. .IS'- lu -- - - - : - 11 1 . . . , fa 11. U-J I..J I f rrE"DT. K0YEM11EH 2S, 1871, .,11 I 'fT-r i.rrii in , - . rx fTaao. N. RAiB:r, a Bnsiueas Clerk, laAutbiHiacd to auk contract and fins ic- ,ipt,e..r. ClT AND STATK ITKM-L Tun Board of city coniuiitauuntrs meet tomorrow night Da. (Ii.v.kk, of Grveiulioro', in at the Varbrough. . The North Caroliua Conference of the M. E. Church, South, lueets in Charlotte tiHaoriu wY . Mwk&'io. There will tie a meeting of I Hiram LodgNo. 49 thiseveiim.; at 7 13 o'clock for work in the Hint derive. There will 1 meeting of Uuhciic Slcum Tire Company, thia evening at their hall, at 7 I 3 o'clock. A full attendant: in de sired. A Ftm Cap was pic ked op on Fsycttiv ville street, noHrtliiaofliuo, yesterday after noon, which the owner can have on applica tion to this office. Anotukb Chipus. It is positively an nouneed that Dan Hire and his renowned circus will sluu-tly vit various places in this slate. We imagine that Raleigh will not be slighted. Dim is booked for WelJ don tn the 9th prox, : , Senator Allen was in his scat yesterday having been detained in attendanceon his courts. Mr. MuCotter also occupied his scat yes terday. . Senator Troy reached the city yesterday. Ma. A. Andkkson, a citizen of Wake, but long resident in Philadelphia, is in the city. He is with Monroe, Kmilh & Co., the great dealers in boots and shoes. No one need be afraid of trading with an en emy when they deal with Mr. A , for he took his pait with North Carolina in the late uu pleasantness. KllANK I.KHI.IK'B LaOV S MauAXINK. We" arkuowledge the receipt, from .las. H. Ennis, N. (. Bookstore, of a copy of the number of this most beautiful magazine for December 2d. It is profuse ly supplied with fashion plates, some of them beautifully colored, and is one of the most valuable and interesting publi cations of its kind iu the couutry. Price 10 cents per copy or $4 per annum. Bi'iiiHo Day. Yesterday was a real spring day, warm enough to make the lii(; crunk and the shad shut for fresh water. The mouutain members could but olw rvc ljow Dr. 8pc!d, Skinner and the member from tho Kant enjoyed the sum liter day ; while the eastern members thought the weather too warm fur Coot .Mies, Welch and Tom Johnston of the mountains. 8KVU K AT Till WkTHOIHKT ClH'UCH. A very large congregation assembled at the Methodist church , Sunday morning, to bear Bishop Paine. We have hoard num bers who heard the sermon sicak of it a a very able and instructive one. In the afternoon the Ilishop addresed the chil dren of the 8bbath School. Iu the even ing Hev. Wm. Clos officiated and gave to his hearers a sound aud practical dis course. - - nmioKATioif or (Jou Fkkhont Col. Fremont, for many years past connected with the Wilmington & Weldon railroad, as ft chief engineer and superintendent, has resigned his position on that mad and will henceforth devote his entire time and energies to furthering the Interests of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford railroad, of which he has been the superintendent for a year past. Capt John F. Devine has been chosen to fti,' the position resigned' by Col., Fremont Ahothhb Hoes raj Tow. In passing down Fayettevilte street yesterday we suddenly came upon a canvass erected on the vacant tut on this street, just above Mr. Kreth's tailoring establishment On topping to inquire into the wheres and wherefores, we were informed that it was a"Orand Parlor Exhibition. " Among its attractions were the celebrated Fat Lady who -weighs 815 pounds; Lulu Lotta the Circaasion beauty; the Educated. or Talk ing Hg; African Gorilla; the Scottish Knife Thrower, and a host of other atl u-acuons. uo to see mesa cunosuiea. .. ' PaocMiHKoa or th Gbamd Emcamp meht or Oob Fnxowa or . C We copy the following from the Aumtr of Sentinel. : The delegates ot the different. Encamp ments of L O. O. F., met at Ooldsboro' on the SSri inst, W Uie purpose of orga nizing and instituting a Grand Eneaoip , meet of thia state. All Encampments - were represented with the exception of Rowan Encampment, No. 14. t , The following officers were d uly elected : . i,. 'Tarboro' a Watson, B'gbt WoHliy, Grand Patriarch. Raleigh Phil. Thiem, R. W, Grand ' Ifiirh PrieaL K WfJm'mgtoa W, J. Top, R W. Grand 8. Warden. ' V -' . WUmington R. J. Jones, a W. Or. Scribe and Treasurer. ' . .... Trboro,--A. McCebe, aW, Gr. Jttr ; : nkt Warden. '", A v' ' : Gieensborough Peter Adama," a W. G. Guide.': :: a A. Davia, a W.Gr. 8en- tineL - ,. , 'i ., iistai.i,isq orrVitHa. 1. W. Alltrlght, 6r Paisley Eocamp ', merit. ..4 - W. a Clark, for Thxda-Enuuupaaeot. W.J. Topp iC.rC'umpbill Encampment. a A. Caldwell, for Uowaa Encanip ncnt " ' " ' A. aleCabe, fw Us piton Knnampment. J PhiL Thiem, for McKee Eocsjinmn nt. . The next regular session will be held at Releijfh. , Nkoao K.V)J.kd. On last Nt unlay af ternoon, as a lumber train on the' Western road was n earing this' place, the flat being forward of the engine, ran over and killed a negro anas by the name of Frank Dun can, from Catuwha county. It seeis that he was employed by the Atlantifc wall, and had lhat day received his ways, a portion of whk:h he A sprut for liquor, and on atUnnpting tn cross the trai k Ml into a gully on the side, and from the ) sitimi of the body win found, ed to have made 4"" effort to crawl wu, but being too much overcome lit tie.ii.iiie. fell asleep, his head renting upon, one ml' the cross ties. It was imiMisbiblo, fr.iiii his situation, for the cn'inwr tolll.re him unity after the cngiue had passed, and the wound ru:eived left uo doubt in the minds ol the jury of imjnest that he was striKlrCy the side projection of the cow-catcher and instantly kille.l - Mil.-, owe n iwmvw, ivrte. Ziih. Ukv. Wm. CiiOKS I). I). -We were to meet this useful lulmrer in the inyai.l on his wav to the North Carolina confer ence which meets on Wednesday nckt. in Charlotte. Our acquaintance with Dr. ('loss began many years aiio when we were a m-Iioo! boy in Greensboro. While the school Ixiys did not take much to preachers, brother Clous was uu exception. The Ikivs all lived him. During the dark days when the Silver eigu state of North ,: Carolina who called district No. 2, we again met with brother Cloaa in the forests of Yadkin county. mule driving, slowly wending hin pious way on his. mission. He wrn, then presid ing elder on ilie mountain circuit, avii ; the souls of the people, while nc urn trying to save their liberties. Itrotlier Cloes met with great success iu In-. mountain circuit. May he enjoy a green old t;- limT ex pcricuce yet groat success in his holy mis sum. We would call the altentlon of ( apt froui talists and those dtvUt-iiig.a nlu tho chills and fevers of our low cumin , to the land this day advertia, d by .1. DcA-ereux as trustee. A chance is here offered to the man of niodera e lucaw, to buy a small farm, to the capitalist to get possession of oiie of the liet water lowers in the . state, aud to the emigrant to secure u home, the wood from whii h will one year iay for his land. We know what we say, as there is now in our midsl, living but little nearer to town Ihau this land, an emignuit who in the nliort space of sis months, Ik-Ioic he has had lime ol course to "make a crop, has very nearlv paid lor his land with firewood. Cannot our land agents, Messrs. Little, Scolt and Kingsland brinir out parties enough to liny the whole ol this valuahle land i We tnist in due time to chronicle a good sale, to actual settlers. f Aat fsr nep.tr. When a jila-it ur a trcu Is-iriiis U Xecay it must needs die. It cannot ho revitaluieu. lint it is not so wiUi liuiiMu beings. A1 tiuihan rum can lie repaired, slrt'iitftlieied, resUireU, tllouU a tirown leaf or a withered lilade of irrass can- never lie made green s;ain. in tue autuiuu of life, or even in its winter, whuu nature seems to tie i;iviil way under the pres sure of years. It is stili posaitiie to retard tbe pmruss uf decay, and to lend to aire more than its wonted vior. As s means of pro moling Uiia object, Hostetter's Stomach Hit ters is iiiepiestioiialily lUe most potent of all rest iratlves. It will not make the old youn-, but it will preiit, lessen, or sooth the iitli iiiiliis wliieU are the usual accompaniment- .! tlie deeline of life. For debllvly and a lck . i nervous p wit, iioiii w naieve eaue srisnii. Ills Uie umlleilie WialJU ail oiuvra ueiim u.e. rid, best di'iierves the name or a 'lr". In euriiv. in iiivieoratini; imiiKTlies, in its adae latioi'i t'l weak .CcHiiaeks sud fiHftjls orifanizic I qiftAS; it tuts fto eotilj-liUir aiming tiito Uilitla old o. . i...,A.,,.i.l. animitf iinmrii'l orv 1 UIQ .HrtOII. "l". ., .......p. j reinedies. B. sldes Its strciiftttenlng principle, It possesses alterative and reeulatlug iiroiwr ties of Uie bigfiest order, and as an anli-bil-Uous medicine is far preferable ti sny of the prrstions coiitainiiix niereury. Time hs tliown Uisl for physical dutsy, ncrVriti debil ity, drsijisia, uiliolis disorders, and inter mittent fever, 4tU'ter's Bitters Is s nuaedV wltliouts rival. This Is the season of Uiu Tall of the -leaf; let-It reiniml the o!il, Uie feoule, tho sickle, to Inviirorate and reirulaie their ivsteui" with Una great vegetable touic and alterative. nov 147-eodlio QHANUBOF bCUEllULg. KALEIOa UA8TON R. R. CO., SuriaiKTiNUBNT's Orrica, Ralcioh, H. C, Nov. 7th, On and after Tuesday November 7th 1871, trains on tin) Kalelxll jt Oaston Railroad, will run daily (Sunday excepted,) as follows: HAIL TSAIM, Leaves Ralehrli ...)..... 9.30 A. K. Arrives st V cidott . . . ,-r:: !. at r. n. leaves Weldou 10 .10 A. w. Arrives at Raleigh 4.00 n. a. AOCOHMOOATIOM TaAlS. Leaves Ralebrh 5-15 T. w. Arrives at Weldon a. JO a, h. leaves Weldon U.15 v. H. Arrivea at Kalel. (t un a. . I Mall train manes olosb oossaCTlos al wei l don with the tfeatwerd ltoanoka Kailroad Kind Bay Line 8u-&iners via Baltimore, to and Intra all points North, West and NorUiwost and with PctershurK Kailroad via rViU-nHitny, Kiehinond and Wasliintrt'm Clly,Vu and from all puuim North and Norm wast And at KalclL'h with Uie Monti Carolina Rail road te and from ali point Bouth and rt uui west, and with the Chatham Kailroad to Hay winnl and CayetUvUla. , AcroniuKslauon and Freight traihsj roniwet at Weidoa wilh Aeeouunodation and n?lit trains oa tieauoard A Koanoke K iilrtsd and fetomlmrr Kailruad. And at Kaieiirh, witb AceouuiMxUuoB aud Freight trains on North Carolina Kailroad. Persons living along the line of the Road raa riait Katehth iu the momiiut hy Ac.srisl Uua train, reuaui several hoars, and n l urn Uie asms evening, A. B. ANDUKVtH, aovliU U -, e. ! "1IIAN0K OF SCHEDULE. CHATHAM BAtljtOADCtiMPASr. 8cPBiTi'.ir'stirrical KAMtlOH, N. C Nov. JUl, k). On ami after Wednesday, Nwvewlie ath lmt, trains oa the Chatham Railroad will mu iailv iSnndar except"!) as follow: stall Trail leaves KaietKk 4:10 F. M. amyeaalhsulo"!.. ....... '.hi Hail Train leaves Hertford fc4S A at arrins at tua-iKk l Mail train naies ckae eoaawtu al Rak-iti with the Ralnjiii baatoa Kailroad to and Irvta all omnia Nnrtsi. . Aud at ganrinl witil the faun Kalltsd to and fromi rsyeUcviilr awl vsau a ten Kailroad! A. B AM'kHvn, mowiyU , ttnrnifces-teM. Sal or ' VALi'Ai.i! ':". :VL .ri a sit fKKsiiNAi, rufKarr TttanHtaaOtfin lv A. L. 4re dj h-'.d s t atanr'a TuwnaMis im Hii.te '. w ltl ftotn fcask. - '"M( m-nr m Ha Stw- HH ,c- ...n W-H Jt -t,fr r-aa,- Itmi A t.- hi W S'N c t U, St l ...' . i-ie The t' l.,rt w-.--.a , biV, tra tsBi,4wwiifti fei-iiavi-! i and AtiroS, farwuins Srwsi oee oiuta, uva atiwrAjs, A. Tub Isauef maui . tf prttpmrt u tfee ptarm wilt tw Ptiriuttoa ! at iowd t third la sta sad ti . sac only iiAaa m ,.U-rt auvtftd : i t AMI, I TUB' STATU DSBT. Te f'illowr(ig bill was introduced in Ue senate, or Baiurdsy liwt, by Sir. Mcrrimon, was reiul first time, reicnvd. and ordered to be printed : 4 Bim. to us EsTPrikD As Act To X'oMXtiTE, CoMIMVlIU ASU AbJlWt T1IK Pl'BLIC I)KHT. Hkti.ih 1. Tht. Onural AfmjJii 4f Sift1! i 'itfitliuH do erutct That- -and - - lie and they are hereby constituted and nisiintcd a commy4i on to ascertain cliiisily, diftnc, comuuitc, couiprouiise ttiM-t and , diw. har-'e the public debt of ktliis State.nnd 'nlntinite in lieu thereof a new state debt, in puisuauue ol UieprOr usiilis and powers in this act prescribed an r iletincd. Skc. 2. That lor the purpose of rcdiKV ing the pulilic debt aud bringing it within Uie ability of the people to pa.y the same and the interest ti torts in promptly, as the same may from time to time mature, it shall be coiniietciit for the said commuaioa to create nfuew public del it which shall be known ul culled the si BsTtTtTan purr, and the evidence thereof shall lie bonds of the State with appropriate coupons at laihed, issued under tue great seal of the itte, signed by the governor and coun tersigned by the treasurer, running to inaturity at theend-of thirty years from the first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy two, hearing interest at the rate of six pur centum per annum, payable ee-tHi-annually at the treasury in gold, and such bond shall have printed on the fact thereof thu words, substituted debt; and such hoc Is shall lc of the denominntion of live hundred dollars and one thousand dollars. Stic. 3. That tlie said Coniiiii.-i"n null have power, and it shall be their duty, from time to lime and in such wav as to iheni shall seem meet and proper, to com municate with the creditor of the Slate and make known to there the real circum stances, losses, aud greatly diminished avail. iblc resources of the Statcj as well as '.In disiic-icd and imiMiV(rislicil condition of tl,e (s-oplc thereof consequent upon the diwuilrous results of tin late war, and their nihility to pay and discharge the whole pniihc debt, and their entire, unalterable and anxious illingness to pay such parts I hereof as may be within their means and power to do. Kkc. 4. That said Commission shall have power to commute the public debt and o convert the same into the substitut ed deli! provided for in the second section of Ibis net, in the proportions and manner follow ino - that is to ay - if any creditor of tlie rliale holding any bond or othtjr obligation, or other evitle.uc.o of deltt of the State made and issuisl prior to the Iwcufieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred uud sixty ne, or at any tjime liir, aud in siili--tilution for, accrued inlerest on ImiihIs of l lie State made and issmd Is-liire said last uu nlioueii date, or iiialurisi , bunds niadi and isstii'd licforesaid last mentioned date, will consent to surrender such bond or bond-, obligation or obligations or other evidences of such debt to said commission, ii si all Ik' their duly to receive the sane ind ei rtifv under I heir hands tothegovn nor tin-fact of such surrender, the charac ter of tlie evidence of debt so surrendered, the number and date thereof and the sum of money due thereon, and it shall there upon be the duly of the governor to issue to the creditor making such surrender, bonds of the State executed as provided in the second section of this act, equal in amount to thirty-three and one thiid per centum of the amount so certified to be due such creditor, and if any creditor of the State holding any bond or other obli gation or other evidence of dubt of the State made and issued after the said twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, under and in pursuance of any statute pass ed before sard last mentioned date, will surrender such boud or bonds, obligation, or obligations, or other evidence of such debt to said commission, it shall lie their duty to receive the same and certify under their hands to the governor the tact of such surrender, the character of such evi dence of debt so surrendered, the number and date thereof and the sum of money due thereon ; and it, shall thereupon be ih liny of the governor to issue to the . ; t i n making such surrender, bonds of h. . mi- executed as provided in the sec onii iv urn of Una act, equal iu amount to iwciuy live per centum of the amount in niicd to be due such creditor : iVo cultd tu.ta-t Idlest, That no bond so issued to such creditor shallow of leas or other denomination than as' provided in the sec ond section of this act, and that it shall rest with the creditor to increase any frac tional pin t of a bond of auch denomina tions to a sum of money sufficient to enti tle hiiu to one of such bonds. Sec. 5. That it shall not be competent for said commission to recognize as valid, or of any binding obligation on tlie state, any manuscript, or printed paper purport ing to be the bond, obligation or other evidence of debt of the state made and is sued in pursuance of any .ordinance or siaiuie pasaeu aiier mu nay os in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight ; but, said commission shall have power and it shall be their duty to ascertain whether it was sought to increase Die public debt in pur suance of any utdinante, or statute, passed after said last mentioned date, and to what sum, and how, when and for what purpose or purfxaws and under what cir cumstances, and whether mannacript pa pers or other things purporting toMss the bonds of the state were issued, and when,, and to whom, and for what purpose, and whether the aaioe wore put upon the mar- i kcts of the country and by whom, and un der what circumstances, and if any money or moneys were realized for Ihe stune, and what sum nr sums of money so realised, II any, have been actually used in the con struction of any railroad or any other pub- j lie works in which the state baa any in ! tereaf as a corporator or otherwise; and if the said cuminiisiou shall ascertain that any sum or "sums of money have- ao been i used fiir the actual benefit of tlie state, then r d in that case, it shall be Uie duty ' of sail, conimisaioB to ascertain what per centals of the grins sum thus sought to be added to the publio dclM baa ao been ! used f Uie IhimIii of the State; and if any person holding any such manuscript paper i nr other thing snpurpi r. ing Ui be the bond or other obligation of tlie state wiUmirrea-! dt-r the seine to the aid commission, it stiall lie the duty of the said commission to certify utxler their bands to the gover- j mr tlie fact of such sumeinler the char actor of sis h manilarTipt or oilier tiling ourportine til be tlie bond or other obli- gatioa of the state, tlie number and date thereof and the sum of money claimed to tie due thereon ; and, it shall thertsuoa lie the duty of the governor to iseue to the nerwio makiag such surrender bonds ' I a. -i : ..... - ;:.-T'. -- ' 1111 . 1 BaBBBBsss-ra'ajBss rt, ,, 77 T'.i tfbe tlie duty uf the governor to of the state execnted as provided in the anrnad scctioe this act, fnnal in amoaut lo the saitte per rtiiage of Uie sum so sur rendered as the per centum so wed for f lAaa, that BO bind So iaaned to such prsoB niakuig sue surrender shall be of a teas or othMr di-Doeotnaiioa thaa aa pro-vidr-d w the SMssstd seetwa n( thus act; wit fhm fe atitl rest wtlh sorb pal to hamssss? slvr fnar-tWl part of a bond of i. n 4.HtwttrM t a aunt of wwey pi-i tf mti4 Idm unter; tlte ptiv ..iis id tm-t-r to not i4 mu tt buodi. tA, s, 1 las said wHiisi.a shall tim ). an eaetiasige. in the rtio nr sw I tin -UAXu tlus,k U4i -st by itm state M t Norta Car rrimr for' the b.K eb jm iiun w evhirwres nf di-bt. ol 1 1! staM -sui awd nwaed to Said J .,j?y ia povatcttt of auUl fUaA) and . the whole or any pyf ai;etl, aud -stock may be ao exch the said commission ..shall rind it urc tkablen to do; and if such exchange snai ee agresai opoa, la Whole or in part, such bonds, obligations, or other evi dences of debt of Uie state so exchanged shall be surrendered to said commission by the owner thereof, aud said commis sion shall certify under their bands to the governor the fact of such proposed ex change and surrender the same to such creditor, the character of such videnccof debt so surreadcred, tlie miinlfcr and dite thereof and the sunt of money due there on ; and tliercuptin, it shall be the duty ol the governor Wi tnot-fei to lha pvrsoa maktug such sqnvader stock of the state in the said railroad company in the ratio of exchange is this section provided ac cording to the charter and by-laws ot said railroadcoiiiiiany, aud said commis sion shall have full power and discretion in order to e6ectuate such exchange to make ail necciwarv rules and resruUlious. to bring all neoeaaary suits in any court, and to compromise h the ratio of in; change in thia section provided any an1 all suils now bro.ighi or which may he brought aibsiiug dinitly or indirectly the right of the state to" stock in ssid railroad company EW. i. ti--.i aani f,.i. -loll shall have the power in I heir discretion to ex change iu such ratio of evili irtre aa mav be agreed upon, the aUa k held aud own s.1 by the state in any railroad, naviga tion manufacturing or other incorporated company for the bonds, obligations, or outer evKtunces ot debt made and issued by the state under and in purMisn.- oi any statute paased belore the twcutnlli lay oi May in tho year ol our Loid mn thouaand eight hundred and sixty-one, i made and issued in saliataction of an) lioud or accrued interest on any bond is sued under any statute passed anterior to said last mentioned dato, and such ex change may be made for any sum or sums of money w hich may be ascertained to be tue or allowed, to any persou under this act, and if any such exchange shall be agreed ujmn, the said commission shall Certify under their hands to the governor tlie tact ot such proposed exchange, the names ot persons nroisising such ex change, tlie character of the bonds, obli gations, or other evidenced of debt, or manuscript or printed paicrs purporting to be evidences of ih hi, the luiiuU r and date (thereof, the siun due and puriortiug ti Is; due tlun-i. and the ( haracUr ami liripiiiMi of the stuck proposed to be excbai'gcd, ami when uie jicrsons prupos iiu such exchange shall sui render such louila, obligations or other evidences ol debt, or such manuscript or printed pa pers purporting lo ho evidences of debt, then it slrdl be the duty of the governor to transfer to such (crsoii or jkcrsong make tug such Miitcii.ler, st-s-k iu any such rail mad, navig ation, m D tlacturing, or other iiieorporaU (1 i-ompany ai'coidmg to the terms of agnicment certified to bim by said coiuinissiiin in pursuance of the charU'r and by laws of said comiNiuy. Sioc. M. I liat the lenii evidences of debt in this act shall emltrace coupon,', Si.'. 9. That all bonds, obligations or olhiT evidences of debt, or manuscript, or printed pafcrH purporting to lie evi dence of debt surrendered to said com mission under the provisions of this act shall as soon as may he ufcr they are so surrendered be aac-ertaincd to tie (H-tusl!) present and consumed by tire iu the pres ence of said commission, the governor and treasurer, and they shall feriity under their hands to the secretary of state such burning and the description of such liond aud other obligations and other evidences ot debt and manuscript mid printed paiien purporting to lie evidences of debt so sonsumed by tire, which certificates the secretary ot state shall tile ami salcly keep in his linn's. t-ifce. 10. That said commission shall have and exercise all necessary powers to effectuate the puri-oaes ot this act - thev shall organize bv etcctiiii one of their number president of the coinuiis-iiiin they may meet at plt-a-urc iu or tmt of. this state and a majority of them may act in any capacity authorized by this act ; thuy may send any mem tier of the commission to any point or place in their discretion on the business. f the coiiiiiusi-ion - tlicy shall Have the right to call uifroii the governor or other olliuer of the stale for any information necessary aliout the purposes and business of said commission they shall have power to send for jiersons and ps'ient and to administer to and examine persons uu- der oath in rciierenc toinst-ers of tlie said commission, to make such publications as they may 'deem necessary from time to tune, ai.d to do all such matters ami things in and about the purpose of said commission as they may ilecm prudent and necessary under the provisions of this act. Sbc. 11. That said commission shall lie paid their necessary and reasonable ex penses ot said commission, ami teacn member dollars per day for cverjl day in which he shalLbe necessarily engaged almut the buaiuisti of said commission. which reasonable expenses and per dun shall be certified upon honor by the presi dent of said commission to the governor, who shall make his warrant on tlie treas urer for the sum of money ao ascertained to be due, which sum the treasurer shall pay to the person entitled or bis order. bbc 12. mat aata commission snail, si tlie end of every three months, make re port of their action and exm-naes to the governor, and it shall be bia duty to lay such reports before tlie General Assembly whenever it shall meet. Bsc 13. That in order to provide means to pay the current interest hi the substitu ted debt provided in this act, a special tax ol one-fourth of one per cent is here by levied on all the taxable pmiierty and subjects of taxation under the. general revenue law ot tins state now tn tore, or which may lie passed st this session of the General Assembly, which tax shall lie collected as other taxes. Hnc 14. That this act shall be in fnrce from and after its ratification. F (IB SAL UKEIRABLX PROPERTY IH TUX WE3- TKRW WARD." r One sere lot, wits good frsnw aoase eVm White 4 hVmraa ua r round floor., and t attic, tanre kitchen and sUlds, a Brat ml well of waler, fine fruit trees sad grape via aud wmwucrrj ueu. oweV'Srter sere Utt.Mftodere Cotlaga eonUrnlnie three twooia, porrken bark and I root, Inb-kra of two ruosas. sue aiwf sraur and iruii tree. for terms, StC, apply io . W.VI7U W ..O. BTRCiH AC1I Co, s ICOMD G Laid. At a rwnilar nutetinc of Uie Meebank's Biilldiag and Loaa AatwrnaUon' swld Mov. loin, lbtl, It Was nawlvad to opars a 8 IS CO XI) CLA88 of 900 o, l,(uo alums, lbs par rala of wak k ahsJl-h - . FIFTY DOLLARS FEB gOARK. The obpTt ef this rlaas, la U aceom modal tlio ,wUo find U beyd Us'tr mi an U. -av Use pruarirt value of ptrx-k la tha Srat rlasa ia erder to borouimei-nheni, stao to sls.w Umi prartk d working nc ItulluinK sad Lea) Aaso- eHcUmr. It Is estintau-d Uiat Uua class will aim la aopvt twont, saoaih. V Kuoka for aehsrtipuon of Stock way 'be fixind at Um Kalntrh NaUunal bank, where ItK-y will r-uiain opee wnltl Janaarv tsl inTl, at wMi-B ttn, tlir S rat pavraent will fee inwdo, pssx kied, a setDiVnt annual of Hbivk la auV scHiKid rot to lattfy Uie ttadrrtakiitt;. Nearly two hundred ahsrea have already bee takes. , W!. BIMPwiSl, tsuv 14-Ira Bwerrtary. gl'VlAKH! 81'UARall '( -. tas Bbls. tesr, sill gmks, set ktr-tf C. T. eiaONAt'lL Is this eMy, est euada', r. SWh, ki. at w viiM-i u. n., o croup, II 1 H WIRT ahuiba, lufant daahtw at W. at. and t. K. Brown, seed to yuan and St Bxmt a iiw in tiriiBiixf 1 TTIlSt TT)P BCOGT AND HAKNEdS FOK JL. eaie. Alipiy to . .M. DrSKACo.. otJw KalelKli, M. C. talelt i AND eAljs." w Tnni-fctiy the tth day iit IVeenilmr, IS. I, 1 l,,l KU u Ua iimlimt lildiler the Lanus t-iloni;iiu to the estate of Titos, t J. Sui i Hi, sitaaUrd oa the Ntfuau River and ad joiiin.K the Lands ol Uaatoa 11. Wilder and olli.-ra, and rontaluing aioat sun acn, Ttoene lvda are well Improved sad veiv ralualiln. Ilia sals will t .for ta4 aud mad on the preausc. Title perfectly soed. O.ill. WII.DKH, nor w.liltda c.,niiiiUiyiier. I N bTOKK AND IT OK SALk A. 0. L K BA CO. '8 10 Rhls. Mnli uu Mackerel, 10 " 1mt,. . " f put lkiiies, " Kound i liiindor lin.-iii; If " tiplit ' ' rsv v It rn ii k c a I c a uo v l it i: T TUE LIlKtl'IIOL k LOHiU 4 GLDIIE IN'Sl'H.VNCiS COMI'ANY, Paid between (ct !li ami Vov l.Ui, tS71, 1 ,00 0,00 0 . 0 0 OK ITS LOSSES BY THE (JIIIC'Aliti ( IKK, Since lstirt, It has ild In losses to CITIZENS OF NOKTII CAUOUNA, u v o r 1. 0 0,0 0 0.0 0, IU lis! are payable IS CASH jiruiiiplly on proof, Slid. witiioi't hkhuction nm intkkkst. Taid up t'apitul and Asset over 2 0,0 0 0,0 0 0 0 t) L I) . Asset field In the !. H by Alucrieiill Direc tors, wtui (Willi tin- other 8lockleMw) in iiidividnally liabl. fnr all i-HaeaneiiU of Ui. i oiiii-.iii, ner J ti,itm I'li-nililiis 1-ei'wii.ed in ths 11.8 iliirtit! Ih four we. ks olliwiuj the Clilcai;o tlie aaiuuui 5 S 8 , 4 1 . !) 3 . Anvisoav Bo&Kti WamwcTiin : JL'IViKK 8. VIStNCH, Chairman, It 1 Winlli. Ksq , I (i. W WilllsiiM, F.s.1 , K. .Mui-rav, Km , W. II Mcltsy, Eaq., Tltori. tiKAEMK, l.eii'l Agi-nHvilniiinrUm. I". K. I'KWTIVri'ii., Agent Kaleigh. Orrics U FaisrTtvu i.e 8t. n. iv US tf P X T K N it' 1 V 8 A t E O t V.ai.liAHI.K NKH8R ItlVRR LANIW. Oh Tloirsilal ;wth da) of Itiwwilwr next I will oii. r (.., mi Hie pn iiiises tlist vain at '.-'Met nf land on Nt use Hiver, six inile trofiiKsli iirb ami adoriiititr ilie Milbimtlr Mills, IkU; the ully of Miss K'ljiUUl IlinWll, deceased. 11 conUlns l,!!r. a- res, 1(Hn Umlsr but will Im sold in seiarte lots of one to tlirrt bun dred aert-s. Tliere is at Ihe hornisUwit a iruod family dwelling in excellent repair, slUl all ueccaaary nut Iiohih, gia, 'rrlsi ami lalsnlrerS linusi-s, situaU-d uu a liill'ovurlisik- huf Uie river with a noted spring of the couleat wawr at uie rout, It lion in and forms spsrt of tlie best cotton region In Waks eounty. A large part of the lansl is in viricin wrnsia, uiu nr wood oa wliteti at the dislauee It litis froin Kaleigh will more than psv fur the whole, In Is Uie eonflg dty of the Milliunile Haw Mills rondnra Its sunn dant tlnilsM' of oak, pine, hickory aud iHipular. of eipial or rrcAU'r value. As a abick raiate it is uiu-ivallei in tli cosnty, sod the water isrwer knewn sa tlie "Inwcr Falls" ls(siisi or stltertor tiiuiat'-siiinanus,-- anil a seine iwiaeli wlilch has been made to ielilailaudsonmK;vtt. nut. Tb neiichbourhuod la une of lliti huKt iu It. C. their lieing eliuicln-s and w bnols oa even slile lakmc evervthintf into eon slderatioa a more desirable tract of lurid lias not heel! in t e market in this seetlou of tlie contitry for years. Any mm di-sh-iiiK to In st-ecl Uie land can do an by ealling on Kobt, Heawell, Ks.f , on the premises, Henry Puwelt, Ksj , or lionry Murdeeal, Ksij , can give any information ncccasnrv to Kiliile purehum-rs It will be sold in lot ef one Ui thn liundriil aei-i, for une-Uiird cash, bsiancu iu one slid two years with interest. Title retained tint. I last iainent. Ah seeurste Survey of the loid can lietsH-n st the law I'tlli-e of T. V. lhivtreui a fewiloora aliova tliu Ysrbruuh lloutw. J. DKVKKKUX, nov Ti deisflOt TrusUe, At. Kounokn .Vi'mm, Balthnons Amri kaifUid Mt-w York' H'w-Wcupy. GRAND Ol'KRATIC AND BALU! CONCKRT, AT TIICK E K HALL ..... oit TPK.SM r erxtrwo soy. swa ikti. ONE NI0I1T ONLY. M ADAM 1HABRL MoCltLIXMI. tlis well knows I'liltia lloiitia from Uie N Y. Aeadrttiy of Musk, begs to snaouncethst she will give ONB CQCEUT on tli above evening and will be sslaUa) by the following sTtUts : at K. U. CUAKKK, Tsnor from Ui Sow York Oiers snd Cnnevrts. KKI. FaUNI, frvtw Um !. Y. Academy uf Musle. MR. S. D'AUNA, Uie ealelirsUsl Pianist, a favorite pupil e( Thalbarg and rweolly freia Karoi. fans or AnMissiotf! Reserved Hc4t 1. U0 Oen -ra) Admission 7S cellls : tlalh-ry Sal osiis Tickets for sale st Josss' bkis T'ks aov aV-td gHERIFY'B NOTICE. TO MEWdlANTB, HOTEL KKKI'EKf) AND OTHRIM. i All Msi-i lnuii, Motel Ki-euera, Liquor di d era and olliem, who have not done , will UiHwtiUtlily iKSke returns of psrrliasea ttlSfiv up to ( let. 1st.,- 1x71, and y Ui ui dsn Uie Mate and i:unty on Uwaanm. Negleetnr failure to do so will aubject Uw delinquent U trouhie and eost. , T. T. I.RR, hrlff, anv T at 7 By A MAUNIN Dp. ' YXX-'RVliXK UMK. a,. 1 Csak of tlilf releliraled bistwt. the heat bronsht to our aiai ketjusl rresiv eu In aptemial order. BOVllW JAMES M.TOWLE8. "nRt'T TKKB ANDOKAPE VINES. Tnw Is lha aMjow, ii niiltiiie ont Fmlt KTrww and iri Vine. aiu AuniU for ttte ,uitf(d Nuiserv, J l-lnrtlev Boil. S.U rteh KHrverv, Marriana as Joli nwm, Wlille ill (irsw Via, Bvoi'psrrioiiH snd Flowrrs, aov. W H. JUNSJja Isi. V XT OTlfel. Ai aa .mderaimMid mnnrtfullr ben to Is foras the eittsres ef kaieiali, and Ui cesand imbtle, that ta hetwtf ef the K.lripal 1 i..j.i. ,j at Aiuauuaa. h will ariv. us Moaday evwu ilk Dec, la the CHy K PH AKT AtlM AbOKf A IXHIBITION and a Lactam rm Uis C)t? of Rowv Many otaer larautilai Uiiiufs will baalaaeshibiv-d liir,,,,.' 'li kaOKTH. aud nlHahied. For ttrkal. aliulr lal tiM North f'smllrat B.. .k.ts.r and ai- M Um stores of Masars. Levy, and . Bradley, or to asiv KdU KKV: W. f . M.OYD. JOIISI AKM8TKOlH. 'f fHtOi BIKDEB AND BUttK BOOK MAM .:, .' . .. tFACTl'KER. ovnt ras sowr-s OAaosm suks-roaa, B4I.EIOTI, .C. frU, Esm-sUub, MiBBtee and, Reeordlaf lk-kH anwlc tn erdsr;, Nin-tfc Cw-iHin K- tiort aprl oflxsr Lew Booka, tainud is suarior U Htarto. kifiiK BII1U K- of the Kefrrt. riliH ami oud aauibers lake ui cxutatigaJor taad' Ins. v deel, LATEST ftitliifii. Non Dispatches. ,i MAHKKTU. Nkw Vohk, Nov. 7 uoon -Consols 931-a to 837 "j Bouds (117-8. IdvKtttHMitu, Nov. aT, noon Cotton npcneil slnhij; at-tW 8 to ;M; Orleans 10. Bales on Saturday reached 45,000 bales, LiTKH Cotton stnan. uplands II 8-4 ; Orleans 10. aJes 30,000 bales; export ami spwulaUYm, 7,000. Nw York,Nov. 87.--Stocks Improved: Hold 1 10 7-8 to 1 1 1, Uovunumtit steady and dull; stales frenerallT i-ukit ; new 8 C's ;i5 1-8 and aclivu. Money ft. Khmr dull mid heavy, wheat quiet and unchang ed, l'ork $13; larduiet. Cotton quiet. uplands IV 1; or loans lw 7 M, sales l iUO. TurjHintine 6 Li roaia 4,8 8. Vlit'M NEW VOUK. Ni.w YottK, Nov. 27. Connelly Is still ii.i.Iit restraint. Ilia bail will be raised to ilny. KKOM OlIHL UKATIIS FUOM SMALL rOX. CisiTKKATi. Nov. S7. -Sixty small ku ileaths ocj-uncl lust week. " r'UOM CONNECTICUT. 11 uswn ill riua. Nxw Havw, No, 87. The Chemical woika have been buried , hat IWO.OOO The work weie uaruaJly auaurvd. FROM CAUronNI-i. skashn abi.k raiks si-c raarcL viirrAoa. Sot r BANl Mi, Nov. 87. Seaaonalile rains are reporu-d throuk'bout tue state, TIki iraK,a are all tttiiered. "Tb vintage ia the large and linist ever known. r'OUEIGN NEWS. 1011 imoi.ANti tub itiuiias or t ruiNi or WALKS, I.iiNts.a, Nov, 87, 10 a. in. The Prince of Wales passed a slnrplosi nlyht. The lever is increasing Wit the patient still liolilt out against it. The Queen is con stantly at the bedside WABHINllTON NKW8. stiit'iitfcnr a i.ATa kkVknux oi-rii ui. UKKELt AttU TTUSt rUKSIUKHVY, Wabhinotos, Not. 87. A dispatch re oeived Ly the oomiiiiasiouer ot revenue Uiis inoriiiinz status that P. Hier, late aasistaut usveasor of niveniie ill Texsa, has conimitteil suicide in consequence ot a fear that he would Ito amisted 6w eol "lectinn and emla nling governnMint fiinda in an article in the 7mrM to day, in aii.wer to an article in the Tim Which says Hint Unrlcy conunitleil a Stupendous folly in dn tuuinij of the )ireslilcncy, Oree hiy n-iisrails tlial lie w 111 never seek oHice, but a ill ncvi'f ih cliiie duty. The article clamm that thn field is ojs'U, and says: " We nwpectlully protest airainst ths arri uionj, Ihe inalevolence, and Ihe prow-rip live vcimm manifi-sted liy certain Journals which have Ihh-.iv sot on the trail to vicar the Held of all intruder." - . Midnight Dispatches. MARKETS. LivBK!-om,, Nov.8? Evening Cotton chwcil strong, uplands 8 8 i,orlcan llhl. Nkw Ybiik"Nov. 27.-GotUt...Jair!y Hosier, sale 402:1 liales; uplamls 10)8; Orlmuis 10 7H; flour, southern dull and drooping ; common to fair extra 79 to f7.40; good to choice 7.,to Jil.USi whiskey ill 1 8; wheat heavy anil 1 1 8 to 3 cents hiwcr; tura?ntine dull; rosia tlnniT. ... Muuey very m;Uve at T; sterllnir 8 7 8 to V ; gold 10 3 4 to 10 7 8 ; governments (lull and stoaily j N. Cs. ltd. new I a. UAiiTmojilt, Nov.' 87. Cotton quiet ami lirm, Riltl l unit 18 9 4. . Noiiwii.K, Nov, 87. Cotton qukt, low iiii.lillini's 18 Wu iimnrim, Nov. 81-CotUm ijulet, ini'lilltnifa la. I.T"N, Nov. 87. Cotton dull, thid Jliii-'ii 111 3 8 to 19 l l- Nkw Oui,as,Nov. 87. Cotton strong, uitudiwg til. - ... i. . WKATHKlt PKOBAfliUTlElt WasiiihuToR, Nov. 87.llrTn4iir at niam pleasant weather will prevail in the south Atlantie mates. An area or low liaroincter will be developed west of the Hiasissippi, with cloudy and tbrantening wcalhcr .t-iieiiuiuj; eastward to (lie Ulue nidge. j -.' ' , J, - . ..fcn .. i- -. PIIOM WAHI11NUTON. IINITK11 i TAVM !!l'aS K CoOlif tltUINOMs. WASUiNoroN, Nov. 27.- The dwlsion in the sunrelue i-ourt in the oue of Corky r. O't'uuuer Inin youth Carolina was reversed. The lower court held the certificate of a tax sale, signed by two commissioners, was void. . The supreme court holds that authority inveu to sever al -iietions (or nililie pm poses may be cue, nun uy a inuoriiy oi umir uuiuuotr. The dociston in the case of Hammer e Doaiir. from Ark., was tvvcrserL This cm involved the rifiht ton-cover lorgiKKls wlih'H the vernier knew, or tad reason to iM'hcve, were pun luised for the ooiifedur nry. The murt bold such a transaftiou llli-cal and void. The court siljournwl lor a wu. , , , MoKK'srhU'X rtim l.AIIATIONn. i WAsitiNfmiei, Nov. 87. Senabw Os- Iwinio called, on Ilia Prcsiileiit to-day for the purpose of n uueKtiuir that a urocla malion Ire iwtucd sin'iiilina the writ uf Httttai turuut In daekon snd t. altioun counties, Kloriila, whith he reprosenU lo lie entirely under the control of kuklux. The President will consult Akunaaa. si'anuhi nt ruijia it r;tnst. f A Principe letter reinrrU HpoI(,h re- tiubw near -flam-miK?. A hnndrtd wounded Hpanierds have hcen broiL'ht to Principe. The Cuban bad Aue rican rirba, ' ' -v ' 1 ' -' ' R . PUOM HAVANA. ., IUvsra,' Nov. 87.' -tl. f'rwrpo it viewed tlw iroliinlor-r ot thijifiljjhlKir Imx.iI. They made a flue rlifiy, ; . 'Die imantnl students f flie Itorsi Tnl- versity juiiitil the waUs' irf the otMrtery and proeeeih ;! Ju rrTmiinb tlie grave of OonkiTusianoit. and oitruntteil other excesses. T)ie chaplain utteiupted u retnon- strats. when the tudents stoned bim. The governor visiud tlie nnivemity Saturday and ib-muB'ted the names of the culprits. The students all remain d silent and the rase was then turned over to the cliureh, when several testified, Kit miilent have boea Imnrinoned and are forbidilrsi to com ruunirnte with each rttln-r or oui.. , 71m ooart ttimporarily detained 2 otlien au- stMvted tit rosnoliclly. " " The wsalhsr is intensely wartn, the ii .. a . . (iENFHAL NKWa Pmiju.Ki.rni a. Nov.ST.-AWixissjiemls Monday here, urand tmll Moniiay uight. poaTSKotTB, N. ll.,. Nor. 87.--UI. Varv's (Catholic) church of thia city is burned. . Maw Yontc No. 87. It b rtimored that Hall, Hweeny aikl Bnufhjy are to be amwted lor eoninlicitv with Conoellf and Twm. Hvee uy still lacks t $00,000 it hit luuliou buii, ' -. WHOM CHAIiLEfcToIf. 1 PuAKUEsToa, Nov. it ?.- A commit u of mmirntial eiusons, Inrisiilni; linn, J. ft. I'oiS) and Ex-Uov. Orr, nul-iiah the rewrtt of their examination of Troaauror Parker's aebt ttutea-snt wIhcIi tKi-y this! rorrect. The ciMiiiuiitie renort the toul dtU oi South Cumlnia st ck-ven millhia nine kunilrtKt. and mnrtv-flva Ounimn.t II, a hundred snd six dollars, exclusive of tuna numiiva inotiarna ownitj tn Vnrk. Tli BiHrtlm Aniiiiicfin llM.nk Koi.r rl... pany rrrtity tliat they have in their oa aesMtm tlie w'hid tux millkus xtriliiin ImmmIh Mil (,.v U.,lf k.ia ln.,..i,.,.l ,1. ta print no mure bond or stotJuvf any uu tui una state. ; win xitm.ux TtHAt - 1 n.fiwnla Kum tt l'k. I utt,i lil.L la'an at 10 o'clock this auanunii, .lu.lifcs uu ana iwyan on tue Benin, ttiatrtct torncv t Whin Aa Hie (rrmrampid ,.! lievenly Joliuson fur ths ikfence. There 1 a mroe auuiuwe. corturi ctiailenrd whole array of iururs oa tlie irrotiud of fatal Itvtirulantiea in the dniwirur Koverdy -lohusbn arjrat-d that the, nljec tioa wsa merely todinioaL, ,.'v f Judfre lkod stud the ciirteould not pn (1 Iwamw only nine proru were) psos if. He ileairKit hi r-ivnautt nn ih niiwi.ji raiaed Iiv C'otbin and Uie eourt ailuaimeil until to-uioii-ow at 11 e'cKiek., ( t -iK Special Jotices. DR. A. .. CAIilt, C ! llavsAsstsTABT rutetciASor lNrawrs ahp Ckahitv IlosrtTAUi, ?f Tuaa Cm.) ' Oiler his prafeaaloiMl srrvkua w the t iU seas of sUkhrk sad rtc lnlty. Knot ., Exehansw BoteL 001 c hours, 8 to 10 a St. sad f iwa 4 to f p. ax, i su-tlo ;' A ON MAIUUAOK, i ..... Hanof Relief for Yoona M frosa ths rtrtxt of Errom and Aliases In early tile Waulion rratored. tlenuas dtbtllty fureal. Imi-txtiment to Marriiu removed. - hum uwUmhI of troatintHit. nsw and remark bla renHa'tua. and Cireulara anut (re. Is Sealed nnvelope. A0inS UHWJUU A!KK.VtAltOH, HO. South Ninth 6t.,l'Ula.l,-JpUi, I' a. . tV&'rCHSLQB-w HAQt DTB Thl spteodld Hair Dye la the bsst ta tb world. Haradea, RflabVi, tnstaetaase, iatt ael euatsin lead, aor sny vtlaita B-eison, Is aradaot paralysis or death. Avoid tha vacutod and ilvuim prsisntloas baastlnf vhrtaes liny do not Bosses, Tb Kwnlu of W. ABstcaw hir's Usu Dye has bad W yearaVantaraiatMS re-istattoa to spkald Its IntqrrtTa tM oulj lfmtHalr DyaBlack r Browa. tWIdhj all DruKKtat. Apply st Bond Bw, HI. . saaiSt lasLw-l I as si i -. . . 1 " in t num ticci. rrssessrss -. Ceaaeltseari ' . "TllK ONLY .jitkW. , , It hiiivnives aiaaitita aud duriMlitm. and snrivaled (or it ilavor. W ar direetnl by Meaara. LEA A VV BINS lo pcuan ate all uliua maklns; or tua bir faMiiUtrfi-Oa. Jiltl.l HUNOAJI'B BHt.S, ARt'S; siu( 16dnwatw n,w V.Ht. jyY8 MIUTABY tX'HooL. AltenUna at ualled lo the sdrertlseawut vt K Kinjralamt' ottering ui Cuium Maiuto and Kroanils for sale. ' N1 belter location or tnOktliiKS w asll adopted for the par was eoald be found la Hwiotat. - - nuv80U . ' CUNDURA1G0! Bliss, te -"Co'i.Fliiii Eitnct. . thb woapaarei, aawaos vow itiaiisa avauitla ai-miVlT, 1 ill vnny r. n. no iiu.ui. .m-o un, in- I'KKH, BtliT, KMEUW l AUi OTHKS t'HKONtC Mt.tl DiMSABKli. ' Da P. T. Kk'.K.NKIiavineiu.tretnreedfrfmi Eessdur and Itnia'.'ht with hlta a niisntitjr ol ths ymiriiM VUNllllKANtHt IIAIlK, m.-ured Uirouira . Uis olbeisl ieoraniendatlun and aa sulaiH' of Ills Kllnc U Hrwcib-iit of Kcasiur, audtlwUweninwiitaf Uiat Upuh lie, w are iircparod to UU onler for tttos limited estaet, and at a wtee an tut ouo-ausr- ter of that which the eust ot tin trsl vsiy smsll snpplv romiiellid na to charge, Our t'Ll'll) EXTUAC' risir-iiaied frots Uie umnHe CtNIH kAM.O liAKK frura LiK Keiiailor. seen rid by asaintAiice of tliu auhort Urn of that cooiitry. Sold by all Druui-iats la plut buttle. Lai-Inn rm Uitsu our uaius, tcmle mars ana inn uneciiont ' use. riuio, ttu. Uitwratory wo. w, ve.iar Bi, fw i ura-j HUKS, KKKNE Jtdo. WL BuS, II. ., Waahliijfliin, IX, ttj i E. Hr.iss, H 1)., Nsw York 1 V. T. iUssa. H. 1, Krw York. ' I - ' j - "tfs"ir,sTa n 0 0 BE. HOLD fres dttrliiR the cnmlnir year to every u'il Iter ol Merry's Jlussiuu, lit Tn'edrt Jiid Pnim-rov's Dpmnerjit !., 2232s j i: lUiaiv of II wiirtli and pep OrweVy, Junu-a Vnr nn 1 In Ilorsce tlre' ilore Tlffm, loot ill iloii,,W wiilaiilei vv,a JTmnTeTr"- A 1 Id olulibina .It offura three Irst-ctass persist rail for Uie price f ono-ef Uisia. A vart- ty of primilnms on aally ItbenU terms. It I aa nrticisal. Brat elaa linfaibw. V U! nine A itm. 'Ti Three .c-. iinen'e ., j, . Tn-e, ' AllJraM 8. WOoTSTS A UKKTat WASTED IOH i T 11 1 .T SAB OF B A T T L S Ths Hiatorr of ths War twit we oo Traaee and Osnanr, emnrauuiK also Paris audor Uut Com minis, lov lutcatnuiima : mm oaaas; pi-tt'e, J V' : 80,uu0 riii.loa slreaily sold, Tka nlv eowiilet work. NnUilni enaals It to Sell Makliis 10,uv0 eopks par month now, In Kntiiuli snd (oiruui ,. Term aimiualsd Out- Ill !. Ad.i'ia 11 tiOOOOt'AkU C , 7 I ark row, rcw lora. PATENTS ruTK iirir aianrwai, wi rara Kuw, luia. . 1 mtumI v Sva saara1 mriH-rieMM. 1 Vsiiiiitil euiilalnlna Pataut laws, with lull Mlreettens kow to obtain 1'ateuU, fre. I A Bound votam of I id paa, enatalninc the stew cBaua byecnittUAWaau so inrii cuius, ISO Eitursvtriirs of Meraanind Muvenv-ata. Patent Laws and ralas for vklaialiis; t'atuits, BHiiaa ua mceiitoi seeeau. rMUUftHl ADVRHTItilMii IN Tilt tl , to OKU) 1 fur U per Inch wr Month, w will insert as Adveruasuimi in aa srst-eiaas r. News-wp'. Inelodius; Dailies. Prnjtor Lb.itaLa r-na lor smslier adv'ts. I.it sent flu Addnias ' tsfciA f. KO ELL At, aov t 41 Park Kowt New Yoi k rnilE HAKK18UUK0 EAtllhY CK 1. aheller Co . want Altent to ssll' th I mail i Comalislliira. Bat hireetio of la kind. Mis at sight, Profits liw Eoreir. evlars, sddniss ti (iENK M ULhMlrua.atr or, oua , uarriswani, - . a.. n. W .WILL TAY J0. - 1 AicvnU ISO per wsek te sell u great ind valualil diaeovoitia. If yoa want niiun t hooorslil and piesaan wora, apply lor im eulars. Addfisis 111 tit iJ daikaii, ttH-hiKsa. AOKl A M0HT11I Horse fBrtiLnul Allred, Its. OALi OF V ALL ABLE sULU. i la obertliine to aa ordst frma tbe Coert fr-abat of t-nraon eouuiv. w will nr ctti Sll ta Um bitfliest triddar at the Court io - rtoor. Iu Rubro lie I ueadav tl IV h its v i-i Onwrntier next, a trai l of hind naiut-iiti-ji (nhly w-rea. adjoinlnji the lda of oiko W Nurwoud, Jaueis M. 1'a.ii nd oliiora, Weil known as ths Harnett's mill ti ,-t, ! wi wh Is slUiS-ed'S valusb's niainilaeutiins seat s Cireuliir Saw AtilL Ti.ere Is ! Ul ht pienu s yustuc Si'j'Ui urcharil ol ou iLua ana mm - i i ...ii.ii.la vnuld do well to rali ali.l x suiin Ui s'lov dineriijod ittrtr ll It i rare that such aa oppur.uiittj ia illisrsa lut ke veatmatk - Isans! A credit of six months will v. uiveil, bond Willi appruvwl antitl iciuired,aid tou M-luitii not 1,h mm at'ltiiauv la oaal. KJtlll'SA B.Oic 1 I, I , ' javk BMf' rr, i00" 1 JuiiM BAIiMtlT. dueatal BOVl7'SWUU - " i-'.W"fai- A'T-Uj'V; - mm ' 'MTIOXAt LIFJB INSURANCE CO. t cum vtatvs or iiiaiti, -. Wassubovob, DrO, -AOSA'CY AT tLUKWir, If. a Oartmi ky Iflal Art r tNasrsss; Assesni ' - r- -i- - - aaaj, , tUMMa Baascn Ornea, Thiuai'K14'iha, Wlierr the tlSidneaa .If llw. r.iaimnv m Imi.l scV-d, snd to wh I. all aiersl eurrMisHidMKa SBAwUheaudrsaMHl. . otKicEnti Ciahsscb fl l'uu, Tlillsdr-rplil, rreaidetit, i lAiuajt, vaiairmaa rinanc auu -. - avwuuvouoaimlttee. L,ft1,!D Comn- hiiiirtoai I v. E, lA. Bui J.ma, PlillaiK Ipfcia, , f Vtc Prw fcatstuo W. rT, fiilLiaelLhJa, Jftii retary 1. T. Brows, VtMhiiur,,,,, Aart iWretiutos. B. M. Mawrowr, 8uiriiitid. nl of A-rmetes. raaacistl. 8BITH, M. D , M.iil.al liiroetor. t EwraoMsias , D.,Ak Mcdlcu liirwtiw. Wiu.iw R. t'Miaiii.aa. Waoiiiin.i aad """ lUauisu, fUUmUpliia, Buiiuiora aad Attomeja, - 1 OsshC4tls-l Aocnmlallona. Aa 1. 1K t,iw7,iw.uo. . t , i"iii Mia 'aa- inliiuf Au. V, lr;ti 61a.UiW. Caali K.i cijd fruoi uunnft aad other Ifatr- M Ijii.lO.'SI, CaalJ lucaMta, Swuajd. fiscal Yr. TSB,Ulia.lSai .. .. Nutalwr of rulUle tatnn) la 11 yaont X Um Ouiy's uiattwm, II Aaaoaat ol lusaranee, vt,Uia,7Uk . v Th ctrarmttnarT Hml hmmum a Mia u CWnni uaa Us estuuatsae la st-ieh at la held ly tin paelKi, ed tlx sif ar isasat of sw tiaatann tnnaartcd la lla twt t. uaw tat lbs po patent-- ad iw pnw-lw, aad na aUa-t-abuily to auat ta Mfjiuraawilai at Aanr a. Iu STIOai, Lira lawaaairs t.xuair A CAaCarTraAelU',k IU rates of isrwultinvt an ss Ww as Is boss. stataatwttheaiirsaafi-iy, , its olaa isntUmtv rrtga fro anv ennpltrw tawa t aula, tateWy e., or icrtaousi Slid disafipotiiiinriita of divuida, ,ir. ii contracts an a. a tut, elar, sod impusat'i tile Ui be tttlund4'rU'd, a miat-c- teriUiak I 'a Pole ia otaiuia all ust Ui 1-r.unins saadav try tli Cushmuiv, aad am urad)ia.'li llarnal. Al the fahwiUis and prHic-tr.-a elm a ea be saft-lr re td to th toatirM, rw irivew hy tins eeaBinindly rwnitar snd atnmt; I onifamv. To at-wl ol itiUTiia, ara deMnia ot IranasrtMta' tin oaatnoas Lire Itiasrasiew ia aaawalt snS cwm.1 prlMripl,-, tli C-oOI-auiy I pre.arrd Ul otftfT hia'raj tndlM-vBMrll as esa he allunled bv It low rat.-. ApiateaUons for tfTV or for pd rrles atay ha surf, to tli Coiauy at It bnwh OUlv la I'BlJadcliJ.av or to - l V, I ES l I), Jr., tvaasaAL Aoaav, 10 U halvn.U, N. 0. arteaboro' rioney r.XarUot - n in ' liCn.NU KATES Of BAN K KOTta. AO. . - wv - VI II JtOM Al ,!Utlk,H. II A N k K lift A N It SlvUASi.s haossHS, n. aril kiaa BTaJtar, Oassaarahii. i, Banknf H e..,,...,.;..,........ ..,', V cia riwr,i,....,.i..,,.,'. an Charlotte., .r..,i,. ao Wadwtwo. ,,,,, ! 'rimntctoa .., 9H RnxbwV. , in Ibomasvifi.,..,..,,,,..,,,.,.,,,, 5 OraliaiB... v., ,,...,, & LmimrtoD . , tkmoueree,,,, ft fv,)ttviiio , a VaueevvilUi . j.. 1 liiwhitHt' banknt Meabera...... $0 Vartuws' haiik tif timaiaiiorw1, 4., Ml . Miners' aral t'lautera' lUuk.. ..c.a.. 1(1 Canluerelld Hioik of v iiuuuirtoa. . .. ft Vwvhita Hank Nnles avenge alioill 4 Uouin Clarviui 9li 0.rri;ia .,.,!...., K.1 Jt. O. 11. R. woi lt , Ws huy and sell athtusral prnt, (t.id afid Silver, NurlU Carolina Uoaiia, ( uili-d btataa nolius ami All ollit'l uiarkutabl aUfCka, Orders for hank NoUis by det4ora tMid tltm-k holder ift Uaaas aul alii nuini prow4 at. lafiium. , ,:. haitunis toretprm mw;t uf Hsk eohs Ae.. villi be made oa tlie dav seevwl, tv eH k oa Nrw York ar baiuiaure, as la cur- rM y, sa acwree. Li.cahd tiro tunre I'tlklas Issaed In Ituod Unuiiwuisa, slieatntaaV 5 . mar luiiui'v V ' v- il!!Ml 'pME LABWEeT BlPI'I.Y Vt Ml !.. 1. tdud Uif any pb J ilu, or AluaM bwok to N U. bonk t'r. ' WlihliU'lf HASOS ALg 1 UK LEsTa " iltl NASlIt Is a quuatkiu asked a ever and ovvr-sr-itiR. i Ws Know Utvy ar Ui UM by swihc and ivethuii A A : ' Oum ACiijTir for mtikiuj; li st roairam sos's between Plsans of ibiri-niit makers, are audi a os oct or vns TSJin cm p"ia 0l,t rorif nt Wwfy, a gfmt llijlrtttly sad at, sad bat f iw i Susans tw vbs Ttttui sir turtunate eBOUKh to acquire. Ot'fe ax Tkjinsu axi'taisscs etaidia lo sssii.e a cur net eaUiiut of tb value ef a 1'isite, and wukarr aiXctiui-Bcl) de, uleJ isifavw of Uie WEBER. hVnAnrc tntn ln nlsi-ed in Uu cuiutrm iaoiiof thew bHtrunirutA fa-c,iiai, A ., Xii. ALLkhX UhiO.n Is not etily aw sconniph-lit-d rnuie ijn,-a si,iil fttl artluAii,htit sa himorab'a,lith toned m&ioi buAarwr 'wlw values hi wvrd and tl.r rtputa kioB uf fais lntnlut. . A t ' Send for CstaloiHa of Flno', to . ' dtal VAN. HOLT S A-. ' s..ivUtf , . fvicralK. Va. ' V)T!CR-T. POLICY Ii- ! Ut:i TiM. It Bail.v inrr.,.ii i- V iA Ik a ruula Ain-ul f ttli- N.i !i-:L, 1 fi la- aUlalM-tt ( IIIHi4liy, bill Will CCil ifi'H- m i,i- ,Vfe and lwMli pli BISiui aeUi :jl -.i '.c--ol 1 l?piaatit4. . , ViM I'i '-VV v. v;:, rv. ... t. I .: ...fc c. ' gov 4 4w ' N K V . ii V t i, 1 MORTON II O U S k , fiy a;i.tor,i.f Va.triti Aveu. r" mi',': ! .1 a Won. : jtorf'm ek.!h ;- 1 '"c I i, kar ask by J. A. d'oCrt. -. .v, aiviU , ' Uai'-i.-', - 0.