"?'lietuliiulij FRIDAY, ASSART . IBM. , g mi..C.:UJ.'lJ B OS Ml OS fmr OB WW -'"grvj.! tZ-fc a4.llUoJI square u w. . ,.. nuwnarrMt ......,. re.l.tiUnaJ e.uare 0 weak.... IN leo ISO lis Biiusra SB a a 8.00 S.l (rkvl uuoo1 iiisr asusis. MOO .... s.oo .... 14.00 l ll a.sar threw l sonUi. r,,,rtlwlM " .......JJ0O ox im. i ; ..mluins . luo.wi AdertieBtent Inserted la Weekly and Bant- a-.aMv at rstas eorrespeaainR wua im aoovs rrt sdvarUeeatents ineerted weeks for IS J ar 110 If ehsixed , rTin X. Kuui, m Bseine Clerk. MWorl9d to mk contrarta and ftlva.re- Clly State and General Item; Raleiou Cortoir Mkrr RcporUsi fjr the aWRx1y Lynn A Jains, Cot ton Fact., Grocer, 4ft, Market Square. . niLimo, tfn. AO, igta. - i ' Markets Him . fyceipt SO balea Bade 70 t-lrt at 0 eenft jJ . A Iwrned aotiquarian hai jutt diacof- rfL after mach rwreh, thai thl QWflU bcrrj of the wihM, t tba elder tarry. PiUi. MirT, , the ftremos ebeat- playtr of any ife or country, ia now prae ticing at the bar of Naw Orloatia; where he rtaiJea. .; W rail attention of hoklera of North Carolina Railroad Qondi to the aJrertiae ment of. Oof Graham, Truatce, offering to take up thjae falling due Nv. 187t, end Tug Las-tern, published at Rock Hill, 8. C, a new weekly, baa been received an ) placed on our exchange lit. ft hi edited ly Johnston Jonea, eur former ' luwniuuan, and we wih his lantern may tie kept bright, and ever full of oil, that ill radiation may illuminate the dark land of our sifter njlarollna, as well aa her larger aiitethe Old North fltute. Onk of the " wrtuden of the Boutlt," ml of the musii-al world, Dunk Tom, will give two concert (Friday end Saturday evning) at Tucker Hull, j Ttioas who Im'ettTB t Ilia fniirtrtnlh amuuduunt cit. lata of Oeorgt. wiH gn-again; wt 1lna who have not, will, we fed confldciit, not mix the i(xrtuoity. This poor idiotii Afritan, a full blooded ctvceudaot from Arrict' benighted clime.posnaaate nc tertlia Im, in ti e convolution ot tils brain, na "Opera of Beauty 4 iini.luutcd by the hand of the Almighty ' In syllal.loa ef uinalc to tntcrUiu the world. J ' s ' I Coscoiid Wike. Mr. S. tMirkcy.urf Salem send us a bottle of hia best wiue, aigood M wa ever fiiuieulcd on the Rhine. Mr. M. I going larjety into the wins and vintage b:isliie ' He ha flfry acre of vine and fruit tree. When the pringopen he will have set outM.OOO vines of all hind anil varillw,. Four thousand tree?, foir thousand currants, limr thousand (fJoseberrii', ten thnosand biack berries, and two thousand rspb rioa. If Americans would drink wine and beer' Instead of so mochi whisky there "would be less work for Ramsay and the Banner. . " '' ; ' . .. u.; ' , Fiini tub Quewt.- Mr. 3. A. Elliott, of Oirfcird. N. I!., has published aa excel knt Uuok called ''The House.wife," with . directions for Booking, Ac- She seat a copy to the Qneea of tireat Britain ami recti veil the fallowing note of thanks : i .. WmBson Cahti.8, Sot. g7, 187t. ' Sir Thomas Biddupb ha recuived the Queen' command tu thank Mrs. Klliott tor sending her Hook, which, ller Majesty lias bi-en RRici1y pleased to accept, Mr. Elliott' Book ought to be in every household ia the Btuta.--ChariotU iHm. trat. .... i " ' -r--' o.-..:- , If our Queen oo this side ot the waters , will supply themselves with Mr.' Elliott's . book, they will ham much, and plnae,. and. ojak happy alU'tha-Xufd'a-U jw tion.". , 'r7'..'7 '. . , ,' ' - I'-.-- t -.',. , ' Artemui Ward was once on a tw Cat- iforui train, and went to the (Wdwtor i and suggested that the cow ketch waa on the wrong end of the train, for said he : " Voa wiU-never overtake a , yoa know; but if you pfrl it on the otlmreueS it might lie uneful, for there's nothing on . . tarth to hetuler a cow from walking right in and eating up the passenger I .We have publiBhed tliUbvfure,.but It so frequently might have eenrrrd about . twenty years ago-o fhe old Gaston road that we pulilwh again; for the benefit of alMheelow train. . i- 0 "6wfABiKo.-Cowt)er WMt some nes about ewearine, which it would b wtrtn while for eTery one to leem. It ehlUa any 6lood to hear the blest Ssprsey laly appealed to oa each trilling tbeata M.lnlaia lour raak, vhlimrlty dwpiaa-r. . To swear ia aet.bir brave, poilt nor is. -Io old uot swear apoa a bed ef death ; 'jctl Vpar M. ktr auy in slop your Some who would not wear by llie name ef Ood, think nothing f (wearing By George," or By lingo or aoiue thlng else; other often crv out, " Good Gnviou 1" or " Mercy on at P and the, i nese are im Dcginuing or swear ing. . They are to profane w earing what wonts are to me oak. Another old lady has taken her flirt I ' In the car, am rvmnrked when the tra n rsnrfrjhetracktou fetch, up rather tudd. a j don't ye tH ' . Old lady to her niece; "Good graciooa Hstilda, but it cold ; my teeth are act ually chattering !" Loviag niece : - Well, don't let thm cliatt.T too mrtch, or th7 -may tell where yoa bought 'inn. ' . . v ' When a man steal another man's wife it ia now called "wood bining," and he always should go where "the wood bine IIIOULU.' I ' A little Danbury girl, -allien ssaed by net mother about susfju-loiu tittle bitet ia the sides of a doicn choice apples, an' wered, "I'nbarn, mamma, they may .".'' frost bi.tcn. It was so cold last ""Hot." TbemotUitretrcaUd. ThaWrho laltor ia tb earth fere the choaeny&iplo of Ood, whose bnita he bas.-niV nu peculiar deposit au li st anttal and gvauinn virtue. JJj Prlv oajhe tardy farmer, 7 Drive iffiKM a or Us eeld ; ' . . Jrbe plvaaurrs of a t artn-r'a mt . ho mtket life ea ylt ld. U ia v - 'ef 1 Tboa rltett with the atornliwaim. T till tlm fruit ul , ' And ssm thy d Uf tie io"r I ladaes.'t Uiy -eful UlJ i Thna luveat aot tlx ir-nidy town. With iUUiwulluoua mar: Plenty and prra Uiy tresldaerow T ded, , . ajiu lav aom uiiaiora. . li -if t i kil Jiirrh, ellirdlainrrimaoa r low eomptrM ami uiee; i ' Thv are the irtraurred i of pnae. Shoe it uod a auwutjr. Oo on, Uioa stardj farmer. i naui pra if i eoa, to ty proud and goodly Utrfln-f fcoB ehoaan man of Uod. T - TBS SVeSSMS COURT Of kORTU ' ' 1 ' CAROMXA. Wedk80at, j)i. ti. . Court opened at 10 o clock, a. a). PnufUT: Chief Justice Pearaun. As sociate Justice Iteade, I tod ui ah, Dick and Boydea I . t wisiilrration or causes from the eighth judicial District waa nsurned. j State e R P, Roacmim it uU . from Kowan : called mid anrut-d. Aitonier- GotKral gbi.p for' tbe plaint iff.uti W. II. Bailey and Biarkmer McCorkla tjartha defrndaota. i i B'ate s. Martha llathewa. f nm For ay the ; called and araued. Albartev-Uva era! bbipn fo the tte,aiKi Misehead eV n a rami ! Ue dt-f'nInnt. f t j i . tlt r w. Pnltoi fmnrf Kor7the : called) and airinwt 1 A t terarr-General MV, TlHHi. J. Wilson m4 J.'latn for tli. State, and W. M. lWbb:n f. Ute de- lenilanL I E. C. Turner.' 'asvltTA. TJiiifsT fr" Bur ry ; eslled aa J ara-ued. Joaeuhi Maatsa f tb -altntlfT.,twi4 ran exiuux-I fur the uVfendant f . I f-' i . i Attorney General Shimi oreawited the preamble and resolutions adopted at a the 2Srd lt..c.).ni Jniomtive the Satoi I rioniaa rtntKg,.an(t asked 111 tb nsmeol aid mectlcgv that the naolutions be spread upon tile tacon& sb. the Supreme The reaolutiou are i-oncurird 4a bv tne ;ourw 11 1 onieretl that the resolu tions b put. oa record. The Jteportor win eater toa proceedings In an appendix to the next number of tbe Report. "" ' ' The meiaorv of Thonuw Knot: as ait aoie, nprigi.i, uiugeot aaJ virfueus weiu beror its bar, ill bo cherished by the Court." . . 1 vJW i W.IT. Uowerton. ef.o7.ss.tT. Mcl. Tats t tin., from Rowaaj ;"cal!ed and argued. William II. Baity, D. 0. rowle and Blncknier& McCorkla fog tli plaintiff, and Pbilt!im Mvrrtmdn for the Qeienuaiiia, . . ..... . .. . 4 im Cour adjourned until 10 oMock. A. M.. 1 nursiiay, wnen a)ipeuis iniui ttie ninth Judicial district will beUkea up and con aidtmit . i. i 'it I . I .. t Martha. Eil. liirl i iRilierfc! Itelchef. from EdgeVonilie, Itrported yc4crdv as jjiuigUksut having beenrexecaed tus a mia- taki'. ilif judgment has been lamrmed. J. M. VcL'orkle was reappointed Re porter for the ensuing1 year. ' " l. A. Wicker wis nMnooiuled marshal for tlie ensuing year !.(,., A uee.l was rerantly prepared by a law rra in lllimna whUh was thirty (feet hinf. It translerred two thousand pis of land in NorUiwestera Iowa, all owned l.y one ! !Hii. i ttcier only lift a Oan 1)6 aa it i aaiu ino engie ones 100 irtoii to get something by the fall The hew'ladiea tint iust iirmiilit out in Paris, ie called the ea$eruU. beiilir exsctlv of the hae of a eupier Butt-epmt.'or anmetlilng Uka..iiie helmet wn by the Knight IVniplars of old. Tb bat W not the smallest symptom of xim, aad the crown lornsinetred to the ery smn mit with alternate bond of vf!v-t and satin. A tulle uigitlU is ulacrj m r.iiil. and adda VMM nvrertiut o utj ttw Oaat. . oa) Liir. Rm.an n the Joubkky Th-lliwing ruler.rH tb ba Ur. West: were, aceaurdinKto til iiifmor- andum, thrown togetlH-r .nrnt way niaikain the journey 'of liv iKcyer ;lo mlical sacred thuif, or 6s.t rdherf ra r sat 1 lis aa such, however sbsunl. ttwy nay appear to be Never to show lurftf when the people are profesat-dly engein d in or- hip. jievet restnt a supponeil injury till you know III view aad. iuilitiw-it she anthor of it ; nor aaektewessina to retal iate. Never to judge a nerson'actianictct by external sppeorance. I'Alwsy to take the part ef aa abetnt person'' who is cen sured ia eenipaay, e for -vm- truth and propriety will allow. Never tothink the tne worse 01 anoinor cm srrosin k ust dilf.reac from Ui In political religious opinions. Never to dispute it you c m fairly avoid it. . . .. M "" HUT kECCiVEO, . BURX'S 0 AITER8. a JS IT.19Z3 T L i i A T s . ll '- i . ,p'7t" PRIJIRASB, PTtT""NStcsr)llf. - 1 r -mutt . i .-' ..if U ifaj 4, sas ithi J-AMDRITHNI BARDKN gEF-fta. f Just received a fupiitof LaiiirsUi' wsr- ranted flardea 6W. , If yon watt- ,tk hast Bd say Usdrsth't yi Jo st ' ' ' N. fc. BooEsyorsv' '-rl .. .. 7 aj Jan 4t -'t i ' a-j itA. H. tKNsa, Ag NABmritt-Ej '- " ' 1' 1 LIFE ixsiranxecoipan r, (HASJIViyj,, AVIKA0CRPTE& TBS SAPrVIHT MrntutU -nM-al Aeht for Utie gtHte of II' North Carolina fur thla excellent! Southern Coaipanv, 1 twa leave to pre. not Its claim u tha rxople of ilia State, with the avDranee mat alter a eareiui ana inarooK exanilaat)ia Into Its InanMal seearlty and smsitfUt, saWrll as Ua soeeaMf at aaanaariwni, I esa eoaftdtmi- rv recfliuisanil Its adtsuUuce andra.es to the tnuriif paMle. , . 4 - The burineaa of tbe Company, la the Stats of Tennessee sad la several tithrr 8ontWs dtatoa, has nwa lanre, and Mi rauldly Inernu my ; sicia'ly la th city of Kaaarille wtlert the home olM'K at located, Ms saipiilsrtty sod tbe extant of lis basiiws sr exceeded by so othereumifsny. ..... Tba anierrs sad aisasgers are mint of wealth and e)t-ii, and p drtt-suwa bntlucM lalcttl In iU UJ erltlscf the hb iwiv are ample ai a rumrlent, to- nrntiila airainstaH liwtiillilsor losnea. I be prtBarul oinoa of Ui fiansnj Airent l:l b loealrd at tli 1 f-ltv at kl.irh ...Iw Um eontrol f t'upt Thomas 8. Buov Wrs tary, to wbom aH retarsiaaiid eHuiiiuuitliuoe ab'iuld La aihlmed Anpileatiiinwt. teseommendi'Sl fcir Aa-ea- le bv srUna em uri-tle iuua, walunsT t aav irure In tbe Li's m,lii-ioi- rmiseM, sra rs I wtfully setK-tied. l.toerat- dNanilssluns aiiovsd. , j . ... 1 C TATE MCBPHT, WU veaert.,,, " ' - i ' LATE f ELEfiRAPIll&OTS . fi - til l ntrvma VnAUAI. 1 9. ' Kw i Tomn, Ja.f t.Ct(a VH with aalea ot T.? baira - nntant, let! I On.M I Iffeur asjehanged. Khisky active at 1)3. Wheat closed ateadier wiqTerrta wnatera 9aM, ,1'otw inae t 7UT 1 t. Hica auiat al t 1D.1I I rVMraalhes-nt ftrai fo, Annwaali Wean at fU.00. Lardtt-i. BplriUtur p ntiue 69ao l-. Rosia heavy at U.19. Tallow heavy at HI 1 1. FnKhb) lower. Money easy at SU par ewiL fUeeling sxchaijraat 8 79. oVveramenU steady. UvKitrooL, Jan. M Kvenia g C'otua e 'f.t, inland , i 1 1 , :Orleaa (V 11, , C0NGRKS81ONAL HBWB. PtSATE. liill Jut rativf of Chicago wiiierer oocupieil me aay. i " ' Mo action op to flnai adjenrnnseut. llouanv-Tlia more inn -hour waa x hauated upon the education bill without actian. W .. , t . ' a ' i -Butler presented a petition signed be 23,000 a omen fir ieoLele euffraire, eaviaa; they only Wanted a declaratory reaolutioa. at tuey cJatuwd the right nnder tb Uav Bhellttbarser, chairman of the commit tee oa Commerce, reported a reaolutioa directing that committee to acq tli re Klratr-Whether the oata mere among the acveral rttatee wae tnjurioualy atfected by any lnadeouary in Use nraaeat of land lrHnstortation, or by any eombi aittioo, or the control or Dwaerabin. there of, or by mesne of-' any exeeaalve or ia- eugitable rates of fratirht aw fiare earwed by common earners, ur by UMan ef ether bitrrlena, or reMrainla' imposed oa euca commerce tv carrier. . - U-iicd Whether the einwree with forrbu natlasia, dnd. oa t m roasts aod water of the United BUlea, of wnr port tliereoC was aespertol of any opp esshe or illegid seqairements nnder the eelor of qoanumoe, aewritt, M.otlley Inat ar cua- lorn ot any Male, , - : Tliird Whether at any port of the iJ.it n.i imMigraat on arriving thereat are sobjectei) to wrung ar drprivatiou W hied require Irfrislatiou. r t Foiu-th--Wliat legislation or other meii.nlaiteto lieveor rovive and snataln the totiaage aud foraiga oumuerca of the Doited rjUie. Tbe sotnmittee or sub-eommlttoeta have power to avad for pefMnaaad papers aaoV ' toi at such places may be convenient Th reaola Hon Uk-D was repaf tc d Uiiinidiouaty frous tba oouuuittoa was saopted. . Adjourned Wasmmtum, iaa. SV The Leolsiaaa Cnmnuttee detwrtod tavniitht, 1 Onersl Euiory telegraph ail ajuWt and parties aceut preparing for Congo a:onal tnveatigatioa. v ' . " . - Itieatatrd apoa 4b authority nt Gen. Young, or ueorfta tnst B.nahi nortoa wdl ptuth Jlciwihtil V. jofanstoa' disabil ity bill through li fnie,, , J , . wrfrl sKEVT YORK NEWS. ,. New Tone., Jan. S4 Margaret Rn ders get five-thousand dollars dmnsgc fur the toss of tier huslmnd by flic W est tlcld disaster, troindht Btaten Istand Ferry Company.. The Jary regretted iheir legal inability tni give lis,1 mora. J . ; The Ctiuntesa Von Etta has been ar ristnl foi biymny; Tbe man aha married about a mouth ago, complain that her husband, a Herman Count, still live, ' , Aj-saut, Jan M. A tiill ha been ht trnilucwt in the Legletature vacating everj director's ot&ce ou the Erie road, ' Kew 'Tore, Jan. 14. The concert aa loeu, Hitwitntaoiii tha raid en Mon day, are ia full blast ' , . A ken tene lamp exploded and burned an elderly lady and three house. Th trial of Btoke for tli murder of Fisk ba been postponed oa seoount svf sicktieaif Juflg tugraiu. ! - Bei sliipuienls to-day amount w a qiiiirterof a million. . t r Three garoter. entered a street ear aad robtied the -paMflgiFfB' Wltlmut rholcsta- tbm from tit conduct ur ur driver. r It at slatrd Uiat Baorotarr onklua of Market HavinM Bank haaOKilaohed iu tlw sum of four hundred thousand dollar. .1 Thmuai W. Whitiuoro. formerly editor nf UuivriUi astiwspapcr , IrsiMfetJn ddad, aiftd aai : ' . fniall pox ha appeared laeeveral part 4 Canada,; !; ' , ' 1 K OH KWN NE W9C ht; 'tf iiii; Jim ftd -Trimble la tirea-tnir uttweea Spain mid Jraau aver several KraiaM, : iuclmlmg alasaa, held by lbs, iMK-h steamer. - .' - - " - -"i " I CloninK of Ctibaa ports sealnst French vessels K ili CJMvitfd tiulua tli fugitive are ratumeoV-i - j.-oi f.i u hj Tb Cubans hava captured and burned Guic, killing derenrt eolttnteer and reg ulars. The, Spaniards sent lor re-iuf&rui mi nts snd rs iiccupifd the ruioi 'Ih Vubinasptiiml forty carta near Lw tutus.; Kevumt kilted oa aotb aide. Tba Cuban out i;mrK red lb Vpaniardf. Wuoai eavincnV'S i Paris, Jan. 24. It far reported that Me Taboo rsfiinV the Doniinatoa of Vles Pm.ldcnt tendered bbaj H ll. th Riant Centre,-" '4 , 3."--. i Prince Napoleon i elected) toj raeCoaav- clt of AJiMSeio.tVirVt k:rT; ; , l MMaaaV i '''' Lonoo.v' Jan. 21 A. hnrrtean tan iiitiht with a heavy rata traetrated the rof nf the house -of Par lit, damag iiig the decorations. " liitbop Exeter waa insulted while pre skling' us teas pot aiw saaetiaff. A low was the result in which the police aiea used their cluba." ' ' 1 , A m Us meeting id tuppnrt of Dilka, 1 cnlltd at 1 rafalgar- fcUinare on tbe 6th nt fVbtDnry. . , ? " t - " - ' - 1 111I1 l . 1 I CEXERAL KEWS.. - ttAti Fkahcisco, Caa Jan. !4. Wil Ham A. Johnson ef A nana Kanch, having lu--t Ms wife, beeam Imane from grief, aud shut biuisclf dead, when lie and hia wife were placed ia ttw ensue. They were iHlrietl together. s j "KAHvatnI Trlns'ian. Si General R S. EH n awrwwsly sick With pnea moiiia; liis a Ife died en vesterday, with the some diicae , , '.,..' :- MADisnx, Wis., Jan. ti. Tbe Latrislar turejins ruct their egreaeioaal delega tion to sdjiporl the postal lolejfraptvaye toin - ' J'f ... ' , Pbovidcscb, R. L, Jan. 14. Rv. Dr. t. G. Kiibinson, to elected Iteaiden! of Brown College. - - . iiAitTroiiD, Ccmn Jan. 4.-Jewll ha been renouiinated. AssAroi is, Mo., Jsa, Si--Kr. Wia toq has been' ar quitted. t " ' Coaraxinsv M( tomiko, Jan. 14. It i snowhig and the wind ia blowing n gal. Nu trains from the west for several day. The road U blocked on both (idea of Cheyenne. . . '' . - MtMPnn, T"i Jsn. 14 Scott, Mo Omb, Gfother, Plant; Walter and other railroad men are looking to th alMern tion of the Memphis nd Littin Keck Kailmad by th Pnnsytvaaia Central combiBation.t.c .-mm.-, i - V 4 Oneita, KESJan. 14 Th .legiahv ture ha Mill nu quorum. . The worst storm of the season in re ported,, ..v.,).., r , A " ,' ". 6t. Lorn, Ma., Jan. M Two eompa nica of the 6th cavalry ar ordered to Memphis. r . , r A wag test a clergyman a horse, which rn nwsy and threw him, and then clalm td credit fur "aid in ipreadjpg tb goapeL KNEW ADTEItTISEMEXTeW ill MiRRrnni x 4 ! . taiia EUh at Jamarv. IS71 la thai city, b Ba.- Xinrr Uffff Or-IK, Mr. rnosiAS Wltaa,f CkWsjro, nlies Rsesai. won nta, asasrhls ot Caerkn , Dewey, Ksat luwfc."'-iV- I;V'- . .Mo card. .. ,. T f . . tBBasnissnesBennasWBWBauiJis a .. t TATE Of BOKTH CARUUilA, ,; 1 ., , , Wane Cortj I NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVIW TO AlX ihmsiws havlna elaisaa aawlnat ths eaiate f tha lata Thasaa aVaaw to sxbiuil lbs Ssm to th aadsrsUmrd oa or bet o tb tat day ef retvnajy, , o. . laABELLi - Jaa ns-waw. ; f :f-txeutrir- t. . rpHB fiET SULK IN TBE C1TI Of -,-- . ..: 1 -'- TOIIET EOAPb, ' Jast reraived, enslUn( ot Honey. Glyee rlne, MsaMTraa, Haak, sWwa Vmaaor, Km. Anauad, Caabme-a, sVmeMt, Eaa de Ct kmcn, Eldar Flowar, OauiUiua, Patrhoalv, May Ulosama, Mask, Ivaader, Lettaa-e. Mask, reaeine. Floral, Roadslatia, Tar. Tninafwrral, HoM. Cash lea. Varb to. Manhasallow, Oa dnatiaae, (tor aba testa,) Barber' a, Whit sad MoMied Ca.Ule. . j.,:, . J. . H, CARMER, Ag't ... . . . Drungtst - JaaMiL, . . ' Balelgb, M. C. ' LOWEST riGUIU-3, - I BOW IB TUCbV'V ! 100 BETS ROCK ELM IICBa . . Toss Hah ar of all aUst, . ti an 1 !100 BET8 BEST niCKORY RIMS,. ' " "Ta ' ' ' 1 " ; - . . Tharoaghl asaseatd. i 100 EUNDLE3 HICKORY SPOKES, Waster Korth Carolina Bkkory. t - ' ; . WA800B AjrO BUQOf MATiRlAX "- ' : ' M.JS. : ' " t. i)t every ehierlptloa at Hardware Haass' ofT", t v4 , JBUCE LBWU C0 f ' ' t- 1- w r ! t taaintf. Baktwh. N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. aooob BtrrrLT of crrii lb atuik. taa H-MV' W. n UU. IO 'WftlL. - 1 J a. !. IrrilT areana ana n.i. 1 Jaa. at , .. . , W. tl. JON sal at CO. I Ml BALE. . rw taViwinJ rlrspTnes,well nmml U'lua frMM. m above )ratice. 1010, a: Jts M if. f w. a. unaa at uj ILTEE WARnV Jnat raestved fros tne ntaanfarton U Vsw Tork silver Tea and Dill Knives. 1 stoears Tea niwieas... ,.r ... Ivorv kandl knives. v Ivorv kandl Knlyea. v. , . tlehlvla, Caas, tWka. . w . JB. JOB Ed at 10. taaS-at . , ..j. m . im 'I1 "1 - BT A BLUB M EST 0whVHC ' ' i Haan'JtAmAU-BAa:, g itasss. WM oaatara a lsraa stoesr of gnaat Maate ' c- ete., also Wdt. . EXAIB a) CO't PiANOe ' freva Balsbaora. i - - fully awrrasted five years- trrtvallrd for fArtr lose, tench, eh ffenrv aad daabHltf, " rnaa itmb r"w w ai.raw. - I . bob) agnaey bt the tlata. ' r j . .. - MJMNa A EXIT! FIAMOa ' ,;.iw- - traaa Jfew fanav j Folly .waantnatat for fee year, Banklag asaoa( ta maaers ia new 1 arm. rnea-neai ssauw tuuo. ?il BKXDBAat as BOM'B AU.1 TOBOOt . .. f.- OBOAX . .VjreaiBsw Tovk. rtarlveUlaa for asetr tone, aaalrty sad dara- OllltV. f. , i , frta tmsa tun to II TO j Waanaass tut Bm IrtokK.., ,- f, I v v ' " ' '' j HI ' J ' I PILCH' BIT. TILTOII A ccri ITABDASB ). '! ' OR0AJI8. I (row.Tswav 'BaBt 1 the laesTFreneh IbyleX frlos fit) (luu to l,0U. , . v new scaosy la the Mala, , r - On an ttprksllWaewaat Uawasd- an so i earners ana lneutaavaae. Illostratsd ealaloeuaa auil ow apoUeaUoa. Aja4fe.H': ...-..- AVTEOt I Aa Aaahaanl ismaneteat to ten nhth Taarllib kesmhea, JUferane roqulrsd i Addsei aav - W. O. OArTHfE. v JVtoiajiaf Jgnyr4 tdaf, Atssl p, , B. C. Jaa4Jbsws jyjJTE STAB JIOU8E. 1 if. m, liTimmji vim. HI ov til tesorii FLAW. Tala W aataWUbcd has )aUv a f' I Had and ra-appotntad. It h as sow s drst eiaaa inalny Keom, Oar Boom, Hiiuara sweat. Ten Pin A ley Sad aiiooang Aa'fcary. It b a arsi alaas Bona sad 1 be Ver'ent Mai theetsslTse to do Jawttaa to ail these wfee bmsv rati aa use. r ai.. - - . ... . he tb best Is to stay. atr. 7I-Laaa tutur, Use of aVaioaa, II. C., has aAra aaatrui at she Oaaliiais. - awva-nt afeLiAM rrrrrm a co. POB IALII rN A two 0 rv Boom, a roasQ , of Hie atoat Atetavbl Uxauoas aa lha eitrv. Lot 10 faart reaaaaoa BleuntVeiHAaail AMtoat ( Ua- Vatatsai) nive , . . ' Amtrv to . . . XiXf S! A.xf) . sfTI.tF K, kal KWita n tim, BaljUstivnia JwaBk knuiiungv J""M-S .!.'. BATOHTLOR B BAIB ETD ' Th is pienilld Rah- IJ ts th boat SB the world, Banaless, paliabl, Inalaataae, aeat aoteontala tud, ear aay vtunr ydaua. atodaos paila ur death. Avoid tfc vaoatad aud eeliuiv LMrauna WiaaUnt vlHnea Usat do ant puaaia, . lbs genuine of W. A. alca lore Haul)) ba bad ill yean' an tarsi ah rspaUiUoa to aBbold it lulwrn'v aa toa al mrfectUaar ly Klairk ar Bniwa. - aVtd by all Dnjni.t Avtdy at U Bond Itu B. T anaw-dlaki 3.,.tj,..,S!-!fcv...-.,' rJ. , j '-.: P re s e s a ' C.e a s l e r e - e-Tilst ON1.I AUt:E,'. . It miTrnrta inettte aad dlKestlon, and r onrlvated fa- Ita flavor. - J i We sre diractrd r V-twra. t.FA' . PtB KINS to pnrni4 at) psrUe aisbme; or rent " tag eount'rM's. - JMIW BlTNCASPe EONS. Airfi, .. UK UdataUlaa. . Bew lock; PAVrMAUHrAGE HAPPT RFLIKF Fob TOfJWt Mltil troat Uie aaorta of Errors sad AIukw la early lifo. Maaboud realomd Si. rom dataiilV earait lmadiaiaa to Marr am Svaaovad. Bew m-tiiud t treatment. N -w and raaiar kable remvdiiis. eoka asd ClfWars seat Im. la aliilf d-iii i i Addiwa, UOWAKU AMuCUTlOS, No. aoaUi Mutb at., failsdelpliia, ra, tanai R A D W A V'S It E A I) V , It ELI E f . 4 vrr the Vtrt Pnlni . 1 1 f rni ( tw tiii itit. . 1 . ' 'MOT0Sa UOtR j ' ' atler readlni; this sdvrrilasnaiut need aay aae nl trKR WI I H PAlt. RADWAV'S kKAIIV kkLlfcr- it .', CLR1 , fus, aiVBRi PAIS. . It wss tba (rat and it ' TBI BbT PALS BfMBDT Uiat inalaUy 'sbps tha most essrisriatiai 1 si IMS, alliya lnlaioatit4i,-aMid cure Cuaiaja aVuua, li. ilii-r ul tba brings, ttUwnrh, Hiuxl. glands Or onxsos by oa IB TROM OKI TQ TWISTT BISCTES, so aiastar hee vtoteat wrf sxereeisilaa; ths pals n KHkUHAI JO, Hed-nddtai. Itillna, CiiiniiVd. JiaiviMia.-ArmraiitK, or tiriStratu vim Ul UDWm BEAST IEIIEF WILL ArFOrtDixsiTANf EBE-? INFlAMMAI tot I f Tilt KIDNF-TS IBFLAMUATiUNurTHK HLADIikK. . lNKLA'dMAllOS OF TlilChtlWk'JL C0NitTloN or Tlllt LU Ntia. . . BOH t. TH K 1AT, Hi FFK I LT ttEATINU. FALPI1 Al K'M OF 1'HK UKAkT. . UV.TkLlli U j.lfitl'W I ,1 UkJ 'rilS-DV catakkh, infLi'k.za! i 1 UKaDACUK, TOOT rtACR. 1 . . , HEIRAI.UIA, kllEUMATltlM. i OOU CHILLS, Al K HILLS. i Tbe aialleailiB ot tba Rbai Hsajbv to ass aartor parU wlwre the paia or dilttiniMy axial will afford eats aad comfort. ) Twaulv droua la hulf a tamhler of watel wUt an a lew aaoowataeai Craniue, Hnaat dour attuniach, iitartoura. k-k Headache, IH. arrfaai, D aeoury, U.lk, Wind ia sbs Bowels, and all internal rains. t Travalers abouM alwar earrv a bottle of Raowav'b Kaanr Hauar witti them. A few drooa la water will umvaut ateksaaa or paint r-ims eoanKa at wauir. 11 ia aiiur taa nateb BraiHIV or nuiors aa a suwwiant. . .; FEVEH AND AOCE. FEVER AHD AUl' K. cured lor I ftv erat. Thar Is nut s nuitillal aiomt latlot world that, wil. eur Fever Slid Atu, and all ether Mala rious BlliHia, learlct, fyidioid. Yellow, and Uuw Favare (Bkb-d by KAtiWAVa H1LI.H) so quick aa KADWAi'b BKAUt BKaJEF. Fifty esuts par boUle. ; Health ! Beauty ! truoyo ASb ivkk kitH blood-is- VHKAXM Ur rLK.IU AM) mtUUT VlJtAM SklS ASU tWAl TltUL VitM rLMXlvH At't.A IV AIL, SB. BAO WAITS sAEsmRiLLiAi eesoltent : H.4 MADE Tlllt MOST AST0NHilH0 vv lots, m iftrivK, go niritt a km TUK VllASafA lilt BOlifVHUKH- uokh, 11. sunn rim isi-ingsvK vt THIS THVLY WUXDMJttli, MUM- cms, THAT . . . 1 ... , Bierf Oaf ti lirmie 1b rlrik tl' v':iVtj(.iuittiiijrtJt' ''ir' TUB GREAT BLOOD PCaiFTEft AVarv fr,y of th BABsAFARILLtAN BE noLVENT euwaisuh-aUai thnnu,'k tlie Blood, Sweat, Vrlaa, aad olUar 1 aids aad Juii-ca ul the syaleia (At mfur t lijt, tut R repairs tlw WsakS) Of tue ooiiy wna. bus bo aouna aaa- Au ayaaiwa, iwaanaKM, utana loaaua. tTrara aa A (Arm, AMA, T AialM is U Vn4i4uir aarfeaIAa ulna n AWa,' olrwsiaraaw iliafcinb Jmm (iu AVraj asd A seraf I form ay UUead, y ttt-Ol WiaaMS, AVkciMiimi, Awn-. r.Wiw. aaUttail, Kma Hons, ebft Mlmm-trfmp"', Anr- A", Wvrm is IA r-ua. saaare t aswre is fs Wutvb, mod mil aaalrmistf mad s.rW sWAar gn, AipM ateaafa. lorn jf lrpmrm mU swito K thm IV srtrv, mrt tlM IA esKaliiw wo ; jAis awaasv ' AudVs t'AMVr, tmi Jtw ion feM mitt promt U saw JWS " noW ef IKrujonm f iHnuum Um yitUti sm. tesaiMaVaja, N .... '.'1 BJPBEF A BI ADDER COMPLAi.NTS. Crinary, and Wouth (tianasM, Gravel nialwta. Ilruoay. bulf of W aler, lnrv. B leuu uf trine, Brlxl't Dlaeaa AitiumiauiM, and all esse wi ere Ibers sr briek-duat deiueiia, ar the watei Is UiUS, ekwdy.-mlsad soli sub aUacerttrtUa while of aa ckE. Uirta.lt lika.wbite aila, or tbera at a nwriad, dara, Ul. Uou aupearauue,, and .. wbr twos duet de pualta, aud wbta tbore Is a prti-kinK burns ssnaatiua whea pualua; water, aad pale t Utt ajiatll at Mai Maul and nl -isl t'-r I ' , X-Dr; ZAdwaJ7f8 , f;:- rerfeet. VurgatlTB i'llt. ! Perfectly taetohas, ewtmntiy eonted with esrewl uuu punra, fxulats, purify, cbauae, aod sWatiMia. Badway's PUT, for the evrewi all disurd.es of to Btoaast, Liver, Bowela. Bldneys, hleddar, Xervoue iHsnaaea, Hwd setae, ConstipaUim, CoaUveaeea, lauuni(tiia, Dvit!Bia, hiluiaauuia, Bitiona Fever, tuda siilLa o( the Buwala, File and aU llerani(s TTrT. -m .l . 1-. ..1 vi tl munUJ aa Bieuia 01 im. -. . SdeH a poaiUva cure. taiely Vajfirtable, talDlug so awwvwij, 1 w. -Ajsjra. ; .......... ...... .. larotaer Ul f-I' ing yiptom re .uluuir fr.ua ulaurderaof lue UUt.Mi.l 'r,n OuatliaiiWs, Inward rdna, r ulliwM ot the Blood in tb Head, - Aeblily of tlx Ptww eli, RuiMra, tlaartbnra, IM-iruat. ot rood, t a I waa or Wohihltn the Cuasai-b, Sour l.ni. t auua. Btakloa or riaiuma at Uie Pit of Uu g. 1. awimminif of the tlead, Harrtee and Lhtttra't BnaUilng. t'ldtieriinr at the Heait, or BuJ.a'noir svaraiiona lh la a LyHMt Fostora, ijbsm of Vielna, 1)U or Itsba bofors Uie eigbi, i avvr and IMill r is tka Atead, l-HiiU lcuiy of i'ersi'i'sUon, Yettow. . . a . .. d l . .. i'i . 1- Hi. grig ui ' oi-.m " , 1 . , Cheat, Lhnli. aod aadosa FBan ot itoat, Bainuajto toeFwan. A tew doses of BADWAT'BTIUJ wID jfm ij w mmi i axw order. FrbxT xo eenia pw Bon. noLDBf HKAU "t AWE AVtl WE" letter stamp to KADWaT CO., no. at atasdeB Uav Kaw York. Intorasatton warth atooaanda will be arot yoe. ; y , tosaateodAwly 1 in 1 i 1 1 1 1 F OB SAL El a a n..u .1 a mfMrsa. with kllebeu. out hoaaea, alaoiae, aad aa aAro., to Uie .iii.oa nt llili.ii..r,.'. 'I nia tow a la wail kaowa far Bacuod health ahd ebeau living , t. C t;AtEKOi. January atdot f- XTOBTU CAROLINA R AILitOADOOMf A- KOTJC TO JBptDERd OF j KOBTOA0I Out of the efferta ef tlie alnhisr fnnd la nt enda, I Arill tab af wvrtcaicenad of tola eompan from Uia I ta, ull u. laat of Jaaua rr, at par at principal aad accrued internal, to the extant of il,il, uf Ul boad falling due s Uia lit of Novembar, le.'A. and MU ouu nf iboaafallliiadaeonUielst of Wirvewiiier I ba liooda lo a dsiln red to Dae nor eancells loa sr anooaitnd ia lb sum haUonal rank, Ka- lriv-h. N. C W. A tHAHAM, tliilaboro, Pvt. 4ft, l7l. TruMm, Aa. da. - jsa U-vdts - j ' n f GR0S Mstvhe. aeclVU ' W.p.lIB05ACC. JEliX. A! royKTRT' rROPERTTj Botwnt aao , .,. ..... .riTinraJanl So KUlldrrV HEAL ESTATE . ':zz. " TaYchftiigo. runsa Rstsien Raw sat Babe. Buv. 8eIL Bveit aat Bsahaaae Hot is. Lot. PiTiTioaa. aad luaoa of all ds acrlplUios, (iw aa, Boaua, aad Rallresd shares buuiiht snd awn. 1 '( Unit Hfgeditrl aed loirf rntBrrl tt ..,j,:...,.iva Il4 lrtrii(. , Real Estate ' Anc , tioneerstEorvcy- ; ora asd . Ad ' : : i n jadters. j : - Mrn awd of rily ead evenly pveferty aad land UM uai Is oaa lots. - ' ' H at, Na easnx awte Tor Veutli'f rtty Ho aa, tMaree, H.waia, A, or IW sdvaetss sa. or ttw VAsktnr Mafa, ar for aBrrayiiic. - A KfiMar ta krpt at the ame of Haaa. l-ola, asd raiaaa fur aala aad to tat, free to e ; . , .a Spfit-alatlwf ' - lrwerty ' rtneaal la mmr Un4a for Sad. fin BtJILUIMO LOTS tOK BALE. U1TROM HARTISI ARB DAT1R BTt.. Ksatera Ward ' Lola aa seat aHaa. I vastsia wars 1 d Lot oa Newbars Avasa. I ' a W ard.) Id Lotas fdanti akrat laaafaw ward IU Lauis Mk strut. I Rait WB Ward. a Lota an Fsy'AsvuTe ewaet, eonto ot the raiiroaa, - . - . . IIoass ttwdl LU fMr Sol, a Hoaaa, taw-etary, ( maaa (half ear tot) ea tiaeaa, too etorv. lae lawasa, aaebrf ta eon atnaA aad Be bam A vanea, itot half aana) - i.oua ' v Hub, twa story, ve re est, aa Beat stroat, (lot haf SM-Ai,uu. - - Moaa. aae atury, fun sin BIS, a Bast at, (lot half aarer eslMA . v-4 Huum, ess atory. twa ream, aa Naw beta Aveaue, (lot ,aartrr of sa acrar-diou. Hoaea, easMMorf , twa raoata, ea Fere an oV, saar 1 wbarrss atraat, (tot auartar sf ea aere) -UU., . r- -: - t ) M.Maa faralihed. to tot, wither wttheat boa 4. eataer at Blued arthi aud jBurgan aifwta. .'...''-i. "'i. I 1 Ruasss Mltahl lev afacas to M. earner Man Is asd eatiabary atraeta, ea Uoek fnxa r.aa. Olea. . m ... ' d Kea stores with I rjosas ever eaek to let, an W itmlnfUNi sweat. . 1 Building lot ea BllUboro' (treat, saoat aaairaule la tha city, (one half sere ) 1 Hut dine lot. adtoiainar Mra. syiasa' ral- aaars, sa Edeatoa alrwV-l,UuU. 1 as naiUiu Lots, (k sate aaea.) rraat ao toj . . .. - -' l HulllialotO(sara) kooaled oa Morraa at -i... , .. , - 1 saw twotorr busaa, 1 room asd acres hn'eMtt - ' t - ' I MeWona-etory hoaaa, trooaM Mtaarat af Uuid souu, . - . 1 New natatory bosaaa. n roowas sad 1-f acre of land Amu. . 1 Twa atory bouse, 10 roenat. I I (are m. oa Bloant uufv,oaO. . Udalrstile boas aad lot, aouae eoatalnlnjc T rooms, klichea, ataukekouss, dt. tot los f. et froet. oa Blouut ebtatt. opuueh Bspttst Bwwe ' , ' i t't -.' A twa-itorv Houso, IWinMU or tne moat dmUnble loealiona In VIm elty. Lot ttw ft et f nml oa Hlount street and lid feat oa Davis atroet Prtve W.soo, laatA-d:--' - ' T 11E BEST PERIODIC Aid OF Till the anAt ENGLISH QD A RT KB LIE i. ao r "' BUfkwoofi 'Jluilirfh kifiilit,2 nvraiaTannr f , TBE LEON ASD SCOTT FURLUUIIBfl CO., 10 FotVia Street, BawTerk, f At sWmi Mies' IA straw eAa sWyWa. The Bdinbrth Bevlw, ' 1 i - n . TH Lornlon ija.nany ksvmw, ' - : Tb aVaaWalsatar Ravww, The Biitlab Qoarterly ReatoW, Fublurited Qasrtoriy Jaay, April, J ily, Uat., ' asn - Bfaatweed' Jfdiatarft Jfayailsa. ( facabuu of the or'mlneL)' PaMlahed TKBaTi or uuntirTi of : Fur aay aae Ralaw, .......... I 4 M aeraa. ' tat IL.il. i,....... ft Ml - " rorasyUira aVnrhiwa, ........ toot) ' for all four KVrtewa ; IX U " For Hlaeswuod' Mrfaatna...., 4UU ;-W For Bisikwund asd 1 Hevlsw... tu) - rurblarkaeolsad IKc-vlewa,; tiltKI rurBlaokaeodand f Rovlew.. II ml FurBlaekwuudaadla4itlswa 1 UU -- F.aUaic. twoeanUa aaailMr-. to he nrepsld by (ba quarter at tbe oMr of ili4lviy, . A eHeeoeet of tweatv sureeat Will ba allow- ed to elu'a of four ur iaor p -raMU Tbsa ; fifareoiifeeof Blaekwtad r of owe Review HI l-s sni to ear m.Urmm far I1 ! four ort,-a uf Uu four IUlsa aud hl.eud lav AH and mm WW. r - - I To eisia uf tea ur assw. hi ad llttoa to th iH.ro dixit a eo .y vratia will be el.uw.d to n tst'ia up r to tlub. j "FiRntRii. New ub rib. lor to t 'Wlany hav ilhoiM hir.s. tbe nuniiwrs i r Uie Uat ua hto1 tst'to fistb uiMtlelae tbay may lUiierriti t r. ' ' 1 ." i . Or, la k-ad uf tb above, na etheariben to Stwo, these, or loa 01 k a v uvrludt k way ke-- aa pr ad. ui, ia hf tl i ' Yi fiewa fui S3l; as wcillaua ta all Kv Biaj Uava twuul 1 be ' soar battowe lor 1011. - As bar u nvuin 4 to aaiwurr-aw. nor dls .uu' toclabacaub. allowed aaia-athasuaaee laialiUaluliullu tha uubbaliw. SM Haiua iaeirtvifa to tnt -; ; 1 o sm ar. inliims, It wtl) ba naessH-y to Mkeearivtlii'aili,a Uta toek vailb f.tr 'bat ourpo la Ittnitrd. 1 Clr. ulan with furUtwr tntormt ton navy te badl ua-mtk alios. ' Tub tHKMABB nrorv rna 111 , ito rliium. treat, w lark. thb liosako ;oi t rubLiaai.su cu TBS FA RX&K'S QUIDR T gwtewtifte nnd I'l actifai AgrltMra, Ri II. nr ar'sra a, f ,tienburb, and thel itrd r. Hottroa. noiuaixrui BvianuB A. rWultiiroln Vl I-iIIoks. Xw Bavao Two roll B wi-t oetarw. tiWU pa sad auwi! saawB jr lua. fries ; 1 by mail, post p'd, , ! .. ri.v. v-.: 1 las in-u ' r Jr-OEt ROBIll HOESIIIN W sosaa band lad sae. ' Uuao ah kioda. a sal aseolved at HARDWARE HQC88 I JCLICS LEVTI3 CO. tola 1 j WA.VTTD. LOOK HERE, ' tnH laid smnlornMBtf irmlakad every siaa willing to wora ia ata bwb iwitBwr a..wl. ino War noraosa wasted). FrotasvO WAinerewiA Esehiee II for tomrlea and vf tleulars. ttal rapid. JOB Eh stklfltii rita-burKh, Fa. au( t tf .1 '"X' F OK BEMT. ..Snl. Dwelling hoesa, I reonuL newly naintol t aad repalree Appiy to i , -: R HOBO. anz3K F OR RSHT. I n . and bit Is Raatera Ward, four rooms klu-hea aad wall of good water la tb yard. Apply to .. '.!..,tfirTIB-j: JaalBt. . . Court Hocae. r Mr rrtHtl T.AlMiRnT SCFPLT OF MUMO. JL exnd for any plena Of Htttl or Muatc Rook to . M. oox "r. , JAB. M. IlfinB. Agent orU-tl toteiX. -pkttB BArtOBB UbirUXf, tl W hare leesivea) a supply et i-il ft vntHH-it i.t v, f RJttlll An EJELl ABLE A It MM- T. ... j I it aa nt ti r f im BOifBT- BUidT, If . ! iSjwM.Awi-at, r. t Al, kle JLi .-.-. i :l il A A : itv.tA ttY ASA aiiDKX Mil 9ALH, Ji 1X4 .wtrn: VI t-irtr-. .-:' CORCldB lUBTd TO FAbfclld -, . aad ot hers, on tha s t-' t Uhf (Viisadies iIffWaW4 aad athtf naafnl kslanaalUia aa gasdeatng. ar te..a m ..,.j " Cat! aad ewteW a ospy. i- svJr...tf ,u,i'i 1 1 V. - i:. i ... . . , f . .1 mi ' FEdOCD, LkE Co.. ytnlln . - liaaiixlsla 1ST otici: ' . J V " Any Parana eanrtit aallliiv; lnjanr willnu su:ea m the Forest Paner Mida. will he asreatod sad ausiahi-d to tba full eihul of tb law." - - -i a at. F. jrttw Ratwajsi, Jsa. W, ldU JJtREB TO BOOR AOiNTd. jj We wilt amid handaraja Fraspeat u of our Vns AfsUntfaf tostf Wok, soslalninir ovtr fa nerlrdura 1QalraUoae to any Bonk Aa-eat. free of rharc. - Addraaa Kmual Pub tiMmg (V, Fbthv, Fa. Atlaato, tea., or Bt boala, Mo. -' - TTISTORT OF TUB GREAT FIRES IN EA CnWo and Uia WaaL by Rev. K. J isidaiiass. II. Dl. of t hk-siro. Only eouplete iatorv. 7u0 Kvik tUl aninvinil TO,- nut already aold. . i'riee It 5.1. VI 0 aaento Bwde Is A davA Frodl go tot anaTuwjw Aa-aala wasted. 1 H n uiniif7raar at t;.. f rara Row, new xernv ryiUB AMERICAN FAKHER, Pbllhed t Bainmora, Md by , SAL BANDS' 4 0 if. ; January enmbst I new est, ind will a ssnt tetevery flan tar,- Fanner and Oardner who a ill sand hie address sad a Slsuip. It tt live, p svUeal paper, aeedrd by tvery coun try tamllvl Ihiuaeripiloa UU I Taw?., to aluea, a f 1, with vary liberal premtuats 1 t B BIOUS A BltOTBER'B CATAlOOtr or- now tn asd rsaBTAbi.KsKcni, Aad Buatnier Flowriinc Balhs, tor! liTd, sow ready, aoaleUeT af svar UW pairsa, aa rose Untod paper, with upward of toil aepsral euta, aad U mrmmtitfitl tWurrd Vlutml Cover, a beautlfut deeiifn, la aulor. ths rlebeat Catalocua ever puhliahed. fend A eeat for keopy, aot tme halt tbe vain sf Uie colored plate. In Ui jtrwl amar, aaaeautlne to ant leaa tbaa II, tha price of Cataioifua, U.V., will ba mfaaded ia ata-aa, Bew euetomer placed oa lb aia footing wllk old. f res to aid taaoaners. Qtialily of Breda, Blf naeketa, nrices aad preiniuoj ottered, siaha It to the advanlaa-a uf all to purchase aerdaKd' aa Be vataKarae im extraarainsry utesi-emenis. Yoa will atlas It It yoa do aot see eur Cata lortt before vrderlsg aeeda. f Ruber ef ear tw Cbtomos f 1871, da IIiM-mb a lower plat ef Rulboaa Plaata, eMataUnf af Uilea, At -th otbrt of Annual, Btaaalal aad Fareaatal Flaata, guaranteed tlw '.Most atwta rutoai caaoaos vav sstaed la this country, A su)ierb psrlor emamsnti aullad, post psIJ, on nuevlid of ll laata; siao nea. ou copuiuous spec-inau IM Addrv-a f ntiiiKia A RKtrriir.K. ( JbtoWi M 184S I Rocbeater, Skw York, J aU ITA BLR BUhlNtBd .. Will ba'tfvea'oo W two 'neriae, of elllier aa. la Halbiob aad sdhilnloif lowss, tit wbUh they stay tesllae front a.4) to l,mw s year, wllbluHlilUeiutorrarrnMWltkordinan oscsaiUoa, Is ai ling Hot fttHOLU AK1T t uas of mi uirril sua snireraai aae. it uie wk.dr Uia Is davotod, a siaeb wraiv asss may to raalia-d. .tlrealsrA.faa,. ' irhriiif eoaaulet Uat of Brocks sad eoessitaalous alkwi-d. r..r v. . :;- T . I'lUI I 1 1 Jlubokra, B. J. Rl '' j raiahed Rvpenaei i AW, Alfred, it. MOBTRt Home fsraiahei paid - tt. B MU A A 4JBNT1I WABIEDI - I As-aota suae more siouer at won for as I was at an I ' ui f eia. ouaiueaa uitut ass uer- aiaaeut. raru' tuars ires. rnnao vw., In Arf IVtivWv Fortland, Maiu. ' la v-w - j r . JtvBOOIAOESTVABTErJl , The sahtwlbsrs will stake verv llherat tana with a timers! A a out. ' who wifi orsanisss eorua ot fab Arm la, iu ranvaaa I he blate ot nsita troiias ior s popular u or 0 S B. K. L E , . . i T kdiiff TtAaii: 1'' Dedl atoi, bjr ''narnussWntn lira Law. If iraeee aft kle work ks to show sot onty Masatuaae is puidie lila, but aaperla'ly to SuaiaaUK rbaravter and oilratl virtue a. It wi arittea la U house of Mra Lee, and of soaiwa with anew to the private papers of the n ajliymWLia :taapu, ao ivrMy xuowuaa p.. Sulbiifoftouthem BiMiks, tba pmitts 01 wlib b wars devoted, e lbuae or this will be. to aottuiera paui tuc an4baritab! puqHiaea. "-ia .MMeray4,Mwiorl4v hut -dlt-wlt f ' ' . "XT" ALU ABLE BEalDENCB FOB RALE Ths Owllluir Hoaae and Lot known aa tbe ft ma a PaoraaTV, on taa Waaler tin ot ttw ritv of nairia-a, la irqnt et Bt. nary a ann ea titHabero' atiseL VTh lot con labia tbont two acres. T tie bouse la tents sn.l .umsM-lioaa, aad well and su'ietaiiiiaily built, euutaining lares rooms, closets. " cbiss 1 eloaata. Ae Tbvrs ar anMrtonaat. a servant s bout of rsosas, kilcsaw, asauke-koaaa. pstabiaa. A., sad there Is s very good wsU of j Water as th srswiisas.- . - M I . Aerasa aaesaimoaaonE, sou poy leaaioa R!TO iT-fi1 BATTLE, Jn., , , . ... i j Attorney. Bahrici, B. C Juv iS, 4873.- 7A-rtf ...--,.i. HARDWARE, CUTLIRT h 'I - . . 1 . - r ann . BOUSE Fl'RNISHrXO OOOD8 1 0 every known, dcetriptlim, It 1 . HARDWARE II0C3B , or I 1 JULIUS LEWIS i CO. ysnUbf 'CTTTZESS' SATIOJTAi BAKKJ! -pOB BIST . " eorwrr rsoas Oa at tae bast otfioaa at th city. ClTItESir BATIOVAL BAXlt, ' " -t iRaiyhih, M.C JaalxWlme i jrBATBE. I ' I't) S11 Superior Harness Leather, . T " Ipper do.,. for sale by , - W.C. ITK0SACUCo. Greonaboro'r.Iomcy riar'uct i iCTIBQ BATES OFB.tJiB nA E3, Au. WfLBoB A IIOBE.t,B-ABK F.KS AMI BxcaASsa haossas eVx TW Kl bruarv, tiitasM'H'iuo', M C. 7 Bantrsr BT. 0..... eniWrRAt..? V t ane rt-ir. t-i haiti4u..a. j,. '4t,r vvaiiinlMiru', IV ilaii:if(on.i n . hoxtiotw" ...'. " Tboniav!l!e.. J. .... . raliaai..t... .......' M iXlliirlnii....,.. ' rayaie.ilJe ..?..V..r.'.? steetbaiiwi.' bViiksf N1m4u . .1 1 1 m to 10 - A 4 tt I rmT. linn ! Oir.iljiiy . Hltirra' aiil J'tantern' Wniik":. Cunuat rrlal Vwtk af WilmiuifUm irinnia baiiW NoUa average about... suius isvuits . beura ia . B. V. R. B-'Buk-E..' i- ;;! :t-v.t?v V. buy and sell at JiImih! '-r!. .. I,. 1'd d Silver, fiortk troilna 6"nl-,TirrtV.l S'.at aasaiasn all oilier .UMuavia-'iir dii Li Ontora f.w Hank SuU r bv djf J u a and m. k. boittarayf uauVsaUl alii reitlve iruiuit at. tenUoo. ... ' , slarna tuvVet pttifa,.n( ji,, Uit e., will be ma.te tin tba d reetdved. 'i" ebr' on New Tort or Battienore, or a r reui V, a diKired. " ' '" ' a . . Life and flm Immranea - t't.lieiu Isened la iroou t, iimpante. t teai intra t I mar 10-dur ' . 1 . Am WFElN'St'llAKCK, &c. a I. Yy. -1 INSURANCE CO a OF THE. ' . ', ' nim mm or artrica. .3 1 WAtnasavas. D. C .... ": -a. .. .. AQKXCT AT RAtSTQB, X. 0. CaaSII Capital. $l.tG0 009. i fh'eied by Bfarlat in r foacrsst, Aearand 1 1 . mi aaas. .as4 Braroi OmcE, rwnAf)ELrmA, Where tha bu alone ot tha Company Is trans setsd, and to which all gunsral eutrespoudtui.' absaidbacddraaiwd. - t - -. v"icsaa.-j,s CunnBrnB. CtARB,VhnatrIiiita, Prealdeut JaV Coots, Chairman 1 manee amt ' ' ' Exeenthe' Contaalttr,' HaioiV D. Coos. Warhtrrfm, . ,. B. A. Boixtus. PhHodri, hia, I ) Vlt Tita t. Knaason W. Paitr, FliiUdriphls, fte,wtry ' " ' "4 - ' and Acluurv. Itmw M. Bi'Ttm, Pbllada, I . , , . . . ' ... I. T. Baowa, Waahlwtou, f Mt Dotretork B. M. Mawroar, Suiwlnteodeat of Ae-eneles, FnAlK)ia4L BMiXavBU.,. Mwlltal liireebir. , J. Ewisa Mams, M. D.,AuL MailnalDiraetur. Wiu.us R, CUANtiiaa. Wtsliiuetou and Osoaus UAauiaa, f liiladcliAia, ouikitom aad Attomeya. CaahCaiatAl sad Aecumlatlont,ABe. 1, toTU, I,ntl7,178.Ki. . Keeehits from rrrminms for the Tear idln Aug. L, 1H7U, el,loa ftT. Cask Keeelut from interest and other Bwur a lit! ri.s n Total OMh aaesaia.' larsad- Tiar t., moba.8u. - , ' ti umber of Polidea Issued Is the twa aaa af to Company auiatenc, U,'r&. aABonntoi tuauraaca, ii,i(i,TiB. Th exwaordlnarllv rsold nroirrma nt turn Coetuasy attosta tba asllniaboa is which k la held by the iiubUe, aud Uie lanre aiiiouul u( Bew bueimiet trsnaaeted Is the beat evUieuee uf populaiity of its prJnciih s, and iu aul.i.l iity to meet the reulreiueota rl Aaaurars. Taa Katiobai Lira lti!cB CoMi'sirr-- , ..ra a CAsa.CtnTti.or Ifeooo.omt. Its rates of premlbina sr aa low a Is eon- ateat with eutir aafcty, Jlsilbui la entlrdv free from suv eomt ll.-s- Uout of antra, lutereal. V.. or bti-ortamllot -snd'dlaapiiuliitiuttnts of dtvuu-iuU, Ac. its eouliai U sre ili:buii, k-f, awl Impoul hi to ba uiUunderHluoil, or miKri-tirttariited. : IU Polk iea aonbtla all ef Ui peooiMe mi.lu oy uie tiin;iiy, ana are eii'eiiluiKiT itiwraj. All to advantrifea and llflvibea sbk-hr fn bwifisly granted tu tlie ineunsd, at pi' h by " Toaireutauf uitvuiity, abo are deaimua of w.1 I .1 .1 nra ai'Mit V 1 Mil 1 ji , wauiuUiur the bualui-aa of 1.1 fu luauranre boob lioueat and curm lrlnrl'li'a, tha Cum paay I pu t era 1 to utter aa lil.cnil itnlui emoiile as ean t auunled by Its low ratoa. Apnurauons lor aurrm-tt-a or ior poiK-u any luiMiatolbeCottuanvat It Brauvh Olhc la Pluiaueliilua, .r to r, IV I'ESf r, Jr., A Ubhrral AUBNV, : .. deeno-tf . lulviKh, N. ll. rjj0 THE PLANTERS - '?, r NO RTH CAROLINA. Buaosnuied by Hie fresv success which hsi tllandad UtaaUurtauf -. B011TIIEB.S FEKTlUZISti COM PAB T, ef Bli'bmnm, Vs., to prodore fertillrers fur Uie uae of the tannine; romtnttnlty In Virginia, tne t onipany ai-airra t tnaioi na wora uy tha PlsnU-ra fti-iiially of North Caroliua, by tits able of siiitiit.g whstever, on tbiir crojs Uis cominE priinm. - Col Wiu. (tllttsin, fotnianv years Frnfmsnr iitCheteUlry, and latterly of Apr! altitre, Iu tlieVlrylni Mililsry rnMltnte, has rhifKeof It tnthreala, stid at) v e work It oilt-r la maite under hia pefaonal aufervUioa. TbrCiiutpany manufartures the foiuiwois- SHicles for Srtug use m Auriu tsrojina . f . , 0J1.HAM S TOBACCO FEElllJZEK, ,. ' -OTLlIAM S COTTON FERTILIZER, ' aawsimtwiemmiifE ThnTohtreo Ferti)ler, In portion of Vir ginia, eperia.!y in tbo bih'bt tobacco reenia, Ea. diniU ed elmoet averyilung rlw, ami it u tarifely utl In the ranee of roi ntiea In Worth L'arobns bnrdeiliip on Hie Vnpiioa line. TbeCottua rertiilsr baa bf la ue mr lb but three years in tlie Soutiiern lilrt'i, aid with mot laitfrir! wa ta. llwaa B'n rrally hitrwlured Into l!'cni ortb t an Uii tai.t biwrnir, ana ma n rur'. n- aa ,nii.iiiij$ a uioae m eivcu tiom :iirib- r touth. Cot. ullham, sueouu tlie &iod retul A ill loliat-eo and . t ar: ic for the mat a fair uUl of his work la cumin rrrtton. has prepur'it a WT.l.t ff rwp, ai. l 1 uegiveeltlnaeou.il 1 k. a Mass a. C W. OUA.NDI A SONS, COTVoB Factoks, Kojtrout, Tiksikia, will III ell enler for say of .the. ahov sTticfrs saaina irooa aaateru iwm vaionna. 11 estlons froea Uia rxat o( tha biaui 1U aisda to lurel agenu or the eouipauy. its jaa l-il ., All hidtWed to th Inn of Geo. T. Strs'ntrb, sre reouenlcd to eoiue forward and selth't Onra, except wnr.re rp?tiM cgiitimo sad thua havinfc claims aguint tbe tlrm are reu.ui-i.led to present tliem. Hie ititita cue inuat be paid at one or they will be tumid etoreouaclion, BTRONaC,., Jn I tl " ' per WoBB)ut, 1 kbasiksb. W.W.Joirn, ' - AnamrrsAn Joasa. 4 JJOXtS V JOCS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTOR N IT B AT LAW, - T . i- RALEIGH, i. a PRACTICE In the Son-em Court of tb Bute, tha Cir- i.it lor.rt of the I imwt Blatrti. and the several Court ot tlie f.'tt .lu.ti rial Oistrirt. eonioA-ii'tr Uiecooiitiee ui W ke (' JolinsUin, Frsnkbo. hai-b, Hatrvn, Oranviiio, linn- iu raystvuvuls buit, nvar Ull Cuar Boua. t. '. rl"7 -' - iA

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