VOL VII. flailir' Irnliiifl.: j7sil TUJIKl," Jr., Idilor. U AdvertUwtaeuUi will be ineertrd in Ui Dtiut gejrrtt.l the following rate. Asyaunwltl , he hereafter estimated at WMni Hoes, or 1 . - " i One enaare on time II. 8U " rw b vutieeuuenl ItiaerUon JaJhmi Seek., ; , ' garb addilloual eonere oue week. .... !f t .me square two. week. . . . .. ftftj , Rack aSdluouel eqware two weeka., . , 3.11 Uu iuar urn woulh S i' garb evldttloaal aquar ou month . . . S.tk One square two luoltlba ' 1 J.Of . hack eOdltieaatl " .............. liUII . tbie Muxr three mouth 14 Un kWaridVUitIUirt'e'' T0U. tree ejoarter-eoturan ., 9S0n ua hati column :a.ix' unr ootuaua ' ' " . 1WI i AdvetUaemeitMliieerb.-,! In Weekly and SojuI Weekly el Mm eorreajanidm; wiUi Uie above Court edveruerutcntt: lnaeried week for eaxii or tlUU charged. J utlN AKMBlMUMt. ; KOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN UFACTIRKK. ovbb til son axaounx, Booxaroaa, RALEIGH, M. J. Trial, Eieculiorr, Mwutee aud Record In. Ductal uutde to ordw.' ; ; Monti Carolina Report aud other La goo, bound in stliri.r Law Biuuuw. Miaem uuuilarre ul the Kjiocit wnupllsakl UU OUU UHIUWII MSGU Ul JUUMM( iUf O.UU lug. nee I, ltWt-tf Orrua Atlamtiu, MiaataaiPti ink Ohio, ' Ka'I.HOAII I tHRI'XNt, 8ttl;rn.4lB XflviaHlkv fmauunii; V., June let, IH7I. i EXCtlXlbX Tll'im TO mm, LINK ATLANTIC, MISSISSIPPI AND OH W KAll.hO.xu. ON aud after Uila data. Excursion Tickets good to return UiiUiJUUl tt pie moor, aul oa sold aa follow: t'euiisour: to liyingr'a Spring , 110 iii lkllniuiK W All. .. lot llrlia- : araia-tnK',! U UU Tel. raout Lu Big Tntllirl, (for tlont- ii wint. , j n PrU-niiiurx to iiiiinUantt'tirif, for If el- w ttal4iur Bih-iui ,. .:liliu a.. A. IMXIDWYN, at. T., jum to-UoiJU B..utliulo liivwiou. PROrEsUOK 1UCK8' (itrnl DrttrHtMv Htl Rewtdjf Fluid, Warraiildd Ui VIII all kind of Troubleaome luaucutf auuti aa I BaU BlkiS, Ifl.KA, UCK, A NTtt,rUK8,Ac. Tlie boat rmanly fur all ktaida of ttkiu DhMuuwa, audi aa Iu4, IVtlura, Kum wona, iaaku IMUM, MUlitfa rrow lnat.ota lirouud lai-li in lai-l, all kiadw f Ponw, Ac-be- and Paltw, a. aid... numa, una, rnMl-bllUii Peul, tloul, hla, ralfluiMl lhafaaail HuratM. bruiae. . V.i:iicliia, tH.nus 'vnlajna, A. fritu, 1 OA. OOIU3, UU CI., 4 Ul, f 1. PROr-KSMOR HICKS INTKKNAL TVV'WK UNU, xV UiaawTHina. For Aetna, Palaa, Colic, oicm lUortma. UyapetHila, Aathma, Ciutftia,. Uuld, ttura lliroal aud (MlariMl Pallia, Uk,. lurua Ulttoa Uay, ouv toaaimoul ul lu a lllltr aatur ami tuar, aod udawr II mir.ua ry a or luutuaati ao!4 a bula to Uw UmiUi, aud nil. Uw outward oarw of Uw taut lu lia full aluui-la. TUa aaun reiuwly will rune Uh otradai'll lijr baUlltMX " wvlL 4'rloa, aw eta. mi at. boiua. . PKUFE&KB I11C'1.1KK KKNKWAU far Dtaaaana of Mm Wonili, KUIiwy, Wiiftat IHawiaa l Uta UmauraltvaUrgaaa. . iHMomtttta. 41 PiHawb U, H bufoiaaacL awai Price, ordiaarjt alau, oU aU. wr box. PKOf. HICKS' KKNil or CHILLS, " ' ntvaka lll, Kenewa tbe Mood ami kIvoi -Wa the uodBreli!,...,. of KaWtAAWakt roilDtf, S, t'.,lewUI) limttlw l"Te mfdlctnee wa uo fiuauoug;: sua wa w nws tmr (.milkra. aiul w have board ol Umit won Ocrlol aaariu In r'Heviu aud curiar vartou uuea, aorb aa amabow enuiuoratvu. Dr. i. Q. Bnaauiy. Neal O BroaB, . H. . ttrill, ' ' K. i. Moaa, - M Thoujaaoa, Jobs W. Paarce, : - K. t. Ovarbiu, Mia. M. Haaawy, .' - Mm. Aan Piarca, IMokaoo, .i4.) a.T.C.nww.li.S.alar'lV. H. Blair, . tj PM. MowaiU, BbrtllTF Lm, j I. i CbrialoldKra. . Campbell, 1 K.P tuuiUi, , JiuwoClial. , . lW. U. Jum. W. H. MarU., Chief I . . i V, ; Police, Boa. W. H Harrleoa, MavoT oJ Kali(b. im NorM., Wat ol fcioitioeuierioi CwwV .w...... f.- ' . M ttrwa, SberiaT f EdgeeotuLa rouoty. . I i. i. Wlia, ooliclujr. ., - l lanaoau', aWaItalot.T. 4Mai. VVaa. Marruav, Ul WtautH, (l.) tu IpuKi Moua, i. 0.V. w-1' 8 W. &ank,U. MTb.Huaa, Chorda, laaw Iboinaa, JaoKa Huutrr, Kouutalu, t If. ir Hutlkjioiiu', . (J aioeh Uaruer, ILL. U.,.M . . ..- . -. ' : : "Wiiaaiat 0ti7--irli Wlfliiif- aoa, -Ot !MauJ. alaaa- ()aoU-bia U'tmlfif ' . Aa uluiralwl Boaa-Alia towai anni" ol bu-b I iwcl. Inn IU beuu; of uoulba' aW.MBi woakl.baMaaa fbroiib marai rartal iili tiie "lui. rul lMiUm:Uva and KriuoU) Flatd." M. V'M. UMerl. . . Im ac.l by X.X prae, ebarrf. adel, ant C. O D. if pmlnrred. LelUs.(a r.mtainui( aionay may be arnt at my riidi, if aralnl in IHiawuoa of P. Jet LHwnl dedulw-ioa.be to aealtra. , AtmiU waiill in TWyfooiil and t la tb l ajlted 0UIM. Kucl.V W u fur eonndeultal e.rrulara. I euab ao charst tor vuuu isaidalba lily. All ordera proinouy aued, and aali lai'U.Mi KiianiBUwi. Addreaa, PkOr'boj4K P. M. UlCbtt, . , r- lUuiioa. M. ii., V. O. iwx 14, Tbe BwdkUmi can b oliUlued lu all Urn i. a I Conutiy buirea. tbey can aba b bad at my auVe at VH. 11. Jmtra at Co'a. (.onwiawuei Kon aa( Uta foruar ot JCayeUcTiUe and tta jaiyixnuui. . ,. ,: ... . . . ' "ITTOKLD K8HAV8. , A MONO MT BOOKS. ' TkleW xi' rtcWKliinflT pVauaint tolume of terary and Critical etketcfaaa mierwperami wlib kiwrrapbicaa Bailee and recorde ot experletMie Bad travel. The awl.ha-u are eartoaa Juiuua, The Prayer Rook, tv rue his. Theatre, Thakery, Himary, tug: with inany olbera f bileraM. The book la verv HUr, and Uie aocoud sll o bow pel.Nahli.it. .; , , IJ. Hai a a Ha. N. Y.. Publiahera. SaaaUfullr bound. Prlr1.6U Beat byaaU I vrakW-lrf t' ALFRED WILUAM8, BaxyM,, . . ktoobaaUer. 0 attorn kt at! law, ' RALEIUU, N. C , 'm Fractlrea a the Coarta of Wake, and tattle e.Wrai C'mrla, pe-.Wl aUenlem to the Tia; f ,eea m Uw rawew CoorJ of C., et.lhn'la elaiine affaiual any fc'irw of Life 'BracConipiMyn the I mu d Maiea, ad UteeaW pr.nnnLiv ui any otbwr proteaakitaxl eataeae Btlruatcd W bua. labj-tf G 1 SAND Closing-Out Salo! - r ":: DRY G OODS! 4 ! st.itg Doiuis i! WORTH OK tlllillS AT CBWTW.11BB1ICB1) V ItlCKH. In or.l.'r to irduro our etork of gonde to makr room for Hie LAIifliEfiT rT K K til FALL DRY (IIMIliS ever offered lu thit city, ' aa well a to a;et rid of the (ooda j j V I'revUiu Ui the jj EXUKCKim W 011 STORE, . r.v,- Wa afaall from tbla date offer the entire atork . n .... At.........-: (Jreatly Keilueetl Tres ' (K R KN I IKK HT.M'K OK 1IKK (1IHH adn ILL 8KI.L AUtM;T OUST. NotwiUiaUiidiiig tlie beavy ailvaice in col ton falirica, iiball oontiiiue to rell all cot- ton pioda at ( , OLD PRICES, will aril the hast IJ'v-' bleu ld Cutton la A town. ? ' We trill aril tbe Ut 111 V- Blra.ed Cotton la We will n-ll tbe best llealicd Oroa le WK WU.L ALSO i-KLLaTOLDPHK flbr er of FLANNEJ'"" nfiliaiid Ulea,- KOixlii have advaly"loie tlfaa Ciiltoa Hood Till la a KomlX poi tunlly fur per ma to liiry Uiilr Kail tyTS'h "t flantwlji Sow and auve at leaat J5 )n'eiil, . , i We call atteuUon V & if PIibc at at) cerita. W e call ntu-ntiou ef uJPbajra at den : j ' We call alien Ui to f Witbiia aimj- Wa call alteaU. to aW"." at i Wa call attmUou to o"' ' .... TTIyhvi.,, , i new Kooua we naveg'C: UK)K AT French printed Jacnnete Tjc ikIok the war. French Orejandiee at 115 centa. Tlie Ileal On;andli'a at Xi wnta Lawns at HI centa. fapanree PttpllnaattlTireiita a irreat liVy Black lron-Fraiue Berat much reduced,' t WK ALfO INVITE ATTENTION TO Onr full stork of all grade of White CoMon Hone and Linen Cambric Ilanilkarchlefa. Wer alad bare always on baud the laiveet stock of TmreliitK and Packlna; Trunks. In B word, we are determined to fltdore onr stock, and IF LOW PKICEa-wlil weU the goods Uicy wltt be sold. . DAVIi, IIRAKE Al't)., Corner Bank and Sycamore Street, marSatf , ParrausBuxu, Vx. 1871. Sprim Trade. 1871 rr.?; -v""" CROQUET. Complete seta from 3 to I'JOjier ae.t - i. . BASK BALLS. All UM different klncs (t reduced price. , Of errery deacriptlon." , , ( , - TRAYKLma BA08. for ladle and gentlemen. ( ' , , rOREIGH rANCT GOODS. GUNB AD PISTOLS OP , AXL KINWJ ANiy1 PRICES, p AMMi'kmos. ' ;-r; ,1 BPORTHMEfTB GOODS. ' Qond ablptasd to any pH of the) eomitry pereltweaa. The aalua careful attention kitcb to ordera by mail aa to rrtcea lor eat goeaai oa gold at .par. POULTNK Y, TRIMBLE A CO, ; r S0 W. BMmertBtntt, .'r-' -rv. -. bp leodlydAw BALTIMORE, MD. eT3ICUARDS01T8 I1U8H USENft, DAMA8K8, USES CAMBRIC . HAKDKERCTIEEP8, eVeT 1 We feel onmetee called oa aerahrW'AO TION CONHL'MKKM airsloal th IndisrViiui Bate) Bate of Irtah fabric made, a p to ImlUle oar rwd hi fold, trade mark, and ieneral ap pearance, and to warn Uin, that' tliekronly aalwtard U W see that the BBlbentk teal of oarlrsa. i. H. RICHARDSON, SONS OVPKH, . j Btatamued an each article. Ileterroined to eontn oaraelrea, aa hereto fore, to the aaa of Tarns apna from Uie choi cest and Mromrml rial, by Uie brat machinery .lari,alle ; unifona la weiitlit and elath:ily nanulactnred ami hleaeneu auuer oar own aaperaaleaHtenc : tbe coHBir will be nrsaiKTBxn ar otia anal. the aame duintiUity ami aatlffacUoa la the wear, which the K'nuiua good have always adorded. . .. . 1 N.HICHARiWIH, SONS OWDKN Belfaai, Ired. Mo. Ii, lbVL ' June ao-daxwam - ' - ' - SCHEDULE WESTERN MVISION WIU, CHAR. A kLTH. R-LearaCharhHietv.-Wa bl, Tacaday'a, Thnra 4r a and Saturday'. Arrive at Cberryvilk n S tt. ui' Coovev ance with good ki:ka lor Cleveland Mineral aVrinir, Ketura to CharkiU 6 u. m., earne 4T. t i Si. (J. doHNnoN. JolrliUar ,Aaa.ti!V at auoeirtapf-i" I C, STKf&Acn A CO. ' &I, rATITTEVILUt 8TKEKT, mi.wi, n. c. A." I.KK CO. Wholesale (iwmjkks a communion mkrchant8. market 84 u ark, I aaxaioM, a. o. R. JOKES Co. AUCTION COMWUnrOM 'afKRCIlAMTS, AJ!"A-AO "10 TIIBACCO MANllPACTl'RIillk Hnirman, Lee 4; Co. T0BACV0 Wlxmiux MCHVHiSTH, 63EickAtto Ti.ac, BALTIMORE. PBiLn. A. Ball, BilbMui. AdrmTiriT nt 7ft tt" cr'nt. sarerlatniM ralnr in Cash will be inadroo fills Ladinir uf on- ii!iiiii.;iiWi our house aid pr uV. pet an It Prompt returna made, with check for l anc due aliipiwr iniim Jislely on aale ol tlotnla. &dt imperten of Iht Kl. 0,ilh In-uwi SpunieA Mum J.Uvric. kplHwdtka' jEW STOCK OF 81"LKNI)ID PIANO FOuTKtk dmr ftaj.1faiy' ' (nf,, tl- pul.lic, that he hwi i.nlrrat from tlie Ureal liiton-Coiiiieiiv of N. w Yon a new sf x-k uf P. mi. wbirh will eric laevsry point of ci cellcncc aiiilhlnif tliat lias ye hoeu nflnrwl, the liunienm. rrs.mrri's of tlie above named eUtillliiuei)t twins uh as to cnal.lf them to pirn he(. Uie public an arlVIo Uist can Dot Ih; aurW!ae.l If etDaied by aay eatsi.livb meilt in the United etlatea, aiid at gr ally ro dureil pricea. Pei-anne hn are ilmiit pur clianim; Piano K.iilea, will llnd lt ih. ir in. b-reat tu wait the arri.al. (..in- of !,i ll tiae alndi airlvril.iof ih, e aiivrlor iuxtrnmenta, btdorw purcliainir elwvln-rc The ( ii,ipim have iuat ui'vwl oil., heir i.fnae ii- -w Uiry, the tliir.l . uc Uiey have l.uilt in '.amra, ami, hae been tlie iinuieiiim ihMiiandfi.iitl.ir pitiltar lm.lrnni. inta. Mr. P leavea VmM, York III a (lay or tw'l, to select Ilia at.h-knd will aend ilieiu iminetliatrly on. Wah' Hi, bhwt of Harnett and rtaiisliury ytm'la, 11 cb, N O. I aun If '. kaaa " ' JtisTVan Holt Isfasa, OF PETERSIintG. VA, 'AFFF.liS ONE OF THE BEST, IK NOT THE 15EST l'vIAN0, anitfat-luretlaj Uiis country, Notice Uie follou int; : "The WBHICK n t.vi ateniler. avnina A NO tender. Uicllc, lirillianl, powerful, alt. one." l,nr. A eton, A'. Y. 'I TheWKHKR PIANO Ithniraclr of gen blue, aolid Ume rich, full.tSir." .Xtatntiyh 'For llneneaii of tone, cli'ksnaa shul laiwer. nnptithoiiiAmifarLuredrtffl eiSl the U KllKK. i aair( . Dlaconnt to Clergy I eialYachena. an 1 diV.w:im SIIX-EXI'LllSfn lEKUSEol! LAD! (PaitkiM A II, ft Ptbkt Thta Ump U alieolky aa'e; safe aa a randla and tln-4 liirlit riial bo (la. Money rafinfl In any caae hrre Uie Lempbi waallafai-tury. N. C. H.MIK Mt ;A. 11. r. l-ya, Aif't ikleiKh, N C. July 14-U KW AND SPLElmi PIANO POlrT From Uie GREAT UNION f of New York. JAMK8 PIR-, Rcapectfolly Informs the (hie Unit ho la ordered stork ol mote irar bvlt-iiiuenu. and rxiM-cta thcra in a very vt time, finch la Uie irrcat and ini-reartni fceind f.n- Un-ar r anoa that the company haa-i'ii-tited new factory of aultlchnt rapacttt manufacture aixty rianoa per week, eii.ti now snovltni Hu it, wnirn errata a lnu. B,r hi tin-sup plying af iwilera, and with II A tr reaw-d lai lU ty of machinery., awl the an! vorlimen tb money ean procaiw, and aa 'mlt enpiial, Uieeinniauiy are eiuitilnd -tofi' caHitia-fltinn anil put tuctr . rianoa in Uie u.et at lower l.rae than oy.llilihiiMi, u llni-d Mtote Peraone who ar ( to onr. hs- piaiuia will 4 wen u wail ilfirltal of tlivet Piawoa, wlileb-will aboeMy he Ipi cxhrhltton at A PIKrldoN'l Wnwnnai.rdy of Harnett and ilarmry etwiaworninB July aV U ATfcArVTA WKPAnIK7TT Southern Life Iti8iimnfc(Wiiiaiij eErJtTltJf ff. titWTm,trnSiif: W. C. NOHKIU, SacaaTiii. ASSETTS i - - $fKK,000. Dlvkletid to Policy Holdmjhly i, IHI,t ner cent. Thirty-three and li-d tier cent dividend r-omreuteed oa Life ftlrie. laauirr ttrea aa all the aaaai puusa. MXIRJ.il UAY. , K. E Harwooo, M. It., I (tea. tx. teojuu avtaaaHisw. munmm ;ipait;1 aanram xbxiwar ii; TH IS Compear pays loeaea iie(. naM rtrra al tta earnhiK at hornel . It baa hiat paid h loawemliy WvmlaKra.Uoa at Heaautiwnn, tally and proaiiAf. It rate are as mbdenaUi aa aaf t) wR juaUfy. ACENT8 IN AIX PARTS OFfTBg tfTATE; B. H. FATTl.r:, Jr., raasllin W. H. MlKDOCH,W.SUoo.At. N OTICB). A SAY llliXM. ut iH.Ib -Vr- alite i)d ardiy, Iril l.m.1 I f i,rt. Iiuxd. mane awl -tail, bare roou-a at unj, wu taken up In my planutioii i t.f- lutasifh oa Italuniay eniniiui Ui IHOi A 1114 4 m Mmt ,lav L.Ik a a! natUfd tMUMJt 4- k.u whare 1 had Ua-B hiddt. doae hy-wia.11 korae la aiii aa)e.l to have been Mnwa ns. , . The b.H waa cveuy f i,. and Urn owner ean recovw bar aawperil y paying - inia ...,-i.r mtiM .. . HENRY f-DSCAT. f T Ol !E Ft KNISIUNO. lljhvxn IN eudlvl vwiriy. 1 i ,.JCL july U (LEWIS, RALKIGIlT 1V. C., fTllliSDA AIGIST 31, J L. . aL.U-..,i L.l-J.i.,! .....-. pKiCKt or THE , ''.-, . Mison & XZamlin Cabinet Opg.an&., Harhw raatly Inenawul thidr tactlrtiea lot aianulaL-ture, Uia I'm I Eamlia 8rja .Coapat. : are now eneiiled to oftee rhetr well known tHyaiia, whk h are the - ACKtfO WLKDSKO ATAATM&D 0 jc.xcKU.Kyvn aroong Inatrnmeiitaaf Uie cieaa, at faicra of Infrruw work. Thi'y print tbear lowvwt prie a. wuienare uwnire. alike w aii I oral iHe. TUtfiillowliig ata illaliH..ms i - rlar Ura-ae iirunis.: ..i. $! TIM Anaaa. 4mtiH Mml Of' fWWaw roawa.wilA rnaawlaaf. I aral snii OfflammW loll T6 .vWi.. iMmtiJ Iitml, wm JW WWaBI..: w rvny inner mia, .. ,..,.........l,tigM All In aoll.i Black Walnnt All the Orpine made by Uiie Company are thoronlily nraf. rim in ev-rry r,4 t Tlwy will nieKe the an called e.heap OnrMwa at any irice. -The C4niarative iiTKrlty of Uxlr InalranHmta w n.iw creator thai, ever iieiore, aa every emu la-tent Hi.tt-e ho wilt rvcf ully cxuuuM mid wniHire uiuai la-tceira. . lu.rsTKATxn tATALoatrs.s,'. with Wood Cnte from lltiitoLiwuha of the dittiTent at vice, full Infonhatl.ia aiwl.luw.al rnarca : atao, T.-atiuioiiuu Cin-.ular wun-eaiw Irtv to any aildieaa. ' Mason & Hamlin Oman Co., U'arrrtntmt &e firoo rfar-rrt, NEW YiiKK ap4tf '"jnilK "ALL RltlllT" CHXIKIN'O 8TOVR, Tbi' "All ftlshl" I pMittmfy wlUwwi rii(KTl'r II j utdt6 iI U vary buitt tiit?rili .sihtiiiif -itmt OuntluliLjF, rtJily of iittkiti f or asuv. only by . VILHH I.Kvt IK, June 14 tf Kale lull, M. C. v. R.-Tt-usen, DBNTI8T.' Orm-a ovaa Wii.i.uw't Boos Storb, KAl.KIOIL !f.C. lil. r4ia Bcrvkos In rery dejiartment of I'.o.'srtu.ia. may l:tf NCIfJU UNE HTKAMKIM. SAiLivKHr Wumntiir aan SxTnanit, to xn mom MEW YORK ANDdlJtrUWlW. I'allli,e at la-doadiTy to land Mail and ruHftciiifer. . f I In- Ht.-im.ee of tlil farorlUi line are hull rxirafly iw I tic Atlnntic Paeen.'rr Trail'. ami dlted U41 in evi-rv nvie.-t with wri tPe miHi ra luiw.aneirl cah'ntttUt b) I Maura I w- aaiiiy, OBif an, umt ixinvi-BlaiKaiof tuiaeeii: I'teai'tk KiTTtK, Pivati a ia CrKKRSiT. TO LASUOW, I.IVFRPOOL kl U tMiMif.iiKy . Fikst Caws, Vi and 7o. aorordiua to l.-a- Uon I l abib Ka-ri-awTlrBETa, Si;a, ncnrliu.7-irt accoiniiuatatsoaa. - i ' N lkllMKKIAT, .. f STKKRAOK, tM. Partiiw ai-ixlinir 'for their frhn.la Intla-OM Cimutry ran purchaae Ui-ketaal mlmwal rale. For lurUitr p.irtii ul-rs apply to nvi. W" RiUrfltlHaii 7 HowlintMlr.cn, N. Y- i JIiik ll-d.twn .,. . .' , JANDS, FOR SAL Ft" y Paraiiant to a decree of Uie Pui f North Carolina. Blade at Uie Ji Ih"1, the nndurb;iie4 oder for aalc VAI.tttll. LANItH -A :' t hetonirlntr to the cnyatr of Ui hue t !. P. IWvereux, of HaliilLcounty. TUuiut.tUud eiuiira.ee by AaUmatiy - .... Eleven ThXaanel Af-rr4, ' iylntr on Roanoke rlrern Uiacotrutn ofl Hat liax and Nortbajupton ; laul a uue-hall n.'. ruet in .-- ... l-i ... t Jiiat TaSDiasd'! UnnilrraJ Arm,,' IN HYIIK COUNT Y, ' ' TuiMi jOue fourth eaah.. riw!i one. two and tlireft yrr.TiUa reta.in.id unvil pur chaee ra.mev tasid. . ' t lie tanna will re atua lit. erneii or hm.t tracix, or In k tuldv to suit ivur.4Mai.i rnr ttebdeeiriftg to purchaee will enh tin or twi b eaa w ai. 1 1. a i.i.j. h . 1 SnillarHl k. N C. Ot JOliN HKv kliKI K, ynlyHtf Kahili, H. C tiKKBs ratr a 1 f - ll Ifrey II. .Ire ell lit 'en 'id t-rv liwn. Ill uai IHa aMt a noei . . ; u aitiiuat 1 One lanre hrowa Mare, seven yr . t'"id in all snrt of barneaa. . . . tue lieanUlttl Ituy Pony, thrvc ' -.'.I. beitaveewell ander aiuldle and pa.ut in .!,.. Ui lianieae. ' 1 - itT--tf 'J " W it TRrT t( f r 1, . ;i ajr-.Sr-t- lr 1840 fib 70 J 1840, . " ? 1 -7( ': VKV Kll t.t'.it. Thlt) ceiehrtited nuilicln b ,..- Teally high rItthwi an an a . -m 5 1I1 and a preaervrw of kwaitli. I ...met bawacbnld rtimevir. frnni U.e f i cirea linmealiatc and peniKUiMit rr. ' 1 . 1 ly Trgrtakl prrijawatiiai, a and puree aMieriala, tale h - B evety txmlly. Itla re,-uni. I dan and lraona of all rU" . t.n I. a-c .1 i.j pl.-:; . I.t.v, . avo ... -1 Ht aftej. pnljllc tril of tinny re life el Bum it lU'ii ii" ' . evlled,JrealiI-lt'l'l"," ' world. Its lante and in. i. -jWM.it.iye evidelMSe lf ll endur ..... DirA titini" a eciia.ny c ,., Bold f lrui;iii. . I'Kkr llavis -V ? " I' Mi-utactiirvre and 1 rW-.-!"! f. aiK. D im i K. I, -Jyro TI C E. llavtne qnaitm-a il 1 Kxecui.ot the ! a Itte Allodia Th m ' I toad credllorafrf tor ehitrn rirot-rlTTTerrii " A Jnwe. Is. J, or Una n il. : law of t!i' r'(Vv. rv 1 1 wiU pfcrsa mike loo . 1 41 111 3 u ' .1-l.t , July wiiw rav-. TTAM! tfJ8!f 11 Heat N. C.'. lwt received and for sale. jafyat-lf ay.H. dONKdACo. TTMR SAL. Nice V. hike Meal. Flour end Corn. July tf W. II. Ju.N Its Co. TTVIR SA1.R L1 Pure Uronnd Bonef the Jheet FerUllxer ftftnrniax Jalydtli W.H dEB 4Co. kJEW ARRIVAL OP liKiauF.KIKM . duat received llki llarri-ls Hour. PatWi Family, He, era Jail la, super and N. C Fauiil) in aackc July it tf A ii. LEE IXV -Q lit A K, O if r mil ASTll Tf Art. O Thirty Bamda awudard A, I'uwdered ami C Sukara. Rio and Lastuyra Collee, various rrade aaal prieea to suit the Uuusa ; Choice lin-.-n Mid Black T, aa. yatyHtv r J" E"W.-' ' FTyEkEi'inBEStN(I.Ivl SOIIA, twenty caaea eourentraUid Lve rhciicr ttusn ,ever. condinaeil Milk, Ye! 1'ow.trni, Tiu-ka, Cottim Cards, Powder, rihot, Ca, Cotlee Milla, Bucket, Wooden Fauc i, 11.. ra. Brunliea, Blacking ItruaUue-Ac. July tM U A. U. LEE CO. TWENTY BOXES BKdT STARCH MM tiroes Ml parlor Matebea, twenty lan.ee freah thala Crackera, l.intfor I iikra, Lein'HH Hiaruitand Monumental liiwuil illlj at U A, U. Lk.14 -CO. TirtlMAN'S FRIKNU SOAP,. A VERY utiertur arUcle. Al av Bniwn Tiiria-n Une Soap, cheap and iftnid. Army and Navy BlatAunr nitru led. July 34 U . . ... . A.lik;i lJOi BAC N! BACON!! BACON M I toi.-c N C llama, heat Safer Cnred llama, hrujit N C Mtdea, Western hulk and liaeun tal-lea, a full supply, pure iauilty laf Lard 111 Th ree and Tina. July JHit, .a.-LUV)0k.-' 7- COI.I.AIW, Hamoa, Trace Dunil.-Cart liar-, uuta, llnee, !ailoa, rlUov. la, Nails, llurac Hbiwja, Broom, .Vc, Ac, juiy a u A. 0, 1 EE ft CO. FINE OLD N. C. WblekT, lx Tears old, Bacllow and nura, neat Apple and Peach Krandv, O.-nuiue Caldnet'Bye Wnlaky, X.'E Rum and Uln. Jerrjnlt-U' A. fl. LFK A CO. T 'CE In Tierp-e, Molaaai-a o! l t .pialily JL V Smrar II juaesiyru,. i Uie Barrel or ll.ma In.-a4 and Wright Uoldvu fcyr..p. July MM A tl I.KK Co. T7.RKtll irround White Corn Meal, Com, X1 Oats, Bran, Pou, &c Ac. A. U. LEE Co. July M U ""I HOICK Family Roe Herrlnire In half Bar Vj ntta; iUao, N. C". Oroee Hcrrltura," very cueap. July 'Jt tf A. II. LEE A Co. niiKRTON'B 8nuir In Bladdcra, hv th. lamiid or barrel, chuap aa the cheniM-at juiyltf A. tt: LrrffSCo: YjVVMILY llnwerlca of all tlie lt.-.t an V III in.kft dcaiiahlt- cntd.-a alwava mi l.iinl Canal nmimta aolicitiid. All onh-ra tl l., priHupty. 1 v , g. . t.RE Co , Whole ale Iln,ri., Com. M.-rcltunta A Cotbiii K... t..i, Wilmington 111 , Kaal ot rk.-l JillyUljf j . Rakish, N' 1 . TIIK WAKKKtKLf EAirrn vu sej li hy nit mfttM t .1 y Mttrnlt Nend lo VayHrtiti.. lv mm I 'MMit Vn. Ury W N w 1 orit. Iw I fi:r .! iv- !aH1lbtll, OT Cll UHl tJXaVU) TWO aV)W l llatlttl Kt W. II. . JON K.S .'.;, uuy IM-U AiffiiU isrEw ARRIVAL. PL" r! PLOUtl 1871. Iitnaack Kvlnixi,.! atrtctly Family Flour In mnveailcnteizeaackx, direct from Ui Virtinia Bt.na. .. h-alera will on! It tu their Intcmrt to rali and exainirm ttiia llonr. JAnmirWrWl.ra July!!7tf Com Merchant t; k to your interkbTi Aud buy 1 ..on amce CANIM.KH, PEPPER, S1ARCH, SODA, CANDY, tllNOKR, Ac., , etc , Ac. . f S A MIKHHA XV; aug 1 tf No. S Merlin trwL QUtt MOTTO i It to xlwaya tell a LOW as the LOWEST, and oecaahVally lower, If required. . X C SANDERS ft CO,' No. Martin el ret augl tf w ANTED at onck. IS (saj hale CoUna. 6w l-iwhels Corn - I Itl l.hla. H. IX Flour. IIW.IBW IIm. Rag. ll,li Hm. oh) CaeflntT. -For a 111. h we will pay tlie cash or arm -crow. A. C. BANDKRHftCO., augl tf No. Martin etroet CORN! CORN I 1.IKSI hnabel WHITE FLINT CORN, at lav timibing low fikurea, for aale hy A.C. S A ANDERS m CO, anglU No. Martia street MJAU. If von wi NICE WHITE CORN MEAL Jual from Uw al aim in tne country, rail i A. ii. BAnOKKB Al l . No. S Martin truel ,1 .. ,,. , - ; angltf XjtUHJR I FLOUBJ rUiURl duet received, all grade, at all price, and anal h oia. A. l. bas ir.ru , i;i., auxlU ; , No. a Martin etreet 11 EACH, PAREKK, ... APPLE PARERS. . The heat eat, 1 i"'f tf , H'LIl'S LEWIS. lJEESERVl.NU KETTLES. Bra and Porcelain Lined. July " JL'LILiB LEWIS. jtRLiT'ARs. ' ' "'Tir'''''rTTr, " Maarax' Improved ".im,' "tjueca" and "Euroka." Tlnwe Jan are ottered al exceed uik hiw figure. uly1 U - ZULU'S LEWIS. PAIR OF HOOD HORSlUt AND AN EX e. lienl Waeua wiMlw sold al awrtbw. ..u rmlay nmaa,Amrut fllh, by ToW I.ES, Nt nu r vu ilaya ereuil u ocatreil. i tug J tf J. L. LAIUAl X IW AU RIVAL. udiex mi uimi "V jiLUTEEStv SHOE STORE, B(rt- & t 1 1 E A Rift' St X'h, ' riY PRESS SHIN OLE 8 I . All the time on Itand augiti VY, It. JONES CO, il G HIST M ILL FOB 8 ALB. unr if. aid satcnud hand Crist MIR In eood order, KriiMlintr ahont 40 tmahela par day, will be delivered no Uie N. C. hMlroad akry low Ak-are. Pereon bavlulf 'Una powor can anaku it pav well Lbi dry seaaim. ainVtf JAMES M TOWLK8. Q URN FIELD PEAS. !kj buaficla at defavt. f anirtf JAMESM TOWLE8. XJ Bclacevi the nwldcnre of Col. Win. R Aiidim and Mra. Jno. II. Bryan'a, a UOI.II t VVr M) ritlN The Under will In- reward l by k-avtug It at tbe " BcnUuel " etllca. aiurlU TTiinTn111 RN, 7 i) n 1 MUU t.nahela Meal. In ayinv. au;il( W. C. STROM ACIl ACH Co. iLOUU 'I'lBafdvy mlUid' b'ul kBtlh i I'm,. aiu:ar curc,l Breakfaat Strip. Jiiat nstdveal, aii s tf . W, C. tfTRi i.N ACH Co. Q II HLa. IHMMIIX MOLAStlKa JU ft hhtla. Culm Molaaaea. aug S u - -IV. C. STHt IN ACH Co. IT A II M. t)U Hern f miiiji. n. c. roe and cut mure. auir 8 If w. c tvrnoNACii Co. J ILii RIM'S dA.S4 HALAWH- r ' Tliie improTeinent out Im applied to old or to new wmdowa, at einh a low met Uiat It inaat come Into general use. Oue moU.ni raises Uie fewer aaab and lower the npaer .mei mother will luwdr tbe apperma nd a Udrd nttrttoti will ralWui Wwiweeah, There aretan caal Iron pulleya put into iha bikhw part of Uir frame, and two cam In the lowur euah, alUaether weh-hlng oue pound. Comity right f.w aale at low price. . Every tairaoti. whose wlndnwa ar .04 .-!- should call at my oillca and n amine tlie tii.Hlel and tee bow-eaaUy he can wimitd liti fioine hy applying this taah Iwlanc. "K w - WJL 0LA8 BKLU ATE. NT BALANCES. Ifll ll,. XJ arrunb-d correct, alt III I I I Itrit M II tts 1IIU A TJ.roilKAHKKU'8(TRuCKRyT)Kr 1 V mnv he f mi ml 1 (WlT'd :llnl Kni.CT fv4Hld(l. M.i4((ml litntr,imiitn, . vv I'hUmI HiiMtmiA, itlii i. Wkh:, VVHUiw-Wiirt. WtMiii. ti Y mj l'ft;rVt, t-HttdtiM. makers, lttrUtT., Ij' M kl R p i T'TII It K.RT. fimnerly a leading Id Drytl.n.ikt M.urhant of Newt.en. al l' litloruis his acMtiailitaucea and outers In !.. Hiy ll.aala Trmhi, thai he Is now ha-alcd with UuiJaruu aid. pt "W brrlfaafr tMf Coodl EI.V. OHKII1IALHP.K A CO., Noa. 8M7. HiW and lil Broadway, Comer Of norin siiivt, new torn. where he will h: g ad to ec Uwm whon H Wtarcity, Xnd tak: pte;iailr- in liuwlru Uietb n..:r cAuiiiiure nn.i iaiT,..i aioea or. . DRY x IDS, NOTIONS, Ac. N B --All onht cull uah d to him will rat reive ma pinuipi ana apcii attcnuon Ri-apoctfully, aint.in EMM rrCHTII BERT. Chatham railroad Company, BtiraKinTHNiiaa-r' llrrinR, Ral.atoil, N.fJ, Aug. (Kb, IM7I.' ( N and after Taeaday, Aag. nib. IH71, train on Urn Chatham Railroad will ma dally rt.u.l.-iy tnicphal; aa folbiwa .w;,n itnisaavin rwueuin. M ainvua Bteanlonl .7:Hll Mall Train leave riaiifonl. a tft A. If" arrive t bal. iicb .. .K it Mail train ml.rhaw counecUoH t Ralrlgli wiUi the liak Hrh UaaUm Ralboad to and from all aiinla l.u-tli. Awl at Han ford with the Waatern Rallnaul l. and from FayetU-ville and -,lnu on Wea tertl ltailr.iad. A. B. ANDREWS, ' aug V-tf SitperbiUnidetiL JOB SALE. .ABrnnlneaftlchwif French llrandr, Brown and Pale Mnirry W hie, teniiortud and ImtUed ny a niirui taroliaa house before Ui war aag 7 if W, JJ. JONbo ux ,c. wm set: .. ' : ' ' . Wllibuna' beat In email keara aui7U , W. IL JONES ft CO. IANDRKril TI'KNiPHEEU, . . . j KDTA BAOA, i. , LAROR NoKntl.lt'' L A K I Kit LORE.' EARLY FLAT DUTCH, and Seven Top Turnip Herd at III renta an miiitw or 7ft eenta p..r a.uud. Bent par mail if ill 'allt'BWad Vraa BXa laa BtT i. A. JONES' " Monk Mora. July ao-tf L ILHINO X)TS FOR SALE, Iri Hie NurtlHwdcrn part of the C'lljV ' bdaiHHW f.wl fronting Fdantoo Street, 5 lll'.ilii feet friHittng Paraon ttreet J liriv.,' f,4 fronting Jonoa tnwt - " 5 " Slllifiliig 1,-et fnwiMiig Jimen atrevt, I " jlilx.Vl feet f eonUust BhmdwarUi street, For term apply to P. A. Wiley, ( eahlwllt lr. ua' Naii.Hial llankj r at North i aroUoa I nd o,. Tucker Mali , pllv Ml tl .' - ' ' ' I rorsic AMD LOT 1 A F Fur auir on Wllmhiirbm Street near Sehliwa Hot. 1. Ilimae ha Ruoina ,h lichen I .Mmia; lot front T7 fi-el on W llniliielon rltrwt, fit d.-eji TeiWi-Ji-J!!!. down. halaiHi u,hud I months. Ljujg-Ui if w. it rnrgirs rj6T jlATIONAL" HOTEL, Sin tTBD a Baa Pliatjc Saiiaaa, in Tn Cra ot Bueniiuw, SALISBURY, N. V The bnllillnt- I new spacious and elegant, every appointment for tlie aicmniikodatlon ol Kivwt. Kiaifbaand rtoreB ente) for faml ljy-a, awl allude room roeaplele, tasiilifully slid amply -lurnlahcd with aa ey toeomfort nd eimvencnce, THE DININU ROOM, 1 V ;v ia kuye and aupertilv furnished in the moat at tractive manner, whilst tlie ervanla awe irenlle and ("Mile. No evprtiaA, or rtr.irt will be aaued to render Uie Nathmal atrlctly href aa Hotel, hi rvawtauvi foralde Willi bhe latat H..lU North or rjoulh. , Tlie patrimaari: of Uu traveling put .tic re apertfuily solicited. Omnll.ua al the d.'a,t to me,'l atvery Uain, to convey paaaengera free of cherim, l'tuiriria low aa any other drat claea sanyi llotiil la Uw oountry. 8. W. REAiACo,,. pBOfHIBTOK,! . Sellabitry, N C. BTigSti Sl'tlARH , ; Mi Hide Smtar JnaJ rccclyed. Llkhl lfl.au I'. K. 11H HW BHgWlf , ..U.T.ST RONACIL ; JI OPF VI1.L i aniil, an.r wwrrwltbl - , atufUtf u. T. STItoNAClt Bis n PO-T A TB 8. A targe enn-ly prim N. C- Inab Pot tort la store. i-- JAMES M. TOWI.RS, - ! July 87 tf , Com. Me-vhant f- WHS. EXTRASll)ACR.W.KERS JtBT U Received. " T Jolyla tf , W, C. STKON ACH As Co. 1 if, Cftrf-WsIM .1 S ven tVala or Oohien onder, cuflis all kind of pam almoet urataiitly. Alan, Fcvef ami Agw.r, Colu., t ramai, eve. No cure no wy. . V tw mile bf ,v W. W.Htmfirl., Ag't, aug'Aiat - Rul.igb, N.C. JANUkKTIl S, TURNIP SEED (all kind.) ' ' j Fin- aale My pnuud or cuace. N. C lhan Slvibit, .dAS. H. ENNIrlS, Ag't July II tf Kalelgh, N. C. i KMliliANIIT PIIOT0iRAPI18. , ..... "naYlniriii'f n tunied from a t'omenUon af Uie Natloual Phobtrraldiic Aaaociatluai, tunidre viaiUuif th,i trtnciul NorUiem CtUoa, I take. plcarure. In etatiug Uiat I came in lMWaeaaioiy of many valuable improvement ia tlie Pholu rjtiAxlT.U.4Udcb:..tujt .iaMlUtLnera.eliall j nave uw iwnent 01 Wlllaoul extra charge, uall aiht ae the beautiful Rembrandt 1 attaalow rdriurnx. ' d. W. WATlN , JaneiW-tf .,. . s u M BELLAS AND HI! N nil Allk'4. KalUMIIliKJ.LAvANil 1 Large site niNIITIAM PA ROW U JJ, Rcelvod to-day, W. II. .ft R. S. Tl'CKEU A Co. Jnly 1AM. QCMMKR FCRNACRS, lor at Uie KJ Mam war House HE agt -t Jttl.ttm I.EWIS. jlyj-KTKOf0i.1T AN 11 (T H L . Will n i.Mii iiniliT iicir mannmnt ;' AUJrST. Sin, T v."ioiw ItHiUtni; hsiNoiM l!j rfnHtJj Mit .nl4nl, mi i nowl tH.nwlKia UMUtiyii' Ml, The l'nipfi.'Uiru tw-e iiiebl.i'ViTVfXi-rUt. u iiaiit It Ut tlte vttmfft't tid (uMim'dop ul it itrtrt., ami hvonHirtHl ft' i Our iwr 9 iniiivii a itAnrirti Jiy SIX im l'miff R SALE. IW, 00 No. 1 Bit Inch In-art Cvprea Shin gle, In hit Ul auit, delivered on ttuerd tbe cara of Uie AUanUc and Norlh 'a rollne Railroad. WALRKR JONKs t. , JulyRl-lra Mewberu, N. 0. B OOT8& SHOES. II F, A UT T A CO'S Perfect Attimt and elea-ant BOOTS AND . .... . . ..... u . . . . . i. . , BIIVIIO I ' . natiw. ... ......... u.-i, jj.w rtmn. The lano'-jt' aaaorUueu t ul in work la Uie city, al low price. NEW STORE 1 NEW STYLES! C T HtARTT CO. deal only lu Bootl and Shore. , ' IS FAYKTIErtLLB-STRKEf. July T it - ' ; rpilK FINEST CHEWING TtlBACCU, ,, Uo for yew MMix l' BACC) aiwaya to - A.U,SANIKKrt i:o ' tttgl tf ' ' No, 8 MarUn alreet YJmTlNIA MILITARY NSTItTjtT" i Laiiweroa. Viaotat, Saeehm . open f SupUunlirfj JOTt. W ...luln.1 aa the HII.B l.if of I'S 1 O fa.Ti - .-- . .... cam Ic la umiual, oariy appin auou " JAMES I' SMITH, 8uieriutendeuL julf SH-tawtd : im mi run t and mn mm ' ' " lLl, ' WILMINOTON, N. C. i ' . THE CELF.nRATrtll PKARL HOMffT "Till (JREATE8T INVENTION OF TIIK i, N , , A41B.". ' , t " UKLIVERETI FREE Of DRATaTiE - bitny wHtor wharf In Uie city lu lot of lit 11. or imvre at. H1 etntlaper laiuud, tid I, matt (or KM pound W anil Uft ,hmU for '' i...i.i..1 laariwla ateiid for aatuim-e. . Farmer havlnif EX I'RAN (lOtill WIlCTK WHEAT for aale, will do well hi corre-liB.. Willi mra I will h ready to pay Uie H 14-411 UM' MARKET FRtt'K FoRUlKiO Wl'n,tn be dcllyrrl hny ween now aud but of July. KXTKt UOLTEU MEAL with luupi Sl.l' dt-iiyivi free, ' .i ALEX. OLDHAM, ' may 15 Am Pre)irletor. V'VTK-Bt . It All iraiin are hcrrl.v forbkldan fr.H. I rial i,Hjt.,-ll oiiIilld,jllMMl'dJstauUJiaJ-la- To( 1 ll iHt. end tr twre-n that plare ana r.TXli tree Cm W, w Hi Dog or Hub, or oUierwlae, a. wa arc d-b I 'iilned to pniahtiui all anell ollob derate Urfrftlll at'ent ol Uie taw. ..;;..) HENRY MllKI'KCAi, f . Je-rlMK F TAVLOK, WII.I.IH It, H ill I AKKIV ItOsUiE '4-A U,- 'jr July I tf J" A N D -F O B SAL B,5 t 4 ?, - lit Acre of latnd for asla, tllnatnt within I BiHntd Apex, oa both aide of Uie 1 luUiaa. Railnaul, ana tea mile fnun Hak lirh by Uw ruiltvMul. I'ler land U good for colt.ru or wire, is weft ilmlierttl ami whuleil, wiUi Uiirly ce In eiiltVvalion good 'vaj-lmfd aud ordiiwr) iHilitiaire. Apply W tilfxlRMB W. A'IKIN rtON.Ralclgb P.tr... .. A-t. V.. :; JuJj H7.diwwti .. ' . v ;. -. . 1IUF. CHANDLER, of New York City In a lecture delivered by km at Cooper In itfata, March IV, ItCd, eaidi " It hi hardly oeftMaary to enlarge upoa the terrible accldenta Wbtrb hay reeulU'd from the use of una fa keroeene; you bam only tu rmul the newttiera from day to day to tee Ulna- It b) abated hy aovne Uiat Uieae are ttr atci-'eraU-d ; Uiat the rtdent le'ver oecur, aJnl that you and I never had a friend burned tod.aih : eUll we do have an emmnou auai larnl brtrll.le errl.l.-iiU frjitii ietn.b-um. In Um iiial seven awMitlia 4 ileal Vln-rw were dfty five kuvoacne m-cidenta in New York, reauit lug In tw.mty Uiree eVelba, eVhlcen ehi,u UijuH.ja an.1 lourteew alu lit oiiea. The total rueult for the. year INK, fur Urn cll.y of New I oik. wlitrb 1 myaetf bate cut frimi newapa pz-ra, b titiv two liUu! acidriita from daiurer ona k.'nau-ar, fifty aevere aiet six aliuht,, In all, 10H jM-fbone to my knowhlge, fnan m own ivwlinK. bavalanea. knjurtal by kuroaen la tme year." i Tm-re lua nevae been a tingle act blenl from Uie ua cf . .... , ; pratt'sNastral oil. It hat beda before the public fiw aerly KliHI.T YEARS, and hi Bow need by ov JU0,ti) tanulie. Fur tale I'? x JCLlt'S LEWIS, aag l-tf . t ' ...... . Raleit-b. Oiif.kter White pics forsale. ' 1 Have for mie a imja.rtnr alralu of this breed of bo a, of raiudamwUl aud eaey faten tlie liroiwrtir. Boxed and delr-wred tuil .hat. h on R K. at ln.ru S week to i uionilis old I pi tJOilaur.- , A. Rk NCKK.lt, ' . PllUboro', N. C. June Sowew&o. j . . "' jar ;" .jisax a . ' i 1 " 'aakaa. . , ,i " " i m I. JaUSCIEUJkKCOUS. 2AS0VlLLElKFNbliRANCE COM ' The Dlrectoraof tliU proayrvua eompaajr bay recently made Uielr aiumal atatemeut. aS.Hra, xraiL It. 1KTI. From all source. tWjn.SSS SI Tuial UahdlUee, ItK-ludlug permlum ..raaervn, i - ui,v is SurjdBa,: ... . . t M!fi'-t m No Polii-iu I.S54, coverlna-, S3 nlH,-asl 00 Dmtb loeaea three. teuUia of one per evut, ' ' UITIDKNU. On miUi'iea in fon-e Jlwo year. Si! per cent. N. 6 Mr. k. W Adaina, of lloW.l-.ro'. -Weaoral TTOVetllRe: tgmttr ui Una Slaia, with po er to arle,-t aiib-iaeeul. , . XUIS3. ay niti.i.Y, ' ' Bute Ai;r..t. Aaberrllte, N C, duae 18 1N71. . j,,- tf 4tAXP VALUABI.B LAS UM.' r y Order of th Superior Court, T will eeli at Ih Coart Houae door la Slaliwvllkt, Nortu Caa-oltiat, ua . . - ,j - WKDNKSDAI, 16th HAY OF ACHI'ST .'. - .. .-,.. ., f.kkr, . . I, Wo ACHKrl OF LANU, if,n,r m tweouaty of I rede l,uUleCulaKieraud Uunherl' t'rea-k, IK mile South of Blalesville, 37 aillttfl Nawlll of Charh.l tjvaild alamt 6 tlillee Wet of Uie Allnntk' T,.-mee ft Ohio Raulruad. Tlie land will he Bold in l.daaa followa.; . TNir: 1 tviitsluiiut mi ai re more or h tx oa huh Or, W. Byara now liioa. No. , .mtiibiliig :f w a-reamiMa orkavail. Joliriutr la, So. 1, J, 4 and a, S n" t tuu(,"uu '' a,IJolulng ( 1, " conlaluuig )Mre,alJwln No. S. a, b and 8. 1 . No. wmtaininr'Alu acre, more or leat, ad 1 Joining Nos. aud , No. e containing tin acre, oa whlcVCoL A. B.- Bruwu tww llvea, adjiiiulng Not, a. t and , e-Janf WIetofllBe Itttel and Creek, bottom and a eoilicient pianlil t of Woodland uu each tract ()U th oil .n.- trm.1, tlntw bt giud kl di bonne nd 1' power, guod UweJIiim nu t uUut baud tag. I.oud aabw on eavh tra.-i, .Ybeae lands are .w1,i,ll, f tb"hTghrtt state uf enlUvaU.m. Jk ii4andabki hurauuod clay aulna.H and will prodnctiCiriloa, Tolmci-o, Wfieal, Com and.u.a other airaiu aad inaaa cruy; audareauld aa Uie luda bei..lii;ini- w the Iwtau of the late Jame o. M ,, uf a.i-w. - la-WwtotrUr, interval fnnu day of aalc. " The nrciiaaar may pay oue third in- the wi,i. hut bid any tiuie lu- U, u u,a......i lunid alibapiwoved evuiily will In, teuuii.-d fi the pnrvhaee auuiey. Vb t.tle will b ra tamed until lull payment la niale. tVnaHM wlahllnr to aa tlu, I..... la -ill ..w.-. call upon Col, , a. Brown or Th. D,tam, ...... .. v.nn,i.iv,ri. : . Ailas r aoaa new of Jau.ee g. Byara. Jiuie J-i Ul . - . ' JTTUELL'a U'lUJlGft. Tina favnciuA aiuumor reenrt'l now open and will be kept tn .style to give aaUafa. ti.ni. Eulir new fnriilliire; g,n.l Music. bUi Oil elegant stia.l,,, bvetbtir with purrs lo uit Uie Uiue-.iH make K Itlrelt'a ia.auul home ruMn! for the mvalid or phueiui. accktr. o'l'bo aalere aa a ap., me for . iolla, Hi, (a-leia, brupbanm, (..imiwI debility ur discw. a pw.ulnu- to femaina, am tin. nell knowa ki ru ijnir,. auythluk aaiti lu Uieir tielmlf. law- Lliiilireof your fauilly phyaician. t .-rata tK- day i.'ai; n fjj iiioulh , Willi Hiatal dedui tioa for fnraillea rcmaiuiior Hm euasnu . , ,,t . . . ' ' f , hUM, tv NAM A O Proierloi tk Itt.lsall. M,.ra..i.. U A M. Bl.trit. I - M.W. Kirrttitu, f t). tl. Kxnxi. .. I ... : B ti- jiALo ai'ni.sa.1, MKCKLKNBURts, Co, Vx. 1 hit well known Wxlerh,- iibk will hw op'n lor vimUu J un let, U I ..u. A-m - A. IU. . J - - .. 4l ' ' wia-k . ly.iii. '. . .. bHMllk . -. a ' . 40 lab Hun. will meet tMNUM-tyrrrt at llendriaea nfbrJuly lt..b. UotmI band of music enagud. rkrid lor Urcutar. . T. fAkob, Juu I Jia Piupitelor, Taoaxt Batuo, . '' Uaooka V. STaoea,' ATTt)HM:U AT LAW, Rale in tt, N.t3." "- OFFICE Bp alalia on Ciueeaa National Bank, Eicluuige Place. v Will uriabceln U,e Suureuie Court of the diet--Um. i hcuil Court of I h U. and to. h la-niM- t.ourta aa bave Imm-u berelufor al bteleu by them rcapm-utely. ' air. a. niueura, part-tier ror vt ayneeounlyj will oim-iiiu. oiii.-e m isoldaburo. laiade thai ui 1 Uoorge V. Strong, J MeW , ... n . ,v State of North Carolina, i . MliOuwaiXClHIBTt. I rfamiw Mrneetev. Joint tteilieiliwd aial Wm F. Mrkc iiaaou, fknh'W BU1; Alury Ruiglu, Admr. o(.J ; la. Canton, due d. .h I'Hfauainw u, a ucerr mane tn Li.ia rau by tbe Judgv ul the sniper. Court for Mr-' . Uowell uuty at the last tortn, Ih Blidei--iKin d Bill li.occcit ta take the m count ,.r.i. ,.,i un Monday Ut lab .lay of July mil, tau.i aucceadiug day-uiiUI tlie aauw la romping., 'f lue biiliiaacrediUH-'e tnll.iiU-d na ta.l.,.K all Mm aredtion who may linike tbms.ilve fane to uie pna undlliga, Una la Iherelore to ' aaiiily Ut craiitin of J. L Carson doe'd, to ' ,pra;,tve ciatiua lu Ul lukllijj ul Ibt 4Hvuut at tbsalbm- bine, In ord.-rdi.u a liual dr.cf,a may be m-,.. ....... .f..i'rk.t l ,unl bw stulh.well eoirty ne account am be taken al U. Law COle oi n. n, xtaione. ttainui, ft. .. , , un ii.KlkVlNl, . . . .a W. 11. MAHlNE, July 6 dlw kwleree. o XFOKD FEMALE ACADEMY. , Oxnrtio, N. C, Mum M. K. Mitchbij. and .Mr. K. N. Crist, i luripaM. Mr.' W. H. NokkoW. ILH-Ulerlv Teacharnf Muab- at SI. Mary a, Rahiali.1 baa cbame of he Muebr OeparUnrnt . ' The msxt Bnaio- aa.ll . mo on tha at We.luee.lay lu Ausiuat, llV.T. - l Ha Acaoatny la pieaaantjy hiraUd lu a moat ileaiiatue paitof Ui TUbuie ot Oxford, wliirh w rettardat a una uf Uie bealUiiuat la Noru. Car.l,mi, . ' V I he coura of atttdr ta similar to thai of other Female rWbuuanet ut butb grade. , leime uioOi raw. Circulai tent oa appli cation. ...e " KaraHta.. : All frirn.ta aa.1 ..noils ,.f k. bUl Prot. Mibhell of the Luiveiaity of N. C iwaaa ua-a.UtaWSW.UU 7U1R SALE. Im Davie. Co , N (' . - . nf Hie hot tn. Uareo and grain kaiuta, !i tainillg almul tajtl aailea, --, ot . w lu aud t;r,h botbuu. Aiaa,anii l.a, U..II u. .. ... ptua bateUMr, Terms e jy, Altlv t.i ,'.:' T. J. BKO ws. JernaaleiA, P. O,, o , N t June lo-w-H . . JTtM.'K Ft IK SALE. M 4. blone baa al the Mlal.lea of M. aara II.IIU A BlO.. ktik kd of Mnl. aa,,l tl UMt he Will aril ih.-.,. lot cah. He will n.'. uain al lb-S al.lea until KriuakuMuuiiiw ai.d 11 iMra.nia ,U-iriiiif Ui oiirrl.a.. a ii..ul ll,,... r Mul- w.hi u do well Ui rail oil bim beta. en ' UOHS, . liwt.-ul ntui MrtUirmalh al K l,il ll utmo ibBbi.tif KttkMih--hi.-a-iitu viirvlit niihs. I lit- Htttlft Itrarmm ttMlilti4'lM-r tH) t it tin! .Vioi afAUUrYlliaTt, JOHNJ FKAY, H.I. T. il 1 1 1 , July.o-ddUwtwAwlte J, Kaivil., v 'c N

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