Mv .. .,. ...... r , i ., ...... L... ... .. -. -Tr--rr T1W imrdi'iri n-.tfm nw iirTT-r-jjjirfiiin ihihiujm,.. lyi ji w. f iff ji .i . l... . n'-jy.- ' ' w, ' en8 r5 ' mi smm idt iwiYldittr. FIUDAT.-JlARCtT II. 1871. . 2EFZXDS TIMX ALL, TlieXtfBj? JVrry. supported by money filched ffomvlk people by office keUert, mt ready to defend any felon or de faulter belonging to th party. Biot Lew is Bsaes att rat pted d efenre of Bill; , Header ill the natter of Pan's mul. Sow, M tb indictment BjiUniT tlmdef ton for dealing tb mul ta ill bund J. Mr.TImM well llni toarlctl'.n lof 1 tnult ttealia would aot have 4ied wt to th odium "tf Billy' charsc-tat abase b fat well known. Mr. Haws It Well ewertef til 'U4" W'njf of h most respectable bmb of bit (Haitm") M-qoaiu tsac Ivor I open Ciiurt that BeedeTto ni sot to b believed oa oath.' ,,. Saint l5s It w'ar of th fact that Major Billy Smith ht stated that b oUd 00 negro wotieadraesed in enee't etath. rl lot Lel It wr of tb ftct tht Major Smith frauduleBtly leased th Kertk Carolina rallr'ad at a toss of nearly 1 3,000000 to tU tuts, and that b mads t'i lc.aic Cur hit own personal gala ; y i1atLe-i dare, soi publiih H. H never alludet lo It. ' If be thould mdutgt la pr(jpt, ,(3ttnnt upon tut laata aad that prt!;,6 of Billjr Padtb "t evidence '" '. hrt ba iHuiiitl to antarfr a to vbatbar ' . ther bai fed, oey ff blm. t TMitura Wiil Lcaia would ut dia In'uaed from thw rtice holder orjo. Tbt ut itbme 8lot Lewi aa4 bia ferry aiat it ul L'alvln J. K'.gcra, oul fi'f pcwtwaalw. Caltia appwrt la la tb Firry, denying that ht Vat dit Bltaed frnra tbt atrvwa of tbt Kwta Ctruiina wilioad eonipi)y.for a oiiup pliration of ill fumla lftan40fnRiad .. :, . at to hit Ji9iiialS lii'be realgm-d bav c iuwh dofulUr totliiminutsf XKK) in il"taminy mootbi aw vka to - thicuir pny at tli.-ra want tbeuaaadt of ib'lUra mtMlng. It would baft ioit tbt prlofipUa pf tbt party fur " fliiW-Voiir lii.ra Billy to bT dlwlitwnd bin. Ita x:rr'r ttowipti b'Ja to ra tirt. .itit CaiVio ia bta aard to aUot -T- -Uwhrv J'"- The SnnTIiitt. also chargva tha baia dredth lima lhi tha caua of my "dit aiitaat," at tht biuum of tht cumpaoy't nionty. I atata b, pfiittdl)ij that tbt j-ti.'reiiim- Htliroad Omnpaay bat tr biat aaa rant by my aianiigriiiaat. ( . . W .iy to Calvin unj Saint Ltwia, that It oot tbr jflWtioB. , Vn dwlgt tbt btu. Wa aay yoa wera defaulter, and tual Billy traltb, tbt prealdnat of tba road, mada tba change. Yoa were toed by tht eoo.ptny on your bonl to Orahim court, and paid $2,000 of tbt money you wera i withholding from tht company. if fl-.apMtrufetaTfluTiT- tfvsr f tbtt holt matter, then what about the indict- aitut g iint him la Wake euiirt bir et twtioa. Jb ljw p'ljuirw the potmantw . to lire i the city. Tba pnatoflk-t iktoat tbta nlnetv lrd iron tbt court hoote . abara , tba couaty tommla tinnrrt tuctt. When Calria Wat county eomtuiatiottrr,' bt proved r'h age for anma tixty mllee rri. vf,m ba bad traveled ninety yardt or We ealleJ yeattrday to aet tbt Inliftiaent, but. tht deik could not And it. He thotiKht one of two lawyer bad it We .-tailed eVtbeoi fof it.'bnt' they denied having tt, "Where i : tbe iotliotaient, taj what defence a ll Saint Lewie matte for bit new friend, t'elvlu J. Hogertl ' Calvin tt i better rnaa tbaa nviet of h party, "and we were conlut " to iet bin alout but for bit. putting biuiaclf before ' the publio tud, attempiiBg to ahftw that we Were guilty of falsehood In calling bim dfm.lter. We repeat.'Cakin waa a defaulter, and after being ttttd, paid two thoutaudldullan to the eompeayv TBE'mVATIOX Tbt CaldweU buaidl ol eoniniaeioocrt of tbt tef and Duo.b and Blind luitb tutioa it in bold tht 1 1,000 illegally ' drawn by tbeot through tbe agency 'of bit Aocldencjy ,What are tbey going to do with it 1 I it out at latereat fur the ""TbaKSTuf tte" lta 7 ""IR'TKeypTopoSris divert it from the purpgtee lor wbkb it fU ppr!)pr!iri.4 fT 03 : Iter Xf render tbemielvet liable, by the detentioa of tbU nioorr, to'rrroecuiioo iu t erlta Tht fjaldwetl board fur tht peniteo tiary bar $i,m m band. Bhahff Oibbt . brought, tbeja Oua piAiucr, Key. i"rd- rick Lima. Tha board rofuaed to receive and feed biav, tboub tto e 5Q0 drawn tttun the traaaury or tbaa purpoae, Wt -append a copy of tbe act adV dreaaed to Hiinra. Harritoa and aUlea ef ' tbeboeid. 51 ": . -"'Tiincroa nhrtf, Eald(ih,i:aroh J,t871 ' Grirn.ictfr.5t I am tba beriff of Hyde copnty and fauve brought to the peniten tiary one Fredrklt 1hu(. a eaaeict. tea- teni-ed to tbe peuitenuary for two yearn tot lareeny. 1 ne peoitaouary enara ap rotated by the lrgi!aturt refute to take im becauK they bare an way of trading tuore priaowrg, 1 am iiiturioecl tint ynur board bava a,CiOd to iit'd (uctt prrwoen. leak that you rrdive him or aulhonaa ait to tmlsia tn.a ia (ail, ia tbie city, to awajt further d-T-topipeate of tht uufer t'iiiitdi;IL'!jtty r iriB; out of tbe taaa-ag-uiit of the jf oiteouary. v BceptfuHr,- '"? -o.. y, : liEKItr 8. GIBB3, . fcbtuj of llvde CuUoty. Tbe. afewjor to tliU Bote wait, "We can l o aBplijir j wun the prieotief-wa rao't get Into tht petiitenliary eniraelvab," He will not Atd hit railical ftU-n.l, Rev. Frrd. Long, nor will be Itt otlHs1! feed bitn. The governor loe'ptar w amiont to pA. b'inwif of the Lunatic A'vlum -ot iue otficr loalitutiotMi !.e'rra 't ff t!;t viri;er,tT .:S"iu is iu cuia man J. We hof Pj 'X.r t'oi viil!n"t . f .:1 to india 'Wvvi-u- t'aiJw'-U and bit co-eoa.ptrot.snt.Xur. An lug uiuiii illc 'gi'lj fi- tie t.iiirj'. ' . We tofp's l!. iaJiJi.'cDcs is tuat lit. Gr . A MAXLY LETTER. 7 Caiue M.Clsy.onof the indaof ue republican pany, aeoi au ine i i v ventioa of tbe liberal npubflrana ia UUi aourl U abb) letlef. frtl whtrh W make' tbe Cdlowiog ettraeta : Cfc-f Slavery brine; dVred. I KaU. altb tbe as aaa aaraeetneaa that I did iu exiateace ibe attaanpt of tbe Craat uopu-atota lo tulijuKele lite ami lb, and to aiaka at pro riacial for all time to more tbaa Kooaaa unperiaiiMa. I denonnee the attempt to weaken at by a etttdM pot ire of arrsytOff tbt btackt agaiaat whitea, i deaooooe the deaagne ol barbaruing ua bv tbt errnp. Irretpa aibjerwie of aea from tba Jiortti who bva no eoinjion lutert ia our alTtira ; who divide our penult and watte oar tubatkoot. ' I aoueot tbe attempt to reveraa the aaturaj order of thingt, by tul,je. tldjf, by" cnaantatbinal ebanet and ' bigmiooaiv eaottjvad law a. tba intelligence and pro perty of tuetoutb tp lgo.riuoeaoJ pu , fdenoiine the ttmriy of the Orant rub) nthiadepMeMa of Cuba, butauaa thevlcnow that Cuba mut, in interest, anally gravitate toward and belong to tha anuth. ' i 1 daanuaee tbe anion of tb anwen of tbt executive, lodtetal ana leirlalative ae- nrtiat la the aitutarr neaa oi m natioo., . 1 denounce the npntum.favorititia add oomtptKie and proscription of tbe Uraa( aoattuiairatuaa. . I faaouoc tba atbetua of tab! tiea and aimaarea ta tbe aula end of etecttnw amilitary cbienin.. At but and above all I protaat againat lb ftaeoottilulioaal and drtpolie inler breac with tbe right of pnacmble atavia MaK of tht ballot bo try th frrijiietil and aianumg aaa at the eartniift busv The renewtaatb aad re-tbcUoa ot Grant hi to eoaaolbbtte all tbeat otarpa liua and abuata, and to open a highway, te tin overthrow of an rmr irocrtica. .Jit Clay eoncludat by recommending tbatjtbe eonvutiaa (ram a platfurm ae- atplabl tu'th patriott of tht countrr aril awcrxeat a etandardjwam la whom it poopl bav ennfidene, , Kttl'PTCr AM) IHXHJRA ropy what fultowt from the Selii ljtir EtamUm Tb Kutmiinr,' it will be tot n, it for .tiling tht Mat debt by' repudiation : ' 0e uf ttut eauaet why It It ae difficult te obi aia immigrant for Jiurtb Caroliaa b Hi rum wbtvh baa beaa bnatgnt oa tb Mat through radical tniimtnege- ' Tea flaaaelal character of JTorth Cara- Haa a at a ty bu ebb. f oreignera are aawt:ltng t luimlt(rate to country weoee Ucda are abt at t n.ere a Capttaliata M tnwt Ihetf taontv la a ttate where a bug public delta baa been piled up In payment ot wlikjti would bankrupt aer cliiu.n. Whar bigh Uxaa art diaproponioaat to tb (aloaof tb raal aetata, it will b bn pi)il to convince prudent Bien that it will b a pnd invtment to jiuitbaM. IMVA Ataw, - i,'..3,ri , TU .Vsifi in tbe above pointed Mnuti bat mad a g"tt aiwamtnt ia Xbvoreaf ne pudittioo. Perpbapa it waa dune an- Ititr ipiim.ll.i, auli the fact ia pat affected by i What th.Aeea baa aaid b true to tht letter. It U tipKat te every at fleet ing mind. Bi while tlia xA't ' baa graphlcaXly puinti'd out the evil that U. tli "liana uf lminirallim," the ritrae of tb ttate, tad the grant barrier to pratperity, there ia no ri'ttwcl y aiifgnatd. We ar all aware that lb v!l rxiaia, then, what it tb remedy f Tliit a the Important quettion. " W . bare brraHitor endi voted ail point eat the way of nur deliverance tb remedv U tb great ef lie with which rya enact I w tha BVuUoet rmtnnja rVi It ft 'A. V; "V ' Haw.'! tnt. qfxarfc. foit,.: it il yo allow tu -pnoni your c ami. tu nuke kind u th'iogtit ef aiiiie, to all ini tt T J imrtpu . tiara tt no h-utrt ifet averi man.aaMha-aaJe'chi)aV ia ar oidtal irald rladly aea a chanireta our aotitieal flaire r tbe bettor. The qucattua bav ariaa bow eaa tbie ebaaaa bo ataiie, t be aaewar a) plaia and aimpla; thai poway ie wita ttM-paopla. Hilt tuey xrrclacHf If the ehang at dceired, aad tba Jaawer wnft the people to affect that rhangr, will they rxerciae that power with that caution aad ! prudeee). wbbrh ,'banaaM alt f4d erywbect to exiruaa. 7 bj cbang caa Ur atad by aleetUiaT awi ama to lawa, and bnaaataaea te aaauaiater then. Let aa put a good man ia tb field tee Candidate to fii In vuljeruatorial (feait, and. M vary Jaaa -that wiaba peac aaO prpetip tavuar ayMMtaaddcw ana i BMiac , gncvotteiy aatraired p pla. rally o the pule) ia Angnat and ekct him. im every maa moa oa ear eucn aiaa, purht oualltiea era fnand ia the lof til. Hon, Wot. bi, Blilpp. who twlawra buaorad the poeiitua kMd.rUt nim aw arananHi auo ewctao, emtaw will welt Ikh adhippW wekbat or pac; a maa in wnuea van in sua reduial of radical aiunt eoafeae and ac knowtedg coafldnc,. ad whuea all modrat maa "nfc abatrrar lituml caari ad tupiAfl ' W df n.f know bow thU arradKuwat would axet the feeling of nw nmear, tint we avt a fnua lo atata tb arnp.Mtiaaa, fraaa tbe fact tba waat tare be would yield to any arrannawat that would bring, ar have a teadeacy to brtng about tbe. much deatred. ebaog. aad ilia tptiftfy return' of boac, kanaooj and pruaperity. With tha good old jhipp i tlM! field and lair election (ahi u)a juautru,, we may e pect to laud aateiy i thwbave of triumph. . Ood tpeed tbe C JUait Hear' from'Mb'tTax'If fetti arancaa be eHrtted we w HI yitd vnr prutitioa aad Jot in 'aha twi. Tu lttioa kt auat drttamje ahea'i, but let at cuaitirnce la Itma aad Atflit with a will to win, and tht victory will b aura. Tbe radieale are mtinding tbair trump and art mllyiiig their, yaa thyy have bea't'tb lung roiFand- are oa the march, and if not ennfrantad will march to a raineue airtory. Let ut at one man, fairly and boeaatly meet them, and manly battle for the r'Kl't. We ca beat them ; let ut do te. l.Kt t again we tba day that men 'l rthtt era protected and atatea ngkat bonored.---"'' ' ' -W."0. H. w are afflicted and tbt more wt thin ever I h matter, tbe more thoMuglily are wa ctnvinred that Iher ia but en tafe. ture, and eOectuat way only, and that rtpwluUiu. . "i . .. Tim ' tayt that the public debt cannet b paid withuat baokruptiag tba people. The) la emphatically true. An w tbink it queatiiiaable, whether tb atini property of lb tut aad aeopb) wejili b ttifficWat to aettle. the ut- al ending claim againat thata, war they itireef luto eanKraptey to-uxrro. ,Tlk SoVTaiat) - tirraooiirt Cacana. An interaating article hi regard to tbt BapiHt churek baviog eppveree: la the papera, la counectUa with the notice-of the annroeonnif Hapttel (Jonventlon. It I thought that th fnilowlnir aotet in re gard to tb larg Metbodiat fraternity woulf D equally tntertainlaa ratb pot- With tbt Metbodittt. ae with tht Ban tiatt, a te pa ration occurred ST yean tun, oa. th tubjreC of elaverji Tbe tunncst legiaotura oooy ot toe Bouttierq enurub the General Coufervon, meet auadren nially. Tilt :, multiplied Intertat atd ptmdarout mtcbioary ef tb ehnroh reo oer me teaaiana o( nut poay very (imif tney cosunutng about a monto.-1 J bta. together with tb large aucaber that oomneia tb confureoce, preclnd Ik t.p)h we ajaa, I nana bav ti of. antertsiaiDff tbeta ia ear ch trial ne ialaad ci.y. Tbara art few placet m tbt Baaternetop that - ar lane eaocglr -to- entertaiB it witnout unJiie tacnooa. Tht total Dumber of Metbodiat comma. atunieantw la tb United State m about I,7t0,C3O. Th number la the toulbern braaeb fat about TIT BOO: to which. 1f alde4 to other branohet of Mothodltla In tbt toullu ra atatea. w bav probable aver a mituoa. . . i t Counting different aocietiet ia North Carolina, thera ana betwea 400.UUO tod 121,900; tbt It. a Coafereoco ( tlut H. E. Churcb South eloot numbering M.AOtt. Tberar. ar probably li.000 travellntf aad betwara 15 000 aad 80.000 local Metbodiat aiiaiatera ia tb United btaUa Snthraeina the mioitat ta tb varunit depar mania of tbechur. b.tbe aggregate umber of Metbodiat, commutiKant ta th world may ba put deer at t vOO.OOO. Altoainr. a ueual, fiv to one, Wa bar 20,000,000 Metbodiat aopulatioa Oath giuua ivcwa ... . ............ . A Crrt or Ttrtturir mi Taoia.B In. aaaiTAKT DxirraoTap Tut Killid ixb Wufkocn. 04 January ISib aa aarib- uaKe aamyr tk city of Rchamaeba, uaaut. Aceorilme to the official report. one hundred and t 'Kb teen pertain were ttiiea tttq lorry tour wg UiaeJ. bat til tbt Ubabitant wera left without abetter. Scbemaeba bt, or rather Wat, a city uf tS.. 000 ishabitiuii. and "lie ba tht road be. twee Tiflie and Baku, at the foot of th Cauua iaa .31 iuauln, about eeventy (va miiea aiuant tioin tht latter eity. bcli m ha ia ! ft abov tb Oaaniaa, and 1.1W abort tbe Black Sea, to J waa formerly tbe teat of govomujcot of tbe f'Mvii,c, which, however, on aroouot of the frequent arthjuake in tba mgUat, waa transferred, about. tea year auo, lb Baku, oa tbe Caspian Bet, Tb inhabi tant of ocbeuiitba ar nearly all Atfn- ciaaa. ... 11 v .: ' "aataan ' .-., Tht revival at LawKoca, Kantae. ia aiilli pr!rrea. Druakarda, biuJtla, and pioleauuual gambler ar atnnng ttie mi. ruemuJ convert!, cnurru or'Pnll in the city w,i!l hold the rroutl abitb Sick to I he Buxsiiug. Kr.H ttt to eevcu hu drcJ pcoplu attend tbe luorniti pruvit uittlit? .. Ibe city a as sever bail i tSUCl) Utl-4 Kliuutl. . CANDID ATKB u PUTrOnitlk Juat new and it b) a aotkwabl aign ia tha political firmament th America neeui appear to be muck mora concerned Mnouf camiitiatee tnaa piatnirwt, partiea- bulyin eoeaeetioa with tbe preaiiimttal electioa ' Of ' laTt.5 AmoBg"" the eaaae wbirb bav coqUrrbqUMl to diinjuiah tb ropier . revereooa for " platlprui. twd tvricbii-lly operated, via,, the ebaracter or Bany ot tn paaUorm . aratdi aave been 'put forth, .t wuia hv proved noihpig muni man mere nuuanw ol piat ituilat aad K lit taring ' e,aealUia, aad teenailly, tU facility with wbkh, in tb hotrrjot (ucceam, th prnmtat; et nreM or impilwl, tn theae maulltwtoea or party faithiaad polh-y bav bee da-gotten or durecardea. lufurtunately for the hoa- y pt Tinr petitira, it ia getting mora and por te be.underetoad that platforoia, alter jail, ar only intesded for bainedinte and b-nipurery .elfeet : that thry ar a4 to aife h definition ar pledge of political faith aa tliey art political device me.t to catch votat eampalgo ' daewnenk", wbit after th election, aiay mean anise thing iir nothing, at oceasiua rjulre.- a aaa all tumtmnft vim tn tmt appnf.-otly we other wine, and. wha lt euliliient. " Dieaaurea, not men,', ar in It leta ajliiatattya, but owe eadurttve hina, priiicittka. hi nien," waa, lpacribed pa vrw party banner. Looking back, how ever, to thoae " good old tlmea, we great ly (ear that taarm wai aa muchrrfa iel Hoa r a ahara in tbt importance formerly attacked In pirty profeaaiona of faith a therei ia mw in the profeattona theioaelviw. Tranlla'ed pn tef tb politmal dtalact ta wuu't it belonged into homely vernacular Knglieb, tli tantimeat, "prfneipl, tot VtW flASCPSHiRE eiktw: ,IvWitig 'over the re' ante tram Kew lra, a publiabed ia tbe Mew Turk fraUac, p aa tka tht icpublkaa gain wvwotao !ir la jne annutacturltJg taarna. tut iaatneo. I ha rmw.rtn.1 r.ui i.. itcaa at lot are i'lO ta Itowor. .'jOO ia Ma eheatar, WO ia Naatiaa, U0 ia Ptwtamotita. (ay Yard. Ac.) Hwarrawth., AuO ; Ooaoird,S0; Kocbeater. 100. aad iraat- lr maaafaeaariag tanrna ia piwajuttaaa. -Of enjMte tb oaMwatiea trrva oaaroed thai year aver aad ahov ether yeanv By thia meat 1,000 ar t,5og gaia wa atad lor th repuhih-aa eaauidate tor governor Straw ipfiutndnt ofthe Maacbta terMiHa 1 ht tad of fraad ia tb at of b tbaa told ia atpacial lebjgraia t be World. " I a nri vT Terra- aaiaKat. Tbie eoti catt it aanrecailaatedlt tarua. a wan eiperw-d would be the caa, but aretnj fa.foraaatiaei already neeiveel, it ia certain that lb fraudulent vote eaat by me laaw-aap rar araaarqa an radical ma jority. Mot baa ttiaa aa handnd fraad- alentirotea aare eaat ta this citv. whila nve tbaa dm Lie that number aiuit bare bean j eaat ia JaUBebnMrr aad Ja other placet ia panportioa... Bribery wa openly naorted to, aad voter wera boairbt like caul ia the market. At tome of the o- Ung pla in thia city greenback ciroo Uted at frerlv at bath Ha, Conidrina all tb Cireama'aoem, tb abratneracy ba mad a noble tVbt; and bar dooaevea bettat tbaa, coald bar beea naaaaably eiperted. They bava faoirht tba earn binrd power of tba Uraat admbnatretiua. th faciDC rallroart, and the maautactnr- intf iI.M.tiMa n "- ami aKaitetavao fearful ddt have well aigb I T,, trtumphaal -Oa . fair, free wot. Saw I VU mea.r too olten meant that th peraui dalaa for fitneator uualiflcatUme of candi orlic waa matter at minor import aara tb at it he praaarvatioa of th party u premacy- at ll haaardtand at any chat, ere at that or tbe election or men noto riouajy unfit or corrupt, but who: wtr ra puted "anund on th gnoee"! was th paramount cooaidarallon. i - ' ii We ra not tar that lh praaeat tamper of the American neopwt net ta improvement on au tma. 2 r nncrpi ts sot necessarily Inet tigbt of, becauae tha valu and iov aartatica of mta aa tha ambodimaat aad reprenaotative of principal are alao prop erly ncogniteL- Whatever ef truth then tt id th old tuaxlm it still appreciated, but With aa bnporunt cjualiaoatioa.- Ta eaa kt parallel te that of another geaar- tllty l wHHwhteB fVnatof Carpenter, W etutt th oiuer day upon tha r reach armt rtueatlon. aouiiht to Hop tb mouth and jiileoc tb argument of Senator Vcburt, Treating tb inveetigatioa pru- pomd by Bcnttor Sumner tt on calcula ted t raia a aueatioa bet tea" put own government and that of Germaae aa tnt Ocletity wit arnica tht Ooeatrv had Mtvtb abligatioa of aeulralifr rn4 to mattar Of tlMaUecad tela or srowa- ttiaot arm to French ajraota, tba Wiacoo- matartald Uiat the IrtM-ataxKa ia til turk eaac lor vy patriot wat ur eouna-y, tight or' wrong.' Mr.' Brbert oanpliy toraad the appllcatioa of tha mesial againat Mr. Carpenter, bv proapU lyaox-pung it, put wun tui " ourlriHinli-v riirht. it aha 1m Wong, ta be sat riabt" '.'" of tb uiasim. Iprjla-'iplateot men -provided tbmtab wan ay xponenttor tbt principle that prnnmS, Thittoaro t be 4b. a)rilt of public opinion and fceliue Itiat now. and baactj we Aad tbtt ariaater anlieHqd tbaa aaual ie felt upoa tbav tabltet of tuitable eanuwate tor to piwaiaeney. it tt e looee? a quaatina or fiodine a anao vtitb a tugtttv record ot Boa at ad, bat rt hr wdu iu man vdui irout nut rrcani. it tikel to eommaad Jb largest Bieatuis of pipuatr eonn iaoc. an4 so coacenimt upwjilmealf tb rreatatt aumber ef wa ti-rin and ascertain votes t It i o.noni;T th "larb boretT la tb political stab let laatai mouuteivto win tnenreaiden ia laaca, nut wno among in ptilillo nun of tu cou nuy, oy nat aaawa wagbt-aosl aov esty ejf character, aad hu approved reflord at piibiic aerrtnt,is beat fitted to units tbe tottard aad . tomewhat diaoardaat elemaBtt of oppeaitloo. Vpoa tpa answer t tha) qoeetioa it may be tafcly taid chiefly, tr aot tltoirethet. demwd tb chuaet of introducing a new regime nf aamitittrauv reforia ta March, 1?1 At yet tbt qimtina mait be treated aa Ua- solved. Tht nomination nf Jurt. fKvit !adf (auvemer Parker, at Calumbua, Ohio, J oy tn atu on at unor reform, convaottoa. cava only b regarded a ktentative in th way m aa nwer,asd absolutely without political elgaiflceect anleaauktn up and tniiiiraad by aunuof tbaOKtra bnp-taot poUtitalavwaaltattoaa rombiaauniot sue country. ilu It eHia. - " Timfcaar to Faaabves. A ceuUemtA ied rtctutly in Backiagbaia oouaty, Va, ho diwaed, at th urradur of Uan. Lea. twenty-two alarea. .. Twelve of them left bim, but th other Fro "rthvtincd with and worked for him nntit the darj.sX bit dialh, taking fvt tbeir rvioeai yiA aa much as be cbo.-e to give toua. - At hit death, tb show. hit epnreciatioa' of tti.r ' wii:e n I tistu'ui'h-, be g.ive l!u'ii bis Tunu, ua wbtcu tuey in 4c ww--. in; lably.J'ftM.-iifrt ()) la.n':. UainsMbire it deuuieretie lo day by 1,000 maj.aity, tea altbooga the deeaoeracy are (fiaappoimed atsit indignant, they hay no retain to o UeapneiUal . t . ng a aw 1 11 i 1 ' lIOWLi pll..JC tUDnV XIOWLJ w ' WIkb Bucbanaa, the thff'lf of Jacktow county, waa arretted aa a defaulu-r, ander an act of the pnaeot general aatembly, th mnioal pram ami sen terribly over Hia ruin -that democratic omc-boidet war briirinaf upoa tbe country, aid partanilafttv lubilaot over this difal cation, B-ittK each phrase 'caught In their own trap. Act but Bow llitfjuswe Bumner, Ut radical tberiff of Ibis nty, aad who was their cantbdate tor the aame offlce at tba laat election, baa decamped, having givea ot t pteaant twin sue -sup, wno naa ar ret U a , Mm no numkef or bail war- rant and wlilu, out of th iroeduiaM ef nit noarx, aaa aiiuwaa uiui ta go te au boui ander the aromiaa of returning, : we ray mat tn arnreaain Jeaata hat p ft ut for " parti anknowa," with ajuilgecuamt liar aaarly twe sfaoataadtV b bars airaiuat bim and bit sureuee for a. 4 settling with the ttate for Usee collect ed In) 1M6H, and wrtta a tun Beading m tliit tounty againat hha for failar to tet- II lite Cuunty Isle we hear But a word inimj our radtcat -aadiengtw atxiat. It. Pmni tb Jeaartb of aums maa's lacus we occsaloBallr see o oar streets, tad whoa tith . in Jewik'i himesty snd devotion to radicalism caused them to Sinn a certain dnctttiem known aa "thertrs bond," a tr al to believ that his departure hat been the rtaust of some r tt among tl.e fuitbfui.e laarn at tlow f kaldia o," oar wnn tne uitconsolstrs above reh-rred W III It " the Wl.r WIH soma brotltr " rait tin eAaavr iabtalas Cifs ' - y .1 ' atel,.. i . ii i n i CatrrLa.r PatLsereronrr-i-JThe treatment of the hnys at the Perkint lor stimdoa fur th Blind ia Bottea bat re- Ciitl attracted atiauitiua btUiatcity. U staled I hat th worthy upetiataadt of th inntitatioa ba tsas m to habit uf plunging the hovt every morning, at anon ae tbty get Hp, into an, fee cold "bath. Pbysk'iana have protested, but the tupet- iuteufiant Wns sure he knew all about It, ad that to bay were all the tiettar f it. Meantime torn boy, raa away, other cried i all night in aaiicipatioa ef th morning t ordeaL . One boy hung himsalt Tb voy begired tb trustees to cbange tbe system. But tba old obaUaat at tba bead) of aflairt had bkt owa way, aad every! morning the poor little aigliUea creatirea were torrarM tn carry out a theory. - Tb tupariotaadeat nver tank tbeaei batba, aor did tbe teaefaere, axeept yeaaioea. Finally the mother of a bliudj boy rebelled. ; Bhe went to tb pa pete and the went to tb Irglalalur, and atn mad it altogutbat to hot for th utrtiariaa ot toe iuasitatina., Mow they nvrtz f otes. If I mistake not. my last commonine tioe wa coaetudod atcitavdea C. U., fiom which point it at only four aulea to Bltaa- btk l J H ',ut4na;eontyr I here la aa lodire at this alaeeyfcmt the bratliran an suakiug arrangement to obti.a a die- IRWwaKi inn an., uaaao aaawj Awnahiog bt tbtt eoastv, aad va aaw there are laid ta be M aoa-affiliatrd mean a,' whoa asmsi bava aot paeatad b aa grand ledge p-oosed i r g .. because taera wat iwige to tafce un.tic.nm over th terr.tory. i There oubt eertala'y to b god material in Elizubetb City to form and keep up a lodge and chapter ton', lor i tuppoa a piece of tM earn sue la tb ate ia bow ia a mote growing and pruaperoo enedltioa. Lartre ejaantitie uf timber, lumber and ahingle ar an- aually shipped from this point, hy Berth ra capitalists who bv aettled bera ainoa-l th war. aaa pat ap exlatxara taw mint, kick Ha f trade alone aflorda employ. Mot to many of the citiaene, and gives impetae ta another boalneaa. Tbe equesc tt, hlrg aorssajim an made to tha popuiaiioo aaa material resources ot the to a. which aent aambeee ever three tbetatnad Inbabitaott, aad if It eouttaaaa to edvaoot ia the tarn ratio, thai it baa doaa durwis; tbt taet five years, it toua be one of tbe nauat bnpertaat depou fw trade U tbe atata. . 1 here ie daily maamatMB witb- Jterfblk by atearo, boat, and traatportatioa being cheap, th plao maataoarisav.! I oely turns i aad one night ia patting through, aad beace bad very little opportunity of eaavaating for tbe Temple, ima btutker atarted a list by Uklag 1100 worth ef stock, aad th wool trr was Mt la the Band ot ura. error the arepeted taaator af tbehsdae C. D., wao proesisra is ta hi si eouio in w era4ng tbe list, aad t have Bo doubt bat that mack will evautually be accompliabv ed la Kiiaabetfe mty. a ie aaa, nmbi mm. . v.,i of tikteea miles, I reached Hertford, in I rerqnimaa ooonxyr woera Linuaoa tnog ia waitisavTbebeetbrea turned out wall aad gave as a good aubscriptioa, forth size at the lodxe) amoontiag to aooo. This will k doubtleat mnteJy iacreaaed aaday the management of tbe afflciawt lo cal ageat, 'brother T. O. Bkianer, who promiaed aot aaly te finish up What I bad to leave andoe, bat to vitit a lodg in iwuhborbood, which I bad enwit- riaily left out fat making my appoint- menta, etplai our plana and give the brethrea aa opportunity of taking Mock hi this important enterprise. -, I shall bav to visit Siieatoa aad Ply- mv uth again sometiuie, a my Botice to both the places failed to reach the prop er otBrt sena anugh to have tbe lodge called together. Mo eaavaating Wat don la either plaae, though my mission was explained lo t few of tbe brethrea, who rortltaed ta Work for the temple. I be lieve oae wlNorlptiow of 30 wat taken at Plymoatb, bat something mora will au rely b done at each of the pointa. Ply- atoutb tliowtaigiia of distisaaand auffering trum-tb aiticta -aaSlbe ate hUt bae aot yt Ncoverd,and but Dttle it dobijjltl h way af new building. Tb old custom hiBi4ietill tfaading, andahnwtevideaot of hard fighting in i t neighborhood, from th Isrge boles In h ayajkj. made by caa Boe. I balU, thrown bv . both Feder- elt aud Confederates, et .djffensnt plsc.b) Ihluglea, savirsl millions bulug x prtd annually. ' The fishing intirvat u alto oaiMderable aad brings much awaoy to thia people. Thouaauila ot tread birring am new being datiy ship ped by eteemer ta Franklin Depot an th Hiacg water rtvtr, to th northern matkuta, the r main run " aa tt u called, baa not vet atntimenced, and if any of onr higii. lander wiah to see tbe flitnaT operatioir la llima regiis, they should not go down until afti-r the firm of April.' ben the t-aaii may be Mid I be fairly open. Tb (Islicrliw in tbe Sound region of North Ciroiua bring untold tbouaanda of dol lars t this paupl, and a good fiahery, I pr an, it lar mora valuabl lb an a Orst- cbus eottow plantation. rrwa ritmoath I went to Windsor. ui eoaaty-eeat or Herti couatv. A small steamer earned Kolula plies tht time week between these two places. This boat it antirely too small f .r tbe trade oa tht line, beinu only 40 feet lonir aad U toot burthen. Th owner, Mesara. Askew, are, I uaderatand, making prep- nont to buuq a larva B which they txpeat to finish and bare on tbe route I lo a fc-w mantbs. There it a sood lodirt at Windsor aad tbe officers ar endeavor ing te become proecicat ia the Wotk. Tbe tubscriptioa taken here wa Bot to lanre ping. - WJliiamston ia a pmaJI village, CHiAIff fv nwitdtmng not or r.woa inuaotiaota. i i ; COCKTT. ru" OaMUe.themkd.r- p4 Tb. m U the tvea Plv Ttt Im1k 1 fl"flalilncflodiuoa. aid ib eiembert are aiten'ivato their 4a Re s Matpnv A coadililmaA tubw rip tio wa made , to Ilia Tevupi stock, but I will aot eama the amount until I hear difluitely from the, bretbroa. It steer btintliat tomethicg aid be doo,but how much rtnnot be decided on until tb text niiular meeting. Do your beat, j mason uf Williamatoa.' that bkewarkey Lodge may aot be behind tbwrast ia good deed, i tax toiaeppnrtanity toexpftBa mv bearti'clt eratilud to the brethren- fur kind favor received, and especially to brother Uatloa tor y tluable atteBtloo at Hamilton, whan, I wa sick and Beetled the kind office of tme friend. Leaving WUIUmston on wheels, I arrived et Ham ilton af er a pleasant driv of about boar, to find that no Lodir had been oaileil, owi-ig to the fact, aa th Master in formed me, that the. mcmen were s acattered that it waa deemed Ira pi ibl to ouflect enough to transact butiaem, aad j had to leave ti a wl.e e business in tb hand of Ibe local agent who may bring tb alj'-ct ap at the next meeting. TI tarmt oa tb rend, frnw Willis mstoa to Hamilton show aiirns of thrift en the part af the fanners if I may ju lge from th large ueap mt campoti i aaw at w acuta Eitet.iv preparation are being made ft a large cot t n crop, which la th main depedeooe af thia people. Tbe real denct along, this road tr generally bertef thaa) ia meat aectioos, aad ex hibitl evideaeea of former wealth and prosperity. Martin i , doubthaa ana of th wealthiest couotiee bt tbe state, tad with -aa hnprevedsyitem af labor and lb proper pplietioB of tbe rich marl I the- sail, mutt bexome oa of tb moat important entton-growiug teeUont. To Dr. Watt,of Hamtltjin, I return thank lor kind attentions, which will king be remetihered, with gratitude, from this point f Journeyed the twit day to Scot land Neck, in Halifax county, wher I met tin young aad flourishing ledge est Saturday the Mb ult Although suffering much; ia body, I explained briefly our plans and offered to the brethren aa op portunity of exhibiting their favefijriMt aenrt bv euhecribinir to the Temp! stock. aad must liberally did tbey reap.d. Ia a tew miaute $1,050 worth wsaukeo.and I do Iwiiev till amount will b very largeiy inm-aned by membet who were absent oa thb) dccairiua, who need only to hsve th plan explained, to reap tad also, a did tlmir teltow-memltert. In a few yean thii Will be one o tba mutt tuhatantiai Lodges in the atata. - It It located in one of, the finest aretinet through which I have yet traveled tn thit state. There wa pun h weal h her before tbe war, nnd, 'froia appearances, tiuiea are nearly taof yore." The dwelling r superb. and bok more like eity oanaOnt tbaa country reaidcuce. This is a people of cul DTsttun. id tiigii nriier, and I came to this exact usum from ih last exhibi ted in the ananirt-mtnt of tbi-ir ysrda and gardena, and the lienntifut cbfch whore they worship. Thechurcn.yard H taste fully arranged, by tbe design and dirc- fioav oTbat coiimiiieuf Mft Cheshire, whom akill In thia dt-part- tiniea, Th priucipaj trad I. of thit Pf"j J fee in many church yard Inn. at PWruooth ia thit branch ,fT trad. I r,n il a. ta. btrkea. bMrfer tor eaeh thi i.a.riv l lata ev Um foUowiaa- earned per- amis, tor lie Uaaedae Ihersoa forthejaan taev 9mi?. rslttr- -.' aevmaoaB tewwair. ,,VJ 2. T. Avast, .,. ie-iar-aawJ r-M loans; H iUl, r a ' :'- I 1 - . t M A- Dh-fcaua. , qairsHull,, W Mtv ,.sv,a aav rowasaiav--.;. Heirs of DBraarfeU... ,t . W .. ' ' B On ft eaaxi tearwiarr. . JVM soaeaow, Llttirtoa Vsagha, Mat Wsrrsa . ., . e-oha Wutslaw.'S twA ' h babb' eaaag Tewatalr. ae S te a vi 4 41, e 1 to I W H Blah. Aom'r. JestahwklUey, " N 1 Whitley. .2 Elcaard TerreB,, v,ft, .. - m.- " j lawucas a towaaair. allea Bowlana, .V,r .. ' W ' jameenaa, '" ;u f Jk. tluMid - '"' ' It " UUa Ray, .vAt V. Jk f- . - . fcl i t ota aov vowssa e. Tfiimlth. :, It :ti et. tutTamW TowatBtr. vn Ethaitdaw. W ' stra L L an W L BaaoAera, bTi -ISC saean ymsnir. at 41 . 4 tt Tho V Aetata, William ' bsvta, : ?olnda Adaaaa, UM.onaa, William Madlm, fiaorgaTCoeA, 3 r-wtj WaHeV Debnam, Mrs sf A HUM, Thomas Veerguv 11 .11 'k'I -V Ml I I U ' 1 40 n HU tAK IS 9 ti IT John Itshs, m to t.4-rea g aaiama Towvaanr 1W - s h aartlot ht pan rot ini .m partlotlte M seres un & . . I, uo It Ralph Aadr, " v amtaat,' W fl grown, J Bryan, 4 Oagwell, Queut B tubes, baniol CVaaay, Pa'aakl ' owpers, " port W JH Laer B gvaas, part kit Si I) II Kdwaros, , , -V T K rauirem, John Viang, - '' " ISTtt, Lewis Ford, Mrs t al aghar, W J 4ant, de do 180, J H Oreen. . York t,aaton, ' a Msuum Hnntar, m m 4 83 07 M T tt H sere, . S lu lieary nailer,- i Waahlrsrtoa'HaM, lieary i Huxhee, WfW, V arret 11 41 i" pertlotM part lot 41 tr W fc-tum e arm acre to to I W vert lot a - OT .... i . . tt iH 110 arm s yt part lot at HI OT H see t aa 4 do do aat Jamet H Hataewt, and. jWC g4lduu in dilfjrcutsectioiM 4 the stole. - . ' - - The trade of thit pf ace it very coosid- ab!e,aad notliiug but railroad fauilitie ar wanting to make it an iruiortaut bua- UU-9S centre. ' To tn Masons ot Ho. ea, 1 say, go ou, bi ihren, in your noble work , in dissarainating tbe pnuuiplee ol our aa ciaut; ami hoaurabla . throuirhoiit , . , 1 , - . I aiuee n your oeaowut neignoornooa. ler ins- T Jwrk If xau, per ace, lortltudfl, prudence and justir rjeetj' f M raa, be your cardinal virtue, to direct aud ssnsl C r govern in all your acta, and my word for Jii"? w1 it, your mdge to lately started, will prova wm U Parker, a power itir goout wno win oeirresiau-1 wm rone, bit. -Manv thiinka ar dua and herebv I Geo K Parry, tendered te all tha brethren for their kind- Charlwi J Proctor, new to me when eick, bat (specially to brother Penner, more familiarly known aa th fat secretary who had all the troub: with th : . AGENT. do io W U flarrlaoa, , lMiioa Hlntua, ' W D Baywood, Wrs W D Haywood, W HHarrla, Koala liatvsssy Iteury Jouea. -l.nry E JankiBS, . Martat euiiy, " - liarrlsoa JuuaaOa, . do s inn, , ; W H Jonea for McCUutov,. . WDaonft, F.lvla Killian, . . do i do 1H70, - 4 H Kirkbara. Mtrhael Kelly, . Jacob Karrsr, ' 1 part tot lixalwta Lasaitar. . It 6 Lewis, do so for law, W H Matthews. ; WH Moavan, - - " . S' W h Moraaa. 4 James 1) Mo-xaa .. : i f t I aers part lot 67 63 -yarns 9V W sera 1 ! -Brt hit - f -l . l- acre 4 eo part tot OThal 11 a t .. a. ,. ... g , T i 9 7 II acres It or, U aen 111 ikl aera it . Ml OK tu .xres J3 4 tt ,! luO ' pert let a 30 71 l II x 48 tU im an i iu v 1 1 t I OH M13CELLAKEOCS. - ns VaLCOl'BT WllTZ S tliHHTI, aT7 WOSDEKFUt bCCC'EM! " l HE uRKAT Liern ldrertlnlaf Aztirt t-r 4 YAL00C8T wljLII ' leotto Oi,', RirauoMD, i tie' I Biiparal eled rndneeiucn1 Beat men ortnenoatn let lneiedtbly low rates. ! ao rirat class rsprra. Ust the I!. - r .. i, III .1 . 1 s ao r ira riaaa rapera. fit t A-Th'argst ancalsUcna saIkaiMra m Pi ulltada ta tllla all L- Oaa laca apae la W papers, ,b iuiiZ' '! bmt wsarte, lortlaA, rlvtae'to ia. , Leitl1 . eeutmnioneia weeaue. aaa 44 1 aUu. f ytaklns; VitUvrUomJor tv. HfW aimimwmkt m mm fwbra at taeasi luaaat Al stHWb ar Agency saasrv 1 at, we have aamiwr iti toe Maoa skarchsiwa uf k w .. . .1 .. 1 . . 1. n .1.. II.... 1 " e-' " ""a nroa 4: L.Hadwav, Man. Veliwinai Kkkatoa' i8e xberlottessUI.- WJea Milt, uT auweB eaewr, pviaawi, SIsrWUa Lack ' i Jar tlhi.. T'"lt K-y kss eatated anlr alnca'X a arnua o r patron, a lU'W BMirehaiu. ,.f L:.. Jmi.eoiie:, dilator M , Ce tMOawra. JS assay athsvav ' '-- - . . rVi Ait-Vim iWa-r,--Arletl-,-t ,t , Srlmiytewwawawaaawr. wTiV'. UiUa at or write for asUmtte. Ts wiuT cost foe aoTUMe, waa at ya destda an w sdrfrtts Ibivuith ua, . Uit aa estlmaie- nuai ut..tnd bkbl t, f a you resit. Ado. . . . . . 1 am laMWUar A W1LT7. axarl m-a.) j t .UMimg.q. y OA LA OK VALt'lBLK AISTIKUb; -UL4 I ' MV V I, I..I n- - M. ia aeraraev. taaota at aoni i.ii u . realdeBea f the kue J udgi g. M. eaun,ra J will O latarday, tha fith mt April attt, at I w VI late euejeiaaat w ie. sauna at auction aaaaj vary valuabl. i L1L AMD OTJllfB PAINTlStiA-Y ' hylhdold Msslara, taeladlng a Baaaitcrat pVturaot1K(f,n , ji . ... . . TUlJ ANSCNCIATIOM, TBg XVUiW.t J : rwrwiR-pticita, ac. -t.-'-A Sf any kf these paiatlnirs are orlxbula. if Altd at the Mine time aod ptiea. atiluU.a. IILVBB AND PLATUB WAEf. . Alsej a splendid '" ' - slftat ltw'ctooB. A. M. . Taraaa LiL. ' ' sradiL Inters-1 from da's. I . ttr r. baitlk, Adm'r s-r "r-.-n -tAis:.j k By virtue of orders aud In th aparlal pro eeedliw now pimdlutf In tbe 8uR-rlor Court of Wake fceantj enUUad, tieeeve ti. U4tKaa and o hereto UM Coarti Ueonre U. LeaaeaeS .. ... et iera-inlnat t'nl a. Jt. touges snd 01k r; ' -t aa I Jahn W, fat and atlwrs to Uie Oart) . vm uit(;' ptni'i. .o.omioa pomintMioner tvr lust 4irvose tn Aid orders, will, oa CatorJ y the 4 k day mi My next seU at tn. crt- , Hous doof lb the e ty 0 Ralehrh, the fullo. it.'detrrilied pral esMie4 1st. , ltie lot now oot upled hy K. B, andravt Co 1 situate ou the eastern able of mtt.. ' vUte street' betnc uart or lot Ho. Ian in 11.. '. 1 plan of aatd rtiy. ihia lot liae a trout of '"' tweuty two feet rm FaTetievt): threet -ai runa ha.'k to W.lniinr on HtreeL . a - - - -ujvhii wo iuw, r, f SB-- ea'Jknuwaas tt Wrauaman tut. stkurum. afarJof ihe aaid loi .No l.ti; fjoniiuK iwee- ' ry twi aiai four Incuee am Fayeilevllle Hie at , . and riinnbiir bu-k one hundrwl and seveutv 11I .Is, houn.led ,11a th.ouUi a tk A W. ut at. 1 1 sic f. st. . J tea now owned hy acres it to pari tot Jt Sfe IX teres 18 on vr. Maceeal't 41 t ; i Ulaoieall ttf Hf s r" iSi parthAei .A acre a rr X " 4 tat X " IK TIHI UKITBB 8TATKU OF AMERICA, L South Carolina Ulatrict. Fourth Circuit The Lnited elites vs. J110. Frsaer A Co.. James Bobb and C. X. Lowndes, Trustees, In Aquity, Bams va aame, auppisaaaniai biu. LOWNDES A GftlMBAl ACCT10NISR8. FnrBUmrif in tVt erAr nf flim ". It Ftw cf tt L oltwl ntatet, tnsde In h .bore lUted oaiua tl.aa aatill J 1 t .ina.ll.. pduato tbe water, but they dock tb J hoUcipatod. having Wd that '"l "e city of harlartonVat the Eaat end bova iw he tine the sill nr BO Thia ia I o : r . ... lot Broad atreeL a tlia iWoiul Hia.u phllaitfirop, ef ti sWpubawy Sort.- Z -u tTT.7.J.k.TTA3 tfW ?' Vi. aommenclag at U W H.ywoof smutch VI t l- II .L I.. . . ' . . , ., . 1 ' - - UalUmttr Bum, Utl WE TO BE KNIGHTED BY TOX B.OTT, iaxa'U aad mlidatsrs of graaa d-ead it!" 'We alluded veaterdev tn Ilia netenMivini atlltmle of thi Memobls .A-i-asl which gnmiflyfferi to rojureaate, relnrlgofat ana miavatt tb state or Virginia with a large khara af tbtt political, faaaclaj and inttlllctual authority which once nude thia cjnmmooweaith promiueat among th W T sWers; gui Marv Nlurs. I B dams, Brittoa deirrs, . Bldnry Buiuaer,. II M iupper, I tKlknmpaoa, -ben. Turner, Mrs L A Vsacaa, Minor Wusos, . do for 1B7U. : de " 1W0, W u WUIIama, Geo WaahiBKtoa, Wealmr Youna. H Young, ao lor 1B, Charlea Youag, - u 1 uooaa, ouUl ii tlia.w. P Pialrt . ,' ;-.J( the teatera ua efhertr Ri-kiirti, ndJ.4iiiiiK 'tlie lanilaof Julia Moa, . nj Man bo-d aaA ut a,, and eoeialuiiat about one Uiird 01 una ac a, aud now In b poaiea- ah.n J ' anna anw i - ' A s 4th. A lot adjoinh'g. lite lot tart desrrihsAA and bounded bj it anj ih- hthds 01 ... ill ta and Joha Mom, sou atukar UkhiI k ba f ia I one acre, and now pi Lb uiiatui 1 a of i .enry Jon.Sf , '' - ftik A parcel of 'sr.d .lloete near th.- eltr of Balaigh uu tlic llobemaa lUwd, av').4"ii'x II a iaii 111 4. . n siaon, loinicnr wthd bv n.h.' A parcoi or Un 1 altutta lu the manly ut Wt- about nine mlioa from KaM1.l1. ua " ibs old Hillflx.rom-b n td, b.lui; the land devbml by W 1 kua Holkiway, d. c'd, to Uie rhlldrm f bis son Tbonisa Hollo ay, and deaigiwted as lot tin. t inarnprtffl dvtothe Hu)ieibir Lonrt of Wake County by Cnm- Altr.d Psttsrsoa, S 4 ay I 1h , w w llilam Holloway ta a areek- onnRsy, . e-.- laera hab lT 41.1 inat-erulne entitled Barak Lea and othara ww. ri' airalnev Aililtm D Jlolloaay V tart lot llS part kit m ' pari tot M pert kit 4 part let ia H ' - ' 1 1MB (hft uiVk,M A,.w .k.. -- I . ... . .T ' " v s-swrnaavtSBil w buvjaaiuv, I . . . . ....... well ol But tba- citixena told me TTT 0'.',D . I k..l i .i.i.r. 1 .u.7.1... ...iTI ww "rnsrv, mad by T. U. Waener', VI1M IIICI inMK 1 Mil W I TlMki.. In ,1.. 1 i ..1 A the border, had suffered more tbaa their 1 Tnu4wa on the following terrua : One-third ' wnKnuma, n wa court weta Bern, and la apiteof th snow ttorre. a modi num ber of citizen wera ia attendance, trj) very one sorts sd busily mrired at some thing, I notioad several tobacco wagan irom j wranvill and other coubtiea, and each bae had Cuatomera in abundance. Chewing tobacoa of variput grades sold ttate f thit Union, and bav her beool . v .ou. Krauw aoio e.ptteatof tru. aobilitv O . r I ,'7'.u ' my wrpnss many begroea 1" MTl I .... ' cask ; balance la one and two year aecured ruy von. wane mteeeat wn morufajre at propsrty aud aafrnmeat of folic , ol lutar- ence. rarcuaaerf to pay for papers and ravt- among tb bov ia trie following . , BEAL I8TATI IS MOOIU COCNTT, M. C. t COAL FIELD LANDS. N M Berwood. Jan. bulllBira, nimaniei vaaa, do do foe 1871, Jama Cooper, for IST0, Henry Jstkaoo, Kalelgh, Louisa Perry, " i " Ity 1HTB WUao Cftpelud. '70 aad f tt ' ' for tun " Jaektea Alttoa I r 1870, Wt) beg leave with respectful mnhasis wnark you I wt do tw aay with indig- PBPAttnUlse rriataoalad. reatnmd by Tom W protaat uaiott a" asJsmtA of nouupy- wbicb ar to Com Irom tins sou ret. W tpora -tbe inipatatsoa that might be seaa Walking wfl witk sersval pouoda of tha weed for home at. Thev all seemed to have a" tittle spare chanire. All thit lot, place or parrel of lead alta ta. Iyis( and twin; a both stdee of Derb Hirer rrin7iuiadJ Kow 1.&uobo U "oard iT-!i.t ... . J tobaceo,' Ttur. w le much specula- tioa tfl horse and mulaa. I aw sum very (na, and am vary poor hoeaea. Tht Virgioiaca. b.'mdocrd frm th. JL Z T ' 1r,? '7r 7' of rg Wathiato. by. th. nolUl ?' thb- 1 M,, i T ta.-.. a we . .. . . e a ItSsH KaVV. UO nrilltmltl aMftlaw eVarxarWf Hema. torn pcost i-ero riryWIeis. ; I rito 7ZZyrr la Mor ' ooate, U. C , eoatalalag six kus- tttBilllH, I i d'ee apd Bftv acres more or leaa. dLA O. T. LOW WDM. t Mrs. Oooek, A. J. Dal by . Nathan Briigert Je ao BrowB, ' th a. nan err, Joe. T. barkalssvl T W BUka, N. M Brrae HUilarl blahoi WTL 170, lata, V- STS 4 3 isiacre 1 Ht W arrs TO 8 6.1 acrs a ii 12 bt ' 4 . u II i u en 44 - 1 T7 Hi WV Here a ' T Hi lUu aent 7 DSlacrFssa Id " ' X acre ttl part lotluu part lot 34 4 part tut U va ,t sera . 4 h " 4 4X . ... it a TI sere. 1 ov k ' 11 'ill 5 - 'A IU 19 IS 40 a V ac- t:M and otliw 1 iiear:r-rne third eaab, the n aidaetn tw equal, ibataiiaesit ratable kt one and two year hpeciiely ith Interest from data, e. eept lb tba case of the lot erst deat rlli.d, aa lu that the terms will a atad kaowa an laa day of bis. , t r J0HM GrtfcTNO. - Mtifh lt-t. - lomousaiuaen - Trust. 6&' Vaer, I U) 10 HI IU HI 1 13 1 ai i l 44 lou. w 9 M BHtt-ilHioatbd6t. : DRY GOODS, GROCERIES.. 2)ONEoTIC8! BLEACHIM3S l AatlelpsUng sa sdvaoca b)ln BAW maU- Nawiham Broorhton for Bun A Broarhuia, W.V. Cllfloe, 1 " ' rtni IItH rr- VloXO 0. Crooaa, - Jobarcsnyr, iJt , J. a. B.NCarmea, I llmry Daaatoa Wm. DavtA Marshal Bans ,Ker TAirWrKrfltWAW-lsawhswtpsliasl a hare W Kerr d.y. tber bmded . Akron, Pa, by SZJJLi Tlt pUc w oth railroad parV, o77 Jtt1!' IlITWAmV DUTT OI HI I n a . ' ' I meafaad tw femalaAd tttbe dtbot .ti. - . . - .. ' :. i lo ooiain buu Baor I left Wiudsnt for a ttoint an the Riua. ok called Boellerta Parrv. where I nki.i.. d a anatl canoe and wa taken d wn th river bmit lx milm to WUIiaajstoo. ia BtartiB county, to meet a lodge. Tbia trip h tbe fittle boat Waa rather novel. I o" very pieasan v I itaagtoa. In gcod weatlwr. Th day waa disagreeable. owing to a fresh, cold wind whi, h w.a blowihif. 'aad whenever a tmuv t tk. river I we turned, bringing th wind aba4 I tumrred with cold, but an tbt whole, the trip WMJnteatino- anrl t bmrned muck concerning, tb manner of ootaiaing timber iron the swamp and lowlatdt bordtring on tbe Roanoke river tt b) a vary deep and a bold stream, and but ht the euddca crook th Urge Mesmart might go taataral tail higher tbaa Hill's rrryi Lambcr men from tb north coat mmrm mwin t.u. tk. - i: i ' - winiinn- ia tn they er met by two men. evideotlv ol' tne aame parry. Aarnagea wert qoirkly proviaed, aad the party, with their bag- gaga 'mystariboaly moved for torn point iu vuenaiiry ia a tout n ward direct toe. They pnrn-d ta? be wnna from New York elty.tnd are. tngaged ba training tht two rwng wumoa lor a gaauiot pnx fight rot IL000 a aid, aad which will ah..nla tk tlaca. Tht women ar of aom for iga bationatlty, bariug arrived ia thit omiBtry al , aa , early age. They ar ia go8iti.-OBa bt tatea reduced from 00 t 171 poundt, tbe othsr from 189 to 1J poundA Their age ar raapectivaly Ainetsea and twenty-tw. ;,, j it -K, ' - j , , , . . -Dr. Prime, ia hi "TravaU la Jan.. " tayt : ! " Paeaiag thmugb a ttrset snd a mg torn Party or nttyi enppert hairise oa sa many nail it th rrout of a shop. th onoocr eota haa a hole in th. I IbOUired what the wars for. arl f".'' nf "f" proper told ibey wer placed tb.r by th tbop-1 Z "L? r"uf en the keep to mtv. time and tombta brfiT f?0. C"ln. they IS bau TJnWeaehnf Dasaestle. Aeasss-ex Blmehaai oaiiUe of tht most' i . . .i ... . . . populsr sag staadarl mskw, oa wkleh Wb csbrot CHDaasol..- treorirs F.elds, C irrsrrla MlebatlJ. Oreea feb.lMtt W. H. A K. S. TCCKIX A CO. Hanrah. Margsrvt Bayaeofi Has. k assail J. T, MsrrU, Joha L Uarrlaoa, Joha Ha a, . , , HaUKta Johwea, v Joha Jaasaa..-.. W H Jotiu. . it Jerdaa, mo. Lebarhe, A P Uimrbe A Co, TO Mania,- BIMoMly,- 4 Mrs H J sloshiy, J B Martin,' ' DC Murray. A J Fsrtln. J D rseram. 7 j TOV l M I W ; II -tiM t0 Ki 4 46 I to . n e 3 7 en I 9t err . V st I w Ml IU 34srre.haL 8a Part lot U T V- .it.. .!' lii,,,i.''OV i oo Xiir--lb9jJAsIriJO-jSniio5is.ABi... H Studwell Broth e r s, LrS11' r I,urfnr Street, IT o w York, i went g the call , nf tb mendicant vv pea on came slona ne aim lv took a eoppnr end passed en. never aliuaing ihe coaniy or ta .shopkeeper by taking w w. t ........... MtOT person wbe wear ret'ling cits team sorely ananyrd at tbe dithVolty ol keepitu them ia tbir proper poaiiloa ea tb bos. To all such it w ill be Interest ing to know that a rtaiog young optician h&aileviwd a very ineenioc exuedient by hich that end can ba arcomplisbed. ConsiiU ttmplymrubb rig tht bridweol tb niecaith bca aax. " , 1 The" Einiirea Kitiilieih 4 Auatri it dniviTiilij a,liuitl.-il to be Hit handaomeai riiii m a;l Luropc the ttroopty re- ia lb Auirnraa tvii of beauty, so are fidated out to tbe river, and formed into in mens rafts, ia which tmrfiibi. they are confined by ttrtmg bolts and t.i.m. uuiu a sumcicai quantity Is ob tained for shipment. Tbt raft k then made ready," takes ih tow by a steam tug and ported to all points north, va' ta far tt Maine. I confidently believe there can be found ao better timber of iw ciaaa m ine trorid tbaa tbe ab, pib, cyprem and juciper of jvsttera North ClarolinA. : 1 juoj, tliaut it is superior to that found ia tht ferests ol Maine, or this tiaflie would not be Bought for that market. meat larg B'lcks SMbouiht for almut S cants per aove foot, At ibi priie the Ion avers.-, 'about k.i 'h. This ssouJd seeui cheap for xikA valuable tree, but ahcu we take into consi.ieraiioa tbe txpeose of trauporta tioe, u U better to tell tt boat for tbt read; ch tbta UA ti i,k of ahip- aad A . JtVoofacturert BOOTS & Jobber of - do do feettm. Mirer X. Boeoe, Virgtl RU. . -N. C. R. koad, B.W.aWerk, " "t - -torK, Marx achloaa. t Mrs, a TtTtor Baaaa Wlllifor "r Jna. Wbttelaw, 8.1a A Whltelaw, I aarles ftrren tor IM Basil Msofj tor 1WV 7 inTu. 1871, SHOES, r w 4 a . ' . . I 00 i tr l w - L '4 -, III 1 - 'lb ' j. ... BV Al v . J 48 f " 144 - . -tx , i (I ' 1 4T , '-- : . I 08 .y i - -g - t - , 4 H no J !! ... . . t - 109 r - ' I 41 ' " !' nn ....... .i. wo5 w w f T. P. lt, ghtrlg. gALTKD WITH FIRB.' A NOVEL, BT H. M. LbOKAXQE, B. J, flALE A SON, Pi'BUsBius, K. T. x. j .- . Boon i Clots, 11 Mo. Paitx I1.0. 1 .'';! i- . ii ni . . . v . '. WV J '''. . , This is t book ot decided merit, tbe prod ua tloa of North Carolina lady. It Is mealing with aj rapid sale, and should be read by every I aatlvegealua, ' J l ' Portal at 1U Booh atom ot , llttf. t I r ALFRKD WILLIAMS. OtlCBt 1 bava ao!d mv Fdreatvllls Mautifnctnrlsg ptopvity and Paper Mtlit to the Ataua jiiuaaaMM'Mat ceatMwy neity i Vte' All dibu due in. for neper suit he paid to Ik viMittnt, or aaoattb. Parr Milla mstt U ' ' preaonto to that somiwsv for sestiajnent sad ' ? psvenenl.1 v .. -. .WllX'P. AtABW.-" "3" . asibjku, r.b.i i87.Hiu ' - - u-r7r ttteiwDera rone iw' wf-ka! sad ereieat . btMa isr pi.Trnt at ta office of tbe eoaipiny ea raiaoi m MIOira. 1000 Lb. Sides snj Haina. B,0)' do 'pur Lard; ' " - '. let gpHt KIW UTMSAL, 'ifOR. f BOXTfJlKXtTi TIUDE, hJ JQ-OTI01. r , Any rwiaon ranrtt aeUlng lienor wHhla three .mftss of m. rorast Fsper Mula. will ba mrastad aad paalaaed ta th ri aarteetef tha I . . . . . Hsre 4 compleU stosb ta U baas. UMlaili.e thclr popular Caajnia Iritt BtLH- Jlir rLQ-w now and Wcrvasa Ptratu. . Order.sonflaiartiafa.fc-ijtj.tiu.rJ tuarftca mrs. - a a , aViRMtall7ti;;,,-1,"W'; , marl-J-tf O. f. STKOWACfl A BRf"- romA' ' hwsTMSm i. K-vMOO K, Baleamsa. 10(1 BiLti SEWHAT.' mat U-tf G.I. BTAOHACJi A ttO. I llarwi onsllleA aa the ilh,l.k i IWeeii. tba kta Mr AimaH. Basadrra, I etrs asttre t , all erettltoea to Uie eeteM to make payment forthwith, aad lo all erediiors to praaeat Ihtlr cUimt to ,.. ,. .. I "t IF. MP P. BATTLE. fab .AvKiW, ' ' ; . ' . UCACB BROTniM-- :-,'Vnr-;- 0 roa Usi or 3V-:A TB PitOTCSTiXT tntracn. gritcoras- Jutl received la several styles of binding. -j, v - - . - ....... tn4 atprlcmfrom 40 eta. 113,00. , u for iak at tb Book file of .,.. mar, 19-lL fa- ALFRED WILLIAMA Tlielot of lend eru.t Inine alieut Irearre sltasisd oa ewoero and. fciVnion alne'S, la the Eaateta Ward of tlie city of fcUlru:, new eesa)4l by John Kay,! haa beea dnio.d uito eonvesieiA UiuwkiUi are for rtle. - In ria tuoullit, and Ibe oilier tli.rd in iwelv KuaillM. with tnlpni! fruit, da, of mi. A l ist of Ihe land, sk ii ided into kaa msy . he ecea st tlie tourt Hoote door, at tbe h.i ol Juim av, it at lueoihc of Xoore A bat Lai;, attUe-aoyeet law- ' . ' . Ln-niwUM.,.ultt UUo will be guaranteed, sad isnm diatr poaeeeatoB given. " . ' retains disiiii). to rurrise win epi-'i w AltaiucjsstbaW

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