I vr -- . . I.,,.. y. 'ft . - " 4 s.".; i.iV j r vui. : ; ' ,1 nj?' ixr.uu I j 1 K , .i ; r . .iW j l: -Xv 'I. ' . 'l 'i,' . , ,.. Jl', ,.bi ...'i j i- ;p .i--.i-.-iiAliii:--Trr. ,m ..aua.-iitjUi-.xj, -igaaj: a!str 11.11111, I C. SATURDAY, SEPmillFR 9, 1871. VOL VII. it t i't'KV Jh I ailtt Sctttirifl. jiisllll Timi Jr4 Wilor. jOBI SPELlt. lttiaU fc Local Editor 4rr- HATES Of AUVCUTlnU. tdrertituli'ut u"M'rtoJ '" Ult w?A o-t (I,,,-, aBi.atUtcfuliowliar rate. Auorv will b, hereafter oatuiielcd t w "" tinea, uc 1 lark. ; liiiaqunoBeUroe ; i. each auueciuent tttacrlioii w Uoilhlk.. ,.rm-iv.-. ,. .,nr.: oue wuek..... i,.i, li ..diliUoiial S't11"' ,mu areek ,',,. uiut week , l li j.i.liui.iutt iiiaru two week. (itiv i "r' " lu.MiMi Ei.-ti .HiU.mi.UJr" uue-uiottUi.-. . ,,! ..pour lu ui'MlOw Kmli .uNti'i1'11 " ( i ,i. Hin moiiUia Iuu -ii'liu.MiIUinrc" tiun .purler eulmuu " tl a. 00 5.U1 !( 11 11 )W Utl l OIIHUB iihmill - .M; . 1UU. 1 ..turLim iui!lltllHcrt-4 III Wuekljr l.(tt lui c.-U..riJlfchOC(!l. J OHN AKMBl'itONU. BOOICBINUBB AND BLANK BOOKMAN UFACTUKEK. otu tbi ubt CAitoum nourai, KAUIQH, N. C. Tjni ui c"lu KiorU and other Lw boaud in iuuurwr Law litridiuir. mil -M uuiiiitf WW ui ucuauKu lur uui ec 1, l-SW-U urnca Atiahtio, MmmmiKm m oi, KaMHp Uum(, HulTIIHI 1IV1KH)N, rmuaeiw, V.. Juuo ui, l7l LINK A1 LAN TIC, Mlrtblsall'tflANB Olllu AAllW&OAU. N aiul afUir Uila dKi, Kii-urliu TirMrit V giHHl lu AlU1 UIIUIOUUl EHtfUUUtM, 14.1, mlllxi 9'tlil foluwa : Cujnil.uinlu Wyuuf rriuK ,4i" - Ti-uniburL' U At 'j;itiui, (fc" AlUmlia- ii, hl'nti;;,) . VI I" Vu-ti.ri u. Mg TjiiucL (fur t KiiHT V'lif',. , 14 f 'U ' v. 'i. inlinnaljlUll, (ut If el- i w sufi'liurHiiruixa,) Id til) E. A. 6O0DWTN, M. T., Judf 10-taciiilU Auutbulile Llivlaiuu. DK. RADCLirr'S GUKA1 KRMKUX. 8uvu eoaU ur , I4ulden Wondtu, rim ' ail aind of pain, aliuoat uisiaiiUy. Aim, Fevur aittl AKuur, Culi Cmtiipa, 4w. Ho cre uu iy. Kor sale by t i W. W. WOOKKU igX Kg Wft RaluKb, N . O. jARMEKS HALL. ' 1 No. 52, FAVFrntvnj. Stskkt-, I" KALE1UH, Hi. C. Atspiicy for Hie aale of Uus wuat aifoted Raipvni aud Mrtwcra. r ; Ucraura' t'elctmtod ThmlHT aM Jlaaur Mrilflxl with or wilhuut Hura lVvrer. ' i Hioiiair'a Wniuirlitoiiea Vylviider 'l'Hrwilr. Bcal Kauuiug MiUa, florae UaW and Uii fra, Dhirlalr'a Patent (irain and (iram S. jlJ-, ll In nae, at manufacturtsr'i piicta with freight added. A i., Mile Agent for til Celebrated Watt Cull and Brai-e Plow. tkraners vlaiUiiK Uie City will nlemae cU aim auu Munuloa of Ute jrooda on baud, Ordera truia raliauia parsoaa fcilicited. JAMES M. TOWLfcl, Aitvut lur Mauufaeiururc SIGAR8. SO bida. Snicar Juat recelml. Litrht bruwn P. K. "HJfTwr BhL tox it . T. 8TRONAQIL II OPE MILL Ifamllr Flunr wamui1id. ' n tf U. T. 8TRONACJL ,T ;,) . r-r-- : I. r,.HObB. JOHN SATLBM. MOOBB A OATUNO, i rtltf Tro Cm it y s"i:i' t tiw T ; - . ealeioh, h. c. Itate and Federal Conrte and ()M Coartaof 8 lit and SU Judicial Ihatricta. tOftltL -a William bMt hi amatl kera H( 7 U s , . -s k) W, ii. i y K8 C0 , BfOatp ini Pwmac Bquuia, m. Curuor BuaiiiBsa, ; SAL1IIV1T, N. C. TUi balldirur la apadona and eteeWt. wy at)Kin Intent firr Uie accummodauun at CTnat. Kourua and parlore ( auite) hK faml lwt, and atnirra ruuma coiaplete, beautifully an amply fumiaiMd with an eye to coinnrt and QunvMiMtifVt- " . VI i XHK D1NIM4 BOOM, " barn and UerhlT fnrnlahed tu the moat at tnctiiw inuiOHr, whllal Uta aerranta are Ken tie at iwiiw, . Ma aipwriaa or effort U1 be pared to render tlie National itricUy a (rat . fl.Uul U. juiuuare. iaoiabla wita-tua jHatp UutiUji Mmliiei iveita." " 1 '' ' .---Tin patr.maife of Uie traJlng'polUcra apecUully worMted. OmolMu at the depot to eetenrr train, to eowrry paaaenirera fro of giaive, Ohanreaa low aa any oUk Urattlaaa ' laMtattoawtttnl '' " ''''A ! -L - fniniiTuu,:.. r;!aBgMf - ' ' BeJiatwry, S, C LAimRKTHTURNrrSETO, ; ' J , ' BUT A BAHA," ', ' i ...j,' LAROKOLOBE, ' 1 ' ' " BARI T FLAT DCTvH, and geren Tor Ttmrto Bead at M cenU a.. ' nn or 75 wwiu per pound. Bent per audi If "'. a or aaiaai v , . Jw A. JONE4' Jlj Sfl U BoolufWri OKLD ESSAYS. NO MY BOOK. ' Thi k WW kjMkMnW itnnl mIhiiM of terary and Critical BkeWhwe imerpwed itk "OKtwpriilral noiea and rwrorda of experience -ra wki The aol'leauara wnt J warn a, The Prayer Book. Berrwwa, Theatre, Itiackery, "tory, c, ulth many otbera of iuKTOL , The book la rery popular. Bnd Vha aeeuod di- wa ianow oablwtatiw.'i i .' . 1 ' . B t. Hai. Sc., W. T.. Pitbllabera. -BeaatUully bouad, Price $1.M, atstn by matt. '"' r'.i:.Jr?ff' Jtt'iirrtiiAafB.'i ' ;Tta xiirfiiT ''.'tavWi "' , HALIP3H, W. C.' ' " - P w Practice. U Ute Court of Waka, and In the deral Conrta, fin eneeial atUinUon to ike kfuniiur of caua In the Bnprenia CoarV of C, eollecta ciaiwH ajralnn an? Plra wr Life Inarm Company in, the United Btatea. and promptly to any otiiet prufwuinrnl wuatoeaa IntmaVed to kum. ' QOTTON 01 N8. MILL Q E A U I K(i MILLSTONES, SAW MILL OEARINO. I arnaKt for Brown'aOer)(iaand Oulk u's Ul HniKh f.'.na. Any ordtr aliall have my roinpt avunu-iu. Advice given aud iixrcliaau. ..i .nui isuiuoa, uoaniijr, nawa, Ac. auu tl U U. T. TK0NACH. "XT ALU ABLE CITT RE31DBNCB FOB V KALE. One of the moat eliittle nutMfiuM Uie city of Raliinli. fho uniii!ritel in auUiuriwd to 1 privately ou itj inn. Dm' 4w'-lliiu kouao and ki otr the Nmtrr .aat corner of Vi iliu'OKton and Kdmu.n ulrciifa ailjaceot U tiie Capital 8viure ana Niirlli of UiVKpiacupel CliurOi, kno u a tiie -nay wood Lot. , . WME. ANHER80N, au(! W-dlin Citljltua' JSatlonal Uaiik JUTTING KNfVES. y HmithrunauruaaacdSlntrlcBladcdKnlina. WilliainiMiii'a PatcuU-d dx HiiK-lairoa erlebratd Prwellar CuttlnirJIa- cliinca, all aiz?a, from 8 to lii inchea and the famuli" Copr Utrip ditto, constantly la atorc .1 lfr......' 11.11 JAMES M T0WLE8. : aug 17 If Aj:'t fur Manufacturer. , ' rr 1- .... y HEALTH'S FOAMING ELlilrt The foia- tile irinriH of the Beltaer 8ia Water la I eat to crowning the Atlantic. It reaobee thia count Uy "atala, fiat and unprofitable." Bui la , TlUliri 8ELTZE1 irEKlEiT. this matebka natural remedy for dyapepela, biliowmeaa and eonelipatiun, ta reurodmed ia all the tanltarv nerfeevion of the oriirlnal Hpa. aa freahly drawn and drank fnamlnir at ilia ronntain awMtrit Hwiarrea fai an maiaiitio Im prov lee t ha del id eua drauarlil, and for all the diaordera of the aloniacli. bowela and livftr, prevalent at Hiia aeaaon It la m the opinion of our abloat phjeiciane aafe and adn.rahle poclllc . SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. lipriil Traie. . 1811 ' CKOQCKT. Complete aeta from fS to 'J0jor act BASK BALLS. - ; . 4i- FISHim TACKLE, Of erery deacripUom. -iTRAVEUKCr BAfla i' i f . l . For ladiea and Kentlemen. f t , ,. FOREIGN, FANCY GOODS. . ouna and nroLB of ALL KINDS AND PRICES. IKMUNTnok.' KT9MEJT8 OOODR . Oooda ahipped to any pari of the eoentry per eWewa. Tnf-aameearMUl auenuoa fiyea to ordera by aaa l aa to pereooai poreuaaea. Prkaa for oof rou aaaea om goia at pat, POULTNEY, TRIMBLE CO.. -:-, .... .,. BALTIMORE, MD. BtaodlydAw "pOEXCfl iSOIt FOR NORTH CAROLINA J. LANI.8 P.AHALEItlH, , i- -VHBFAI.EIHM AUAJSTOa ' I -" t RAILROAD. j Imnrored nrotvrtr in -MartarnrWk" WWl tTtleater county, lew r orm, aw mltee from me city of New York, on Nrw York Central Kail road, yielding aa aasaal Beat of t(M, from Apply 10 uie i. v 4av waeafl I " am; PAIR OF OOUD HORSES AN!) AN EI- I . .... will h anta aa awrtion. oa Prtdar Doom, Aujret lltk, by TOWLBd, OneWwvOdayaaaadltif deatrad. . t ., , H 1 ! 3 o w 'a 'i - s . If 8 r( w t 5 w sa life 1 s S a I-p ' S 5 w ?. as- -5ti v3 2 - o ! 3 ft . U . ! i 00 - zz.z ' '' Businoss Cards. y C. 8TKONAU A CO, I i: A V i M FAXCV CKOCERS, SJ, FAT ETTE V I LLK 8TKEKT, - i BAi.Bion, a. c. A, 0. LEE & CO. WHOLESALE UHOCEK8 A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MARKET SOU A BE, Ai.aio, . c. Xy H. JONES A CO. r AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KAUilOH, a. o. aeii37tf r"p() TOBACCO MANl'FACTliKEKS lloiriiian, Lit k Co., TUISAVUO COMJIISA1U.V MkUVHASTH, C3 KicH ASim 1'lai it, 11ALTIM0KK. i'n ii.ii- A Uaix, Bii.num. AtlvaiKf of 70 per cent, aacertalned value in fartii aill U made mi Hillf Laditur of con Hiitnmcnui to our bouae at 0 per cent per an num. Prompt rctarua made, wttb check for bal ance due htpior iimuotliaicly on aale of Oouda, Sole impurtert of tfu Kk Oailo brand . ap (Veodnai - N- e vt sloe k: or svlesdid PIANO FORTES. " Jam en Plnwon, rvajreclfuljy tiiftmnn lh public, thatf, tw b orUtraJ from the Great I nioo Cnnipan of New York niw lock, of rian4 whirl, will e. lltv in evry MUit of ex pplience anylhlnix ttit hi yt been otTweU, iuiiuniiiKt ftnnjun4V mt Ui ttr rawl e3UtUAtiinu)it bcint uth fc to e.iiiH! ttirui Ur i.Lkut: beforw the pnttllc an rticlvthi4 rn not he aurpaMiHtd if t-uiiled y tuiy wttliiih iriettt iu Ui lloiU'tt (ilwiUvi, hih( ai gr ally re d 11 ted pricut. Purtnnid wlii itrt; ulnit ur chMi-,L' Kiuio K'Mtt, will linil It Ut their Id Wrvft to wait Uie arri a), (one of wlik h kaa 4li3, Anivl,) of these auinfrior IntitTiiuieutf, brtar port ItM.itjr iiwherw The Compatly have jiint utored into 'heir iinnHti' imw Vac ry, the third tme they have tiuill in 7 yoara, iA li-wi I th itfttWtkti dftniBn for ttH'-tr u-mUi iatri1,m-iata. Ur. P.Ucvt fwTkNoW V trk iu a day or two, to Mletl hit stock and will aed Irhent Wuiuditly (n. Warn Kuoiita eorncj- of BanfeU aod sJiabonr BtreuU, Kai elh, N. IMflf 1870, PAIW KII LLF.R Thla ceJolimUxl mdiciii han woaderr vuilly hleh reuutaUoti aa an alleviator of .Kin atrd frffWimu- it ixtaJlli. il twV lermtit a troaMa-tm.fi rwuedy, from Uie fact trial tl gUv iiuisoilliite aird periAtanent rvlief . It ta a pure ly veveUlkla irTtuaiUtin. madtt iWin Um haat Hid purest materiala, aafu to keep and to uae m every. iaiully. it ia ret'oiu mended hy phyal ciatia and Hraona of all ciaaatM, and to day, after a pnhlic trial of thirty yeara Uie avtr are life f iiuuiit at-Mid unrivulled and nn tcxtludurilliUiiaefuliieaoycr Ut wide world. It lanttt and lnnrna.ur aale atfurxlt poniUve evideito&of iUttBdnrifm time. inwiiona arecotnitany each tHtli. H-.ld hy all DrniUA, 1'bhkv liAvnt Jt don, Pmvidouce, K. I., Manufacturera aud Fropric-lora. aui.. Mm ROX-EiriOSITE lEgONHK LAIPS, - (Pirkims A Hulm PlTUHT) Thia lamp ia abaolutoly aafe aafe aa a i-aiidlo and lilvua a lit: lit euual to fat jMfnoy refuitV in; any .caeu where the Lamp la no! aatlafacury. N. C. Book Htohr, JAS. ii. ENNIfS, Ae"t Jidyl-tf ,,, ; BaleH;htN. i jq-EW AND SPLENDID PIANO FORTES, From UwXIRIAT L'XION Of)., f New Tork. ' ' ' ' IAMBS P1RS80N,' T ' Rcaiectfully inforntt the pntilic Unit lie ' aa ordered a atock of theee aujierior Inntrtiincata and kpecu them ta a very akort tinw. SiKh ia the jtreai and iucreaaiajc demand for thaae Piaaoa thai Uie company have erected a nrw factory of uftloitml cauaciu to aan iirtiirt aixty Pianoa rnr week, ana ant now mov bite into it, whirk create a little dolay iu theauiv plylliR of ordera, aud with Uie ini rvaaed fkrill iy of marlilnery, and the flneat viorkaien that money em procure, and an unlimited capital, Uieeoatpejiy are enalned tQ defycompi-titktu and put their PntiHw In tie market at a fc.wor price Uian any evtaliliahment In the litiiUI Mtatea. Pomona who are about to pHrrttaar Pianoa will do well to wait the arrival of three Pianoa, which will ahortly be on eihibitioa at . PIRSSON'8 Warorooni, corner of llar,rcU and Salisbury atrueta, kaleitfo. ' July Hw-tf I ATLANTA UEI'ARTSIKSIT Soutlicrn life Insurauce Company fj E ' JOHNf QOJ,; ASSENTS J (- -. - . - $900,000. Dlrtdead to Policy HoMera Jaly lwt, UH,4 per ceot. Thirtr Uiree and one tliird per cent dividend ptaranwed on Life Polkiea. Inaarr Sveaaa aU taw aauat phuia. r , LCOBLBT A HAT, I B. B. HATWOOD, M. u.. Medical Examiner. kjlytMf . ' - Oen. AVta. 0 U-0 E E'8 , , J " '-' Til 1 SHEET IE01 Manufactory (BirraauAHeD ra ia.) 1. tlll vwtlnned at the old aland. W. Row; weai tide ! jot tevflle Street ' Beep oi aaml all kluda af Ti aaet vwarW Ivan, k inf, nuior mud Ofin Hlomt. Hollow Ware, Tin and JIae Fruit Cana and lara, Jananacd Chamber Beta, and Kitewoti FuniiahiiiK Kwla, Bathincand Hip Tula, Bird Catrea, Ire Cream r reeaera and aa aiaoa of uunpe ana una. aaraiaiao aao ataHnwo, waaaAWTKD. liril, E. UH IUB, Sign of the Bed Coffee Pot, , aturSS-m p lUiBI 4'- SASH H M.ANCE. T Tlila Iwiprovement faa be angled to old or to new window., at aura a low eoat thai It muat eoiae hhu (fmeral uae. One moUnn raiaeatite lower,' ak and Uiwara Uiampaer uu, umuM wilt kiwer the amier eaah- and a tii'nijjiiiotioawUl raiae UwTower aawh,. 1 here are i'im. i. ''-- - I-- - - -i r pmvvi ttw frame, and two eaaut tat tw) tower awah, albtber wei-lim one pound. County ntrhte fr aJaat low ariew,- Every pereon, whoae windowa w old atria, afcawal rail at mv orkca aadl' examiaa Uie roudel, and tee bow aaaily be raa vebUiata kla boote by appiyuat Uaa earn balance, aa. S-lf T LULA BELLI pracESOFTUE lNIason & Hamlin Cab ii ip t P v gaiia. Havinc raatly tricnaard Uielr faciUUiw fur manuffiuture, Uie , are now enabled to offer thc.tr wcll-kaowe Organe, wrhicb are the AuaruwifDasD swDJjiB o amonx Inatrument of the claaa, at priirea of inferior work. They print Uieir kiwuat prto a, whiohare therefore, alike to ail. litiartalile. TW foHnwhar an tfrairrtUoha : hmr iMaim (Mui t& r .waw, ikAVa jkvJ tt t IWm (ry.uu,u'A Trxnuirt (inraaawwd OrwawumW 11) Tht J.aw AWd. wUA Vw tofm.,, l'Jft r AAiev e(., ,..Klv All m aolid Black Walnut All Ike Onram made by tbia Ccanpany are Utoroukly aral ciaM In every vwapeci. They will not make Uie so-called i-llcnp tlr;all0 at any price. The oowparellve aupcj-toi'ity of ibi-ir luHtrumenU ta now'ifrcator Uian ever twfore, aa every voiu petr.nl udre who will carefully exainiue and compere maat porraava. . 1U.U8T&ATXD VATALO0VXS, with Wood CiU from Pholotrrepha of the diflerent atylea, full infonnaliua -wid loweet pricea ; alao, TeaUinouial Circular will be aeut free to aijy addreaa. Mason ft Eailiii Onan Co, Wartnnn SOS Mlroadtcay, NEW YOKE JOS. VAN lldl.T NASH, l'lH KI1KIII in., Va., Ai.knt. apalf rpag "ALL RltiUT" COO KINO STOVE. ' Tlffl "All Riirht" U iKMltively wlttiou a Superior. It I. made of Uie very treat niU!rial; and Wokkt. mreastk, Beauty af IHwiim, Simplicity and Durability, raiiidily of Bakaur and Ruaatinflr cannot be excelled. Vur aale only by JUtdDH I.EWIS, June 14-tf Baleiab.Ji.C, D 11 V. E. TURNER, DENTIST. Omu ovaa Wiuin't Boos Sron, R.ll.KHl 11, JV. c. ; - Offera hla eenricea to ever dopartmeat of hit twofeaakwA, I : may litf - AN 1)8 FOR SALE! Purauant to a decree of the Supreme (?ourt of North Caroline, matte at Uie January term. ion, uie uuaeraiirnea oner for baio mo VALUABLE LANDS '! Iiebmriiifr to the Mrtate of the late Thnmaa F, Devereux, of Halifax county. The aakl laid erobracea by eetimation Eieren Tltouannd Arret, ivinir .m Koehoke river. In Uiecountim of Hal ifax aud Nurtoaujptoa ; aud a one-half in tor eat in Sine Tkoound Six Ingdred leru IN HYDE COUSTT, TaKUB ;-m fourth ra4i. a-iiialnder one. two ami Uiree rnara. Title retained until pur etiaae mouey paid. t ne lainia win ne aoid in amau or nrfa tracta, or in a bodyto auit purcbaaera. l'ar tic duairiuH to yurchaae will callon ei addnata vv ai.i an uinn, He.itl.n.1 Neck, N. Cm or JOHN UEVKKKL X, JolyUtf . i a.V RaJehjk, N.tX HOKHKS FOR SALE One (trey Uorae eklht lean old, very faal in barucaa and a moat exceileut caddie animal. One lanrc brown Mare, aeven yeara old ffood In all aonwof hanioaa. - 1 - One huauU'ul Hay Pony, throe var old, behavee weil undor aaddie aud pat iially bmkea to harueaa. July -lu-Vt v W. C. 8TttONAC A Coi Of PETEI58BUIW, TA., i ; IFKERS'ONE OF TllE BEST, IF NOT - . " I , TJIE. BEST, VIA MO,! Manufactured is Uiia country, v ' THE "WTLBEIL"; Notice the following: j "The SirfelTEB piANb la leador. irm pa thetic, brill laut, powerful all uiuue. '-' Mated "The ."W.EBER-PUNO la a miracle of ulna, eolid toue-ricb, fulckar." Jwtmrgk Journal, t . i M For Ineneea of tone, clearneaa and power. I -ST Draeoaiit to Clergy and Teacjicri. V" eu)r l-dw8ra ' ; ' " - .x . - RicUARUauN a . mm jjnenb, DAMABK8; LJNEN CAMBRIC : , HANDKERCHIEFS, c We feel onraeivoe called oa wain to CAtJ TION CONfL'MEK airalnat the indlacritnl aata aae of Iriah fatnica made up to imitate sttr cooda hi toid, trade mark, and general aa peananoe, and to warn Uram, thai their only aafecaard ia to ace thai the authentic weal of oar arm, . 1 ) M. RIClIARDSOIf, SONS A OWDKX, ',' ia a'amped oa each article. . . i .' Oatermmed to confine onraelvea, aa hereto fora, to the aae nf Tama apifn fmu the ' hot eeat and atrooireat Flat, net the beat marlduery awtainabic ; ouifona m wetrrt and ektu4ty- aaaifaewarad and hleaaned aeaXr rmr own cupenp tandoocw i tiie eonaaaieil will ba ' artiAkTsaoarotrkaaAu ' i the aame durability and aatiifaclioa In the wear, which UN gnnuna Cnodt tiave alwaya ajroraad. ' I " 1 -! ' . i 1 .- ' I hffHWTvavaJi ftiB 4 O'B'DES, BctfaH. Ireland, S Mo. 1,1, ; June )dai.iiiHi, , ; 1 FRL'IT JARS AT COST. Onasa "H.w," and "fjera" Frail Jara at mat. - ,y t j-, 9BO. I. LCkVGEK. ;aw-tC , K-.; . W ir W8E FOB BISt.. A imod DwdHntr Hon w for rmt th lulaoea of Jii year, near K. a (J. K. H. i - Apply k - L, M. YKAKBTi--tUfit-lf i . J(LHartet4iV; UAMSI, HAMS I ) Beat If. C, Juat reu-lvial aud for aal'V JulJ'U W.H. JoNKSALo. Inoft S-M.t. J Nice White Meal, Flour and Cora.'' jirlystu W. H J(.NKJCo. TTHR SALS, -D, Puwa Hrotmd Bone, Wit Heat FrrUIinsr b Unii. , i , Jul 31 if W.n,J0NES4Co, N'EW ARRIVAL OF GR0CERIF.8. Jut rereived It Bam, la Floor, Patapaeo FamUy, .wavara Miua, Super aud M. tt FamUy Inearkar .. - July 34-If AO, Of LEE A4kk Sl I'OARS, COFFEES AND TEAS. Thirty Jurvwai alanaard A. Powdered and C, Sugar. Klo aad Liufuyra liloa, Varieua Sradea and pricea to auit Hat Uiuue; Chotce reen and Buck Tea. .iHtfi-tt.. - - A 11. XEEJl CO,- FIVB-kbiuTbest BNI.I8H soda, twenty caao ooa-natralod l.ve, ekeaHit tkaa ever, eoadcueod Milk, Yuaat Powdera, Tacka, OuUuo Caida, Powder. Sliot, Oaja, Coffee Mill, Biicki-ta, Wood Faaceta, tluaae Bruahea, Hhvakirur Brwhea, Ac. -July ai-tf A. U. LEE A CO. TWENTY BOXES BEST 8TARCIL Kill tiroa beat 4Wlor Mau-kua, twenty hoxe frl-ah Soda Crackera, (ilnpsr Cakoa, Lemon Biacultand Monnmeutal BlHialt, Jul) J4 li , Aw. LkE 00. ' Sj - W 'OMAN'S rKtNU 80AP, A VEKt uiitrior artu-ke. Al.o. Brown Tunam- tioe Soap., cb and tfiaid. Aniij and Na) Blackiiu unequalod. July 34 tf A ti. LEE A CO. BAG iN I BACON ! I BAOIN I 1 Choice N. C. Ham, beat Siosa Cured Kama, bright N. C isldua, ikewtaea Mlk and nacon tiniua, a lull iuppiy, pure family JwwJ Lard in Tiereea and Tina Jul) Mil. . A. LEE CO., COLLARS, Hainee, Tract, IHnnw-CartHar kens lloea, ttdea, naonli, Nail., MqrM Nioea, Brooma, dtc, e. julylUtt A. U. LEE A CO. FINE OLD N. C. Wblakv, aU yeara did, mellow and pure, l.t Apple mid Peach Hriudy, Henuioe Cabinet Rye Wlilaky, R. t Bute and (tin July MM A. 0 I.EBAU). RICE In Tli r.-, MolMof beat ipmllty Snirar Houae Mrrup hr tiie Barrel or Uiara k.tad wad l.rhihl Golden 8yrp. JulylH-if A. U.LEE A Ca IfMtESIl icround WhiteTorn MoaL Corn, Oata, Bran, Peaa, asc, o. j July Ui-U AS. LEE A Co. "IlIOICE Family Roa Herrhura m hair IU.. vy.ral alao, N. a tiruw Alsrruuta, vary u.uw, I Jnif attf A. 0. LEE A Co. IOEKTON'S Snuff In Bladder try the J putuul uc barrel, cheap aa the rcieapect, July a U A. U. ULU, dt Co. FAMILY (ocerle of all the beat and moat dealralile irradee alaaya on haax. Own nmenta aolkfted. All ordera Oiled promptly. 1 ' A. (A. LKE A Co., Whekvala Oroeera . . , CVuc Menihant Cotton FaetoVa, WUuiiugUm St , Beat of Market, July 34 tf Rakilkli, N. Ci . I i . THE WAttEFIKLn EARTH CLOSET, - H hy all twlda the fcwf yet aateated. aend lo WaaaciaLa W a vi j wtw Mivwr w. an pi Ji I J "aw Tork. for IWrlplBt K- twunkil, or call aad aaaa i tua., H . Two now ODhaad at W. U. I0NES A Cx, . "kf1-" .....Ajfenhvi N W ARRIVAL, FI.0UR! FLOtTll lfPTl. 1(10 Aek. C r I r. .1 l! V. ... I , .. V erwivenlent rttc aacka, direct from tlie Vl!1"1 ltaiwrawlD find M ta their lala Mn and axamhM thia Bi'Ur. . ,- s- , . dAMES M. TOWLPS, , I JuTyJ7 tf , Com. Mervhaab T OOE TO YOUK INTEREST, , 1 J - Ami buv SOAP, SPICE. , , , , V CANDLES. PEPPER, , ' Y" " STARCH, SODA, 1 "' ;. - T " CANDY, tilNOER, v 1 1 . e.j ' - atou- lAa, . Of A. C. BANUEHS tXI., i anrl tf . No, jl Martin atreet. QUR MOTTO , j la to alwaya cell aa LOW at the LOWEST, and oecatWiially lower, if required. ,, j A. C. BANDERS A CO.,' ! , Mo. S Martin aLeei. ' aogl-tf w a!NTKD AT ONCE,- tsduO hale CotUin. o . . . ! &,ooo buahe)Oora. , i,tmu bbla. N, C. Flour. KKi.iaa) tout. ' " P.a,a1 Ibe. aid iJaatlnea. t' ' i . For a hick wa will pay Uteea.hnr rrarariaa. A. 0. SANIikKi A OO., , ngj-tf " i No. S Martin atraaakl (ORNf CORN I CORN I, ,lp . 5.;,; , 1.OII0 boahwU WBrTEFLf NT CORN, at a toiiiaiouf low future, for aa ky . ' ; A. C. SANDERS A 0O , ane i n do. 1 Martin atraeu If voa want MICE WRITE OORN afat Juat bom iu beak mill ia theooantry, eaU po tat IV .. No. Martin atraati i Juat received, all rradea at all price, and a. uiaa DERSAUO. 00,. j atroatj a, i-if NSMarUa B VMINftJLOTt FOB BALE, i4 In Ui Nortiioaatern part of t,h City. BlotallOiMU fast froaUar Edaatoa Straat, a - irx.- j re rronumr reraoa eiraaa, , t " Hftiwi feci frmiuiur Jane tr Jet, ! S " SllhrlVS fret frotiUna Jnoea alreei. I I H luasatetfronUa;BbidworUilrei, For term annlv to P. A. Wile. Oaebier Clt- laena' Mational Uaiik- wf at Korth -Larolina land o., 1 uekar turn. . . 1 julyal-tt - ' aadaaa at detwrl - - ' ' . ' taaaia- J AM BS M. TO WLEAV SITUATION WASTED, .,- ,-' j O At lUiuaakeeper or Mai roe, by a wkiow laCiy, who ha lway hern arcuapHned tojre) aped aoeioiy. - ana aa iwo email eniuireii (buy), to educate, and wootd wnrfer in lc hare of Uie. fkeuopijr .DcpariaueuL , u k College or Seminary In a ucailhy kicrlily. Satufsctory nifkreun'a tnvew and rc.mlraa. MKB, MHIWIjI, I tia-u i Box4.Bat, UA,N. Ci NOTICE. - 11 ' At trn.tee of Mia Lite .Bank, of I Stat of Norto Carolina,! hereby notify ; 1 .a T notify all ItaaredHnr a Die their elaim with the ewt d.Tooa thereof with me, or at r hark Dewey. I have a email fund tu b divided fr mm arwiHur It crHIUrra (in the rh day of Aiurawt wit, at tua Kaielitk NutionW Beaa. 1 iw y will l,ri"c' W ,i b aotiUcd a eiatw (uaa may a raratvatf -- -:-.:.-r - . JLLBlKK, i Jan. J7-tSa . .. .( ,, Tniainw,,' i ------- - . ' , AnSCELl-ANEOUS. NASHVILLE 1,1 rK INBlJUANat. COM IANV. The fMnvtor. of U,i. rtiaieninii conipau) havye recentiv nualu Uteir auuual atatrinont. .Ta, imu, lT, 1S7L Frm all wunea, - . $(-jl,:!riii kl 'Illialuabliitjjea, urrludiai; pruffduua. nw tic, . . - . , UlkVI IU ' Sariitaa, - - . ' ar:,ii lip No P.dieiua I.NH, eovcrini;, .i,NtKi,io 00 Uuetli loam-a UinHi-Wuiiia of one per cent. - IMVUaNI. " ' On jwdiciea in force two year. XI per cent N. B Mr. E. W Adauia, vt lii.ld.bor", kit. brfn appolnird fl ncral Travelllnjr Aiivui Pa Uoaotebe, wttb ptrwror to aoieet airrnU. , .l'lios. B. BAILEY; ' Mate Art Aahevlllr, N C, June 10, 1TO. Jcai tf By Order of the Superior Court, I will Ml at the Court-lion- dour Iu Sutoavilla, .Ui Caroliua, on .1 WEDNESDAY, Ifim DAY OF Al'OUST KBIT. j .' ACRES OF LAN Ik, lyinf ia lb count of lrede 1, on the Cuwt Hin and Lambert' Oreek, IS mllea South of atauovtlle, iff mllet North of Chariotl aud about 6 mile Weat of the AUanUc Tenuwwee dt Ohio Railroad. Tlie laud will be aold If Iota aa follow. ; . 1 No. 1 coutaiuuid t acrta mora or leaa, ou wbk-h Dr. W. Baranvw'Uea ho. coBtuaiuw Bt er myr or leu, kd Julniua Lou Noa. 1, 3. 4 and ul , No, oontauuiijj $4 acrue, ailjoiuiiiir Noa I. Sand A j No. 4 contahiing yb5acrea, adJukuiiiK Noel t, S, o and 6. j No. 6 aoatalalnc k aona, man or tew, kd jolnluji No. 4 ud 0. j No. ronUliiln)r 4MI aerea, o aMcit QoL a uw Mveajuuiiuj ntm. A 4 On tkaae kan am larwe - h..,n... c River and Crunk UuUouu and a auilu quanUtyof Vt owilaad ou eat h travi. On 400 acre mL Uwr la a maid M.il Water-power, (roud l)uluii( aud wther buLd lrj. . tfood water oh each tract. f tuaae ktnaa are ajaceuilhla of th htlL.i tale of cullivatiou. the upldUYno, . mJ.k) lay eubaoH and will prudu.-oOultoij, Toll, a, Wiieat, Cora aad the aUmr k rain aud .due croi-a; aud are aukt aa Ui laud. biethiaTto the katauj of Uie late Jaiuea S IJyara fo aalli Taaaa one half in tt month, Uu UUauc lo ia nioulhe, Interual from day of aale. iii uurahwaerumy pay on third urUi whole of hi bid any Uui altar Uie aale la eounnued. Bond with approved aocurltv will be rauuirad for the purcioue money. Tb UU will b r aaund uulii full payawut I made. erjMiiavQtiuu, ui cue the Laud will pteaa call upou col. A. o. Browu ot 1 hoe. Deaum, Bi- C. A. CAKLTON, Ada'r liahMti aoa of Jatuaa t1, Byara. Jaueil7 Wla ."" K ITTRELL'S SPKINUa ww iBufw euuuuer renon ui now opeu and Mill o kept iu a nyle to irin aaUafaciioo. Bulire new lurallure; (ood Maaie, Bath and eleKaal aliado. ueUier with price to rait the time will auuVu Kiliroli' a )-Uuanl hum ailhar for Uie invalid or ploaaur aaakar. Th water a a .pecic for Scrofula, DU petwia, kruoboua, teium4 deoUity ur rt !., lasculiar to female, are Wo well knowa lo re qulre anythinK aaid In their lxiiuUL- - fW EoquMoof vour family phyaWkia. VI term, pur day BdU; week 1( month tu, ilaa llhwml daduetioa for fcuoilie rtuuaiuuur tiaatlawaTOati w BLACXNALL A CO., Proprietor. T.BwAk)'IU,,4-ti C. lL Raaai. j luua i ll . B t'FFALO SJ'lUNOa, MECKLENBUKO, Co., Va. Thla well , known wateruurkplao WiU ba opea for vialtort J but Ui, Board par day - . t 9.00, ,. montk , -. . 40 Uu. Buure will UMH-t, paaaenirer at Beoderaoa aftor J uly loth, tidod band of luuilc ui(agau. Send tor Circular. T. PAKoN, 1 June T-'nt ' 1 'i' Propriaioc. Ikoha Haaoa, , tiauoaa V. Svaua ATTOU.MIilB A 'a, LAW. . - BALE1UI1, ti. 0, tit OFFICE np tlra over Cltlaana NaiioaaJ Bank, Bxckvamr Place. Will urarUce in Uia Suonana Court af ta Slate tin Cln-alt Court of th t). B. and aack riujwjrvor Court a have been hereiofur at- aauiuai i.y wva iwwnn:ir, Mr. a. a. iMwaiu,iniier lor waynaopanty, wiU oM'Upy otliee in Uoidaooro, iataily that 0 UrK V. tttrvtut, ,-, . Jaa lu-tt 4- TATE OP WORTH CAROUNA,t avutiwauiVoviTf, 1 Jaiiie McNeelrv. John KeUierford aad Wn I t- I tVwJUprr JHB. AImmw HnmriM. IHrir .T L. Caraon, dot'd. I " ' la pttrauanea to a aecree avail la thla caae by the J ud ire of Ike Superior Court for Mo Duweil e-muty at Ui laat term, the auder- iKDed will proceed to lake the account ordered, ou Monday Ui 17lh day of duly Wl, laud u.eeiliny dy uiitil tiie aaina m eoitiplplnal.l I hi oumi; a oradiUir'a bill.kk-d oa behalf of til the i reditora wan. aaiy makthwmetva rUc tt Alia vt)eeediiifa, till la Ulfrefura to notify uui erttiWfa of J'l'rJron dee'd, to uie thctr riMiwotivut'latiu In Uie takiiur of thla acoouui t ute aiaivetiiiMi, in order Uial a final decree may ba made at the naxt term of IB Buporior Court for McDowell couuty.' -. . lb ecouut will betaken at th Lw PfBot ot W. JUL Maloae, Marion, N. C. ji jj i O.UI CORPEBINO, !i P ' W, a MALOMt, JulySdww- 1 ,;s Raieraaa. : ji i i '4 n MMET CtTBgKT.'fWTBOr1y leading liilorm im acauaintaneea aad othem ta ih lry tiood Trade, that be uv bow ioeated with the kuve and popular Wkoiaaaw Dry ttood ituna ot . 1- --r - . " - ' ELY, OBERHALBER A CO, No, tfl, SUB and W Broadway, eomarcrf --Wartktraeii NawFoiai- - ' where h will be glad, to' and ther whan hi lb t ity, aad tak 4eaur in abowing Uwau iavM aitenelva aad varied atuok of DRY OOODS, NOTIONS, Ac N. B All order aalniated io klm wiU ra- prompt ana apuctat altenuua , KeepeatJialy. U(S Im ! s EMMB'f CUIUBEHT. , CHATHAM RAILROAD (XlMPANY, . SuraaiTiaaT'Orru;a, -' KAbaioa. H. C Slur. ath. 1B71. d .V'aud aftor Tueadky. Ang. Sth, 1871, train ' M m t-'nttim Kallroad will run dailv Sunday xewpied a follow:-- - MaUlvalu leave Heklgh . .... .4 R M. - rrTvealfrd...'. .....TKO Mil Tnda reave Hertford. .....4 44 A tCl ).. arrive at Ralri(n-1.-..,i.'...-4 " Mail irain make ekva ouaneikia at Ralrkrh with the BaletKh uaatoa Railroad ta d from all notai Sartfe. ..-.. . , - Aod at Banfnrd with Uv Waaiera Railroad ka and from rayetwvul and poloU mtwav tern kuilroad. ,- . . . A B. AMiKkWS, --aaaj aaf ); ' - . ( SupurtnUodoot. FkOCKINUIIAM aWUruta, luwry, whIU A aaat -aiwawMn, tMiertur ta uone 1 t-yneu-kitr; t roaaChawiBK ivwceo, prouoeiicwd Ui beat la Ui ttlf.. --1 ,1 , Jaty Si-tt . 11 ' io. LEE A Co. A T JACOB BARBER'S UkVOCEUY STORB V may be found ,. (,- . t Canned nd Panry Ohoil, ' - r "i " China Ware, Parfoi1enyul" : . I Muobsl lltaMulBaa.-,.. ' -I' j li.!Mi .tew Patent Broom, siat,: , ,' Ulaa. Ww,-Wliknr Ware,' -t H. ' --- -V'-' Wooden Ware, -f ; '. r Preaervaa, Candle, Y j N: 'rtkra, Sardiiie,, I r , Tea, i'ickiea, aMT BnuB, "7 .... , . . TIPS TURNIP SEED (all klial.) , . j, For aale by pound or ounce, . -- ', t I N. C-Book SToaa, ,. 4 JA8.H.;NNlSSrAK July It tf RaU,i)h,NtO. 4- I KMBKANDT PHOTlKiBAPHS. ilavTnic Jn" retnrued from a'WMftvjivtkvni af lb Nattanai Pwoewra)mar AwMX iation. beaulea viaiUnic the rirciiail NorUiern Cttka, I ukc ploaaiiie in aUUmr thai I came In jinamaaVm of aaany varaalue impro-tanoalA In Uie Photo )(rihe Art, all of which my caatoraer ukall lla-.Ue btaulUiAf willuaat actr char:, Vwii aad -ea tk baaauatui Jtemhrandt or aha.tow laeiurea. . w. nAltUil yoneiavtf .is,... . - u M BELLAS AND BVN SHADES. Sutf y MllaJLLLAi AND Laifaauk v, .t ' ' fBlJfOHAM PABOSOLS, ' Rareived to-day, W. It A R. 8. TUCKER Cd ' July IS-U CtrMMKR FI'RN ACES, for aale At lb kj Hardware lloaa of , a - , I aim 1 tl JULIUS LEWI)! f B T B 0 P O L l T M,,Jt, O, T, ftli BuoArtwAT, Ntrwi YAkt, j " rnnife.jVri niicltjf ftea? Inaaagctueul 1 fiif the refii'jititiai rd? rcaaa. At The i a. loo. botMlna; twa to n iharanirhh; r.uw.vwUL an 1 nrwlv fumiabed Uiroiurhoui - Th, ProiwiuUm hve madeevcryeiertioit tu adaid 11 1', Hi , nifiMiaad coaveoumoauftiU pataxHi., ami haveered nelUief paiu nor k- pcuae to aecure inal eua. . TWEED dt OARFlELli. , JiilyHllui Protr.etor F OR SALE. ,vl 150. U) No. I Bit Inch heart Oyprea Sttln- tin, lu M to nit, dUrd on board Uaa dart uf tua Atlantic ami North Carolina Railroad. WAMIBK dUUM! a w , 1 JulySl-lm Newtiern, N. 41 13 0 0 T rt & B 11 0 KB. HE A Oil A'CO'B' . .'.HI Perfect Bftla ' .nti ahxM BtNlTS AND BHOEJt for Ladle, lienlleien, Bov aod 4.111 rtn-a l lir rrren awiin inimi oi tie veurw NEW STORE I NEW aTYLEal C, T). MSABi T a OO. deal Otify BtTB! IS FAYETTEVILLB iTEKKT July S7 tf r, .! ... v rpilE FINEST CUEWlNq TOBACOU. Go"for oiiobb TtfalwvW an MAMiviritM A ifA . I aua t-M No. S MarUn atrovi. yiKGlNU MILITABI LNSTlTUTa I.atiaavoa. VtaatatA. " onoaa li tvf ftcYitewtber, 1971 To aecara admlaalon, a th ntmber of tea. oanele B) ubuum, eartf atnMvwwuw mada. JAkUuau. antiii. t July SS-lawid - Superiutendenj. an. mima. up jeakl naxtii WiLMINliTON, N..C. , THE CELEBRATED PEARL HOMlTtX, "TUB UKEATEST INVENTION OF TUB , ' ; 1 - . DELIVERED FREE OF ORATAfHt to any Depot or wharf in tha utty la lot of Itw 10. or mora at u cant par aouna, auu o? cen ui ror ion pouna 0.4 ana w eeuw iyr pouna narreuv. -oena lor aainpiw. 1 . Farmer bavlnif EXTRA HOOD WHITE WHEAT for aale, will do well to eorroinid with me a 1 will lie ready io jwiy Ui lIMtti pi atana ai rtviu fun, utvo be delivered between now and laat of Jtily-.- KXTRA BOLTED MEAL wlk baa l aiayuairea. ,...,.,... i M , ALEJL OLDHAM. may l&8ra J'roprieturj IN All pertna Mtm beretrf forbidden fj reap asiHtui oa our latioa, aivuMeo near uie vj' -of aUleiarh, and between thai place and. Crair ire Creek, w th Dif or (run, or otherwiac.ia w aroel-terniinad to pniaacuia all Mien ooau aafi to lu lull anient or tna taw. ltB3KI At-UUUKUaAr- JlaiSSK F. TAYLOR. -Wtt.L CkXiHijK TAJLOB. Jnlyl--t -ct,. i.i r A ND 101 BALK. HIS A ere o( Land for aal. altoated wlthld 1 nillW of Apex, tin both. i4.. uf .Ui Uiathaaa Raiiroad, and tea mil front Raieixk by ik railroad. Tha laud la foot tor cotton or eodn, t wall timherai and wooded, with Uiirty acae la euiuvauoa ttooa orchard ant orninary bulldirura. Apply to EOKUB W. ATKiK- BOri, naiewu t. u. , 1 t EOF. CHANDLER, of New tork City .1 A. a loctiir aeiiverea oy 11 tut A vooper UtuU. Merck IU, 17I, aeldi ' " It I hardlr Beoeaaary to ankuva anon tarrlbla acaldaaai wkwuk kaa raaulted from Uta aa of aaf kenjeaa ; you nv only io read tha nswapape'a from day to day to Uiaov Jtllattated by euait that thee ar ek Kirerauad i that the accident never ooetkr, and Utat yon aad 1 never had a friend baroed Iii death : till w do have aa anormua num ber of ierritikt acetdeut from Petrolrum.- In tlie laat aevea uonUi of iNnti ilier ware i f W tva torneea aeekiweUIn New Fork, raauHV Inr. m twenty Uira dualha, eiifhtoen ervo lalurle and foariaud aliirht onoa. Tk Wii reaalt for tha year li, fo to dty of Nw Yerk, aMeh 1 yelf k-va mi fxaai aawajav peni, I Stty two fatal aocaleau from daner oua keroeene, Bfty ar.vera 4.d tlx iurhl; n all, UM pevaou to my knttwlenea, from ny own reading-. kv bee injured by krruaeaa In one year." ' M - , Tliere ba aever kaea a atBarl aeoidwcl frvao ana aa of . v. , , .1'lUTTfd ASTIUL Oil, ! It ha been befora tha rmblie for aatrlv f.ihh I 1 ha K, ana la now aata ny ov, 'Jill tna fauillle nr Ja lr ' ovfr klfM.'l,. !. WWIU, rntiM kamuih. -n ESTER WHITE FJOS F0 SA LF' 1 ham far aal a niw.rtor Mrai uf ttili breed of bo, of raMd arow in ana nay laiea kur protHMsUe. koaad and oeiivored un t.liat hiin B. K. at fvm d weak to a nwrni hg old far JU pair. , A. KP.NCEFR, 1 : . I t.j r .c PiU.boiv'.N. 43.' lunaawawJow i J ANDRIT jB'ViiaANp MEDtClNES. ,' B 'Y- ' iVilllBiu & IlajwwMl, WHtkuauu AJr liwrArt, DnutMnrf. " Have m Store a w,att, ,41 wu.-k af dnivr, mndMuea, rhcmk-ala, pawit. uila, Htulla, patent oHdliinca, ikanuavuiical r.'iiniliot,iit pwriuaaevy, dnoy anaar,, it,iitirut and rlicwuui toliacco, iiaara, hiirhi nd braiidha which are ailcred lor iui at kiwuat uuulut , , ?IV-.lf t ,- .-!-y? vTtt.'VT, Joawr,1 "' AawmxAO Joaaa, VWHt M ' "" v " " ' - i.. , ,, ioi:s a JO.NCS. , , "1 TTOHNBi rjr AT LA 'BAueiort4'.a' ' 1 ' - PR ACTIOS ih tbe fnv,retie. Court f th State. ih Clnuit Court uf Ui Unit d Stabw, and the wvera) Courja of Um Otli- lnilV. cvat tnatrlr. omcwkfif taw 'oaattea nf Wnkr. ' Johnston, Franklin, Maab, Warrou, tirauville, Halifax aad Nortkamptoa. Oilto en FayaktrviiW ittraai, Mar . ib Ooaxt Houae. i aaTMlF -j ' ' ' I a MillGearinShaftinU Puiley, JinSi.WTl. , JiTEW FLOUB, MEAL AND CORN'- ConaUntly ricilvUig uj pile and 'aold at njarklrate. i.-. ....: . s- --., i atufa-u, yAKMM. TOWLJi,ll. TtrATT, UFF ANB BBACB FWWS. V dual raialvwi a aupvty of ihi cele brated one and two horee plow. All we ark ef war fiMad hi to am tlieta. it 9 JA?4M0YVE8. k.af.ir" J-1'- Aont, ,...:.-nrl BBDilkjIph Xseoo ClJalrge, lauist Bptu TkiftdifTf lurti' t m. For further lnffrmatiin. riil.inwv &.. ' taV Id tVTI I Ikt ll..ta. laaa r ' jtTy' lit" "L,,lu NOTICE. ' . f To paiiled who whm to Store Cotton, we vSuc aa loft, (apatHy 4ou kakta. Waator with ur without Inauraacaa palroo ati. - trrma, e., api-iv at oner io C:v.UASnllTTBOi Co.. augSV lut, . Wiiiulivxlo ntreet -A ACRES L4.1D!t ' ' ; , -1 Mtfecfiip Ml k .laaH Iw, ... tuilu. Miliorook ti, th B. 4) U. Maalivad, ,1 Mil mum liiwrai,, . i lUtnurt tcrri wftlbeo ftapfwithnr SH I'sTL Aawaalkx.! aiiwiiae fmva kwai V 4 Id. for uaAaiuirue, ar other trvfannaUan, apoly ' to fcay.CUAJUJtdFHlLLII'a, uTlA , - Clerk of Faculty, u4-wlm j -av.akivldauntolieca, N. C. Vl'i .1 I. Iill.ua II M II l If Mll ,t HOUSE FURNWIUNfl BABDWAK IN . etull variety. , ,- - July ao-kt ' - s ItTJUB LEWiS. H PRAU LIC CEMENT. , ., ,M " W ar fvepared to Ull ordera or niak vwatrauia far Alvdraiille 'airmt of a;a-rior eualily. LOClikU, A N liKlidoN k Co., 4( OfH ISO Main Stnet, aiuf Jut r. '(v- .io.,. .Lyaoiaiurti BARr'?. 1. iii -ii- 1 wit-In nariviaii a biiMwd ektnla uf wotat tan bark, to be dvllvoruJat uy Ian. nrrr near Ralehfb, N O. 1 i'or parlkiaiar addrwat Urn vatideraigved a tlie al.ive plaea , , JulyiWilutwdMwSI rit iitgVtiB. ava. Theaeat IEAmT foniit K forewum lgakk viirma wai r-oif ar TMukumr. , U at eewveafc.! and aeraamleal. kO ATS r rtwm fKsriKn. with ir. sM ,w..t k; kkot kMa, auirUASBtkMS aad itaAtkk. DOOLKT BROTHER, aUaafaotanra. ' ' waotaaiL uaror, 1 t,nn iM rmwr trntir, ntcw-tokK, t aaariMeowawaai n.P,..ii.it,;; Mi... ml. .i 1 -ii. II i a. I- , 1,, fl a, fj. ocaiaoauaat OT BAimwocia. j Matttifva-tarer of FOBTiBUf AaB ktATIIiXaf : ,f . FATSST IAt-lVll, mMAJrj, UR1S! MiLLS. TIMBER WHEELS, 8hlne1a atarupiea. .V-0. I'nuert la circular Saw, Belt. mi( aud Mill auptiltwaiirAliv, aud maaufac ' turer'i aceut tor LelM' tuAibratod 'I'urbui new nneimvfWJ ueecripuon OT woH Werklmt Machlnarr, AukioLiJ likAL KN. tXriKSA spmcialTt: : " traendlokdaaarrytttw CataJoirue A Trka Liat. u das AaodlyawAw-'- v jfJ Xlf ORIJ nMEACADE Jd Y. -' Mia M. E. MiTch n and Mr. E. bajit; .."f1 f-Jtlt"mn9 tfonwrly Taacharof Muaic at St. Mary1, EaJeiui,,) ha charge of the Muaic Department.,...?..'!.. .A Tlr aext aeaatoa will ojb, Ml ta ri Wednead.y In Auaal, lsU. ' . ait Aeadaaaw kt i.U,un!l WwaaAA i . mtt deaihtbw partof ib Tillatf Jvlurd, which t nsrareed a ou af th hoalthieet in Korui Caroliua. a ,til i.oo The eoara of atndy la aimllar to Uui of ' ether Fauale (Vmhjarl, i of bia;fa grade. Tarma mialimla.i Uraular aeut aa appll- . eaUon. . . v Kaara:: All frlnid and tmplui of Hie lata Prut. Mitchell of tk IJiuvar.iiy of N, C jaa icaiBixrvaa , , , .t tO .ti--t ,t T-tOS SALE. X1 ii ta Davaa Co.. M. Qu ana af the h4t to. baceo and cram Farm, well iuttr..ved, oon-latntnt- HwOaerra, TA f which ! hrvec aadCrweltv. wjorn, Aau,a Sao Atidand Uat. t of Ium nere. VV iU be aoid a. t,ami.iy ok ' V4wwr Awrrawajrr; atmiv in - WN. laltm. r. O.j k . -4o 1-V4i. S T KK FOR SALE,, 't K. M. Stone liaa at Uie htalitoa ot M Dunn A Bro , a Sa lot of ,Muf arl h...,' 14 tat ll Will all ctmill for tank. I'm will n n.aiil at Ute 8'ahiea unlji Pn.Mr moinlii'r, and ail rwH-aorte deahimr to parckaa a emid li.ivim or mm vttni'a uo weii w caii ou u.ui ucivt ecn. bow and that Ume. v !,1 ,S .-.ti. ,.:.'. 1. 1 ,' Y -1 .. Mterwiieeii rmur44 matMSi klkH& HiklU ft.Vt. P Ii; and tbe WUarUrl prikrtrw, tVrt:unAr tvsrkt. SkUmm m4 aivHt-wtaiw taiM tl in, k'H l HI 111, Mlil.llLK and otW t AhKR, 4k , 4o. ' lU lfayMtbl. attd alWNf Plamil bW la.waw4i.lm a 1 7 i v

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