.7 ,A ' '4 - '. i S' - I - - : "' . ,' .... , - LXL l- ' - If t i . i I . j jSSIUTmKft. Jr.. NUM. JfllH xrKLUVWU Ufal Mil.. TUESDAY. JNUVKMBKB l. ISil. SKXriyZL fOH TU It 8K8SI )(. The $BKTuntl will be placed on desks nf metnliera or left t their residence by ' leaving the order at our txunluig rosHM, of with our reporters. '-.-. , jrite report of Mb brancha will be a fiill Britl Oumplote u our paoa .mU peri luit. , ; ,, ' . j . Besides onr legislative report, the Bs' TivRb willrxmUoafwUreyiicUof the cir, nit court which meet natt BuMrda lj. the trial of the kukluj cant Stail ia the order. - . ' ' "' JtAMOX.ASD JPJTUSU8rBlLLir$ y4'laMiea readerr will retoemUr.wbea "I'hheua a cilndenined, and wlshod I fure thr tlajr if eieetilMia, lo make aom I iiuiljf arra'ngeitteiita, hi friend Dam(i lo'unleemd W take hla place U piW j 'a m Hie ipiock, if nuicoi oia nui w t in. ritheiw wa dUjd aud did aBoi i. iuro w toun at tia Mpcctad. ,Wbea bt ' did rettmi be und tti friead oa tto cai fuld foadjt (or iuwvutiun. . ! Tliia waa heroic aad doatrtring all praia Tlti frieadabip ol, Daoo aad Fitheuk waa never aurpaaatd, out ate try that 4 Juuailino and Duvid. . ,'. , j , Hut biaWjr oaijf rvpeat ,iiaciC aV Lug Vrry.ul llie lUtii fiurt.'Hivea of diaUilatvaUid trMwlahie kafilly iW bt tliat u( thuiuw and' I'MrmU' i JuuAiliau and Daid. A owruxpoaiici . i'jf fthe Ptilb'oiog'hlifittJobartr - tlve" a: "Furqtrlte a Butubef of y 1 luva bean the proaa aad, pt ( tt iend il llli lri)Hipa.od am at ill hi pe Hiid (r limit, ftulwttluUiuiiog be ia bow k munlKTiif Ui rt(llen party, whilal , ri-miu aufuaeriaiittt, I havareaJ of ll4 " f am time to time, with pain, from rario ji.iHii, iaJinyly atrrer atncturaa opoi, , not W J a boa of, Mr, rbillijat and otbar - iltni(,'uilied gsutk-uiea of bw party, that line been in my o)HiiUn both impolitic , and Biijuat. Aad while I ilo aot think he 1 endowed with that peculiar tibaracter at 'r wuid rnjmt to otaka a atatwraan, I ck ! t iiuk he baa alreed acquired a deatmradjy -. , algh reputaUoa aa a tawrer and etboUr, aa will aa for integrity of characU and the )gb tirtoea of a cbriatiaa geatlenua. lr. riullipj ba beea for mora titan - tiity year a true friend of dear frienn n.io.' f briii( thU inattef ljefiwa Ji, Mr. lianea, becaoas 1 bare alwaya regarded y.m a be from perauoatltiea, prrjudnlr a id luhruiitiw til leaipar. a aauai .mi- ' ; WblUJ atoa)ftiV eiiitor you were aever bitter ur abaaite. I tuaka thla an occaiuon to ak you.a . c inxidoration of old axqnainlaaoa, if tWt tiling are not an, and if you doa' tkiak - tlu paiiple'are tired of aewapafter penxav J'ttalliaa,-' t'a .'Haa.' ot th . preaa of Nortl ,Caoliii,i!iiue too pta anaal, abuvWe, and vituperative. 1 4 ' if Hia atata, evrf n di d the awdatanceVd ( ail her true aoua It i now ia tha dark day ; of her prmtratloB and aurrow. ' v..1, . "TUtt," ay the rtrry, " i ftora fi pea of aa eminent member of tha , vative party who sow fill high poaitkia j, 1 the government," , H ho i thia Damon, offarUig hinuelf ja t a eubatituta and" facrlttca ' for Saeii ritlieua Phililjait' Mr? Phillip 'Waa) early friend. We bad great regard (or courtdenoe hi him. He deonired w, t betrayed hi friend and hiawHtntry. could have only Ultle tnore ntli(ei , him tbaa w havw in Klrk.'llolBen J Burgen, wJiuw ha up()orled auj aulJ ' in their vireswrotrg- and uiitwaloa of ofleading citlacaa, VV igarded pol , Kirky aad Uerinm aa anenilea ef ' firotrcrniiictit. ancial ordur and civil Ubertv and wa )Mrt Mr. IilHpt in th aanMcjaa , - with Uka fijr.ita gatt. Uhw iua , wrgrteiit afld aupport, ; ; I '., !" . i We Venture thi f CiDlarvativa " fcttder of Mr. Phillip ia ho better 1 Mr. Phillip httnaelt The eonUtutloiial J adiu of thv .Tarry ;, he, t" ConaurVa- tive,") bow hold a hitfta nnaitioq ia ihe l .,. : gowrumest. If we had to gueat, would aay Oonasrvativa " waa Tim , rHeHcr, I'o(4 or Cobb. ,Wti tall i ' vative When the robber are ia the hi r there i ao time for wild word aad c4ia- promiae, either with thean or their aliea. . 1 .'.it IKUIULAILK1C. Thin Uly aaaetubled ia tha capl apltol at a,' ehled 11 a'elnrk teatrniaV. v . f , I , . la the rjuaate, Prendout W arrek thai body to ordur, aad after a few oW " t graiulatury reutarka, direcUd tha cietl e . call the roll. " . i - The fcat buaine f tbaaeaaion wa introduction of bill by Mr, ,iWUIi eenaUir front ltoWaid, fbf di'veta change v. tha cunatitutiou of the atate. , T'B and action tlierww' wW t-found In Beuate reporfe. - - ;. ,: : , In the lliuiM Ppaker JarvU wekwat the meniber In a abort anprouriaUi ipeW whirli will be found ia tha proceeding i ... . that builf ;:,' X4 ' - There wantrj three rucaiber to ruae a q toruai fat tha I bat. After the pech frotHth ipeaker aad callot the roll,lh lionet adjourned until jO o'clock to-day After t o'clork tha train from the ten tt-otL'ht ia a number aniflcient to make a uuoruia lu th Ilnuae. ' " I Tha talk aroonir "'tha lomrnuera id aJl HHit ameadnimt to the crwfttitatlon and a abort auwioa.,,,Our peritoa ha boa t Jt when all the member work for a abort euMua H ia then difficult to) wake it "W hope the you rj men who eompnavfhbi itlure will meit with mora (uucew than did tteir olJ prtilue"iWr jit oui dny. The citizen of K.Ji'ih katejnut Unit ao d:iboii.4rtiv lowaf l iliiS'Ll ui ber of the kKiitre a tha cite rj of Jtew Verk owari tiie Priuca Alexis, bot 1 1 cir welcome wa laora h uncut, aani(t fcuilaowervi' '. " f.egiUtur6f North (nrolini. . ' MENATK. , it? --v w.iAt, No.ao.:fc The milr rod at 12 o'chs-k, Mr, Trcsi- dent Warren in the chair. I The roll wa called anil lb followtu", enalxn were fiun.J U lie prescntr Missirs. Adams, Albright, tScau , Hrit- do, Urown, l'.k..l .titM d. Iiargao. Klein Ming, llihiier, Uiahain of A lata, J aics. King, Latham, l-ehinan. faauiiev, lorn nion, Normi-nt. Olds, Rohbms of Dane. Kobbins of Rowan. Skinner, Waddrll, Warren. Whitewde, Worth. A qiKsruut Iteiug found present, nidcu( Warren briefly addressed the Henate. cuntrralulatmi: uimiU-m . tihrir )r.iirt apnraiu IV 1mj, UiWaalu arrival, w. . ifn Biatum 'f Mr. I.tuua a iumiiii(t mjut enl U tlie lliMim bifnrniiii(i that V'dy if the rewJiuuM of the rWiwtu t pi'4 rd to buainia. ' ritwT bi'i.i. or Ttia icwin.. Mr. IfciejBiita, of.BowaBjJintroiliK-cd htl CHitittual 1 Art-n- Iter iljZ. taMii. tioajf North (,'arolin " - OMvrni Ui Ix-jirini d and maile ajiecl d order for b morrow at 1 o'clock. Hy. lbxtwrxa, of Km aaovwl that a nieaaafre he aent to thu i , ij, to raaw Joint netort cihijimu ih i titutlonai reform. Adnpie'l.' B motion of Mr. NoniiCTit, th Ix ing do furthtuainea ruxly, the rWuate ad journed tiQ 10 o'tliick to-momiw. int. riihikn' biia. The follnwing i the bill introduced by Junalor W. M. Bobbin ' T" alter the oMi.tllutioo of North Carolina :" Acr fo At-TKS TUB 0oaTiTtrto or NoHiii Cabju r. J'A (JmtriU A-tmJJy oj ' Nmrlh Citrtliitu ,lo tnaei (Throtlftlia of all tlteotna liera of aaeli liouae concurring ) 1'lut the conatitutioti of thia atatu be altered aa follow, to wit: Auien4 auction ix of tl fimt artlflr-l) atriking out the firi claitMf tfli rvof, dowa to, and iucludlug the word "but'' in mid aecuon. Amend aection two of the cjiid licte hy triki( out the word "annually,'' and ItuertiiiK, In lieu tlujHol', the wold "biennialiy. i Amend aeetioa tin' of the aecoti.1 uriii I by atriking out all that pruwhw the wi I i. "the aald arnate dUuicU, and by lrikmg out alau tlut phraa "a alorumid, "f " Add a new auction to the r oiid ni li to be rtyled "aection St), and to read foilowa: "Kach mnuUir of the 1 11 aaaeoibty ahall Imi allowed three- ilollan. fur ditm whilat atumding Un the act etonf thareof ; and for each eeneion ho at tend, ten cent milage lor ever? mile In may have to travel K"'"K h hotm to th capital and returning, the d;l aim to b aatioiatcd by the wuat oonveuieiit route. No memlier aliall receive per dim for any daya when he ia alweot ttoin bin place, anleaa nrr (food enuae, to !' juiluil of by the Houne of which he la inrmlxf. tttrike out Uie word "Hupuiiiitetident f 1'ublic W'orka," wherever they occur in tha constitution, ao aa to aboliah that i.tlhe. Anund arctlon one of the third article by atrikinK out Uie word " four yeur " aad Manning in Ueu thereof the word two year." Amend aection of the third article by atnkioa; out lite worii "annually" and inaerting in lieu thereof Uie word " bu n oiaJly." N , 1 Amend aection ten of tlie third srti. h by atriking out Uie wor.'.n " or wllich l th be created by law." , - Btnke not BerOona two and three of ie fourth article. ' !-;' ' ' j lnM.it the word' "comity court" lu aection four of tit fourth article, iuiuu diaUly alter Uie words " aupnnor oonrtu ;" aad, In the aama aectiua, strike out the wonUkiiectal eonrta" and ima'rt tn lieu thereof the word atu:h inferior tribiuul, m citiu aad incorporated towua, aa uiy tiaaulhoriaed by law' Alter (Maina eight of the fourth article In that aaid tection ihall read a fullnatj : "The aupreme court aliall twuutUt of a chief juatica and two anauciate Iunticea, Varaociae which almM ocear during Uie oltli ial term ol the prrarnt jnatrfiraof tltix court ahall only he Ailed when that wll oot make their natrilairciccrd three.' ) Slnke out aeutioiui elefeu, thirbwn, U teen, aeventeen, twenty live, and thirty thma nf tti futtrth anWK' i Amend the twelfth aection of the fourlh article by atrikingouk theword "twelve" where it tweara in aaid auction and inaert ing ia lieu thereof the word eij-lit ; and, ia Uie aarue auction, strike nut the woal " two week "laud inner! in lieu llieroof (lie worihi "u'h leuglb of time, iu each C"Ui ty re)iectively, a may lie prcacribed by law." ' i tkrtk j lt irrtlon IllWn of the fourth article and iueurt hi lieu thereof the (nt kiwlug : " The general aaaembly ahall o 1 via (or wiaeahuilaaliaaiiiii at enuaty courta uf the aeveral coontina, thiirta of juti wf itk paax ami lior inferior rttkbu'WI Mthoriaed by thia wmiiiiiitiifiipriw rllK' and reuulaielii law tlie jupati icUon, iw era, and dutiei' Of 'tlie iiiperior courta,1 ol thacoontv courta, 4if, the court of juntiti of Ui peaoa, and if tha otiiar inlerior trtbuaabi, provide a proper ayatera of peal, alio, wncn- nereaaary, eHtammn alia prt'jibe nicthinii nf piticcudjiig lu nl ol aaut ouurw a kub araiaiacaion w uie vi?r nen cofttina withia heir reaueetiva iutia dictioa, ao tar a the aauie may be dane Wlllioui ooniiicung wiui we provuuonaoi thia MMatltntiim.o ' '. uii conimuuniL" j i Amend aectloa twenty i ol tfia fourth arlicla by aUiking out ail tliat part which beinn with and iollowa the ward but ia aaid aectioq, and, iu lieu of tha part' ao trliken out, ln'rtiny the following; 4 And auy oiuoera, Including Hire of tin MUoe of th peaoa, perUiuins to Uie tir nalzaUoB of tha couaty court, aa they may b constituted by law, ahall bwchoaen by the voter of the rwpecUve countic fur aucb tarm aa uiay bo preacribod ,uy law. riha voter or earn precinct, tabliahed a ia cbwwbera provided in thia couaututioa thall elect two juaUce of Ui peaoa wooaa term of olltc ahall be dxad bv law, whoae itiriadictioa ahall ax- tend througliout, their county, and who fliayaJaa -aut a dusucu ol tnaeoutity oourt in ao far aa, may ba pratcritawl by law. TTaa geoaral aawmUy may provide for tha election of more tlijui twi uathie ef th poao In thoae uiei incU which ovu tain citie or 'town. Tho chief Biagi- tratcaoi cttiea autt town shall Have, all th newer of luatice of the neare. ex- oept the right to act a Justices ol the eounty oourt." . . , j Amend aection tliirty of the fourth ar Ucle bf atrtkHig out U word ' town- hip," and weening in lieu thereof the word precinct;" also m the aauie li.n, atrika out tha word , " evmmiaaioneraj tor th county," and inaert in lieu thamif, th word "county oourt, Aatcad awiou rata and aen-n of Jt he fifth article bv ttnkins out tha wiord " mniiaiotirjr,' wliere it occur is laid aavtiooa, and in lieu thereof, inaerting !the worda "county courts." .. f , ., . ' Ktrike out Bfctioa four of the fifth ar- kla, , - i Insert U wiwd and " befura Uio word " BBtveyor,' ia ectioa, una of Uie ventb article, and auike out tlie wmda aud live coiainiamUinera," ut said section. Amend aevtioa two of the aeventh aril cle atriking out the word "eotutuut-J skMH-r, , and iMaerttog ia b UH-Teof, the word "county courta; and la the same section, nkotlt the word, " Uie raia tcr of deeds shall he txntmo, clerk oi tlie braird of cxnnmLsaloaeri.'' - " f ttirike out section three of the afventb article, and iu lien theivof ihsert the fol klaws: "lb county lourts ahau Mali tali a suitable number of suUdiviaiooa, not , L toe(wt one for ew h urte th" iy .' 'n- compact aad convemeut, r-nts in h,,pfl, aad atarked out by d- tiatta tionoda rie. which ay tiaaltcrnd wbB neiaHBa.y., Ft. el ulivoie.o ahull b known ,by thf tiKiiie of (weiiiK-tA 'I'liey hJI hat no rtorpiwwte poem,J Th townahip govern mi nt are alil'liiJieil The houndarica of the ' lie llll le- the Mine a thine wtiM-h hrretofi-n- ibfiiied the taniie. until they are alt.wi by the (Aunty c.iiiroi." Strike Miit f i..rn lnur. tive. i(, ten and eh ii of he acvenlh aitli le. Anu-ieJ aectinoa i ilii an 1 uiue of the M-venlh article b fltrkiuy i.iU the Hifd " ii townhip, where they a''nr in mud Me'.tintia. Wiike out tout Ihn "f the ninth ar ticle, id insert in li. u lln rmd ihc h.lt. iuy : " The tienerHl AcmMy nh.iH make .-.oitable :'i- M-nit b) (aa f-f llie manage ment and re'.'Ulaiiim of the pnli)ii w in ! ami fiw iK-r; tiu tin public arhuul y tern, and nhall pr-rdii- the dittim of the ii'i iht.-iident ot publu utl ne I in. ' hinkr iai( MN-imn five id" thr ntulh ni-ticie and m rt in l-i-u thcr'-'il the t. it lnainc: " The tiimrai A-w ftibh xh H have power to jiriivi'iu fur the e.lcvtiiri of truaicee of tlir l iineraiiy of Murtli. aritiiia, in wl ooi. when chinen, nhall I Vested all the priy1l((i. rights, fratw hie and eudowiueoui iMrrutofoie in any wwe tiranteil Ui, of confeinal upon the U.rd oT truatma of Mid Univeraity ; and the (4ebrral Awietubl v make ueh pne viaiona. Iuw and regiilathm. from li to liiue aa ntay be uucciwary and exptdient fur the maintenance and luanaemcnl ot aaid Cniveraity. Strike out acrtionit thirteen, fourteen and lifluii, of tin; niriili artn.lu. Amend aeetioo ten of the eleventh artU cle, by utrikine; out- the word", ' at the cbnrge of the state," and inaertin;; in lii a theroof, thu worda, '' by the state, ami uch of them a are indigent, at Uie charge of the state." Add to no tion seven of the fuiirtw-nth article the following : "No KTaon hold iug an ollice under the Cniu-d States shall, at the aaiue time, hold any ollice under Uim state." Ilc-niiiul?r the sections in thiwe artich from whicli any auction ba betti strickee Hit without the insertion of a new one in Ita place, ao that the new and the old sec tune, may lie enilmdiwllotrrther and nurii Im4-..iI cjiiisccii'iitAtli irivini. to anv new pectiim auiwlitllted lor nuother the same uuiiilM'r ahich. by the method alore-said, would lie iriveii to the scciuiu forjahirli it is Hutjatitulcd. IIOI SE OF UKI'KKSENTATl V KS. Monimv, Nov. 20, 171 The ilnuae was called to order al f" o'chs-k, Mr. NiM-aker .Isrvis in the ( hair Prayer by llcv. Mr. tlmysuu, of the Hoiimv Mr. Hjicnker JarvisaddretiSi'd Ihe lloiin1 ua follow ; h'Mne Mnuhmt of lh r'eruiit your pntudinotlii er to i oiu;i d ulate you and the pi.le whom ,iu u p rim-nl, llem your salt)! return lo tin- hall id lejisliitioft. IH'I oii a I - ui p r 1 1 mi I ii u We all have abundant can . to I., ll.mk fill that wheu the clerk shall in a i- nun ulea cjlII th roll, it cannot Ix an 1 ol mis of our h llow Diemliem, " he ha 'oiir to that bourne Irotti' whence no travelh'r re turn," but a kind Pmviilcjicc lots watch ed over us during our aeparatiiMi and weJ are rfimitted to re laawiiible upon 1 1 1 i - onatdiniouitlly a,iinled day tor the iiieeliii of the general aaeiuhly ol North ('nrolina Ui -uiiier bi(rcther and mature tltctal fnoasurei4 taist adapted to promol.) the inUrts and prosa:rit "I our a-opre. W hat those toeaaure shall be. it is not for me eveu to sueat in llnne br ii-l' riv mark announcing the oiienini; of nir ri-gnlar annual session. i c . ferlln, iu couillloii with you, a deep inUr.Hl in whatever concerna the people of North 'Carolina, I am inclined, even tit the risk of censure, to allude to one iiuitiou of j great public ruoruHit, which in iiij opin ion ueiiiauoa our tiunwaimu' aiienrion, and one Uain which 1 bojie we may all agree. Just le fiire our lasl a."iinnn. nt, we phased law sutimitlin to the loopletlie location of nulling it convention to auiead the constitution ol the slate. The people ru their aotereign cauuity, at the ballot box, on the duya pMiiuU?d by law, aa will aia-r liy .the retttru of their votes, do cltued to cull the proposed convention. What the rciuons wure that induced tlnjin to take thia action need not now he iu tplimd into, only so far aa necessary tn en able us to -see clearly our path of duty in the litytfi yrtotnt, and lieyond this any disctMeioh tif the tUitd jut 1s witln'mt profit. It ia enough for us to kuow that the people in a lawful way have spokun their will. It now Iwcomos our duly to conform our action acrnrtiiiigly. , Upon thu great iluuatioii of constitu tional rvfonn tlie people are with us they only dilrered with ua; at to Uie Buale of doing this by a convention and by lejcls iative emuaineut. We have tried the iie Uiat wo tlmuiit wa the apiK'dnwt, and it failed. It isitf Iwi'jMuea, iu my opiuion, our impuralire Uuty to try Uie other, for alter all the accomplishment ol the reform 1 the rmif oueation, and nut the mode by which it is dune, ao that it be done in a lawful way. in whatever light the action of the peo ple in declining lo call a convention may be viewed by other k hct iicr u i ti lauiity or a bleasing. - I am not aueiig thoae who regret that the canvass Wa had and the election held. Our bill of right teaches ua the ijri-at lev-ui that "a frequent fucurrt'iuK to iiiild.iiiiinlal prita-i pica it aliaulutely ttist-snary to pnatirve lliu liliwina ot liberty." The elei tmn waa, in part, " a recurrent in luudiooen tal pniwtpltw, and 1 hope will coutnlaite auuiethiiig to' " pruaurving the blusaiii of the liUtrtiea" of the lxsiiile, which snein to be silently but surely passhig away, in the canvass, tlie blowings aud burdens uf our present constitution were laid bare, the people became Imlter In- toruieu as to i ia iiniv MHona, ami l uojie we are all prepared to unite upon th only rentainuitr tnnue at smkiuir Inmr the cia Miluuou tlioae fvaturu which exn-rienf ba taught us to be oliju tnmalMe. Iit u addrea ourwlvo to tin iuiirtaul Uuty ilk imWi-ioU, bim! not aa ivutiuui. Lot the liicknringt of party aud of section be hualied while we are engaf;eil iu the patriotic effort of iinproving our present lutiitirruiKia etiiisutiiuon. The only hope for tlie prosperity t'nd gnmiaca Ol rior tn I aroluia u iu the tat tienf and ctmatant toil ot be sous, in oouraged by .the bright amilca of lui daoirhter and fostered hy Kood Bud wholesome taw ecunoniicajly aud faith fully administered, ho for as her weal Can lie rtterted by h-vis!alhi, her interest, ia for the pnwcjit committed to your hands. It 1 fsr yon to say whether this grind old common weaiia anau couunu Hi tan ghiah(m, ber coergle crippled by an 111 advised conatitution, her recuperalive power paraliBpit by an expensive system of government, h,i rewuic- of weillh kept ftarkeU Up by burden of taxilKiri, or whether throwioir oil; the hackle,i that bind her down she. shall mart h ' (or ward llieaa Ui hiyh road t im-is-o. rnv and to groetnem, t titkethat plwv m this ;reat isterhiaal wf ' staU fVtundcil by our lath era, aud w hich-of rifclii utloua lu b'1. Men die but their work do not alway die with litem. We are to-da dStiuioc.. iaif Ui' aeooud volume ol. our haiVuttive hisuiry that wdl be read by Unw who are to come after ua either with emotions of grap tituile for our exalted palrUtianr w with curses di-op and bitter fur our selfish to- piility, , IjH u m act, let a so perform our part, thai it Will ba the former and not ' ' - ' "' - U. lailci. The clrrk will call ,UW roll. The clerk called Uie roll and Uie lolluw iiig, niemlwn reapohded in their naraea ; JHcatt, Aah,' Atwater. Brook, Broad fit. Brown, itryaat of Halifax, Bryan of Juwea, Biinn (,'afhor Clinard, (lolli. t'nrrie, IKrdi-n. Iirakcy Dudley. Uuckwitk,iaiiii, Faulkner, KlehlieK Knrr. tiarriwni, Uomlwiti. tion-, JrHyn, timiher, llamptoo, Harris of limllord Harris ol Franklin, lli-.ndelsoii, ll nia ton, Ifinnant. Johnston of BnwaiilaN ,hHi ol l atdm-il, .tovnef Ol" JutllUttoB. Kelar-v. Laatib-r, Ijoftin, lyuckev. Mtrtia, Marl.V. Mavwell, Md.Mlirter. Mit anlev, lIcN.ili, Morgan of Wake, Nicholson. ItaliklO, If' avis,, ililiilli, Sluilh of Alison, Siriilh it fjabfat. TiB kerof t'raveB, Wil lis, Wiamuk, WismIIiousc, Youug of Wake, York .',). 3io iioriuii laiiiir ureswit, on inotiunof Mr. .1-!.-, of i'nM well, rail of the I louse wa had, 'ait he. uruii allowed afterward to withdraw it. i)n motion of Mr. Marler, the lions theii a.ltourmd. until to morrow al It) ,'.:Uk.j l!fNirld for till- rt. li! Inel SOUTH C.iJUH.lSA A SO HI.VLVfA CjililS ft. I .V ' OSh'KHKM E Mr. Zi. .N, Oiujii.k Co , N. 'J,, NovemU-r 17, IN71. A The N rth ( arulioa and Virginia ( an feri nci lie t lu its annual sirssiou at tint place today, ami Wa oailed to order by the former neident. TI.e lollowiiii aptM-ared and bwik their -!als Minisum Thoa. J. Fowler.H. Appli II. II llayca, A Isiev. Win. S. l-on. It, i. finriiii, .1 W. WeHons, A. Auder--m, ('. A. Hism, W. T. Walker, Thoa. Tniitt, .1 W. Hatch and K. W. lVale. Lay .l.-K'ati-s: V. II. Adkins, A. Mo rtn, II V. t.tlev, J. i. I.aicetun. Henry Mav, M. ('. W'iuAm, J. It. Farrall, I. II. Fit iniiiiri, J.ti. Garrison, U. W.Maynard, Albert (iraham, AJvis Kino;, Joseph liar, die, Ih-njamiii Mathews, It. P. Hmith. N, (J. Wilodcll, J. F. Mann, Tho B. Karrar, M. V. M. i aulcy, W. C. 'Tanilcy. A Whit sett, Thus. Truiit, M. H. Muring, J T. Hall, AU is Slot,,r, A'jn Ki id attd Jim' (irulla. Altlioitylm imv portion of the miuiiUTs and delt-eates had not arrived, a ijtniruui was loiiinl to Im' pnent, -and cuiitrrenrt-iriN''-i'ii-d In the tr'niiu ti- ri ul iHuue-i (iWie.loiii, i-MTi-isn hy liev. 'I'hoiiiat -I. Fouler Ifcv. S, Apple was chosen pTi-sident, aiF-i II' v. VV. S. Iaru,- H.iai.iiil stcretary. On motion of Hev. A, . Anderson, Rev. W. M. Wcllons, of the Fast. Va., and U. v. I). A. h-'Ufi, the Vall. y, Va. ,( nil ti I flu t, Weiv iliMted lo sials ill the con ference as di Ilia lative tin liiliers. Kal-fl ill these meuitieis resjionilcd it. approju iate remarks. tlu motion of Id-v. W. S. lyin. Hev C A. Apple, of th Kastrrn, Viigiiua tinnier enee, and lli vs. Thoa. ( 'raven, John S. Lawifiirc, and M. I,. Hurley, were also in vited lo scats iu ill. Conference, as ileitis! lalive ineOilK-rs. anil rcaisuided ill brief uit liiuelv naiiaiks. tin motion, ii lomuiittcc of three w.ts appoiutird on reliioua exercises. I In tuoliou, Hev. J. W, Wellons wa.-. I ailed tl(e'U to delU'er the oM-hlle.' i..l-l.f-lie llllswiTed tu the rati wirh ' , pi tint tiun that he was sulfi-rini' with m alh-c lion of the llooat On inotiou of Ih'V. A1-.iey, liev. J. W. Wellons was cicuaed from dc.tivc.rui tlw annual sermuu. A number of iiieiiihers w hu wert! not nreeeftt at the oeiiino of the aessiofl tiow apii-a'eil and halnlftl in llleir ereilelltlalti. On motion of Kev. W. S jng, the- lei teis fiom the various churches wurecalhti for, and hiiiIiiio tin reailiji idtBCsnni, tainleieui-a uaik a rKaeegiii iweRly uu un a rwaeeaoi iw ip-"vhllieut. J AKrKUNiaih stlllK. llll!!, 1- if H lI I'unli-retee met at it oct m , I lu priatident in the eliair. The reidiiio u' Uie leltcra from the va riou ehiirchcM w a resnmi-d and thumbed On motion ol Kev. J. . Weltons. cumuutUsi was aptvoiutcil' to eXHiume tii vaiiouletters and rcnyl the stalisti a I the rhurchcM. The president nf the cunvenlion sug tiesled Illitt the iKinfeteuce appoint a colli mittee tn prepare a form "JJ' llie i iiiircuea mi tuu aiioi 'I'll!- Sllulfeetioll motion ol Iter. K. W. I HI, llcva, K V. iVale aud Brother P. It. Horn were apjMiinteil the committee. On motion, it waa agreed to meet ill V Ml a m adjourn at 11a. m., for pruutj i iii(, dine after pnai hniji, meet again at 2 p. in , and ailjonrn at will. . ' The ciiimiiittee on religionexen'iis then reported that liev. I). A. I-aMfg would priiu-h to-morrow Il iKln. in. onlerence then ailjrMinietl to Biwt t 9 110 . iu t morrow. Itcligious rxerriscw by lh v. A. laley. v mcouhd av. Conference in sewiun. The preaiditit in the chair. Prayer iy Jlev. t A. Apple. Several member iappoarod and took their attata. i-. Kev. A. (1. llut(lies was invited to a seat in the Conference, as a itcLilietulivu uietu iHir. ' j Conli-rence then went into the eluctino of Fraternal Measciurers, anil the billowing were chosen : To the Kastern Va. Chris tian Conlereucc, Itev'a, IS. Apple, W. S. Ing, and K. W. Beale, IK-ep lliver JS. ('.Conference, Itev'a. A. Islcy, A. Aple and W, 8 ho ljr. To the Valley Virgiiiu C inference, Kev. J. W. Welfoiia. . iJonlV-i-eiicc then went into a committee ofHhetliobi to consider the sulips-t- ol etiucatioii. Short, but curliest addrosai-M, wi re made iixiu this ini port ant sltNjeet lit Ih-vs. W. S. Is.riK, A. Islev, f. A.XplJlc, Capl. Wiuitli, Itcv. W. If. VVHIon, v 1 Conference l In n ailooriH-d to linten to pre.t, hiny by Hev. 1). A. Long. ' The committee ou " retixiuuaeiercisea" thrcorted lliat Kcv. W. H. Wellons of rtullolk, Va., would preach at Mount ion to morrow, (Suiiditaf 11 B niaud Kev. C A. Apjile, of LuveJ Unwh, Va., at the nine place at p. m., and that ivVv. I). A. Iinirof Harriaonburir. Wouhi orench in the l'rtbyteriaB Church at 'X ltoad at U a, m. . -"."' Cotifcrvuce then adjourned, to meet at the apsiitite.l timo, - ' .. ArrKiittiaiB MOWION. Coiifertww niet at fr'.MI o'lhajk. ' Thi presiiliiit iu tlie chair. i Ou -motion of Jti-v. V. -S. I.unj i Maiimhtce of three was apivnipleil to ex jtmiHex-hurch niords. I On motion ot Hev. IW. M. Ising tlie minisb-riul rcMrts were calletl tor, and On mot ion of Itcv. A. Isley, . were handial to IImc recording ssa-retary. who will cundtimi them nnd piihli'.li the a-Boe in the Christian Annual. ; . It was derided that the next-annual tea tiun ul the conference wi d mt-et with the uhiireli at Shallow WelH Moore county (J ui Friday Is fore llie third tvtblih in November, 1N73. lh-v. A ii. Anderson wan chosen to de liver tlie aeatt anuual address before the conference. j I It waa ducidei! tu publiih the prorenl- inpi of the oottst-rence in tlie L'hrisUan Aiinni.': 4'- ', f f. After some other btisiniNs'iaf Tninor im Dortam-e rai' trallsat'teil conference Bul- j.Hiruai oi oVeiK again est Monday next, at fneusuat omir. SEoiio ivurKSAsr tf&rtciisox. The raitiing of the w ind may he n agree able paslimtiVtiut when it ruuauito an ua hianagualile storm then that ia, we imagine, a rathta uapUawaut state of sfToira. The contrrring upon the in.irrihr right uftuf intge was thought by w hiteflyliial nolili riaus to be aa ailiuiiable lilt legale for w ag ing them into places ui trust and omoli-. meat; but when ttat breeze incro, led JvV'- - M to ueh a d-Rttsj as to blow Begroc into wositioa aoo. without taa poww; rat prevention, thina are nt fancied Sy tiiaui ao wail. W batnwt nwjt ba lti optnioo and amernirntnoB oi ts wm brother a u hi tiuiustor nafirnes to hold, olficerthe colored iua is decidatlly con-ii viacvd Chat, if bu i not ujJire ;iii at least an capable aa he bi. fill any place Within Uie ailt of the people. "All w or k aud no payr play " will not do fur him, or in other words, all voting to elevate mea, where tlx v can lsaa-hl lli'los. ivr-. without ever' liin; allowei to suk the puhlit: teat huunelf, is a tblmt with whiih this newly ipialilied ynter and otlii-e hold.-r .I'ts not intend to put !(, The colored man in si-vtYal Stat kat rest In d uearly the lijiht?.t slaUr olficc. To any notiin of a ifvtii I'nitnl Htab Senator fruin Miisusrippi, and mi-inlar from elsewlieie hi the Naiionsl Conrc, liubiiana, has a mvro uviifccuont (jovert uor, and rkiulh Carolina bolh a ne for her hcuteiiaiil K ivuriMH- and one litliuar tin isieition of justice ol ber supreme court. As unpleasant aa it is to think -of such things to remote, vet i( is an uiulcniti. ble fact that tlie 'nexroe liave an? eyO tu the lien!, governorship ul Nmih f aro. lina. They will lie satlslieil at their next convention with nothing lens than one of their color or that otlii-e. ile radical may, from their iuuate disgasl for th ni gro, or tlieir dispiaotion t gidible it up themselves, yrtn at it, but it is no go, they have got to bear it. They designed only lo make hiiu- au insiriiiueul lo elevate themmlvea ; but Ik- is tia jio.gressive.ia his ideas and bs ambitious to play tlie lave any lunger. The storm raised bj them has got te-yond their t nntrul. - Tttn liuro Suutkrnicr, - Fray brother Bigga huw touch worse off would )uu be w ith CutFy Mayo or Curd oa for liovernor than you are 1 Gov. Cald well votes and thinks pulititttlly with tlli!e two " Utiiillenu:H," and all three ace through the aitme glaa-s tlaikly. A BtsiiHi.Airk'a Uooti Foitri NB Hi riitANiivjoi Hi.it 1 1 i-.ij i' KA'i'iis Him fh'kt Onk lllMIIO.II Tttot SM) I h 11,1. AKS.- six )e.irs aoo a lwy, iheti iHilv fourtotin yjairs of at;e, i't his home in Miflwaht, Irelanit, nnl worked his wav lo Ni w Votk. He iell li.induiilv two relatives hi mate uai glaodiiiolln-r, then an old woman, named Aiuttlroiig, ami hi- paternal grand tat In r. ii. tint 1 1 liite. Ihe Imy's uanie ia VVrllrtui A. W. White. lb- arrived in KNew Vork alsml six vi-hivi at'o willmut a dollar in his pocket, but . beintf detertrlini d to make a living, aud not fhitiing anv thing eic t-i do, althougli he bad rocciveil a lair education, he went to work blacking Unit alsmt the Battery and Washington slrie-t. After he hatl lasfii at that about two years he added to his liutinesa tiy aching newt intpers iu the evening. -Being a steady and economical boy, he saved in nearly six veins almost t'i.OOO which he hail placed in the saviugs batik ill small sum. Two months ago a gentleman who latd Uscu his regular custuuier iu the boot blacking line advised him hi go lo l'hila delphia, and he did, and. there obtained a situation as a.-wiilaut barkeeper in Mr. Coles saloon. W hile had leen there only two mouth, w I en Mr. Coie show'i d him a copy of tin- Philadelphia l. l,jr w .l i Ihe 'olluw in . advertisement : -'.t'e:!,-U.'S I, ti to It illiam A. White by the ddaili of hia r'rmdtoother. A lifter is In the fMiil.-c l.-t plu i p, oirlct-'lor liitti." "Thai iiiu,.l le: yi'ii, Willjaiu,", said Mr. Cule. hila tllliCI- d ti llie punt ollii e aud I, mini ih.il he w'as hoir lo f-M.b'M, bmrueailHii by graiidrnoiluf, Mm. Armstrong The n t'icr also contained a .'draft tiif $J,(KH1 hi giad, aiul & phovogruph likeness, by wliicji he was idniiiilieil. Fortnnari-I v for him, lie- was in gnml bauds, and Mr. Cole gave him money and advised hnn to come hi tStiw Viak tu place his ease iu the hands of the British t ousitt. White did ao, aud all Ihe papeis n.s-isHinry Were safely lotlgnd with Mr. A reliibald yesterday. Sea FWi StuiuUirrf, u.we4ier I3rl. l.V Cil.lt HVT IWUPKHATK WOO EH, Ihe M. uiplits Ajijiail gives the follow hig : r A must shocking affair look place near .Madison, A i kalians, lately. An old triti alsnit sixty years of age, by?he name enamored ol a widow de freoueal otieraof lunr- riage bi her, which were reiertwl lit her sett, and moie trenuotuly optios. .1 by her son. On the day mentioned aboye he paid Mr. BeniieU a v'nii hi at her house, and insisted again that she sh lutd marry liun.. On being refused, he taik a Isittle of Btrychiiiue oitt of h's IMWlont, and held il lip to hrr, saying : "It 'you do nut marry uie I will drink thi-i" She told him site could nut -In lp it. tit then went out of file nouse lo a ticc, where he hud kfUiiagun.of Hand walked to where young E'eiini-tt was woiki!rnmi by, and ileliU ralely slmt hiin. He thru swalluwetl a large ihste of stryi-hniiie. artd priH-taitle.tl home, (ml it shuit, list.ua e olf.) and told hisehilijieu what km had dime. A pbysiciaa woV stnt fur, who arrived too laic lu save him. He e prtaiaed no remorse of const iencc, but said he was willing ' and ariviotis to die. He Iell a letter hi his children, telling them he wiu unhappy, which hail oauwd litiu to do the fatal ac t, and exhorted them to love each oilier, attd to watch after tlie youngext on, who are very small. Young Kcnnif t-e. tiuo liro mining yming man, nboiit twenty years of age - fortnnnicry Wrafnot M-rionsU iujuretl. tin- shot taking tiled iu the arm aid breasts, lb: ia reported as doing well. Kirkle leave a large family to mourn his loss, Thk Road Stkvukk now on exhiloliori at the 'tVnmuiijtoti Fair comi ftilly up to the Btost saoguiue expectatiorui of it friends. The Journal says of it : At 8 o'clock the road ateamer Was fx Inhibit, and the trial of it, so far a we could judge, waa a perfect success. It glides over the ground almost like a thine of life, leaving behind it, even in our sandy soil, but a (light indenture, and is easily turned aa short as can be done with a horse and a buggy. The otucial report 'of tha committee selected to attest its ineritatiwill be made to-day. , Tlie says: Tin famous road steamer waa on exhi bition during the day, and attracted uni versal attention. A trial of ilMrai.acitie by running it back and forth on the grounds, satisfied alhlhat it will prove s grand succeaa. lb ease with which It a-an- tie torne.1 while' uuder lull speed wa partit'.MlatJy noticeable. Tlie angina will be on exhibition during the week, and w atlviar everybody (.o go am sec It. The mail steamer will boon exhibition at the Fayettiville Fair next week. juitg cloud, at llendenrin rout t, has a hanif " jury m the case ef Adaira,for the murder of a negro family in Hulher , ford county. ' Tt is aatd aha jiffy stands lb for conviction and for acquittal Judge C. hot i fled tho 'Jury that, nnhws they returned a verdict, by Tuesday last, he would take them with him to Swain county, ha next and fast court. Hitter It it, looys. tt' a mighty bad road to - Im itV lor IS mile AilmdU VU,m. hiia --' , Liter new gives tha ounvictioa of all th Adair. X ' , ' , , TT Mr. I). D. Home, tha famoo mnlium. wa- recently married (to tha yoonnjt dautrli'terwf tha late Basil de IHoMiiudifiA Councillor of state to the i'mparor of itus- mi. beconI) PLJJi'tf.tfTff, "fills , ", J-AL1U W. ". K " hwtigtit siul are o TI'CKIft A CQ,, I)AVE s uing their Aw1 laei of li.Ksln fol Hi'- r-Vl" ami lt"i M i sLuk Will l- 1 jileiililli if Weekly.') A iJNKt: VfcrM't. K'ii(f liKV liOoDS. li ( of iMsxi VJs. New rityle fnuts 'in' Rales t4 Bniwri Shirting i ds. Uj the pcntii' for l'-J i'e. i)e UiiiMi aed Alrwess for atle. per yn -Nw ,iuSiSSifita Stripee Ulloiusn Sliawls and Scarfs. j Fsney Beliiueii for Sacks and Cbstks. Plsiu slid corded velvets foe Irtiniaing. Colored aud Blm k Silk Re)i for trimmings, miv H U id'rrgkm-Dr, : t ' m WW a BLfSHEO Tlie unit KeliaMr tilft IHslriliuliuii iu the i-oillilry I . II II , II " 0 0 0 t IN VA M. A Ii L K UIFTB TO MS IHSTBlnt H'TKO I I, . T) . SINE'S V.iiml KKWI.AH m'oSTHI.Y O I F T E N T E It 1' It I S E , Tn tk draw a Monay, Nov 27Ui, 11471. two ukaSd capitals or $ ,000 each in Urutuibacks! Two PacKft t.i FlVB'J'BIZIHt -'sNI T1 PMIZBS l G KRKVHAi KS! WIKl.K Nt MBKRoKCASH tilrT'S, l.uuui I Horse snd Huirgy, with Silver umunUsl Uar im, wi.ilh l. One f li.e tuned RuewoiMf Piano, worth t-VIO! Ten Karnllv Sewing Mat-htiwa, worth BllXleal-li ! I'm M.i'D rom 1M iie(fv H'nl'" ami fliui u Uixd I Aiims, worth a-xsr rurA ! I'e. l.oltl Aincntan HuiiliiiK Waluhtsa, wor h IUA each. V U.lies' (itiltl Hunting WaUhes, worth SIUII cacti! SM.I KiJ'l .iil Silirr A"er Huntisiif H'rt.-Aj ( all I 7A thnu ) U' .Mi rack. Lailies' l.old lajonllue Chains, lieat's Vest (inld Clialiis, fiber ited('aturs. Solid Silvar , Donlile KlaU'il 1 alile snd leseisains. Ivory Hiunlleil Dinner Knives, Silver plaletl limner Forks, Silver Vestt'hains, I'tioUufraph A lt.iiiii( l)i.ld Hrvs-lplBs, Niirl SI nits anil Sleeve But tons, Finger rings, Imltl 1't-ns, I Hllvt-i cxU-B slouj ele. Hnn Nrmiru ilirrs, A.uuu. Tiesrrs l.itiirso To rki.uio. AliklNTS WANTKU TO. SKLL TICKETS, tnshoni bltMHW-LPreiiiiauis will be paid. Sinyk Tii-lrt $1 , Sh TickfUfS ; 7Wm Tui,U U),-..ym9iryw TteUtt $30. nrrnlsrs eontalriinf s full list of priws, ni'si-nnlinn d tin! manner of drswlnj, smt other hlfunnatliin In reference to the IM-driba tloTi, will lie nt to anv one ordering Uieta. All letters mast be addressed to ornrjR . b 0. ISK, Box KI, 101 W nttl L C'MK'INKSTI, O. iwt9 tuov-30 f IVKRPiml.ANIl LoNlMlN ANDliLOHK 1 J INSl'HA NCK COM FAN Y ! Capital, Surplus snd K.-S-rve Filntls, liolt over $.V,l),il l. Assets in Colled States over $-l,ll,lDU. Losses paid In .Ub; ol North litruHiis from -" "Oct., isosioJu'y. isri, $Mt,ii ij. Cliirago luases aintHiiit to a little uuiier $!l, fsjo.notl t iirreuey, uud ai atiw u-ing puid in full J-y- Asa.!la held iu Ihe Culttil Slal, aiimuiiUiig bi over fL-i,tasi,issi isi, will not 1 used iu payment of alavti losses. This Couoianr pays up. Ivuiu.es In Cssb prouiptly on protif, Williout deduction fur in, terest and not as is usual with Uie great ma jorUy of emapanies, sixty or ninety days alter proof. AHVISoKt" It. .K1. WIl.MINOTliN : , , . iUIK! U. a.KURtiOH CntiasAN. R li WoKTI K. Ml'KKAV . f-su. 0. W. WlM.MMS Ki Isu ,1 vV ft. McKAKY, kaa. THOS. OK t:MK, (ielle.ral Agent, W lllulllglon. Y V K.-seinl o-.ilialii Nash A VY. Steel len. K. II. Vance... W II Oliver A W. ArringVin.,.. II. Frank PiUA.,... J. II lltll........, Ir. II. Cog.lell . . . . W II lliMtteriiess... Henry A, lindou. . . Cliarfes I tttliam 'iilnt il. UN. nut. .... K A. Kewl-errf. l impr A Willuius. Ales. Nieul IIOV 14 lilll Kaleigh. Ctiariolle.. . .. r'uyetleville. Aatievitle. Newbeni. ..HtK-ky Mount. . . . . Wallleisiro Cliotori. Ooldsboro Winston. PllUboro?. Plvmouth. . ,. Washington. Maituolia Oxford. Kloaton, T A1.CAI11.K I'liOI'KKTY FOR SALE. in Friday, IVcftnlwr IfHh, St 12 e'elork M on Uie premises, al ClisfKvl IU II, I will sell Uie sliiitl.lt- House snd lxt al tlreiieilt ocenvieil lit W W. Hsnla, K.., to tlm hiKliest bidder. It is a valushle reatttenee. The lot vonauta of slsiiil two acres, and Uie liaildings am eomrno- Utolls. y i - Terms of ssle ons-Uiinl cash, one third at 9(1 days, snd one third at 0 months. Title reserv ed till all is paid. J W. NORWOOD, Agent nov H ttiUwUlos C TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 k? Wasi Cousti. ( Ih Ihe .-infitrwr Cmtrl, Pali Term, A. A, 1871. Tu Hows Machine Coiniuuiy, plalutlfls. , ml. N. N. Shepherd, defendant. This aeltoh Is brought to reeoyer of the de fendant Ihe sum of sixty four hundred snd thty-scvco allot) dollars iil,i7.:l,) snd lite Interest thereon, which lie owek the nlainUHs for giHhls and merehaiiillse so d Said delivered to line at his request fry Uiein. And in tills setlou the iitaiiitins have atnilled for and ob tained s warrant of attaeliuieni against the pros.-rty ufWd iMendant, ret jrnahle to the nttuisi s-nn it wif QiiisTiur court, iur tne ouuniy oi vtuku, u oe lieni in tlie umin House, In K-vi.-lgli, on the Sth Monday, alter the ind Monday iu Aitgusi, 1K71 4. .1 !. BiiNflNO. C. 8.C. t!Ki:o it Rtkcikj, FlainUITs Atlomey. , sept lit 4t TirANTFD. UKIKBKRE. VV Protltahlt! einploTnteol f umUliedi'TeM mw wiuiua to sum in nis own ne.igniair knnd ; (no buy persons wsiiUdt. Prodis Mat J per cent, Knelose tl for saouvles and nur- Urnlsrs. Sal. rapid. JOrlKS MIl'tiAK, riitsnurgn, nt. . - ; sngitU rPHK WATT JllSTLf TRIUMPHANT A . . AUBIN. TV shurle snd double Plows, both received live Snrt prisioaia over all etMetveUtors st Uie last sal, ' lbs Dixie" was cuusiderad no wAsrvs lu ewlniMrfs.il In U.e eKLum.li.nt ,.r tl.e adtcaa V e ifim Wl dsjs trial and wot, refund Ins ssuuey il lacy do aot prove sll thai we els m for them. 'TfLe oraut of tfc Puddinr Ao.'" Send ia vnar ordeni to secure then Ib time. ss 1 have aot been stUa to keep ia them, alutouglt brdermfr several limes week. . A apply last at hsnd but, most all eiurscwd. I A E3 . TO tt UfJ BOvB-tf ' ' Agent, I)PKE CORN WfUSKT. :"' ! ' SO lW Purt N. C. Corti Whisky. nuvli-U , tiT. STBONACIL VTBttlNIA AS SOUTH CAKOUJtA, We desire lo caour stteaUts to the Urg jst stock of , -, KORKK.SND IH.klESTI-J DRY GOODS IH r MRtilNIA. HTATE K.ii.aai-nig cverjsrtlils,Vl,ted to your wsnU, sud nwistatlu, IB srl td BKOVY'N CtilTON, HI.EACHKi) COTTON, BROWN S11EETIN08. BLEACUED 811EKT1N0, COTTON FLANNEL, COTTON OZ.NAHl'ROS, COTTON DRILLS PLAH) DOMESTK, BF.I) TICKTS, STRIPED SHIRyiNll, REI. WHITE AND YELLOW FLANNELS, SHEEP'S (iKAY, KENTUCKY EANS. CA8SI MERES," DRESS OOODS, TUI.LED CU)TH8, HEAVY TWILLS, SATINETS, PRINTS, ALSO, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF YANKEE NOTIONS! Havings resident buyer (one of the rin) m e .v i ork we sre eusuieu m keep our sua-a si sfl time COMPLETE We hoy our u'taats rulin-lv fnml mauufse ttirert ind their sni-nU. snd arc Iherehy ens tiltal to oiler our goods as low ss any NOHTHEHN JOHIIEH. We guarantee to sell giHals at Ualuuiorc prices sud Baltimore Uiims. TERMS LIBERAL. ORDERS SOLICITED DAVIS, MIAKE .fc CO., Johhers of Dry tennis. Comer of Bank snd Sycamore sU., Peterslmnr, vs (lltlee 86 FrankUn street, hew York. ct 14 If KW AND BEAlTlfUL. DRESS OOODS. We rail sttenUiis Ui our new snd beamtlfal stork of DEESS UtlODS, f lubrseiui; In' part El. FtiANT IRISH POPLINS, . BEAUTIFUL FRENCH POPLINS, " ! ALL r HADES OK SATIN CLoTH, 1 KMPR40.S CLOTHS. (H sliaies ) 1 STRIPED AND VI.A1D IrtiPbliS,' OLLtiMAN VALOURE. The. largest sad t-lisapest sba-k of PLAIN BLACK. SILK seen in Petersburg since the wsr. to our slock of BIAt: K fmHintiBi( f D R K S 8 OOODS Black Irish snd French Poplins, Black Bomhaine, ' Blsck Kreucli Vl.-riao, Ulek.sll to tad, C;lii-re, Blsel. Taluise Bis. k Craie tdollk, Hl.tk Poplin Alapaca SMt the Is-st makes uf PLAIN BLACK ALPACAS, of sll rrsde. All of whleh wo will offer at our proverbally kiw prua, DAVIS, DRAKE A CO., Corner Bank and Syitmore slreets, Oct II If Pelenrftliig, VI IB0 I ALIT1ES. DRESS DSL The rapid in.-tease In the demand for certain styles ol LA niRS" DRESS GOODS ' hss com veiled us to largely tnrmaae Mr stork snd we have now on hand an assortment w)tk-b uo Southern House eaa exeell or euiikl. vbt : All the fasiiiuaabi bou U Uss loUuBBig ureas uxaiensis . Solid and Blsek SiHts,, Jsfstnese Silks, . Silk Chain Irish Poplins. All Wool Velours, French tod Knglia Satin. All Wool Serges, ., Silk and Wool Kptaglines, Diagonal Kuitings, Tartan PI slits. llegaut Silvta- Greys snd Traveling Dross uoous, Empress Clolbs, ; Psrislsa Mur hairs. p Met Cordi sod, Alspsea, discbsbo votorea veiyeteeno, Silk Rei lor Trimssings, W. H(l, S. TUCKER A CO. oettf TJ-18LtT AT ACADEMY FOR BUVo v y nabsiiill, El. Kj. The second tana of this school will el Nov. Hot ltfl, but no receas will lie El The elercUes will be oonltnued nulll Uie Oral week ia Jane, lH73v enei a wack at UtrtsV rass, si uie asnsi rales of .nitlon. Ukdls a. K. TRAW1CK. rrlarlpal, P. RtXERltat OROCER1MI! 40 saekt Coffoo. Government, Jsv. t.a- gullw and Kkl. A t - SO bbls Sugars, " A," " B.xEx. " C" and 100 boxes of sskorted Candies. Ml boxes Fmsh Jaond Oyster. sacks Salt. inn Mils Floor. An (rradn. HB bbls Kso. llnlleisBod Maekerel. 60 bbls Molasses. !. Ih Balk Meat. s.isw ItM Han n hoses Cher. ' UU boxes Suap. . aov 14 tJ i. - I Q. T. BTBOSACa AT NOV III', ... , X I MORTON H 0 V &t By author of -VslsHe Arlmac" with IDastrw- Hunt . i- Prtee ia eMh 1 M ; .psrer t . For sale by J. 'l no4tf :. s 4irnss, rwvos seiter, , Halelgh, N. li r mi noi IOI SALJI, D FoTeeltlnc ft Wslt snd sll cdher. Entire sUafavtion niarsntied or mutsej rotorued. Msy bs tested si our sip wea. , ! ' urn simi see u.ent. Bovl-U W.H.J0NE8 4 to. PRIM KOt E, PETTY AMlvY0v h No, JO, FstBti Taviu.s StsbBi KALKKili, H. 0. , . -$v; Hay slwsya oa hand jaWs-A' tock' 11 11 1! 8 S OOODS, i Bleached tx Brown Cottons, Huue Furnuhlng (iuuds, Hdkfs, Olovea, Collsr, Isset, kmhruldrlea, Corsett. Hoops, - t ' ' . Men's snd BoyS Wea, Boots aad SUnea, lists sod Cspt, RJtAi AND' IMITATION C'HIUNOluj, CORLS AND WEFT. Wvfte MerehsnU to examine onr shx before they purchase. PRJMRotK, PETTI A KEWSOtt Oct IS-tt 10 0 - LEACH BROTHERS, UIIOCEKS A COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ws have In store at prices txtatds aurkst rates, the following goods parroaard by our New York psruter for cash. 1T00 1U0 lll.la Flour, I0U Sa. ks do , luu t'kts Pore Ls.-d, a Its) do Maekeivl and Mullets, 1UU Boxes rcsled HerriuM. . 1UU Bid. s Bacoa, 10 I'me Hsrst, 10U Bags Mr!, lot) " Una 100 do. Bags Heed Wheat, luu Roll. Bagging and Tins, luu Ala. luu KlpsndCs:f Skins, HSi Bun. Si-un Cotuis, lo noxtat Candy A ku-aw, 10U Brandy Pearlies snd lv stent, . 1110 Boxes Candles snd Pulasb, ltX! tiros Parlor Mateltes, ilk) Boxes Toilet Soa., llti " PsleSiatp, luu Ksgs Shot, lull I.I.. laps, too Kegs Nails, lou Horse Collars, Ion Pr. Traces. HU Sides Hole LssUtsr, Innumerable pair heavy Biaib. sud asost all warranted to the buyer, snd ntauy ciU)r srtlelt-s in inconvenieut lout to tie tnussasai-ersU-d. LEACH Kkll'8. noy B-tf UrtKSSS. A KMTS WANTED, t'OUNTV ur THE 8T ATI, TO SBU. L . -' I'EARCE AND WILLIAMS', i NEW MAP OF NORTH C A RDLIM'A, During the last few khiIIis this Mafias bad soute luinortaut attdiUuua attd eufweuess. uistle Ui it, aud Uie propi ielors have s(iarvdBs iauns or expeiise lu having it IhimaitUj n auiiiwd and rrvlsud. Thoy now k.va Uts iaaure of, brlngior k h. fore Uie lulsa-, Ivelietliat and Irsius assurrS' Llatt for tieauly, accural V suit eoiltplelliw, il far excels auy Map thai has eicr been isilt itahodot tlw Stale. Il U Blount, d on roll, n. 4x.' feel, the estrt vtngs are enUre.lv new and sotleu uu Bilh very l trail styls, itim bide aii llie. m a i-osbOVs, Raiiroatta, and ttatttfi-s msde uti Ui this asts. It shows all the tvailnauts eonii)rtel sal (H-oyecled la Uie Stale, Pit lilHeoi, Cossly .-seals and Russia, Mows of liuM, SUyer.tsat ,t, Uaat, Irtaa attd Ciau. kUda of Usas, M.r- .le.Ac.Ve. T i-- Moil, boil laieressre heaiiUfullv elblr" Ud, and -Ike suoal oriKsilKrat Is Uie gi-ul Klxk Monutaiu Willi l la Uiarrint! ltj liurua-r Uiaa any utuuulaili range iu llie butt States easier the Ktn-k) MiMUitallts I'rtee ul aiugk- Mao - " " 'Z ' atld In Vu.enljt - - A liberal Bus ..unl uiadc Ut the trails. , Addreiss, ' Af.rKltK WILLIAMS, kvookseller, sUleigh, M. C SAM'LPkAaCt, oct 17 dJrwSas Charloit.C. LONE ST All HOUSE. So. IS, ClYETTaVILLE STBEET. Oil' YrfB' EURO PK AN !Pti- This old esUbllslied bouse Insists!? l"" Sited and re-sitpooiual. it has Bi rlass Dining Roomi, Bar Koooi, Bdli.nl Btsas, Ten Pin Alley snd BIkwUii; "sllery. It Is s Hrsl rtasa lltmsts sud 1 1 rrol"" pledge theiBselves to Justsoe to sUiia" bo atay esU on Uteia. ' ' , , ' , llsa oyakas are a .pettslly sad . will s.vm , la, lit. beat Ss the city. Mr. Mei-es P'"l late st ttabtou, .,C, Baa eailrs warawiis lue busineas. u A ... aov s-u McLean roriEK t 0 J m X 'A M m P P P k- e - a o U 9 i S 5 at CM al 3! ft 3 s.B a sua . . . in ,tt sl rtlC USER'S ! e.'ALMA.VV 'ay-hvert - T'i "-sert. I b Is jo.1 tTltiUhed slid W'.'.la St; men, per gl"s, ri vs., - 75 era") s half gross. 4t.o; Wt3'ewW .i.gl en,.yVeU. tf'ft'' f 7 to; P"- b oau, racks of on doaea nail. reeeipt or peiew. nw tC . - i 2 a - 8 ar h O a .m. 9 V. L. I. 5-g w 5 P -5 mi m 5-:Sgi il M Ci I - S w 2 - E 5! 12 ? W&3 Oct 3ttf

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