--7 -1 - (TVESPAT, JANCARY 80, I8TS. IdTwiiMinaii kill l bMrtc4-UthtAiLf tokwaflvMtivMlrfatlOafaM na,r lack. ftnlHWT OOB Mine. 91M x .each anbssiBeat kawrllna : . .ha. WMkl ... . . . OM aquae OB Wee ... .ui-;..,f.. a ..Lllllflel anuar OH W (MNL. . . S 00 tn eonare tWO I...... .. - "V Each additional quart Iwa week;... (ne Kieare owe month ....... gjwh ediUUoual aqusr am moots,. One auuaee K aoUiy'.,;.i. "... ' Jtaeh additional " (neauuar tit roe wodUie . Been eddtUeaeJ three" ......... Ihmnirtereolwoi " (M halt eolama " OaaeolamB .. a.00 'AOS wou too 14.(10 0U tu.ou loo.au . a vrtlenlnrted ki Weakly Snd Weekly It rate corresponding wit the above Cmirt eJvartlaciaenU Inserted I txU (or 88 dor flu If charged. r-Tawx N. Basai. BaHnam Clerk, li uthorlaad to make contracts udglv re- MipU. Ac.. Abe. - " - ' ' , fity, Stkte and Getters! Items fur the Bbktoibi. by Lynn Adatna, Cot ton Factor, Urorer, ore., narxet equal. JIaijikiii, Jan. M, 1S71 Market annl nripta S0"bl; tejea 80-tosIf, at SO h B 1 ftuwiiiiiH-f?o! MAKyr.-UFportl daily by Win. H. Oliver, Corn and Coia MiwUiit, Newborn, H. C. -' ' ' January 80, 1878. - Market dull, receipt moderate J J'ri J ccnli pwbaaheU) 54 pounds. Freight to GoliUboro' In lot -of 800 bushel I cenl per lu-lie4, Wuted, ofiic. o gootl auopolilutaVAt tblt Tin largest bale of cotton brought to the Raleigh market this mm wat par- chased by B. F. Cheatham 4 Bro., weigh ing .24 pounds, parked bj M. lool, of Wakecuunty. i ... f ' . Ka. ; .!! Psbiit, of lutkr couty, J,) pnKluad from one wra of (tie poorest pine Und luat year, manured but ali: 300 gallon of good lyrnp and' a but of tiKr. Tbia would liar MtUd at uudentc price $180. Tuxfriendaot W. V. Clifu.n, late f tlma1iic)tniftJtr fh arket, will Bud li titi at John Suggi' old atand, next door to A. friitell, Eaq., on Wilniingloa atrsat Mr. t1iftorrwuld"'tii glad to arc all of bia olJ fiicmU and ciutomera. - .Tiikkk will br a . oitiug'of Ilirwm lAHe No. 40, at Jfasnnie Iiall.thia Tuea lay evcuing at 1 'clock, for tba purpos T conremiig the Jfaatcra Degree, trail ieut Bro. invited. I a , t'oKHWTain,prJlis penalty under tlx a-ijim pomcii uj i-jjiaisLuni lor an iug Jeer giuat it prmrnioaa,vpublihed lu yenterdiiy'a iiue, ii IK) instead of fire, m enuueiiualy printed. Tbe correction baabecn made in' our weekly and amnl weekly iiauea.' v. - " - To HaMcuairra. W iorita the atteo lion of uierchanU to' the aJvertlaement of Btudwull Br.Hhora, otMufacturera ;od jobbt'N of fbtota and Shoe fur tb aouthern trad., 17 Mnrray atreet,' X. Y. Tbia If one of the muet reliable firrai in that city and i rep resented by oar friead Capt. J Moe, formerly of Baliabory, N. C, a gantlemaa whoaa reprewntatlou wilt be , relied uon by all who know him. a Bee tdrertiaetuent To tuom CoHTKMri.ATiao Lira la aomARCf.-rFof eenomny and tecurity in aure in the Connecticut Mutual Life.1 Iu vitioof expenaaa to Income la very low oalf 18.35 to every 4100 receired. It la undoubtedly the strongest loatitu-r-tiua of Ihe kind in America with ita ac cumulated asaeta of over thirty three atilliua dollars- It has $1.87 aatsu, a . canity invested, for every $1.00 of liabiti-- Use. Thii company ia conductad ciclu irely in the intereataof its policy bolder, i-lia invaataMsite w prndentrf ind profita bly, made; ita ezpenaeav-of management are limiud with rigid economy; and ita huge eurpiue t wholly tba prnperty of Ita where, and h annually returned to tltenVin dividenda. . , . ' : "ee advertlanment In another column. . Narw Oai.aijia. Th war between the faction ia Iuiaiana for a apace now fails, the committee of congressional inqni- totraell into this ridiculous muaa sbuut nothing save the many Ciavea and i Mm resulting from dbthanssi asaWrs nd eolbctqra, belted by the C.JS, Jar- hl and his deputies. The Atlsnta Bun : V f The Democrats look cooiplacently opon thla miarrable squabble tar fteslsge, and d likeslnging'l ' ' JvTbere were once tws'eati It Kilkenny, tkonifht then was one est too Banyr1 v e tuey qiurreh4 ad t.""! po Tkej teralebed and Ibey bit. Till, eierpUnx tbetr aailt, Asd Um tips of their tails, "tee u tap catstkers wan t any.". f Bisaop McOrus PcccaaaoiL Cpoo L'Ja22 Mwug,ia,tha 1 hens seems te be a general misunder standing a, to how the suceessrr of Bie- , hop McGill will be chosen. In countrvs niler eanoa law (among which tbe Unl JL."q Stales ia -not) every bishopric eosn prises a certain number of canons (ree), ho together aonatituta "the chapter." - a the deaih of a bishos. if he hss ant sppointcd an administratorNoff bis diocese sppointcd an administratorN Wl'J. chpteT meets : Tba sains chapter not rope reeVcdidates fir i a and ippoia aooiinatea to lie " whom thsx Vnpe appoints one, almost vanablf th a t.. . . Jilsce, -.- .lo thiseonntry tb bishopsNof the imv Tl'f Trf"nn the aaote service. The hPiof this province have nominated 2' G'1-bous, Victor Apostelie ot flertk Carolina, administrator, and it B bishnp, Wui aomiaattf the three "tothaPopi. tbia connection ws may also at a! a r tbe appuinraient of Rev. Fafber ineMiiley,of I'etenburg, as Vicar rr ofthe Dioeeee. died with tbe 4 . ; TnvacDAT, Jan. tS. roort sneniJ ft 10 o'clock, a. ai. PaasuiTi Chief Justice- Pesrsosv, As aoriate Justices Resde, Rodataa, Dkk and Boydea. W. B. Uaastoa at si vs. & JfcD. TU C aLt iroca Rowan. Argument tem mtnrycd aa iVestenlsy, was caieluded. UUKkaier Sb JfcCorkle W. If fcr1ey and 1. t. Fowle Pit th platntiSa, tnty l'lilltijn ft Jrerrhnoa and David Coleman . fur tb defendants. Causes from the Hluth Judicial IMstiict were takea ap ia regular order and dia- poet of as follows ;r at; & E; jfcOanell S ,3. ,V. Caldwell at. ml, from ifeckleaburg.t Called sad continued for trial of issues. W. H. Bsilsv for tba alaiatlff. snd J. 11. Wilson forth jfefeortaota. ' Stenliouss t oCulcy vs. Sueed, 4 Smith, from" Jfcrilenbur!'. Called and left orien." J. W Wilson Sir the plaintiffs, and Vance anitDowd for tbe defendants. O. W. Williamson at si, vs. C, J. Fox, irota JCcckleuuarg; UuuMsesiuf aakaatcaae. K. Dumnger for.rlie plaint iffn, and J. II. Wilson and Vance 4 Dowd for the de fend an t. Ifary LaeUle vs. W. W. Hart, from ifecklenburg. Called and set for hearing to morrow (Friday.) J. H. Wilson 6 the plsiotid, and Vance A Dowd end W. U. Builey fir the defendant. Kezzia Jollev va, Jkferid Jollv at of.. trrn UkwvelaniL. oCallad and sot fur hearing to.ausjitiw (Friday.)- Iliiltips 4 -VorriwoA for. iliei plainlift. and U. V. Htmng and Joseph II. Botchelor for the defendanta. Jr. Portruin. AdmY, V. J. 0. Williams W, Toe, Kutherbad, ailed slid ar gued. . W. 3C Shippr and W. It 9aiby wtue nlaiutilT M,i Wi P. It'vnuai aad 8. N. ifartin f at. tt. Win. Sloan at L from JAx kleiibuig; culled and left opea. W. P. Bynuia and Vance t, Dowd for th pialntiff, and J. F. Hoke and II. W. Uabm th defsiidarrtat Jl ff t 5 M. Uianli A Wailai AdrnVa,; North Carolina It K. (Jo., from Afck lenlHinr i cajled and 8?trTipcSTrr Matement "of theTT HrJ(, Jan. 17. JiMrantin forves- ease front tbe Juilgc below. J. II. Wilson for the plaintiffs andt R. Bawingt aad W. H Bailey tut the defendant was. rnwetx rKr hJL Tr. Lee ef al from Clraveland ; railed and armed. counsel lor tbe plfintitT; W. P. Bynum fordtfwadants. i t yJJ . i Fiiidkt, Jan. 28. Court opened at 10 o'clock, A. M. PaasaiiT; Chief' Justice Pearson. Asao- flat Juaticea Read, Rod man, Dick, and ooyaea. " U. tf. Lewis vs. State of North Carolina. from Nash. On motion judgmentrecom mentory waa ordered airninst the dofen- dant. Battle 4 Hone tor the plaintiff, and Attorney Oenetid Wiipp for the defendant. Us Jfary Lentils va. W. W. Hart, from Aferkkmburg ; cajled and argued. J. 1L Wllson,fur the ptaiutitf. and Vance Jowdaod W. U. Baliey for tbe defen dant .- , J. AT Reiser, Adui'r. va. W. A. Smith. ITOor Bdrrus ; called nod , argued. JX p.Fowte,Hi Barringerfaud WllL jUailei for the pluiatiff, and Vaaitt' 4 )oi(dtif J. H. W ilson for the defendant. C B Pubuin va-luuio Tescue. from ForayUi vContiaueil by couaent. J. if listen for plaiutitT. "aud 'I'. J. Wilson for the defendant. Thomas II. Hegrara va S.imuel Stolta. fro as Frtis. Continued bv consent. Jfastoti and T. J. Wilson for the plain tiff, and Blsckmer 4 McCorkle for the de fendant, i Bute ye. Andrew Rucker, from Jfaili- soa. 4ta-4nnta if I Atiprai-r daieml. (Urtionfri inrilered forVuiniSerint1 at' the rooonl. . - HaTORDar, Jan. 87. Court opened at 10 o'clock, A. Jf. f' Prbscmt i t:hlrf Jastlra Pear) and AssociHts Justices Kaade, liodmaa, Dick aad llojden. Lsnanlenasia of appeal from the Ninth Judicial district waa resumed. It M Cites at aL Vs. Win. O. Gray. from Jfccklenburg ; called and argued. June A Johnston ( the plaiutiifs, and Vance A miwr tne tl'-teiLtaut -- Was. JrcComlie Vs. AlierP WeUece. from Jrecktenbiirg ; called undnrUtd. J. H. Wilsoe lor tlie plaintiir and Vance 4 DowdTor"tliedeleDilnt, .. .. R. II. 4 R. W. ifcDowell. Adm'ra M. D. Asbuty at al, Ki m, from Afcckleulxir;; called and argued, . Uufus II irriagei for the plaintiffs, aud J. H. Wilson for th(ite fenuauta ' - ' .. ' ... F. A. ifcNincr) ife ea. John A. Raiu- ssr, from Jfocklenburirt allcd and. ar- ei. : Vance 4 Duwd the ptnlotitl, -aad Wi II. Bailey for the deftadHiit. .V Bsuk of Charlotte va E. It. Bjhbm at al, from M k lonbiif g; (died antUrgucuV, J. If. Wi!t m ft 11 plaintiff, aud Varna 4 Dowd tor the defendanta, - Charles Bktaner va D O. Jfiilt. from Mecklenburg ; called ' and, argued. W. P. Bynum and Jmus 4 Jubustwn fur rite plaintiff, and Uufus Barringer and Vance 4 Dowd for the defendant. J. & Linker vs. I Afsrtb.t Benton, from Caberrmv, Diminution of record ng vested and a Ctrtiornti ordered. J. II. Wilsra fnrthrtitaimt aad Rnfut Barnngrr for the ilefendsiit.il M. M. Witbera, JSx tlx, vs. T. Wrdpar row and wife at at,, from .Wecklenlirg. Called and argued. J. IV Wilsoa for b plaintiffs, and Vance 4 Dowd, W. H. Bailey and H. Vfi Ouion for tbe defen ante, ' - William Falls vs. It. K. Uamlile, from Oast. ho, clled and argued; " W; P. By aaia aad John F. Hoke for th plaintiff, ad David Scbenvk and W. U. Bailey for tbe defendant. v , Oouit adjourned uatil 10 o clock, A. Jfoaday, the 29ih ; when apponl from tie 'I'eutb Judicial District were taken a p. NEW AD VE UTISKM EN Tri. rpIACHIK WANTED. . , " ' A yonng (eaUemsa la wanted to teach a private family of ht aupua, aneaaauas t-teach tb blgbsr tagluii branches snl lbs " i - HlUlsreViton, H. C. JsaZ-w4w . ' i ...i..:-af"i- i StudwellBjotaiers, iy ltufsy 8ts-?et, II o w York,' Jfaaufaetaren mad Jobber of " B0OT8 & SHOES, ' ' .... v, -. : BOUTIIIvllN -1TIIADF, reassln'at the old stand, rhra. t leas thsa half exeue, will as enabled to ssil tbew foods ob a closer atsrglalthaa If up town. ' J. t. HOOil. Baletnun. anE0-4t - - . WTFTELEnRAPnifKES Ttuw Toil, Jen. tT.Hone Taf ?old IIMI8 Oorernaaaata closed Itrang. eutea dulL steady; Bterllnr roll S. Cothw sjoiet, ataady; aalea 1,598 bales. Flomr ancksaged. Wheat aad corn a ehade raser. Pork ataady. Lard a abade inner." M avals (rav. Ors earis quiet. Freights a ehade tmar.. , I LlVSHmoL. Jan. IT. Cottna msaaad irsn. CPlaadl8 4; Orleans It. rule i.WW. export aad spacalatioa 4,900, I WlRnixr.TiiK vrwa WaaaiBOTO. Jaa. tT. The Su o reams 'ourt of Kansas has nsoeaded thaexsv rtiqa of Dr. Jtendlecott. wX. .-. V --. The Consmissieaer of Internal Rsreaa sufuaes to comBrotuiss -with the Ksgle rrrnm iTswa nses 01 uaiumora. i Mr. Beck, ia tUs fcUssa, spoke ia oppo sitiun ta th Postal Teicirrsoh. Ha had t favor for the Western L'nion, but there iaa ao monopoly, he H-ared, aa much a Tie uoverament monopoly. . There ia aotUna? at. thai An4sultaml department to change tbe estimates af Bie cotton erou aa renorted 11 nnth j During th past lour weeks, the poet F'Tm n nn oruerea on twelve haa dreel and eigtity-eigM niass af ? Rait spad. : - ' m t - - i FOREIGN NKW3.. . rnoa BNoi.inn ' Ijti; Jnr 8t i-rvjtay ntembaf viwnsia. as sxtursastnjr hMeouatl. a ula said Europe waa pregnant nile tireatening oampliratiaoe. ( n -Hwiasiaiig taa Amoaaaa claims, ISJway u ui diniaawtti eemsaitod bw thai II.I..I St.. , . , J vwiu oiw wwum-iwaiiersear -- and any blunder of tba Enirlisa Oovan esrt-uiigbt produce dieasasHMul at home. A special sr th fcmpeeor of Germaav ufgea Earl Granville ta negotiate tba treaty for soppnaaiiie: tan International, principally by rendition al political refu- Current report ti Blamarck Unrspar ijg for a aew Invasion.: ' - ' I I oa ecaa. slefrueaKevsrestlsabidished: The Hoard of - Hestth deetana that the email po ia efcldetnte. . ' . t New Yont. Jan. 87. Coahlarfii La oa the I'oughkeepsie Bank are pientUul. Tb ateanwr t narlestoa arrived hut night With twenty-four kuklnx. guarded by detachment of federal infantry. .Tbey will be takea to Albany this aioraina. tStoerat.. raw at the refura. primary esVetissia, . ' i IB. Mudgett testified that he weald net tHtlieve Porter' oath,, if Perte lesti- nea tiiai tie aad. no eoaaactioa with the unter oi vuaineas tratKIa - fliia retrenchment conimitWiilUiraed ta wedneadav.. . :i . a ?Jans iMreasadnna aad seven-eighths iuiiim.ui, apecie tsBcnaara Va u tonm- eigtitliniillion; legal tenders increased K fco-wguiHs ot a millloa ( depwits ia creasta! five eighths of a million i The Gmnd Jury presented several ml ndr indictments. The enemies of the si nged rinjf are much cbagriued. -brick Pueseroy ha been sued for twen tyve tboasaad dollars, for breach of . an pnwiiaL . GENKKAb NEWS. , Cstatia, Onto, Jan, 87, The senate Baa paased tbe Souther Railroad bill by on majority . BjU.timou, Mb.; Jan. 87 The "Hor nef' Tia am i cd from.; port Aa Prhjee. LUdtenant Arnoid, of the Ctogresa, who hi n board, having been' detailed to ae coaipany the vessel, eay ha saw no 0paa- isbj cruiseis during the yoraga, h lAitiMViixa! Kr' Jan.' 87.- -Aicais ac.. rpta the tovitatioa tti,lsit here, aad a- nvaa i uesuay. v ,f , , , -jacaaon. lgiaa:;' Jant J7. There baa ben a decided sifort by the legislature to reieal the four thousaud dollar mile rail road subsidy bill. " A bill to that effoct waa killed la the Henee last week, and ( siujilar bill indefinitely postponed la the 8ete,fi -day. ' This settl the ouontion of several road in the gtate whica were enoourafe-sd by the subsidy bill. The Middle ami Northwestern Road, under this arraMeatcatW Col. Mann, will fcsvs osmpletedr hundred miles by th first of ' A bitt passed establishing a bureau for pu pinning lusinoqtiuy orop report. . ytNittr.Dii! viatu LEACH BROS. . i- U4 . rKBn A OF RAT AND rWfVI, 4 -INVENTION,? , Marten's Mtent Bals-ila-Uaehlna for aA. tea ties' euWtly and seenrety tta elssos oa bales ol cotton, hsy and bale goods smiCslUl 1 - i LKAt.'H OROSV aeetMtf Vt rWraf K. O. 4V rS XfOBDrEUALI ACADEalT.OXrOUO I V - N.C ZAi.J- -4 Miss. K. K. Mitchell, - Principal. Mrs, K. N. Grant. Aamrtats Prinrl,l. Mri W. 11 Morrow, ! Tasebar ot Mask-. 1 k eierelais of this InstltuUoa will he re (Cined Janasry Itttk, Vft Circulars wiLh tra, Ac., oa appHrallea. frrrm .KH rrmds of tbs IsU trot. Jtiltbell, of the University of North Carolina imee so e st aw-sta 150 " " . : B 1-M;yj4 'A ( QI8TI as lMf 3 W v BTKOM ACII4 Co A QKNTS WAMTID, , v a .i "i-'t"' CojcNTTOF THI i .it TATE, , ta i 4 rjEARCE AND WILLIAIIS' sty u it br von M oaioli na, ; Daring lbs Isst few aioatae this Mao has tad isuuie Important addition aad catvaeisaas aiade to It and lbs piwpiteturakess tfvmi a paint or expense la having It tboronghlr amlned aad revised. ' i.v, Tbvv no hv the plsssei ef brtectnf H before tbs pabllc.tiellavtMgsjid-Mincaasarad tlist fiw beauty, seearaey and smiikliai, H far eaecls any Map that aa aew asaa peb Uafeed of tbs stale, ., - -. ' it Is moented oa roUars est fast, tba angrs vlags are entirely asw aad ottsa Bp bt Las very tiest style, Ulncladsssll tbaasweoaaUes, sUulmsds, snd ehsngas mad ap ta this data. It shows ,sll Ui kallnwds iaplst4 sad proK'tod in Uis Blato, rostOOlees, Coosly Bests and Roads, Mkaeaet ttoht, ller, -Cop-per, Lead, I roe and Coal. Mill -t)f j baa, Mar ble, 4e..4e. i The Moon tela ranges srs breetl telly exhibi ted, aad tba saost preniaen tt tbe (raad Black Mouutala wltk Ms tow art ng jrwaSa. hlghsr than aay saouutaia raaa la tbe Catted Stsua eaatof the kocky MoauUkaa. , , rrteaof abigl Map . . . ,. ta OS t paid to Agents - . njje A Vbaral dm ount asad to tba trade. aUrid wiluaha . I beoksiller, KalnlKhTN. 0L .. M - . r - aAM'L fbAlkx, : ,ectl7awaas Uurlotts.N.0. tJOOD SUPPLT OP CFPEIt LEATHER, btn ikVtt ' W. H JOSK8 4 CO. WHOLESALE QROCEKB 4 COUMISSfOM J 'v MERCHASta.' ' ' MARE E T SQUARE, avtLciea, . .. ' - 'DlirGS, SIEDICINTS, ScJ sUDArm BEAST BELIEF I Cairc tae V - rajaa (8friat8i((tviBtrBlattit. ?x- TONR nOUR V, , aflar rsadlar this sdvvntaeinawt seed aay -" It was tb t aad V TBI OXLT P A 1 X IIH18T Sat tastaatlr stosa tba - - - Baiaa, allays ItiAasaaUoaa. m-l (Woa, wnetbsr at lbs Lanvs. luurk R,,.i f J?" J'SSdVl $t argsus by bus aptaaUun. I-ROM OS 10 TWtJtTt MINDTBS, en nutter bow'stoteni ar evfrorUtrng the C ripped, Kanoaa, Ntarabjte, ar prcaUalsd - liDfll'l lliPT IIUEF II .f! inniinlvTi.,.. T ISfi-AMBtATklJI OP THEKIDNIT8 iJlfUIIIIATION or THJ,AlWkiL. i isua iBAliim ttr TUa IIOWE'A CONUWiTION OP T1IK UINUeV v8uRETHROATJ)IKPlt;t'LT BSKATiM PALPITATION oV TU HEART TTT CATARRH, INPLUESZa! HEADACHE. TtKtTHtf ' ' -! -- MICRAU1IA, RHEUMATISM. " vuLuciiiuji. auiib inii ta i -n Tbs sppllcatloe of lbs RaiHr VaW o. th. jn wpflTf w paia or imtuliy aatsu ill 1 navt urup la half a lawhbv n .i wua a iw nioaseaiaear Uraai,v rlpsjsiia Boar atoaaara, Haartbara. tek Uaadat W t air, It-Mtrtr, Couc, Watd uj tb UowsU, andsAttaasriialPsia. - iravusts aaaatbt alwava eamr a but" et nuui mu.ibs' wiui lliMia a ha drops m water will prtreat althaeas or uuua Croat ehang AC wsutr. It tt beUvr Ibes raura oranuveraaaawaeaa atlaiBlaat, . FIVER AND ACT E.. , . .;, PtE AH1 AOrrg. Furwd for ly enrta. Thecal sol a remedial agent I Hilt wortuthal wd.-ea rassr and Age, and all other Mala rhiaa bueua. .- aarlt v.o... -... other pavers (si! bv kantt't v. i at . a.AlI KKXIEP. Health ! Beantv ! " stkoxo d.vfl run kwh aiuor-is- t-4 vr FumaH AKB n KHJHT VIHU AA.V -4A7 BHAUTirVL VOM Pl.KXlQM mMVVMXU 1 1 Ai.1. TJtt. BADWA1T8 SAESAPAEILLIAI RESOLVENT ua.i MivM rug most ASTorrsMirn VVKBX; HO iLICK, SO Mi I'll) JKi 3 MM CHi XO tit THt hODt VHlrMh-goA-Jf VSIWH TUU lMLVasiK Ot Ittff tar at iBtrtau t Plrsk 81' Vtight it Ihi ai4 rl(. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. - ww aV of tb BARdAPARIIJ.lAM.-BK. aULVKNt aotaaiunlrate throiwh Iba Blood Baeat, UrhM, and ether tulds ssd lelees of in tyaiea Ms rysr Hf., tar Hsepair the waatnaof the body with nan aad aouad wu. tertal. IbnfyU. SyfAUU, (jamwHpUum, Uland wrs, dbwaar, iW. a (A (Arui, ifcaatAT aaaia, AMsi as Ms Chmi aad stAsr narto mfUit m AW, MrwmaruwdurA awd Ae aorat forms af Hit fnaiwt from form f Mia dtwam, K rr Sunt. Humid Head. ma I So ftAraat, Krviiptim, Aau, UaJi norm. H'sraw la A Taawi tW HiL Wmmb. and sB BaaAaaiaa' aad suwiiiJ Jia. -essrAV Masafa, Um ma aW mU aUa aw itft ivtaapSimaMM lAa awraMav rsmtv ariAl woa eays sMAsr I " W Jfodara VMtmithy, and a mu promt ta way jMraM mtitu II fir Utrmormt af atlaaaai ata uettJ snrel8asv .. ;.-i: - .... K1DDIT 4 BIJIDDER COMPLAlMTs, crwiarj.aoa mama aiaa,aravel rHabstea .10 ps-btiipiaiga -of Water; llieoi M lenea of uruia, BrljiHl Uiaaaaa. AlDarulnuila, all ease wLere tbeiw are brtek-dusl dVpoaita, the watat b) thick, cloudy, lulled wtlb aeb sb-aees Hae the white ot aa ega, nr Ihreedi iiaa.wniu silk, or there Is a morbid: dark, bil iioaa appearance, and white boueduat d. pwww, aim waco uicrv ia a pncauia; ottrntni sunsatloa when pasalna' wstar. aad ueln la tba bush or uia oaca aae aioog las trfMue. Dr. Hadwajs j rerreet rnrtatlTe rill. Perfeetly teststees, MeganUy coated with sweat gain, purge, nvtilate, purify, eleaaae. UsnrUtea. RadWaVi PUIS, tor tb earn ol all disorder of tb atoasteiiV Uver, Boweia. auiaeya, niaaaer, narvoa utaeasea. Head aeas, voastiMUaa, cosuveawaa, IndlfesUoa, Dyspnpaia, Bllioasnsss, BUions ferer, JnOa saaloa of tba Bowels, Piles Bad all Denuurs- sets ot tbs Internal. Vlaeara. Warranted u fleet poaiUi ears. Parely Vegetable, eon "imaj W9 aaarcwrj, aujwnua, or asuuariOUS uruoaarv an loiiowmg syniptoais re iluac froai Disorders of the Digestive Orirana , mi V . . 1 1 1 . , VWMSMpWHVW, .NWMW UVW, C BIIUl.W U UIV Blood la the Heed, Acidity ol the Stomach, Meases, Heartburn, ftlaenat of Pood, Pail sea or Webrbt In the blonsarb. Boar Enarl doaa, BloaW-or Pluttertng at ib Pit of the mwwvu, nwwiiBiaa vft win noun, flume and Diffloalt BreaUdag,, IThiUarwur at tlx Heart, ar aadocaung bunsaUtHi ahea In a Lrlng Posture, Diuinoss of Vision, Dots or vtsoa oaror in butol raver ana Dsn rain la the Head, bedrleoey of Pore pi ratios. Yellow, aess ot the akia aad Erea. Pain Is tba aide. Cheat, Limbs, aad iodaM Pliubw-u( Uaat, DaiBm nraw a leaa. A few doae of RADWAT'B PILLS wlU tree tb avstoss rross all lb above named die- arMr Vtio, m- wm fmt mr 60W Hi UMttHstaTav ..! - ' c KKAD"PAL8K AND TRUE " Bend Otic leUar-alamp to RADWAT A) CO , tio. ? Mauea Laoe. new lork. lalonaauoa worth Ihoasaod will be seal yen, - jnae ae-aaoaawiy ' A. LILS B. ISTABLISflMIVT Of MUSIC, Cieieaa't Maaiowal, BK, fr It Ala's. ! BALEIOH, If. C. - Will edabla a large stock ol Baerr Meaiv ate. , alao u . - "" ' - - . v Wat, t. EXABE 4 00'B PIANOS , , front Baltuaof, : Pally wanaateii Ire yeersA I'srlvalled far their toaa, loarb, el fancy aaadnrabilily Prlo lreai anus to tlUU. ( oia tgsaey la lb Bute. . .... BEHNINQ 4 ELII'A PIANOS front New Torki Pally wsrrsnted for tv Tears. Ranklnf ... a . k . iC . v, " rrtea rroia asoo ta itiuu. . , ; .a 4 Bold ageaef lathe tula . I NEEPDAM 4 SON'S SILVER TONQCE , ;, : ORUANS . froai Raw Tork. VarlvaUlad for tben- toaa, aeallty aad dam- kllliy. PrlM from t to 81,l , i 1 Bole en-ney for tbs Stele. PELOtBt-T, PELTOU A CO'( ST 1NDARD ; ? 4 - ORGANS, ' "' . ' '. ::t from New lark. A- BotH la tba tnest fiewt style.' Price true flu la tl .sou. Bade agency ia las Stat. On ill tkss arlrea a lllwil dlaooaot U award ad to Teacher, and luatltoliona. Illaetratsd esisloraes Wat aa a! pOaetta,. , . Jaa lavtf. ' . ..... 1ST OTICE. On Pstordav. 2nd day of March, I1T1 1 sksU sell at tt; Ccitirt Bosae door; ia enilitlfiaid, l,?0ueereao lead beloeirlng to O L IinOd, Jr.. aoajn-k Iherenfsa to soitls the Ui due for tbs year 11)71 and rr. I'te land sdjalnlug J. J. taiiaar awl J"bd M Vt tlsin. .. .. SIMON oor.wix, TuxCfloKit'Jr. Jan. tt-dJWtwtf, ' V HrEaAL KOTICKS IBATCHITLOSI HAXB DTS i This splendid Hair rye le the neat lathe orbt UaraUss,i(labKbutaaUuieosa.aot ataaaaaaa baad. aae an HaHe notaaa.' as laaa, aa aesetysBi osaa and dabMlva reallnM bnaanar vwtaae Ibey wweaeessaaa. laaceaa Taa reason of W. A. Batch kra Haw Dva has bad an sears' awueetobrd repwtauoa a aphoa Its Id terrify a Uw only perfeetHalr Dye black or Bmwa. BwM by Jl fbi.. A . I . IM O I mt WW twi mir iiicL,.,., Freaeaaeed v Ceel.r . "THE ONLTODn.ArCK.' -t ft 'I Tl ai-1-1 III and dliiaallna and ahHvak-d tor iLa IUv, . - ... , l, j We ar directed by Ueaara. LR 4 I'KB nine to pniace nig aj -n'Hti mafrirat is aM lax eouaU-rM'a. I JulIK DL'NCAS'BOMI,Arf ang UiMuiftaw New tork. ON" 1MAKRIAGE. i HA PPT KP.LIP.P P08-T4WNA Mir.il frtwa tiie edeela ad Ersars aad Abasia la early Hfe. Manhood wurd Nerruas deMKi fared lniai diiarnu la MarriaK rvnoved. Mew aieUiiid 4 treatstsas. New snd remar kable reavxttaav Uuoks aad CtrouWrs eet free, ta aoalrd re,iwa , ' lAddreu, IIUWAKU AMbDCI AT10N, Mo. 8 aoaia aiaia aa., ranaoeipBas, re. aes si am MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH HARDEN SEEDS, Wft W kava taeelved t apr4y ef f PREiM AN'D P.ELIABLI I O A Jt D S X tsvifwn pi R f) 8 t Ti B 0 1 8 T.VJkK-.-,. i j,.-""- .. : . s ' . - " , .,..:.. , ,-.-.', V4 ' 4lfn, hi UMIAK ACS A. Vfi OARDl.f Mi CONCISE 111 NTS TO PARMERS - " t: and others, OB tbs I " -! I iXAii , Cwdmafsea leeWwVaa, , vr aal other eful Morautflue aa isritaatng. Call aad obtale a eopy. , PE3CCD. LEE A Co.. : Drmtgiata, aS3ia N OTICK. There war 188 be a eallad aieellas a Oatm Ldae No 8. K of P.. oa Malunlaa at I I 'ckiek P M , at Maaoiuc Lodire. . Supreme Chancellor Reld will nrealdeaad roafer the third Degres. All swiuUrasr ra 4iwsled to be 'preseiit, ., (, ,J,. ny wn 0 w. C JsaJtT lt V. BALLARD. XTOTie A.t I Any pemrm ra.ti;lit wiling Honor wltlda thriPetof tbs Porett Paper Mills, will ha srraaled and punished to the full extent of th !s. ' WM. P. A'KEW.. Raleb-h, Jan. IS, lTdtf ANTED I SBBsSeat (a teaot th Intrllak kraaclM, fcalarawea malred.. Addrsae bw- amliiili. , . .1 W.-O. aAlTllER, - . 1, Pl-wWjel tf Hirlford dnxkaoy, I . . llaavroBT, N. C Jsb (d-dlt-awS - a , , .. . I' .'NAflliVjLLK LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN V, 1 - .-. .. , t -I 'NASHVILLE, TKNN.) I ' I. TTAVlNO ACCEPTED TUB APPOINT- IA sseot of Urswral Aauat for tbeaSaaaaf North Carollaa tor thla eaevueat BoaUera Company, I beg leave to pro eat Ra alalia to Hie pwiplo of lb aiata, wllb the awanaoe thai afU-r careful aud kburoaa-b szauuuatloa una 111 nnain-iai eucu' 11.) auu auwagta, aa Wvll M Ita saccovful mauairtnent, I can conBdrBtr ly rseouimeiid Its advantages and raies. t Hat' Inturlnv publtu. The bufloaee of the Company," br the 'tal of Teaaeaaee end ia several 01 her Boalbern auaea, nss baea lanre, aad Is rapidly bis I espscla'ly la ths elty of Naahrill tl.t pome orllca IsiocaUd, H popukwtiy and Qie extent of Ua bnilneai srs ssoteded by no other eoonwny. v The otUcers aad Bssaagersa mea of weeltb sadeapltBi, and pjaseat flrt-cla buaiuei taknt Tb aaaeta and aeruriUV of the ewe patty are ample ai.d arHclant to nuvbie aKainatallUabaltbMorkaMa. i f The principal einca ot tb Qeaore Atwat will be luealcd at tb city ef RaMirb, eadaa tb eoalrol of Capt Tboma B. ballsy, aeera-le-jr, Wt wboiw an retarat and eomatauleaUoas alioald be addressed . t v 1 .. Application tw rreeoaiuMndrd) for Aftea des by ai-Uva, eneivetlc men. wlrhlng to ear raca ia the Llf .itoarani a baalneas, srs re pefltfutly- (ollerUMt. Llbsrsl couiniual.a allowed. - I j , t ; O; TATB MURPHTi- ' Ueearel Slat Agent aa tJ-dt wit N URTH CAROLINA RAU.KOAD COM PA- .... .r.,, MORTGAGE NOTICE TO HOLDkR OP Out of IhevnVebtof iheilnkrnr firodta ml kanda, I will take ap a ortaana h-ia-'i of tlds eomay Iroaa tbe 10 k, till W e hod ut Jaaaa 2, at par of principal aad teeraed internal, to axtent of fiuwai ot Uh- bouda leilinsr die on tba Ut of Navawabas, ,lxryd faouou tlioae falllna; dae oa tbe I at of Noveailnr IS5 7. ills bond a to be detlvrrad In nie for eaneBs km ar aenoaiied in the Stat Natioaal nana,, aa tetek, N. tt ' W. A. (IKAHAaf. Hdlsbur,Dee.ae,I8TL rraasasUd. la lx-dla) . , fA QK08S MaUbee. eeeU-tf W. O. STRONArB A Co., JUST RECEIVED, ... , t I ... . i Bu RI B BOOTaV - . ntm-mi n 1 iTvtte 8 f L C BATS PRIM1UE,PETTT 4 NRVVSOM't,- aettlU J)0CERTEIVP8. 1 ' All who aa Co swpsrtor iALEEASirtH KITX art a wen pbawtd wrtn tbeal, tnat IMy yw eosuaeBd tbrsa, sod ante their irhmda eed seqnaiataacss to call at the Hardware al . ' ' ' 11 : ' 1 ,. T.1I.BRIGGS f v. - ' y . y. v vti evf on. n .. Ery style snd eBallty.' . AS uaouty (or sale, troa a lngliJill ta it pozcar. a eIVt ' 8 v 4 .v -1 ' ,. ,.LBt-l! t crrr Ar cni'sfTET property I J. i.:.,'t . ocaart aaafoin. ti f m jTingaJatiA J.Iiller'ai; HEAL ESTATE tinea RaUrida NT.at RsVg. ,"'. Buy, tell. Real sad Bidaaaar Koeaaa, um, Ptsavsvioas, aad lans of all ea sertptlona, avorna, aoaiat,nd Mailisatdsbarva aoashi and aolV ,,Viii r UtBt Srgttlab-l lit 1W PrtTtrt, it ,., SM Its Itrtgtgt., Ileal' EsUto Auc 1 tlonocrsV Eurvoy- T.7.'"adfltl4 ! tJ justors. . vr Mf esadaot rtty m4 eosmtV aronertf sad laod btld aejt bt vowa lots ' N. Ia.-i ebanr" atad f,w tenthig ttty nuwi wia , houibs, ac, or roe aurerua tou. or ft ssatlar Matte, or for aarretlaar. . A K' tee M krtd ki tha mIm al M,,iu 1 jrta. aud PaAne tor sale aad to Lea. tree la aa v. . .. .. Nat BsMlaUg ' JIr)MPiI llcvai I mmr 81na1a vt BlILUUU UITt lvB RALB. ft Lots on martin and da vim art., vr astara, sv am. i t , tti r ,ti L. a Lota aa last alma, f' eaters ward 1 f Lola oa Newbeea Aseaa I kate- VVard.) ia LMiaoa aoeaiua aunt, isaasma warn y It LuUa Hevk street. 1 Real era Ware.! SU Lola oa faianiavllaa aaews. awwlk ef tbe railroad. , - ... i, vy..,T- v Jr.: .!:; j lletMMM Mat LeXn for Stslcv II. waa. Wiunr. SroaasS fhatfnaaa uMl aa Mew bar Aveaa 4,ua, - . . - - , Houae. tw alorv. dse raem. oeaaref Par. sna atraol sod Kswbera Anita. (bat half aetet ' Itoaa, two story, 8vnna,ea Pulatnat, tioi aait ur a,i. . 1 -..j liouao. uatorv. (oar roeeaa. aa laal at dot belt acia-sUuua. . - . liouaa, oua ab ry, twa roeaae, aa new Sera Avraue, that eaararraiaa aaie IMaX r nuuae. Mar aiovy, iw 1 eiiaaa, ow rawaoai aa.. aear t abarras ia, AM , tar a( aa sea) -tJu.. .... tKooeaafaraUhatLto Ml wllb or wHbset boa d, aumar af Hloudertb and Mora-aa t Riibbbi salUul (o art into tab aoraar Mania aad baUaSim atreeia. aae Uuaa frees Puet uOiee, ....... . . ..... : . -. . I New aiorsa wlU t roesa ovas aaeh tela. on W'llaiisaibia atrasl. . I BuiMnig lot aa BUIsboro street, esoat aViiralde ia the elty, aaM asvaj - 1 Bui'diu' lot. ad total 11 Mrs. KvW Mat, deaee, aa Edeutoa itraet ttWa. " BulldlM la. tk acre aseb.) rraca B I BalkUaa-bJttldaaraB lnlSen Moraaaat tl.iaal. I aew two-alort hoaaa. I roams and t seres BWd-Sl,rJ0. .,, .,, , . I New one-etary hoaea, 8 rooess aadt ai4s (kwdiltJ, - --.. .., - ,.-t- I New eae-etor boasea. I (oobm and H aenuf lead tNOd. . I Two lory boose. 10 rooatt. 1-1 aer Wt oa Blonnt sir. t3,01J. Desirable boa a and lot hoaaa eootalnlnt; T nlim, kMcftea, emokehinissi dM,-rlot lot i-H front oa HlintlO. etrei t, oppualle VavUst Ureve-t J,0tt - A twe-atorr vtiwrae. B mom oa Or the mtwteeaireiM toesihiasia tbe en. lH .mm f at front on Hlotutt trA and JtH iaetaa uavie ttntet rrii s suo. MaatHIU rilltE BEST PERIODICALS OP THE DAT, A. i"- THBBhBAf' ". ; KS0LI8U QUARTERLIES I . '.A'. ARB "! Jk..St !:. iltfkttoa"! Ediadurgk Iigailse . 1 at raiMTau ar THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 1W Pultoa Street, Maw Tork, ! . Af ahead ewsdaerd IA aria qf rW eryaaeta Th RdHibanrr) Review, ' lu UHiaon yu.rwrry Review, Tb Wesunlnatee Review, t: ' Ths British Uuaiierlv Review. Published Quarterly-wee 'y. AprU, 4 sly, tbaV, Aaa i 'arted'i jrdSaargA Jfafasla. (A fae-anaU of the aelglaal) PsblUked atuwuiiy. . Taaua (tnacairrroa j Po snv oas Review. . 8 A00eraa. Poraa tato aVevlewe, ........... TUU " . For any three Kevlawa, 10 00 , " Par all four Reviews ........... Ill 0u...-- PorBlarkwood's Masslne... 00 Por Blackwood aad I aUnla..1. ' t un " t PorMackaoo'laad I Revbtwa.. IvvjTTT Por Hlaekwood aad 8 RevWwa.. UOd Por Black wood and tbe 4 Rwvbrwa It 00 . Poslaa, two eewtt a Beta bar, la-be peeoald by the tuarter at Uie odlre of 4, llvety.x .t .; noif, :., .-;. t A diarnnnt ef twuaty eereawt sHI be atluw- ed to elutte of four or autre eraia Tbaa: four enpieo of Blackwood tar of one Review bw tla.a tnar oplce of the foar Ma WW aad aUaekwoud tur t-IH, aud ao oa. To elaia it tea or arm. In ad 'ttloa ta the aiKtva diauount, a copy rratls wilt be eliawad to we gever up 01 uie elaa, , ?i ' PBUMt." '.T',' NVweabs lb at for th yar tflt awy have aitkoat eharua, th aumiters t.it tl Seat Quai M of 1471 o such oeritMlhtala ae thea eaav nt'ee-lb f rl.' . ., v , -, tr, Intbmd of tbaahov, new suheerltMrs to nv two, tlirea, or fr 01 th abv perlodl. eeM. aaay bee- sa pr,aili n , ot, uf-tim tout RevWwa1 tor 1BI71 1 aa''iM I art a all tvay have two of the Four Neki,.s' lor IB71. fisliber premium. 1.1 atilNMii'-eea nor dlt mat bltrwa o-aaewed nwta Uiemot)y mnHtod 'itteetui tb lbl abus. No ura- mlttBBS eau b ulvew bi etube. - - I cecn-e pn-oiiaaia, UiwlU b aereasary to make eartv appliratiou, at Um aloes svwiabM ( -bat purport ttHmltrd, .. ur etara wiui turtaar mtonaa koa easy oe j L Taa l.soais Bonrr fa Caw , . I I ' -ll ralPtwatrjrt,NewIarh, t ps .- ! - . 5 THE IRON AKOSCoiT PUoL1IN1 CO. 1 t .' AUO .V .., ' . 'ias ia a us & A .'if hid 1 To SijiopliOc and Practical Agricitlinre. By B vwav veWMa. PUB ; BdsariUMi, . ,1 tlw latra r.nM rmiiaworoi aaiuu Arrbarlarsln tab i:eilege, Nw Havea 1 wo vola Rel evtavn. vtiuii paa-e and aetoet oaa asujvsvlnga. Irk 87 ; by wail, peat pa d, ad. . at lb-It .. ; . . r -(-. .-. J0l UOEitl BOESIII wi itoxon btnd'ed bo. Bee f all kinds dast (snivel at t HARDWARE HOUSE OP 4 .u ', U-tf - JULIUS LEWIS A CO WANTED. LOOEVERR. Pmdiahl awt rdmmttaraished every bu wUlbur Bo Work aa bW own emlirbbor hood : 1 bo Uayjanaaa waatedl. Probwoeel tun err cent. Encloee 81 for eaaanta aad per Itruwre. femiiSaV ftlNKd 4 METZwAU, irtlMmrah. Fa...,.... w; .-c,.,...,i. . sag a? n ' : ..I -,, ' . OR RENT. Dwelling bo, t rooas, newly palatal sad repaired Appyio " . : ! . dr. Boaa. Ma.-- V- 7I0R RENT. fiwee end lot la Eaatera Ward, fnar rooma. kllrlrra aad Wall at goad water la law yarn. ApidV to ,;. - BUST,SU. , Jaatttt " . Court Honaa. T'iIE LAROPCt BCPPIT OP MC!0. X Bead for any r,We ut Mosle or Music Book to Alt V. MOOS MUM-. . x s'AS.U.EN'va A-t, BOfll'tf V". . . . Auuklab, W. "ii 1 1 - 1 , FREE TO' BOCiE AQliNta. 1 i -i tk r-nn pi - we war aond a handarHne Prwpeeias eCOar maatrulaa ran Utiu, aavitalab over mum uii t.Hra luupirainitM lit any 11011a Arret, free of rbarce. Addreaa Xof omoi '- . r01M Atlaula, ., or bl TTITORT iP THE REAT P1KRB IN I A UbteeawaaeViaa Siatrkir It 0.depap, l It, at t bvnrn. My eoaipieie btlory. TOO o pa ra ; tto enarsvln4. -M already avid from St.. 'at. 1,01 0 arraM aaa aa au aaja. fro:, go lo aaaVnra. ageaes wealed. - . t I . it a tHKiDrtkl' CO., U tl Park Row, New Toikl I rpHE AMERICAS lAkiaEuT irBbltabrd st Balihaore, Md ; by daaaary ewnler la B..W eat. aad will hi awat 10 every l uiuaer. rateaer ad lianlnsr wbetalllaewd hia addteea and a statap. It ia a ove, p iKiMnii naiar; ereal iy wary oa- M7 imtit 1 - Duuaerip'hia l au a year, ebabs, at l,wUa vet liberal prcwluuu 1 lu I JJRiOOd 4 BRUTIIEU't " , j -1 'aTUtHra or a va e i Ad Bummer Plowerihe; BwRatj for xfli, now y, eueaaavwiaT om over tau paaes aa net Hated paar, alia anwarda ot SuO aauami eala. and ata aaaa7J I11W M..i a beauUtal aea.ra. la Coluts. Tk Hehet vawiwaw ever puuitanea. rene w eenta ror eopy, 00 ana-hsH tb mda of lb n.k.red pauas. in Ilia ju-af order, ameuiiVna to not ew uaa i, uh i.neaol Cataatsraa, ac. will be refaadid la a. da. New euaLomera D!arad oa tbs aaiue footlug with old. Pros to old rwaam vuaiuy ar aeaoa, sua of packets. briers Snd Bremluuis 0D red. make It ta lha suvsau or an to pnrchaae aew la of ua, (See uikk mr nvraominary loduevmtaia Joe Wilt IlllM It. If Ton do But mmK uur wtrua oerora ordering eel, " Either at anr two Chronof toV'IStl; "'site vast-Mws a sower piabt of Bulboaa Plants, enoetsttne: of Ulte. Ae. tbenlkae of innl aassaati aaa rereanlal riauta, (uarauUed Uie T ; .na BLaaaaa au.asL caaaaaS ... ear leaned la tola o entry.' A eatawfe parlor araaaMnt; mailed, pott pal J, on roevlpl ol ',1 wmn biso iree, oa 'eonuiuoas speeiHed la vaianaraan aaorraa v., , w . UKIUUdA BKOl IIEtt, . (aVaMiaVd last. - Moebr.tar, Mew tork. PROPITABUt aWtUNEaa e j f l 1, tuiA- r- WUI II bshraaa e tww peeaoae, of either , ia aUbaiasl aad adjoiabtc; towes, by eat, wbbrh limy aaay rreJIae froai t-uota l.Hi a year, wtm net uiue luteTTsrenj-e wild ordlaary II 'upattoa. as aatuaa UllCBbllOLD AK l'i- OLE of rsei raerH and ualveraal ataa... It tbs whole Uatk devoted, a much lanrer sum Uiav berealbud. Cuvalae tee, frtvina; -onijUilc tba) at arthdas aad comntlasiout allowed. ..T. 8, COOK AM).,, , fi.oboken,,1f.- I '-alA'.vWS- v50tXA MOMTHt n Cl'iaSil -- Movaa ftrratahed. Erpenses L - ' M. BV BHAVr, Alfred, Ma A ESTfANTEDT''' Aircnts nil'- tnors -Wtwir at Work lor aa tbaa at ant tjil f elaa.'" Buaineid lif ht and per manent. rarlk'Ularafrae, la. BTiksoadt Co., t'vas AH fiAuAers, Pvs-tlaad, Maine. ,.-, . jaw ao-ai 'OENTLT DOE IT. wllhoat nela or Irrlta. Hna, Da. Wiuiaa'a Viaatua UrrtBHa reueve MiaeouetlpatedbuWehx at the same Uaa ao hhovouirbly aoatiMt their Inner membrane and restoring their merbanleat aetlon, Uiattt aerou sa tf lby bad bea urnanlaed oa aa Hanroved plea. let tbe result is solely da in nalora, relaturcad aad eualalaed hi tba keat Veeatabla Alterative aad Toaie that aver naaeed tbe liiacl pi swan aua eaueruu-., A PRAORANT BREATH ANTI PCtRI.V TEE ! II ar easily attained, and Uioae who tail ta avail themaorves of in . should aot com plain when ecetiecd of rroas neifleet. Ths aVMUMbaat will epaedtly radleal Uie eaaae of toul breath, beauUftltur and preaervbig the bvatt to oloVal axe. . ,ti'tt- - .MART HOUSEKEEPERS ere aot aware af (he deeaptioa practiced la the Bieaafactara ef riavonii( Ef tracu ror culinary uaa. -Many 01 thass srs del ta toua and irainra. Burnett's tttaadard K. tr ,u" are awda froes Uie taest sperlmeBs ol t ia fruits sod apices thay re pre nut, snd are perteaUy pare. :, TO MWNERS OP HORSR8 Noona a bo basaaaraasd Dr. Tobbts' lletaa VeawUaa Ua. baeat will ever be without It: It hi a eertaln aor turn Cotte.-eaira Tbroet. Cats, Itrateeaaed out otee. VVarrened SHperior to any other, la PuttbotUaeatfl 00. Bold h tbe Drac- glata. Dep t, 10 Park Place, New trk. , , PRATTB ASTRA L'OIL. Hot the Cheab art, bat Safest aad Beat Illuminating Oil lor fandly aa ever Bieda. Burns In tits ordinary lutroaene lamp. Doe aot take tre, nor ex plode a) lb lamp I apes aad broken.'. -Baud lor Circular, till Houe ol lluulce Pntt, ca asbSabed ITWj Near t ark , " klHLET'd LINIMENT Of Aralea, Uops, Csrbolle ArM, art aa. a anlveraal silenwl ear H, acting oa the aerVrs fouueclnd b lib the ekia It promptly relieves Neurshri Palat, Cleanses end eurrs oldsoreand ttlccra, teak wounds, burns, brtrisee, j(tia. Ac, Bold everywhere at 60 ecu la Morirao, d) Rlaley. , Whuleeale DragKlsls, New. fork. b tit ocrsl AgaiU. ",. ."''.' LAIRD'S BLOOM Of t UL'Tlf -.-A auwl dellahtful lotlet. prefaratloa lor beeowfjUoj tbe akla. baa bun eala bast bed over tea yeara : duifia Uut oyer etm Bullion ladies Jisve Baed It; b eve luauoute It has given eniire eaUsraetbH J I remove all Imperfections, Uaa, track, ltd sunburns, gtvlOK aba ekln y. ulhlul ap, . Boe. bold at all OnidKUU tnd fancy OW laSloree. DepottQoldtitreet, Mew lotk. ; TiUNrSTfS thr ivxxVt dijkx)viIt of Mra. V tnalow'a doothlna Syrup, tli hearts of wsay par awls hsv bean m ile clad bv wit Seaalue; the heaetcial eaTecta, wbkb tbia rem y never (alia to prod nr. arlaf (ha srtUsal period of teelhlnx. , CA RBOLfC SAI-VE-Notldtid Ilk It ever known befora. Cure cute, butua, aorea, awanda, SiC llks aiarhs Phyttouuia (peak af It le W inn of thehiclitst praise. Price Vb ran at per boa. fobs F. Henry, Bole Propria br, Celbiga Place, New fork. ,y . , 1 PHTtlCI ANS who have breeerltatd Svapats or Purified Oviam aaaaoatber form ef opium la their practice. - - ' - trRISTADOHO'S H A tH DYE. if all' hia bait were liven. (iUiclhi Suid. "m Irrt'et re mi bath etomeeh tier them li Taft' hstr Uttt rrcv or aatNly. white or red. tit Tadipt hav no ebjmarh (or at aU. Ce Cliriatadora'e try aae Uia evu Is remedied. Manufactory, aVMd,LaoeNewXorkJ,4 . TBR PURKriT Sni Bweeb-vt tod tlrev Oil I tba world la Hazard A Caawell's Blad on ths ssa liars, I real fi'a.li. aah-iibd liveta, tiy Caswell, llasard As Co., New Tork. It I. sl olotaly past and eweek ' PatWnte who have enc htkea tt prefer it to all other. Phval- rfatn kava decided tl superior ta ay atlb wwier wue m uie luaraei. . . JOPVIN'S INODOROUS KID QlWt CLEANER reetoeraaolled revreeqaal loaew. Poresle br Drei KiaU Sod f auet (itKxla "Vnl- r Prlrefart -iU per boiUe. ' P U W.lla C., Rrviarsr " )aul deod awAwly I 8 TATB Of -NORTH CAROLINA, 1 . 1 W t'ocair. J E. (X Meey. adrataMnrtor ef Elks flollemtn, liiaana, v , ,-. j -- - - . , - awebiat - Isaiah Elra and wife bj.ry Jr., J.ilm If. ym, , and wile Dty M W. i. Hollemaa tnd ; atle Martha, Brewin?tna Psroore snd wife Barak W.,dsmee Pl.illlja and wife "naanns aud W. W. liotleawa aud wits Martha. 4. By vtrtoeofa d'T.- of the Probate Court of Wake County, 1 will a- II oii TiiaiUy Uie Ibid day of Pebruary next, t U o'ejoek St., al the Conrl Bonne door In the1 city of K.l. tU, ta the bltiest bidder tor.eaah, a certain Uatt oe parcel of Im ,T itiruaie In Wake county, on the water of Clal.nor Bium-h on the weet elite ef the Biitcr ro,i iiwdjn d-iu K..J, n li to Peyettevllle, c,,ntiiiimc t a. ten mom or less, bams the tract of lend bere.t'tore conveyed by A M. VVIJiiauis to klira Holleinah. Bald ,,lt belnf fur thf purpose of makjiig real eetate seeeuy. "' .r i . E- O. M ACT, Adm'r I ' Of EUa H,..in,.Q. duc'A .. Gtn . Bwaw. ... . . PlalaUB'iAfty, ,s " alnv , . .. , , V., I ANDUKTH'S OARDEN SEEDS. Ud 1 t m nr.-,.,..-. - fust received' sappty ef Ltadreth' wsr- ranted Garden Seed. If yon want .the best Seed hoy Landrsth'i Garden Seed at - , ,.. .. j .. ; 1 N. C. Booktob, lA8tt JA9.B.I"KI38,.Ag't, , ' ' ' -JLrCELLAN E0 US. CreetB!i pro? KTcney Pit rllot 1 I -ev " BUTINO RAIES OP BASK NoTEjJ, Aa . yfTttKVX A iHOIlkR, BAN" Eft! A Kit - ucaoa vavsaaa, b-n-r K 1 8TT,f - 1 I Bank pf jf. (?...wf.w ....--., ,vw . .. ,'.t" fifP. Peas; , , .i . Ckarltitle. ...... Wsddioro y..'...; a.,..,.a:';vi;;::;:;".v;. irke . . . 1 ... 4 . .t. L. - ravettlll 7 I I St tteechanf U.V'J, u', rsntitra' Ksnk of u.,.i... - Mlasrs'ao) nsntsw' tiat..L"'if',i'" -tit' CtiesaverHnl benk . V lln,bwf , 'J.-v Jl . : WnrlnislUr hwtes Svetaare rtntj:;.. 4 8hJLrollna " . , r, ... Oconrta W-rf.;'.. , wt, ".. -i.Ji H o. a. Ba..-..'...v. '';;' BWa bua.' sd eH at lil-vl-rrirv. , Bflyer, Nurtli tSarolina lfoadv United 811, a a Mere for tbvek K.u'b. 'a ... .1. hWerso, Bankaal triit retry. frui,,t v. tattis for express pact sees of ..o e. , a ul ba toad ut i, ,i.B ... , , jLito aad A ba. Iwaranra PolUttea, laaw la" god t"jiuiiila,lbct rale. IV-OUi" NATIOsML UM NBURANGEC6:; aaTASUT llr-.UL " -to -- 1 rzr i I f "" " -ar - j .. ,.4j.,:i. ... . . . 1 j fXT:.1.: I nirvtrBt laikU ja.aa I.. WAaDIKOTOt!, D. C. !, $1,000 000,.. 1 IwartarMl by aa-tal Art af rvaayivas, Ateearad I . . -iy lath, 'laws,, ,t . u . f Bbancb Orru a, Fafiiujruii, "; Where the baalnesa of the Cnmnanv hi bene, i acted, aud to which aU general correspondence m Au.anaflLia 1. t.t.!. I ... I OPPICERS CLAaaaca U. (June. PhUa.leli,,lL Pl.l ' a Coosa, Chairman Pinauce and Px.cuUve Committee. MT 0. Coosa, Waahkuitou. I E. . Rntj.taa.Phlhulcli.hra, t "-rrtri . EnbUtnt W. Pwrr, niuauelidila, Becrctafy Joia M. Boat:. Phltada I . J. T. Ha, twa tfuhlnt.,.. ash. ocereiariea. It. M. Naweiiitii. aiiiM.riotM.M.i A.i.u' " lAacisti, Bsttva, M.U., MiuHesI liiraebw. Ewtaa Ms. as. M. IX.Aaet Mnlh-al iilrador. VfltxilM -JL Cuiini i. W ,1,1, ,,.1.,. ...1 . OaOaoa lUaoiao, PtuladdJiia, Hollcitore aud- Cash CMbrt a4 Aeeumlatlons. Atur. 1. ltr?(l . Usab Receipta frna Premlnnu for the Tear idln Au L. IH7U, ol,lM 'i7. , , Caah Kw-eipla from tutoreat aud other Bour. I'l ltd) 'tU Toul Caab Income. "Second Pta-al T. Tiaiiaa.u - . .'. Nuuitier of Pollcle laated In the two year ef bite CaniatBy'kitenr, 11,97a, -,,,,) , suaouaa ot tiisursnca, as,iiao,iiw, Tae evtraordlnarllr vai.I.l nrnenaaa of lha Compear aueata lite aatlmalloa ia which It h bawd by the public, snd Hi buye amount of aew boslneae transacted I lb beetovldruf lf ... . an popularity of iu principle, and IU adapt ability to aioot Uie reuulreoienhi of Assurers. NATionsi Lira Ibsubabcs Com-Ani j a Ctaa CipiTit or II.ooo.lxx). . , , j IA rates of tiramLuma am aa tnar aa la ana. ehtleol wllb eullra ntfety. . . . -, t I W plan le entirely free froa any aontpllca- f t tiw u( aotca, taileretL Ac, or unrertauitle and dtMppolniracnt of dlvKlenda. Ac. f Jat eouiracu era dctnltoj clear, tnd hrrpoejir--- Bie to be nit.itnden.lnod, or niiareprewiHcd. -: it rojicie contain an or uie prtttnt.es msir'' -l by d.p t'i,in.uny, and are excedlti(;ljf liberal. ''"" Alt the advantaifra and prli,lT,'l anh Ii can V baasfely itrtinted to the insured, srejrlven by tana (trirvedly jHtpular and stronr; Conipenv. ' e Te atfenla ol inti-icrity, who are drsiroaa of tnuaweung Iba banineas o( I lls liwurune ..- apai boncat and correi-t prinelplea, tb Cotn paiiSMtirrrarat to otter aaUtteralluduceiaeuta '. ? aa caa eaoroed by iuauwnttea. - Appuosuon lor sjcencic r tor poiu-b winy . be aiwte to Uie Cowiisuy al It Branch Otiiua , 1. 1A.II..I..I..I... ..I iwwwiqa, iw w p.ir.tKSCUl, Jr., ) (aaasaat Auaav, dtelt-tf liaklKh, N. 0. dTlCE. Indrbtrd to tbetrra of Geo. T. Blronach. are requested to eom lorwaid and settle st one, except where speclul contracts exiitr, and; Ujofb having rlalm. againat the Unu ma" reqeeaua to pieteni lurm. llic dents due muet he petit et one or they will he turntd ovc (or eolksrUon. - - , I 1 j. ( (- . O. T, BTRdJf ACH, Janttf 1 per woateLS, laaui'itia. Wni W. Joans, . . ,. . , iaautsUo Jons. :ti..'':."oi"Ei:.A - ATTOBMETtt AT LAW - - ;;.J.,Ai-EiGB,K.a , twA PRACTICK ta the Snnreme Court of tbe but, the Circuit tWt of Uie I'utted Slate, and th veral Court "of the Oth Judl tiki Iibttrict, eonipriebie: tb eoualie of Wake Joha.ton, Prank iin, Ka.b, Warrea, UrasviUa, baitfas and Northantptoe. , - .: title on Pavelteviik Blraet. near he Court Hons. . . ...i- A,,,., 5, , "VTALUABLE BESIDENCB FOR BALE I Taa Dwellint; Ilouaeand Lot knowaa th Blast PaopaaTV, on the weatern line of the ' elty a( Ra1ehrh,'ta front ot 8t. Mtry's sud on Hilleboro' etreet. Tlw lot eeatalnt ilw.nl two acre. Th bona ta Urtu and uumniooinuis snd well sad stib.Uutlally built, containing r'even rooms, eliwla, ehhi elosda. As. Tbere ar epfturtenant, a ct-vaBt'lHui.eof 4 . rooras, kitchen,, aasoka-house, .table! dre.,' Bad there la a very good well ot water ou tt' peetaiaea. , - t Teruis sceommodvtlnr', snd poesesaton given at eqce. api'iy w - . . ateqet Rule Av. a. haitlk, Ja , . 1 Altoriii-v. lelirk.N.C.Jsa.lS, tSTA-lf , ' 4- TTARDWARE,, CUTLEKX II0USE FURNlHUIsa GOOUtJ of every known description, at 1 HARDWARE HOUSE - ' I Jsn It tf Jl'Lira LEAVI3 4 CO.- CITUESS' NATIONAL BANK. OR REST ,.. ,.. .. Front comer room over (itir.ni N iiimial B.ua. One ot the best outer in tbe ei'j. i Apply at i ' , ClIiZENU' NATIONtl. PINK, I f KsltjU, H. C. Jania-dlm jEAiuEa. 1 j- nd t .i"er1fr rfarnett Lead: Vt t j imrdit., for aa'. by d.s ta li W. C. BTHOivU A Co. I ' ' ' sot- n,,-"'- I