WW 1 EJitur. K!SaKffl3SBfWWIJl.W ,1 ,4,i p(j), kimK-lf upon Lia atMtilrtiuMljj 7 GWra J iVjf f Wiu j. . l n ' tuviaui Jlik.wb . u,, W kn.l rtih h ftwi, Mr. Bp.ker, thiitV Dtfj-,.,..,..., '7v Vtltmmm1.1rMMmfr m 4 .L n'b Am BwMr. Mdl to tlM Rf .-frrr:s f-' fj- "MZf6 mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmm HDiLH;arolif or ) oiMntni"WBiiiif it FS Ire il. tn.l KIM mi k iIim ulni 13, . , . i . 1 ... .1. H u. hn I trua Korth thiriillMiul emiiFi Tlie anmiOBcemtttt of tbo dtaiB " WMi'Witt,f ... . 1 J. iu.ui rra wiuaw -- "ufU,rty, and of ll.ata...w.d..Myil. lil,-411i,1 n oputtMio l.m. a.i.l diattM tbrouh(nit Kortb earallaa.' died io thU city on the morning of lb 2U,int , aJ bi, oa boiua' ia tba ful BtaspwiioD of Uii vl'xirooi intellect ' But ruumU-d by KiTifig and diatnuaed faii U ly, ha took bU calm departurr, leavi-H Iwhlud him lh nemitfy of public let 1 Lnx .liirb arc irt and parcvi of b,Uj or b.. wuniry, a.. i of a mo, pnl'lic ana private, uu wankmd mayatarfy iT proni. 1 rvt twelve Governor Br& the txlnme wsa rouaily tlx outer frame work that a giving way Hi miud worked 00 like aa anioc t tlia ljwt. Tbe nwrtilTiirt of tbo grmt maa tu Ma to gira way io til ftuldrai 1ipea rlimeat trial, trnt the uuworUl par workad on with lla Inm pi.wer until th !.!.. nt iLatcnubad it. Hciaaaiii, tobara died" of Ui oialady I bat carriwl o(T Wi great KpoWuo-ciiM'of JSIm atooiai'b."'. T7't -".-jr- Governor Brapy'waa W iu Warruoton, North CWiiiii. No.'. 1110." Iliafutbi-rf waa Tbora Bra;j, a '4in, Kmn mind ad CariJiniau, .wboaii anoa-aeauwd al. burn to grcatucaa. ' H . J Bra'ai ldr bruthar, grAtlld a aHUfllvritj of North Caroliu in mi in claaaot - wbb-b i"d,f 'MaBtjf rtoycrWrtrralSM aad iloo. DiJ Outlaw' wi-re luraibfir lie reiiMwd to Alslim where he pmid Ml aa jmlfta iri' U Suuoriwr Court of thai Btate. lie was long a mi-.robisr Vt yon gnmUtm the Mubile diatr-t. i . Gen. Braxton Biag, a lounyer, br!l ar, dialinguinbet) hiinwlf in the Meib war and aarrd, with It well aimed anil ry, tba battle of Ku.ma Vitla. Hi xi li-t ia tbe lulu war mm fei.liirn ll ravl able dt-iTl inrtlsjtr of "the hero of fblra . aaaogo. ' sM " ( .'j 4 Nurlliampton waa III "bam of flri BragJ a fur ba (lUtaim-d bia licvaaa w pnutioe law. fioiB th,il tuunt J he rem to tbe leyinlature, a lmnlf of the Bull "ln IHIJ. In AngiMt, 1M4, fie waa ilimn" by the pwiple yocrnr of the Slate. T tblinflk'e ho war, reelected W I1VI. Ii 18. 3 he waa cl;UJ by Uia Iialatui; Duiled Htsttt-Mmhiri wbii h p.h,illva bt reai(feI in 111', ( the breakiny u of bi4i!itii bet ween the North and lh' .' Houib.' AaAtiator be look a ly aim ai tive part id all tbo d Wl of (how venlful time. 1 ' " ' ' : A l)..v ra,ir aud lui.lal'ir. nu C-irruu bgiJalion ever eminated friii bint. Job bere, arCIiktra and duahra In falw rlaiioa (lnat the ffleral or State got aruuMiit fiund no Wend in him. Thm ahdnucd bin aa thv would a di-l-titt,o aruiol jBdioruan. ILmor, i-'nrHe, fi.M lty to friend and country, were tbe prow inent trail of hi eharacter, ; 'Ittf had tin )iililii Ibat would bav 8Ud him 6m tbe IwU lu lit i l at w nllaa tlu: Senate chain bur or the furuiu. We will p-tMOTtr bia (iiivate KiUlioii of life. The) were all fidnlily and tlero ' tha to wife and Io children, and like bi public raro-r, filled wlb erery Inrideni wbi h can give dignity audhwlra to hu IMaa exiah-Boa, ": "' Oa t'n J.iy the S'jd, hm Uie byiala tore aawjinblcd, Mr. Sparrow In the Hum . aud Mr. Joaea in tba St nate, anoouncex tbe celamilou vUlUlbTn TTiat bad frtllti Bpon the State in tbo death of (Jorernm Brgy. WlwsMr. 1'hillijiain tit Uuu and Mr. Jotte In the r?enate. Bortrared thi virtue and aketi-bcd the (joxliiita Wli!i. cnottiluted tbe ruaiily aud l"tty character of TUouum V'tgi, th LegitUUu, ad Joiirned. At three o'clock Hie bun tolivJ and tin bnuraa waa driven from the dr tln body lu charye of Ilia pal bvanira, (1. V Strong, I. A.' tVilt-y, Puliskl CoH'i Jndj;e, MerrioMiBj ItH. Pa)e, Oen, Wt K. Cot, Ju.k'a Battle and lion. B. i'. MootV, waa di'juwited ia OakwoiMlJeuitcr, in illl! piWlirU Ol IlltjfU hhhwhibwit: Biiring triir.daand hrart crothad relative' Iter. It. B.Mion,of Chrirt anirch, per f fiimied th d and imprwwire aerrkwet , u bI,l..u 1.. 1.J .t,..i"t. ' "oartbi to arthjjanbaa.la Lla,luaib dusd.' 80UK of the I'reaa U1M1 ot Awric an entin-ly too "ruff" iu all reaped. An. -j perbap among all tb Editor" of t c country the editor of the CaJie Reputi, an it tli m.t wi.-ke.lly in. linnl. Hci, l.bi lateat, when tpsnkinj of Ihs T'ui inardw by Stoke 1 say. A Mipto s taiiua thk h.,i gone bu the wood kin twinetb, awl fitoke will aonW g. where the Leu.pvioe twinetb !! . A IiMaAi, W .VH 11. W had th planr a lew day ago, of iBpectlng i nxlu)li fiiNi Walii, now owned am woiu l.y W. K. A. Wiliiaiua, Kx., f thi . c-Hiutr, whkh baa brea runuinii aiuoe br tore t tie Hevolutionary War. ll waaaiaj, to oritfrr iirInnlon bj iu tirstowuvr, Sfi, ut Vi illinm, 'and baa ben IB the Vl 11 Kama Vami)y ev. r aiiice. tcmj remark able la. t ul.iMit ifi, that it hat been worn by a niinbor of'tbe L-oilaliire, even 9&wUm from the 61WI Meeting at Newlefn down t wiihin the last fill.fn nr iitmi V'njn, biite. and afirrwarda, Halifax tni ilariin, havmij bcra represented by anm. BieaM-er of liie family to wilbin' tlie litni wientioncl, nd it jj rule wilh llin if tl.e member elwtrd wat not the ownci of In watch, I" fli iB during Hi ea aion : o that thi au-b i dei-tdedly tin t?!.U:'t inenit of ttie Livisialui living, . If jrre r,!,j Ootite. . . . ., 'A ruin-j,,i. n i-t uf t!is Rsi.'.i'h ' i.-.-e.ra me n:.m of T 1. Caldwell an (In Iv peHii'-.narnli l.iie fr Goirrn.n 0..4 ! We knew ol i man that b ' tu A. k I utme eaKT t. mmnum ---I'l-- 1 fhk it valuioc tba road fr. Grt-ntalfi' t.ouiittry of bumaa life. I jj M m, u Klut t, mo I apimit Ibat it, wai ootJ , , . , H - J j ,MAXMlJLA SVK1L t J! itii, late preai-ifnt , I ailruad, ami m.w'1 Mitkv William A. Smith M i tbe N.tb Carolina ra ! r i. i . i r.. .I.- U..Mt, Ci,',,,,, 1, UC Ultauil ictm r" " ini. .." 4 !aoch of Hi Riy(imii A Iavillc i-adj'i, 'Juliieb aowtiy tbePi,eylvanilVil I , , , ' ' . , , ,,.,.,. 'J? , r.l, refuse, to what kr k, AUAtili.tl., .... . t . .i..r IS . -r ... ' . . .. k, If fka IxniJuluni l. e nTxioa biia fc euolaanpt. in rufuaing tuM tjiili'airwcii uiii"alj r- ! ! ' ; C-lm4 UiaiLtba Jfeiiala adj.UBfd till 1 1 2 jutwer.-. , v. j, -. . f .-. 7 j oct.M. k. u. ni. . - I The rwfaaal to anacr.w wlf oiolnB ; .m. Tbt m k Tbo !, h k.M. hu kt tl.WW.OftO. Ij auib baa Major K.nitb and olbera iu-l i . , ' . . r j . L-.r.r-ili4 mil iiad from Umm c1lllMto, . of niort) "H..ifft. fM $imj)O0 yaar .oill laa 1 u with mail. ean: ni(lfi and all a, f . V .-:! '4 !. Suiib it aaid to bav toeleirt le.u!. Tbt I arjifly ie felly pper Which iato AfiadM'1 lie laei'' , ; - . t-:l .t: : W'batarpieriou preaident ia JfJIow Mf Hura Billy! " , ... . .. . J xo MKT qrr ix csive. ? Jt aiwtlemaB wh waa prneul Ui futility and vrtoraaud tbo reception W. fcolt aoeclal Hwaawue tif the bl atureof fioutb Carolina, dinciibc it.'iiIr ,roluciny a acane aot ofiea witocwd iirout af byislaliv ball. i , in the Bteaaag .' fcott apA ;t.ii-n. the bieatuUt. b Baine, a a coo jic. Howe moved that tbo aailtfh ia ;leared of .jailjiW for if 4 Ut tf i;i jabii h they aiiould M bf.irwaii I laarfatiwa of rjwliurtit, to wbit b tba I. 1 lie wbinHtcd, and b ipeedy hav l I he callerloa. A. if to art taf hi ownj rim(!B iWcrf ili-B deUItiwI GoNittV itJU-HUa J Willi 111 (TV vaarana ai VM'are ji.ia, Waahinytoa (lty and New York 'inei'if ihe frail crpnanl haft recWIred Iron (be (icvaruot abtacilct worth f T'X). Tin iti'm menilwtaall tbouiiut thu-a full an W ti)he ibVi that Bowed. 64 iw ri.-d Ibrre wivi-a, . Kvery aiao in Xurtli !,'afnHil aliitolil know w bat Bowva) aaid Bry a Pvmerrij' ll the only papr ilt' ait uublnh.it. fur Brick iV ha One ni .iib!Ub ft paper tot Udiui f iva'l ,7 ljl I !iio o hidy paper but oao- Ca awe Wr Impe. Ijtlck will pul.iif.li tbo apUH'b, au.l ' now itneak f-f oft huadrH impiet 01 s be popat vuataimay U. . . ,. .,. .. f j The mea, nf ' Nth . Cambria anfT th j ulb abowiil Anew what iiMaa oarpe). baj. , luk-etaUi' , ' uf earki. Other., "Tin; . Iwiuld be taught, tan, to regard tbeir atM U( no U tkr I ban the carpvt bajtycrt. ., .-. In i.i n - t ll.i Jin VX Tilt fBK.t VUKIiH. Tbe lti. hm.mJ JTA4, call pablia al entlmi In the fm-t thai for a wtfc ttt lonMof B,'raanltlya of VlrgiuU ba a nptuiid witliuot prayer, Tbu WhL: ik.hat ia the tualter, and wiahe b Know ir lb Uenaral Aemllf ie pee' Mrayini; , -lavilo tbe minkrere rr-(Ulr. Ik !liiiiu itf a jiar fiem" t eaabli hii tu pray t ; Til radical legtilatoreot UW-W hail mmv 'prmM-bora i U that 1 ad o-t in tbe legialalure from HTS t 1 mili, a pt rlod of oiwWy year. ' There war .10 ajuve briber ami eorrtij.ti.ia ia thai cytdalura A . bad bean kuowa in al he leKiajaturea tliat pro. wild it. El.l vVaid ) bard thiiu uf tba prcacUei im b M Welkvt end Hiwlair , 4, j IKQ.ISLATVRK. . Yeaterday tb Uout adjourned over li expect to I lie Bvmury of the late Jinn rhoraai Urakg, ftur ptaaing Joint rv utioa tliat Ik General Anaoiubly iliou!. ittcnd tli funeral a to orgnniwd bmlj Meaara, Sparrow and Pliillipa ilrlirekt loqneot and f.wling ealftjiliimi Bpon thi ife and ebaraclnf of tb d created, whlel publi.h la full in our report of nroctiBg of the llutuav l In the Scuate Uie proceediugt bad rtfer no o.lelj to Ilia death ot Oo. Bragg. Hoa, Obiaoa B. Rtwsn. Tbi gentle nan, after a numb. of ballotinga, ha weneltcled If. S. Senator froin Marylano r.r at n jkm rM tbo 4Ui f, vtarb, iv -: Mr. Deuoia ri;ukaliA i k .ntiig hi politic, but oppoeed tin : f Knuw notbilltf M nartv ' krtil mhmn It.. I , -tdwhlg party waa auaorW by tkie are ' ' hm iftiHiilifLM imw4u ,k .-.v if 1 t J " " , be repui.li(M party, befurn tba -war. ll. luiletl with the deuiocrata in wliuaerank mj baa tireo aeTtWeTTOiJpion tat tit tan:' iftetn year, .Ua,waa a warm ays pathiaci vith the aonlli during bar late civil wa' la amce.l th lion. Mr. Vkkcra, b.j ienal.ir funn Maryland. - 1 , i9lTH CAIWUSA DEBT.-., 1 miroaiTin roa amdstmut at rtttv I : CMIT 0 tna'tMUUl. '-.: rn.Pi!A, . ( Jn. IT -A new p1 ; .a I.. deriaad for tho adjintraent ni ' lie debt ol ouiB Caroluua Alt. Wmiey j m ting lb Unioo Triwt Company, ' 1vm York, and Mr. Cbil.lt, prw.nl.iit t; . ht Natkmal Bank 4 t'aiumbia, cnbmlt : ed tb following prapaeitioa tu (tor wott.- Th tuion Ttml Company to a Miaie tbe baaaeial ageaey ot tb HtaU j be en I ire Htatadrbt to ba cunponnduil j y retriiiig allex'utiikg boud of wbatere. j lai, ami iwtuinR ln txi hang new bond. I it tlie fat of titty ceatt oh th dollar , h I ma Truat Onwpaay Jo gtiarante. lie fult'liuent of (he contract; to gnaraB j tli cah to ivdeeaa th bonda boh i.vpotheraled, chariringoolj Iryal lotcrtsu 1 heri tor; to aetll tbo uidcblwlueaa of th i lateto Kcmptoa, and to adeanr caat " .a- parinent ol tba January inlernt. i I l.oreriKif Scott awnte.1 to th whern'e ' nil Mr.' Wealey leturaa to dui to Nov. j Vorfc, to dm It the Dcccaaary k-yi4atU. -u.l perlVct I lie detail and arrangement ' j priipoeo to aaaume tin del.t ( 'f II. State of.riori.da; wb will aavumr ' hat of North Carolina I .' , '. - -. it I write yoa to eertlf tht I trava Ti ' i nimm' Liver rttullor to) bit fmu"T wlit 1 nfire sneeesa. , w. r. hiKo. JB S0Wt ' Cl.tlubootbt bLlNATiJT Senate mrt at the el.Mi', ',MrW y Pr.-itlrl ;rhu In ahi-whsm " PVv-i...,X ALAls'i'-1". Hu By, 'I J K nimtitiiliin: Ihe MI""S h""'f , th. 0-. i''" r.r' 1bl 4'Min, ami ai'imniiitiy In ntiniua l ih , tj! ktr. JfiiaiitiM:d h minifiry of tin IJtH'iiS A HLPUEelKUTATI YB , MoNWkT, Jan. 23, IH'l;, jiu called to onter at the uau il h..ur I'ruk.r l lirv.l Mr. t.ai.ai, of tb. r Jotirn! of HaluMar wa read and al. i Jlr. Hparrow Hvm iu aajtl 1. .. in. l-rBaj : 1 nw t .announc I. :iie lianrewhrauera of NlWih Carolina f Itulilic calamity. Inr people are In lit it- lott. Jicatb, the r. ru ba d.;truycr ol .ur rare, liatli atrkki-a down our l-t b iwl. V.Wfaat ahadowaw are, an.lwbai iH.brwa we onrnne. 1 Thnnins lir.iirx b- lb phicc wliktu kn.-a In 111 Inn ! iHwbirili know luiu tt" nn l..r fiver., uiir.yn. win nev.:r ayain tri ; iwh hi r-raUI lurui. Tbcae. ball' il Tw tVr agiun ocb'o u- the t'l f! 11 f.a.lalrp IMrf-to . the auuod of hiH iO M tauitlir v.. 1'l be ailr. r or.l baiwd, the .ll.-u bowl u lirotea on p -ow liw tmiu o'iivn ' av tir ii.-iiiilniii, jiib ainwi ucen riroken at Hi. lauriv, and lw wml of our atiMeriuai l r.liirnt.l unlo tl.xl alio gave ii, Morih tKruli hatb wient am b. worth, or tier prnle, but be w Bobleat lL.iuaa of tutu all. .'i'li. public heart throughout imr bonlera wit tiMpmid fiweiy to lliia aentinieot : "Norn ii'W bits but to love him llu waa Mm in of those wh(i appear gtealtat at a dit awe. but hia grataa iacmaaud Unu, (.Mi tb narw y.ni approached liim. II. a of th peopl ami nllH te.1 hlti tnm tfn-iurhtle Ihe In reliiru' thra.i jiorHHa. ip hiiu, sua runnu; paaMni tea hive of lilwrt aad batned to tvranu nil Waa gifted and learned wilhnal pared. f tr omental ion. 1 tie wrvere mmplk'ity ol , iiaiite and character wa their greatest I'barm. In bia pniioaai.Nl of the law jni.d tiki auperior, and In ll practice h Jaaa tb whiI of bbb tianor, Aa Lrgiala jinrawd aa Uovernor if hia native Mar InfrVnator in the Congrra of tbe United Statia, and aa enUnot nlii.r in tb Con iouTKle Uiatra, he wa eijually diatia ;ihd, buinwiny bbnaelt and r-fl-tin high honor on hia people. 1 lint lib all til rar virtitej and bb ihigh boo.ua ba batb k-tt ual M How an Jthe mighty fallen in the midat of I lie bat jtiefVtteHcetiirth bo will occupy nich. 111 pur tempi ,w i.'ime. , jn memory tul einblml ia tb InarU uf Invnouu irvlncp. oud bi oaiuo be enrolled it thai lung catalogw ol iiluatriou depart. 1 .vnriniiv, wniMe nameaaiut nec.l we a. 1I1 lilil to honor. Ilia hut realiug pluci will Ii to .Will Ciirolieiaaa in jeara b . nru a hallowed upot. v . And frenfcHe eball abll rapalr, 1 Io dwell weeping farn.ll ibeia. Mr, Ppenkrr, It ia lining that we, th. ill repre-nUtiveof the people, dobutw.i N ill, iinwio ia m u.l,llKUMieil a CHI ,. I, llierrlore, aend In tkw clerk a deiik 1 nontnibm whieh I truit may be unani noualy adopted by the Uoiue and I run. nil It J to Ibe rtenata for iu Coucurieuce TIm folbiwing ia tlie nwilntino ! J Ueitml AuemlAy AerM Cio Una uV (, That aa-ao-rVnlen.-e of their -enpei-t b the iinmnry of Thoiua Bragg cilo a Governor of ibia Conintunwealili. now eV-tatrted, the will adioiirn lor tin dty. Tltnt d JMrthrrmolve, .That a kI iHHiy, witn m. ir pmiiiing and uihernlti era, they will aUnnl the funeral olnw I una of tli deceaaed at H t o'clock bi .I'twn aMi and aocotnHiny the remain t. be place of burial, . ! " In wcinding th molution,Mr. J'hil ipiaald that he rM to eecood Uie row ulioua. and 1 o doing, would imlulge ii be unurulul aaliataciiiai of giving ex .irnwom tu hi tni of the gmut loa. hM b tb Htala bad uatainet In tin le.itli of (lovunior Urayg. Li the pre nee of the dread uicaw nger w ho I11.I .1 lhi eminent iiin, n Iroiu our uiidnt, t. ..Iinae mandate we all alaud riju.lh .tuenable be would But dare to rrea, boa Im-igiiilitant malum un wlm t b rivalrica and diilcn-nce of thi lit. lepend, but would c ill up ou'.y what i ubaiantial and laating in th eiii.iil 1.1 una. He had mad tb aciiintaOtw 1.1 dr. Bragg wbilat be waa Chut fcxeciuiv. it tlie Mat, aud bad then formed a de0 dte opinion of him, which In the yuar. ht bad inc paaacd be bail bad m i aaaoa to alter, except eo far aa eluae ol. ervatlon and more mature judgment ban a'caaloticd ; lilgher1 appreciation or ii uualiue. Btuc bo, bad been f uembcr of thr ltuleigb-Bar, ha ban nq mi t o;.Hirtsuily of clow prole ioual iutjri' Kirie with th deceaawl, an. I tad Blwnji found hint nnwt bwnwjl.,, itid caavlid, wlwtlwT acliny with bi ' noppoailion. If be waanot tb nratin w tbe proliiwion, ha wa in the ury t)i.'. nac; eminent not only aa a m.inler ot U W:'f the Buprvm Court, but "ata. it like poweitui MUruuea , to juriea I bero wa greet completeneaa aad proor loo about bia luu llei tual and moral tae illle. We have no man hft among a lio, take him aUogethcr, irlhe aoperioi four latent dead, tit reaalling tb uaaav uid Tii tiiuiot' tboa whom the Btate ha. oat recently the name of Hadger, More lead, Baunden, Bwaln, Kullln and Mot lecai, we may well adopt tbe aud pliri. f claaaical antiquity, and ay ot TiiiriaA Ibaou : "Inihiiiad uiajonm )ir!im! '1 ho , resolution were uuaniAoual. idnptrd and then or.lwd lit be tram nitted to the Senate for euueurrfnee. 'lb Senai btviiig coma id in t'n ululion tbjHu.aeaJjouri.el uuUI to in.irr.iw morn'mrat lUoilm k, after lini b 4ng nntilted by b th fpker to ' ouiui la lh Halt at III ol ck b itleud tb funeral a an original boly. tilt tbb Darn. Dos. Bow o' tcawt Ilutler't i failure during th wa ar prated a great aueraaa duilug peace, li re ia oue of then. , Tba famoua IKiUh ;p canal ha been cmiplelcd and w "peued, in th first of the year, for naviga ioo. Tliia cut oiT canal ahortcn tb. Iintnr bttween City Pnlut and Bich ooad abnt right mile. , 4r ."The 'canal hat now eighteen and ul .all feet of water aant th nvvt iteainif aa through it wiiltouVtliUU-ulty. 4)n rueadny tbe t earner Wyaaoke; of tbe Obi, kmilni.m Line came llironj'h iineoibai ' taate.1. This alcaraer i b.iut 3A0 feet in ength, and i th rargeat now BtlvigattBi; : tie " fowaUiDoi ke " or Jamoa river." ... W e bop Butier will be in favor of the. anf from, WiimiogloB to Wrightavillr' ound, N, C. v ' I -y. The Tbfonditit.4f tbe Prince of Wale lisjuwk a wilema oalh to support thConti " cporled is the neon bulletin ot-aaatrrdaT in b mncb improved. IT M trf ,;.-W(, If' 'w''' 'JlibMiH tt.jrd to tht J.il pf A S J:S.'t . , M' SrvMi: Uwwilh friik I .. . t. . .. . . . . -. , k.iui.li l kofaum hitiMttaM-a tbiui an; Mlur niaiiiT thai baa njai;l Hie altun i m uf tMa fcodf. Wbrdo'aariwott tiH-itktr f . I a e bntauao it 1 mbranr- iiillbMia f nanuy, ami I aky aofrraaaa til 'fiwj.. rArA-We aewr W Ud AriM H... ..i 1." 1 i 1. .. .x ,,IHl,CilMlM"..i. ' 1 ...inrtanl tiu4. aa r.i.wiiUtivW ,l,,w nfcjiinrt and Ihmm uf out iaypl nuyh ii c,nii,ler well tliia great ipualinn belol. e i CV t I I M -t ' t It ia a quration lbt attracte Uie t . nt.en irf cr.ry ibinkmy mania tbe alat. .r, itia.une f vitai ilwt to v man, wuhb ana en 11a iron uw whhk hi mi l point oj ixna I ual uivni.a ine diu. iavea of Ilia Atlantic oil our own liref ;i ibe lii;lnnt ami meat diataut imiunla 1 f Vwl ' that deeoute the wil.l i r.Mierir in iih: mw, a ,u.a u-rjt I rrcat iloctBotatop wilhia our own bnr 1 ler, but It awake a reatieae ani cly u '.lie OUUIUIU Wt.ll. AIIU WBV lv 11 caua lie uiila-ldo world to kadi with eueh dec) inxietyui tlM oattleiaent ot ,tb gnsai im-.-ti.Hi t tii 111 ly becaila it . a matter o lollara' and .ni wilb, tliein Vn.l Mr. Bicaker Ibia ia one of Uw reaaom jaliyour own ..ple art! deeply utler 4atrd. Hut tlicre bi aMhirtHrof 1a hum tmpirutatw to Nith (laodiaa lliai. Imt or ili il lr ami cent, tur ner lorriin. a g.ml XI far aa dollara and onl la cod ru ,, but the baa a full treasury cf an liber kbul of prowrty a to apeak thai 4t tort cumy tojiitb fturM.ua Unatu, md front whb b I hope .eh mar wevei lorn'bifaie. I mean, air, kef hrigkl, hti iienv Ar tUMtm, itr thiuinj), umJ ht II we adopt th- anlwtitute enured bi he geiltleinun from Haywoml, In pn-fei nu:e to the bill introduced by (he 1,'enlle nau from New llauover, we atrik Nortl 'arnlina a Wow front whicb all will miv recover. The claim of reBiidlatbitl'tktt iloud ber fair brow when a will lie nnni MTe.1 with the dead and be retnenibereo inly for tbi cruel bkiw. ' ' : Mr. Wek h. Will tb gentbnuan allow lie to aav bim a aueetaia I . ' - lf,iirri: Crrltinly, ir. ' f ' 7 Mr. Web h. I d.ire to aak tbe geulle nan Iron Cumberland, if the tendency ol lie last Lei;ilatnr wa not deuldeilly Ii aTi of repudiation t - Mr. Cnnle. -Mr: Heak'er, I do not con .ider that thelnat tgialaiur repreaeuted N.iftb Caroliniaiia-tiod li.rliid tba wi hould emnlale their example or-follow . heir pretailent. uApplauae) Mr.ftprak r, I don't tncua the gentleman from Hay od, of -being otlier Mian a true Nortl tVtroliniaa but bo baa allowed bia yudK imt to Iwcneno biaard hi bi amWrf t. relieve Ibe people. Aad if hia propx.il i. Hi out, I liriny tbe ilealmi raHof it Would l , itf. r.-ot thing, but in my opinion it fall, ar abort of that. It viniply province to anr ender all that theHl.ile baa iu- her pnb ic worka and iuiproveinenla and-n'pu.ii ilea the balance. - It ie weN known, Mr. .kir. that there arc aaurtgaym en Bear y all the property that the Wale ha ni laiiiiaon wlnitwieV.T, llnlewi it I thinciipf il and the Aiylunn iu tliia city, and ac ordiug to tbewoiding of the autietituti L think tbeae are lucliidcd and whai voiild be the reanlt when tliia prop-mltloi would go out to tho world 1 The partie. iiohliny mortgagee on our railro wouhl nitedoae thctn immediately and the ainal! .iitanee lelt the rr.lil..r of the Htat. l.ail.l not 1 worth dividing. And, all hey would hold 00 to the bimdaaod con jti.iue to harae the Bute lilt tbey would occt a ooutpnauiae or hum aort, M lr tut nropoHe till compiouiiK now, au.i aveour people million of hi.mey am iu rani via aa honorable rumeuilirane I Acoor ling to tbe atalement nial In ny friend from Wilaon In hiaapevcb yen erdaf on thi oinntion, tho iniereat 01 lie teco(nir. d liibt of tb State will it to paa tbe bill loiruduciui by my friend Ir. A -4ns nay as out of debt In tte)ear Then why do we hHtnte toe ene forwanl mil pmumw tliu prnflUbl. tbia bonoralib mpnuuiao that will nave u 1uUliona1.fl iioney, aad lea th fair name of North 'urolina a pure and tfiallen al Ihe na rmlen auow I l'a this compr. m'aj bll , .11.1 if it ia acecpti d, Ibo tide of uumigra N that U at. utucb dual red by tome ul ur people a ill low into our rH ite by th. houNtnila. C.ipitillt will come with tight 1 . pi and buoyant hoaru to help o on ii. no limit. h uf iniro venkent and pnieperily bit if we tail to take tbia' ateo and do iiitbiny, or paaa the aulnuitute pr .poaH' ) the gentl. unn iriin Haywood, whirl 1 in my humble Jii.lginent equivalent b lolny milbing, or probably trorau, w. ke fur ycara th fl.iod gate Of oor pma a-rily, and tlm gntrw 'lhat are rqr.. ug to Iniiuigratiod 'and OiiplUt will b. loa ded by oar own cttin-na, Thouaand. a) our young men, tlw boie and prid. unr Htat will be' baie.1 to tew. he lintv h.'iiMW of their h i lb. uvl md yinith, to tight Hi batikw of I fa 11 .the lun. la Tbeae reeulta will be broughi .boat by tli adiittloo id the uibatitut .r by liiattinn a pnipoavd by my gallon i 'Vietid fiotn Martin, . Mr, puakvr, I doul agree with ui) riend fnim Martin, wbiwe propfaoiuHi n let tbi great tpMMiea ateep for th' irexiit 1 know air, he ba the bono and velfure of North Carolina at heart, for I ake it, air, that no man .who belonged I. . he gltrri.mi regiment to whicb the gm leunin Iron) Martin referred the otlier jbq.: -can be other than an honorable man j nd I hope air, that the first General A enilily ot North tkruJuuv, com posed prin ipally of young men will diacbarg thrl luty aa-noMy po tliia great question, a lid thellr.it reoiiueat at lliebaltleof Ileth I I saw notbine . if mv gallant fiiend rron vUrtin from the tlm th brat regimentf liebandrd till I net hint la thi Uouae I mt I take it,W, ha bor bitnaelf a noblil n the bitter end aa hi action bravely ..romieed in .the brglnninir, and 1 ppeal to biin in Uie nau of tli first reu meat to tot due the aulwiilute, an.:. 11m torward Ha lie if m w Ben ba went u the front, pmndly romcioo that tin KHior and welfare of North t'amlina k nni,'iwd in part to bia kerpiug an. .ot f.ir,tlier.inipmmi bdi, aad wbtn h. .nd I will brmimrqme I by tbe tlnal re eille we will have nothing to answer loi m wddiera in detenae of our rounlry. Bin 1 reprraentativea la behalf of the bonoi ind we.ll.ne of oar pen pie, ' Mr, Bpeaki r t is fo this General Assembly to ay ho md where North Carolina ia to stand ii he future a to ber boaor and in m .pinion Mr. Speaker, tb final action ot. hia bill wilt settle tba anoation. If We ulieurn without doing aimelhinit bonnra iile, o far aa we arc able, and final o far. ui w cart, we fail to duty tu ourselves ur country and our God. However lightly anose gentlemen may' .-auder' tbeir wrO'blition to th.-j ' onsiuutim, I coeai.ler it, air, of more m port an re to ar, tluut I de tba pubh, ' r ' i" e" - "'". Vbea I went to th Chirk' desk and 'ulbatnf North Caralina, Larotint, i did it remnt. tb bitdtm to tbat clust i 'm and that ath I inno ua tbi fine m ftr eeaa otb ai fremaikebhj Hung tiUt ar to b said tr Miw4t Ur a bilhtedevr a toi, nigM. I bee no intention of anything i' uieet tbiterwt Oa the publ.n debtfj bat eort, but stlenseo, there ie but on. V sa, av aiur-l h. An. nnntWIM f tha nr-Vi-sisa in the earlr history of oureowntn tlliilW" L assured tf, I nw!' KUUig JpiVot but Any l4isVJ low to it provisions, s-quiKwarnta eed V I ! tlM. uan i,MUVid i-atJi MllaWBllilwopppmtitiWNiiiiajveouiy, vapuun 1 iJwJvrooi, vip nuii.i m fora Una Uouao :' tba one baarr-Nutauao' aod ebeara.) It ia, luarafiin, aj a ilatiaa outrWbt rp(lUtiio Mtd car iaa ailb Ktbobluah of abama to ererjUiinacallad aa tugetaaf ib-afeiHH aaulf ak nan wbo at awivad by a North CarolhnHtoo wilbmit luruwt worda of IntnxluctKM) ""femed by a N.npU CanHhiian-.gto iwcetr mJ"Va' koaw. Tlw other reachio forth a baud )nr. oared, which I will fiotn time totinx 5 . , . . . 1 . . toWiiuuivom nnn onprw-c.jf.uer w yaw, wane ran l,o.la anil extend the other band to lbjmea preaent to reapond, wbom 1 know Hind bol.bw aod Mkt, .with a amea fjou will b doUghteaAO Hatm to. 1 ro voice to b heard iu theeettlement of thf!jrret to tay that tb Preaident of tbi .11 Important qiwetion. And Mr. Hooaker t-Luited State wa wot able to com to Hra we to. otaed in Mi way of Ihiail ong j wuliaa , lor 4 ih Carolina will M, beraelf tgaia u iJ allhouirh wo may fad to diaular thi . imIiiiu ot a tyi nryu IB too eettlemeul d the nuancml troubww of our oonstry, ve can fUinly emutte tb lutegi-ity of a teyuluA. Hie gd nam of our Slab , the ouly legacy Ibat we can claim ranamiueii to Ba bv our father, and it i: a be hoped, tba demoralization of tbe' one wilt Box rwo ua 01 inn aacren Kg a-v and eauae ua to commit an aot thai laill nmke tb risiny gwieraibm blueh un auame wnea iiier ueiioiu iu w. md bit u bmret ournlve. and act a Do -rioU aud boneat slatewneo, aud altlniuglijlii. largely by til aid of hi counaet, hi4 re Biav liav approneuaMwia inai wa wuiijijoora, nai aaaianw acineve,i mwr ram 1 luot meet tbo p.pnlar plamliia for He urmiMir ui fiiaa via mm anew i.irtiiM 'aroLina. will ba otnml of our cuWai .nd greet ua kindly if wo or, living, Wlfpuimortat dt;oery of thidntityof cbv-t; inoorBtiiroaaailly wnea w are aeau. Mr. tp"nket. a few more w.w.h and iiav'diiu. I there a tru North Cam iuian ua thi AW but what Would rather jart with a.erylbuig iban to tacrifk bi. iommv. I lake It, sir, Itiefe is net And raw it Iw tbal our gkwbttM old lwhoa orond career date back tu b SUth of May in 177,1, a period uf 1- 4.... i-ij ; .1 ... .11 I ime all baa niairltainesl a bright aail umIIsi waiaa, avid Commit an act now in 1 lie evening of her first reniury that will .'.mne her brilliant sua to ga down d'.m ind rathwa, or will alieniaiutalu ber hosoi .till, and Ui autliug aur. of ber It rat ewil iry go down anrroutttled with alialu ol .lory ae dazzling as waa loihcale.1 liy II. ffuljent rbjing. , '. " r&AXKLIX .aT4rvB.,:lll: The statue of Frauklin nnMHilatbw 01 1L I flrot.t. as unveiletl In frinlinir liouaa square. New York. Th exorcinn. ai.sna.1 by tb lullowuiy remark iron Isr. Crime, aa wo toara I on rmxoW-CiTitgiii: Tbe da too lenHloTed, and aa olbcu holders who oi.iu i Ivlayeii ba at lenK'b arrived, the da hat Uhol.ta in Ibe t,il of New Yeik In aluo tf the llliislrlooa . Kianklin I'liniiigh ihe munificence of rx oof owrowi, iiIz.m s tills ip'en.lnl and fitting nionn nent U our, and while it t amis' in thin t'rintiog boua aiun il Will poruetuali the yeniu of Kiauklln ami tbe arenenait) W L'ai t.mitoUtuo., WeamalaHitloui. ell this statue ib th lac ut liceven, amit.Pnino boih air.) I am a clergyman !tl I .. ....-..1 !.. 11. Ll : . ' - I f -.0 I prayer will now be offered by Iter.'Pr Jui'UU. . taVBII.INrt TH STATU. At tb roiicliieioa of tb prater Mr. Ikiuglnt Taybir, Cbaitiuaa of Ihe Comaiit ea ot Arraiiyementa, lutrmluced frole or Mors, who aaid : Mr. Ha I! root, ani Fkijxiw-Citizkmi-r Tim I'hkm : I item it as one of uij ligheat honor that I should have been Itsinnati-d to oerform the olliiwof unvcii ing thi day th fin statue-of otir illua iiousand Immortal Franklin. When re pieated to perform this duly I Waaconttfi d to my bud, bat I could wot refuse, anil I said - Vet, if 1 bad to be lifted to .tbi; p it ' Fnuiklm need o eulogy fnnu lie. No on ba mora reason to vunerat. lis nam than uiyaeif. " M iy hi illutrioui- xampleor devotion to the interests ot inivtrsal humaiiiit be the twilof furthn rait for -tba good of tb world. , (Ap ilaiia.) . IU fIATC 'I " I of bronte, auout twelve 'feet high It lepreaent Franklin at the ag of 70, 4beu Minister to th Court of Vertailltt). In his hft hand he helila a copy of th. fenntyltiHtn Untelu. ot th dale 01 April It, I7S. ill right hand is iligiiliy tx mUetl, as If mldreasing an audience I'be fate ia singularly true to the genera be of Franklin's character, The work n detail ta very finely executed, aiidevi y king about the (tstuo goes to make it ' UMgninant gut. After tlie ceremony a grand banqne' va innwu at Lasemoniooa. . urouat lei cher, Greeley and many other city aa.l ittiooal ccleudtie partook of th banquet Th Chairman, !.. I'rime tald : "Ik i Hie hundred yeara uday ainroa boy i om (w ba ba -wortla for it) in kulon, New Kuif land, whose birth and ikcmary w are met to celebrate to night I have aot tlw tonal Lie of bniny 10a a uograph.cal akmcn ot tliat ebibt u.l 1.1 ( si h it man, aad yet it, o.a.v b Ibat it w m new to auine of you Ibat 1 should tel vow (bat he waa the youngest ana of tin ' oongektwia I bv iwcnairs genrn Itiimmon people thi maxim, and when I kiut, and Uiat ht ,.mb (b.tilU.itk f lliblf lat uia.le theBnhtrttlt ground of actim. tutol seventeen. He began bia itlasin f 'it baa laid tbo foundation of that ttabilit. tis career as a candle-maker. - It hr bmlW f cbaracter Wblcb has mad our oeoob tuck toh bo doubt b w.aild ba madej.vbat tber are. not riiitpl iaduatri.Mia o 1 eriat hVbt ia the world (laugh eri ml then be wrould bate .Lai tea. udo with Bgtiuiinp. (Keuewad laugh tier.) W firlliHO hiiMprnea tb eaadkr aaker tbop to tb tuin iog ollio of bii lus her, and then we find bia maklDi. 4reet ballad in Uuaton, aud hi moat sen 1 bt father checked him in but mad caret 1 a p. t by telling biia that vesa, -maker er tlwayt miserable brggar ('angb er) and so h waa saved from that. Next! re find him la Philadelphia eating, aa h. Miy'.biunelC t puffy roll is th' rtreot jrhicb hebougl.l tiara cent bought thre. ol them, by lb way, for thr cent, bui nving fouad ooa aurtioioat for hi break jt'sat, be gar away the other two loareH to a woman and chtl.1 who were rjnoret 1 ban her . II wa seen eating tbras roll, or Mitr'Rued, who ailerwarda became dr. Benjamin Franklin ; and when b. ell is love with Rued hebegkn to tie In ha world. (Applauaa.) And so, geutlt uoa, U that R ed waa .ruribalei io the Tind it was will enough to, sustain . bim It n th future rngglea of life. Uenllemen. Ii is young man I speak now to mant if th rising aspirant fur distinction jii h press this young man, beginning Bl areer of writing forth Breaa, passed hi ominunicntions unde the door till of hi.! athrr'i nrHoe Po modest wa h that h. a unwilling tra bar it ktowa that h. va th author of these productions That modesty diatinguiahod "the tr eaof the rtrsaanf that daw tlAnntaiiM. . r fie re 1 Bottling like it ausoog ur. LaWhter) Now alien a yonng man aetsf .ut U,oii tun career 1 bar been tbirh ear of the orrae and hav aeen man ot hem he ta ia boldlv and opens tb. ' , m.i ,, . tins w.tt t , 'M s;.,avie ".4- that. - (Laugbter.) Jtot so with our llustruHM father and f. lend, th great pro - tvp of th Fraaklina of thenrvsent day N'ow, I bar bo idea of following bim ' t;rnugnorjt that carecrwlilrti afterward- f jtctm o iUwlriout. Far bt i( from a 1 , . hi ht wt would Bain bef.ir that of Hanja m FraokliB, aod thst'wl the owl ovs I Aeeericen aataa. th MM 0 Oewrg - Uitoi. - f pp..) f t noat mWUimIiidii fact tlit tts ttt- Ucrttdra, 11 tb eniojnmot or t proawti 1 diju't belong to U wjrlf I would irM nnrivallcd (j tu.t of an; otltar cit a tba world it ia to maa aaoat aatoalab 1 ay fact that'wo bars tired Io Uiiad y itnoot ateiny la our city a auiua vi IW.Ianh) rraakhw.maat tba lMrnitlad 10 bo toirvtad tat, tbat aUUtt tot to tba mnnlDcenoa and yrautuao 01 ba praai itaclf, but to our Ulntrioua gaaat fUccawa of the riihtab onMainaiit whieb ' , ' , .,. . . I I Ihiailaiirbt (ureat laughter) to be with n pried, !wlwT)R(Uui;ht.) IT reeretil antaungly, and will the mora a bra hckaowwwhalagood! time we bad. I pmpoe th Brat aenti L.u ..,1 ikklwAfiuanJrink tlamltHO to I be but. " Tba Preaident of the IJuitevj fsiate.r iTlife. cheer propuWHl anil ll'aiiitly given.) ' ,''.!''-' MB. OHBK1.HT ADDKBat. MB. CUAIKMAB HD GaBTLBHBJI : If I wee required to aay for which of Frank I in' echievrnieuui be deaerred moat anil neat of mankind. I ahould award lb. palm to hi aoix-biography to Irauk, o Lheartv buu.anitv. For if our father ha. I Fiwndane at tiro Irat tffort, they wouhli hava tried rr aira a aou auaia anui wwe liJid achieve it : if be bad Bmttnadi bin turicity wllB'tno ugninuigr-utai ma IMwoubl BvHieleaa kv at length boei temooitrated : but Uf be bad But o m.Kl irlsitlf nod awwetl taU.m bow to wreath rfuilih Sio'versv' sstl attinrMil nDooHunhYe 1c r . r rr - , , Ma. mit anow. wnti wMtiwiwiuaraisii.ii 'have' done it o welt... There ia not to-day there will nuC lie la tbi twin thwart 1 cntuitf, . friendless, hurwWW orutianj workmc hard for naktal daily bread, ami Wad to iiupcoi' big leisure bour ih. riM-r of a rarret, wnutn thai tin igraplij wilt not cheer and streuirtbea to fighllliel iniattl of 111 liuojantly and mauiutiy u Hwiah tome huiuaua- Uai tonoty wnuiu present a copy of it lo eveTy poor lad in fib United ptntea. Bat 1 meat aot aatam; ou. LctinaitimupUiecbariaciaroirraiik in in the leweet word that will serve me. it bive aad 1 revere him at a, juurnrywusul Iprintor whd was frugal and man 1 arum ; !h wsrwMW who rose from want Io cutiipr , . - . .... . . . . - . ence, trm iitMcunty to lauie witnmr nain.' hi howd ; a llatosmaa who did not tueif? maukbid with hmy-trltided Uieiiiuent or aiieoche ; a diplomatist wlnidi.i! SB ... . . " . a not Intriuu: m litiiloaopna Jeno nevt-ri ai 1 . . . . a I4tleal. Ho reirarding him, I respond t rdur aentiment with "Honor to tb meui iry ol Franklin." . i arKwa ButHI waan bkbchbb. Mr. Buocher wat received with great ep .1 1..... ....I I i gpistiwi, oug wnonuwu mti , u, 'jwben sileui wat at htligth reatored, Mr jllcocheraaid : I am a little at a bma to ilk new Which profeeaioayott refer to I t Mr WmsetikUUS 'tlaui; liter) and I am aa edi (tor a li. I hav bee) connected wubl loAwsoaweia. I mav aav. all mv lil'e.v How lirver, laeuept the roarlesy wblebyou show Biue, whether It I In on pnifeearnn or in ,t he other. Fur lately they hav boewnir llto ctinitaiied thst H 1 difficult to-telil J w bet Iter man i preaehiag or printing IA great deal of printing gov to preach liiur and great deal of prwachlaii goo lout in printing, and to that I attribute! jth reformation which ba take place in Ith world, and notably in thi city. W Jar all of ut . much of one mind on tbiJ ubject that my discoura will hav til the jiuerit of an. orthodox sermoa. Every bod v JlHiUevea It before tb Tuinbitara Legio. 1 eery body know what b ia going to ay land eeerybody gne ta sleep lief or b Uet through. (Ureat laughter.) I hare jiieard it frequently aaid that, thi maxiud f if Fraoklia'a Wa not th correct onel land not equal to that of IhaQrtek a, wh jtietd tbtt bo motiit anoot t iscnuwt! (to men except that Whkb -roachet tbei igher facultie. It at said that honeatv never should have been propounded ar he beat policy ; that It wa teacliiug men to. act o imm tne meaneat or considera ion. I have bo objection whatever that nen should bo honest and truthful from a 'onaidaratiea of tb Otarnal fitneti ol hing; bnt aa there it only on ia ten houaaod that nnderatand thi eternal iltneaa of thing what ar w to do if 1 Laugbtar and applause.) Mot excludioi; itbeaa wen of higher refinement 1 tor one lain heartily thankful that FiaakUn nai ei urreucy to thi maxim, which, instead 1 1, reducing toil to lower level, ba a tea lency to elerate It, (Applause ) For however M gb yon amy oai( tiooeaty 14 n piaco wncra yoa una autftv 1 inr men that attain permanent turcet muai ilao, in tlie naUoe of tliioga, be haneat, .hat is, tl. must obotrv tailh botwi 1 nau and man, without which there ran hint be frleodehlp ar honor, and the affair. HfM V,.,. ailknHl Mnatiil, nl Ik. jlrar k. I believe tliat wecaa give to om frugal, but made tbera a true apeak ing iieopte and tatr dealing people. , (.Ap plauae.) ' ';;''';.v;itA8Hvrtx:.'v,.i,. LITE IXSUR1ME COMPANY, T (NASHVIIXt, IIIll.)' " TTAVfNO ACCIPTED TUB APPOINT LA meat of General Agent for the Stat on tortn Caroline lur uiis excellent eouktien 'oiei-wiy, I be; leave to per eat ittelaimati be peopl uf Uie Btste. with the aearine. list after eareful and thorougft exannuatloi ute its laanHai security and ttrenfrUi, as wet: . Its saceaaaful maeagement, 1 eaa coetftent y reeeiainead Its advantage aad rales to Bx. nsurlng nubile. The twaliiaa af th Compear, u tba 'tab f Tennesae and la several 01 her Soblberi .lutes, baa bttea larte, tad ts raptdlr tneraaa ! "K I esi-scla'ly in the rtty of Naakrille. whsr. Ime bums orhce is lneauit. Its tttinalarltv aae ha ei lent of Us business ere, exeteded by B.f .lhar company. I Ml . 1 - - ... I t-v utunt, s-nti iitssoi ss-j ssss. ul wsmil. md eapitrt, and pjasssa trst-elaia buslnri tlent - The aaets and seearikla of tbo coei !anv are ample aad siitliciaat ta urovkd, iorslust all UsbiiiiliMui tosses, l oa principal otBi of UK Genera Asretr ll be lueated at Ui rlty of HUIetgli, nuJe. ba coutrol of Cap. Thoaiaa Bt Bsiley. eVere f 'ry, to wbom all retorts and coanauiilcaUoD, fhoald be ad druses A. . - V . - v Appliuatluns (wa I reconhmendsd) fur ago lea by aeUvak enenretie mens wkstdsst to ea ;nia ia tne t-Hs ll uveranyia bkuui russa, are ra piKvUvllf , suik'kteo, . .Liberal eofiiatlsetoB. tUWSSV , ..... I c tux stt'urnT, ' UcBeral Slate Aa-ent JaaSl-datwU RIMTX COLLJkUaV. Tbe Spring feasloa commrnrea Jsiiiisrs i,t res Jab nary 1st If lbs beat chsrse . luarJiitg aeeommodatlMna of lbs beat chsrse ar, aad abundant, at lit rier month ln,-iuiin, ll lavuistiru room ana serr am. aejsi .w b, gjlATXN, - - , ... . ' Randolph Ikm College, , ASHLAMO, VffiOINIA- ! ptu Tkindij, UpU IS7I ti htrtnW'Hifnnwatliax, atal.wa, Ae., ee fret H. aWttM AabbuO, V, jBtjlWf BIXOHaw wCflOOfc, ltMAkVILtt. . (J. Cou WM. BINGHAM, 8nr"T. Tb Sarin Beaakm f 1871 opco Fk' Vi fib rtie orxauiatkia la mllltanr ; the coor,e of ,1 IrwrtleB tiaMabwt,,atameiaallnl,wtHw reUI. , , ; ' ' ' dtl at liit f PENDEItSON, N. 0. (" - irt. .' BDBAKIilt, fiiVirix. Tba woderebriMal will opea Boardiu aiu Da Oi-Weul ba- Bora, ta the Aotuewij, raamU. reauied be the itaMra. Vetlar,' on Moutla; jJaauary St, IKU -t erwa pwieaaieo at so waiwa, payable Ban i advanea. balanta Marrk Hill, 1J. , Taltkoa end Board Um;!uJ.uk fuel, tum i'- b "rluiary Heiwuueut, am ; ; i-.,' " ntKtwt KnaiMvi. .1 'ii tsr. w t , " tbaanaw.;, ... . ' Fr fmtbiw uartlrulara addn-a Hi rrlnei at Uaaalerauw. M. W.. who will rurBMh Otn a aire on BptwWeihaw, . ' i ' ' , aot 11Mb WM. J. KOBA klid. TTINO'B MOUNTAIN MIUTAKA ''.U.f.(.,VJ,:l -If- 14 : .. 7 .". jft . TOUT 1LLI, B. C. Th rim aVaslua of Uie m tioul Year of 147 IU ttecia ea tba 1st of FaBU?aai, and rat ia Ibe aokk of June. ' Tkaua K. (Wboot Expanaea, I ., Tw tioe.i Bosrd, - Waahtrg. taxi, 1 ltita, bonki. utiitHiery, Ae , ',a.iw, payaiue u4tietiiMts- Irralaia evslsjmiur fa I iitlomiaiiiai ai' b'oblaluad apon application to ' N deeU-lawtlf .- -Pilueipal and Pniprtetor. jy la IIOLUI A, JONEdV P R I M A II . ,, , , worn , --T. t .1. . 8CH OO L'fc hi GIRIjy AND SM I50Y3. HAVIHIl f EKM fflLIOlTltl) HY A FK friaa) to do, 1 will eoaamauee, ' -... ! r- 1 PRIMA KY BCIKXf4 t airs. K, Joaea,-rnraar Miav 1 Vati Pasaoe tussle) aaar Mis. Miller's Uuanl Uiul beiiaa) aa Maaaiay, Jan. ifillx, -, Tultioe la Primary Studies, ""-! .""- ltd HiKh Jfngllsh, f ' " '! Havtna? taaeht several Sessions at ethe place, and give satlafbrtloa, aad I htpe t m tue su eo o aere. moi.Lik A. Junks." Jar lOttst -, '. t (j - ' ' U riZJtNS' JJATlONAti B AN , rV"s" JtWHa7K 04 eWffth, lTa. ' ADIVII)N1) UK HKVBI AN) a half per rent baa been otvaeM tin av nut of the iwowta hit fix month emllrt. lien. Mat, IM7I. iwyatila to storklHiMera oe d. naedat ie Beat. f. A.tvn.rr, .....c - ' . ' .: fie.' Q .'BOTT, , PEMiLK PIIYBICIAN, .eJ ,-No Tin. Main ttU" "'7 RlCUstUMlk VUtlilNlA. . . 1 fa eras (irrrtBiwo ra.as laaauiniamo aw emnulahtt rerwllar to tlietr sex ar, itaiantcetl sjwetly relief. All et.lnniunleatltia sr,e,iT wmpnmmmk. Mtitr, (ti neUi.y si. wared free of etarg; ttrdteinea forwaruet y Mallor Bipreaa. Honwas stat atleoitaaee f aralabed when l- (qarraa. ' iaia-awiyi "vy CART IHUH SCHOOL MALK ASU'F) . ' . , MALA. 7 ':. Tbe beat aaaeloa will oaeaiUia lllk of Jaau iry. lira. , ! Taluoa from IIS to 14 Bar eeolen. Boar, ia good faaiiliea tl par aiwitk, tociudiui waabiti;, luibla, fuel, , ,. . ,. , , , rar paiUcalarsaOdrass . A.U.MBKKITT, A M , , 4a3aaw tw. . , . Vaud. LAasiCAi. acuoou . . Tba exti elate of my sedoot wut aereeiiasni ,nt tbe Loteloy Atwekwiy, oa Mowoay', Jan yk Tultioe per noetk to. 00. )a tlf , TH03, k BAILKT, A. H 1" "' ' " 1 " ' 1 " " 11 ' 1 j" 111 1 JALIIOH FEU ALB BBMINARTj ' The Fourth Besston will opea on Konds) lan.'15tb,lS71... . Tbia lustluiUea eomhtaee tba comforts 0 luosae wlU Ike advsouges of a, First Clan: Kensaui ScbooL r ,-. laatractloa thorough ; teachers experience. loud sweerssful; vry tsetlRy olfered for at lairing a IhoreBgh adaeatkat ; otuwgc mode raUU ,,.- ':-s '0: 4 fits '. For Ckenlar eontehtuag ftut parttcBlan apply to lb Prla-lpaL . . . ,., -, I. F. HOBGOOD, k. M., Wat ' - - U1(.LAI Jfc RIlLLtEHj itBAL EST AT EXCnkNGK , , BJIOIt BALttUB BATIABAt, AH. ... ois.'Ti ut .'. BUUDINfJ LOT, adolulug Vra. Kvaui,' realdeBc, oa Identoa street BI ,W.' JT H Bnlkllrul Lets. tWaen earb i from t u US B5si fc t . l-. -l , . -. .T. . . t t HulHlBglot(iicrf) located oa Morgan at I new rwn-atory house, T 1 1 end wrr. inn ei,nau. I Mew 01 story bouse, rooms and 3 art bam fiwtv '.'. - Lereof land-siu: V?' 'TTT' a Ma uulm I,.,... a . ... , 1 ITwoatory keuse, 10 rooms. II acre bit.ka tL. i. i. J.T B ' . . . a i Bloant auaet at,09t) ' tf ,h h.dr i Hie ai.ve W.-I,Iwtv l.jiliid- DaelraMheueemlti tisusa eewatiain '.!lI;fB?,M,,;. . ao.d U Iha roorna, kllcbm, amok-hoase, Ac lot H f e frmt, oa Blouat strst t, op out Its Bsptb. .... .1 - . " . trove s,auu. - . Also, tor sals, several shareaof the Rsleigt H dastoa aa M l! kL R HUu-k - -- 11 Apply Pj.jjjjjgp UJLLKIL Janbary IB-dtt , HIYM, BETS-FEEDEftS, Aa- Ben ror uirrular fBBilY-ht . J.PECK, Luidsa. K J, HI1H ICHOUb piSUTi " - i . f . Ollll rc A L , MATHEMATICAL. Aim COMMERCIAL . r - V :' LBNOIR Mta CAROMNA. , , I. W. Pa'BcatrnL PrinctaL ' "'" '"' ' H. C Dn.m, Asata-iste FTinrtpal. ai. A-Braswiaier, AsusTiar. v ' iriSf session will open Jan. 17th, 1171 Banl, frura 10 lo 1J per month. TaiUua from tU) to J5 per session of It . mcnUis. ' for ttortleirlsr apply for Clrrubir. ! dselHwaw , TTTEBUETAlt ACADEMY fOB. RALEIGH, ll. d -' ' ' . Rxv. (. R. Tbawick, Principal. Tba axereisM nf this s.ktnl will k. n em, i",a. For partirulars see Cb-ralar, Apply to Uis principal. a i lm .... -r tl H 1 ... ,. ., trp m X T SCHOOL. j r - : kit KlTTItFLt'l1, N. C. '110. A. rirraa. A, Ji xat.ic rarraa, A, M., Aaancut H "1 lis Tarlflh SeraioB of tb'n laatitntlai will rlw.in tm Iburauar, January lilli,lnr ft Tliia ahuoi ijii,ll ar kiltrrllV D put, l l lttit mile fnau il forinrfr b ialton, o . the Hn-lr)i AHaaOB KaHroa 1 lt plaer 1. n:- -leUr. water will Ul bn.utbt rail. .I..y fiT-fln HtrttWf a r prlngv so ' )ii iy uol b r tlteir aowViual "Virlw a - hUfi'ir rfmtiij;.w-f .er k.d loeMb ntl I'J li'htKit , II j b.ntesi'a rjarVe.l lvhi( i i f aliJhi ,iVr sasslisd lt (Vf i ( J ' . (for l eii!M, altrt i.ie t'riasii-alalKib ri-ll'allrsnvllle eouul rN'. C. k I il 14 .llawtlw ;inrk.ji,FlilU ! r b -J.liJ.(uajin, ami uaaalily. rlluo- hiiiUlhttt, Urgu ul t .iniH4'tiif . r 1 a-nulttullt ailliaUU, a I he ill: at f'juitb It, antutlNlrB. 1, T for Ui alM health anulil t ben flbd AUIIIH KkataI llrfl I,' VT-f f?( i'"t' : llrbaJiltr UaT;'vrrtr'( rrrwdnala.1 tot M tlie tw.ll:jt W4o rMiJiilV wi I If mww al 011 riniuv, ?u tviiiuaiy, 11 vntumra ft 00 Uioiteatiuu. 1 deem I retry to - 0 i I Uli II II 1 It ll SUCUUi, axrrmi; N. C. I i- n -.. i n, Ibiautii,,,. .iitMHPriurlils. 1 Tlie Bnriiur K. ,i of 1871111. m.l tlie H 1uw'li!tu lir)!'?'' ii Vilber otj IlKiHii l- ure,ina.vwiiHw,, ,., - 1 I. Sl.ll DP V V' SV 1,. 1 , FOR 1.KAIIK. ' The Btiard of Dlre4rirTroae to Iwr lb . te'ie ptt.telly ftrt- a built Uiilit' selliHilor . ol' .-ire-.f,rfa Uti.4(.Ma..,;.',- . :.t.. At tits tito aitiin.it Hiuiuunieutiun id Ibe i ami Lottire iT V. I i.t was thioeii by leio u "on iievtir to atttl viiti sine p'.ofily or , ivcrl it Iro.a il..Uiul pippiwe, , nutfnerioa or tiik iiiovi raoi-aarr . Thei.ullili'i'ls'iiVnn. beaHrlck, 1 (1 f i-e t U ill, Willi- cytiU-r of Mi fvHt, III ilepih, four lories, llb lit.miai'-eiiiUu.g a iliapei .1 ff.-lH'V islrwilb hnir- enl slwelons KS'h'iv; tit- II. idv n. If ftici f 'lew are t- la.ti 'profit an li'elislWrasJuisI tea. e ns.ms a a 'hi tiitnuikoru's alsivel .uiMlee litO aiUJIn aksitlful acre ar.ve".;tinnieJ aiili lare tiiriietaiks. ilia ahi'le nabwed wika snlmtai.tl.t ink plank feu.-e, anil la wt 11 suited for the dilute- 1 tale snruiiuuii m a nrsi. eiaae aeuo.11 ui t-ui- jl " . . .-.".' LlFn.ttte and wsier' tlxftrsuJalloi-iuiltiaM-u- bv . ku liaalKy in N. C. . . rsniiessls lor me lHve piopeav ni pe re lived nuUt tbeitatof Fefirwsrr. ITA ' " " , K II. KlNtiJll l!V, Put. W. J (lKMnt, Ke. . (" " J" dee W-diltaw-iw ' , ' l:EST-. A ll.usVr'i'sto"R " Iwo acre ot and. t'l lie. F. Bl hKKIl, jan 18 Jtf WANTKII I.IHlKIIKIg. Tri.n table euii d.i mem 1 uni1slittdevir anan willing to work 'fw his -own wrurtiitr xtooil: iuti lav persons aMiit.dk. l'rohlt.jd jjtal jter rent. ne loav f I fi Hunpl.-s slid par iii. ulsrs. "ttal t rapid. JONKrJ MKTIIAK, ;i uiiuirrTi, ra. .... angA-U ( tpKIlTlUZKlH roll ItPKlSU CR II'S. I r ' . ,', We offer to the trade auj to planters in ' '!.' Vllit.lMAANU Muli CAKoLlNA, ' ,!(., folio a Ing, A h A ST kit f KHT I h J Z Jt US: t SO bins Rradl. y's I'ateut SuperpbophsU' of , idswtij j ,.: 5oU tHis Brailley'a Sea F-iai Cuauo. BUO tans tteeae'aB.dwble i'aculc Uuau. 4 (si t 1, , , . , IOO tuns genuine Fernvlao (inane. -' .1 t, -.,,1. ..fi,, ; . . . i tone tirouad flatter. . . 1- A ndltV1 IOO Urns Bradley's Tobacco fertilizer. Wr ihw offer His FertlHseri manuf rtturcd ' ty tba. . . ,.' . -". ., .'ETKRSUURU FKHTlLIKR COMPANY. Tbeae manures a otTer w.th til coirtl ltni-e, . l i' . , t 1 ' 1 isvb-g lold tb.ia fur Uw past air yiura. r ' '" " 1 - mr terms to tb trade ara liberal, and we uvrtecorTespoaiti-nre from plasters, M. ILVFAINK A CO Jan t"-7ui F O R' 8 A ' L E , The .Vsebiuerr In a Cotton MillstFreJe iwiMung, a, .iiini' as toiioaa: U l In. Ii csril It. I5"hesd Ac , 1 ' f J''1 ts.ih.ng frtrtn r Ji midUt, i 1 It Drawing fnioea Bpredrra, . t Withtir in- Opener, ' 3 Hpol'tent. It lie .'Iter I'ltdl, " - - 9 klaif TnlsUi s im Hi.hallis earh. 1 S tiH IbJS. I'rtHsi-ri. He,l.w. Srp Mills, A e.. and ail tlie weeesMU-v t.eiuirulnu , i tor raikiiif a to ttej l., eoarae vara iluily. J I .,The.ato).n. er JetkawiutaaiaeJ, Ibe reulw ... n,ni:n aim oitu 1x1 Tire Very I..W. If Mllve jl m .ant and run .he obtained .at I Mb, ..r'K-r nts, , Kuqureof 1 K.T. BCllt'LTZ ' , 4'ie iani Strnrl :; f fcBl!ilnllrl,N,, ' dee 14 dlaw"wwt fN TUESDAY, THk fcrH -PHiml. .. 'V ary next, 1 sball oiler for .l. it ain ii.' :upoa the premi'.es, my FARM, Wood and " atbeenuatyui llsilfax. etaleof Worintsr .tin l. Sdisivnt It, lb . Un,i ul U..m i-hsrl.! F Alston, J. W. lleptinsUlLT. W. ibirtuant ia. J. Boyd. - 1 I The farm conslsta of 4(17 w about vw half orlioal growth of Oak and hknry, ihs balance moslly open and arablriand. wH low groumta of eieellent qii-jlity. - " This plree offers rare lndiirenientslnsper- ijoiKBi i, u.m-s wiinin iimr niii.o "i , Litlleton Oepot, Ralritrb It Oatton. Ksilnad, ia one of tbe best and In'sJltnct n.-ii.-hlwr' iiifous iu me eisie, wim cnureties and niiiu eith. r fl.tf In eatV reach. r, The dwelling ttMn Uewoneli reiiatr. It w sia- rooniJ, b. sidesx cellir and garrefv ' howea good.. A Brat rate well, wltfr m rump, stands wilb a few feet of ihe ity" riruiihlng a ac'vertfutiBir smtilv of pa.' water. . ' i T1iia land la In as An s foli,,i rM a is si f in bnrth Carotin, and Hi Art in rai.r atlsnied to Uh growth of wrasses, shoikkluir I-" elisser wish to turn it into a I'M g l"r ";lt kjs ainod Annie-Oxf hail.'wi,iiKlre esrd'" . ill IHW witAlbeiiiK'',i', ts lit s 11. at thWsme lime. Umlltaiseltoli gjlgsjaa nena i arm lure, aUu U.s faruiu nr. auj eioea. ' I. ' Hi Ur Pa teraoev wlU show th P" I S1' otn wiitinj to Buy. Taaua oee-loar b rash : balsne In erpi f l.ayaienlaat one a iu two yeara' Uiii1, lJf e . Mr iMVeil endtiMdu! eotlslih iiles: titu retsi" t rt till deferred ps menu see made, Thr P"' I iMialtla proi,rly will be old for eh fl . ANN f. PATUw- JstW-ewtd . 1

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