,4" RALEIGH, N. ft, nek', OCTOBER 19, 1871. VOL VII. i0. 42. H 5-11 if M ii . ii im 4r ilailo Stntinel. JUSUU TI Jr., Editor. J01U srnill. tnprlite k Ufil Editor - k tTEs or aiv:ktim. A.tvirrttaeinent will Ik' Inacrtcd In the DalLf avium at the following rate. A aiwin will he hereafter oaUmaled it 10 mi tun linen, or I Inch. Otieen,uare one dine " " UHCh SUlhW'.tll'Ilt Insertion I than a week ne iiunre one week Kach a.tiiitlohu) tnuare oo week One aiuare twti weeks Kieli additional anuare two week One square tme month fcaeh additional muare one mouth . . . On H'purf' two months Each additional " IM. r.,uaic Inroe moillhe hath additional three " One miurter column " One half cotunln " J One. column 14 AdvurueciucnUlitaorlAxl In Weekly aiul Semi Weekly at rutct) correl.omling with the alaive. Court advartlaemeuUluatirled o week fur fa eaah or $10 If charged. 11.00 m S.la) sin 6.UU 8. .'lU ll Ukl &IK1 li Ul U IM 14.110 700 i'l mi Ml.ik) luuuu JuTTON 01 N 8. COTTON OIN3, MILL OEAIIINO, MILLSTONES, 8.VVM1L. GEARING. I am agent f.ir Brown'aGeorgiaaiul Gullelt'a Mcel Uiu.Il l.llld. Any orueri riliall luw III) pr..utpl ll. -niton. Adiicc gti.-n Mini p.ircham-i. In.vd. of Mill auilice, Gearing, S.iw., ,v.e.. aug ttti G T STIttlNACII. O 0T S & SHOES. HEAHTT A CD'S iriym H a mm t 1 1 1 Heat N. C.JuaI received anil fi.r aale. la a a? lav ra. im rit . July MM FOR BALE. Nice WMU Meal, flonr anil Com. . July 34-tf w. ll. jiiniu iv vo. IflOR SALE. ' Pure Ground Bone, for turnip. juiy 3H tf. the l.e.1 FcrtVllacr W II JON ICS A Co TEW ARRIVAL OP IIK'K KKIM t Jnat received 1110 ll.o-rel flour, CaUlwrn. family, Severn Miliar 8uwi and N. U. Faiuili in eacka. ' July IM-tf A. G. LK A CO. SUGARS, COFf KM AN1 TEAS 1'liirty Barrel tndrd A, 1'owdcml and C, Sugars. Rb and Larvyra Coir.-ea, urioto i rd;a and price to auit the time. ; Cho i lireen nd Bia-k Tiaa. July 4 If A. I.KK Jl CH. FIVS KEi8 H'.ST RNiil.IKH )1A, twenty 1Ha.i cnn-enlrwU;t I. ye, ch.va'i than eer, conflenaed Mlik, teat rwtl.l, Taeka. Cotton l'rd. Powder Shot. Ca, Colli e ull. HuekeU, Wooden faueeU, Hon Brualiea Blai kilu; brulle. .Ve July M M A. U. LKE CO. TWfJNTV BOXf.8 HK8T STAKCU. 1UI Iii.h. lH-at I'irlor Matihe-, twi-nn l.ea frui.li la C'rackera, liliu: "r t aki-e. Uoiioii htat-uitand MonumeutaJ Hiw-uit. July t tf A.U. LkKJcCO fKIKNU HtlAl', A VKKY irnMAN'8 fl VV iiTior aruele Al-o, Brown Turocu line rl.Ni, eheap ami ifihmL Army anil Navy Hlackllur niniiualrd. July M tf A. O. LK.B A CO. AC N! BACON!! BACON'! I t hoire N C llaiiw, Ih hI Piiifar ured II..UI. .riL' il t ninen. wnu-ru iiiiik ami Hiu.ni aidea, a full "1'l'ly, fure laiuily laj Lord hi Inn en and I inn. July U A. II. LEE A CO. (I'll.l.AKH. Han i not., Il"ei, ti.a., HriH.ma, Ai' July .'4 tf w, Trare atlw, Mi. Duuil.Cart llr 1 1?, Ntnln, Hum A. U. LKE A CO. Perfert Un- and (crnl BOOTS AND BUOKofor l.aillea, lleulleuieu, nova anoint dren The laixent aaaoruuout ol llue wcu-k v the city, at low prtcea, NEW STOKE ! NEW STYLES! ! C. 11 I1KAKTT A CO. deal only in Bo..U and 8boea. 13 KAYETTEVILLE HTI1KKT. July tf The University ofVu. C'MI'K18K '1 iK Kiil.l.mVINd 1KPAKTMKNT: 1. hool of Latin. 3. Si hool of Oreek. a. 81I100I of Modern lanutuaeea, 4. 8ihu.il of Moral Pliiloaoi'liy . tklfool of Hiatory jid Euiillali Liu ralure l. Si liool of Cliemia Ire 7. School of Natural Plill.oy a Sihool of Matlieuiatlra. School of Coin moil and Statute uw. 10. Si-hool of Coiiatl lutional and Civil Uw and K.ully. II Behind of Physiology anil Suiyory ii Si hool of Anatomy and Materia Medic. HI. Si hool ol Meillelne and Ohatclric. 14. School of Ap plied Malhcinatlra. I.V Sclio.il of Analytkal, Induatiial and Agricultural Cheinu.irv. In. Bnyolof N.durd llltory and Aijiicullure (I rofeBKor tola- elected,, Jf rr.nl.lolima.le 1 , i u:n..Lr Mi,H Oeo Uvjy. tie lor cia-.'T in ... i. - ----- - . , brew. Political Keonoiuy, Pra. ti. l Physic, u .ni.lef.ee Allll Salikrlt. IMplolmia and Certilleatea of Protlclmcy are I ' given in Hie Ki-Minile w-iKNiia. l l. follow Iiik Ihirrei are conferred : 1 Bachelor of l-.-tl.ira. i Bachelor of ,vi. nc . :t VLu-mr ot Arui 4. IfcH-lor ol Medicine. A Hai-helor of Uw. ft. t.lvll Kin'lmer. 7. ErtINK lll.n N. C. Whiaky, U year old, ' mellow and pure, heat Amleaml I'eaw-fc Brandy. Hcliutno Cahlllel Kye WLlak) Kuiu ami uiii. July H tf 'A i LEE A CO. X OTICK. My wilV, ImT v. I from i rt- 'ii (- , hm: 1 Ann 1V.tvl ful , lialni without i -it' i-ini.n (-"Mi Ii 'ririHK btr or I il tUf Oil HIV IM . IMtlll MO I will if Ul- ftlilt I. Ht of tin- tW JIJ I In TWw. M(iliuMti of uunJlty 8nvar lIoiuMBMvrutthv the Bm lur itutc bf..J Mid nrijcbl (iuUu Bjri p. July M U A. ii. LEE UO. AW notici. i r. R MrtXIWRLU Attorney l Uw, HUtca villa, N t; . will iractlce law In Iredell and the adjoining routiUe. Htaxuil nttainlion given to Uie ollu. Hon of elaluia. Oct i dim i. J KMOIK Of THE kit . R A 1 1 E L I. ffHEETLM, Hkv. Joiin 8. Okaiitt. PRicr iJ.tn. Thi Memorial of nohlc uwui and chrtatlan miio-h-r (a nalivu of Haleigh) can t tie H..k.-loo ol aiulUtf Al.fllSlI WIl.l.iAato. JET, JET, JET. JUST RECEIVED, t 80MKTIIINU QUITE NEW MEAT IN THE WAT v ofc P ALL 1871 ND VEST CHEAP 1 Jet Jewelry 1MIDS HlH lllIT AT THE VEKY LOW- G et niU-a. and .old fc-conlingly. High pri c I M-attirod lu every diri-rtioli. Low prtcoa for j 1 v.jy thing. t.K k of Call and look over niy iniincnae I ilAKHMAKK. Cl'll.KKY, CKKIMiE AND lll'litiy MATkltlAL, AnJ cvcrjllilng in the lloukeelig line. ,H-ti:itf T. II. BKHHif. l 1 TU tw lll.KK V ri..ni(5. O S.00" P'anla of the moat approved kli d. WANTED I N Bo.lic'r Aalie. auglllf T. II SNOW. A T EI'WAKD t-AKNAlUt JEWELIIY STORE, 8 Doora above Miar. Tucker'. c iioliiu mt coirixr. NEW GOODS! .11 All I! It; II ALL SOUTHERN I5VENTI0N. lami liiafietira. obmencd Glaa CjMer Doable-Act. im Force fmnj. ATKMTED AUtiUDT law, BTA.BAJ.DINO Th. wndemlgncd, having the ncluaive light Orl'ailCl OleillIlU: i niauafacture and aell llie above tWjia in I . " ' AND TEMPLE Or rANCY! urtk mmI tKtulii CaroUua. bavc siciaUmI liMMehtM tofrtbr umier th Maw and MyW I Um ''Cwlina Pntnp Company," mhI Itlv ikT MtAbliatied their Miuiiifiu-lat irv at Vii.Vttt.taM- flSie, N. C.,iraDjw prvpni-tnl lu turaiuli uuji or FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Thu-rsday Sept. 14th. i Admittance aiiLliliticii Free. tel. as If WEED Uurooae. I water anr deid.li or huoiUL whirh. Irv at lilnr bow, at once bwooiuu. a local f ire Kn ox groat power. Uirowiuar MlwUvnal r- nunnte. PuniD comblnea alnii.licitr Ma4. Illy. In which the wmHri' . -'lT icoaWa aaate, a UM cylinder i ilmierged, and no water reuiaiiu In Ui mm . i. i.n u not lu oioratlon. Ilia ump worka almoat Incredibly light, alwajn Hngini! the water freah and akllng lr..i aa tuttXatlll III U B WBI . aUU Oea'L Aura roE la. f . OlUce In W. ptronach A Co.'a new aurru, oniwlte roal i 'nice, naie.K". -1 '. . -... - ..,.11 In all Ittrta of til M HI live - ... Stat". rpri.t TOI'lt NEK1HBCR8 AND YOUK X frlend to eome to Creech'. Where you wHI llnd I)KESSU(K)lJfc)onhelvea RKWIN'O MAUIllE, Inn, tb. cylinder l(l-.- ;; LXc;" , .fu.r ,.il for too f -eL ,l wear ort-w, w 7.. wl , ... ,. fabric-, eiuliraa-iiig aliuont kunf ou euiliaewia,i-wi ...... - . . flint guuta, wu l-:in put tlium Uf "5 eiil w illi ll i'lll'll'.- lo.in , el Clflen H., i I V, I) POVVKKM, Ha.enrh. C -d 11-1 V N 0 K I' 0 L K , V a eorrecUy ealled rAMll.I raiuniia. W'AT 01 Jam lucee i "we" - 1"- i The very beat loci lupied for aun.Iyii; unio. in q i I""" ttlU-h. full InatroeUonw vclling, collegoa, uou,i s given and lalialncuon Kui lor ra.irowua, . . - -- I. ., Thel ean be alLa-n. ' I l" a" . W. B. PHWEtSfc t., 'A uy'ordlnary nicelmidc auuai aire, iio.ip io.n.. uhae liundicu oi iv... 1' iia who have uacd our l um. r., an.. at aatia'aclion : in lacl lie i. will auataill all we claliu lor Uicin. Huy one and aave tire mauraiicc. h;i UI at .UOII glVCU lO ail OIUCIB. .we D..UIV ..vF. well uiuat aicoiniaiiiy each older. i. L. kllCHIN. llaon, I. C. TATE Ml'KPHY, Stuo;wott, N. C W. C TROY, r'ayelteviUe, N. C. ui-ccaaora 1 -i 1 KlUhin. til in-o. rr'or eoitiniuuKaUona adflreaaed to C. IKliY, fayelllile. larch , la'l. C K HE1D, forreatMlIc, N. C AUAUl.K W11AKK I'UOl'KKTY 1 N AT -lI'TTINIl KNIVES I f mltiwunanriawardSlnKle Bladed Knrvea. Wllliin.ii PaU-nteil o... liiu Un- lebrated Proneller Cutting Ma .10.,.-. ll ilu-a from H to :i ll.eli. and Uie In u ( oi.i. r Sli lp ditlo, couaUnlly in atore x Kai ill- t llnll. .,. JAMES M TOWLES. aug 17 if Ag'l for Manufacturem. Auellmi, I llfaj.ll, S-l. a0,li7l. BY C - c C H w w o Mining Knglncer. ' Tie-.i n of the atmlenl, i t. tuaive ol lexlUarkK, cloih.ng uu.l Jj.ak.-l uw , amount to from bi t-!-t " ei ' nine month' ; ol which iiiun I : to Ii ri IMyHhl i rtmtTon. Sikhioii uh;iim Octotrcf lat. for CaUlotuea, l.lr. -i. CIIAHLO.h. V KN.MI1.E, C IIA I KM AM Of f ACI I.TT. P. 0., I'lilternlty ol Va aep a-lin vl ENERAL INSURANCE AtiENCY 1 LIFE AND KIKE 1 The Mional Life of Sew Tort- AND Tht Phrnix FireNff Breoklfn, IHll'tllS BELL, Agent, uriitS-tf Olllce neat the Yarlwro Hotel. r$20,"000.00 woktu or KANCY AND PLAIN CA88IMERE8, DOE kin,, Clotha of every description, Veating, etc., aulUble for a Mureluuit Tailoring Ea".b- IU.VaM-)! .wrwfaria.llHiaIBltlJllikl i ll.lt. n mm! th hMaalirti menaiwd frreBiiAIng Ihrkt. wa. I. i.rar and Uriaa UIM I ItUI Us Hilt, jMI.M.K aad other I anrM. Ae., Ae. It in LMIIMe. and alaaia reaar f. lme4UI WM. Tbeaeat :T rowoan rnrrnmi mm r,rt ... ... in PiuT ar Tint bliiKi:. I. n-.lr.l and rmraawlraL M KJt 111 Imil. I KU'lHmWirH IT. lMr.rywaer. bf iikMH tUN fcHir-4 tnwi.aMn aaa wv.a...w--. TJOOLEY At BROTHER. Minurv-turi-i, wHa.vj.Ai.t nr.r. t. C HEW HTREKT. S C IT- IV) It AT. mardeowawrtm c - a t e a llahmcut. JUST ARRIVED, ud aold t the lowed raUa. Having comiei ted ...vaelf with Uie lnt I Juno 17 tf I'omit n lu-l to ! Iltrraiot. . Wilt) N. ? HI UNHAM'8 Nw Tinaial WATEtt WHEKL. ftlndtPttll rkwriiitlva Palliohlet and Plici Lint, for ka7l. acnt free by N. '. BURN HAM, Yiihk, 1'laa a. ar 4 ijllmeodaxw Jy R. B O T T, FEMALJS PHVBlClAn, No. 731, Main St, RICHMOND, VIROINIA. I.amna aurruiau raow maaol i.ARiTia . .... eomolajnt ueculiar tu UletT aeX are guarwntecd ajteeiiy reuci. au il"u"'u" ,Lrt, tlr amjilentud. Letter of Inqniry M .wend free of charge. Medicine forward, d I by Mail or eipreea. Room and attendant (nrnlahcd when rjuired. June uHiaviy 1TALU.1 qi'EEU WARRANTED PURE BEE-FEEDERS, && for Circular E. I. PECK, IJnden, N s o est m 0 x LEIOII BKf.TIIKKM rilLl.TM, AI'CTIoNEEKS. ONE LIMBER YARD AND WHARF, on Wide VValer Street ONE FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE AND WIHRF, tiuatf the fiiut of CoftimeiTC St. ONE BRICK WARE HOl'SE, Itnatcd on Nevlnou' Wharf. Thla property la all occupied and producing g.Hl KeuU, ami la ollereu Ul ..-llie an .uiw- I .-no-. . le-li for one uiinl, naian. e in ik i, IH ami J4 nioutha will! ft per cent, llitereat. ror lurUier parti. Illara awuv to Vlihh Div.le r rTincrei, Norfolk, Va. or to DOl'OLAS BKI.L, , If lUlelgh, aept 11 T)IU1RIM'S PATENT 8ASII BALANCE & J-ZZ u We dealer ti a. II eotinty HglUa for thla great llliprineliirlll III Saell Halaneea. wienieu rxp Hill, l" ii, uie lOIIOWIIIg vou..fc.e". liinlloril, Aieaaii'ier. Kan.lolph, VV like. M.Mitgouiery, Ahe. Stanley, Caldaell. Devi, on, VtUuga. Foravllie, Burke XL.kea, I l.aieland. Surrv, Polk-. Yadkin, RuUierford. Davie, Mcllwell. Kowtan, Yancey Iredell, Henderaon. Oaaton. Hum onitm. I.inrt'ln, Maillaou Calawlw, Haywood. Cherokee. P. A. WILE I. Hntlfal, Warren i limn. ille. Nnn. Ki oiklin. Wil.ou. J..hiir.ion, Harnett, M.niie, t:hnllialn, Ali.iinili.-e, I nange Canweli, Jtoekiugham, on. 1870. FOR THIRTY TEARS Has that well kuown. ataodard, and p-imUr ruincaJy Uib a FAI KILLER, lr naii uftv-tu rod by Perrv DavU A Boa, Provl d uf R. I., been before Uie I'lit'Hc, and lii that time h rwomr Known hi all parte of the W'-M. ai.J in-cn mDd hy ietil of all natioua. It n-lfttvlna. Ut-dtiv. tit il Uih trinfkri nA mIH tit notiedy. It woudetul power lu rolaw- Ing the luoa acverc taln bkn never been equal led, and It lnu earned ita world idu popular!'? I.y lie liitriurlc tuiirtt. No cumtlvu ageat naa p'rwiXr.piiieTr. apltulaU.Hi ill thla adver-firu-llicnt An all eiU nial t.ml liternal medl- U-bre. Hie I'ain nnu-raiaiioa uiirivwiew. . l4toii aii'OiniMUi, eu4.li iHittlu. "old I t all DniKUlat. pi l.'i liu CBJtTiricaTBa. Snkairr'a tlrriri, FarTTTiu.n N. C. April Jt, mil.- - Tnv, imp I Caro.aa CW... LiaA-ir . Puuip you .ld uie aurwa. a my iol -Ittue uAIMM-LaUoli i. Uo. all you tlaimeo i Am a fia Knummujalue laiucalcur a. VV iUi twenty lil ol Inaie 1 bate Ibrown irenllrely over uiy aaeniiig. wnicu -kwh two and hlt atoiv houe. My rihtr would not be wide Hit it for auy eon XraUoB. it W. UAKD1E, DUnn tliaienauuiAiuio. I SaaAT Cn ., Ralwou, N C, nlwicra 1 m.u TXvlna bad llfteea to twenty year' eaiwri ee lu gold milling, ualllg val loua Kind ol mb.. pa lol eing weuir iron. gre. . pkuure in giving preference to Uiuae maile Utile "Caroliua Pump Co-r.uiy '' over ail obtra for well and other purpuee. Ihejcoui bul aiuiplielty ana auramiiiy. .,. t VALENTIN MAUNE, Stanly t.ouuiy. tmyti 9 tf J.JUrhiiX, Kq . i niip 1 n-ji-tilai- uAt, tWtffunhii; at VarT...o p ..trdr. nint'c Mirfb, 1"7I, tkiid nr. frt- U T-UilHiV am m eory way MKiMnUr lint to uo indiratiti of 6ar or eatl (4.Uihi( ouiof order. All lb' water that u-tlure Iia dti'ifiEWl U paftf Uirni.U u It a i liaiitwi (n oaftfy te brouuhl uji,vi-ii hy i b.ldifu, hr wni. oatf'uaa, and by all, hitiiz b!. and '-ultm, la.lfl fuur uiA-u ti the Wvvr. Uie mnp at on Iviuia hn al tin- ruim' thruv. 1114 (Irf l aU.-r UhuIk1ii an ordinary Vw th ftHf lei ouiliii ud our pump U Ui tanr- fulfxam InaUou and Use ul Uie iminit. : r ... - r. u K I iior, " i"iiuiic-., A iitriirV, i'rohaU J., i li. 4iri!tlu, TA WiUiiwrtj-tt, M L. Ktn'ut, Hliati.nA Na-Ul, J B la.ifv, J 6 Woodard, B. F. briH.Whr'B Wiluon, N. C., Feb. 3, IhTl. t br nd for nix month paol one vf bald- rifCu j'tinii, iubuwIii 1u11.11 iy J. L.. iMU'inn, anii u-ar ttiidini; it Lo tlic uuMU aa iut nijz f. veil ierf-:t aat faction. In fai-l 1 aru 11 aa ona ui uw wai rumji ' o. iv. l. rt.iis.Kaoy. v-rtUiiii UiaL m w in stli'. fnim aeominon f. tahie to a bandwKn.- 8ills and HUKit frum tht laiat iniiKirtlnc hoiiat In IIh coiinUT- taituitt and look at t ro. h lKKfti iOOl8 bifure you buy. Whih- Kilii.'n annitnira auk mi- Uh monn h'iiin and by Uu- wav., niimn in hurry iittf .11 I -r tltv.-t fhij-r a'iMi tho nti'l b;ntU'liittii Um.u ti Uif l iikt-uf tlwUld World wlLhtfoods fur '- HilNTrt, IMtlNTS (ih- htiti-lri'1 I't-crt at ti4 cri'U iit-rnr, .mil Ui.-y me dl w -Itll Ihr iiioiu v, fcM.-i-f-,it l.lr.nLr. t.r vnit, mk! I !-, and iiri- liraj .11 :ltat iimc Mt at I.1 ..:i r.!. i-tlira warranted and t the b al iimi-ri If any ou oflt-ra uu priuU lor le and UA V-JU lhv arc uf tie beat iuaka, ut in 3 nitio btfore you buy Alwava miut I" Cfwjcb'w lo huy your Print OCR NOTIO.N DEPARTMENTCOMIM.F.TE. KmbrftciniC Kmbrtddurtia, 11 audken hi. U, l.hva, Towela, Hoaitirv, Ribuona, Laiu, White Good, Ac (JOODfl FOR GENTS AND BOV8 Clotha. ( tttu.erra, abneU Twi'wJa, Jtu.ii, A.,AUitahl for fail and winter wear, lit which 1 recottuiae no i-otuMl.on aa to variety or (iriic, aa 1 have I tie beat aaortntiit tn ib ilv and will fuanmtoe the yriw In eTi ry ina'arn-e. and It will d you uo barm locoiue cret-t ii a, before you buy. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! ! A uplendid aaiortmenL Ton ran t h.-Ip hetnir -uitad. 1 have PhawU all the way frout 7.V to Jf -) each, rk fture W I wit at LrvtaLh plmwla ' i-f.Ht yu buy. My Uk t. FLNNEIA A.Si I Al'LE iiMil8, TICK 1.S, Ac. 1 ii.rj;e and very coinplete, and will be aold at i.r-ii . i liftn enouurli u ifuarante aalea, ai I vie Id U uoiifl and liave nu f,artutr U divide pnAia wiUi. H4H)TS AN SMOFrf ' BMITB AND SlIuKS ! Yea, I mean Boot and iShoi-ft ira) casav Ij kro'i Salute lu ratyiy thu have Urb Aiiy Hwf y"or efttleuiau. Toy tT t'TaflT Uium ind vt if I have got thv Boot or fihoa jou LADIES AND MKH8K8 11 MS. , New alvtea. No uaa to talk about wtmritiff the laal V inter Hata, for the ntylr baa eutir l cliantced. bear in mind yuii iU Hud a good acaot iment, at Crwch'a. KOH GENTS ,AXl E W BOOKS. THE ANOKL IN THE CUWD, A UEALTIiai. IH)EM, ar E n w 1 W . F ti 1. L K b . J. (Ui a JH S, PvnLlnuna, N llau.il- I lmnd. PrliT $l.9ft. for a.le lit the Bo..krttore of T. ll . III Mi AI.KKr ! WILLIAMS. UTS KilK SAI.K, 'In Mem part of the ('it v. .-t Iroiiting F.denton Street, t fronting Pcraon .lrect, -t Irol.llllgJolleaalnaH, i-t fronliinr Joneh alr.-et. Itl.-'iJ - teetfrouling Bloodworlhetreet. V,.r,.mui.olv to P. A. Wilcv. CruihlerCll laeoa' National Bank, or at North aroitna Land ., Tucker Hall, july 31 t( ili - N . .'Ml . PIA lll.v V -.'10v.'. ATLANTA l)i:i-tKmilT Soutlieni Life Iusunuit Omnpaii . OEN. JOHH B. UORDN, Pwaiiiur W.C. NORRI8,8axiB-TAw. ASSETT8 .... fnoo.it"'. Dividend to Poller Huhletw J,.l 1.1 1.0 a per cent Thirty-three and oue-Uilrd per i ent dividend guaranteed on Ufa Holteb. I.... 0 ca on all tue lurual plan. 00.. C0R1JITI1AT, R. H. HarwooD, M. D., Ut.u. Ag'ia. Medic! Exmlnar. July-tf X'UatiFaTraTlwad company, 8i.rRiNTwi,aT'ljirna. Kaiiua, N. C.. Auk. th. 1S71. ON and after Toeratay Aug. 8th, 1871, tral. ou th Challuun llaUeoad will r,,n ...i- (Bundav eion.tavl) foiknr ; Mail Train teste Kaleleh. I MP. M airivea l Sanford T:S0 " Mall Train leave Sanford 6: A. U. nn.-uffi!'.'!!.'! . "' And at Sanford with the Was tern Kaihnad to and from f ayetteville nd point on Wea tern Railroad. A. B A.NDl.KWS, aug y-tf Buocnulendeni. 1 JALL TH DE1871. VO LEE CO. . WHOLESALE OKiK'KllS COMMISSION Mr.Hl H ANTS. MARK KT StJL' ARE, ua iiuu, h. c. I'H F, 11'! MV -1--H1 .ii.. I A IaK v ti Kr.n.lv 1 .liillN '.CM IDE DUl'lli, ATTORN KT AT LAW, iuk-ifch, N. C. !.., lie... In the Court of Wake, an! In tin vi...l i.nrbi- wivea aoeclaJ etteuuon w uie largumic of eauana in uie Snireine Court of m hi H.uruim.ijrun.i .1 r ..... in.uraiM-e Omipanv Ul the Coiled Slate.-, and attenda pnnnplly to any ouiar proioraioiiai unvi awrt f!llll. I in run. ran.pi, , drcu at low price, including ltetatylc I f ATS FOB MEN 11 out at PRIMROSE. PETTI A NEWSOM'S. June Mil s KBD WHEAT. f R!R KOK KALK old, ver nt i.'J IL fnat In hamtts and an i ot al. ttn Urpi' brown Mare, miwh y'ari oio k-mi In all iporta hurtM-aa (me bmuUliil Hay rony, thn- v.-r oni, behave well under auddleand ,..ti il brokm to hanwaa. July 3 lf W. u. i HO. At. ii We are rerdvina; a few hundred ftnanaia prime td Wboat from rnniyivania war fannm alio wiah W uurov their awl. arpl 3 tf jub-aii piw-d. t (lave nH or nix h t-aU-nt nubfnerjj( tAY..-M.fi, N- hy Cinre In recoinuie t I 100 LBS. Pickled lamia Tonguea, UW lira. " Beef Uo. au Uov.ee Saotch Herring, Juat received, aept 25 tf W.C. 8TRON At'H A Co. ST lilVfcrt, maonfaoturera in LiEKMANY AND FRANCE, . I .u enabled to Kil above named good aa low aa auy llouae In th UNITED STATES. 1 have in my employ the heat Workmen In the Stale, and am able to f unuh my cu.tomcra on the diorteat notice, and on Uie moat rea Come nd examine my booll Ml. ouuble term. dec-Lion ful .lock and yon will aurcly raakea ec Very RoapecUnlly, C. WEIKEL. ocl n ?.m Kaiidu.ph aron ruli.f, ASHLAND, VIIMJ1NIA. ktidol onrit TairtJuj, Srpt. IH, r,.riiier rnformaUon. eataloriie, Ac , la.i WILLIS. Richmond. Va., w Prof, U. &9UU. AMiJnkI V Inly tf a-as.o Hit E r H 1 raft of Land : Ow tract vf V urea with dwelling houe of ft Kooma, t ouUiouaua, l& wcrva lu iwwcli and pulu I' j..ii ..l .,ttt..d tororn. ci tto.. aiii wuoa, . ..:. um h mi m .-vonn or me cuv ou l ooi.l.uiv road. Ror thla tract half . aali will he rec,uireu, balance to t and U uiouuia. ALSO, o.. ll.er trartnf ISO acre, within S mil. .. ik. .Ovllai ai-raa In wtd and ualame ... I l l. la Irwet la Wnt Of Rlcigll. ii v iu w . u. Jon f A Co. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, CANDA; THE "fcTEi iirtSOJI UIII SE." AND BATHrt rnnnea-Hiw with Ihe rclel.rau-d well ol BALINBs MINERAL WATER l now o-n for (te reception of Tisitor. Peraona d airoua of engaging oora win plcae a.l.lrew the Pruprletora. HKVKKL TUCKER A SONS. Nollre lo Frtrmer nd Olhen, ,no.rt:r to iKjrn. If K ASSOCIATION OF AM ERICA, Oftlr. . .iiibrni' National Bank, ha nione hi lend on uulm-liiiibeirealeaWaite. AKdlaeJ thina lor ham ma.le and received at tue nine of the eoin.Hj uwi bluka wnick will b funiiuedlo.ppUenta. IIBTH' Oencral Agent L1 July 7 tf K COM ASIJMl.LE 1.!K I'A. I. Tin Oinitora of tl have rccenlii nnnie lie .V.UHFT AI'UIL Ut. From all ...im . .. - ., Jo- B Tot.i'. li i'-ililie. iiiclu'liic prcn-luin reserve, - . prvivju'rona company. I i annual alatcuictit , 1S71. !'.'l,.Vi T UK" f.lV f.l , , .. nil raiii'iv flour, E.liaCSugarf t otlee .iml 1 e. laiil and liacou, MoluHaee,. freah lluLU-r, ' I irangca, ' Cia-oiiuta, I an. Ill a, .Me. iT.o-AaBaAOO. OBOO-J V. BTUOWI. ATTORJiEM AT I.AW, RALEIGH, N. C. OFFICE np Uirt over Cltuen naoni KJ Bank, Exchange rVe. I W ill practice in uir twpnww i' J St,te the Circuit (innrlol the U. 8. and ocl AilaTior t'ourta a naie iwwi rwo".'.. lendcd by them rcaperuvciy. Mr. A. K. smie,paruier ior "J nn.T.,. .ill (u-cni.v o itli-e lu Uoldaboro, lately uuti ol I trcorge V. Strorut, Jao Itttf Sunilua, .... jiiywli No Polltim l.M. coeerlnir. :t,WW,HIO IX) Death loaaia lhn- tenllm of one ja r ivnt liiviiiKana. On pollcliiii In fon-e two year. per rent if. we w viiHiirn, ... .......b.f..... , haa trem aiiinUvl flcneral Travelling Agenl thl. lfBAIl'Sf . SUte Agent Aalievlllf, N C. June HI, 1871. Jol-tf ap 34-tf tPUt-'IAL-ITV row c- XTorth Carolina, ( t IB BOOTS & SHOES, t STt DWELL HKOTIIERS, No 17, MURRAY UTRFXT. A A-nV' iuHi ZS) en 4T P" w. o o 9 HATS, HATti, HUVS, Kit hi from the manufacturer Htylea jui Ujc Uii:ii aiidi'lMff all iinltL. Ret olirt ; th.it ( r.i th ke a Kood ainrluiuiit mid tluu i paa by hiui whu you want new Hata. CAKJ'KTING. Don't Torifet Uial CrtMsch anU to aell you your trputing LAHILh' AM) MISUSES KLIW, Handao.ua and cheat, V-, Ac. Aud here peimit me to mt, that I havw rand uo aiiia or eiMeiin lu buildim re tuodelime and uxinif up a tannand Uaminn lra ao aa to aacoiuuioUalu my nuiuoruii" fnenda and cuaUimcra. aitd If rtiraeutiUk. groiU aa they are and aflliuKfooda at nUu iifiurea, will be any Indueitnent to buyers, then 1 want Ul aell good to all eraon vth"( apprwrtaUs bar((iiia, and If 1 don t Uavel Ho' neiH'farUir,a road, I will travel the nearrxi pall. tr. it. i have no time worn, ahelf-woni. anv ni. claart or defat-oil jimhU tootlrryou. My .iodr ara new and h"ifhi witliia Uie last fuw tiayV. D-m't foqeet to o n to (Jraech'a at bia old Land, but witi, i ..o coat on. -aept li-d3wiAwlra Q LOCKS. CLOCKS, LARGE ASSOKTMKNT Of cm. a, a. unes, WholraHlo hhor ManuAietur;raB TIIOMASVILLE, N' FiMory Ealiirffm Owatly lnf;t!e4l Vrodiirllon and Halea. tireal reduction, Wbotaalc TrleoB. tinaxt Vaarluly of New and Kiiifunt Bllta. Urjrt-of HratOlaaa WmL. No tStiodtly Oooda Kvery .Shoe. Warranled. Mrrehanta aend lot Circular and I'l i. e l.hl. July 21 8m iViLsIe, liliuk & Co., MAMTACTLltMHa Of TUB IMPKOVfU letcrbarg Col I on Itcm. pphla FRF.JM la contracted with two Fol X bw era, comimted by a aiuii-ie ariane iiii nl of TotKle Joint, opttrnW-d byoneleer l the aide of the box hv which they are drawn together with an luen am ufl; power, correapoud hiK with the Im rcaflng reatatanre of th- cot ton, oue moving upward and the other down ward, makiiur the bale at a behxht of '-, m t from the floor, Um moat ronvrnbnt heiffiit and without the tiaceaalty of wiudtUK up a Kollower aa In preaea which -a k Uouwnru iv. uie we.trtii. oi uie mwr ronower wm-n rfhraielt caumng it to deaOctld and nine the .i-per one. Hy Uie aid of Uie ''.nfulr Joint the pull on Uie lever li do (Kuwb r at the hut Uian at the llrmt, aud two iuwii w ith a h ver Un left lone P piund into a baiu JTik ' in he, b tcet long Itlawj coiiklnn Unl that Un- --nd Di.po"Me Uie bale may alo be njiumetl to j-nt Ihe ban. ifiiiK on the end In-fortj Uie- rvature In tuk u tl, iJiua in tik i ni: a iH'tter iii)4j o t'aii- urni. cau I .n.iib In ajireaa hiving ctaih'iiAry TT,. ' i,v" tVr . ,' i i i.KAh.aKV, Inoi luid -ev-. ..eih iM'e ll) till Hi e, . li.l i- Ul-i Inveui4r vf the wHI know n VIKtil-MA i'IUw" and witboa aud woutd rei.uunnend thii, Um- Improved " IVItTHbiiru PrtiMK r' n jvfwBMiilni ailvanbiil-'H over any of Ida Uri.MT pMKtiietlMi8 or anv oUMra now tu Uio Hllk-t. Kvrry l'renn In alrly tarnt'-d before litnuf nf. Workn wlih rifMlJponyida of cotton. . IMi-e for Cotton I'reM dVUvr.red oB Uie car at IVtutahuix, . fIT'i W) 1'rtce for Hay freaa, ' iM 00 For further information, add rea aep; UEASI.ET, BLACK A CO., i IVli'i,1!! I; Vlnriiiiu. AMERICAN HOTEL. CHESTNUT STREET, Ol-lMtlrTB Ol.D ImiKI'ILMIKM At ltltU. I'lIILAUELrillA. S M. IlKl'LINGS, PHorHtrroB. ap It.ltf. CLOCKS, OLD AND NEW 8TYLE& BD. FAfiNACH'8 Jaw hit B t o , PAKM NEAR KALK.1..II FOR 8AI.K. I'udv-ra udmrrtt of the Protmb- uurt of Wako County, 1 will tell on .Moiui iv, nh lv of iMlober, 171, on the (nvnii-:-, .it I'uhlto auruon, hti tract of land i''iilaiin:F ahuut Miarroi, four mile nortii f l.nl iuh, in the Kah lLh 4nloii lUklroiMl ami I. uin- i-iiiy known ua JA Mi MtHlh.CAi fAlin. It tte Sold In TTIKKR r-AKi-BLM. OliO- Ihtrtt of llie puri'bafie nnmey to h -i.n! in cauli, the i iiiaiiidi-r in 12 inoutha. UouU and jjood atx-urity nulml. Adtu'r mid ('ti:uiui.'aitiner. B. I J.1 d -tda. N o T 1 C E . 4s t Doora above Meaan. Tucker'. L'NDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. 't'tu. ( 'imuniinumer Of the CUu itf Rwritjh thi ordain, an fulbttM : Tlie elty collector of taxca ahall canne to te pn-ared, tin, sine or vop-e.r iiicdala, with the : word a " lax l-aid," tamped or eiurravi-d Ui-reon, Uie coat of whirh Is not to exceed cent each, to be t-ald by Uie city. It aiutll be the iiutvoi an owner ol noirs or alula in the elty to procure from Uie collec tor ou paylux Uie proiter tax, a medal aa above dcrcrllcd, which ahall be attached to auid animal. It ahall be the duty of the Chief of Police aiilure an dotn or sruu ionna muteaireeie or auy pubUu place In the city, without U.d aforesaid medal, anl to Impound him or her for litre diMra. and If Uie mom ahall not he re- elatiucd and Uie proper tax nod all coat and cbajgea paid within aaia lime, uten ti anan no 8htinir. hwivy, white fnor lo none: i.yneii buiM iaoaa ttewing loba- iu, prouoiiuceu ui ! beat In th city, juij M It A. ti. LKE Cn. J. K. MtXtHB, ttALrsMAN. une 15 dtim 1 AIKIINO AND II KX 1 hO HolU Ounder and Iouble anchor Ra-H, i'-i halei liunn'e Tiea. : Kptitf LEACH HftOt 15 L ESIIlP.N It . e. may t" If Ij'llARRISON'S. . Jl tf V. FhK I.RST. Uoiih ilw lllng honae on Fayf tte ...ar liovernor'a Manalon. Aiil.lv to DOI'til.AB Bftl.U Office next to VaiUiro Hotel. EACH BROS. HUtERSA COMMnSlflON MERCHANTS, C a r 8 t d Bow, MARKET M1UARE, RALEIOll, N. C. aept SO U MOTHF. ,,e. ...neiToiig wiKTen NONE 1. lirou o. .in" . . " - , - IT ai.oIv who ciinnot aive rood refer L enrww and the necawry l-uid. A g.aal OMtor- tunity for energcue wen to maae in ww four Uiouaruid Julian, per yir. Apply ttBIA glKIAR ALL 0RADE8, I 'Jr. Bag offiw, I ton Htil. rionr, ' iloll Sacka Fine Salt, I Kl Fin factory Cheeae, -j inn Keg Nla, Wl Pkg. No 1, Mx-karel, j af..Ul Lb lloraeand Mole Shoe, erpt mi tf LEACH BR4- N IMMENCE STOCK OF EUROltAN and American DRY GOODS, Mch we are offering at toe lowest price fl. R. R TTTrKFR t the war. Oct 7 tf W. 8AS1I, BLIND, AND DQOR FACTOUY. A11onlcriromlyltended o. THOU. U- kRKl18, prU ill JTroprintor- T K SELL URIK'ERIE 8ugr, Prpra, . Coffee, Spii-eai, Tea, SUrch, Moluara, Oingcr, Urcy cn Ire aold. Uf K II Ki ll, ' Aaaoelal . lien itlnr. of A marirav Kaueigu, n. F AN0Y 0R0ISBEIR8 oi fno )r Kis:ttM 8i IV O'it r-ltloOtil, lltf i I Kliaiireini; rwl I Knniaa, Uie Including tl ' -J j cbaaed at HH J"" unTnsiss. t- Jk" O T I C E . I hve given to my dni;liter hi lw, M it kliMiihn RiiiiiAa. wife of niv eon Jainei 11 pmirertv both real and pcraouai the stock o" HookA, .-uauoiiery the"aTe ol Vic Mfo.Hjny of my aon J.,,,e H. Kunia. lte uiur. lore ccc. . -j SUPERINTENDENTS AIl) TECIIF.R8 OF I bta duly u, pnt ald ulml tu detli. rorhj Mn,i,,v School are lnfonned thl they can I acrviue In carrying out thuv ordinance U. i;r.,l at tlie bookatwre of I Chief of Police aliall be allowed aa foil. AI.FUEI) WILiUAMrJ, BlinilA S E-Vr,r a-. rMwaiaTiirn iP Peml, Speller, .n't Ri-dera, CtechUim. and .,,,.-.Tl,.e W. 8undy Mioo llymn id 1 , Book, Tickeuv, (U ainl l arda At, ttuoilav Si hool IJiiranea a ao p... cua Book. Mhinte Book Roll l;,., ami Hcu'itr-r. Billc Ulctlo, t .a tcrtlami-ob with Note, oi b.. -auil l'ct.uu.icut at all p-lt-c. Brfla I'snlmhU mt Pmlnic dy Meili.HlId and Preeliy- .kWM,..iaalBM My father In law John Knniaa, h'irlvl m- hi. rtijwk ol MoukA. Biauonery, e . ... E -rullAKE HOIE ITITITIOSS ! SECURITY AGAINST FlKEI Of Raleigh. I pr. I.UAiiKwn. uuuer Hie bunband Jaa. ti. aept I d bi continui; tiie bo. aiia.riiiteiKi.H.-e of nj Knniaa, an my agcni ELIZABETH C. ENN18. ASIIION BOOKS FOR OCTOBER. NOBTH CABOJUNA HOME INSURANCE COIPAKT naa mrttii aJ av . V tv la romiauiT. now ner the clo of the .t. .It Um rxlatrnre. contlim Ui wrluv Pollclea, at lair rave", " ' able property. j,.aj ' ,i radd. Ul ) Ul rapwij 'a ' i --"- I DemnreaU Ladle' Mirror of Fahlon," QRw ht inat-ll. frank Lealie'a Ladiea Magaaln. tOe. by mail . Juat received t N. C. Root Sroni, JAS H. KNNIS8. Ag't, 0.T.tl Raleigh, N. C. ""XIant IW v-onar rtAITIST HYMN mum. A t'll-eral dlacount will I made to ..iiidaT a ..,..iAT 111 llUaUUlV. OCHU wwaw lonueiudfrlec. A,KKK1 WU.11AMS, ,.. -v, tf bookeelier auu owuirei VI al I V 1 i ' I . A B B a vi " " ki. . . l.e tn annoance that he t ror. i.n;ir r-Ai - - - . . ,l a will Mart a Male ,n rrtfularandthorowfcili eou . -(Aiven. Tu- who who to Ju aUI iU. -.T.. .i... ... -w Vuk r Store. I IT1' . - . .......ii. in axl.anee. liriw: fjat- v . a U tf Kor car lure of the in nil ilUrenta ; for feed ot Uie aante per day 1U centa; for klliinic Um aame and tranjortation of the car uaa to aueh place aa u ro)mrvd oy law'Aeenta; wiiu-ii euniK, If not and by the owner, nhall bu a liarire upn uie city. The cWf of I'olire aliall rent a lot within or without Uie city liuilta, and pitpare Ui aamc Lti be un-d to a Jotnivi ; the yxtK;(MiMure of whit h ha1 1 lie, with Uie advice and eoiiaent of I ho i-ouiiutlLue of ac'L'OuoU, paid hy the cltv. If Uie lo or ftlut iK-loriiin, to any purwm ind a reaidmt of the city, or wtUiin uut- nine f the city Iwunurte, riinll be (Mvurtft unner th" for. i,"-ini prviiioUB, the ruuiu aliall lie le- fout bourn after wiaurc, Hut if not mane aithtn aaid time, the claitnaut shall pay eo la aud charges. ----- , It niiall not Ivc Uwful to aeiiw any dog or tl ut belonging U any peraon not ii Jn-ci-Vn- "f lie city, 11 tue animal aliaJi oe aiiMcneu u ui valih-h- of the owner or shall be Miu.iu his p- i-sot-al pn aein e. t ue cruel oi rnce nan oe auiuoriai, . Uitj eXLieUeve of Uie viiv, with the advit e ihd ctmaeui of the committee of account, ,ft have prepared autb malruuieuu tor camu.nig the aniiualft Imhle to ieizure aa aforeft.iiii, u i b in'twaary and projer. frit. ordinaiMH- rdiall zv inb cixwriitlon at NiC end ol twenty day from Uie date of publication. I he alwive la a true copy of the pi iH-eeilir- if Uie City Cominia,one.r at tin lr ui' elu g octllw A TLANTIC HOTEL, IX. faV;or, and appeala, era of property In N. with culirldence, to inaur- orth Carolina. Geo. BEAUFORT, N. C W. Tatioh, Proprietor. Now open for th reception of gueata who will b well provided for t price to anil the -. .ea u a vir TUIl ii TO I . .1 - .'..I J.-l.?l I I ihaonhlic w think tuat we have dia- M GUAI SMAN -coliUoueu me in.ui JULIUS LEW1S.SCO., , . . r1. ak. eoiitrarlA. for Roof , r rrr- . ,,, 8u!ct lllg Ullililiuga, mu Iron work. i ALL WORK WAKr.Ania.ir. n I A N O F O it T E S . ml. aa low A. C. SANDERS A Oo., 000 POUNDS BARTI.ITT ll-CK, IN0LI8H, AND 3S Cane Bran.ly Pear Ilea, 40 lloxea Anaorled Canfly, 311 Caaea Plekiaa, 311 " Oive tlyab-r, Hal Bote Awmrled Soap, Ml " Onndl, AS " Lemon Cake, 10 Bhl. Freah Sod Cracker, 60 Do. Yewat Puwdera, a. p.a lialehea AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. Mraw ,t u u,. only Hotel In the United I atat..a Immediate V over ine waicr. r'.ri C. B K1X1, vii-a ra- I. II. BATTLE, Jr., PMalDlHT. BEATON GALES. 8c., ' PULASKI COW PER, Sui-MViao. W. II. MU'RDlXJH.Ass'T Sua;. Paia-r. now advcrlialng forthe"llinie'' ' nleaac .utiatltuln u,i Mr Ihe advert.- already In tlii'in. r II. l'ACE, v . ept ISrU U,... ai..l It..', me.ll 111 Tllli v W I an e pronienadcA .mil a Lull ro..i. f... ..I irin.i. .1.. 1 a hand oi luili.ie I a l.....ra Ao aitordiliu Uie luoal beaitli ful and dclignllul duqiuw nekrva. wu I lantic eoaat June o-tf T MIE GREAT BOOK OF THE AGE. ATTORNEY AT iSAW, Office, South lde of Market Houae.l j lrAA.r.i'.'M v- Prompt attention given Ui the arrangement wdcolUM-UonofdeUand l all other pro fe,lonalbu.lncinlruabdtAi niy carK Vol will nod me next door W 1. F. Oullj A Bro., oJUrktiuwL Ju a TJACOBKARRERS(iRt)CERT STORE 1 mas Im found Cauned and fancy Good. China ware, renuuicn, Municaf ilnatruiuenla, New Patent Brooma, Ulaa Ware, W illow Ware, Wooden Ware, Preeerve. Candle, . iwcacia, ppim", , , Ten, PlcaJea, nodi Snuff, ug tl DllkSOVS i'SAtllClL F.Ul5iC. 1 Vol. -VluaUn Edition IvTOD. flB-IT BI MiTIr- OM RECCIPT OF l'KH'ra. N. C. B.Kiki3tro. JAt?. H ENNISR, A't Ralrl-U. N. C. JAM EH PllCS.-ViN. reai-ectTuIlT Inforiu the pul'llc, Uiat be haa juit received a new nt- , k nf ihow auperlor lhuio Kortea, ol Lhet.Ki A l' , I. .a! ' . T.U 1 A Kl V t t a. L' UJ VI IZ I.. U.-HIUH K,jmiil rtr ,11. i"iin, fc" which he invitee Uieir atU-nUon. The inmu nue reaoureta of Una ct.mpany in viie Mwpe ul it ilat, machinery and uthur facilitu-R, etni'-tr theiu to put Uivir I'ianoa at a much lower mk than any tiUier Iint claaa etatdiihiiicni, ..i l iM'raoii. aiKiui to imren.ipu win nnn ii inurn :h ilieilr ad v nutate Ui call and examine Pwn 1 tvefore purciiaMiur, elite wnenv et 4 tl th. Am fl co a LW-" 1 1 1 July UM CUMMER FURNACES, kj Hardware Mouae 01 for aale at JUUC LEWI8 Uie tail) erfi-t1nif ONK nTNOKKD TiMH OK COAL K SUITABLE FOR flKATKBI If pnrcliaacit Vo arrive, It will he aold 1 heap, DOUGLAS BELL, tcpt37-U next to Un) Yarburu' UoveL ':; a- pt in tf No. li, MarUn Street BrUOOS.' aept is u

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