VOL. RALEIGH, 1 SIOXDM, OCTOBER 2, 1811. NO. 2 1 1 9 ailiJ -cnlittcl. josna nwi, IUr. JtHIl SPELI11. iMOfiMtt k Lara I Editor "li.4TC OKA1VKmiIU. Advertisements will he wiaertedln Uie Dailt g rust. t Uie following mla. A will bt hereafter eeUinfled t M) mlw lines, or 1 loch. - One q uare one Ume . 11. uo SO ,. . UUCU aWOSlSJUVU, UUUCUUO lc than a week One sl'Utre one wk . .. till Ktdrtknwl square one week. One Vtuiire, lad WwjKil'.TT. . r'.'r. . r F..irli iidillUoueltiuar two weeks i... uni'lrM ntM irtnnLll ... 3 III atw -Snot .5 8 00 Mm law 14.00 7(111 uu ntlutl Lacft additional Square OfM lltOllUl . . . (mi tiare t months Each i-ldlll.wal " On - (.isi"u throe month Each eddiunusllhrue" One qnirtw eohiiuu "' . . V Vine IihiI column " ...... Ouecolrmm . luuutii licerusranoitU inserted In Weekly and Senil loo.uu Wdtly t rate conuspom-lbur with tin alHivc Court advenitciuniit liiacrted It Bunk fur M Thonas Baaoa, V. 8Tii ATTOH VEVt) AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. 0. OFPICB UP Atajr over ClUsoo NaUoaal Bank,-Bichanx Place. Will pracUce in Uie Supreme Court ot the Milo Uie-Clerait OsurtsfthsU, Mr and tuck tInrttcXht a hare hew' hemhafue at tended by Uisui rca(iectlvely. Vlr A. K. 8uiode,iartiier for Wuynerounty, w.ij occupy otkee itt OoMshoro, Istely that o( 0 irne V. Strong, an 10-tf TsSlDKNCK FOR RENT. A commodious dwelling house on FaycUe v.lltf ttrewt, hear the Governor' Mansion. Apply lo , DOUGLAS BELL, eugSl-tf, ! Offlc neat to farboro Hotel. HORSES rOKtALK ' One grey Horse elebt ' earn old, very Utln harness and a most eiccil.sul saddle tnlial. One Urge brown Mare, seven year oitl good in All tori of harness. (hie IxfttuU ul Ray Pony, three years old, hen ires Wi l uiHlcaaudh and pat ttdly iimkmt lo LimtilM. jiy4-tf ' W USTItUil lUli- jyTEW SToCK oF SPLENDID PLrVNO WRTKS. . Z ' Jimee- Ptreson,- ruspee- fully informa-the null,-, that be has otdereB from the Ureal t nion ComiNUiy of New Vorka new eUH'k of P.anoa whlcii will eclij. i earcry: poiat of ei c tleiiou anything that 1ia yut bevn oltiTed, i.i - imiounee rtwourcca of Mie ataiaa uaoied f(taliihiiiont bcintr auch an to enaoie them to place befov. Umi aaiillc an article that can not be surtkaaaod If e(imled by any eatabilsh irwnt In the United tttatw, aniralgr ally re dirarid prli-ea." fereona who ra about uur ( lianing tian Vortaa, -wiMwml It M til. Ir lil I rCHt to wait the arrival, (one of which hal alreadyarrlvd,)of Uwae nuoorii.r In-Uiimenla, i) ;fore (mrchaelng elaewhera, J be CouiNny have jaat moved Into heir ilfbiiiciiiMj new Fac tory, the third one they haw built in 7 year, nwkiia Jim .tlm, jiiHiiwrtaiHM4.for,ii)k fiiaiHS. .manmmm ..Mt. t. umim.tM. at- lota In a dur or two. to aeleet liln ataM-k anv I will aend them Iminodluu-ly on. Warn Koome comer oi narguu ana Bausbury tttrecta, Kal cvli, N. C ' aug -M tt JP OK BALE. A genuine article' of French Brandy, Brown and rale Bberry Wine, Imparted and bottled fey a North Carolina house hafoaa the war. ang 7-Ut . ' V. IL WOMtd A VX A1TT0IINET A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , ajuiM, a. o. ' . Offlce First Door above R. B. Andrewa A Co, soar TncAer. ilalkf F ayettavU) atONk, ' i . I . ifciMSaw a. aniawni in r ban Induced dm W move my nrjtea to the Capital of the BtaU. I wUl, thareiora, be uleaaed to eot or bear- from my client and , triced at Raleigh, N. C. tor the present I wUl eontlma la regard myself a ciUaen af 0oldabOTu and ot Waya county, and en Monday of every week will nee yfrteod. at Um otHoa of Dr. Uaoitoik J tun, In GVildsnoro', to transact baaideea. I y will also, until farther notice, prautie In the eoanties In wbkh I have heretofore practice, auga-ly WILLLAM (1. MOUkiBKY. A PAIR OF OOuff HORSES AND AN EX ecHent Wagon will be sold at suction, ou -rlday noouAugust IHh, by TOWLEo, On u or Oda)i credit if desired. aug7 tf i. L. LABIAUX. X an i TToUSI AND LOT For sala on WUmhigton Street, near ScuuVa UoUL Hooas hat Koooia, Kitchen 4 booms ; lot f routs 77 ft on Wilmington Btrael, J0 foot deep. Terms W .caali down, balance ha w and t montlia. aug lo-if . W. H. J0E8 A Co. EMOIK OF TaH Utr. Him B. IcPBEETEaS, D.D. - - ' Rttr. Job 8. Okawtt. pricic.j.i. M(WI.!.A.w.b'!! "" '"i-'r,',i1n mlitier (a nativjt Kaleigh) caJebadat ihe BSfi)fe.oI' " p J'Z.7', i. aug Ut-u ALFRED WILLIAMS. Sy ALUABLI REAL ESTATE i A bouse and lot containing two Acre oa Hallfaa Btraot, now oecupiodUrMe. Of Mason. Terms easy. This is ry valuable ""Appltoi ' KFMP pVtTLE,' f W JOS B BA0HEL)R, .or WkLt ANDWtoOIl, augSI-lsa, "y-ALU ABLE LAND FOB, 8ALKI ' iVo will, affar Jor saks that valmMe) tat highly Improved PlantaUoa la NortharapUft eou ty, late the propt-rty of J. Iwaaaini. and kaoas sa MouirrUe, um : . - THOMDAT, OCTOBER ral871.V A plot of Ui land can be seen by apply! to J W. Newsoara. .,. on Ui premises Mr. iewsatne. or L. II. uoyca, win oa sa an ttiuos on toe preonwa, and will show UMdlvM Knit U ni iCTrtasa usMons; ks) fwrrksss. las phuiuuoa will be divided mUi kvc eparats anatidkaUnat tana, which will at OlicTDd smaarsVelT. . . The tab will taka plac on the-day abort meniionesl at tba Montrose Hooso. Term : one-loan cash, tba balanee on liheval Una WlUefe will basaadeknown at Uwsel. , B. i H A IM E ft, 1 Trnitsas" i WALltkt CLARK, I July J4 td:. 1 " PPOMATTOX PAPER MILL, PKTKIlrUiUKO, V(A. Xunfaetorer of Nawa Print, and Wrappns Fapor'a. . Orders soUcltad. towhlrh we pladr prompt attenUom. JSjlLft'-'lfcE dk. Orocar A tosaausalon aarchsaikt, QELLINaOOODBWOCROCCUrATION. O We never fall. fVeOWlf, - A.aSAN0ERACo. QOTfOM GINS. COTTON 0IN8, MILL G E A R I N 0, miXBTONIH, SAW MILL G BAKING t am agent fir Brawa'aOmrrlaand (lulleu'i tel Bnub .In. Any aweknthall have ny mfat attrrltina. Advtor giyen and pvrchanui wu . mil Btuoea, uaannir, rw, A angllU T. MTRONAC'R. gOOTS 4,8 UUEti. IIEAKTT 4 (JO'8 Perfort tula' and elegant rMrTB AMI) iUuEHforLadiea, (enileuw-n. Boya d chil .Irvn Th largeM aaaiwtaioiituf ih work In toe cHy, at low prlcea. VKV ST ( IfiK I NEW KTV I KS i i ('. P IIEAKTT A (X). dial only In UooU mi Bhnca. riKVTETTEVILLK BTKKKT. July 7 if VL IITTINO XtirVE. iinauriiaiM-o Hingle Bladed Knlvaa. WmiajiiOTM' ytr-iHtw- . rtluclairea celebrated Pro-lli'r Culling M cMrha, H ahu. from to 1:1 Hlckn and U famou Copper Bliip ditto, ctiualauUy in atore at Farmera Hall. JAMRA M T0WLE8, aug 17 If ' Ag'l for Mailufacturara, St I'l o 0 0 c 0 0 - i w S A e it O GaO s - - fa, 1 kJ H -kV ; OP . fiu C3 IS -.pEOUT OK NO PROFIT." ' Uar foods SB est be sold to make room for . (ally arrivala. conalgnmenta, Aa, A emli vt ii order) will oanvlnce yon that we ny aolA- C. SANDERS A Co., No.., Martin BtraeL jnly-tf jq-iw BOOKS. U. a SUPREME COURT REPORTS. Ilth WaUaoa Reports luat received. Pries Abbott's BlocrapnleBisaorle. A faH ist lo band. Price 1.1 m vol set luat Also u sun nice assortment oi nneiy Illustrated Juafealhs and Toy books, v For aaiahespai asptf-tf i J. A. JONES' Bookstore. N IW, SWEET AVP WHITE FLOOR. Paragon, Family Sraok Extra Baltimore Bell, Brook Super, N. C. FamUy, Winona Su per, always on band and for sale at low ngurey by A. C SANOkKH A Co., July 18-tt No. B, Martin Blroet, J. f VBON'S IMPROVED " L FRUIT JARS, are suiorior to all others, for sale ay mug -t T. H. VRICVW. Ci'k DOZEN FRUIT PREBKHVING JARS, cM ' Urn beat make. - jsMI4f JVLlOg I.KVYttl - Trsrirw ceask.- u l- I Ml ' 1 Prof. tg begs leave to a ounce tint b will start a Mule staging class Beit amek. A regular and Uiowiigtkeonrs of training will be given. Those a boVlab te Join will pleats apply at (he new MualeBwrw. . Terms : tiSti per month In advance. ugU U Paor. A LIUjE. CNPAT SCHOOL BOOKS. SUPERINTENDENT1 AND TEACHERS OF Sunday ocltoola apt hi formed that the can ml at UK Bookatora of v ' ALFRKD WILUAXS, A eoaaplete asworttaent of "itWiiOAX BCIlOpL BOOKS --. I V r)otitiaoaT t.. r'. Printera, Bllera and ll.auWe, Catechlsaaa and Uueatloa Books, Soaday rJ. bool Hymn and 1 ana Books, TrAeta, fcrd larua, Ve-, Bunday Bchool Lllmrkoa at aU urioea, I Class Books, Minute Books, Moll Book and Register, Bible IMctionar ' riea, TesUua. nu with Nolea, Bt- MesaadTestataanUataHmleea. it - Baptist Psalmiat and Paeleac dy, Methodiataad Prarayw. ' tartan Hymn Books, -Also, )t received Uie . , NEW BAPTIST tTTlCM BOOBt. A lilmal dlsroent will be suite l auwrlay schools buying , qaanUty. is:ad for Cata kugne and Pruxa AITkV.n WII.I.IVM-. aaara-tf - ll.ioliaelleloiigt stationer A. ARB SOT RKAUT. Fri(ln Law Binding ' ' - ' SaW '- half Poslag ko cents additional If stnt per ntau. Foraakshy . . , Jf. A JONES, r Booaaoller A Stattoner, aept4LfU Kalaign, M. C, Tho University of Va, COMPRISES e Followtho Departments : 1. Bcbool of Latin, t 'bool of Greek. I. School of Modem Iaiucuagea. 4. Bchool of Moral Philosophy & ciiuol of History and Kugllsh Literatnre A Bchool of Chemis try 7. Bt-boid of Natural Philosophy S. School of WmVwalica. . Bchool of Com uhhi and talule taw. 10. School of Constl lationst 4iw Uvil Law sad Realty. 1 1. School .f Pk.aed gy and Bantery. li nebrnd of tnaliMuy and Materia Medle. Ik. School of . t-Ju ior and Obatetrica. 14. Bchool of Ai i.lied MsUicmata-a. la- Bcbool of Analytical, liHiii't-ial sud AjTii sltural Cbemistrt. In. Sct.il of N .tural History and Agriculture ( Croteaur to be elected,) (." Provision made for cie. in Minoraogy and Gni4oirv, lie u t. Political Rcimou.i, Practital Physics, Ue.ilcui Jurtst-rudcmc iuid rantkrit . . IHphnns" nJ .C35ift StMTol-PwflStrnyj art iiv.-n in tlie uiarate achools. The following Degree are conferred 'r 1. Hsi lielor of Uaiera. Bachdoi of Sciences. i. Master oi Arls 4. lKictor of Medicine. llachflor of Iji. ". Civil Eiigineur. t Mining Engineer. I be csns -s of Uf atudc . t, utcluaive of 1. l UHiks, t-toUi'iig so t iKHiket mouey, smouiit lo from t-B to Sr" it session of note month; ol wlncbtuui Ai'-'U to Jfsl are. .w .alilc mt adinUmMxi. Session oint October lat . For C.iUii(vncA aiidrvea, UIIAKLKSrV VKNAItLK, CHii.aA o Fauui.Tr. I'. ., liiilveiaUy ol Va sepx-lin ..J.... IT M BELLAS AND SUN SIIADKS. Ittn UMBRELLA AND Large atae GINUILAM PAROSOLS, Kwelved to-day, W U. A R. 8. TUCKER A Co. ' July 15-tf " " .' " '" ITALU.1 qiEEXS, l WARRANTED PCRE. HIVES, BEE-KEEPERS, Ac Bend for Circular 'Jnne 17-tf K. 1. PECK. Linden. N. J. Randolph Macon College, ASHLAND, VIRGINIA. Saiies ipf.i T hit ruin j, Kepi. 13, 1871. For further Information, catalogue, Ac, Address, WM. WILLIS. Richmond, Va, or Prof. 11. BeTILL, Ashland Va Ju'y lS-tf I 'OR RAI.B 1 a 'I wU of Land : One tract of 30S jcru wlliLilwilJJhjmiotBBoHia,good oiilhoiiiHii, 1 acres In peach and apple trees. Soil weifsilaptcdr'Tociirn, ; cBttSS and wheal: thia tract be S miles North of the city on Uie Loulsburg road. For this trai t half cash will be required, balance In 0 and li uioulka. ALSO, One ether tract of IV) acres, wllliln 3 miles of the city lot) acres in wood aud balance cleared. This tract Is West of Raleigh. JdlyiK-tt W. H. JNISS Co. QjT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, r - - C AH AD A ; - - AND BATUS In connection with ths celebrated well of BAUNB MINERAL WATER Is new open fur Uis ronepUon of vltltors. Peraont desirous of engaging board nill please address the Proprietors. BEVERLY TUCKER A S0N8. . July T-tf NABHVILLK LIFE 1N8CRANCK COM PANT. The Directors of tills prosperous company havo recently nude their annual ttaleuient. , 1 aasnTH. aruk 1st, 1M7L I i From "all tonreea, - - t&,350 81 Total lisblllUea. including Dremlnm reaervev ' - lSl.SnS IS Surplua, - . ai7,8ua 6H No Poltclat I, S3, covering, SS,HfiH,tejB 00 Death losses three-tenths of one per cent, i ' , j H k BirrMMoa. !i 1 ' ; On tiotldet In force two yenrt, IS per rent N. ft Mr K. W Adam, of Goldsboro' has been appointed General Travelling Agenl In Una Stale, with poaier to select aub-agmiU. I TiloB. B BAILEY, I Stale Agent. Asherlllc, N C, June 10. 1S7L Jc-ja-tf AT JACOB KARRER'l 0UOCF.RT STORE 'may bafesnsd -. Canned aud Fancy Goods, China Ware, Perfumeries, Musical Inatruraenta, . New Patent Broome, . lilass Ware. Willow Ware, Wooden Ware, Preserves, CariiHes, Ll I rackers, Karilim, Teas, PicM. a, and Snutf, SugJtf WHOLESALE OBtK EBS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MARKET SQUARE. natnioB, a. ft , A FPU BRANDT. i V. J UaU. Nash Brandy aug 21 -U B. T. BTliOACB. QVIDKDUPRE, PracUeea la the CoarU of Wake, and In the Federal UonrU, gives stiectal attention to the arguing of causes In the Bnrenie Court of N. C, eotlerla eialats agalnM any Fire or Life Insurance company w uie united Btawa, ana attends promptly to any ether profnasUKnd business intrusted to him, I fe7U . .,' " ' 1 m ' rpHB GREAT BOOK OF THS AGE. ', JlliloOri PEACTIC1L FiRlLKC. t , 1 Tot. MaaUa Edition $100, Sirr st If AO. on aacairr orraicn. K. C. Bvok Store, JAS. IL E.NNI88, Ag'l I t . . , Raleigh, K. C- L 1 L. TIXIW July 14-K CHATHAM RAILROAD OOMPANT, nuPBHisTSNiaaJft'sOrrica, RavaioM, R. C As Sth, t71. 0 N and after Tneanay, Ang. km, 171, trains oa Ins Cuathani Kaiir4 wui run dally (HllM,T MlMIIUfl I SS IOIhiWSX I Mail Traiu Waves RaleUcb.,. ,.. P. M. trrivesatctonf.icii. ....... .': " ' Mail Train ksves Boiifvrd .: A. M. arrivfla at Aalciilhi. ..... ..!:5 ' Mall trJn a,.etcli,-r 'n"ni-ctl.instR,it2tJ wlih m Rahngh (biHon Ksilnsu to awl from ail polata North. And at Ban ford with the Western HUlroad in and from Fayettevdle and point mm i.Tn Railroad. A. B. ANIIRRWft, . ang ktf sWparukandenL SECOND HAND COrtf'NGIN; In Mors at Farmers llsll, 'one good Saw Row. land ln. ra eaeellent working eider and wlU Maoiecwaan, 1 JAMES M. TOWI.KH. eptS.sn' Agent QENKRAL INSURANCE AGENCT ! LIFE AND FIRE! Tile Kational Life of Hew .Tort Tbe rsriii Fire ( Brooklja, ItllUdLAS BKLL, Agent, sept -lf OlBce next the Yarboro Hotel. JgJilOtlACB B0.IE ISSTiTITIOSS ! BECCRITV AOAINST TIRE ! : TUB NOBTH CABOIallMA "EOIE" IHS0R1HCE HA MCI Call, N. C. This Comiaiiir. now near Uie close of Uie Uilrtt ear of Its existence, continsea to write i olictea, at L.lr rales, ou all iiaasiin ol mtur- able iHiUH'rty. All lmses are promptly adjusted erurptid. I'hu ' HOME " is rHpnlly growing in public fuvi r, ami amie.'l, with coulldencc, to maur er of iH,Hu ty til North Carolina. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. C B ROOT, Vtca Parsins'TT. R. H. BATTLE, Jr., PaaaiOBNT. S EATON GAI.KS, Baa, l'UI. VMvl cow per, BuraaviaoB. W. II. MURDOCH, Asst. Sau. aci l V If Panera now advertising for Uie "Home ' will please sulistiluto this for the sdtertisenwnu already lu uiem. Y " O LDP IAN O . Which (Ktfer from the elegant MODERN INSTRUMENTS In tone, aiUon. tu h and scale will be taken in part puymeul for Uiem. at liberal rate or we will dispose of 14 Pbutoa for those who desire to purchase uew ones in uie f uture. Opinions ol liiu ireea i ; From Uie Petersburg Index. " T)t smiivji il' Mtr frid A'asA is proof suA . i. jit tliat he iU Uu !M if Ills varied muaaral aliaiiiiiiiaiu n it- uul well enon,-li kuowu to jesty. Mr oris" , Fro... Hie Pe ersborg Conner. P.-rtHls in want of goo I oiniioa cnriuot do belter Liiun oil Hie I'sublisli ,iuut of Mr. Joa V.iii I'M. aj-ii' ol l'etiTtiiig, Va hViiiga ttii-ough iuui.ici.in hiiimU. he Is f splemlli From Uie Roanoke News, Weldoa, N. C. Our personal ac'iualiilance with Mr Nash lnlirtM us In hesrlllv reeoliiiuelMlinif him Ul . . d I the people of tastuji l,sruim, lcuuik eseim dent that any r'ii-!iiUUou he inayjnske wiU Be TouuXrirTeBf traa.'-'- " t BOOKS, STATIONERY, CHROMnS, BASON AND HAMLIfr N,JAN9, FROM MAHllPArrroiiT, AC., ac JOB VAN HOLT NASH. -asptJaif Petersburg, Va. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. , J 3,ouo pianu of the most approved klnf. , WANTED I : - SOU Rushe s Atbes. . V aug 14 U , T. U.8NOW. ; N OT1CB. I hare riven to mr dainrhter In law. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Ennlsii, wife of my sun James 11. Eiinisa, Uie proiertv' both real and personal iaeluiling tlieslock mt BthiAs, Wtrouery, tnd altunb In the c tr of Raleigh, which I pur chased at the sale of the property of my ton JaoiOH H. Eiuil He tlwr. fom ceawa lo be my agent (rom Uil date, July aitb 1H71. JOHN KNNI8S. Mr father In-law Jolm Ennlas, has'glven me his StiM'k of Books, SuUonery, Aee.. In the city of Kalclgh. 1 pnipoae lo continue fit tiook huslneea, under Vie euperinteiidanea of my huaband. .las. II. Ennlas, ss my agent tept tf KI.IZA BET 11 0. ENNrnR QOFFEES. Oovmk Java, lAtgtilr and Rio. aug Mf G. T. BTKOKACH. TL'PT RE' FIVED PnntMxIy Family Flour, BvtraCBagar, nrlcesnd 'lea, fjird and bacon, ' Midaaset, Frosh Bailer, (Manges. : . t, -Coeonute, ' ' - ; ' 4 andies, ., Aav mayld-tf D. MARKIBON'S. T -T. Between the realAtiee of Col. Wm K. A re. tenon and Mrs. Joe. 11. Bosh's, a GOLD CUFF BUTTiiN. The Ruder will be reward ed by lavin ilttlbs" BeaUnel " oifita ogt-tf . ' , 7 h) D FOK SALK. Acres of Land fur sale, ertnatea wHbut I mils if Afs. on both sides of the Chatham Raliroad, ami ten mites from Rslehrh by Uie railrosuti Ths ktud W goM for rottoe tar con, is well Umbered end wooded, with thirty ees In rulUvstioo good orchard and ordintrv Imlldlntrs. Ai.jJj-Io. GEO rili K W. A1K1N BON.Ralelgfc P.O. . , . July sn-dleAvut ' .. ',..,';. It ED ASH COAL! I . A I em n-'r t(s-i' In ' a ca.-ifo of tiet netlrtv AeUinn-.lv a mi (. tnie, ' IVrvin. waoooUi . -lakj learnln? i', alt1 it-, w -II to s;'fly uiemtei.es before Uw wseoB sdvancs. acptStf, .. : . DOLtiLAe) REM'- -TTBEAT FANS. V V H.at BalUmnre made Farming Mill, at Manufacturers' prices with freight fur tale at the Fanners' Halt , JAMES M. TOWLES, anf IT tf AgeuL rH lJ 3w5 t t CJ I S : bd tu.a r8Kj y9 ft S" m, h' tr ?' H-j AM8I HAMSIf : M. C. Jat received and for sale. July st-tf W. H. JONK.es Co. T70R BALE. J.' Nice jnlyiMtt Nice W kJU Meal, Floor and Corn. W. U. JoN Ed At Co. FOR SAUL Pnra tirooud Bone, the best FerGliaw for torlt. July If W. a JONES A Co. VfEW ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES iJ Jual received lOu Barrela Flour. Pa PantllT. Bevern Mills Hu.xud m V a milvBevern Mills, Super and N. d JTwuiiy tapsco July a If A. G. LEE A CO. SDGARS, COFFEES AND TEAS. Thirty Barrels standard A, I'owdensJ and U, Sugara. Rio and Laguvra Codeea, varkiea arailaa aud iirkBau. ai.i). the limaa Chaise Green tud Black lias. JulylM U A. G. LEE A CO. -r- FIVE REUS BEST ENGI.IBH SODA, tweatv cases oosr entmml l.vs .k....m. 'eon-entraled Lve. rheataar uian sver, coudouse.1 MUM, Yeast Powders, Tacka, Cotton la di under. Bliot, clua, Collee Mills, Buckets, Wooded Fauceks. Uorae VIUBHOW, IPlBCMUg OIUSIIOP, SSC. juiy iw-u A. U. LEE A CO. fpyrENTY BOXES BE8 r STARCH.- L 1(K) roas best Parlor Msu-lies, twenlr boles fresh Bida Crackers, Glngor Cakea, tinion oiseuiiauu jaouumcmai HISCUll. JblyWtf A. tt. LKhVeVCO. ir0MAN-8 FRl'ND B0AP, A VERT V f rarturi r article Al 0, Brown Tarpen- Army and Jjily'JtU Army and Navy bmcmu. uu uii uI. A. u. t.r.tv s V '. B AO M I BACON I ' RACO ?! t bolce N. C Hams. Iwmi M...r,.r i ia MasnHkvinV H A). Wdeei- Wiissslii t-ntk ed Bucoii Bioea, a full supply, pvru auiilj U1 saira m i mrcas ana i ma. July UM A. G. LEE A CO. c OI.L AR8, liames, Tra.x4Dumi-r art Her a, Hoes, Hindi s, Bhovels, Nails, Hum Niuss, Brouwt, ake., AC juiy at u G. LEE A CO. T7MNE OL" N C. Whlakr. all eeara old. a.- uieiu.w and pure, best Appu uiellow and pure, best Apple and Peach nruirli i,,uul..e Usoiuel Rre Wi.UVv h. t RuwsndUln. l-t J lf A G LEE CO. jlKW AND SPLENDID PIANO FQUTE8, Fiom the GREAT UNION CO., ot Mew Tort, JAMES P1RSBON, Keanectfnlty In forma toe untitle that he has nntMl . al.M.1 Af ll.HU A.in.iu 1. . .. l" " r : . " l on i. -reo a tuica or tni apects uiem m a vory short tiiua. "Such ; " R" - r aniM) umh uie eoinnanv nave eiwtswl a aww factory of aurn. lent eauaetty to manotaetera auty I'unoa per week, and are sow moving WlllllSHI. JMI uio it, amu) ereais a iitue delay in tbeaup plylng of orders, and with the tncr-aeed Isi 5 ly of machinery, sud Uie Sneat workmen that money ten prorare, and an anllmiu-i eapltal, tlMeomiany are enabled to defy ooro petition and put their Pianos In the marfcst at a lower price than any ranabnshment In the United btalpa. Persons who are about topurrksa Pianos win do well In wait tht arrival of these Piauot, which will shortly be oa cabltntloii at PIRSBON'S Wsjwrooin,' rarnar nf fierjjett' -r-jwy-ifs tl- TUK. WAKEPIEU) EARTH CLOSET; It by all (1(1 the sWf yet a ; naaeeteu. eeue mi was nriai.li ksavisi tttmm la. aa lis Hi JN Voik, for leerrlitivt Two how oa hand at W may lb-tf JLJONESACa, , - t Ajrenta JKW AKBIVAt. FLOUR! FLOUR! 1871. ! 1H0 tacka Extra and strictly Family Flour la wmvenlent site sacks, direct from tlm Vtrgiul , Dealers willlnd M to their Interea to mil ana snamine tlat lour. , : . JAMES Mt. T0WLF8, JulyF7tf ' Com Merchant, 1840. 1870. . FOR THIRTT TEARS Has Uiat well kaown. standard, aod popalar rmiMaiy toe FAIW Kill LEB, manufactured by Perrv Davis A Son. Pmvl deuce, R 1.. been before Uis ouhlte. aed tt Uul lime has become known hi all prts of UK worm, ami oeen usen t y ieoie oi all nale-u-s ' It remains, to dsv. Uiat same rood and eia (TtBi'4- VttUlstsal'v J (efr SJtansfesnajJ hfW fmy. ---fbas1.1 log the mos severe nam hat never klaneottl- led, and it baa earned its world-wide popularity ny us Hiinnsw merit, no curauvc.s -cnthsa had to wide-tpread sale or given sue univtar sal tatltfairtion. The various Ills for which ihe psia Killer tt aa wi.fiiil'n i , ru, are too well known to require re-aMliilsUoo in thlt adver Utemenk At an external aud Btvrual medi cine, ths Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Dine tloM aroomiiaiyveai h hottle. - Bold by all Druggist. . sept 16-lm JhIW BOOKS, " THE ANGEL IN THE CLOUD. . bjeaCT IFJVL POEM, 1 V "l,;;"! '.iff '.(!'.' ri'W:fl'i,.!-V'-:l'.)'iV' ' KBWIN Vr'FOtLBB.'"' K. i. Bau Jk Sob, PcBMBna, V. T. Bandaomsly bound. Price L 39. For mis at th Bookstore of BBCl-ta ALFRED WILLIAMS. JUILDINO LOTS FOB BALK, In th Northeaatorn paut of ths Cite. S Into slOrrtttt; feet frooting Edentowi Street, 9 " KstonU test fraoUug Psraoa street, -S u liini;i4 fwHfroaungJnnaaatraet, ; , t " tluiU feet fronUng Jonea street, ' I Sl0x5siftfronung Bloodworth street, Forteraaa api.lr lo P. A. Wiley, Cashier Civ taene' taauonal Bank, at at North 4 arouse Land a., 1 July ti ll 0 0BN FIELD PKAS. ' 99 bnahela at deooi ag,.tf JAMES M. TOWLES. JpALL TBADE 1S71. ... Whole I Bknnnrnrtmrcre, THOMAPVILtE, N. C. - firlory Inlsi,f. ,-' . Oreally Increased Prod net Ion and Sale. Great redmtUos, hotesal Prices, " Great Variety ef New and K.egsut Btyhw. "ge SUx-k of Crat Claaa Work. ' 'No Shoddy Goods., Evcryliw Warranted. ' Morrhsnii tend tur'IMrralarsnd Prh-s Uik July HI lea '".'' ' '.'." TTtHRSH grooMr Whits Cera Meal, Con. X' twit. Bran, rest, c, die. July M U a. a. lis a c, II i ; 1-4 i 1 Li "flsnV.S IL R. XL HODWAY'M KKAUV RELIEF t'ure the Wtaraa rln Is frta lie U Tweitj lliatti. jot o.i: hoi k after resiling this edvartiseuteatt need any on BUFFER Wil li PAIN. RADWAT'S REAIir KKLIEF IS A CUKE FOR EVERY PAIN. It waa the Brat nod Is Tla tnl v I'll 1st Ifa-nta-aaV Uiat InstanUy suips the sttoat eacrw-bauiig pains, allays lli&smuiauone, and cttrnt CMtgee uona, whether of Uie Langs, BUHnsek, B-esela, or olliet i-lBOt or onrana. by fine arpiliiauoh. s r i,.i vei s i i it ati a aiticji an, a mailer how violent or eaereeiaUiui Ue pain Uie RHEUMA'IIC, Bed rtuoiai, lukna. Crippled, Nervoua, Neuralgic, or uioaUatoa with dltuaae may sufler. j"iiiifiTTinBTiEiiir WILL AFFORD INHTAVT CAHK INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OP THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION UP THE rMiWELS. Ct iNur'-STIoN or Til it I l! ail. a tORE THROAT DIFFK'l LToRRATHINO. l Atrt 1 A 1 It IN OF TliE IlKAllT. BT8TERICS, CKOI'P, rilPllTllkVUA CATARRH, INFLUENZA. UEAD.U UK, T(XTUACHr1 . - . titr u.i t i Aiinruivuii cold cniLLs, Ai i' k cii Ills. The application of U Kab llsi-iar to the pertori!.rt eherc tin im at UutU'ttlly caitU will atttnil ease and cotnturt. Twenty droi In half a tumbler of water a 111 in a few moments nun Cramps, rlitsma, Bour Slouiach, lloartbnin, bA lleaus. be. Hi antiie, Dysentery, Colic, uii hi Uie Bontls, n) all lutrmal Pain I - I'raveiert should always carry s bottle of . u wit's Raaut Raciar with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or )alat uvh ,utmi:v ui aaier. it it betaer than Frwnrk mstidrm- ti tiera aa a aUrautanl. " FKVKK AND AliL'hV FEVER AkD AGUE, cured t SfVy cents. lUrivt is Bof a rvmcdtsl agvut In tins world that wu. cure never and Ague, aud all other Mala- rB-us BUoua, earUL lil-h.ud. Yellow, and uUierFevam (aid.-d tiy kAl WAY'S PlLtJ) tuica aa auttI AUkAUI RELIEF. Fifty eeeU par bottle.' ' Health ! Beauty! HTSOSO AKD rVK RICH .()- VHt.ABB of Pt.KXH A At WhlOHT VI. KM UK lit AND HKAVTirVL COM SAESAPARILLIAN EESOLTENT BAH MADM THS HOST ASTOSTsUlSU af tt I. ki ml Aid. nMT mlf liiiiif. s a. a. a-statr, t-" wtl la , n.MtMS A It At liaJiJZAiAhTi AU JUULL'XXtJX UA IHtS JKl'Ll HOAMJUitlL. AAll. cvaa; uiat It err lif farmic li Pink SI. " f eiE.I ft Irti lid felL - THt CKtAT iiLOntl PUUIPIKn .Vry dry. of the SAIlBAPARILLIAN RE SaiLVi.NI coiumuuiiuia thmugh the Blood. Bwuat, tiiine. and other. Au tit and Inket of the avttem A svpai r ha, far it repairs Um waatututtbe houy Willi new and sound uia- tcrisav-ncreyadat, AtrprWis. tbstawaua'l -n tefoanV noar tftssaar, vutri u iiw fAniui, jgrssfa, i s saiaa, jt i alas ha tea trinevnla and irftsr tievta ifftht stswciH, flsra Arteay rni ameiMtjs dtsraeivvea yeaja va .ira, awn iw aaaa) jesmt sy-ntra Buwanw, AV;iuHa, trmtr Men, AmU swu, Mima H ana, Salt ifsaw, Aru-WKSua. lens. hiw A Ansaa. MorvHa In Ae flraA, tanon (Wwri ia lAr HVaae, saaf mU smsIsmom alt) pminju4 ttheAar. eea,.ivvaa nseiirt, ajeas ay rnswrneawi swi ar! IA it m imcitma i tsMavim o lAt avarirr jf' Jaesiatm VmgmiMtry, ms1 Jm Ooua M wSU psvas) to mf fwrsnt ntisu ttyor alW 9 tAferjwaa a dm ear Ua jietaal itaawr a? ' KIONET BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary, tad Womb diseases, Gravel, Dtalietet, flfopay, Stmage of Water, lucouUueuee of liruie, bruci.t t DixauKi. Albnmluuria, awl ta all eases wi are there are brick -dust deposits, or the wstet Is thhrk, cloudy, mired with sub-stKta-selik' th hl s ef an egg, sa-tWeadt like wbHe ailk, or there hi a morbid, ears, Ui lions sppearauoe, and wblie bone-dust da posits, and when there 1 a pricking, burning sensatiou when passing water, and laain IB tut ttiuaii ui um Baca and along uia Lotos. , Dr. Xladway's Perfert PurBAlive PiUv PerfeeUy tastulf , i legantry mated with awvat a. tmrrfr. i streuMUiea. Madsay's Pills, fur the cum all ilisonkrt ol the BUiuua U. Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder, Niavoua Dlaaasea, lltwd- actte, CMSetitaatHin, Costtvenra, ladlgeathsi - , ! ...hum aaataoe ol the avowals. Piles and all Derange awula of Ihe Internal Vis. era. Warranted Is ell net t peetUve cure, rarely VegcUlile, eon- tail trig no Bfetcury, miusnua, or sVivtenoua druga ... v.. .. . faT" Obaanra th foUowing symptoms r aul.tng from IHaordertof Una OlgssUve Organs: tHisUfaauon, Inward Piles, r ultness ul Uie Bhiod I the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nsnesa, Uearlbum, Disgust of FiwaC Fu I neas or Weight ta Um BunMScb Boar Erects Uuus. mimtug or Fluuennat at the Pit ef Uu Cn l, Bwiinming of the Head, Hurried and lilllirull Breatlilng, Fluttering at the Heart, er Bull a atlng WeussUos a when lea Lyme Pn ttlffWr Dwuucas of tlaaen. Dote or Wetwlevfoer thtf Sight keverand Dull Pats In Um Head, DeBciewy af Peraiilrstloa, YeUowneasof Uw Ba.-.i ami v - , i'sm in the hide. Ctieet, Limits, too auUMea riusues oi iioat, Dorruug tu the Fieeh. - s . A tew jlose of RADWAT'S PILLS will free Uie tykuusi from all ths suovt named dlt orders i-rtce, 'Mt eeuta pur Bog,. BOLD BI UHUIHHHIH. READ 'FALSE AND TRUE." Fend one letb r-euunp to RAIIWAT CO., No. HT Maiden lane, New York. laformaUao warm thousands will be seal yoa. JwiaAt-deaiLhwl "Ty-TUiNTIO UOTKt, ; 7 BEAUFORT, . a .'' Obu, W. Tatlor, Pronrietor. i Now open for th reueptlon of gneata wbo will be well provided fur at prices to suit Uis times. It I ths only Hotel la Uie Lulled State tm mediately over the water. Fort Mai -oaf and ths areas to fall view. Three peonies arise and a ball-room f or thehn Joymenl of guests, and band uf anuslc to ami van Uis teeting boars. All affording Uis most lieaiUi ful and delightful Bummer Reureal oa ths At klatleenaat. - Jnnss-tf . . n? : : S01!IPl,OMTI IEaOSEII ' :; uips, ( . , . (Paagiws A Hocti Ptbt) Thla Lamp it abeolutely safe; safe at a candle and (Its a hgrit equal to Uss. Money erranded to say east here the Lamp Is not aatiafwi lory. '"'II.C. Boon: Brrtaa ; - --J . 4 Am, B.stn MISH, Aurt ,.. kalelguN. C. Htf ATLANTA IBP4 KTJlsiM SvatlitUlt l.ill; IlllIAM.CtiUaJij. ' 6KN JOHN S, goRDN, Paaaioaicr. , W O. NOttKIS, SscaataaT, . : AESETTS " .900,000, Dlvldeod to Policy Holdore Jnlr let, Ufa), per cent. Tbirty three and one-third per cent dividend guaranteed on Lilt) I'oliciea. Inturr lives en all the usual plana. i CO RLE T A WAT, K. B. Bar worm, M. I)., Gun. Agta Mvdlcsl Euminer. - , ,, ' nlff-lf , V ' O V'MUKR FURNAf E, for sal at -the I ia,arnwar lloutt 01 auj JCUL'S LEWIS, V Juiy North ('rtIin Ltvatl CumuaJi, KSTABUdtiKD FOR TUB TntitaportaaUcm and XjaonUon; OF NoarniaaJi ahu EraorSAjl finTUav IN NORTII CAROLINA. . emi TUCKER BALL. RALEIGH. B. a rpHIS Company has been na sweeaaful Of L ration tor nearly two yean, and will w a linue to Baix, Lens, or Kasv real utakt , on Uie most favorable lerma, and it thvluud Into small tracts are more saleable. All persiait having Lanoa to ten win Sad tt to tbeh- Internet to rail at our oBtea, or ror reapond with as, aa our fatalities lut snUlug see UM-rnsaiog every dsy. I SI I IliB ue lasKjaaTttnt Wk now aBTlB, tnd we call uiiob ail North Carolinians to aid a nt promoting this great enlenviae, and help WTrafar up ohr waK juaioar- ine rreaateat and INroeiura of Iheeomnanf art hell known ; and persona entruaUng baa) neas ln Uieir hands, have the beat aaauranet that they will be tmrly represented. we nave an eonueeuiai with any other land Agency or company protesting to do bust oca m Uu Stale , But are eiientUng only nadea Uie aaute and aly loot "Tub Noara Ciam.la Laaoi oni-aK." as rhsrtcred bv Siiecial Act of tl.e ItiUalurc beuiing naU February hUi a. tr. I raw. . . AiUlrese alleommnnlcattons tj"TUe NorU iurollna Land Co., or to W m. Beotl,Berratary U1SO. U'ri LK, ITtat. Wm. Scott, Soc'y. IUHkKlTOHi : COL Geo! Little, lien. K, F. Boke, Hob. W. Beat, Dr. J. B. Smith, lion. T. L. CiUu aun, a Moult, Kau . Jan 11-dAwvt . IIAluASKS, LINEN CAMH1UC , II VNIK.MU'U1LFjv in. We fi oiii -l via inli.d ou ansotoCAU NdVCllSr.ll.Vtr'.rl agntnat the iihIImtIihI naU-Use of ttiidt fuhrk-s BMte np to kmrute olv gids m font, iraoe mark, aud general sp rraotta-i-, au4 hi wain them, that Ustkr onl) tateguani n to a that the authentic teal ui our prut . . A J. N. Kli R iKKBON, SONS A 0WDEN, Iss'smpi'd on wh trtlela DeUirwlued W touuue onrtelvea, as ki-ivto fore, to Uis use of ysmt spun from Uw ehot test sad strongest Fisx, by the best marhluury uwmnablet nnifuma In weight and etasiscity manefactnred and bleached ander ear own saiswiuhiadUHw : th cueisumur will b oi!BTaan at rwn saat the saute duraldlity aud saikfacuoa In Ihc aear, ahhb ttie trenamr goods havcalway, aflisrded. I N. RlC'lllRDaitS, SONS ' O WDEK hV lfast. In-iai d 4 Mu. la, 1B7L June BV-dA a:un fXFoRU FEMALE ACAOahlf. Ojir.u, N. C Mies M. h. Mitc-usi i. mil Urv K. N tlaiv PrnHiaata Mra W. B. Mrmsow, iforrmfhr Teacher st Mmricat St Mary's, Raieh,J hat charge o the Musle llepertntaat. The neat sesuioa will open on the Irtl Wednesday m Augnet, 1X71, The Academy Is pkiassiitly located la s mow desirable pert of Uis village of Oxford, wbirh rer anted m one of Ui. beajthisat la North Ctroliua. " r" : ' The course of attuty ta similar to that ol BUHTFeTOaia muirtliaitiw. f(f Birh tide. lerma mouerato. ctrcnlara seat on BL'till Ctil.HL HarnKxrtast All frlcndt and mtplts of Um lau Prof. Mitchell of Uie University of N. U Jnue uVdluukewUni -BOHOBfclsiB rVTBAMBRw. Bau. btbst WamrnDtr aho SATOBntT, vo ABB eon NEW TOKK AND GLASGOW. Calling at Loodooderry tn tand Mail sad Psseeogers.' . t. The BUaunera of Oil favorite flu are built exureaeiy lor the Allan tie Passenger 'I'rade, and SUed ap la every reaiiect wlUi all the mod rn unprovemenui calculahrd to Insure the aaf ety, comfort, and eunrnaiesxat of passenger. PasaaoB Karas, Patiaui n Cuaaaaor, TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL AND LON- bONDBRRY. , Fiaar Caan, StIS and ITS, aeeordbig to Lscs Uoa. , - - -. i a bib RwrnaB Tiobbtb, t'lBO, tecu ring beat SiHaMiimiMtsUtma IN IKRMEOiATF.m' , STEERAGE, I. .;, ' srtlea icnulng for their friends ta ths Old GHvmtry eas) purchase tickets at retlm-ed rahsi. Fin- further perttrulsra study to II EN DEUBON ilj.iIHkKii,7 riowUng(ir,en,N. Y. . ttfWktiU Agsmta twwtau ha ansa sad aasarg. ' Jope ITWSBt N KW (iOODS. A saw SapplF of BROWN DUCK SACKS, VEhTS, AND PANTS, au'ufcUTwi specially for large aaen. .", "J .;".,.' Jast rtoelvad al - I: B. B, ANDREWS A Oo July th-tf G COTTON HIED As agent tor the Oil MUI located scar this city, 1 am pre) sued lo furnish COTTON SEED OIL ' hi Hi Trad ; or at retail ' 1 I oslou Seed Oil is an excellent substitute foi Luiatad Oil, at loss than bait Uis cost. julii s Lewis, Ji-lv tf y! . Rh!igS;S.C.;.: CBESTNUT lilUT, OppoerrB Ol r, Ikukpkndkhoii UaiX, PlIILADEtI'iriA. & K. HECUNGSrlPRiimiB. apisdtf. 'X:';."..':'"'-.;, ;'' J ' ' '" " OCl! S(iMlariilie..UliKS, bea"vy7hE. and smooth, inferior to nomi: Ltncb- It burg Cruet Chewing i'obaea.-o, prononnced the. heat la the city. ., -Juiy MM . . , A 0. LEE A Co. QLCX;KS, CLOClvS, II - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS, OLD AND NEW 8TVLES. K FASVACITS I Door abba Meaua. TutWi lebsteU JRUGS AND MEDH1NEB. lVHHams k Hajwood, Wboi.kiai,b jh Htn-nt tntlWiiHTAT"' Bare I Store a well teleehsd stock ot dnw aaedieinee, ekeantcsia, pauita. out. dvasluUt. paleut medieiiiea, dianuaceu Ileal prefarstka r, ot sneuiciuea, inanuaceu neat prefsuauot r, amery, fancy arUelce, lama), .smoking m u v lug tobacco, aegars, wlnea and lnvi.-Ju a h are etWrvd for saw at lowest mart at chewing t wn leu a P""T... . ta 1B-K ', Wat. W. JOBB Ann trrasD Job a. jokes st jo.vr.s. . ATTORNEY!) AT'LAW RALEIGH, N- C - IJRArTlCK la th Boiwems Conrt of tt Butte. Uie Circuit Court of ths l .oi. a etatrw. arrdlh sewxl Crtoili oTUie ' oTSTm ir" cial District, comprising Uie coanU, t of W al a Johnston, Franklin, Nash, Warren, l,rai..li s. naoiaa aou noruinmpioa. OiBes ua FaytUmriile Street, Bear ihe Court Bouse. mar l-4t 9 wri Mill GcariniShafisnPuHsy? jST KW FLOUR, MEAL AND CORN. Constantly recelvlag nppllas tad auld at market rates. sug AU JAMES M. TOWLKSv WATT, CUFF AND BRACK PLOWS. Just received supply of Uiis eele braleal sue and two hone pUtwa. All we fk uf our trienus is tu try them. JAMES M. TOWLES, angat-tf , Agent NOTICE. ' -To partW who wish to Wore Cotlon, we oHarsur lolls, raH-ity l0vsrN-s-. Wu au.re with or without lusurance at atron mU. iw urrau, aw., apply at mkf U - c. w. t . GASSEITEACe , tug sV lm 50 ACRES LAND tt I offer for sale a bumII tk f Milllirook ot Uis K. U. liailnauj. lernui liberal. ' SBJ I" U DOUGLAS BKLL." U I DRAULIC CEMENT. We are prvwnd to all orders or make . euuiraraa.fur Mydraulle Cemenl of sill trior 1 lualily. LoclihR, ANDKRSON at Co., '.. 1 IHSat WB-Msia aawet- aug S, m Lynchburg ' G ibiiua rtip"tuifijif7 SOUTHERN INVENTION, - Bsme foBufartnnr. u G133 CiMlt Bo:liic-Ad. in. Force hw. PATENTED AUGUST Will, A.BM.DINQ The under, tjrne.1, having the ekrlutire ikht to manufacture ud sell the above I'iohis ua Norih and Bonth CaroUuiL have astaHiated Uiemseli ea kitvUior under th name and style ef Uie 'Carolina Pump oiutuiy," and baw l"K esUlrtithed Uieir Manufactory at Fajuiiev vtlle, N, C. , are now prepared to lutuiah l'u.ut.a at short notice Science tua at i-l u-iumiaal la Uss pnKiui Uim of a l amp admirably ausp. led for Wcllt aud oil. or purjswa, tuat will forei: wah auy depth or height, liicli, by at is hhig boat, al ones neowuu a leeai Firu hie ' gtne of great power, Uirowh 0 Ui laO.al knit per minute. T ula I'Hinp voni'hua slui.lk-hy and dam uiliiv, in which lbs water will nuisr I ramie or kvooute stale, a the cylinder and valve s.e auouierguil, aud j aater rsuiaois In Uie pit a when Uie Pump te not la ot.-reiiu. Ikes Paiupe worfca almost ineredlbiy illil, always trl uk lug Um water (rash aod taalaluig tn.m the iwlkimot Uie wellj and ttmre is uo frlc lies, the cylinder being gbie, th packiug csti not weir orcul, the valtos being ruuud, made ot liul glass, working uu guiu auau, tau uelU., r wear or Jam. 'Ihote Puuipa art pecuiiariy adapted for tutiplylttg tanka la Up:r parte oi dwwilnge, colli'gea, hotel i, bauuiig taluou snd for iBiiroails, slroeis, gardens, tuauilence c. Xl'hsj can b attached to steam or water, puwer.v F Any onliuary BiocUanle can put them ap by printed dinaUuas always sentwilh Uie Puiupa. aVshav huudred Of urstlmutilals trout pur son a ho have aatal our l'uiui, who utpiesa n al saU.ls.-Uon : la fsct Uiey are suet us asvl wUl sua 1st ii aU w claim lur Uiem. Buy mie and save are tusurtiueu, Special at tehuouglveu to all order, Ihe enure ue Ui el hell niuat aucomiwny each oruW. A. UhUlCUlN, ' W'llaod, N- C-- t : C. TATK MUKl'fclY, . SauitiMm, N. C. r;'. . W.CTROY, . Fayelleville, N. C. Bui'Ci ssora U J. 1. Kluhln. Au orders or eotumutlH'aUou addresM'd to W C Till! I. Fayette, ul. , v alwch,lK7L . ' '. aitallsiiisa. - SHaairr't Orru a, . f AyrrrBTiLiJk. SLtL. Aiintat, is(j '-, i li-xy, ovwi I CeWoMi i'tvHft Umytmy 1 t ii . i u,ti you sold me turpassca uiy uioet aangunw eaijectaUoa. it does ail ton tunned for it. At a tias kwiiss It value is In. sua . lahle. WiUitwenly fnetothotel hale itimaa water enUrely over aiy dweituig, whu h la s very high two and a half- si. iy house, t'y faintlf would not be without It for aur tvn tidetattoa. K. W. li.l i.tu ti, 1 BherifrCuniburiaudt;uuut7. I : Saaara Cuiwaas, 1 Rauiim, N C, naicb Is, i,i. Raving had hfteea lo twenty yeart' eirt ance in gnat miumg, using varhma kinds ol pun. f.-eiiig water from gmtldepUia, 1 take iih.-siiK in giving lreifurui,ce lo Uiose Uiaue bv Ihe "Carolina I'Uiup Company" over all aUiurs for well and oilier purposes. They com bo simpiicily and duiabiilty. VALKNILN. MAUNEV, Btauiy Couuiy. ; Wlaawn, N. Jan. 3S, lSil. Ji X. A"ucAw, AWy.. -' i iKiarMr: VVe have hsd your bltlirig1 " Pamp In regular Bse, , trngtimiug at Vun .,is ' per edssiuce ktarea, ISVu, and we are free lo. mv, Uiat Uiey are lu every way ssttilaeuH y There ui no uidicsUon of wear or early gciu .g out of onier. Ail Uie water that natuic i-.sa dl-sitincd lo pans Uin.utb sucb a channel t mm sasny he hroiurbt up.aveo by children, for oi.n nsr) use, aud by attaching hose, aod l.olun'i' two to four men ui Uie lever, Uie pump at once lieemaea a local Ure engine tliruatrig st. Bfnl water totuUiuearey ortlinary fire. e UHW.for recommend your ump to the care- i.ii eaaiuinauoo aau aae Ui ihe politic. R. J. Turlor. w. ti. M.Miiutlree. A. harries. Probate J, T. A. vvaliiwiirht, Williani.a Naoal, Jaa,B. woodard,. O. II. brtibn. M. L. liinxles, Ji ). II, Davis, . B. F, iiiiiiH.hr'S Wai.tiiia, C, Feb. 9, IS7L if Tt Olli- .if H,hl-iij-s, lii'.iil'ii. L.jii d" hilc.iiu, s;;! Uvft it lo toe j-.i 1 o, .a - I oar used for an inon httr'a (a:,iii miiitor1.'ed pn at VVilaixi, hj. :.( l.j J L pleasure m reeoninu-rnht'it bsiing given iKiifi-.-t tt.ii.i- isaid it a oue of tut b. st tinit-B t H LTI rT G)WTEPk WHEEL r