i I kcfnittfi .SSIta mL . Jr. Mittr. WEDNESDAY.' SEPTEMBER .' 171. At) US A son ran DKuroxDiSifcr. I : Tt4 itiJtJS t.tli Cri)io, though dtpltiruliWv'can tame, for Uie people , did not bring i v thwaatilvat, iter pre they ia any aria raoiiiWt for it Tim aatl a little patience mill bring theto all right 1 tlicjr liT MjftliiDg of tlie m ly priil aad noble eourag of their ar tun, tlij wilt patient! endure what f twi l avoided, until lbs ties eons W rid thturserve of ojipraMioowid njipi On. ')'.! r'-A ' The dart ot the tlespoilert are nnmliercd, Their Unas vara Itrtikee la tha great battle of August, 1879. Tb rsetwila Uie may .add to their number will, not t volun teen, who light with a will and fur victo ry they will be hired Lacker, who stand tocei ihi4 mtfr jlttaoc,ftu tnc Bind of 30,000 tjolloctad of office-hpldui in the District uf Columbia and tli utuUs of North Carolina. : , JTha Qjfic KoUerit Organ ia hencefurth 1 to be the dispenser of all favor. The $8,000 before collected waa mostly or altogetbeT spent ; In tha 1at campaign. - J!ow they boast of a recuperated ftind of 130,000, U will aeon b aeea who hi for The radical party hare not yet ciliaust- ed their many source of outrage upon tlie pmpte North Carolina and the Rcmlli. Then la antliing they eonld add but blow aad stripe, add boom of the loyal are bu doubt wishing bow auoa tbey uayeotne. " ' Tt lhelxMtt of IViniMtTteneao Cliat he conquered Phillip by refusing hi m.anw and bribsa, : It remaini to be tecs bw many coaservatir and democrat will rit the gold olmd bj the Ojfict- kuUtri Orpin. TboM who nwbx'and re fuse to partake of their $20,000 ill -gotte n gaia will be rveanled aa conuiterin, while those who jiflj arrnut only bribed but mid. ' ' , .; '., Two yutu or Kant of patient endurance;, and through the alow proves of h-ghtlu. live enactraaut we will rid ourselves tha obnoxioua feature! of list connituikiu put upon la, a wf Tlximil1n upon 'Mexico aad . Napoleon upon Franco, Eighty themaend negrnea, though they "vote ia solid column, with a few hull drad emrpt buggery umiiut (.imtrol the destialra of a people who have been an4 yet deserve to be free. , HQS. JAMHH HKOOh'M, Thit geoth-niao ia traveling atnoag the heathen Japanese. Hit Mb) all tluHit tlicst remark ll jiK." Am'tai Urn mint re - markable tact he rucotibi of tliein, it that tbey threw very straw Into the cum poet heap to make manure. When will oar people krn that: there caa-be no profitable Unuing without plentiful niauuring and deep plowiug. If we bad one Ktfgucnnil lariiier, who preo- ttoed conipoaling, in townahlp In Orange county hk. exampla would be worth thiHwanda In ready money. luatcial of aa average of twa liarrela of oorn, and Iva buabda of wheat, to the acre, it would amia be ail and tea. ' . 7 ' . ., Only think of It, iuo of Orange, tun Japanaae beat you in farmiiig,eunipiilirnf and hnproving mtitlier earth. comnrtrTJomt suoutcsrinfn. We are plowed to publwb 1p-day k on Wiunicati.av aigne.1 " Iilofia. It from the pea of aa ekpcrlcnral autnanan, trlt kaa take, ft ynuv past, an artivo and pnanineut part oa Ilia political atage. iW aliall be plowiod Lfcg the pa peril diacnaa,' thoroughly, tlie eooatitutional ajiieniiinfiflbl which 1II Us effced when the general aaanmbly convene In, No vember. Wa have had the view of "Car iarat mf " UintoB," We invite tbea and Mtu friend to a full and ftcc diacuatioa of the aabject. It wilt help to make up a healthy and aoond aontiment aad opinion aa to what ahould badona. Two atrotig baltcriia of artitlcry .have been ordered to Italeiglk Tha l'kilM ' pkiigta commmtlng on thi movement aaya, tha "give color to the MifpWon that. tha admiDiatratioti art about to make arbiuvr and nnfoumled arraart of promt Mat citiceoi In the boje of inciting a eon flict, whir!b will alford aa excuse for k!x lag tha etate by Uie asilitary arm, and thu aacure . ta " wt .'Oraut'Likt move- - mente h -rebta 4e '--abe"atainaf:hw- tbat Oral. Jrant it preparing" to employ the award U.1873. In the firal ineUnCe ba repaid but civil took by lucrative offi cea. That waa ia their Una. Kay be. not . attack tha army bow, and bold out gilded .bataraof MHiimandJMarcward iliiro tion to hie interoatat N.tpok-oa over threw tb freocb republic by ti tuck Mana. , He corrupted venal oltlceraof the amy, and brought about the mp ftt Gca. Orant waa elected by money.. lie hopes to be re-alerted by bayonet." L New Yoax Ki'Kuix. 4 caaa Uka the following occurring to North Carolina . woulj be nwft for Fat Cartow A Co.: PfAiuHnEfcHtm, Senml I. -1 Bight cr tw asro a ni.4. of, yet, unknown men eurrouu(Ul Jol.'i Taaclier't h", in Bttwrio? Moouijiin, lukbca county, and 1 ordnnj him to c-ui out,.,' H roiutocl, when tacy broke into. hi dwelling, and netting him bu&ind a chimm'y, dragged him turth and stripping his i loth off tlirew a lig over hit head. ' Ttit-f tlien beamrarMi hi body with tar and nWlit'd a ban of teathera on bun ana Di. Teacher ia charged with running away with the wife of another man named Decker, aad it la thought that Decker led tha attack on turn. ' rrom a kttor reccivwl bom Prot W. H. Merritt (to tha editor of tliin paoer,) , f we rporet to learn that VatoV Aca.l. my waabruken fnto a Jew BighU eiace, and i dwpoilfd of valuabbj two., to the Moant of about Who k Ue editor I Wa bave sot heard pf ( inc lb d- parture of Quintu and ' . IkU-oducelamtoQiepubLuC - fifjr ? KX0W8 ABOUT-rAM- The SfUUmA AgrimUrul,n ihtlnta tion of Grcek'y, iclta what br ku-'wi. forming, and mpwlidly almt wl-il eal. lure, tl ia ao well aaiil it mav be 4if rva to maay vt Ma rradiT who will .oh )r engaged in aecding llii-ir lainU to xhr.il : Wheat Ct'iriiKi' Awo it Eo.kuin Wheai. culture llw um ioirtaiit of all agrtcjiliiiMl inlm't. af'if low. more in fliumce upon the wOrldtiom any otlifr. Wheat ia the Maple for bri'd.1, :inil in- pro gnl ol: ri ilizittit'ii anil iiiU'lm-tuul cul tune can Iwrtrared liy Hie f bnt of ll growth and oauuiHpliiHtJ cr JoO.Ooo.ooo Imi-Ih I, uf h In ii niv aMiually faisfl in this (i,iinlr. .in. I c ImiSth ami ami ihnrhiWrry ir ii uIhkM utiliiuilTI exparwioii of tin pioilui't. 'I'lu taaataiilM for whiat tre -uV aya. ola antl liiw, clay and amixl, i In) aiul limin. 'I'l.ni miml lie i-Uy ' lor a wM . .mini ..f guf rrop. Mu k Or vi-gi.tjUili'Xili Hwit i iioi adapted to wiieat culture, Im auiw it pro Mu-iai large wheat bdka, aiul but little m no grain. t'uifordrainiag will do more to nmiuote l grtiwln of wlieat, on moat aiola, than ttty one' thing. Clay vontaina the loml lor the wheat plant, but it i alao t lit- m.t retenttvw of water, ami an exceaa of wauv Mihatth to thewinter win: it. nRerdrain Mjcuf a heavy cky nla.fw huiuluj bnnbttlt pr aire pf aaiul looipli;Un tin: Workof IiuprovoiunL atiil aut h a iuil can lie mmle alWByt to ytrtd .mnttnendixc cat'pa. A pure aand annt be nutdt a ru ntuueratlve wlniat aoiL Clay can alwuy be BuHle as, by the application of mini, lime, whm aniua and lairnyaiu nnuiure. i ilotb early ami lute aowing hve their J . tf .1. . . i . : a.. ill the land, the laat of Ailgurt would be t bal linn: Uj aow wlinat III llm norlluTn aiiatea, but oarly-aown wheat it liablu to In: deatroyttd by Uit pent. A it ia, proba bly, tlie J-t tinre would lie alaiut the nudiile of rkfptemlier.'eapwally If a aliarp fitwt uocura liefore that time. Itii h, mel low, well prepared aoil nuty be tuna lur tl)a ita opK,t. Thnni u a Kfeat aiu 14 Irequent plowiagi ami Uie uae a cul tivator before aowii'g. The aelection of ared for a linat ia lei likKrtaiit aa the m-ln limi of k fur LtwiUng. tMxtt alieot shouIiI Ih grown at.'pumu ly, barvmud ai-parately, tlinliHl MMratcly, and ki-bt M'tmratily for thin peciaT purpoae. Tlie wheat crop ao w iitivaaed front fifty to one hundred pur cent, by attention to tliia siilit. - la aow ing ten acre of wheat, lelect one acre of toe beat land, give it tpecial attention, sow fwlifia, pluter, aalt aud lime mixed together upon it ; mid a few lnail of rich coniKiat, give It extra cultivation, aow Jiare wheat, and while growing go through t olW anti pull out all forrign stuff. It tlionld be well riuntril when rut, ami not, tnrealHof with a machine nor allownl to heat In the bin. Smut i a great enemy of (tin wheat cu p, and the only helpir it brjnin the aei'd. Kut it alao uue i lU- (minife tlie wheat growpr in obliged to cm intii.tf The cause it maud in tbecoailition f ihc uil, and damn, wann wcathiT. The ilia aa oucurs ta the great extent on aailir (llli'M-Bt in aiitrauw, whkh ju' needed to gWe atiirneM and atrengtb ' to" the Urawa. and aliounding in vugnUVtu and animal deposits, whirl gite a raiid growlb to Use plant, Wet, .warm. wabar-aetMWjBe' colli of the stalk burst, the juice run Mit and the grain rereive but littllThouriali ment, the wlieat I ahrunkca ami nctirly uwluaa. Tu previaitive of thia diMwav i tla) application, al thu time of aowing, of taou, woou aalin, or polaali ami limo. jTh wheat point Uiune la aoinctiium abundant on all the rare of wlieat 'in a Hold, Bucking tlie jo ice and impoveriah ing the grain. The midge or rc'l wiavil, bf it JoprolatiiHia, ia the icauas of the lallura of the wheat crop ia wane sii'liou oy caaxing llie abortloti of many iif tlie grains in the neada attayiked by it. The llHwian fly make an attack main particu lar district. Tb young (all. wheat at tal ked by them maggot withers ncf spring, and ditth is cauaed by the limtiol' 114 juicea, , its only preventative ia g.wil seed, bKb culture and the applical ion o uiut aaa lime. . MAXUH MNOr TUB V1U3 HIV. HIlC HK.NTINk l. Inllumtoa UilTt M i ok, ley,kHpuriotndnt public whool. I not nntiwMie mat ni eapwtty fof Hie poai Won, 1 about equal u that of an educated monkey I Where Mr. Ashley ia known, such peraoualltint will do him no injury. Mr. A. ia an educated gentleman a uhii amtlinpiKt, a hiyal i)uu), anil a devotwl tenant ot ow fxiftt ami an huinliW (,4 lower or our Uivtiw MUeter. He Kill m.l ennaent to baiirlv uirly wmds with Uie Rf..Trri " ' $The radioala have aamghtjo rid theiii- aelye of carpet baggert. Judge Dick, we art) told,- prevented Judge Tourgee and Certain negroes from slunk ing with him In jfJuiltbrd, bocatiw the white men of (Juil foal would not like to be enlightened by carpet- baggers or negrnea. Thu shows the JuJge alive to the ilualUo, thickheaded a lie appear to be about matter of law. t: ery lutvlligeut observer in IHah wrtua tliat nothing more Impmwed hun tl.an tli positive, downright ugliness of tha Mormon women. Out tf them alone --ot to mcntinn the effect of a dozen wiaild b a great horror lnx the niatrimo Dial line. " It is," ha any, " ' asaanlt and battery' to have them, look at ton : tmcb dijucatlon of mwe aad misplaci-mont of months and ruiw ef erelm.ws are not gstiiered T together ii" any plai-e on "tb& fAmutl. Tha atrocioua hotaelines of these women made him " shudder," (br their nglinea ta vicloot aad outrageous on- coaieJineas, iniiicatlre of moral diafignre- mott,'' After this dewriptioB of thejComale alBH-mEB; By tmTwayT'r TSfglmeraTt opmioa of those wltt have teen tbema-we may tDUrcb to vain for the romance of Mivmouy. There la nothing left of it, ex cept, perhaps, in tli Book of Horntoa, . t. Thb Hjithk Cnixica. Aa tiamina- iinfe ii. .i.u : 1 I from tha oensm ofHc how that there are f tiltjwe rwu'.lt in twenty four Male aad aeven out of this eij;bt organiKd territo ries .The entire Chine, population ta abdut ,000, of whom all but about 1,000 are found ia tht iparinc Mats and mining Wrritrwica, :"'..'','. ".. Kkji rucar Kchlcjc Two aegnwt aad white man have just been hanged by a pmb at Caayville, Ky., fiw rnitriuHnir tlie t-rtoa of a white, woman In that vicinity. Five men were concerned in tlie outrage, which was of tht most horrible character Tht other bad been executed m the tame meaner toon after the commit!! on of the ouctta. - ! " " ' " ' " ; the New York TiAm Lmf intimate that tlicra it a gang of avoundreltin Worth Carolina who are ruining the trade to mna tifHOtered tobacco by wane criminal ev tion of tlie wnmite law. Why don't tlie honest manufacturer m .Wo dir.. t npcal (d Uie authonue at Wahinfon fi p"ov' ruction from auwb unaurupulou robber I Froia the flUUsvMui a4aiean. JL TKHIIUIV STOMM Atpt.D yqXT. lineirf the fterceitt um ryvt known Id ,N..rHi tn.Un, vUin'l Md fit, on AilutiU; evening, tin Snih ultimo, at Wj-iill 4 n'cl'X'K in llelaifteniiain. tnih h iHiil;iw4 ami )Waiiilrda ilctiao bait, tnit euau ttriuhl'tliat it tbtxated the eye if ilioae who aaw It. U xicnivd like thai i liMnln lia.t lniMt, and llialllicv wen-pour Uf I.tiIi ill. ir lljpnil i-ixiteiita in intlwri U1I1I vuluuava, n il uin.:, roofing an it b I no, like il ulant ciiMiutlii,!g; tin ire Iwml ng iK-itealli iln lone; nn k i juiie with ill inoie tc-mtlc violent', i'nal log up troiw bv tin mot iniil uniicliino itte" Inrgmr brdnehen rmm jmw f the atuuti-Kt triKS and lul ling tliro igli the sir like ittitniiiii k-avi-H. Tlie iiiouii I41UH were leV olwrnreil, ml tlo- bertllHH dhrkiaHl by blink clnU'b, anil every lit iug tiling aa,ikilix shclli r. I I, i- ,-ioiin , o. tiinud to aiih goiit vjoh an , reHii inlon oaka ere aw. pl nrwtli( li. .l, raib fi.n'tlie few wen Mown high hi Ih. air, an.) the crop lelt td-oatralnl! Tim kial-ben lieVmuiMK U' tile llotel, hud it top swept away, mid the cage whi.ii was in a reunite part ol Un vard. waa driven by the tirrwaewi of the Uhiii UD-h-r a larue walinrt, which fell upon it and the remaining portion of the Kifcoen, oiiairoymg- ihiii. The green walnuts were- hurled thro' the airaa thick aahail, which r une with ltt! mwhJtitf .MuleuKe agaiua. thu diMiul. wiDilowa, but iliil no itaiuagn. rui ifentli Initi -were aaloep in the atiiire, bill living apirrwrd of their dlfjjer eraw3 a.b Ty but iiarniwly. J lie Iwibil wa rieil the ground and ati.lu.1 (iftoTi feet, htiving the chimney eta.iding. rjoveral Winama wir inniile, but none were hurt. r. I.. S. Adrhb,: wife of the engineer, at'l Mu. K. T. Cleiumout, ol Halcm, made a I very narrow enca, a very large tree fill ling ja a &w feet of them, 'flicy then gfct in the lione, wlic-n a large irarich of a ycantote; waa blown ai roan the ciock and bit gaiiwt the doorwith great force. Mr. aad Mrs. Klliott, a!ao, eai very nar Ww ly. 'Mr. (light, while cronaing the yard, waa ftMtii the earth by a large limb, but nonaged to reach the house just a a large hi. kory nut tn fell liohinil him. ' ' klr, K' l.'hire, waa blown high into Uie --irevraJ times while coming from thf null, liolh genth'uii n are badly bruised, bt will prtiliulily aoou recover. The sfairm alnilied some of the ohleat cUhu-iawthey ncrt Iwtore having seen " rage with such fury. It rauie ami went, la a short tima 1'urtuuut.ily, uo lirea were lout. Fowla anu swine, iu at tempting to escape llie current, fell helpless to the earth. An immense amount of damage was done the crops, all the cm, &c , lading utterly ruined. The tall anil Htutcly wulnula, which shaded the heaiili lul jaril lu'loiiging to the hob-l, were blown .loan, exeept two, which were en ttretv tttpH-.l of their branches, and th yard which once looked mt cheerlul, imm, lia.kn de;w.l:ile itinl d. verted. 'I hi uti l..i to Mi. Cleininoto., Mm. 1 .Hi. -r 1 . ..ml tin- Old F..rt colony, in .iim..t. .1 :.t luo ttM.n.Mtn.1 dolhiri. The viei are very hih, and the rain for the lal two ilayM hita Imii coining down in torrems ; ni-nrly al) the'fmrt log have been Washed away, aild thu creeks, are past fording. The atjufe a, dclti)-d yesterday, and unieas tltr uatem aooit KtilHi.le will In delayed' .r Ki-vernl day. Ou tho hotel register for tli. wHili, there was ; souic tliuty namiii entered, and the greater part of theui wnic in the hotel aud another building in the. yard at' the lime of Hie storm ; some d w Icul walked up to the mill, other ai-roHH to the store. Below, are the name fof a torn that were present during the storm : tlcn. Mthiisell, of Aaheville ; Col. Ibillois, of Madison Col. Davidson, of Ireil.-ll , Mr. Klnaik, of Haywood; Mr. Iluil. V, of Rowan : M.nsr. Hawkins, t'at- leryton, llililcrliranil, and other. All Kvk VV ITNKKH, ' Kr.mi tlu- H4iullHrn ll.iine. j . fa i.i, a. Thm gentleman, a (.inner sluritf of t leitvebiiul couniy, has written a letter to (l.iv. tNldwell, protesting against the iu dit i Imiiiale arreats mwle by the donkey king of Kill h. l lord, and mating that many liiiUMuiit person were fleeing to eacnpe arreet, thereby h-aving their families ill a destitute condition. The governor replis ik a Icuclliy clap tm article, intended for the nortltani market; but l ran'lnl to say iad a word In ft'gard bt his duty b pro tect innociint partu. Ou the contrary, lie claim that flight ia an evidence, of guilt and quote what he calls an old proverb, u 1 ho guilty Ilea when mi man ntirsufth. W would remind the. gover Jar that an old laatk, calleil the Itilile, whiidi his wrty haa iginired as (nmiUiti'ly as it baa the constitution of the I niied .BtsjteaTg've a different veraioii lo fliis old. proverb ; " The vu-ltj flea when no men plir0eth.".The (llrt.ioiK-t between the governor' "old proverb" and the Kibl'e truth i infmilu the one n l'erring-to M-itlc in and the other to general -depravity, such as can only be properly i litis tnttod by the governor party, However, we are gratified to learn that the governor ha a little inkling of tlie contents of th good book and would ruspecttiilly sug gest that il ha will turn to r.phnstaiiK iv, 1W, he will fln.l some excellent advice froui Bt t'atll, which, tf followed, would lw of grant wrv lie to certain leader ol hi part y. Hut it is not true that flight is an avi drece of guilt in the realm uf the donkey king, t Jo v. Caldwell, knows that thiriv- nine men were carried to lUlcigh la.it uuuiier in the midst of the crop season uHn tlie oath of Aaron BiggerataH dnaghter, the mm a swearing JHary Ann. Tin-as men had been arrested four or fvve thrice before, and in all, hwt some sixty dnya out of their crop. It now turns out that only one of the thirty-nine hail anv lln'W "to do with tlie 'off. iine with which tltiy were chargwl ilie whip jiiiig of that ol( ainner Aaron. Of the innocence, of thirty-eight of them, avon Logaa hiiiisclf l tatisned. Would it pot have been bet ter for these thirtv-eiifht men to have fl.-d and worked in aotiie oilier etate fix the maiBlunaaot of their faniilhi tbaa thus to bays kfl ihefli exiHsjHlteivatit andtuffBt- ing I line Rot. the governor know that tha Organ' of th donkey king boasts Uiat an 'mlM cannot protect any one charged With kukluxism I Does be not know that th best and purest man ia tha state caa (lie ureatvd upon the oath of tny depraved white or urnorant black I niinuosa he ih.f prove nw Innocence after being con fined fr week and month In Louan'a HI k Hole, what retire of grievanee has he I W hat damage wilt these Uurty -eight mea evr-recover for low nf time, tom of profwrty snr personal anoering T Doe ant Uov, Cam well know that the perjured naindrela, who under Logan orders, art causing all thMditres,ara wholly irrespon sible person f The manly h-tter of Sheriff Fall is an- wered by t quibble and a shuffle, a nbv rriai.ntation of facts ami a miM.MtnUon of scripture. At the governor is in the liiblical drnartment. we commend to him tho following passage : When th wicked hearvth rule, the people laoa.n. k . When Ju.lg LeM make wholesale arrests and (lot. (aldwell rnrouragyw hi ctiwimt, thti people may well miairn and initocent men may run on, at they have done by the hundred in Kuthrrfonl, even thiaigh tbt Bible' tl.aa say, Tht wicked Ilea when no man pursue!!." . A radieal ex senator of one of llieao'iith- rrn statii has mwle hi Wife a present of a hou aud lot valued at !00,fH)l... Wx months taigrr and he would have fun it op to doubit that atuouat ' rma th uawsneoro Fatrio. COXSTITVTlOSAl RKFORMl Kdilan ef th Patriot ;h At trieud of mmiMiud reform, I respectfully ask a timtll imce in your abhj papervto ea pwas briefly, and without elab Orali., my yiewe on thi abaorbin oihw tion , a ipsmtiiaa of tot mnat vital inter eat to the wholi people fifyur beloviil old coinmonwi-aith. The stateinlit la? saved, if piaaiible, from liimiuial ruin ; from tlie intoteratits bunlen of enonii.Hr taxes, and from other tnaiitiportabef ipressiH)t, fat teued upon it liy tiws prenwot coo.iiiil.iii And I bold. that, faery trite Csmttulan, who loves tli state and hb home, of w b .t ever party aftiliation, with patriotic, re-, solve, ought to unite, keatt and hand, witli all those, who are determined .to avert this imK-nding ruin of her people. The pr..K.ition that the imiple call a aonventioo, has been viated dowa, but it .Itt'eiitcjuinot be linderrbiod at an appro val ol our imwat ill-ailviiaij and badly c.Hu-lrurte.l constitution. The question of lonventimt was, unlortunaMy; ronipli.-a twl with several false sod extraneoti tide iatue. which caused it failure. Nor the result a party triumph, or a teat of isryy auengui, suoogs. nMnsieu ioitn -emits may. absurdly claim t a nch. A ufFieirnt proof of the contrary is found in the fact that while in this eongnwsionsl dlKtnet, etmvention is defeated by ott4 hun dred and two tvtet, the conservative elect Vmi ut f the titiHW dnh-gatflS. -L'oiiMUulUnud dmibtt, by nuuy who did net examine the .luestiou.-apiirehnnalon o( disturbing the lumrftemt ibe eolored IHople, tear of Iom of wntfragtJnil dreat( of threatened federal luymuUl these false latue uelmted the convention, a every body ktowa, who kaow anything; and hat the iutriniad meriM, or true issues of tltc question. , 'Ho that the true meaning of the recent vote is, that tha peopit wiah a reform of the Organic Law brought nliout liy im thods absolutely free inmi all risks of public disturbance or Internal convulsion. So doubt the proposed convention would htve lioin a Mtrtortly safe method, but the contrary, a alove alluded to, was in- duntrioualy proclaimed by demagogm and iimt holders, 111 high ami low places aad hail ita effect up .11 the (v.- pie, to whom the trials and misfortunes of the laat diiwle have taught extraordinary Caution, -approaebliig -even timidity. A knowletlge of thi peculiariy M:liaitive condition of the pnblic mind at thi time, caused my self arid others, who earnestly desired a convention, to doubt the ex .liem y of attempting to calf one noon tlie plan proposed, and 1 then-lore as eirly a last winter, when the bill was lie fore tlie general assembly, urged the legisla tive mode, as the only expedient one in the pnwciit condition of the country and of parties. That body thought ditferent-. ly ; but as this was a matter of difference of opinion ou a qiication of "e-y tmlo. and not of riWe, 1 and orhers'who tin. light with 11..', supporte.1 the prosisi tion lie,trtily without, a 1 c:..neieve, the let inconaiiuciiey. Tint. (I'or the reason yiveu), i has Imii hst and the rtuiutl only -tiows 1h.1t the party tif cimstitutiiiuai rcfoiui, iu ilie car rying out of ita idea, must take into ac count the cautious and truly conservative state ol public iecling. We must persist in our clf.irts to reform the constitution, be .caiiae we believe an overwhelming majority of the ieople of the hUIc desire it, aaesaeu lial to .thiol : prosperity r Imt, w must do so by means which not even political trick sters, nor dextrous demagogues can de cry aa dangerous, though they may be much more tedious and les thorough than convention Would have been, in short, We 111 list now fourcutrab: all our energies ilHn the work of amending and improving the constitution by the lsyi Uttire enttrtmsnt plait. Hiiccim by this plan is erf'tly certain, provided we proceed with -caution and moderstii.Hi, prudence and patience. Let the general assembly, immediately on assembling, propose a tduunt ol amenib nieiits, embracing only such a are most eaaenlial and umloubtoilly dcsireil by a large majority of the liuopie. For let it lie remembered, that two-tliirds of the as sembly next to be elected will have to con cur iu theaame propitsition, and therefore It would be altogether futile to iuclude nmong the proji eted amendments any that Is not overwheliuingly popular. II will I im time, nor proiwr occasion for rider of Itohlm, fur thMirista, for extremist, or rash Counsellors to intrude their pet ideas, mvorite fiin.ic, or ultra prinaiplca. I .el n'othing be prosauH thut will not adil to the strength of the entire tMems. Many desirable and useful things must be left out, Ixx autw, they may be tlebatuable and umsTtain of popular apmral aa suffrage is isiiistitiitetl, and might cause the detest of the entire proposition, aa a whole. . The following, in my opinioa, are the points liitsit hecesssryTln "lie TniTuded in the iroHMition, and all which it would lie ntdicrou and wise to pmjsiiwi at pnwent 1. Hfrlke out of the constitution every thing relating hi the jndilie deU, and h ave that whhte question within (lie control of the legislature. 3. Abolish tlie bmnnhip sysbw and government, and reabire the county court in their main feature as. the juateat and chenpost method of administering county alTaira. 8. Provide for (Are supreme, and tight mpnnor cmirt jmlgtw, alter the expiration of their terms resiKictivuly, or as their ollices lavionie vacant paying the suiieri or court judges an annual salary nf $2,000, ami have them to allernrtte ; and elect them a at prcseut, by the qualified voters uf the state. 4. Provide for himninl sessbm of the general aMembly, and tlx wrirsrMat (Are dUtrvna mileage o n cents, J, Htrlke out the provision rcpiiilng a ute ceuus in W3 and every ten years UMroattar.: .... mj : ., ' tj. Atsilish the provision relating to Hi ccslo oouuuisaiou, and ruqu'iruig a code of civil procedure. J. Provide for blennlet terrtit'of Oov ermar aad other executive officers, and fix the salary 'id Governor at (3.000 annuallv and reduce and fix talai iu. of other exe udve oflicera. I. i. Abolish tht bflfc of HupcrlnUmdent l ', Iff 4'UllilU worKV m SSCTV i5- '', 9. Itemwlul atarf preseu t wvebdied y tei of public Instruction, so as to make it cs expensive, and more beneficial to tint cluldrca of boVh mcet.1 , --A.ii , Here are nine siwillcation of amend met its, all of which are very Important, Indeed anwHiitery oeceasarv tn the admin 1st dittos ot the government of the ttale. for the interest and prosperity of her peo ple; and they will tltereba-e meet with th hearty approval of a vast toajority. Ami witn trie conttitnuon, thut amended. flillwwed up by wise .aud judiciou legisla tion in tht future, cur dear old Common wet It h dew to everv true ton of her anil. y" red.vmcd, regenernfed and' disen thralled" ill strain prOudly lake her plaj't in the Iroot rank ta) tha great eiiOeihood, aad go da's aid to a grand d tiuy.' I sincerely tnuia ttie leuiaiatiire' will frame a general proposition siubrwcing the Ibregoing idea. lw osn Yarry all three mendmeata Kach one teiiarate is not only right fbut very popular, and all together are Inuuensely ao. 1 trust this will not) be made a party question, bat that the republics party will anil with B in thi great reform ; but shtRod they dvter aii) to oppose theee salutary and essen tial amendments, we hart bat to make them oaf platform, and ttandiag upon It, wt can overwhelm all opposition tn thi state next year. I think I know aome- Uung or tlie sentiment ami opinion, a well a the Wants of th great asas of the people in thi part f the state, and aa uch, I feel quite wire I represent them tn What 1 nave, taio, ana 1 led equally sun that the road to certain triumph tie along thi ljw. if ws do not hazard mm cea by attempting doubtful measure., Aog! tth,tr.7l. T t. at. Kowsan. H. B UaocoHKi. Edwards & Brptglitcii-" . . . - j J?l'RAT'f: L ': - BOOK AN I) JOB rUINTERS, FAVKITKVILl.K, aTKEET, ' (OU Standard Building). .- ' Ri.r.iii,.'. Tlie artderHltrnetl. I'rsillcal nrinb-rs. would 1 ntpeet.f illly inf.inu tlie eiLizeus of Kal.-irlly f ind niaU: Keuerslljr, that tUe) k.rr pnrvbsse B turn Jltjwvw: wkhii im m " ' 1 I FIKbT CLAriD BOOS IXn JOB , al.UI.IC OFFICE. juk) t now preirvd U ciocutc evwry d- t 1' lutii it nl "Vhhiy BOOK m JOB PRINTING. 1rtm ih iBtt)1 l uii to Uie lanftwi PhiW. it u teaiKHUable btriv u Uk. mmii- work t-M) b3 AiMMS til aMiy fkBitlbakatltlllr-tlt U) Uk; BlU. MEUCHANTH, MAJSVFACTUUKlvS, rrofrsMoDiii tn, and dilirnt, iu want Of Pkamphl.-U, Brkfff, f Rofij.i ttiMtkft, 1 tunt HUnk, or litaiik form f ny dtak rij'UHtT I BuoiltKntl t.UKlH, Wt-tJJhin fnrdi, Vinitiint ( Vrtld, AdmiKHiun (.'urdtt, Inviution, ' BkvlJ 'Mcklt Kt urfl(in Ti'ktt, Ruilroad Ticket, Vc, PowUirn, Prominiuv-i, UMldbillfi, Dodder, iid XvryUiltg tht Theatrit al Lmf , - Cliculnvrs, PUUm-'iiU; 1 Kill llrad. tetter Umd, t Lai'dn ul vcry ktud, ttr aujf Benrriptioi tf rriitiRg. Will find It U tlM-ir kuJriUiUire to call, exam. tie p"K inten and n i-rhtiti prii.vfi twfwracMUtrac't- uir f'r t-tsr fliiVii tTliere- - VV . hiii k. t peonitoM.v on hand, or print to nrtlt-r. H.i iur, ii ru-r Ourt UlvrK lie nit and Mm' titanka of lUe Vatost iuiprovr i- r... WS WILL 1'AV tjPKLIAL ATTENTION TO llltONZK WOHH 1 Of every d. a. iptioil, auchss - - B.i.SOS, v. " itr , ff aviug bad an t'jcH'r.fi' tif u-n years hi the priii thin I'umiH'tirt, imd liavlitf! alav on hand a niif auriiui'til f Uie (tent tiiialilv of raiHirn. ( Vfr, &C, w; dittUr ourm jvwi Uiai w cau plftane all wiit will favor ua wilii their atrou aia. Orders ivuHcileid, atid tuttinf u tiou KnanuiluetL BDWAKI(4 & BKOUUUTUN aept 4 If Q LOCKS, CLOCKS, LAKGK AHSOHTMENT or CLQCKS, OLD AND NEW STYLES. EI). FASNACH'8 JltlLIt ITOII, S Door bov Messrs. Tucker. fb2S-t JET, JET, rJET. 1 JUST KECKIVED, SOllKTUINtl QUITE NKW AND VERY ' NBATIN TUB WAT OF CHEAP j Jot Jewelry A T f EDWARD FAS.ACIl'g It I Door sbove Messrs. Tuokerjx. fb !tVtf -TrHKAT FANS. V V Beat HsIUinor mane Fannlnc Mills t Manatactarvrs' iirlce with treighl f.a- sal afc sue s anners llsil. 1 . JAMES M. T0WLE8, aim 17 U v i A(rent CJTBAW8EKRT PLANTS." 0 . 1.UIM plants of the most approved klad. , WANTED I .60 Busheit ashes. r a H'U T. H. SNOW. rH SB EAT BOOK Of THA AUK. ! BiasOTS PEACTIC1L pikino. : 1 VoL Madia WiOon fatal ." -Bbt t Man, on atcatn orVaic. "" S. C. BookSuire,' JA8. H. IXNISa, Ag'k i1 14 tf Rslelch, N. a 4- 0 s nnwl of ltapert,imporWi Prenek Ursa; la Mors aa lor said tiv A. . Ltl A Co. A a) t nation In mnm iinM Rwitsvia. unM Bwtel CUM. r ao trxt ixiyitj uiat wlli tJ y"f ww I fvmn olt, r4 (r.w4 nrV h, jjtwni1 haMu ati huaiiKHva qiuUiUet, AFCV aas. rvjji. 1 Ctwt. tM Hill. M. C. a if t. lki 407. Jalloa Lewis A Co W1I.I, CO.VTIM U Tl hKI at uir r iixt re m If c it I L tv 7 ll,i(M': KXTENS1VK STOCK r or 11 A K D W A It K, 8TOVKS, ( hum nl Pistols nutl tteoaTisu (i.n.iHi or Evkiit .l)si:airTioa. Sept 1 It South em Ii 0 in tV M v i t 0 I 1 for YOUNG LADIES. ' . - 7 Elultiahrit 1841, ' No. 1 07 and lwff . tTtnrlcs ht. 11.1 l.Tl.n Ollt:, .fid. PrintipHlt Mr. iukI Slrt. WINn !N. tar). Mr. 'i'l John IVgru 'l't 1 till. 11 111 ,Vwlm IX)I) KllK 8 ALE KtmJiir.l of 0k and Pint Won otfr itlii.i Biitus of IJbw city. ept 1 tin N, C. LAND COMPANY I T1LANNEL8 ! FLANNELS ! ! Wi invite attrition h war taiyv tttuek uf WJLIITK FIdIiKL8 OK EVKUY (IKAliK AND HTVI.E. Thet are CHK.APKR Ui.n fan lie buugbt l'I her... It.W let, UKAhK A; CO., e. J If 1 fieri oh rjj, .N KV Kfl) (iLOVES. We sk Uie attention of our ladj frieude to our urw aud beautiful nlok of KID GLOVES! KMBRACINO AlUt TUB DFJIIRABLI FALL UAIE. W HAVS Ji;T Ksi'KIVBD ttSMPl.l, two botjo! mmi whieb ara-will tell very much tower than the fcarue qnailty uf Glove can b puribased for elif where. Also a large itock A out Dollar Kid Cloves, Tlie beat for Uie prif la the eity. . DAVIS, DRAKR A CO., sep J tf Peterslmrx, Vs. TO THB WHOLESALE TRADE- OF Virginia and North w ." uaroima. IITEARE NOV? KKCKIVINU feV DAILY V arrlvHlii our Hut luaUliueut o( UOODg udaiU)d to the FALL THADE and respwtfiity .il( rt your orders for the aame. We particularly tall your attention to our large ioi of WOOLEN GOODS, mostly purrbssed during the month of Jbm, and wltkti ws caa ems(Miucntly sett for s tuns pnte tttsn is now asked by Northern Jotitwra. For iwrtlculsrs of oar stock wa rafer to fu ture advsrtueiiHtnW. PAVlrl, DRAKE A CO., Corner Bank and Sycamore street. P a If fetersuarK, V L OW PRICES RAGING! HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STKEI HOUSE FUROTSHINCF OOOD8, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, 6LUE, GLASS Aitp PUTTY. Bverybody call and bay th BEST GOODS at Oie prawnt popalar LOW PRICES, at T Jl JIItJfsGS' -i?T i o"r. '.-. .. -1 H. H. Isst. has on hand a stank of tha tn.A'i and best luather, an is prsiarnl to make any work in kia Una. st shtvt aotics. Batis'arlkia fuarsnWd. titrs kirn t trial. Hliop omr KUnc iicl-li INSURE YOUR '' LIFE IN TBI c OF NEJV 0RKf", HOUSE V II B IK I : PROOKXT)' ,DOUaUSUELL, - Insarwaco AgnnV aaglTtf A eoniowilioa ffWTlllns konse m 'sTstts. villt atraet, aear tb Uovunor' Msusio. ' . Apply to ! M DOUGLAS BELL, M(SIU 0&X nut W Xartwro Utl , , ' JtaOSPECTUS., THE fBASER OF TEMPEEASCE. URMlHK. UN THB riH-'T OF (M TO ir mtxt t fcm- a sflrt elan TeiMperau-i- taatatr, Wl"aled 'Tht lUtnivrttf l'eMfrrurt., Tin Haulmr 0 be a f rt. uUt auirtit itntl rttaa? aWaWatVOW1 '( Ittr tjrntt TrHinii'r return, ' K BTTiii; in'. mim mtn't- n. Ilie T-al-VI' f.H- tn llUIIUtll ,1'I l.it wM al.it ('fOt'Ti Ml ii will fu-rk L. 1 win u-im fr-.n il- .-nMraritiL; .i(a. and laU'r In nyrTrid ihe h-lnfn trlm-i'lrii nf U"merui ov r tin: latid. ' AS k KIIH'LK (!' yKW8, A fintitro M tht- liii-w will Itr-a- arrltUM 1 imii,kd ttuniiiiarv of rH-rular"rHiiti I!, rvlfi;iiH-i and Mirrarv ni-wpi of rV,'vi''W. hc tli.il tu ruiul i will im Wtll ou all U nniHri.itiiL iiMi'iiieiit of lh' day. F AMILY KKAlMNt, A ,'ortiou of tin- ti.ttttrr will Ik.' dovoted to loily ivjatlitin; iuat.it -r, tnludiu Arattinl anl nwit-l4'tl aritt l it tuiil nUiriea, oi-u, vraifH t)f wit mid uumr, and extraeta fnu book and OrTt'MlU'Hls. TultJiiiiid writers are aeeured tb eriri' l. Uie column of Ut Jitnrtr wttlort(ual, a4i) aad liaily net k' lea. . - .-- In iHdd adrttiiaey of Uie TmNmratve Hfttrm tu nil of iu niuUii'lk-d ittuuwta; tn exe-llee )H .tiitv f mudiia iuntUr; iu ntaiUHx aud Itttuiiiv uf uttx-haulcaJ t-xe'uutMit the tUn of T-mftfthncf will taJie the front rank in tire nSiutlieru mvna of the Cld HaU Artu'. Ker(i-inr id iiiwritreaa uhu our Han.ur, wtik'lt m uo unfarlkMl U Uk auiiuiua tifitjac of sufmlar favor. Tkr tenter Trnjxrwx wiil bj a iarye tutu; nuKiy. ' fKUMS: One ropy ywr ami urn - Otl. no.- ,-npy (i montlii .... 1 mi. Monthly . - r i..... - - AdvrtiiH'axvrto intM'fU'd tm the uio4 ivaaui bk Wrtua. Ail . i'luuiuni tit ins aittf Riil.n. rA ion slamlii In- addrciuHtd lo TH0. N KAMx-A)T, wjit 1-tf Haleit;u, X C. OK EM K W GOODS; 1 5WYt)8. NKW Bl'MMEK AND JEAHLV PRINTS, NEW STYLES OHK.NOSajid SWITCHES, made uf Uut-u thread. lotDftliiiiu; entirely hew and alnMt equal to . ! the HUMAN II AIR. SHOKS AN I GAITERS. Full Stuck and Frwh New Style. TUB OA ITER, NEWPORT BUCK 8KINJ SARATOGA WALKING 8UOE. 1 WHITE MARCELLES FRINGES. Our rUM'k will be kept full and complete, and will te sold low to tuit Oie'tlmea. au 7 tf W. H. A R. 8. TI CEK A CO. ,1 t'BT KEC'EU EDII At W. H. 1K.1. T. ker A t'o ' 'JU pieces WlilU; 8tried rl.ue at per yard. July 111 tf 0" biX)K.-l 11UKJHT. i. V.H. NASH, Petersburg. We wlH "five ch, or wilt exchaitte PbrTsAn alle Law and Mnteliiieoui old uud Sticoud Hand boik lUtill CASH PRICES wilt t pid tut Bolue CONFEDERATE PUB IJi'A'i ItiNS, and for Btirke'a Virxinia, vol. 4 and for all 4 vols; tStitb'a, Kfrclievata, Hv Krk-y'a, lllMe'a or Koote'a Va.; .Ifrlnratoa' No., KafKtolph i-dttion ; rtlaud fupfTR, Ko vrs' tjvttfa-sl nViHM-ts, ftrtirwby's Virwiaia C'ouvsiittt.il. ITTii : llsnior stot.soa Vlrviuls, Vl'ttliKiiittrs Vojaire, Joiws' Virirliiis; tailor nn Vlrv'lnta wltli Map, Hull.Kk a Virljiulit, IauIi Kai'bul'i Viririiila. tfarrli.LUi's V (for tlin Mr etiilion i.f wtit. h, in Knxliah, i.UU will be paid,) WilUaui's VJrgo Triuoi ph WASHINGTON'S JOIKNAL, . printed at Willtanifburg. LAW1 LAW I (llall vola. 4, -V ft, or 6 Vol ; l,jigh vol. H, 9, Kohlimon J vol.; PattMi A Hiath - JvoU , Vitinia ('avt, vol. 2 or vo'n , KohiiimiiiV Virtfinia rrai tice-r-voi). 1, J or .t ; Kol'iii.onV New l'ratHt- vol. 4; Mutt hi-we' DiV-vlK li or & voia Lom'n KxeculorV--vtd., -nd edition ; GutcoiVt Jurtf rly mw Journal, Turker'e 4 oiniiientartca vol. 1 ; Kiiiuioirii Forma, Ac. I . ufc' M tf J. V. II. NAHH. T EBM KB IN CONVENTION OK 183&. 1 7 I have a lew eopie left of these valu ante ohi ii.Hisa. ,v Kveiy canaiaatsand canvasiier fur or agnmt uie proNtM!a vonvenuon snouht nivaa oupy , Bund soon!, Pries per mail 3. flu. - . V J. A. JO.NKB, BtMikseiler, JtlyJB-U Raleigh, M. 0. ' jnELr.-7NmH)liDaW6L-8tOtJI.PAT01t. O Ws waver tail. ... .UKIUU A. C. BANnEltS Co, R 8TO K 18 1.A R BAND CtTV PLETE J sud we , n4siarwtia4 a eU n vtteritt; tiuul I1...I. L. Ih. u,,a .1.. . " 1'RIMKOBK, PETTY HEWBOif. JuueJVtl DR W T. MALLKTT, LATE OF Chapel Hill, offer hi professional services to the cltisssuutif RsLBtia, and vicinity. ' Ollice, tot Ui present, at hi psidWK bi the Andrew' umae, oa Hiusbaro' Blreel, aug W-3m AMERICAN BOTE. CHESTNUT BTKE ET, Ofruai-ra Ui.u lNiKrKNiKNt'B Uai.i, rniiJuiKLriiiA. a M. HEIJLIJIU3, i'KOPkiirrou. ap lS-dtt r' BOOKS, AjTERRIBLE TEMPTATION; - A NOVEL. Br hi a Kasps, ic 30 cents paper Cover, ; I4LPH TUB IEII; ! A NOVEL, Bv A t bob r Taptiota. . Ike ILiSS, paper Com, iTHB" 570,I Kt lt8 RIGHTS AN:;.TBONG8: Bv Taa ATHowor "OtW't Biai.w : Prlc Wets. paper Covar, ... . ' : LITTLE 1IEK: t .',' ! :.l-,'f': Lira ar Pi.uiiriku witd Joa ftora. j A BOOK FOR BOT8. 'A By Th Atttior of "JJUto Womta," tie. J t , , JPHm tt CltM Pa r ' -i-.- Ttie ibovt' book araW..aJtUM Book 8t.se Of AX.FBED'wILUAMS. -L. ID riBKDIt PRIMS tJOBREN BCTTER mt recsfred and for sale lv I auX 3U vi a . . W. C. BTKONACH A Co. MOXB8 ADAMANTINE CANDLES, tj Jist nmived for sate by j j. aa.r ty . ' VV.C. BTKONACH Co. atis tm ir lJ . fUihj. HowBsrad do. ' - 4 ft 4ntnulitbtd dot ' . I . " A ttotfe do. a Yellow da. fust reesreal rorssle by W. C BTKONACH 4 Co. ' i 10 i gUt av TllrRnlrti B.it- i ? tiaWKiaf do. last recelTetL .'-'Vi- - - For mile by 1 ta; SOU" W, C. BTKONACH Co. .'I' ' " ' .1 ...... if KKQ8 ISO. SODA. lJn- , , to aateby ' U ; W. G BTKONACH A Co. 4 E W, O O lis. N" ""I'l'ty uf elCA.-4ISAU'l.K (i,,,rg t-ht in the last d-n dy rr.l. UiMt , klilcslf NEW ANU Uli0. 1 W. It UP tt't-K-ER a'v. aui; '. c KlTTllN HI F.I) 0 I t. J pi 1 acf tkl 'Vii A sil f..r the' HI Mi I lissti 4'il, I auk pi.p4 W tumuli . , fiilToN HKKD OIL t, thr I'ru.lr , or at rla1l ). , j".' I 'oil.. iMi tia s ti oMlliit ulaUtaihL l.kitl tia)i 14 Uisalwil the T i s'.r ' Jl'.'-'l a LKWlg i .il) 4 tf ' i. KaMira, N C. fjftur liiH'KUNU I.laJB,-n '- LJ Yn ah l.unlt. A tsnfi- lot on tml ,! wi. KtawA o uouiiiiaieat au u m 'ilk cKLKBHATKU KU KLl'X SMOKlNU T0l!.VCf(4. A larip' lo oBcrtjd fisr Ui first time Is tku uarl.rt. t)rK ss the best Call d Til ill .fllaflr III. packsfftis. "K U A, . LEK k Co "MfiiKTA.MT UKsn SALE . Ol. VriiUy His ll dsn M DnSmnW ... 1 ixlisU II si i.uWk atH'Uon ou Um i.i.u? vsluabiu 1 I.IUMI Sllii I Ot Wkem 1 Uosrn! Inuu. . aidiii Uiuilli wf Ksltch;lia"Wiajfn strirt I tit- lot i-uuiaiua live titi stirtsi witk sksiiostsi,9 " ' -i . miKv waa slsssjit r,,nia siUi s a'.Ksl kitv.wa of four rusna a uw T'.Htry lioiuc ou tuts I , suoks kos'as iklilti .lw. 1 Ucu-esre srvsrsl liaiitiaonir kun. Use tuU tm Uu proioi cs lltsl ssicrUt Is-wssv, ii tlesiml lur m Kood pneo, s )lcadt irsroni and excellent fjuit inwswiUi s wall of ,ur in Uib jsid luieiior to aout inilifeity. Thu Is one uf tilts mom plosssiit, Usaltuy .d dt sir al)to lots in Uui cliy, suit In jjooti uid i.uint iitiifhtHirhood, and could not be bought if t was not con issl lad ta seiL It Bast lor sjhst ItjWiti briiiK sriliiout rtMMsrv. ITctiik matte known on lua day. Ttw asia a III take place st tli o'clock (ui. 1 sni; lo sw iVUH RAT, I ATKNT BALANCES. T Largti Ux k from lot) to DOU lbs., f. isl t-tcicr Utau vr. 8 M T. U. BKIOO'S. rtvx Mi n u 'if X Tlie tax liV,f.r tlia yr 1S71, kavluc UsYu plMccd in lay tiluda tor t ol'cUt.u, 1 wul t st my odic Ui liiu Court Uoum from day tu-dsy until furtner uotict:, for tbe purpuss ul cdtUx'tiu tliussiiw. T. F. LEE, aug 16-d2 . Bkertf. B OAKD1NQ HOl'SK. Ot!o. B. Baker tisvinc takes ths flinus islsly aspt by Mrs H. W. Miller, fan sctoai nitKlau.! tsitti perinantiiilalid transient ttuardeia, fcii tir twelve uittuiliers of Uie Legisisluie can be furniatiMi wiUi Uosrd, lodKiug, fuel sisl tiiit st W per week. r ! Kl B. BAKER 9 fa KEWAKU. 1 will psy lli' aula of Tat-nlv five tioliars, sod ask no tjuesti.ini ; for tin: retura ot 1 t Huirify llarueas, -l pair Ltneo, i Blind llndlt-s, I lUildlc, liri.lle Slid BUllkrt, tsktn frinn ray Planus on Umfilxbl of tbe 11th ImL , fciur H.U . A." C WA.iliEKS. B AI10INU AND ffiSi " tu luo tltuo we will have full supply of rlAlllilNli AND IRON TIES, v tld we sill be pk-ssed to bsvr Uie Older (it our W. ii.la for wliat Oie) may wsnt, and still Ii will lie runiuavu st ressoustilc prices. KOBT. A. MARTIN 4 Co,, No. 3 Iro Eront. ' luuf-aoai -r- fstststiunt, Vs. - 1 1 UL1.ET8 I MULXJCTBH m rrtw Eresli Mulleis rWrlved daily. X W Bbls. f rvsb Mackerel rsi K lU uew llsckarel 41.7.1. tug W lf v O. T. BTKONACH K4HTKR.fc GAMBLES EltrsOllreKosps, J Enoctt, kttirsa it; Bona t'entury do. Henry Welcli's lnudry Boa), No. I. do. Colirste V CaVlsiimdry do.' kuniUi Csrlet, CbBmicsl " In store. US lo II W, C. BTRON ACH A Co. f(S PALMER, , s Iteeeivetl a few duys airoa lanre anitorl- .ii. lil of ttl.eil siul Ji-U l.iKla iu BetU. Brace- lei, At'. Alao, cheap dorks, Plsted Ware ol nil psttcrna. Has newly tilled up his store. will sell low snd work well. sugiS tw JVC. PALMER. HESH LEMONS RECEIVED TH 18 DAY HltADI.Kf tk ClIRWroPftERB1: tin; W tf VT C U A MB Jmt rewilved of the best q'lallty slid for sale. auiflaVtf W. II. ONEBACo., WINK! WINEtt - - - Elowera and old SrappamntMr Just to kun.i W. H. JUNEB Co. uKan-tf inLtUiHlFUlLUIl .. ,..,. 11 Pill up in k and W Ssckl. .. . . tug & If W. 11. JOMK8 A Co. rpHK BtlRDKB AtJK ICU LIU HAL BOcIsV JL ,' TYOE VIRtil.VIA AN1UN. C. tltis Society will h.iltl UieirNpozt Annual Fair, at DanvUle, Virginia, coinHieAeing oa Tiswlay, Ike a I Hi day of OcUassr, t71, a4 uoQAijiuiuK Its 31 aaya I kr'lislol Premium 1 unuausfly sttrsctiv snd arrangements are beint msd ! a larg tUcaibiUou ia every department. iutjls-wtoat WJ. HI. HOBI.UBI, Bevrelary. QONCOKp CRAPES FKOM THE Abbot ford Vlneyui-d, put up in live lb. Boies, : . v f ssk- by nS33tf W-CtiTRONACHAfVi. rKUNKTuliiTT U Ladies Larice SaraUar Trunk aow ia Store. '" W. TL A B. 8 TUCKER 4 Co. JtilylOtf (- TTCKBAHtVcRRAHl HUKRAtfl Jo re at Excitement iuaiNa . Al.l'jrr of Monrsn and Djiwaon Blrset,--0iioatM Bfasoaio tfslL tiwotU gotat; ctmper Uiansver befossl - ... 1 take creal pleasur ia lafara bar latetU. aesi of RaleUrh aad pahlie irenarally, ttiat ( ttav tkMt reeetvsaV a full sad well seise 1 lock of Uvucsrisa, eonstattns; of Bacon, Lard, Fltur, -Meal, Molasses, Busr, Cottea, fepisir, ' Bplen, l ess, Tuhscco, BnstC, Koda, Stareb, Baity Aminw, l aaitbw. Hnsn,, f.on, Kuito, Eaps, Chiukea, aad la tart everrUiiiuj -ally kept in atrstelaa Uroesry. .. iva as a eali befora parekating efewlieny Hit b euBvksvea that, what 1 say I tm. I el ay ffood at Uwkiwsst possible rale tug vt-u- V i; JOHJI W. BKOWH. IJASON'S IMPROVED , rut ir JAifs, , , i arasajnirior to til oUier, for sale by K T. 11. BBItWS. - .. 1. iTi.t.1 vmi, ;y I WARRANTED Pt'Wfc ? j, HIYEfl, BEE FEEDER8, . I t , Bead fosXinrular Jaa IT U : - g, J. iVcK, Lksdes, N. I. EH 000 DS. 4 , Surjjily of BROVrN DUCK BACW VESTS, AND PANTS, ioariafactured apwiaHF (orargi orJiK saoa. : . . , ' . a oat recalled st . K. B. A VDKKWi A Co.' tiy is-W JJEDA.HHCOAL,, . . law Tow. Itnst qustlitr flrate Coal, dtnet II, (rota Pklllelt,iiftTsJsat an 17-U i ; iKllXJLAB BELL. TTOC8K FrRMBHlNO HAKDWAK 13 LA, entiles variety. V - ' " N : ' ' A . A ' "