JOSIAB TCWEE, Jr., Editor. , JOH SrEHU. iMBtisti 4 tool Editor AM ACT TO CHANGE THE TIMBFOR ''HoLuIIU TUB SUPERIOR COUKTSOF Sao. 1. Tb Grtteril' AmiembTy of North r . An mnlu-t : That ftT III lilt df l j.....r 18111. tiie Superior CodrU for tbe nt ALinanro. hull be held OB th oiid Monday before the 1st Mob bty of Uirrk ud rJenlnuilier or seen year. . a.,, a Thml ill oroccaa. Twnrnlfnil othr legsl pruce I"" ln civil end criminal ' HWM WHIM HtfwJ ras mj i.....fif Mi iMiwd and bid Wnl)l to ....i.. IHTI of Mid court, aba.ll bt deem A hM returnable to tha term of Mid eoart a no itl by till act ; and all persons K.ia hawn meoirnliutd or bonnd or sum mooed to ppear at th J Spring Term of aid i. eoart fur the yaw 1WJ, are hereby repaired to appear at tbe Ww thereof prccrlbed In thie am;, ana ui ouonaij vicw wn mum tbla act to be published, and furnish the ' Sheriff and Uie Clerk, of tbe Su;rior Umrt of Alamance euBty Ith a copy. . Tlitailuiwnd part of law la .rMlantwtth tlita act ar berebv repealed Sou. 4. Thli act ehall b enforced Irom and after it ratlBMttoB. ' , la General Aembly read three time and ratified tbe th day of Uewrqinr A. ikti. . i .....r--. ' TT 4. JARVIS, . ..-BraAiBB or tb Hpi'ia, E. J. WAI KEN, . , Uli tafO ,W. , STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, orrici Sbohbtabt or Utatb, ..AaMo .U In", I nENRT J. MENNINGEB, Scrretary of Stata, berebv eurtifr. Urit the foregoing la a true copy oi tiie original " en me in inn ot tea. . H.J MKNSINGKK, SetHtari Htntt. RICHMOND 4 DANVILLE RAIL ROAD COMI'ANY, NORTH CAROUVA DIVISION. , ' ., ( ,,, TIMt TABLBRA 1.K10H OOLDBOBW SPECIAL P A&iENO EK. TRA t TO BE FU N TILL rUBTHXR N0T1CK, r Ih eOMt afleTfnif. IdlB, 1871.' "r " ' Loare RaleU;h , T.08 p. m 7 T : ' tu H 2S " : a " 849 - boo (. at " JUaeva Ae 'UT. Arrlra at Ulaytoa ....... . . LerJIvl ........ Arrive at WUeoa'e. HilU. . ' Leave Wllaon't Mill Arrive at Seliaa.. ......... Leave eoliva Arrive at Boon Hill........ Leave i II Ul - Arrlra at Huldaboro' witaT. Leave Goldbor'.. ,.... Arrive at Boon Hill........ Leave bVKHi HM......t.... Arrive at x-lm........ ... JLeeve aelma....... Arrive at Vk Uaun'a Mill.. .. ' Leave Wllaoa'e Mill , Arrive at CiayUm.. ........ Leave (Jlavlua. ........... -Leave Auburn. ,.r IU5.m. ......... H al ...11 ft ... H .Mp m. I'AII " ., , W.Hfl BUT 1 Ml " , J.Uft ......7..1M " W. II. tiHRKH. Arrive at Kakigh.. AiHirornl j. MtiT TmneiiorUthm. T. at. K. TiLOOTT, Hug. A aujerlutebdeut hot wi-M " . ... THE INTEREST ;OM THE CITY DEBT will be pa'd on praeeatatiua of eanpona, at aaaia national Daua. J. P. PRAIRIE, City Treeenrer. Jaa lldlw North Carolina Lund Company, ESTABLISHED FOB THK - Tranaport arton and IxxMtion KoATBBjur aid Xcawravur Bmua . KORTU CAHOLINaI omci -' TDt'KIB HALL, RALEIGH. H. a . rpilia Company hu beea In anccraafnl o a muua nir neeny iwo Teera, ana win yi tins to Lama, or Ram reel wtati , ot m vBi iiinyra uiirm, aiiu li tuvUMKi U1U amen traru are mtire ealrable. All Btroonehivuu? LanilRto Mil wilt Slid to tbeir Intereat to call at our ofMce, or eor- nvmyima wiui aa, aa oar lauuiue lor aeiuny a n awutwma- every oay. . Tna lipa or laMioaaTtnw wia anav aa Md we aall upon all North Carolinian to aid He in promoiiue; uil nt mterprtM, and Bel) to bund nponr waste plaia. i in rreaidsnt and uinwtom of theeonpany ara well known j tnl poremia entruiitlnjr boat nvia uimr nanne, nave Uie rt wurani tliat tilCV will ha fMirtv ni,n.l.ri W have no ixmneeiton with any othor land uwuv ih i-oinpeny prurnamn to ao nuainnar in Nit aiattt lint are orirreuiiar onl a the name and atyleol "Tub Stmru Ciaouaa Lo i mphi," a oharteriHi br Special Ael a r li oanu(f oat jaoraary sw itriMM llTMMmn.! 4. Ilfl. U .1 larubna Land Co., o to Wm, crW.,eomtary Wat. Boon. BV 11 mnkctom: 5 Col. Geo. Little, ttoa. U. W. Boka, Hob, -W. oWit, Dr. i. B emitn. iloo, I' L, CUut . , Win. SwH, S,. -' Jaall-dAwtf , i f"rAI.UBLI CITY PROPERTY KOH BALK I btV VillH. lit a NtiUul r. m,a.....ZT 1a fl Th. . Meehaniea' BaliHg and Lt a AavKlatlOB" of ' anrt, . tuvatcd by Ed. U. Uavwood nd lliu-Biiret 1L JJavwood, hie wifej barln v cupu jiitn, toitl, aim rvctetrrea In tbr nwi uf uie Keltterof lred for Wake conn V 1 wtUevlufa f4lowlutr prep rlv. via: ' he houa and lot now oer.uiaeo a a law omee by C'ul. llavwood, aituato ob Favvtta vllle ilrwt, and d!olntHtrlhpr5'rrij oi Mr. ;Br- Haywood, and tba fijfaierlv owned by C B Ka.,t, Kt.. froutiu; 3 feet iKbea, raumnir b-e ii jWtt inrhea. ' above aal will Lake nlata on Monday, relH-tu,, iu., ih:ii lB frjt Court Alvate door at IS u'cluck M. 1mi euh. ., WM. BtMPHdN, Bee. 1 ."?"" Aam fopr UU day of tale, . Ja 1? titd . . A pAtil-'ico" FAMILY fl.Ol'R. aplt! Mill" do ..,:. r-rbi Rvtra rlo do ' alley H'ajle" (i a . : W. e: B1UOKACU ft CO. O R ALE, Th. - -..i . . ,KrT ''i i "t'.in W'll at rred Au . i' 1 ' "'':. follower . w Kim , rf I, ,. , . . i , i r.. ... .. r. "'"i""". . . .,,.,) Of (IjH'SOr, , " "' ' '"r, S l r. r, e, '1 h 1 . . ' . rwl(e, .jrl,l , . ' e Trp,ll..M 1 fie w. r : vnnj uuily. whtcb and litij I abaj.lii ....I . . Unnuic i. .1 .... ".'""VBWBBIM IU l,.,.c of ti w eric ul 1 . i... iil- M lilm-rv in. lt! 1. , A: win b ( fur ll.c JOHN V. rARWKLL,Preldcni.l PAUL CORN ELL, Aid Vice Preaidi ut A. W. KELLOOtr. tloeTrealdBiC " , i. V. IIARDEN, Traaaurer. , ORUIN S. MOOHE, SwreUrv, opiiTisogi : HENRY H. BMITH. fl. BLISS, fit rt W OOWJJASl, U. BEnd N, M. I)., B. LA88IN0, M. D, XAOOTIVI flOMHITTnl J8 V. Parwell, A. W Knlloirir. Paid Cornell, A B. Mcvker. tH-Caily, Ueuijr VV. kiuf. Ciaorj Cobb. riMaaca coumjttu Chrif B. Parwell. T. tf. avrrr: W. T. Alloa,, Anaon Haer, DIAieroai ioha T. Parwell, Charlew B. Piirwell, f. U flrer, 0. M. HftnlrD, A W. K.ilK.fl,7 J. K. Harden, r T. II Avert, ' B. A. Kint, H. A. Hurlbnt, "A. B AlerkKr, " O. M. tadv .morv Cobb, C HLPavre, Hon Juea W. FflL uwnwv Dwei,- Hear? W. Klo, Paul Cornell, Waller B t artar, A. U. Uaaliur. t. Bowun, Anaoa Bbiirer, eo. C. Boiltli, ; nm. oroaa. P Allen. . W. T Allen. Geo.Qreca, The R.'HubUo Life T n uii rvnM I.. tor Ita twe fuadameiiUI blxu urtv ...a if...... ,..oumaj or we uveeunel ol untie la kwalltiee where the aaoie areaecured; lu pur poao la, ta nuke tbe Comnativ uiiinui.i. Ubaraeler aud Capital aa to eccure the eond eaea of the wj1o and Uiua while they In t w aami Mia Hiveaiaienie niaaa throufib lie bnan. u vrxauiwUima In tbuu- own mUtU and eo eava tbe luinieuee drain upon the Weet and south. aiinHMHy, titt Li'fe Inaurantre i'lvnuuma. 10 avt-ompbab tbi, It baa mule lu cartful rivr Million., par rt)ut, paid ln ; ei,d dialrl uutrd lu tbe banda of leadliur lillluoiillal man. n ell iiarta of the ouuuLjv. Intuuoce, bumavee, and a auorrvirlim of the ame, that will niaie It hatter aud agfae Utea anyalaillareomiiauv Intbekuid. Up ward of Kodr MilUune uf the Rtnrk baa been taken, over one and a iiuarti-r ..r tbla atock ia btUI be Mpiuiwu In New Tor hlladtlnbia. Uutuuiore. L LonU !in..iiI...ii and Atlanta, Uaorffta and the remainder of the tnltaerihnl UHk by Chit'eo, and other Wa turn town and cittt-a. f '(' tin I be It rat day of July )at llw Mutual Lll liumntnee Connianr of at Ant. eoneolidatrd with the Uetutific, and will hare after lie known a Uie "lMloto Di rwrtnii-nt" of the H public Thi Untnet. fmit idea fur mmuuiHmuN wi wi Huameaa oa uie anniewbat mudtidud ptu of Hi Kq.utilic ; wlio-e Dimple and correct tiuainea principle will commend tbeinaelve to all iiilvrmh d, anoittr which, thi ia vronilneuw Bo nfUta rtutarume, fur o much rnouey. .... In ordei u provide for Uie Pullc)hoWDr''i'i I ho IXBotO MlltUaL and irlva liuni it., l.ll. liooal aerarity of Uie eepltei of the Republic, the Polb!fc which Uiay now bold will be x rhanirtid for Polinti- lu Uie llcootb lteTWrt uient of Uie Republic, ' . .. . At a nicetinv of tbe Truatec of the North Caroline stale Board held on the ' litat, eouamitla wa appolBtcd Weiaaiin hto tbe eondlUoa of the Kopitblte ia-u the great Ire t Chicago, and the following Ui. lr rcKirt : . KLioti, Nov. it, irbl. Jo the PrtjMat and Hirer tor of tiie N. 0. Branch of tli Uenoto lMpartiiiiit of th Ktttmblic Life imurance Company. 1 Tbe nnderelirned, a I uuiuailee apO'dntrd to lnveilKa the fliuuti'lal iyhkIUIwi itf the Ho pelilb' Life Inaiiramw Couiinniv. reanKi trmii' report that Umy have performed th duty de volved Bien tbrm by emiiiiiinir the circular aad repurU uwued from tiie oltice of Uie Com pany at Chicago. lnc th (treat are n the Win of October, aud otlicr paiwr eubmiltMl by MJ. W. t. Audenoa, Aifvut, and Ibey'are aaUadpd by the exhibit made in thane paper Mutnal Life Ineurauce I ouuienv ha iw-en ! vanped by Ut ttuloa of that Coup nf with Uie Aiwpactfully iilmtlttod, C. B. 1IAUKIAO.V, P. A Wil l.Y, K. II. BATTLE, ,1b, . W H. BAULkY,. ( , . . KEATON iiALEs, , ? ' I , . Commttlar. orrtoaa or TH tun bsb at tautea . J. B BATCHELOR, Precideal. . 1, i LITCHFllRD, Secretary . W. 1. AXDEHSON, Special Ageat, dCW2i - . AMDS FOR S A L E I Purenant to a decree of the Siitiratie Court of Nona Carolina, nade at the January turm, lTl, (be anderaliriMd ode fur tale Um VALUABLE' LASDff" belonirina; in th eatateof the late. TVraia P. Devetwox, of Halifu county. Theaaid laud embrace by Mtunatiou t Eleven Tbonaaiiti Arret, " ' ' Ijlnff ob Roanoka-rlver, lb UieConnUraof Hal ifax and NortbauiuttMi I aad a otw-ntlf u Ureal IB . , -i , Nine fatniaad Six ffnndrtd itrct, . IN HTDE COUNTY, V Tw"t On fourth, caah. remainder ona. two and tlfre year. Title retained autU Bur cheee aaouey iaid, Th land will be Md ln mall at large wwtis, w wuur w auu purviieevre. ' rar Uee deairing to purcluvie w Hi call on or addraa eai.ii.uit.AMi, ' Bcotland Neck, N. 0. or JOHN DEVKKKU.T, r-lulyM-tf .' ? -.. . i RaiuUfu, N, C. SUNDAY SCHOOL B0OBTB. ; SUPERINTENDENTS AND TEACtlFRS OP Sunday nchooia, ara- bifonaed that ihey caa BIMI H Ul OOVaaVOTB Ol : u ALFRED WILLIAMS, - - - ' .... i 1 complete aaeortment of J SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOht CQBlTrKO or' Pr'rmcra, Rj.Iter aa-t header, JatccrhtM and Vutwuon tt-mka, eniHlay ncho i lirur4na June B.Mih iuhcta, Kcwvra crtui, ate., Btntdtiy brliooi Lionu-toa at all price, . Cla llooka, 1.1 inula Buoka, fcoll , . Buok atid lutirietor, Bibles Im-tiur- It, liwTituiritU with Nnua, Si" bleat nd liaUincnuatall prtora, ' -jbupUft Paalmiat and Peal.oc. dy, Meib'Mimt aad Pready. i ' ,i Usrtan Hvina .Bowk. ! Alao, t rantlvcd the . - NEW BAPTIST IIYMX jiiOOK. A Jfberal dlncnint will be niarle' to imrtdat acliuoat bnvln'j; lu quantiLy. Bend for cta- ivicue and f ru .- ; ' " - t ' Al.FfiSn WILLI ws, iBoifkaclfcr and Matiuner nav t T C ir-l . . t I av ail i evtaaiuntretee Uirnuirb the Rbuwi vena eurjwau.M. ana lite, are Itink r of the I dweat, Urlmt aad ether lalda and Tnf part of tbe : :ls whit otv l'i r f "IsrTIOITAIj , QF NEW 10IIK," anveant of " BROOKLTW." DOUOtAS BELL, Iaeareace Ast ana IT tf .XL XL XL .BAD WAY'S HEADY RELIEF 4. urea the Wont I'alni 111 (rtm i letrtwe it rnititii NOT ONE HOUR - aftor readlnj title advrrtla(niirt aeed eav one 1 ' ' 8UFFKR WITH PAI. J RADWAT'e READ? RELIEP Id ' CtJRl I lua avi.iti rAJ. It u the nrat and U TBI ONLT PAIK KIIIIDT that tnntantlj atope the moot eier-ielettng anwuauuue, ana euree tjonvna Uotia, wbalhor oi the Lunge, btomark, Bowela, or aUiar giauda or oivaaa bjr eaa appUeaUoa. Ui FR01 ON 10 TW1KTT MlSUTaMi no matter how violent or atrcroetatlBe; the I i.ii hw nn&uHtiut naarwaea. iuorea, Crippled, Xervoua, Xeuralafte, or prtaUated wit diasaaa oaay auffer, , , iiuvtri IE1DT lELlir WILL AFFORD INSTANT BABE. vammn ul J II n ni.AiJUKK. IMTLAMMATION Of THKBuWIflA (XNdaTli)N OF TUB LVSGA. PATiTOTflE'ffir"1 UKADAOJIE. TWOIHACE. "' . KEUKALUIA, KilUMATlSM. ! ' .. 1.1IU) (JltlLiJi. aui:ie i litt la . The appllcaUon of the Kla nr Kauar to the partor paru where the pala tar dtHtoelty etlau will afford eaea and aoaifork " i -iii 'i " """"rot waaev wul In a few uiouirnu cure Creiu4, HiKanie, dour BlouiarJi, Ueartbvra, Sick HeadacU. lji. I U'tmUn, Colin, Mind la the Bowuta. aad all Internal Paina. Traveler Miould alwayi earry a bottl of Radwit' Kbaut Kauar wIUi Uii a I I drop la water will prevent eicknea or puna iw. w water. , ib ia ueuer uuui j arnica siiuiuvor uitum aa a BUaiBkwb - "' ' FEVER AND AG IX " , , fKVEB AND AGUE, cured for fifty cent. Ihereiannta remedial avunt ia Liilawort,uiu wil. cure tever and Ajrue, and all other Jaala-1 rioua Blloua, f earlct, 1 wthoid. Yellow, and other r ever (aided by RAlfWACS PILLb) I ru) cenie perooiue. ' Health ! Boautv ! BTKOSa ANlt rUHH JUVH BLOOD-IS. I IKAHK UP JImHHU AND WMWhT clA.v A MO USA UTirUL COM- rua.un oavvMjeu lit AMU BSV IlADrTAYV SARSAPAEILLIAI EES0LTE5T. UAX Mi DM THS MOST ASTOSISUlNuX VU1IHM; HO VW'. 'O MAt'M AMHl ', IUK VUAaiilUt ilia H'lUf UNUMit-1 (VKH, i:.UJH TUB lyfhl'BSCt 01 IHli THVLX WvlitiUUifUt. MUDUX M.tJftJ4 , , , . , . .... Kitrr Jar n Iarrtssi is Fifth - .Weight h Sfti Mdfrtt THE CKKAT BLOOD PURIFIGB. w drew of tha SARBAPARILLIAN RE .v boov with new anil awHitri turiel. AarttfiaU, tivtiMIU. Vmmmmnmtinm. tilmA. I wura, dimm, I lent m IA lAraaf, ifiiaaA. Tf mm, Aoran h I A ubhAi awj othtr Barhi elAi Y" Mnmanmt tltaaauryai f roaa inm ..wra. wnw mt wwa nifm or m aV-pfia, awe Harm, Atitt Haul, Hy Herwa, fnil iVannn, MrynpeLM, Aane, Uaei Hi. Htmm a thi rtmh. rurmw,. l. il. It'tima. awat aVf aawtaai'iei aaaf iak.rW li-Ar. vw, fv gjum or AuertM turn nu . I if 'A Iv"" prmclrfe, mnmHim Um cawalbw nuw I 4 Ifm ewwiar ' M xra Vhmnitr, and a raw i itVifi awi r mif yrm. utlnf It fit, I mker ey Uewbraw uf dieatia at fatttd Buaaar IIDKEY A BLADDER COMPLAINTS, ; I flnary, and Womb dlteaau.Qrevrl.niabetea, iropvy BUipte of Water, lncoi Uuenee of tirtne, Brit,'i,0 IMmiaa. Alnumlnona, and a ancaace wi ere mm ar brtck-duatdepudt, 1 r the watm la thick, elotuty, Billed with Mb- i IjiECC 'bjr the wbtta of an mat, or thread iiKii.wiitui tiK, or mere l a, dark, bU-: llout JUKrK-, and white tioiwduet d poatta, and ;n titer t rfVluw Burauut tiaaiion wbtm paaeluir walur, and uiun la Hit 1 email ui uie juu:k ana Blung ut iHUft, Furfeet Furgatlre Fills. PerSwtrf taetde, li)tly coated with tweet ruiav aur, ntrwlete, rurifv. atreniribro. hadwav'a Villa, for the cur at J iftitaoruer oi uie Btomua, Liver, Bowela, Kklnuya, Bladder, Narvon ftueeeee, Head ache, Cunatnietloa, CoaUvenea. lodlaeatlon. I Djejwpai, biltoiuuwaa, Bluoua fever, lasa-1 aiautin oi tae noweia, rue aim au ueranca- o.nuu of the luteriuU Vtacera. Uarranted t I tneel a ixMiura ware, rurelv V earrtalila. evan- utining no uiarcury, uineraia, or diautarioa I eruK. ... -irt)tirv th following Bymntoa W aUiliitt! from blaordcr of Uie liir.-tltettvai Canaauua, inward file, iuUaeMof Ut I Blood iu Ui Head, Aridity of the Sutmai-h, I Jicuaua, Haartbam, Diituet of rood, Palt-1 um or W h Ui buimach. Soar Ernctav I Uoua, Slukutif or t'iutMilna; at to Pit ef the I Slomacn. Bwiininllijr of uie Haui. Hurried aud Uidicult BreaiUibtir, r'luuarinir at UM I Heart, or Htilfooauii Seaaatiovt wliea la s LjntC Posture, litntneea of Vutlorl, Dots or won ran ire me bikiii, raver and Dull fain la I tneiiraa, lnrtenr of reniMraUtm. Tallow. est of the Bala and Eve. Pain In tha mu Oiaet, LimiM. and taddeB Vresjie of Ht, auiatiina! la tua rleah, i A fw. dooeb of KADWAT'S PILLS wHJ free tbe avateai from all tbe abowe named die. order. Price, Ifo rut per bus. SOLD BY UHi'Giai. - REAU "rAlJ-l AVI) TRfE " Bendan inter atantp to HAIiWAT CO, bo. 7 Mat'irn I ah. New fork. Isforsaatloa worth . UHHtwatia will tie at yoB, juoe v ueouixwiw : VAtervheel, lliitl tn..atl.ij,.., u.i,,..t4 (u, . . 3 AWt I HI. HMT WltU IIBW Willi MHM . . 7 WD IMA HI Jam I I II r 11 I la I infill innrii 1 - Thto old eeWbllehed hoaee baelatel beta r Ittad and re-euDotntad. H baa now a tret etaaa Dtiilnr Kooai. Bar Room. Biniard lea fla AlieT aad hootbc tallarr. It la a flrtt-elaea Uouee aad toe rronr etor plrdaa theroaelvee to do Juattce to all those na aaavean worn. - - Itta tivetera are a eperlalvr end win eta-are be ua Beet la me anv. Mr. Meuea rousr. lata ex weiooa, . eauneuatroi N me Baeaaeaa, . ... nM HeLKAlf rOTTER dt Co. lowest riGunra SOW IN iTock, 100 BETH BOCC ELM R I B9., ' Tbeae Hubeareef all elaea. 100 SXT8 BEST HICKORY HIMS, Tkoroturbl; aeaaeard. 100 BCKDLK4 niCKOUV 8POKE8, Woatara North Carolina Hlrkoty. WAeMOX AMD BCMY MATERIAL M eaaep aWtpMeet at-Hardware flMt JtfUUS LEWIS CO., r x, .M I J" JB Raleigh, N. C. . TO Til . FARMERS OF WAKE COUNTY, 40 DOE. ELVYELL ROES all ttm. II do. Cut Steel Bee. ' 39 Sob Cast Steel Handled Boe. ., "M' V. CoUoa Uoee, aaaidled. Simmon' t)rub Boas. SbntnaiMr' tf a' lock a. " " - ' BllaaODa, Axe. BLOOM OBLMBBA TBD 4XJO. '. BLOOD'S ID SID TOOLS ol aU bind.' , . . . AAlSd ROWLAND'S MMOTMLf AUD SPA DBS , t. ,SM Pair Tma Cbtla. ' . B.KsctNaiu.,r'.' : . ..... The Sood ara bow la atock, "awl aof Call at the Hardware Star of JPLID8 LEWIS dt CO. eal-tf 1871 PRIMROSE. PXTTT k MtWSOM Ma. SS, FaTarnrayiuJ aVtaaiT. tALBIOB, V. 0. fe.i)iviu.uu.gajjiii'vjadi nTt alwyi ot . kw4 lull ateck of t fjl, trf W lb,6r WI-tfMfBBSj, , (Wsba 4-J Ir -HID OOODI, Bleached and Urewa Coatoaa, ' loea FaatlbiBSj Stood, , ftlovae, Collan, li am, Km braid rlea, S ,i s- (rbaetu, Boop. ... .. M ea'l tad Boy. Wear, . ." v , ' Boot d Sbo, - -' ' Eata aad Cap, UAL Af fMTTATIOjr OTIGSONS, 00EI4 AWDWirT. W melt Merthanta u tataaaln oar rioci eoataey petfebaaw. ; i nunoss, pzrrr vewsom. et IMf ' ""'t"V"' D ssTal Bonci. I'rttl farther and antil th eetabliah. meMt of a ratable oftlr. ortin-a for my pro fcwwima aervtaav anav be left vlih -C I), flearlt I ot at da frutj baatnnal Beak, wheaj I will r iirn-o - i aueue Ua aaauiieaee of pa Bant. nat f. SAB.OV.K. ?0 lltll A two-tuwy Ho, S ruowia. cm nf t e nwiet dnetralirf. loevta'in I th r 'v. f Lot 1! fnet front on Btonet seH otl 1. a tret os La toSrsa,'. r...... V A ! to ' ' KISO'-- a i y.i ru. tal Ool A b .. , i-' mri ths ieirj - - A HOVEL, ArJ.iTLir Price 11.91, paper Cover. ... T 1JL H A3 fXO LI E t , HIS RIGHTS AND WRONGS. Bt Tat Autboa ot "Qtux's Bbt.' , frk Met, pa pair Cover. . Lira at Fl.nafrrEMi with Jo' Botb. A BOOK FOR BOYS. By Th Anteor of "Little Wumen," Ate, Prit Ual Clot iNruflv, Tbe above boob ara for att at the Boob Btoreoi .:,.. , Biu IW tf ' ALFRED WILLIAMS. ULF.ASANT WttRltS FOR Till AF- fli;teii DvU. TUTT9 EXPECTORANT F0K COt'UUS, COLDS, For tbe aneedr relief end iiemtaneat anre of CouttmHM, bVont bltln, Aathnu, and ail duv .w v w iishai ana law. .;. ...J... lb Baoreiorautie ootutHNMidof Herbal ant! ucluur uoae prod acta, which portnofit the very eubatanue of tbe Luna;, eauMiur them to throw att tbe acrid ntatP r which collect In UteBmucblal tuura, aiulatUieaaiHtluifiirin a MMiuuiur otNiiiUir, rutiavtiur um UTiiA'toB which iwoduor the Coutfh. . It is active, but rnim auu cotitgcutai, tiniHu uiuf fuuciionai anar' M and natural atrwiKtb. it allofda Olvgon to vlulute Ui Blood aud Nltroetea te aeaiuillaU the aistUtr, ei)uaiiiUitr tu narvoa-4nduenee aud iMouucltiK nulft, aud eouipoeiH" Jfor i ti.. rf..n. i t. Jn I VIW.l Ml .fWIUV, . VGETABI.E LIVER PILLS. Fur tha eatreof UvM Coal plaint, Dvpe!ia, eauueuw, lever, unta ut appetite, Aiiacuoiia of the Bladder aud Klduevs. Ksrruus Dlaeaee ortlieSkiTi, India;eajltin, Irapjirltyof the Blno4, Back Headache, voeuwineea, (iHld.naa, Plioa, Biltou AdeMaoaa, aad Feenal Onaasa. Th f ilia are InvalBabl la all whamflor rrom any of Uieae diaeaaea, By their Judlciou B the bowels are kept ta a Bauwu condilioo f Ifood health. Thry do outset aa a mar temporary relief, but keep th human (yahun in a aounii ana vutorou elate, ay ellj and ai moat Imperceptibly cle-nain it of all ImpurL ina iiiur uiwce aim uiv roraui taiLn uia unvi ical and mental sra-aniaatioa: i. rwr iVls ar pnrely Veritable, onulBinit not a aarUcI of Mercnr. end aiav b takta at ad luuea, wltuoutreatralut of diet or weewpuoBk - DR. TL'TTB - IMPROVED BAIR DTE w arras ted Uie but In the L'nifcd BUtaa. . Prepared altb Labonttiirof ... WM 1L TUTT. M and 80 plaU ttrwt. M. T.t auo aBBuaw, u. Jtor-aarvby aesalom to MatUrin vaiy where sot liMua . B H 0 U R TERMS! v FALL TRADE, 1(171. J a. P. ... Q tf. 1 1 K Y, . n V CoaBB FvTTVuji Sraan abb Sotrn Bid Eaaaaa Plac, ir;(,ALEian,x.. !, ; Far Ui pnrpofe of asakuut room after tbotr nUr Stock of Dree Mood oitlr. at Mnor eat advanca on new lark coat, styles pretty and nice, txtod freeh and Cheap, e k a imanut, Alitrixil iJviaJn, roiored nd ttlack Aljurcas Lustre Brocade. Poplin, Btrtad Brtlllatibi, Plaids, ( hithe, Ao, "Tab pleeear la annimnclnir. fresh rrlT1 of Domeafie Dry Goods, direct from New fork mam ex. Notion. Utntire laav LaVilea' Shawl and Cloaks, Gent' Hate, Capa. and etc. Larr and citcnalve SbK'k Heady mad t.iouiuuTi or wnica we maae a ppmnaiHy. new toi'h. new hit lnsu"afrom a on ti.'mi. in. Caaabnere Suit and Overcoat aad Taiiuer to plea any one, and nic i An extenair Mtork of Boots' nS Rhoca. aniot Of ahlc w are Juet receiving. Would an snecuu ariwuuoa to wr man areaar ey lAitW' tomMt .lull 1 Mit .M.ate at fJi.UU por pulr, which we warrant. Wilt alao BO.k our Gent's rawed Calf boot for per pair, eAeua" Bust trailers, and Mil, cnatoiB made Gent' Boot and abac Also. Mile' Lasting Calf and Morocco Shoe for Led lor Mlaeut' Bad Children : all fresh Uuuds and akw. Our Star Is full of Good . of most snvthliur Uiat tab b found In a Ftrat Claaa Drv Good ouira ... W aolictt ran from tli public renerallv. before panthMlng aiaewhnre. We think we caa autk it to the lntareat vf all to pui chaaa irom ua, goon uixki ii at pru nurniawi. vry neairciiuuv, BovWtf J. P. GULLET at BRO JUST 1 H Tint . , For tb members of tb Lrgltulur. MSW.. STTLF.BJLK HATS. PaicB oxn A'.M, ' 1 i V T Bttt 1U UUt Style, GLOVES, CRAVATS, - ' rvDERWEAft, f oora, v 1 SHOES, BUSPENDbtlS. ' ' BANDEnKCHlEFd, W. Hall TUCKER dt CO. aoTSH-tr o I o s o w. Fvery dav. Sundae eieeptcd. We will hw Sn ttork of Groccite. Ae . at our boue on Marti Street. Come to the Bbow mw and all. we aaeHre you, uiax ytra wii:i Be nir pieaaml. Wnbevarood anee.evwMaaaairiineri'. nitre. stock. Wo uaa, good faetiMla ftwtieli.eriug goon at cltber depot or any part of the citt, and bent of atlv good looking ud clever vonng men to wait on oar cnaumtttr. row be eure that you eome and tab brfirrvyoa buy, Aw w aow toll yoa that it will b to your wwu iiiuwwaa. . . t Bumplcs aow oa exbliilttua of l.VKO Llw. Bulk Meet, b ' bturOKMl rUeom. ' l,ta ' " , Sugar Cure) iiasaa. .tW , PljlB' t li ') M 1. C. Bacon. . . ml Cofloe, ) Stiar, . ,"l (tallOB Mo 8 D " Hvruvn. 8.a) acka LiverieA Stilt, l.otJOGrouod Alum tin i-ba,( amnna Rire. lb.") Ida. Heavy Baiiicing, toll ' I klit It!-. LFt. Iiutjo Cotttifl Tie, i "i lair boot attd rititi s, so(i. .1 aa. Hea v neritnje, 10 Lai. sVeii but k.ta. r 60 C.menion tit a:!. . S " b ut li'-H' " . r At ' "" X. C. BAtTNTVFIS i f.' -Oet FT U ' - No. a, Martm fttreetv 0 turf'.-N A-SD SiilcK MATTRAES.';.. lsm Nntimewirrt4 OTami Pvlterlna OhUibuUbl Uidui tiJUliuul btuu&l ,11,1 ore, am, v PATENTED AUGUST I88J, BY A.BALDISU Th end erst rocd. bavina- tb eecJustve rbrbt (o Manufacture and sell tTi bov Pnmjw la North and South Carotin. 'bv (eicttei themaelve torelher antter tn BanB rd l a sue 'vwuiin ruaap t oraraaay, ana kav I In eaUltllsbed thetf ManutMaorv at Favett villa, N. C, ar bow irv pared so f umbm Pump u anon noucn B'lice na at last B-tompaa I IB Ut priMwttoa or ramp aoaulrer-ty ttar I ted tor Wall and other ewrBamay that will force water any awptb w betabk, wktcb. by at. uuf ho, at oao bewwiet a kaM Fir Kb- in oi great powar, mrowlnt au so mm ina ear auieuta. Tbla Puiiib eomblB BimrrtltSrtr MS dara- Mlliv, la whkih th water will nerdr Irawae ar beeutn !, a BH awlindwr and Terra are submerged, aad no water iweadiat bt th rap when th i'uuiu b not In eneratlna. lb Pumps woraa el moat lawredlliry IMit, alwcv from trie. U.iu, Ut eylluder betne rlaaa, tit pweVbi aa-1 Bot weer or mil. tbe valve being rimed. Bind of fitnt k la, work Ing on rnm statu, aan neither wear or jaat. mm ruma sraBeewtianv adapted fur anppiytuar tank ta npper part of dwelitnara. oolieuee. notala, liealurur looaa and for nulroatia, alraeta, rarden, diatlllerle At. Tbey aaa be (llacbea to seaaia ar water. Dower. Auy erdlaary mediant eea pnt tSiam p by pruiiva sjirMHune aiwaye eent wiut Uie ruwia. We have hunund of wsUmimiah) freia ixar aone who have uaed our i'uuipe, wbs espnatt' (freal aallafacUoa i la fact they era a mere an wiuaunain an w maim mr uieea Buy on aad atvw tr Inewranr. Susslal at. teuiluaaiveBtoali ordera. lb aatdre d-ib w .hi wwn awiuimiT iwicn uraer. . . e, ai-nasvjuiii, ' - ' wllima, Jf. fj, . , s . - 0, TATE MURPHY, i, wa Smmmm, M. 0. - V. A'I, : Fate Boreseeors to J. t. Bltriili AU order sr aomawnloaBliiBi adrlraaanH ta w u. lliAJl, fajreuwvUM. alra o, wit. eakririCAT. ", I . - - 'BBtrr'Orrtruv FiTTTvn.ia. M. t:.. Airrti ha. inn . Wm. 0. Tmf, rmn'l Maretha rV taanamr : lua rump you eold m nulaaii mv moat aiiuruu eipoevauoa. ' u aoe Ml ytm Oalmed f iw It, A t a Firb Eiaiais h vain b laeaes Utile. With I wont v feet of hue 1 hare Airowa . water enti'ely over my dweilloa;, which at a very hufh two and half atory bauaa. , AfyJ iwuHir wwwui ao im wimous is ior wnr bu alderaUoa. k W naUIHBl-. . : Sbarlff Curamrtand Comuky. , . Bawan raiaarav N. C. Ilarai IM. 1)1 Haruur bad dftama to twent Tiatm' ewnerl- no la cold mUilnas natna variou kmla af pamptforclii' watei from drewtdeiima, I Bit pleaatjre b eirinr prefermtu to Uhhw maate by the Carolina ha Oampmy " orer au wUiar for well aad other parposaa They com wuMi himhj anu aureoiiiiv. rautu 1UI ataunar, Stan y County. WrtooB, If . 0.1 BS. IS, 1S7L I u wr. ltear Mr t wa bar bad enna 1k.l4tiaa P m "nuiar nan, onginning at rerkiu periods sine At arch, 1K7U, and wa ar fro to ay, mat tney ar la overy way aaUaractia-y i nore u bo tuuicjiiKm of weiur or awrlv ewtuna out of order. All th water Hat Baturaha dcslcnerf to pass thrauirb BRch ehanael can If be brought up,ven by chUdren foreru nary Ban, end by attaching boas, and putting two to four men to Um levur. th mnnn at once necomos a hkbu lire enirln thruwrna auf Brent wster luealielae any ordinary Sta. W uterwxore recommend your Map to liie ful eiantiuaUoa Bad Baa of it oablm. . U. J. Taylor, , W. 0. R.mnder, A lSa... X .t V JI tb .1 .... T A. Vtalnwrltbt, - U. KhonZV . r.. iimiiib. a iu f is. ri. (trtiiifi L, . WIllllUM m badwJ. i - Jem It IU.U .U.B. vVxlro, . h, F.iMM,tmr'S. WbxdobTm. O,. Fob. 1 IHTI. lt have need for sir aumcb past on of Batd- ; , wi,. turwi BHatioriiea) wt oi nt i n'atititubiiier(fed pnmiie, mtmkfaetored I itlUn, N. C. by J. L. klu-tiiB,nd sake j deaauiw l aWMimaiLi-l.u. U. a. ..U 1 i. u..i. id having glvoa parfMc aaUsfarlloB. lit ma 1 1 f 11 "' . I W fllr. W Ul. IKIIUln teanrd it a on of tb best pamps now In . . At. i'jLlAKcUil. ,, A mono: my BOOKM K. i, BALE dt BOM, JMJBUSmERS, H.T. i - . - ' BaAOtiruiit ia Curra, ' ' vim. a Aia a t 1 ' From tli 1kmtbra Horu'V o,,B. Bill's paper . . , "tur eifin'wUoM wtirv far aurtaiMnd. We I have never hufore mad alirthlnu au idiannuia. and we nmy add, o litaU ucute. It inNliitte j menu will arraa Mi atiMili'tn and vnk the anuiusutam uf all perauna ufUeiaiand enl tore, at w Unt eootlcaeed Mi uf S bii Uioe devoted to atttdv and rennftAiau. duel mmved a aeiottd xipiiiv of ) abov Tory nulalil trouk. and for mm at Lb Book wnin . . - AUTKSD WILLIAMS. . : 31 ANO FORTE 8'. ' " ! dAMKS PIK8). rMaeatfiillr iaform tt. tMiline, tuet hn'.bae loat n-ceived new to-k I of linn snpcrli Piano Fortes, of tt.eflWKA T I I ft III I AlwrA I r KVT Y list St, .Bb I which be mvnes Uetr attcnUon. The iiaoneiie i rt-aaMarvaa of tbi otxninv to Uie ahupe of cap. I ItaJ, waatiutery nrt otimr fwviliur,. .euaole j anew to jaiI their Pianos at much tower raw j Uiaa apiy other Brat idaa eauitiiKhnient, i perwawi about to pnrcbiuM will Snd Umij UHitr ajTaetawe to -eaii Md aBamUs tbase I f aanoa belore pundieehig aaeaBawrw. II. O S 1 E B Y W. H. 4 R, B. TTJCKER At CO. HAVE NOW IM STOCK A LAK8E Ab'D 1 I (rompr s MorUaetit of Foretxw rtd Dome tic Iloitlery, Glove, TJnJcrwear, 4c, connlat, hug of If on', Womtf ,end CiiWrvB'Hoslery, large ItntM tif Mieer' Fancy Woolen Hosiery, bum FCENCn and ENGLISH ktartrj. faeturr, partleuiarty adaaitoS to Ua flaeet retail trade. . '', ,.' . ' . ' ., . Mb'b4 Wea'L'.NDE8WaAE,tBCot- toa, PaUtut, Real Merino, Wool tnd i Slik.' " ' ' A full assrvrtment of fillVP In Kid. (Vf, Ooirrtain, iaatir, Lind and lehttnr:. Heron, t !loth. and Merino, ia Lilted ami rrnim-d Pttilu and Fancy Style, in great vncv, atrd ftt attja UVOv pile . A' ttifl celtji ln.b nf AIHAVfl'F- Jfbl ' t-iil KViiikFk k i t (.l.llt'K-1. in ie . ( tuoea tu moh-y llw hvleat Bd utoat (iti.tum- tiir. kai-.l .fr m ,"--t. I in aAiC4iUuut4 I in trteJuJi r. W ii. at U. fc. 1L K f'-il ACv). BOvttf , AniiB axrt.lB XTTOK.N'EYH AT LAW, P - p n 13 - S af E In n I " 8 ' 1 3"? it a 1 -; h 6 "S ? I SI I 1 DEMRABL PnPlTPTT IS THE WE . l.atM WAhU, ,4-, m btts WW wttn awia frame konsa cnat talulur A Rooms on irround Sour, and tan tUea. kinre kitchen and etahi. k Iral rata w.,ll of water, Saa fra krea nd (rape vlnee aad aerawtmrrT ouu, ... . ' Aijio. one amtrirr acta lnt,awxlern ColUira rotttalttlri( Hime rooms, prtrc.n on iMsck and front, kitcbu ui ww moine, ane (fcape arour UM ttutl trace. ror tnrnia, etc., spplr to aovntf w.c.srR0KACUftC, QHANGEOr SCIIKDULsV - KALElult At tt A8T0N R. R. CO., SuPBuiBTBKbaNT 't Orrtoa, Rat.BlBB, W. 0., TloT.TOi, Vi7l OB BBd aftaw Tuaadms Novamlnr flh IHTI train oa the Ralciarh A Gastoa K-llriwd, will mw neiiy tnummy ajunplea,f aa iuuow . t...... . araflUTaUlI. IMvea RaWirh. ...,......., 3(l , BL Arrive t Weidoa hi " Waldon. , , ,i ; M) to a. if. unvB BaiMijn...... 4.U0 p, a aoiHiaiatotiariaa tkaih. - Leave RnMjrn , git;. Arrive t W eldoa t,.,, , 88(1. sf. i' wsl i .....,....,,.,,,,,, a lb p. at. Arrive at KaJetg ....,'. - St . at. Mail train makea Oliee ouesoTma at Wei. doa with tli Healxiard At Hoannka Railrnad ami Bey Lbie Steamer rt Baltlimir, to and tnmitn irnnila borrti. West aud Niwihweat wiiu wiui imerviiiirg ruuimaa Via ftturtliBrg,' Hlehmnndmtd Waalilturhia f.iiv Lr, i,A fn. all point North and Not ttm rat. And at Rleih wlUi the North Care'tna lt 11- "as hi ana mm ail pomu Bonth and Boiith wewv anq win. u,a t liaUiam Bailnmd to liay Wood Mid Pavel laviila. i .. AcnomuuidatioB and Frelfht train, eonncH ".tiwiw wiui accorumtMiauoB aim aretitil train oa rtcaiiotrd At Roanoaa HaUrotd awi Pstemtmra Katlmed. ' And el H.i..i.,i, Amimiaodatbw B l 'Krj(tit train ua Nortb vwrrima nanniea. ' ' I Person Urine ilorur tbllnnf the ... rlalt K.ieih In the morning by Arcomutoi Uua traia, iimila Bavaral hour, and remm in m evening. A. B. AMiKBNVrL novAIBt tie. Built. STORAGE A COMMISSION MERCHANT and Aiienry for EgertuB' citiliialed Saotoh Bnua", at tb Domer of Wilulutoa snd llartln Blreeta, th mint popular place lu th eny fur the urjr of Cctbm nan) ,'. . w. H.0DI. rfifTDrrY.i vi I t.BAii II . .Ti.Tll . "t Of fll tl-REEYSf TURK E Yd I A Hue lot of r-irtatoiss Tnrkeva 'at I l .... " - hr. .. .. . "ecu reeerted ea;iecial' i.i. .ut..h ai..k ..i.i v .... . i nn, w, Mia e . r . . A. U. LKk. dt CO. TplNE fil.n If.. C. Wbinky, slv year nld, A-' mellow and wnr, beat A tit nd Pern b brekdy. (fenuln LatttMl Ky Whlaky, N. E. kaia andttla,. . , i l'i , . . A.O.LKBACO. C. CHf PSE. Just reemved irom Forks nf PWenn II. e I auudCuUBtjr.,1 en.-- - .... u, , ,., JUMCS A Co B4RKM.S IKIIl PoTAToKS. . 4 Barrels Early Rosa ' " f i bwSbft -, S. D. HARRISON, J JOLSK AND LOT FOR BALE. f A Collar Holla, containing Set A alluascd Bear the room a. onvknaar. rewc itwutute. Aiao. aeveral vai.taatad.iola. tug lot. AUw, my Oak firove, W.e tounfy, U ! lerrns to anlt purr haefr. L ruriuruiorjiartictiinre epptt io R. K ri- RREI t. v JB iS-dtH - Rah-'.h, a. LV 'intPiTii Aik. ' "v tftiel r"ff-lvo few bnia Tur--Bitim e At- A. ai. UniAU'a JaetVA - - LIV.Hi'tALAAlllJCHOoAh0tlU'b LNSUKASCTl coirrAXyi Capital, Bai-pl srd p.arT PunJ,' Gold, ' over f..u,tA,iAio ou, , Assets la Unilod Stated oyer s:;,uml tui) id). , Leases paid t "tat of Nirfh Cat fntm IK-t, 1 Ut July, lttit, t-,ht,t.ia. CUcago loBioaat to Mil nnder I ), Ikm.O'H) mirToucy, sal are bow being; paid b. run. g awwu ftctarn to rmttd R;a!ea, mouBU!tj in ovr V-.tfflfiW), not be need lit payment Of Bbova Iosm. . Tlii Company pay up Ltnue in Cuih protnpUyoa proof, wiU.ottt i- .1u ii a 1 t h; trreat end not. aa at Bttos! with f7?"at in ortjv of n'.', rfn ca, s.. ) oi . ) ater prooL ., , . . ' 1 . . Jt'IttTF 1. 8 l!.fV.i. Canifinv. ft W!?T" Ti I O W. WILI M', i W.U. tKiiAlvi", r.ep Ml haul", Jtjws , T!'-" CT --Mr, Gwtieriil A, ut, V, tuiitigtn. P. F FwcH.. .Aftit. Gi.ti-an Nreb.. ..(bail e A. W.Biewl n.... v ; A , ri 'ft, ' v - J S a I '? p 171 0 R S A L E do dv do do do da do .do do (lo ' t' dj o - U0 . .... r eye; lev e. ....... A-Jteviile. ........ -wljerrt. ...Uo' hV Mount ,..!..bstl,hllro,. ,J 1 ti' IP. ......Gt-1-' ttoro'w lintoa. r,l..'. .....,-r'viuou'h- tce.f W.M t. b .'t-.u. K. ft. Vine..,.. VV II. L.t'tir A.W.Av" cla Kr- k Pin li I- il II. ( otrdell B, It-, .icnteas 1 v A. I.rntt--u. . .. , a I I'll1 11., flllTXIX Sl'TlJl ISM ElXf K, - , , , o ' IIAIiTKOIID, C0NT.( Tli I T, Meear. Cbaa P. M'utnie J rjuuBteu,,. , . . ' : f'l I. - anowB ucneiu njjwit for, .Nortb Carolia uJ Marjl.iird. ' 1 ' ADMIN41 bftKil 7 1 HltTLT MUTUAL PLAN. ! THE , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 OF ASSETS The pollile r a!) "boo. for MutVl' jr-w- --- , NO RESTRICTIONS PLACKt) OS TRAVEL; LING OR RESIDENCE, ' L7 Promplly pa) , apon all , proi oj ; , n Uvea Insuna ten vraia, ot U1? ' XmIuwoIhb Plan. I No BAri OmrAMtr T uult UK 4illtf4Bk - KAl.RItill AGFNt. X l -OnN DfiVKKKl-X, K,.r" Offlco In Stronacb buiiding cl,)Bd MllHCAL EXAMtNBB. F.'T. Kitlix, aovssu . , . w ,. QVIDE DUPRg, j ATTOB.Vpy at l-AW,, luiih, n. c. : Prarttcca m tha f .... , ... e nic, irtv PUIS Federal l ourts, rlvea ai.v ,.t ,, T argulcg of ca.l.e lo u,e Kopc rne l.,rt ,J j. u, ooiuvurlalmaagaiMai mr air or Life ' Insiirtutce t'omoauv in tha r,tit.. i wt. : T auande pmmidlr to anv ml,,. ' buetiie. mtruautd to bun, . . . wo I u JJOIiStSl HOWjrESri f a gnrKl FamPr Ho rue, .... . . " . " lrit " " " Hlm tre. a ur au ic ai A. C -BOT DO tt " . StLSllFUfAV,, ia. 5i, Xiar tiu ntleet. From M M tn Palanae. dee 15 U W. C SlR.i.SAt.H A Co. J-JNITED STATES, HOTEL Coa, Ptn.To, Watsb abb rtAat. Sr , . T. " This well fc..,..t ... bn rennveteil. rem.itiii,,! t 1.1....1 'id eltvAiitlv Uirotubuuk it L. L...,i , i.a humpran pian, and so9 Un fr four hundred eueau. Ute loealion ta 10. n. .....A.ti,i. ... .11 ... ,. . . ...... .... ,w Kll iqiria ' of Jewiork and KrooUvti , oth, buns la th city. I be liroadwe., p1uJ ,, oe noiei every tiirre minute,, N-.t.ies ilo., line of Street tern, on nf wln.-h ho-.,.. very other rout ta New Ifoik. It beii.g 1ml two blo. ks from Fiiltnn Fenv ouikea it eonverth-nl for thnaa wiMnnato tuit lb "City of Ibtirrbc." from Ails ferry diverge ail Ute Ra,i,.u..i i elty of BrooklyB. - - . . t,E0. TERRY, bot tt dim Proprietor. B ACON AND LARD. S.CIIime, " Bide, .)'. ' lard? ' Bulk tSt.It-a, 1 r Iltlik Pork, t aiivaaard Hums tn twt alim.iliuc at -A. C. WlMo.t . At',,., nor Suit , .. bo. !lv AiiriinMnt, QHAtiGE OF BCL'KDULK. . CUAIIMV BAii UOADf nvPANY, ' BOCBttl Nl'Kts OB t V ' I tr rttK, Kl.i..u. N.C., .N,iv. -,;h, l'i, . Oa atin after tv.toeii.i..v v....,t.. uiu IHTI. train on Uie I ;liiit.i,u,t. tfMiir.,j..i oi .... - dally (bmi.lay eic-cptetl foliuwe: e.utl liajlllVHVUS rtttlt'tll, 4 HI 1", M, 1 ,r'v at Ben ford I n Muil ' ltn b,i)if..rd.......'i t'iA M. arrtvua at Halt iktt , .tt.iB mbii tram inauea etoa i-i.tine.-lt.Hi aav Rait lch wtih the Baiei h rit iuVoa be road to atid trtun an ptnuta jvuuli. Aud at fliiiifurd with tiie H't.rttpin Rttilroad 10 nd from Fayetb-Vllleatii p. 1 i-n tora Railroad. A. B A t.ilmllH. aov M if . jeupwi-mtcndcut. Tl'KT HECKIVErt. Family Floor, I on co anil "lei, . . . . " I.ttrd and Bwuti, ', ' r.h butter, i iriuirea, CtH'ot'tuit, ,, , ; : ' ( anilies, Ac., Ac, ' ' " ' ',' f ' -At my In-tf fj ( ftr .vg- fpiMK TO BUY I Com and ' scTmr.3 for cniii, toes i A. C, P rCUf iiti ! tract. ' 1 1 . I C A! ' 1 .- .1. 1 jnttt ptt rrica, - r per iia.f tt .r I.. -d. iat; : it CcijIS ft iH) ).- 1 at. ftins;io i:'i ;. ad 1 itec t f poteua pit,.fc.S of Oil tl rewt of prtca. A , , iA3. U. i.NN'-.-'d, A cent. GAS I SUGAR II btabrlrd A, c, y-" L'.. nt, a' ''is b.f, I .-r -.i.i' vr-v Isr jtt A.C.HI M di 1 ., a tt. -tear tut street. nor ii tf JJIOK BALE. A No 1 fttir'tf-e FtSn'T tu I' r'- 'f tf t-1, wi!t i oJd fbt'. t t 1. . 1 i.i . ' 1 in Mr, u. it. H I.. JK. K.c 1 -, uei .Tti i ar :iT' 1 -K Pt ; be ' on T tl at a u. lion ui j 1 H r.-rye J ,..; f.t'.,.. SALfertH, N. C. 0 .4 lU'.w-t K-T. 8t.iin.Tj; a ri. 20O I" C-'n ll'LASD G"'A Art-nr l"t i-l r- f'! ft., n IL l.i. tuJ - i'.wri.s," Cum. Mertbidib A. S.-wl- r v It 11 Jla- W. c. 6r;,0N,c;ico. izko r Ittilutl H t 1. f aStf f'j'fiM -.1 Co. -. at 1 tt,8 Cosi'AOf I. " T1 -W Cora tbi fir- "V .-!, t li.!!... 1'I J-. . boy It iba

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