v- . - ............. - : ,.. . . . . : ' , . . w- -V DRUGS, JJ EDI CI XLS, &.O., tVIliam & liny wood, TTbous-alV Aire Cctih. Dkccwbt. i Have, tn Stored Well a-I'ctcd rtotk of drag. medicine. emk-Js faint, on, dveaturl, potent medicine. pinruuiceuUfcU prnUevufa, perfume H, fiincy artieioa, buni, wmiting an ' enewitig Wiu-co, acrara, wiiwa and brandl wtuek are oflefwl lor al loweat aurkat prions. ,. ; i- oci 19-tf JlTTRLLL'a MEDiCATID T 0 ILK T SOAPt : ,.. Ku E B. iicOOWAN wLh to Inform ' the p:il.ie'mibe ba made ananreaient to atanul.w.-lure ttef - j ? MTTHSIVH MEDICATED SOSP to u to W ai.'t tu n',ly all panon for Ike fu'ttrr, a:a-, ail lriir.,ia'. r ' The W' . I. kuowa liniica o( III Hoop need " ao km, l't of certi6caiee t ie,iuiiiiiteiid li for rurttitr. ait ata h-a. it la teaiAe from the water and J- ;-.ilul lu ,Ukvn Kiunli a Sprlnfa, (.i;faili,f,ed .Ui umiif eA.r heath .4 aje-iK.-i.w-e eliualid ii Grauvfle iiwuuli, a. 1 4 Trie btvt of reffa-ierl-A'-.i'iiu bcgiven.. , , All o,-dVrt tr-rn a ii'; ant to WtQMim A Hy..d, Iirii.u.w Mr. K H M.- GllWan, K.!;t, . 0.. Will tu Mvmirlly U ..tcndi-dta, . irxfctt,WjaiMwar.tfc. or IS ft 1 leu o-uu . "n.n.B.(f 1 KADWAI'JIIUDY RELIEF -Cure tu tVor 1'alua ! Ill mo mi tt la-Oif all ill 1. ' IIOl'H iter VeaH' r 'Wtrtlnt m BCFUilt WHUtMN. I tajTMU t 4 i It is Ui inl mi fat tHK OStT FAIN BKMEDT btKyfl ifJ'MiaHt.oun, a it fur- t.irtit IX f'AOA ONE -U TWfcMI MIKUTOi M nltur trtM Of TilrutUtlnr Ui4 1in tt IMi-t MAlK, lS-iiiltlMl. Juanxj ;rtlvi 3irvflfu, Ni.amlu:, ur prLlatMi' Will AlVit. r IVtlAJit fAH" I I.VJTLA :i A 1 ID.N UI1 MR Ht.AlniKK. , bwl.t. ImU.Af. I'lrH' t J.'t KKEATlNdl . Hli-lCe,t'HutP,lllUTIl:UU. CA1 AkiU., iNf Ll't!.A. iiCAlA;Jfc, I'ulk'iHAC'B. - XKtiiiu.uiii, kUXUMA'tisM. ' f - Tb i vhcii.t. ui u hum Kumrtotl park rta aliura Iba pais or diltlcaltautU will affurd hh au4 oonifort. - 3wiaiiy mM ta bi.a a lunl larof iriUt wm in a f:w utotiw.-uiamrl,riiifi. mum A.. kt,unilsi lj19i4U, 11 1-. T. Ufa arrn, 1 Hitkf), Cuc, W u4 la la tfoi4 04 all tuixroat i'aiua. ! Tnivcct nuuia alatajra carrjf a bultia .at Ktuwti'a Ukaui iui.it Biiu ilii-m. A . Onifniia waicr wiU urusnt lr.kiuui oriitiM Iroia tttH ax ior, . U If Iwiwt Uiaa I . Ku u iiiMwi wc 4Mfrwv a avMiiuiaait fVIt AUL'lt, VI. fKVrit AND AOI'K, eawtfor flftr eulj I TBerU wt a K Hal tout In Kiln or Id thai wil. earn mr aua Alfuo, asd all Utr MaU rHiaa j -liim. cm .!, lyoimlil, YHlowr, di4 U.r .! '.i.!.il Iiy KAUWA1' . o quick m itADWAt 'B iiluADX K1LUM.IA K c with! L canty I 4 t MTRO.Vff u4A'8 T Arf MOOD-ISi t'.A.lA Airi.V J.V hf.AVTIPUL VUM JH. RADWATS . sAiuAriluLLIAJl 1LCSULIUT I J4jJ T W ASTOSKBIXl W'KK i; HO OLJCK, SO JtAfll' AHA run uh.tMtKH tim wwr vvimh- Out.. VXlittM THH ISrU'BSVH Ot THI TltVl.t WoSbJiUtlJL USUI- rrtrr Dar is Inrrcau ii rieu It' . . . t . WelEftl 11 Seen I nil Felt. i THE UHEAT EI.OOD I'LUlKlKa t rr., of Ui. 8AHUAPAHILL1AN R( DULY K T covirotuiK ale llin.unh Uia BlixHl fcwi.t, I rliw, anil oUur BuiiU aad iuiuMW Uwl-in li rf i, fur It rci-ain U wiW4oi tan uanjr mil w mm .uiui trial 1 .smjwfri. hypliili, Lkwwjutvm, UlmnA awn, Awf ta (A OiaruU 9nH trihtr parU iff I A, 0m, twfjt pom m &jmtnmiut aut f tte lift vrhtstph, iirrmttftm tfauwrittinr tuutk my m wm prm to mny ftrrw urn u j . mtfKr w tArtjortHA ef 4ua Um ptttni town eiwry win, ; AlOSET A BLADDER COMPLAINT, ! TJrlnarv. and Wo nh rJI.eeiie. Oravrl. Dlabelea. ' Im1 MAir, 0i iis itib tvrnt tff HA t itc7, rttwr ovr, ,-xiuii utw, rung ttitrm, -frili &Arm, JCrmidaM. Jm, Buck Opvit. ItniHy. rupiuge u( VS aur, InconUueuce at - Vrluu, Brll.t'a iliofaauie liuiuiiiurl, and a all cM wi eta nhuie are biVk-dtiat ikiMMiiit, or the wpf-i la tla. tr, irluiirt, tulsed ih tu ror- Mi the litt of an mm. c thrt-aje ' lL ,! rlw. In it i, ..i.i,... I .l4i III -vb"'a ei.'j'r ii.m.-, anil wliiie wm,) ii.:l de- pualta, atia wiivn llire la a pni-knitf burnlua aiitajlkn wlftt ti.n6lnjr Watcr.eiid pain la Ulr amaii oz i:ie ui,'k anu anni( tu i-itlaa. rtirrtset-l'uiualiteriUsV PerfiKttly Ute)i, fl-tuntly miated wltheweet gntn, p.,r.j, .ii!. it., piu.ly, ehlM, aiKi trcDUti-a. it !' 1'ilis, Ittr Die core el ...U tii&jkm't.r ol ttiti aiuiiidtli,Livrr, Bowel, ... Xirtu-.-j-j, l. i. . r, SiTvoua Iiwm, Jlnai Bfa'b, tli(l"fa'lfa.n, V,it:fa.fa-ne, ln.iit;.'atioa, Dfa'-ti. !i !,!:.. . .ii. .fa, i) !;...iii! I'tju-r, lua. aaei..'e v. i!-,. ii.-wtip, riSea aud nil licnwise- niiiu i.i l!. luU-iH.il irfaura, warranted to ell. et p..ino cure, 1'urely vep'Unl, cri- tan ii if no eurourjf, Enuii.a, or diiutoriuBi rus-. ' ' ) .vi f m tl fullowbiif avnu'l'ima r. .ti,, ..(. f lli.lint.fari 1,1 llil I ii.-m.ii. Ml IrlfaM Cyimiipa ii.ii, limrtnit I'Tr.'t, rnm.' lif tse" pttxiM la the Mead, Ai wmyof t..e rfatmiiai-h, Ncitafan, liar:bii:a, lii-L-nt of IimmI, FuU Bce or WiiiliL in the k.uiuath, hnnr hrnctn tl'ina, Blnaii'g or Flntuinng at the Pit of the BUfauiRi'h, t immiuivof tio lied, liurrleil and Diiitcult liifaliui, r iutlerii.ic at the Heart, or bntiwciitiutf ckii t'.--'i,a aha Ia n I-viiiir I'wlure, liiiiineii of Viiin. lKt ar iniv.". m. rufa ir,w .uu imii in, a I lil lil-a,l. I.ii!ieit!tleF t,f IVrMfa traLuia. V.lltfaw. 1 nu. Ih. S.in n.l V . I-. ij. i. 11.. ,-i.t I Cli-t, l-.iu'.a and auciicn i itttfhee Of lieat, JJUan' c in t .e r ic i-ti. A I. i a f KAHWAT'8 PILLS wil free uie -u ui from it the ahote namrd die- or.icra. fn-c, lib c-.-nia per Box. BOLD Bl 1)1(1 ilftlS. hkAU " ALf E AVD TRCE" ftmjaw H"r i. p w KADWAY dt CO., No. 7 Maui, i) l.aii.. rcw tark. lufiinuuduB worth tli'Vumifa fai .11 i-waentyoa. JfaUifc 4 tlvfaiiT.w ty -j TOE. WAKT.r'IELD f i :. EARTH closet, ! I " , Ip hy all oddfa. the tr-pot I jl titir-uiei niiw w. fa1. '.r.riEL,e j s !.ti'a ifv . aal.ry n f - V . .. tixk 'for li.wr!.iive f ' . ..-t-t...t, ot call and. auua- Two now oa liaorl at l. W. H. JONES A Co., may Kit Agent. ' it.ninGii E1SJT, Bf.LVD, AND DOOR .' , factohy. ''-;.-- All order iroHji't!y attended : TH04, B- V'J Il psirr.a - i ftvpnafafaur. DRUGH, MEDlCtXE.. it-. ,. 51 HleH 0AKDel iltKUS, 1471 t Wt kara iairr4 a u j of - ' rwn and must ',; . - . -, . 9 A n J K S' 8 X K B HI KOBE 7. icuf, ., .rari.4aLi-i, Pi. Alao. kit AL3IAHASH ASB OAMltH MASCAU, COS'CUt IIISIW TO FARMIM ana othent, oa lh' ' Cutttratw ytpAtiUt, . , snd'other tnafal liift mttloii wt ytrdialnt. Call ana abtala aofT fKSCTP.LBKAC. faalSia I mttrii THK LATEST A0ONYII KUQENB RtMUKL'BfiPKClALTIES, " VAXDA4 (a'yXaviutise Ore JACWTtlB ironiOT," THE A CniSENaiS," , !V r T "CAVKEA AnAWCA, ii ' " tra noejt," 'I Aaolkar mpflyf three mvstIo rPtu au4 Mnall "til POBTKD I 0A i? o (rrrvrailf piwf erred 'or aroelleBea of flaior I pfTPP A JONEJ, W -tf 5 ' IB FeT.lteTllie itreet 1 ' MISCLLLASEOU. TTYTT.flVi Vfaa-F WWfVB MEDAU . ' AH ABDKB. MaaafMtor. M. 1 N ABE 'i 0 0 Manufa-turart tif ' ItANU, QCABK ANO V'RIOrlt ' , B ALT! MOKE, WD. , . , j. T', .' Tn.l rn.n.t . K fa.. fa i .1 f aWIe fur aearir Tlilrtf Teara, ak upo ttvrir uralleaca el una altainod aad aanrrAaaJ Me Wow, aalck pruouauca. Uiaa iUBMaalail TONE, ! ' r-r--' i vv v''.'.. ' ; touch, , i i WOKKM ANftlUP I , Aku UUltABILI IT. l ey All onr rVuert Ptaaoa kava oar New In mm-ed UvaaeTkuaa Bcaui and tba Aunf ta"W WOald call aeaiehd allatitlna tn late PalenUid Impniveincnle In OHASli I 1 I Miiti ana ALU VKM UKANU fonud h ai uum 1 'ww, wuwb nruuf me riaiw nearai 1'ertacUoB than kw yet been attained. 1 . HMI PIANO FULLY WARRANTEDF0K F1VR TEARB. t7"W are he amend arraaremeat ai.hl to lurnlab. I'AHLUH QUOAMI aad MI LtthSOSi ot the moat eelehraled makera, I ltAW. H4 AMatl . ratawrwr- aflM(l"f iVtCaf nhiatrtlctl ralaloraea and1 Prlra li,u nromutly furnlahrd ou aimllcatjo to WM. B.NABB r Co., BalUmork, M Or any of our reul eetaiahod ageoelol j oel Its eofalUiumiMi , ' Jfaw1t?waVfaiilU Dlilc Plowa, hRturpaaiaa for fiui plowtu snK tr -ffnv aa a, I' ' . . -IJ.i.-,. "" 1-e.favif- e At Vlilll U u . , rr u ..... . n ... r ai.r.iijii ran eiiwria..wl)V Alt t. . m. ai ., ... The Fourth Seaahih will Anna ha 'lrafa..4 Jan. latli.THVi ' , 1 T1.I. I.,l..,,ik. 1.1 .fa.- . .- . home with Ihe advantage of Pint Clata frntalatielriot -f - . f f . s liiauuetiuu tboroacK : teach ht. !ir..r1enra.l ad enroraafalt awary faciUiyxfath-rcd for ar quittitg a thurongli wlaea Wn ; tkargremod Pur O cular enntalulnr full narilcnlmi afl" vr uie c nunpat. " P. P. HOB(iOW), A H r ... ..... T. TMVERKiTT aia ti. lie- aii w kr I BikMI ' . . i tt.MA.1 lfafaW... ,1.. 11-1. i ...... . 1 Maarey'a 4eoret hy. ...-(. 1 Viuliln-a k,iLk.k.t I ..4 . ,i... ..r.... a. L r -1 1 - - ." fai ufa-we....,,.. . a Kur aal at feb (Wkf 1. A. JON Ea' (tool atora V, D ft K K I- V m .lAIU "-3 ,.;'.: (n the nltrht of th. rth In.i f.n. . broke and made their aaca c fr-m Jail, one of wuvm waa Cen tura immt-nietcir end nuode In hit coup, the oilier tlime have In the oi ic-owa bnundariea, tat: Cook Hmltk. rhargedaith huthwaVrohhcrv t'a.Tiule .Zlt-'"'' " j .WJa.fl.cn L0M, Sheriff., , I of Ji bn..tod CeuulV. I I a.HM .-faiauuewi Ibo. viiiiriosuirv, WW J At, At?,, EVU, auu 14, ... .aajMiaan , , I.i 1 fat :. V J 0 A r1"- ,:<f m iri VJ r. 4 a"'. V"' 1 W.H. JONES CO.; decWly i )V l t J lroA ns. R lt(IIHCT0.1 WttOOM B. K. CO., jricd Crf. Otni't. rrf J , ' WiLJtlwmw,"!. & Ka T, 1H o ! and aftar on!f . Uw th fnrtaot, lla. on this rrwt UI Urr Vllrmr. MA i m. and p. m.. and arrtw at ilt JUia. and p. aL Watdoa ifl.au'a. ia and T. p. m. arrhra at wn-aim umaltou au and tti p. av Taas dajr lnia will aH r o 1 iidya, Aa aaaodalloa aad Iralrtt Wara wit! Icar. HUuuuvtm lo. tl a. at. luut, iaaa cwaautaii.) xuiaa( cbw eowmetioai at tttdda boru' f.ir IUWkIi. , . kUtan.tiiiC, OoJlro, at . a, a. bd arrtva at n Uuiiuvt'xi at i p. ia. Ttaa dav U Jra kava WUialavtew 15 a . aad Waa 10 (M a. rwaiuict tt'tatlj wlli. Tirlum1 Hrmlu kttalm. tirtlt luMl'-'lltfJf kwlur WUiaiiyti'ii and Wuldoa oa UiMkl.rs Wcdri "tsra aad Friday, atw conaaet Ujw wltaUM Iaruuro' Braatk traW. , ,tv u rKEMorr, , Jaaet tf. 7s,, . pt ft;lfMO?fW A IMNVrfXB KA1L- L, KOAu COMFASY, . ' rA" TAUI.S-IIAI KfHH A OOLVHQliV IXMAAA. dPK iAl, f ASf EStiKM TKAI.N TO BEfVX . . i-ini n'ETHEB KlfJTCaV '.!':.'" - . .; ; I la tt aitai . WLb.1Sn. Laan EaUnk.... . TOO p. at ;!- . r . j ' , BO" '' . ! . Arrlrt tCla;tvf,vv Lea TaClavwa... J.. : Arrtfaat w Jou' U1L, . im ni.on. Mill.,...,.. Anira at r4i-lui..,v, ........... Laata oulu.a.... .. . Arrlvn l UiOu I Hit. . ...... . Laaa JJ H 111 ................ . arrive at (juldauuju i ... . ,t (TUT, - Laara fl.drtlr. ....... Arnv at Hw dill ..... .. Ut Muua Hill ...1. Arrive at crUua..,.... II IS m. 11 M . II U i U ra p aa I its i Leave ivlinai...... ..... irrtvefl Wlkua'a Mill... ...f IJkd " . i... lot " ....-. I.v.. . .,..... l.a-.." ......... 1 1 TWfre Wttaoo'rMiii.iiT arrlreat t.Ur'oo.. uwve t lavlun............ Lia Aouni.......ii... arrive alMatelfcll... W. n. Uklia, ' T; AtturoTAds Maater Iraoaoortattna. i T.I M. K..TAtC0T,1 , a.nf. aVBaparta Wadena aOT 16-M piUMOE Or C0EDCLE. - " Vs CHATHAM BA1LBOAD COMPANY, ! 1 BiiraaiaTaai'aaT'axrvica, , .j ; I BiiMt,M.O., J(o. Ilk, 1671.! Oa end after Walereuey, kvecaitx atk mm.--.Irakaa oa Uia UiaUiaia HaDruatl Bill ma deilr (Sotioaj earaptrd) aa luUoerai . j WaN laata tMvae Ka4eu;a......e: lu r. ru . arrtveeatHaofunl.fa :30 . " i.JfaBTfaialeaM keaf oni. . , . 6.a.t A K t I- . arrlvaeatHaliluk.u....lU V ' Mall mid BMkeaulcHw axiuei'tluaal Kaksiiik wltk Uie Makkik Uaatou KalUoad ItrauH I anna alL ifanint Nifafttl. - -. . . . . - I And at Ban ford with the WeaWra BaUroad ao" atnr Iron f avebVsrttte and pun on Tree I tulm Balitoaa.. ' A. h. AUia, rL. orkOu BukicriuuaMUHit. QUANUE Of aCIJlEDULE. J - BALKltiH 4 wAjbTOM R. K. OO., ' BuriTnT'Urric)B, , Ri etou. II. C, Not. tth, 1HTI t On nut after Tueadaf Norenibrr 7th 1H7I Infaie oa tue KaletKk at Oaaton Kail road, IU ran ealljr tattadajr aaoeftn, ) aa louowe : Malatuia, ' Tavea Balrlk S0 4. u. Arrtvoa at Weldos B.aU r. . Iavsa Weldun 10 10 4, M, Arrrveeat rtaMnk... .w:. , , aoooHHOOATioai Taaia. Learee Balelck 115r. a. Arrive! at Vlolduo. ....... ......... lJa-B Leave Wcluua.. 14 r. a Arrive at ttaleli,.. ............... 00 a. B. Mall iraia uika cum bueaacTioa im toe with Uie oVatiianl A Kuanoka Railroad and Be) Lum kuarasra via . Balttoiore, to aud from all U.lol Nurtk, V Vet and Nortkweet and with lWrabarg lUUrmui via PeturalmrK, UlLkLDoud aud WaalilnKUm Clly, to aad turn Hi poiut Norui ana nurtnwtau Aud at lUkork wltk Uie North Carolina Kit road to aou fruia all point Bouth and iontk areel. and Hk Uu Cuatuana Kailruad to Uar wood and Faveltevllle. . A'-cutaiuoatloD and Fmkrnt train, ennneet at n eldoa wltk AccomntdatloB and Frrlfc-kl tnuna oo Buaouard a) Koenoke Katlruad awl PctonburK lUUmad, And a', Balcb, witk AocnrumoJalliia aud Preigu Ifalut oa North Carolina Kallroid, , u Peraona UvUlk alimg Uia Hue of the Road eta nail naiuiKtt tu toe uiiirnuur t Aocouunoua Uoa train, reinals eeveral lioura, and retnrn tin euneev.-iiLnav . . A. B. ANDREWS. aoviOU , .. Uea. dnpV q"lll BEST PERIODICALS OF TUE DAT X .. TUB UKKAT E N 0 L 1 8 II QUARTERLIES AkO . - Bliclf tciTi EJlndarfh latiiinr, airaiBTaaar r- mt LEONARD BC0TT PUBLIBIHSOXO., lit) PultuB Rtraet, Naw fork. ill afoul eHeiAIrd A nrie of IA erteinnb. Tna KdmbuiKh Review, ' iue t-oniioa ymricrty tievlew, Th Wcalruintler Kuvlrw The hrlttah Oiinrli-rlv RMrUe PublUticd QuarhwljJau y, April, i ily, Oct., r,,. a T " a-.,? . '' iBrf Afa,a.lat (A tac-tlmd tba orlKiaal.) paMlahrd Monthly. ""Sew TkBMk Of IliBaCkipilop ror any oua Review, ..vrt f 4 0 par at Krr an imanea l..,i. . . T.tar etiv ttime Kcvlew. to to all It four rffatvleiVB' --t in Pot Black wand' Maanara. y tw I fait For Btat-kwwod and 1 Hat lew.. T.oav- ' Far bhtrfcwood and Beriowa.. lo a I ' or Hleekwoiid and 1 kavlnw.. I in For Bljckwuiidasd thai Kiie,t.4- rwlaj4,twoceiilantuuuer, to be prepaid h. 11.. ....... I... . i,. ...M... .1 ... " w . ui. viu.-e oj ucityeiy. OLllit. ..'. ... ' ;. A dlMwnt of twlnty per eent will be allow fafao ciuiie or inur or uiorn ncfei'aa Thut luar oouaeioi ...beaakwaod ee M n KevVw Ul kaeeen. ta ee eaatraa ' in. mrr foar f'lWtl Of Uie frlur Review, and Hiui-kw.l e anu ao on. .. .. r v. To ettib ot fed or more. In aiMlilna In th. above diarnitnt. a copygrktl will be allowed e favoe getter-np ot uie clem. - . ritmimi Neweutw rlliere tor the year 1871 may have without ch.ir.e, the Bumier' (,e tue laet 4.f ljt.iee jwioijfalil. at utet atey Or, fautaed of tb thora. new aabatrlbev to any two, Uiree, or four of the ab.ve riinde- u" .n"T,i,T T" . " , . i. " .. ..T K.'ii.iu illlirviliai nave two of th four Review' for Inrl. I ai,,K i. .... .k-i. -L. ojunt lo cluh can he aflowrd oaten the mrmy Ik remitted direct tolhe pukliahcra. Mo pr mlnmt eaa ba given to elab. - ; - i To aecur premium, It will be hecataary hi ""j tiiiicauiio, a 14 noak avaiiabl for that nartawe I limited. i Olrenkfaca kith tartker Informal toa may be aa attnicauaa. . Tan Lacmiap BaxrrT Pra Cv, TUX LEONARD BCPlXlSHINa od -; ...)- kuo rBU ... .r; f Tt m a B ar a. n. a rt rrie a i w a aifafaie etrfaaoi, rvew 1 arn. TBtrABMXZ'8 QVIDS t Ti Scieatitle and rrartiol Arrk-oltura, oy n -iar r-TBravna, r a B , Kdcuenrgb, and w raw r. nciaToa. rrofeaeorof Bcieatiac ArrtcutinrriB Tale uonage, new Haiea i Two vnlt. Koral eelavii. tmn rarce and eamemtttengratlnga. frk-e 7 ; by mail, pvat yea is-u JXD AIH COA Lit , .' . 1 am dally lipecUng . , . ; f oxs ncxpREo TOSa OF COAL . . ..: 1 - - i BCITABLX FOX GRATEBf i r , ' ", ; If pnrctuued to arrive, HwtHbaatdd ckcajx . DOTGLABBELL, arptt7U atoUwTuboro'BotoL C GOODS, Ae L1 rpo THE WUGLESALE TRADE We detira to aall jour etteatloa to tb lar(- aMewck of 1 . '. T : FOREI0JI AND MltEBTlU ; DRY GOODS BTATK or VIKGLVIA. ' , Eiabraruia' ererr ar k-la adapted to oa ant-, aud 1 oouelauog ki 1" of . mow COTTON, i BLEACHED COTTON. ' ' " BBOVYN ilUETUfOB, BLEACHED IBEET1NO, COTTOSI PLAN NIL, Cot'iia (nabnrg, t r -. Cotl Dnllt' .! - , i'lald UumeBtira, ; UU Tickle, Buiped BUir1in((, , --' Rod, - Wktto wvl TrtI"W Ftannela, Shei p Ory, - BenttkCkyjealia, . , ' CiMaiinarua, 1 .. . Uraea Oooda, ' ., -1 Tull-H I !, ' lleav Twllte, - ;, v fAatineta, y V - Pouti, ALSO, ANIMMBMiKtlTWM: OP 1 I ASJtEI. & ill UliS 0 1 - -. , il llavlne a rreMent nnv!r (one of the firm) In Nea York e era enabled to keep oar a tuck at all tieua .A- ...... I C0MPLETE We On aar Boode tallrelvuai oianofa. tttrer a.id tbvir amn'a, and are tlnmbv cBar Med to uifar oar gowl e low ee anjr i . I0HTUEn., JOBCEK. 1 . - ' "" " 1 W aaranto to aall (o'da at BaUatora.. prkua aud ha Uoior krioa. TERMS LIBERAL. ORUKRs OLlCITEL J DAVIS. tRAKE tdr V J..hlwri of Dr Goo'a, - i Irornrr of Kank and &tcaure.At''..' . Petenhunri Va, i OfllaiW rranklia elraet Mw York. ; OCt14 If jiisc'j:llanluus. JJRIU08 UB'ITHE.i'B .,; J' , ckTauiotia car .f ' PIOWKK AAD VSGKTABLg EE& And Suiereer flow rti kulta, (ur 1OTJ, bow ready, ciifaatatma of ov, i&t iireN on roMa Unled ptr, with -viBWnla of awr eeparaeB eute, tu'l it AceMfel tw'..if I iarn. Cover, a hreiitilul leK'i. In colore. Ihe rlcheet t'alal"i;ii (iVr pnlillahid. I'etid V rente f ""i'J, Mt one-half the value of the lotortd Cat.' , b the Jim order, ameiwUne; to not ethaoll, thr price of tatalonue, SI60.; will be refuudd in eurd. ' New luttnarre oraced uu ilia nine foo'liiK with old. m to old eaaloaiaea. . Quality of ered, atte of uackita, prkeeeud preiutttiae oaered, make H to the adtaubufB of all to ptut haareeert uf ua. Boa Catariie for extranrdlnary luducrnrnle i I oa wtu bum II If you no out oar CaU- Wfini before 0nlrliu( reed. L Either ot o r two Chiotaok for IRTi. alee lat one a n-iwer plate of Bulboua Fiauta. eontlattna; of Liltco, c iheotliler of Annval, bienuial and rervsulal flanta, ceaiaoked the hi oaf HNtn ffcoaai. oiibomos ' evei leaued In thle onantry A ewBerb parlor ornament; mailed, coat pelt, oa receliil of Vi 1: alao fie on euaditkma eneelnad ha CatalufOa. Addreee Dltl..9 et BROIHEIt, i Xrat.uAf 14 IRochetcr, New rorh. w. AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS. nxLBiaa, B. o aptlTtf TUE BIIPERI0RITJT OP TU1 UNRIVAL- WEBER . PIANO , . " ' -. PORTS hi rmtcerlrd he all who kara CAREFUL! COHr-AllhD 11 with other. In ma NEW SCALE, - The Maaafaclarsr baa aupijidd la aakla tk M06T PERPKCt PIANO PORT f poaalblei banc they r preferred by a GBEAf ARTISTS OF TUX DAT. Aad ncotaoHBded by all tb J . , I.KADINn NEWDPAPRRS TTV Price will be fonn 1 ae reaaunablo at eoBtlt- tent aim thuroutih woiktuantb.p. warerooms, : r Avem-a, Maw Tonx, Coa. ldra Btbut. IK Tr ALU ABLE CIT1 PROPERTT , '. v Ft K sals.; ' Br faVfr'ne nf a iImim m Ik. h.k.1 Cm,. Of WakeOmiBly, to me dbertod, 1 will acll at t amir annum, at lite twart llou At la Ihe CitV Of MalMirli. to ttfa. hi,ui M,1a... Tnoaday with dayof March nritt at Uo'cmckl U (hf. f.,lln fan. ln H...l .l Ll I ll.lliil mi faiij i. . .i . .....lb T ' vain .'.wia pwM-a.m.t NO IWI the nlela of .Kl eliv. am Uia ...I ttd uf Weal BL. aillidutmr Ihe luda af in-1 " ot n. u . anu ir it Murray, t rfe ocrtipied hy R. y. W. R. Pe I, con' ab'lnA rhirrly I ln ne rto- eat. Iheaowrrxwiil he euld to parrhtexr 't thai time furn naouabie uoinpcriMUna. Ifa-rtnt. iltaliif oiiafa.liaae ui.im. fai t., iwi.l inceah, rmidue lu twelve uuutha. Iluad aud Kond acr urllr re Milred. , . ' U b'JW, CuUmlfaaloDcr. I Tffty rS uwidt . ECLECTIC U Intended for uaa la ordunuy lOJeehwl tempe. wberaver atxhj 1WM and nerfect a,.nkl , . ... , "m aeddeet are akqaired. It A prcrarcd w.il. .Ilk. HUOSOS RIVER OIL WORKSL LAMP, 45c,, i flay t, ilJLKV&rri STREET. I N AsanT roa . feb lddSm. : ! T)H-GRTM S PATENT BASH BALANCES, Wa deatre to aaB aonnt. iHfa ,fa.i. . 1 i.vramM.iacaa neaaaifaea. patanteUfat3etk l4lla, lla,to tkefoltowlng j7 . r vraitKren, ., awtaoaeB, Warrea Kandoltk. WUkoaTl Qran.Ui, mmtoaary, A4a rtB. rrankUa, Wllaon. Mantee. CauweO. . B.r- . Ckwvelaad. I . Poik. , . i Rutherfrrfai. I. McDweU,' j I David eoa. Foraytlea, 1 iioht,,.v Burvr, ,, Tadkn,' Davta, Rowan, Iredell ' Gaeton. - Lbicoln, Catawba, Jnkaetoa. Harnett aiaoiafa Alamance, . 1 anrey. t. i Ileadereoa: Caawell. biiifaconjtfaa Madlarm. Haywood. K.Kimi.tiam. iierkaun. ataeoa. CbaroBea,- V P. A. WIT FT, i DUL'tiLAa BkLL, Ah jj.o 1 1 a w. h. b.:bvtcck?b co. Ukn HOW 15 STOCK. A lAROI AND i eoeapH i eaaortment of PorclB an4 Doom ta. Haaiatw. Olewaa.' Uaderwear. . Wlet In( ol Mea;,1voaMB,(,aad CUidrea' Foaterv.'j larxs Baa al atiae' Paocj Woolea Hoalrj, aroaa Ike beet PBEMCB amlENGLUH Hi teeterer,' partknlarlr adaptrd to tb tsaat retail waata. .1.1- ;'.:; ' T-?V Maei'a and Wobmb' UNDEBWE AB, bCot- I40B, Patent Mer no, Bal Verlno, MTool end BUk. '5i.)!-:-i-.v!" A hn aaenrtraeBtof OLOTER. h KM. Ca'f. rVaxBktn, Caator, Used aad (Jalniec, bertrn, riiAik aiaa if etta. In Lwed aakt L aUacd ttaaa aad Paaey Mvlaa, to (raat rarlrtr. and at attractive prtw. Ala". Uie rek-briled jakne of ALEXANDRE'S JCOI.AB dt CtH'KVOldER'k Ell ULOVEB, to uie News ( olura, to aiatrb the laieat and Bluet faetuoa aola bilk and Drvae Uoode. Tea M'eaUea of 1 lata Vane I lepectf ally Invltad. . v. nvc - a. utawi a v ofU ' CtT IK TIKI Ut Mtibffi of On UtUtnrft. H.E W til t III I H A t a , Pbics orti IS.SB, Bat qatllt; ltt Itjle. 6LOVX, CBATATB. UNDERWEAR, BOOTS,, .. HOE1BtrENDEH8, ' HANDKERCHIEFS, . W.R ARITL'CKERACO. aov tf COMMISSION AIERCHANTS. 1 ' WiLBDTHit. N. C ,rb. Hi, 1ST. .Jln,A O, 1st, lUUyh; tveim : By your reaiieet,! b rewUh- I ani'int the malt of an ewerlment an cauet with dHli rent klnde. ol aiuaaw nuaclauyd af you laat acaaon. I pl.mtoulail M. L.li.( oa Uie latfourDoUiint; tra tu vnd foar, tfifnr lbt-of PMi'ma, " srd "if, " rernvian. ..;' 4ik,- " i - -,-.! lt., w 6th . . " Phalne, .and Perwvlaa mixed (IS Prrnvlan and ft Phnlnaj the brli of bad al) briar; of the mme 1 quality. ' : The ttuanoa Kiw ell aoraratpiy wthrlM-fl wiaea put in, wa cotton eeretuny wtinlied front rackaat of row when puk. d out, aud Ilia coat of each kind of Guano enr- notly ealenlatedi with tut real at a per eviit. per annum added., I akuir tiienret lout TakhiK tbenret four row (without Guano) a a bwla, the loiiowiiiii n llie rrtuli : . ... Nmt pmkt en tia Sad foar (Pbn- . -i -tae, oa tl.a tnoBcy laid out, -- llfifHot Fett ia OB the 3rd four, ( feru- wlnTau the aunncv laid nut. 101 nrv a'. 'fca lIilodth4thfoof, IBt)' n Ihe.BMaay Itkl not,- - ' lnMBerct. Nattprottaa thaath lowr, (Mux . tmn) va tea money ma out, v pern. 1 he caitoh we tntt nt nii xta-per'rh.-iirttiF end. i Vary reepectlvely, you a, ' ' We can furniah all the above kind of Gik.no. here at ihe fullowuig rate for caab : Pimn laa per- ton. ruuins fct, WHO HOW 57 AO ' nndO t 65 00 st m ALSO, .I.'. Wi Pataptro, per toa, vana.u, - Pkcwpkale of Uma, fee ' ' mdnblaaea laktud, per tie, -Zell'a Ammoail4 nnpar fboipa of Lltoa. per ton . , S7 90 MsrylaudCottoa Pood, per ton, ' 87 SO Panic drairtnff It can yet any of the above cm time at a ataail advenee an the above price, oy maaiBK aaiaogeaaauta wnn ua. fabllkMw . A. G.LEE A CO. P A. Dmrw. 1 1. H. Dpiib. 1 C. A. tiwafeca. of ee I of ilranvlu I af Miirfreeaboro Co., M. a Ck,h.C N.O. . p. A. DirnN sc Co ; , v .- : .... GENERAL ; . '". OOIIINSIO MERCHANTS, ' , Forth Sale and Pairbaa ; Tofciffd, Cettoi, Craltt, Flour, Produce, And Mere hand Let of Every DeecrlpUoa . 44 StutA Strut, Jftar JbcAangt Plaet, SAITIAIOKX. . RireRreraa J G. WTlNima. Praa't State Hat'l aank, aalekrh, H. C tlUrona' a atlwal nauB,HaeUTn.n. i-i rfoaaaoa 'Hwioo e fa x, B'lllniore. Md : Wiaenleld, Stern A td., Bul timare, Md., Elliott Bro. , . Blliinore, Md, Patteraon A Bath, Ballimora Md. f b I8ltiui r I BKn totio. Br, ecHcTtcr. r'. oat. eWiaiiirF. PU. . a Jelianaia. ay Mtltbmwt, tatexMma, Joaa ipteuUJ-uir TODD, SCtlKHCK A CO., Geseral Coniin Isslon XercLants, foa TaTf kitt trtrTkratsi or . L TOBACCO, 0QTTQM,' 6BA1M flOUB, : f'-rv, noUOt . "- And Mcrchaudlae of avery daterlptlon, r., aanov uoaanoa iiaok B A li I, n o R E., i- 0. Will lame. Pre ieut.uteKaU0Bal Bank, U..1..1..I. M -1' fa t--i m . X?. .r v i "-!5 .XlJJfJlL. ' MeliW.fui llv. Wm, FM.er dt B.M. Baltlator. Md .I. W. Ue-.t, t tabaer U.kwaa' KaUooal Bank of Baltimore. ... J, ltrn, dr., .ailer Permereand MaMhanWi- vNvtiml 8ank, Ballimora - W J.,Patrcmth. Goldabro', N. C A i Jialloway, " , , fek lO-utlot " .')" u - -.,EACU BROS GROCERS dt COMSlSelON MtRCHA.NT. r ay ., . .u-V -,- ..falT- ,'.,1. f,.f;. tfa. t . . Ii I t f Elba Raw, .,i v MARKET SQUARE, RALEIGH, N. C. j eptau-tf . r-;r:U 'RESO. FIELD tEEDM..' ' Bed Clover, '!)rcrnrd, Tllvmtlrr, and Herd wraa Seed, jaat neeleed at ihe Farmer Had feb fat-die1. JAMES M. TOWLKdk ' GrTT'iTT I ... av ilOO TT.0 N . FiER TI LI Z ER MANTXarACfTtritKO BY THfcJ : SOUTIIFXyFEETJLEIXG;, COMPANY;; ; r iUCm.10I7D. Va. ' ; I " ' I. v,a ' , ' - ' v . ' . I ! . ' ' .?1.W,fa1'iAM, 9"1 i.Jte-'t dV Chamta t - (I.A ltiW af OuanWtrraad'Af,) muui7 jh,, . C W. GRASDT 80-3,Wtoa Facto, AgraU fc, i6TAStARa'rsUTinzElt tX1rm U ..l.'.ISCELUKEOpa. f-r AKDKETU'd GAJtDKN BEELHk tuA raeeirel Btrppty ot Landrefk't wr rated Ganlra teed. Iff, wt thakejt. erd ka Laudratb' Garden Bead pi .''''i- N. C BOOBBTOBB, Ua Uf JAB. H. XBNI8B. Af't F1 ;s?ei)T POM,. THE I- ,. DR. TCTT8 ; EXPECTORANT FOR COUGHS, COLDS, j d:c For the apxdy.iallef and peieianeat era of Ctinauuintion, Brira. hltl, Aetna, and all die- eaaeaof Ilia Lean and Throe. The Kxprctaaui ia eonipoerd of Herbal aad Maellaoavua bruriacle, which peraaeete Ike eery utietanc of the Lang, sauting theea to throw od the aortd oiatWr which collert hi th: broncmal utwa, and at the aatna time foroia tdotkiuK ooaiiuf, reuevitur the tmta'tUB wlik-k producee the Conh. It la active, hat mil,! aifad afaauiMHutl. imrbafiitifl' fuike.kjBal Miatf J fj aud natural etrrnnth. It adurdaOiyrea to iiuJ aa the Ml edaud, Nitrofaria to aaeimllilr the matter, equaiixiujr the hervoua lulueac and. priwluakH antrl and cnaapoenen. Eur J tut croup It w apKlDC. ViGETABLE UVER PUXB. ' - PR. TUTTS ,- Pur the rare of Livoi CoattiUInt, Draperela, Jaupiit a, k evere. Low of ApiieUU-, AUrctiooe of the Bladder and Kidney, erroa Inaeaae uf Uie 8kiu. I ifadur Latino. IniDnrltv of the Bluod. hk lliwliu'he, Cuauveneea, uuid Baee, ruee, Ti.bm! i'illa are invaluable to all who anfler from any of theae dlaeeee. By thtdr judltotia uea lUfa' tAwojaaoi kapt in natarai ooniuuon of K'khI hi-alth.. They do not act aa awe sen .porary'ivJef, but keep the human ayetam hi a anund and luruua elate, byraeily and aT oioat Lnpcrceplitily elerueiu It of ell Im part lira T bey brace irhd invigorate both the puyer leal ana m'-niai iiirauizetioB..i Dr. ThU'm Lvr 1MU are purely Vea-eteble. cimtalnine not a particle of Mercory, aud may be taken at a.l tinma, wHuont rettraint f diet i or occapuon. f x IMPROVED HAIR DTE 1 warraaioa w Deal la ua LnitM Btatoa. Prered at the Laboratory of ' WM H. TUTT; 18 and HO Piatt atreet, N. d A,ncata, Ga .. ... . .. -,..'-..-1 r'ur .ale by tnuert In Medicine everywhere I ui rw etn J I'hE CORN AND RTE WHI8KT, W have in lUcceaiTul operation onr . Ii X HtT.I LLKKY, Near Warrtnttn, M. 0 Aad are waking on hundred and Sfty gallon per day , of tba bcil and pareat ,-U tXIR!f AXff BYjrWHiniT" ever offered for tale in North Carolina. Tht! former reputaUon of nnrwbhdry.TtBOwa a ihe ttkl CbrleUna Whiaky," thall betua taincd in every rcaitict, and'wa proajilae onr rraumtKraa ajmiiae and owedaltecaUfad article of aplrite on the miet reaaunatila tonna. Td all invalid we wi n'd eepeclally recommend our wr'ky for Ha line medicmai qualttiee frc frrnu ' druge," ebmnleala and Injuria at comimunda 1 he pliyatcbn of Warrcrrtrm ananlmonaly airree in pronouncing onrwhlaky thePUBKal uiat ua neen in uia market tinea In war, ana meacn a n ror meir pauenta. We are cliiua onr whteky, which w mar. ante to be thirty decree atruturer than moat Northeru whiaky, at H, to St.dtt pur gallon hv the bajrel rractional DarU of a barrel at t.on to a i i r gajiuu : no uuauuu uuicr art fafailoaa aold at the dlatlllrry. WewiUeichaogenbMkyferConi or Meal, at the rate of oia eallon wbiakf for twa fbeubdi i tm or meal, the cora to ba delivered at warren ton, lot llavle' MUiorthedleUuary. W wui recerva Hoga at the diatiUary aa enact a. CHRISTMAS. FOOTS 4 CO., t-rTW, V. CLirroB, of Raleigh, la IravL'llinx airent for the above company. fabT-ddtwttui Wannuia,M. 0., D B. B O T T, : . FEMALE PHYWC1AN, - - No. m, Main 81, - " RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. , Lamb Burnwma raoM ntRaatrLAairtka, or any complaint peculiar to their aaa art I narautocd icedy relief. All oommu n icaUoua I atrieuy aanncHnahoi: Letter of Inanbrr wered fre of charga.- Medicine forwarded I by Hall or Kiprea. Kooma and altandanca fanuabed whaa paired. -tana M-ddtwlf T H X N O R TUCAR0LI N A '-'A. L M A K A C , ' for m .. Caleolatod by REV. DR. CRAVEN, of TrlnKy College. IT CoITt AIMS (Be-Idea Ita car .fully ralenlatad Almanac I Utile of Ui, day of th weak and month rlalng anr actUiur'of. Uia an n and moon, the aim a neuiaoeion, in uae at nretthvuie, and I Beaufort, and. the aaueet of Uia varlou I planeU, 1 - . PnoomieTifJa or Th WaATann, baaed npoa I fa-iwifaiiiiTiKiii, ami Biitniere gaeae-worm. Kkcairra for making Baueage, Cooking Byf sleek and Online, .Watblng Flannel, Cleaning Marble, Making Hard Ginger Breed. Suet Pudding, kniileotl Cuke and inauy other em-mi reccipie aim luuny anecootea. . i It Givnt SiariancaL l.nroaMiTion of th Govern nept of North Carolina la all It I omiu nca, timcerr atiartea hupreme Comt, I iLHicor '".iiiiii np rtor r ouna nr to van-' ouaountiea. 1 ime of h ild.nr U. 8. Circuit and DitrleH!,iurU, North CeAdina Rap re. an talivee ill C ngreee, Namea of Membaia of 111 rervt AtoeihtiiV, Internal Revenua Btamp Ili.t.u !.. Ul,.-fafa'...L. I 1.. ..I...., . viit'iM i ...in, wm UMWfalfaW, QWirAl , voTiS yoH ASl aQAIX$ !; V Va Ail i J (T i.T JUitl VOUXTJf ' Duvi I7iuiriatiiiitiaviiii " "A'e41i I AA 4a J a OUIf Al aT'XVml. "THE, HEATHEN C. 11 1 N It ! It ia "Wobtb " THiaini 'TriM Vkuii i FOB IT .. . 1 .. . PRICES i ! For Single Copy, - ; . 10 eenta. For TaoCopua, ; . .lit , Per Doaea, ... . 75 " t Per Hundred . $.0S 5 Bent PrepJd on receipt ot Prtea, by ' ,. , J. A. J0NXS.Ptrai.li rvfl8 1 Raleigh, M. C JjJ AlAO MACBXREL, la kit. feb I-dlm W, 0. BTRONACH A OO, &JtiL'Q . (.:. ' t..'i ' Xoxiolk, Va., UvtnfUeB mad. Ui. In Jj and K.ddl. Forth Ca r.w.ftugh tit. pw. ai HTDnDiCT tmMin mmm7 Trim VkUlUM IWIVUU I v 4.1 liilll ILIW. PHCENIX'CrlJANO ;.,V... . , .'.-. . . : '. . Imported direct from PJrnlX IsUndu, tk Pacific ... -.f Guano, Salt and PREPARED AT BATAKnAH, MXrCIBBS' i; CO' ,f ntPAMKp AT 'AJlTASSaH.' 0 Which bar beta U noeaful aJr Tlifi now oa fcanti largeeoBTgnmrif o7 lb above ilAtidaid J'eniliirjra,aB( . oBering tbean to pUaten t aetna redncetl iGoaAO Ik Call aa at fbr prkaa, aad gatafiianai A!tnnae. " v--.,- :Vr. 1 " W.H. VOBDS Azint. : . 1 ! I fetkladZm WAN DO "f COTM, C0R.V, PB CLASH, $0 par 3,000 Dja, at Factory, TIAoB, fSt Bar LOOT Bak, at I Factory, TZQUB8T. 2 MCTItr-Hlt Mt'tJZtt WANDO . I ,.. "tr M C0MP0STLS WITH GOTTON SEED 0ABB, $t0 aar 2,000 Um, at Faotory. TTXta, M par t.000 gba, at Faotory, TBRMT.-'' ' .;: -j -.-....j.. V... wii. d 5ttkes .& co., ' GENERAL AGENTS" ' ' ' "1 ' ' " i. . ....... . . ....... ' ;.-,.-;,.', - Wa. I Botita AUantlo Wharf, Ohaxlaaten, g. a A. a. LEE & CO., AGEHT8 AT RAXEIGU, K. CI r XG. HOLMES, JrM- 4 , oCPERIYTENDENT OP AGENCIES. ytndllm, LIFE ESrSUEANOE OOMPANY OF - t.. i.j J i yniGijiiii. . EigrmBiig A.fa9, McILWAI iW""f .IWdfaraV wain, i r A D. X. TXNN NASt. I 'PTaaMmnta. AJTL X. PAUL, . hy M .fa..-fa ' ' Ka sl 1 .. .. . VOL R. M it v.w.iaM'EM"lM USICX ' X. T. AXRLNGTON. s,ifaifc:,...... ; .... O I R X C A. . McBwahva, WJmha... i T. T. Iroocka, ,,,,' 1 George Cameron, 1 ' X a tclwaioe, v i .CharfaaW.Bptoa,,,. R-G. Prgram, . ioka Mans, - I v. m. a aanaat. , Wa X. Mallory, . Wm. Cameeoa.' ' X A. Marthv . I Wm. X Johaeoa, ueorre a. Mrkv J. CDrake, Or. D. W. Laaeifar. ' aanai la era and falihftiUv kent.' r TT WrUt a7amam rmfavkh. iLtZJSsL't. at Bald m mM faVttoawaraaBeia hoiderv UI ea a0"" "n,L, to-uTvewTtT of ttZX? line i lofora to a grwit artent imtT LXhZ?,!l enrich al.UuftlUrOurl 0. toU, Invlw, eomparUo. .h con.r Will fa.. fa . 21. Oj ff- V aice . M. . 1 ' yalyTaiwly ' """.uw) jicrsoii ooTTOit seed. AAra accepted the armry for th aala of DesAaaaa Ps Xxkn, Cettoa Seed. Clrwilar ae irnVtohal faaaartpBeaaVrnto r"; '.AS, C ESSISa, A-t, JmiXM . & Book Store, i t ' ' .... . ," . : ;. . , Plaster Compound, O A-' : ASI AT CHARLESTOlf i WKIPOUTEO "G'JOO. AMD AT 'cllAJtlSSTOJf, . g, c'-TL jrwa aat h yaar adding to their Mpulalinn , pricot of last jr. ,Tlie taaitUrJ of thcee KAIEIGIT,. N. -too; FOR WHEAT, TORlCfO. I C IS yayabla Nor. lat, U7S, WrTHOTJJT W- ITitT f I ISES OS 1SHIET eiVer? ' j 'J',ly"r3 ''"'" Z .w,bl. KoV. iv lB7a. wrpnnrf- pBtersburc." 1 . . - aia d ae: ' "A. ...la:.;,.- ..N - .1. . ... .mBBItlre. T. T. XRfXKJEd, ALLOlii". ConiBHiefae.' ' AyCAIXXNDXR. - I 0 B 8: Robert a Mann, , , David Callenner, X A. Phimwie, . . , Janm C Kiddle, J. P. W illiamaon, i.k. WiUhm.ar Tr. JaoM DuuB. R. T. Arrlngt a. C Baker Raise, i U. L Plummer, BarUrttBop-r, Wm. A. Brae?, M John M. We.1, ' Frank PoUa, S. B. Brifah.er, f. Eugene Davla, . ... fafafaa. aiien. Hot,!, ua l repoecd In them wul be honcuy r- - V ft '" J" with pnidenca and aafrty be aitended to pulh-y ifrti T0"1' .TI ,", T V"1 ; ' de of atranger kU "i.1" -" Williams; AATTI E ItiiLiii tu Z ? a ififh'T . . .FOR NORTH CAROLINA,. Agent, Kalelgh. f) K BARRELS (IRISH) SEED POTA- t-r toea, emhraclug Karly Roaa, Goodnck, and ether TariaUee W.C BTRONACH CO. Jaa2-tri Ttiun vims, 5t.S VARRAJTTEP PVRE. ' ' .": ' Bend for Clrealar '". ' " .... i I 5B"H "J a W.afTX0JlACaCO. Ja,JVJ X. WCI,lJadA,i.fal'. ?Sr- hast