miximth Business Ch Cbk ,.sutrl tracts sud gt MONDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1871. CITY AND STATU ITEMS. r Slight frost bore ob Saturday morniug. Another oWaehraun of U. S. soldiers have lift Fort facon Hobesoo county. Asltrville is to bsve a tri weekly wail to Murphy, Cherokee county. anil allele baa tal h. Western If. C. RR., four miles out f Marioif! ! Cbrwtia Ebcrt, a eoMior of 1813. di,l in Winston, Forsyth cunty, on Thursday Kl't. rvortv-cvcfl ilceil, mortgages, Ac., were , lniitud to ngistration lboo(Ji6f the (cgistcr nf Deeds of tliU County during ...(4m. fiaatiuiuiljl. . :L. Mr. W. F. I.ol'tiii, i tit; republican legis .,t r I eimii county, has liccn appointed , .l.ct'ir en the A 1 1 iv 1 1 1 i : Milnmif in in .i n of Capt. John A. Rich irdson. re,giu d.. We re-turn thunka f ir a complimentary tii kit to tl' lift annual fair "f the Wee teni Siirtli Car,, linn Airi iitt urI iitul Mc- h.iiiiijil Association, to Imi hrl.l nt Salis bury, commencing on the 10th inat. We learn, anys the Gold- bow' Mumtgtr of the 'J!Kh ult., tht five ucgr.ws conlcs.- ,.,! to having tired the lrn of Mr John ilux, ill Grocue comity. . They ItaJ A ,r, liniiiKiry examination at Snow Hill nri Mondtty I. Hl wifiniHtM (of Irtef i'ltoKKimi.u litiA'i'.. We had the plea. lire of a v isit from this Instructor f n,ii -if, iu the school of Misses Nash ' .ml Kolliak, of IlillnlMwo'. With such n't. u lu-r of uiusie and such imtruetora in K-'le lettree and maim. m, parents need not send their daughters north for acrom ,hliiui'iiu sud polish. t'osPniu. We understand that Prof. Lilife ii niskiii" rcnriitiiiiia to give a gnuid concert in this city, nl. Tucker Hull, rm Friday, the tilth inst. lb-side some .plctxlitl ipurtettra, a variety of vonil Ul,, 1 1, al I'll Itlclll II 1 Mollis all. I dllrta ivill )m: .jiauluvi,... !TrjiJt.fi-'ii4.4,-,..wj: r-i'i will i"' n Inljiinl anil attractive one. Mif, l)iiii; will be the oi'anot and ii n the, gentteuu'ii ixtrfonucra, Trijf. i,i ,!?., of llillalxmi', will take a proiuiQent JiU'U Hnys the oll-l.tro, Mi.tnjr n thf SW-li ult.: Wjtytra aii.'rUr amt, rtgular term, conveiKM here m xt Mnniliiy. It liein rmnirel ihnt Judjr larke would , Iiiiii'o with "(lruay rtii.n," and that TTTe TaTier "wrtiiTir pfiViiTe" lifriithe niemi hers of the bar, we-leam, huve deemed fit to petition to Jude Clarke, reiiietiiig tliat he would himaelf preside here. Our Inwyora and people have not forgotten the rennt " olReial eorruptiou" of Judge 'Yalta, and ha could not exXWt to enjoy 'heir respect and confidence were he to preside at our court. We are glad to loam that Judge Clarke has consented to hold tile court. I.1DIA5 Ball Oavir. It is now settled beyond all doubt that the annual ball game of the Chemkee Indians of this statu, will be played In this city amnetime during fair week. We learn from a letter from one of the interpreters to Dr. O. W. Bla knall, ojf the Yabrougb House, that the following Indians will participate in the game: Leandur HotnbQckle, Te-soo-jaw-yeh, Aw-you-se-neh. Teykeh,Low yeb, See que yah sw muhha, Ta ta-skeh, Chow ne chew keh, Taw goo-jab, A-uian-nee tah, Ja-aon-nee, Dvwaii, Taylor, Jim niee, Jo-ail oea, Teel-tah-Uah and Lee Mue yah. Besides the )all players, Na-cee, Wa kee, Ca Ii nee, Ea tnh and some two or three other Indian ladies will grace the occasion with their presence, ami da ring their stay in the city will give us an opportunity of witnessing the War and tlreea Corn 'dances, performed according to t he must approved Indian idea of the TcrpsH-horean festivities. ' ! Chi'kcb rKBvii'Ks Sunday. iVavAy Ur'uin Qhunh. Rev. J. ti--i T-v lor. Snndny Uciiout, A. M. McPhetcrs, Su periotendent, 9 a. in. Borvices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Kpuwpal CTurcA R. & Mason, Pastor fltmdny School, Vh E. AnerseOj Supertn 'endent, 1 1-9 a, m. Benrices 11 a. m. ai d 4 p. m. JfHhoiut CkurrX.'L. R. Biirkhead, Pitsb. Sunday School, VT. J. Young, 8u p-r'mtendent, 8 11 o'clock. Services a. m. and 8 p.m. , Riptut Chunk.- T. H. Pritchard, Paa tor. Sunday rV his.l. a. m . Buner intendent. Borvice 11 a. m. and tp.ii. SI. Mn't (CatiolU) dun. Rev Father J. V. HcNamara, Pastor. Sunday School 7 am. Mass at 11 a. m. A VWPBdTgCTKO SYSTKM. Do not fancy because yon teel stroev, Uai yoa an Impregnable to ahAness. Wkok neigliborhOMls are trvinsnU-. prostrated at tufa) saasoa by ssahrioaa fevers, Vigoraw mnles and etron smews, broad sheaMert an I snana lamas, sre no 4efenee ajrsinst tlie nie.uiitle vepora of aatnmn. Frames whU-k bave wiUwtuod Uieanmmv heat may sseeatnb no- .dsnv iua, aihwlie man, wh"s i"mly esniit fur Us suuirt oa his Industry) bow Iks prostrate, weak and helpless as a babe, auder Uio periodwsl assaults of chills ami fevsr, or hiMuns nsnitttent fever. ' This coo'd nt be If all were wis enouEh to provld svatnst such a eontinfeni-y. by toning and forli fiiu lbs system, with lloslcitsr's HUidus b Buwrs This a. proved vntabl tonic Is ab solutely hwatrss. so that it Is ahenr folly not to fctko It as a satemard at a ssasowwhes oiiHaksea of Uie MeA, tlw stoiuarh. the bowrl an4 tndd all Uie vlapenU snn sre piterally 4TsleBt. To kfln the system In otttw anil ll'ure h., ilth. or to put it ta order when this praraaOo has bees .serlerted, is the dnty of every ha,ai hring who valaes life. Fin oota these ipar)sM Hnstetter's Bitters Is dssined.sad It auras both. PUy hesJ ditrs srs Sfidsarnrinit, Iw snany parts of the , t sobsUtale preiHtrsthms mad of i vnir sod dancrrom materials la Its stead 1 W tnrtn a w trie berth. They are prepared y anakiirul eerinietit(irs, h want to turn penny at Uie expense o the public health. r.iKn L ArciDUT. We learn that Mr. J. R Rogers, brother f Hon. Rogers, at this city, rsidiaj about si miles north at this city, on Saturday morning, by some means, got but right hand Ittdlj crualied while snBorinteadui the giuninj of sosoe cwon., va have net learnea any partic uhucnalg tb accident ; ; Dr. Hooker, of lliBsboro', will sell, one or twelve plantations, in Oringe county, for cash, or on credit of three or niore years. The plantations contain front one hundred to one thousand acres of land. Those wanting land will do well to ad dress him at Hilisboro': On Friday, 83d ult., the Cherokee In dians played a game of ball on the banks of the Tuckaaege river, near Webster, Jackson county. The Asheville CUitrn of theWth ult, pabUsfees.a desert) ,ien of ibe gnnie, which ws wtlf repnhliioa in our next issue in order that our readers may form some idea kg the game which they will witness during the Pair week. Huirrtaa tmk Incx$r. We are in- forined, asys ttu: Wii , ofthe 2!tlh isnk, that JudgeCloud had a In lie trouble t Cherokee court, whh.h cauied him uuiiii . jumyj:ajj!i.'i!.ejL'lii!JiL .ojLihjtt . district came into court In mi condition to atUwd Ui businem, and the di-usted Ige tlnTeiipon tisik the stale , k.-t from h in, and ointiilcd it to one of the uiembei's of thtr liar. Mathimomai.. During ihe pist mouth i lite Itrisli-r tt( l),rd of this county is sued twunly-two murrisgeliet'iises twelve while and' ten colored. The following is a list ot the names nl the huiioy iiarii: WMITKk . E. V. Uixilittie and Mary Mvj. John X. Jones ami taaltella Wuniiu k. Simon I'. lee and Lavii a Kogera. ... ILL J&lJQsMii..lMisv. U. W. JonuaMd E. K ICin.l. J,int B t'enwll and Btnily O. Vstey. Get E I.fc.y.l ali.l H:irli A. 8. l(,,l,ins,ii. Osborne Jobnfion and Caroline Grudy. E. D. Neitt and Aneliiie Carpenter. Charles Long and Catherine Adams. W. 11. Page and Sarah A. Hurgeu. Richard Brd and Young. COLOKKD. Asbury Penny and 0 ie Jones. Lewis Rogers and l'attie Allen. Isaac Woodard and Martha Dudley. Win. llleilww and M iry lliillock. ' J. J. Sim yer and Mary A. dray. John Mi'Iaaii and Ijiiura Hanks. Henry Taylor :n.l II nrielU Kvana. lohii L.uie and Cherry Hawkins, iittrt -Broker and liliiS,4U Joitut, isiiii,liiH Rogers snJ l!.iiuiniiia Sim tli. JJAOON! BACON It 10,000 Lbs. Bacon Sides. sept tf 0 T. BTRONACII. I1KRIFF8 SALE. On Monuav the IMA day of October, A. D. Iftrt. I will sell, at the Court House dour in Qiu city of Ratelirli, to UienlgneslhiaaVr for Csh, f.wir traveling trunks, ( contents an known') milt&i as the property of U. K. he Hell, tor laiea and penal lis du for vhilaUoa or dec. l, of as ' Ari l nUsa Keveaus," faunl Um &Ui day of ApriL imi. l. v. Lr.n, piwnn, By A MAOMN, Depoty. sept W-St Balluaura Aus copy I days and ssed bill ta Uils oUiee. DR. W. P. MALLETT, LATE Or Chapel II1IL olTers his urutusslonsl sorvU.'BS' Ul the cltiseus of Kausuk, and vk tntty. . um, for tbe irseiii at tils rnaraence w ui Andrews' House, on Uillsboro' Btroet aug 10-lka OUR8TO K 18 LAR0EAXD COMPLETE and wa are determined to sell by tiUsrtiig po& Uoods st the lowest nri ea. r niJaivium, fit i " juneiWtf Beuley, Black St Co., . MsJiprACTuasas or ths raraoviD Petersburg fuaa Press. rphls PRESS la eonstraetoJ with twe Fol 1 lowers, eonnsekai by s simple arrana uont of Toggls Joint, ofnud by oaedes-er st the side of to box by which they are drawn h,Kethr wllh.an inercasliur power, correspond ing with Uie lncrealng lesistaiics oi tneeos ton, one inuring apwsrd and the ether dowa waid, making Uie bale st a height of fert from the floor, the aunt eoaveniiiit Mght and without ta necstlty of winding up a followers ta Dresses which pack downward only, the weighs o-f ths lower follower wnea released, causing it te eescena sne raiae ui upper oaa. By tna aid of the Toggle Joint the pall oa ths lever Is ae greater at the last than at the Arst, and two usa with a lever tea feet long can pack MO poands lute a hale Ax t Inches, ft I eat long. , -' It la so cons true lad tint Uie ends opposite the bale may also be removed to put the bag icing on tbe ends before the pressure Is taken u8, thus making s better ahasd bale than can be made la a preea having stationary eads. The Inventor, Mr. HKABLEV, has had sev ersl years etneiieoes In this line, and Is the inventor of the weD-known "VIRGINIA fltsXI " and oUmts, sod would reeommend Uiia, the ttuprovedl' Petersburg Press l" as possessing advantages ovsr any of his fwrmei productions or any other now in Uie market, -y Every Press is 'airly tented hefore leaving oar vvaras wns am nonnda of eoltou "Price for Cotlon Press SVIIvo the esrs at Petersburg, $17t 00 "Tnoi furjlsj rraaa, . .... tofl -U0 Tot farther inorsistioa, address -BEA8I.HT, BLACK A CO ; sept 4 dim Petersburg, Vlrgtiiia. 1811. -FALL, TRADE. 1871. QtJTNa. aUNr. OUNH, Double and Singh: Barrel flina, , . Breeehloailing and Mnxalelnatllng Onna, of Eaglish, Frroch and Oenasa saaaufactars, . -. t , " AT. ALL PRICES. ilngle Huns at $, $4 SO, M 80, SH OO ta.oti toJt)each. Duslde U ana from ' ' 7.UQ tovWUUOeacb. tltols. JPisjtolss. FIsstQlas. Smith A Wesson. Celt's, Alum's Miarp'sHnd sll the popular aad approved kinds !- AMMUNITION EQR GUH8, PISTOU ' ' - . ", AND RIFLE& ' . ' PORTSM AH8 000DB OF GREAT ;;,v VARIETf . ' f lea QntlUy ' tui it Uwtit Prietv Conatry Merrhants and portsnHa are ta ttled to call and examine ear lanes, end wed selected stork f the sbeve Uoods, wMch we i port direct and bar from Utemamifartarara We guarantee eooirty e,ual lo, bed priesa as mw as say rupmsit? sowsm in I u is eututiry. Onhsrs by mail atkal .opily, and aout liy exprees, C U. it. -: .. j, . roCT.TWEY. TRIMBLE &. CO., . ' ' i VH r. ktUtimont Sir, '.. v -- BALTIMORE, MD. aoeodlyddtw . - GO BOXES CHEESE, . : ?J 10 Boxns Bnlk Sides, s tHixee Clinics llsms. ' 1ft Tabs doshan Butter,! ' sept m-u , , W. C. eTUUMACU A Co. XEW lITltTIIRlMTa, N T I C I. "y whV. Am Darts, r,J., hartns withoat sM cause, stswdonrU Biy bnt aad buant, I lieratij wain all fwrsous f,,,iu h rtawinx her or tna emiiUiiK o iny aerouut ss 1 will ir,Tum to Uwdlii ui u,e hiw auv so Jo"Nf- , ' AllKalt DAVW, eoL AW NOTICE. r. B McDOWII.L. AtUHWI atl-aw. State. Tlllf, N. C , will iHwelh la la Irrdrll auU the xljutuhiK couatlua. Xpecuu' alUjnUon Hives to Uw colte. boa of clatuta. oct a dim L E A C II B R 0 8 UKCXER8A COMMISSION MEKCHANTd, Ciur Bins Bow, MAKK.ET SljUAKE, KALEIUU, N. C' srptSO tf AOGINU AND TIES en Kults DuiiJttr and fXiubls anchor Bagging, HfSl Haln i 'ami's Ties. Mpimtf LKACH llltm. - I" .iBI.oSUUAR ALL GRADES, tiu Hi.lt. Ptonr, xrsl . k Kint Salt, mu fins- raetury Choese, lis) R'ci Na ls, AO l'kii Nu. 2. Mseksnl If, il .n H.mKaiid Mill Shoes. set,i:l If IK AC II HKI18. 1 jKovrsrasBr Ul.na) I N. Western Bseon, 4 l, " Pars Lea' Ij.r l, 'i.uai " t'svas.l Hhims, IOO Hl.ls Hkkle C. Ik t.io if 1 K II BRI. s K K l W II K T . We r n-r a few from iuiH. Vhv..l tkii L - I'cuti vlw"'" Ut jytA.NCY 0KOCKR1ES. JT, C , Braintv I'esrlies, 411 "oe oib-dt-sinly, Jil Cases PieUea, ao ' t:ove Dvsters, InO Boies Assisted oVmi, All -..J.' Dt.-dles, .. - 35 " lnitin CaKva, 10 Bills. Fresh Bods Cracker, AO lh,x Yeast Powders, 40 ir sw Parlor Matches, scptMf l.KA(;H-BK(a. N TICE. All persons are herehv fortiidden not to tiYssnase on our lauds, lyiiui ou each side of the GoMsboroiurh roid. snd extoniliuif from IUhh.h to Win. Hlrks, sllll doe or itnn, or otherwise bv dav or uhrhl as we are deteruttiiea to prosecute, all offenders to the full i lU nl of ths law. W H. HOI.l.KMAN, M A BI.H)-. E, ssptSUdlw U. T. CUUKK. N T 1 C K I The, has ntlsiid In the northern portion of the city oftttslettfh, tM-relof.in' eNs-dhi sale hi Uie Urt.len.iv tied tr virtue of a Deed of Ini4 Irom Kutns K. Krt.'ll, will Iw aaJn l,e,l i ; ,ii i, u sale at Uf Court House door in ihe eltv ot SaklKhon Mondsy. Uie hub dav at the fornieraaks having failed tocouiply with the terms of sale. L Tor parUeulars enquire of the undrrsiirned. 0. M. BUcBEkV, sept 3D Ida Trustee. 1M BTJB tTHTTE C0R!t MEAL. . IVU 175 Btds. Flour all grades, 10 One Lha Bulk aids, , 1,W Lbs. (iosiwn Butter, l,t) Lbs. Cboter. Ibuns, 1.7U) Ufc,Cbease. a, l l.bs. Java, lir nlrs snd KioCofr.e, iS BMst larice NorUiern PoUUs s, . 9n Boxes (ireen and Blai k Teaa, 1,8 Ureea Plrkha, Ml Bills Cotton deed Meal, On hand and for sale, sept) tf W. C. 8TROM ACH dt Co. i A ME Pin J, I AS OLD AS TIMB. For toifht ra know to the cootrary, Um lieiUvr Spring wtw baUbllnf ftnd nrkilnK Adam nw , li atIUarf prwiv hve kever bnco MrpMr ' try oy nedicfiM of bututui Inveii' TlKtr bare, bwvor. bnMi embuiri in all thttlr native ttllicacy In TARRAWS SELTZER 1PEKIE.NT. wbkh I tht ebfillcWl dutloHt of iha ) fttwtf, tvad iU lfctHiK ruroa uf dynpepfia, bit. uiniw, cxMi-tiuMtisjn. ouilo, Krvtm dtibils- ty, dmpay rtwutualUtn, Ac, quiLa m nMkl Hwl a BBarvatoua Utov ajvriiwiiiai t tl.e faiauua inIimc, aad wtiub fat otty f Ei rom bav -jlarod uo rw rd aa auiuuic Mv DMdicai niradM ul tli ago. - SOLD BY ALL DKUUUirrtt. twptSO-wihr L IME! LIMB!! thajrrrU frch bnrnt RrkUtd Limtnrw recoivintj from df pot aitd for b JAM HB M I iKninrai4-A, M-ri'batit apt. W&U. , w A H I I 1) Airenta wanted in every enmity tn ths 8tsie for the Northwestern M utuai Life Insursitca Company of MiLSrsukee, Wis. Aiidrc V. A PAGK, State Agi-a June 7 tf kalelgh, 'di .i. "lT-JU'UKETJl'BJUiRJilP BEEU allklads. For aale by peend or en nee. '):..' H. C. Book grou, - JA8. H. KNNIB8, Ag't ' Jul? T-f Rslehrh, X. C. OT1CE. All persona as hrrehv forbidden to hnnt nnoa my land with gua or dtws. The penalty oi the jaw will be enfonwt against all ste h. I V EDWAIili CHAPKU Wske Coonty, Sept Uttth, l7l , sept iw d-m J ) , JOTICI. '' C All persons sre berehy 'forbidden to km t ation osy laails with gne or doge. Tlie waalt uf the law' will be enforced against sll such offender. ; MART JONES. ' Wake Connty, Sept. DMA. 1871. , septan d .. U-vf'. "f ' ; Ail .persimt are hereby forldddrn to bunt apoa biy kunla with gua or dugs, l as penalty oi the law will be uloresd against sll such trespassers. REUBEN FLEMM INQ. i Wake Coeety, 8epk 'Jttth, WIL set a a at , 1 , .., . IOTICB. ; .' ; ,. v - Alt parsons sre hereby MrlMil-lsn to hnnt apon my tsndswihaaiiiird,v J'he iwnaii of Wis law win be sbforred aghlnst all sue utiuadersv ' - BENJAMIN PERST. Wake Connty, S-pt Kslh, 17L sept ! d Jt I jas xitr nil n l KAWHKIiItllS,Oaaaaons, A. uues, rise Apple, Received to dsy . sept an-If W. ii. MTK0MACH Co. LATE TELEGRAriJIC NEW. 7 'MARKETS. New Tom, Bept X9 Money S ; (old 114 34 : N. Cs 41 1-4. new Ii3 1 S. I Cotton quiet and weal ; aalea, 1,044 Lnales; pnoea utaJiaiured. Klour more active; snutneni.-comnion to rair extra, .83s7.SO; ,gooi to choice, 7:63 a 9 00. Whisky, 1 00 a ).0I. W heat red winter western, 1.60 a l.M. Com 74 a l&o. 1 i isw.i as 1 AfKAHW IN EUROPE. rKOU LONDON London, hs iil. tv. Uibbons, a aucceai fill merchant, and a member of the con srrvative party, baa been elected Lord Mayor of London. Uh on the coast continue, (Several additional disasters are reported. ' raox rAK( a. Vsmaillu, Sept. 29 The Minister of Commerce iitforas tho oouiiuitiee of the Araembly, whiii controls sHairs during the recess, that the negotiations with fjer many are making fair progress. The rumored discovery of evidences irf a hv impartial conspirax'y are unfiMintled. Paws, Sept. 39. If. de Bouneville, the Kreni h auibasaador to liome has arrived at Yerssitlea: i Several conflicts have oocumed iH-twees the French and the German garrison at l!)ijo. FUNERAL HONORSTO 0EN. C'.-VN-TU-Rj:AT..Dl!lU0!S3TaAllGHa OK RESPJXrr. Montoomkiiv, Ala., Sept. 29. The grandest deiuoiislnition isk place to-day river known iu Alabama, on the nconsioa !' Ihe ftiiu-ral olessuiw of Ui'ti, Clanton. His Isnly, lying in stale at tbe Capitol, was visited by over 10,001) psple, and the Methodist F,i',ial ehnreh, where t lie fum-nil was pifneheil, was filled to over flowing, snd the square around the church ptu'.ked with (K'oph,- The profession to ttreeeinetery wasover two mill long. It is estimated that Ihe crniie on the stores, private residunrrs, and pub In- buildinirs, would make a line ten miles long. The grief of the people is great, an.l men and women freely shiij tears. Th colored population vied in their demon at rations of nsst to the gn-at del no rrntie leader of Alabmna. Irge wintribntinns have sltrady Iwrn inaile towards raising fnnils fir live family ol the deceased. Every business house is closed. Hki.w, Ai a . Sept. 29 -The death of General ( 'Inn ton has created universal and protniind sorrow in this roiiiniunif v. To day the cbun Ii Is Its are Is-ing tolled end other demons! rationa ol respect made. N V YORK ITKMS. Nkw Yi iik. case of m-P'-w t., Is- lpli,,t,l. A eoinp,.,v le.,7. 1 ,!., 1 Sept. 2. Tbe reporleil levi in ItiiMiklyti pr,,-s of Ifnitnl Stated tr,-, , leinf, ,i,-e the till arlil:ery in North Carolina. The Tribune says : " We ba-i pt Ihe ticket nomiiiiited yesterday ul Syracuse ;" and adds : We set ept the iniriu le of clunisinrfw called the platform, and bow t HhTimitMiinMwstatii lllll.', ' ' (Vd. Wm. L. Bhnttleworth, ejdonel of marines, died here to-day, aged SO years. A numbor of cooliea, who had complet ed eight years' services in CuIms, have ar rived here en rovU lor California, to whlrh point Cuba pays their expenses. " ARRESTS FOR FRAUD, CLLEATLNU AND 8WINI1LINU. Ati.abt, Sept. ?. Poator BliMlgett, the bits superintendunt uf the state nwd, was arrested yesterday charged with fraud, and II. P. Harrow, the attorney-general, was arrested to-day, charged with cheat ing and swindling. CHURCH BUHNERS LYNCHED. NABHvrt.LK. TttWK., Sept. a, Three nr. gSwi, under arRSt firl)Urntnf ttl MBihiR tl ist I liurcn st Wlni tiiwter, lean., were taken fnm the jail of that place last night and hanged. HOSPITALITIES TO GRAND DUKK ALKXI8. Biamnt, Sent. S9. A oominittan of the Council haa been appointed to extend ths hospitalities ot tile city to the Grand Duke Alexia, of Russia, who is on his wsy to visit tli is country, and is expected to arrive about the Btb proximo. , A DOUBLK MURDER. 8ki.ua, Ala., Sept SO. At York, .Ala, seventy miles west of Selma, yesterday, a drunken man, without provocation, killed Ins wile and lallior in-law, and thou Bed. HANGED FUR HAl'K. , j Baltimork, Sept. 29. Wm. Pritchard, (colored) was hanged Unlay at Towson town, lor raping a Uermaa girl ia 1H70. rpil E Y HAVE CO M E! NtW GOODS "DF ALL K VKUY LOW 1'IIICI.X Very heavy .UJffM, Medium " 1 ' Liclit ' I V " ' "lie Dunn Ties, best ha tt.e, f Biiiochig I'kIih", lowest since Ihe war, . Mar.lieal-a halt, , Bus. Saeks. t,ruuid Alum .-all.Jii, Bus. Sacks, Bulk nients, very eheen by Hhds , Baeou fiilea, at old priees, , H,v Konnd N, C , st old prlrea, t'anvasa Hams, best. Leaf La d In Tierces, 'Keirs snd Buckets, fStSi.rk4sjnd inn faajiljt- , H. C. Mid Va., Ba,-ka, I BisjU and Shoes, la great variety, -f " Staple lrv Oouda. to suit Uls trade, ImI Tobacco, Sua cured, r Chewing Totiaceo, suits Uie taste and pocket, SnnlL KdirerUHia ihe la-st, and a treat varletv of titlutr g'HsIs which will be found perfocl as Mi tines awo iusu. . Uia , . a a. r . m Ki, . L'r.nn cs v.. , , sept i7 If No U, MarUn Strset NEW COMPLETE MUSIC STORE. PA f ITT E? 1 LLC STREET, tUrsssmsa's old "tsnd) I1LEIKB, II. C. 1)(ANOS OK THE W KLL KvoWN MANU factorers Kssaa Co.,and Haa a, so A Ki.ix, ' As to the exeellsne or thsae Inst, omenta ihs a I, .rana-lv snv neevasHv to sav aavHonc : Ihi iijiHlli V i's.m fUutm is sm mjM (sursa'y id sseoVessw.", , , I'llaslraU-d l alalouos Sud Price Lists sent on sppbrauoa. ' : " ' Needham Sobs' aWart Orraoa; Masoa f A Haulm's Cabinet Organs. M.VOT OV PMREKIN AND ASJLKI ' , CAN SHEET MUSIC, .'.j histrsetors for Phmo, Vkilta, Guitar, Singing, Aeeordeoas, f lubuaea, etc,, vto. MnsioiL.lssTarasirrso au. Kinds sees as Violins. O altars, Music Botes, flutes, lie sohsv (Ortsve riules,) riaKeoletlta, , Aeefmleoris, Klotinss t tm.'erytnes, , ItdTl'oS t;,,lt . , i'ls. It,., es, f,,, Av. Ibrmu rrtnrk ass Itntum Hls-tiifj, Utr Vlolias, Vtoloawlloa sod u,ura e Uie ver) tat quality. Aasto ansf tf Vatf. As I shall always save a (net stock of Sheet Mnsle oa hand,: all orders will he promptly st tended so. rise Plesse addnas. M'aor, "A' UWK sag IT tf Special HSf" otiqeB. Oar arrtsms, . , KSSATs rort YOUKU MEN! ox " CIEiT SOCUii ETIU t KIbES, Wnicu ls-ssa, fviT, KaaauaaV. Aad rule Uie happliwas ,b tl.naaail.,-wnh sure means of rrllrf fiw the Erring sad Un ortunato, diseased and debilitated. Seat hi aealed latter mveloime, frw, of rhanrs. , Address H"tt Kl AH lATItlN, No. South Ninth Styl lulsfeldiia, tm ? ,'- sept SSoi f? j '.- nu W WATtWN s OALLURT POR VJT Res mtirsmlls; Ibey aruaas anvthhur la tns l n,,i,srTS4si nae ever meae ia nsueiaw, ihey lake Baa Jtet eakea, -averyettly! waas ihcaa, they are not only the pretUest Photo graph ever made but Uie best. Wstsoa Is also making some of the flucJs On Colored Photographs ever exhibited ha tola country Call aud aes them. . aug U tt ' 7 DR. A. G. CARR, " ' ILsts Assutsst Psraiciss c lrtT' ssd Cusbitv HosriTiis, New Tone Cm Oilers his professional aervtoes to the elU aim of l.slehiti and thlnlty. Room Ne. 30, Exehangu Hotel. OHIcs hours, 8 to It) a. m. aad f rotu 4 to 6 p. m. aug M 3m The Bridal Chamber. ESSAYS FOB YOl'NOP. oa URKAT SOCIAL IVU AND ABUSES, Which Interfere wllh MAKTHAflR, with rare Virtia ry rrttrf for-the- Kiiiiig aud -tjirfbrteii- ate dlsised snd debilltatMi. Sent In sealed tetter envelopes. Trse of i. hsree. Address, lluWAKl) 8ANU', ART All) AS StKJIATlON. No. a, SoutH Ninth BL, 1'IULA DELPHI A, Pa. mav 1ft diha BATCHELOR'8 HAIR DYE This splendid Hair Dye Is ths best la the world. Harmless, reliable. Instantaneous, does aoteonlaiu Ijs,!, nor any vitslic poison, to prodaoe paralysis or deat h. Avoid the vaunted and delusive ptvparattous boastiug virtues they do not s,scss The genuine ot W. A Batehe. U.r's Han 'le haa had ou years' uutarolrbed repuiauun to uphuul its lawsmty as the unljt IMTfei t Hair Dye Kick or Brnwn. Sold by sll Drumrlsta. Apply at la itoim ot, N. I eovvt-dlv NEW (iOODSl IMIIIM.Ii II U, I, AND TEMPLC Or TANC71 Grand ..Opening or FALL A XD WINTER J0018 Thursday Sept. 14th. rjELL TtllCR NEIGHDORS AND fOUR X friends to eoms to Creech's, Where you win Bod PRT88 0OO1W oa shelves arar meives sud pits after pile fur HW f et, trow coarse to due fabric-, embracing almost everything that Is new In style, from suomimm Pehune to a handsome Bilk, and hmnrhl from the lat luiporuuK bouaos la Uie ouueirv. Come and look st i reech's DK ESS GOODS before you buy. While r'aahton aummsra atnonir ths snas tains and by the wares, Uomiuerve Is hurrying M . sinus across tne sea sou nssu,nimr laraugh th clihjs of the Old World wito goods for Creech's. fRLNTH, I'ltl.NTH. fins hundred pteres at Y cents per yar , and they sre well worth the money, saw plecee at 1J rents par yard, good stvles, snd sre cheap st thst price. ) pieces st rJ1 cents per sard, oolora warranted and of the fcet makers. If any one oilers you prints or lee- sud tells you Uiey sre of Uie best make, put on your siiees before yoa buy. Alwsys corns to Creech's to buy your Prints OCR MOTION HSPAKTMBNJTCOMPUETB. Embracing Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Towels, Hosiery, Rlbueus, Laoea, WhiUj Goods,. , GOODS FOR GENTS AND BOYS. Chitlia, faaslmeres, Sstiaele Tweeds, Jeans, ul, saitolde far (all aad winter wear, la which 1 reeuimite ae com petit loo ss to variety or prion, ae 1 have the bust assurtmsat In the rlty aud will guarsntes ths nriee ta every Instance, and It will do yoa no barm to corns Creech's, belore yoa buy, ... SHAWLS. AND CLOAKS! "."'V"" SHAWLS AND CL0AK8H A splendid assorbnenL Too eau't help being alhsl. 1 have aha wis all ths wsy from TV Ui.0U each. Be ease to look at Creech's Shaw Is ef ore yoa bay. . j My stock ot 1 FLANNEM AND STAPLE GOODS, TICK- ' - lOS,dtC. .-.' Is large snd very rompksta, and will be Sold st prices cheap enough to guarantee sales, as I yield to aims and lisve no partner to divide iroeis wiw. BOOTS AND SHOES1 BOOTt AVA 8I10PJ t Yea. 1 mean Boots and Shoes nnOeases. I M I Switste la ssying Lhsi l have ins tint 1 (i. KKKUUS CO., ruMisbars, PhihuU sasonmeot to the eity and oaa 1 1 and plaaes j pi.ia, 1'a. . .. ' - r - any la ly or guatbunaa, boy or ehlld and II a save got Ilia Boot or hoe . u want. LADIES AND MISSES IIaTS. ' New styles. No iiss to talk aooet woarlnr the hast Winter Hals, for tbe atria has suurelv changed. Bear In mind yoa will hud s xxd asaoitmenl atCraech a. -, HATS, HATS, FOR 6ENT8 AND BOYM, r Right from tna maaufactnrsrs. Stybjs Just Uie kilns aad urleea all ihrhL Racollret LLsl pass by him naea yoa want ae Uata, CARPETING, Don't forget that Creech Wants to sell ros your Carpsilug LA DIE AND MISSES Fl'Rff, Bandsomsaadebeso, dW, As. , Aad here sennit ssa to ear. that I kave span d ne pains er exposes la building, rw modeling sod Sxrag ap s largs sad hamlsurae store ae ae to aeeommodata my aaaasrotia friends aad eaetomera and If representing goods as they arc sad selliagceoas at iashM aawroe, wiu ae any maaeemeni se nuyere, Uwa I wiiat to sail anode to al persons whe apirw laU bargains, snd tf I don't travel Uie benefactor's ruad.l will travel the nearest path to it. I hava ao tlaie wore, ebetl-asrn, eeeoad elasa or defaoed roods to after yoa. My goods srs aew aoe h-e-t wttnm Ike last tew days. Don't fonret to so sa to Creech's st his old stand, nut wlu, ,w soatoa. eefit Wdamdtwlm Nolle ta Farisirrs anaj others. .rs.s- r-t's's r.r.rii , r . - .iv iraaneiaiisiiun orsBEan a.omM lj' over Cilhsens' NaUonsl Bank, has money to lead on anlaeamberod real estate. Applies. Uons for Inane made snd received st tbe oraee of the enmpsay apoa blanks whka will to tarnished to applicants, - tt BETH, ap M-U : :. CanaralAcaa.'- J JOPI MlUi family Flour warranted. aug tf ti. T eTROSiChL 5,ottb pounds" CCK. ENGLISH, AND BARTtgTl ept'l-tf BKI0G8'. i fr LB. nckUfaTmbf Tongues, 1UU -HSJIHs. Beef du. 4U Boiss BeoU h Herrings,, dul receiveu, r W. C. TJWSA"H C rpt Greiubor0' Money IHaxket BVTIKU RATES Of BANK NOT Id, Jul. . ' f f t t i ; ' WILSON aSHOBRK, IAN KERB AND tiewaawe Baivsaa, li-KTa Its Braaar. . liaasasauwo', h C. Bank ef - OMRs iianoiM,,,,.., w " Wadeaboro' "" - Wilmiugtoa itt Rothuro' 1 , Twaam'wle ,.. , ,-. Sjnaham.... . i V i-aiucuw i i.l ffomiaerre J., ft rayettevllle..'...' ' Yaasavville.,....,....,., 1 Merehants' Hanksd1 Kswtra., , Farmers' Bank of ttteennboro. II Miners' and Planters' Bank ,.. 1" CwnHuerrial Bank of WUuuugtoa ft Vlrglula Bank Notes avarags about 4 South Carolina " k lleorgia yi...'. M. C. R. R. Block I..... !PJ We bay and aell at liberal, pitres. (h,ld aial Silver, North Carolina Bonds, U nited Stales Bonds sad aHother marketable stoeks. Orders for Bank Notes by debtors and Stork bohtoraof Bwakswill wilt receive prompt attention.-- V. ' HetamS for sxress paesaires of Bank notes Ae., WW be Made on the day received, by rlieck on New York or Baltimore, or In cur rency, s desired. Life and Fire lnsaramw PoUriss issued is good Companies, st best rates. mar UKfan piLURlM'S PATENT SASH BALANCE! We desire to sell eoantv rhrhls fur thiserest Imiir Xilix, Imimnrwment la Pssh Bafancee, fatten led Set ,t- L'ttt, in Hit folks 11 eouji Ues : , lUhfax, iluilfo,il, Alexsudur.' ' T 'ms Bsiidoliih, Wiikes. tirsniille, Mimttromury, Ashe. Sssh. Stanley, t'aldwell. Krauklm, Davidson, Watauga. Wilson. Piwsywie, Bnrke. Johnston, Suikss, Cleavelahd.. Harnett, Harry, Polk. Mome, Yadkin, Knthsrford. Chatham, Davie, McUwell. Ataoiance, Rowan, Yauesy. Oran?, i Iredell, HtmdeVsnn. CsattcU, (lastoii. Biiui'ointie Koekieeiam, Lincoln, Madiaoa. Jackson,. Oatawtsi, llaywoiid. wacou, thirokse. P A 't'U.EY. ept IMf DOl tiLAo UKLL TBE NEW liiSlNFLim, ! Rrorno Cliloraluin, ....... roisoK tri; o6,us7 '" Powerful !'eMloi'l.pr aatl DiNinfprluiit. It-STIRILT HtKilLE'!? AND SAKE altBtSTil SNO PBItVKlrTe COMTAUIOM l.V,vl in iH-iidteilwltinus, hO'la,nwtauraSts, pi, -lie schools, ho idtaiA, insaue asyuiins, dis- p- ussries, hub. ptliia, poor-houses, on shtis. steass aoals sea la u-iieue iu Houses annaets, to str -close la, art nals, sinks, sewers, cess- poms, statues. . i A apsrihs is all esNhMgnat awf iMsrilrauV dls sasss, ss.liolers, tvitiold Sever, ahin fever. sinsll-pot,' scarlet fever', measles, diseases uf animals. &e. Prepared only by t iILUriX A l, lotr Wiu.uk St, NIT avid by all druggists. J A mvrsvss awes-a, wvtv . ; am sw as vv am ia m j WA 0 n I N a . LABOR, TIMK, It LOTHES lid Fill -'SAVED I BY TUB tlllX (e WABI'ISLM'S COLD WATER ielf-washini Soaj. riKNLLfox ClaCL'LAR and PRICE LIST, AllKKIH WANTMU, ' WIUOVLflflWOOD irEBETT CO Sj MURRAY ST, New Toga. - Sole Agents for the States of Vlnrlnii, North aad South Caroliaa, Georgia a d Florida. TUBES. Fruit and Ornnmpnlnl, TOR ACTfJMl Or iSf !; Wa Invite ths attenUoa sf Planters snd Deslers to our Isnrs and eomptete stock of BTiN4HO asb Dw.ar raoir Tessa, t.strs Visss asoSaau. Psurv. nasswssTst Tasss, esse as aao Plsitts. Nsw ass Raaa faoir A OaaaassTsL Tsasa. . . Bin rnnis rVtm Roots. - UtacrljiUve and illustrated prtosdCatalorna sent prepaid on receipt of stamps, as follows: No. I fruits, Uie. No. S-klnuuitrntal Troes, lu. , Me S Green house, ius. Ne 4 wuoleasls, rasa. No. IV-Kull., t iaww VI I.UAKllVU BsuhV JstoMisW 1SW. . , Kucaasraa, N. T UANDLrULIKK.. for somethinr luterestlnir. send venr address to OEOKUK W. GATM, Pts-rosT, N. Y. CIVIL AND M BCRA NlCAL ENGINEER lug, at the Rensselaer I'olytechaie In.U tute. Troy, N. Y, A bhdosr aud more unaetloal Cwume of IwstraeUon-wlll ts gi.sn here Uisa haa ever bean atlrmpled ehwwbcr in Uils eosnlrv. Re open Sept IHtli. or Uie Aa- al B.jflstsr, eostaiuuur lmurovedCuurseof Stmly, aud full intillculsrs, spply to Paor, CHARLES PROW N E, Director. JkGHiTTS WANTED FOR THE - TRAN8MIHION Or LIFE. Oim Nsma o rus Njti sssso Rvmssio THaMsiil.iss KraTlos .By Da. Narnsrs, auiaor of " l'A wsvaVal Li, tf Wm m '' It rslsue to Msaai ass; hi lull uf new fas a; del, k'ate but mUkea ; prwli, al and papular j nixniy enuomeui ma rataoiy. mua u iv san- s'lipttoa only Gseluslve territory. Tanas liberal Pries SJ. A, Mm f..r .utinl. M . TilK CT'RTAI.w RAISKU. Ho'V ta dwiS. and who does It The Alans It., hri !';., gorgeously lllustrsted Hh eats, p I'hww, ie: Sent by mall, securely srsied, Wr Hfty cents. Grand Circular, free Address PaJ A BEITS, v das BROADWAY, New York. A ft ttsIlcadThls I E WILL PAT AGENTS A SALARY of SHU PER WEEK snd EXPENSES. V4. mmiw a lanre eoiiiinisaioa . ui .aau our new snd wowierf ul mviaiUoiis. i M. WAG- NKR A CO., Marshall, Alien, 1 ' I S30. W WILL PAY SW, AxenU 80 aer week to Sell our e-rest and valusble discoveries If you want permanent, honorable snd pleasant work, apnly for parti enlsrs Address UYCR , CO,, dacksoa, Msinigan A Million Dollsj-g, Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing tbe aecret of Uie business to nd ens. Address WM. WRAY, see Broadway, Nsw York, se)t lSdtw , , p A8IIION BOOKS FOR OCTOBER. J Dsasorests . w. . . Mirror ot rashtons. Ke. bymtil. frsuk Leslle'i Ladles Msgatllts,Beby mal it' .i sMncsiaiM i , , . N. C. Book Sroaa, I , JA a ENNI18. Ag't, sej.tT tf ' . ' i Raleigh, N. 0. piTENT BALANCES. .' . ; ."j; - Large sLxk from 109 to no ths., fores!. CbsSjs-r rhse ever ... aug tltf . ,'T. a.i..I.id4. J0 ASH CO ALII ' " ' J : 1 am dally aipal-Ung i ONE HtNDRED mVi OF COAL UiTABLn FOR URATES I If purchased to arrtrs, It wlU be sold keep not'OLAS BELL, sept TT-tf Mxt to Uls Yarbdvo' Uobji. sJACKtUKU i.ND MULLETA pal nnia , alts snu usarters. is. .. SIRU-SAUU. Zsift Insnranco. 7 MTIOMt LIFE INSURANCE CO. OPTUS IIXITKB MTtTaa Or AIGKICA. ''' WasnisoToit, R C. AOWcr AT RMKI011, JV. c. Casti Capital, $1,000 000. sy Kasrial Art sf rwaajnaa, AppeveS saif sate, Iffe. Braroh Orrit t PmiDiti.riiiA, Where tlie business ef the Coiunaav Is bans srtod, aud to which all general wrrespondaner should he addressed. witHc-M 1 ; l I I'hi Ci.saasix H. CLaail, I'liihuU-lphU, rreaidenk ss. vuoaa, vnainuan riuanee wid ' ., . EaeiuUve CommMtos, nasar u. umti. uhiKh1 i W. I'sar, Phihutclphia, Saralary a. A. KiHJ t USI.SOS Jims M. BoTi.sa, fhiluda I . , . . i. 1. llaow. w l.jrUM,. i Secrelarlc. R. M. MawniuT, Biiperiniranlentof At'rucles. , istl. Hsiiia. M. II. Mnllsat li,i. J. Kwmu MasKD. M. l),,,Vt MdHl Urrsetor. William K. Cuamiuul WashlngUMS and Gioaos llsauiao, PhilaulpbJa, Boutitom and Attorneys. Cask Capital and Aerumlatioas, Aug. 1, 1810, t,oui,im.w. t ash ReeeipU from Premiums for Uie Year Mling Aug. 1, IliTU, Wit, I W hi. Casli Re eipla I ixmi UiUirsst aud oth. Suns. AM 1C( 4 T Tout' Cioih"Tm:iuo7Sot:ond fiscal Year, Number of Policies Issued in ths two of Uie Company trtitrocev 1t,)it. Aluouiu ol Ii.mm.ui.t,, iSsl.TlH, The exH.ionl.nsi(i) i4,nl proaresa ol the l'l,lllUi jite.l. Ui ,iiiUstiou ila which It Is hold by the pul.lM . sud Uie Uras amoant of m w iiumiiicm. ii..iiMuUd l-i the bestavmeneeut Ule popUlstttl ,1 II. .IU, IpleS, Slid lis SUSU abuily lo iu. ei me ie,iureaaenla of Assurors. Tas Natiowaj. Lire lisinuaca Cuttram at a Cass Capital or l,0UO,oiia Its rates of prx-lnlnins sre as low as is eoa sis tent with entire safety. Its plan Is euurwlv fj-ea from auv hmubucs Uona of aotra, hitereat dtc, or ncerlatati aaiouinapiHMiiuuclilaoIUIvulcmta, etc lis eouust is sre deknito, clear, aud baiatsal bk h, tie misunderstood, or mlsreprsscntod. Its IVIIi-tes contahi all ot the promisee assdi by Uis loininv. aud are stceulliu'ly nosrsl All Uie aUvantai's slat pnvlleip.'s ahWh cat, be safely granted to tin insure,!, are alvea b, Ui:, duaervtalli ( .yuU Mi sUoiut l,i,ii To aenu of liitegiuy, who a desirous nl trsUMU uiig the Lusiikw ol Life lnsuii BIHUl hlineWt ; aiHTcorii.,,1 oHiieTl'.!,.; 'll.e . I ., pauy hi preaired to ullai as Ittairui luducemeuts as can u sll.oilisl l,i it h,w rwlea. .ipian- iiLMis fwi sviaaH or for pulieive may be mad.' to the Company ill lis lllaL, h USlus m xauaoeipuia, or u, r. f. mi l i, jr., tiU K Ala AuBNts IIIILITV North Caroliiia, ra boots a cnoss, 8TFJI) WELL BROTHKltS, Ko 1Y, MURRAY STREET, ;''''"; Xlr i'uBk. i. t. MOOBE, Balbsiiab. Juns lb dmn. - t- it iTirvo noons, Ore.'iter Variety THAN EVER BKKOKE OffERED :": City of Raleigh. , OUMM AND PITOI or aix ras ' Bi t MAksi, d nma , lMnirm, hltot r'nneht'e,! kit I tot Iteliss and s l'-.l... Flolr- (VERY DESCRIPTION :,.r:rv-s.i 5.:. riardwsrs Bouse ot - jiULICS LE WIS dt Co sept S-U ImitortautLaai title. UNITED BTATFJ Of AMERI' A, Pisia,itT or North Cawlik. Ctnrast 0, foiol .Aatra, . A. v. rarsiMis, Eiscutor ot atajtMS itephura rt (n Eijnity. rflis ffssiwi aliulittf rm'nanv. Is pursuaoce at a dec roe. in leaease wnereie A V. f arsons, In'r , e , is plaiaiid and Un Heron Mining Co. is d :feodant, made at Jum Term, 1m;o, ot the UrcoltCunn of Jhe United Slates for tte District of North Carolina, os the Ilta day of tictoner nex'. i snau sen ai Uie door of the court house ol Wake count) in Uie elty of Kaleluh, N. C. , at nubile auction, the land described Hi Uis pleadings, coiitaimoil a large and valuah.s deposit of grapiiile plum bago or black losd, sndcjn.i-llii", omKlaere in th-folmwiwg diviMnns: No. 3 of IKUacioa. the iiiirh, dnsea, M !e.ie, KtK llinga aud lew art tracts : No. S of r$i serwa, the dohns- i eunoa, finch sod Mi l, !; no, so, serus, '.lie K t Dsun:l, Bnamona, nana aarsauu Watotorskt. - Also, I slmll then mid there sr! Uie nilnint . btleroM ia the Spikes tree ot KM arms, er a much ! said hind sinl mtoiest ss may U ma sssary, and sulilect to s OiorulUM upon two Uiirusof sll said Isnil snd muiinit Ir.UeM, e eceted to faclop?ana ,:isrj aurt b by ssk eomiiaay, Tsaas: Bis montlil creilll, bond and surety. 1,1 N. I WKl-'lCh, sepll oUt 1 r V A Circuit Court lira copy one munlh. , . , . JLOL'Rt f LOUR II I V uui. itope sii:ia LP a.T.erd'.NAcii, 'f.lAIt ; ' s SAS1T, EUNU, AND DOOK ' - j FACTORY. AlordMprompUyetUaded a. J TH08. H- BRHHia, , . SPrB II , . ... . ; rrovrietot. ) ryo TOBACCO MANcirACTURERg " , lloffmavii, Lee 1 Co., . roAicro voMiiimsiuif rfiwiuxrn, e3ExrHso Pl.Al E, ' ' BALTIMORE. Paiiir A Ball, Sxj.csmai. . Advances of To ir enl, ssnvtahtU value 111 Cask will be made oa Bills Ladinit of eon summcBta to our hoaseat per cent per an num. , r Prompt returns made, sHth 'nr ha! anee due ahlpir i so mediately on sale of Cood. s sMpsrsars' M JH. tialU brand SfMHuk Ham Li. rric. ap Seodtkn '..'. VfEDICAL COLLEGE Of VIRGINIA, ill X I0H StOS . SESSION IStTaND 1879. OOMMEVCKS OCTOBER 1ST, AND CON. TtNUES riVE MONTHS. Course of malrartlna eomnlrla. sl. m, nf.rs snd prat-UtaL In .addiUua to tlie nular Un ion, s coarse of daily rreilstluna and vxaiui nathms, eondnctod by the adjunct, fatuity, is ottered the.sladeBt without ehsnre. rraeticsi snaumiy laeetit by an eipericim 4 MnmatratHr - r, itelniiruitniinr.- , Clbittl lectures srs given al tbe City Alms Uisuee lloepltel. College liospiisl, (hill, ire In pensarr, and Stale I.ausUc Asvlnm, l, the faculty, v lHUiwns Isaaed to sta 'enla of Il,rincy , -iHscy hi in J I pass mw-itM w eotsus oi i Mines in ,lo IstrVj msterts nwtk and pliarmacy and w,,,ii,:y, ejtamoMuon. A prise Is offered for the best thesis ; subject, .AsyvsiAssM. Meritorious students, with limited means, will be received by making proper srrsn-u-mmtswjha Ihe !.. . ' ' for terms, prtceof board, or any oil n- tormatiua, aiitdy to J. B. Mi-CAW, M a. Dean of the faculty,, st pttdUatt 10IU hruad street. jAHMEKS' alu. " - Ko. 8y FAsyrwVHrf4i . RALfUUH, N. C. i Afcosej for Uis eats of Uie most spprovwt Beaiiers snd Mowens. , . .. Oersors' eelehratd Thresher snd t'teaner eombined wllh or without Horns Power. Sim lair's Wrought opra Cj lender Thresher, rh-st fanning klilia, Hone Rakes snd tiioaa- srs. Hoe lair's Patent Grsla snd Grass Scythes, beet ia ass, at manufacturer's piicce with fretirht added. Also, sols Agent for the Celebrated Watt Can" and Brace Plow. Strangers viaiUng lbs CHy will please call Snd see samples of the goods on hand. Orders from reliable persons solicited. JAMES M. TOWLES, "' A sent fur Manufacturers. buy the anmam isfc.-ai ---a- J-swaaans,. - i Mhm i,,..l j. j .- j FAIR BAN Tgst g.ygga,grwniii 3f--iiii'?J iitaudard. Qcalc3, Ifft-to ii-liff.riit: UtttHfifBtisiix. Agents also tor the bed, alarm Money Drawer. FAIRB&1KS ft CO., . , ii lsrotrisrv, .rrsr I tor. I IU .VUkfUrttt, SsmIoss. for -Tirr-y leading Rsroware t sept tt d"Jia,w.sw4m) iu . mmv. mn, Prunonaeed by Con n ols sears THE ONLY OOOIl SAUCE.' It linpro, , spw,Ute snd digestion, ami it la anrivslcd f,,r Its nuvor. ' We are directed by Urasrs. 1 EA A PEK RINS to prosecute all parlies makliuf or vend ingeottulerfepa. ' .Mill,") UUnLAM Bt)M, Aurt'S, aug IS dilmlilaw - New York, -yiROINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. lsiibstos, YiaataiA. Messlwa opens 1st ot Soptciulwr, Ittfl. To secure sdiuissiim, as the number of va . ea tenia la bunted, serif application should be "'. ' ! JAMES II SMITIL JulyWlswtd Bupcrliiwnderrt.--- RICE la Tierces, MolAawa of best quality, Suttsr llouseavrunbr Uis Barrel or lion. head and hriKht Uohluu Syr, p. )myiu All.ltllis CHOICE family Ros Harrlnn In naif Bar nuai also. Si. U. Uroas licrriurs. verv chief. , i July iH-u A. o. L.K Ot. 7 lERfON'B Bnuff In Bladders, by Urn Vj poaud or barrel, cheap ae the eheaoaat. iulyM tt A. U.LKKACo. FAMILY flrmwrlee ot all ths beat and most desirable treaties alwava on hsnoj Cvnsi nmeiils solkllcU. Alt orders " M proiupliy. , . - ; a. ti. l.r.av a tjn., vvnoie air iirocma. Com Merchant A Cotton f sciors, ""'" Wtbntugton St , East of Mnrkct. July i if Kalugb, M. C. TTS tYNOLDS' BIX1NDI LADY M1NTRKLS XV . a aso Olio Tot rs , This Mammoth OrirMilesU.Hi will raullisli ntwle. their WATER PROOF PAYILIOST. At Rslehih S days s-oiy, Wedm'islv tet 4 and Thmsusy Oct 1 and I p. m. , Ai.kisA-b Owns , 1 imisUsy thru a. two yarlurins'llw rtaty-fc'- 80 eenUj Children anilur 9, i'4 S pt JO-it JJAIIM NEAR BALEK.IirOR 8AIJL. I liders luilirmert of the PrV'ste Court of Wake Couiitv, I will sell oa Mu,sr. t e ,41th day of IH-loiicr, 1STI, im the prvruiaca, al pu'ilie ahrthm, uts tract of huxl ermLonuig atsmtathlaereiC f-iur noles north of Ksleih, oa the ksleurh'S Irasloil Railroad and l.oio- uurg road, knuwa as tbe JA OB ilOulitt ol f ARM. It will be sold In THiiBB yaavatJL On-- tha.. ,i Uie purchase upMiey. to be paid. In easn. thj, eeniAinrlMr in 12 uktiolhs. H.iitdj. and good si-ennty ron,nired. 1 , , uairiv ai, 'itiaAi, Adm'r aad Commissi, ur. aejit J8 4-Ula. s ALE8 Or TOWN PROPERT? Bv a dtscrve of (ir-wvUI tt,eriur Cnrt, I will -H in M. l"W f .ifl0i)f"rtjii, N C-w the 7ih auv of th ttitwr wti, i vnlut . tf hifHl in mUl tn. Two .t t - - Mi me ihi UitM?tt MtrmtiA, ml)uiimt lUv lit butol prnfinrty tf Uio late A. it. Ait on lu eit wd wiwt ssidtHe, rtMafieUvely . One tut. of wvrn lei'ivrt lTtfiE 'n MtuU;itit-y fctW i'.itr unt .irU, wiUi 'm uwi dwAninff ojMtn , , I htj ultic? Iut of iNmt eJcvn tn ttt u, wt.mitif Uio h.l of D W, T. CUcnliU' i Tortus; CHm turtb emu. tb btUwinr on endit of nil tnoitUm, " Awtiratd? rvtiy and ,ntff thc)rr will bewxliy-''''! iiv of wl- Q.ai8T M ILL fO ULK, Ktm jr rod fs-OTKl band QrUt $li in d ord, Knihtunti atsuiit-tu litiirl jht dv, wiU be it liven, ou th N. U. Hlii-it m ? i v flirl. J-'aTistill.t iiaVKI' Ul (MHUT CMU Eliati 11 imjr wt'fl UiK ttrj tn iwj, j U JAilE.S M. Tuva LI i. II Safk" ' r-eaaaaf CD sept A U sept 1 U