at 15 o'clock (ui.) aug i w 4U11S SSI., "ft JAIKNT BALANCES. f Larire stock fro 100 to tSQO lbs., fur sl ucs(ier tltsn ever. - it sug UrU . , - T. a BRIuUB. Tax ffiyrgK-.--1 'i , The tsx list for the year INTI, hsvhsr been placed in my hands forrullecUan, I w 1 tto st niy onlc la Uie IXairt Hoase fross day tti-dini until fnrtber notice, for the parpuss st dolhaltimr I l.a ... . er T. T. LEE. 8h!E' 1 snnlfrd2w HOARDING HOUSE. J Geo. & Baker bavin takes th BoM i lely kept bv Mr a. 11. W. Miller, esa aceias- t ttklsleboUl eruisiieut sitd uwniiient hosoier Tea or twelve mrmbars ol the'Leiitslsni asn lis funiialted with board, lodging, fast sad ;htastfUuurweesV jdatsV-tf : BaX)... AlK, ',.', IT1L1U QCKm WARRANTED PUKf, UIVK8, BEE FEEDERS, Jtc ! Bend forClfcntsr " v I Juiw 17 tf B. J. PECK, Linden, Itx. IVOCKINOHAV Bheetljig, heavy. wWU V sud smooth, inferior to bub: LrB'J'a btirr Cnsw'Cbewing Tobacco, proaoanced IBs neat tn lbs city. ,. ; uiy IM-tf A ' . "' A 0. LKB A C- twr PlcJ4s to iit IvtrOes, will ' K.r. BjPlNHAiri ' . Haw Tcarua. i - f WATER . WHEEL. IllBotrstad rVaerlntlaw Wsmnblet Sad Fries 1 M.T ut Is.'i. acssV tass Jay JL . BLa SA-i v.., i'sss'a. . ii :..-. -.- " 4 disssisMlw so "i" ''. ' ftUHB'l A. Bt Whiskv its !r vr r - - - Blthn Htlver 8)ainrl sad Boarst" Kwuaataasd imuw, forssleny 'j .... 'i' a; ' i ?-.., j "rj- i V Ci:".:'M", f; ''.ji "W? tl. ' tt s-1 (ltvlitsd. - doubtful ,-; , ,''., 1un7-t( U. T. BltONAvH. i .-..A- y - july-U JCUUBLKW1B.