, ,, ' ije ' - fijii pemttiel ; x VOL 1 11. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDXESDAV, (IfTOER 25, 1871. . Jjailg Stntintl. jflMAHTinEt. Jr., Editor. JOB SPEllll luoriaU I Loral Editor U. H OF AIYCKTIli. AtivrtiiteiiHiiU will be inncrU-d In th Daii.T ,tiriii't tUe following nth. A Mmvwilt 4m lu'n-HfU'r.twUnwUMl Ml lil wtNuw linen, or 1 Ute q uart one tlm I1.U0 By- Ui ai a week 50 Our .'wri' tHH) wetk S im Kvb addittotia) niare out) week 'J. 00 ( m- Muun- lw. wvk 5.1) K t -b liUiiitl (Hinaru two wivkt. . . ,5t One un' (tin lu.-hU . .0f Km it JttsiHiiiH4 .jmir oitw month. . . IVoii Dm -'limn1 two tumitlii l'J.W) Khub ulilitionul " b w) it.it- f (.iar.- tlm inonUu 14.tW Krti'h atitlni'uul Urn; ' 7W Mi.-.(imrU-r pt'lutiiii " StVUU tm' ImU cttlilHin . . . ftO.0U Our etituuin " lUU.UU A IwrU-im nt insert In Weekly and tit'iut Wfrkv itt rnUB corrwioii(Ut With Uie above. t art vrUauiunU uwurU4 ft weeks fur pi !:, or $W-t chrgtd. . o COTTON 01 NS. COTTON GINS, MILL OKiXINO, MILLSTONES, SAW MILL GEARING. I am Mcrut fur Brown'Georgiaand Gnllrtl'i Meel Brtieh liina. Any order Ahull hare my ,.r .mpl Attention:, Advice given and purchase ui.ulc of Mill' stones, (tearing, saw. Ac. gU O . T . STRUM ACH. OOT8 & bllOES. HEAKTT fc COS Perfect tUn and eitegwnt BOOTS AND elltlErtfor Ladiet, lienllettieli, Buy aad Chil dren The lanreat taeorUaeutof line work in lie city, at low price. SEW STOKE ! NEW STYLES! ! C l I1KAKTT A CO. deal only In Bool ud Shoe. I.i FAYETTKVILLB STREET. Jul a7tf Tho University of Va. comprises The Follow uno l)hTAitTMU.Tii: 1. S,Ji..l uf l.vtln. School of Greek. o boo ol MtMivra Lnuaa. 4. School ,( Moral Pliilonorujr &. ecltwtl oi Jlututf " "jiJ KriTiab LlU;raiare.- & Ikhool of Cheiul af 1. dchool of Natural rtilloioiilij. H. n-tiool of Malheniatica. 9. Bthoolof Cqu riuii f Stafulo Law: 10."BchHjr of Consti tutional and Civil Law and Equity. U. Bchool uf riiyaiolwy and 8uivaryv VL fichuol of : Aaawmy w Materia Mtwiwa.--i& tk IhjiiI of Mnlictiie and Obstetric. 14. School of Ap PiM Matlieiuatica 1A- Bctiool of Analytical, luiliiatrial aud Arlciirtural Chranlatfi. In. ' SiliVoTorTrXur! Hie Wry and" Arieaftur ifruftMauf to be elucWd, ) MT Provision mad tut dlaaua In Miawralojgy aod timkcy, He Ikvw, H.ditical ficououiy, Frecllcal Phyalca, M .;,. al Jun.riidelH and 8atukriL loniM aud Cj'tiilfatea of Proficiency are fflvrii in the auuatatv actioola. The toliowiiiK Ucgreos are conferred : 1. ihu'liclnr of LelUra. la Bachelorof liclencea. '4. Mitetor ol Aria 4. Doctor of MedU-tue. 1 Bachclitt- of iaV-. Civil Kugiuoer. -T. Mining Kuiuevr. 1 he exocuausyof the atadent, excluaive of Wxl hooka, cloUiln and pockut money, aiutiunt to from $'& to jier aeaaiou of diiik month; of whtcb aunia $&du to ftXO are imykliiu on admiwlou. Mvesioa opuna October Ul For Catalogues, addruak, CUA11LEH a V ENABLE, CHAIKMAa Ol FlUtiLTT. P.O., Unlverilty of Va. aeu a-Ua Q KNKRAL INbURANCI A0ENCT 1 LIFE AND FIRE I TlieHatioiiul Life of Hew Tort. The Fktiii Fin ( Brooklyn, DOUULA8 BKLL, Airent, OlUin next the Yarbora UoUtL , opt 8-tf $20,000.00 wora or fancy and plain cassjmkkiss, dok- kiai. Clothe of every deaerlpUon, Veatiiuca, etc., lettable for a Merchant Tailoring Zatb lisbuieut, JU8T ARRIVED, and aold at the loweat rate. V Having connected myeelf with the Urgeat Bani U'taren la . GERM 1ST INI I am enabled to eetl above aaiacd gooda af low u any Hooae in Ute N ' UNITED BTATIfl. I hare hi my employ the beat Workmen bi he State, and an ahleto faniab my enatotaeta the aborUat aotloe, and on tie aioet nav oeable terra. Cone and examine my heaoU- tl Heck andyoa wtH rarely aitkea aerectloe - , , Very BeaDertfttUy, , 7 C. WEIKEL. IW1DKNCK P(IH RENT. A rnnim.ili dwtllln fennne on Payetto- T llr iixeet, near tae liuventor'e Maaabna. 1MMH1LABKI.L, Office next to Yartioro HotaL K HtLL GROCER! Ett. Uttgara, pqtnera, i CoBVea, Hinoea, lean. bterrh, Mulaawa, . iiiiurar, - a km at they can I b Bold. A. C. BANDERS AG, eept-tf Ko. a, Martiaeuvab J AW HOTICIJ P. B VcDOWELL.4uome7 at lit, State Villa, N. U., will practice law ta Iredrll and tka Ijotinnc euewtMe. Biecaal aiuaUoa xivna to taa cuiiw. Uon ol claUna. - evt i diaa NKW AltKlVAL OP ORWERims Jut recelvnl lla) lUm lt Plour, PaUwo Pamily, eVevera Mill, Be per aud N. c. rauiily in aacka. July-tt A. . LEE CO. Sl'UARS, COPPKK8 AND TEAS. Thirty Barrela atandard A, Powdered and C, Siwara. Hk uul Lauyra '"ir.i, varioua t cade and pricna to aiul Mia tinw ; Choice lima ind Rlack Tea. , July at tf A. O. LEE CO. FIVE KKlifl BEST ENm.mil SODA, twenty caaea eonrentraWd l.ye, cheaper than ever, condeoand MHk, Yeai4 Prnrdrrx, Tarka, titUm Card. Powder, fthot, Cap, tlorli'e M 111, Huckct, Wooden PauivU, Braabe, Blacking Bniahue, Ac. July MM A O. l.EE A CO. 'T1WKNTY BOXES BEST 8TAKCII. L 1) (fro Iwat Parlor Milditu, tw.-nly bioxea freli Soda Cracker, (iinmr Cakoi, Lemon Biscuit and Monumental Him nit , July 4 tl A. W. LEE A CO. 1 . WOMAN'B rRIItND BOA P. A VEKY uicrkir artkla, AImi, llniau Turptrn tine Boa, rhivp and ifiKKl Anny aud Navy Blackinic nti' tiualcd. JuiyU A. i. A CO. BAC Nt BACON II BACON It I Ulioite N. c. llama, Inwt Biuar Cnrl lialiia, liriKhl H V. ta, W.-ntermnilk anil bcin Hide, a full mifluy, i4lrc"!uiily i-nl Lanl in Tirrre aud Tina July 14 if A.O. LKEACO. COLLARS, Hawea, Trarea, Iuiul-(:ar liar nee, Hoe, Xpadea, Bhovel, Nails, Horw rUi.wa, Bnwuw, Ac., Ac. -l.SM-t- - A . USK A CO. FINE OLD N. C. VYhbiky, ailynraeld, nellow an pnre, hert A pi-t iiikI Pwu-h Brandy, Oenuine Cabinet Rye Wbiaky, N. K. Ram and iiu. July if A. O. LEE A CO. N O T I C E . My wife, Ann Davia. col., liavinr without ut cauae. abandoned my bed aud board, 1 hereby warn all peraon from hartiurinK her or from enxllting her on my account a I will imiaecnte to lue full eiteiit i.f the law any o doina;. A BK A M D A V IB, coL octB-Dt . 1 RICK In Tierce, Molawvs of brat quality. Hlll'HJ HiHlMerivmilltPlh Karwl ..r U.ur. head and bright Uuiden njrnp. JUly -u A. U. LKK A CO. -i ITAUA.1 WARRANTKD PUKE. til V K, UR PEKDKKS, HenU for Circular June 17 If E. J. PKCK, Undea, N. J. lUndulph Macon College, A3HTAND, VntOINIA. Iffiiiytiulinnhi, Sept. IS, 1871. For further InformaUun. cataluKue, Ju-.... Addraaa, WM. WILLIS, Ricbikoud, Va, . or rroL u. UilbL, Aahiaud, Va July lB-tf UOR SALE. r II 1 rart of t nd One tract of 9I) aerea with- dwelling houa at Koihb, rood outboaawa, 1ft acre rn peach and apple tree. Boil well adapted to corn, eottun aud wheat: tin tract lie mliea north or me city on un Loulebu rtr road, for till tract half caab w ill be required, balance In i aud la woutha. ALSO, One other tract of 150 aerea, within it mtlea of the city 1UU aerea In wood and balauue cleared. Tbla tract t Wat of Ralcu-h. July 1M-U w.u. juuat. Tauwaa Baaoo, fiiosu V. Btm ATTOREYl AT LAW, RALEIOH, N. a OFFICE up stair over ClUaen National Bank, Kxehauira Place, WU1 practice in the BupnaM Coart of th State the Circuit Court of tb 0. a. and aara Buwrinr Court aa. have been beretofura a teoded by there reapactively. Mr. A. K. Bioedea, partner for Wayne county, will occnuy ottlce la Uoldaboro, lately that ol JaalO-tf , - ! N ASUV1LLE LIFE INSURANCE COM rANY. The IM rector of thla pmaperon company have recenUy mad their annual atatement. aaam, antiL UT, 1B7I. From all aourcea, - tSJU.ffio 81 Total liabillUea, including preuiuia rworra, - - - 131,663 IS Borplua, - ... 'J"7,HiB m No Pullclea l,W)t, coveriiur, 3,tW,iJ uu Death loaae three ten the of one per cent. uivmanna. ' On poliHealn forca two yean, 22 per cent N. B. Mr. R. W Adaine, of oldUwo' ha been appointed General Travelling Agent ta thla State, with power to aelect ul turitila. TIIOS. B. BAILEY, State Agent Aahevtlle, N C, June 18, 18TL Jetf QT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, CANADA; , , . tie "STiPiEsxos mn." . AND BATTtS m connection with the celebrated well of SALINE MINERAL WATER I Daw open for the raceptioa of Tleltora. Peraooa deetroaa Of engaging board will pleaaeaddrea the Proprietora. BEVSHL TL'CKEK A SONS. Jalyt-U gPECIALITf ,"-,-'N'.-' worn " Ilorth Carolina, BOOTS A. SH0HSy 8TCDAVELL BROTHERS, No IT, MURRATrTTRFET," ,'. AA'hV rokk. i. R. MOOSE, 8aI4aM. - . Jan lVdflm -piLGRIM'S PATENT BASH BALANCE I We dnalra to aell ermnty rlghla for thl trrat Improvenaeait la Meh Itaiaaeea, pateatetf Sept. Ulh, 1MM, hi the following eoantlea : Halifax, UuilfrmL 1 Alexander. Vt'arrea Kandtdlds, Wllkea. , (Irani Ule, Muntgiaaurjr,' Ab Nash, Stanley, 4'aMwefl. Prank Ha, ; Davbreoe, ' Walaaga. i nilen, PiHuytha, . Burke. Johnatoa, Htukea, ' tjlcavdand. Haraett, , Snrrv, Polk." M.Are, Ya.la.ia, Rethrfnrd. Chatbaa. lh M. i'eH AUnaara, K", ' c.-v IH-amre, lr. a II, tl4Ml. fmra. 1 4Tafll. -OiUrt.. ' " HwM.-iMib, K.xhhaaB, Mwllaoo. J.-.. t ..aaua, llaywoud. Mawn, . Chcruhee. P. A. WFLaY. apttf DULULAa bLLU 5a ACRES LAND!! I offer ftw-aale a eniarl tract nf Land near Mlllbruofe oo the R. A U. Mailroad. . Term liberal. aug 17 U 7 OOt'GLAS BELL. EMOIR OF THE Kef. MIlfL B. IcrnEETEKS, D. Ukv. Job 8. ft hasty. PKICEioo. Ttil Memorial c.f a noble man and rhrbtlaa ninlater (a native of Raleigh) ran be bad at the BiaikaUilc uf aug lit ALFRED WILLIAMS. A' TIjANTIO, hotel, BEAUFORT. M. fl. ; r ,43 ibk W. Taylor, Fmprietur. Nitw opr for the rartpUoa of rueata who will he well provided for at price lu lull the tint.-. It i la the only liutul hv the I'alted elaka liusHitiiOely ever llv water. Port Macou and Uie ean In ftill view. Tarer proincnatlia and a bail roote rVar llieenjoyiuent af giieeta, and a baud of innate toyentivea tin; cetinjc biu. All eltortlW Hie liiiMt health hil aiul ileliiiul SunMner icetrt ut oa the At ktutic ctiam, June . tf V T .I AC. H KAitUKIt'ditiKiM'EKY STORE n.a lie fttuml t'Hiilinl mii,1 rate'. Oooal, t liina tre, t'crfllldcrir-a, MnWe-4- lii ilreiiinilw, r " N a I'Vr nt HnM.ins, -olaw Waic, t iiiuw Ware, WimhIcu Ware, Prewrv ira, Candle, ra.-kere. rtardiae, T'-aa, Pu-klea, and Suuff, ne 'Uf OTBAWBKRRY PLANTS. , . O 3,uuu p!anU of Die moat approved kind, WANTKDt 5IIU Bnhh Aahtia. aug 14 U T. II 8NOW. . 4 CllTTINd KNIVES. . J Hniii h nnanrpaMrrd Single Bladed K nlee- WriHiMwm'ii Patented ui. Miitt')uirn celebrated Pmpcllcr Culling Ma-chin-,, i -?7jn. from a niche and the fanl.iii Cup!" i Strip ditto, conatanliy la atore at Pitrm. t uall. JAMES M TOWLES, aug 17-lf Ag't fir Manufactuiara. Not Ire to I'armer and iNl.t-ra. .siAPtrrfi MiKJirit. IIPR ASS KM ATION OF A M KKICA.Offir J over Citlaell, National Bank, ha nmney U, lend oo uuinc umlwred real catete. Aptica tl.tni. for hauia made and rrs-eive.l at lite ufttce of the eoinpany uno blank which will be fumwhed to applicauta. II. HETR, ap94-tf ' Oeaeral Agoal ."OOT SOLICITOPS WANTED, NONE 4 T need a'ly v. ho cannot giv wood refer, race aud taw one enaerr aoade. A ond oppor tunilr for enenretie eaea to make frora two t fourtaxmawrntilfillar per ynar. Apply ta H. HkTH, (ieu'l A if en t, . iofa Avaoeiauon of Ainariea, apJa-U - Maleuih, M. Ov jJ"E W rKEJf CH MILLINERY GOODS. MR. C. TAYLOR, IS Farettevlll ttroet, above C. D. HearU A Ca'a shoe B tor, la bow receiving fullaopply of , BONNETS AND UA1 8 for old and yoang ldna, M laaea and CMIdrea. Alan a large mock tif KihtMUM, Plamra, Fhrwera,8ilka,Satina,C"rdea and VelveU lie Hooneta. AM iif the LATEST STYLES and i.n.-rcrt at the U.WkSl' PRU KS. UrJera for Wrd.liiHC aad Partle reapectfui ly aollritrd aad pruniptir attaaded to. , oetaXea C-,- - V A MILT Ororerie of all the heat aad iudmiU aolicited. Ail order tiled oroaipva. - . A. 0 . LF.E A Co., Wholesale Ororara, . Unk.n. A I Vl 1. VvtlM W tUuiugtoa St , Eaat of Market, I July 34 tf Rakigb, N. Ul N EW ARRIVAL. FLOURKFLOrjHI 1871. KID tack Eiya and atrtrtly Family Floar la convenient aiae aarka, direct fnaat tha Virginia ' Iteaiera will gad K to their lateraat teeall and eaaatbm thhv Soar. JAMES M. TOWLES, - , . July WM Coav Merchant, J-JRUOS AND MEDICINES. Williams k Hajwood, WhoLKSALS AND RaTTAIL DKUIiltller. IUv la Store a weH aeleried etoek of dnnr medicinea, eheeaicaia, paint, oil, dyeetutta, pateat aedh4nea, phertncea ileal prwrauatioaa, perfumery, fancy arth-lea, tamp, aoMting ana chewing tooacco; era, winea aad tavaliea which are ottered It aala at tow aawkat ariee, " cUB- to i -: t 22 S 11 ' S W v o o- o . $ f Z 0 s 0 ' I -S 9 9 1 g J g 8 t3 r e4 fr, , (L, ad (4 ' - J C-aM pO " W OU V 1 ' 5 JET, JET, JET. ' JUST RECEIVED, SOMRTHINU yl'tTR NEW AND VERY NEAT IN THE a.l OP CHEAP Jet tJewelry z A T CUWtKII FASXACIItt JEWELRY BTORE, S IKmic above Meaar. Tacker'a. feb 25 If WEED SKWINO MACHINE, correctly called FAMILY FAVORITE.' The very beat lock atitch. Full Inatraetioui . given and aaua'acuoa ' gnaraotocd. W. I. rSWCaa fc (., U'L Aot'i roaJiiV OfUea In W. t . ntmaM-h A Co.' new atore, .... i . ni ii,i,.k nUMit P,Ml4)rHcn Halekrh. MOoa live agrnve waniev hi a" pari ui wi. at.tM W. 1 POWERS, Halebtb, N. C arpt 14 an C F REID Forreatvilie, N. C T-XALLAW.E WHARF PROPERTY IN i NORFOLK, Vs., AT ' AnrlU.it, Tutlar, el. J,I7I. BY halUU BKOT1IKI..I PHKLI'S AUCTIONEkU.. ONE LUMBER V ALU AND WtiARP, 1 J ou WIda Wuv Street. ONE FIRE PRX)F WAKEUOUaE ANLl WHARF, ear the foot of Ceaaawna Bk ONE BRICK WARE HOUSE, situated oa NevUW Whart Thla pmtwrty ta all aerapied and prorlndiur good Rente, and ia offered to aettle an ktalc Teruta caah for on third, balance inn, 13, 18 and M aaoath with par cent, wtereat . aur ruruior iwurucaiar appiy to LEHHl BHoo, A PIIEI.PS. Norfolk, Va. ' to DOU0I.A8 HKI.I, Raleigh, N.C eptlflti ATOUN GENTLEMAN OFSIRKS A eiluaUo aa TEACHER OF BoYS, la a private family or achuoL 1 eornpet nt to teach RnKlirh oranebea, Incladitur hkrher Math eraatir. Latin and (4reek. Reference gl a oa explication. Addreaa, Oct 10 d-JUw-wA Warmnton, N C. (Water wheel Gearint.Sha!linsX Pulleys fOHO!!J'IMOBSf' LrlSENO FOR A CIRCUlAHjiS? Jea'44, 18TL JOHN ARMBTRONO. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN 0FACTURKR. oraa Taa aoara oaauaa aooaartau, ' RALEIOH, N O. ' Trial, Kieeathaa, Miaatea aad Rerordlag DnrkrU aaade to order. North Carolina Report and other Law Book, bound ia aperww Lao Buvdiug. Minting aambw of tha Repoita tappUed and odd Bawban taken in axchaaga tor hiad' hlWlHn-U .-. i J EACH JB R08 bS.X.'ERS A-C0MMiS6I0N MERCHAST-e, '..-Cm sap list- w7" -7- MARKET SQUARE, RALEIGH, N. a etptHO-tf -v.i;... JUST RECEIVED. I Peabody Family Floar, EtraC8uirr, (. oHee and Tea, Lard aad Bacon, Molaaae, Freh Butter, tiiaaawa, Cwoaaala, Candua, At, Aa. .. At nut IStf a D. HARRISON'A rjp HANKS, Ta the Srrav a and rtllaea who ao wtlHncty aud eSlcten.ly aaaiwed a ia thv'aarajireeeinaof the lr la oar tor aoeytiag, ""Tnrker HaH, ' weratnrw oar hearty Ireanke Many kaelancra of particular JH ieary are epeeial Botica, bat when all did ao wait, M a aaaecna ary tu parkicuiariKe. v , Ketnectrolly, W. B AR B. TUCKER A oa Raletgh, Oct. 13 H, , .' fj0 THE F D B-LIC. NotwIlhaUadittg the ho re htoar hatldlnar, w Ware ready la tew bovr to reaaaw. tmai aena. Energy and altMitln to raaUnner, u iTther with a BiMrmaeeot atork of (auaae. will, we ere aura, stall advance nor aalea, a w ahall easUaas to "aall Iha heat gooda at tha IW",'Tr"Rl .T0CKKRACO. oetU-tf 1 . Jle Kortfc CarollB HOME FIBE INSURANCE CO, : (' -' "f MALI 10 IT, ' IVaiUanra to hwHtra B rliim af property, it rair all loaae rlmptl1f., Aaeiiu la all parte of Uie State. , I . EnaamnuK Home Inttitathaat f It. H. BATTLR, Jr., PreaadawL Baaeow flAUat, 8a. A Tree. dating , M Quousrftir coirisT. HOUTHEUH INVENTION, laaif limfirtirc. Stenci Glaa CyliEuCr Doalilc-ict. in rflraPimp. PATENTED A L'U LeT lhnS, BY A SALDINO The andcralifoed, having the excrudve right to BnuBalactnr aud sell th above Puree in North and South Carolina, hava aaawialeal Uieanaelvni hievUier-undortbc nauui aad atya f the ''Carolina PauipCuui, amy," and liav hig eatabllahed their Manufai bwy at Payclte vilte, N. C, are now prered to fumurii Pumiw at abort aotiea. Science ha at tut triuaapni ia that produrUoa of a Paaip aduuraidy auap led for WeU and other pur,., that sill force water any depth or brtKbt, which, by at tarhtng nun!, at once become a local Fire Ko tias of great power, Uiruaiog Ml to tWgat ion per mwuta. T hi Pump rovnhine nunpltcity and d ina bility. In which the water will never freeae w becmne atale, a Uie cylinder and valve are aomerved, and ao water retaaiue la the pipe whea the Pump I nut la ucaratioa. In Panaaa work aiojoat incredibly iWit, alaaya i iu, . mi wte wnxrr ircan aeo fttatraiuig iron the bottom of the anl, and there ia hw-feut. Uon, the cyliuder beinr glaa. the packing caav aot Wear urcOL the . alien item.' tiumd. aiade of Aintglaaa, aotking on auaiiieet,caa neither wear ec Jam i nete ruuip are pecaliarly adapted!. wHJya( tank in upper aartul dwcllintr, cll. area, hutrl., batiiuig aaloon aiul for railneHta, atrrela, ganlnaa, distillerkt AC TUOimi la- alia, lull lu atin ee water, power. Any unllinry aM-eluuiir can nut llieiu nu hv printed dimboo al..y,.i)Laiiaihe l-uiai. we nave nuuuiiau ul lv.tuaHH.iak, Inau per aona ajio nave aaeit our i aiopa, win. r,H.t great Alialai Uou , in .4.1 lb .c. uik;vm. and w ill aaalaia ait we claim 1. umai. Buy one and aave am uwaraiicx. untial at ten u. at given to ail order. I ne rauie uepth of well watt accompany each order. J. L. hllClll.N, , ila, N C. C. TATE MrKPHi, Sauiiiaaia, N C W. C. TUOV, layelletuk, N. C Su.--efwof. U. J. 1. giti hln. I All imleraiH rNi..MutiH-tou addreated to W C- TUt, Pi.Udie. March n,jsii. ' csuTUTicaraa. raaairr'a Cirrira, rarrrrtvn.t.a, N. C. April M, tail. ' H V i'ma, haa'f CferufM y Ven itaiemfc ; I . Puup yoa a4d m ae'i, nay atoat uiim. eKpectafMMi it dw all yoa ilauaed t . 11. Aa a Etna Kawia it value n incaieav taide. Vt 1U1 tw.-aiv tret of hoar 1 have thrown 1 euiirelt over uj ua'cillite;, w hich hi a i. r; high two and a half etory koaae. My lam II v nouldaot ha without it Aw any eon atueraUoa. a. W. HAHU1K, Sheriff CaatbarhuHl uwatv. Siaara Caaanaa, . buMt... March WlSTt Haviac had gttoen to tweaty rtra' ex perl eaea la goal n untax, aaiiig vartoaa kind of tana.ua fureiug waUar fnaa itreat depth, 1 take pleaau.e in giving in ien-ine to Unave auule bv tho " Caroliut Pump Cowamy ' over all othera for well and other purpoaea. They cow ,uuw aituplicity and-duiiuitty. VALENTIN a MAUNKY, Stanly CoiuityJ Witsoa, M. C. Jan. Sfi, Ufri. . .. Aavaia, Km.. Dear Sir : e have bad yar Raiding' Pump la regular uae, ta-gtuniiur a. varioua ptwioda aimw March, 1KAI, aiHl ale are free to eay, that they, are ia every way factory There ia no indicataoa of wear or early getting oat of order. . All the water that nature baa dcaignrd hi pat ihrutiKh auch a channel can eaaily be brought up,nve byihihlren , for.mii. nary use, aud by attaching hu, and patlnax two to four Bieu f. the lever, the paajp at once berwneaa luawJ hre engine throwing an 1 ttceot water Hiaubdu any lanlinary ttra. W tbcrefiare reuouioiend your pump to th care ful exauiinattoa and aae uf Uie mitilic R. J. l aykir, W. II. Koundtres, A. Barnaw, Probata J., U. II. tirUBa, T. A. Wainwnr.lit, M. L. khtaiea, . Willhuu A Nadal, Jiav B. Oavia, J A Woudard, B. F.BrlggahPt. Waxrwn7N. C, FeW 8, WTL I Bar aed foridx numtlia peat oar of Bald ing'a patent MibuMfged 'waiiai, manufactured atWUaua, N. C by J. L. klbhin, and lakr nleaaure hi reconi mending it to the puhlM- at bavHig give perfect atuatacikRi, In tact I avard It aa on of LU heat puot now ha aaa - K. N. l'K T'KKrfUtl. p ' s M h jr. n r'rs- V - Vat f 9 'Ho 0 2M6lll.n MOIK ISSTITITJOM I 8ECLRJTT AGAINST JMRB I ' NOnTnCaOIalNA EOIE raiKCE; COIPill ' RALEI4.U, ft. C. TU Ooaapaay, aow aaar th doe of th third year of it axiatenee, coaiiaae to writ PirfKiee. a taw ret, oa all ciaeee of hwar ati erotawty. All Loaae are proeaptlv adjaeted aad paid Th " liotlg '' b ear4lv rraaoHt paoik favor, aaat-aiHawla, w.th euoadeaica, to iaar er Af bropany at North Carolin. AGENTS IN ALL FARTS OF THE STATE C. RrarrT, Vrray Pa limner R. H BATTLE. Jr., PaMoaarr. SEATN WALES, Sac, PliljtriKI ( ..owpket. intmmtm. ' , W. It. alURDUCH, Aaa'f. Sau. ' eot a-u Paper aw drerfiiar forth "Hoot" wUI pleate aahaUtut thl tor th dvarlii-a.iiui airxady to then. ' H. I'ACK, , :V ' Attouset at la w, a. f Office, South aid of Market Hoaee.'j KALEIOH, N.42. (, FraeBpt attention glvww to th arranavoMat and eoiler-uei of debt and ta alt outer pro feealiMial bwainea lotroabvl t my care.' Yea will Ind me next door to J. P, bully A Bm., oa Market atreei JelO-U s LJ o 2 r lj NEW GQODS! MARBLE II ALL AND Grand Oxeiiiii? '",'.. or FALL AKD WINTER GOODS Thursday Sept. lih. Adiaitlancg an. Eitjoi Free. 'PELL YOUR NEKIHBORS AND YOUR L friend to coin to When vow will find DRESS 000DS oa ahelvea fter ahelve and plla alter Jul for ul f t, from eoaraa to ttne fabric-, euinraclug alrnoat everything that I new In altte, front a common Ih'lalne 1.1 a handjomc Silk, anj bnaght front the heat Innvortim; limn hi Ihe onuntrr, t 'oaw and took at nei h't lK Ksjt HOODS ha f ir yim wiry..-" W Mle Paahion aiimmci among the mona laln and by tha wvis I "lanne-ne la hilrrrlnr in her talwpe aer.. the k and baateiiing lluonich th citie of the Old W orld with rood f. Creech'. " ' PRINTS, T'KINT One hundred .-. at 614' earth) par ynrt, ie they are well w.(h tlte tuoncy, MM piece 1 U cent per ym. tin m tea, a.id we cheap at that pne piece at fci", rent per ortl.cohanwamuiie.taiHlof the lmt maker, it ny one .oBcr von pi-uit lor lea. and tell von they are of the 1. inukca, (tut on yoor aix before yon hnv Alwara ronie to OreeiHl'a to hny yoor Print . OUR NOTIlON DKPARTMENTOOMPLETE Embracing KmbmMcriea, llannker. htef, Ihivea, Towel, Hosiery, KiWona, ce. Whitottooda, ate. GOODS FOR OETTS AND HOTS. Clolha, Oaaalnterea, Satmcla, Tweeds, Jrana, t, tollable tor fall and winter War, in wlitck 1 reeogntt ao oo.iiti,m aa (Heiy or price, at 1 have the beet avNtinent in the city l" 'ratee the nrtw la ever, lea ance, and it wUI do you ao harm tuetnua Craech'a, heiore yoa bay. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! (SHAWLS AND CL0AK8I1 MUMwtrtiHenU -.wt-rimt-ttip iitig .uiu-et 1 have aiu tela .11 Han. r. -HTWtrhg Tic to Hhuu each. Be aurv lu look at Urokcfa'a V"W HUV. . My atock of : Flannels and staple k ions, tick- . - IO-SeW. I" targe and very cowid. te, will be aold at prices cheap cnouirh tu uwai.uay aalea, aa I vhdd to Bona and hava no partner to dlvuja " u.n w iw. BOOIS AND SHOES ! BOij ru AND SHOES I Yea, 1 aeu Boou nd "--) f run. dud t heeiUta La aayitig thaf, I bav lbs beat aeaoruueut In the city nd caa and plena any haty irentlentaa, leir or child. Com and ec U 1 have got the hoot or Shoe yoa aak LADIES AND MlMHES ITATS. "tew etylea. No aa to talk ahoat wearing tha teak v later taata. for tha aula he aounie ehaiured. Hew ia auod yya wUI Ind good aeeortuieat at Creech', HATH, HATS, FOR GENTS AMD BOVH, 1 RUht from tha auanfacturera. Style Juat the Uilar aad prtree ail ritil. Recollect that Creerk ke,e) good aaaiirtaont and don't paaa by kin whea ya want new Hat. CAIH'ETING. , DsaH forget that Creech waato to nil yoa your CarpeSug. , , ' LA 1)1 EtP AND MIHHES Fl'IW, ItauitaorM ahd cheap, Aa, Aa, : Aad her permit aw to ay, that I hav anared no. paina or aipanaa aa buikllng, ra axodetiag aad giuig apa largoand handeona ab.r ao a Ui ariwaxinodala ny nuianuu Iriend and rartouaer, and tf revaeuliiig good a they an aad telling wood el malde nicuna, wiU ha aay tmlueetneal la buyer, then I want to sail goad to all prnoo who appredaU hargaina, aod if t daa't travel th benefactor' roed.1 will travel the aaanwt path to it. I have aa ti.ua worn, auelf - worn, wound' elaaa or it. faced good to odar Tin. My gmd ant aew ana bmarht wlthta the Ual few oay a. taw't font el ts waMaa to Creech at kn oat ataud, but wiu, uoar coatoa. . ept ldhrnAwlin ! 11EEIC11 HOTEL ' CHESTNUT 8TEEET, Orruarrs Out lHuvniiScns Hux, PlTILADELrillA, a alHElILLNiiiA, PaoraivToa. aplSdtt ,'r LE ASA NT WORDS FOR TUB AF FUCTKDK . Dli TCTT8 N tlTECTORANT "f ORTcOUOha, COLOC, t-.v-T,-;-- Ae,-;; . . . , .,, For-lhe spavtdy fa Tl-f and jrraaaeni cure of Coaaaiitioo, Brunt bitte, Aathina, aud all dhv of the Lout aud Throat lue Exuectoraut ia coaipoand of Herbal aad Muciiagtiioue u.lucta, which permeate the kry auiwUvoi' of the Lung, cauaiug then to throw og the arrld matter wbu B ec,Hwt lu the Bfoacbial tntie. and at th aaioe time forma a amMaiac evaating, relieving lb Irritation which peiKlncee th Cough. It i aeUva, bat auld and cmgeoial. iiniaii Uug functnaMi auer gv and natural eiretk: Ui .It alt.rrda Oiygea to tluhaetfa Bl evd and Nitrogen to aatlmilat to nutter, qalixint( the nervvu tnlaeno and twudoring o,ue i aud oonpwaara. Fur tb Croup it i jcittc. , . , ' Da TtTTH VEGETABLE LIVES PII.IA. For thaenraof Llvei Conii4aiot, Dypein, Jaundha, Fevera, lmi uf A).ieubs Alleliou( of tha Bledderand Ki4neva,Nervouit Ihaeaae of the Skia. Iadureati.ni, tTepurltv of the Blood, Kick Headache, Cuauveneaa, OnMiaeaa, ruaa, Btlaina AS.vtHaaa, and tenuu laiiwaiw, T.a Plllaaie iK.v.Ual,l to all wboniffer frun any of thaws dbwaece by tin lr Judl. ioua aaa the hnwet are kept ia a natural condition uf good health. They do not act a a awr baa p"cy relief, bat keep the konea ayavera m a tonail and vt:ioua abate, by ratify and el Bioat ftnj..ereeptlbly eletuine it of alt linfurl Una lh.7 brarwand iii'U,"at both th (Jiy k and atentai organixafhHi. - Dr. Jaift iVOat, yvta are mirety Veretahls, fentoinhMy aot a parttew of M erenry, and may a takea at a 1 tiiaHs a itnout reatraiiit of oiet or uccepuon. 1 , . 1' DK Tl t ri IMPKfA'AD li.kiil I'YK la warraated tha beet hi the baited Bute.' Prepared at the LaleaWry of WM. II. TUTT, IS and Plat, etreajf; . J.; aad A areata, .a. Pur aale by Doalar la Med tela vrywaer ect lta ,1 J J AGON t BACON II , JHflno Lha. Bacoa SUea. ' aaptila-U ' 44 T. BTROMACIL Ti, "" P0f yw " 7 1S40. 1870. FOR THIRTY YKAK8 Ha that well known, ataadard, aad nopauw remedy tha ' PAIW KIII.I.R, uaurartnred br Prrrv IHivia A Boa, Prod-' denca, K. 1., been heforw the puhlie, and ta that time ha become knows In all nana in? tb world, and bean aaed by ide of all nation It reaawna, to day, tualaame goud and eih cbjot retwraly. It womltu'ful power tn reltev big the ec 1 evcr laun hat never bweaaqual. ted, aod it ha cwriHxi it w,rM-wtdc tmtmlarity by it tnmitate werik No rarBtiva ient ha had ao wida-aprrad aale or islven a-h aniver aal aatiafacUoa, Th vcriou Uta for which the Pata Killer ia aa unfailing rue, are hvo wel! known to rontlre re"pitulUn In thl advrr UaentenV A an external and nlrraal ntedl etna. the Paia Killer alanda aarivaied. liireo hon Mwompanv eat h bottla . Bold by all Uiiurxtala, .aT'ilt.lAln,-- I BOOKS. THE AN(iEL IN TI1E CLOUD, A BKAI'TIKUL roEM, ,.,. .Edwin W. Vollii. E. J. Hals A Sua, Ptiai.lnMaaa, N. Y. Uandaomcly bound. Price fLUS, For aale at the Book.tor of 1 ALYRKD WILLIAMS. aoglS-tf JUlLW vU LOTS FOR SALE, " " lu the Nimlteastmi part f tha City. t h-U iftomv.'ij font fronting. Kdeatoa Street, tl " pl.t i Ut fronting Per eon ttroet, S M lllb,.va feet Inintilig Jinvea street, 8 Jill feet fronting Jiwai atreet, 1 o atothn, htlrunllnK Blood worth atrret, Ftwtcnua aptdv to P. A. W iley, CaahierCit- Uun' JaaU.aiwl suk, or at vurth 1 1 arolln Land . o., 1 achat Mall. July SI tl 8 LEE A CO. , WHOLESALE GR'OC'ERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS MARKET SQUARE, APPIR BRANDY. jinU.Iehw..Neb. Bvandy . augSt tl ' U. T. BI KONACH; QVlllIt UUfRl, ATTOnSCT AT I.Ar - - - - Raleigh, N. C. -f PracUcet la the Coarta of Wake, and In the Fcd.it! Coarta, givaa apacial attentioa to the aj guilt tj, nne ta uta nupreni aanrt Of N. C, aollect chtlma againat auy Fir or Life 1 nan ranee Company in th Hulked State, and attend promptly to any other oruftmanHial butnt inlrnated to him. fek7U . (Q LOCKS. CLOCKS, LARGE ASSORTMENT ' OF 'CLOCKS, OLD. AND NEW 8TTLEA ' . IED. FASNACH'B ' Iititu Btoss, 8 Door abova Meatra. Tucker. febaVtf 9 CNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. SUPERINTENDENTS AND TEACHERS OF J Sunday School ace Informed that they aaal Sad at th oooastor 01 , , , v . . ALFRED WnXIAMS, t aonrrdet aaivirtment of SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS onwaiferiwa or Prrmera, Siietter an-t Keadera, Caterhhuna and Qtuatio Book, Sunday School Hymn ana fuo Hooka, 'f l( k'cta, UVwrd Card. Ac., " finiiky School LilVraile at kit price, "Ctaal Rook, XI mute Book. Roll .- noon, and Keiiirtr, Bible lHctiona. 1 - riea, 'l eehimcrrta with Notew, Bi bl.Tao.rf lomntaatall prirtla, tuj.i's ",i'.'.I4 and PaaLac- ci. Metlneiwi und I'reeoy- , Via ttyam r Jfanduh Alao, Jnlre.ilved Ui , KEW BAPTIST HYMN BOOK. A lilieral diaeoaot will ha mad to nndav ache. da baying hi quantity, hotid tor Cata loutioand 1'ricea. ALFRED WILLIAMS, V I ntavaStf Biaduutller and Stationer I -a a in INOINa CLASS. I.llire beet leave to announce that a will tart a Male riiiKiiig aktat arat week. A re; alar aod Utorouna eoum of training will he givaa. Thuse a ho with ta Join will pieaa apply at the aew Muake Store. Tann! 8J.MI per month In advenes. ' aug li st Paur. A. LILGB. CERTAIN PARTIES HAVE TBIKD TO lead Uie public to think that wc hav dis continued the hoofing Baatnetoi J V LI tS LEWIS C o., Bat-xioa, N. C Will continue to maki eoetrtHa, for Roof tng Bolnlioga, and all kind of Tla and Sheat Iroa worn. - ALL WORE WARRANTED. -,. apt tft-tf .-. PTHE GREAT BOOK OF TllK-'AGR. ' 1ICIS0.TI rilCTICll F1IUJ1B. : . : - - ..,;...;.. t VoL Maalla Editloa sUittt. . Saav at Maovoa aii-r or .mica, , N. C Book Store, - a AS. a ENNIBS, AgV ""' '. BalehA N.C, July la tf QUMMER FURNACES, fJtr aa)a at Uie ' Uardwar H vara iloaae of . CULS LEWIS. j cV"1 aw,. " rptiTsburg rroMl v MMeeaa1iig advantage over any of hit fonoer itroducliiHU or any otburt now in the market, . y' ., -. . Uf- Every Pre I fairly b,Ud before lent mg our Work with Suo pouuria of cotluu. Prtoe fur Colhai Pre delivered na the car at Peturalitirg. , (17)01) Price for Hay Pre, v ' ' & For tarlhar mformttloo, add ma T-JBABt-FYr BLACK A CO., -septwd'lni 1'eteethurg, Virginia. All NEAR RALEIUIJ POR HALE. Under Judgment of ihu Prrrtt C:ourt of naaeuaatity, 1 will ell ua Vovnltr, the WUh day of (It-loner, 1071, oil the pic.i, at uMie anclH.M, the tract of land containing eboet l t-n, fotir mile north f hale -ii,. o tins lialelxti A Kattoa Unilrimd nd l...ioa. ""V ffadi kuown aa the JA. (JB MoituhCAl It will b told In Villi riHt ais. One third of the nunrftiMui ...... ... i ... i caeit, th runaiiidnr ia 1 montha. Bonth, awl gouu aecutiiy retpiircd. . riaeiKI aviqtl.KI?AI, ' . . . . Adn'r and CVmuiiMtoner, 'Betd S d Ida. , . ' N O TIC E. t A nwoa4sr IA fg if RaltifS da roVi, auuHeaa, ; . s.. t . 1 ha city collector of Uvea shall reuae to ha wetared, Un, tine at eopiw medal, with the woru " tat paid," ewinpc.1 wKn,vei1 Iherooo, th eia.1 ol wbu h t noltoeaeed ecu ia eai-h, to he paid by tlie city. U ahall ba the duty of aUuwneraof dog or alola in the city to proenre (Voin Ihe collec tor oa pajtwr the pn.twr tax, a medal at above described, which haS he altaclmd to said atilmafx ' V ; It ahall ht the duly of the CWef erf Pollcs hi laptar all dtar or alula found in the aLreel or any puhlie j.lc In Ui city, nithoul Ute foresaid wralal, and to ima,und khn or h r lor tor, dan, and 11 the earn ahall not ba m eUiined aud Uie proper tax and all roeta and enargea paid witiiia aald lime, then It thai! be hi ttuty to (ait said animal to deal a. tor hi ervbe. la carrying out thia onlitiance the elite of Police ahall la. alh wed at loilow ! For cafiture uf the ftntutal Sil cenla for (ued of th in per day 10 teui ; for killtim the raw and tranaMruiti.m ol the earcau tu uuk place a ia reqmr.d by law aw-cla, aim k -, If not paid by Uie owu.r, iluul ba a lirg Uk,u Ute ellv. Tlie Ckiisf of Polc ahall rent a lot aiihla or wnUneit the city limit, nd prire tbe as to be Bred a Tjogjid ; Vus Xitiiiilurea ' (it which (hall lie, with Uie ad rice and c.llellt of ttt aouautte of aceotiiita, pud by tit city. If th dor or aim belomjiig to my pcrana not a reaident of tnt city, or w.tiiiu one mile of tha city hoe near tee, ahali.at aectired unuer the forejrouig proviaiout, Uie tame aliall be Oe. hvared to the eluliuant williont tVaree, pro vided the claim ahall b made witi.ki twenty, fun. liour after aelxure. SuV if nhl awl wlu.ii. .. i hue, tb clalinant ahall puy coat ahd,cuargi.a. H'aiiail not tat lawful to wiu am d. or tint belungltig to hy per, u not a rfeidcnl of tbe city, if to animal ahall he attacked to tin, vehieks of the owner or ahall he wiuiiu hi per tonal preaents. Tha Chief., of Pollen thai I I uth,Hied at ' the expenac nf th city, with ill, adj,osi,d eonaent of Ui eowuilllee ul cwuta, to have prepared each inatinmeni r. rapiurtiuy ute auiiuaia nauie ... ui.j.n. u ..... . i ... uy be neceaaaty .,U p,.iper. lni ordieauee ahall Mo into oiHu-atlnn at llto 'end of twenty d lioui th dale uf pubti eutionx t he aVva la a trn copy of th proceed intrt of Uie t fkj OominUMlouvra at Jltlr ueeUur held Septewberiiotn, leil . .. .. J ; M GRAlSiMN, act U W, ) Ki k. JpiANO FOliTK S. JAMES PIRBSflN, reatfi,llv itifiaina the publie, tht ke baa JiiaLreceiK. .t,- s of tliose eefwrior Piano Port,-, of lb, ii i. k AT UN1UN CilMI'AlllY (IE dkW t'lli.n. to which he invite Uieh- atlintion. 1 be inonena, reaoaree of Un eMiaiy w the ah! of citp llal, ntacninery and olber fm-itniea, enable Uiem to put their Pianoe at tench lower rale than any other knit clam eatabilahineut aud pereoua liout to purchaee WiU Slid tl mn. h lo thetr sdvianbure to eU and eiauiine Uuo Piano tatorprr4iaimg eieewher. Oct U f yTTFTs S c o a Lii! w I ua dally expecting CIR IICNDKKD TONi OF COAL 'f SUITABLE FOR ORATES! If pun. baaed to arrive. It will be avid ib,-p, , ' "; ' ; , DOl'ULAS BKLU .,. ept S7 lf next to Ui Y arboru' Ih-Vl r