- a . SentintU J9M1I TrtlEL Jr. LMiltr. ' ' Ml luuU ft Uetl Hilar. 1 . " : . & Tl'EriHAT. VtoVMVtSt 3, mi, i AULm...-.U..ll-;i)"-l.-i.l-J"ll!l.i'"!l1.,L il'JJ.l.JllllJ" '...i.,l-lU!..-tlt-!-.J!.! I. 1 OOr. C.ILDWKLU JLikoHiiiJipa awl IW, Ham. CaWwtli would faiu make Bun believe, but t Ufkmiailitt. a awaking Julia saiil, be nwi4 Uk th 'bat OktU. Ttte gwwn mule lUairiiu; (. li. in Bwrk "ars-tajt bis aigltl-wi tbiUrea to lb- Hgl.t. Whca the; wal Mtt to bwttki be ! Uum visit auxl nrpwi tfcwa to oVimJ or dV uu.lev th tbiaaib ft)u Flag tLst bran a mar ! two Tfcejs Jell, be atij, h and the old nn woal4 taka their plssx Bs (ii J aot ip bta vurj. bat b wl tht auldier iluKcUhcf, and f"O.I. Them . are-tiie " awttairalitin wbka berptbf three," Phillipa, Foot, a4 Cs'UaelJ, Bum taking tba teat oat It, wearing thrj aever gars ail roonU-ustirsr or aaeoarataaeat to Um rvbclliuB." After tlm war, ia whicb his ana vat killed, Un. tsMweli attetapieu, to parry Um odinat which attar brd to hia war recur ia Use etiiatioo of agrut, caqiet baggora, aasl faiernl soldier who camped boat fcia' buaaa. Ia a public diaiosslou ha aaid be did asak a vpacrli at a ceilaia luesii: v la Barks, bat it waa to Butka the 4 m amtb vluBter that tbej Bright be killed. Tbera were only soma wtf doara m.nuantt il democrats in fbat "whole niigtiborbiMMl, a waa prcvea sad Caa b proven agaia to-day. t Oow, Caldwell waa about to ba fcoa srri ptrJ and. Oov. Vance Kvs bjoS aa assy !ac. Whew, th war Was closed. Bit Ur. Vance wa iriaMMC, 6v. I'aldwcH aaid, 4 m bi, be (Caldall) woukl like to go to b baaging. Tbuw Uira ara t4d IM bf geDlIajtca boat word will ab qwJtiniittdL I br Uur. tllacIL at lailrtMtl BMetina ill IKS. Tttej show of what war, aa (roll aa of abat fuan vwitk thU naa la (uida. Tata ba waa williuj to acrifice bii faun and awry aaijj ua tb railroa to rDccat tba war. Now ba U willing to go to tba banging nf Vanor,. tlarla, had ; averf naa wbo -al ia iti ftamxu turn. Hot to lh iHiluihH ! At a mating of tlx atuckbobb-ra of tba Wntera a. u,rulial ewmiiaa, aq rWibary, rVpt. II, IM, tba (otlowug ptraMUtr ami nwdulxM J tHHma ii) . r. It IVdrll. Kw: WiaaiOa k atry a nt.w nuracred h Britm aa. ui . aim h mlut nwotia tl tarra of M h able tedied ritiziM allh ia tba euaeriit acre; mkI wbrraai, bar aa abanda a of HttoltiL'tSt, lex pcrkttfd and acartkad baaitwa' wea ilav jrond that age, wba, wtHrtri- aioka IU' and tSriit (kitTi in the Woktb K. V. Uailruad t'aipaay: Sa t tkrrajr-r i Hautwtt, tr ' tba 4ekhiIuidra a awl OHiipuit hi aaaavl awotiug wwmbled tlult no itamm uucht to be auuwtoied tit ia tor. rD"iiHur, auiieriumd, raaducio', or to any edka or poat ia tid emnwajr aabaa ba be a rf-om tirt, dbubtul diet, or eaemiii fnm the eTke i acconnt clarvd by a board of eiMBtoiim awgiaewt Attr oiTite mucamum, prttci- pated is by Mmct, Caltlwetl, Km, tad W. w. Atrrr, the tcaoltitlua wiuued cd by W. W. Arety, wbkh ameaduteat n aaanyiud by T. JL (Jaldwail; aa M- Mtmirel fvrtfwr. That no iwfxoa wb i mberrilicr to tiie lUlui''h Mtuuitml or Sdtr J-junud Im tupt)ad ia any capaoity oa au I raa-U A Krw Turk iwwiap.ir, oNrnateatlng in tbe aiuiKI vitidiraiiiM of tba aa- dwnt of lbiiip If. MboridM by Uta feihint 4 Um iaad jury r ludKt fttuk, or area tba iBKtrauMnt tbrnt;h wbone Cuknad Umaveauc waa wunltirwl, reealto tba rir- ouMtaacaa that aeraral (rraad Juriel la Mew York city bar fulled to indict Tweed, IJoawllr C aad pertiaeatly aki bettor Tweed, t-naaatly it Vk, are ab viatiu-atod by tiita nrureml The aixaUu ia a aut'tfeetiva om fur Uiean iff awraBt or bi(uted . pwMt wba aa)ipa that the acuua or a irreeit lrj M uiinill I U. ad Soal, aa regard all tow aa nd abata aad hetow tba earth, t . Tbegraad jury of Waka bare kaowa a lb 1B.J-J1LJ- :-L- 1 corrupt retMibliraa bwadatar to nraive .MO,000 ia the way af bribca for foiling 4 m AM of apoa tba people of tba Mala. Tim la has ft 0,000 aid JadgaWattaiOof thia ajoaey. Whca Uttbfieid waa prawn ted (ireata plicity ia tbew trauda, Judge Watta ad jovraad tba bnart ImoMxlietely. , ' What we intmami Mr. tVtoraiM Dana, Jureraaa of the graad Jury, where ba eutild M nwn Of ueav uunmi a vninag Om. Ladia, a nM'taber froto I'itt, Judge Watts called ap tbe graad Jury aad charged then that tbry bad bee taiupered with aad au oaa bet tba aulicitor and swore witaeeate naal speak to the graad Jury This was as rile and wkked as rhillipa who, with Carrow, had a Btagietrata arraated Ueouua be bad pet ao ami to bis warrant ia crimiaat ease, where there was Bote reqairiog a seaL Baaoai. T. naSipS'itbouId heaceforUl be called Baut al fcal rhillipa. ; j Csrrxo SrsTaa Ciacctr Coc 5o- kmbk Taif(t87l Ftar D. Cirt aset at 1 1 oVhxk, Jodi.'c Brooks pnaidibg. TTe uaJi-rsUnd that Jada Boad will iot ba prwetit, ba beiag eagagsd ia Booth Carolioa. The drawing f the grad jary was (Wtncd aaui lasaorrow, and Hr tba sad of Uta jury were called, U' jurors wra dismissed usttl to-atorrow at 10 o clack. The docket was proceeded with aad acreral cases wera called, ia which no artioa was Ukea. T1m kttklnx cases were con'.hme.l cntil aext term, aad the clerk was dire ted to renew the rocoguwaaces ia the uju ia wiiiih, tiie defradaots ar Sow bailed. This order Wia msda wilk pmrau that it reilietif a was desired, hs BOAtusbuuid cocao btfors tba court A auniWrof prtiw nnaewed their baiL Tlia Mul tl.e Unitrd SUU as. Jarftcs jll. Hirgnne wan let tr bearing to Morrow. l.trkt Attorney for prosscation, and MiCorkSe f tbe defence : ' j Tiw SlwriiT of Kit'.fiXti, U. it StsJT.Jfd, yf.t.'r.lsy pi J into tJiC Tnswuij atkd jtie SbtTiff-of Jldffl, It B. Oibbs, de- ARRESTS FOR J LL-GX1 VIOLA TIOA'S Or TUXIXf ERiiAIi kKY IXUKLAW. ' : t We leans that Wr, R. W. who i-butok-uiaioiv'r f ink-inai revi'ooe fur tin Rabigb Diati'k-t, awl whnaearrital jn (bb 4ly we a4ird ia yt-rl's VP". ruled eibt't-itbwii'fliiierl(Sf SB' I lamed tbw irr S appraranr .at tht arxt term " the V. aV iMnvCmerl ailvrd Tb.tiiris t the iiiUnal rerena. be, We brliree III tt it i. tlw boumli duty of all gtmd tiliuM In )B t and- be lbs fawaa uf Ike emnli), Stl tliat tftjyH' lh ahu ailiuliy, ilii'j;ni r nfuas Ui obw-rve th.u?W'Ut ia .thin iSMtosfle . think J tbivCtf Ure has bnea any i.Juln atll, it has brew aim through iKraiH ' bat ktWslly cnuirrd if tb parttn llita from any Inteatiua r dmint ua Itmr part to v Ieir ilwregtril tbeiaw. W. Ibiuk, aad aisny olbi-rS am ( the s.nae oiiniim, that tbe officials UieuMrlrea hire laltt-n sbrt of tlifif duty In the pr. uiim iu not girbtgauffiitient publu-ily to (be pmyim of tbstCTMitM law '! the ptiaalliia ( a violation ot ilia taunts. Lt tlieta.dis ebarge tlieir-duty iu this n;t, by pro perly infoniiiug the littkiuom i:Hnniiiiiitiis oi Ibehr dutiee aiul oliiytttioon to the guv foment in tlit pn iuii, ami we venture to predict that rnvi-niM nfliciala will find very little causa Kir cutnplaint in Wil mington. By tbe way, we learn that a detective, by tbe aaine of Bvrry , wa aentberc from IUkigh Uat week, and ft i due to hia in stnimealality that Die arrrU alluded to have been mle. Wit ifffir, 24. ATTKapTa.1) lt"W - (in Tliurwly nilit ist tbe giMiid h' mK'i Ixiud allenipud to ralar a row with the gauUeiaely pro- prletorof tba Muaiioa lIoBe ia this (jnce.1 There was drunken man, by the name of Thomas Tale, fa l he bar-room In the hotel building, curig and abusing the bar tender, wbo told liiui to get out or busk his eu ming. The drunken sot (lien walked out on the piatza of tba hotel in (rant of tbe ladies' entrance, and wss-tttlng anoM of the moat obtcene language, when Mr. Alexaadar, tbe proprietor, went out sad ordered him to feava there, butt' be would not do H uotil ht waa takes off. The Bcoggioa gang seeing Mr. Aletiin dcr order bitu . off rushed lo wauls ,i:U with drawn pislob, swearing they would butrber htm," aad tailing bin bs " could ant atuue a radical, not even ia bjs awn house." ' Mr. Alnn-lcr knew nothing about the drankea Man's rM.Utim, and would have put a di-wmrut or any other nuui o(T the pisKSS, under tbo asms circuuwUnces. These cowardly Tillians were apparent ly, wry brave, knowing that they had a n-gimeat at soldiers to back them. Huru tobire lliey ware very cowardly, tiiey wonld sneak thronjb Shelby like sheep. killing dogs with tlieir tails between ibeir leg, aad would aot even speak an unkind word to s citUea, Every dog has his day, and tbeas oon tompUbte suMiadrels will repent in "sack cloth and abea," fur their iniauHius decda, crffy , " ' 1 0 aia. i ' tat the Sentinel, Mr. wi u. Iihtohs; l am aowaafe. A iriead wbo ia aide to strike a hard blow proposes to take the lllit off of my hands b publislilng extriw-u from tin lAgmm I vurvUitbt. its tninae nutiiing is mora nks the CaraUnum than the Til from, and nothing mors like Tttetam a tba Vanuatu, lie proposes too to meet the editor nf the LarolMum, in any way and at any tiuie. But my misnion ia pesos and to show by comparison that the Vnrolmtm aud the lukuram now Irora tha aaiue fountain head, aad have the. una end in view. Nor can we lie driven from it by railing as "thief aad robber. lo hers I come with aa extract from the Gtnlinim of last week : , "Our province! this matter is to tie- lead tba iMmwtrutus party. .CWwiiwufH. The iiillowiniz 1 copied from the fan hmam af Jo. 13, which that paper copied rrora trie AUievuto ttunutr : EbKwbera in our paprr of to-day trill ba bHiad aa accouut at the horrible out rairea eotnmitod br tha kuklux la Yancey county, wnicn ax-uovemor Itrautr, I'liair BaaA of tba UHiaervativa-iMBincratic x erutiTeComniiltoe of tiie state; in speaking u tiuur uiaixMiwu, so pleasingly and poetically styles a wild species of justice mrviMiui to a awonieq stata oi thingn." Where M there to bs found as honest man whuac oolitii al prejudioia have ao blunted bis sense of hmmr that his blood will not tingle with indlgaallna at tha recital of Um violettra dune a virtuoua wife aitel mother by this infamous klant" Tha WUmlnrta Put asva the CanAin it it tbe nruaa of tlie Brai'u faction, tu: Wlma Uie iVal reads the aliove ba wiilai tliat bs U niMUkeu, or that the om aa in sadly out of tune. i "(Irutiwien may I.Tesfh tha Infmnv' of the rwliud party, tba erunea of its inei li bers, tlie incapacity, corruption and par tiality of tbeir judge aad other officer nf tha law tha neirro and reconstruction baa given us, but there Is nothing in the his tory of North Carolina throughout the enure period of th past tea yean, that . . '. . .. - - r inauiy or prcteaa to tusttrr the peotile ia taking tha law into their awn bands, snd whueever so atUsnots. is irulltv ol a crime against civil liberty, and they art aiders aad abettoas of crime who axcuse or patiuts sucn enaauct in any one. . Tba time has come lor men to sneak out plainly oa this sulijert,-and the demo eratic party mutt am $kall repudiate Uteas scourgers and anaaaaina, and aid in briag Ine tbem to pun Ubment, CvroiiuiH JVu, ia." , , ltdrenchmeut and refurm with , ihe Ikmtmrntit party mesa revolutionary ex travaganee, olhcial pnidigsey and politi cal ruin." Itrro, July 1st, .1871. I Kadjcelisra Was dead ia iNorth Caro lina last winter until it manifested itself la tba Lrgislatura." Tsiiywa, Jul) iHtk. Having tha Ttlatrram and Careiihi, at hand I will furni&h extracts until jou sra tired of publishing them.? i Youra, " A" ZfesJWWiUV' but IT, ' Huxley, ths Xngtuh scientist, says: The only good that i cut sea In a de- monntrauoa of tlia truth of . aplritoslkua is b furnmh an additional anriuneiit against suiciile. Jkitcrllrsjaruavawnfn sr than to dia and to lie made to talk twaddle by a ' medium ' hired at a guinos Trie clieees fcntorv of Oakliuld. Fand du Lac county, WUu bat wanufuiud eightyflva thousand pnuads wf rtienae mi season, ana not -kws tlmn fifteen IhoawBd barrels of cider will be msiht in tbe saute COtiBtjr, Lr-LsUture of North Carolina. ' 6EXATE. 7, . v ' 1 v uirt, Sov;'27..; - Tbe Benate nwt at 10 o'vbv k, Pnwidenl Warrra in Uie chair. 1 rmyer by Hev. Dr. MaB tf thi-cilv. Jnurnal ul'Halunlay read and airV' d " Mr. (IkabaH drew attention to mi em r of the reuortm in n-prmrating him t-liiiK. mi H.ituril, litave of lweiie for llw rtor froi) llundnlph. It ii Mr. ililinrr fir uliom evv a u-Acl, t at 4-und Knilolili r.mrt. Iav of ulneuce a mntid to Jir lhiatn i-t one work; Mr. Kui from ThanuUy t Monday neK Mr. Murriuimi fnm WliKxly till Kric1y of ni xl nk, mid to Mr. Kkmmini; frinu WIihIm tilt Monilay wt nil thwiw natiiT! hat ing Ui alt.;ml tlifir "-vrnl tmirtx. I'kii'K, rtl., Hfiin "itliml the kukliu n-wilutioiit retunioil Ui bun n SiiurtlM. iimI entered into a ulalemriit ol tn ir no tents. Tlie i lcrk proretib il U rrA lln' 0011 tii mn mini loi.l propwwd ttl ilur iimn.-of a heoatiir wiu riwli!il i-ofthiAted mib yi Uilril kuklut (rriuirK, wtiin ' ' Mr. lli'HHlMi, of Dmridnon nl)(i ! , t tb1 furthH' ri'Hilinjr of llm pxjicr, it Ikiii m aifeatly dinpo tful. Mr. Uhaimm. "1 Oranie, moI it never bail been Uie i:utitifii of llm M'liiitv .c t.lio boiwe to Miiiit iu mciiilu-rii to Ih tiw-lwi under a iireti-n of tin-right of wfilion. lie dwelt at rmini'leriilile b'liglh on the charactnr of the priwiit 'jr whwh eallod for the t-xpulumn of um-iiiIwoi with mit a nrtirle of proof of nny kiml to jus tify it. The ntauiiiig of iiH-nihcrs nl Hcrultfy wan not to I ,Btl"i tul ly i.lle rumors from witlKint: ami Mr. (Iridium tantaiusd the esse of Mr. Itison, (whom be would not and did not mwrn ,) who occupied a seat in the other branch of the aweniliiy, and at in cloae wan t'leviiu d to a teat in Mi;ruia, nphu wliinu th ; i liarye of nitirder rmtd, and wiioet' ciwi wtu then pending .in the court, and yut no notice was Urtsn of the matter by a leis Inure largely ri iiil.ln:ti. 'I'bey took tin proper view of the caie and pnwuued, m the law doeii, that the prrHon ehiired wkn iiintMtnt till proved guilty. Mr. (inihiiin j uV,m rennliiaoa m retjrn to ucii pen raat vil a w.i'rm n v. iiiim Mr. MuTl.aMMT mililioatMl from the fact that the memorial hwl lieen willi drawn for examination a to it ctotnicu-r that it wa rvmlliil and hnice In ntfered no oppuailii n to it bein rend, until it reached a point where i( Uii-u.ic wa clearly diaroBpeetfiil. N'w hu di iected to tlie reception ol the mcmi'iul, if "ISf no other reason, becaune it ciinuiiicd charges against members of t tits utlmr branch of uie Aaasmbly, in regard to which the senate had Bottling to do. The Ui tion miuht be prewiiited, by a piu-r course of proceeding, whether the aautc could try oneol it bixly on cliiiriria ureter red by I'rice' coiistituent ami iu nlv,ince of aconrietion by the courts; but the w ii.tte ckarly bail no right under the n.l. n to recsive any cotniniiuication retlwting iihiii the character ol a ineiulxr. A to the meeting at which the reaolutiiHia wens aid to have been imwed, he, Mr. Met.'lnin. my, bad heard nothinu, though in Wil rhington the ilny aficr it "i reportil to wt l)in held, snd lor a week miImm qttciil. No disordem like thoe coin pluimd of were ever known to luwe meiirml in New Hanover, Diwinleni of a different cliaractcr hml Un conimiltod there colored men being whiped lor n--mainiug away from the poll, and he had never honrd of a meeting being culled to condemn them. The good people of New llimovur narded no deli-nee at hi hands. 'Mr. McClammy, on behalf of the people of New Hanover repudiated thix ineiiio rial. The character of tli.it ieoplu pliu'd thefn alxive a sunpkioii ol prenenting any eomniuniitiou dinnwH'.Lful in it Inn guage or that Would liiniid m felons and murdcrera membeni of either Iioiimu. He hoped the memorial would be rejected. l'nicx claimetl the riht of tlm people to aaaemble and to apply to their re: .re am Utive or rcdruH of grievHiieu. Mr. Dl'KKD denied tUnt the pum:r U lore the senate was a petition, f or one he would not permit nertainxpeoplc who did not have courage euouuh oiieoly to iiutke charges, to skulk behind' the sruif of pur ty hi obscure Mlirical ludetiuiiaiid throw their tilth and piinon into thi Unly. The senate wss not bound to receive mich a paper ss this. Let I In we who iimko tlienc charges openly sliitw their band and come forward and iiiuke their ehiirgi good. The courts were open federal courts, all over the state, as iiuinCrou mm colwtuliL'a courts, with tlieir swarm of duteilvea. Ho pnitested airaiimt the senate being used for the lowet of party purpose. Mr. Latham aaid Die senator from conn lc where tbuae meeting are alleged tohavstierin tn ttl sluiuld share the re spimeiliility of the counw pursued. The senator who introduced thia paier did not aerru to realise his renpoosibility on tliat floor. He wa not only not bound to lutnMliiie. but waa not justitied In Intro during a puimr not proper in it chime tor. it waa not a paiwr on which the senate cou.d act the nauie of petitiuncrH .were not to It. lie moveil that the paper be returned to the senator w lio iireauut- ad It,. Mr. Gbihau, of (imne, mid if filled upon the acnate to umnp (uiwer 1'orinddeiV by the constitution -it eill, . ukiii that Unly either topuui h wiilmut couvictioii. or to try sod convict aud punihli wtilioiit authority of law. He proinwd to modily hi resolution o as to put on rccotd the reason for Musing lo receive the iiijht. Str. MUHI HV tllOUgllt till- li'llM r f.lloulo be read to L'ct at its mil content, ami the senate could then reject it if louud to In biiproier iu it character, and even cm sure the introducer. Mr. ItoiiniKS, of l)iivldwn, only rei-ret ted that lie dnl not oiijcct to tbe reading sooner than he did, oa the statement ol its wHitcuU by Piic. lie did not rmoir ni the right of a senator to tntrmiuue under thegaise ol the sacred right of pe tition, any kind of stuft The senate must protect itself against everything Uku disrespect. i'kick insisted tliat the paiier be read bs wai ready to take the responsibility. su. siia. 1.XMMY am not concur iu the views of Mr. Murphy. Ths reading hail been stopped at the proper time. ', Mr. Latham concurred with the views of Mr. McClammy. The statement of the introducer was sufficient to cause the re- jrctioa.of tlie paper. ..He moved Hie pre vious i) nest kin, out gave way to Mr. Un- r. l.isNKT concurred with Mr. Mtir pliy. that the paper should be rcsd to ;ertwu It It (lid not contain all the elements of a petitiuD. : " Mr. r i-SMuiMo would not be draws into doing what Bot rilit by a fear of being rxiiwnlured an endorser of the acta of violence referred to by tluaw who don cocled thaw reeolutions. lie did not en dorse any such acts, but regardless 61 wfaatfrniulit be thought to the contrary ha intended to do hi (htty as a senagir. ' tie Dever would ba guilty of doing anv act to abridge the tight of psUfivti- but tnu wss no petition, u waa a papur de manding the expulsion of a nu'uiber'of the senaia without proof pr trial even. No faction in New 11. mover or clsrwliert haci a nijht to dictate to the nenrite what Coume it sliould puraue to maintain its own dignity. If , any senator has a riiarpe to make suainst another, hit htm boid'v prefer it and demand an Investliration. and Bot serosa himself, beinud such a patwr as Uiia. ' .'.-..- i : sir. joncs said mat the matter Involved the diguity of the senate and lie viewed it ' aa in so was pentotul to himself, and be j trud fbat no fcelmg Jnal In him would aciuare any mmti lie i 'm floor ia, bis om' e in rpgsrd to Uie paper At tliej proper time be wonld bave sii;e thinir uersonal to .ty, but he now duir.i vtbe ppw,.to I read. f ' r. KfBwi. nf Iloaisn, MirmKiil tr pipi-r oOhi to have lavh nsd and laid oh la' tobl long !. Hie motive of jth ori".iiiti wa Ims- and not patriotic , tiul In- dwrinl to avoid even the .appear ance of interfering with the rijjht of pe tllloll. The quenlion wa u the o'eiti.n l tlie paper, and it wax rejix-toil by the fid kiwioo; voU1: I'hoM!' alio voted in the ailinnitnv wen: : . - Mi-r. Albright,' nrogiieu. Cook, Ed wardi, KpMi, Klvthe, llvuian. KiOi. Uiwino, l.iimey, ve, tic otter. Mm phi. Nornienl, (ild. Price, KoMiine,!'1 Koaae. and Worth- t. Ttioiut in Ih'e negative: , M'W-S-CXIb-H, Battle. Ila-ley, llnnyli C.rtioeil, 'urrie, l.ot; oi, r'tt-liimioif. t'la li.ini of Ahm.-ince. (r.ih.iin ol llrnie,.e. I.iiIiiiiii, Mauiiey, Mct'lamiayTTlWiiiioH. Slolelie'i-l. UolddliK of IliiHiloli. Skoilo t and Sh el ami W ...t.li-l ID Ail tlie conservative m-ttalor votili-; did so to el tlie pijier I m tore the .y-ii i.' that tllev li.i;lit v.-le tl -l"n 51 r. Mkhkikom ill evj-iaii ttion of In vole luiil, tint hef her tin p..K-r mm :4.. d t U'lct-l vvii iu. civd or not, l,c ti it (plite wire. Irohi the statellli lit of W (.... letlta tiadq Ity theia iiator who ofti r. d il, that tin filial Vi-te of Ihe ncmOc upn il a,:ild iioK'-ntt-'rlial in lie opinioi, M :lo strliate .ll s .it, ; II i;;e a as d l- rcjn ' I f I to that IkmIv, iiiel fjiw-ciallv to otie it IllrlnU r. II" u oar-h , llo all ild u:.t to illtrodtti'e party political ijnt-Mtioic, inl. the delila-ratlona of the icnale, anil he thought tlie senate, should steadily -t their lace-, againt every attempt o the kind, 'file eourU, latth federal and .1 itc. have juriKdiclioii of the crimca whit h the enaior offering the p.iM-r ntai s an mentioned in it, ami it was prop, r II,.. r Niich matter Hholild Imt itiviv.ll"iU 1 there not here, lie would vole ngaiiill n'eivillg tiie ialM-r. Mr. Jone lo. to ajm,tion of p- I'.x.n ii privlhe. Hi: anl Mr. I'le-idcnl. rise to i ijiitti..n .! .per sonal privllciv I have l;ikch no p;n n the doa-ii-i 1 i.fei moliiiii lo rt ., i tin Mt called p lilioti of ccrfniil eili.ctu ol New 11. mover county, lor 1 havclon .incc aiarked on! lot mv--lf a ciuv ol ia tjot, that wa in no aay iiivolvc.l iU nor ullici,-'.! by Hie file of lln jh-illoil. For mm time pal a M-t of m tl eaeoil ini-. .i- .tiif-. have U, en iiv.ailiiit' inyiciiu.. litioi :.!, !h. medium of rcMilunoi of county in.tinio kulking aiel shi'heriii" tlieair.i lvc .'ou: reaMiiiMilnlity, U fiiud the action of a ci,.-.-of jiolitical aiiiM:iuteii who are an inot .nt sa they are irreaHiiiBible. And who, Mr. prtident, are the nu 'i I have authoriiy foi haying tliat iIicm- ii -o tution were prepare! in Washinixion i i;y. and writ to thia city l''i itiul':f i -u llirougli the diilireiit coiiuliitu They are almoHt indeiitical In lan'lai'e and taitr upon their face unmistakable cviden. of liaving emanated from a mm mon aoiin-e. TIh-v are worihy of tin aouiee from nliich they imaualeil eolleeiveil lis tllev are ill loaal'di''" and lllaliuily ami llaot, d In I.I-c hood. 'Ihey cle.ige me Mr I 're. ideut. with eoinplteily in lln commisxi.'n of ertincH, and I ay that I wouid n.,i utoop even for a moment to notice litem, ilid 1 not think that the dignify of thin body required it. 1 ay that would not tiofice t heh' chareX for 1 thank (i'fl thai in the opinion of every good man in this ulatc, every man wltiwe gixwl opinion I value, or wiiowi opinion iH worth valniiu;, my ehariM-ter unsupporleiPliy a acinliMa ol proof would otitwcih even the hvynru oath and dying declaration of a linn dred thousand such creatures as the base iusliator of these resolutions.--Men, uo not men hut )iac eoiui-leili-ita of men, devoid ol every in fclmct ol co'iitiluy or even ol nianhttod. niatij;iiant enmih tv frame and to circulate eaJimin v , Inn too coward!) to tVe the re Hioii-,iliiiilv- sii'iKal i;i inlainy and lepo ' pais with onini't. Ilieinselvcs, they set Idem selves itpiifi:ttardiaiisof the porit) and the morality ol'iliisjieiu-ral iui.cmldy -iust asVit agent lor Ihe work Mr. ('resident, an would lie Jtldas iM'allot lor the ptt-sidency otj a miliiinat hank or l.ittlelii Id, of a niilioad. I''r the dcclalatlolis ,,1 J) n)rtl 1 have notion) lo t'ear.lhcy dono! laovokcin i a n to anCr. 1 know that Itny have tin- in ellllatioll to injure mo, ami '' y have v'l I lit Iiiaeliint:ry and p -vCcr'i.f the l. d.ira! Jnv eminent lo liwk Ihcin in then 'ieaion. n.d with full eouaeiouHiicas of this, 1 hcio del) tlieiu to the powif of a sin;;ie syala'.tlo of tlieir charges, though let ihcin jnin' tin whole leoiou of their ptirjurcil iiiiii,. I stand reaily to iniaH them sit, niid iu con clusion 1 say, Mr. I'rcisident, that whoevei iiargmliiee.tly or indirccdy, or ever inti mates that 1 ever mined my arm or my voice otherwise than lo protect aud defend the oil, the integrity, the peiu'c, the tood order and the taw of North Carolina is a cowardly caliuuiifitLtor. and a liasesneak iu;; black hearted villain. Tim much for this pack of yelping curs. At the proper time if I have any influence with this body, them creatures shall have an opportunity of proving (heir allegations before a dominiums of the senate. I am far from nhriuking from an inrestigation, I dosire mid demand it. Mr. Iivk, from the committee on prop osiliou and grievaniicsj repmted hack the bill In relation to ;rS"ui and mileage, with a recommendation that it do Hot pas?. A minnage was roocived from tlm house trunsiiihtiiig the report of the stele libra riun with a pmMsitinn lo print three oiptcs for nieh nieiuln'r. JincrftTcd in. Alsi a iiH-ssag tnuisniittiug sundry en grossed Inlbi which were referreii to ap propriate coniinitUtcs. iMTBomtcriosi r uii.ut, Ac By Mr. (Iiiaiiaw, of Alatnance, a hill to transfer certain suits from the old courts of equity to the triat dockets of the lupe rior courts, . By Mr. Kiiwiriw, a bill iu relation to cost in case of contested wills; Also, by Sir. Kowahos, a bill concern ing joint contracts' A Those hill vera referred to the judici aryoominittee. ' . By Mr. Cbowkix, a bill to kuthoriwitlie commissioners of Lincoln county to issite bsmds, 1 By fir. Wokih, a memorial for Uie re lief of ttwift Island MaHufacturing Com pany. , By Mr. fsiva, a bill to suthorine Ihe collection of arrears olj taxes for 1868, '(19 and 70, in the county of Jackson. These lulls, Ac were referred to the committee on propositions and grievances. By Mr. Battlb, a resolution autlmri ring the governor to offur a reward ofl'JUO for tbe arrest of Luke Johnson, a convict ed murderer, escaped from Nash county jail. Xiut over one day. CAJ.fcaDAB. . ... ' f ' I Tlia following bills passed their third reading: .r .1 , A bill to amend ihe charter of tlie Rnl eigbs Gton railroad oorupaay. (Elect ing the prosidcilt by tha stockholders, etc.) ; , ' ; j A bill to tncorporab! Excelsior Flie Ciuuiwny, Ncwticrn. $ A bill to rhanire the time tor boldinu Alamsnco fioierior Courts, '. A luff to amend tliu cbarter of the city of Newbcrn, &c. i A bill cnneeniinff the .jurisdiction of the rtufti, "TTsr-tilss aeekin-s ivhef miy apply iu or out of ti-rm time at Ibeir elivtiuti, ia casi- wlicre Hie siipt iii'r courts now have jiirimlieiiim during v-ititn. v t A bill conceruiiig lint probate uJ depu d the private examination of married aomn lieyood !ie Lasits of tlie rtite. Mr, Pwditrlfsind s teilutioB graJit Hiif fitrtiicr time fo Jotin . Wood,-) sliari of i'auotauk. m which tb settlehis tajtc. Laid over one day; ' ."I.. ' ' i t Mr, Robbie, of Bwan, inf rodiiad the '. ,, , , . . . 1 ...Jo, .- " . lonowtn' manuuens ; - . ,- . V.'hikhs, It is bu.d thrtiuirb ;th, prissof iht -late rlialritisciis -fforih ' Carolina have iueli seiawiov fojU ral troop oi oiiici.il.. ami canied lieyond the toilrr ,l the stale and imprisoned with. Hit a fietiring in violation of tbe ditaiil (jif Hi -r h ( 'aroliua and I h" pemonsl liabiltt in if her siile. Then-Sir. lUflrxd, That the governor be nquct . d turnvi ttie senate with any iuf trjna ti.m hcTiiSy have iish this rulijisS, and. aiwt what sU.is he has taken to eniplile into the facts, ami vindicate the dignify of the state. llmilrtA. That the clerk of the setale li an. mil a py ol llinse resolution to the i xeeiitive ottiee. . Mr ICohl'iiis said, in siipsrt f the? nwliilions, that, ill aildilioa to tlierfH-t ii lids malfj-r iu the ncwspaiicrs, wkii h he f.tipjwsial oilier senator haal 'ncivi a veil - hiiiescll, he had information f. -in ,m il, si.iiios r.l' lite hih'.-t charaClcr. !o, ii Ii II nod'-ulil on his mind, thai I .11 lis of I tits -lale tiavc laa-ll alallliud h li.h ral tr.siK iVom our od and carried to prison ill ryulh Carolina sfiere they still ri main. Lett mglti; I was inf'M-tiu-d l-v a rlil Iclllan who Vouched lor the fai l, llitl the chairman "t the board 'of county t "iiiiiit-ssioiii rs of 1 'Icavt-taml caint v was a sh"ii time juitm- raYa-d in tliat count v w nil out- a-icr.uil "f law ami hiirficl away over il,,- U.nler, ami a il hoot a hairiiigca-,t i'i(o j iil in S"iiili i atolina l-y lite ruy riniil -ti ol lire l'e.lclll a'llnluistralion, and that he is now in prison tficie. furtlii-ruiore, thai a memorial, signed hy cilix-ns end "liic'.rs of that county of Ivlh political p,r!u, had Isii sent, to t;.,vcriior CuM vn!!. o picst ntill th- sllualiollot Illinois. Also th d sevetal cih. a- ol' N iriii t ar nl'na have h' l 11 Mol"- In tli ,1 I H l.-h to knou , Ml I'. ( shie'i!, anil il is IntM' for Ihe ciuiiiry lol.nott', ir Stoefi (limes aic lo I" t .. ntel. -r the liuiulih .-t cili' U is to 1" thus out I... e 1. 14-taev poaei in tins lice tomilrv 'land tints I i rict ilsi ll upon tl:c toins of the coti-titii linn and Irainplc ullcrlv do-v n all pi-l-soua! liheify f It liberty is ifi ad, il is time ln.-r lovcinivcle in the llavstile, 1 1 r ' in their t.-raves. "I'lie dignity of a f;" lab- ,i also in. ulted. for h s than thi- the tl-s-ts of old linir hold woiii l p -ui fourth tiieir liiui. h is in the r u, ,,list s.;is. hall not inr v-i: l-craisc'l Inn- io viiidieale the Ii i . ..l"iii old iiiolhcr -tile anildclend tin. 'ih i i.-s of hei p, ople ! Suiue Ihe gov 'tin! I- s:lcllt Upon this subject in his l!l,.ssn;;c, let US sH.,V(illd II II V C this lUat b r ihijiiiied into. If we would remain IVccnu-n we cannot "(K-ak toosm. Mi. liliAll.vvi said that but out- instance of such ouliage ot cured In the days of the von!. ,lci, icy, under tbo " .let! Ilavis des n tisiit," as it. iv:is called, and in that case a disnand was promptly made li the governor of (his sl.ale and the man via-, it "lire returned to the state. The n il u I ions aire unaniue-Dsiv :i..ip-.e,l. 'Ha lull I" r.slMie II"- law "I eM h-lnc ii m!ii lie u i of IMil'i I'm. was put upon n- i I li a-lin. hut p u 1 1 i ' i " its ooll . 1 -1 i.r i . 1 1 1 tin senate adrouinid till III . i lock to 1 1 v r I tv . IKH:! I) uf IIKI'KKSKNTATIVK.S. Mosiiav, November 27, 171. llou.sc called to Order at the usual hour. Praverlir Kt. Itev. Hishop l'aine, of the M. K. chinch. .loiirnal of Satiudav read and apppvisl Messrs. Willis, tcol.,) I.uckey and Lof tin were oranteil leave til absence. " Mr. Anderson presented a putitiim from theeitirens of Clay county to change the line between Clav aiiti Macon eouiities. The petition was read and uppropriatcly rclcrrcd. Mr. Crawford, from the cotmiiittcsi on i uiti,ws-d hills, rcpoiled various hills and ics'ihitioiis ics lit-iii": corrcctlv engrossed. Mr. .Maxwell, iioin the committee on propositions and grievances, suhotilUai Itv Mr. Dickey : A resolution in tuvor ol .1. W. (.'ouper ; referred. Hy. Mr. Welch : A resolution iu refer ence to adjournment : placed on caU u dar. The resolution adjourn the legisla; tun- tiue die on tlio V541I1 IK-ceuilH-r. Hy Mr. Jones, of Caldwell : A resolution having 2(10 copies of the constitution printed for the use of memliers of the House; placed on the calendar. , fly Mr. Maulkh : A resolntion instructing the fiaiuiuee committee to re port what aiiieiidiueuts are needed to tlie revenue act ; placeil on tlu- calendar. Hy Mr. Aslic: A resolnfion iiutruciin. the judiciary committee lo report wlicUu r I Itciu is such a trausfi r ol proiaTty I iMTlion tl, arts 1M4 'til ss prevents tlie stale from ibssigiiing In r prois ilv in he N. C. It. It and whether lliere is any in tract creaUal by the ta--Utui , placed oh caleudar. - Hy Mr. Ashe: A resolution raising a joint committee to rcmoitel I no seiut utorial, judicial and congrtnional dis trict aud apportion members of the House. - Hy the same : A resolution instructing the judiciary committee to iuqnira whether there is anything in the constitution ol ttfe IT. 8. inhibiting cumulative suffrage; placed on calendar. ; lly Mr, Houston: A hillMo amend sec tion Ittll ami liO?. C. V. V.: rVferred. llv Mr. Dunhaiii A bill to incorporate the Wilson luui and liurhliug Associa tion : referred. By Mr. Welch : A bill for the relief of Sheriff and tax collectors ; relerrcd Hy Nuwsome, col.: A bill lo authorise the coinnliisioiicrs of Hertford county to levy a H-cial tax : rclerrrd. Hy Mr. Andi-rsnti : A bill concerning the annexation 'f a porUorr of M.ieon county l iny county ; n-lcrrod. By Mr. Withers- A bill to charter the Bank of Caswell : referred. s By, Mr. Wither : A resolution in reft r eneo to the clerk keeping at his desk co pies of tlfu set of the General Assembly lor the use ot members; placed en (he CALKMDAB. The resolution instructing the judiciary committee to impiire w hether tbera W milj MlltlU IH.WOUMM.IHUUII W WW v. c. iuhibitiugthc practice of comulstative suf rnAre in citba aad towns of thisstate, wss taken np and passetl its-aecrmd reading, The resolution instructing the judiciary committee to Inouiro wlietlier there i anything in secflioa 41, act of lbtitt-ta, which prevent tha state IWtrn sssiguhjg her property in the N. C U. hi, and whether any contract is crenfwd by 0ie said cction, was takea ap and passed its second reading. i ' J The resolution instructing the comntit- toeon finance torcpnrtwiiitaiueailmetts are needed to the tuveiiusi act, wasul un aud Daaaed Its second roadies' ' The tull prewaon? tbe sab; of liu within three miles ot riiiihih burch, Au- .ii county, waa taken i aud paaavd it several readings. J (.1:1 motion is Mr. W elsrn.iaeTUIfW were Msh-ndcd aud the bill for this an lief aW slieriii and tax Collecliiisv, sor; tlie year 1971, w token Bp. f Mr. Njltlu siored to p-iione tlie con- iik-rstioo ol the bill until tlia 4th nf Da- eciulier. ; Mr. Welch bad .wo obiectinn. an! c- CirdiBgiy the wAion b. ptsstp.aw Wa. a-loptwl, ." ' v --: t tin 'motion ot Mr, Joiw-g. of t"ldeil. the bill w iu rcn-fened to tbe eoouiitf from wlivuec it waa withdrawn. " j r-I. ?sriu (' orniii'i.d ) The rrsolutioo nsiuirieif , tlie tliTfe'to kn p c-sjiii-' f the pub.ic ia on hi4sk Sir ibecfmvei.itwtufimmbeTwastitkca up, aiBdl, dic8-l Inr a half aa hour and psrd it fc-wM reading. o molioe of Mr. Aabr. the rales were oiHii'iisl and bis reaolutiun raising a Hint committee to reniod'-l thu semvt.mal, i . . : . .. -. i .i:t..fi ii.:. Jtl IM lf.1 ami eoe-nsioii! owv' tat and appiUe-n 111' miners rf the llUss , x taken up. Alter soua- debate, liu wti'h M-r-s. Ash-', .l. hn-loii. "f I'll!!. "II)!"!- all l .lol.-s of Caid Acil p.uti. ...!. I. Ihe resolill i--i. p.s-il iu vou I n .I'linsr.' By Mr. II -union : Kesf'bati.in to amend the rubs of tin Illlc , iai isl ,.u i-.d ander. 'I ar rss.ilutl Hi dirs ':'-i; the, jSLin t i ry ot tlw state lo hint al es'l.ini of tin: oon-tilu', i"li oi siair printed lilt, till' Use of tl.e iii'-mU-is. w is rt-k-n up. -Mr. Itoliiusou ne'vttjl, t not' ilaiUlv uo-lls.ue llu ri-s-'in'i.ui . .uia 1. tit rt i..n-.i.j. r tin- w-i' win. I. Um aLi y. ll.. t.t..iii-ii ..i w .t.t.ndi-) L't-.H-r il, hh tt Um- Hii.r.l ft it- - V " tit f.tl A iuUlv . r.iilri ! Iliv-viil.' A'"irr --uie lilili l littr Wr. !E.'liit'! wlii't'tirc (us m.'tnj t rv- 'i-i'l- r. mi t!l-rti m tfM.iiutiu tti-hin the tiii.i-tti -t thv Hitih-tu v u-m rat hi hw m-iilt-r Tnr Mwiuihu itrt WT.I rraiitt;s u- tlT 1' M-K'llhi'M Uh- riiK- IU Ml. . Ik; A j- int n-Mi'iitwui Mi;it ti Arn'ltt: . !' -l-f - If 'I'l'- .t!l-W tltc .'aU'iiu.r' tvtr ( U- i.nUi.. hc-l :;it u.Hivv.l I" It.f ui.ii'-' ;i't-..r tit UU, m lttit.i'U tl" Mr. Aiif lln it. iff 1CR '1(M (l't"l ixinl tin rvfi lliU iv tnkt'-ii Ujj, miicii(lti 4i(i i AcVftl its s irii'i rvj-ti.1 ui5. Mr, Si. i tie mvel t- n-cu-i! r tin vil- by Hhit h tUc i. . Mi!. m ;iiLti'l.it-f v i( mlc '4 ':i. ai';tti. VUv ii;li 'it v . (till tu a wst'tf n'i i-fii iu'iI. Tlie rt,-as!fi ri-tti 'a ;k Ui.-H r )t fli 'I. A' ' ) HI U-l. I T 'Hi;- vi, !J kiii'wn f.tii.rir.- ii'1.-tH;i- n-cfSv mil - .. .i l' .ii'tii:h-rr." It ti- kept tin tii" K'lritiw-mi (laii, mihI Tia? mrtij'-Ic :cciuiliil- ij'din (i.l f.:i liUlnilt-'Ai t!. ! a'iuu if Us'-rv ;n i t,a,i;,ltr Ui all Hu t. f ViMlv a'nl VlCr-ikStJ tliall AUX otli- . IioiiM. in tht- i itv, I ft tlrtslvuv ?Ui;t iMf- h I.OUl ftTV WiTV: Ul llUt . iH--sli;-i m- lintu of ?.lrc--t t 4f, n of which iiiUr--t u "rn-t tH-hi-r r'-iU.i iu N- 1 H'lM-iug tiit Uo hi.,.- fr..ru fu)um f-jf. makt' i! tMMivi'isient fitr lit winhinj; l-i th " t'ity of ( ijurt ln rt." frmni Utu U rr--clivTL't" all tdt-jinni ijal KailnJ rouUw iu ctly csf iiriMLlvu. t.KO N tkki:y. tit iv liTi dm I'ni i. t r. M K AND H K h Ni:W JEWEI.IIY NKW .!KU K.I.UV. A. I have iTi-reM-J un st-v4 .1 ,:), HIiUsI ami Silver n j Sit-. t. I,a of si! kiiiili, .Kit Mi.ll I irn ini.-lils, Ac, all ni-M alile I l.!V a I :H4 ;.sif ti,, ;1 . , I. ill WW .- II at el.. i- ... . oi Vv.aU-ln-s, (lo, k aiil.l, . In "I.l SI ore .lull.S I imv i if I: WsMi. I. . t- i.t ,.,ir l al hi ' v'l ViKH, iKSGgniw .aX i 'ifKlf -sk. t: rrinriis I oilita-101 W. FKUi 8t, Clbrinnati.O. Tlie uu! KelUMe (iift DUtrit'iiUnu tn Uie cuauuv ! L. I). KINK'S EKJIITr.KNTH (JRANII ANN V L IMSTK1 HI T ION , Tv t lirMwn J.iMHfj J, 1-ST'i $ ii (i i , i (i o . o o IN, V A I, C A 11 I. K (1 I F T S y W(i ttKAND CAPIjTAI. PHIZES! O 111,000 IM AMERICAN llUldi: Q 10,000 IN A M t K I C A -N S 1 1. V E li FlviPHIZESnffl.au" : 1 ...... Ts Paizas of fjuu flKJ Ut&-NUA' Ks Si C 8(111 of MaU-IiWi IIitrM'H, ith FiDily Cairriaiige tud Pilvti Mtutci Uarttti&tf, worm i ti : ' -V Fine (war irf Butfiu, with ursrM, irx'fA ftt ,w. s-U rie riuj-ToDed .fR.vWvrinatl Fiiji'i vurlh m V.-tl ! SUwr Ijrr HvhH W-biin tjbtlitV inhl Uiutii:o aixl ii. -nt"-;..,a Vet ( Im.ns, ho I id and Ih.oM- f.t. ! r iaLi.- anil lt'siN.iiii, Jhotfr-j.ii UL-uuYri, Jtwclry, ., fC., sXC. .VwssVr of MJIt Sf.ioi' rw-irti ImtUM la hi,il ( . AtlKSiTS WaNTtU TO M2IX TICKETS. w wurva sutuciaN (rauiHitu w us nt tuu. iftwyfe TicktU $3 ; fit Tickit 10 ; Te-cfrrf IVJsO f 30; Tmutjiju Ticittg fill Cbralar eonUlninir a full list uf priaas, a uencnputHi ui vw mainaer or lirmtlii-. sjji! "n i..s 11, , "i ,iiii, , 11 in r, 1 ,-.i-i,ci: ytt ui Lnscnou Uon. will Ik seut lo nj cue onlerinj; tliein All letters' uiut be adilrewl l orrics, Lt-1. WNE, B.u 1UI W.vVhlM. Ciaciss.n, 0. nor Siovkwow .LObEl flouk; ! Paracoa FmUy, Virtfial M N. C. . IU.-I, tlrm. Kesstr IW d..,,..r, n; . U 4.U NUKKS env TV il , Merlin street. One (food Fun fly Hurie, " trran " " Hrood Mare, " rnil rtorw. Foraslaat A. a 8AVM'KI ACe'., nov i U No. 2, Mai-tin SUwt IQARI BL'liAKll tssUrd A. , Extra C, '. , 1 C. eltow.N IX-Mcir Pal-- kiro, For wUf" -rr low st A. C. K AUNlil- liS Co Sit S, Hsrtn Mccrl "bit 1VFFKX1 M'FFKEII Jim Iseit. rts-L indiai??. l-sui-. Uli tsnv. Ji4 p-.fkeU itOBis; iy lie., .t 1 . ;:it..tci., :rii!i:rsri. JQ.ltXiX AJ.0 LAJUJ. .CHa'as " ' fhfit. . ' l.tr rla.b. ms Hoik Pit.. -VHrns.l n.am la fT-i I'mmlamr at " A. C. a.l'tDKtUS .vl'fs, o U Ba, sUrtin etriapl. Q0TTAUE il OT Kb. sbzht or teaWalms of tba Li-klliir rwa l acesmurodstnl' wilk gnud buwi and lo lling; at Uie tMtsiff UutcL A nwi mom for wa evaliHMB if dwiied. wtlbeut Bin rliwra. -. Tenn rerv ssndrmte. I bare t o Most for reel, ' Ith "lit IwaraJ va Uargrtt M , iwarlh- Vtsoavr Lodes ltioi. JkSLLSa. not-Kiw 9o if? cj 8 a V r. AN tLEtSANt aMAI And iroHikU wvcrJiur aUut t!"rt nx-tvA, &- IWtitfitlJv 4U ii .-d mt Ni-v. lt r A'v mim, only Va misutar Iruiu UUv-uiM 1 iw 111 ttrmment& with tntn rMv U liyltt? (ai, tin'. mo(t umiiti' zhUk' tn lb- th 'Th !ii'it'j littiw if tntt ittrv nl - wvii'.-'V' c- -rn'tt 'v 4 f--t f.''-T, itu stu ' jt W.'-it iitiIk roar '.if U -JLK r U: mvh hrf i ii"fi(U i -utf.-i "f t'ii , t"t!. lut a tiiti i-t'-rv. " lxr.t h i'lr !( f 1 wfW. ti)U,l.i ntHitis, tirv pi-.uvs iti H t;vrt!j'l 't til (' itl ti.t'1 "ti tit rtiil c int'i iKftr lvuIim. 'I tiU 'i uinut wiiA t'ufki.-li 9,itrs, m thn' cs.riJt-i' 1 ifti tv i(ijH-tif tr1 ith it tl-fl.l TM' l-.tf Ui' Vil 1 "( flr.;-r"l Wlt-U u.i.i-c! iini 4.iJ.t-ft ii " 'i ;; si in j rs.nit Ui'ti-l, kr-f rtl'iilti,' fswtlil iilhvTJ fi-l, ttl f.xriii, m ti hk -tn, Uuiitn a Uirt' imlli. r t'jn lrv.- ;tjf ivIliT. tu'hk v.oJ f., Ac. Tlwulil trtilU- rij- n.;-t ttf .I Yrfcx t irrui. lnnJi' Hlttl lUl' .n'.in..) w ith crtMnl slury forffU, hi, .V , 1 tt-'v f kft in 11. t'n it''7 h-iUf-n f. .rv;iiit filifU'r, Mtl'.kt' lnMI-Hl, 4:hioii r.j. Ay , I'ni.'.Kif cf 'U i-.,4AttU tf-r wfiur .:i vTtal.'. ilb' h-'Uv, i;niihnl-., lj4tf(ill., f. if.:-, f . r. ai iu ll.f ini..'- 1 1 1 U xil unit, fni. 1 t" '-.'' luii.' U u r'itti tliu jn'rt' in flit la-t l' )i'arr-1( iu;tvl il :s Vtr i-t i'l'i-vs ni'lii.' . Tli- I't-v i '.ti.- t.i fur I! 1:1 (. (vu, n.l K r j-artii nit' - . i.t Iftfr. I I. til it u-t tiH KIN'.. I, A NO, HtjM- Ljjh! sth.. i s it or u t 1: u KAU. TU.IK. ls7t. ; 1; ii I, k v .V It 0. 'fl.KRf K f' At U, K.r liu? iHtqwiM f niakiii:'.' nwim ell " Un;if t-i.tjrti riUf-li -t I'F's- i only. Ml Hi y-iit !, :it!v.U.tv .i'l .S ' V Kl -', s-i If.- 'A U nii UK , tiO.HN fl-fvll iUni lli.'Jt', r-tt' ti a. Ir.i.i:it Ai'.w nil lt '.lilts, 1 itjiiMTlV" :ttijdM,U'k Ai,t,va3, l-ti-irtt Hnv. Atio-i, .'ii'iiut Strljrtd iiftiiiajib-, 1'tuui.-, Eiiti Ft.- i Itni.t.'f, Af. Idk- ( ii t-iir. in :iiniwii:u-!iiir, frcr.li .urivut .t IhslilrnU:' l'r ilijvt fllHU Kt. 1'afk Hi irk.;(, NitlMHist, I 111 f HVt Iil. Utit'' Ai lh is iu.-! :iri, (it-iil's ill-iti, t;m'r, amiAf f .j a :nl vX no- S tiifk iv.mi y-tmtdtj ( ''.tiill.,, '! V III' tl vt tll-tkt: A pe' ilt'ir V Nf' in.., I,,- ;.ir. ins-iiu r-iiiii n l..i9ri, , sf-liUvf. Sinl .Ui I ' 'h i iy.klc itthl Tilfii-fij to pi;.i.-r any Lriif, .gtLl ni. c All- f! -li-Ht' St.Kk nf !.'' Mllfl fi lOt i. itioft of vtiiifh wt ;in: j(it ri-citinc vtiM uil i.il ilteHiU'M t's tntr ' hrlh4 .,..;.. b.'.-ud fu ! .f-v ,SJ ubA tit t '.r4l r "', l!i.(i vf .irr:ilit W'ill(ilfM tin Ht fur ..cut is ..!.: r.iir i'.-.i 'or f t' fir :..iii, ehi-hp " liit-l'- t.uilt r. i'tl !! h' c i-t' in miic i.t-iit HtM-U a h! i Ai-o, Miif.-' L.t.-H'ii; C.t I un,! M'U.xio MiJfrs f, I.Hiii Mijm'.'' t.ti CLii'tiiiii , il ti tnli OuoiIh x A iiicf , 1 Mir ftoiv i- full nf (...i- i, tf iiin.-t jtii Ibins; U.t tai; It; f.-.inti iii a K.i Ci.hi 1 rv t Mi- -i.(ti it a (all Ir.il Ihe 'lliijU' l''n-'i j.iH-haclt.t,' c'it.. ln- NV Ki"k v L.- i! Iu I.,.- 1 1. i .-t i f A i. j-tm b;' 'ihI Ir-ntii- :ip-! -t 'file M.tlslllU'i cr i;.-,-i"' t!'.;l. 'A u .1. I' 1. 1 V i. i;i;0. N Hi- T -il" .tii .- t leu. tWv'. I.UHif: t'IMtti,' t'iiii'inv llm''' w r Jttiv t) tll ..Ik t- ' Mm tl nin 'uliiiii aiitl in- 11 . T "Ii - If -rl I drrii fi r orin .!! i'l.-.-.' t.l t I.rsvtf Ulf n tt-ti ?J I in t itv J :t;Tr 'It : I'i-m ii'lor t .11 N K V ( IU' K N Tl N F. A N I K I V K K I . A X 1 W X1 KOK HAI.K. acrt-ft in Kr?ii:i.' '., 10 milo h,'l(iw t iiiittii n, imtli no. ina, tn H:ittri' Kiv jA'ro I'l ?i l,-vn't-, in i t 'i h. it ImilHTftl, louml Infp witiiiii 4 imii ol t-HMi ia'itlnts; iili !)ik f'KiJ tUUi!w.i ri'iiUiUi; Coii-Ullil !y to Iho Wiioiitu tiiti. t 'tiiiil'U tV Au1lUi Ivaiifoani, only mites bv wjtttr. l.Omittapro rkh itvvf iUt.'Hif. tin f-r .ttt n, lorn or aUik, ni't-stly . -tiral, uuvici f-'in o, uleuly tint' Os!k UiQiw r, ,rmtiin--ir, mi;n uuarU'rrj Fine banjji imitl iantt;v or U t"t; Uur. Kt-iv AaiUmc U partit- i'rice only 6,5UU, :. 1:. iMMiY, II Ol SE AND LOT ttll HAI.K. Hv virliM- of allirtirace eveaatttsl lo the Ml- eSiaiii.-s' Huililin- snd Linn Ass,Kiatliin, I s ll .-H-ll at I'tibiic am-tiou fur cast,, in fniiit ol tlie Court House, Uuuii wtiul Lot, the proirty of Ma had anil t athcriiie T. K6lly. J-V..1.1 t, l siljc-his the Fair (Irotituls ,-snii In known us lot N,i. 7 s lsid down Iu the plot of luU hlid eh by aiitliorily of Uie. eity coiuniissloueis, ttid eonuuii atiout one- hslt un sera T he suln will Uike filee onilsturiluy. Decern Irt ltllli t Iii o'clock iu. WM. SIMPSON, uov 17 dim SiereUry. P 0 K 8 A L OK KENT. ' Tlie Dwc'lins, .Out Honses. and lot t pres eut occulta! liv (ie. tleiilli ami Col. Corlcy, known itg the "Tucker I'lce'' is for sa.!e, ol will u- rented (.if not prcvi 'iiisly i,id)f tor the year i&i. uututc. is lumished. Applv to nor Uetf. V. 11. i it. & TL'CKtR & Co. HAVINU PL'B:llArEil M14, IXlLMiLAS Bi-h,l ilitervst ill the Coal linslness, anil baviuvt slreaidy un tutnd s stuck of our own, we urn prelum-! tii deliver the best "Kt(t"ll, Cosl hi miv ijuiuiUtv l Ih' sii"rti'at noliee. n..V. ll ' tV'.C. srilONACIl J:C0. I) WEI.IJN'ti HOI SK F-iH KENT. Fnun the 1st of Jsumvrv tTJ, tlw hoiiM lately oeetti'ted l-y J H. tleek. Aply Ui niiv25 1w TllOS. .1). IKKlO, 10KX FIELD PEAS 35 llUftbels of Cow Peas in store JAMES 1 ToWl.K, Boviiolw Coin Mercliant jy.slRAII!.E KKKIDENCK Ktilt SALK! 1 otlei fur is;,l, niy new fiaiii DWELLINII U'll :iF.. silua'nl ear ll'iliiax Hin t, in tlu Norlfitni end ol Ualcih Tttc llcme i Weil built iUni hoMiilsoiHely fi ui tetl,4li,l Is f nnusUed: sod t tsreseitt -,-tiptci hy tuc, Persons tt,-slirine to look at tue i,s.rty will Snd my erv:uiU lucre at any lima, For (linker iilk-Hlrs. apply Ur un asV-n ouice nut to the TdiW.nu;h Huttl nova& tf DilUtiLAS BEI4 i fV BBLS. UODA AX1 EXTUA SODA 1 U - . CKACKsUta. 4 Bon Cream Biscuit, 10 llo. Choks Cheese, 4U Do.- . Do. FirGood, ; i t Cane (tennitw Vi'on.-stMrstiin! funee, ' l Uiive Pens- Fmus A CuV Cii,rii tli. euit, Ul itay hi Stoni. l l" W U W. C. 8TKOXACR ft Co. (II HI IAN UTS, iMuons,' aiul drape e.w J WL-n. d and ouesaiil, V Inch c wl:i sell eftrap lo the trade. ll VI. C, rsTKOKACH m Co, I 41 HllllfFOR frit- Fn fFORD'S, Rnnifonlt" (lsntr Hoi!," mid .MliMil, t.fii,t B.iiiu; Po.r, put up In isieki;i to mil Ui Irsiie ami cousni iters. iv islU l. ti STKtiSACIl A Oj OK RK.NT. A brre snd comnvsliisus ilwelliriremilulii. ImrSgind Kivmis lias FiHin in ihe-iltmui OuUieiiMs ami a aw-sl weil .uvr im tt stsnanUma, rtMokmiraven Ifc-e tat, loft. . ; w-lvto 1 aov.aMl W. C. ti miNACU cW J 0 t ' KIlOOl,. f f lln- hnjtl,i,J w.li ...I i i . i 111 Jsul-D is taurs-'sv .vVeinlier uunii. . UAlIM Ta lioi 1 (la.ni u b 'jV tlnrr..r .ir...i ,i,.ut.a,i I . ..J n. Tb.ikhi iaKeu'.ist titniiciies nuu t si'Tw fcai muri's, civil AitritH't'iiu.r and Prartk-si urvev iittf ATrw. "si is&v7 imt iuiniMi ih au varnai art s tl 1 Hue. fi. liAUJir. A. HT O-iVli AtiAIN, a i A-lo'll T Slipi-lj- of Sinstte snid Uroil.te Vt'Stl nowiatiraK),' Mlllui At TuVi LKi, i u k ent. p or SALE IL'IiPKNTINE LAXDA T,H ACHII AT JTlIti ACKt or m ft:nd mii-T n tw 1 " hi milw Irum KllsilirUdimn Kiver im the Hi v r, a twu l.t.wf t ellliw HeiVr rv ll'iasrn. (wil Hill jVaU 1 i';s-ti 1111 un ti,e .;,i,l f Hi- ! . i l II, -t -.iM,i' i.r i-wsiiiii 1 an, t:.-ur I , l"t "I ' lilll I'aU.HI sy,l S'ljU .aiulj , .f r'-iMi-; Pin.- iiiiiniyi itv M iui.1,,, ,Hl f.AlwfeB t.U,,':M'; . ,iuilh, ,-ve. tltaisn Jllnij.... ical I VIS-Wl.' " 11,.' I'inc e .vera.. Iie.lesp, b... ....,,, !( .-..-...,, . 1 ri..i,,u, dTrii'er ,,U"l3,' '',MU'TIUM "tm.s, l the whiSV ,J.a will, IU taj.aB.ji re-l, . leniplaUiw U. ,-B uU nS, , ' Im s isiiliiu ami lusu . , k " 4 w. 'n!i)..4.( Maiiea, m i a. w ar tli- au,.. . .,, "IliiW llte prCiiiU.- to wi One aiflB u,,,,' vuniiti th- in VVs wish liiVH 4iu .iv, ,, lon hy lit Jam ssy, IX?J . 1 a O-islCILLlNi-rtAY UaAliw nov itj.sw reenslsar', K. (j. O It 8 A LEII T " J"""; ' DKSIIUIlLli: iUiaiUK Jit'K Hi , 1 offer lor salsulV Dwul.liMt ll.Mia.vwiu, ,, routnliii; 1 ai-ra ot laa I, .iliisicil ci,, !I,.W' s . in.e iml foruieily knoai, tw 'i.t .,',J I'ltofKRtV. The w boh, fc. kl"Ar two wis aailvl wiiiaw i,. i wr.s ,,,,, SlsKWBkt ,.l. ii. c insniis ii.,i riiis-r rinou aisi luo. ui.iil.slcco(i llmir. 'Thers la ( , , " loom wiUi alt utudtun uupiaivemml. (,,, inul W v ikk rix riittK for hut aad euM , liiniuKlioui the hoaw. Iu. wt I.m.IJ ii.;s an vuttrolv new ami rsH.iria l-i ,,,c hoiise, .suliie. liej-houe, FccU-routti! 'i li..i.ins, Wasll-housawJidl boiiae and I , hoti-c. the Kroumf eonijirbm Jji r I'lsuriiaraen, wiui uvieslis'.("tr-a,4iii )rd, vnj. table aud run UkliT. m Tin-re uro over tlneo humtreU .fruil tniaiiy uf them iu tMartint,) tassrria. iicn ii., I liri aitls, -Aiussranua. I ails, el,." i. ii iuHiiii,nu un-. riiure Kniiiiioa. (i.aal u,J ui an. r and emnenteil eiUrn woj, pinii S wlthiu HU del of tho Souse. leiius ModoiaU- iid easy. nov 1 -tf IIEMSIf J. MC!WKI.II. y rAl,L ABLE LAND FOB B.1LK. " " Will he sold to tho h'Kht bidder m, tlt preiiiises, on tlie. iilst day ol Um ptutie, (II u,A s.,1,1 privately Is fore that (layj one ir,n ( land eoliUiiuilii; Ihree huildnil aiid aixl., .vt;a acres, ISO of which ia elcured, liaUoi,,. n woods mid old Held pines. The liutliliiu-s on said laud eouslaVi ot, koimI two st Usill inslioaas eoutaiiiiiu;iiL cikmI swm; ,) sin-bonao, ar.vMral jfoaW Biisveeo ham?, iui , oilier iceiWiry, out lunwia. A)',. orclwrds of select fruit, soil evervtlii- ir n. . em .-.ii f.ir llv hut. Also wut other alsi.i.2 Hart ."!Ualiiii!i; iml aenrs, ahou; :ai nrta-. ,, ahica is cleared, halalK iu wimhU and pin, , i, one ulirrLraa odjouiiiig ho! IlieaUovf Irai-u Hsl; Hires, nearly all of wtil li U In ,., .uil pine. Also soverui iitlmr nin&ll i a, , AJ1 the alsivB land is sitiiaU d in 1 1 ,, kiin eoiiul v altliiu from one lo one .: , ;t i, ,if Kiilcs irolii KraiikUntoll on Uie K. A o I, li ei-nvi nieiit lo ehurr li a, let Is, , r , i m one of I tic most monil Slid intellect h, I t..,ti i-f Notik CsroMaa. aalll l S):.hl. a .l.,llo tic I'liHlui-tiodft of thii, eountn ,s wi I a liug aiUaiitnueoualy (ilnatid lor iruek I..ID11 ; m a. in iuliisriioiHi where lalsir is ptentiim un" aa dm ip line a any uon: in Una MlaUt. 11. I ial 1 an he aeeu hy iH:roiu wishing to fsna ; a al any lime. 'terms, one tiilrd cash, halauce lu'.jiiMiiu stiilinenU of one and two vfara toil, -iUill l-re ui interest from day of ut. ,. nil, n-Uhn-d anlll purchase anatvy 1 id " IMil lie sold, also, al kaiiie time ini,l pbiia-, fur es.li, sever! (food uniluaaiMt hotaa ,u,initj which is the htitt pair of mnlcs in Uie Slate, 1 at lie, hoirs mist other slock, icreat inauy farm uiif uleiisils, luaeliiuery, A'e., wai-ous, Carts, ,ve. . household ami kitchen furniture add aiay other Ihiiuta too numerous to msiiiiou. nov U If J Art K. M'll.llKR. Okucs o ths Passu fsst Kiscr: I'useisv, No. lot HiioAiiwAr, Naw Vskil flril'UltN Csowuli, President I'livUM Kt llan,j, Vii-n-President, I'uu.Asima Hbaw, rvwtrv. Wit K. Ciiuwsij, Msiinu ets-rclarv. IXfWjUt 7f, Aifctit hut. (., lsa bib: We sre happy to lHfnriyo llist the PheuU Inauraueas (JuUifioaiy of llnist, Ivn will pay ALL her lossua la Ui ( iilcai-u Hi out of her NET Bl'llPLl Si. over all Ihildlitka, leaviiii; tier sound nd ready for Iiil1 ea our condition un October 1st IraTl. isaa fol low: (, -Cash (Japltal, - - (,lllll IK! (iross tiurplu, - .. , , s Jils,7.ill,IS ,Ks),7M.t5 Loss, eta:., a.llusUsi but aot due. f'Jtt.TKlS 1 - tl,7U5,0mUI Cliicsco losses will not exceed, hi any event, .... 1t.1u.Of And we are druily of the opinion that tbe lost will not exceed f:aJ,(IH)( The Pheiiix liisuraiice Coiuiiaiiy, of ltroolt lyn. Is lo-dsy sound and solvent, aud can pf all I he losses at Chicsiro ul of lis net snrilaa A cof of Adjusters liav been dlapatdied Is tlie scene of disaster with Instruction Is settle all losses siid pay the same in CAHH. We emiKratulats oar patron anil ttuiHilral on our gooa fortune. BTKPIIENCKOWELI', nov ao-tf 'f rtlfnix lp- - o I 1 8- I t it m E a if - . I il .0 A- i( 1 H-' 3. r af , W o 'a a ds ! W B u t A 0 '4 fa a I a iriiiLEVArf AOADEMT FOR BOYS, VV RALEKoI, N. a -'; The second terui of Una chool will dear "or. 3uth 1871, bot ao iw will b T Tiie esiavlses will be eonUoaed antll the irsi weeti ia dun, IS7S,, eieept s week at Cbru Unas, at the usual rsUss of tuition. , , " stun M-iHm a. K. THA WICK, frfttelp1., "JttEKN Af Pt.lttt. . .''- 1 IS barrel Nurlhers nrapliweiprtBif ? (run Also anoUier nitiply of t Itestnnw. - .1'- tAJiiw St. TOw.s nov 7 If A"- T T ALU ABLE .V '... ...-L. JUUX K. "! '" '", j nt tl Protista. CartJ , v vruis or a ucerwewi ins rnnii- or vv.,1.. ,; a.,',ii.i,H 1 will" ruane Ain lion at me couri nouse "-'' ilw'eltjr o( Kalcii'li, lo- Uie liwhert hi'. 1 1...IU1UV UI. .I.v Ti.....4lr n. l at ISO dea. hi , llie lollowinir hit or psreel of land, "?! in tbe eilyef sVsMirb, t o mn ? rjL I M lbs (Hanoi snid UH, OS 11m "V. of Wet MMl, sdjohiiBK t larnl " tal or is. v.... ao.1 J. v. murras. - .y seupifd lijr W. E. Pelf, ert.,taiulliK ""'T sere, tlioi or hvs, ilij to aowi" IU !iovr wli! he S.HU pur, ua." io time for a reAao!4eenii'niall,w. . 'ferns, fll ol punhieiao) 'o '"T 1 1 .au nn.iiie in U issiitih. bon sis. ps vi, pi 1,'piir.si Ek II as 14 -'!v "'!''.. ..'" miiirt."wr- I tViUIN'a A.NU TllUi. Very Beavjr BaKsinf, -is Misliiita - jeh ..-,.'"- " Duiaa Ties at Baltlmors price - ,a.C.oAl'NlF.KrU . mv If No. I, stsriie auw. 1 Ali CANS PoseliM, Tomitiiesl CreeJ. 1 . UU Cora. Okr. LoUter, lmo su oysters. TJ. V.8TB0SACH4Cv '