mil mm jr. iiitr. JOI IfELILl liMtlite 4 Uul Editor. ilally n vssr sis monUts...:.';':'. Brad-Weekly, MM year... " lit BBOUtlU . ... 41 IWUlt....J.i.M. tk t A i. I OH 1 to Tl'ESDAT, FEBRCABY IS, 187. ' STAT COXYMlfilOX Th Stat Cnnveotioa of ih Dei erttlcCottervAtive Party of North Cattv baa will meet ft jC bsrsxbobo,' t. PA Wkdbesdxt, tb ytxrtday of Mat Bex I tUf B&OQVRX ASD UlSrUtlTBST. Tbit old political proatitpl ulera protest ia tb Ctrolhin against th ae lioa oftb LegisUtnr ia giving tbt print iug to Tlteo. N. Ramtay, and th Varali- ' ata aajft the protest a ill oa Monday b offered, aad leave asked to spread it apoa tii Jumbal of the Senate and lloos No. k-tv wxt asked, to it ill protest tprrad upon tlta fattis. Neither Brogiiea of Niawi dam! auk their ap- pearaooe and ask that tbeir libeluut pa pert made record,' ' " We bad tba plnaare f baariag Capt. Kubioaoa, of Macoa, dcaooor the proteai a vil calumny, fab ia its tteterncuta, and aa worthy to b offered by a gratia- Joha P. Nixnm, of Fon,ytli, joint with Brogdca ia the protest ao called aad pub- lithed ia tba Carol mum. Oa Saiuiday last before lie signed and published hi protest the rVcretary at Suit informed, huu ttiat tit charges again the BKirrtxKLof aiag Improperly BUM ptftcr'wer falsa ao Ue gctYetery ipiaiad tba whole natter, and Mm expressed himself Ixitli aatitfied audgrat- ifiedattt. After Ibia explanation tba libeler Ni tea eigtwd piper par porting to be t pioteat of wbicb tba following hi ta ax "Tba undersigned, laeaikara of the Joint I iniutite. oa J'rmun;;, turebjr en ter tbeir prottiH auainat tlieawartl of tbt , fulilic fcumiij wliioh hu thia dar beau made, ttiuriuy tli ick-mbki. othte, the nunc ot Tb, N. Itnmaj, is girrn ' ilia Pullic Friuting at the BtaUi oi Nurtb Carolina.;. ... ..,: lt. IfcicauM the ami otiUu iaat year, ia Ubithflr num, orarcbarfi,' drew fnun aad cWraadetl the ta paytfra of JKuilb famlhia iiut of more than tlirou lliuuuij dullara, ' .. ,-. , , '. f ., ' 94 liecaate it ui rfpurted aad helieead that tba Hf NTiNKt, Bi-p:irr, and tlie burner of frmjmafu lme bera fra tiully priutnd oa paper paM ti by tb . fotaiaot Morlb C'aruiiuai aad an buig aa the Hn n tary ot Htate U rrqntrid tAJill tbt iMjtltaitbMN Of -tilt riKK'tlNkJ. oi'bc fi pr, thereby' waking tlie.anid Hum tinw. tbe custodian ot flit btiua'a prop erty, au l.,ii( are tlw- tax payer ut..tlte Mti at ("lie mt'i-( y of thwe whu are pub lirly prowa ajwl uninTa!ly akuiwl edwi to be tba pluudxrrr of I be Wat.' j Wbet ahull we wiy nf tbf eirwarifly d- , Aaoraaa Tiwlp or Ooxa-O, twj UglaUtire Of XJf UroMnt inuvianeaei ido a.awar af aawera rr VTi- WeW-w to aWda, LA lEiiij? f ci1 it. ircij, Tor i a & t - J, I la ri4 f37Ta ttJi-trUitj tit BnalerLJ tf Id-tlicU mt t' jxitm M'aiW ta 0 Up-tl4 tW ia y, a- betia, tba Otaloata, aad tba BVgaht aew gold add baa been toad, wfakli b pioaoaurrd the fit-beet ia tba world, w.a altaoat ia iaexhaaatabb ejnantiti-a. Oeoiogirt wba bare but rtcantt mn'y td tba 1'abViaafangt of owwatWo, bt which Iba flrat Brgar apriaga, bare db- qaantitiaa of gold aad ailrrf aad of good in ana, that will to Kueaia a raataarntira irj aiaawfaciure; " Oa the OUIuiaia,1abotrr ar gettiagoue baadred aad wHy iwibVt JkZjiu iaailm per J.y. rae of lb. digger. i air. Uaaaan. W AUmaoee. auliittt J I r"' M f'f aerk.g utht. hayeobtaiaad litb kt pwkd -fa I M ""P-1 " the eucamiitea ip(.iui.l t.. day, aad ia aoat imUarea ao aaatHl aa oaw bwadrvd noanda Theaet mu Irttwla- tiea ara tbe Wheat, Ui rheWara atlwt braartua of tba Aawar that cuatala rU b aita, A ateaia boat baa aad aa Kag ' Tbe bill tMitpbtaMiatal to tbe act ionic poratfagtheiuwa of VaUwba-peawd i'a rrrsj raedhigt: ' ' ,' Tba bill to mo power Btipt-riiir court jadgce b app-dat a onoiiuiaMua ia rertara caa piwb iia (uiru raauiaa!. lrfaKaTkr-llHi prvptiaitiua atadc apiia tbuaot--tolaka ill -tiMdHua ut Hjda aad Beaufort aid aauet laaaa wMh tb eMaatiea of Waabiairtoa. Uartia, Tiro IL i'a-uaiw and lu- antt me j- (atxrud W-diMt la aa uilr.. fjereau ua a-iraa, aikl aa loatf aa 1' -Iba-eeaMlatioaj ta 4aa t A. b b"" here, and rlaeaiterc, liaaia aad Hobt. lienlr oaaad ill Iia. i 1 ""' Pn,nt K"i K. am But here .lt,arT7 ;T If. ii t aprewolliig tbe ioUrrstof any Itartieiilar iwt the pniple xoP Jti-th t'antlina, aad rr-arnla Iba tooUi.Mliua aa uruuvat-d to I " "'W-t am fpnuaed babaacadedf! '' ' ' -1 ' ' " - t tier ling nty roaaty uh I he. baada I lie 0:11 lo ameed the Itheritf of IUMa frool I want of qnoruia, r;f'l f r j a liwua- aau-a Imrut to I I w extra aliowaaae) Ba nd to protect re failed tor the rroln(i. HdiOBipaByaJBWMrlgatlnfrht.lBiwkawMe.irii " ' river.aad a pruetoaUe trade fa pfaaiaauaa, I - S'be reailuti. a in regard tu the ptiuliog At.,baaalaJbe,,ih, "t b ! waaa.btd, aad Jenaa amta. aad Sa7 rraaeieoa , ,ioum1 ;ra.-a. M. taH aou epea potte aaa Bea rraaeena baa latMrp,,, the aawayllla and Waal.fnr CoUDMHMd amdiag- loar aad other pr a Kimad rowpaay were tuneurtrd in. twoaatoUiat rcavrferrgioa.,, tJj I aba aVaate ,ouucacut ia ib il.xnM t -mm I ewrwoaaeaai a war awl aa ana J gfcap. turn aurttSMK vucbx Of gOSTU I HW m 'm'- " VJkkOUJU. x M J.- Htchdjt, frbruary , Court opeued at 10 o'rl. k, a. ai. " PacaKAT : t'liuf Juatka Pearaoa aad Aaaoriate Juatina Hotde, Roduiaa, Dkk and liuydea. . Kaloa B.4bitt ra. Urrrnwd m IieJoa A Ulobe Iibuianre Co., frrxa (iraavilla Aruamewt, cumoieaeed oa fratrHa: ca- cbib-il. MuoreAUatnair. W. A.Urabaui. lu C, Edaarda aad Pbiliioe A Mwriiu fur tiia plaintiff, aad at V. Laatar far tba denaadaalk - a . ,-., Htate a W, A. Hi.iiib. trora Johmrfon. Called and argued. Atbiracy Ueoetl tbippf,r iba Htate,' ao uuuaeilor tbe dett-ndant. ' . i ..,r... IMat--eW! Lawbnra, f mar Johr.- an. Vlrd and argiMd. Attmoey Uen ral Bbipp f. tbe tttata aad A iJuebva lr lb dekVndant. . N. J. ralkaerea. Haml $L lTuat. from thanrille. " Called and aritumeot com- mcoivtL fiuabca ds Bualwa aad J. a bVftheh for tbe ulaintitf. aad Ai. V. i'jiaier air ta wrfaadaat.- "" -. Peailing the aigntnrat of (lit above ceur, Ike Court ad)ourod . aatil . 10 oVkK A- M. li.mday (Hie lth inataat.) aciawa oa auraaaa ootiarr At b- DAar ikim, 1871. ut tub t taj rad eU, by lai kinjr - her o to MM utun couiiIkh, t xprm the aenl aiiaita id rtrry tea dmx-eiat that 1 bate afee li.wr lit n pri-atnt. and I will here ay llitt n m--nt aloiwIllmiM-t u tide and dt uti-d tu the bitrfivt of North Carolina as any nxuilwr 0w Him fliur. y(.y will . j(oltriu.a. bow tbe radi CXI rty lit oru CaroUo wa ataml, wiu jutjiy to-iio, wn a ttat-y redia incieax rue MBitf, aarm tip eye la watton ir ilia total iiifrrrnt, taking fo( llieir p!lf.inu tlir ubjuatiiio the ih-tuoi-ratie' p'artT.N by utm lat rountiea whoaa majoniwe were largely radical with. till- Kill In kV II. I. ...... Sawuiga od Lia) iaaw ialb laMed it f Jitiwi -e ainidter. aift, . imwwipn inineriuHf laeanaocnule a-VHtal aawliaMra.. naalMII to pravid tnt a rnmpilatina of, the pulilK: Mat il Ira pained i alireral n lir.i. (ppoiuU. Ju1g .UiUla aa taapiha.) fe 'J'ne Inri ta anarad aaet':Weatabliab Wiwk H.wwa wa lall i. ", " ' -' iie i.ih. hi auinonie tua oiuain m Baudot pa W eoiha-t afrearauf taxca paaa. d iiaaoaaial rnadioa. . Wr. Kobnin, of Knwan, nnvrd Mint bra the Senate adjourn. . it do i litl 1Q e'eka-fc tomorrow. .... -"J, , ; ,-,.-" , Tb bill to md a part of the act to tttrarfkwat la. Falli of Ni-aw Munufac hwing' Cmpuny--prolilliltm the aale jd utimv-paaaMi tx lliird faading. lly auauiinooa avejaeaa ( 4b Beaaia, Wr. Urogdea aaorew t BrHoara till Mrm day at 10 ortoclt. , It Mt -B.JAlal ,j. 1 is , s. Moarta. Vbv It, 1879. 1 tTbe Sraatamet at 10 a. at., pnnaant to adjournment, Mr. Jjttham ia the chair. H Mr. WiiiTaaioa it-ported fnna tbe cmn a)ttw an mittllad oil la. Mr. Oilmir Introdnnrd molutioa in regard ta tbe capiu.l. : A pproprjatuji JitMl ta be exoeaded br lb keeuer id ilia iwananx .' wh.x, t ". I V" amht iHeanpfrvauoaot the Onrertirtr , Kiuib.JiA ool,t to'3L-LL I '1 hhHI repaira ia (hernuf etc., 4.i V aaciae ought to deciar I nt lh buildiito. aal h i- Tfc reailutioo KM adopted, aud wax atut W the Huum., ' Oa motion nf Hyiutn. nil, the Bcuale took a ibaaat tilt ll o'diak. . . ,1ha eoal rwumrd at 1 1 f i'clork. ! A Bieaaavt received horn th llon of Iti-preaeritatlve iut.o uiin I lie Bcnata ' pnair ui a IIihihi anlUaw ia Uvor of Eiiward tVBadvur. i , ' U.t omuiou f Mr. tiilmer. hefeaofa- .rtiim. a of North Can-liaa- with laiia ilicd ,-c"Uiiina. I well remeutlwr tbe lie!niKa id" my people wbea we wrie an artan.-d tlwir admiiiiitialioa Aad we auttld have bad to-day in the st-fiai ta njirm Carolina a radutai of the ota-prm Myi wctipying me plwe ol otr rxiovetl Ja.fA H aina, wlio ao ably rep reatnta the inWnatv i4' the people, a4 out)' of u,y ,vt..o ,i lln-Huie, l.iit M noniiAaroiia.1, iiaif It iol havtt Urn for Mte trot;, psinotu; workinr of Jhe people of fly do 'nty. ft'lie we wre Brat plautt Willi oV.ufort eouuty. hc aaartd l toaaaigltoaf, and, wa iibe paapla af "J""7 were " "'7 ian prr.aira !or i wo yt-ara ia me aciiaif. and ta the hut election c uta.1 eveiy a.tiiiit aad eta ata-reudewd out cUium lui a baaaK lo UeattHm cooaty, t ebeer btr ap and atrentjthen nor b;k, that she might shake i.lf Um; loiA-rabl (hacktibt of radicauaui, aud tm it pruaeuUtd by a geuucaiaa aboai at ail a auwa aduurr. ; And Bert to day, tti drntK-taibs pa ty propoat that tlw-eimuty of lint ahall carry a Senato rial dialiK't if aerea cuiutiaa, Mr, Mpeakirr, i wm.ld ak tbe repreaeulativva uf.m nun n.Nir u make, a self raae rf it. bu propiMu to pl.Ke aerea tounli.j ia ik. Senatorial district aboe iiitcrvnta are not at all idi-mitlcd : nut- ix a liui.U-r iud tie A... np,H, wbM.b .U b.W hi adjudged. frZirtJrZVm ",mgli0 ':Uuu "d iU u," Oiid. I the V. tt p., wbea that hi mr w IhaXul ' ' ba peoploof toy eoaniy inw ! bav to aeod thy". muUtZnt tttm nA 'tlui'liao.T. "Nf do and no connection lawk bccaiia w tea tr, iw uMo of K . JZ. "f. th 8cu' with Wa.lllHuBMi M,trt.n ommu W Mal Kerala iaaouity en Headtaa at I -n-km .. ,.t .....i ..r?-- "u boUmw of web other, - We area tbe adoplioa of C. C. P, a the ease a as. I j 1 LZlWwaa . ii rK W lb. m uvery MKt aa w are a.M, daw il'STtrJS, t?. .pJ.J, .adfetyo,' WMHaMUtittM oowa. The ttanrea ta f,j . :. . ,;T . If mat tliM anall be ttiet id st, n.oori J tfct. eaa dtli aa faete, aad Iht ka r,irTJTS!5 M"U, ' dLtrict,' Hide and Wort -aaal r.f-..l"'i"f f- Wt nJiiirHhWaf M. ? MaUlBJ newa, uicaveuner avna uwa. taaoa I M .,t,vn.,l ...i . . J , . , I ioeKieTnittMwtptrBUerBn t raaxaM Ik cm that hi Ifeanr IMow "", ! ka.e aarb at bar t their &ZTi.. May, a aarb way aa bm mm- blw f , u. 'lfiraaaikf"rTiI'".;. . J ..' are nuiied by the bxa'dtof qbearla. ol aeriewtal arhllrtje. alhide.l i. ITrTT?? --"w'PWWfy a aiarmi in trio piipcrr,thf prprrt iff win ii was iif uarge nr nq ouea Used tr, aliich had ao bvr tlal be bad taken thn rm iflU. tl. fratl. of this Blatter and t;o,d "P"." . ' bat. b. Intimalbm to lat eery unMto the xirt that Ittt.taMMKfrwat niit him, Hud Iba bu'ta, To tbia and tbe ludu ieul ta rereraed and the raa mbiibiIsJ, f AWKRTIalUIKItT. l.'..'.i"UiJl 'r t WAauiNatOB, H, C, P. b. S, 1S7J. iiavinif beta abeiot from Rab-Wh oa iluaineai for sola weeka, my attrMtum baa jaat oeea caiii atoagruaali ealiuuuunia at tkek oa ate In tb MKKtiaai. by J. B, KarUo.T 1 writ baxlily to b ia tint tut th mail to male to aiy friends and tb publitf that lb laaUef aala have ta dit akaaiHi It atteultua a hick it awrit. J-reb. 111. Vf. II. HJiCIL llMl enMIU pumiiily bind ouc iwiiuH to oilier biii.U lUcso to i ooun.-. Aiid Am ' . fr f auil voil av IhfM Mi.n.1 . bf Ihal'atdio Pit ....,'..: .' J" r . . ... e""""'i nnrToJ,!;! ! M at lb p-itioB takut bi of lirogilea and Nnweii, wh.y say: Ihej' knew of a fraud baring Imwii rrpettad oa tbe (itat and said n.) aetd ,aboitt it nniil th Lrgikbitur was oa the era of aiyoutnmint Wa bar .an bexttatiua ia "4eeyrhingllrrijiliiii aniT rnbcT km tad liars. They lied kaowinulf . aad I litre is ale hal b id Ii .dual Oov- iaiUlMed to the Slate f r pajier, and tim tfce Krm and lb C Wn war ,anw in thbl It" the Sti-tli tioMHir r air-Ma latter about t Wdh. Tliea faets ' h teamed direct froni the op of the Secretary af hW. , - xna Bat waa briefly addreued by anea, aierruni not a-ntcuiig lnt wi !,- ut Wm Mrte wjajority of tlw people be iiaa tbu bouot tif R'proatmt,,' 1 aa1.iw Biaay""uf . Iba -baat-atjd atut Uill.i;liloilii uol his count , '! ' "I iiw tlM'j are bitteily pp.u to xny nui'h ttrranj;nctit. Jf it were w . ! ii t nmof Spurriia) c.ojld ear a lltnillort LiMMtr without mrniln.r il.t.. won uinr, woum y, in u.m , nuut, i( TZI7MISCEL1ANK0US, laybas&ajt2aaaB UAi u m ii L WN -HMKIJ- R f .oti7- , . .. . .-ItlaasaVMier or -Ci. ' -. -- - - ; t i-a ."-.; i? ''-'mnaam"' mu i maiiin i 7'hmi iiMeaweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaeaaaaaaaaaai'' smi i AT AUCTION ( H tb ear rf Mareh, t y.c aVaarka, Htra e) i ee , ,XAPij:a JkNO JOINTS iji ruoiaoBerif .tf i PEKFEC11 ITTlfcdI10; I 7"; A. If IC BH Oi, 'i fJHOg' a that mill well, at at . lt. 1 tin C. D;IIE.BTT Cirt.i 1 12 tf IS Payetterilb) tMreet ' I 4 f. '$ r A FALL mBi; 171 " I OUNC OUNN. Doable and Magbi erref uaa, jpaelng aad MaaalebiaiUaf Oaaa, ot tagbah, r" reach aad Oarajaa ... auaatartare,. ... .... AT ALL PKICI8. Hagle Oaaa at I1M, M 00, t Ol), It MO ll'JOO I X eaek. IXiabie Gam fruax j "$T totJUODOuat b. . I PlMtolax. lHaitolai. Plait olw. 8alU Weasea, Ct'a, Allni's, Bharp'i, and " te" atiwoe aiaaS) , j ammunition pun ot'jra, pistom f AND RIPLta. ; f i i IPORTSalAN'8 QOUDS Ot OIEAT But Qialilr ii VAKICTf. - lie it lattit Prlttt CaaatrV Mrrrhstits and loortnnea ara la Tit. 4 t rail atut examine oar laran aa4 well acleeird aUvk of tb aboee ti.HMs. wltluk wa r- fori direct aud bui rout the uMoula.'iwrc ne ewaranuie quality eaaal lu, aad prkweas low aa any nap-nialbla bourn la tale roantry. Orders tor wuOJ lllail lauauniiir. aaa Hiua-tH. av f ,k . - llttM, V- W. MM. ... .... J.-... -. !H)ia.T.tlTuaUlLiaV co, SO W. AJliMOrt Wraet, . ALTiHnEK. MD ap X-endljrdAw . (.STAT E OF a- RTII CAK'tLINl, O "iiutiMH. o ynaaatia, , . and ) 8k inner, an th hrrb h. exMcd bet geuatom atrtioa of the pilblie inlerc4 oa llte part in tba utorks at the prata-nt time f durUigllia euiira atsebot. aZk ..Zs. . .......a... . .... ... ..I forlimuat m. ? ri. . 11-:7 ., . VI .T7'TMr "ki,My niS i; ..V''-''''Jd.. Th. luaa..T; 'Si..,'?- U,.'"rt . " "w ar..js ,H,wWag r hornet miw tu gnie at. Hohien, M ! orth Carntiu. as nalnwcW anoi m. laoved- . Hill kt was imp.rhad Aw fraud asiu eorruiHioa in t lhru IB Nrlirimka Uarie has uvea dianwd la Texas. B t lck has : .tBi,,ii.d f.tua fjuorgU to wnad iwim-liiiiat.t,' Miav aeauia, ia now tnargud with haunt tak an a brlli of .0ott. Aad , ,1... dt, of tottih Carolina, ia rhargvd with bia aiadUeat abdi f.tbwiraraaii ban- was of thwbohv ' v.. - i The h-Hir of II baring arrived, ' ! i iifr. Latiism said : , , - f 8aUHit i aat M)titi d by th praai- diug oibeer of Hue who la ami l.u laxa tur aunt) Itui conflna.j to hie- iw serere illness; to eiptnaa ,tn hi atnrer rerfrrt tt bi lurf anablelo aoart v., iby. ' .,,! V t f. I l;w""' 'barged with the ( day of the teadtw. ii. b W. ka, iron, Mr. .dr.w Hy.,., pria- Z'.tST'. E C TZT"!! . - cipal cbrk i. U. offic. of lie, (htcnlary ai tbeir pwty i. W f atar th. fcaiaaB, f rJJJi Stata, thatevery paper ta th illy txwpt ? ,n nadet He thaiikt ton lor the nnif. r.a kindneHa aim baa borrowed faa, lit Be,.reU- ZZZ'' .r.. ry. offlt-e 1. ,m.n .Btonn, to b. ,,,U1M j - Z 1... la kind. , I ' in wan bolorv last of the Huther I tamsnnoa eaniee niav .u.l. ... ...... ....I .1. . . . ... . , .J ' rsit'ven cimnlint, Is very iit iir.y at fatrg aa aoiiiB i .iH;n-Mioiiai iinitMt.a, Witllout a railroa.l luoirMng any of the e .util e I , the iiisiiu i, ami no biwm, unless lie was worth a fctfiuue, cituld alf.wd tu canvaiwtbe dis trii lr tb postlioa of Seoator. , Yea canaot roaiimwM aod make a thorough add efTcrtive canvaax through thn die (rid iit W iitue fltati tau moitibs, attd lata opposed " tasking a dtslriet eo large as lo out oTt beak and a eou.l nnor im nm, m rmr e.Hmt, from bvinul Hw tbal-T.Tf J,ti:i3ri. . .nti ucraute ,ncj are sot able, U 1 una eoeaty, r.luniai,l o Wis t)m Tnia of u t.. n i .... . J lorn oiar in a th.t .11 ..t .t.. I aider lo draw up tbt ir prottat lb baan- toUJTZ ft, meriU ' " ' ,atow.dbor,EdpaE.frwb,n..,e. VTb? '1 only. The Snail!, owed for tbe papoi "". Bfi"irr. ilaib-y and Wilson, a law, th arasiua la at a cloaM declare'tt oa wtrh-a'-tJ.i-8ttpitiiMi fjwii' Mtpori. 'JT'i ui" & .Kow B"b 1fc Carolina atli.Hirned W at f-, u. de lltwat. when ba wrote that die. . Jn ,, . . fc.f , , 1.1. -T-- . The Bmurr 0 Temwrwaw had borrow ! tore bnadka, tbe Mw tw-aadV a -nahTwBdiB rw ahou'tti nr- -Mr. Jianitay baa art I led lite paptr bill ilb III berretaiy'x cbk so far ax th gum bel and tbe Btmntt are coorerned. When Dm Kr and CurWii.ta reluta tba half doa bundle of pajr tbe) bar hutrowed tbe paper bill will be set- louiiht all thauasa Ulat H...' did thefyipg hw tb tUar, but "Bob" has karued th art ta Brr.,.in 1. snoaa uy litis atalemnnt. 1,-wan nrta-l hi ,& wddrast last wvea, luax a M,ad th aatmaa tJ ta. r would be ureal I r bentflttr-d he h.. H0D9K OF REPRESENTATIVE!. I (, ,; , Jl.iaOAI. 'eb. I Jib. in:-l tuiuaa.wai nallad saw i Journal of baturdar proved. . .'"" A Bteaaage wax received bow tbe iji-uu- nautially, to cauyaaa, .It, is, a duty w oM,ra.-4us j a- amy m ow to cuntry, w fo.nuri.;e the ymng niea of oar Uiigy.. fnine tx.itilr and fealuMly lo the res. u.( of i,ur u-m1 old Urate. IK. county ut lua Immii puuwl and haoltd about aad made Hut bed nt hirftfiyyear, and I think it bsliigh tioie hu- her to have aahowmu;; Mtu-hM iieeu nnui taxes tor wibua.1 llt t, ad aa ladling ecoua Uiela lur tii but tour yeara and ah has riea kir rooitth. She Iota beta paying hor put vf tlio 8bn tax.a aver uue ahe has been a county, audbaaa'ta raitruesi aeaMetr witklu i a hundred tuih or herj4iJua-i UiiiwriH nppla.i i,i to 1 h U-g ' "T 'J1 P eollecsaiid at-ule with tbe Slate, ahib theaberidi of llyda was oa ttt b very poor lellow, bt did !.' lha deuaa In tl,. di.ff . iiair, did'ot bl . . Ib our opin- , w.ui 1 ttv inucn ueiier lor their unlRina if lb whole ronol,nvr.i.-.l brat to Mttle ihe biat wot of hia Stu tai Aud With aH this atarii.u v.ui in , kiuilleuieii. vuiauiMi b uls her a her she d.K mat boUmtr. and .li tied, and the tjocr. tarv of 8tl bUIIb HmTer" "u"s'" inta Ui dismal nv it sever- th. fbnuTx, .it lr r tf " T " ' K"n'be" Hfi betosgOirU; TOa ato lb fut.uhelk-s.l,p(edtoccoiuii. arn ,t.r r- . lutloa in dale editors with a few bundle of psper. 'A '2 1,1 " 1 i . V; , up and ( warper trt the Capibd to bav. eerl- I- ?" .' M pain dour."' ' - - I a tac, fciaitieuieii. jUuBiotiott of Jbr. Robinaoa. tb. iul were su.neu.led .1 th. ....... -. . . . . be. its several readings. ' ' " TT j M"ffb Carulla; one of lite very ti-w who attKtoa of Mr. Broad fool the rrto- f ? . J '7 p ria tavw rfK R, I " 1 If4"" oa th. 0-awntHu,. rourage me best duiooi'iatic e-mmy ia It tcslijk.tMaaJii. bareattettol ....... . '. . eaotv in com l pt toting tti lat year as couipared ajb former year.Tbe print ing ws tteret hvfim so ojitaply douei tBSTjeaTaVR Badm-r was bk patarq it several readii g. 00 -mar do ...... iiiu wnai you pi. a, still she, will 4.T.lf.t.W trf--ocflrdin V, t r-taoktbti awairfdaei. ZFVZJ? w, lie tHrt rrmnil fondan has . W,m..i..;,L. f I fhltllrl..aitwaii h,. MtmMultJf!.9rS'': P", .- to.auvu 1 . . . - - v . - -f t .( V II KlUi ll.T. .V i. , Ti Lkcisi in mk tf Kprth Oaiobti. adj.mWJ t!t i'J j.wirj.lxy at 12 oVInck, vui 1.0 tn'i t y r. tL-reaca to tlte pro. M,1in.r. ti. I .'..I. I otta atarkaS .1. .,,,1,. . ... turn 1.. . . . I ... ... .rv. - t r"--"- J i.oaa, j . . ,., junior 1 idu wmta or eaio. mu. bMnrfl . t.k Latbata atljoutncd tb Sonata in a eh sat J B-300.000 a1!"" braid other HJi aad aid elegant speoch. ; ' ' ' " ? " til. ZJF Bpeeiurr Jarvis rereived a reSntittlnb nf I.TT.' "",wiw gallon ' - - I u, H.,,,m HB . I.1U IU.M. mT , . .. frnm ,'nu,e OB P.luidny last I 760 cows ar rcuuind jn mnnlv Ilia delta ta which be lilin"Jy and piawiiilljT,touBl," aiilk. Tbe streets of tbe replied, b tount of ahicb appearej la rJrKl'ir"!.9V0h"! " g . , . I r -w m wufjuM trsmia tiuoai imo jiosoay issue. t I ntikw, Tbev ara Uirblad .. ha Ban oaa jo tgtuattitc ever dnl so aiucb Irork I 'mP. consuming every twenty tour hours ias aboftatiiue. It acts hav. an. "''.uo ebi fret af gas. Th water Wrmi.l.,i,U t la. yimwr-liirwM bl WmililhtaanatlirTi. r'f iJ a (it Th.. 1 ...' !. . I tb. A.uns .rln...... n.-...t.. i.Tv... J "J y do Wned uomrfation of Haw Vorw Ki..,..,i.t lulled ia tb fW aiua. In.,..d hir" .. " m a, raaical. Pll Brauklva. 8L Laolr. Chl:.. p-i.i- I Kdibar of the 8bi.ti.nxx havinw d, fr.T...i...l rl"?ffl T atln, I car nut iuwe, tincmoaU. Unatoa, NewOileans I lh 6M'. tb Btata had- draaWd lb -Sea r,ttcli', Butfal and All.h.-Jl Bdttt at. xha- BstaTtMBi.(air. d.wda City, Pa. To iodg tblt vast btultilade 1 'eB Pded tw take up ea. k rhargt 777,000 dwellings are required, and the '"'"'d 'nhaj; protest and etptae wopbj ona.Miat annually abnvt d 4H0 ratliX a tndr fulaily. a ... .... ..jt t .. 1 u, a... . .. it, . --, ,;aa, S,V...- I : . 10 tual B oi-Wtlf , t.'....Vt ;: ..! in iue uroitu anu 1. I , . " --.-". tfit o fhsi'wltli tl.tircs.uo- rlibi yu do to th county ,T llyda, you csa atverMiake beau laf fofe hvraelf as to rote toHs. lt" onder lha tout of tadieabsia. f lib tln ie t ar remarks I teave it with Ju, gcntk'BBea,! oWide. . th SaJtrniu. and fAtaaar mMH ayMwpriaiiag 1 Be paper aw th Stale t their ava, h wished to say a wid or to. He bad been Infmnrd and ktu. tt to b a teot, that lb iwestatt tWratary at Htktaa well a hi a shwmii U-rn 'K? f .'.luir papvtitiihtTui:: paper ut tbe eh( Inescttve of p..ihit wltea tbey raa b..rt, wi b the Bntiersuad mg It wa to be returned ia kind.' The BajTixaX,' Can.Kai.rn, -Xr4 and per haps atbar j.raal 0 tbt Jty had bor-1 rawed aaa. r ia thia war. and at tin. tii. ! U, . r ,1 t.!..i. I 'r""7"" ""ppoea 1 i,mii,:i ga oee dai v. I "r er iMwuia becne a psrt of the history of th eoun- whib) th wwar ..-... .jr it .. ' wt re, a.4 iudtlHrd to tlo. ,.J..J. try to .wbudt we shall have occiitua 7i0 cubic at el mfusa bum a' .- I "hito lb Curajawt aad AVa h. oftea lo refer id tbe continv lJi,00 sail la emioovad Innx . j I be. 1 I , is upou us sets 1 111 iue coming campaign tuut be wottot lost. May that coestitueut rrrcive eaeb one a lib. tbe sslulatM.n, "Well done; good aud feitb- ful eervsut.' , earuiroiu g.aaiauth.M'iry, aay the ICj Wtat VUpiu, of the 30. uU, that tb sts-amer i-iUity whitA afrirf-d at tins porlOWTauialay aiteraooa last, had oa lMfd "a si, pick age of styer. abtch appixr upoa her niatiif.iL hot aim fa, it 4 rtdd, arte shipped undcj" ftm-J vciiiucate sad sua at tl.Vaua. On in I beau paekas-esXwn. aldftaairt . it.. r.vixiicn, v V, & Ontnt, anuther to Mr Robeson. oVvrrtatyi.t'lb Savy; ai.otbrt tu Mr. Fish. tHsrufety f State, aad the others b d 1 flereut meXub. ratdUcB.tiraat's l alnnet ia ail about ,H00 ar-yars. Had tlause segara been addremed to any other a eiusena ot ta futUd btu, Ut Cus lout lions olflcere at thia placa would bav p.uinced upon thesa and umimhlv utulcb-d ihe cptsia ot the steauter to aoo, or nave sought th coafiacatloji ut iue vsMSct. ,i d U la th futwrlor ats C. 1 tat, P.a.tiliif, 1 --t - aootMt - JtaasTV (1. Dav, Utt fc r 7V .I.W AW( CmnHmm sktHf f'bi nuy -tlnwtimi : ,Y..H are htr.-hye utuiaadul, aa b.rl,.j,iro, t lauiaUHm J.rr.t U IVttt lltu itefrttilsnt above uaatad, il ha Ha touaJ Wilhin your ,-n.u.j, u. iw an. aiawr re me inaut 01 W aurtur rourt In l brlil f r Uia rtNiuty ....iia, ai tmr.'wt.s-titHnejfM tnttstiurir, ot the fourth Honda after Ilia sur.M Mu. day In rtwa -nt, OHf aad anaewr the roat pVat id tb plalnliftT, a roy ol wbicb wlU Iw iWiki lt ia the utni of lher.'s. of tb parlor Ourt fur aaid eonittv, wlthta tli Irat thre days of the out letta of -aht mart, sud let th said delsndsiit tab ao: lea, Witt If ba Mil to sntweribe said eueaplatolal Ibat lent. .asptHM sin wh nn(nt, u aeaiust boa for tbe sttas of three tnoua-ia aoltotra In Ibis Kite a warm of atlw-bwent baa bra. ap .lt. tor anil oOUIul front this eoart seslntl t. JaUaparStMiUI - . , tanw. waBsiasciaa.wi(bBrst-l ' TUOsV A AAILkf. A. bl. ta) Bans sows. Mill, hi eawtMese otaar I llrWt H ills. Log eaats, Wsgoaa, Caalaa, eVe. f a 9f faTwaS. Lt Pair ot Mate. . - h7 lrr-uf tteaea ' t wntiiM eatl tar a Btrsw law Mil Tat ass of aalasaa. or a ctvest e4 stx aatk with aou saA saint a m srttf. fbU-dU ) K UUA, CaoifA CAACIIBA, 7 aWlur..,!, TW)rfACt.a,0 fbv , , tt-itit V- ..: - -ti - IF r v i-a--.a tta.utM- .feu. a-fcae ,T lv tag N r-t SUdKwUSritfieri rt- ,pt w..-i I TTIumtj" etreot, . vwt M .a. i . 1 1 I w York, . 1 . . 1 . : . .. ad Jobber of XI JfaaunH-taser UQOTS 4- 1 8IIOB8, OlTTIIaUxAtV XICA.DK, ! Kasaia at the akl Stead, where at ita IbtujfaU ueeass, BlU bsaaaWd lo sail thabr ooda o a closer ttargla khsa nt ap-towa S. IKK) B, If I'gOO CHOICI lUflAI CVkID fuU t-tllai W. C. 1TKONAI R A (XX A- t HOlfl fARM FOB BAtJI I If aot prevloaslv soM. will ha aoial Duhllal. in ItlHalKiru', lit 17 b MM,, ( 'atarda ) a cbouw rarat ot SUA .-, as-tHy sdotuliur a Iowa Hue, and moat ha-au-d Ttu-n. SrSatantt Ail smvsof aroodlsiut. Tba I ana Ml be divided if douree), btlo two parti, aearly tuiatl.. The la lar.aaiideu. H ... -ui '1 bare at a ernva of lo ...... It M i l cthHT One Of tba ...d u.nat Orutihtrai rsaidrn as bt tas htata. II.. .... "i 01. ma... T lixNkf N RROWN. Atrt-nt fib fbsxraaa rary .". 1873 -dU tT .v , !. ,.cl r Fabr 'agCTTOOpS, COLlvEGE,clr. AUaWCAb ACHOOU 'iff Taa airanlss of aay aroetwill berraassc! at ta Lamm aeaawiaiv. oa stoaatav. Jan. ! KLECT BOAbDISO AND DAT lutin. r , 1 " TSuouo', N. G JALXIUH IBsIAXI ISITU UTB. : Pr- aad lfn, Laey, ;' - " " IMaHpaht,"' The .iM'tScim-Wiiil Ulrs.-bonto SriafT" reh, taat.lii,aclusaJas!jKk tfZfc tirenian lot warded oa ai.plK atlo : , d us.lnt ' . bv a cores f reasjteat Ua. br 1 ThetwalfUssasioaot tbblsekvul will baev a ea rrtdav. r4 Fetaatjk IUTM. tltcabn am wm BnHM-.MU. eavt-geba -v s--vv MOUNTAlJf - Hi i riACHMBMT TRIAL ' , M u I f - iv t n tt i anvwnma tint nrs A- A few 1 wJli?.l.OAX. ! tlltlVI t. 1. K f be rUst eva.k td tb . hoot r.r W mf IH ii:Bi am net 1st of ffta.titari andwJ fr'flti' IV- J ' ' ft. sstsef th laratraa.av Taut, bt lent 1 wt near! S.SUU uut. bt Law abadbag .fuaaairat fit pa, wt, as , , , b-b a-AU II flTTII ICUOUL .KiTHIU.-fl, H. C. taan. A. rarraa, A. M. ' I . ti Vtn 1 at .-. m tj 'ii Cnsausi larraa, A. at., AaaoruM tbs Twelfth Prleripsl. f af this lewtliatluB will MlUTAUr T li ' t Witt ipin.'.a,a.,iaw, ' ,1MM it I Txaaaei (Muad Kvsms, ' HTi turn. hVurd. H srhtntr, bal, l.ttjhtt. ttvoVA -tuii..-r). . , l;t. to, syl.b- mWruMv -Ircalatx cuulam.uK fa t tt tomation taaa beau,itft,u J applt. ailon b, 1, tm. a. 1 uwarif, die it laa tlf T Piiu. ipal aud Propil,-i.v 1 Sandolph HartMi C'1Ifs( . ! ' ASULANIX. .VIKtllNlA.!- ' IttltllB p'lltklralillf, faat. 1 i7. rnr furtlier niroriuaUiai, ratal, pw, Af., SiHteae, . M UII.I.IS. KM.n.iHid, Vs. July 18 it aePruI.1l UnTII.I. 1J.I.',..I l. Bed) 1 btratar. daaasrr i I la. tm A - 1 1 TaW school Mtaitaaled war kltlTKll'abVpot, etesti aiiies reues aa aaatcv bwwlton, ua u. Batrra t usatua auilrua. 1 Be Ida. at rr BMrbaata both .for beallhfulaes aawl aturality Vb InriletuKw lanr aaat't-iiattatiSiutu. art baaalifullr sllualrd, aula aiaUut ttuuttiu daput aad apriu;a. Pur boy a wboaw aaallb w.iakl be uearttrd thsiebv, water will b brut ght eaeti day frosa aMIIrvtl a Bpriairs, ao yaat.y aotnl fur tbeit asadbbaal vtrtara. J ttepeiWr advantaera a.1 ever bind areoltered by thtatchool. - goardtla. luUtus: f acl and hu) aa I billion, peraaeeioaof twenty weeks, II I.VUUL r.w tttcalar. addrrsa -be Pilwiual st Klt- uU'mrillleoits,M. U.u, . aee M ataww . t r. BUwUiKk. I a f V, II t i Dtitliu.l L , . UKIIA.kVllJ.t, K C. ; i Coi, WM. IHNUliAH.Sur'T. - The Ht rliitr H.j. ion of IVW opt-,,! frh atS. riaort;auU.,lloa la tuihtar)- thn t-our.e of is alrait.ti.Ht ta C'laaab al, Mallteuntlli'si. futt.Ha- Hart tst, d. p !H lut ) K. Blltt, ; 1 PBMALK I'll YHICIAN, No. Wl, Main Kt., ' RIVIIUMNU. VIKiilNr.t. Lxiux strrtaiNo raoa taaa.inj,tltI-' tar any .ui.luinl -. uliar lu lr;r w) trt uarantml ak nly rcliet. AH ,4Mauui,sins ilrbily n.lllrat.t L'ttcm ut- ua.uuysu. awi-ndfroe of -huei btxl amirs fur by Mstlor Ktts . . " KiNHiw ul stlendaaea aruu.lted wbaa r. quired.- - . .. . I lune IX d.twl. IALBIUH riMALI BKMlMARf . Tb Fourth liiaajna will ttprit on Mum'sAV Jan. Uth,tafA i w ' ,.T Tiue lusuuiua cueauaas In com 101 is ot was wilb the advaalatte uf a lust t'lu.s k'sasalti AcbooL laatruuttua thcoh: baiekeraexperlHtced at successful: vvvry facllliy otf.-r.' forac- alrwu( a UMaroegh ttdaoasiuw; cluutars ntodr- . J. 0 X rolxU ALPAI AUKVI T. ox roiiD Mb. M K Mltcttt.ll, P.iaci,l. 1 Mr W - H JHo.rt-, l',r 01 u..;. '1 lie eve t". of (Ilia Inatltnllon will k. aautrd Jauusrv loth Inrj. - t. ri-aliw-, aim -t, uu ai.tiih sih., iBjuaaawa .-All ll tcniU ut liu- lltly prof Mil, II. otdbe lutivfttily t.( Nyllt tJaVuiiu,' tlr ar t & :iui Fur Cltralar ooatahinv l; tu lb 1 rax.iMd. F. r. RI)BtXiD, ov SO tr" fall partlculius, A M., Ud court en- sab! fourth Monday alter the as-ued M ndav ta Pebrnary, IM7X. And H ap np.w the altldavtt of tltvpslttlid Out the defendant reaidea bvroaw Mm nmiu ..f mu roiaw, si m by ttts court lust publie. ! lie be aud ia the IssTisat, a uewspa ar uh euj 01 nai.TRtt; ucv a week fur six weeks tucces-ivav. uutlrvbM tl.. aa ....... danl to aptwatr at lb add traa Of aabt eoart. sad answer th aJd eowplaliit, or luduaamt win ba taken egainM Bias for th aaootust ..wa ij... sill, , tbvea aader ml hand and tba saal'of aald "coon, um aHa day of rfsnaary, H7i , , , t K. H T1MUKHLAKK, t te. a Bupsnor roan fur t ratikti C. . Ja J . Uavia.ViataUffaAtiora.a. , . t b-wt, , 1 ., r tb. 8.? , W 10 rr9n and al I tVli uA'Ul PM" af tb recitHttot of .1 elaZi V orer.l,wed tb Uat.of e clause ,U. t.nH .K.. a .... ' liEsrr (! The s! fmta Oriujsrc. ' Wtat. ia h purled aa tery heavy. Tbe stately oak., at ( hapcl Hill atiOcrrJ Vctvly ; rtiaity large I'uiha were bmken off by wtiht i !ie ice. lliis the Alutuui csb l.cnr for it i prmidentisl, but llsrs ltn cuftinj? tbitn d wn f tire wotwi to cook lilt poitt a I 411a, 'was Iba " kiu l.-it cut olsll." Tbe Alumui will Bcltbcr f.,tj: it- fotgt it, I railroad, ta "ringing anaually 1,1.10,000 1 , Niajr, tb BtetaUr of tbe Ifousc lOut of co.L nitHHtiaoua &.1 U ....1. I braaeb of tb ttriBtins caauitt,.. .k sively used, and th snjok arising fruta I iRn1 h riornnwBt H 0cwttoa wt hv u.. luiuicns ejoaattty Is laid to b to I "u":u J nccretsry of Btat , bfl ticua that It call b aaea thins. A.. ;i I tae protest was published, that th. imut tb city. To cloth th. ib habit ant TN4' WUlo atisiaproseoled n reouitw. a ima ...I . . . ... . . 1 i. tin. .... .... . r- , 1. l. a .1 .... . . I ... . i,... .... . .. 1 tn tana trial the were tun. ml t. m, i: I -"-.'", ivqraasliiajcar "T -pow ne pxvrtxgL thp.r ,, u,,' 1 "J. mna waa unwonnr o! snr mn,l r h,,l,t ., 1 ' . 1 ' i" Mtapoa this hWaud rubiv de f,rM "Mlbiport W.U .xhlbit Ib enaiewpt ,? every decant man. n -. j ,7 10 matter, aad ... , . - - w, u, .u, piiU uu. cuairere duly eater the rgaraad pay th ttu y dutica tlerwta. V are at a kau to discover any nrnre priviieot ia (leneral I s.u uiiMncrs. Berlin, aconrdiitg to th rerani census. hMa ptipulatbt ot 828,011; I, mat taa 1 u jt F 1 . . .1 Pans, la 18(17. the year of th F.xmajitiba ,b " f vff decant msa. k -I piterstllc, ! .""I.tlii, and Constanii noplc Th Uott, u ll a, havias arrive.!, Air. ia 101, 10ii,i,(H 0. , . .. , r' Ppxkcr Jsrvisaxid : Gemlcnien ; Ia xo, I. xaa. mi ... , cordauc aith tit btint reetHntion, I here- .JL' 1 sirtt't ir Mim,' R. rvbtor h, at tl for .,.-.-,um ,na t.,-k ha, aa r r4lt as an nii,ii.tB mnnlr In t. . 11 aa. not imhsj ts airs relu-t bt anv P V, f, libTIRUKU FLoriilx Couf etcac. . in lane. 1 tblH-d8t by declare tbit body adjourned t eft. . Kttart.t roaraa Lsniaw Kellv, of f ""s1", i. I .antra with WhKfr A i - naoa ai sou taa. i is year. l,j3s, as rak. b!fcoau; au verifa ot Biota, tbaa tit w a, wtUi hat a K eeui ur tritiie r. P tebla-atBl - . . .' . .: : - . ; ' .- l.rtot bieiuoke Mitugltd cigifiTh titer hi ia Gvexfil Tout l uomO. . - If. R. C Jolitsoa killed a b2 bear at or near thaHdividing Itaa between I'opliu, SttuipsoB tbd New Hanoi , one. day but Week. "llII7niriTl Bjt.nar t iunitbita Taawa a t - aaeasbtraa aud ant i, Ui at.iv a,iu..ituis ths la a at 1. ta. shoulder, and hi ntl-takea for rhxaaaatUas. 1 aliMav h la alt ad wit Iota of aptwtlts UhlibhaM. K..M... t I M,.,t.r. k . bate atternaUns; wltb lav. Tb bead bt tru bled a it twist, and duU. heavy asusstiua, coas tdcralH ions of asetaoty, se aapsosad with painful srnaatbas of astine- h-ft nnduB ahme USilif whh b aua-ht to hsva bM don. ltr.u oaniitaiioiiK 01 weaKm-ss, deMhty tad low tdiita gorarlhoea eaan uf lb shot . stxead iba afaiesae, ad at other -timet frw nf th.-m : b.. the Ihrer bt geaendty BawpaVtaaaaBBaBaaalltbe orsa bwI lu . IxiXTf!? P'olve. Car tba sjfj'jisuth. . ...-,. n'.s!4 . DR, MKUONI' tiivcr IweUlator I ' ' "V ' A prcparaUon uf roota and harba. wsrrsated lane aumlj vegetabie, aad aaa do a teiart lu any on 1 r . , ,1 , , . .... ,,rr7' ll bss hern nsed bv handrwda aad lun a. the bus, testy vuarsaa oaaut tbe ajost raliabla, , tu lbs aullertatr. i"' - " - "raujawpaut, Mas time, Msttiveaeaa. tick bcaatat k. lTl S tts, dwrrbna. alln liiHta of tbe hkuM-r . - - -, . re ar, nerv- " "'"in, anpuritrof Wat blood, BH-tancbuly. or dcimaatua uf aubtla. k,Mrtl,Hm ...It. ... -l-k . L . . f'""" . mv roweia, pate "ttn naff naJMli 1 J ia the kcad. revet r-n r tt I l-a-i. back. rSAOHn WANTEB. . f. . , I w - ... af f , t ti A yoautr teathmsa bt wanted lo trar frlvaU -fsiuilv of .yht aapha, onaqaaitded toaxh Ihe bigbta tCuglbu hianebea aaid sbr . -p. 1 ,, stating terms, I J t Moa. A. II ARRIMOTttN. ' -i. . MlltieraatoB, M C. aa w-ww Satan voon. an s.-aaa.-a. t a .. f yuva. lawy, I a. uf AiMtMsn, tf As'awn, tiriaa,.jaai UJthi , tBbataad TOUD, 8CHKNCIC A CO,, General I'omiiilsslon MerrhAnts,! run vat i. stDfntcBtsi o ' fVWCO, t?IT(J.T, 0HAJX. FLQUM, And Merchandiae of every descrlptloo, w. loiimer. sr., luuw tirt.tot rutt B A LTIMODK, Barxatam: ''.I. Williams. President Stale National Bauk, etatuH.-u, .-a. j. f v ., . K. A. Martin A Co , Petersbarg, Vs. Mcllwaiue a I'o., " " Wia. r guns, Ballinttwe, Md. J.t W. fittest, t a.bu-r U iseu' Nsiioaal Bank bf baliiiaore. J.bisn, Jr., ('sahlar farluan tud IfarchaaW I nau.uiai nana, Ujltltaors W. d. uoidsbru'. K. C. lirtMLVA.N r KUA1.1l IXiLUdB , Ml KKKKSht 110' N, 0. ' F The BitrlttL. Hfattloti of 11, 1 .tt kn. , QiBf RIUH aWUOObjMALR AND Pit j jJi't ib..,111' '"b and end dak. r w t;,t. t. Tit'. ' ) . Iter. Puil Hl.llf, Pr sid.ul an Pr.if. .J u,.r.i and M.uinl I'litl. to. hy ottn Mm rat, A.w tnuatcof VaiPruf of Mill b ttwl. alttl N .1 ill 1 1 it 1,1V. fa ktlwurtt. A AI cn .IJ,a,l os..iu.t t rnuiterritv of.Ya.) I'n.f.t.f Lattiruaces. .. . -i.rJ. Joha oaii'r. it.rnd. t .... ..,.-.i..M ol Matte, MtiB.e't Bavttrts, Pi of t.f tim. " LiHstttaa nculllir. . Httililn... isr. a.,.1 ,..,n. . foilahle. i.'euriw uf sluitv rxt, naitii Hlrit.-btuttiiurt.ui.-,. - . - - ltatitr B-wklB Ial.lar aaa. stjittlirv Jf The iwt sssaioa WlU opt the 111 h of Jaaa Faf. 187. 1st lioa 'rota 116 Ctllnf seat Ion Board la aou fsssilbia lid per mouth, loclutliuti wadtuur, axbts, tuvl. dse. Vucpattkalataaddrer , , scat saws" 1 LEACH BR I) THlllS." ti It O C K U IS COMMISSION MtRCJB A)rti, .' BALiilOH, HfC. !, T.-" till hi ua 100 ":' ,IMr , "". 'a BUU. FAMILT Aim IIIBA rUHJK. j l Butbelt Wb Corn. ' j lis) da m do Mvsl. I 1 .. ; b lnllf 4 LB.1CH BKOTHERSf a, -Z BWH.W. IkMrd, UtM bjilmir ssHluiitr. Ii Ida Ae ( ' I 1HIIOII HI S-OeHrll .Mlltllffl lllll-llttlltl ' . , Muthi.ttiitil.l.'a ulid ii",..f .1 tr. to I rattle ht Ki.tlu-b bipditM tin Prtuisrv f f li,ta a. I '. 1 .. I Tai'toti lo I sutrii..-B t ch - . lumi ! Mttaic, Vocal or Itiitiuu,. t.lal 1 ta " ' ocsl M ate tin .a.At . . .. . in. Vt Id Ptatiu, , ,t llL For full put lie jra H.hltcsr, . , MKV. lAl I, WllHi-.IHvM! ' 1 ti-i ut. 1 1 Mi'rfittaii 1..' h V ItBrttt so Hon H I.7 ' I A....tu I Vs.: Hon. It A. IkiMt,; . ;iou S. f. " ' j..n Ha, tr It in. L. i : CU0AR AND UOFFBB.I tu HMA " A - w AH0 "C" ailfJAR. 0 tacks Bio (Joffe. Ift Back Mat kiaib Coffee. eh lU-tletn febl-dtf BUVlllNA j tW.OOU Lbs: Bide tad nam'. a0ttl do ' pats Lard. tab 1-dbt 4 i ,) ;i 4.BACII BROTH BRA. 8 I BUdlUU WM1TK MEAL. lab l-dlr W. C. STR0HACU CO LFACH BROTIlRKd. 1 ( 45 Bbut and boxes crackbba. tb 1-la, t W. C. 8TB0NACH A CO. BID POTATOBO Ml mds Kavl; Rote. M BUa. fljod.lch. to Bhlx. J. Whit. , , , , ... V . . . 1 ... 1 10 Bbls. Bsnisoo. I 1ft Bbls Mercer. AHelectededtock, '' ' ' " t febl-dtf ' 1 ' LKlUU BROTHERS psuy it 1 0 11 , . if V L A 8 8 1 V A I. , MATflRMAWAL, ami (DM Ml lit l.L I.KVOIB NiHtTH ( AltAl.lNA R W..rittu Pihtrsl. ' tj -t II. I'. Hit , v Aat h (ma P .nt-lptil. 1 M. A R KMlti !, At,t,sMTi t-... , hpwiiK . tt-KMoit ill ..p. u eaa. i7lk. 1671, H.tard, from till 10 tt3 tt t tuouih , ' l from i ll) to t'St pur siumuou uf t'.t nt num. . , -- ........... .! ... ' tor piirttculai, apply for t-'hcular. dee lllswaw .. , . . m : -- . i he Great Siek! iiKuvrp, i Dr. WAtKlSft-a OAUVOUNIA ' INEGARt BITTERS, ii Handrcdi if Thnntant! t1 J' ZZ Betrba.IHu.taf tartfir Weattir- 'at 7 , ,1 itittJuraHV ml Durabas fc.tru. SVVHAT ARE THCY?.ij AV A A , xTTornevs II! MMM' at JL,i A. Q. LCD A Co., aw, RALEIGH, M. a nun, tf. A a. tuBsntoa B. . Ut NOTICB. r.-.t . Jttt. d 'ti. W ,., , All eaWMMibwIlow U as rs'ttlrs ta hun, aw"w w snnaa to rota-at vol as it. ASKkw. ttt k paci, f 1,-t-.o v ttTTO R W J T AT. jfc A W . Pisa thee la lb. aanranl " - rj th. atL JmHiVI ft..lrtn, .. 1. ... H - J . . J Hurt Carolias. Prompt ttUauoa itvsa to ksauj taa crop a ood eobtr, aud puatdux uta roUscUoa ot ebdaaa. ' - . tattartty. . - . - . . u i ti ' - . rspad only fcr I B, 71IUH A ca, Dntcmats, Mschi, tt Prtl; hrmaUli al. l K. Ull l liua . T. ."wi,, - f ''., as (' f UWtrh.MVi IIUasUAnT TO CERTAIN RIGHT A- vested la ass bv Patar R liatki. 1 shall pioeaed to aril, al th Court Uoum dues bt Um ntv of Kale eh, a BjaianMv, th. UStb das ad runiy, lel, tw haadrad and Bit abacs, of stock ed the aVUg -w. toaipa-.r. a. . . . MK - wild' AMI, Ralelga, Feb. lid,ir-w , " N wW CROP MOLASSES. ( e trf" V tos Had. ... , v. c Bat Bl ia diltTB-rnai tad t. at it.. Ala Csrdcaaa sad Mina s - .t .. .i, fedara suOcswd. 4 - WORTH dt WORTH, IB .taw. -j.ov;. B. JONM A fXX Audio A C0MJIioi0.t MtarpiVTi. . ca. it M V O ILVU WAR t . I JM rscelTod Iross tkatssitaisxHaey U Mtw t aver Tea tn last art Karats, "it " Ituvar Tea BVKtoaa. x , f - 1 Ivory baDdls Knlwav . - . laobUa, ajaast, Cbtrhs, A. ! -I - W. H. JONKI A CU bs. avtl 40 dACinvcorrli. ,. , ' ' lb lidiafi i: W. fj. STtUINACB A Cfi. COTTOM. BB0KER8, CoxBinlauaio I Morcbantau SAB tlBALBal tit ; ' LfiroMriit, Iirdwiri, CBllttf,' BtiaVtiiti I at rrrtiiittrt, WiiuiaavoalTaaaT, Easr Maaattvjiot.tBB, -RALKIOH, K.-C., - GINERAL AkIENTI for til tbe Irvt.bst rrnllisers, Buck a Pbbini. wbkb sbead. at Uu, uu 11.. 1 .. aod ta nuberaJly ackBowkrtlircd lohesape citllty tor Cotloa, Tobateo, aud all the abnur Ptrsrw-o, which every cuoj farmer know, conlaiaa th nraulalta onsutiiv n ....... ...l. umi wwu aartef a orooe;it hj waaa a also prepares! nuntssly ft, tber. ban y . - k -.- li a- sr r-;t- a Maai ' V.- -A ' w KANCV DRINK.M' ct ra... hta. Wal. .... .,. nstrttsa.d Betas. Llauwa Jr.-J..J. j? and awect..U t 1. 1...,.- tlu but Crtf.V 11 " 1 t'lasi''a-i,ri,fit.ii,, ttutt'lats lbs llst.l.tlfca 01 draakcuaeu sud tills. Wan s trs MMla,ntl Hum Uw Native UeMa mt llarttaoC (.'alltM sis, Tree rraat all Ab-ebatH: Htlaialania. Thorat, tlMtlKCAT B1.IMIB 11 blUKBI aad l.ll'K HIVINtJ PRIN ( I TLX thirtrM l'.raolraK ta, lansumsr las Errt.m,.rrfc, stall pobwana aiatt. a rsttorisx ttrt tlot.4 ts a hmn,y uicltttu. Ha arsoa eaa tska tkni Bus- t axi.cii l& UiasndreKistaloaxaa,. . '1 -. Far aa.l rtrs-- ltaa. : asattaaa .uaT tle.1, fXrassMi. 1S'.. teatlas, lllil.. Mcaatllusl aad later, aaltlvul Fevers, IKammit Iks HI Liver, atidwta, an Iliad V, Hnaalilla era tars boss jl tuesvaab Bat' . eaaeasrt einacd kr V It late t titer a, a b ss.iwsm JtaJjaaaV-ar dsisssis'1'," xilaratlve Oicsjt 1. 1 ' 11 vapertaiA tut iantOf!aTtS; " I UualSaas. Vaht , n, suoulaSn, Cotutts, Tleftt teat Ui. Cast, Ca-SCM. Soar Ersctausaa a. taestostsck. Badtutj ta His Msstk BumssA. ' taeka, ralpltattoa m Uis Host t, laaasuasOaa st S Lanfa.psis la Ucr.-iooa srilia bJdscr.a altsndr.-d other (utalal ajaiptt.ais, Bra ts tpriastat Dyspppals. .- Tb-rbiaaioiars llw BtntaackaiHl aUtaalaM lb bMSUhrarsad twiw-ia, walcfe rsjtu.-wr as ssalkd aav-acr ts tlMusts, ika Miwd af st Bstiierlim. a.4 latpatUaf sw Ills sl I fc IS wkols aystais. I'OltMtilV tlMt:AHK!i.KrsrUaBa.Tallw. ' BaU IJwiua, U.aU-U.a, tii.m. rta.f.l.a. PaOSjoa. ruSsatka, liuid Hu.S,:salHoa, Vr, U.tia.las,ti4, rJcarta, bucltwas at v. bun. uaawtt tat bts.asa otwaia. wbatetat au. ct sto-a, ar j Mtarall af at sndcairted oat at taa S, is a afcon l"" bf aMuw sf 'Baoac B.HCI. o.a 1 uttts la w euallcaristCgUM Blast IsCTi.a.te".' eaiaui-suaWcaa, . , . Ckaas BW VMMsJI Blol acatrt Sr BS Uairmn tmntu, Uurstutb CM.H. ta r- skit, kissttana aoraai ttasaartt ark. 1 d .4 a saatrMtsd sad Mmtt, at vas.vaM, ebasM a b a tm, an.l soar fcaiisss Wll raa wksa. Kacf t4 BtMd fur. saas KSllliaU,aamnarlll.dhw. IM, TA fB a ,d o-uw U OB ., birUBCt aantcaiaf so ataai ikflatt t4t. sraat.adr " 4oatrojri asv.aaoi.i. rorfult Jlraia.n- cat, toll 7 th. rtrcslar sr.-mt.d cms sius. . i Wi.Kr:a, rvtrt-eir, B-n. U.'boSALB Co., brseriats ed tbat. Aaaaia. rss Frawoea, Cat , ss W sad Si Btrert. Kaw Vac Mtui taxi, PRt(K)iT ap UlXlSOk ttb St-dtwdrwly . -. ' ' - lis 1. pa 1 ess- it Bon Bnper-Phosphate, vm cmn. its eouunaedl ass slue He tatlro- .! IT ATI OF NORTH CARLUSA, I I .' " '! Wiaa Covr. t VT0TICC h HEREBY 0IVI TO AU J.1 psrsot t havinx ehtiats sxraiaal the eetale f the taw Ttoeaaa Bract t k b tb sanva IbaBKLLAM. braoo, '"--t I saw atria- it W. l-iTTRgU.'B MtpiCATtD t- T 0 J t ST 1 80 A Ft M I t. VcflOwk wishes la tnfona lb. puMic thst abe low a are-eabTio XwZTSf ' tatuttactas bar - - "mrr I AITTMMCCi. ItlDICif iB So. ta a, to be abb; to snptilr til person focN In.,,.. ..... .1. .. ... ...., .11 . Tbe wcli ktHiwa virtuea ad IKU an.. ao tunc net or ecniteate to rentauaend It for euhaj ah akai snaea-e, It bt aud .tout the wrtrt .1 the wsU known RlttreU' (.wnntv wn. auuij otaer Beajtua aie-iKiurs.) situstrd ta feranviile coenty M i Tlte beat of rrtuieeres can Deri"- ' - All o,ders from . dlataao. vat ta WUItams a Harwuedu Drasarkda. u t. Mr. a u w- ""I.1 V "u b Proaaptlyat, hra.bwto. PrtMSOccaUneresAa, or 1 per a-. - 15 crtuw, sua aar eaaest avatsad, la a sutacieat ..w.s u, hs astriusu.' Stftwrior ntertt. . V, anew, that autad Satiuon.., facbsre, sboald aot paaa lbs Ii eof Farawrs. aa U ha alalnd Msvlf, aeder all cl cuu ' "ia, any f wuiuer raa tebsd V aw tae at-UioaUou aa. tm tm.. ...o very ua. a as 10 jw goods la store, wt ch.tWeflie tT".U waternlly a ts attain aud price. , a ronowinaj w kerp cou.tatitlv ouiand hatrar,4Jotr,w and Tee. of all irradoT Mi.laura Cuba M.w 1,J7. .-j a... Drip ' " sbUtrajbtitT. ftour .Musi, Corn, Mice Pepper, Powder, Shot, uoda. Ihnk t . 00,,''. Blanket. ' ' - ' CotbMt'ards, . vr a . . tutsan I ara. .w . '- Carr) eaatrka, . , . , PooULBbo... . . B" U aOuwTTlets. . Fad Mkaaa, . ... . . . . . Lars abuts, , ; ' ho 1 kread. " . -P. BB1A IARLT RObg POTATOES m uafwii Ail tB TMluiaai fb t-duB Vf. U klBOSACH A to -VitMi4Bj4jN-- ' '1 xryltw ran. . ... Tiasrt. ' UOCOBa-Au w wrv.x. . r' Th. BrandyT . ' " ,VT in a WTe, t froil brand ntt a-drwr, by tbe ease and barrel . V. UM-. , tu.., . v. . , . , ., 1. .iHnto, die. voantrv aariu-Mu.1. .,11 . .. n ... , evaetloe wr rMds befit. Mrrk..!,.. .t i . thTftVl.r nJ nd'r " f - . IT.??..' if000" t chesp. . . rL ' t eunsbrnincnts ;yrB?.T n"ut a8f Ttrpcnttn Axes.' r citinr T,"r!"P.',, ...j , . rsasjastsve AI.UflCD,-

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