7 7 7t it JflDI IfBll.tl lMtiatt k Left. Hilar. WEI)NKlAV.(KTOHEK II. lTL Cil.lMNKH OK Tilt 8TATK CKS- : THAI' SXKCUTH'M COMM1TTKK Of TUB DHHOCHATI f!VOH- SSBVATITK PARTT. Bamuoii, lith Sojit, mi. There will be a genera! meeting of the btate Executive Committee of the Demo cratic Conservative Party, held in tbe City of lUWgh, ob Wednesday, the 18th day of ikbibcr,. proximo. Each member of the Committee h eemertly requested lo attend ; and County Executive Commit tor ere invited to be present, or erud a delegate. Mtu-m of importance will be roniidered. ; ' By order Central Executive Committee. X THOMAS B1U0G, j Chairman. i pmcurs asd ma doos. We were more worried by phillipe end liia dog lut week titaa we were by Kirk and hi eut-thrut crew ' Ut tummer. Thi declaration may term strange to some, yet it U neverthel true. Phillip i more formidable, and harder to over come, because of bi superior intelligence and knowledge of the la. Kirk' crew were bold, lawioja ciit-ti.meta, aad nothing wa wanting but brute force to overtbiow thrill. Phillip and hi dog plan, phW and conspire, under form and scm-lik-nancc of law, which they construe, in terpret and execute. We appealed only to justice and the law against both Phil lip and Kirk, When Kirk and Holdea came to our home, thirsting for our blood, if ere had hung Ida seven white men and two ne- grip on ihe ---' JliiUoor.i, whka would have been an eaay buk for our 900 friends that day Undiug in the streets, tltere ie so just man alio would not aay it waa done too late, rather than too cruelly. In all eouuUie when men have attempted uch. outrage, they have usually paid tlie Surfeit with their live. Old John Brown wa the lut culprit who thu jnd the penalty of the law. llnldea' and Kirk' invaaioa of Orange with armed mew can no mure be justified than the raid of old John Bro w a. Yet neither Phillip nor hi doge ever raised I heir vnfcx) again it. When we appeal ed lo Uie jiisliisj and law of our country aainnt llotden. Kirk and hi crew, w - biund tUeui protected, not only by I'liil- lip und-hiatlugsbatby . Ih-jiiiIh iaryajui . ilia whole power of the state, then in the hand Ui;' wpiittlican jtrty.: The judical, elnioat to a uian, refused ua war r un. fur the arrest of the uicu wh.ael-d ua without warrant or accttsaUon, and throat v Into a dungeon with convicted felon. W .pent the I4th day of Auguat, 1870, without water, in a dungeon of the com loon jidl o Graham, within three feet of the liuthMime body of a negro felon eon- tonoed to be hanged the nut day. We had neither chair,; bench r btucji to ait upon J yet that day, under Kirk, Holdee anil hi crew, Wa wore tolerable than butt .,, Thursday and Friday under' Phillip and hi dnga. W hail advised eight Men, stranger all to us, to eve and indict Carrow, the V. 8. tuamhal, and Uoshef, hi deputy, for lut prisoning them contrary to law. The eight men had been decoyed to the eity M wltaewee and i in prisoned wiUiout know ing why or wherefore., In a legal way, a w sought to redress our own grievances i last year, we sought to redrew their. In - mallear and- nwinw, Phillip and hi dogs - arretted the magistrate, Mr. Pierce, who , bound Carrow and hi deputy over to court. At the same time he arrested for advising and counseling the arrest of 1.. 1,1. . I,. IV- WM.IIW HIIU 11,1 O.l'U.J. 1. WOV not put in Jail without a hearing, but gave bail m the suui of 2,500 fur onr appearance at oiurt, Col, Run being our bondsman. Our clients w ho were arrested upon the f affidavit of Hester, (who never saw them beore,) that they were kukVux, went to jail becaust, they could not give bail in the sum of 5000, They demanded a trial which wa refused tin in. , -. V j In lb Imprisonment of L'nderwood and Maddux, Plullip and hi dog bad the a 'Victory ovoru more eompletoly titan when ' Kirk had u in jail W suffixed more im atcount of the imprisonment of our clients than we did because of our own. Hatur day morning when the kindness of four friend and the bank put u in rxwsiwion 'of touuo, we- ktuiw w col4 tuak the dug turn loose their hold. Tlwinonry, wa deposited with carpt!t-bik Bbant, the Vnik'd Hlatce Cfluimkwioner, who, bad, al the malum e of Phillip and Ibtstrt, com uiilted our U.miU to jail. MuutHWa wi- ' srnt out for witnerwes, and di tin linj IW tor wtut into jail In talk with our cHi-nts WitiHisw are. tiroMglit f?rM Mmare county to sustain the chaiee brought by Hester and Pbillipa, j J L, The triul wosdiully rt'ported hi the last BucnxKL. We need not allude to it her xct'pt to say our dieeUwere triumphant ly acquitted. Phillips, who wa tlie bold coward to put on foot and. Wad in the two malicious prtaccutiona, gx-ve up en Holiday, the last day of the tlyht. De did nut apitfar before Bfaafler oa that day. We do not know whether It a shame or few that operated Wpou him, but era suppose the latter. " , ? .. We are mw Uoa thedrft usiv sgsU. On Mnndiiy t'odrrwood and Maddox went bt'fots Die grand jury to have bill -f tuiid i'iiw! I'limw and Bolier. Tlry wiC iurite, by wrii, riiilli, Carrew and B.j..Ii(T, ovijjr to the next Moure court to ua1 tin in answer for nilseand malicious prowcution. We are thinking seriously Ot uutking Phil!i auli Carrow answer ljefore a jury of Orange for arresting sja, because the warrant of jutifi Puree hd . so l to It. j. " Tbf ualinuty bi riuilijej and hi dyi failed of it effect If there 1 any law left in the land we intend to punUh Phil rip and bi dog. We kW.sawlerlbe, present order of thinjrs, tnUiaaie and baae new eodbnually triumph oter j)aune aad law. WW know lhaWulici nckl al, that party end paaum ovMrida-fhe law, anfl tlie dvareal inli-rrtU of buuuuiily aiid the people. ' We iotixid to iuroe with Uie h1 ol the law Kirk sad bis i", Ptiiiliis an.1 bis dojrs. If we cannot Itniig tliem undrr tU .,l ,.t L .rf ihn law MU: Tour- gee is to SOialower ii, we anow -e briiitf tlx-ut un.irr lite ri"hnni ooibm - .J ii.. ....I ih.i aill not them part the powers future -.. li.rf. TUM NORM CAHOIJXA IJiA(J There are two annmuna cnncled with the judicial caiiii going; ia North C'antlina. s j Olmjtii Jnwtad W'Aif, worthy the -mJ).b-rati-Hi of eery citiu-n of the republic : J I. VkuUmU and itltfrimiMilt rn4tt. WAowt worruata. As nuuij an a tiun.lrr.) tore, wt mva and Uy- have at a lint been arrested, some with and oom with out warrants carried from two to throe bundreti mika fnwn borne -ulroUtl Imil thrown into priai, k pt there frtau one month to three m oilln wiliiout trial and in many caads, wIm.- iHoiight forth, not a particle of evideiM-e was aiblwwl to eonmxrt ttiein with any illegsl art rea under tlie atrocious law of Mi!ru live biony. Ii. A ffifl jury. The regular jury summoned sadisHiargn) by onier bf tla judge, and the manlial odiwd ui iiuiua anotlier for this spMrial aervM-e, and tlie United Htates Ihtri t Attorm7 (PhiHi admiU (so it is stated in s lUh-igh paper; that he diterted the manJial what sort uf akea to pick. The nnuarl for the dHWire challenged the whole jury on the ground I that Uny were .ummone.1 ie iwiliiind bua r and Uii y olfurrd an arli lavit in support of tbeir cballeKe. and tion. The court held that the ground assigned wss no cause .of cbalbttgn, re fused., to bear any evid-m-e, and diaal lowt the motion. The jury, tln-n forr, at .a in the nntjUeationed attitude, by the admission of the Pnited fttates At torney aad the Undruied allegalbm of tlie defenw of a prii atul yntktd jr$. Prom a polluted fountain ao pure waters 4n low. A jury thnsaoantitutod cannot vindicate truth, right sod juxtice. It ia inherently vicious. In its very or-raui latino, Tt revolts every autimrut oTTiu man justice. We are gbwl to see fr n the radical or gaa at Haleigh, that tlie judge who has borne ao OHUpicuous a part in this mis arable traveaty of law thi. nna-k iht-p n MrfcHeA of 4AasVxWe--flMersseSerHMHHeV HiHaP lion for Um vbtiiii of thi pai ked jury- Say the Km; The generoua heart of iud;;e Bond, in 'MuWing aetiten im Uie friltowiiig pcriioiia, prompted the promine that ITtlie i-iumiic here ntmlt! should prorc the overthrow 'tl . uttirdinlrin tiiinof the ku kbit, and j c" and quiet shall reign hareaftev in Ninth 1 I wrolina, as woubi go in person to th I'n-iiiiint and ak that sul of thme m o lie panlminl and ntiiini d to tlit-ir h uv t JCD0K BKnOKH OP THK f.'AVV.Y 8TATK8 MttrulVT Wl'liT Of H0RTII CAIiOUXA. We are informed thnt uUmt iIihh- iv-k alue, while he and tin-1 Ivi k of t!w I um l Htatee District Court wi re tin ceding to Kaleign In a stage, tliey wei asaaultwl, dragged from the vi-lm h. and li-.m.-fnllj beaum tiy a liana or iiigiitM?l fcptrs does. The sflair oicurrvd on lh poblk highway and in bustd, daU;ht, Judce Brooks wrote a pnvste letu r to a promi aeot genlleriian of Ibis rily, in whu-h be gave the full iartiriilani ot the brutal as saulL mltimon Amernm. The people uf North Carolina know that the aoove ia a falwhood rut out of the whole cluUi. - Judge fjrookn rras tea no such letter, that mm in disguise assaulted hint. It is true, Judge llrooks is said to have served tbe I'.mf.ii rarj four months, as sitniu of i he home guard, and baik his uy in onfuli rale money. It ie also tru. , that Judge lina.ks took the test oalh, swearing hr uevcrgave midf eswNlsarfiiies er wmrjeiHmt to the rakttMv" This, is a hard and true ri-c.nl Judge UriaikX but we do not bvlieve he wrote a letter that he wa whipped by litguiaed men. We rather believe the editor of the llltlmm Anterita uttered a falsehood when lie said he saw such a hate. The, editor of toe JJuTpsf, a paper jn Paris, waa arresbxl, tried and fined by a republican court martial fiw Dubtishine ffalas news." If our republicans could have aascniiiletl thior court tDsrtial, with j WiIHe 0. Jones, the hiawstrad saver, for pnwident, they could have punialied aay editor who dared puliliah how Tim Iee got 110,000 aad Judge Watts got .1000 in the black -mailing suit of Kuhoe and John Dewseae. -V)reley tj the repub Ucan is a party of progn. Now who 1 bold enough to doubt it t , . It I rrxTKn by one of our errhanges, y the Lynchburg .oV.uWima, that tbe aiimunt known to bare been Wolca by radical otncials since Orsat came thto power, only il mounts to a little owjr twen ty -Are millions, Tbe whole Grant adiain istratioo' is honey -com bod with corruption snd defalcation can be Qoeartbcd la all dirbutli wis by a proper search. " Thr11m ka.no tux IU.11 x. A Ilanip- b)B, Va., oorrespiwdrnt of (he Norfsk JcotrWof give the Ibllowing M Jcastjj" b ! U-.Hi(few I A case ol uiisorefi-nation nrrorretl at Mill C'nx k in the iaiu-r part of last iiiof.tli. Berjjraut ililli (white), of Hie CniUd Htates sroiTs stationed at Portrea Xioeroe, wss married to a nrgm woman, whia nam 1 forjrot ; think it was ( lisrtotte II rtia, but, am not certain. The most air.ifiilar part of the affair H that the wo-' man hae a husband living, and tbe man ha a wife in an' insane tsvluru near Wash ington. It is reported on the street. I know not with how much truth, that the military euttioritie are sjoinj to iln oi bi n out of Ibe army anil tun. hint or to the civil authorities to U tried fox bigaij.j. THK TlilEWJiTftl. EPTSOOPAt Cl5 VKSTIOS IWPOKTAST ASO IS TKUEHTISG REHWKT OfTHK tM XiTTKE Of Tat UOt SB Of Bllil ops. . ' V , ;- I ftu.Ti.awax, Octef 7. TbeTpiacosw Coavt-ntHia was engaged w aToy as ewt oarW of ilenHaed afwbrfB, . 1 TV' e.niiiw ir)"ii strey b favor of ouwtonsiHt) in a-' Ibe- OMkiiiilw of tVw JiuilKp art piblnt by the lltHMr uf Itnhopa, la tm ite i hmtf uhi cnmiitfry vrwwt j rrpwt Ibe (...W n. a the ! up win) tiirf ijiil!ti!y ! 'inJi'n : ts ... fka ulaaainta;rattaaBB is I ke llasflx t a.BUBM1 ,uJ,MbcM-i.of 'iic nodm. brrnBMfus fatuwwraUMi. b i linit-OMUtl bv the r U-wtt: Kirit. , ,m 6i , , .nn atr.l, -;,rrr. ii: a rrues is irxoa M tn. rhuirti; tairth, lbe f lights or aboo ik- htif Ubie, exoru aars avsreaasry filih. Ihr etrvaiHai ot UV Hrmrats ia the Ih-1; r'iiiuunB m surJi a niaonef as to exjaw I brio U Uie view ot Uie peuir a i4,rr bmarib wbx b sVoliM W to be maK- in allr y prayer m wr etmav t ration, r in m m of aluiiiiitmB tbem, a ia tamti-jini; tb-m tu Iroea Um .-..luUiiniH iit ; aiitb. Uie mixing aster with Uie wine aa oartof ! aerK, ia prnttiMx of l(ie rwigiegaiiiai ; eeneuth, the wtuniiit i tin-, lom t naSKU ut uie a.i titt of the vrtmcla in tlie prarfx-e 4 the p'Kr)tiuo ; tit; h til. Iiu(f. cKxainK, grutlk-ti, prtratH, revareaaioa, U-kioK dowe upon or kiwina; tba hoty tal-ie. and kan-img, exvt an al lowed. pfidd fair or directed by toe n fiC or cannon. K being provided that reverence at the o-uu. of the nHM IjoTd Jtns is not intctutrd to be duauWed. and it U-ibk further ncwided that private pt-rwmat .b-votioei, befnv after ollxlial iMinictraiton, is not to be undmU'Mxi to iw-tnde or jiMify any tT Hit- ai-ts pwilUil : ninth, the ceMira tioour neiv(nf ol the Holy (.eanmnaiesi bj any liwbp or prieat h wo p-rsiai onwivea with him; tenth, employing or i-rn,it1niK any p-rw or prraoaa aot M ho! iNtl. n. Ut ait tlie minwuer in any oart of the istler dm the adaunistrslion of the Holy onmunion ; rlevmth, eniag at o adwiuMtratioo of Uie ilolv Oasi mueHn any prayers, rollerla, giria, or pndJes, ottR-r than Voviol In Uk o-"a or unurr If is eai u M Ulh , rf u Tliey furtlirr nvominrad btt I. Thai mo rwna- of a pariA a her mmuarr aertirv witloait the naM-ntiux v.4r tat tbr Proaa a dispatrh ia the Whinton nmtty. i oatwi to Um prohibit caf ; FhtriM, datnl IAther 4ih, we kam tliat the l.i-h'.p S. Tliat ao-lairpliml rfcuau ISO siture miiea of this state ia Iving sbM be eniplovrd exrrpt under tbe same j burned or. Aa uuiu-ar anuiuiit ol liuntation ; and a ben aurh cbuirs sre no-: pnirrt) i beiair drstmjrd and thi.' .. . d.-pn-yd, tbronly additiostutbw utdtnarv - are sWing rt wrK-re the firw (m...i attire shall be a surplice rnvhiog to the mm h. A apn ui to the A'r fn.ni tini-n miVU S. That mo chain t aball la- at ' tUj sata, IbM tbe r in the ..i.U ! h.acd to be so srrangrd as to pment I to- . twr-n Ihrre .ad llb-bian, Iwtr ettru.b-.i noniiuer frntn iirhcisiing at Ibr nbt s.-.a P.x rier sad oner a strip of ibvt . m ar aviaj lame. unwH muua inat a rnibince utile is lawful. Th roenssiliiv rw.asiniw thai raaont r.d iirvix be maite tnurhtnjr tbe rirraa arijiroiriate to Hnrymew miniatrvittg ia tlx: conurrvatiisx, and thai 4br .mty .rt .in -it . itifarriit"tirtyxppmpj isle to rW srymea mi nunisliiiiiy Ik. l.t, U J.j. the priwnt Kniwpal rohaiy: "1, I. ll minixen, a wniw tunitx. bt-k white stolr, a btsrk rsssock aot ' ' - aw j;"" awi ban.!.. 1-.I...M Ik. . L I 1.1 L. . li.ey a to rmmeKl that proviki be unebvai kaic tn dirfnrd. Hear, mmdr - tat, that on orrsmora of srrvsrrf awilorlMr wM brairfsr itnren m dnanar whire eipdiency nnwl) of b.a'lh frm the wtwts, are fining atiul in ererj may ieiiire it, die umremly rap as) br 1 direru.. Tbe eniir p.iMiUtnu ari ml: Sd, that candidatea fi orilt-r s bo Sgbiuig tbe Are. but without mv. are ll.viim-J to act lay readers, aaay as; the Mxdemkal.bis.-JL guwa ' The oodtmittee further naanimoitvly re j eoinnHwikd tbal a tloa be twkrw b carry j Mil, in SWA maiinet as assy eirwr its di wraur, the pnnripbt dn tami m the J sncond reaolutHKi sent to this hmm by j tlie rHMtsrof cirrual and lav deputies, al I the cml oairata) ol lasja . i an i ' 'i all Mtstlrm il.lnfi l, retinue b! i l made to t!. mdin ay, and a, rlkugr. shall be aiw- tfte-o4!, rl ; . ... irc uuuj In U'Uih.i n. the couunituw in ,m j mend the adoption of tbe billowing rm - it i. i f i . , . ' HTJ: 1"t "rP"11 ri ju-. to lire house of fienrai and l) dciiiumt. Jimie4 (I be II. sue of Cirri.' it , . LsylJ,iPUU.c.cu.r.ng,)Tbat.... c,.miMee c.auun ,4 three b..-,-. three prter aI three ,. be aiiiKiinted.ro nhia tbe so I ijrrt nut or rti this riV'rt shail bo ref rmt. Willi di rti.HloBpt to IhisJvewlto. al fc early a dy pra.Mble. w Miev mat dretn nermaurv in tbe orrsii-.. AH of a hn-h is n-)iertfiit! mtanntrd TMtt AltfsrlaVJ. WtillatM, T. n t'Urk, W. N. ClenbeimrT, J. R Kerf. .4 IpftHBtMBt mil llu jat ..rmat.r ma ,, , . , .i Vii ' 8 ! ... . TIT. - fK That in vjew of the grant. , i tl subject and It. Umrrngs, lb. ; I1.M.JC wiprctawwl b lMtja 1vm ) on tlie report sobaiiltid by its osnuiii ' tee .i ritual unit.wmiiy, without pre.. o,H,M.h r,U. uf tbe . in t .- m.tuw of tb two kimsre of the Cornea ft., the H.. f Clerical ami Lay Ut-putie ontM-arringl, That a nt ' cuuunittrw be apaiiat-i bar cmwi.irra-1 ,- g . , . - ' , , . 1 cuatttee of the Hu of lliJp. cm- llh lUi,,W.h dialect.- ceni ng the rHo.1 P. J. f JU Jakeper. bmi.tf. what t.m may properly be token m the lbe m)fMmi.U..- .H,lilWa. Th.ee lirwrilara. lt sbowtiiM ib diffii ully of nwsstcritig Action wa postponed antil T-d.y. ; llMt ,.,mJ,,f ,4 . ,JetU! Brc. 6aking of tbe bua kuklux OHut at overrated ; aad ihcy ahow, t.i, bow ab Iialeigh the New York UtmU ataii that 1 sued is tbe boa4 uf every new dn tnxuu-v- "ili K-eis-d taf tiie'lerm baa lm verv sat,-! tut st-torj" that "ten nf tlwar nnbis" ) wen- srateaurd Tecrda J - anfl prnrre-U: i "The vaom of these tea nasirailra wa-k- ins out tin-ir time in tlie Allnav twnitra- V tiaty'-twwisnriir-a beads and cross barhif clothes, wTH go an immense way to take' ka klux ideas out the bead of young si mm hern chivalry. It suit the case better than making martyrs out of them. , :;,,.'. . . This is the spirit u which they exult over us. II these vuuns near-wee- vniltv. they doubtless deserve vunishmciut avt (A AuaWa of m twvatr trUmmat lint 1 hoiuasji ftnwa aur Ueorg WashmgtoB '. . ever imaifiued that tlie hderai couna, sit- ting with pu ked aad packed iunee, would assume crtiuinaj jumdictom to the Simlh ' sundii)."' off our youth to aorhrra . prawns. . . And, even if this vrere riaht, it is ant a matter frw sectional exultation and rejoict trig. It lrak to as more hke Knssis ia PoUnd thsa aaythiag else. J&aMaai efnr. - . , I "V 1 Tw raoi. .. .. . n 1 t'i.rx- The rlpht , inntortunate Victims of parked jury, rsdi- rat nialirnitr ia North Carolina, tin cili ' 8ar( and 'lmprwrnnerart a allured bakrax ouinera. uown u. u rmuui riaad ss Thurwiay aht ra route to Ibe Aulmts peuiteaitaay. New Toifc'. Tb Hi.-orKrt were ia tbe custody of awlrtarn-OM-ril of ft-ierj wildirr. emmuta-)rd hr a nt-ut.-nsnt. Tin) p.. a Mioses bs-ked d-.Tpjaidtjit em-uVh. aad Bo n uiirr. f.ir ' ti, ir tiTTua t.f IffioriaouiaisiK mmmA ft. siv mnntb to I ywr. bitrether a(h .... a.' ' - .. . ' nope to irH frtie wnbvw their friends inawpiaat : to aid them. JTorli J.mutl j M - -- i 1 The army of the I uitrd Status now eve's -iT.iXIO.tXiy pwsMwg. ThUiaaemurhl aa tlie entire evpesaea of the OoTeiumrnt j for one year i h-r MiHUrd Pil'mcre, ol OcsHTal Pictve, Jiich. Sittuinr, ' L iw.'i u.tj'..'T.'ry; miwr in tMirram ui) ttt-onto i-oiuiti, . 1 be Wipe mmlwrirtg biwns of JHanii) n. ssmI piiditego are tbreatmni with strurtitaL ' Pines are now racing over thrn hun.ln-d uaf snliwa i4 lriif.r Alr ni ihu- - Iiu-hIo I :1m .1.' , ;i.i, ft--r: .-i-rroTTW . iMMt- 1 1- r. .ut-.- m i rrt-u Kay awl k-f t..i At hiwt one li'n-ir,l .-i.rf, iuiili..j. .ri- in dani-r of iMiaar lmni.il .Hit. Kinn tmitduiu.. i ; '.wijio ib-1 smiai ft we U..-1I aa.-pt awar. j TbouMuxta of -f uu- mik uf ,ul4e , ... . Uj ween or. crated by tbe beat and smoke, and- bad- to U wul by tbwr rtavrube bi pa.es of stfrty. All sup ptnaia1 f.xd ty man and beaM bave bra desuojed aaj starvation during the nng eint.r stares Un in tbe Ue. Hast pitataV state isf affairs hi the state ami eicrv tkximg b.art Mill ,M pasbiav wiib the awaiuwaie tnbiibiiaiita. , AtSOt'T WORlki R U. ben rested tt mrr Ian- isr Haiti nc the kwmi trntin ..f n. arts s. el i r. rtaiR - 1iin,(.al wonia , n, ui th iwiuFiMa! eutobrv. it la aur- l-rtMn bow arw are- in cuoimoa To . aWxmv.evn ot -lacats.! -e. .;iv ftwths t tliewr w,wk are atasost as siiar as tirca ia- i h. taw Sir... ,in w Hi ay uc sisui Mi mtmb rf mkt r..,,, Ih. word, .nl Jhrir os-ge W prUr haiitis-ail t the h XHim ail tbe wiirtbi I tv ob naee to narticutar fcicalitirs all the aorit. ahk-h even the elu atnl speaker use if mm oVairs aad it ia aM.niiidiiiig iafc, miM im lMimm JtMa iit,til w.wter will bate .brunt . 1 b.a Urn caleulatml Uial a rb'UI oul ai.att one bumired voids ; sad bnh-ss be lwl.njf. ui the edu . " . - " ttirm or lour bim-iml. A distin- rmsbr,lAaskn h.4r sMilnab-a that g,. ,,kl- mtUtn Iw. M u .wJ, , ltt fM w. WA , .h f, w IlH)U j Kvm thf , .!,! iafa ball lb. nt arrar !a,t an.l b.-avV --o. awif . i.b . l.r 1 i,.Jl j,, kB7, of veriial forte. Kietx (he all- tiMM ki :t. .- l . 1 . . .1 "'H ., wwwwmmB WTW'U Ut W17TU. ssakeT that bat v at Hilary contain so "" tb.4asaa. wonts moreihan those of preeOBSwic---1 M tj&mHt MantAty. T CuAa.ia Ao traT Hnr..i . Voi no:1 trbe trnjl.-ir eTVHarix; Thikt trf twing swj to tbe aiunbr ol a man in Ki u tiaaoev, I'lah, ia IK-'iJ, and latp'sH II. Wells, Gen A. Smith, aad o-fier Mormons are said t be impliratid in the saute srsasertbet. ,A maa named Mm kman, who has beea amrateii ha- tb orjenar, claims that be and two otliera accotuplidh ed toe mnrdt umlrr the dtrrrtion of "onit, and that' be utnueatly tiaik I'- tneu the dead man's body and gave 'B If1" Jt'Wmoa chk t ihwh nale f. tbe body, ahwh wa found. wrrel ITKbrbcoeMMiMlmg Camp IJisigiaB. h prv-pWd i.nft)rtbl ac- r.wnidi.ti.wa r B ;him J'oung at his hrlpiarter, in tnlHpation of hi (Brigham arrest. The liurh Mwmoas um exullinglycontitlewt that Brigbata will overaaxss ail tbe charges sgainst hua oetoreioe law. t TOIM i.t VIUvtM HK.HIKK A stusuioa as TBACHKH Or BriYo. m a aa e 4i.Mav Audrras, . . ... rttoiRtiw a.ta Wwrealma. X C. RUT TREES i FKI IT TREES ! ! A.Aimrf.r.n R Huifana'.Hlllkl.' liat harrrss, we are nvm pref-.r d to il f rJws lut Jam Tier sod li.a ,a a all kiav-ts . et tft-lf W f WJNr A CD. vrxtiisuiiki ,v la LsaHes' ffeirsst bkawav la LaHm' Scsrta, ; la Ladies' llrsB-D E's Seek ambnaded In Ravk and WbiteT iorowea m liUis'lJarkrUbWoslHsaOnn - w.aE..Tccaviactt Cttt( ., ,1 r S. ALBKRT WV.BKK -r-WLea a aua Itwtarar of a msakal Wrsnat b lso aa ae-' a)Uas1 performer apon the sane, joa may tsel sere I hat Um general werxsuoahb, A .tgii tui JuitrbUr riralWae sill be ot Ih iSrswl order. 'All-rrt MVtwr, Uw' Artisan. sn4 trUit eomliinrd, I lie .killed uir.li.okc r,d tboroDttb siaMHai.. stakm U.e if.t, rrli 4c, atawUni 'i n.i of III- ii-em-iiI il,iy El loaMM lh biban lr-rititi aui"oe urofraekai rBU.-u.-l.ii..' all.) rti,lr- Ittu Muti-innt. From tkc ImI Mii.U .I C...ki L If joa i.li to i-i.-Ii.iii;- an old ih.tniiiii-et ti ill alluw its full taiui- in uubiuj; a Uer. 1 Beod for t'irmlar of PIANl. New Mi'fn;.. Ben -KH, .-T.tTlnNKUV, M VSIliN A Il.tMI.I.S S (iKt.tN.-. With Ul- Kinnil iioi-roi rm. nu, JOS. VAN IHU.T N4S1I, ort 10 tf - QUENCH FASIMONAIJI.K MKUCHANT TAILDK. I) t r O 1 T X TUB U AH I IT HO I, SIS M It. K. liEH i n lla. ftt tin- tiliciil, tu.1) and clfi;aut atock of CLOTHS, 'CA-ntWKKS, IIUK.1KINS, BKAVKKd, l AaToia, DIAi,(INAIt, AC, AO. All tin- liio.t roiii.li-te actor mi-lit of V KlTI-.t8, .sil.KS, VELVETS, AND MATKLAbbEK IIIAtiONAU. Mr. II.MK.U ia veun-d ihhii.- uf Uie. beet Fiein Ii workuit u in the mate, and will m-II al tlie uiowt n-uitoiiable urlet-a ror i-a.li only. titinfM-tion wiLrr.ntetJ in every reaoeet, or bti mIc oct 5 'lm 8 I K C I A L I T J KS. JUKSM t.tMJJW. TW rspiJ hiereatie hi the eWmaad for eorbta atylna ot LAUIEtr DKMS 0001)8 baa tMirlM a. hi largely Incmaw nnr stork stut we liavs now- uu luuiil an amuirunnt wliieh ao eoainvrn House run exi-etl or eiiiiul, vir, : Ait the 1 wliionalile tluut 111 IU0 foltowiiiK Dn-rm Ri.iwiris'i . T Ho. al anU blin k rulka, JaHui,e Mik Silk twin In.h I'ni.llii., All W.miI Veloiira, livu. ti uul Kni;liii DaiUa, All WimiI heic-, v Silk aaU Wiail KK-Klliies, X liiiia;uiiai lUllll, 1 .run I'laula, KleiaiH Olivier tir-a snd TraVL-liii llrvaa kh1, EiurMM ('tilth., Fari-Un Mortiaira, MeU Cu ti soil A.MU-a, HliM-k ami Colored Velveton, bilk Ki w tor Tnnnuiiura. v ' W. H. R. a. l tt KEK.A CO ocl 'Af - - V 11- PACK, ATTOItNKY AT LAW, ftHttee, Soutb atde of Xtartret House, j - HLKHill, N. U . Prompt atlnith.ii (iveu to the arranict-menl ami roJIeetioa of delu ami lo all other i-iv-fi-SMHHtal buaiiwna iutrlMteU Ui mr rare, l'ou an'i and dm aeit door to J. P. lull Urn. oa Market atmoL jeio u JARatKKS,ll.UX;, No. S3, Parrrrxvii.i.K Strkkt, KALKH1II, N. C. Afrarjfia- the sale of the unit approved K-!r and Mowvra. bersurs' eelsbratrd TLnwber Slid Ctauier emnhiunl with or aiUniul Mors. Poser. Bile-bur's Wroutchtmien Cy lender Thresher. Bast fanning Mill, florae Kakaa and Ukan era. em. lalr'a Pliant firkin and tirua Scftlnw, bnt In ana, si manufacturer's price -sitli freilth.'. sdik-d. Aiso, sole Airent for the Celebrated Wu Calf snd Braos Plow. Mrarsrers rialUn; the CHy will please rail aad ase sumiika of the xonds on hand. Unlort persons solteiteeL ' JANU M. TDWI EM. Aaent for Manufacturers. ft P E T 8! JU8T KKCKIVED THIS- DAY A rt LI. i LINK OF Bupcrfln Threa Ply Carpeta Psbnt Tapestry Initnun Car4s. i . Broaveta Carpet.. Two ply CarprU. Cotbur Carpeta. Gtirtaaa Carjvit, and Carpet Lining Rl'USI DRCGGrrmt MATH! ( A bKLKCT ASbOBTMENT OF RUGS. ; . 1 .. ."(' -FA Rt'OtJ, MATS AND HASSOCKS. I PA VIS, DRAKE 4A I cor. Bank and Byokowr at. octttf , Puterabarg, Vs. IT)OV 18 I O N8I W J Lbs. Weatera Bscow, 4 mat " pore ui ljt, .! Canvaaaial Hams, II" Bills. i-Kk Pork eptSOU LEACH BROS. XOTICI. t AD perton are berebv forbldsVa not' to tresspass oa ear hinds, lyimr, aw ear-h aide of the thwdabunnurk road, and eitendlnc fmm Rah-bih to la Hieka,, wiU docorfrun, or otberwrw by day or niirlitss wesrr determined to prnssrsu all offon.li'rs to the full extent of IMBVo- w h. -m in .if li M. A BLIlWtjJL i.I.CtX;kK. . MptlJdlw m COMPLETE I0SIC STOEBJ 'T A I E T T t V ILLS 8TRB Tfc , -- (Gr.uiaus old siand) . " " tUEfCI, I. t..l l uirprs ks Co., and BaMBiiw Klix. i - At Vi tlw exi-rll.-iK-e ol lli.nr MMimitoiiia, j Uie-. aiwely an) " -vnU.ii.e : i'lui.trn-l awiojrui-a .mi i r.t u .fti-utiii Mwg . if. lUiiiim a OtMiH'l Ortfiii. DKIMT p ritUKlUN AND A ME I.I CAN SIIKKT m MCf lVriirt"m frr Piano, Violin, (tiiilar, 8iuiH, Acirdtstm, FluUiiwt etc,, etc. M' i ti. ITriiE3Tnr iU KtM mm Vitvlin, ( utlar, Mur-ie ttiit,'KluU'. Pic At 'rJrtni, Klutirj'n Com i rtiitev, BiUijtt, TauilMwiiK-w, Bout. , f.Vrii, f-Wuth mt It't'iy Slin-jx ff V,. ! n-. Vinh'UC! vuJ tttiiur of Ue vt rj .V,,., y M-iV A.- I ilH ly hc- a -.Triil i:.fk f ht.'--l Vsiti.- n liiiiiU, all ur ' iiifilv h.t! u 'Wr a,1 'IA . Vh.-v. A UlA.K. A I IIAIll'.V 18 I Al.l.t!) TO 1)18 1. A li l. E STOCK OF MTUVKS. 1 in ttK- first tli-.c 8t.Ac.f .re a!! THK VERY bKsr. In t.!i.' - ; iu. ttu-y an-.11 w arointed C IK AN1 HAKE WKLL In 1!i u,irtl la-11 tii'-y an- twid1.! E.VilEDlNO LOW Hilcr In !);. f,-tirt ri!li.- .f hl'tVE PI Rl UASlNti rt'ULIC ; U i.li uid eoiiiK- ttu-ae Plou- jrLirs lfww to., Kal.iuli, N. C o-1 7 tf C losing olt at and uklow C tl S T . lu tlnlfr U ta rii;lt!il tu my Strr list J u) fr a I I, I. I N K U V I.AIHKS FIKMSUINO STtjKE, I WILL HKI.I. MY KNTIKK , STtM'K o r I1KV oXl).H, . fl.OTfttNr;, bllof and msuTO, PIECE OO ODS A ftHKAT SACKIFICK. THIS 18 NO II U M tt V 1 0 . all and coioiitee ronrselt. IftAAC.tKTTINtiEll. octi Lir J I A N O F O Ti T'E'iS. J AMKH lIltS)N. nietfullj in f orms the piiitii-. liutl lie I1.-1 jn.t mci-ivivl s new ttck of those fupeiior i'iino Korie.. of rhelKKAT IMON lOWPANY OK VKIV YOKK, lo ui!-ti lie tin ilea lli.-tr atb-aioii. 1 be iineiale n-iMnin-e of thi-i einpun in Uie ttiuM.- of eali ila!, in ie' ln,-rv ari't older (.lellHies. ensiite tlieui lo ti'li ir PiHii-m al s uiuett biwur rate Ui n .toy llier Ural. 1-im e.l-thliliiiM.iit. awl M-rMii .( out to imti.,e sill rind itniu.h In tlieir AilvHItUltfe. to i-.il! and e..ltiilH; these I'. .ii,'. I el.ne p!ire!idhi elueSliiTe, o. ; i tf A P.l)iniVirAjl OLD A8 TIMS For aueht we .now lo the contrary, Ihe eV-ltser Sirins linhliline snd aimrklini; when Adam Hiked with Kin in laratlue. bs that as it iu, iU nhi.rv pniperli.-a hare never been ai;nai-l t.y any inedicins of human Inven tton. 'lin y liave. however, been effloodied UI all U.clr luuiu etUocy in JiKSlSrS (ELT2EI 1PIIIEXT. ahleh U the chenileiU duplicate of the Ops Itnelf, and Its enVctiiur cures of drspepsht, bill uuiesa, ciHiatiatios, colic, aervona dvbdi tv, ilrniw. rttenrmitimi. r.: -imfttr as nrrSit ml ia ttaw w tiiiiM inmwrt in . '""" eprin;. and which tbe laralty of Ea- nieuieal iuinu.li s tt the sire. ki"1 nie tiitieetr on record ss anaoiur the (WILD BY ALL DKUfiOIsTl wpt.SI a sr K C I A L ' N OTIC EI II A VIA MM KB A CO , bhikwik to their lady frh-iiaS that tbey have! deti-nshvrd to aid to thru- hlirtiie.-s a 1 A MILLINERY iD t)RES8 MlKINti EeVTABLISIIMSXT, hi the sacoml uiry of their srwi-loas bnlMlnjc, ' nr Bank aad 6veamore streets, and base sceally aertuvd the serrlces of MRS. TOOLK, ''J. ' " " ; (ao hwur sad f.vorttdr fcaowa u eoaaeetloe Willi (Jul , p,rt meat,) to aasiaure the same It ia one k.U-ntio to keep the MILLINKKT OKPAKTMRT alali Itsatw, saapucd with ibe Ul .1 t'.n-iia and oLher noTelli.n , iu ihe MUb-S MAEINU DEPARTMENT. Botna out Uie sao.t callable aad experienced all! be. employ ..( Ie no ie tll be given of Um openics; of W e sn'kSt fni n.i onr frt-jdaji liberal en-ih-aded lo ua ia onr eouwuresneat i-iu-ml,-d lo ua ia onr DRY HOODS DEPARTVENT. ..r, ortStt riROINU MILITARY INSTITUTE. , Lxxisevos, Viaeiiia. eska opea Ut of Befmbo, 1871 To seewm admbwson, Ss tbe aawiber of va earn, la bmiled, early applicaUoa should be j A ..-.y,,... .... i tea) Boies Lssmlry ftoap. a4 Xt-tf U. T 8Tb0!jACH. IVnifc'kii Kes, Measnrea. kt,. artt . tt T Bl kONACH. BRANDS p. K b.-, Keba4a, i fait!), tnHera, t;hK-kerm. ' I t'akiw, Lrima KnM-uit M4 Ii tf ), r eritiiNAC'ii. 7 . .. IK1W AND hi BI'IS . r.iir ft Ct. i Si u M. T. hTKOXACII. lldiN WHISK T. , So Hlt'a laireeoni. M.-pt 3t-'tf O. T. STRd.NACIL It f l ASH IXlAb!! i I'JO Tim. lt .fnatttriratt- t-wl, direct tnnu Pbilwlrliiiia for aaie at low iirica. aui; 17 tl IXiUtiLAS BELL. w K KKI.L URiiC'CKlES. iltra, Peiinrra, 0ili, , tlpk-ea, Tpaa, etanh, MolaMe, tiniiriT, ',iw a. ttiir ean he aohl. A. C HAJiDERS ACo., --pi X tf No. i, Martin Stru t. ILH AMD UORSKs. fii ) Sue Tounsr Mulen. Two ci) " lar Bank Horea. For aalr -htMi MntB7U (.EO. T. TKOSACII. fUt'TIUX. V All ,mrMru are tiervty wftrud not lo trdo fur or u any way tw iiute of hkiid maite W J J. Lttwi tutd N. V. iKmUm, for by Vria. W. tfiifti. cot; has twti tMt or m ir-laid. The (UUf nut rwtMlwU'd, but wam ificttk- tniit:liiuj 1Ut Ujc let&l cmmiieviitri) III this o.unlv for ftiicnll. J. J 1EW18, iK-ptUTU IS. V. U EN TON. L E T ME PUT A NEW PIANO Your Old Pianos TAKEN IN EXCHANUK I, I H Kit A 1. KATES! NOTKS UHI LONO TI M ! ,,,.: n ;,, ill favor nawltl, II," Ti? i-- -- - - I ser. - - JOiv VANrHOLT NASH, .-i 25-lf "WrANTKll. U)K 1IEKE H w Pf PnitttsMte eraiilovinent f urninhml every man wiuiuir lo work in ni own netirntior- hiKwl ; (mi larv lieraons wanted I. Prolita over ai per mil. .neloae l for Ntmiiles and pur i per ceul. El tii-ulnra. S.1 . rad. JtlNKB Jt MKT.U AK, I1tlhurirli, Pa. auirdtilf M.TOB'sOrriis, rpii FilLUlWINli keioluiionoflhe Hoiu-it 1 of 4 -oniiiiiiwloners u uublishtal lur Uie In formatiou of all concerned : UrUrnd, Tliat the eleeU.m. whlrh waa UI lake plant Miaidar. June 12tk, 17I, on tlie quesuon ut cisterns, tie pantt.iued until furth r onters. Wit H. UAKKldtlN, x Mu)or. M. (lni sa, Clerk. )e IO If. T KKATES IN CllN V ItNTHlN OV lttrt l ' I hare a few copies left of these vshi ahlc old books Pvery candidate and ran raster r- or issiaa! uie firopoaru ijonvenuon an mi in have s copy bend soon I Priee per mail $3. fS). i. A. JUNKS, Bookseller, July lS-tf Ksieigh, N. C. fKfiTAIN PARTIE HAVE TRIED TO V had llw pnbik- to think that we have dis- eouuiiuiHi uw KooBn Butiiness. J C LI U 8 I. B WIS & Co., R.i.riiiii N (i Will rntinus to uakl. eontrnel. tor Ro.it. hur Builitina, and all kinds of Tin snd Shuel ir.Mi wore. ALL WORK WARRANTED. s.-pt 15-lf AT" E W B O U K 8 A TEKIUBLE TEMPTATION; A NOVEL. Br CHAiua Xxsna, Prtee SO centa paper Cover, EUPjiTEU; A NOVEL, B t A 1 1 a o s r TaOLior Prlce tl S5, pajier t'ovr. THE CUOLI K HIS RIGIITS AND WU0N06. Br Tni AiTooa or "Oiax's Bixr." L ITTlT MEN; Lifk At Pi.tunuD wVrai Jo' Both. !.' A BOOK fOR BOY8. By The Anthor of "UtUe Women," Ac. - .'ivmw 13SU Cut a AWowy. -The above books are for sale at the Book smsVlf, ALFREDWILLIAMS. T HSUltE TOUR UE1 IN THI "2srLTioisrA.z. OF NEW TOR," - -. aaavoua , 'hodbi i raa ' P If B HI I X of a ' 4 . BROOkLTN." - f D0C0LA8 BELIV Insaraaee Agea ana; IT if TTJAIItEl) V v Aires ... Aarrwbl wanted bi ann niaMt. w tfc to - for Um Konb4.i tfuiuaj UXa laanmiira ompanj ui t MHwaoJus Wki PAGE, Btata Agea C. B. inw.an. Baoc Edwards Bronglit PKACT1CAL BOOK AMMUU.iyi'TKB8 r.MKnEViy.E,8TkErT, I (Olo 8t..,srd b.ia,M) Rl.i:iul,S.;, Tbe mh-r.linied. Iwlh l print,-, . , .nd IM.U- m-n. rally, n,.t tkey have kf1': aconijauie ouiUl fc,r a ' rWilnast FIRST CLASS BiMii wo job tmm, OFFICE, and sis now prepared to execute erne. a. si-riiUio of PIulix mid ITvtfiry 'BOOK AND JOS PRjKTING. rmm tun amallint Clrd to the ISnrest IW. on as nnuiinatilu U-rm as Uie aaius Ik doue al avj- iMUbllsbnient lii the Stala, MEHC1IANTS, MANLFACTUim), Profruioniil Men, and Othen, In waut uf Phamplilit, Briefs, Check Hooka, Hceelit Kooka, l.eHttl lJI.uk , or Blank futut0f aHy descrliitlo. BuaineM Csrdii, Wedding Cards, "VliltlngCsidi, AdmiMtttn tarda, Invitation, Ball Tickets, Eu-uraion Tkketa, Knilroad Ticket, Ac., Poatera, Pnij-aniines, ( Handliilla, DudjcerSiJual . Kvurythiiur la tin Teatricl Um, Circulars, Statements, Bill HtwiU Letter Heads, Label of uvery kind. Or my Dmrripliui of Pfiilitf, Will Hull it Ui their advantage to call, eixartiiB !: liiieim and adi uri.lii prn ea beloreeuumrk I intr for t- eir work elm-wln-re We sill keeieuiwbuilly oSl hand, or nrllittt onter, S..liiiUr, Siirior CiWrt Cli-rk, ahnif and .Mmjii-tnile's Hlunka of the latest imimnul form, uu moat reasonahlu terpia. WE WILL PAY 8PKC1AL ATT.NTI0S TO llHOISZb! AVOHK uf cvt-ry 4letig.pUi)iit su-h tu Tollirro LAHKI.S, l.y.V, XoTlVKO. Haviiu;tiiul uu tjser1-iHf of leu rNir.nllrff pritiliiit; luiKiiii-Hsi, i.int iimhitf iIii'mi ubitotoi m liiH aHirlnit til f Ui (uatit tit I'etjjrrl. tml. r. will, ile.l, andaatlafurtion suarasloi Addrms 1 KlIWAKUo BKOCwllTOM. tept 4 tf JAMliRKTIPB TURNIP SEED (all kinds) For sale by pound or ounce. N C. Itimii Stok. JA8. II. ENNtSS.gV July H If Kahiksmilft to ft x 'A 15? S a ;--1 l"J ? at py i-i e-1 aaa C rr. ui t o (-1 H w r- O P W y S b-5 Q y ? w c5! bi i 2 a 'A M a b. 4' X ! Si A. .a BOAKDIN HOVSE, lino. 1 liaker liavir bikes the Row lately kept by Mia. H, VV. Mlliur, oui senai (sbosl both Wruawsef aBuTawhrAmt bias ---Ten tir twtrfxtr memtmr. -at- lirll' lriSHWS- can be fiimlshcM with board, lodiui:, lualmi tlKtite at Vi pur veiMk. A. Mi tt nufi . aim " ,nau, a. ru, ,. ft T a 11 v a m a , I have nit-Mut a Rfwlanraat mimmw as Market Square, and uu lire na red h senate) etussna ot Halebrh In the best style. , X seep on Hand a full supply ot nop"" Liquitrs, Curare, I JUer Heerj oyaters, wr-, bono Lunch aurvtld- everv day from 11 t to'eloi'k.t NlcllULAS JOHN, : aoptlS iUhn Kalebfll, -V- FAMILY Groceries of all Uie beat a moat drslralile grades always oa be ionM-nmeul aolkilcd. All order suet icwuptly. i A. 0 LEK Co,, Whole sl Grocer ' ,. Coin. MerthanU Coltoa f H's. WUaiiu.Uia St , East of V'4 July 34 tf Kak Hiu.N.ti JSyJ'ATIONAL JJ0TEL, . "BiTuarxD xaaa Prjm.ic Sycaxx, is IBS Cawraf or Buunxaa, SALISBURY, N. C. Tb rjnildinar I nw arau bms sad rlJt. evwv .Jn. v, mm. t! r.w 1 1. mmhmAiIU W raeat. Rooms snd parlors (en nile for fs lies, and aiiuzle rooms eoa4ets, Unt"" snd amply f umisbed wfak aa eye tu evl vunvcjienea. TUE DINING. ROtiM. la ktnre and annerhly furnamed m tb aw traclaea Banner wriolat titmt MMut. are rreoi 'and poll to. No enprns or eHOrt wnl b, snared Oi Mwt... i,. ik-.tLMu .trietlr a lm clsss Hobd, to ex.nipani fsveratil w'lk Is nei noun niwui or bouw. : ' T!.,, i,.ilr.M....n ..r tl.n ln.H., vmlilw (V stiifalle aelteited. Uuinil.us st tlie pt Jj meet every train, lo convey passesirera fn rharv", Cnanrwe low ss an v other raton Lllolel m the country. , a. w. KLl v.., ' ,i ., PsOMUTOi' lit df, ( baiuliBry, R , July 3j-Uwtd SaperuteadexvL Jwe7tf suaci-!!,

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