lie mntinelr if-ium. N. Kim V, a Baaine.. UVit MttKrtl to task? MoetraVt snd lfiv K- wltae. Ac t. kJ ,ATriUAY iv-i-ituATUK. Tlifttillowinu waa Uie of tlniioinctr t link C. liar dVaCifc-ar (". Hep. , 1ST1. 6 A. M 'I 74 71 7S 74 13 I V M. 4 " ' 1 t " Wecl ptn sie. selling in -tile New bem market at jW cents liualiel. Saneot Hm pJelrne In the neiifii b,,rh.d of Wiliuingtoa an Manning for the aroin J tjni- ramp nwliiiK will hmiimwe at Kri.Uv veiling before the fourlli Suminv mtliiii mouth. J I It wtv inUMatinil n,Ul.iinMKiiiMli( in ili Mt-thiHliHl Kp'w-il church in Ibis ,.,tv. , ,,i.lucled liy tlio utr, llcv. L. S. liurhli"-' , The lad ha of Wililro' yesterday held , f,.ftiiil at the Masonic Hull in that pi- in order to procure fuuila to pay for tins rviri!J thr Iiaotist church. Two prisoner sentenced from Npw Hanover cotmty, at the Juno Trm Supe rior Court .arrived at the state pwiiuratjary yesterday. .. y- Th German, Alo, wlio waamppnaeil to bate been luurdcml ill llck.iiigLiuu mt time .u;o. Iiiu since turret) up in tlie Vicin ity of Charlotte. Skntbni'BD. W. B. Pat kur, white, ainl Alfred,col., convicted ut the mur der of Thi Price, coL, at last ImD.ul court, the OroaulNUX)' Patriot of the 7ih insf., were yesterday brought ialo OMirt anil sentenced an be hanpod in the D yard on the 27lh of (X tolx-r, between the ho urn of 12 and 8 o'clock. The atii truce wwi pmuounceit by J udtfo Tourji. in eu attfCtillg Wanner, .liirini; which IV r ker maintained kit clmrurW rfatic winy ftvitt, hut hi partneilti crime. uinii'i4i consideraulu ettiotsna. ' Tlit-y liul lon'lt .Xoclr;tM.iK- cum. d(-'h-mI Tn !.k a mviiw oourt whi. ii hae-iiecn u,de in their .Uehslf, but wIlUA tailed. Thar only chance now of escaping the baiter n ill he in the aueooM of an efrt which will be matle to have their aeutcce couiuiiiUtl to iroprioininnt lot liftt. i A gmtlauan from Wanly, ayrr the Tn Ik llnruld of Um 81 h iuea., informs us that while the Iter. W. J. Leant waa ad dreaaing a large audience ia the Method lat church, ( Albcri'krle, on JburiKlay, the lt uK:, 1 pknfc'Vaif ffr&tecT aoouir the eiiflgregution by the breaking of a beach h the gallery which waa mistaken for flie atliiiig of the building ; every arailavli mean of exit waa at once resorted to, and , the confuainn which enauix one lady, ra. Preemaa, had her. arm broken, and everal other peranna were aeverely bruited. How Bembt Bkrky Lowhkt Aumnu HmaKL?. Wa teara from one who )i lately been vieiting different portion of Robnoo county, atyi the Wilaiinliw SUur of the 7th, that Henry Berry LowTcy kat recently been playing aorae practical )kea Upon the aoklien and militia ho are ia the field afralnat him and hia gang, It i aaid that the U. 8. troopa have tkeir camp near what ia known as Pleasant Pmapect church, and that about a mile Horn "tfiete reaidet an old woman who sella "tanglaleg whiskey, who has been; re- orivug freijuewt viaiu from the " boys in Wo" Report baa it that on Wednesday hat aU of th soldier wars proceeding to eiecute one of the " strategic movement " alluded to, walking husurely along the path, without arms, when a man niddea ly sprang trout tit buehea, armed to the 'eth, and confronted them, -startling thea with the inform ation that ha was ta redoubtabU lltnry Berry Lowrcj. He bild them they were fools if they came to Robeson county with the expectation of killing or capturing him, lor it would ever be dona. He had lately received a neaaags from. 'the Lord that he hait ii je" yet to live, and farther informed the artnniaberf 'man of Mara" that ha bad ingkaj out some of their enmrades tipon whom he intended to wreak bis ten ied tin first ouportunilf to aaaki a lkward BoverrMut ia th drrectioa of tlwcainp,wi)Ug to rbrego Jtha luxury bulging in their favorite bevetkge ntber than provok th wrati of the dar- H aottaw: A few days after th above) omumaice. received meaaaga. from Lowrej, ing that be bad visited their camp the ; ht bofora and tMpected their anw to n they wer, U prop,, eoaKlitioti. I A proof of this aasextloa, h sUted that he 4 left his -carrl," which , would be Nod atUchcd to- on of their gimsf lrpoa exaniioing their wvapons the name . Hnry Berry (Lowrey vas found ia r nm& opoa th breach of one f them, T ' "ocn to the aafonishnietat of -je gal- This b rather hard on 0aeral Oortaaa! Am.aioiisT. We ntukntaod that oor 1 dtJ will bs visited thia fail and winter ty ibia niunberof auperior theatrical and opera companies. Jotia Templeica), kap Portd b a larirw maul tUnte1 ill arrive next wwek j th Worrell Riitera appear during the Fair week, and the wsek after, Litchmay Orrou opera ""P wiU delight, oor. mualo-tovuig i&htmi'. 1 ''-- -r- . j - WMthUOiefjunoutrcwTencfcav'" to engage Tucker Halt for Um Fair e. bat not beiag ia lima bad to fost- Poae hia visit iatU aotuetima tii fall. : ' ' .-.V-V' ' , Deer hunting i quite aucceiaM ia neighboruofi of Fayetteville now. At tbetaat reuular meetiug of the Cape Tetar Bfilding AajociaUoBi, Wilfcijt4, toclf- aold at an average of 48.SS per ahare, and at the bud meeting oT the M chanica' Building and Iwn Av Ulion. of the aame city, ahare of M k aold at an avcfai-anf IJ9.75 pfr ahara, - ! -r rt' Wkvoaa Coijbt. Tliia conrt yeatctday uwrmiiK had but a lij;h attendance. Annie Siniiunna, col and Ellen llu.'lieo, col.. arrrste.1 .j officer Mua, were arraiirn cJ for diatirtlerly ooadnct tu the houaeof l.m y Campbell ; gned earh. Patrick Sweeny, white, waa in dialed with v Kilati n g the city on) inaocc in rrgnAl to driving vehicle on the cidewalk ; raar ilhuuiwd on pay men t of coat. mk Kuwler, arrealed by utlicw lyle, charpcl with dniukennew and dianrtlcMv condui t in the houae of Mm. Whitney 4a ll.e corner of Hargett and Wilmington alrceta, released on account ol hwtrltrvuie vuth. a Tribute of Ucpc( Xt a rrtfulari'ouiiniini(-aliltf r in.i Swk Ijhi. I rt t...i.i 1Z0...1- " I - , HI HI Hlw IWI, 111 Hit" town ot l,-,.tlMml N-kv. C, ou the M d of 8. p-ciulicr, A JL. m, A It rsTI, Ule follow ma: n-aoliUiutM Van Uit it.Ui of Caid. V .H,JLlummUU, m . M. of ttr iind-." liy lil AutuM iMiiVA. t). 18TI, at-.Tl .W j,ar, VV H feKK 1 a. A it liu iJoaatil Uod. U, uk.i from it onrworUij hrotliir CafL f. M fe.moiiUl if. rf.ilhat, while twwlnit in liiiialilriil iiiKnion A iln will of N auin, da-olf lam. ni l,,, ,lmUi, aud n-irulB- In him a icu. i p,u ur aiajMi. anu an euii-ieul oiHimv. wl, ilirKei nia aulwa wiili diirnity and iauiauti aim. lie waa a uaa of. auoerior miHIn-iual t1iiIMic ami aodla aiopiraUoua, a-lilniK to ""r, luc Tirvnea oi Ul ennaiun Iccutle iu 01. PoweaalnK a carefully cultivated uiimi, he Uioui;lit clearly, aud annOBiM-tal hi aenli wnl In worda au aiaaolo. Uiea ntHil u... Kft of all 1-itiv.Hi. Flaawaut In Ilia waya, autl kind ail unoUa in bit maunen, he laaawl ,iu mmiu uj iiuinuruiiiiy, iiavui( crftaraclcr wuiwj ui uniiaiMlo. auu a naaaa bbim inrmlx rod and revered. Aiolmi. That wt trulv rrnnatiiiu with hi innoiy aim Kiiiilrud in Ui. ir Knal altth lion and. uut. a .y of. them WMtwtaaawtw anrt xi nia lamilr here, and to hia ImiUwr in M,ut land. &ulml. That Ihe menilh- a of tliia Lralirr (lliya. " ..- ww wiu uaaai naiiu 01 muiiniiiiir r..r u,ivtM titJnvi Tliat a copy of Uiise reaoluUona or Mini 10 uie rdllora or Ihe "Kal k(h HaTi aai." and tlie "ftum Aran," with a ruu.utl l lwiuail wiQKhWIMI. .- J. a. 1.OVM0V, fCoiiuaitlo. ' 1 J. m. Mvm.m, Vnaiaittaa. miaAS m. hill. onarinaUin, aouiu, (Jarolina, aaixm will II i M f JOOlSfc- AM) UUitftl(Htl 1 1 The thirl w.i'.n of u.ia M-h..l will ineiice JulyldU), H71, and c-onwiic Iwujlj aui.i4id on aiuilf- : iln tn 1 ( i i " ".e.i.l.t v. Clts,.ilAV, f r .. i i Uoubun, N. C i-j- , . . , . . L University of Va. . J ' 0OMPlil8Ea . 1 TUK FOLJ.0WIHQ DKPAJBTJCFjm : 1. boo! of Latin. 2. School of Greek. S School of ajudara Laufrnaftea. . aVaool of Moral PMIoaoVhy 5. Beliool of Hiatory and Kiulliah Uk ralure tt. School of Ckeiaia- vy. i. o. ol HaLural J-ailu)4.y. t .. u Si4mi Oom-1 it) Vhaol f 0Vi I ad Hoiiilv II. s,4,nni I ociiowi Ol aiawrniHl awn nd Aaatute lav. fckionai and (Jiail Laiw and Honil 1 1. M,4mnl ol PBval. and Sniweiyi Tsv Sefaiast f Anatomy and Materia-ilbJic. II. Schoalaf Mctk'ii as it Ittiatetnea. 14. rVhuol t Ap plied MaUieinalic. liy fkhool of Analytical, Industrial and AfrrfcultunU C hernia tn. 1ft. Hcbani of Natural HlaUiry and Aicrlculture- PkifiaMuf wiUetoarV fosr"'ka aiada for daaaea ra Mineralogy aud Meoloey, He brew. Political lcoooiny, Practical Phyaica, Medh-al Juriatrudcnce aud auaaril.l Uipioiaaa and Canahratea of Prorklncy Sr iriven In Uie aeoarate achiMiia. The. fullowuir Uegroua are conferred : L. Bachelor af Letiera. M. lia- fcejorof Bcienrea. 3. Maater'of Art 4- Doi'tor of Medicine. 5 Bachelor of Law. ft. Civil Kluriuuer. 7. Miniug Knjftneer. The expena of the atudent, exclusive of tert-lwKika, cTntliiiig 'and tuickel . money, amount tu. from' $.aH5 to Bi per anaaiou of uiite month ; of which suma $M u JM1 are Ctyable a aimUkm. Heaaioa open Uctoher t. for CalakH nea. addrcw, CHAK1.E8 8. V ENABLE, . , i;uau at JTaoi lVV. P. O., CnlveraUy of Va aep 'i-lm PATEXT BaVSOIWI, ISO 1W Warranted correct, at the Hardware Houae of JUUI 8 I.KWI8, au 1 at Kateigh, N. C. ,, ; f - t KILL rot llLt, una froaVwecBl eana Urtat Mill la pod order, rnnillK a' wt 4u kuaheta par day, will be delivered ou Uie N. U. Kaltrued at very low tiruyee. Paraons bavin; tn power eaa saak it pay well this di y aeaaon. augA-U J AM US M. T0LIa V PRIME Lot Frtwk MaMeta tawt feevived. W. 0. BTRONACli Co. aeptfttf : ' i C i v il lid Uiiiig Eigiirtriig, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, LECTURES BEGIN O TOBER lev. I4f For Catalogue, address CUAS. 8. VENABLI,- Ctuirman of Faculty. P. O. I alveraity of Tlrgmuv aeptA-uw JJALL TRADE 1871. . aitt.s&.G.UNES, Wkoleaavle hkie Hauisifikrtairera, t TIIOMASVITJJC, H. 0. Greatly tncreaasd Produetioe and Saiaa. Great redacUoa. Whoasaal Price. Oreat.Vart. ty of Nev and EUaraat Style. Lsnre SUx-k of Irat !taj Wor -. No Kboduy (ro.Kkv Evrybo WairanUd. Merrhaou seed fur Circular and Price Last. July 14at . JJtizl States AiTcrtisini kimi EsTiausaao -. niRALD BUIIiblNOS,, 139, 137 and 124 rtiLToa sr j Coraar Nasaa Stnet. J. A. VOSK, Prop'r. XW TQRK. I am weraued to raraaah the fotlnwtnr - seritnd aat to salt the want f adrwrtiaan ia all part of Ike enaslry, via: uRK(il?HB MCHINSSM AOrtJtTlSVfa." 'Si) VIM A D rMSTWBQA f CoaaiBtmc of a few llnek of rfadina mat- tar, diatribated ia dlfferem garta of the paper," AllVMKTISIXO ISBULSK. - AawwMsiramnhTl TIISJLLVSTIUTEO oiCMS. - A aewaadvrvtkmrtlwstrl, ratrodaaad and oafered by tliia ajrewey awwa Sped jnan. saaf a tdSca. i,- . . . , Used by th saoat aeeeasful and larriwt advertisers ax the werlft. , . "gnitoHULAorx&Tisiyn.- DESCSlFTirt ABrXltmiJfK.rTS Of avarr braaek at kailmst, pcrparwd by aa szperianesd aaaa. Eatimatea rrr or ! 9m adrertfatar ta any Dumber of dallv or wscslr napers : and any of Hie alov at axtmocly low mtea. . aagav-atat tllEITIIEllITt STATE OF NOKTM CAOUM, jf f. 1. Srrat Adajr.ot W Trice, Haiwlilt m i y JnkaTrkw.tnil.-5 Traii.y the Mra ol llarrt- J"? n aaeeaai, T.Julha TtaaWlake, Uw Y. "'.""V "DOC, KHU Kaaoa t crle Trk, Kdward Trice HiaalwU, tint .!, ffwina, Nawy Bnulfn.y and Km neint of Buw of In above awiudd k4edaau my ewdW. . i . i , . It aiwwrin; t, of ta Cau.t that all the drtimlanU ahovc named are nau rewdcnU of the Rule of ortav Carolina, It la ordered Uial paUk-aUoo be nude in Ur Hmi rurh iianTiaaL, f.w the aaid drlemlanuviao l-mr e of the c'lrrk of the KnperVw m .. V"k" rvunly, wlliiin twenty dava f(r the aenkwof uiu aanuuon. by pabllew U"n, and pleait, anawer or demur to the nan plalnl ut Ums 4ainllB, a copy .f which t M in the onVe if lire amid Clerk, otbrrwiar jiiaV nienl lU he taken againat Uieta ari-urdina: k ant complaint . WitauMa. N Hnntl,, fia i .... u in Kaleurh. Uie SUl day of (ylember, 1871. aeptV wtw J. H. BUNTING, Clerk. QKOOVD HAND COTyNoiM In Ktare O at Karnieta' HalL imm Lr.l All H. . laud) iln. in exmllent wort mg order aud wmII be a. d J cheap. JAMEa M. TtjWI.E8, "-'tu;Jw Ajtent. LAW UBKA8T VOK tUI.E. .. 1,1 VVla of IrtaiHtanMw fkmta. mlwT of Hi. in nearly new, aad all in irood k. e.iai: eouuuuunr Si Vol. N. 0. Keiairta, for aale oa a.-1-iuuUiodatiiia; Urnw. JAWKJt M TOW LEM, . eptf lf Com Merchant ''Mill I UK HIliK ISTITITI0.S I SKCl'KITY AtiAlNST KIRE ! NOETH CABOUOMA HOME ISSOEAKCE COIPAKT, KAI.i:ill, ft. c. Thia Company, aow near Um eioae of the third year of ila rxialeaiee, ronUnae to write f "Ihk-, at fair rataa, on all elaaeea ol iuaur- ai.te proieny All Loceea are promptly ad jii steal and paid. The ' HOME l rapidly growing In public favor, am! appeali wla. wlth rowft ,1,-n, c, Ui insjur- era of property iu North Carolina. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. 8 EATON GALES, Sac., ' PULASKI COWI'EB, Si-praviaoa. W. U. MUKlM)Cil.Ass'v Baa. R. U BATTLE, Jr., PaaainaaT. C. B KtlOT, Vic Pidn. aept V-tf Faier now advertising fiurtbe "Home' will fihsaae aiibatttute till for the sdvertiaemexil aJrejy j in tliaui. UIKIM'S PATENT SASH BALANCE! Vd ikSlrS to aekl eountr riirk h foelblavnst micro w-aient in raai naiau iss . audited e. ei, p 1SS WHOWinji; ciwots-rtt o.u.iai, i ; win uuro Alexarnleri Warns fvioli.h, Ukt,. i tan 1 1 Mr, Mon Mltiroui!rr, Aahe. Nh. Stauhur, . (ul-iwell. IWvh.son J-WataBga. Ponyfhiu ' Burke. k'raaitmnj- Wiauai. JiWtnaton; Stokes, tree retain. , Polk. ' RiifiCTferi. ' XcjnteH, Tancey. Henderaon. -Buncombe, j Vfadiaon. : Haywood. llanietl, Moats.! f MITT, Mantle, 5-kCl Rowan, -I redely Uastoni Auunance. uranire, . Oaawall, . Bocklnirham. Lincoln: Jackaoa, Calavha, aacoa, )iasrokee. P A WILET. i ept-U lKi;LA8 BELLj I KU ASH COAL ! I am-..aow. eapeeiaif a -eargo of Scat tuallty AnUuacite Coal for gratea. Peranna "ko conterspiate kuruiuK Coal, will da wei to sapply theiaaalts befbrt the aeaana advaoc- a. Sept u 4 DultiLAS SKiJ.. KNKKAL 1N8UKANCE AOESOT f LIFB AND FIRE! ' Tie laHUritf I.w'Tort. Tke I" hfilt Pin of Bruotlji, ' 1 ItOUtlLAs BEI.U AKt, aeit n-lf Office nelt tire Yartxiro linutl. T- tltltl. ' " I have given ta iur danithler In iaw, Mr. KliuOetb C. uuuni, wife f my sou Jaine II. Kiwi 1, tlie krwiartv koth real and (irraeiuil hi ludiiiif the stock of hooka, ruuniiery, and attnata- In Uie city uf KaMlh, which 1 pur chaand at the sale of to tiroerty of my aou Jamea H Knnia. He then fora enaaca to be my atrantfnnn thia data, July tfOth IK71. ' - JOHN K.NNIMB. My fatlief In law John Rnniaa, halten aw bla rb rk of Hooka, Sutiniiery. .tc. . iu tlie city of kaleih I proNiae b couLnue tlie laiok hii-imta. under tie auiriuteodaace of my huslianaV Jaa. H. Rnrnwa, aa my a;enl. aeptSkf XI.UAHKI'll C. KNNI8 n7 ALA Ike ath rear ii Ur meatlna of th "Mr caaaic' Rcil oino and Uam Amociitios" witt be bra) ta the I'oi st Hoia oe Prtdav evanBi ia mat , at o'cha k. M. uilM-ra will jiawt pay tbetr dura to P A. Wiley, , CaaluW, Citiatlia' National Bank. I AU J. maal be paid hy Krulay nitlit or the 8uea will be atrk'tly enforced auain.t ilalin quern. Wkl.SlMPMON, sept 7 td Secretary. XT o T I c t . X We l will seU to the khrheat bidder fiw cash on Wednesday 4th (let. nest, on Uie, taw lleoilerauw ilia, waa one auu deed and Sfly scree laad stUn-liea), ai mated on raady reek. The property waa knuerly uwaed by P. R. Merrlman. A. B. HAWKINS, JAM ICS H. LAHSITRR. A. B. ANUKKWS, U IL Bl HwKLL, S. i. PARHAM, sept 7-dtd Header aoo, N C. Jj lift EN VARIETIES of HOLLOW OltOUND j sr4 ( ' BaaowAKi MousRor BSptltf RaW,-b, N.C. BOOKS. THE ANGKMN THE CLOUD, A BKAUTTFUL POEtf, a i it i Itvu W. Full rb. E. t. Hau A Son, Pl-auanaaa, N. jr. Ifaodsemety bound. Prle f t.BV, 1 fur aale at the Book tore of , ALFRKO WILLlAktS. aacl4f A GENTS WANTED FOE THE TIUS81IIi?OX OF LIFE, j.'il v Cetrasaa oa raa Navcaa aaa Hrsrawa or raa Mascuuwa Pi wcvioa By Pa. Naruara, aathor of " Tar wjiafcwf lAfi f Heman." It rrUbw loitAanxiJaanr; iaiuU of sew facU; del irate bat eutspukaa ; nracttcai and popular ; maiiry endorsed; aeila rapuly. Sold by aab ampuoa oely. Eielnaiv tenttory. Terms liberal. Price f'l Adilreaa for eontenta, Ae., i. (. FERAL at U., Pkra, rhiiaaet phKPe, t ,. JEW GOODS. i A aew Supply f BROWM DUCT SACKS, TESTS, AND FAXT9, mani: factored .petlally forawxahvaa.' ;' . ;r23 :,t J. ' ' JaaaaaaawaSat ''ff ''T'- "5 .. ANDREWS A Co. 's Juiyttt-tf LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEiv j MARK'FTK i- y. . 1. Naw Toaa,. Sept. T.-M.fy stiller; goto tit tu it3j;-pt. vnmm 14. KIoht V MUhetrw Una ; Wbiakey steady at W', tma rbiaii quiet t winter rni wnucm, i . !.; im armev at Hire linn atit. Pork moof active at Uie IWf dull. In.l a ah firmer; kittle J-Sc. Tarpeatiae ven firm at M i. Ic. Riaun piirt. THS Wll'TH t AKtH ISA KTKLl'X 'AKKAIRs- A IMtOTEST AliAl.NST MAKT1AL LAW.Ju-. Ciiki bto, S. C, icit. 7. -Twentv- six of the nxaat .pnniMiieijt citzicna of Mrtanlurr; county, lnclucl;!f the I uite.1 States oxnaiiaaMiner, United SUtea aiwea apr, prubate judfje, alien If, clerk of c-irt, and the county rcpreaeiitatlve in lh bram hea of Uie k-giaUture, puhliih ovu-r their own aii.uatumi tlie tiillowiiig k'ttek: -HcTiKHm.i, S. t!., Sept. . Ibn Juh S6tt, ('Aiiu-a. aa Kutlux toe ntftot, eic : I We, the underHitrneiL citizi'ns of the aid state and county, having acen through uie aewauaper tuat v ni ha nivnl a atatement and affidavit that oatran upon various citia-iu had been couinutttol in this county since the committee, of Jkluxh,. auu. are., chainnaa, Bft--th ii I county, and that you hail thereupon re yonuueiulad the prwlaniauon of martial law in this county, fit-l vouatraiued to uiako the ftwowiiiir statement: y - W& hitre ma le d'Hfc-enl fiiipiiry, and uave wn uaaine w near in a single OWL, rae liaviug been comuiit'd iu thia coun ty aiuce your cutumilUw kift it Oa tlie contrary, the county is iu a state uf pro found peace and quiet.'' , The tiporioa, a onanty newaaper, in pubkahtUK the alxivc says : Thiaatatcment eught to be sufficient to prove to tlie mind of renator 8itt that he ha been impoeccl uiion by theconimu nicatiou and affidavit upon which he tounila hi statement niaie to the preau dent aud his reCominendation that martial law be declared in the county. Furthermore, we Uurn that reading red icals here admit that no outrage ha oc currmt since uie kuklux committee was here." " CAI.1FOKKIA ELEtTlONi 8a Fraxcisto. sii-nt. 7. Both uartin claim th city and tjtaio. The vole ill cl we, but not lull. Ihe Democrat clt the Mayor, Buuervbor, aud Treasurer, aud the tax payers elect the balance of the municipal ticket Only rive per cent, of tne negroes vteu the inrmia-rnlic ticket. ISHCONIt UlSfATV'll. I Sam FkAKi'iai'ii, S t. 7.-Booth (Hop.) lot. . ;.i,n -I the Mate liy frotn S.4MM) to S.flOO in ij ii' v Ilia nujority in tit) u noartr I ihhi. ne tan paycra tick et is i lit I. J with one or two cin pliou 'TillWtl llePTCU.I 8ah FuANCisni, K JH. 7. California bit (rone republican by from S.OHO to il tH) mnjonty. llie enure state rb ket moh. bol. The result iu Sao .Francisco ia in driebl as to the mayor, but the prospect aow ia strong that Aivorrt Uie tax-payers candi date, ia eleoted. Sua FaANCtaco, Sept, 7. The republi cans are certain in electing a senator. Col. Coughlan (rep.) is elected to conrrreia) in the 3d, and bargeant in the 3d district. The republicans have aa even chasx of gaining, the 1st district, ' - The whole legislature and municipal Republican snd tax -payers' ticket is elect ed in Rao FrsjxMaco, with the exception of the recorder and one supervisor. The Republican majority in the state is about 4,0W. HABEAS COlll'l'B' REFUSED. Nxw Yorx, Sept. 7. The aooswarryras applied for by Ruaenxweig, the aborUno uit, has been refused. phoposkd aaroBH iw the hodsk or lorihx, Londok, Hcpt, 7. A national confer ence is t held at Birmingham, beginning on the 88th of November, to consider the nccMeity oi a reform in the comioailion and powers of the House of Lords. TH CHOLERA IN KCBIFC. LoanoN, Sept 7. The cholera is lie ginning to abate in the Baltic provinces of Prunaia. The case heretofore reported are said to be of a different type from the Asiatic The disease throughout Oeraiany is aecreasing. VORKKIII MlaCKIXAJIT. A large and orderly meeting has been held at Glasgow to aunpttrt the strike at Aew Castle. Kesoiutlon la favor of tlie nine hour system were passed. THE NEW YORK CITY FINANCIAL MIIUOGLIO, t . M , j ..... irv .. uiii iiuiuoeeaoi 1 ctuzeua saacinblcd this niorninir in the Bu pmne (VHirt chamuer,'Judge llarnanl oa tlie laascli, a it was understnod that an application would be Blade ou behalf of John Foley, aa s tax payer, for aa injunc tion ui rcatraln the Mayor, Craniitrotier, Ac., fnnn paying out money for the ex penses uf the city and county Irovemnifnt. except out of the balance h it of the ap prop luiiou oi uie last Legislature, alter pa J log the KUt taxea and public debt, principal aad inhiraat, due in the current year. sviludge Harnwl made a lenirthy arvu- nient in support af file application, claim ing that the state of attain required this action. At tlie chaw of hia address Jud'ie Bar nard aaid : "Voo arc en til led to your order, air:" thus granting tlie relief aaked for The executive committee of citisena and tax -payers held second meeting to-day forty members present. After some diwreasioB a motion to make the acseiorui of the Com unite private was adopted, and tlie H' porters were bowed out, Uie ehairmaa irifia-ining them that the seiretary of the comniittiw wwild imyTrffgiWtifl Uie public press. Mavoa'st RaMirk. N. (! . Jaatt 1KT1 T1IK rolXOW'Nll kewrdntlonoftiM Heard of Coniiwlaaiuai ra is publiaked tor the kv roriaalioa eVf ail cuaocrned : - i rA .Thai Ui rtfXUon. whlrk wat to Uke puics Mindav, Jane IJtk, 1M7I, aa th aeatM 01 ciaterus, be postooaMl anui rurta- eroftbm. M ii. llAJOUnoN. Mayor. B ftaicaauw. Clerk. leHltf. JID ASH COAL It ' 4. . pi) Toaa beat quality Orate Coal, Street from Philadelphia fur aala at kw uriea. ' aaglTtf IXiDOLAS BEIIm HWf'SS ANJ LOT ' ' . i tar aale ea Wihanvartoa (Hrwet. kasr aeMoaa ttotaL Haass baa kouroa, Ritehas 4 Boom; kat (mala T feet oa WUaainxioa Btreet, 810 feet aVap. Tno W cash aewa. aadtaMasths. ""t . a ' aaf Uytt v. ALdONHaVUe. -fE MOIROr TfiR ttXTEL B. IffBEETEKo, J.I. :c- ;.;,-i ;;.'";., Rav. Jorra . Obastt. . i PRICE t'i UU, : ; Tlili Memorial of B nole maa IM chriitUa mtuloter fa aaUr ef JuAlU) caa b. had at UssJiuidLatofwof ltf , ; ALTRKU WILLIAMS. y AXCA,BLt EEAL ESTATE FOB HALE. A howee aad lot eootaintttc twrt acrr ae Halifax Street, aow oceaptud by Rev. Dr. ataaoa. lersas easy, tss la very rateable r"l-!rt...,- www. - w.,- . . JllyT 0 mr r, i.ra . iJ S, SAT' MKlM Qrwuuboro' ivTonayy Irlavrkfjl itrrixi rates or ban k notes, ao. WILWIN A STiOBkK, BXnE KK ANH ' xuaaaea lanu, a.nva Ki.a draaav pwna m , 'ie fear...... laKDUiOliti,.,..,,,.!) W '. '.'raa.. .... , . . . y1 fo' ' ,-'' oa..., l i tluriotte: , Wwli, vtilBMWEtoa..., I i ' Koftioro " Tbomaav ' vllw . . , . ', J i " Urahaia 1 tliirftoW I itminrfw " Fayetbrvtlte...... ,,,.. t'aneevvtl an baula' W of Newborn Kanuen' Bank of Ureewanoro' . . . . . Stinera' and flaalnra1 tUak CuparciJ fcUadt uf linoojfto. . V irvinia Bank Note annacc aboat BMiiaCafuttaa kny and sell at hhaeal prteM, ttirid a.3 ii,iimi iwaaae, l ulled atwter oihiu ana an otuer aiartrtairlr atin-ha Orden for Bank Notes delit,mu.lltL,t aolden of Bank will will receive preoipt at tentioax Ketnma for riw paeaaama of Balfk ante c . will b awada aa the day reeeivwd, t J v" nwrHwaora, or ay ear- uf and rira laaarane Policiaa iaaaol ia irooa Lni)iaiiiei si Iwat rataa. aaariv-au" IE? COMPLETE MUSIC STORE. FAYETTEVILLE STREET, (Orauiuian'a o!J Stand) EALKIlK, . C. ri f ANtkJ Or T1IK WEUL K NOWN M ANU I farlurer Kaaaa AVCu.. and Banana Ji W1.IJL. Aa tn Ut excellence of these Instrument. mere is acarrriy any nerawllv tn aav anytliinit : r rf li a) Ikt AartAe limm (a an wyinVt Wr 'Tutr-inty of tii-r11srr.." rintraul t-atainguea and Price Uata sent on aMtfauuw DEPOT OF TOKF.K1H AND AMKIil CAN SHEET Ml'StC; Inatrwrlora for 1'iaie., Violin, (luilw, Slnfring, acowiww, riuuiav-a, ele.. JfaaaW aalnhwenoi ,f all tittdt, tlx h sa VMHina, uuiiara, rmtea, AicorU'ituv riau was, CuaeerUnas, ''lawjua, Tanooriaea, fife, etc., etc. "enaaa, VaacA aaaf AWmn Hrimm, ftw Viohn.. Yiokionilae aadUuitaraot the very Jfaaar araf 4 JTwaL Aa I Shall ajwaya hare a errat auiea uf KlMMt klaate ou hand, all unlera anil 1 prouipUy alb-uUud to. t'lcaae addreaa, Paor. A. tlUlE, auclTtf s J LT ! SALT 11 SALT!!! 4' Buak. Sack IJvenMm) Salt, y " tlnmnd Alum Halt, For sale hiw to the tnxle, A. 0. BANIKK8On, ialy IS tf No. a, Mania Skni gDCARS, COFFEES Ac , Ac Alwav on band and as ehaao aa th van miMpewv A. U SANDERS Co'. July lS-tf No. a, Martin SUwet QON8I0NMBNT8 SOLICITED, k ' Strict attcsttoa paid to eonaltweaeat ef all Rinds, snd prompt return mule by A. V. AUNIIKKH el OO., July l-tf Ha. a, Mania Street. -pWlFIT 01 KO PROHT. ' " . ; Oor anod eaast he soM to raaaw room for daily arrivals, eonswiuneat, Ave. A cad oe an order, will ownrtnee you that we Bay aoth laj that wa da aot mean. A. . BANUKKS A Co., July a-tf N s, Martin Btrae. ! . ptUUH GROUND MEAL.' , Froai Merchants' Mills. Pavel lev ill. received by thnnurh Wmia. vi CnaUiaas Rail road, aud lor aala by A. C BAVUICKS 4t Co., v juiy is-u no. s, Martin atrsov N TtW, SWEET AND WHITE FLOUR, Parurno, Family JBrook Evtra Baltimore Bati, HewJi Sflpec, N. e. family, "Vrinona Bu- asr, always o Band ana ror aale at low Kres y a. v. riAKUicnn t;., lly 18-tf Na. t, Martin Street TTtLOl'Bt nxiL'Kf! r l Sack a Hope Mills FA MILT wbirk I will sell very low for cask aud guarantee. Now ta Store. auglU 8. T. 8TRONACB. s PANI8H Ollvea. Dudlev's Green Pickle. A Bla.k well Ckow Chow, Riur Ureaalns;, Fresh Lobster, Freeh viled II am, Evootm' Salad OU. liah Salmoa, Deviled VM. . rrrnm Mianarw, lai a rr r.n. war nawre, w arteraeyera Pick led Or tern. To eta and Wainat Cataui MlfJL NetaDN s Slid Sctieiiiw t.etetUM Loseaire, Patepam Mustard. Hasard'a Tauaeea Partna. LaMuA aaiel-U W. C. STROM ACI1 Co. J-RISB POTATOES. A large supply prime N. a Irish Potatoes la store. I JAMES M TOWLE. July 37 1 . Coaa. MwtliaaL KW 0X)D8! NEW GOOD8II AT , REDUCED PRICES PRIMROSE, PETTT A NEW SOM "8, No SU, rayewevillsSt .Jnae Sa-tf JAAIN8BAItOAIN8ll BAR0A1N8II la Hassnashle Bwas ttaoda lx.u Fairwlea t P ta Hi JMrawnaaa, kkeaaa-gwaaa, isai'wai, PRfMaVME, PETTI A NEWSOkt'a. jataiawaf - - f HATS FR MEN. HOTS, AND CHIL siren at km price, kacladiag lalaatalf tea PRIRllSaXPrrTTANEWSOM. -Jaearaw-tf- "T.."T, OCR BrMiDS WERE BOLfiflT VERT ewanUr at krw price aad ars offered at vary auaail proa I, therefore ear cart Quaere esa now buy ssoat Uooda of aa at lower prtee tbaa Uea aaaa ware aoid ta Hia lock as it arc b PRIMROSE, PETTT A NEWSOM. jaaakv-tf f ERCHANTS BUTINO SOlffB OF NEW York will aud our SoxA attiwcUva and prkaa to eomuer favorably with th loWeat, 1 to ec PR rKlstaVUBS. r a 1 TT A NEWSOM. waeaU rr ijsoskails. XKJKJ Hardware dona, of JCULALkWISACo anjrSAI BCCGT RIMS, .WstMi'Jtfsaa, . , ' . ftjart Riaas, . " ""' ' 1 Hal and Spokes, an alaae. Iron ArleaalUuea, Bmry sad Wacro Materul of sil klndi st OaiMaars Hoassuf eugU JULILLtlSCo. T at O N I A- A i Im-. t.nM m.., " ll i J u odred st ilouie of tuts tr.ail4., SVK, , Raleigk, M. C. yyautT bras. . M Ba. yaM meelvaa. Illl. a T. STROMACIL .llt LLKiw AhO MACktkKL. " sd awut U T - ... , Soecial Notices!. lue louowiag- we wwbliak By rentes I. to akow Row the uM Uoaaeeticat Mattel Life pay at kaww, wllb tawirwfa ; , . lV0,tnt") Reevived frosa the Oxtauk eaf ifafawf Lift .wiimn CWawwe, by A II. WaMt, tieHrral Agent, tea tkret foar kow- itrd ana) fc vwwty ana dotlara, ia fuH p.. ment aud aaUtfai-tiow of the annexed polity of hwurfcuec, No. ES.71 7, on U lif e of Tko. J. Miu-IkII, and all dividenda e tbeaaaM, and hereby quit claim and surrender shl pslk-y to xud t oiniwi). SAKAII K. MITCUK1X. Nswaaaa. N. C, A at;. 81, 3 Mr Miteldll laanreof Iu July, ltv.7, f, tlu.iaai, and paid four anuujd ayaauU of t'ia.tOeach. but near half kla aiyajcttta wen- returned by ArtiuaV . 11 W On natrriisse. ESSAYS Kttlt YOi;Nt( MKN ON Wuiltt lKrhrKKt WITH MtKlJ.a, Aiu! ruin ihe hpj iin It. tMH-W,-witt. fortnitfiU, dirwawti suh. d'lHiUUtt. iV'Ut in A.i.irt-- M(VAKi AlwwM. I A T lOPI, fio. 3 (i n sun if Ti WATS XLrCRT KIR 1 Kuibranitti ; Um- fursmatt tuiylbinK In Ue ntt'Vt'iir tluc )Tr niaw.rt in KMirli, Utt y ukH iiks hot eaktit, rwrytMMly wmut tliii,, Uit7 are nt only thf rt"ititwt I'lii'W eTi,: TV'S .1111' JiHl it bvL. JftltB i tiiMtHisJ.tiitr mniHB ttt tltf HiMisit iHl t.'rtirtwt Hi.tUrafTeu4i tvr vxhibilaml Itt tliia euanlrf. rilt kiid ta- xhrm. aglMlf DR. A. C4RK, I.ATB (VI1TAHT PHTIsJrUSOr IsrAHT'i Nf Cv.itmr HotriTAiJ, Nw Voi CiTt.J OtTor hU nItkfsAv) wrvk'v to Ihu cltl- ftcu. of KaUriath auid vU-.uily. Koam No. ')0, Eit'hiifc HrUt Offl lara, IIWIHiil and f rum 4 iu 6 p. m. - Thf Bridal rha.Mr. ESSAYS 1H)U lOINU MEN, pa tiKKAT SOCIAL EVILS AND ABl-SES, iiio-rf.-re with MAKRIAUK. wllkaurt means or relief fiw the Krrinn and Cnforlun- a uiii.i.ii ana OebtliUbat. Belli la sealed latter euveiopea, free of charge. Addreas. IIOWAKU SA.MTAKT AMI AS h:I ATION, No. a, Soulk Ninth St., I'tilLA uabrniA, ra. . may lVilSas ' BATCHELOlS 8 HAIR DTB This splendid Hair Dye k) th brat iatli knrld. Uarwueaa, reiiabUs, luatautaneowe, oea not contain lead, aor any vflalk poisoa, le (iroduce paralyal or otatk. Avoid the vaunted and delusive prepaxstioas boasting rlrUmkVi) do not poaeess. Taeawtiuluaef W. A. Bakhe, lor't Hair Iy has had Ml years' aalarnlakad reputation to uaokl tta InUarnty a th only perfect liair t)y Black or Bnrwra. Said by i-fali OrtufKiat. Apply at Haond ek, .T. BOVHtlV cx 'm . 1 -, .1 a r aAmm. A'M V.W 14 ,v riwr W. MKiMliin an aoe.-e.iml "T. ;' Mi n'lir , Tlrwaaar, llecommenilfHl bv lir II it II . in. a. II nlirrm. 101. ItTtSltTttCO.. Uiarton. klaaa. aol I by aU druggleta. II, JJ, BA IXHS), Dealer ia lltMtl Estsita, FRANKLIN, PA. Bays sad sells Improved and an unprovad lands aajwaemia tee Lnitea otalaa. , TIEGINIA FEIALE IKSTITGTB-i STAUNTON, VA. Is on of th Unrest Fiasr-ta iaa taHathww In the South. There ars Kttotr aVtbitsia, an der tweoty-two oflteer. PwiHbs from every SouUierw Mat. Special sdventaae la M vsie. BuiLiiiass an lutwmia aaa araciocs asu n.aoairr. lav for Clreulara of 46 lam snarnas star. a. n. rniburs, rnnclfau. WAS niH G. LABOlt, TIME, 10TB ES .id Fl'EL 8AVED av tub usa or COLD WATER Soag. 8KND for ClKtnXAR andJUOSJJBX. Assar wamtbo. . W1LS01, lOriffRDD, ETJaETT 4 ki MURRAY UT New Viout. ' ' " SowAirrnto for IbeStatee of Vinrtnla, North aa auata caroiiaa, tawinria aue norma. bs. comas' Mlltlll till 101 III 0PIUI1 HABIT. Dtt CfLUN8 ANTIDOTE P.iiaMea Uw patient Ui dlaeontln tta a ef Opinai la aay fona, at owe, w lib out paia or HM-iaivroieoee, ana wttiiout any uvterrwiwoa of ondnary business, it raemihts Uw briates oouaUtuUon aid mitorws Uw aervoo eweqfiee. DUM;OVCRKD IM ISM, Tea oi,r Coaa avaa Diaowraaan. TilKlCIiUCI: - , ABB TffEIK LAST DOSE. A book ef over 100 murna. aoaUintnw WMm. of flT HU0II LLDUlW, Uw welTkao.a letter i.f J. A.-T., eii.inK Uie InleiiriMw of ARPRR'S MAGAZINE' and LUDLOW, and full daaeriiHMMi of Uw AuUdot. eat Iras tu any anureaa. naureea, -"7-VSTtTBX B COLEIWB, Laport, ladiaoa. Agents ! Read This ! WI WILL PAT AOENTS A SALARY uf SSM PER WEAK aad EXPkNMifX ar allow a boY eonwkwsoa lo sell oar ae aad wwnderfnl InvenUoas. Addreaa at. WAU AkX ACU., MtskaU; Mkrkc - Qjand Opening: Shoes mid Hats, IIOK NTO It EL, C... HEAR TT k CO , it, FAYKTTEVILLK STREgr. rW tf gl'OAII, Srnrara of all kinds lust received. aaitOU , tt, T.STR INACIL IKES. I Blwrry. Pert.......' ,-, Catowbs. XV.e . Muxerrtrl, ' i En-.-llc. ' aafto tf 0. T. fcTkON AC1L f .1 N. ,uom, 0 BM. of Bops Mills to K V rnm- mT nil RONACIL I4i IjutixAttce.' sMTIO.XAL HU INSURANCE CO. OFTHB ' CRITaw KTlVas Of ASkRKA. "Waaaiaunia. D. C. AOKNCr AT JLi I. Kill II, Jf. t?, CuAiiCapitauysosoo. 1 iwlal tri af ta wrr tas, taw. fUJW!t, PniLAUKLTHIA,' vi bens Uie baahwaa of Uie ('.Mirnawv-Gi acted, and tu whicfc aU fcswral iwrrwspuwaksns OFFICERS tljasaca B. Vuaa. PtilldcHia, Preasasnk . . vwa, v.uauiuaa rinanee aud ... n .. 7 Ke.utive Committee. Hav D. Comb7. WUiwrUMi, I vlM, p.. E A. KJJ! hliladelirfiTaT ( "Wis. Kasasoa W. Psav, tliiUieliaii, Secretary Job M. Birrui, Philada. I . ' . . . J. T Bsowa, Wajditiurbuw, Asrt. aweretariea. It. M. Nsweoar, SuiierUiLuudenl of Agrariea, ev itu, at. it., atudlml lllraeka?. r.wu M, k D.,Aaat. M,licallHraetir. WIU11B R. i'u.aiu a. U ..i.i.. A Ciaoaos lUaoiau, Philadelphia, Solkiion aad OaahCanttal and Aerumlattoas. Asa. L ttm l,lTT,m.u. Cash Receipt from Prcralnms for the tfcav endloe Aiat. I, uw, oim.tfia.aj. Caali Keiipu from internet and oUhw aVnea. -Total t-sak TixSUtat' 1sa,IK.1ML irww.aawai a ear, Number of Poll, Ua haaed In the te Man of tins lmijiiy,ael.tece, 1I,S7 , aiuouui ot tnaurauoti, wt,,Dl,71a, j The cvUrrrllaarlly rapid pnvraw of 'the aiieai. w cauaaauoa la which B UeiJ by the lail.lie, and tb kante araouul of fw bm-i- uiuwted lath veetcvMrweaet tiie fiopnlartty of tu principle, and tu adapt- atlsillLw L.S aaaaul : I. a a r -"V aawwata, BMi telaajl aOliJ tjg aMltrWtV T NATfoaal. Lara Ixauaaacs Vowraai sua A Casa Carry ax or fl.oou.SUU. Ita rate of premlania sr sa ktw ss la auav stu nt slta enur. f ety. lu plan is enUrely free from any enewpBc Huwawraovaa, atterasl Ac., or sncertaaauea and diaatiwiBlauiiU of diridenUa, Ac. ' ItaaiaiUactaarHdi-SitltM .u. u...... .1 i MMiMKneiiiii. or miMaetweMutiMa. Its Policie cualaki all of Um. wiIm u by theCeaaiawy, and are ce.iiigrty liberal. All Um sdvaiitaKsa and privbcnw wkhk o be eatery (ranted to Uu insured, ars si vest by tbia deeervedly p...uUr aud alroua; Comiewy. lo aareeta of Uileenty. who aiw deairuu of tmuaattina; Uw bueluea of Lit Iwuuaric r eoo eorree pnoeljea, uw Cswa- pau a pfepaiod to other aa iilieral tniliii nmsiilt a eaa Iw aflonliw by iu km .ratea. V Appiuauoo fur aireacie or fur policies any b ui to Oom;, at lu liraack Ofhc b a ewiwut. or lo P. Jf. PESCUD. Jr.. J -iiaseaei. AaawaV " Katekia, . U. s I'EtlAUTV North Oarolixia, BOOTS A SHOE STUD H ELL BBOTIIEBSi No. IT, MURRAT snEETj at. K. MOtkBE, SakasatAa. Jua ldSoa NaaUc rttnaiera stnel Other. Jntwer to JLMrn. , Im ASSf KJtATlON OF A M BRICA.Offlc J ovarCIUaew.' N.llonal bank, haa a.oi-y k lewd am uniaenwbeeed rwal aaUte. Appllew Uo for kauas ssad aad rxoeived at th offlc of th eompaay apua blaaka wkiefc win ta lamiabed to appUeaaila. " - it. ii VTir ' .n Oi If " . Airewt. j ANTED, AtrenU wanted hi every eonnty la tas State tor U Nurthwiwtera Mutual Life Cooipauyof Milwaukaa, n . .... aworasa. , ... V- F. A PAfJK, Wat Aavnt. JaneT-Uf ., Klel.k; N. C. pUl 1.11 V ISTBI IlPfllTiTIOS j , . v. iri. ,.a v. V'kIBBONS- ; j' . MILUNKRT AND STRAW OOOliw.1 ARMSTRONG. CATOR f5 CO, '" ":' rarOBTaaa a waaaas or ' ' I '" J.V.!!T.-TR''"N VRLVET RlhV VELVETS, BLONIIS, NfCTrs. CRAPES, RtfcllES. ! '- - FLoWKRa, rr?.- . ' FeatberS, Oraamenta, " ' 1;" Stra RrkU iii Wjrr ,u, ai Vaiwwan fan umikain. t7rTkii BALIiMOKK 8 fRKET.i Offer the auveet Stork to tw fownd I. tki. eoanbrv; aad aueiiualM la choice urit. efaeafjnaeaa; eoespriatluj the lataat Rucufaraal Orders onrttd, and prompt sttcntloa aivea ae; Sa-il, ; CHP.Rirr sale ;.. O By virtue ot Ereenllon. la lay ksnds for collodion I favour of l. F. Calwell n. The HIHaboro' o Mlnlns; and Trana.rtatioa Cwnpaay, for six tlx .turned aevea band red and twenty Ave (rt,TlS.Rl aollars. I will anil oe Ike Srat Moetay la Aiunst nert, at Uw Court tloaaa door la ' P1tialwvw Clathan county, to th bhrhest bidder fur eaaa, twelve hundred acre of land ator or nwa, irinr oa uw sum of Deep Kltrr, ana, tVvit, atlknnln tha lanrta of I. i and otbera, and knows a the Taylor Coal riea aiw ownrn a ut property of aHl HillabW Coal Mlnlnrr nd TrwruportaUoa vwwip.oyt w awu.iv ewi Finrnumw. ti'j. WlLUAMo.1 iAMa, Sbariff. yun aiewtoa Ii OT AMD COLO BATlio. I bis eaiahllahBMwit kw kean SttMl ww a th. Earopea atvla. Oeaucawea wUi Bad it La i owe of Uu swt wkniiaaiais avatawa ever k tradueest k) Una city aa Uw following dtaUa raiaiKat phj-ak-Wna will roach for, vis : lr. C E. J.dawsos, iw. W. H. kk-ke, and Dr. Ja. Mra, XARRER ka ttw hoaor tn Infneea th. rlUaan of Rawiirh aad Uw aanimaaiia; eawa try tiiat tbe baaiuee. lately eaniei ea under Uw nam of Jacob Kamw will ka .i.... a as kwretofora, audar Ua satae aaata Alas BATTXIXQ n0CS2 r has keea completed and Hist eieuHn, soas furt and rood aUeaUoe will be foand. no Hatha, xcJalvcly, W eeuls: Cold BUis 9ft cents. ' x - tf Pies aarars your tickata at Hie More au- ft U j you sal. - A rentrfn article nt frewe. n..e w snd pale Sherry Wine, Imported and'buttsad j i varvuua uouae before the war. suf T tf FT JL-LENBV T. IlELMBO LD'8 i fOlM'MIIlD Extract Oalftwbii GHAPUPM8. i CWi ;. PartrUti Kitraet IJm!ari tmd fluid Jlutrati Ui.nnoj lint . -. y VU. . j. FOR MVPR COTIPflwTS. JAI'NDIf HILUH.S AFr Fi. Xiiiish, sffK ok Kr.H. Vi u s HKAO C'.:it, C.TiVi a) .PI RELT VKifKTABl K, liM ISlsii NO MKKfnJtL UlSkkAlji i.i. i.vib. TRkMotS DRUtir. ' V Jl ; The PTOa are the avMt deliiftitfuny plea, sat pnnraUve, autienedlna; ratr o", aalls, aiaifnewa, etc. Teee b mrtbinc more 'ai vrrZ abb. to Uw aaueasatt. Tb.y tun,, eawee neitw aauaea nor etfrnm Mj, They are eRiai4 of the riasav lauKamsaTa, After a ft day' aav of tbent, aneh an iu iso. rwU,ia ef Uie entire antra lalu place ae tu a).pr nirwiwloua to ibe weak and awrrvah-4. arbcthnr artahia; frowl uaprudence or dian,. IL T. tictmbold' Cuaaposad PI aid Kiln-1 CatawhMrae Hlkiarawitsevar-rmtMl, fioaa Uie fact that antar-coaled PilladonotdixMave, hut part thrmurh Uw straaach wiUioutduaolv- tai;. comieonetillr do not dmIhm - 1 - ' eeWfc' Thft x!ATA BX1 URA PE Pii.l A beiDc pkwaant ia last aad odor, do not nc. MUoe Uieir betne viurar-eottfeW tbli K Vial r 'nwesAaVSaiaMaUa-l mm HKNBT Tr-nEI,MBOUK8 tHOHLT CONCENTRATED COMPOLND FLDIB EIIE1CT SAESAPARILLIA Will radirallr exteruilnata froai tb. ae.i. Scrofula, Syphill, Pcler Korea, I' leers. Sore lywa. Sews lea. Bora Mouth, Son Hesd, oruwcmua, nia tnaessc. Salt KneuiR.I ankera, ' Rumuns-s from th Kar wi.ii. ..u,...' Tumor. Canceroua A N..l,t. l;i. v..,? llhmdular Swellirw Nwht Sweat, Kaab, Tetter, Hamor of U Khida, Oinmlc Rbes- ' awtiatii, DrgiMfwia, and all dbwaaiw that bar new wswuiiauea in ta system for year. . IMna pee pared e. for tb. aha. ' ptaarta, 1U blood Inlrifvlne nronrnlea .pa sroale Utan any aUier preiwratiua uf Sariw- , rtiw- It ffrrea tb eoini-tewa a elmr and " htalUiy aad reatoras tbe patient to a state of health and purity. -For Jwitfvhir Ui Una4, removtn; ail chnaiie eunatliutlonU iii eaiw arum; rrora aa knpnr atU of Uw tooou., and tlie OB I V relhtllle and efleele.l -raensily for Uw ear of paia and awe! Him of uw booea, HkrUMof Uw Umwl and kwra, Btosekea, Ptmple oa tbe ear, Eryt-la au2 all Scaly RraUaa of Um skui, sad Beauuiv hi, Um Cuwiaexioa. ' M Ilonrr T. ait-lawtrolrf's QONCKNTRATED. , FJ.UID EXTRACT lOUIr TTIE 0REAT DIURETIC, . sa cured every caa tf dtolielea la which It baa braia aivea. Irritatiua of Uie saak uf Uia bladder, and inflanuuaUun of lite kUhaeya, uloa; rUon of th kidney a and bladder, rateaUoa uf urine, dinaasss ot Uw prustrate aiamt, atone la tn oladdor, salcalua, KrsveL brick dual de poait, and saaca or ssilky dlscharexia, aad for aufeeUed and aelleatc eonatitutiww, uf botk aexea, utended wiUt Uw I.j1..uih aymptoma i batlaiawiUoa to everu. kwa of nower. kwa of memory, dlfhcoity of breaUiiwr.weak aervea, .no-'iuv, ' owewae, waseluiweMS, dusnewa ot viaioa, paia la Uw bsck, kot ksnds, tnablncof tas body, dryness ot the ktu, erup. U.'U ob '.ha face, pallid countenance, aalvecaial laatiUui af Uw muscular ay atom, etc. . Used by prrsoBS fruaa tbe am af- eteteea -to twenty b. and fr-in thirty ,e toBfly riv or hi Uw decllae or ekarure of Ufe: after eoa. neoKil or labor peini; kedwettie; la call. ' uavaa,. B Helrnla.Wa Cxtiwrt Bark Is dlaretle sad blood purtfylnir, and rnria aB dlaeaaes riaine; fro in kaiilt of dialwUoe, xeeeae and uay nradeSM'e Hi life, linriuea of tne blood, Ae.. aupeivealin; coiaaltwt la aflecttons ha' whkk It la need, and aypbililie all ecu, ma ia tbe dUeaaea, uead la eoauwcUo wit lieua hold's w wasa, "' LADIES. B aaaav aSerioaw neeuliar tn- bulk th. titract ilueba la aweo nailed by any other Hewedy ia in ChloroaiAor RetuuUon. Irrearu- tartly, Patafahnw or SmWreaioa of raabaav. sry svaeaatiiwis, LilcaraUid or ai hlrru atate of Uw I'u-rna, Leutwehir ar Whiles, sterility, and for ail complaint Incident to Uw sea. whether aisiiut froaa indiaoretriai ar liatih- of dualpatioa. It ia prearribad aabwialvely by Uia swart, eautwenl Pit yaK aaaa and Midwivea lor ocfoetiied aad aeiicata euswUtuUoaa, ef IhiUi aeswaad ail srea (aiu-twl4ui auk anr oi Uia above haawwss er sy mptuaat. o H. . HKI.MIWLI'S EXTRACT Hl'CIIIl f'VREH UlrtKASrtM AHIMNii CltoM IMPRt- IrkM CKS, H A lilTe OK liinsiPATloN, an-.. ia all Uk staafes, at liUi expaaae, little or ae ebanira. la diet, tm licoiiciiieac4s,- itHamrw. II eause a tnwaent acaire. aod ?iva alcenetk In trine, thereby rrntovloif Pnmwiina; and Cuthur Btric- . tana of Uw UrvUtra, Allavlna Pais aud liioa- auuoa, ao f rniHest ia Una class uf lm ,,. and cxelliuir aU PotairnnM saatlrr. Iboawanaa wbu bay jbeea Uw yielluia of kwuiapinent peraoaa, and who bays paid heavy fees to be cared in a short Urn, kav fonn-1 theytwv bwMeived,aBdtiuuthe"Poisua'. has, by Uw aa of "owerfiil atrinlrcnt,, keea diieai an la te aratess. to break nut la "or ssajravsted form, aud perhaps after ' Car HiELMBOl.rvg EXTRACT BIJCMT1 t.a all AaWUoas snd IHanaana of the Urinary Or- aww, woeuiw esHHan; ua maw or 9 emmn, (row whatever eaaa wrwinaUa;, and as mat. lee of how king, alan.lii.t PRICE, ONE DolXAR ANUHri V CRNTS I'aa Botvia UKUHT T. IIET.MUtlLDH mPliOVKD KOK WASH can not be sarpaased aa FACE WAftll, aad will he foand the only sparike renoalv a every apecie of t ubuaroaa ArTecthw. "It aiamlily erwlliwtea. Spots, Scorlmlie iVymwa, lu.lurw Uonaol tlwCUm4M Menittrane, etc., ih.i,.a rte,h-. aiid ImipbHit .JltfjsiuiaaUua-cUi'wa ttavagW'Stt'ltAeHielf,' fWftirsrof rcnipor h7 rnwt Hitna, and ail pur.iiia for wbn k . Halve orotuUawtiUi era ant ; mtorea tlie akra te a state of parity and aoftneaa, and inaurvs eoa. ' Unneii iieetiby aetlow to the liaaa of Ita nawela uw whi. h b pewda Uw aarroeable cleane-aa and vivacity u owapieytau so eiacB sotiftbt snd adunred. But however valuabt as nwie,ly l-ir eiwUna; def u of Uw akin, H. T. lielia- .l'a Riaw Wsak haa loug auabuiMl U BrueeS. rUSelaiia to BiiiKHlwUi patromnre, hy poaaena. ins; itualities which mwtor it a T.nh-t Anind. we of Uw asoat Supaa-taxiv and Congenial character, eowihiaitur in aa ebvalit fonuula Uhw ocMnineiit reuulait. Safetv aad ta-v aeeoaitautlmettU of lu i S Preservative and llefrealier rf Uw Cowiilri bat. It Wan eieeileut Lotion fordiaeaww uf a syphUiU Natare, and a aa hiiectioa for uiaeaaea oi uw t nrtary onraaa, arbiin; from kalalaof diMiuoo, naad iw eon note .a with Uw Extract Burha, Baraaatrilla, and Catawli tirape Pill, In sack dmeaiai a iweawsM eaaaJt h urpaaeeu. . .... . lali and expBelt dlrwetoaa sreonnwai tee ' ' Medicines. - ., 'Evideac ef Ik aMwt nwpoaaihle sad tvll l character funuabeo oa aiwImaU, witli aandfwde of, of living witneaae. and apwards of m.uiai aneolmied eeetiseab a sad rccwnrneiKlatory ksUera, many ot sbieh are froai th hixbeat aoaree, laciudilu! eminent Pbyakiaiw, Clenrjraaea, ewteenea, etc. 1 1, pniinetor ka sever rwaorted U Uieir publi -tin b the awpapr: Iw aot do Uiia ' fniai Uw fact Utst kw ank lea rank as Staadant Prinaratidna, and do aol mud lo be proi'lwd p by sertlbcwtaa. HK.VRT T nELMBOLU'g Gl'NL'IHE PKE. PAKATIwNS. ; Delivered to any sddress.. kVureitiii ob. . ertation. K-lalili.hed spwarda of twetitv rmr; Bold! hy OraKulaU everywhere. Addrtw. h-trcr for V Infnrniaiem. ia ailideK to HfcSKlf T hU.I.MrfiLli. Ibwretat ud CkemUt' '- , Oiilv liepurU: it. T. bKLN rH il irg On. snd Chemical Warehonae. Hy aKMi ., New York, or te 11 T. HKLMRol Ii r . n. 4 i' pepoi, lo Sou Ik Tcutk Street, liiiiSeJimiaj,- '- BK WARS' OF COt'NTFRFFIT. As for ' UKNKr T. ilkuilionv Bl Us d tnitsa. ; i W4t"la S w. A. Bit ' A-

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