- J . ; . J i 'V ! Jrr';; jX b , - . ' t . - - . . VOL i'll.- - .i Vr.ST.&vy; f. - - f t . , , - -r-f fr-, -re- V . ... JK -1 1 'Zm .h.ril:; '-Li yyw- 4JK ' " 'fiO '"""!( i ., ' r - . - f ) RALEIGII, It CvKOMir,' FKRUARlf 26, 1872. Hi'lIJ. m m. IB. ailn.Sfntinel. 'fiwlll'TrUEB, Un UAW. YkVfks-?ional' OA KIM. MOO SB A OATUNO, ' 1ULCIOU. W. C. aula rxl'ral Court Mid Mm Cowl of Mm itt an wm - i JUL VIPt DUril K,,.: 0 . ' ATTOBNRf AT Ut, lUleigh, ST. 0. r-tloa In the CrwrtB of Wake, and la th Court, five P-II attoulloa I ll eolleeU claim aitultirt T Ftr or Llf .mw. luUu.(d to 6U. M7U " . ' ATTORN KTU A?1 tAW, PRACTICI 1 th oprera Coori of tfa XutM k3 tbc MTral Court of tin 6th JwlW !iZ,, Kmuklio, Www, UrMTllI 11. lit. iu4 MululBDto. umc oa ryUtnUW Ittmt, at ttw Cowl Boom. - -. . nnixirs mxxLEumoN, Attorneys at Jlrfiw, RALEioii, n. a - . r. nun n w-tf. a. a. ntuaoaV w. 4L PACE, ATT 0 R 1TI f A T BALIIUH, M. CL, LAW Pm-Ui-ea In the Mrcral Court ol the STUB Jmti. Il Di.uk t, iid tu Um Buurvioc Court ul hurt UMint. Pruiapl albsuUua (Ivca to Um euIKf uub u( ruuuu. "hholotkht. . .',,!';' I he lair nrrtneri)ilu of Roger Btrti or it uiilved. ' f V i R(ER BATCHEM)R. JOSEPH tt BATCHKI.OR, 1 , ; ATronN Kir vx; ia.w4 RALEIQII, X. C. Prelliln thCirrt of Wake. Joliniton, ruiikllo. (irlDiillc. Warren. Halifax and N.niljmti.u couitiica. Alud the 8uprmi Urart ol North Carolina and the U. 8. tiK-uH Court ' fh.ladt. DENTAL SOTJCES. L mil furthor nolle aud anlll the catablUh HMiut ul a (Ullabla olUu, urdure fr wj vro fi'aatoaiil aurvira, majr le kid with C. I Arart' or l liio BUib NatiuaMl Uank, wlwa 1 oill mutitiyatWiidtluimiduai.'aof mlicole. -.Jaal-tf . .... t. HAM ticK. " baL'k OF LAND.' LAND FUil tAUC. -.i r rlrlua of a Deed "of Mortair thr " reuple'i' Hulldii aod Iammi AuortaUaa." of KalciKh, H. U., twniW by lledr Kdtu uiJ kmilj L. Xrhh, hi wife, twrii. aete Beirtrmliar 1. 1 H, kad wiatoKd at thr odlia ul Uie nVxtrk r of Dula ttr Wake county, t will ai-M tli foilowinif proMiiT : ; Atrwtof Jjuid, eoouiuing about Vim A' Ktt. oa Waiuat anvk, about four end half wile of tUilK h, adjoioilit; tlar hiidsof th heir of LaataH Kcilh, dutdaa Wmnbla. and oilwra, eod Tract I foamd, ur nearly ao, baaaooa it iwa aaaail toanacnta, aad MoikeraiMoMwha4.hprord. II Above ) take plar oa Tanaday, Hank It, llll ha front of to Court Uouea door. at lioiJixk, M. 'fVrautaaa. . k ATOM l.ALkd, kH I. ; fbMfih. Jan, Sl-wtd , f ! gHKRlF'8 BALK. . j By Ttrtae of erecatkm for tax In my hauilt for Aillretioa aicint N A. KauMay, aKent for I lie losaU of Joa. Kaaaaay, de c-ejiil, f,ir :Jt 13; on other eRalnt Hog e Lauifler, Horfolk, Va.. for 4.7j one otlinr .K'lo-t W. r. and J. W. Taylor, el vcuUiri of Kary Tavlor, dcrenard, -for 19 8t, nut bviag b) to fla'd any personal property; 1 alii olt the following rral eetate at the C-ooH huiieu dor -hr- I'iltrliwru', i liouuty, to the hidfhwti bidder for iaah' on tlw dm Saturday in March next, throe lota altuatod ia Uie towu of PitUhoro' on which the Keav aar Hotel etanda, with all of the out aonaea aud other hnproreuMOM buloiikinx thrrnta, - k-at the uiterrau of Mr. A. . Taylorand Wa. KHiwy( aj Uw propcity of the kgatcK o Joe Kunt'-y, d ot-os.it ; one oilier lot aiijola tag I. y A.'Lruh and J. T. Malory ae the property of the lraWt of Mrs. Mary Talk, decuawdt-a nniei'ot.1an4ieiaahhnraWatfav - uureorhae, aiiild In the HK-kory Mona tain toa-nohip ailloinliiK the lands of tin- esfete "f John MinilH dM-oasud, Kobert roeil and others u the property of Kogere A Lan- miiioia, va. O. t. WIU.UM8. eheritfot Cbatliam Co. ia W td. VALUABLE CITY PRDPIETT FOR SALE I ; '. y rirtu of deed, of morbraire to The Muehauln' BuudinK and Uan Aaauciatwa" of Valih, . t) , exrcuWiaV by Kd. . Haywoad and MarKana U Haywood, bis wif-. boariai; dateeiiot. 4 'Jill. ibUi and rridntrrtd hi th otAca of Uie Kwiiterof leds for Wake coun ty, t will ecll tho folRia mi prop rty, i The botue aud lot now occupied as a hrw ortlcsby Col. UayaooO, situate oa Fayette rule r"Vt, aud adKdnin the property of Mrs. Jaoe r Haywood and that formerly owned ay i. B -Koi Em., froutirur 1U frit iDehea, and ruaniiui back 41 feet xlaclies. ' The above sab) will take place on at onday, fehruary Item, IM?A, in front of the Court loose door at 12 o'clock M. 1 crias raah. . - KM. SlMrHON, dee, rarofmiaii plesae copy till day of Bale. JsaUpdufT ...... I OR SALE bESISABLt PROPF.RTT IX THE WE8 Ti.KH.WARD. j P rrc .lot, with food frame hoaae tow voiiirn Rixaua oa aronnd (nor, and tao - attica, larr kite ben and sUble, a krat rata well of water, aae fra I Iraaa aad grav rkse aod "wberry bed. AX80, one quarter acre loUaaodflra Cottaee contain tee J" roooia, pirchoa beck and front, kitrlva two rooms Coc crape arbor aad frott tree. icnus, dc.t apply to i if r H-tl W. c. dfRONACHetCo. JLRPETISEAXES. ust reoelred' few. boe ToTnt!iX Axes, . At A. G. UlE dt Co.. jm " - JOWLASIPB ailOTEUt," A Irjp lajfa Iwt of the ahotf jowl! at T. TL BRKHir. -THEBTAND.1UD." 1 ' '!.!. - gIM MOJIB' tittV HfE8 ' ' ' UMMUNVMATTOCUI- atHMOVt, Ritt BOAJ) PICBUI';', SIMafOMaV BKOXD AXES! glXMONaV CHOP HATCHETS! '...1 , y i:.-:. t , .; ii .j- :': 'si A eood araortment of lho bove "8TAJT- - ' I 7 ,. .: . DAK D" icoada on band at 1 '"BOTTOM PMl QJt 8." T H. BRI008. L.;'.- ' - '---. - "iJine'aj" WeHriar I Inc. r . ' ThU Boa will not break, at the Eje, a the "y 4 Jlsdeare all nude froai one pterief Horwsy Iran. .... . . -1 ; For Sal by.' febJidtf - ' IT. U. BRIOGB. Serontf ItXarder ! 1 1 Is natter of jrowlar astoniahavait 1 - - DAILY RS0OR0 OF LOSS OF LIFE and property; throng ?. . ,r - Knrowne Kxplowtoaej, doaa ant nrovoti aotae aort of elMcla! Icirla- Utlon upon the aula of dsnKeroua Fluid! I uimuenoHfc we asi. - i Wh kkU FKAL'DS ia the sal of DAJT OKKUt'd til Lt, art still dally parKrtrUd, end thctr auikore a;o anbaiiK Uiouxh their vic tim (eons antlf Increasing la ounrocT,) are eaUcd to aiuet tna " MOSTUOnSiMX D&A TIT " kdowi to Bah. The victim are for the I at part woeaasi was) If they eecaii death, arc alibied to ande k i what i hardly leaser ml I to a joaugaaM ooammai womaa, ' VIAl'lUl lteSJIC.'aT FOK LII E S Tlie Pnblle oa lit to know, fiurelr it hat I neca erua enuun nan,) iua - , . : RITT'S ASTRAL . OIL Absolutely Oafo. Attention la railed ' to the folliiwlnir tetter I from oae of tin beat UtnuM iu to read - emiLtmir'AL imki' t . - Hmelgk.X. V., Jlf , IllTO. IU1.ICB LEWIS F.au : Dtia Sir : f have uliirU) Die raiui'le of rRA I lo' AoTKAL oil, you sent sua Uie KtuoKtirs rjKK trsr-. i tmj a ,iu.-s not duah belew i5 decrees, nor burn below i.'ia legraia. I coneidur U perfectly aa'e. SbBTS, , W.O.Kf.RK. For aal by JCLIt'8 LKW18 A C0.,'J . Dealers In Lamp Goods an J Hardware of every - Dcaerlptloa, stalabih, K.C - fbSUitf FALL TRUE. aUNH. GUN. CiUINadr Doubls aad Bliyfle Barrel Cbua, " . , . . 1 . Breerhloadtug and MuauiehMdlu; Onna, . af Bojtltas, Freacli aad German ."AT ALL" PRlOatfl, kagU Gun at 11 tO, (4 00, S 00, 88. U) I1J00. to 8S0 each. Double Ouns from Smirk A Wcaaon, Colt's, AOea's, Sharp's, and au mm popular ana npWTca aiuua. AMMUNITION FOR GUSTS, PISTOLS " '- " AND RIFLE ; - .'' ' tpoRTsnAsra goods of 'great Bfrt tmlitr" a it Lowetl Frrtrt Conatr Merrhanta and SnnrtsnMti ar In vited to cat! and examine one kuva and wall selected stock or tna above (looda, erbkrh we i-vort direet aaul bur from themaiiufacturere. Wa auarantee quality ioel to, and pnoce at low a any reHiiwtiie none la tills coaulry. Order by wiail tiled proaiptJy, and aaut by azraaa. C.O.U. , ..... I POULTNET, TRIMBLE' A CO.; 10 JT. Boltimort Strmtt,- T?' BALfOfORCMD p seodltdAw 1 M T I C ft. Via k.tarday, 9nJ day of March, 1172, t elitll at Uie Conrt uoaea ntwr lu" nuiiumeHi, l aereeor land beWoiriair to Ol L Ikidd, r .so much 1 hereof aa w setlla the tui dae (or Uh , ar 171 and INTO, the 4Bd ail Join lar J. FuavrauJona M. wiison. j. . . ' I j , SIMON WonWINj"" ' TaaColkertor. Jaa, St-uukwt? - ' . DRSt'ANT TO CERTAIN BIOHT.d vested ia ae b Peter R Uavia. I shall prorerd tos. lL, at th Court House d.uir in the lly or talc ph. oa Baturoay, uie z-fiD oay oi rbniarv. llVd. two hundred and flftr (hare of oec OK In KKlrwsr omianv. Ralegh, Feb. 12, UTawlt i t . f)rrici Lrrw Araociiv m or Aarnnra. A K election for Director nf the Ufa A J aoctstiott of Anierira, will be heb at the ndice of the AaaoCattoa, la the Cily-of 8L Lome, Mo., on the th day of January, lSJi rutnopra ironi ti a m. ap. b- ' W M. HASLET, "ecrrUrr. Aa clnction for Uiractnrs of Uie 'ortl Carolina DcpaftinenL will be held, In liaieijjb, Taday.9UiJW CJLQTHING.1 NS. ., BK8SOK 7 ' WIU. 8EU THE BAtASCE ' ' t eral . o r w i 0 A S S I Jt S it AT REDUCED PBICEB, Persons wautlnf to avail theanslre of the opportunity, will do well to coin aooa, aa I there hi only few nor left. jaa n-ti TC8T RECEIVED. Tb.nst stock nf rttSMUH fSAniuMsuu and BEAVERS erer orougbt to th elty. At BowT tf " C. WllKEL'8. N0TI1IR COL'NTI HEARD FROM, I C. 1VEIKKL, UEBCHANX TAILOR, 0. 8, FAT ETTITTLLE ,8TB RET... , f VSR COAT roil HEN ANI B0T A new supply of Fin,- Medium and Low I Priced Overcoat. : Just received at X. B. ANDREWS CO., " Cummm, ,.S' ;-i.f '. JS i .ft ). . Meat door to Tucker HalL deaSB-tf -.1 j t A Large and Complete Stack TRATELtKO BAGS, " . . ' '' '."BOL? LEATHER TALISES, N A D SOLE LEATHER TRUNK'S, Which will ha sold at the A - LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE. ft. B. ANDREWS A Ca., Clothier sad Gents' Furnisher dee SO U MISCELLANEOUS' OIXTI-FlVat FIKdT I'KlKg AWARDED,-'- MEDALS Ta Oibat 80CTUER PIANO Manufactory. IL.-KJf A, B A ataaafartarara of dBANU, SQIMRE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES," ,. BALTIMORE. MD. Tliesfl! Inntrumente have been before the tr Team, aa aiMa t excellence alone attained aod aafjevcfeiemf aamenct, aliu'b. pronounce them utmiuaied l I " ! -v ""A TOUCII. 'T ,-' .: I WOBKMASSmPt AjDDL'RABILirr. t3P" All our .art Taana hart ar New Im nrovni oruitTavsa Soaxa aad the Agrtgt Tnbte. , .. KTWi would cell tnerial attention to onr ! late Patented Imimiveuicnia la QRASlt I riASOH aud 8 (fit VKH VKAMltH, found ia no other Piano, which brhur the Piano nearer I PerfeeUoa than baa vet betsa attained. EVERT PIANO FITLLT WARRANTED FOB FIVE TEARS. ' r Pf"We are by special arraiurement aaabTed to fumi.h PAHLOH OHUASS aad MX, LOl'KubS of the auOat eeictirUcd aiakera, H'AoWe J Jtrtoi at anasat erury rtm Illustrsted tatalnarae and Pried List promptly famished oo application to I Wat. ENABEatCO., BsJUesora, Md. I Or any of our rarnlar setaMlahed agsartna, - Oct la eoucftawot ' BUTY .' Tit I ft i. '",'J ' ', ' ' FOB SALE AT THE CtrtLFORO ' Nnrterhw. hv the Dozen, 100 or l,0n of all the leading f arte lira nf Apple. Peach and ttrap v inea, rracn 1 reea, I ann a rears mo, tiei feet. 110 iu iter 100, S-&U0 to 7Miu per limit. Applet lill 00 per 100, ITS to . per ltejut Now Is a rood time to riant Irte. - Send ia yonrordnra, ther will ha promptly llled, CaUlome fuiniehrd on (.plicUm. Every maa ehouiu plan a few Trees and Vine. Cvr feapoudeaee soUcltod. . ... v a t. AvrnrifT P O. Box T7. bVraeosoore' M. C DOTl-5' : .. LIT E INSURANCE. ruiEJH icttu jxscuiEi jnwi HARTTORD, OOSraECTICCT Mcears. Chaa. f. MoatafM Boasre'the tral kaowa Oeaaral Aganl. for North Carolina. aad Maryland. ADMINISTERED 8TRICTLT OS THE MUTUAL FLAN. 1 V , o o o,ooo of Asset To Dolu-la ar all "no forfeitable' 1 NO RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON TRAVEL . UNO Oft JUU1DENCB. HP" Promptly pay apoa all loeaes proved On BieaHaaon tat J ear, of tba Endowment Plaa. No Sana CoatpAinr at Homi oa Auoad. RALEIGH AOINCT: JOHN DIYEHKVX, Esq., OfBea la Stronach build ln( oa second loor. UaniOAL EzAHiaia, ) W . P. It A L L ft T, M , D. -or2otf SH': Si ) m I 83 3w - m i MICELUNEOUfv JpERTILIZKRS FOR SPKINO CROPS. Wa offer to the trad and lo planter In VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA Th following I TA X D AS B fMMTIlIZMSS'i SOD tone Bradley 'a Patent Soperphoepkate bf Lima, ! &00 loot Bradley's Sea Fowl Guano. 800 ton Reeae't Solubl Facile Ouano, ,' , i 100 totu feamloe Perarlaa Guar- KIO ton Ground P latter. ' 1H0 ton Bradley' Tobacco Ferti'.AV. W loo55r tfc lerUll-wrs manufactured PEIER8BUR0 FERTILIZER COMPANY. Tkes mar. ore wa aflar with all eouAdeada, kwrlBf (old tha for the paat tlx yuars. vj Otu iennt to th trade ar liberal, and we teylt oorrespondence from plsntari. McaWAIN'E CO. bn-n LJFE INSURANCE. WW NATIOXil UFB INSUKANCE CO Cm aTATM ABattKS. ' WaaaiaoToa. D. C, A.QKNCT AT UAIS1QB, JT. . "CaSaCasitak; $1,008 680. rtred ay taaeW rt af raarmat, Aaaanai . mmmt aeao, awea. ; Bbajioi Orrtci, Pn.ADi;i.rw7A, Where thr healaeaa nf U u arted, aod to which all general vrmi nailaais BiKa ,tl LI h - - - - - - - J Or-FICERS CuAanra H. tYaak, Phlladrlphhv Presldeat JaT Cooaa, Chairmaa Finance aad Iterative CnaimBlea, HsT D. Ooo-ri. Wasbiagtaav ( w. ft. A. hVnj.iKS. PhUadchium, ( Th Eawao W. Pibt, nilladelphla, Srrr Prasta, aVrrrtary aad Actaary. Joan M. Brm va, ftOada, ) J. T. Bnowa. Waahlnirbm. ( R. M. N aw roar, SuiMrinlaadeat at Arnaaiaa, riiwi'i. 11 n ti i, k, . ii i i C . J. Rwiaa Ma. a. It. D ,Atat Medical tKreetor. WiuLuat B. Ca tallica. Washinirtoa aad Gsoaoa Uawao, riiUaaclphla, aoUcAlor aad AMurwcya, - Oath Capital and AraJetioaa. Aac. L arm. Lwn,ltaA, uuak KseaipU from Pramlama tor (a Tear miuv ear. a, ibiw, wia,ioa.av. Oath Keceltda from uataraat aad a lathviu.aa: Total Cask minima Seeoal-Haaat T ew wi 1 N' umber nf PoThdaa laanad ka S oTUttComiiaiiy'seJilslevw-e, ll.sTV . amount oi maaaaca, nc,Kn,71a, The -aitimadlaarfly rM worieaa of Uuf urntamy atlnu Um aatlwatioa ia which II I ild by the Dahlia, aad the larva amauat af aew uueincaa irsnaaetea m um DeelevMeue of the popularity of its prtnrtplee, and Its adapt ability to meet toe muutreineuls of Aawarara. . Tu NaTioaat, Lira InoaAaca CoatrAirt bai a. Cam Cajtiwai. or ll,oua,oua, ft rate of Dramlam ara aa low aa la Latent with auUra safety. lie plan ia entirely tree from nay aomatlca. tiont of aolca, hi teres. dt'., or anoartaiaUet ana dieappolnUnenU or diridcnua, etc. It contract are dcflulle, clear, and UnpoaaV oie m nt niianntiersuKMi. or niuwtireseitiea. Its VoliHea eoa'asa ail of Uta nromlee mi by Uie coHiinuiy, and ara exraediUKly IllMaral. All uie aavauuiire aud prlvilre which can be etfoly (traiiul to tlw Inturwl, Are Kirns by this deservedly popular and atrona Comiauiv. To aecnta of intoKrity, who are deeiroaa of tsauaacuii Uia bualae af Lit 1 wen ranee upon honest aud oorrect principles, th Uoat pany ia pre oared to otlur at liberal inducaaaml a can oe aiioraea ay its low reuse: Applications for airem-le or for rxillcle be mad to Uietjoaipauy atltaj Bnauck Oatce in ruuaouipuHi, or o r. F. JfESCCD, Jr., wul Aaawr, declO-tt r Kaieicu.N. 0. NSCKK YOUR LIFE IB THE OF NEW YOBI.t' AIOC BOV11 twrtni " F II E nx ad v. BROOELTX.n DOUGLAS BELL, attrlT-tf luturaae Agwat - I mostq mt buOks e. j. bale a bo, publishers, . t. : .- BkasTrroixr Bocut) re Clot, ? Vice (1 m. From tha "oouthera Hom"HG. HUI'i paper. )e . ...... '-Our erpectatlon were far surpassed. We have never bufia-a read snvUibitf ao ebarmlaaf. and we amy add, aa hM-tractive. Ua intrtnelc men's wui arrtt the attention and avoka Oie eiiUmaiaeat of all perma itaalaand cul ture, u t trie roHo-niwa wnviom of a uia time devoted to tdy and redactloa." 4 ust rereirea a earood wtrMV or tne enor very readabU book, and tot aal at tu Book SUire of ALFRED WILLIAMS. Jnotltf ..... ,7. LIFE INSURANCE. Ac.' oven 16,000,000 Aaeotal iE TN A ; Life Ins. Co., - Ie policial' ayoai Lira fcawa - ' to .o ..,;,.,. Th largest amoaat oa any en Ufa la I JO,- W. a CROW, Oaa'l Mauafr, Hovtk Caroltu and part of Vu-lnkt MTV A FISK CO, Caaa'Aawta H,m,MbSriU&imtUA Ly : . W. B. CBOW, Agwat, Jaa IT RlaUrh,H.e RESTAURANTS. T ONE STAR HOUSE. XJ . a...-... ....... ,. isrti, FiTBTmn-ttrnmr OM THE rUBOPKAM PLAK Thh aid aatabllsbwl house hat lately arm ro asted end reappointed. It kae ao a fret rise Pitilne- Room, Bar Room, Billiard Rm Tea Pla Alter and Shoutlnat leallerv. HI a iret cleat Ilonsa snd t'vs Pronr'etort ptedtfa thatasrlve to do Justlo to all thoat wno amy can oa tnem. The Oveiers are a nierialtysnd will alwavi oa ma anas m ana ctvy. tar. moijaaB roner, law of Weldua, N. C,, has tmtira control ol uie nnaineaa, BOV a-U MeLKAS rUTTER tXK HOTELS -feo., -CITY IIOTlili, (FORMERLY COOK'S HOTEL ) nAixiaii, w. a s ITUATED aear tha bnebieat portioa af the V i.-. I m.I.1 aaut style, snd will afford excellent and plea ant sxiconunodAtloa to trautiant and privsle boardera. Tha pioprlutur rmaranteea aatla faction to all bo mar favor aim with their patronaara. Thr Moms are htrve, oomfurtatiw and Beat, and bk) UIM shall ba furnlalied with Uie beet Umi but ket aOords. - l HATS MOD En A TC Porters will be at the dauot oa th arrival of the trains, and ounilbuasee will take paasca- I rerttothe Hotel. Mrate can lie had at all boura. i aa neat Aiaqnora ana iiirara win oa nept a the Mar , ALA i . SC H Lotus, RtS-af rroorwtor. TJ1TK0 STATES IIOTKL Coa. FoiToei, Waraa ann Fatal. Bra,, M. T. Thla well knowa favorite hotel has rereoUt been renovated, remodeled aud furnlalied oea and ateawMtty thmvhowt, , It la kept an ike Europeaa uiaa, aad haa autpia aeoo.autoO.la ttou fur four kaadrad (vaata. The kxiatioej. ia mora areeeeibia to all prbi of New Fork and hVooklya Uian any ulnar hoaae la aha city. Th Broadway Hukta pern aha hotel every tarae nitnutae, beetdee various tenaa of Baraes. era, one of waiak aatewascu eey other rente ia Sw York. It betug out two nioctu frim ruium retry, make it convenient for Utsea wisliine; to visit km "CHr ad t harehew " aa from1 thai fm dlvent all th wrmduai Railroad roaaae Ul Um eattgr Brooklyn. , ucu. n. i run i, aanttdanr ProprtetOT. - ZURICH fiOfL"'- CBKTHUT STBBET, , Orroarrt Ou IxnaraxuiuMTa II all, rillLADELTIIlA. ... S. M. ITEULIN08, PaoniMwrn. I aplS-dti- gT. CATILABINE'S, ONTARIO, i t,'AADA; ,' v ... ... - , -T3B '1TEPBEJISW 00CS!.H f AND BATUS la eonnrtioi with th eelebretad wall of -I SALINE MINKRAJ. WATER ; la aaw open for the re.-eption of vtaltor. , Person deal root of bf board will please eddrse the Profanf". ;,tr j.a'," ;' '! BEVERLY TUCKER dt BOWS, nryf-tt , 8ECTRITY A0AXXST FIRE fj j "; - ' ' ' a ' '. EOIE IimUSErCoIPIi; ThU Com nan, how hear Ow etna of the thtrd vaar t Iwieiwle. conUiiaes to writ Polh'ts, at fair intra, oa aU ala.au vl baser able tMio(M.rty. All Lotvs e prompflt a!)icd ai.d pld. Th HOME" la raiM.lW rr-winr in poUie mvorpoad aupnel, w.tii aoedoeaoa, tat anaar crsaf psnperty Mt Not-UitAriNuuv, ... ' AGENTS I ALL PARTS OF TUB STATE. C B ROOT Vict Paronrv.' " 7- ' 'ft. H. BATTLE, Jr.. Fui. r x BKATOV OALF.d. (far? .. - ' 1 , PliLAnKI .'oWPEkS; irrviat)ak, . W. a MLiaieU(;i,Aaar.ao. aept U . v Plririw adverN.'mij f. tlie "HmM" win pleaw siiti.ni uta Vint for U adtwuscmoau already ia toana, v M iSt.KI.LA N EUU& aMUUUJA tut WIMHI., '--- JBOUTIIEUN, LNVlt3rn08,,l,,j,, k.-.r ........ WBH ala1inial.I07 ! SiiuiuTEei GlasCy'iiOufir-uiiilfi-ict, , in i'arss f qji8. , , , i PATENTED A Utlt'Sf Imljt 1) X A, I1ALIX The emdVrslirm'd, havVnt he clajdv tUt4 MMaararanevaaderlt Im aw-m Parapa i Nutak and aaou. ijaroiiaas , Ausva aewarialt-e laM-ueelvwt tuiteunr aiutM hue uaana and tyh of Um "Carolina Uump t wmpany," and ba tnir eeubliehed Un-tr Mamifai-t.H-y at Fererui villa, N. Caw sow prepared vu rundah Paia a ehortaoe aiioehaa at IM trh-ead la the produytioa w a Pump aonurably auau bl for .Wi-lta and ullier. plirpiwie, Uiat ad rurre waiar auy uenu or to-oinl, a Ul. ti. by at lavchlnK hoea, at once boeonws a harai Fire Ku- fiH of great power, UtrawtaaJ aw At lit) gal iooe ner unuuta. -" .i Tina Puuip combines simplicity tad duiw- miiu, la wUK-b Uie water wul Kin liecne id brmiBM stale, aa Uie ryiiuUer and valve art eatmr-rtrad, and no a-atcr retualua ta tha pit e wheat tha Pump ia But ia titwratloa. . The Puiupt works aimoet Incrwlibl) Ihfht; alaari oriiiKiug uie waiar treen sua a)araitug iron. tue tnituinioi me weu; ana tmire is no irki Won, the ey Under brum K '" the parking can not weerorctth, UMVaJvaatrettur round, maita of Sml glaas, woekbig oa ganveeaw, can neither wear or lam. I Unas 1'un.pe ara pecunaru adapted for tupptyuu- uuiks in upper ru oi dwrllings, onuVifce, hotel i, baUiiug aalnow and fur rallruuoe, stroeta, Kardcaa, umtlUarhw Ac They aaa be attached to ateaaa or watar, pvwnr, Any OTillnary mechanic ran put them up b) prlul.-d dire. Uona alvraya smit wllh the Pniupa, Wa have haudred of leetiiwaiuis (mm peri eoaa a bo have natal oar i'uuipa, wk4BVire4 real aatlalartiim ; ht lat-'t liny wa sulica' aiiij will tualaiu alt we cluiui for tliooi. f Buy une and aave tire inaurancn. flpvclel at teotiim aivea to ail order, i ae eutira aei.tk of well muat acromiauiy each oswasv- bi;T d. ta a.llCiil-1, - 1 " 7 - i. . .Wilsoa,l( a CTAtCML'Kt'ilt, ; ! ' - WiC.TRovr1" i Fayvttavlll, N. C. t -1 Baceessor to J. L Klb bia. All orders or com aiunk-a lions addressed 14 W. C. TUOV, Fayauavlus. , . i Marvka,lo7L , " . j ' mmm " j -, il ; j ' tWatrurtuATwa. Snanirr'a Orvica, ! FirrrvaviiJ.a, M. C. April at, UiiL I Wm. V. Trow, U a-'l Unvliai Wuui Uow ; Tha Pump you told aaa anriaiaeua my moat sanguine aiweUtion. It does all yoa i himed lothy Aaafiaa taaia tta ralaa la nxwhiw labia, ve ith twenty fosi of uoea t aave Utmw water entirely over uiy dwell me;, which kt t vary klyh two and a half story nous. Alj famtlf ttould avotia wiilaut Hfor eny eoa) sioarauust, a, v, hakuik, - nVAarhT Caml-mmaaVtJaant'r. ...w ara.ii .njaaaa.v.- . Bauiina, N. C, March Is, Hit T flavin bad altera to twoatv Mara a-rnert ace ra gotaV liitinn'. aainir teriona Uud of pamps foioiua; waur from amat depths, t mk pieatare by the " m giving prct. reuce tat uiota aaau the " Carolina rump Comiuiay " over all others for for w ell aad oilier pn ryMMea. They coot Mam atBM'Ueity mid iluta .illl. .illiy. I'lNTe. it tALkMl'lMV MAl'NEf, Bbwiy Umuty. J Wii.noa, ft. C, Jaa. B, 1STI. ..1.M, K'J . inar rirj a narc nao your naiumg; s Pomp In rrhi una, iH'Kiuiuiig at various periode since !ta;ti, lhlit, and w are free to say, Uiat they' ara In (very way satlifacuiry There la ao imlicaltoa of wear oreutiv antUiia out of onlcr. Mi tlu walor Uiat naluie km dtwirtuid to pass tlirouti such a rhatinei cwa aary uau, and by allHihuiK iioau, and pullinj two to four tnon M Uie lever, tha pump at onna beeumoa a Uh-sJ Uraeturiiw throwing anf teent water to auliliie any ordinury tliu, Vie Uiarefitn rocominena y fai aianniiatiosi aad nav R.J. Tyb.r, therefore recommend yuur pump to Ike care. OI IDS puhlllj, t W. D. Koiniiltri A. Barnea, Probata J., . 1. IL (iriilla. T. A. Walnwrb-hL j .. M. L. Rhodes, Willlania A N .ana.. Jos. B. liavta. ' Jaa. aV Wuodard, B. F. Britcgtr-Hsr' - WlLBoa. N. S.. Fan. 8, 18TL I have used forali moo tits iswt one at Bala- Inir'a patent eubmenied piruipa, niaiiutw Uiied alWUeon, N. C, by J. U kltchia, and take pleaeura rn rcewiti.i.iiMdrwaT It Ut Uie puldk ia aaving givaa) ab:ri enuaiaetiu, to faet.i crailaoao Ut u-at pututw now in aaa. ( , E.li. PklBKnoN.r AViVTER VIIElL' Mill GckrinShafJnti Pulleys tjlilHO FCBACIRCUISrtniT7f Jaa8a, tMU. ".. . At .. i .. : Q0TT0N ANDBIICCK MA TTRArSICcU Another lot In-t ft'Mved fmra RlrTttnoad snd sold at greatly mltr et prin-a . , ' d A Mast MertllWK.lJI, f JanSbt tJotn, M..iuL s jRiuii Potato Ed. . , j Early Roaa rolatoet, Jiwt rrcelren " ' A. U. La, A COi Jaa. U-dM ... WtM FWS?r rpUkMII't N. 0. ALMANAC FOR lim X. I Jut publithrd and roaly for i -litrv. Prim, per (troea, (W)( per aut;dr, aaw; per half froas. f t ou; p..r jwu, !5 ceutai aiiiifle ropy, 10 eta. ,f Clonic Mp'et ai, J paras of oua doaen m.n. d free of (itiaLage on Bt. iiuurrap JAd. H. KNNtM, Armtt, i ctte-n Haloitt. . . . - ) Wat. F. 0a van, Tun, ft. Mi lttiantx, V.T. Law. .-. ,-,t -. . v- Graves Warclicurr rArtvnxE, va. rott t in or titf -iaircf) YTTrT n-rvei ut put an addition to our VV Wareh.raae, miiAiiar It ll ktriait m.i beat arranifd houie pr U.a tooout- ht tlie Town. Vi it h l J lare d' w.r a an .i IU rky-li'ds, WaifMneio.-l.cd up hi tite it':i!elt.",ie at til UL Dry Hiellt for horws. G,k! ro.Miie f. I'iau trra to cook and sleep hi.- Prompt etnltcu to the htlereat and rouiort of Ulnunai.d their teau.. j... i- RCrVFrU, CKLFHRATKli VIR.l'NIA 4 1 wo boree lo;i-eile u tif.itit. - j - 1 " tkliu bA ' - ( : One hore iu'ii alc P.ie taie 1 .M '-r i in . -ol 1 fill rt.;iS. i-'s. whote in th c.ty. A .'V -H to , ttbS-il W. CSimujiACIl AC4 2f. 'cf. U COMMISSION MEUCUANT?. LE;CH BRUTHERS. oi ;oochb , .. , Af 0f SlaSIOM MERCHANTS, k aULEIOU.W.C iO0tu'CnHuiur ' " t R-isbaU Waif Cdiw,' ' ' iU J ',, UACfl BtOTMERA gl'OAB ;AIB uuFFRft, i BBL A," ft" AND "C" SCO Aft U Bark Rla Coffee. IS Sacks Marlib CofTr. .bl-dtf -.IACH BROTHERS. gED POTATOB9. , I , W 8.11. Early Boar, M Bbh, . Wnita. li Bbht HarrWm. '. i 10 Bt t, Mercer. 7 ' AOaaiaetad adatcfc. ' reb t-duf' r " LEAC'H BROTHERS. S"( 0. CHEESE. . .oodonS,'4 T "P?-s Hay dlaaj lal - -km, " - aw v W. H. JONES A Co. C HAMS. Froea tha Eaalara naM mt 11.. .... mwlaVtl W.B, JOhlutACo. glLV8 WARE. Jat ti 1 1 . 1 1 I . - . Fork 7. mannractory la Nrw , liver "Tea sad Desert KeJvaa. Rogers lea BtKxme. Ivortr litn.lle kiilvia. fjotileta, taps, fiuckt, '"ait a ? 0 KENT. ...... ,' ' fa? IVrt' Vvdt CT tu b- ii-t a .. . pOftBALBj - AlTMUsawa SHrlfll am 8 Otu- I . . , . . . Hat KMcV. ' " ttie Jan SS U. ' .'ONE8C. CLOAK I St OAR II BUndaid A, - atrtraC, ." - C. VellOW. . . iKawoeara, - . .... .. . Ioto Rlro, 7 tor sale vrvlow at a.:. AC.BAUMDKkSe.O.h, ortt No, a, Maitla hi, ecll u OHMKSI HORSES I f On good Family llorea. " M Itm't " " Vnakt Msra, : a at v ,1 .. .. . For aale at aV U SAt Mi'f.RS CV , . . j.,,, M ataruaatrecL JJACON AND LARD. ,. K. e flam. t a tboea. ' l-acd, f " Itnlk Bldea, ' -Bulk Pork, Canvaaaed ITtin In s-reat ttinndaara ! m at A. C. SAUNDfcKd A Co'a., or a U. No. a, Martin Btrea t. ME TO 81' T I Njs - i Ceaaa and o ottr tMtj.:; -.- , ' . ... , . . SUPPLIES FOR CURISTMAS TIMH A a BANDERS A CO. Xa. Marti. Street, , ... r '- : dec SOU JUST BF.CP1VRD. peaixHty Family Flour. Kttra C SiiL'-'r, I orTii. and Tea.. T-ard aoj Bacon, ' htolMIO.. Orsuacs. CuriMlutai A Cajtdtea.eVb.di4, N -a - -At Tl8tt . S. D. MARRlbON'S. -jJQ BA.RREL4 IKIrlH POTAT"FS. 4 Barrel Eaily Roaa. to 5 t 6. D. HAKRISOiV. for Kb 1 -dim W. C STRONACH A C(. 100 Bl'3UltL9 w,lTE MEAL. fu 1 dim W. C. STRONACH C.. 45 tihLS. AUD BOXES CRACKERS. fib 1 i- At. W. C. STRONACH A CO. J 1 5 00 limvli'tmi11 tURfcD feb 1-dlm W. C. BTRONAt n CO. Oftf OS'K RftiHTH SACKS SOITH JIJ' DE EXTRA FIX'L K. aoSoa half bhla r)utl,i,l. titm Flour. Juat received. " feb l-dlin W. C. STRONACH Jt CO.' (jj-A HWltUMtD OATJ- J M ,. 1 l vlra bearv. . feb 1 dim . W.C 8IRti.NAt.il 4 CO. JXltftX CIGESTKD OF T'!E PfBlIO A. t, i'linanis tu,l Uc4iIutiot , OF MORTU CAi'OUSA, . .SISCX TRS 8tt l.Sfi C0DX. r. : j itlgctted they a era enacti d. f -' ' BT UOS. B. F. 1I0.1HE. Tha Index pttents HUt.ul. al Mraurrit- dutu oT tlie Bpiiit aud Fi-.di..g of tt.e U;ucs during Ilia entire war. Pik-e ?S wots. Beet prild by J. A. JwNi i, dec SI tf $A'lhl K.7'.,;7,, r 1 V -