lab: J;s!iB mm. Jr., Editor. JTIl SrELUl JiWfUU i lral Elitr. TKKM1 -.. fily, our year. IK,. 1st ......... a-w ft t Semi Wtkl if J " . tit aHUlh.. Weekly, an tw -u - M-r. monthii .. 1 . 1 V MONDAY. JANUARY 21 1ST2J That Rcuofc. In our ha wpohk -i a frn" ruino wi conneciioa with ' NkmtinwoHic. 'iVlrui-niriijill fl It M reported on the st-ceui thtt (.daring and gross errors occur in tli printed tee- timtnif takea WW lb iHud.comiAia ""'siou. ", '" " '.-- - ' . k w- f -" It i reported that Ibeoe U an prtiit effort to screen Bwcpena ad hiiplb-ate others. For iuatsncs, 6wrnson'e profits in Florid sre said to haw I" changed iu the priu'imf Irom milto two hun dred thomuii.1 (O In iua.rej lli.uitli. dollars, and Gen. f liiigoiau fee from fif itxd ktmdni to Bltern thouuimi dollar. These change are alio reported to have bra ma le from pUtiu manuscript, aot easily BiistrkcB. .. . . . It i further re-torbd, w hunt, I lit . , flea. Clmj-inan, oa the nth Inst., applied for the proof herft ;f br-4dence which were protntsed him. On the Kllb alid 11th, it is reported, lb f.-nu soolaiuiliH Gen. CliniinaV-ttimaBy ., riiill ' Ua th Mill, llu. day after lb Mm i bad bee pn 'to' press, Baa' the while , .ilium printed off, a boy wss tcut friu Twa rJaaTtaw. oflki -to Ua. t'liiiguiaa liit with llta pridrf ahtU 6 tMnu , CliitKa rmfl. An thru n-K! ,nl -M n, liiiKmna afid Tent W TiKKt aatarr, Thi jiuMinUiiMi id ti , will aff inj lliti (.fiU nn ippoiii tty fn Jplltnti.)l.-'ftrry. j W aanald haw walnctf JJfiiBta'rilif Ui almva, jruniM Iwi fir-Mr; rfiMrof ' otwiiig not itfiV1 f illi Jiia card npm i ariw in Gen. ('linjcmau'a aviiUfi- W lead fb V'f &tw ir"A uopjr or th auuiher Mm It. UaoM ma g-i mit hf'the m-riu-i : Ig I'nrry aad Bill finlrrua i will lam U of ttti iat af hl boaata. " '' rP :,.. ,, ,- j , Brulhrt WirJ w.a i oar offi.-d TiUr- Jj am we (.-V c.jiiui.i i ,lu aw la wb aliuf wa h.U althmpf ty lure ijt,. Haort turned out ol the church &rluti - aiatiuff ua. Hi- niil a did1 writ l"fL aouvh v( the PuewUr tua-U'i- u a lia prcuiUM, and rvfurivil ut t.i linithar Tcil.J pi whi wij and urilwl iron ll iiuoVf C'liuuta will Mka him frrt thu am menu of that jteary H. l,rel,)ii rx-!iU.u. : ..i .. ' Th followiri i Mr. Caniamni card V : , ,AC41U. t rv 'r ' " In W!c 16 the Kdltor uf Tim Hwm'l a tel., U U firnpet to Mate that lw la Mi no w ww Mpuunilda Cir, at eoKiumutt tf ih wmtatement in Urn fcimnny if Oi iter l Clmt'initn befure thft Kr.iud Cnumiin hwapun whh the Kra uftlin 3Ulb iwd., - omimmta, Ue bae nam iH-itbw titamaa unxvipt nor tli pmf. The rrapHMulity iaauMf mine. 'I'll errtir wait a t) V Rmpliiml, mm vert iiiip'Mtuiit it i true, but uik: quite likt-lj Ui oixMr in any print- . inj; ulliiw. Otbi xirtioM of (tin tmti nionjf Ultcn U lure th ciwitiniwUta ami " printed coincident alth tlmt in- which thu error cuinptaiiwd ir apMtaif,, x have the it-i)i with u liwh lit' imiaa l ul'l .fiingwaa I cumici-lcil accnriOr . Mated, Which atilll. wnlly 'ttUjMiVni' tlfi iilea ofiutFiilioUal JniimlU'a to lllit uri- tienian.--. 'IW -view., hv. tewtuutu ! . . mitid aa 1h aul.jdct fir the, .ri which will acconijuny the rVmipletej euiuioe. J. P, UVnliltO.N, i Cterk nf the Cuuiiuimmmi in t-harga ' tba puMiuation. ,t " i! Jaa. 1N79, ' ' '-"';- - , . ' rfff tKUIHLA TLHK. The only bin of any gimeral Import vbiish ine up B.Uaid kr tba Iloufc wa the lull app irtiiiQuig r-pminltl.ii ia tba JIouM of lirpri'MRtativet lit. f ill necuii J n. Jiug an i waa pa x pouI until tody (M ndy ) 'Til djj Ukco tip la tlte iwyi f private tine ; , i. j Is lbs Senate, the bill lo pmrlile for rrptascntion ia tba , 8uiU. a if ported and ordered lo h printi-4 Tba till will be fouud rcpurtcd iu full In . tlx 8enU preeeediaga, . - - - j . Go. Vance tcnderi'.l bin ,r-Agti tiu 4 V. 8, baMltor Uct . li'pnxtJiot"l3l tiiii aubject wilt abo Ic fmiu4 Ui the Cc. ate repatL ' ,r - .- , Saturday, in the rVmaU, wiui t(ivn up t N the courldiiralioii of ' prW it bill aukiiy, the iporil orJura fut thai puUli tueasorei, being pimlrioiicd Until Monday. The Senate .wurku ilUigvpip and carefully in the conniJcratioW f tiivue tti.MurM, and betwemi thirty anii fmty till were idinpuaed of-an unpre d-utd Jkj'i w ork. The Sunale ii body of working men. " ; i i i. I ? ' ''-FRA Ef COM - Tht Biixnitn n palca it readers wilh reading fmia the Shipp fraud committing, 'I be public are auxioutly awaiting tie publication of this document, The print er art at Work opoa it, with all Uiligeum ad U win moa appear. - j The AJewniVra e-tv !u in Sntereai ing rtule oa tliiii.'v. t, l'..iiotr S I . "We hull paraii. thereafter, the.rei-d4 "rfrcei of i It Will sum, r ft the priai-iit, by vsr ot '-m-rul muuuiiiry, to any Umt ne liow-nflial, cmfliientiai (Uak of fJurcpioD, ((KH 'lid f.;!iJ ilijif hit of aiuouuiii paid by bwtpau le pwtn fur aaoa and fam-ioW niioo ankanwa te itnm) all of K tr were r hiirfjed te eomnt ol the ul iuim lh nciAiii.lrcl, piik ton S. f.ittlioeld, v IK : , (...- i JuJ;;e Tout)ee (i.700; Jo llhb- f J -iJ , i. T. IV.wiw Ilit.uuO; John linn (colored ) t'.'.loO; Jim iUrm $,'1uo; r'ra" Kmcuir t :.!;' Him, KutM and Kitsi 9M SilS; "S. n:itr" Kppc '(adored I ai ! ! ! Sle-pr Uowning $4,liH)I i. C. t.'O.OjU, V. V. KTK .'S I (X0; IVtk 1,..00; J. M. IHvk ' f I.1.IKM j a1 older um, amounrtoij;, all tild, i f4l,TU.1l ! !! V ' i Viieo tlie.tej.;iidnture aJjiiiirmtlie ri-ad! n of the HaiiTiKfti. will'W auj.plled Willi mailing ftms the fiMid mmiBiairSon.'' f "j '- I A 'Touiil! IllilM of KiUlitiili:: ,h fcirvMia tt a crow H inace Into "tin aviake, iuotead of'a ipenrty. aoked tn ha . it t.iM k, twit wm rii .!. 1 taiee i fvr a-rec.. "Amel, ai'Vl,V frrnntrd ls ' fr4 credit f.r it in hn." rN'ii, a aai-1 4 atari, the doorfceprr, "Vo'il j t CK.l,itou'y f r Utoj'ttuij f iiM to ji.e, ' .y .; CoHHTiTt'Twa-ai, KtoitTa A earararmw-fAe ,t to rumor reaches as that Blew fll' railniwdt erfimed inanawetf bef. t5a-.f4 wiltee hn Btnch BHiwcy hi recei rnim the rVaaayltaaia feiitrj j t," ' tliekaw. Ilec-uU nt Vn' r 'iilknit rriuiiiiatui bimaeM. . He fnrllief Mted tint he way nnpiible fnr'Oji KtifforJ- auiland iiiun-(iiia. We have reueun ( Me that B.lly s mouey ron llw Cunt. Ii,iin,'uh 'he erowuj pmje- Ait rsjr the WaanaKrr- Wo Itt TTinr axd V-m- MiilliltirflM-Wfeianf l-rmbcd. 7 j !iM ! w--iiaee-t;( -'. I ; , : lor tha RraUn. POOR LXWt.t!- f ffTWtr r aidto1i4e U. K'dfi n eft" b--V.t'lj lfcUrJWa'UaraHilertfnei.J ' 1Innc"S. M aeeitnf ''IK paaa a tlJf fK "nnnikd of llenib raoit who he wa. Ilender, repld r M.. Uww, - UrwU i . ' fieri the InrrfioMitwr, "ehat ta-Mie miner with him r v Windy Kilty rr-pfled, -why yo krw be ha been atarreI by IJia coneeriUie party ta which he beWWided witil a abort time aisc wara I tk blrn into the Hadiol party, einre w bb-h time he baa had plenty to eat, whieh k i-allefl in msninal attack of rbolic, and lew thinlu ht it pnjjnaij wilh a biu: coatili tioaal blew vi Jr lo) eat M a liveruel " . "v ' - ' tviriii AkmmKitr rfj 'frr. iaiv let ncroaa I- The fat p..yrrhir i4S Jeraej, In bis bite lurWtfe to tioi frKijit lur. ili a 'Jf IwarU; )aMii( U refrretwe to Die nwarranUble iaterllr. ence of (Vrteraf eftk-ehid'tt r in the elTalra of the Btate ifOverHUxinla, .Kroia, quarter evidriii'ea of ftiia (cliiicwy in ajf grewioa and of the slaria If I Unionist a eirtle aaanax tnorevraf rrpriMicena. be wail a aeaiawata, nay M aildueed. I lie New a, JrduM ait'iriatl,-, an4 Mr. (ire, ley ipxi'aallv.l liia.jiiauiiuatiua I lore the oHraiiit iorvaUuralion eoai- oiittep, am iit nei.a at laM Aator lliiiar.i in New V.wk ) hear tetiaNiy to ike ax tire pelt tkH if the ilh.,oC tkr tuio! Jiotjaii i.ilu r Koetnnieut ri ptoyer4tt rnirtnillirr.llie fKiiirtUon .f tka Naw Vwt Uitiaror ntirf the courhe i f hiaialloa at Altmny. . tba , pt pl ijid by ('.ill.-eti I'ik) and C uiie.1 Htle - Mondial t'ackard ia the Uelntn Alit now t('iiK ia llm IHiiaiana I Ui are are ban alreadf okn, umcretliitira, anch ked and inirt bukell, ran only lead o Ihe utter and irwriralfe d.-eralio f the elaial Horerunu lil. 'l b real ruaartof i b Wale will aot e tlH-iiorrriinr nd. LvUJa'iir duly fleet ed hi Ilia (Wp'r uiler lh prnvios .f the itUta camtiiatton UiK the blcil lleutiiian'a alKi wield the patronafta a powered r(ieiH hmar, ml wha h( at lh'1; (Ui a (he I liited Htitea iiianla.1 and bi n,)vand, If el w, tlie bay net irf I'oMej Hiatea trtHM. Hpaakia)? wit It peeia1 refrrrnca to Hie aaihut fit tlyneral Sheridanp-at ( lildifo, (Joeernitr llkiidolA mil r (ay that if ihe lreidekt tnay oteVr4rooiti aHivifiu policy duly la lUiaoia, theoiaetitutioawj riKhtetif lie people, lit New Ji tsry era aa loiuter sacral and iiifiolate, but at the caprice or uiertv of corrupt or aiiiljllous mler."i. " t Hy the report irf the M-ii roinanltSe of the "Illinois IrislBtiire, to wlioni lliat portion of Uorcmor 1'ahneiY nu-sange winch related to Ibis subjiTt wia referred, it now iiear, ai iineter .( prmsf, that n4 even the poor' plea, of ""iseceaail y," which was impieiand to palliate the epi( lliily of llelieral Hheriilan's nff"Uitt, li any foiiiuiHii'iii In fwt. The Coiiiiintlae how thtt the pilice force wan lut u-t In its ori!iiir'iil"ii. fully equal to tlio eiuer ifener.aml that the ew-uinniiim br ties i ml Slii-ridsa lowlnliliah a luilktar) pirliuc inn lue iiurecu city, aim i.r hm own aa Jlmrrty to r Use troop". Iuu coiiiMiinaionk. knit giTii-nlly ejeiele all the jnoera ol a utiTitary d'u tatof m a iic-eilul general ill an enemy's coinitrt in.t aa ' iiin. ry" aa tt was "mtiewftrl and hnmillaUayr V:a fuit liar, eh Hf ihe a-eantiMtef, alio rel'. r to Har'-ettaVsite tnkia Muh them, that "with a nin'le riitillon, all trtuVnf scbi nd' riotiins cohduei CiiffinK W.llia city Iouh Ut ituae adl. Ua tal ties I Ilea rat Uiewenlnav sxaat enta milled by the aildiers uoeVf 44wi. ttherj dan's command.'1- ..,.. , fitch, Mate of Uilns U calvuMoJ, anil lo uWbvltet data of lu republic it r.wlil not have failed, to eaeite uaireraat . mf and alarm on the part of ait tlie fiiriidaof the eonalilutioual government tnroegnoBi lite eonritry. . a4 V.V" w ve ana ,!- n n i iv ; ItAPliD aft utuliLVeuriTU'etf Kat KUia, Jaav lkth, l7i. Ur EaUfk hcUd! ' i- i j ITa M l be reaolwtiiitl (a Imp isrh ' Q W. Lg m, Jtntpa nf the Mb Judicial Dis trict, I r,ted " Ko but In the pmeoe ia ( tba Bona, as pulill-hed In yoijr psper, my name did not appeaf as t otlng 4lher In the tlBrmallre, or aegativav . Aa I diaiike to troehle kkl uors, ar their Ite poTUIS alxmt wLai (Jma, ar dost nt art paai in thuir paiers in raid toBiyaelf, aaid aothinK ahoat the ermf at thatjtiui, and did lot intend todosounllllsaw that the sole, as puhli-ked ia iha "HaattHm. bad been copied hy auuty other newaps pure fciase of whkli oin ulat n Yadkia rountt. and a niy constituents may think that f fail! tn'Vote oa Hie reaoluiion si all,IdVire to say I4tat I ewW aot only eyeiael the raituuaa, bt aantsat III ra portof tlienuBitiltlee, and ilao for tlir tmrtioiia hit h went rmnlii at dluMnna lime tu fotVa, slid lu MiJiaUtif laialjwMir tlie wbok Matter, to Bay eeseni ta thill miller is Ukt miy ewd'nr csry Arl. My reasons for sppmviiiK thimeirt) will lie (firm, at the pnrpt time, .to . .(host jtp bout 1 am directly reaponaililo. Uy in aertme this note in the HkktIrkl, Jos am uuiiv am - r f iJ Very respectfully Tours, , ... , c i 'eaeaa ,.-, , ( The great diamond lhlntf 1 ,14 carats which has been found at the Ca(ie and a now oa lis way to Knglmul, is alr.isrly fiiminhcd wilb its lriread. It ia said ta have been found ia ilia llraf tm o thai. native huts, where a poof Iil.h ail yen tun-r bad recti td hospitality fen (he nltht, and thai betna anrnrlaed br the light liiriloi? smlrt the daikucas, be, upoa ei:irnniatiiiur.tiinnn it lo proceed Iiiho clump of the earth of which the wall was buiiU Of course the ahimp was anon do-, taehed br tlie tiaiaur, and i hie new Koli. i noor, Kb many other smaller diamonds, Kiwad aithia,'". , . 1 ' ' j "Ohsst Mita rnoM ao Comirvnia Ka"-t'rdiBal Wohny was the aw oft bnleher Oliver Ctomwittl wt the ton of brewer. ' Whitetleld was the son of a inn keeper at gUiceslcr. ."-Culundiv Was the am of 1 wcam r aud waa one liimf, Bolirer wasadniKKlst. lb heeaet Ail was a barber.r, Virgil waa the sou of potbrt Uillaa was the son or a arrireiiger. Hon ace Was the sort of s sliopkeepcr. . D.'tni tbeura Was I lie sou of a cutkr. !K.M.eit Burni was a plowataa of A rmliira, Hliak. apetw, was the ana of a wool-stapler. . ' , Tlie IVlkT -" I st wputhir a.inceiely iih y,jbr Kiief,"" aatd k rench laay to a recently wulowed It read, ta bale such hul.aii. a ymir.-' ' A,h yea, he was Vitjr rjtl; and iheu, )ou aie, m. h mis foilima is alas; (treat, tor one kaows, a hat kind of a liul.nd one has loat , but cannot tell what kind of a Biaa oaa will had to succeed hua I" ' r , Leei-Uiitnrt of North Carolina. v ft yi.;' v ' rut, 4 V 9. "Ifoc Fi" wt t the U ul loair, Mr P4deiit WiWsi-a in the ch jr., I L-ai W a 6 ru e Wjui rraute l Mr t bright InHa il'Wte) next to ibtaend .-ll aiaf-.-s(i'---V.- V--V .. s4 riKlrir rctsfroni ataodiuu; and m 'Uxt ciaiiinijiona w-re prrwiilrd. s'slt-llHaliMI inirwilteml a m aa laiiiMt lo the Muriel in the (emUoliay JI'roaaies tabiccoiut (lie eonvh la) l , terre.l. ' ' "'"" ' Mr r-aiNMKH introiliHVd a ImLI t" pro. Ti.le fr I lie clM'tuHi of- a loan count at ite in IXrilath s'lty 7".r! r ,-t lr. MACNkT, a le.lilli.Ma luatrni iloa to I lie C.Hiiiliitltu ali'Ulteti to Sort it (net oriotiier account. A loMe, ilfl.ter a aiV I On aantias) .4 Mr. It .l.l.iiui, of"1" 1 fci bands iuc I ha 2Ulh at mm the Mile wttoprle.l and-1 he bill f'lfiifil to burned Seeortl 1 1 nai i e filiat Mr.rilir.' laua.'l h-aveof alaa-aiw fr.ii4ioil,jj1 to CllMfr Bi nLi ' tn irtoitm of Mr. Kb-mimiiK, tlie ride peje -p-t!d'4, and , , n ! . lim- rwebiti(w at favor U the skwrilfs af AUouiaea- a lot ('MrrMai cnuewes, and. t- 1 he hill In tnt-orporal the to a of V.hU aba Tb', cl). II caiul), paused their severally readUnja ; . - A bat, the bill to incorporate the a.k I'ire Hiivln); B of ttie city K.ttei(h. Mr. (Itnu a, "f ''rnKc. iutntduccd a bill Ktanlyiit aiuoety and pir.lon tn alt aaulaa.d aw.-ns sotoiiea ft nik-nt eiHiiinilied prior to April !k, IS7I. lie llerred to ttie Jildictirry omnnittia), ,: i ""llr. IUTi t.a iolritluecd a biUtuimiuivr raut tfo K-mwms lin-l)f and Tnswponauiue) tianpin. IMWred." (J aoifloa of Wr tlrah irh, of, li several fp- cial orders for today ee jxa'p an d fill Monday neat, and priv4 e iMlWawi wave aaade llsn amies af tltedsy Ihiailay. y" t:'.;' I "'' ':'X ft. (itrt(kirr0 til SttVav. '- ,,.' j "".lrrtA'in i. JrtMB 'Ilia c-'ittiuuloa ha tlaiabj.l"tttd aba toU.wto So st oiitinat tel.aeseitiitlii : i , , MKroHT or THR JolSf SKI.aa'r CoMMITTta (ii iuk M aMvarioaaKaTo' Ta araiit. ,, . ' 1 uUie Join eWb-ct Coawulton na tba re anponiemment rf Ihe rtata hsve hnd ii der consideration that purt'of the aul.jift Mlntmu; to r piowubitiiitt lit the beaate, ami Uk leave't" ojport tie aeeoinpaoyiau bill and uak paaasirel. , I KH af With It w iw.p.'CtfullyiiilMiiitted. ' L LATHAM i rtek.1 ' cf oi- a 'ii.l to aa ektitlko an act , vaaiii BKrHuttaTATioa: ithbkn. '"atk. ': ' , 1.'" I HacrrtoM 1. Tht Oenentt AtnmUp ff Kurth CVw"-rnr raner 1 hat until new apportionment Vif tbe tttate fbnll be lurrt h acixa-etance with the conaiiluiiaa and la a. i of 'North Carolina, tbe Meane .lull lw jiVmitrosed of aruibtiN ek-cted as fnllioyat j I . lab lwirnH wnhnekf Oiimleo. P mtotnnk, fieri flird, ' tliite, bowaa and I'cttiiimiUa aliall l't I wo Mali.ra. I liialrkt-Tyrrtdl,, Uartia. Ikira, Ueaul'ort and Hyite; shall etee two rVnatora. : j. I 8rd, lliatricl-Sortha'nipbiB and lb-rlle sliVd eb-et ouu Senator. L)ih l 1 ,h, li.thetr Halifax shall alert oae ri-iialor. Jt" 'f f "; '"'H - Brlrr f rbrWKd.wMibe sltall Ut one rtetuitor. : ' Otlt. I'ialrict-WiUm and rill abill cbi-tjwo Henatora. ' - I till." lfialrirt Nash and Franklin shall dist ort rViiatjir, , r WU pjatrintl-r-rraveu shall eb-ct otje 8nlor. - - .. Ki ll. Dl.U'n t J..HCS. Onslow and Cat le-n.-t alinll elect roiu 8enatir. , 10th. District Duplin and Lenoir shall elect one rVnalor, ', ' -. Hill. "Itislrlct- On-ciM), Wajue and 9.toiisoi,'alioll ctci'l two Weniilor. t i I Jill, liisinct-New llauover shall atrct one Senator. ' ' ' " ' ' " ' Itth. f)iafth t tbuiisabani UtaJea shall elect out) iVnutor, , ; t- Ulb. Uiafrtt't-t'olumlMai aad llobeaofi aliall eteet Htte' Henator.- e 8tri. Irtatrh-l-Cuutln-rland ani ICiif nntt sliulT elect one ttenator. , ' i lelU, iMHUa tWi'liruuiHssliaU elect mb- 'aaiBL .ate I7tli. Dintrict - Wake shall ebvt oif flcftntor." j lth. IHirrict -i Warren abaM erect one .Senator. . ., , . : . , . . j. .. I . lIMh. JUirit t-4JraavilUtluillbjt m aWntoy. .-.. wiii .-( ' .. j otii Diat rit-t Per, Caswell aad A Snianc ahall elect two Hettatora. ' I at, llialriil - Chalhiiui shall elect oist geaator. e -i . - i j Sand. District Orange -shall rlrjrtoi Senator. , ' j r Iiatrb?tIbiekinirlrsia and Oail- fttfd shall elect two (tension. tih. DiJrict-Rmdolpb aad lloon shall elect two tjenators, S3th, Diitiict IticlinifHiil and' Mont gomery shall elect one Senator; I i SfJik Diatrict Anaoa and Uolim rh iH eleet ie Senator, j 8?thr Dtatrict Csbartlis and., Btanljr Shall elect ane Senator. 1 2dih.. DuaiictlIeckkaUurg shall tded an eVaator,. -e- i ttb. Dil riot How sn aad Davie shall elect one Senator. ! SOtb. I)it rict Davtdsoa aliall elect on !. D!titri.-.Btoke and rryth ah ii 1 1 elect one Benator. .' 8. lijrtrH-t.wrUirry a.l Yadiia UU el:taaa Hcnator; ,- : i. f 33d. Diatrict-lri-nell, Wilkes and AI axaadet shall absct two Hcnators. - f nh. liiKtHrtAlleghtiay, A aha aad Watauga, (hall elect onu Senator. . ', " j - 831b, liiatriotrrfaldwell, Bnrka, M Dowell, HiU'liell and, Vaoccy, shall elect two Bermlitrs. : . ' , . ...'r mttle. Oiatnrt f'atawba and 'l.inool shtill elect one B;itor. 3Tth. Dintrict !". C'ieaveland, Ruthertord aad Polk, ehali elect two en ' R8th. District Buncombe and Madison, shall elect ore Jeat. ' f 8Sth. District Haywood, Hcn.leroa aad Translv'anis, shall ebct one ttenaloa 4lth. Dltrict-Ja ksoii,t,sl",M'e,MI, I'lien.kee nd Clay, shall eki t one 8e r-sxi-Hia iJhi art shall bo Fi Fa iorc irmn ni V The fnn and atfer iHTrttirication. . w The bill wai ordered to lie prihii-il anj trW special anler tor Tuewluy next. erB.a introdaced a reaotuttoa ia stiM'linf our Krnstors and mptestiiig nut Kepieia ntativra in t.onurrss to use their beet elforta to procure government aid ta widen aad deepen the Dismal Swamp Venal. , . Mr. (r-kaurxplaiaej the resolutioa, aad It was adopter'. S - CALaxo.vv. The bill tn enable the c.nnmiiooi'is af Rninwi"k to bww bond passed it third rtailinfr. j ' Tbe bill lu r. pes) chapter S3 pi i vats laws at ttmt- 61, was tabled oa It aecoad redintf. The bill to coalite theVon.mlnaioAer of Bloke to issua bonds, passed it second 'readinK. . ...V-:.- - l- Tit leave of absence of (be principal c! -rk was extended tilt M.mday Best. ' aiecaxo riaioho. ' ...TbefuiU'WinK bills, ate, passed their arcntul nwdiug y l7a The bill to incorporate A tlartfie Lixle, 9t. A. If. Mt.. - ' if. s .. (. ,. TJie reolutiua in regard totlie Lorejoy Aea.l. my, aim-n.l. J by conttirinj; tbe tern) of the ltae to Mr, T. B. .Bailey, to teu year. . , ' .. A . ; The bill to charter the sows of Dallas, OaibiS e .Hilt b " . a Ttii"..B m itbr tnrytiH aad eitm-tinasf t.a ia tbe city nf Charlotte ; Tlie biN -to Kawperale th Warrvwloa and booem 'i .m.jh ke(Vtnany (ami on d. a ad-iawMoa af tba ralea, its' third ea.Kfi)4 slao.) . . -- I Ul.Wil.MtB In trod iu.! a tail to repeal aa aei fawial at the peasasit aeatsoa. rstt BnH fb 4aaHsrj wat, entitled .aa ar aupptealary to an aW t amend aa act io jcp.wte the N. W N C. It IC C. l a-' t a arrfienMj. 4J lift fuf- lue InfJ .Mft a. its svrril.alJft I ji tr 'Tifi'V "tirwt r'aotuliua m regarJ to private bills, whsrh waa adopted; . j ' nsxiMsiTtoa tw oowswrx 7 r - Jlr. Jo( preaentid tba rri(oatiiHt of hot. awe aw 1 n ereoewauu aa neniwor 4 tlie l i.ih d-rHalea. Mr. Jonee. in itia- liee to Uor, Vance, aaid tin) reaiflnalioo IvceuiUr. wiiH ln:n:tn.oa to nriit it aaautai as aa aili-HirnaMiit of the Gen vd lAs, mUy wssdefinitety acree.l to. To il .y lw a a liiairu. il. I bjr Uuv, varw e to p-sajnt ft, i 1 1 j- The e.Hifiuni.'ii. W a fi.ll..wi: - TVaaiMT... 0 '., Jan. SO, 187. 4 folk Hr.itfc . I have hi b"stur to Mturu bereaiUi Hie eert.ri.nle'ot'chilnto l the Men at 11 of the I'ltiled utatK and to reaign into your bands the pillion which you did nsa the KC-at bouor lo cooler Hpu luaoueyeaH o. 1 -- I lieg to ririiiis- my aiucarro (hank lo each aiuaaf yoa aa Uw reiewinlalives iif the pi.ple lo wboui I owe mil. It, for your distingnl-bed refcreuc, and la as sure Jfotl jtal IjatlHrt WJ iittliilit Jo, I- r. easra tear ytaatioa eaieay IwauHi it do-. prive aae4 the rippKtwniry of proving by fultbl'ul acrring or mv native elate, tbe earucat dusire I tuj to deserve this Kraal onulidauee. -, tt ilk raaerl aad individual eaeuraiKaa-ofreafe-ct and regard, I am, Ki-ntleoteb, TerJ aincrrcly, ' , ',.' ' -, itatr obligcl irHum cMara. - :.:v... ,.. ztuiXfjJi u. vanck: Mr. (VW.U amal th tt ii of ll anme Im trarwinifted to (lie ll..uof ll-'p reeitatlt'e tint to the gotcraor. AUopi- ml. ' ' . ""'" ': -t rjr---r . Mr. Coi srii, lnlr.Hlui-ed a ralutin supploiutttual to (he ies.lutiiw in regard Ui the tumlsol lti Marlon ami Ancvllle Tiirniilkct 'tHnrmny, which baescd il stnr-! ami r.aa.liti;s aaiia a u tpenanw of the ruliatulw'i'enfirser. :;" f . The bill to autltoriae the furoniiiaiouars of.llay wtMfd, county lo atdta portioa f the xirliout lands to repair the pteir boaw, paased it soroad aexl third rem!-. injr; also j ! Th bill to Incorporate Ihe Literary sad ( learned AasoeiatioW vf rayettetUItt; also ' , Tlie bill to (neoepiaata (ha, Murphy Hill llauufacluriiig C'.Wnpany of i uip berbtud ; ly . ( 1 , ? - i f Ilia bill lo authorize The cotnmiasionera tlon of a courthouse; also. -Tba Wft to make ftredy IAk b Ad fenta; also, f- -.- 4 The bill to incorNirate the Nrwbeen K'loriatioaal Associalioa j. aleo, '- f ! "Twe bill ta to ineorpiwata the Beaver Caeelf Manufartnring Cimipinj of Cai- bcrlfld; ,Utt. .--j.. t ' The bill to iuotw-porata Ihe V'u ltar Kire Coii!(uy of Ihe aity of lUleinh ; ' 'I ; The bin to facilitate the rapture of lie outlaws of Rnbraoh county was taken up. Hirers nrrrneaty and panl.m to any one of (beta who will tauae the capture tif the tt or any memlwr of it. racept to H111 ry llcrry Lowry. Passed its seeiind read inrf. : The bill to Incorporate the town 'af Ball pasawl It third rcatliiiK r The resolution providing fr sd.litlonsl lerienl force for the engroeaing clerk was adoptod. - i , The bill to'ih(rpirbi Atlantic Lodge, $04, pnsw.'d its third reading. Tlio resolutioa rclaling to iheOs'po Fear IfarhW waa adoptoiL" " . ".' -" , V Tba 1411 to nmoriNirato) th llaltiih li.uik aod lawbler Hunniiy hmI lis Msaid and third reading. i " 1 " Tha. toll to lucotpoiata the WilaW t'eilleKiaia Inaltlula paaset) it seeosht and tbirUradirr'M'E- ft f- Also (he toll a (acwrporate Prnapedt Lle, No. Bit, r, A. II., in th count of Howes, i 1 t i j Tba bill to amend an act enlitlel aa act to raoorporata th Caldwell and W lnit(fa Turn (like Omrtpatiy, parsed lis Ihiid reading. , " . ' The bill to loi'ortT.l (lie Old Fiwit and Tow IUer Turnpike (imiipaiiy paMe-d it wcoad aud third readin;s. 1 t 'A tn bid to lneorp,H-ate tiia Wll. niinifti and Charlotte Kailway liuifding t'ouipany. " J Tha r'enate eoocarred in th sssraxl'-- rm nt id the llmiae to the bill iu relation to co deteadaat residing ia dilf.reat. Cuua- The Prfp.ul. nl announced a th denata branch af th eommiltee 10 inrestigate the management of the Penitentiary, 14 ea rn Iathaia ijd L hinan. , . I The bill to inciopotate tha Murphy aaf TeniHww Tnraprlt Uwnpaoy pwaed) its .3cn several reailliijfii ; also, 1 be bill tn charter tbe Bunk of Reidi i riKe, IbM-kHexaaaa -wuty f also, "Tha-biH toi incurwirale. the Iowa Battlrboro, ia th counties of E.lgecotuli and Niodi. . - . . ' . . 1 Hie bill to rWorpnrate Tree Lovf LmlK I. 0. O. F., of Wiltuiirgton was inv d.'finilely p.'tpied. . I Tlie bill to incorporate Silvan XmJ N. 178 A. Y. Ja , poaaci It second aud thlM,taanaffrahinir'''i'aiiiaiii 1 mi i , The bill to incorparata tha Fsyeltevill Road 8tesnier Company ; also 1 Tha bill to incorporate tbe Trtittae ol Daeidaea JUigh fchoul, .at Teaguetown, Davidsoa jcuuntv. " . Tha bill tn allow the commissioners ol Anton comity to levy a spwial laa passed iu see. en! readlnir. " The bill tn incorporate itha1 towa of Boon in Watauga couaty, ruused it ser aral rvailiius. . - Mia-wii horn tha. Governor, acknowl- .lKia( nsoaiptnf a eonimunb-ation n ra Krd to tbe resignation of Uor. Vance, was rerc-ivea. '.)..:., ; 1 .The bill to repeal chapter 44, privet laws of eitra btssssb af lu)l, passed iti several readinirs : also ( ' ! - Tli bill to iucMparate tli Wilmingtof Mutualtnaurama Company 1 he bill to.lucorpnrHl ih TJpper IH vision. of (lie Tsilkiu Railroad Company -(proxiiling f a railroad from Salisbury to tha Tenaesnsa liaej passed its third reading. " v 1 Leave of beao was granted ta Mr. Crowetl from Moaday to rialurday. j Adjoaraed. 1 , ".- , . . - j ; HOUSK pF REPRESENTATlVKa I . .' fATtJBDAy,, Jaa. 40, 18TJ, ! Ilous called to order at th mm at hour; Prayer' by Rev. , Mr. Fly the, of th Senate.. ; Jooraal of yesterday read and approved, Mr. Kelly. of Davie, pmentrd a petitioa from lb ailieiu of th 4th. judicial dis trict. . Report from Tariou standing comniit trc were submited. , By Mr. Lackey : A relutiiHi ia regard to eniplovinu atlditioaal clerical asaist aao j referred. ' By Mr. riiurrow ; A bill to establish a new cemnlj by the nam of Pamlico, v By Mr. tJcott: ,A bill lo suthorue th eoinniiwionci-s ol Oneinw coanty (0 levy a aprcial tal ; referred1.' f - Hy air. Bixatlloot , 4 bill to continue In fi r-e th act to sot resize the coiumu siimers of Cumbeihad coonly to kry a special tas ; Rferred. 0a tuutioa of Ur. MvCau'y, th bill tn suthortza ttie awnrooaioneTs of Cnion county 'to Jwry a special taa waatakaa ap and passed -Ha sbodshI mailuig a vieaf B8. ( .Mr. s h:iailirrl.iio s eiciiar-d f.w Lm intiBacd abic aa .account at- iVnaa ft' , Tle bill b, iuc.kporate Hm Olu't jtlato Fir and Marine tnaaraacef ('one, yauv was rufcea pp awdaeae 1 la vjsast leujitijie. '' s-ta mottoa uf Mr, fulitt jbVlu'tl to incorporate Hie Iowa of Cherry vMIe, tjaa toa c.mnty. waa taken up aud psiacd lis eral rewhriga 1. tl 1 J I , Ud suota4 of r-Lo6i, M lj jp re ll rhe 0oYy tew- w take tip. Mrt Wartng nMnd te bry oa th talite ; lost. , , f , 1 , , 1 - t " j tie yeas au'i miys were raueu ami pie bill filled to pass It accuud reailing I a vote of yea JLaaj 4fl; On imittoniif Mr Juslle. (be bill t sid th Wilmington, t'harloue Ruibcrfard Railroad to complete it road and to i t Utid st to tli. 'Unaeavee boa Was Ulii-u up. - 1 ' ' L (The bill omeide that the Rlato shall surrender Iter rbtiut and interest in the crpornuon so that the bonds may be Tf- ni..rlK.iireil.) x 1 The, Finance CiMUiuUtee, to whom (lie bill as ref.-rrr repirted unfavrieab'j ito ils panaage. ... I Mr. Abe eirtited into n explanation ol tiut bill ami U"d ils pasvige. j . Mr: Wi-b b ppaal the bill. ; Mr. Justice latored tlie bilB ! ' MrJ.eyaer, of Johnston, moved to re eommil the bill. Mr. Jordaa arfrocd ia opKaalioa to tli bill antf to the reeoniinirirut The uiotiou to recommit seas rtiectod. On moti.41 of Mr. JordanrVbe bill was mad epeeial ur-lvr foe Tuesday at 11 a. to. On liioliirtt if Xr, Loftio, the Senate hill to inxorp.rfle the S.-uae River Feiry CiHitpwy waa takes up. Mr. Hpaitow ad- vi alifllie iMwwireof the trill IB remain f b HKlb. 1'be bill tlwa passed it several nailing. - j A ai usance, was rtaive,l irom ttie ix-naae lraneutilliiigtlie reaiinsti. ol Ibm. Z JU, Vstict- u, Ik. neeska- ilner aua ataua that the Heiiate poHjaard that tlie reaiiaa llm lie sent to the r.rinire rru' 10 w llk-d Ou nnitioH. the llou-u- agreed to the diiKiiti aof the resru;ntitioii. . 1 Hrslr. Urns: A bill III rcj-arj ui Coun ty l4e( referred. ' : ' i On m.HMn or air. UMy, inn- ion to etinnu; tha dify of (be annual ineelio of rite B ril of Irtrwlois iA the lunMiie Ay Him waa titkea up ami passed its wveiwi rusdinK... .' . ; ! . 11m u.oliua ij Mr.' PhiHioa. slot bill lo fiieorir lie th B.wr.1 U 1'ia.le of Raleigh, waa iaa ap aau pawc us sever o two- inifs.. ., -7- . .... Ou motive of Mr. i linerd, the bill o siiihkI tbe sail HtcurporaliiiK lb town (if Ksrnersvilbt, Wat lake up aad ar.t tta several nanline;A .. i... ; Tbe resolution aatburiaiaji (b toiroll big t lerk I,, amploy s.l.lilionil cb-futl istsnaa was raka ap aarf pjasea as 'era! reading . L jXx 5. On motion of Mr. Rankin, Ihe bill (o repeal lb sl nniilaxy to the al l to aiarad tlur charter f -ttoi Wealera-lli. V. Railroad tvt., sad ft other parpoaas, Ae , was tnkca np and paasra it several reading. . . . .. .... .,.-, ! Tim sraolutioa to ut!iocin-ths Prims pal Clerk if Ihe House to aaiptoy sd.B tional clerrrnl assiatancn was token up, siix-flib-.l anil passed its scverid rvaJilns. Ttie bill to authorise the HuiniaMiief of Nash county to levy a siieetnl tax was taken p and pressed ttr socond reading. 'The bill to pereirbbj for the draining af Miittntioiakit Lake was taken ap ami pan I il several reading. ' " By Mr. Wlloox t A bill' to wipprcss fraud In grant of Innd ; referred.. ' On mini. m of Mr. M:ixell, Hie bill to rln.i'Kn Kainpion county Irom tlie 4th u. the Sib Judicial district, wot taken lip. . Mr. llroaill'.eit nlfiTi'd a siibslituto which waa adupleil, ami tlio bill piawil piusi'd its several rvadiiiK. I ! H Mr. . Hcntt.: A bill J J-preyeht jlw aale td'liitiur within II mile of Hwauiis boro', Onslow county n'l. rred. , , i Thu bill to iiirOTjnirnto titer Aall.-vilk' Coiiiwil, No. 4, Friends of TerieraiM-a, waa lakes up ami pai ila' several refil ings,. I , I ( ta'Sit'ilB S V" Mr. Kefsey, ha tMI fif the relief of sha kta Madiaoh count y, was taken up aud passed ita sc ral reatllniri. ' ' ' 'A " ' I . Oa motion nf Mr. G irubrcl, tlie bill to chsnga the hue betaeen Ashe Bounties, 'was lakes up aad paasci .Ita sv.-vmI rua.linura. . . 1 On mo! inn of Mr. 'Stsiil'.'tna kill to smeod Iba-ackto prowurt and enroura'e the plaBtlns; of oysters and cl im. was takea up and passed It several reailing. On aiothm of Mr. Dicker, th bill to amend I he art htenrpiwaf lag the 11 iswsssec i and C beoh Tmpik Company was takea (141 and paaaed lis eev.rJ read inns ; I Oa motioa of Mr. Matter, tba loll ia raj jrard to bills at arret wa takea ap and Dassetl rfs savenil readinirs. - - ' - r 'tin n..,l'l..n .Jf U R. Kj. Kill Ia t.k. looiporaie Hew Hirer CainU Company Basset ita several readme. - - I I Oa smttbrn of Mr. Stewart. Ihe bill t rneorporatex the' KletsfrToVryetfeait RailMad Company W takea up so passed it several rtrmljrrgfr - . , OU motioa of Mr. Aalie, the Hehate till ConeernUig n-preseiitsttint inrtfie Hrmee id" Keprewta lives wa tiiXea ap.( rue 01 a has been published before.) The bill passed .It ammd readlnir,; Thsvtuba were stiHfamtieii ants inv uni was pua oa tls tliir.l ruulinir. . ' Ur. Ilsrmve moved to p,tpoae urrtd Mimdiiv; bait. f ' - OB Biouon-of Mr Robimna, tlte biH Was postponed until Monday. ' Adjourned. ' V : i. M-... I,..3 Stfc.MuaAttuJt. Oa Tfltaday erenipg of last week, a Begro nutn, Aleck CVil. wny, in ot.inpwy with a stood tiKikinir white girt, who proved arterward to ba Holll Coamaa,- 13 years or sire trora Pittsylvania county, Vs., arrived at Reida- rille, ia Rockinirhara coiintv, on foot Th nc!M applied-to or.' ol the eituoia for wotk, bulitba ytentleinaa not Ukin IOC appenrance m wtinns uwcttm-gj to cvs- ploy him. -1 Thl niht a party of uteri, beaded by to rtn brat aer, am wed 1 Reidville ia search of Ihe parties, wb they had trucked ta lliat itinN-in. j h.y aeot to -Or. Hiakk) who informed I hem a kens tit ruupt had tahea. upqtiarlert Ita th Bight. The party pruceedt d t the pise andc ptured th runaways, aad were going to lynch tba negro (isa at uc. Dr. tnith persuaded them aot-l take tlie law ia thw ewa hands, and tbe finally promisrd bo( to take hi lift!, but it at tb-Migbt lue (eoteac was inly coo.. . mutid lu a Bo ta evsre puniahosrat. Tit falhe of the unfortunate frirt, we uc. deist tad, at a ma of awne priprTty, sndt a thoroughbred radical, tad hss ud all his iiidurac Id, coaviocc lb peepl that a Brunt w is as thmd as a white man. and hai aoccet ded ia ariniing the curse io hi owe HreaiU. . Wa pily tbe g-irL H iastea e(Nt. -. ,v- ' . "' a -i " r. R. V. rWree, at atiBala, N. I., sols proprietor uf Or. face's Catarrk Resseily ba (ta over three Jesrs offered through aesrly every aewsiaper In the I'nited t ate, staad h reward of aval for a ease at Catarrh hi th aw wlttrk he csauuteure. That be has IreaUsd Ihimaatina of esses smt had Bo rtthns urea. ule4 t luf reward, from any oaa wbo aa maM a uiorua-.rk uaaof hts ui'-u.k m rare, la strong and eOm-iusivesvideaee tost he ioe srSM'S sure menus ol curuot. tXis kaltuuute lieaae. The ttarrh Keutetly is sold l.y all Jruiculs, ur at-ut by tuaU oa we.i-t o' at sly cat. ... . :..'. jaaaxa I write to ta certify that I have Ba Ii . K-amoa' Liver JkajjUlauir ta my fiiimlv wuh satM sa-wes. . W D BihO, -a Wriret -T "Chstuhoeehea, PRUGS, MEDICINES,. &e. H'iS HT T. HELM BOUTS f T cuiirocMJ riiiB. ttraot-Cr'nVaW'l . ami ' fast ijanuskjumawa wi . ..tfuM - ZViH'rlKKAlMI".'!, ttarllVKNHtniT rSrfi. 1. 1 1. .i m r A r r Kt 1 Hi.w "i a OKNfcJt I'l-BKI.Y Nil MfclM Kt.l I AHI.K. 44etHfte Nil MkKfrt'Kr, MiMakAlaiOBV UaUt- Tkkioi a liKUtin. T-T -.' '.i.a.4li-Jrfe4' mm riia m uw nai eei-gaiianT l.ea- anl panralivw, raperananc esaSur ou, aaiu. na, etc. 1 kere fat noUnt mm ce-t-fca. the stniaaeh 1 'its . M toar. and cause arlUwr asua-ra nor aripuie; tauaavi Tlu-y see eumtN-aed of Ike mser irooti n . After a fee da-ra uaeof tdtess, mM hr ip mlk- ol tlte aalire sy-deia Ukra place a to far sslrst-nlous lo Ik weak and enervated. a beUM-r srtoiMK I rota -Ma-aarw or atsraaa. U. T. lleUBlHild's Coou-vuud I'uud asUtaet f?alarls (,raf- Pills are aot atu-ar ewaled, f aoa twa ,fset Ut'sa,iT-aed fnta denotal-wivre, but paas Utrouxk lbs slowaek ailiu-atdiat-arv-l,i,'iiilv do a.4 proda, tn iltidtrt-d ..- ills; liA'AVtaA -HHAPsV fllJA beiuK pk-aaaul at but raad ador, do aei aeeea- sluiie theii l-jior suKar-coabaL fklCKrUT t tUill fkK UOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'B ? H1UHLT tDNl KM KATkU foMWlUND riUID EITRACT 3 AESAPARILLI Will radically utermbiate frout the system nVro'eta, Syidlllia, Fever Hores, I kera, More vaa, eaire its, (hWe afuata, aer Bead, ruacluds, TaVw Utfaues,tkUt Kliewst,Uskra, Kuuunus (rm Ui Kar, Vtkile kwelliraxa. 1 aiaon, Csm-erons Aaeetious, Modes, Ueket-i, Ulasaw)sr nweuiiitrs ' Ntubl awmbJfaab, TelU-r, lluuiors oCaU Kiuda, t'krutlie "hlira aset, llyai-epaU, and alt dines star Usaifcav iMtea estauusoeu ui we system oa in. L ,,i Mr'..'.' i. BVUi-rt-reparrd rs press! fetr la sbavs eras Dhuuuv Us blood liurif iiinr mH-erta-s Sre ereabir luan sny atber preparstiua of earaul rittk U (lives use routpiesloa .1. ir aud k-Mlthy color and reatoma Ike uatlent' ta a state ttf health aud purity,. Vur putlfvina Uir Muud. reauot ins! all ebroaw eonatllnlh-Ba di-a-arHtariaiu Iv,mii an haper aisle ol Hi. bliaak and the oult rellal-bi Snd eBWtliid kna-t. Maeur lor me care oi pains sn sweiinnr or to B. me, Uk-eratums or ttie taniat sad) iesfa biob hes. Pimples oa It lacs, bryrdpskw an all thaly Kruptions ul the akut, aud MeaaluTy ng Uie uompiciuas. Ilratrjr T. Ilelmbald' -r CONCENTRATED., ' x fliCID EXTRACT IHCIIU THE (IX EAT DIUKKTIC, ' has en red every -eaa,.st dlal-wl la wfdett it IrriMMiTof Uiesrtkol Uit tdudder, and iiillaniioauon ul tlie kidtfc-v, a re rauoaol Uie kUlneva and bWJ. f. reUarttoa of Britevdiaeaaes of the pruaU-aU.' Kbntd, at. air in tbe bbuidt-r, culeulua, Krai.-f, hlfok dual de H-it, and niueui or miiky diseltarea, aud la etilealiiud and ilelli aje eoustjtiiUoua, ol bosk aexe. alkfuded with the foHvwiae syatptostt : bHlinMHdtion to esertli-a, M power, lues ol nariuiiry. dillieully aX.n-ailiirig,weak nerves, t--etoliliitj, horror o Maliseaae, irak.-futa.-sm. dnaueaa or vision, puin tn u uses, hot nauoa, fuabiiiK: of Uie body, dryness o( tusakiu, areae Uon on Uie face, pollkl eouab.nsiHe, auivbreal laanllllila of the aulacular aOBelutc Used By persous fiauaUia atrm of etehtosa to twenty Svn, and from thirty Uvetaafly-Uv or ta uie decline or cnaaire c lire? wf uar eoti diieweuf or labor psiaet br-dwettiug la citil dron. i , HehulailiPs E-itraet P.ueliu Is dluretle snd blood'iurltyiiof, and eiire all dimnae artsiOK (row haldbl of diseiailiou, exeeases snd hit prudence in life, -'Impurities of the litood,' Aa., suiN-rcedlntr eiuaiilia In alliH'tlTius rrrrwhleh It kt . ui:d,aiid aypluliUe stteetious ln-thce diasaai'", ul Ul couuecUuti with Ueunbold's Ki-csWash. ';' uAniiw. In many anVeUoua Hfullur to lsilins, the UN. nR It M ."J IU UMn. K. UI--.IV - aa-in L-ninros i or aeienuou, irre-ca htrUjk PiUiiftdnens Or riupiMx-U.n ol cuatoia arv evwrualioas, (Il.eral.-d or eviiirrun stale af Ui Uterus, Uai.-acrtKra or WiiHea, niertlity, 4 sua lor alt couipiaiuu u uie aei, whether aiiaiui; IriNnjiniliaeretlon or oi dlaSMfatl.rtl. U la preseriUed extenalvely bv ttra- atoat nnlmitt PhvaielaBS and Midwivea for eufeeb'ed and deu'eale eunslitellona, ol bottt sexes stut ail Kes (aitenoeai wiui any of toe auov utaaese or mym-Mu-, o H. T. IIKLMIKJl.D'8 EXTRACT BUCHO j . VHt DIICA8K ARI8IN0 r ROW IMPRll UkN( trj. U AiH irl'IlK Ulaslt'ATIoM. m. In all rlie)r alaired, at little rspt-naa, tittle or nochauj; lu diet, ao loeonvauieneeraud. aw exposure. It eauses a freiuent dual re, snd -rjvea slren-(ta to ilrtaata, -tlisrehy reoiovuiK Obalructiona, Pn-Ventiu-r and Curing BUrie tnrea ol the Urethra. Altayiufr Pain aud lua matiun, so freiuent In this elsas ol diease-a and expelliup; ail Poisonoas matter. I Thousauda who have beca the virtbae of Im-omi-eb-nt persons, and who bars paid heavt l,wa lo be cured la a short tins, hare loan Uiev hava been deceived, and that Uie "Poison aaa, by the a of , "pewerfal, setrlngeab-s been dried np tn the syitem, to break oat la a more aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriairc. I live IIKLklBOl.D'8 EXTRACT BUCHTJ fos sil Auectlons aud Dweaaesof Um Urinary Os rmi, wm'iner rxistutfr re wsis sr rsmia from whatever cause orbrinatia)-, and bo nutt ier of how knur Uniii-ii(. PHICE, UM OOLLAJ1 ANU H T I CK&Td Pa UoTTLa. 1 'f I UENRf T. HKLMBofdYS IMPROVED KOtiK WASH caiuW be sMriiuied sa FACEU'lSIt, sntf wiB be found the only spwcitie reutedy at every SN'ittea ."d Uutatuion Atleelkm t It spei'dlly ei'iiU't.. !ats, ncorhntir Uri., ludartr ti.iiift ol lite CHilaneons MemtiisiH', eb.-.,disa'la H-MlHe-and lneiiient lndumnuUHin, Hive, Ksah, Muili PateW Dryness in" tkareor f kin, Frual Biles, and a!turposes for wbiitt Salves or (hntmunu are &reA; restore. the slon to.a state uf parity .sad aftauss, and insarea eon Uaaed aeaHfcy aetkta to the time of jM etr-l on wbleh depends the a-rreeable elearnes aud vivarKv of complexion so much sought nd sdmired. Bat however valuslile ss a remedy for exisna dett-eUof tha skin, 11. T. Helme bod't Kilee sah hss Ion; ssuined it prihaa pie eiaira to Bnlwaaded pau-onses, by poe ma; qualities whk h render it Toilet Append. ae el Mat meat Superlative aad C-orureaial rbaraeter, eoaibuiioe; la n ebirsnt fi-rmala Uiors promlneut iwiulaiuss, eafeiy sud Erecacy wia tuvariaMtr aee.-Hjf wttaaeots oi 1U as a Preeervaiive and R. fn-aher of the Comulex. ion. . It is an excellent botioa tor disesaes of SrplilliUc insure, and as sa InieeUoa lor nwaaa i we t. nuary v-r-aaa, aivtns; rrvre babllauldiaiiHiiion, aaed In ronnecuon wbk the Extracts Bu. ho, Sarsaiiarilla, sad CaUwbt urape rins, m sues a messes ss r -'ir-men-v-il, caauot be tarpsa-a-d. " . Fall and explicit direetoas seeompsoy Meilkinea. I .. . . . Kt Uleeta of th most rrsponaibls sad sell, able ebaraeter furuiabed oa apflicalH-a, wits hundreds ol tboe-.ands ol lifiua wiuteseeei sod Bpwsnls of !,uuu ansolieited reru urate sad recomtm ndstory k Uera. wauy ol which see froni'ibebii(liestaoartes, ltiriu.liiiir emiH,-iit Pkyakiana, Clergymen, Blatestaen, etc. Th proiirirlor ba attar resorted to their miMiea. liua 1 tli Bew-rpsprrs ; h dues aot do tins finsa toe fact that bis arik-k-s rank, ss HUndard PrepanKlo-is, aad da aot need to be propped np by eef I locale. . . )K , f BESRT T.-HEI.MBOLD'BliKNl'INE fitE PARATIONS. ' DeliTrred to ana address, leeurs trots ob- watkm. . , . Ei.tat.iiahed apwarils of wenty team. gold by Uruirt-tst en rywhere. Addn-( lettsrs lor InTornexton. tn eonn.tene to HKMHi T HK.I.MrH.I.II, Unti-t snd Cbronst, Only Uepoeu.: il. T. t'S llrae aad 1 Inn u. I UMplamiM K ua Imk. u hew tors, or to H T. MKUMBiil-li aManeaJ JH-put, lot south Tsui Btreet, Phila:el.Ui, BFWARI OF COrSTKRFIrTS A for Habli" HUJ4BoiB'111 JaaaawttTajaa, IT:-.-1 "BqilOOI J8, Th-ifH-rtroT resswa eoasnvene-r j Roariii a at:iijmntlsibta ol tos bit eharae usr, and aseusdaal, at IX Bar attoulk, ksetsatiag yayT!. CRAVEM, TJHWELLK aCIIOOt, FOB BOY. BAPTIST ORDVK. The W aesalo be--lnsJsnoary'5lhiltf!3. taittoa Irosa ia . a.a , l'H' t tk. a:w..: ..:i..l Ar fi.t-tlknoWii1 atitelion bag-as elrusry Wlh and ends IWhiaL T i.i. .01.1.0 -t i . .. I f AC V L T V So-4--i. is ..... ' (,..,. t If I 1 Jter. Psul White, President sad Prof, af Mardl and Mental rtlkMopuy, : . - J Job Mnmr, l M (now1 of T rrolj td Uatliematl.aaiiJ 1talUfal1i'ni'--: t (.Iwurd A All. ((lead B.nn.dnr Ue" tlnivmltv of Vs ) Prof, of tjunii:e.- I John Koert-er (Jrat ConservstAIr of Muslr, sfanli-. Bavaria, Prof of Mma4 LoraUOa hraltlir. BulhrlnK tan aad .eaV lortal.le. Cuarse of study t tisiv sadii struetlna llioniii-. I TB: ft Bes-doa paysbls aoe kal ul advance"''" J Board, (itteladliK )f. ( its' .)' 474 TuHiua la KMKliak BUidkrs fiaj ladili-J j MaUiematil'S aud rrb-mifs,) 20 Tuition In Ki,llah Studios (lu Primary . Claas,-,!7 . full ua. la Laiuruair. S esefc - Wlai liuue, Vural r lustrumeutsl i!d uu ' Voeai Mi ate 1.1B etaaa Use of Piauu. , j-i- -w - For lull tartii'lari Afre-at, j 5 KtiV. PAUL WHITEHBAn,! j Prod. lent, ,' Bliirfreesltoro' H II. Rsrsa to Hon W h. II. Smith. Norfolk Vs.: lloal. A. Baraea, Jaek-ou, N. C.- janatBM II I I , IMNL1T IlltlJl bVH r CLASS I C ii L , MATHEMATICAL, aiti) COM "7 LENOIR NORTH fAWHll A II. O. imlr, Associate Trlneliwt. 1 MraC Bl BKBSBI-, Al' i BitrineT seasina will open Jaa. 17lh, t'i. Board, from 410 to tvi p. r moulti. lu.Uon (rom flu lo pur seesioa uf Fur imrth nlsrs appl) f.u; fpljejilar. taw irnwtw , .. ., .1 ll TT-rKBLttAN ACAUKMt "ok B .fa. RALEIGH; N. C. , .. 1- ' " ' 'J..- " - i . r--V ; -," f ftvr'. R. Thawic, lM-wil? Th exerrlawaf Uilsi.-hool will be resuuf d dsn. Htb. inrjr Fur parlieaia-s see CWvelsr. Applv to the pdacipal. , , ,. -!' lea f-4 li -V " V lkUT HIGH BClll Mil. MALE ANH KJ - , MALE, The next session will open tli IHb of JiBi- arr, tin -" - ' ! , Tallica from 415 to . per t-e-eUm. ' Board la kowI faurilias - per avenlh, Itiela.liai; wssnme-, Hirnu, fuel, dse. Fur pmtk-ukirtMldretta ' -:. K. n. ssr.rirttir, a, m are99Sw3w iVr p.M- Ql.AtWICAt SCHOOL. The rrrrrrsrs of mr sr-faool witlbeaaitsmwl ai the Lovrjoy Acsdeiuy, oa Monday, Jan BVU." - -' 1 ; ., , :.. . waaa: :;.,. t-. ,r I TsiUoti per saoatk ' - m, JaadrU . .TJllW. B. BAIIdtV, A.' at. I "'''-'", . ; I ALEUHt FKMALK bKHlNAUl. s ! The Fourlh Besaioo will tipen mi Monday, Jan. !SUi,UU ' j . Tills Inaliiutluij comhlurs Um comfoits! home with Uia sdvwnlar. of Fn-st Class FemaM School" ;l ; ' x " ' J ' I ImUuciloa theroaab ; tcet'h.-rs xp raau d ad saeeiasflrl ; very fai'tlHy i-ffered for at tUtrtng a thorough dur Ion ; rbsr-fi U10.U' rate." " .,.5 i 'Li ...VI . , V ( . O . tot Ct ular slnltur' . foil prtklrs. sppty to th f AHpjfc-; -, ,' " f . P. MOBtiOOU. A M.. ,' aov SO-U -. "!.,. . lUntiolph II aron rollcire, j ASltUND, ,-, V ' r !e',C 'A-W UiUlNU. ,.iT-'i taklai ike Taanulif. Irpt. IS, IS7. For farlkar atfonaaUoa, ataVxa, Aa., ' Addrsas, Wat. WILLI. Ktrfeevuad, Va, ' at Fret. U. EaTILL, Aahlaad, V .July-la-U t , B INGHAM SCHOOL, ' it , jtkBANfcVitXE, M. C .. , , ' , - . - ' '' j ,..s Cot, VH. BINGHAM, fhjp. -' j . Th Btni Sasfsoa af laTs nnraa Feb nth, TUsorKauuuttioa htmilMarr; ike t-oae-a nf in strartioa kt Ckisskal, Aiatnemalksl, and t.m awnsial. .... .... 1 are.! !te JJEhDERSaB- MALE IKST1TPTK, WMi, EOBARns, Patactrsi; The amlerrJiriied will i..n BoardJnc snd Day Behoul for buys, la the Aesdemy reoeutll oernpled hy tlie kessra Fetter, ua Moudal January 810, I8T1 . ' Terms per session of S8 wreks, pajal-taksV tn advance, balone March l.'dh, Irlia. ' Tuition and Board Ineludum Fuel, tine IS) , In Primary HeiHiilUKlut, kli-tl ''" m.. EiiKloh, itw " f htrnm, jj, Fnr fnither particulars sddreas the Priie ttad at' Henderaou, N. C, who will turuloli i.u. lars ou application. ' Bo til dtwil'n i , iA, W il. J. BOBAhUC. T7"tNa'9 MOTJNTAKf MILITAUli- '.b $ n o 0.L, . : .T OS IT t L L I, S. C. 1 Th f !rt a-.Mion of the fehool Tiar ol 1S7I will beela ou tha let nf Fxbhuibt, snd snd on the 3oth of- Jena. . TBasrs: For School Expenses, I , Tnk Hon, Board. Wsidiin-. i ae, Lilt Ins. Ktokj Butkmery, Ae , i.t uu, puyshle mediants. ircalar eoeUlame fad toforuiatioa tstai be obtained upon application te 1 Oo. A COWARD, aeelS-lawtlf Principal and Proprietor, i JISS-MOLUE A. JONES' .- ! PRIMARY , BCnODi. , GIRLS AND SMALL B0V3. " TTAVINO BEEMSOLIClTlSri rY A TEVf ) A A frlesda te do, I Witt f-omssace. s . ' primary ifoiwaot;. ' ,At oum, I Mr. E. Jos-es,ewn-r TMnrf a snd Ptvsoa BiraeU ) near Mrs Miller', board tag hou-) Runday, JaB,.J.i,Hu.i , Tuition la frbasry Buadies, t0M llurk ltUlbk,v Nfl-iiiO 14.1111: Ulil a,eral sessliivis st oin. plai-ea, aud Klrea iktisfa, uon, ud i hap to be able 1st do so kere: " MOLI.IR A. JONES. I Jaw lOdljt ,.. ..... 1 . . .. X'IT:ZEN8' NATIONAL BANK", f '' Rll, N. C. Jsn Wh, 'HT3. k TllVlni-Nri 'mm m.. a half par rent. b-o-Jtecn de-.Ured Una day out ol the protita f.a- hUt so.mUia eudlii' j 4 a uee. aisi. is. 1. payable to stoekkoidera ua de mand at ta Bsnk. . ,fc .. . ... '. ! .. v Pi AWlLF.t, taaWaodSw- . -.fcsaaar. t SCIjOOIiS, COLLEGES, -io. Kin reix;?, n. c ' - ' ' '.' . Fbsk A. Farn, Jt M, PrlBrlfal Caaau Farraa, A. M-, Assurtsto Th-tTwelfUt ai-rsion or inn iiininanoawiti brjfoi oa Iburadsv, January 1 rlh, Irrfl Tms aelu-td balluatrd marKiUrelPalVpot . t..... . llu' Il.UWf I.M-lliu. i.m . T.. " . . i, . ll ta :l K K i - aai.i;ii .. ' t-' " ' ' w" t - " 't" . 1 marUuk- tb-f. j.-iltlilullir ud taturality. , Tlte hailditiK ' sisi sue evmnni-o, sre beaullfullv ainialeil, a wibj Uul.ut tnaiiUie rwd srirwte, ' -e-uv-t-ofs whose aeelth wrreht he bearatrd thiele- water vM be bronitkt eaera-aay frta illlnllS irliii!,o uall aao -at . lliir Lnlaa-ad Sr4u.M Hut-dr " r Of in li br. pa. red bt tkki-nsa . ' h, J,,),L Iu.Iih; fuel tlU.UU. M, tfM.didf twenty Weeks. ill'-.tSA ' Inltloa, - For l I rulai , -aldress ke Pruteipal at Kit-Wit'44-aslil euaatl, . ti--- --.-'sorMMawaw; ..' , ,. . , , , jaALUtia FEMALE JNBTII tlT, Ur. snd an. iry, rnweti-sis, x'Amij Wl- -MT-rna-ftVitwiea.v-ul -tr TbetweirikseMlua.if ur acnM wm ia."tu. rj .u. s.n.i. S.biuari. Uf a. Cu-ialara sent on sradk-stioa. (iecait-Fvba ,, , . ,;,L 1 1 QXORl,ttAlU, aaJCVOL " OXFfD, N. C : ' .! - t.. -; i. .-1 " J. 11, ILwsxB A R. H. Heaves, Principal. - (Tii Biriaer IWlea of ItJ IIL o)a Um eecad M.rtiday in Jsn. . 1 tat Circular, apply to either of th Priori- pis. , r dee ltl dAxwIlwfw 1 gT, JyIIK IIKB'COLLEUE AToXF. KU N. FOR. .IB ASF.. The Board of (tlrM binroi-ose to lesae fhs sletve poiet1.v for a Ttttlb uialr seluad or luj kfre f.tra letlu of tlve year a , At lite late aim Jul roaimonlratlon "xif Uie M and Loda-e ol h. it wssdeekted by rto In wn w-ever a aH tba. above property ur divert ll Irom ita original parpuee. atosirrfo) o -ae kaov raot'SB-rr T T-'lHilldtS(of the best brk k, l a feet by to, with a center of 11 (vet in detUi, lour stories, with 1-aaemitMl,. reotaiiiittx a ikaja( Of feet by tat, with laix" Mid spacious tt;allri y ; H Isiire professor sud rt eitatiou roomi-i '4 so rt,. I y i-ia.uia s d HI dormitories.' ' - Tbe above butldiiie la situated In s bcsiiliful ten sen-srtosHu.l'k-J dKli iaiKu native iwka, th.t aliole em-tiid wltb sut'StanUil oak phaill fence, and is well suib-d lor the uuuin disto reeeption ol a brat rlaaa sebuul ,i col-lt-i- ..','' iil v- TI1.1 TlrH-tors woilld atate. Hist lu aa iety, climate and waler, Oxford Is not sarpssaed by sat ka-sNiyta N. C iticr .'t Propu-tala f.-r the propeity will be re reived until tbeaiatof I via uar y. IKii ... K II.KINUMIL'KV, Put. W.J f;n,r-ae .j,, . a deel-flta4w -- -- ' M ISC EL L A K K'( ls. rtvo ttEN'r 1. "' . . -- A House, Um, atatj and '.wo' seres uf hurd. I 1 V. Itt hiiKH. JaB IS-dtf w ANTKU., IJIOk ilfcl X. . I'rolilalile rmpl.rm.11t lurui-dn-dever. maa willinK to wotk la hia.oin M.'i' IhihI; (ihi lary la-rsoos waiit,-d. 1 I'roiilaja auo par rent. ' Itueloa l f.a.atnpi.'a aud iar liriiLr... Mn1 rsldiL ION KB A UK 17.11 A K, Pitui-uncB, pa.. a .. aia,':tt 1 ' ' ERTlLIZEUt FOR rfl'lilNi; CHOI'S. n .....,..... j, We offi-r to tl e trade snd to )ilsnb r-i in VllttilNIA AND MH;TII ( Alli.l.lNA, Tlie folloshif; ' NTAxniirn FeBTir.TZKs.i- , (ttxj (jib Bradk y'al'aUa Buiei idnnpliaU uf j- Lime ,,,, 4 , . i ' f n I TkHJ too IfrsuTuy1 es Fowl Guano.-"'".'"' ' f .'lirt.X. .....C"..,,;: . a ... - ..; 1 . .. -. , h.. jvf.. j ' : Um Reese'eBolalll Peiae Uasao. . lis) tou xaiuuu Peiwtian (iuaao. - -JM tow Oeouaa Ftaatri-, t ; ! ., 1 tuO teas BiaJlej't Tobscuo Feitl.Uer, 1 " . ........ . .. . 1 ,..... . . W alsd odor Ilia Frtilu-'rs msnuf -etu.A by th. ' PFTf RSBCIIO FERTILISER COMPANY. a I. ' - . A . . . I . Tkes B-raaara w otdr all eoQAdea-rs, .-. - v. . . i .. . - " -v- ' 1 " ksvlii; sold tb.aa for la pstt sit yssr. Oor term (0 th trad are lil-eral, sad ws lu-rlte i-ort-npoadv-ar from planb rj. " " UclLWAINK A CO. but 17-Usb g 0 R 8, ALE. YIm V. - . . . . ..III ... I. t a ja.iu uuaur.y . tn. a. jbUtAuu Bumpti.t rlikabiui;, Va , eouei-iliim aafiiliowa; . ft I -si Inelt t'atda It. K. Iieadt Ae , ' B Km: MpiutiiBpf frames Ul ) eimulle, a Itiaxiiui; frillies :.' B'aieih.ia, I VI illot or lipriier, B prisulem, a beitter a-seh, . Rinf lwl-le.s M) spindl. a nark. ' 8 Bp.mlerF., Km Is, Piemea, Seales, Wstp Mtlln, c . snd all th accessary , icpar t"M for inakin r mal lo I on lie-,, cnanm t in 11 dully the water p -Uuiinrpa-ed, Ihs rea( nf which snd Ins- Ibt srsvsry l..w . 0M-i'iitivet v. uu -ant snd ran be obtained at nntuuialtv niod-riiis v....i, 1 l.s wtiule ol tlie almre kfatiitaerv itieiu-l-loir slurtiiix, hitsliiiK, dec., wdl be su.d for lbs tew price of i UoU. v . . Enquins of , , . I. T. SCHULTZ A Co , - ' at llanaa Street de U a'.sw1wA;tl fculimiurc, Hi -( r. . , ; ON TUR?DAT, .THE 6TR OF Emitr- e next, I shsll otter for sib st tnetioe, upon to aremi-ea, my FARM, " Woo kSiil in lbs eaunly ol Halifax, state ol .North 'r olina, sdjscent to lb lands el Mewrs. CksrNS Al.lon, J. W. Hepluiatall, T. vr. liana 4 R. J. Bind. , ... . .. . The Farm rotubU of 407 seres, aboat -kail orbiiiul jrcca lb oi Halt and UH-kory. th balanr moatly open aud.sral.le laud, ail tew Ktvunda of sxi-ellent quality. TUB) daee offers rare bidu.-eweobj to pr e!r, lyini-ss it does wltbia loar mik-s of LitUato ltcput, Rslei;h (,'aabHi Ksilmsd, io om ol the bi-at snd h.sllliet neiKhbur bni da in tba Bute, wilh Hinrebas aad adus oa cith.-r vide in ssay rcark, . The bt lu thoroutli repair, llhss a raraass, be-tde eel tar end asm. -hoaae. , fffMl A Srl ratu well, with new pump, rtemls wilh a lew teet of Ihe door. .famMhtaC. a.i luln aepplyvsdaKlt waii-r. Thit IsnAbi In ss line A colb.n reg nii hi North t arollns, snd bt win. ca'-'y iltpte bt ib t Ifrowlh ot i-Tai-s, i-liould llw US'' rhaaiw wink ta (urn ttintoa fnting far It has a good AnU ttreliard, and Ihe iiarile I well ali-cked Afth Hanplierriia, Fij! an llrae I wltl s II. st the ssme time, the HoumIkM snd Kitchen Fui'nitur,lsbollie farO'h'K lc"' wis am! loek. Nv son. Hr. PatUrrson, 1 lr" ,1 III nhow tlie rrta Waw-il,m.IiM,rtri ,.n . (ial.nre, W psi one and two years' llm, lf t proved nules;. flth-rr rd till deferred payments sre msde. Tt I iaksbl proparcy will be sold (or esi.h. ANN P. PATlbaSOS. ul-wt4 ' - V 1,...

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