.... ? , , - iT i ' r,--,. A. bcz. . i.. ,--- -- "Vwatx at .eta. -at "aWli.- . T. fw m T T T 7 W " 1 ' . I A. ' i - 1 ADVERTIS1N0 RATES. AAlermenlewlH be Inrrrtrd la Dillf nfMttuM ootttme. A -t - r '''.ini r, fVk. f t Nol Sues), -? st it 81 0O 1JI - I .a tol'4 . -'" to il II " . .ia lathe ebei rales for seeb additional ' aa follow ; E tr'h, -, 8 4 Ot For MlK I i ' f Of " 0 " 1! . a - 1LU0 - it " ! fw ,tt (wt.WrH.ir , tiiree-tfths xSJ Weekly sntw ot Paly t!rL raity tad sty sombiaed, itoE " WlyOomblneda! forty mt cot Daily rIM. rLi mi oral of TWlr ntoa . .i iftr Mi l M D It ntMC UattMMiU ka Local Coluru, S mtt r- r-Tao. 9. IUjuaI. U Kuiax WMaV a MUioril la auke eoBtraeto aa4 (hra r and tirl ItemR. hiLKiwa CottoB Maamtt-Rkporteft or th 6KTWM. bj tyn Aam, Cm loa EacU'i Grtar, Market 8.are F BLie. Hatch IS.. I81.l Riilpti lOfialaaj otJinaryit! w . t i a, iv. i k ,s Nawseas Cuw Mabkht. Rfp rt' dily by Wo. IL Olirer, Corn and Com uiwioo Jlrttbant, Ncwbfu, N, a , , Market acting V lah M to 70 cent per butbal of 60 pound. J . : , . J. C. Duckworth, i , uembtr of tb Hhu of RenrcaenlKtlve from' Traaarhra- ia coanty, dfl at hit noma U that en.- - tj week befora last. : , March ta a ttapsrUii manth w (ra ieaing. There ara a iara aumbrr o) -frgetftble which UDst be planted thil BKHith if their cultivatioa ia to be aader takes. ' ... Workuieu ara bow eugagwd am the ear teaaioo ( Johatno atraet, which 'eroaMe the railroad aurth oft lie Ii. A6.1t. FL, de pot and loadi iutothe Beaver Dam road ia froat of tbo residence of21iaj. u,o, Det eTaici--Tf f ; J"' 4t f' - Eurna fitt' MiatkKLa.--Thf per fWoiauee ofthii Co pa j Fridajr trwi tag, at Tucker Hall, waa a eucceet, and all of the uiimbtra, acquitted themei-lre admir ably. It waa oae of Uia beat " burst cork" eiitertuumuiU w Tar attended. Abukdaut MaTitaiAi Ia ana war to the query, " Who ia apokan of ia Uiia (ike loouniain) fiijtrict fur coBgreael" . the Atlieville Vitittm glrpa liat of twao three !, rjireVre,rf: ftba ifuir'a own. North Candina hu " rich ore la her nlAO n taint . It ia rrptirted in Hie f icinily of Sniffle town, that lunrj Berry Lowcry haa been killed. It ia averred that the celebrated outlaw haa Bot beea aecB lor eeral daya and Tom Lowery, hia Iwotitr, h-beeei aeen carrying hia iL B'i) pet riflo, Ii may he that Lowery waa killed ueteed of Bias Strong. Faut LECTCKayTsan; . X Ramy, editnr of tlie Aiw of Ttmfre, rs s)wata ua to announce thai the -lecture of Hen. & F. Gary, of Ohio, at Tucker UaU, sa the 18th of April, will be true to every body. Fmnr ararsv win asWj,1 f fof ladies. Tt JTlaieiii brws Jfnnd H be in attendance "anU anil res ths occaaion with eCi Ilent musii: t jI Matob'i Coobt. Yeatorda tbs fo' lowing were diajraaed of by tbia tribunal ; Lvi Hutching!, ext., arresUd hy Cbisf r f- ftiiietr yr. mu.-chaf-g ed"" Ki-uvinf wood from the po.aiWon of Sarah Wil derj Wdi.miaanjT'fT) tT-f - i ; Richard 6ujiaIteWA Vfj etneets Hall , and Petrnea, for dninkrnuetx ; lined f J. . Msoa TiAi-rThe itrasd iurv tt hut bill, againat -Btephe- BsrSehh anH or murder. Ths trial laaet for Thurt lay. ext. Hoa. W. T. Dorth appears for toe defeocs. The superior court of Wsyne Bnmm l, . t 1 ' I. - SBwaerad about 140 cases sod waa being rapidly added to by ths gssnd jury. It Taos. Is it true thai v. Cald tll does sot faro s rush aboutisving hia app untoes oa ths OiSoreot boarda of tot auts faatituHmaJ btotely tnas Wes appointmeota, aade ths coloring Mhs deciaiof of spfema euurt ia Clark vs. Staoly; ia order that be sad r- kiafrieod. ui!kIi(, je4 tUe aaf ti thepobJie y is tbs treaaury for flectiooeering frfo duiiug tbs approaching-earn Pa'gnf DsTKawiSBD Til BK1 LoWKBT. The "ew York fftralt aoems 'determined to - accompliaa by tosrveapoadeot that which George Alfred Towuaeod was aant out to Saod vet failed tofura, tiff Te hitervisw Lowery, the chM of the gang ot , lbs RolMano dwperadoea: Another twr 'pondeBt.s n gular Bohemian In sppea sa well as pnifeaEioa, A. & Hssder toa by same, got off the train st Eureka P the heart of the Scuffletowm aett;le ) yeaterdsy, with the. avowed object of penetrating to the preaenes of the out law, and interviewing bia in th intereau f the flsmifd: He waa making strenuous ffortaat last sceonnU to aacuie the to "ery of f letter to lawery. . Though the j1 Saudera, tbs murdered detective. ' frwB hia recollection, be does sot ii,:t , -ains outlswt will harm him. Bad relits Upoa pUif statement of bia btfcj- fcr asftty.ra tertifrSfk hut. na.rr.irMo or s5Bfal.Ct. I b reported that there wilfenoa be'iua a chaege of erkedule on the X. C R. B. bjr trblca he a4i train oas I hadotts id-'rexch lhiacit; at a. ox. V " :-; :' -' ' 1 1 rt are hl.Iro he roat' (Doe in th c t far lack for proper po taa: E. 8. ?OuBter. aUrrsloaka. Chatrmni Cawntj, K. CI ; Hrfah pnre,)ya)w li K. dSctSTC Crot.Tetrlir1V it, '"Tho old G dee dwjlruif a rjrtterillc atreet waa a,.i PaUir.lay. According o h teruie nf ihs- -it wfM fcura ttf he (Milled down, witliis- thirty, daja. , Ttc ground iipoa which it atanda haa been old to the Miiaonlc Temple Aaanciaiioa. Sliarea It tbi)leHaoli; Bufldinjr eJ,' Loan Aaamiatioa. of thia citt aJd st,,tlie taai aireiinj U f 183,00 per ehare Thif waa Uie S3 1 b tegalar Bunting. i 'Marrt ara f iwth about tto 0 fft-h.t jghajoi is tttt ind ciaaaof tLisiaawiatloa,wbick la in its 3rd stoats, 4A st r asrl seeaag of fua.00 ...i,'l..t i il;tfrl e m'Mll . '- ' at rianf expteeaiHf 'aurpriae a week avo that Mr. Kir hard A. Caldwell ahosld aiga the BrinIe petitlos and bare Ilia Baste Mnn that of Tom Long and Wind Bill n Bderxnal The 8iUtrv Walrkm aaya, ihat Mr. Caldwell dealea having afgned the piper," and a-ka who fonetd hia a ail f Pray. Mr. Watch what eieuee 4oetJboL MoCorkle give for signing ia hia nam s forgery, too I 8, Patsics'i Dai Csi KBaATi- ii. . Father Mcamari haa chiOKed the jCele , bratiou of . Ireland'! Nalional J"eatiral from Sunday evening t Monday avaeing. Ueir)Sl: originally ttamnafcfM eel- abration. Some thought there w uld b -M hnpniprietj in a company taking aup iter toiretbar oa Honda siirlt'. Tlii idew prevailed itfti ciimittn u Inn ur tbep eaidraa, Fstbev' Qlt.Kanlara preaaea the view lie entertain, d at drat. ind will oafs thai tupper held on tbia (Monday) srantng Yab rough House, atBp.Ot. u MX Qt&fc-m i& i- v - ' r . - . ' ;.. ...-tt,3M. RECOHUKXDATtoa. At the imtjtfng in Carterst a i lav 1 days alnc reeohnuina wars ananimoualy adopted, we under Laud, toeommending ll a. A. M. Sea lea, (or governor, and our talented Wwuauian Henry H Bryan, E)n fof lloutenant gov ernor. Our Carteret frienda kuow the is'.t r geaitleaisa as a eavmrlr democrat, who has repeatedly canSBeif their County in behalf of tlie "V ut f, and have paid him this sented eouiiIiment, believing him tous ineverj way cini1snttd nl;t!e poaitioB), Itould hemaiiretoa nomiiiii'. Mr. Urtan at iisaobetli one fcftse fp cr(Ka rip' M.h ever proven that devotion to hiiptrty ad aUtettb it should aotitle thia recom. aienuaiion vf ijie pini cwucniwiB of the Grounabor; tosveation,.. ,WhltM hti'i cjtndidstf foi; jnj oilit, U4 atbr taW the coming campaign he will be found is jharaeMg as jieretofora, front its con.- mencemeut to its close, doing yeoman rklalra,-ataalara) 'I'l ir-'a-Jii,' ' 1. th..i "itiMlz. V&Y T"We r an order mad" la tne anwrs a- ' eie " Tiltledlanetal proeeedlng, the and rvUued, -ftfLt aavrpt Bti Zwtftm py inn. tf Roostna, Dsx! o. Th ToftOwml pro- perry M MM above a am ad eaute waa old Siturday : Lot No! t, prt!Vo?3c.tyt 145, Ml l 1 1 to J. P. Prris. 0 Lot No.", eVooroif tf irgett and Wi'. mingtoa otrseta, 13 1 x9, a Y. R gei , Lot koA,L frrrln ten' Wilmlngtoa ttnwt, M s8x9,'T. Q. Jenkiaa, $l.30. Lot No. 4. fronting tl feat on fffrgctY ttraet and 188 foot dwpCLIJifaromtclw " Lot rfo. S, fronting 44 feet on Hargett frvet an ISSTfset. deepf flrTT; lest oa liar Lot W 1,'trontingVi hi ge atrset ys-TMjrftS J. g. JobT r at feet MagTtf&f 1 ' Lot Nu. T, fronting 40f feet on Hare t treet hd til feet deep, D. M. Bar ringer. $i,03. 1, --rr Lot No. K, fronting 40 feet on Hargatt aareatr'rM)4r firyfeot'di-R'lfc-'tJar-ringcr, $1,450. mingtoa itreeCanif IL3 fift deep K st. fiMllnavef. Lot Ko. 10, fronting i4 4 feet of tWU , latlmgtuti ftrwrt b..1 JlSfegt de;g--a-M. -A;: Tb 1 O'ltourke raudeaes, at the be id rf tfewbem Avsaaw,waa purchaaad by Ja: Fertsl for t00..;jT A A -Lai Ms. It, fronting oa Newborn Ave- aerss, N. V. Denton, 3i000 per acre. ; i It No. IS, frootiiig oa Newbern Av nue, IBS feet, containing 4 80 100 acres N. T. Dcbtod 1310 00 per acre, -Tl Na 14, tnaAnfjm ifewbefn' Svk one, feci and eanl'sining 64 100 aore-W. 6r1 Brows. 85t0 par seVeT?' - Lot No M, froatiag thsTsrbora roadj 430 feet and i ftiplaining 1 1. If) J-W rlert flr.mrf tiil R0 ner siirvi V ,1 oa 4wv road 455 feet, snd'eonUining'Taitt HS5 seres -flarl . Brows, llM i sb .acaev J Lot? Noi ;;tT, tronfihj feetJB fft.; aorth aids af tbf Tarburo' soad, eontaia ing S M 100 K.mr-Hi.'pxH IB" Pj', Lot No.. 18, trrmtmaj 4tfet oa Tar boni' .rosd taialhli'tM'wiKr. P. Battle and W. K Cox, fa-MjJer sera. Lot Now ili fronting 418 fort on tlis Tarboro' road, sod conUiuing 7 81 100 seres Doughe BcU, t!51 p acrs. "i Lot No, 0, aorth of No. 19, and Jf tie tarns' dimenaioos Battle Cm f tTt per acrf. . , "J r" Lot No. SI, fronting 83d feet cs Lee strevt and eoutoiniag ?t 10t acres, Bit, lie and Cox t t7 per acre. Lot No. It, fnt aa earner of North and McDowell atreeta, C. B Uarriaoa, fild Lot No. 18, tract of land ia St. Mary'f costslsiBg US acrm,' Q. T. Stroonh, 414 30 pet acre. . ; ' . Lot No. ti, tract of load ooatstsisg 18 scree Joining the lasla, of B, F. Met in-. Jeff Fwber and etUri, Jtff FUher f 50 petsCB, ' " ' 4-t w.j da haadaoate r, W. Beat, Eaa, is t'wetUaect abircos Hillab-Ir' street, amt tU tsafl tantliliiw stt mr t mS,Jt k t J. U'ia . . :, . , . r ttM fuuTttTiaaT Ws (ears He t m iicta of the peailmtisrj ara sow ape half. latioos,-and all wk sHod-4 la ci'.apqi:eee theretf J ' Wfe ' B ooa bear b.rl fwoi th ptslieo lary and lbs triple. What a ' states as is onr gov-ijn.a?,A- ."' "-".'4 f J ''. i DIED,' ' la this city, an WenVeday Wan Wts t71 it the taayaarofaaiatw, Ma- CaAacst It TBowra a 7" jja?V A I) YERTI E2I EK TS I Bewint; M.i:uise for aata voir law for w a.juut.s. rt-t (,TfWWlt JAKS, ' A r J.' n-r lf reeetred, W H JO.NKisCO. V few sl le rioer Hrr.av-nt W . Slav l-tf. rt ONZSAia O ALE OF VALC.VBLB PAINTINOS, ' SILVEB JEWELRY, tC Oa SaUrd.r, th fib of April Bait, at t Minnatf ilia laia rfaaar K M anaaaaa. I niU v.U ataiuUws away verf valuble ! t il Ar oTHf PAirtTiwaa, hy the oil K altera, bwisdlac magallees't pic ore os ,,. . THt ANyimClATIOie, TH VflGIN ;', rwwBR-mcis. a ; ,., Mialef theae Balatinta ara oris aahv -, AlaDastheaaiaetlawaiHl T'"a. arnWreof raraiwre, luicwue aaeaaoeae k flUririt'sHD rLTtl WABt.' ilao'septae4W ,...-v P I I)I.VM"NIt BRACELET.. if. t Sale at 1 1 o'rl K A M -i Tevata at- alba I ciauit, niters t fTmi das hKHK P. HATTLI, Adrn'r . . Mis. Asua sL auademe mar is-td. T111B trlTID BTATEt Of AVIMCA. i ..otli Uaaoliaa Ptalrkit, r.-a-th C'lrrwlt be l'n:tet i-t vet ve io. rmaav ., Jam 4 Koha sn 0. T Lowadea, Traateea, ts equity, aauiava. sama. Bai'P'euieuuO niiL BIT U)WKDl:H 4 GHIMBAXt, i rSuvuant to the order 1 the rtrrult fotrt I tha L'ntid trftca nade m tne above ataied .aaeKj lb.- am-'ara rnd will at et pnblir aue loa. In the city of harWaton. at the Kaat aad fir Mrid .tmL tU-ea alt-Meat alondav! (elifi Hi day) ot Apr I next, eonimeaclug at lu luOK, a M , slL TUC RIAL EST ATI at forth srd d'-ar.lhui In. il e morteaxs of Hh rebrsare, tNan, made bv t. D. Watntar and W. U Traniioiw. a Ilia awimt(a aa Tru-tree 00 the f-Howlnaj tenae; One-third eaah 5 baaare la one aad awa yean awrud by bont bea Inn lnWtet with aaectcaire et profiattr end aarhriimewi of aihv- mt wan rar. aaaera to pa fur papers aaa rave seataesa ---... . Autowg ts a hhiiim L"ows 'T J" jtiar. MTATg ix muokb cocnti, it a I i 1 tOtl. riILt LAHDsV ... All thxt lot, pieea or iMrrel of bed. alls ta. h Six tad helns aa both aides of Deea hirer la M m 44Mity, S. O , eosulnuig au hue d ed and fllty agree more or leea. ' F Ot. U) w aiDKa. f Truatsas, mals-moattnlot...H,i... It! aao VftR'-n CAROLINA, ' "' i , Win Cocbtt. . Sttrsaans Cotnv w, t't 0. nr, t f d, Weatra . Umgaa, W W. lloldea uUttardum of Atlaa O. Uarri- ass, aud oihera m, 1 uf to CouiMlaaluutira ia aal.l ontrr appointed, will eXoe to public eeiet at the ourt tlouavdoor In thCtty or ttst b'h. oa eetnntav the tthof way neat, inw aeaae aaa 10a aiituie en we Waal n aide of Fayetieville btreel and balnf part lot Ho 131 in the ,p an of said city. I hia in haa a front of UiW feet on Vayette. tllle rirtwt, and rune entirely throaeh to s alla'Arv btnx't: at -ins tlie kit bow owned by tiid nelia of lha late John Primrose aad la aearlroppailta aha aarfcet lloaaa. ; TaiiMa .- me third eaah, and the reeldee la two "fuel la lalatenta payabit one and two yeara : mepeettvelf alter Jala, with totea et trwa date. The prrmiaeso be kept fully la tared aud the 00. le, to bs o poet led wilh the aaJereiKOaii aa euliataraa aecsrigi for the pay-J fwauei isejurenaaanaooei-i, 4 w r sTari la-U. tar an or tne vcaaaui a Baase-r: aaaaeia. uVa ef Hew -1 ora l it draanum. A prise fitr ev-iy tb-he.. ! a . 1 t.... 4 I t aab tiilt, fllti.tSVt CaHh fiif'a eaeh, mtmtrtt msaesr: 'f)fVar tWtaari Uifta eaebv-t5aiiajt '4Caah Oifle eahflttt II ( a-h lfu sacs. $S 0; sua Uaah UlfU ,-avb fJOSH-M ah tiifla earbi att U O..U1 tt a.etma, i to fstiui Sewmf ta- hlnea, fe to IMr 15 eh (eat ttaae, each, laJ Ui .; AO Miibweoaa aaeb, VJ to ikXl. t'h ifta. saver Wars, star, valetd st SlJiflliUin. ..;i.)(. :'.,... ...y-,.,. JUaMlat6ori'sa 'slleivf. i for tta I Icheis decriUiur prtaea arttVi ritt 'Ma la aavdlopea and wtdl ailend. 41 raceipt of se asMtwriliiirwBWitiionver,f aim t at liji mall to aay addreaa. The prise aim- d apoa tt .Uliie'i'-llrred to ths ticket hm dar onaieyni.it of l. Frfsue are Immedlpte. ly aeakto any adlreat by sxpre a or rafara ""'aawlh kn rw what yo3 p la hi before roa PXJ tof i I air ertaf ewrhwiM fttr ee,dAer 'WeaiayesyaT,,y WaB , r. trlri 'fUtlUbaBaa depend 00 t-tr. Seallnx. . . " iieio!eor mal'kaiia fair d alius eaa be re'iad Biob .-.V Y JI-rmU Aog si. "A (W W dle'ribaawr" MbrH. tkr Met riw oft the bestows anV Mas dav." Waak'f Triie w Jul f ' Tl4J ie x-:Beral aattt faeliow." Wnall Ze toatf, iif. a. . . Kt-rtKaitiaii. Hv kin-t neiuiiation we aefer ta the 'toitoWirHrf Tisa nxt'-M. "tamj," IVonie- V.1I-. rlmw fla.iAI Hiae . JLattle tanker, laeliiHim. I tire eH T.- Biake.ha. Paul. Pi .a i, iaaiael b. arwiofd. Bns t m, tAMO; K'l- aaa f atn-rket, fllUwirrb, ainli't(). Mtai Auuia llaKvod, Now Or leania to UXt: Km rj L. Pratt, Celum iue, t , tij' ' '. '"'; --..-""i t . ' owe ?aeb 0t1 fritiw rparh'twor trfittckata. mKm. Mt tleketa for t a. W tor t,s, f, f,t.o8, to fer AaAwaHMrfiB, Aavota warned, h whom we olfar liberal ia- 4aaaieiis, and saeaaiaw eaMafertaaa, a l- . , I OHOCaS. l.a iii at Iif aT'St ils-dAwlw.,. 1. Broadway, X IIWilDl 1 will lira t reward fur tbf body of Rob ert M, irl.lgere if a .pturod in th 1 t.'osnty wf Marti, asd tt'i it espiuref ooMe of use HOilttt l MejllMrMfere Waa roevi bid par-iurv-at tne tirrrent leem- at Berte tepenoe tyxr. aud re apad -et of my esatody white betas kutea from Uia Jad t-' the I ourt llouaa. T - a- w LI'l I 1 ; Wiad'or, March llliltl, . " , obwIb' ma. Is-ewlm. JOHN K. AAfntTT, J ' ' , .,a BOUTS fltOXT , r"s j MIWBERW, N. 0, f Wboleaete Oroetr asd Conuclaalos MerrAsai ' I x j 'ftlrial tfasttoa paid to the' pal Gtaia Order maueettntly tollrtted bvf f to W. U WUlana, q.. Raletrt. mart-dim JJUTTBK AND LARD. ' rOfirklnaaoiOoahea Botter KS Bait bms. tsd kegi pure Lard. ' - . LEACH BROB. JCbt RKOEIVIO, ; . ( t A ,;-r f ' 1 , . Ami for tale low, ,1V) $U. Iriab Pilstoea. ' ' LATE TEL(iBAFIIIC NEV ( . . . - j , a . J Kw Teas. Mairh IS Cotton atrsity al-ssSn) spia.llS$; oriawas M4. riosr etiie aad iritBMiw . sjewt M tir extra sM,to $7 75; choice fTJO to U0.' t 'etn flhe rent betteeevd to fahr armiJ. rorc ahaets traarr fls.fg.ii,. 90. Lard Wive. 8 J e.J I 4. ,, ; fl.dd do!! at 10 1 to 10 1 ter1l dfeliaed 1 1 Sat 1 1. Oovn-nrnvMa tlaaaj trosa.,, s. B- i,wt k LrviEHmnL. WB'h IS Cottoo ela d strs.lv. CuUnda 10 1 fritt t Orkis It 1-44. -w (wee , , , 'COjfflUESSIQSAtJfEWaL WaaniKOToa,' Much 15 llouas The coiuaiittte oa omimerce have beea io- atiueted tn iruuirt into (be aatnre. extent inyolTU of all aJIrged comliiiuii.n iif railroad intereau. knows the &wlWn Iwipfoveiwnt Com pally, sWiitwd S caaw trol all the avenuea ot tra-p.irttta from the oil region In Pennaylnn to tbs sea bard, ia uppotiUoa b su4 irjr'.oJ,'UM na .til, rlnm ' i. ..V : .: f " . "m -- mi - p " Anar aeveraj ors vimw ibwW, t rts railroad bill, a tubatittiel a sdoMsdv a Vote of 04 to BV , -: . , t it if teli ara pbrd aa Lsvliu Lanottsnt ' (issririg upon the ind airuitie1i c -1 The axt vols wait on the aubatitaU VnS.srmd aa t. ICMrhua Whteai, , mmWiAmi IBM rr-He. land a granted, hy Congress ia IH&s and H814,. tor the na aaruttioa of the St, Croix ao) Lake guperinr nailroa), aoxk grants 'having' Expired bi limitath,' sap, ftVhued tnffated Jm law Called States and auult bencefb:. ward Im aubieet ta the sMasestcad retry fid tlemeot, under ths WTaeateul et of May SUth, IW1 and that so nait of tack laitda slisll boaeewrr-J hy or town wrlis beaent ot 'any railroad coaipay, under any aammad great ta tks i nited 3tstra, ami thaj no. hwd, rmbrsoodin ths arrant to the M, Croix railroad company, shall ia aa ssss. rarer ta las Narthern rar fic Hailroad Conipany, and repexling alt sets or parts of arts loconatatewt wiih tide prwvisHja. This has clsaas abnut w, Murtuern racino ltailroaii w aa nUUtdtu the euUtituie, on motion ot Mr. Bankr wicmv'iii'otf ITr a H.Alo.iv a aav. it WAnnwrr March 13.JCb1rf of or dinencs, Geo. Oyar, if very HL, 'The aoutliern c(auua comiuiaeioa today heard tdto.'fcasrf .at ,Wm.fatiotrtils,.o Savannah, for hotel pniperty Uaiil f.ir hospital purpoais to the fii.mnt of four tpen thooaiud doilsra, had of UirumoJ.ire Etiwsrd Middletoa toe tics tokos (Iron hit plantation ta fVvuth Caroitn. mi UaneraJ routine of Oimaena only ft lull !.:.... vau,wa. . & . ew a f-, . 1. O-l. J H.., Baiter. haa bemcjmiuatod ehirf awdioBi pwrveyofof ths Army, mJ, Utm ua tba Gulf of Mestea, who ; NEW -yK. NErVS,,, m Nrw Yos' March D.aflio fladsoa river ia ea to West Point' 1 bs Url4 Bgutes the actual rtf ale 6cit at fifty million dollars. , .,, . A SDeeial Matamoraa dniiafcass iwilor stoa tberdeaptsreof Zaeotrias by ttit cov ers ment. -T.-u-' r aa ..- Mrs Lucy D. Fiak, ths widow tCvl. Xames Viakv kae besa made di t'endaot in tbs case iaf Maaafield vs. Fab. ... -The bwrr 8ralrrfrrcmcrr1etr8t.t dorm f for pubs, hat beea lust w itl( all oa ooara. ... ... Aoothor one of ths aumerout cbildred bittea bv a wad dog iaBfuofcha.is prub- sUydend - '1 Ti s Erics advanoad to 411 f to day, ith cuuaidenilile activity.' '" t Al.f T, MaroH Ji. iiie Assembly to sigllt pseaeed to s third rvf liug tlioelis) i ficaiion repeal bill, appointing the elec tion of a pew board of directors ill July, and amended to to to wquira.tbf direu Ut to bo xdtisant atul Itaidents of Abe United Btstov . Tliia bill la timilaf .to the. on AaM&ted to night by the staats, no pt .liist tlie latter prohibits director st lbs Alias Uf and Unaat Weator. Jtruadj tfU directors in Erie rosd. LaTbb Ths Erie'damiocartoa' rrpesl bill finally XNUtvd.tsa ftotls bitfll-rl6 to 8. ' - ....... u. .. Several motions totsmenrf were fated a, - . I , I a.il ,-'. ,., 1 St. Louis, Mo.,Mao1l I8.UAtcv.Ula tbf KiaaoBvi paaituatiary wafaulxlwrd ay one Of the rarortsra being abof sad others bludgeoned -Tba plan waa h overpower tbs gusrrts ana to rub enu Durn tne nopa. . MEiu-aua, 1a Marcit 14. -A W dneet amaasd K. J. Vaeoa, alias " VUt Maginnia, and Ueorga Cioaley, saaiter to tlie uintinootol retuurant, were sr- resUt last Bight at ths euppoaexl nuiider- ertof Mr. Atkimmtk Waa was&iwd dead ia tbf wooda bear Horn Lake, iliatouri, bkat tn,nt h Acs utvs, OrM.rcl 1l.-A.TRo dirso' tort of ths Oeorgia Kail road havs aun f 1 to eaooree ess wiuiaw sol lew ax trsnds si tba Aug litis at Port Hoyal hV-ulnwJ. the Osnrgis road to get twelve hundred thou' sand stocks, which will be the ConWitllitjj interott. Tbs matter to be suliimtted' to toe wockltohkrt, of tht Georgia Hailroad. fuf ratiucatioa. - , 1 1.,'. 1. , CViMCoatt, Ii. Ua March Ka-Addilioasl Uotuaut afAaaaUHasi'f ..probable tjinjoritv W ,UV. v , T , M FOUKIG.w HEW9. ' ' - . raoM irolahd. . Lordok, . Mskht. lJUThi -flioisl ttatti meat of Anierica'i reel j, though tlnu iwd friendly, ia unjielding, and di man !a ol-' miatana to ths . Otneva. arbitrauoo. tbs dTtfatttnr whether rmBfwnentTM?niBite absU be- admitted and diacuaeeoV ::-Jt . Bsgoeu expects t rcrolutioasty mevs mft in Spain tt ta rarlv, day. , ;r fY It AM A a A IktvAXAU M aaafite AhVBALA W f,bUU-l!n fLAAlB . i AND BClBi'"4 ; J'i8 U... !-. i. ,ti!Sit S)U MKS BL t IT OK , riorl.U aad taorti -el terula, hies arrived with a it'ee aa ortment ot Uotbos .aod -Uaidea ,1'iaols, Frait Tisea ot ail lunrb) saw AWaea. ilia eholeeat variatiea, including- BUnd-rde, Mualh. If iUea,ad Dwen kVoaati-aWeb eoiVc aia ot buli, iiwludief 1 hotiie da Uwe. wbirh it anlveraeily admared tor its cxqauite Itowere; frfiwar aad Veveubie beeda of ad kisdai et Pelereourg Birawbarriee, beavrtof - trait la eaerjr moslh ia the year aa large aa a , baa'etaig; alto a aeajber ef vUirr fiauU too mef riar t.mnieraitooi r IkiaapUadidakkUea saslbltioa tad for pluadHL ekea la oa east tale oa FayaUsviil htreet, iuat oppoaile the tlaiket iioiiae. N -tv-Thw sihllihi hro funBtevJUOB of cannvniiaieia w,,u u MBj-awieB eeioiiap. rnenb it Win m iy rviall iV-wiuaoot due.- Vaa rwret that we were awi stile to eecure any olber toeatioa a rsreuavlile Bto.,;t I":AltJr,AJ;C . V ,, mar tt-dt. lasratd rosSpete with tjorlrferd Her ebants, aad keep the trade AT MOM It, where foeda are enid a tow aa they are la any elty biarth orSoutu, , we.bmpoaeoaeU retail dr; dare is ear b'-e, ataouauof to f TWCNTT DOLLAU aad srewarda, areempaated with th tanaey. deliver to rmioowra, ae ordering their fooda, (free of rhanraa for fraitrht) tt any depot ea airy Kati R e la the Biata, -ff - Ihif arranxemant treat will mart the aoerty good will of oar aaaay enatuuart at t dieteeea, and baeraaae ibh orders, aamptoj saat by mail oa application. W.U.ALA TUCKER A CO. sebJadtt . PORBALII r " tat xxrissA 6Vaxo?k P"J ' . Kaseteetiired at Tt'ltminjiioa, N C. Teat ad b the aide of Parurtaa Guano, and pro soaaeau tHoaily goes. .- -.' W. H. J0SE8 CO. MWckU,16Ti-t( . , ! ePECUi KOriCK&-. HE aUTOHXXOS? BACs DT8 wi'ia ni Hair. Dys at las seal taw aarl. sotsoatam kas, so aaf yMeBe eetaoa, tw sroukx panlvaja iti feats. Avoid the taoiiarS aud setaaave ure)rattona beaattne vtrtM 1M m xeaeiae at w. A. Setetw tor Hatr Vym W- hat W raara ewta relabel ilntauaitn aphoM It hMecnty as the oerj nerfart Hear Dye Macs ar Brows. laM at all Iireir itota Ink at IB Bnn4 IU H V " aov Sil7 r" - ' ? - - i MJ t-i .. 1.1. .. ji ji-a ATMoraaaeio ruiwa i ae epnux ass (all jap aomfAl'n bWdaa tfce toWera' sad (rraaaa It eX'IVea Iroai the samp esrta imrU4rverataaapaMas latfcaoaa- aea, the caecev provucaiives sf Oaeaaa. frost the ufal aaJ awrtaaxe of aacteaa CHlaar tooC $ txhalaaeaaaavtaae rs4lvs e ImUUi sad Vtffei. rertoale teveni uf vsriose t;paa are niw rtn( with aaaaeal Tumieore In varv euaparlaat tswosuatty, aadV there are east filiate trow all qaMtete of a aingalarty ma Bratihy rti. . What U a,ts4ose Is lals ttuftfimej I The aanwar It ajwplaeaa to tbs point Mrengifaea p taatj ; VVeak Bra r r w r n , 7-.-, r- atap.wa the ajteai toSiaaaaa, Coeaaieaaa st of ce a eearaa of the at gettbd ft b 'Btoa, hWtfUer'a Wmah Btttaav,. Ito feasted that J lh frrma at ept leeait feiai will aevor Wfert Uptjmyauiae that has bees (otUf f aad tega labdWIih ahta glorto aa vezetsbh raetoraUvo A aetat etaroaueere exxmvatee dyaptreia, andr ill dUeaaaa of a, b.lUbua tjpa, aad the and tea UMraMMa brleal caeasea somaaoa at tbia ateaoa are a a vara rld evea to atesag Lryaatituuoaa. TBrR.hUtramsfssssaB hatUsg th.ee delelerb aaafef i l a. and that ta hy ist'g'S tag tbs boJj, and, uuparUaaj a hetMy aab to ell lie fiwUoaa. The only arwrifi'lMnrrrA'ortUlf pBrporeb) Hoete.tsr UUefa. "Uf ail ve 44 lonlea had siters- UvwJ It h) the pu. eat aad the beet. 1U ta Irinal IngredlaoU torlade all tbrjaieea and extratta of the Bbt approved HosVo, aallWI tone fad aeUeiUe projscta sf the Botaals slaxdom, sad, they are eoianloed with t atlm e'aiitrar aape tor la a,tarl r to-the ttoobol fafd is praparluf the tlttrtarat aad extracts el tbf regular ' phanuaetala. aiaf k-eodlwi itH -ww!. i- ..rAu A foaoLf PsorLt't Oriauni Whoa satbih of mtr mllliont aoceuU and andoraes i rtxa tap RtT)hTiva aaf sfttele that It see had the fnlleat spu.irtanlMa ot teettng darhig s parted of twelve jart was aaa aaa alwinlly taeruduloua aa to doabt the excel Bflieej of the prep smtioar rYAviTtoa Brrrtaa hapasaed Utrottidrwlt ordeal aad a ai'f the atoat popular urenrletary SMdlriae as thb fonUaent, ' would bs dlaca'l to ih) as adalt ot either sex betwess ths Atlaa. Beau) the PaclBo, or beteaea the aurtheaet duet fot know, ft her front Peeaoaal export taet sr sbaarvatloa, that this rsaowaad regw, tti remedj is tbs pares! bwie tad atomaebls asd tie Baest alterative tad leg alatirer medV tbai o preaaat befors the world. As s prs Ventlva ot. and ears far, diMaaei faaeraiid by malaria, fad aa a apeelne for dltprpala, .hoa matin, and all nervosa and batona atTuetkoaa, It b fdmlibd to bs fairly proaoaaaad Par fciTf Bnvtsvi ft Tot id A Alaska Ttrt fttU-Weetora- Mewbphavs. aWl-eedlw.. : ,"T, I t, TxmrLt k a. aa Lamxf.rhlr, Aw f. Ball ft WelJ.vtlle, M T., rbaelvod 10 yeara ago a ;WJ)vt A Wllaott Maebina st a bridal Vrraft, tba moat valuable of her gifts, act eioepjl ng a sbeek toe t&UO; H bat doss all toaat wing for her own, bar tethers srd her War1 lawiliaa. Without a seat for repair audbft IwoaeedltrfbroMh, 1 11 ;,.r arr It audi w - -1 - Tsf 'enV-t uf brmmout' kaKulator oa tba rteiafh. Hvar aud ktdsuyt ia prompt aad eaeetfal. . . . -mM . j.mtrltsodlw' "T f trSI1 WliW'to:1 rJ K : l! A Ii . Studwell Brothers, 7 R pllll 2 CKIIIIVI . ! '-14 aAUaSVs trpt, ,. h .f fNud hit lie wYork. I ia. "Iiranufacturert aad ,l.0 114,1 SJi StMte.il -' t J' - l , t-- r Kiae awTl ; V' !l. 0QUTII E11N"THADE. aiicarsAiKA a jju 't i eompleU atoefc at all lists, Meludlng NsVt their beamlar waaaira travt Baasv Air fLutv Boaa fad Wow awl Pisbais. . v A a. . Vi d aolli'lted and cref Ailed ft oweal wi reus. .... , " I"- 'rJ.i,Wt.siesmMl WarWnt, i.amtuaW. - i ' HlhTORY Ot Til A tjHEAT fitUM IV UliWa sad tbs .West, by R.V It 4 lioodatead. I). It., of t htrair.i. Only emanlwie hl.torf. Tiki fve. pa eaj 7r engraving. TP ikw. tltaady auld , frim ).IK. t,0u0 aaents A. Mir aaya. - ri.oeis nw en ner ere: Ajianls wanlnd , . IC I'R'iwi as. 1 m RIO RI'ttT PH4)OrOATit,tabnabl-. (brberd alraaa fa to eliaabal.- bend t rem irniKWe aianp. sid m enmplete Prteed Uete of nil etnia-ot erreeaweeoe, v awn newew. lieedea saad. Fiewet Bad 1 me aeeds. Are! 1 alls, at lielJainriela Uarlnaanr, tlaaaea.. Ch anab Uea DumW. v, wil M forearded tuyaj aae fmav-d Bale eentam maoa vaa uahle Mil imaitoswo So time aad saaauiy ta to iiantvae. ... ' . . ..... M M. ..K wljVu i P. O. X ', Ataaats, aW-.' oatu. ... I 1 V riURBd BsOWM COTTON WMCOf- ,...a f MIW L'tNDON, CONN, ' 1 .r - ...---.':-'-' -. . . , ttarm'rtetarere of tbs a Brews Qla," Cnlloe 8ea lioiaara. M aebinery aad caatinr. M an. atae Hi fere of HarrM' Pabaat AViry stoam Bs-i;inea-tbe beat sad eheaoaat maim Jlaelne for plantation Burp awe.- 1 ottoe via makera ewd rajialr furuiabad with a I klndt of materlala fiwt tilw, Palliea, Boiea, ate., of any pat- ltora,to to ever, at ahort mil lea., 'itave had Xiwriaaaa m the batlaeeii. asd geana 'lalaction la. every Mtitc titer, tAdere aalliiied . Aitilreet aa above, , ;-. . . . "Ifea, ; , , - TT 8. PIAH') f O , . Y. 1t claaa f-tai 1o An-. uia Nainea of patron" In forty sutet hi Circular tear h 0.NTSWA!fTE01 ", , '. '' ' ... ' Afeiitamake mora money at ' work for aa than aa j' '111 f elan Hualnaai Itvht aad per niaueut , rai rirulai lrie. ia. eiiaaoa , tM i-W drf hJ.,W,rt, i'.llaild, Mama. BUT f-tf . : ., - " AKKKVOt IS VAUt) h-ft pul.ii.hr ' I,, Ihebott-fll tf yuuE mu iidofhtr who vtillr $rjta -rffiiiv oi, ii'sMfy, Ac. tmtsMMpr fwinntt m t yat. Writ by n trt. tnuxvi Limittif, ti oit fre'1 far SB trj win va tdv -t uiutfrrif, rr'A tya rvrtlvthff pol t'- A flirt-ciffi ttoff ldtirv-i I;- XAtviaSliLLMKVVA mv rf r.rnkittt. fL.tt H T t!iMT -iVviaVa TO COMtsUMeRiiaM X Cr4 b84fa, for on et 10 penm tt lUier fV- u Kavi' H.'l Jtd niHn)ni( rwrt. hv btdb )OQ cti iftrr tntm tuO to . IKtaKlMl, nti trolt litti- ir:t'fefts or t- mrj .ruhHB. Aru- u mM$it Jlmr r (lf-M'b eh-h. A K'tt-d tMjsjiljHfW ((t iU ftttnr It )(aAtf svidLAfat UjmK: M gl'sll, ft Ulltd.fi Uri W mm tin br- inat-tt: . : 1 ui ctr tottkre (rt-ts, grt ir i tmrittiAt it4 4 artdcUsi atei rttjmtB tM'Hig ttUowwl- Hon tou. brirjxpivtia X, il ft&w IK, fttw Von a, Ma , H U . qti Ann rocKTtT morMTj t I , , aooaenr a a 104.0. . UEAL ESTATE Exchange, ; - rVosa taunoa MaTfaavkaax. r)af sett Beat aad brbaafw Hoe aaa, tT& FVaavavieKa. aid Lawne ail So. rrlrdieaav fTocaa,hoaaa, ead ItaUread ahare, bought aad eotd. , ... ,; 7 11 U !trDtiilr i4 Itirr frfBrt4 tl I of M lrt(ii. .. .... Ileal Estate Auc . tlonocrs, Carvoy- --f-- ors aod - Ad- -;. justors. . "aa a el vtty and eoastf property aad - Jt. M. Vs ehatfe made for reattnff Htv aonaaa, Btorv-, Kooeaa, ate , 'or far sdvarUa hu. sr far taaUBt Rape, or far sarvattns. A Kefiater la kept if the sffiee st Hoaaea. r '" aant aod to Let, free to cmUtlttg rrsBfirli ft) ssrr Ustfidf I -Vr ft4U4K . 11WSE3 AND ftinifDI50 ' LOTO Toil DALE I I Hoaee, a rxxaa, x ten lot all aeee ear I sutbulidingaromutaas, I mile aeate' Cap itol, near lie. Crawford'a bnc boaaa, ll.&uK, 10 Lota lorated e Aveat terry road, adi.ua ins above, tlOK 150 aerh t baw toaaaaa,trooewearh, ptaettr d, (lot' W are ) t ml' kaat of l .i.iUiL uira siiod " mums v aw. a, vauaew yai sa Jisri pataMs fill with tataraat eaeh moniL ISO Au tons aJo.au the towa of clarloa Umita by p ubi a road aod kailread 6om . ttakiich, aouM t rvoma, all memasr) out aoeaae eoisplela (new asd to parf,ci order. teat fn wmj osl) f i.mt, oae halt lu ta ae, tereaaeaay. WAereef hud formerly f r- swlar tawaeiy ens aaaaa lac Mr) ; aa ta let ta s Tes yard. Carry ma; k f f ato-y betiding 'Jbiau, Dark hona., aod still touee BM-'itt, at ko-.ae IdxSfJ, w h ware-rwom Hide, ami'k thop ' l- U, tdwatiltif uoea tuuata aae wi s ail a ewa-ay taacueaat aaaaaa, dm, soaa- f.ata .w rarrj Bea laix. aaiaeat, Thi )rm rty ta bK.iad ba t UUitm Coaaty, If ikuliea froia ha.iv' depot Piitie for the aa Uni )iHiy ?I,4U0. ; ." lit vera taim. H trej Ox bid, eeanty at a ct taruiv.ii. eaul, bosadeei by two ta .lke ruada, aettiemant we ea k road, aaid to a tba heat u ha -eo land m the niabH aeiwe l-e as sab aad htakoi Ubee, Tft aeiea sailer ruluvaibm fiVe ouli ti 4tw, H ea-h, baauc i and tyera. rr aVftle, llalrl, rurultiire.eVc. j ..ft Cdentoa, K. C. Hoset sontslnlng 40 reoma, eootptete tad seerly nr. kthed. tauiee ttebie, beraa and eat buildlnes of til klndi la perfert or, lee. (Lot tuo feet by baj,) tbs awet beautifui lows and loraUoa to the btate, fraaUnr aad gradually etoptng to a lovely Bay, oftoa eawr- rred to tlie bay of Naples 1 but properly knows s the Boat Hn el, who haa beat, toepeoprtetor for atony .years, Pihse for the whot ptoparty holudlvig tumllure, As., H.aw. an aaav term . 4 Lets, one lnortb of la ter asea,; Be aoex Jiierrr, vie, i, ea. au. Boor a, t rooaw aad 4 seme af mad, Bear - Itoek Quarry, Maw betas, I tl .Stat, Roaa. t room and t erreeof hmd. aesr Raeh jtiuerry. (sew bouts,) ft). ' fu Lota, on fourth ten eich.at)otntnr Deatlal vrawioea eoe inoe. ta. aintinr leas, eel N II WMiro Mead, oat mils west iroea Captlal,' wai. iw au a - to -beia, sa VayaUevllle Road, Beer Vfc w.a, . - m, w-w, a 35 laita oa tot h btreet and rayattevllle Road, (Gov. Manly Lot; MUtd-t v ard,tloa, eiai v suoma t Lets aa MsUa East and Davie Olreete, Belter vi are, aw as ajju. I Lou sw huoeat eareeA, adjtilnlng Ui. Tap err t cnarea, a. w.ve-aaiioew I Houae, oa Uloant Slew, adjulalag Mr. ta.aww'aUiarch. K W . tjoo. i Lou on eu aur of Morgan and last Street, K aetera U ard. tVA) to tuo. BLoit oa lUllahoro' ftn-et, near RaUiOtd, western aid, tl wu to fi.suo. 1 Houae, halt aura bot, ear. ui 1'eraoa, New . , i. ... V ,1. m . ,u.. owreaoo am,Hiiia a n., va,ouw. 1 Houae oa Xewotra. illrest, Eaatera "'an', f uax .... ... t Heueet oa Kt St , edtolu!n P. A. WUty't new aoaae a. ., eaaaiea- a. t llou-ee oa BUmst tt, IL W, 12,300, fi i,u sou, Jim. I Houae oa Periita St. E. W.. tf.10. t llooeee oa Hollamaa road, bWlewt East ot Bkiant ft: I. Nr.. tTUL 1 Houaa, t room oa Fayetttrltle Road, Bear a. a sroaeins, aiiiiuie nui iiae 1 Lot Oa CaMrrua Btreet, Bear asuebnry St andsdt-txJiU, fJOU .-, . I bona. 1 roouit, hall acre lot, oa Btartln nt., ani'dnaag ruaakac ea .. Moore, w . w , fjhto. . . 4 Houae. 4 roomt, 1-4 aer ot,oa turrinirtoa St. fijoinina . F aliiora. W. W.. flo7b. t Let on Harrington sad Martin St , sv'.iaU adi-dnlng B. t. Alosre, W. W., fouu to feuo. -v 1 brick bo. 4 noma ltd sere tot.) toea led ea Lane ft. betweea Leweoa and liar rluxb at., Wattota Ward aeaf a. AO. At. av depot, 1 1 60s Ihouaassnd mu, K esrsaaeaV located sa Herr-U bUMet, lata dialelr aortb of fair tirounda. f Toll MOU. fouu i houea a. I kit, bf aare, loeatsf aa Btate d treat, ranmnx ral ot Pair Urounds, Bear Sumeraf HarvrU ebwei, aWaereaof land, hosaa wllhf rooma. ke. aa,enwke houa, a aliln, brge barn, Ac Alio a fa trail orchard, me mile east from Bute hue an i deetraobiloaeUoa, ftOJU. - .. . ibasree ot lead. be uUful bait, tof lot(Mrt of anuya I for a Mibarbaa vatbiases, ae mUt iron oipiuii, si-aio, ; , M aerefarm, iMinaa with Irenu and ouc with t rusme, auiiila, eoru env a , ell a- at' uabal one mile and t hail bora eoiub-boua. tatef eily. fJ,J. Warr la 'arm, houaa t rini bst bulldlnca. As. le tad order. It ail lea from Ratebrb ass from railroad, (t per aura,! and ail ban-.ti-eil area of coed laud tor aak. adiolnimi at a .low tifura. ..... ... .- arM la-m, wiinia n wnitwrir eii line,' arm depot, o H e ti Hailnied, food f irmlnf lean, IMI acres clear I and balance timher Ataiqr tJanadiaa fcoK-hme bane settled aesr tbia place durhuc hut yer. Vee ewy ft par ae. pn-m aaMtoawtnraaag.Mdlaadad Jiuntnaf will I eidd hi tea ail trarta, watt adapted for s BYuirB sol By, en at favorabk torma i rio ediwawe e eawMrawrieaa. - ll'iaaaa; ) ra'iias, .enreat-ot bioant tad fHrkratrwvtl . fdto. t Vniie -, t rvoma, tdtoiB ng tbs above, oa Dtil atraet, (aww boua)r-4to . I B nee, t rouwa, sen kit, kitchen, amok a- houae, Ac, ail la good order, baauUlul tosa tloe, Iron ung Uan. ixix'a handaoma realaeace on HIII-ooroT Avenue. Price i,A). tfaai. V-" :-'- . ' , I .a Imo For bsls. - 1st Isiproved ran of from M to 1,0" seret aaes, st at w tie par scrw. f00 10 a, -ree ef Tlmhar tad Mlawral Lsod, ft We to f I so per err. - . N, B. Moadvaamevanieshitlnf a owner. prbne so sawperty eaUewa ta thai ofawt tor sals . ! . I TO LET.' 1 BO Heaaee and Lotr. R'tomt. WBees, Ftemt (aad 4 feme store, with T room over each lor family oae. keutt0r Sn . i .Keal Eatato Excbangwl I . AJNOhLANU MILLER, fa lAdtf . , llsdar kaleifb Naatoaal Baak. 0R BALI!" " " One Ho. t Bawlnr bfaehlne. ' Wheeler at Wiltua make, la parfrrt wder. i w, a., lUKta a aaa Mar. , fTt.-4tf x B SALE I ! 109 tmabslt Bice white Mcel, from the Wsl 1 , , . 4 ptllia. Cora atrwaned aad fanaed before arm'hig. Boalsy rrosr Waldo Mill. W. R. JONES J CO. i : J. n, CR1H IORD, ; . DENTIST. orrfcs, os ts tts tills s r OrroemtccEiRHALU fcfcltdVa.' JQ') B ALU NEW HAT. mar 0. 1- ITB JNACU A BR0. s. . Baa 'TV. .. TO ' OI7R rillllZaXX , -...m HAVJI ADPf D TO pem BOOT... A IO -t II O K B 11 VE 9 !' ( t v J7 M s urists Li i EST'S 11 is I SlilVfif GOODS', . . ,. .- -.f ... .... ,r. CoaebUng ot the folloaiBg.silklce, f 0 ff tbeleaUstatjIeei v -i S':it e ?fr 4ttiA SUIK1S, DRAWElrVv coLUfta, SCARFS ;.., -J ii. . ...-i! .ii-?., ' ' ' NECKTIESi " i:'r'"i!i'UNirkTBF8; '" ' -i ...'. V - ? . Cheap let eaah. -rih ... CD. UClRlT A CO --. A' P, t,-Uta ttyl ef H'ltiNU I1AT, Jaat retailed. : ; RaklB,Mank lis, WT1 dlm J' RlLl' TATOT PLOW i ; . , the heat plow bow In uae. it k four rain. ptete plows is one. No other plow n'-iuir-d lor the whole yi er It hi ariaMed to ail kiada of ttlil-e-roekv. alllf or aaiwlv Can aa.ilj be ehaiored trout a turuli plow sow n . lu. au aiaeteeutrro, iiy aluipiy i ham;iii th wbgi 'nlyese bolt 1 uej for elianidng Till ptow awed enly to b aeen to be appf atitea. It W eeually edaptud to eorn, eottoa, lulamu ac.aa. la fail, it ia oW 'Wiorii,, aa It aupp'b all hia want for the wliole eei.p. .No need of running to tbe biaritiibiitli rb p It hi a one hone plow, tight and atruas (wael .dllealMw j Nui Halne to break, aa ia Uieeaaa elth He esav plow la aoneml,. sto eomm Bdtd by hi lutmia bow n-loy Hi t Thaakful for peat favoea, I o I il the pet renege ot au trhrnds ami the .i.k inou era I. 1 am saw' peep red to Sit att eeileia fee flowe and Puiailura of ell kind, of tba bast matertal asd eupartor workuuadiip. AM pareoaa wwlilngiupiurbawe Plowt or rsrni are will do wall to give ate a call b fore parebaaiag eieewhare. aailafaellim fusrwa ieed. or no a. la. t ali at ai Hlion on li.. Cbathtej Ba ip, I auto sbbvt Carey, ww4- -d ;.. ... . tesroy. ir.tV... O K 0 C E IU E 8 . LEACH BROTHERS OUOOKIlhl yOM U 1 8S10N sIEItCn ANT, RALEIflll, N.C rpo Lit. Ton new, rcmfortatilr- nfflees, over bur tort oa Wdiatiigtoa turret, boating tbt Marhot LEACH BRl, war f-dtf gUOAR AND COFFKK, J ' tt Bbh. Bagar. " .cHan) - A " " B," " C," aad Terbw tone Mags; rraeked, aswdared aad graaahited.- - sf Baa Rio Cotos. "ll iiTf d W " Old Oovrnimeat Java, ' 8 Martcallio. - 'oxv.l martdif S LIACH BROS. UNO FOliTliS.. JAMld PIRWtOW A SON reapeetfully Inform Jm paelte, bVat tbe) have teat iweadvwd s asw atoek ef ttioae auiietl'ir riauo rorieaof Uic WHkAT UMONUiMPAWior NRW TORM to which tb Invite attention. The irameuee oureet of flila oomtiany m the ahane of ran- Itei, maehlnery and other faetliite,, eanldv livefw to put Uudr I'laaMW at a much hiwiw rat, that aay olber Mret elaa eaUNuhmest, aad lereon anoat to iiercnaae win and it mm fu liebr adventaa-e to iait sod eaanitiie tbeBi Plajwia iMifoee pirreliaalnf elaewkar. 1 " " bwud luretienlar ta iii J . IIMABriH'EltBtl.t, ' uor. Uarfut aiie Baiia'mrv etceeia, iter If , , . . KairiHb, b . Din run sale, Tht Mules hertofor mlewtaad by at nav aow arrued rihey ere of tbe boat RENi'uiKr siocK," f '-''"i ' and will he sold im the moat raaiiowatife terms. We ttivtw wwrtetcaaisuatiaBtaa tinato.. eoine and aae tham at sr staniea , deeM-tf i". ... U.. W IMi Alb, tt OLABbte CAKK4f all . " 1 TbA HAKKflf eViA t KAt Kf.Rdt ' tab JMtf II. T. BIKONAi.li A BKO. r t or fi! f rt n ' a rtk r 11 ron Mil? i- , 1 j b ' -i Hire French Badu-sd, m Ith P. lent Spring. Matlm tee, U th Hal' end Cottoa. Btraw Walluni, IU srda, .. , " Tbrst Fl) Caria-ta ilrt varus. "j f" t f Blark Wtlnnl Hall ask, I i i ft One Nia t Cookiug biove. (ttetrlr new.) tine lureaa. ' -. f i f i i One Crib and Matlreae, and sgiseroudotherJ tnb'lea heeeaaaryiorllouaek'epera. irrioi feh It lU WJL Ji iObtb tAACO. al M AtliR't oFficK." - RaLBie. H. U, a iilb, tbT; J WILL ATTEND at tbe Haver1 trhlee a tbe rile of Hahusb. a Moedar the lat day of April, Intl, to lake tlie tax liet for Ui peaeat veer. -- reraeua laumf to net mir pruerty win l sshleetof to Joel. la lai. ' 'Wtf. H. HA RRIBON, Mayor. ' City venert will phsea copy. - ' mer 4-std .,... r ,,a-.rviitw'flt , BALI MEAL! .0.. i aeaetltiae to atitt enntomerav febW-dht U. T. OlKubAi'IlABRO. ABHINOTON ONlVkllittlTr, f SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, .,: ' , . '" ' "! libU JULhMORt, MD. , : . Th esoree of histrartto m till tnetltutlow emliraee t WhterBsto and s auatmer Baaalos. The WiuierxaVaid s bwrtnt ou Uie lt of October aad Aerftiiaatot on the ?Jd of Fabre iry. Hit Bummer beuloa belua on ti.e iklb of March and continuea fonr roontlia. feta lor Sutainvr Seaatona, fjo, I or parlw Blare, eddreaa. Prof C H As, W. ciuNf tuwn m r., Uaaa ol faculty. E.fTM. 0ARU BROWNE, , PORTRAIT FAINT EE , v , No. IS, Fayettetllle Street. Life alar Pietars painted from Ufa, Ptioto grapba br Daeweeeot pee. O 4 family portralta aod Pietnrea thorough tf repatrad aod raatorwd to frvaboeee - mra-ddis ... , - H ATI HAT! i Vl tlAlAtm flf am1rflf1!(l IfvT IWt'lvfk lao -w-aa v. r. triwsAta a s MtCII,Li.M;ni-.s. t?rtrM.ioro' Ioafcy rial lWt BCTtSfl ATK BAS I bkEB Ac" 71 fj - wr -. - - WlUk) A BUOBiuK, hAWKTR, S vrt ' STwcrr, tfcasmatsuif, J. Ca Baak of ail. " barbmsi " "tfc'adeelHww' T tAiiwntiirir w K-waneo' A 1 FavettTllla. tton-kaBla' Dank of New her ramiera' Bank of Ureebatoaw'.... , Miner' and Plan (em' bank CommerrhU Bank of Wuuiinpton... It i " a M . J hI!. J"t.r11. Utorsi 'KZ'llu'A and oond. tnrl stl ..Ui.r inark,i,.,r ,t,Mkll. ajt! Jf rarr of B,. . awaie Km Hie dar ri-, 'v h. ebeek Kew Vors or balthwore, or to inr. renrv, t-ife asdklre Inanranes Poll,. 'tot tmued la Hia vimiliai.ltt, a rg, mar kMa ' -! .. .. . TkeaaaavtUe..,. teres am. leuawton.;,., Ciiawiwar,-.., fti tCdMORg A.YO TABS tTS, " I TsTtilat.-'u, :r r sae J. UAnlu.t. AaaiaiAsr CAtiiixa. J. BltafTOStr' ' adrrw Whlto, m W. U Watkbia, ' rrahk l otia. 'i,'t a T. Arrrtrrl-.n. . , K ITJIlBaW. , W. R. -Mai ore. .' ' Taprwy. -itxaosiT veeeleHl Am al, f'laa., V f, wf,,, operate will be ht .. l,, A""t, oa demand, with lubX eat froie date till !((, .. to'eb a" UuJ'4 00 4a'7 balances lubjict "' Colhlon. on all aceeaatUla points, and rw ' iurttaaiada pjomoil.., , , -i -- -.T , axvaii Idf-M .- CALK OF LAmT' 1 ",- " -'tne;undri,f(;iie,l t-nrrn-inl to power them i bv tbe ite. il r n.iu,r. rn ...... NalH'V HioiUii. will nlft-r hr ia ik. , n,l hosiai door In i lie I it) of Kah,h on .ir( i.ty. u. m ifjliie. ii. utl seertfis lot lo I lie Civ f Hl,-i;,rh l,Atn.i4 at tlie ou a It Laturrua p-tret t ana adi aui,, hit of All In pWii1, wwilahiiiiir a ba f ai re. rVrwiaoBebaif a.h tl, .. , Itol teelve muaUie tUedoterrud aviuool t be aueaiediei biatd with eno-i critu BliPlUA HimkNBAl M. fUibieu, C.,'lb.ds, IWa, -tsaMtlevdtd..t nu,! ,.i.',-,,j.. y-wwi KO RM5 ALU tt AaVI4JlANl) PUStlClW. lie-wile R iiiel P,,'u,lriu JJ,r ik.' a i .u Manulac.u ii f a " for aale Inlole loaaitena. touaar. T..U article la k-U tor hi) tt f.ru el maiitber luruluura, and la tba a uor lur i- "w, t !. liNKAa sod l.v-ltoa. il .n and other bi the nun kui k.la made euiinlv fni toa.utliA-aoU,atfiui,A0f A. byway, Prtre, ''..' " " wwia m oew ton, ciiy. lwt-B J- -fteddlariper ton J aak aluaiiiuu to the aoilowtiur b-aliuKHiiala: ; J. A, I. Aakaw Ot CoU-ialrt, N. C, la t let tor dated aept WUi.i(iW wa,ai "I Wtaeveral piant'ta have aiiwe ui tbe ' Itoai-ie KeUnad i'wedrytu,1... tuttaayahe aania fve bmauext aea-mt to put uudiv i-iara. 1 ased f..r loua on eors. si,d alihoiiHh th aeaaon war uufarorelite itaalie.laliei! werien who aaw it 1 llltub it tba bft ferillici- for corn I ever eaw." Daniel htclnry, of New Brooawick, N. J eerier date ot A m-e-t II, todi, -aava 4 Vaev -ih Nrooiatan i.a.a, of ,iW. iiok. ot tl,e . Nl'WArrmy elate Arrtrnlliinil t.,,11,1, who annljiid.ilie to.lt Ci 'e Ibwl.ie Kftimd Pou d N'tiisi i oard It very ex tnaiv, ly I a yeara auo, ThU i ear i uewi, in oi-anm ll..n wt- h a ni h bortH 11. lledlev.t ao-ut fd,MM' Worlb uf Hon'.l, Rehired I'miiirl tla. 1 can ibctirtlllly rw uuiairod in a In as h,-l,. i-, a clu ap tnd lalualile rimi antrali d fi rlilira-r." Al aBipldrt H-m full dirailio , ., svet oh SppllcaU.tiaw.,.. b ,! i . .. . J J i .'t '.. JsMES T. FOSTER, J j WCorllandi atraet, New ioik. Bole? by Nbwaawwr. Eiberndire A Brooks, . Portrsjnuih, Vs., aad Quaibuiry Hroa. A I n . ..van' v .ah , t 1 1-. -i -:. ..... icu wan run- A--. : : . OrriLtorTHa Pntnix leai'Kant a Coarasi. j t ltd baoaAHTst, Now loss. gTsrnk Caowai, Prealdost. - ,. . -j Csai ! at Banti4, tire PreaWeiit, ' - ' PHiLaboaa ruaw, tVen-Mr. -. W R. t aowtu, Mailne iiTftry.' ' '"' " btmijHi htl, jtpmt Pltmii b O f ?- Aleak His.' W see bpy to Inform yo Uiat tlie. Phwnlv I waul awee- Cial.faMi V f broi'k lyn will pey Al.t hiv hie.i ta the t'lili ai Bre oulot bee Sh f M HKi.t , over all lial.iliiloa, laevliif ber aemnd and eet'ly fw hnaineae , Hur i-oeililkw eu Octobor !rt Xtfli, la es fob towal i - .!, -. , ... - .i . Uaah Cardial,' Mf''t fl,fin orr)f. brott fcartdnfj " "- ahh.tM.4t V $ v,;s4.t Lota, tie., arll.iate if- sot din, vut. lat, lil, SV I.T. W f l,?r,01t.lS Cblt-ago Ineset win nnt rtreid, m . . eiiy evewi, - , And weemfrmlyof thenplnlrtn tMMIpimo 00 t xi nonou . of briMik. Uiat toe loa Will nut exiwad Tbes'basia ineenmi et oniiwu vti, id to-day aonnd and aolvt!iitrrid-cnn pay elltheiloaaue at t hUwie ntuf iia net aumiua. A :ieoipa ait AdinaiMia have twen dsi-nauiotd to- ibe-aiton of dwaiiiw . with iueirui.-tiote to til til brwuw and fwv tlie eama in t AMI. Vtt konafttuuite tiuf uauos asd ouraalfet AaJfr.E!Mi( l-irtonn. . - b i a t I lit LKriTTEI.fc, loifl ll . . Ploa't Pbuldx Ilia CO. .Aran u. lax, - , t. at. Mt'Uaa. C'LAliK & MI LLKX, t. !, i A IT UU.1E1 J AT LAV, .i.-Miad HAIFA!) 8. PraiUtttBall lb Court uf Halifax, North. , i sinpio4. iJgeeouili and Afarliu touutic. In the ( ti irtuie t (Et dfNorth "Ttrunii,"aoil laN I ....,.1 , , f; ...... tbs, Federal Co to - I . 1 - - i tvsds at aaf perUif North Car V. otlns. - I ' rear 'i-dly 1 S i fibit. C. Bardie, iimilitl X axra.r or.Ai.Btt CI.", Tobacco j D : t.' ..... .i-t . 4...al t J orroaira ' TlTKKK BALL . Bar l-dia aQLASSIC.VL K IHHrU " i he fiffTlw" f b In-o! urr tf t4MB lytrTfff A-fttI?Ui, UH M .i- at Ttitus : T'-fl'i?) fetir moittft A. M. iw fcu:.: r litHa u, T iTKC.VAtll A t! rr. " -