fnnet jyn.i sf Eliii. lMKltti 4 Ural Wittr. !r.iMTr::l....iljt.... ..1 ttx mootat .i..,, IW g4il-ttct-lT, m jur.i.'.i. .......... I .. , " tlx munua.ju,., je m nantiir, ., ,4...w4 - 1 a .WED.Nt&DAT, MARCH 10, 1871 STATU voxrsjrTiox. ;. ' Tit Staut poerentioa of tb Dm- erttic-C'cmatTTxtrve Party of North Cam- Ho wit! - meet at QusmauM,' M Wrt)5F.T, tht Fint-rday at It at negt, Cotm C'oavximo:. The Conaon. tin and Democratic eitizea of Wtk taioty W JUld costeatloe at tb sort kotne, is tltU city, oa Uatarday, April IStb, 1872, for tht pwpne af nbe- t og delcg at rt to represent tbe eamnty hi the irnTOK'hiDt f5at CodTMtiM, t Creenabxire', aad totrm Mora perfect orgtsiratioo fyT tbt coming campaign. ( hairroto of township committee an re- quart" to bold primary inertlogt la lkif nwpertltatoamdiipe aadtelaot delegatse tvattend ttjlt tcnuirij) roaventlow. Ca'a. County JTttaUuu CommitiM. I t, , f&vBiir junta. ", Tb KfmmUm linf Wry, fate Mat Iwlt Haac in a aw r ', Da it M- crattioc Go. Caldwatt, San the Perry:, . k ' ' ' '-'-.- W are etiihutiwd to ety to ha tJtfni fifths WiiniKM JMuil, rUMghJitwd ml Crreoabore' J'airiot, that .Coventor 4 aid well will eutomla any at all of ll.era to mb A Iwcd bar lb purpeee of Capturing Henry Horry Lowery aad nil bai of outlaw, provided tbey will atf nify their wiHinRitee to enter tha service, tnd ahoW tha lew authotixing tha gov am or to place tbem la tha field. - r W ara further Butwarixed ta nay that governor will My them ocb turn af runner, t)1 ftitnl. b tln-tti anvil ration in d Aoifti b i utWruril by law ta aay and luralah, ao4 (f it thall turf at that - thoa i oo law. under which ha aaa 46 thft, tha ha will pay tb aomoMuidiBf ttirt thair wagr4 la Coahdmu cturaa- r, ahlcb of ouuraa lwy wilt bw bath proud and bappy ia aattaaa. " Thit U trifling with wrlooa auLact, lyuwary and hi aat throat BtainWra af a accrct poltHml andcty,' bar aiardmd lomi twenty dtinoa of Xuhaao cwoaty. Tapy ara to ba (bund at poblW pUeataad area ta public aawmtua. TWa u ao pnrtactla la Bobaaaa lur life or pnorkj,r ,Trytuiiif aadarwy-. body ia at Uia marry of a baad of aaarel ' leal rotiUera. No aire, coadltioe or tai araipared. Tbeir taat attempt at aiorder waa ahaotiag a rnpactablt lady dowa la bet door, wblla thy robbed bat aska booac WhIU tha Wood ol tweuty ioaoceat faiullioa ia calling fur tba Ten)(tig band I of the law, the governor b atocktogly aa tborlilug tba editor of Long Pcry'ior " gaa to raiaa tiwpe to be paid la Caoled trate noaey. . HUaroaoo auch'-s gararaar aad aoch an orgaa. WHO BlIAW tllK (1VABD OBIT. Voder tha law tba guard of the peal- teatiary ara rrquirad tn ahoot dowa aay aod all eoorkta who aM'aUaaspt ta acapa. Tbi h a wall aeewa law g)t anting all loatitutiaa af tha Uad. . W ' kara that Cut. Cetdwdl threatoni la ladict auy acatinel or goard wba ahal 6 re at i. prlaoocr atictapting ta eecapa. It ia repurted that tba goveraar adviaad a 'member of the guard lo laara with hit arma, roUlnlng thna lur pay. i We aaa hardly credit aiK'h a itory, yat than art thota who believa It. la tha gonraar Bf-tkirrac to hart tbrea buadrad of hi party friend a releaaed (rota tba peniteati- ary tliat"fhjr' faf Vote? for him la tba Augaat election t We bar bees goranted Jn enougti by tli will of ttia radical party ; let the cooaututioa aad ,Uie law prerail for a while. ri i , Wo rail arxcial atteolb to tba letter of Mr. llu-daoe, Ihe cUairmaa m tha board of dim-ton of Llutlaatitutloo.. It will ba -aaa tbt.,th rnnvii ti ara iojUy almt-ap lu their cell and put npoa) abort ratiotta. Wba tb governor- fail ta pro tect aotifty, aucicty DUt protect Itaalf. It will nut do to tura loot three buadred ,ralaa,imj3WtratoQTT4iKuSc"f aad eiglity fcioul on aockty.' Tbeet ftlon are that up te prevent aa upriaing pott fartr Men who coard thera. If sot lad be- fun they ttarrc tbey wilt attempt to murder v IbeguarJ, Ia Klf defcne tba guard will ahoot down tb pritooer. 8ucb barbarity will aot ba tolerated. VI rail opoa tba good people of tlila city W taaerablw tad iintrnrt tti tuihoritlr what la proper to badnnr, a i 1 demand that it aball be due. ' ' , . BAD blGX Tb radical paper are prautag the 6:tarilla American while the democratic and coaacrva'.lve iprv are laulrtrjg it tbtt jimrptl hat gr.o orefj Tba Winatoa Hcjnib'tca aay: " We welroicr tn oar eaoctura tbi Week that atrling old joaroal, the Stateerill A ntriMH, bttmtbiog toftb pnrtty, boaatty na tntfjrrity jo eyeiy wpuj.- A corrwprHi leiit of . the 0btikx ttaied aume time Igo that aegotiatioaa Wert guiug on to purrbaa two editor ia tb Wet'. Our democratie Iretbrea of tba prest muat not be too batty ia coming to the craciuaSfto that tb Stateaville Amtri- tan it one of lb pt pert becalm radical praiw and welcome tbat paper. ' vox's or eic 1 The ChaVlott Acrat uket leave of the !-nuv;"e A llien and dVctare eoiphat- k!!y tlit t)rak ha "gone aver." If Jtr. Diitke baa gnat over bs thotild as - Bounce it listnwif. ( It may b tbat ha i tsgngti to pubS Iti'lrptudent paper, aucb a a tUe (tU'i.b Wjf Tegram, a tb I.. l c4!Jij;gn. . Tb - Zkmacrot mutt aot be ia loo his kl,rr.T to thale b'Utd with limtliu- JDiak. W barJi) think V.t. DrAe w;l phy tUa.tiusk or( Lnndk-taH-l-y pretending to 'be oa ba'.b tid..-. Vt ai.'til " WaUJi ai l wa't". to f where Jlr. t-'ijke loralct biuiaelf, Ji tc-v.l to be ,': s V.il ttrturbed. .fOUTfCALSOTSi. t Tba Sew Turk TriMM of Today, ii-i, cirea Craat' corrupt adBiiuitnsar many bard blewa- We clip tb dIU iaj frera tba TVAaa. Though It d. rf t par editumiiy , tool u appear if, aaAricat t abow bow Ororlty tltioka anc' feel t i , lcooraared by rba Prid-t" tk warn tea-aid tat Mr. Curtia rxcaltea oneuatiaaiqn, tb Oraot pre bow rcrile iIh am tanio wea wi a anoniin ';iu" Oawawtaawthaw ariat f ' eavrer aa tn ai elan tba " tbera baea I ben AW arni ml good dim by biaciril errrlce nHonuinj! faeaMfirat began, aad thrre Bner air Kotwlthttadng tha"in.brTBaln tha aattawed lakfanf ihe anatlxTB atatra, thnt i every iraana to doul if aay oof eiilerabl vote caa be got I' tiro. Urant. 1 be Cbieaira Tribv4 warpa the too ami dost BUBager that tte ta of lime atatet tbi year will ha la- be, cntMtrd The reeoaatrortibo batinm ia at aa end Jt aa bear Br-tMriK m rrjerting tkw yot af atatet at the beat eleetbiw - af "-tliat of, Ueoiin waa rrb'ctvd . at tlw ieat elect ta. When tle otia of the people aad tha Mataa ara caet, the attroipt tatet aaiae inai verdict wouia rei Wliriwiad each aa BO ordinary power caaia aitay.- BT. Louta. Maicb It. Tb wmmutco tppolBtd by tba liberal repuMwaa viaaa 9usg, held at jmrrwa uty, Jan. n, ID attest their deli rate lo the lllwral na tirawl bu eeareauua t ba held iaOia- Otanati, May 1, bare rr ported a liirt rif del evatea, Aaaong tliera ara frnatnr fVheiv tide. Browa, Uea. Jnha McNeil. I 'barle W. Johaeoa, Eno Clarke, Henry C. Hear Kick, fall at. Iiai4tH)8reMUKa.l Mem w, Aaderaoa, aod quite a number or Ibc at era bar of the Iririalatur. Amaoff tii alttraatea ara Lieut. Oiavely, antvtary of atata n eiew, eaaoBKrattmaB too t . Aa wet, aad acvaral member of the leglala- ,. : Vtr'tA.alaraha-Carrow rad MaL Foote uto aKcial life. Pootrthowl lija grautade f,aa It le tatii) by,iaatiga rat big the moveroeat to unnereaaarlly di rid tba federal court lurinllotioo i Kortb Carolina liie filij'-ct Uiiig' o bate kiraertf made tba aemmd V. 8. Mar- thai We could Bame lh pruu.ae4 aew idgetnd the clerk; bat juat bow wont. IlitherU foot baa made a good, auf livbC out of Carrow. tat b waoU Bow to jo halve a il h hlm.. ,- ' ' ; rut tht Kentraal. i f Tar5 PmiTanTiaa-r, tutroft, K. (X, March lath, im. . i Qimmwrt ' iii HWe taat' 'yoi a 'cftiaiublcaila aa baturday laat giving you important lu (brmatbia ia relMe to tbi iottitutioa. Yuer private ercretary informed the rMavard, Mr. 0. a biurrji, that you had iBetrected hiia, to eertWe Ti aiare com; muBleatkme fnHa aa, aad he aooardingly retaraed IC If yoa will not hear ua, irov- Tnor, at -your ellie, yow muat -hear w thramh the prraa. Our equanimity eaa BOt be tu lu ditturbed by rude and dia- eourteune ! rtat mw K even liy mam sauiw lust tit gubernaUirial chair, aa to eaiu a o brgct tba retpact dan to ymtr otllcUl BoeltloB, or our duty to the atata. The pa alb) matt bold ynet rrmawwathlfei bw tbaejara,uaacteor relueing to tart ua na the fund appmpriatad bv tha general aaatoibly lor the tupport of the petiitentl arr, tad we therefure leel It rnt uiubent on aa n apprtaa yoa from day to day of tht es)dltioa af thing la tbi tiwtltutlun. W4 are determined . that ynu, (bail nut trutiifoMy plead ignorauoe of the aulfc-ring af to eauvict at a raeena tor not rauev lag tbem. They are bow locked ap in tbeir, oell. , AH work oa tin panikeqtjary la aatpeanad. 1 ue convict ara Idle, Tbtre are fifty-fear eonvict ia the honpl tal aad aiuk oella Our auppliea will iooa be tiKaaated. The coavlcia are oa thort ration. Oovtrnor. what aball we dot W at 111 await your pleaaura. Will Vu lead tbera. ot are you atiU determiued to at err tbem t We ara advited by our eounaet that yoa nave aa right to remove na, and tbat tha law require you to give at tb fuad ipproprlatsd by lb general attambly tor the eupportof tlii Iiittito Ibid. We frankly aay to you, that we ah ail Barer, under any elrcuratuncvt, abeodoa our pnaiiion until are ordered tada aa by the en art or the 'nneraj aaaeabty. Wt feel that w ara right, and that ta yield would ba treachery to our fritade aod ; ta Ilia majoaty of ihe law. W beaeech yoa. (ioveraor, t aire thw tick aad Butferinjr convict bread. W implore yoa, i Cbm-rotw, not to puniah tbet aufurtuuate mao artdwemen becaow yoq dllfef eritb at upoa a poiaiof law which you, can have ao taeUy tettltd by tba: court or by cnoveaing 'tli ncaertl aaeembly. How long will you trample th cneaiitutUa and iawa ander your IWt I How biae- will yoa tura a deafoar to the orlaanf theaa laaruUhiiie oeavieta if l lretdt How Innir will you refute o hear' m'nTHlal 6fffirBoNtr(ntrWrlSt' behalf af the convtot I Will you have a appeal to tn people Jor bread fi ltd i net eoavtcut, aat aa near mui jr Qoreraor. - . . X - . , -? . f,, ' . ry leepecUully,, p..-., v ' Tour ob'd't anrvmit u i m vtwiit K'"4 Freaideot of tb Board, 1 tRtNITT LITERART B0C1ETT. ' "Tb fallow ini rawiluthmt'were adrttsttd at 'a regular meatinir of tha UmrKtrian Literary Society, at Trinity Colbge, K.U, aw lb 10th of March, lSJi : , r.P ,o 'iiat-aa. It bath pteaaed myeteriou bu AU-wia Provld-BC to call beoee Into thai ipirit land, our much beloved and highly aateeme'l brother tieeptri. BJJ W. i W. Baicaei.t, Jr., v,ho tid at I bit I father retUionc la Halifav county, N.!., on the 4 th of Match. 1872 ; aad at wa deem M tit aad nmae to etv axpreaaion to th feeling nitb which we re impired foelingt of onw wlikb are the, mar deeply inipreeecd, tine hit arp aratloa ftoa aa hat braa ao thort, b be ing oo of our honored graduate on the eccealoa of tba bat eoaueaceaient ol (bit tattitatloa; theref.irc, !rt .t,- MiKkH I. Tbat While wt hew in buni blubailioa to the will at Him who do etb all thing Well, w deeply htnrent the loa af oa cut oB, aa It were, npoa the threahbold of prauirainar mannood, with bright pmepeete; and flattering bupee ef reoowi taa aaeruluee. a a patriot aad a acnoiar. ' t That we bare received with profound torrew tba iutelliireBoa of tbe death of oureateemed aad worthy lonoer fellow tudent, aod tbat we teuiler ear moat tin- cere condolence, and our decpeat and tantt beartRIt (ympatriy to the bereavtd mojilyv - : v S. That w will Km: cberih lb memo ry af our young and lautvntrd bother, at a Kind, genial aaa talented lellow 1U ria, and that we will wear the aaual b'l.,-a of mourning for thirty day. ': ,' That a copy of theao rwvliitiona Imi apread npoa the B.lnujr or tMe t-!rty, a alio thai a ccpy be awit to the family of th deneaavd, ami to the Hah k'h rjr- TIMItu, klitli I)uiif Arw, 'rtui Ad fo(, Warrenton (Ju.rtt'e and Konrtnk Arw fi publioalbnt. , , ..' C. ft, Tow .sf si j jj CowuiHirC. JTr fcritg Jfall, Tiiaii .t'oiJiife, Jf. C. I Tern lid a. ill.ri . ittttn. Xiitar$:lV kvw vary art b , aa 'take it; th-. tbe fit in ar4ew j. lit 4c eul ct 't t the peotie, a rewtterra it jtnviitr jtlTO, tlir.a tb lb- balkd boa, ititet e!raiiitti,a en ai.a tlW lepi otd ia JtaW'Ji. r,d atewhawr, by ia "-iiitrMTalite ewiodhrg aad tyranic.4 iuin," waa iu (act miaapprvbended t very areat citeat, by many of tb rraig. 'ted lewrrCr of ft vewerfvativ party. low I liia bappet-cd ie aa hMpnrtaat a lUirr. wbu h. with your kind indulu' I would eudeavtw to aaawer, through year uiUAaue Two alMirt vrara bed develoned eatouub rutbfv aty patriotic aad ieU-lili voter ia tbe waa a. tbat-tba mm e aintw 'iaa waa really aa artally jooatnved mtrtmtot mtlnf ttiaimvdbofl Trie proper IV of tlie rxtidurtive claeaaa. fnt the -At ue and ben fit of aa oiyanlw-d - ring," wt lartng anoblafaw aad ! flutter, Bad bat fo'ioinMlieta'lir-hrtwh, W Would verv anna rtereatarily twrweeriat every tai pmer In the Mate, who wa aot klmaelf W 111 . 17- . tit ..J euCMtqaeejily that Wall atnmt brakert, gtnblinK itockr"bbr generally, and ear tare officiate werr Bart lea ftr. etff far fUl pjdltcUd dnder teal That the cooatltuttna waa fraudulent, aall therefor aot ietipitd to protect tbe qiaet citlaena th eni-wment of Ul . pee aoeal rkhtajork-i wVst hew-ttiui payer from tli fmpoMiioa of wnjuat and rulnoua taiatioa ntdiml rU, bad U lv hxAna well aeftlnd liv tha un warrantable and eitrera-cthmlly partlaan detition of aur rbh-f guttle. . , In tbe one tided war of July 1870, whihiwa yamged, fgaia! tha aea4 of AlknwBC and t Jewell conntie by our reoreant eiccutiv (aa chief afeat and rrareeaetttive of ewraaiaeaV eawriatafat and robbery) Uiealoreeald Bign ju.iioui tuectionarv, traoircy aumrrMierwi - in but walk of freebim "Ait tnlUdtktr ifW under tbe unmanly and contemptible auiUJt. tbat "the iodiciarv bad eiauated itartl bv aim ply iawinir rh writ of khct rarpat to the people, wnuoui anettngit hUv to enfirce h arfpremacy ae the only legitimate and jmvwyW mean by whh b tn eaabla tbe m-ople ta Timlicate tbenv elvea whea their daarvat right bad been ruthleealt trodden under fuot by armed aoiditra acting -aader the order of tht iiiererriary aad natunoutly brutal eutt I tra Kirk, tnd that It a period whea tht propl bad remalnrd ewtirciy )iii-t.r,d ewiaeaaiv nudef circumntaucea ut ot.mg and prooctjnn wbjully witbotj.- par- allei in any other country ander th u wber eoaatituUoaai trd"m Jiad ver been kaowa aod recognized at pertaining to Ihe people. , wwv,' .' , IB aduitloa to in tvrai apecinca lioaa. at above art atrth, aaalnat our "ao- oalM" chief juat ice and other, wbe the quaatioa of Utation bad Incidental ly before the aupreoie court, is the ult (f th Lnlvemtty itaHraaa worn pant egi IfJ W. UMitmmt etther,3 tba chief iv tire dwiditl tli,vrtb dtrf,ihl clate; m Ttbti ctarttitotli vhidu bad been andentood aod acxptwl In goad laitji by th ptoja arJU UM4 lietife liv) le UuMti ta lAair fator thua ra peailflg, by aa) arrwarrantabl ttt1l of powat, ti.it inrtmawnt, to far at the boa eat tai pater were, protected under it, nd deciding ia favor af Wall etmt Shy bicka. bvoHnpromialna, aa far aa rxaai- l.le, tk Mirfy f Urn wairA had m prtnrH under IA wuniirn wren, f.UfrAM arut .! trieera evat nwruf- tod. '" Hut enough of thialurther tpecmra tioa aiwearmmiy' aot-reqaiewl bMwaaa nut the Infamy of " the altuation " aa pre. aented in ABltuat. 1B70, t tne elector or North Carolina. ..Kveiy unprcjudbd and fuir miaaVd man who will aow atop to Ihilk a Itttle tor hiatarll and ailagovrra d tnuntry, will at oar become eaiiaAad, if not alrtadv to. ibat th to) emu vet diet of ah grand ideat nf tbe (Ufa, a tbea Mnlterad. aivnitled full and atnlvtt mm rfiofwa, not only of th Mdttintm tliaa impoaed Upon the tai pay era, but th "an calted" tot.dUutum aha, totretber with It prpyfrt aad oMIeva, who bad tbue pnav tititted tba rundanieatai law ie m viie parpoert of mud aad (elf afrgrandixe- I, wno caaraouot, wiereiure, u tnv conaervillv party bad naponded prompt- tad full to tbeea emphatw aeatew'ft, (ataaact ol tbaerjtwtlo and grace t-itne nermle.) and bad embodied tbem ia teg- Uative neommeadatioa vf B ttate coa veiatioa la tlie Ul payert for their cob aideratioa at tbaaarlieat day praetioabie, tbat they would have ratified, it by aa overwhelming majority f aad at a eon aequcace, tbat tba atate would new ttaad. redeemed, numerated and disenthrall, ed.f Veta aS tHU trlchtrf. tmhtrflhu. fyriia, trtruwyW, utHrpmtimm! di Mwaalp, f ... , , .., . , .... The bonett verimaary of North raroltna turtly Intended t 4imm Bad nptuUott all I ot. ttieaa t tnwg--WMmuuiK,. twtt HJtltn and fVorana together, with their retDectlva tatelitet, aatocittri and aubprdlaatet. Then why waa it not d.m I Weil, to apeak Iran kit aad brfefty, many of fur very good pontervativa fiienda, ttoed aghaat wbaaavar ftmdiatien, of rrn that portion el our ptuiiic in dalnnliiaai -which. jraa-JSfflwiiiiital ami elAaraiiM "eittotad," Wat tugtrmted a ta It prniwr i remedy reauuiuaa ia th hand of tba people, Bpa which tr euuld fatly rely, a aruif tjfmtmal, in mil t mM giartnf Dfiraymmi ana ejn- of ibem were itnitraelk-Mg u nglilaout,' ia thair ouovaitiua ta tbe policy ot r- jmJxiUxf aarroATioit, , to the, artaat damage f tBrmaetrea, aaa tne manireti injury of tba entire ttate. trtnir eotiacT Valf vea and democrat, wera unfuitunately tiightlf Brrfed wilh, a ". fcmdpea lor fat pt-rqtiiaiu, aa wa tuny toown oy tn ac me or tb peocrai itartuDiy on tor vexed queatioa of their own par diaat id aaaaeaueutly Hum turtml prtpmnai f Allm tht sem' aw" tin " WMnn't intlkntd 01 leading ofirtctlf to their rtlirf. Eh proiHwcd aiueoduietitl tn th coa- UlBtion, all thlug. oontidered, ahouid ha accepted, at tbtt (ten teem to p in beai we e ntne take,, out with Peormn retained to uiout)d and inntv thera. th peopl cap find but little to an i mat tbeir .effria er their bopea ia th future.-- A ae hay very feectitly wrtavatcd. Ptnrwm baaj fuUy tuaUiucd (werner Voldwtti In liia larbilarv and couUnnptuoui ditreirard !ofi 0i bw ia re pert to lh appointment or, atate director In our railroad, and both ol them wilj aa doubt- aaaethm HUly Umith't ttm t tb I'enoaylvaui IViaral, by which th date muat ultl mat ly bw at lea I taw milltmtof dUlar, for the excluaiva benefit doubtlem ot tbe. aioamid bmu ana ait meat aavotca aad particular ft lend. lot It penpl therefor one mom and piak on mora grand rff irt ta redeem the atate tVnm radical mirule.i Ta tbi end bit tbem take care to elect aw mar aad. Irgitlatui tbi tumoier, wbe whea they may meet Bxt winter ia Kal eii;ti. mHU act ia matarty aad w JJ Hand trinlfl tj Ua iVuyMjMrt, and who wHt aot neattale.f rciJUUt-Va O tUry ana torrup Hot in 4)U at.tbew rwWHMUi4'-A rtpmlntuM t the only panacea, which can now relieve effectually th Crjnauming jattiaaca, m iue vmj punrc. i ' ! 1 A Ul IZii.S OF STOKES. P. ft. I am not authorized td' apeak for the cunscrvatlv party, but aa an indi- vidual and aa a patriot, it btdonbfleaa my phvilefr lo dj ao in ttiat Kriirit and in that inauner which pray not be iQcouftie lent with my duty.to my couutry,, t ) ,. . mm . i . ITbe trtitenc of leatb mtaaed t lla- vu ou lotuin;,'0 Oira.lv tttlntn dip-tty, bat boed commuted by Valmttcda lo iut- priauaujeot fof liia. fRASaOrS tOCXTT jp OSTZTTiOX. , A-conveaaioa of th democratic vativn party -nf Tnoh'H eottnty, met at Loai'bjrt; faa Tueadny laat. 04. W. t. Cinmt in this ihair, and Jordaa Rtone and n. at. rannan ac-ini; a aacretane. ft mrHioaif M-. P-.Hdl. a mittea of tea, Cnaitiji(tV D. 8. Hilt cbairaia i, Dr. K. A. radupt W. H. Milch ell. Dr. N. fl. Marphv, lr. Arrinttnn. M, & Devi, W. K. LH,u, Ca'pt. J. 3. Jooei, . H. Hmgtm i fA It L. EBiA ttei v4ale4 ta adapt inwautioBa. I l i i MB la du ttma tbef reported (be lb Dow tagi"wbar werw ajrtatiaaeatly-ae)eajeadr -.HBBREaa, 1M euawtltatt") guaraa tee t tb eitifa uf rhi atata th right to a aible together ta eoawih far tbetr dtnmim gnd ; declare that certain an- alwaable right are pnnawaii d by each and rvarv HOwjaejonK wkicb r life. bW. tyi tb i Jnyawat af th fruit of their hwb ttoor, aad tba partolt of happliiem : And believing that tbeeei declaratioaa emtaiaed ia oar coaatitmi-m were made and adopted ia gord faith ; ' 1 and atarlartaat aur BnuualiAVd andnrat mant bt tbea, and lb nth priarlplet uf rraadiim aof isatwe cnarattieed aoibbv our atata at well at federal conetitutioa. to each and every cititeai We, th people of rraokii county, lueonvestioa taaerubled do ( f . ' "V . ffWeet Tbafc-to tbe demnrratie toa trrVatir party of bat lb Carolina art w to t look frr the maintenance aad perpetu ation of Jboaa riiihatpaod prim-Inlet of luetic at guaraateed By our conauiatioa. joteotaxi, loac on it ut tn aemocrauc- eoaaerVative party af North Carolina are tb peuijle to took for a return to that fair, hiet ,ad WapertiaU admiartraton j of goeemmctftat nirra, aBicbi aoty cane euro mir people la tbe enjoymeat of ubar- tv ana tn purautt r hapolneat. kernel i. JTbat tb abuae of power.tb diaregard of tbe lawk and conatitutian of lilt land by lit party wlrteej baa had con trol of batate for h peat fit yratra, bat Deter in outran upon mam, a pnauitu tiim of the preroifad re 'A aflica, and dearrvea, at -wt bop H wrHI rrecTV Belt Atguat, tnaoawdemaauoa of, every goad cititea ib in atate. KeMilved, That we eadoraa tbi amend meat pmuoeed by ear late leirielatur to atirauaatitutioii, a eminently wbw, iaat and timely, and hop that th Voire nf h people of thf Mat rvvardlea of p-trty may be brad ia tbeir rattrWtioa. tW.lfVd, That aecoaimeOd tht fidelity with which the mnjority ia our late ItKit- fbttam aarlaraMuVtbe hi-h dutie devolved upen them, la tbeir etT ata at tatreaeb nietit arid retorm la pub(,e ntpenditnr, and in the puniatimeiit of many of thuat who fUgraatiy violated tba truata Confided a Ibam by th ptaplti' ," m Hhti, That tb partiolpatloe la ae Uv politic, bf tbta holdinir tbc-pnei. tlo4 of judge la nur tteta, m inoonaiateot With our eaubliabad idea of judicial de cor ra, and ahouid But ba looked upoa hi ailepea ; but "aa erciae of tha jmlioial HlWarhTtha intereet of, political p.rtle, ta at otffretttrm rrorn tut- patar or (ndicuil ri-iiltudt, and an contrary tb tb aeniua of pur gHveromeaV tbat aacb auaddct ebould alway be viaited wltrttawotteiaet oonilemnatioa nf all good, Ijberty-biving 'Rrwltft, TbaT w tmk" wlfV fearful abttia- kt-the proatitntiaa uf-thr whore raw cJiiaer ef ewrrnBient to party arpmr, rjttrding it aa tb aureat method ot tbor aanlily upmnting the priaciplea of free- ooi and raatica ukm anico our govera bu at wea founded, and tht eatabliabmont bt ita ttead ot a central iaed power, dmpotic b met, however bnentt ia aama it may be. I Aad wa oooiure all amid oeoule to be wart how tbev permit Infract ion, how. tver tlight. Upon tluir fundamental right aa declared ia tbetr errnatituiion, for one Sbiiathm beget eaothee; ad tilBoa-hni-ert cannot be held to too ttrk an ' ad hertmw ta the aetabliahed rule aad law ft I heir goverament III tbe performance Jiuolrrd, That tli reaolutlont winrxHt- d bj tb aeaata af the United State by Mr.jClay, in tba better day of tbe repub lic, meet our hearty approval to-day : That la th adoption of the federal conttitutioa, tha (tatet adopting th tame acted eevereily.nt free, independent and tovtrriifn atata aad that each, for Itatlf, by it' wa eofaatary aateat, entered tbe Union with the Yiew lo ha laoaaed cnri ty (fraintt all danger, dnmeatic a well a forage, aad the mom perfect aad aecnr tajovmaut of it advaatagea, aataral, pa litinal, and eneiaL - - - ' - Tbat iq delegating' potilon of their powere to be ejierciaed by the Federal govtrumeat, the atatet ralaiaed, taveraliy, tbericluairR and aolt right ever their own deaaettic ini-titurion and police, ' to th lull eiteut to which thee power were ant I but delegated, and am alone raapmaibla for hem ; aad tbat any iotoruieddling of enj iw wr mvwv wie,iii vtumuuin Nf dieir citiaem, with tb tbeueatic iottl 1 1 totiont nd police of the- other, en any cronud political, tnoml or reliirbra or arider any prvtmt trnarfer, wKh On vjew (b ttiedr Bltttration ot ubvetaiim ' it BtH .wairanu-u ny in tjonariiution, unu tngto enilantcr b aomeatia peace: and tranquility ot th ttate Interfered with, trbveraiita, io wtrrantad bv th con .l..t. it . .-Ww.aa4tn.nqiiiliy at -the atatet iw l - uk-iob, lenuinE uirnoeniror in aoine. tortured with, aubvertive of th nbjectt tor whitb the conetitituoa , waa formed, an L by aeoamary coat-uenca. tendlnp: ta weaken and dettroy the llnhm. Itatli ' T l. I - A . I. I- iu whicu mm wimiu sun, mw Bu7 1 ' gUCtTH flletir wfrtr T' the- dommUc tnatitutuma aad police of taa. atatet, na any (round, political or ouitrwiea, ander wiy prolctt wn at ever, with a view to their altaration or tubver tioa, i aot warranted by tbe cooetituaW teadiag to Sdaiifr--tha dumeetie pearw am trati(iillty of th ttate liitetfrrod with, Mibvsraiv of tb object fit which the conttitutioa wat formed, and, by aeo- ataary conetauenee, Mndina to weaken aadtdeatroy our union of ate and aur Ired liwtitntlonrof covernment AemttteA That we menteV tharaaalrtv pi lvii-rigriU wore tli mw a eaiahlub ed fact now embodied ia tbe eonttitu- tiod tad datervioB the uiDort of vood uititent of all par tie. - .' ieMofenf, Tbat wt heartily eodora tbe follewiea tentiuienU of tb Kallant de- moeracy al uoaaecucat recently decjtrrd ; demandinv gerjera! amnett with aniver- tal pudraga, -and t ml oc tioa of tb tariff OB all BCceaaerws of tile. " a vJtraufMd. That tb followiot? mathmteB bt delegated to the ttata damocratie-eoa- mrationavaDtioB to be behJ in Uram- bora' oa tha lat day of May. Alao, the tain geoUemea a' delegate t It enngiwmiooal and teneiorval diatnct canventioo, to tttrnd at tha time aad pbtoe It may be decided tb (am tbaH be aeid. - httelttd, That we Napectfullr recora- to tpe tavoraiiie eomlderatioa of tbe tat convention, lion. A. B. Merrimaa, of Buncombe, a a niitabl eaadidata for gortrnot ; aad Gaa. W. K. Coi. of Wake, far Krutenant goveraor. Aad to the coa gmaiional district enttventioa, Capt. J. i. JUavrt. tr corif rem from thu diatriut. ,., . AMMeot, llutt W le4v-a ouraf-lveato an anited tupport af the aominaut of our atvertj convuUUon. . ; r-. AWrW,' That' th chirnuaf,,tHl eewventioa appoint a county eicntiv eomoiittee, who ahull takecbargaof th thorough prganiiiatioa ol ih party iu th county, Tb meclir!r 'wat kditrWd hf "Gen. Cox. Maj. A. M.-lwbjL and Measr. J- II. Btialtee, Darta, Cookt!, jUrrit and. Jack Thnuaa, Q Q BALii NEW Hit. mar la-It 0, T. IIROSACU BKO. V Tor tba eVetia'J. - COUXTT f OWrEXTIOX. t The ConarrVativm ' Davidaee coooty ait requatied to taaemble la. cooveottua trtlw coon-aou k licxingtne, aa iaa jay, the 8Mb day f ApnC 1' l iat tha ') wrk of . lit aaiperior court aa tb adjournment of court at aooa lorre eaea, aaVeb pvrpom of electing dcleg! to vmreaent DaviiUoa eiiurrt v ' in th State Ciaveatioa to be held' at Grreotboro', ne tb lat djr uf Mty aar and mt m tlw tmKrneaal litnct tJoarncHKie) an a bald where and wbea the eiecutive com mtttc at tlwrifc etralt appetat. -r - All pertnaa, witboat regard to party, k -M flttnMfi tn rVwuil eMrrtintioe) and. txtmvaganca, and ho favor cheap gov eranaeat aad tamaatmiria im nan cututilutioa ara Invited to attend, , 1 - ' " ' MANT anzENi' March 11th. 17. XIVADA wVrlZ ri&XD.; Retlmtim. af (At Drrtie BtaU Ct : ImmtbaralutbraceotlytdopUd by tbe democratic atate central committee uf Nevada: , Whereat, In UW of the early meeting ot tba national demot-rwtic oatral com BiHtee to decide opoa die future policy of tb eatiimal demoeracy,-- a) pecumot ap BmorUt for tb democracy of th everal etatta to ex pre tbeir npinbx aato tht court moat conducir to tb toeedy and peruianant auccem of tb democratic oartf.' that aaid esmmittaa may art in- telliirentlv and ia full barawiy willi tbe democracy throughout the country ;. trr-- RefU& That' in lb opinion of thit eommitted tbe element of 0rpneuioa lo tba preara admmittiwtiam, wbelAer Uny rxiat Withia or without tbe onianiaation of the demncratic party, ahouid be eon BoQdated in tbe approaching campaign, that tb united people may b .afforded on avw apaArUmity to axavem and aa force tba etmviction of a majority of tb rrpublic, and that la furtherance uf thit purpoat w invite tht cat-operation of all wba entertain ainilar view, irretpective of paat partlaan tseociaUona . ,, j AmuW. That la tba opinion of thit committee toe mMptiea of what bt known aa a Miamuri policy ia tbe nomination for President of tht United State la ex pedieot and adviaahle, and promotive of ll that Intereau ol me aemocraiic party, Iwth batlottaltv aad in the atate of Net a dat and a tberefvire recommeod to the eonoideratiocj of tha national democratic coMvautlon tba adoption of tbat policy, ahouid th Cincinnati convention evince, by ita prorwediiu;, a aiiuilar deair for nrutasl eo ojjeration aad autwb. .A'atoW.That repoaing laith in the wiwlimt; and patriotianl af the national democratic Wou ventionr, am aball give the aandidate ttowiaated or andoraed by tbat bodv onr heartv tuuoort. . ;v Wfa JliaC ahltriaid by Cdei; IVir tba' neeaerveliwa of weatftutbaal uriaciplea, aannrimy ia th adoiinitt ratios vf public affair, and tbe retbiratioB ol inia government iroru iuw onrrapuoa aoq miarule which pervadea every department, yhvj'cnmmittea ratiwunioad aa aa i n uu t, ag- greaaivv ootct during tie tpprwetiing caiapaiga,-and the thoroeh-eirgapiaatioo tif tb deuwicratie ' party iu every cmiaty and townahip of Nevada, being confidant that wa hare only to make a united and determiued effort to tucceoefollj complete the1 political revolution commenced in 1879. zz -i : : . 4 t -. COLORED MAN Otf CARPET S' .. . BAG0KH9. "J "i ' "? Ueatenant Governor Pinchback, color ed, of Louiaiana, dee not term to appre ciate at a high figure, tha iacority of hi lr.d i mm the mtb, whopmtc-m to be theauectal champion of tb equal rbrht of tbe colored race. Ia the annate of bit ttate, Iaat, week, ha made a apeech, ia which tlii doubt wa expreneed in pretty emphatic tertua. Httaid: ' " Tht toatbern people do aot dbceive tha colored people, i What they aay they do; what they promiee they perform. Law art paated by tbe general aaaeinbly of tkia ttat mainly by the white northern lea dart and ' fa Colored member wbo bar followed and c beyed their kmd to taithfully; yet "tbea Iawa are" a if They wer aot npoa tbe atatnte book, ll thai atata of fiaira wa toeontinu, Mr. Pinch back wanted Ul know it. If law ara to be continued ta be made apecially fur th protectioa of tba righta ot, on eta that litv berctofora beet excluded from tho right, tod theae law are noteulorced, Mr. Pinchbeck wanted to know it, aa it would bt better ta make term with tbe touthar people, and accede to tbeir pro poeitlont tliau to treat with northern men who eiulate tbeir contract and pmmiaea, Thit wat tli fima and plc to enter kit pro teat in behalf of hia ptoplt agmam Burn rtolMioMj - -a -Mr Pichback did not wiek to make civil, rightttpeecb on this oceloa, but t with-d it to b dittinctlr understood that if hit rare, wert to be otraciaednd de reivrd by fair proroiM in thrfutura at they had been by ' lair, promiaet In, the paat, tit bmt taroia it hat could b made waolillrwopia,woiUbaaow ed. 4 Tb Nortbem penpi were aot to come here by th colored men. Wtr edVi cam without invitation and attorned tak th helm of tin thip of (tat with a' view of guiding iter through a torniy aaa - tajui,t aB"peaeeei"ba'baiv.-i!lteiaT m im revun I r acre w wtiv mwy ui sive to-day I Upoa th promiaee ol Northera men privilegea were given and franchise S ranted by the vote of colored men. They era mid: Give ut thit aid and we will ido-thuaenS rt Civ a thl riirbt and - prwmhw "whalP pa dpt. Wr bv lievtd tbem we gave thm tne aid they naked we gmaltid thera tb privilege Utey asked aad hat m lb result they kav dtotived ua they bare (alailied their prom iaat, i. n . .. . am iuiinjLiLiiu.im ml, t..,i 1 1 .1, .i , ' u DRI. G00DSr GBOCEWES, JOStltiTlCBI B-LIAC'UINUHI t ? k AsOrliatlug ta (dvtue U UicKAW maU- rUl.jwt iavt purebaaed aad baram ttort ' K bale L'aUMebed DomeitW. & caaaa al Bleached Domcatiea of tba aaatt popilar tad tUadard autkoa, an whlek " ' " e -r . I c-"" t -v t'-. f Wl CAJCMOT IB CkSKRMLD. J V i, W.B.XI i TtTItiirn ' tU-dU. -t- jpRUTTI! CAUOOal, rgJKTSt I ttwBprlnj ttylea of ' ' PHINT8. : wll ,- V ii.r't s.,-'. 1 Ordered befr tba lato advanc m price, 111 beopmed Martk (.1, wUc-k wHl V r- tailad to euitoaten at tba old prina, 1!; CKNTdl-lk TAbDI, i ... ' W R t a TPcrtt A-i-n ' fcp-asdu 1 ' ii v JfST KKCI1VCD, i .v, . . ' . , ,r- And for Bile low, x f 10 Itht. Iritk rotttoee. mar U-tf (J. I. grgONACH BBO. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' ! BATCHxloHw HAIB. t)TB i Tbi arJaadld Bab- pr the beet la lb eorlA HarmVaa, rallabW, lmUotoa.o oteeHtei bud, ee yvlulietjoteoe. lt ww4aw wwaJvaw wdeatb.- Avatd the vaanted md delaarra preparatluaa bnaillaT vtrtuet Uwt j not auaaeaa. Ihe iraaitlna W. Bateae r'a Hair tv haa had W rear antarnialtar epntiititm to apboMJta HtUwrHy aa the oal) perfect Harr Pye Utor ev Browa.' Beta Bt tHDruwUta. An'ryatHauadaH.. It. 1. f awv aa-oiv avaoepanaio Pouvw The jSprlnc-aaa raff ajl toetefbrng VtMw th lower aad fraaaa. It eeotva from tbe damp eartk tarbkl r-vert, aUursant poob and black etoeae- eea, tb aaaeoaa provucaUvea ef t rem tbe offal and Karbeife of aaeleaa dtiea, tod. It aihale eaefrl aria aalnK-tj ef health and vbrur. Perlodle fevera of vaiioaa type ar now r:f with a aaual vbwleaee m vart- ou pari of tbe country, and there in com ptwat from all qaarter of a tngabirly aa healthy prb(. What la to be eoae la tbi eaterfeary f Tbe aaawer it tlrnple and to la polai ttreacrbaw the body. r.Wiaaaem pfe- a1ajoaetthtytrmtodiaaa. ComnMaeeat onee roarae of tb ttoat genial of toalea. rtaatetier t Biomarn niiiera. - aetmraum lb aer-aa of epidemic fever will never intact tb pkytlqne that ha beea fortla. d aad rea nded with MW glerloua verUlleTeiloraUre A Uioltt atmoaoner aajratatea dyapqiaia, and all dlatnta of a billloui type, aad tb fudden thiriBOm trtcal ehanx common at Chit ataaon. an a everi trial evea to atrong roaaUtiitlou. there la bet one way of com haetinf tacea Aelaurk aa aganil a, and that U bv ' Inrbrora but tn bmfy, tnd Im parti a a beitlil tcUtltv to all IU faction. Tn only tperlbe required forth! purpoteit Boa tel tar t BltUra, Of all awgrtabla tontea aad altera- tivta. It la the purvat and the beat. It mdt icirial inaredietiu mclndaall the tale e sad extract of tbe moat approvwt touie, aatl bfl lout tad antlaepUc prodactt of toe peltate IIOKdom, and tbe am evmbiaed with a Uav alaat far npa-tar In anaU y to the aleoaol need b preparlnc the Uucturae aad extract of fh rae;nlar" pbarawtoMet. U-aodlw. A Wbolb faorLB Orinion Whea a aatloa of forty mUllout acpepta and endurae Itikoixo RatrotiTivt aa article that It ha had lb talleat opportaaltiea of tettrng daring a period of twelve yean, wbo eaa he a kbearilly bwredulou at lo doubt" the excel lent of ti prepanitionf .FlTtTioa birrtat hat paaaed tbrouk tld oriieal tnd b) now tb moat popular prop ietary medlem tbta continent It would be dilBenlt to gad ta adult ot either tax batweea tha Allan tie tod lb PtrUe, or between the aorth-aat corker of Mala and th Gulf of Mexico, Wbo goe not Know, aitaer irom paraonai expen- eniw or aboervatloa, that Ibla imownad va;- tebbrmmedy l the urtit Waic mi ttomachic Bd Uie Bocat alteiativt and refrulatlnx modi- ein it preaent bef on the world. At a rre XcnUre ot and cur for, dlaeaaea aewerated by laakurU, and at a apecllofur duuiepala, ibea- MHlUrn, and alt rjarroua and blltoue anV-etkina, b, adioUbd to be tairly prunnuui ad tot Kit bit Hot aaao a Tuktc tan Atvaa TTVPOf the Wartera-Meadipbare.- l-odlw. k "i -' FXAMPl.t v a tub Laoiat Mm. A f" Hag ot WeH villa. N. T., received 10 year ago a Wheeler Wileun Machine at a bridal protest, tnd moat valuable of her gift, aot aetptittlC a cheek for tSUO; It ha don til ta ewtug for her ova, her father' aid bar ettr' tamUle, without cent for repair and but two aeetllet brokan. mar IN eodlw . v I ' f " Taa effect of Biutmoua' Keitulator oa tbe ttoraarh, . IlveT aad kldnryt la prunjJt tnd imriLiuu, arlO-eodlw Siudwell Brothers, 'W Murray Street, XT w York, J l ' :' ' ' ifanufacturora and Jobber of BOOTS & SHOES,: for - MOVTII tCIcN TUADi; llavt t eomplute ttock In til llnea, Including thai popular Gnaaita Bran But, Kir Plow Bboh tnd Woutut Frtajuk prdera olidled and carefully tiled at wwett market ratel. . , J. C, MOO.I, fhUeamta. Ja 30-dfa TT1BTORT Of THE GREAT riRES IS AA. Chicairnand th Wrt. bv Rev. E. J. (nwdepead, IV I)., of Chicago. Only complete lllxtilrv. 701) Hro na 1 enirmelnira ' Til . law already aoia. --rnee titio. mad ta XI dyt. ProHU gs to anlfwam. aeeu wantf d. - I v u. o utruirsi-xap m cu., s,: A B7 Park Row, New Tor. ar B-tf truT PRortr mrt n . v.n.v..i , bard Grant (3 50 t bushel. Bend 3 reul'apaetax stamp, artd ray complete Prleed Lwt at all kuirta of Uraaa sewla, JTield Bred, itt'dea Beeax r lower end 1 re Beedt. Acr! rniiru Jupienienta, Machinery, Unanot, Cbetiicalt. Lire block, Ac. wj he forwarded toym. Tcrae priced llttt eontain aancb val- nanw tnTuruaiioa a lo uM and quantity to lm"b ":-:. Ji . . I aint tt. juii.ib'ii, Beeatmaa I r. 0. Box m, Atlanta, Ga. mtr S If ... 4- rjvgll BROWM COTTOJI OIS CO , UW LOS DO it) CONN, Mantifacturer of th "Brown Gin." Pottoa I I aeea nuiiera, maeninery ana t tttinjta. Man ufactnmrt of lUrria' Patent Rotarv 6 team En Man- (Inetbe beat and eheapoat Steam Eoviua tor repaarera luruunea wun all tiuiu ol matarlaM. Bwa, Rlbt, Pulliea, Boxes, etc., of any pet- tarui to oHer. at abort notice. Hat ba load experience in to buaiueaa; wd gatraa tee tailafartloa h vty partteubw.' Order volume Add ram at abort. . mara-tf 1 -V J. I 8. PI A MO CO.. N. T. l.t ehou ? Mo Axeat. Mamca of catroiia ! fuete www ui vuviuw. aaar e-u i rH....i. " i r- A BENTS WANTED! Atenta mike mora monev at work nr a wait at eurim g eiae. Buatnem lUtit tndpvr warawit. Particular free. U. Briao Co.. - ' . woiMwiera. m wtiauu. aaiue. .war -tt A l NERVOI'. IMVAI.ni k n.o.ii. i A tne oeaent ol yoone men and ethers ; - -. --- i wba BBffae from neevf.iiM.-tf rflillii A. ww-iiaesuppiriiig we nMansoi ae f cure. Writ- 01 ay wte wne curoa uimseir. birawlf, and sent free on receiving a post paid directed enn-h.p. awtrew mar Bit MAI UAM1KL MATrAifu ' Brooklyn, N. 1. rj.KIAT 8 tVINIl TOCOX8L-MKa,mid im awMMiM iur eaa ev two - - ..i elihtr sex ia KaWrh and adloiniu b.wnt be aiiietr Ton can nuke hat? (1J lo ftWiHr ' m..idi. will, l.ui l.i.l i... e ., - m.r i -inn-e witn or I nrv Lu-ln.-ss. Artkles aa l.,.t. j . ...y t. j.ja i j . . ' . ' ... " miiuness tir sc-'ut. aarta If roar ahote Uta' la rl. . Vk .Mm cu oe miuti t ion tirruiui lnL Jvia; en,)llB IUI of iruelet aad euwmla lons allowed. IloHTne a. i a Pia B Sk Loa t, Ma, . mar tit ' (Durt t au- wiaa wviiiii. Oa Monday, the 8ia av of April, IS73, ai tbaCowt doiMf door m taa eii ut aa eua I .Ul ad lo tla bwi.-at Mdiler 'or eah U peoaerty ittted av tba toJlowuw named Iwk ttHM, ,rt leave aac mmtw m w,) mwawdjei-- - . BriBaoaatwwMatr. Km. mff g.T.veV Toaay b"ker, M. A. Ub kaua, aqalrt Hit, , W a liana. tap -. gita tn m f7 Udraaf D Hraartaal, ; r -t . Ji rtdlBXiatiii .- ItVkiti 4j.-.te JohuaJobam, 12 t Nat Warrea -1.'A Juba Wbltelaw, ' ta 45 -1 vaaa't caaaa vownioln, W H libh. Adm'r. U0 JeeUk Whitley, altiey, Richard Terrell, , wa ' - t . xppbteaa I xowjowtr-. AlVwaewlaad, 'i f !? J.MM MUIVL Wl 1 oas aaovB toaaan r. TfiBatWi, m e. MarrntW vwaan, ttv Ilea Itbarbur. T Mia L Land W L haadert, UU f. wirr caaaa -towwanir. ThotlAdama, WV.lua ' aavla. i'l-' .a. Qointln Adaina, a ia 8I ' w bit ' I tn William Medlht, iW tergt T !. ra If lit waaa roaatt vownaip. Witter Dannam, Mtt I A HiU, ,. Tbamm learicia. e 4) is an l 17 BaLBwn Job , I 74 ? - 4 4 I KmIii Aedrewt, A v nyni W A Brown. part lot to Xb jBBryea. , . V 41 tt Bijraen, Quent inabee, liel Cleaaaf. part lot ll laWV, Bart lot It Iti I acree r. OLUued, i , Pn aakl owpera, beet P Erana, , t; B Edwarda, T M fentraa, lobu rbuw, ' , . , r Skeraa-tll.to part lot 1M Ml ee put Wl jit . ti W "lea MP. :i aarree t f H acta, ; le - - loru, Lewla ford, MrtM U.laiker, W I Uant, da do IBM). -r Jl acre 11 41 i. i. a it 6 1 JH Oram. H Turk (ia.Ujn, part lot 41 7 Ml X acre so Uiuurn Unntar, part MM .J 46 IH Hear Haaler.-tilJW irM U tt athleittoa Hi art, V acre Mi Ueary i lluglwe. part wtc ill do U70, do do SlOeciw part tot VU " a tt tm T to W H Uarrlton, . ' Leuioo llii-lou, . W 0 Harwood, Mrt W (J Haywood, Hm partlotaua at t 7 matm I w M al HvrU, Ulw liurnua, . Unary Jama, , Liray K Jankma, l-e acre t n psrtlot BTbal 11 m m m J ' B Martb Jirlly kUnUoe Ju lanla do .naoa, ".;""', 1M0. - " '.'''IB W B Joacafor Mrfaitockf8 arret 9 ot. W D iimet, - - K acr IS Si ElvUKillian, ''"".- dT-o----lWBi m 1 H Klrkbam, V4 -'ret tt 4V tMlcbael A ally. t . ' part lot luu 10 71 . ,,- TX tan tt ' nertbtiiU t tmamv aarrer. -llWOeUi 1 BtJ Uata, de do furU70. Urn W al Moaran, " . acre 1 W W tt Murirw. . ... . A 1 AH Jamn D itirvan ' r '- W i ( do irt acrea tt. Jamea H MatlBewa. ' ' V acre f w Jack Mmw, part lot 47 ltd edev It rte. . . I acre ID UH K.U.ladVo.11 in -ii ittaemettdl Th anaa Oaeu. If I I if VOaena il l " partotbl' 1 fi"S Wui U ftrk Wis Pop.. ' Ueo I ferrv. j ai re a i. CbarleaJ Proctor, Alfr.d I'atttraoa. , irsmtiZmUti. IX t J Joh Rayr ""i- w r inert, Kuard. Marv tibiea. put tot IU7 I 56 i ' - M aea 4 a atraait m Brre 1 to Bhlaey Bui brrt, - f , upper. , i it- acr a ad . 'b J D Iboniutua, part tot lid Mrt lot AJ "part lot M part tot Ad Ben. Tamer, Mi h A Vauicha, " Minor Wilton, . ; l eo lor ihtu, do . " HMD. . i5 f K AA WUWilliuaa. " partlotlflO, Mai, X acre 1(m aeret f)eo Wubiatrum, ,; Woalev Young, en i vBruj, de-tor ItMd ! ." t MOacretM H Ckarlea Tonne la acre 6 ft U TCooka. wart lot Bb ) SO K W Haywood'aeetata, pert tot a M M Harwood.. inri Uii u.rl i 4b 14 a Jane BulllotB, v ace 4 nuTMTi, -Jh 4 A lu m Jamas Cooper, for W70, TB Hvory Jaeaaoa, ItaeeWn, - V LouUa Pwry, Z " . - fa urm, - Wilton Cnpelsad, '7U aad 'a S' . , foe 1HT1 ' 7 u ti v W M, 1.1 4t M Jacktoa Alaton f r tHTtl, " " , " wri, Mr. Conch, lDW, A J, Ualby law Ban 106 IV w Nat ban art cera lM - i - TCIIadirer: rfe ae nmiL II ut I 4t 'ot. l. Bai kaiaa, T. W BlBkeTT' N. M Bryen , Ulliiart Waboa Bit II 01 Bb 1 T. It T 01 ? " fo IBM, Nm)aaa Brsmtbtoa tor Bur. A t ' Bmathlua, t-rtjMwm " ' " " fnr lrm t Mingo fl.Creoat, -. Joli B. Carter, " ' J. B, B. Canaea, I B U to. 4 ml m wj ifaaaton Wn Datla, Martbat Kro. r ' Hacra fioorga E etda,,-6, C. M. r.riU Michael J.Oraea H acr. Jnnea Hannah, n Morgan! Haywood Wn Katwil i. T, Harris. ' V Job b, Harrbwa. "". JobaHa , '" Retaxea Jobaaon. H ' Wacra. bal. .V (art tot IA T t Jobs Jtuiw, J B Jordan? I i amos.Lstnrae, A P UiiuM a fo Tt) Mania, SBMoaelv;' S4 4 41: -V- t 4 i,!ila, 1 w n ill pj AH " . - da "ra m t Uoalev. J B Ul. 11 be Mum ' A J PsrUe. ) t Perrara: Hanry PoweJL kslaat JobePrlcaT? 141 a ou eo ao roe 1X70 Oliver M. ' ViVirllRIi' M. 0. R. Roadr---" B. W.Btark, j '' b " , tor 16, Marx gcbleee - 1 Mra. C Tavbar. Bnwa tV iiitford - T'4M A t U6 tt m 11 - M B44 Jo. Whllelaw, I Kiat A Wkrlalaw. -' t bariw Brvaa - rma 0H vi.',.i- t .J U, N 67 Bat Manly for IN, I 4 W T. T. LEE, BberiaT. rUMtw. TIC. Aav renoa earurht willii Hmu iiu. throe tofw of tb forest Paow MiV will a. arreaud aad piuhihed to Uie full extent of tb iw. wm. Ara tv Ralekk, Ju. 13, Im-dU ,' , . . , , 138 BIIL WlUCKT. mar l-tr T. STBOWACH A BR rJatlnreaalUrd as tb AuwHilatrator of Hie esuu ed th bate Mr. Anna a Baaad as) I ei eolte ta all errdHera t la await Ao tuuks ptjtueni forthanh, and Wail eretlirftra to presvat Lbeir eiatma V. ne. - AS tlFr. PATTLi. RaLviAa, Teb'y tttt, lent, feb vfcuew. WVAVWl I lfTCrrt f I . . - -rW. ua Vauroi'ar A WiiTX'e Advbui A -WONUEKFlb lUCVkSSt onlbf in A tl Wtinlng i , - OF de VALWURT WII.12, ' - ... n,.nMOjlti v , '' i,;.,' n awrBapawi:M'ladwuiai to Ib lj. aeaeuien uflhei'ontb :.t. iev-in.teaie;y.iow ratt and W li Vmrm i I '.if S d The bugart eirruteaon of :ay baai o tia'TvewipUtaar- M irltnt al arder. m rmnwwne m eoina B'l artere, - lc Bpwr bt pBr ( 1 Udii . r wwke, fortiM. tivtam tn the adteriLii luaortuwa la weekliea and . vtt loar at liiBufWi Y in(WtrfMM;ai.'a , . Aii.A.Wijl'uda mtek Aw.i.1.:.! 1 rmttly mtiH tmry lumM rmU. '1T Al touch ar Aiceecy lou vxurtrd otlr ui J faauary Iwt, we hive rnrott e r petmA, matweead-tn teadwg aMiBait Blind wd rleewhere, iu hauliir , gro" U Kadaav. Mene B V tlmi in I(ltitMi' ' ii w "in, virriw: A I . RUIIIUIHC, Watl'lU 1 tiiri.il. T . ? r, a art a, Ohio, ntcmioer. lihA (-,,ic " a.t.M . tiui.p. ja . A-m , a-i i ' - - -i wi iwt iihjil mmi KailWa illeanmac iL;t mm auia - i . 4uWfi. bt Wijjl.i. Aifrleulliirm! mmJ &WJUr a i Call o a- of write to .liaiaU. Tt C WT too aotaiau, even if yoa decide nut to tdvertiee Ih Dnub a". , - Z: del aa ittowie ata.1 vet and i.L. ywaratlt- Artunta . . , r . , ' I 7 a VAlXOKKt k Wit tt T llFIA-HMENT TbMAL - - '-.-i-S'l ! J . I. UUVtKHOB 1IOI.DEN. i few telJtcW ihe luaatcmniaf Tmaii i - ' Z' i ; , . , ry.::' . Law WIMIOK. IW a . mmu VWT , "leha-dtf Tt All Indebted to tbe Inn of flee. T gtr,- t are reqiieated to eome forward aad eeule mi i r- aoa, except antra apoend Cunirx U xjZfI out tboee bavlrur Uiuit.aalotl lb Irarani neotiaided to areaeat abem HriUik' i.. " i ' iaua a paid at one ur Uiey auibetareed A. MTIfilhr At-vt a-U per Woamj, Tmurtata, ;".t iALR OF VALUABbE IUAX tdTATbi" Br vlrtaa of urJua nude la tbe turj tTM ceedliiir aw pendhnj la UieBuuerturL'aairtrf' d mVu County eutlUed, Ueotve li. Umjrc and hera to-aba Court : tieuree tt. Luu. uj Ot wr akaiiMit r!r iu) E. ongee tnd otb. rl' and John W. Cain an title? ra to Uw Coart; tb iimlej aiifned, ap- uiuted rouimltaloMt lur uiaa pnrpoae in eaia orrtert, will, e eater j v -ho 4 b day of May aext, etl at Uw loart -w Hoeae door m tbe e tv ol lUleiirb. Hm biliM. -t hufdeacrlbed real eaute : . . ltt. ibe lot ao ue. iitd bv R. B. Andr... Alio , altuate on tba vlurB alile of fai.iim, rilkt ttrenliT larlue; prv of kit f. Its ia rat- '"" ' UlaB vf aaid citt. I hia lot lua a Ii.k.i al ' twdnty-tao frit on VoyetlavUle Street ntT raua uac w tt ,iwuig on ntreeL , ... wu. uw iwv j-wuiu uie rormer, ki , only known aa U,e lintuauian lot. lnWui ': ' i Itri of Ibe aaid h No I : fioatln lira . ' ' "y we' and four Ineliea ot Tiytevlll utr.et fudruaatia; Itaak .oae buitdrut 'ai77revety. i it-i u i mmnjma en lae-roatui 1 le totBowotBedtiy f Piairt-.- nd. A ia ait al ii tlnlaaura na art tat , Hi klfli, adhdntag Jtm laliift of John Mow, 4 war; p ie auu 01 ej. and otwuiluiug about uwe UnrJ of one ae a. uid no m lb: noa w. vtoa-rf trarta tiane -""? " 4tb. A lot adjomlnr; the lot hat deterlM,"1 uounaea oj-t an t ui lauaa. ul A. nt xa7J aud Joha Muaa,Mt abda boM one tod at ¬ one arc, and no u lac puaaoa 1 of lit art 4o - . . -a Sih A oaefSe id mmm kt mm mmmr tha .-a4 Sab-igb ua Uie rlolleinan Rued, .dj.ju.iuu tt aid. of i. W. Waienu, Tonwrly ewaed b-3 EIupi Uunrce aod bt bar aolu u A. L. Lea a. dee'd ' T ' btli.' A pa-ccl of Kin I aHtnta in tbet'one t 4f Wake aliout aiae miia fr !, ue he! old tllllntioniui.b n md h liur Ilia lt.a d. vl-d bv -Wt ktiu H-ilkoeav, (be'd. ! tut ubiMrea of bit sub Thoma. Uolki at, aud JwtguaUrdaa l"t ho. in lujrcpurt at 4 . to iba tuia-iior Court or viake i.uunlt lit Coot- adilonvra aptwlnted to make ptutiiion of tut ,' lutiita of the a id Wilttani llolloway In a upeci-' . ir aroceeiiiiitf entiueu am Lea and otuara j amhiat Willi uu U Hollo'ty and othir'. I taat : tlire thb-d cub. the retldue la two , .-qnal inataimeuta taahie ut one and tare .eats rerueetivelv lib Interest fiuui date, t - eept In the ease of the tot Brat deierlh- d, at ta that th term will be mad kuown u th dayvf ale. .1 . 1 K.ti'i foil eAflAW" ' I March 14-td. CowntiatWeer. ' kk HALTED WITH: f IRK." NOVEL, td ;i tf.t - BT M. M. LaUSANOE, J -- ii. t-i-'T . ' 1 , " J. 11 ALE da SON, Pt tutniKt, N. T, J . t-.V mat l,ii.i ' -.3 ) : i !-' J Betma t Ciof, 1 Ma. Paic Il.tO. i ew IB a ouua Ul .ncciuea menu, -. '' I -f-r '" " '' i- ' '': ton of t North Carolina lady. It It meetlt a' mt. i. - , . . i .i i.i ii i v . Moliu. wltbj t rapid aale, and should b read by every fiBtjt'wtw - cu "en f oa fii-r an 4 aatiye genlaa. -r j . rr aale at tba Book Store of ALFRED WttLUMS; tntr, ivty; -mJlm, 1 If j .TVAtt if'H A Tfl a TT, V. S A ' V - , -- yt 'Ticit 7.-.--f r.i.t - - 1 ava sold ni rorestvllbt Xiinteiurdi( 'oiaiainy. property and Paper !lill toaM- ) ' feta if .V JfrniactaiM twaaawr -' til Id. bit dn te for oaivr atust be lM IhaLtowtiAiu. And Mil 4l,la diM firmi eHV OB ft? mcdnidot, uc Wnbe fsiwrMille aimt at pre dic.1 to toal oaipsnt fuvtt ' iiment. i wjy, j. ttata. tr- ' KleiNB,llb.a18Jdt. -t'Ry em eopytwo weeks, ta toe pyeaet toaelBeaol Ibe ei aip"' tr'tUa.dNua. ' .-. ROVWIOMaV-- S l 14,000 Lbs. Side and llaut. , ' I - '( v- -j -v ', S,00ttdo pur Lard. , il-dU LEACH BKPTHWa- rpBE SZvt IITMNAL, u roa Lax in va PaotatTtsv trrtcortt. ddat rreulved la tevaral aiyles af Idadlaf. aad at price from 40 els. to g3,d, ( far aula st tbe Book Hot of it ALFRED W1LLIAMA mar. IS-tf. T I C II I ... I I ... I- A . . n, - shoot B terra i :a situs ted . m.. v. w, .-m, . i.i.e Ituscv on .V'wutun and ..i riiii "' -the Ktern Wtrd of the city of Rtleu. . cclw by Jobs bay, been durafc ar , It Newoetnand AdeBio "V " fmtenieiitlt,nuntreioraie. lenn.-uiie il.ird traahi one thl' d TTt,"w bt tlx moil tht. and tbe tb lltird m mouth, wfth Interei fro n day of aale. , A pl.t of tbe had. as dmded Into be Beea si the 1 oort Honaedoor, at ibe of Ji ha tidy. r at theudice of ytwre w- 1 nir, stowm sst Uw . KJ1 I B-iruMtwiaOw utn will s g isis llUle poaeeatloa Rten. , - , ; 1 t-soua tewme to I u-rht wIP tn H " t 'tiluiUK A, RAlLi. Aioiii't tt L'W 'A. i9