" B- ' ' : ' ' -- ;' - - J-rTa. N. liwiT, as Buamcaa Cl.ti. It MthMtMkl to leJk C Ultra, is iuj (rjy, ,-ct.l. .V . TV'-. cjtv axi Static itkmm. if r.ftlA . ' ' " , A-f' lUiki.iii C0TT0S Makkkt. Reported for llw Skntinki. by' Lynn Adam. Cot p.,, Factor, UlWT, tfcf Market 8.U mi.RKnysov. . inn. C.IKm firm, ll 10 J I lie" ipts M ,,, u (I r ink has ltccit invented in thin ,it .rciilY for Sunday. H Uratllad tfcr -iu..r.il istitmiUtor.'' The cjiaiclie Sunday were well attca tied. U wratlicr hrintr charming the strl,l acre alive nilli the fnir set, got ton li(t "V'"i'y '" "''r 'lfaJiton. ('Aiirtrr Hmhikk Would vou know h a tin- word meant-1 asks iiio Potent butg 'I''A I' means a 4'rs b the soiiltierii trtl.il'l7lt.(UM),tlWI, licit twine, it,.- -11111 "I which (he ciirp.y biigcr have rohlsM the reconstructed slulea. (170, Skuiocs Aiviiikmt. -On Friday last, a train loaded with )iis-i!Hvrs fur thn Wil nnHKti.ii Fair :n over .m Hum n4ii'l Nt-.l ll'iuhLon, badly entailing tii id I ki 111 us. I leg. Pnmipt BiiryicHl niil in iill T.I. .1, but lh. re it little Imijc f.ii Hie sull't-rtr. . . A VMV HwKKT CtlSCKRN. We TT ill I'.uiiml ttiit " linn." J. T. Dewtiew, i nt I he virtuous prtwitleut of tlie "Ureal t'uitm 8win Miw-hin ('ommiiy," ml ( leu rt'laiiil. I Miio, 1111.I H ho tlura th reader lliii.k 1. Hie Iri-iwuierj Wuy, l. J. Prnys. W lt.it n iMftgftiDre-itt coiiiliiiiatioii of nret I I m- villinny. FfNK Ihon. We Wert: kIiowii, navs the Af-lieMlli: 'Mih few dJ-iina' I'y -Haj. l,.in. ol ihw county, a iieeiuien of an tine iron iui waa ever tnatle, taken from n newly iliaoiveretl kl nt iron ore in Mitchell toiinty, thi hUU. Thi afwi'i men haa Ix-eii wt to ltinniii;ritiin to l. CoinpanMl with tut fine irtHW tf tliti tiltl rid. ' AVWIhtU CorNlY AliklrUtrl'HAL So CIETI.-On the 14th ull , the Arit ulturul Society of Haywood etninty was oranied at NS'ayoeHtille, by ttm cleelltut ot Hit- ful lowing titlier: U. S. Pery i.iu, jh -i-tleni , V (1 li. tiaiTftt, and 0. B. Herroii vice iiiti.le tils , Dr. II. M. Kogem, aeure lary, and A. W. Kith, treaaurer. The a irty auihorit) Uie furmation of town ln, Julia, auxiliary U tlan lety. They ...tld two annual meeting. Their fain eat fa year will be held in October or No vember. ToURItAMKNT T Tlllt Wll.mHOTOS K'AIK.-We clip frtHU the Star of Uie lUth mat., the following conwrning the tourna ment which took place on the lir grounds on Kmlay : Shortly after 2 o'clock the knights made llu ir appearance on the field w hare they were to uat ttteir proweaa, and, escorted In the chief in.trtial and hia aaaiatauta, (..ti.i.l.-.! around the Hack. Arriving in trt.ui ol the judge's stand they were ad ilret4cd in brief but aiipropriaU: and stir ring remarks by Col. K. 11. Co'wau, at the conclusion of which the tiltingcouiiueQced. ... 'I ne loilonii.g knights wen ewtewil :' ' A. T. McLaughlin, Knight ol No Name. W.. Mi lHuclilin. liuilit of Wiliniug Uia Steaia Saw Mill. J. T. BnUon, Knight of No Hoiie. S. I'. Cowan, Knight o! Clarendon.. J. M. Kdwarda, Kuightof Despair. J. S. Latta, Knight of the lioana. II. li. I'oringUiii, Knight of Hicliniond. W. I'. Oldham, t,Iamon) Knight of Py thias. . , - Manhal Nance, Knight of Blatlen. John li. Uordon, Knight of KicventU Hour. . Collier, Knight of Twelfth Hour. Itattle, Knigbt of Ktlgecoailie. '1 Ire tilting lasted for some considerable time and aaa wituuswal by a large iiiiiu ber of people. At its conclusion the fol lowiug were announced a the suuwaful knights, amid tbe applause of the specta tttrs. , . Knight of Pythias, firat premium an elegant hunting case goltl watch, who was designated to crown the liieen ol Love ana Ucnuty. . K night of Clarendon, second prine (lor lt riding)- a pair of ailver spur ihsigiiated to crown the first Maid ot Honor. Knight f the Twelfty Hour, third pri U crown the 1 Maid of Honor. N Knight of Despair, fourth iwiie to crown the 3d Maid of Honor. Col. W. 8. Mullen, of South Carolina, was selected to deliver the pjir.es which he did, seeoiiipfinying the same with elo quetil and behltii,K remarks, pe.iiliariy so whui it u cn.l. reti (hat he had but few muiiitea notice in Which to prepai. huuselt tor the re:-1 onsjuiljlit ot III. uc caaxin. I'pon receiving the prizes and the oeauiirui wrvaiiit preprea Hr iuew atou, the fortunate kuighui pnaded to l,u u.,.l huI luitira 1M their clioios in the following ontor t-ltueeu . ot Love an. I K-Mlll - Mls Alloc liSiaills of Wilmiiiiru.n. 1st Muld of Honor- Miss Kva Low. of Vt iluiiairltin. ti Maid of Honor Miss Kail U. Mearos, ,rf Wil mington. 3d Maiil of Honor-Miss Liwit Mauly, of New liern. Wa CotmTV jiuTbe following b the list of-stan- prisouers I list are at pre- , lent sojourning within the walls of this delightful abode : whits. ( Wilson Manguui. John Oorman. Joseph Mi DunieL COli'MSO. Oabriet Dmt. . Oeorge Bangh, . Joseph Ueorge. Kanaorn Hill. f iKher Herntlon. IKwj Oarrard. Julius ttridgtw. ., Kphraba Adains. W. 8. M.icbcIL m John Cole. Burt Sfieflmg Alfred HryauK. tjlmpsoa MorderaL Jeff. Adluns. . fftm tlie alv it can Us an that then 'are only three whit count pittner. ia M WAA1Q1I1C, A . rei'ulr nvocation RaWjffc fflMiti No in i be.hthiio. nint ,- tlWtiuoM ofncciUV.e . 1 tri - Jl EI,,Yttt,l.v minis Wll-. Hn-um w. arret, 4 hjjUhIj.1 in iail "n lfoT, an uaasltid Utfert inst j "BITOlte CAW poiiiplnllis (liril "risitr, fW-.jimiiiljoiinMi up mi, lug. lie ;ii 1 "JljvMihuly t.i I hat tttiire. Kkoivekinu .- We are glad to lc:ini thut Mm. Gov. Worth i recovering I'nim the' injuries racuired in lice recent jinJulu! sc ciduu'L 0pi.kni)h Am is. Mr. Nathan Ilolle man, Sulisbm street, corner north of the Presbyterian Cliuri b, yestenUj sent us a few ol tlto lintst apples we have mca tliis stson, for which he has our thanks. PKHSoAT.-r In ajdition to ttuaw alre-vlv announid, Messrs. McNeill, of the Wades airv)' Artfui, Knight, of the 1'ee As Her itf and Duncan, of the Kuckmghsm 01 nTT0r, and Capt. Tbigpeo, of the llevn ttrntttil farmer, were at the Wilmiogbin Fair. - Thikr ani Di-mititn. - YeUT.lny morninp Canirell lty, David IUy an. I tour othera from Nuwliyglit Uvtbhii, thia county, wenrbeiorc L. rt. t-tinimiai.ioutr Shaffer, on a tharirt: of illicit dintillin. After liearing the evi.lenee in the matU-'r. all of the accused were .liwhargcd. On a Visit Ur. John It- William., Jr. son of J. 1C WUIianui, Kti., of thia -ity, who for the past year lion ln:n in charge of the teli-riiiili olfn-e at Austin, Texan, is in the city on a visit to his fiuii ly. Mr. Williams will remain with his family for two or three weeks. Hbtti.kI). Sheriff It. S. Ilurris, of Ca- isrrus, settletl his taxes ia full with the rviumrer ytsterdy. Tlie public tax of 'aiwrrua ia rtll.H0 ; lusane, At-., 1136 04 ; penitentiary. tStc, J4;ti) .20, ikit in tn-asury 147. 7, e.ut -ation, 4i41 toUl $10694.87. C'ol.arrus ia alvitja uroinpt, f j (Irani. I ijiat. .We are ileao'd la. an nttiiiu that Madam Initliel Mti.'altiK-h, with Mr. II. E. inrke, tenor, Irors the New Vttrk oi"t an. I t oneert, Sg IVoiii Hie N.-w York Aeadcmy H Music, ft I Mi s I) ' ... : It . . k4Mtrt iiant, 1 l.ii.ii'ltt pupil .it Tbalbel. ttlid ! ,-eullt roiu Europe, will giveone ;r:tMil ot.ei'tii and ballad conorrt at Tucker H ill, on t'tieaday next, 2Hth inst. Tccsm Hall. Hie celebrated Harry Watkius with his troupe will appear at Tucker Hall on Wednesday, Tlfursday and Friday night next, iu some of their specialities Oar people will recollect the sensation created by Harry and Ibate Wat- kins, in their beautiful Irish dramas, on the occasion of their first visit to Kaleigh. Wc bespeak for them full house. Viroinia Hai.u Saturday nighl there was a splendid bouse to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Watkins. They played tlie beautiful ballatl drama of " Mollie Uawu " very awmfully. and were rapturoindv applauded throughout We .lev ret that Mr. Watkins did notapixar at t lic theatre during his brief stay with us. Himscll and lady are deservedly popular in Kich mond, and the people would have re sponded heartily bad they had a lietter opportunity. ilidtiiuiiul Kmuirer, 20(A. LOTHING! CLOTIIINU!! CLOTHINOHI Tbs kvgeat -stock of Medium and Fine Ctathniir In the State, recently luanufat-tured by our resident partner In New York, com prtfiag every artK-le necessary to a geutle- i's omplute outfit. Prices from twenty ive to f) fty per cent lower than the same goods eaa be Koiijflit from Merchant Tailors. The attention of Cash buyers Is respectfnlly called to Uiealiove. R. B. ANDREWS & Co., nex' door to Tucker Hall, nov tS-tf Raleigh, N. C. JATBI BAT8II HATBlII All me newest Dtyit. K. li. ANDREWS & Co., nov 18 tf JHIRTbI SIIIRTbII bIUKTbIII Tbs largest stock ever offered In this City. 1 B. ANDUEW8tVs,, uov 18 tf ' 1 ENT'S FURNIHIIINd UOOlxt i .He reilentsh our Stock in this line from lay to-rtsy, which (snaMes us & alway sutler Um Newest and Is-st assortuieut In the city. JL B. ANl!EWB t'o. uovlatf Clothiers. N A T 11 A .1 1 E 1 Cb'TCHIN .CO.. i VYlwilesal.: Itealeni in O Y S T & 11 8 , OPENED AND IN TUB KIIKLL. Put ur i Cans, Ksus, san Baaacia, tiorasr ol 43uty and Water MrweU f O K T B M O 1 I T If , V A . , :yatrs w ft Oatlon Kogs and over, U cants lerisalltta. ttct7-3m IJA.Kl.Vt, CURlNd. ANO BMOKl.VtJ X asllilistiuu-iit V. ll.ahler, Jr iul M.. is 31 aud 1 First Market, tUrtiiaood. Va . havMufStifreat eipnso reltlUw! .u e.l.ll Jkiswltit and adiied even' ilSPCOVe- aeat tuwl tbse aperiencesf aiuwa years eonid devtse, lake plrswisrt la aiiwottueittg to ttteir frkaws sad Um isshlic resswaUy tkat Uiey are at twevarad to furnish to use sraiui and wssw article tonnd in Uutlrlius. tits auantioa gifea W ta aiakinc of AUMA4iwt for Uia sosrUssrn- inarket. i aankful lor lbs tauvussge fl I rtrnds aad the pwWio. we tut-, by roBlniard aptrta-su.Hi to Iwsiiiess, l BkSil leeotnumaaH-: tr snc intt'- etaf.iw :.-.. J. . Kscll.tlotitt, v- pots' ; umi L -,' . wttdMk. di " a seltoiH, for " w j4i,.,pm t SWfcrS'lay sttwwwi .. BAl'fcBJ f - (l X. r. . i.i siul iiumf ludi ...... .lAsTM-a-i . ft-4 OU th. . ..... k.ti, lm,.-i4 . . ja uu. Modern Jjm... cud KiislaeerUu; and iaksis: luut liiitioaki advanr. . oet 4 U lUtNk V- BAiUtt, A. M. SBW 'llt.llf iitnin jJJJICliJE R HALL. S (ttlDIDI SiiT tlTUCtUl iHytK NIlfHTs SLT The Qnrea Klar of the ulh and the tail tleut I t.jii.dlan HOSE AND'HAItUY WATKINS, SUpilOTted try S FIKST CLASS DRAMATIC TKOUPf. Ttte itlwire Kiulnent srtisls sre universally rt-t-.(i.ietl as Ura Vf..T Sect iwri'L or An kkicim Stars. lin y will s(h4i lu Uielr tlrsiid Komsatlr I Iratiia KATIILEIN NAVOVRNEEN, with all Uie OriKuai) Maine aad Bonipi, ami will lie assinUul l.y Miss Mast and 1. C. KxaNif in Uwur WoNDKkKUI. T( MBI.SHOSICOH, Ol Mt'sicAi. Olaskkk. No Play rviiested. feats can lie necured at J. A. Josss' bookstore. JRlPO"AIJJ rtiR WtKH. Seal .tl r.iptsal will be rneelv.-.l at the fSH Ttsa, . ult. e until It ii't-1 'ek Uie HUi ot Nov , Isi I, for Uie delivery, at the iwtltiiet's Barracks at IJits place, In stub .UnllU- ss tied 1'twt 4 'tunmaaj. r mar direct, the following WottUV itoo) Knur llmidreJ Oorits, (tw auj part Uiere 011 1 .d iu.:r.-harttfthle bard wood tiotxi Meurily given aud required. J N liRAY, nor 11 td OontracUir. Kaleiuli iireiwa copy . pRUIT IB I I a. KUK SALE AT THIS tilULFOKD Nurserii a, h) Uie l.ien, list or 1,000 of all the leailiug varieties of App ea, Peaelios and liraat Vinv.' i'ttat h 1'ru.s 1 and years old, 4 to 7 feet, iiu no wr lim, laui to er ni, Aopieafiuui ir Ki, fjs to fsj on icr iti. Now ia a lototl lini W niaat IreejC beutl iu vtiur o. tiers, tliev will tai iMOUllttlv lilkd. CaUltiuue ui iiisnvd iiu attplicaUttn. Every man siiould.plsiii a lew Irceaauu lues. Isor rest'lutenee solteited. ti t.. As l nun i , P. ). Box 77. (irceusUuro' N. C. nov J1 w:;m 13 KAT KtU ASH COAL I At IMiiier T.iu of 2J4U lbs., delivered (ran or eiisrw;. liov lit If LHIt ULAJS BEUti. JJKNDEKSON MALE IMbTITUTK, HENDEKSON, N. C. WM. J. ROBARDn, PamoiFAL The undersigned will oiien s Hoarding and Ilav aciiuol for buys. In Uie Aesduuiv rueuntlv oeeupied by Uie diessra. Fetter, on Monday January .llit, IHi'i 'IVi ins xt session uf weeks, payable half in advance.. balMiee March 16th, Tulliou and U tsr.l Int-luJillK Fuel, IlUu UU in i'nuiary ltNsrtuielil, 2U0U " ' " higher English, JS (A) " " Classics, 'J5.UU For fmtlier particulars sd.lress tlie Prinehiul "l ll.'ii.lersoti, . C, wuo will lurulsli 1irt-u lars on apitlleatiou. UtA Jl JcouJlu W M. J. KUUAKIW. t) O S and X ItlilJt. PACKAdKH Flour JL "I ( r lo day iu Slore. W.t! HTRONM'H Co. ) nPa0. FA rAPSCOHKM, A8H1.ANI) .nil.- s el. U a Family Flour In stock. I..-. I i W. C. cTKUNACd A Co. MJb'l'HAMPTON HAM. Pickled Beef Tougues, Pii kled Lambs' Touguea, Pickled and 8pleed Oysters, Atiaorns Mines Meat, Dsviled lists, Biaoked Salmon, nov Hl-U W. O. 8TRONACII A Co. C1ATAWBA ANH IsABKJXA ORAPF.a IS J five I'l. Ixurs nov J It w. (j. B I kub Ai il A i . 3T.SW TT-J c 1 HOICK ti. P. AND IMPERIAL (1RKKN and Oolong Tea in Psekagea to suit una umera. . uov Jl tf W. C iU ltoNACIl A Ca Orriva or th Phsmx Ikivkmis lUiwraaT, No. 173 Bhoauwai, Naw toss. MTSI'HKN Ckowsix, Presitletit Chacsi:! UsnaiJ Viee President, PutLiNi'Sa rHA.w, Heeretary. Vi a K. Caowau, Marine (Secretary. n,,wjLiA, IkU, AyeiU Aewi Jta Ou., HsAa Sia; We are happy to inform you 11. me l'lteulx Insurance Cooiiiaay of Brts.k I in will tatv ALL tier losses In the Chieaso tlie out of Iter Nfcl BlJIlPLl B, over all liabilities, huviiia ber sound sud ready for busmess t lur eonuluou no ue loner isi toi I, at as lot lows: - Cssli Capital, - - l,lIO,flnO( Uroas Buri.lua. - BOO,luo.sq tl,MM,r3&.45 IMts. etc.- stl tutted but not dua. uei. 1st, io .1, - - i.sj o.. ll.'Wa.Olll.lS Chit-ago losses will not exceed. In any event, .... a,iou,uAi.uu And wm ace flrmlv of Uis onlnlon that Uie lows Will Bin. exeeea ajuo war uu The Plienix Insnranee Cotuiauiy, of Brook lyn, is to-day souud and solvent, and can pay all the hisses at Clitratto -ut.if Us net lurufua. A cm ps ot Adjusters have been dispatched to the scene of disaster with itiatrucuous io se.Ltle all losses and uav Uie same iu CABlt, Vts cottgralulata our lis lions aau turseives on our good fortune. Disriifts Lnt'nsi.11, nov JO tf Pres'l i'keuix lus. Co. YUCTION BALK OF KINK TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WARE, FINK TABLE CUTLEET, C1JJCK8, Ac. Tills evening eoiomeBcing at 7 o'clock, at our Auction dooms, a large stork of rtJIK TKIPI.K. all.VKK Pl.AlfcU WAKB, FINE I'Altl K CUTI KKIT ANI CUXIkil, direct f totn u.s e lel.rsk d Mauufaeumaa I ins na tional Silver Plate Co., Wui. Kodgers' Msna iaclurhig Co , John Knsaell, MeridUtlt Cutlery Co , ami Hue meld tntoua, funning a collection w.trtliv tits aUrwUoa of iwrUas wanting Woods iii iiil line Atu.tng Uae eouecuoa wm ix iouttd Kith Chased T.s .nd CofTes Beta, Utke baskeui, Bit Iter liiskea. Revolving and Ureakla-tt Castors, V. me aud Pickle Caators, lea Pitchers, Wallers, nyrup Cops, ivory Uawlfe Tabw and iltasert Knives, Hpoous. Forks, Kurlit Ilsr Bronaa Attx-aa, Turret and Monaerani Clucks, and uUisr irst class tiouds, wbtcfa will be sol4 id auarauttMd to be as rapreaenlM. W. U. JoNFJCo., UO SU-tt AtMlttOUMM. 1UANOB OF bCHEDULE. CHATHAM RaTlKOAD COMPANY, BeraKisTasoast'atn-nt a, KALaion. M. U. Mo. 7ui, IJ1. Osi and afuw Vveduesday, November tttb tail, Irwin on that i ttslkssa Raiiruad will nut daily (BHtiday eseaptledi as loliowa; Mail t ram leaves Ksueigb M P. M. arrives at Bauford 1:M . Mail Train leavsa Bslitord. . . . . .f id A. IL nlssislkslrilk .! " Mall train wakes cfasse euasssetioast tskigh wiut Uw Kaieurji uasteat RaUroad lo and from all nasi Aorta. . I and at Haafiwd with the Western Railroad to sad tram FayettMtue and poiaU ea -teffl KAllroad. A. , AMURKWB, wov U slaoartntaadeut " " ARBOROUOH house KALEIUIl, M. C. . ' Novembar 1 VOL. To Msaaaas .w Tn:Cilii LmilstaTuan I would say fast 1 bsvs rentwl sdtHtloa! raun. bssr tat Itotrl, aad eaa wow swM tsW, eowfuruMy, iini vJBltil IC su. Thaakfai for a wry "'"al psfonags la ttw Ila. laaa Tary respacxttiiiv, Trv lIW , tt, W. StLACKflAlX. ililrly t(ooJ Bloves, suidl and ktrc for 'ectiesp. . ' ' : Btstr iavu w. n. vs w vss. -- . ...-.- . - - i --- - . : LATEST mmm. Noon Dispatches. MARKETS. Lnnnnn. November S(t- Nikih. - Consols $ I 3 ; WhhIs tl 7 8. ' Latkh, -Uonds Ui. Livunroou Nov. HO Ntam. Cotttm opened firm ; uplands 4 1 Sd.; Orleans 3 SO. Latkjl. Cotton firmer salea 15,000 bales on speculation; export 5,000 bakn. Nsw Yoga. Not. 80 Noon. StocVwJ dull and steady ; gold heavy at 1 10 ; money easy at 4 to S ; exchange 9 3 8 t. 10 1-4. Cotton sales for future tlclivcry. on Saturday evening, 1,1)00 bales g floui dull and heavy; wheat tjuiet and dtclii. mg; com scarce and very tirui; poik du-l at 13.05 to IX SO; lard ipii. t; rtuuoi firmer--uplands 18 5 H, Orle.iiis sales 2,000 latitat , urpeutine sWdy at S7 1 tl to 68 ; rosin nuiet and unchanged. lat 4.75 ftirtraittcd. TREASURY NOTICE. Washihoton, Not. JO. After the first of January pieces of notes leas than iialTc hare no value without evidence that the larger portion has been do itrored. Pincus a half and five eighths will be worth a half over five-eighths will be worth the whole lace ol the uste. THE RUSSIAN PRINCE. The reception of Duke, Alexia is post nnfied on acnollnt of LhS incltminnev of the weather. An entire division of the the National Uuard has been ordered out. The 1 rince looks well and is draw ed in the simple uniform of a lieutenant. Ha is tall, sirongly built, w ith the air ol a gentleman, clear complexion, light ban and whiskers, blue eyes, speaks Englisl quite fluently, but sim-:uh to prefer rreutn. Hie Irigate ou wlileli he came struck the storm on liatterns ou Uie 1 0t I inst., which Insttnl umil Kridnv fiigbt when oliservations showed her 40 miles otV CnpcMuy. Wkw ion a, no, zu. I In' reception committee ami- members of the press started down tits lisy this woruing tt grctft tlie Prince. Notwithstanding h. heavy rain numbers of elegantly dressed ladle acciHiipanicd the couimittet!, anil many hundreds of iieiaons are standing on the piers in the stuiui. The commit tee have eierntrd that tlitirc shall tie nu paraiie to iltiv in cnuaciiucnce ol the sttinu 1 lit: ruccp! ion tsniimillce hih im .iu tin- Svetlaritl anil ask tin- t . .-.i,t.l litike viliether he prt-tcrs to proe.. .! ul ouet- t-. W ushiligion. or remain ln-rc iintl htive pablle I, e. pllon lo III l : .tw. ltroa l- way is tbrongetl Willi iXms-IiiiiL en ix:uH, the news ol lie imisiimpiiviiio t ot the procession uot having et tsre.. publislle.t. - KltO.M SPAIN. MAIiHin, Nov. 20. The movement of the radical members of the Cortes rutul ted in the defeat of the miiiistcry UMn a test question. A cabinet crisis exists. The Cortes is prorogued without day. The tfueation upon which the ministry was de feated was the permanent session of the Cortes whichrthe ministry opposed. MARINE DISASTER LiTERPooi., Not. SO. Two ships. n Antes unknown, collided in the Mersey today. Both sunk instantly; all hands llN WIFK MUUDKR. HpHiMuriKMi. Maiw., Nov. 10. Daniel Gletiaoii, killed bia wife with a dirk to-day at North Atlarua; oauae jealouMj. Midnight Dispatches. WEATHER I'HOHAMLlTIKri. Wahhinoton. Nov. 8(1. The baroiuertei willx probably fall tin Wednesday, with north-easterly winds and thrcattmlng weather on the gulf coast. Partially cloudy and pleasant weather in the iute nor ol the southern and gull slates. LATEST FROM WAHHINOTON. WisiiiNtiTtm, Not. 20. The ttccretaiy of War has gone from the City lor ten days. In tlie case ot wants ss. uannurett in error to Uie circuit court, from Louisiana, tbe court hold that an order ol the circuit court below, dismissing a case which was transferred trotn the provis ional court was correct, holding that under the act of July, ltMO, it belongs in the district eourt, and was nevcr-Uariy transferred to tbe circuit court Collector of Customs Murphy, of New York, baa resigned, and Chester A. Ar thur succeeds him. 1 be President anil Ctyilecttir Murjdiy exchanged Ititurs ex pressing mutual confidence in each other. LATEST FROM SPAIN. Madrid, Not. 80. The debate In the Cortes during the past week produce.! tui unexpected result, ana tlie resignauon oi the newly fanned ministry cause great agitation la thia city and.in the provinces. 1 lie republican deputies to the Cortes hav Issued a areolar advising their sup Dorter Ihnwghtmt the country to keep qitict,and ailvocating the maiiitcnanbe of public order, lu tlie meantime the labor Iron tile continue. 1 tie uaaera aim dyer in Valentia obstinately maintnin tlw strik autl make such thrnateniiig domon tratiort that miiftiroeiucnta have la-en. sent to tbe garrison. A steam transport will sait from Catlcz on the 30th inst., with fruali troti and supplies 6 Cuba. " FHKNCH AKKAIItn. Lohdosi, Not. .!. The Count C'bain bcrjd contradicts the report Uiat be in tends tn anrrender his right to tbe throne of Fiance. . MARK KTS. Nnw Yok, Not. 80, evening. Cotton i . a it to l. . .. ... I. ia u A . WtTOIIg, tWlllH ISMtS , UIMW..M W (rltns 19 14.; flour, southern dull aad lower; cemrtsik Ut fair extra td.HO to 7.50; gtsnl UiVliolt (7.5S ia EU.25; whiskey chstotl heavy at 84; wheat irregu lar and nnaeitled, winter red wester 16 to 62 ; corn aisme and Bria with apeculr- tive demand at 1 to NO ; rio Irxtiar t o 1 4 to i polk Inwvy at U.OO tn tl 30; lard heavv at V S 4 ; navala steatiy ; tallow teadyt trigblAery firm.. . Money easy at S to I ; atorling Arm ; gold weak at 110 8 , Closing sale, nowever, at 1I0S4) government steady ; states inacUve; Tenoeass Tery weak old down to 64 1 4 ; tstw Stwxtb Carolina bonds Tery weak, sold t 20 1-3, but annsething Iwttor during tti afternoon; Virginias 60,Bfw65. . v WiUfimiroa, Sot. SO Ppirit turpen tlna steady at 2 ; rosin Bna at S.S0 Ksr No. 1, 4.. tor No. S, aud 4.18 ft low Nn. t; S0O lor extra pale; 8.00 d iialc ; crude tnrwuiino iile uly at H.50 fur hanl, and 6.2S fur allow dip; S..SA for virgin; tar stead) -at . ; s t ; MoHilic, Nov '.' - fotttHisljttng; Niid dling 17 4 It. I! ;-. , ' rbsTToN, Not. 20.-tloii ijuii4;' mid dliag is I 4. , hsi.TiaoitK, Not. 20.-CotU firm middling IM I t. , ('MABi.icrroa, Nor. .--Cott afcaidy ; as'ddiuig 17(3 4 to IT I'l. FROM NEW YORK. TJaw'Y'ona. Not. iO CVnnoillv has n s gartl and Mayor Hall has appointed An drew H. Ureca Comptroller. Rttaraf (toBi aeveral etectioa districts ttavu boW b.und dettxUivs, and three leo titwt inspectors bav beaa arrastcd and hald in Ml ISlO hail. - 1 ' . . t lince Alexis has arrived at! the Clary! nation Hotel. .... . The Uuanlian and Howling Ureea sa Tings Itluik hav closetl. The National Savings Ihuiks pays all tiema'nds. Eiiuuiucl 11. Hurt, leading Tauuuanv tWhciu, says that Tweetl must resign bis BieinlH-rsltip of the Tammany aocicty aud the tlcniiicratic general cotnniittuc ; if be not, measures will be takJu to font biin out Srocial Notices. IK. A.Ci.CAKKy iLiTl XmUTAKT PBTWCUH Or IJIyTAWT u ut ii AKtTt HtwiTiL. New YouxCitt. (H. r litis rofjwiuiiaU wnric iu Ute citi Kcti of KiiijU uid kiiut. Humn No. Kx. iiwio HtiU-l. UUicti kour, b W 10 a. m. unJ from 4 Ut 6 p. m. .114 24 am OM7MaVHHI.0E. Hppy Kti'mf for Yottntt from 'Ik ffttvU of Krnn mtd A!.wr in ur I H(V Mtuihoatt ruUrd. Nrvu dflulitX iimti imptitluuuitU to MarfiAari' reuioiu Nr rafUind uf tn-iiivtyiii New mud pvfltrkiU' rtnuttJi. BiKtk aud Oitvuitvr aWiil frv tu tenhui odVdltuet,, i Addn H-WAKD AJWR'IATION, No. 3 opt S vxu BATOHELOR'8 HAIR DYE This -l-lemli-i Hair Dy U Iho burnt in U world. HanuieM, reliUle, inttMUuiiutiiidtwt not coutAio I -Mil, oof any vluiic po.Mn, U produce (rsvlKU ur death. Avoid the rauntrd aud dIustv ptirtious bosjutUn vtrtur Uiy do mil p-mwaa. Tbe Kuuin uf W, A, UaUyO lor't Hair Uj Laa had 30 yttara' ualaaxiutihed rrpuution to uphold IU luUnty ru the uut) PTf.l Hair 0y Hlwk or Hrown. tWld b al OrueuUU. Apply at 1 Bund ot, N. Y. ProMBlcit C RfflMrnri "THK tNL? v -)l)!4Al'tK It improvty. ai'ikt'titt' and diKttitm, aitd unriaitl (r ti n r Wt am (lirotUd U; W. r-. I F A 1'KM KINH U M-OMwnta ail rsarUea tuak.i,,; ur vi iu lug counterfeit. aiux Tft WntUw Yt.rK JJUY jJ military SCHOOL. Attention la called to the alvrrUeiiHMt of K. KinnwUndi o If c ring the d 'Un Manntoti and (CiAintl for t'c Na tM'ti r UmtlnMi oi buildiKK "o well lulfpUMl for the purpose could tuv fouuti lu tiiottuiUL llt'V i' tf 1 111:111 m, in Illm. l.issA t n.lo FlniJ Pvlmnl IIIU, IsuDUu bUi I1UU Lilian TBS WiOtHSHI'lL KSWSItl SO o.u.VU BVPIIII IU tlt'OltVltl A III :.eit, oiiuii.m, t... ... UK kb, itsi.1. ttttaciw iKHAULoinsse Vrtitunit; niAMiii uinaABan. Da P. T. KKKNEluiiluulustrulurnedfroiii Ee.uador and hronirlit with hlin a quantity of lbs tfSwwwM CUNUUKANUU HAKIV, seeilrc. tlirouarb tbs oltteial reeoinmendaUon and as sistanca of His Excellency the Prasideut of Ecuador, and Uie uoveruuiout of Uiat Keputi lie, we are prepared to All orders for It to s limited extent, and' at a price about oue t) Bar ter of Uiat which the cost ot Uie lirsl very small supply comtieiied us to cuargti. aail supply comtieiied us to cuargti. Our FLUll) EXTRACT Is prepared from Uie wiiM CLNLll K Miw CUNl)l KAN(H) BAKK fmra Loja, ltctuulor, secured by asslstanc of the an Ui.tr I Ues of Ulst country. Bold by all llriuigists lu tlul ootuea, Navuig on uiem our uame, train- mark and lull uttecuotis ror use. rnce, iu LaiairaUiry No. HO, Cedar BL, New Tork. B1.1HS, ivcana .v.vi. 1). W. Bliss, M. IV, Waahlngbin, It. C 1 E. Hi.iss, M U New York; P. T. Kssaa, M H.N.wlfork.- WOOD1 IlilUt K li 11 I li iinnl free duioiK Uie eorHittg yeur lo evety sulsa-ri ber of Merrv's .Viusuuiu, tiiu lo'eoo niiui.- uiicu uf IU worth and p.'" Hrrm-; tirvv, py, Jam! far' on, Thvo every uuinuur. iu cluhbitur .It otft-m thrw II rat rlaaa pmodi cala for Uie uiieu f oim of tlivtu A vark-.tj of fkruiniuma on. rnaily IMrntl Urfna It if an origins, iiri i iaaa mntrami'. iiiuran a btufliia wltli "-" "' Jau. 'Tdf Tlmn a.t iTiii ti c , i'-a fne Audits 4. . WOOD, NcoajtU,"lTrr mmm A OENTS WANTED FOB THE TEAR OF BATTLES. The II istory of the War between Frsnee and ll.nri.iiw Hit, I .ru.li. slu, Pwel. tiiMlMrtltt. r!iitn ,,,. tw Illustrations; 043 Mges; priets SJ-ft"- MI.UUU copies already aula. I Iiu only eompiettt workt NoUilng etpials It to sel en nsaing iu,uuu copies pei English autl Uernisn. Ter ng 10,000 copies isb and Uernisn. Xft. Add'essll. I tr utosUi now. In iietisb and Uernisn. 1 ertus uueipislet ertus uuetnisled Out til l Xft. Add'essll. 6. KOl)BPli.KiJ A Co 117 Psrk Row, New York. PATENTS VZ mill hers srinslite dnHs-wMsi, 87 Psrk How, Maw York Twuuty Bv vesrs' svnerlenee. PanipbleU containing Patent Laws, wiUi full direcUuns how to obtain PaUtnts, free. A bound vol inns of 110 pages, eoutaiulnit Uie Now Census hy eounUe Slid all large 1 llles, 140 Entrrsvluas of Mechanical Movement Patent Lsws sud ruins for oblaiiuo; Patents, mailed uu raesiptul saewnus. IIIEAPftdT ADVEKTlHlNti I V I11K I WtfKI.OI t or SM per liH-ll (ter MonUl, we will insert iS..elU..u.l ill 'Alt SraL'IsM N 11 Newsnaiai a. luelttdliiii Ihtllna. PrniaV- ti.timn. raUw for smaller atlv'ts J.W sent Ire A.idress fc I. P. K W HI. I, t 0 . , nov JuU ' 41 Park Kow, New Yurk. rT-llE HAKUISHl'rMl FAMILY UOKN X she) , A. ..Mat. ... Ull I I.U.. Fsmily UomslMllers. Beet wvsnuon 01 tne kind. Sells at aiiMsl "roU lanrtt For sir- euiar. audrsss lutjUENE BNYUElt, Troasar- er. Lock Box W, Uvrtstmrg, ra WE WILL PAT W. Agtaii S-10 par week to sail anr great aiid valuaitle dtscov arise. If yo want perwaurnt, work, apply tor pai'il t CO., Jackson, htmoraiue ana pieassi rulars. Address UY ant wo YKll . Mtcbigan. (Jflp; t A MONTH I Horse furnished rPaUEiiieiisss paid. li. B. 01IAW, Alfred, Ma. AVOID (JL'ACKS, A TkUm of eariy In ducreUon. eaasiitg nervous debility, prs iHauire swsv. etc.. kavuw tried ia vain evvrv adverUaed rettteuy, bak distsiverni a .tapt means ol self eais, which b will send lu lit fellow surh-rera Adtlreas J II. KEEVEB, T Masstss ntreet, M. I. BVTltf-it 1 J ECOI CLASS. I At rwralar atesUiur of the Merlisalt's ttaildlne and Luaa Astoeiauo," IHMJ Jtil. Unit, tail, rt wss resolved to upea a t It ti (I N V C LABS of Boil or 1,011) sbsres, ih w value of wbldt nan a FIFTY IXlLLAKJi PER f MAUI The olilsct of this class. Is to eomiashil tlioss wbo and It HeTonl ttteir means to l'j Use present vaias of Bute, hi tbs unt elsw urtSt-T 10 Msmtne nieaaiM-V, also 10 uie iH'tcil.'sl Motkhut of liuiklia aad I stsa Asso. c-.ll.a It Is estlinstsHl Utat ttiia vtas wiD nsstuie in mIjou, twewtt Wtoullts. kks-tka for sitiw. nt.ti..B f Block wisy 1st fon ad st Uw rUieiiih rsMWaal HWilt, wli-te tneir will nttsuwa tinea aistu auasrv 1st., in. at which Urns, thefirst s, nttnit will he sas.t. isnrrldeu, a safllrs-nt Binoutil U " - acrilssd lev m Hisuiy wi atsstsnssiajt. Nesrly two fc willed sbar'-s hsve sli.:.ly bt U iea. . W'M. bMMPkoN, uov 14 li Mecretary. ALr.VBLE LAND FOR BALE, Will be stiid h n'fhsat bldttSr. a Uie premise, on Uie Jlst dav of fstsAMntsw, (if aot sold prtvalelr be foe that dsy.) on tract ot Is&d containing three haudixd and sixty sevea aeraa, 1MI of which as eltat-stt, balsoo la woods and old S.-ld idnea. Tbs ntnuliiuis o saM knl eoosltis of a aoud two story dwell twlMsuseeesitatwwwrtax good rooms; agood in ktmi lntW 1 ise, several good tooseea hams, aad ill on tiswdn f atUect frvils itTcrTUi' urv fitr nirtr. Also ou tAht-t dktiuic tnei mUdiitnx IWi erm, i!hbI SU m-pm of wbk h lis cira, iTwt in wa urn Hu. jliswi of filhcr true I tutjuuilne both Ut )wv lnrt tiMWvrv. twftrly mil uf wUu-h la In wtKxiP ml mtir. Alo bcv ttrl ntlir tmmu U-li All lit ftltove Iud W UatW4 Ui Fnuikllii county wiUilti from oik) lo one utd hU hi ih frum rnttilvliuUHi oa ue K. A . h k ,'uviri.sit tucbun-li.t. cctiool. . and in ait- of Uw iuwl nmrnl mid li)tUuctuil rtt of NorU t ikroliit, mail U ItiUIy dapU U Uw prtvtliu-iuwm of till country, a wt HtK.it UviiU4;uei ltuaWd fur Intek funti.nsr iu m-itaorli4.Hl where tattajr la plcaUful an Willi ht as stl J wuirv in utit3ww.. im uuhi in ws twn tiy fttjrautia iftno to purt-haaa at any uiuo. Tr.u. one third rali, balance, in aquaMo V tUlaumU of one and two ara titu wiUi (wre- nt interval from day of aLtx lltle ra UititNt until pun-hawtr nintwy (a ,id V ui b aoUl, also, ati miih tu ant piac, ir caih, Bwivfr! gtHni tuulnanti htrw,araoui; wbWhUUtv Ual wir of uiui- hi Uie tiUte, ratllf, hove and other hI kV icrvmX tiiatty farm uti ut itii, inai-htwry, ., watntua, carta. a- , wtuJM'.ii 'Uauti aiu iien mrttiiurv ana way iln-r litiiijit uubiuntHA Ui tueiitttm. uov 14 tf JAA K W1L0KR. jOH SALEM DKSllUBLK UKSIDENCK ! ! ! I offt'-r ft-r t ty lwv!i HtM witli ar ruuutliri; H aci-- ol Lm4. ttUiiMitt m Ncwtwrn Avtanup. mw fmimTly kuwu aa lite IslMA! I'K'M'lvK'l Y, Tu wliul haa tim-n mh. valwl and two mum ouild wrliiln twu years) ; um foundation, larva acoj at-Jt tlnifli.tl Kooiinh baheuint with B tkoiua upvu hh&t ruMMt and four ap.m aatoait ttnr. Thi-ra U a bath KutsH wiUi ail mdMD IwprttTf uienU, iiaa and W ATa rurthKH for U1 ai.d cld waUr throuiCiiout tua butt?- 1'Um oul-liuild intra are (ut.mvly oww aud ivtuipri Uanimv htm?, (ftatlf, )U n liHtw, YfdnHmit, Tml KtMHua, U nU houIJVv4l hotm- and 8moki botiau. The icttMinda couipruw Lawn and ttowrr (iaiilt-u. wiUi lai-yh4tiw truia, chic Won- yaitl, vtMt-Uiiit-ajui fruit gatikiu. Thore are over Unoo bumlrd f ruit Iraea, Imam of Uitmi tu tHuirliuf.) Kaaolnirrlita, Straw hurrtms Curraiila, Aaai'au:u (tola, etc New lenrlfttf arttuml lUv etiUre tcrtunua. tiooti well of waWr and t-oiueuriMl ciiOeni wiUi force ptimpa wttlun HU fevl of lite lioitae. I rrma atoaei aw auti fiv. nov 1-tX UKNHY J. MKNN1NUKK. N 8 V K E YOUR LIFE IN Till OF NEW Y0I.K," y - "'S , 11 DUSK 1H TBS " P II E !V I I of BROOKLYN.' IHJL'OLAS BEt.L, Insurance Age ug 17 tf A TTRNTIONt NOW IN STOKE AND FOR HALE CHEAP. HIIOVEIJD ANItT"NM, 1 - F1UE lMXIlt, DIXON'S MEAT CUTTER, Miles' "Challenge" M eat Cutter. Cttll and buy of T. 11 HKKKIH, nov 111 tf No 1(1, Kayelteville Street. E ,1 I) WARD IIAI0 HT A CO. hankers; No. WALL STREET, NEW YORK. FIVE PER CENT. Imtbhbst Aluowbo os ltruSlT. Tb baslness of our firm ui Uiesm as anr Btstte-nr NsUonal Bank. Indivldusls 'tr anna banking with us aisr deielt anil draw as they please, Ute same ss witn any nana, excetit Uiat ws allow lnturet ou tl Itslanee (of live uer cent. 1 w Iniv aud sell HoihIs. Bttwlta, Uol.l. Diisl ness lisiMtrs, and collect husinsss notes and drafu throughout the United State, giving prompt reiurna. aov aim A IOTKEK COUNTY HEARD FROM. ' . WEIliKL, M K R 0 II A NT TAILOK NO. H, FAYETTKVll.LE STREET. nov T If ,l --. I VST RECEIVED BT EXPRESS. Anew lot of FACTOKT CAbSIMEKS of the latest StyU for Psutt St 1 . ' .- nor 7-tl ' ' U WKIKEL'S. TCST RECEIVED. Tb fiissat toek of FRENCH CABBIMSHS and BEAVERS ever brought Ui th s eity, , At -hot t tf tX WEIKEL'S. . ' WOULD CALL YOUR SPECIAL AT teuUoa to my tog and beauUfal stock uf SCOTCH CHEVIOTS lorSnlUng, . . aw Ttf 0, wklKEL. QALL AtWI tut xauaw hWsi WEIKEL'S, TUB TAIUIK, srgs stock of ENGLISH E ME RUNES, V FRENCH BKVEKS, j RNOUSH KEBMEYtl, Ao.,Ac for Ovsrcoals. BouveUUng or aad stytisk. norTtf " T I). Uc A I) O Ot lao atiT BuiLnis. tsti MAkktr 'Sr. u Fsursr OH 8 - t i . .- -.-; 0 KRNBBORO', N. U Wltohaale Dealar la L I Q U O KS, '; And Msaiffactnrer of : tf : . North caroi.ina copper distilled y CORNWILSKY, Wis as, BKAaeias, riaa rs waisr,;c. IrWswaaaiaawswBtaa artvonsbdro' Money Irlarktrt BUYING RATES OF BANK NtfEe,.dK. BT ! WILSON A 8UOBKK, BANK ERA AND I Kxc-AHta Baoaaas, Bon a Kus Btaaxs; - f - v tsaaaasaoao', N. C. Bank of M. C '. ...,. t " Cap Fear s " Charlotte..... A- " Wadeatstro'..... It Wilmiugtoa. ...,.,s.,., '. fc " R.xltoro' V- I " Tboiuasvillc..., . fi ' " (.nlisnt , tt lsraxiTlttArn . . V H i'oaanierra . , s ...,........., . , ft Yann-VTllk- MtbanU'' raaiil. ot ca t-m , . , . KamitTw' Bank of (m'n4MrTi ; Mitiera' and Haiitrrn' Hank. INrniiiMtrrtr.) ttatih of WHuimsrUtn .... Vinriiiia Htuik No tea arxv- aiKmt ... 1 t Is tf tt Bivniu 1 arvuna " ,. Mm IHHryia . C. H. R. Stock., We bar and sell at Utwral prior. UsiM awl Mllver,, North Carolina Boada, Halted Btater Bontia an an ouvsr martctato eusi-ka , Titer ror Hank Notes by delitor end Mock tuders ol IwudtswUl will racetv aroaiia at- tenlloa. Returns for exnrsa pekarrs ot Bask Botes Ae.. will b mad ea the dav Mcwrvad. lo chock on New York or BalUaiora, or la ear. rem T, as uennto. ' Lifeand Fire Insnranc Pollclaa uausd wt good t'onisutles, St best rata. . as to am" MTIOsML lm INSURANCE CO OK THE ' . tlTl BTtTkM OF AkKwVtA. , , - WASBiaartm, D. C. , AOKtUf AT RALK10IT, '? Casn Capital, $1,000 808. - (lutrtwntl r (wsVlal ct f (VajrH, Anetvnl S SJ stHSS, IflSS. I Hhakch Omck, rHit.AUKt.rniA, ; Where the business of Uie Coutisuiv ls-trsiis. acted, and le which all nsnaral aorrmpundane I.....IH lu. ..UpuI r (jyFlCKES Ci Aksacan. Cuu, PUladelpUa, President Jar Cooks, Chairman Flnanr aad Exeeutiva ComnilfMk llasar D. Ctanta Washington, I VL K A. K01.MKS. PhnsAbibilJa, ( ' "ft Eaaasoa W. Pan, Pliilsdelpiila, fWrstary asalJuvvaarT Jtma M Bim sa, PhUada. 1 rwi. J. T. Ita.ma, Wsshinulou, ssl Secrxrt, K. M. NswroaT, Buiairluteudenl or snatna Kaisi-isO. Hair. M. 1) , Mctllsal I II reel, r.wisn Mstas. M. U .Asst. Misln-sl IMnsrlof ilJ liv E. ('hasiiuib, Waahlneto aad (iaintoa lUaiuaa, fhllk4ia,BilaiUiss,nil Cash i iMl 4 tiMtnuaUona, Atta 1, ter.1i' 1,(107,1 i v , t -.' , Cssit itn-eliita tr.Vta Prewilnma for tti. Tear uuta .nig. t, isiu, nin,uu..r. t Ctusii IttieeiiiU froBi-inttimst and ot&er Sour ms ix:t mm i y& ..... Total Uaak bwoa. Suaotid Flsi-al taatr, TWoaiiiw. - - : i . Number of Pooeles tssuad m Die two Vtwrs oi wm vompauy Buutieartn, i i,tiit. i ; a attaint of iiawraaea, at,Bau,Yi, Tb sxtraortllnarilv rsold rmarfess of tin Company attests tbs asalmsutai hi widen K is I by Ute BubOc. sad Ute Uov aae-uut of aew buaiaesa trattiiacUsl is Uss aest rrklaiifl of . populartty of Its orirx i .itsv. and Its aausv abuitdf to asset Use retBinMat.nt ot asaureas. Tas MiTloWAli Lira bnyaaaoa Onaira xus a Cam CintiL or I,tJUi,oga lt rata af nrsralasss ar aa taw as I os SMtent wiw nur aaieiy. t It man w snurelv true mna nv enmnni- Uons of aotea, Interest. Ac . tt r.irt(uUe aud dlsaiauiUaeaU of dmat-rMts, Its contracts are deiluile, clsar, aad lmial but to we mbundenttoed, or mtsiiyiwsmttxt) Its roOctes eon lain all of Uts promt., issue by In Oonipuiy, and ar xilingly lllarrwl. AU Um advantages aud privilege trkieli au be safely granted to Una Insured, an iTlieaf by this deservedly popular aad trong C.ii(sUiy To aaent of Inteirrltv. wlm are desirous of vwnaaeUng tb baaiiws of l.lfs litsanwies atsiu bouost and eorrtxa pniK'iimis, uie una. pairy is wretiamd to otlsr as iilMtrwl uisiutsjawaiui as can Im sJlorded by II kow raum j (, ApiHeUons tor sgtatrles or (or nnllrle y b matle hi th Company at it Brasck OStes IB ruiiaiicil'nia, or sn - .. uaaWBAiAuiHTt deaW-tf . Ranagk, M. y ' 8 ALT! SALTII, 600 sack Marial'iFaetsryllsd,lnd(l pcic . ' ! av u. nart liana oetS-tt j tin. S, MarUa Btrwrt. gADDLEHT. To Baddies, Brwiaa, rtsitsrs, usrne,: iu Mitts usnissB, ; i lim Collars, setts brittibl ln. aov 14-tf 0. T. STRONACH. TO LB II. - . ... 1 Fina dnabl as IsvdlsaOold W.lt h. set wlUt dumusmls. Also, several ouinr aruries oi valaa. Aay psraoa givlna Inf.innsUon leading to lbs recovsry of said arUelas will a Ukerally rewarded by leavlnr trtssante i rfnu, Mat sssvs, sr. at W. H. & K. B. Tucker Co . N, R. No qaeaUoa asked. - 1 nor 10 tf - j APPLRSI APPLRSU ii; i.'ja P Fins Itrg Moantaia Apples for l. ' (arrU-uf VV. li. JoNaS Co, U L I V 8 I S W I i'c'n., J RALKIOH, N. J, f j ill eouUaae to aril at tbs P" t ghkatly'hrdcckd PIUUKS t 11 l'X'T ER 1 V RTO L X ...)! 'il l ROW A . : SIOVKs) A 'D e.!v it : ,y- - ' IIOLHE n'HNIBblJvO OOODfl EVER V UB8CBIPTI6S; 'otl7-tt :' (V- . 4- H r DO yoC'TIIIKK ; WIBEB'S PIANOS ALE TUX BUT, i .lit I I I ! , --: i j ). , MIL NASH f " . : - -7- -f ( "'-, Is a fjesstkiu asked u over SU over aglua. W Kaow Utcy sis Uie best by seeing atnt fesitagl 1 , Oca rAdiTi for m.tlitg jtT toai-ASi- tKis'i between Pkunt of differ, ut makers, an snrk ss o4a hi t orrna tkaub ca rnssKsa out! y sarrid sfwly, wtM yrvsst tlrullq , ,4 lipnm, mat bat raw naana ra thstkaob are furlBaate enougk le acquire. Or ix- , Turnan axrauaaca &al4t as to Budte a oonwet asbusala of lb lain ul a Piano, and w hav BubeailaUugly decided ia favur t Uia- W X R X B . . '"' Reliant san bs placod bt tneconslnrUon of ' these UMtraaveaW 4cshus, MR ALBERT WEBER Is not only an accaraplUtied miuicUa, skill fid arUsaa.bnt aa aouoratile, high UuH-d man "W -7 0 ... ' V factarvr who values bis word and uw repwtu- Uoa ol but mstrumenU. Send for Cstaingues of Pianos, Books, Ac, to JOS. VAN. HOLT NAfilL aar U-tf ' Fetanharg, Va. & HAMS.. : fi- Froai the Esstura Skrl of the Stats. aov la-tf . . W. U.JOMui C- . IB-U . . W. ll.J 0 S I R R T J II V w. a r. a TUCKER CO, Hi HAVE MOW IN STOCK A LARtUK AND Mcsplat aorUast of Forulga ami Dome .. , . , Me Hosiery, Oioto, Uaderwear, Ae, euusist . btfOf ManYWnea'i.andChUdrea'sUuslery, -t -i. kv0 lines of Mlsse' Fancy Weoka Huai. ry, ' '- frontbsbsai fRENCtt sndRMUUSII Mating 5 , -factitrer, rjartlcularly adsi'ted to th Sncst c M4UiidV ' W7V Men's Mu'iCNl)r:RWlUR,ki Cob ' toe, Pstut Marino, Real Maruio, Wool and -w ' v A taU aasorlraent of ALOVE3. la Kill. Cslf, DottHsjii, oatttor. Lined and UuIiiuhI, uYrhn, l Cinth, and Merruo, In Lined snd IiuiuietC u Plain snd Fancy Stylus, In great nrtetv, and a t ttrcwe prless. Also, tbs eett:tnnte.f -liuki at AUKXANHRK'S JL'tiLAn' A OUliRVWIOERB KIO UUJVK8, la the New t'oltsrs, to aiau-k Ute latest and uestt fashion. alii Bilk and lr h timala i ll alteulloa of tb. .trade Is rest-.fliUy invited. - W.H.R.BTINKKRC ;aorStf ,:, , .,. : pOR SALE W KENT. f Tbs Dwe'tlng, Otil Ileuses. nd lot at pres. -A tmt uts:utie 1st Urn. tieaiw ami vd Coru-y, ' known aa Uie "Twekur Place ' m Im asle, or wiU be rentid (If uot pretlously sold), for tn . year IOTA Mouse Is fumudHsl. . AlHily te n.iv la If W. II A U. S. THCKF.H A Co. li 0 iintl X L E I DE81UABU PHOl'EHTT IN Till WKS- J r RM WARD. ; "ilrts acre lot, WiUi rood frame hoas eoa- . tshiiug 4 RtKiini tat ground ftsr, aud tab aUIrs, large kilt hen and stable, a lirsl rate well f of water, tin frs l trass aud grs) llnta aud strawbvrrT bed. I . ." ALSO. " , omnnarterseraUiLniodivnCotlaga contsnilii'? Uires rooms, -porch on back and front, kih-ntu .. f lam esuias, Ba craps arbor snd fruit trees, t Pus iswma, tbs., apply to - - . ' - - aov 17 II W. 0. STRONACU Co. I Hllr.1t! 1' .... A . vt "'- V 10 itlMlll f,.r ull. lll.S-ll of MusUI til' .,..1 : B.sit iu N- C. book autre. I .1 , . : Tt . 1 .M tl SUUIJ S ... - orll tf ' ' Raleigh, N. C pHANOROFSCJiKDULR. -. 'ft :-f tr-! 't 1 ."-'t ' - ': " i RALtKlH A MA8T0N R & CO., , .. ,.-. SursajaTunuast'sOrri' B. RAiaiOB, R.C, No.Tta,WTl . - i t on soa art Tuesasy noremiiar thi i"i i. Irslus m Uis Rwieua Owstou KaUroad, will ' nut dally (Sunday eaeepWal,) as fooewsi HAHi THAIS. . ' lams Raleigh."....... 6 0 A. ar, Arrlvwaat Woa.. ...... S.SO r. a. Las Weldoa 10, 10 a. a, Arrtveaat kassigk,... 4.00 r, . , AovoMstouATioa twak Lssrs Ralebrb Sine.-. Arvivasat weldoa................. SJSJA. at, Leave Waldoa , V.l&. H. Arrive al Rsleig.... bouavsi. ' ' Msil train makes cloak ooasaoTiOH at VVt-l. bob With Ul Bealassrd RiMUloka Risilroa.1 and Bay Line Steamers vis Baltimore, t awl from all points nortn, west sua nonnwet.1 and with Petersbwrg Railroad vi Peterslmn;, KS bniowd nd WssliUi;ton city, to aud from ail poinu NnrUi and NurUiwtwt, Aud at Raleigh wiUi the Nona C-irolhis tbttb , road to and fnaaall .tiits Soiitb aud H -il-f wsaL ami witn tne vnatuiua BsJiroau l us). wots and Fayetlevilla. - AtommtxisUt and Fre'Tht tlslns. C'wi.s't StWebtonwiUl Aeeommudallolt si.. ti lu'dV train ou ScaHosrd Mmtu,.... UsllrtMMl ai l Patersburg kaiiroad. An4 at Rtdcuth, r."l Aeemtriii er t'ioii aiul tvigbt trains on Norm (Jaroiina llaiiroad. - rersons living smnr Ui une or tne ttomi rs visit Kalelgb in lbs morning by Aecotimitnli- - lion train, nuiaia sawsral Inrtirs, ami seiuia ut Same evViutg. , A. B, A.II'Kt.vy P, aoviO Vf . Man. Sauk. IEW COIPLETE MUSIC STORE. FAIRIIXVILUR STRRIT, r (Qraasnuui' obi Stand) - ' IlLKlun, I.C. l)IAN(w) 0PTUE WELL-KNOWN MANII- V J. laclurwr KBsaa at Co.,nd BanaiMti s ... axis.. A to tn excellence of tbsa htstrnmenta, Uisre Isseacselysnysoensslty tu my anyUonii IM ivaMaKii ul (As A'aaes Asswa is art i.t(.i U, vuunmly iff .n-sOratw." lilttstratcd Catalugusi and Price Lists sent , uaspplkUoa. - - 'f i , . '; f ' Nrntliam Bonn Cabinet Organ j Maaoa Hiualia CsbmetOra ' . ' t UWOt OF FOUEIUN A-ND AMfiRfc - CAN, BIUCET ai'SH', . ,. .X ! , '- V -. "' V - ' - InatrnrtorS Ii4 Piano, Vhdla, llultar, Siiigiitis, AsWTdouS, FluUsses, te etf. . ; ' MuwcAiIasTBcatstaor au. Kiiiitiin -VMIaa, lurs, Mtede Haves, Flat., Pie . mdoa, rOetavs. Flutes,) Hiueolettea, ..A .Jkccordtssiis,Fliiliuas, Cou.snliisst, Batiloa, 'fartitioriries. Roues, r ' , ;;. . grams. - irvsac svmi jzhisv, .v. tws, for ffji-ams, Vase svaf Jl diaa .V. iw, Vioiiii, VUilouccilo aad baiter of Uie very basttjaailly. - i . Jfastr seil tf Vsl. A" 1 shsll iU,y nvs hiivo f great stts-k of Bheet Mtiain on Hand,, all. order wlU tn rWomptly altendtl to. t - I'mahc atitlresa, -. .. .: . l'ltof. A. UL'-K anglTtf MEmtHa. C( ikl K a MARTI N. WAN asters KouUietl Deltartmeiil New Jeet Muutai l.tfo, Co , hare nuauysid their ottitit to nonttis, s trjii. BOV I t 1W 13 t'lT.KRI BlNl'liR!! 60111111 io Hrli. Fiestl Moun'lnB ilt. r at uov Mil A,. LAI 4. WS, 4 t .v. connnement. -Vw . ,

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