v - -. "' . " ' r r-, - , . : . 17 S '' ,.....,,, - ., . i m T ' - IHno. Mnll Ji " r. II Mn. iHO.,il mjirwi-'illnr iri.l'll. II JIH III J nil .li. ii i.il ; -1- . -1 , a a . ; mujk i . iii r- . a a. , a JfiUlftmL Jf. EMM. JOBS trrUll luetiBt I Un UlUt. rVnaVWlv, on. jar a ' ii aualJii.'.. e , 7 - Kr-r'"- ----- aix nUit.t...tMsli'v. 9,7 , Tbe Slate CooTeutkw ft Jh, P rticVniOTaUv farty of North Caro ,lie wIlTmeet a6 GaBaBijBnr' - Wr, th FiBTdi pf MAI Dekgrfrt 1 th eoarentloj will Is fare, ' ! 'i Cocar Cwvawoit Tliw CoafTn tir and Dnmriit cMmb of , Wak eiMtDty wffl Wl twvwaiioa lthe court Items, to .llujTcft,' ofl fUlur day, April 13th, 187s, for th puipo. of trite ting deliilwttepMiilewtj tla apjiTOliin.r Btate Convention, at Cr.lW,od to form a toof Jierfoft orgwilutiiM fur theeomhig; cmpl. CI minute uf township committees ere ri quested to hold primary mcatiaga ia, their rmpmtivelowuiiiipa n4 KrltJCt JKWgt to at tend" tbi (count;) conVeutloB." ' CA'sa. Count E'ttutit CvautitU. qualification von bmcB.'1, Tli time to fast , tjnv Uing, wi tlie fjolilaboro ' Mceoer. wbea county couvaulioua ere to be Ueld end 1 cabdWatel fir, the veilou em eu to I l-u- ia nomination.? So thorough to our conviction that in iwpttieut e njyiln( cm remowi; implying tlic eootrrjr ' f Wc fcf c nnc- ' tMM'irgf4l ut ttowt Pi thtofoiat wit wtrmtb hU.h bu perhtpt imuic4 to mi frimito anolletl fur.' V But we tm o rvuoa to cbuiga tlwm. Tt cwdliifttot, a niattr cf wblch pwty, ihould be true i jjiltuu time to witcrato tfutb wbkli, iBorctlidn to othrt, Med W be workx) iutu tl fiMic wiod, fix :. that lulrgrit j KMild ba ktiJ a aaaratial ia crcry ro wbo aiiitf to bold jmlilic oificc that fcb nana ihotiM mmt b BMaUoul M I tauilidate without It. (Our ROiark art Uirectrd to both ptrltea, but nor aap ttmWj to tluw booeat tnea who bar act td with the radiral party and kava wit- nwd th high! ourraptbm' among tl niea whom they helped to plac in offlca. lfnia haa aot a9baat integrity aod boncctfwiniaoWdllalk of Mm aa a dt aubject tut criminal jtfiMtitutloa, but nercr a a tumufMi htoa to think f tba ataU Brians, buf nut of tb oflic within tb lft of lb peopbx , Wbofj aiy, f Ta wcll-fcunll uiic!im of It, U aueh qaaUacatiop that so gtti4t iaa . abouid rr Uiink of receiving th frtv . vt amy party for aay place. ' , ; .; w j ,-r. ' ' 1 1 11 K" I LIBERAL RBPVBLWAlt MOS . .-. MBfT i ' In a card whh-a appeal ia lb Salis bury HafinxJn a.lilrtutwd " to Uia people - ft North Caroita, Itaaiel K, aondloe and Ilvdi HoftM lrhr, rVuiai, arge all wbo concur with- them 4o aeet 1, Uifir acTeral coootlea .ami ''cosgTOetioBat di- trU't at aa early day, and appoint deie-j f-iU to tba " li.lveral republican Bltioan) f,nlin" wlii( h. Will aMembltt atClof ' ciunaU on lii TlrA 'dnf of Ttf.J netfc ; Thay alaa call npoa who ynipaUUa ftlilj the li'ieral republicaa tnoremeot to aioH at UrwotWo', MajT Uk, 18?S, fof conauW taliiin, wliru anil wb they will ba la telegraphic commuiik aiioa wUft IIhi CSo-' ciunati coareutloo. Iu Ihoir card tiy v ; a. n . - t "7 The ttme-ijmv4t ahe It Wul become aecesaary !r tlie people of Iho t'uitcd State to meet Ik convenliona for th purpoaa , of V hoinliiBii'r candidate for the ullirre of preeident hud vice preai--rtcnt wTh wnderine4 rrnblioaa, and fj-iendi of union aud liberty, irreapw tira tf race and color,, ar deeply impremed with tb opinion tbat th auininiatraUoa of Uearrai Orant ba aigaally failed hi tbe performance of it high duliea; tiiat it fau goveracd (ot tip? benefit of a party, aad a eection, and . not for the good uJ th whole ; that, the preeident baa Beg-ier-ted hia dutiea in tlie purauit of titeaenrav that he baa; iwactliiea nenutaam to an unprecedented- Wad odiona eitent ; tuai a -a received guia, wnica have . . biased hia judgment, aad which have canard bitn t -laka . ajune of tha worst uuji In the republic into hli canfi-.. Jk ; that under hi rule oltidai corrup tion haa bccnoM the order of tbe dav.aod integrity tbe execptioa ; that be ba ba com buna to tb lauiu and I tie crime of thoes who profc devotion to hi per- - aonal ambition, and closet hit ear to tb complaint of -tlj people; that it ha be come the policy or hi almioiatration, aud of hi japporttir In Cftiiffreaa to-no- preat invaatigationa into the conduct of bi aubordinatea, and aliield guilty peculator tioia eipoaure and puuiahmeut: that for baie partisan purpoara be end bia ftiendi have trampled on the riudil ef the aoutheta people, and alio it, a diapoattioa to degraile liiem'to tlie oon.litina of alavea ; that laa have been eaacU-d With liia approbation, Whirb violate ome of tbe BATtEUAT, flAJtCH M, WX sMr -; J" .. plainest and KfM racutlul guarmnten of . cititutional litfvrly ; that 111 writ Of A.ititu uruu im been denied and iwist- . d, and Uia triiU by jury taken away ; and tUat turoughont, he aad hi bieank kav di'playui a pui pone to turn tins ft deral ri puliNc into a tentnlirnl deapotiun. In liu b Hie latr are to be treated a coua tie, aud tbe pple m luUjwts. .:; V Fob Govveson j-A eorreap-mden at 1 GiTeni-Ixiro' Puti ut aaja : i ' the Greennxiro J'Jtfut aajra We e amine the namef mntioned for Governor J i U'c M.-rrunon, Jodfrt War ren, I -k . i an, flcn. S' ill. j. Cm., Leach, Jurvii, .!: r uf tlie ilouw of lleprera taiiffa, aii J oil-.. r all Hoe nu n, aiidril tuit'Pa considered", Jnde MernaaoB it the irmn for tin nr-ftion aiji Dt. ivrioui H B-li uhirf J-bti A. tiilwcr tut Lie) Irtrtli Cf-vern'r. en-l tf, atata will Mi - What ha tUWd:lL ,?J irhieh to amaaa the city t- ? Rum blM biHiwit . -t prinling; to the aarortit . lH w'" fuU aad the great 4wgot J fhe at iodga Moot for making any aoca aa reimblkaa deeiabm. ---srW Dr. cK,aa hi barl of director af tba Daaf aad Dumb Aaylom will whip klaaul. - Dr. Juhaana and bit boarn h aatic Aaylum whipped oat hal-tdd rxceltoacy. '.-(-; ; Jt A. Bledo and hie tarl die wt penitentiary wblppf M aUd; bat ant aotU a awr delu-iea negre wmm btbythgar.t. VirWiea orer ' lb1 gorera-riual hb j rut bair adiiareot " be coining aa cunmn eiulu-Ata. aa rogurry aauing -.. - .jjtrAMOvH ipso pgniir. ti caqKtbag" i".pf W.'5 thU atmte. haa berotufure reaJefeJ biouelf Jiooa, to dail autragiiaj , tba. i propriety of tide communi ty by biagromly immoral conduct, aad ha bow made him elf iufamoar by a wilful pnTeraJfrn of truth. We Informed our rradrn a 5W dagTlEitTig. Iiaal aiade fU ntri luoa hi bouka ia regard la tli mca amac ed la Orange aad other, CtmnUe for dUtilliog rejKing:a'I,arfer that bU de4ctia and Ilia troop accom panying them bd rwen'tredapoa aad otherwian awUted, and. wa ttated a, oo tba . authority ipf one of thenarti agaged in making til arUurea, that tbr waa no fiiuiidatlon whatever for paTry'a otriea.' TM t4 'la,' there waao naiataoca whatever, and Perry know It, aad he knew If, too, when ha fc.rwer.led th tolliwlag ihfrtrmafimi fe Waobingtoo, whbh wa tal ia tba Putrid of lb at c if : Vnder the date of tb 25lh hwtant; fluperviaor feryy, .rf North and-8..th Carolina, arrite Ui tb CirMiilaal.wer of In teraal Itovenue, that on Ue IWb Inatant th ofBuer of th revenue, atcompanM byawjuadof aoldiera, ill mnioud, toft ftatoigh and proceeded l a point In Orange cauniy, in atar. h ot an iili-it dit tillary taown to be ia operatbm there. TIm reault of the raid waa the capture aad Jeaimmtoeof eerea , alilto and Hituiar, moat uf WKkir-war -fnitaA flmaing ft. nieht,- ,000 gallooa of be, y,w $ !. ot toe; wiuea. 109 sallon of wbiaay, 0 Kaltooa at rirHWwIxmt baaketo ot , .m himI and BU btHra. & rive diatillera war arreatea, mree, whom are known ;dnireTou and duaperai men Heart avery . maa ar. retel restated aad tired apoa hta captor. TK-fiaiT-atriit to the -nmdaPriaui .t.-ii, dortne the -eimdilioB. and tn ot th olBcera, it to aaid,, wam the MawJ river, amid flimting lcf and rouglit over tli terry-boat, on wblch Ilia party crowed to get at the illicit operator. ,. :. U ; ttg Perry V a tt rrnenUUva oC.yia clam uf office holder tirant'. baa curled tli rfeath with. ic . N ' f. . i Caxowaxk't MovaoT.--Caldwell baa aural out writ of jiw tmrronta, Irj hi appoliiteea, agaluat tlie Board of W rector of th Pinileatlary, thi Inafll tioB for the Doaf ana Dumb and Blind, and Uia Aaytnm fur the Jnnne.aad alaa egelnal Pat. MuQuwan, keeper ol the Capita. The poor atupld fool I ! Ha knawa that them caata cannot poaalbly be diapoaed of by tb time th geoeM a-. anmbly again meet, and by that tint he and all hia in will have beea kicked out of place aid power. ' 1 ty Warn, toe, that while ha baa order ed tb WMiney appropriated tlftn peai tentiary to ba paid to tha jDcrfinbeoU, fearing, doubtleaa, mora blooii, be atill a. fuae to pay to'lb auppiicit of Uieun fortu nate Deaf, Dumb and BrioLjrU d..ar I la It the purpoa af Caldwete-to drive tha Director of U faiatitottoa to the aeoewity of rndln tb Mipu,u)mai i ctoaing th inatitttaoa t' DoravJi knew what he to about f J. Tf BuiiTTflg, Ptmi deat of the WdeU Board ofHiretira for till Inatitution, haa Peoohlf fflagtuted aa real (ned., Nu4 wonld, lik to know of Judge Bjoltiigjha't'tiai beeeaaa of the 5,000 he drew tiiajrarraa. for aom week ago. Ia w'hoaa band toil, aad wbo I feaponatblc far It aafa keaping i-41.1 m-ejbetMMkM 1.11. 'By rth way, haw come II that th $5,009 draw by tb piooa, Weiker for th fH-nltentlarj; haa not beea returaed tQ (he Treaaury - What kaa beoom af it t 1 be Ureeoavoro' iWrwt any a caw im of lb " loyaT party leader, of Went worth toat week reaulted ta th arreat of arreraj mea let kuklui ofienca aaid to bar beea committed tkrm year ay. ' The; hav to go back three yeara la Hocklngbam'for capital, and ar prepared to rror to kny devh to keep Dp tha kuklut cry, fbich to tbeir aoto atock ia trade. Baj Accidrmt. The following arrouat of a aad aoeident which aerurred at lk vidaoa College a few daya ago, ia onpled-f rnra a pnvata wuer dated at tbat plac. March 85th t .'. . t,. "Dr. PhillipeolJeaf ;;--Jami a todent, waa out hunting Bear tb villa", whew tilting hi gun over tbe fence it lipped, aad th baaaaaer fell oa the ntil and tba ran diecbarged ita whole kd la hia band, going ia a latin direotifl) through th palm, aad coming out at the wriat, Th doctor at I rat thought) the hand might be eared, but on eianiielng it whil under tbe influence Lof chlorofbrat, all tb bonea were found to be more -or Icaa ahattercl, and it wa amputated tbat oigni a uttie. aoova tne wrist. It waa biertghl band, and will be aa irreparable bow during hat- whole btkr-&iiJitry U'. .1 1 Gaaxr aa a DHTaroBwBi-Appraiaer oenerai r aimer, ot new lork, toaaoed before tha Retrenchment Committe to day In detail relative to th vonhinatioa of federal office holders la New Tork ta. In.'O fur tb purpaae of controllinif tbe party ia the ute, af which Coliw tor Murphy waa. tba bead, and. that) the latter bad declared at a conference that Grant hU told him (Murphy) thai be (uraotj waa tb head af the republican party in tft. country, and otipht to decide rb iliouid U tli administration candi date for tenvrrnor of New 'ork. ml that all the Federal orilciali and their aubordi Batea ahould work to fulfill that porpo. Yuthu.tj'nn Ultpnm &iUimrt Sua. It la rriiortt'd that t oator I'ilion. Soc- reWy of luterior, Dtlano.'and aom other repabliratt menjljcri of Congrea and offi rials, ar to take a lun l in lh polilical tOWEnr;;CTLAW8. "a. Yv- . t, $Ub tipllve Hpnl orrtnf9f- imVt'Aetmit of tkew, f From tlu H. T. BeraU, March VA.j rtV Bcrm.cT6w. RoaKaaow C.."K. C, March M,l7t. . - . - - 1 l - Before having Wilmington I prepem letter, dirM'tea to It. u. unvery, atating hlt I deured tu'lBIcrtUrw aiaf fw the Ihrnld anT onna ta.gra mvaelf Into hia band if be would gnuaV aw Ilia Inter, riewy . It waa my latent urn to atopW Mnaaeckaad atanant ttf Had A ea irer wha would ib-liver Biy tetter, hat im Mm tenea Uaptaat aturriaaa atvir4 m'tn em oa to aha H t where I would Had better ' aerVanmodationa ana) . Kerk, and from where I could certainly red a BKer(ge1o the owllewe. ! t.tk hia al yU- but waa unalii Jo flint any one ia ar aoout Ahne, Heal whn woold de- Urw ir he knew any on be Would amanit mr petition to tha " kiiii " of Kofacwm county, Jh reported killing of Bum mroag, it waa Mippueed, baa aw ciatoKS tmb otm.awa tbKe'tlmu wa JiaHlinrtirrrr rwrrto Wtta for in viaft. Imet here lame Mc Queen-, nr fVnaboe, of Riehiadail eouwty; N. C who aajertwi aa baa, a i ilea in bo torioua Boa. 11a to a tail, awkward. ahamailag dark eompH4ipaa) hi4, lf Hoottiab accent, Mreaty-sva yeara m age; i he haa Very ' aniilH eyi. w lib h trn hu t I tncK or dropujng ni luatant n la woiua aW41to atory wiU appear bereHlit, TbaJitamuiBifcuMTehl. left fthoa lloat and. wi) to Eumka, or Buje'a Wore, half way between Mo Nwkv and Red Haafe. At be atara, atna la the mitroail, toe mtnead clerk, of a hnm I en quired thi road to fatrlck- toawi H teft the atore m point k not to me,- To hiia f aUtod lire objuct of my viait, and atkrd biat tu toAmu any of tb oatlawa be Blight ee what I. waa alter. . - . Tan riTHKB OT TWO Ml'BDBaKK. ' " Sous after leaving the atora I mat aa old aegro wbo aaked me if I waa looking for anybodv, when I told him I wanted to go to Pat Lowery'a. He Md we J waa ia tbe right nd, and added : " 1' akeered of atranger Boat to deff, bat yoa haiat got ao gaa." : i V- . Tbia waa Jark Oxendine, the rather ef Hendenon, wh waa. hung in Lumliertun in 1879, and Calvin, wbo i saw. ia the Wilmington toil, harae4 with being iw lilicated ia tbe King murder, ttaeoa- cluaion of hi introducttoa he aaid : "For (led, die i a pewerial bad country to liv in j every now and den de It luck ooine la yar, and wit inctr abootia' an' whipiar an bangtti', an de men out by deyeelvea tolin' dare giiaa, r card toaef." : r A ahort; W IpltoiroBi -thasatattoa brought me to 'tMB lolta Ot 9kt tOWBBT, ' tha oldeM brother af Henry Berry;1 had a ptaacher. - When. I got there be waa work! tag in bliCifjM-nter hop, pear hH hoi).. ; tor be U not above boneat laboruotaitli (tending hi profatatoa. I at one on folded th ebWnt of ay nailing, and aaked if I could be permitted to alay with hiii a few dafi wlul I' would make effort te meet tlie outlawa. . lie waa perfectly wil ling I abouid make hia houae my how wbito-hea, Jka thought avy rhaacaof n-tni Rrnrf Wa very altm. It had bcea reported lor the paat four week that lit waa dead, aod ataay believed it,evee awue Of hia friend a, while tba eaaiority thengW the atory had been orMnated by hid wll and brother to cover b toeaii front tha naatnty. Patrick Jold, tut titovt 4 Tom Ijowery '-v ftat-ae mm o aa ramaw am Bora a a raw pan but it might ba a -ioeg time beaon i wonMMrn la their irnnaediata BehrhtMi bood again. After a long converaauon be- Iwwaaaiai and Jaiue Ua4iia, wdlto- da mulatto farmer Uvlag Bear by, it Waa derldeil'that my beat plan weald be tagn over to the hnm of Md Mr. Loweryjtb mother of Patrl;k and Henry, ( They beta amured am it would aa parfuotly aafa, It th nutlawt aevwr tabahred with kny but thoar who troubled them. For a ooaaidemtloa Patrick eaentd ta gift me hi bora ow which to rid over, aad hi aoa Allen, a bright boy of aixteen, to guide bhv- Alter a uipoet tu " :iTa J raws j t 1 mitat coax brcad, kaooii kww-eoi ire eurled on eur" tonrnav and confemto alMit linking of the heart aa 1 loat ilit of Uie railroad and blungail ialo tba (wampa, tha .lurking plaoai of tba bowery watmwv- --' ( 4 liaAeidOoo about mi to, when tb efboenifiirt peoduiad by -my borae' miaj r able gait, aad thr banging of mf aaliat agaluat my leg became too great, and I prejxiacd to' my guide, that bealiotild rule awbila, - dial to ckaog M aotfar th better, and it had erarrely been aiad Wlira w Cam to boa of the WW place " " lM m OBComnwu nere, cu t "brtlichor IBd Wttlfh are -fredrre . tba awaro rx. ' Along one aide of the tMraovliei are kid, or erected in Mump, log for tha coavanieaca of pedeatnan. They am irauerally Utthewn Jli vary raw, many ot mewl ymeaia, t t aery- w that Maad firm nnder aay oMtewtcat At tbe ftnit of 'then 1 came - to, alW dia wounling, . - , . - i lor hi BaLAitca, "." and got Into tlie water knee diwp;1-1 re mounted the borae, then, and, excepting tli gait and banging aforesaid aad craah rag of my leg (gainat th traea, llretoa on aid and then oa tb other, a I foi lowed .Allen in tbe narrow foot pat hj throiigh which ha tod BW, 1 tufenri ao great inooBveniMc. ; -a:? i f - -About two and a half mile rrori pt aeda,wa cam to the "Back flwaiap," When fuc. about thra hundred and fifty J a water the toad. Sowing aluggiahly-throtigh tb brueh and cyprcaa treea. Along the foot long her Alien ran, with tba Con.lvJtmc tuaptred by long practice, - . j-.t;V .-. . :.-! Ktnrw tTBowii' (Cabw, -. .: '"f About a mil from vine Back Swamp we paaaed tb caom of Andrew Btrong, on of th outlawa, where hi ynnnger brother. Boat, waa allot tb Friday bciora. W paaaed cloae to th hauea, and a oatipl of women Cam to th door; and atood there aa long a tha aout wa ia right. Af I hav atara learned, there Wal an other pair . of eye, watching a from i thk.ki.-t near th hdu.. Andrew Strong himaelf, with . , V, ., . aa nr naiov iwk i anwr, 7 ' ia bu hand, atttjkd in aa I paaaed. Aa other long atrvtch of water, mad aad nud, and we came to Haawy Berry Low ary houae, now ia th occupancy af hia wife, Uhody. ' A quarter of a mil further arid wa teaitad our' deethiatioa, I tb horn of, , , .. . old Hit, atxta Lowaat. f Here wa were greeted by th loud and decidedly avge barking of three large dng. " Two r three very flight mulatto girl diova tbem away, and opendl tbe gat for me; a I paaaed ia 1 waa pbt in tb p rear are ef the old womaa, wbo fare me a very huepiuUto rerrptioa, and a aured me I waa wtriroine to May a toog a I pieaaed. If 1 could put np with tbeir rouirb far. ' ,-. 1 ' Kekr lwr-ry ba th larfrt haute ui Wiii avtion of country; it ia weatiier hoarded, haa four good siicd routus, and t kitchen attached, and a wide ponsh iat front, ' It ia oa a piaatatiun con :aining alir til nrren'v five ai'rtra, and hu numer- TbarabattaeaM liltrn tha aetata . BronatM ainrw old Allea Lower waatbodleiof tlen and Uliata lery, I.Jt- kUlwI. Ute children. I A ' . J. i -"-I altnajjaur-Twalj ajfrra to ram BJK Ueda the tar in. aad aaauU her wbea aa- oaaary. Thia little plan latb a prod ucttf but rear eivht tMiea ot eotuai aad low haadmd baalieto of core, r 1 am atier mv armal V met tlat'toir, w bo' to at dark . laulatt-i with good AmiAeiHuv'el Ha tohT ma ba did wot boow wkethar .leuf Barry aa alive or dead ; tbat no one had aaea bim for four or Ave week. Mr. Lowery aid tbcaama. Hinelnir edited : "l mM be glad if ba to dead, for a to very bad " " done a heap of hr,.""' -"''' ' '' ill I He Dirther told me he had Bot len na ftieadry nmal witfc Ihaary ataea law mar riage f the latter to. Khody gimng ; the urriage, lt bad owaa announced, wouiu he eoleiunized at hie avotber" houae. and Sinclair, feerirrg that an attar; would be null oe the houae or to ororera la our- aBlrti8twytS "jectod 5ricrw.my being peilortnrd were. n uen nenry waa arreated a arauaod Siackur of haVirg informed oa him, aad they bad never beea aa igoV larma afUrwarda, - titeve and Torn r. noartn vrniuif .. in tbia quarrel ; an that Sinclair could give me an Information of fh outlaw. I would ere reeaara mat una uauu are kaowa ia their aeighborbood b the aamr 1 aattowa their Irienda call them and they atyte Uwninelvea outlawa. uiim eimrine eonveraatioa with HincUir, who waa work- ins in a field. I -wa preaeated to Khody, the wife of Uorj-BOTyLowefy, ft tjiTBan or ni;rn.Tow. , -; Thia young woman to romarjiably orctt : ber face aval, of a very light oolnT; torgn, elark, moomful kxikingeyea, with long .iaaliea-,' Well ana pen luouin; white, auialt, area teeth; well rounded chi a; no alightly r(raur, with a pro fusion of atraigbt jet black hair, combine to make her a vary pteaaaoi object, to gaxe at. tthe haa mail kanda and feet, and on th latter alio wear No H, though he could wear No. , and atill cramp ber fret lew than tbe majority 01 wnite women. Mi to of medium beigfat, with a very well developed figure, and to between tweBly-uoe and twenty two yean old. Wbea I add that ab baa a low, aweet roiee, and w gmrnt many little graceful motion of ber head aud boilv. It will be anea that alia i a ror ai in ticuffletowa. To til above uleacriutlaB I mgrct tbat I am compelled to add tbat thto oaaen ca aot write, aod that aha moke a rtra aito ntra nnrr. - WbM RhfWtv ImhimI the oblent'of UT viait mid hc"wo0id"unrtertke -to-4v- my meaaage conveyed to the outlawa,,and abe bad no doubt they would grant, me an mterriewv 1 -Ueory -Becry,.alie aid, wa away, and aha could not tell wbea. hi would return, I walked hi an With her, and eiamined carefully the home of the Botoriou outlaw leader, 1 .WaauBBTLaw'i nar. I TTii eabU tf ll.hlKi to bailt wwa.ly a ar all tbuna ol th po-irer it mulaitoe-i one atory high, iokafnua three to eight Inche apart, tba la aratice wot aimi in u ia loir houaee at tbe North, but cover ed by bwrU aa ai the tbe iaaiitomrvn th autaide, never both, 'lhab.uae had tba board ' On the aartatde. - There art two rfunra. onooeile each other, aacurea by modern Volt and linnnfta, end oa tli th third aide lathe capaciou neartn or fireulaca' with diimimv built uf log. limed and floored, wilb clay. On the aid onpoait th fin-place atanila the bed, and above and Ixaaide it are atretvbed aevcral potea, upon which hang the clothe of the ramliy. AKrtvm . Tbem are no window, nor any open ioga fot light hart ta (iouia and chimney. Indeed, of aome twenty houae of mulat- toea I Viet 14, ' I found ibut two, thoae ef Mr. Allea Lowery aad Patrick Lowery, ta which there, were window, Tbe houa of IL B. Lowery ta within a email enclosure, which to inrmundad by a larger ana, and ia aw hu father Alleu'a eatate. Th fUrnitura of tlua houae con aula of - ' . '-. I. KO, A TABLB, TH CIR, I and three atoole. Over tba fireplace ar parted a aomber ef picture cot (roe the tlluatreted paper, while t colored print, labelled " The, Two Beautiea," banga over th table. Kkody had bft bet help" a light mulatto, wha bad bora eagaied bjf Andrew rJtrong, to Way with her lor ail week ror a pair auoea aaa a calico drvea ' la charge of s j Sallv Aaa. aired five: Henry Delaav. axed three, and Neely Ann, aged fneyear and two Baoatliai 1 1 bey are all or a vary. brl(:1it oclor, Itroggi active ana neaitay, the boy b"iigpart.i!arry bright ; Ha a aaid Ui . bear rtrong Keemljaw to hia rather. ? w w t ' I pent aa hour or mora with Eliody. Hb ld ma, ftirtbef, it I Would aome back the next morning ebe might have meantima I mfi-litreat aaaured I would be ta ao danger irom ,lh outlaw a their Irtaada. . W lu-UuiaA --.5 i.wBnr rruav,-- Tli next moraine fMan-h 15) old Mr. Lowaxy .took ni to inlt aneacliaied grave In Held near" her nmiee, where, marked by four rail lying oa the ground. ww the- crave or tier auaoaaa ana ana William. Tha old woman'a vuk Waa broken, aad, tba bwr (oiled ddwa her witiiered face eveo bow aa ah told me hew they BMt their death. There had beea no troubl between them bad any af their white neighbor, waoept that ocn ot ttieir aon na.i ned irom ui ora cen who wanted to take them ta work ia th fetwt fortification at Wllmioirton. Patrick and Sinclair had gone with th offloera, tMit Henry, Thome aad William bad evaded them, Wer era a aremaa oa tha Wilmington. Charlotta Kutb erford Railroad . The Lowery bad btoo bewn wecaaaud r.f. awuties- aotdicm aba had fwcrw-d from Ui rebel priaoa, at Fkuwncc, S. 0, a f a federal line. ta 1964 a party of whitea, commanded oy Jarae Barnes, earn to tha 'bout bad took tha old man and William awaf, at THitr it) rra araet, ,' ' and took anra along With theaa ; om of them returned directly and earned old Mr, Lowery and, hat two dartt'hten to tha fcooaa of a whit man, Robert Mo Keocia, whara they wer locked up ia a amoke-houae. While they were contloea there they heard McKemue propoae that they bora tbm up ia tbe eatoke houae, but thi waa eppoaad by other, wbo bald it Would make tqa much talk ; then Me Kanrie aaid them would be ao uaa in kill tng tha mea if tba womaa wer allowed ta lira, becaua ba could ant get the plan tation if any were left alive. II. K.iniie then weat away Baying he wa gmng Bp to aee how the Lawefy ej-re faring After he had gone, aom aneonlaide Won dered if they wer going to kill tha old maa aad Bill, or oely the old ma, I. Which anotber anawerwl f - II, Keorie'a rot to kill both and ret tbe rest of tbe boy out uf the aay t,te he r-nuld get lb ptanlatioa." j tfit.t aa.vBD tub art-i.RTor acita. Towardemorninif. a little afb-r daylight. they were released ailli tvo line,!,- II va kav that o t tamtii hf "o Ud li. -i u abitea it will be imi'lity bud f..r vou." . When they returned home, ia a thicket, --- - .... ..... ,..-.,,..-ff..jr ajBH-iVfrajri jpaii iiw.ibmi mm ftm -Tift Willi iii i ' i --jjgfaatoaanBnBBaBwaBBBnBBBBBW - ' ' ' ' ' - a aaanaaaaw-aaw III L - I made, (hallow grate. Id which wtr the to W"Te ttha,Uierr ndje4 with ... muaket balbt - -J H Th aett day they -- back aod: took m out into the woo. la, and mid they were going to kill to if J didact tell aid. - didn't kaow, and) f tokl them an. but they wouldu t UaU They bliadtolded aa aad UeO-aai lojt tree, ana aud they wer going to attootoie. bead aur ulng, aad tnea t lamtea. T n f Mia ItJ.feW. I fiualad they Bntieit am ami and to brine- me too Tbia Waa bid. Mr. Lowery'a atoay.ana all tit mulattoea wbom 1 mot aad que tioaed about it told me about the am thing. That it truUifulneaa t denied hi the white ia ao more thaa to to Ifcu per ted, though avral of them P"2' the had Barer ,aearl of Allan LotM being aocoaed of atealing. He waa aaid to be a ovMiaiatent member of the Metho- dwt Church, ia which lie waa a.cl lewler. Mm, Lowery to member of the aam cburcn ana KKMI WO SltHt'tNBLV PlOt a. Ph1 ha family womhip aigltt and mortitng, ia which ah toad hemelt, and alway aakl a blaming at tbe table' Praia the grave of tb Lowery I went atraight ta Rhody' houae. A I entered the gat af the outer encloore I noticed a maa (landing in tbe doorway who (top ped back within th houae. A I reached tbe inner gat he agaia came to the door and . V'.',- -C. J j I con re to aowit BBVotjKR aa I aw hb eqBipmenta. But it waa no time to ato; aow, and in a moment I wa ia Heart rrf3By 1 umavv"' 'prearoe of 6tev Lowery and Andrew HtriHig, two or . tha mmoua awauip out lawa. WTtu" ai compnl-nmr- rtb nature of the taa wonld permit I atep ped forward. - t.ir : -i" 1 believe theae are tbe men" (I am not aura but that I aaid gentlemen) "I want ed to ana," aad eiuwded my hand to tlie on naret ue, who graaped itoordially aa Rhody mentioned bia name, Andrew tttmne, and mine, and the repeated the cereaioay with Busy. Both of them of (bred me chain ; but 1 accepted tbat from which Andrew bad Jnt artaen, it being nearer tb Are, and immediately BxrtAiNto nr rnbroei - "t::.L' ia weking them. , 1 told them the great paper of America had given aom at ten tioe to tliera, and had publiabed tltek hiatorie aa furniehed by th white peo- ol Uobeaoa County ; but that tire people Die of the United State aiiubt bare dear and juat cotv-eption of alf ura here 1 bmt been aent dowa to aee tnero, bear their itoriea and tha clrcumlne that had mad tbem outlawa and aee how they livad. I told them further tbat 1 4 a ao wBAfuti amrXiaiitb iitfttvitsi which they eould hav while I waa wilb them, but which they would oblige m by Mturoiner wheal kh thorn, vv- - They replied that Ruodj had tbiaihem': tbe aalur of my buaineaa, mat they were glad of as opportunity of giving their atory to tba country, for the aapura wer tellinv aa many a a ilea auout mem, f STTJSlSS. "'" v- f r - TH MKN TBAT I MKT ! rveWery!tolJvefetfeirKtill, thick act, with long artua and lega, and i Very atmng; ,he ha a very dart yellow caanoleiion. baael avea, brigbt and reatr bat, black atraight hair and tbia mil tacbe and goatee. "lie-was armed with Speacer rill, - two , double-barreled all. guns, oaa of th latter and the rifle being lung from bia ahouldera, and three aia barreled revolver inv bia belt, while two United Slate cartnilge bnxea hung Irom bia alinilhleea i ' ' ; - ' ''- ' ' i Amlrew Strong to nearly white, alioul I I foet high, witli Mather mild evei and reddidi beard and hair, the latter cut ahorL He carried a heavy rifle and the aame number of ahot-guna. revolera ana cartridge boxea aa Steve Lowery, beeidta a heavy canvaa htveraack. Hi impeJi wait tam, b calla tt) weigh ; aot bwa tba a hundred wouada. U t.. , ituurrai)' til, at MuiruitNTi on. ttit, and I could barely ataggcr acroaa the floor with them. After a lew general remark. Andrew told me they would tell me all I wanted to knew if I uli queation them. Aj th h toting of boa waa tbav chiel tonic I bad beard dtacuaaed after hmving Wilminirton, 1 told tbem 1 had Jame McUueea or Doualioe, at Shoe Heel, and bad take dowa hi veraioa of the affair, and would new UK t know n it waacorrect, I read ta them McCJueea i atory, (Uara follow the atory. essentially a baratotor publiabed in tba oM(UB.j TH BABDITa' C0MM Whil I waa reading they interrupted me frequently with auch ex'premiorM-aayr- Weil, thaf a d d be," He I nothing but a robber liimaehV t Let ai fret i bead on him one" and aLfoeccot- clmioa Andrew aaid '" a- W caa prove that Dooahoa to a liar ; gal (addreaaing Rhody1 acrvaat,) com yer ; you waa m tha houa whn Bom Waa .... Vn, Mk.k .J i ml tin Finn. I . J, Vi. A ah drawled out Did! id ia tba corner f "' i "Not vrent to pick Boa so,'' .he proved to be a damned liar; and he didn't ,aty about dera ,iio half hour. 'Why, 111 take yoa out dere to-morrow an' ahow yea de track he made when It duaarawy. . 'Pa if U JCMpan ax tA , bbbi timb. I lumped far my rwas aa unutaa aoon ai da abut wa ired, aa heerd bim gvrine fra de bualie powertul. i n mv bim yet. Why, bi back to' full of (hot bole now dat be don got wp ia Ricbmoad county lor Mealing rbukeaa,. tie bad to go away rrom dere. lie I a low, ncccount niuirer. Ha kin 1 bo whfta man. He tall biaaelf McQneea. Pd like to know what right he haa to call htoaelf McQueea when hia mother nam waa Donatio, and ahe wabb't navxa mabbied ' to Mcirjajoi, and bia mother wa a mulatto aame aame. kv h If day waa anvbody dry woolda't marry atggera, would dey I ilia two sta ter to bof married to niggera in Rich mood county.- By -GodI 1 11 lay ft him. Ha did'nt kill la neither, but he hurt him powerful bad. He bit him in the neck, but he aiut dead' yot. Now, Rhody, yoa waa dere de nex day wbea dey come alter Boa. Jan uu du gentlemaa about it, - . . i. . . at r .ta!0Bt JOWkBTB "TO! J f "Fiery com over ia d morning an' toto BM Boa waa abut, an' wbea I went dere Aady aa' Stove w juaa gwine to tote bim away ; fca want dead, nohow. Dew wa dona errnb da fliy ; peopTM kin arrub they'. Boil If day want to,J reckon. Den wbea Donahc' party come tp dey topped 100 yard from de houae an" axed if der waa aay aaea about, and den dey come ap. Nana at we didn't tell they Bom was killed ; . w jnai aaid dey had toted bim away. Den dey searched de houaai but all ,aty found was a pair of boot aad shoe and a bottle of ptach brandy dat Aady had bought at Floyd Oiendiae i to dat day, m yoa ki prore if yoa at him.", i ; ; '.. ' . " VOO rUT DIT AU. lit tig rartB, MtSTIB, aad dea put t dat we to gwine to, km Dooahoe ear;' We'll find him an' we wot boot talk throuow a cat hole, nvither.' aaid Andrew, to which Steve, bo bad been perfectly ailent before, added, ! "-Yea God daaia bim, hi life ia rwin to be powerful ,bortH . , v j ' ' , H wuaat ta aanay birbv lowcbiI It ia repotted at Shoe Heel that be is J. all and moat ol tbe people auem to tHtlicvc it. him last Wed nenlay niirlit, about! tei I, U.u.. rwn,li,w.V Mine n - fcWe'lL air." aruwert.1 hteve. " kt aiBV dead, but he' went away ; be went nigh prjtu ftr week ago, ami be-'epecVd to be lawk In five aTITrovka. fiutfce Hav yoa iny objecHwa to telling m what be Wen away for.-tf'he wpeeted to Mturn f ' . " Wai, he didn't tell noliody hl buai new, I reckon ; he'll be back aome of theae day ; you put in de paper dat Heury ib-rry Loweiy ain't deail. arKN ua Tiff. nr wiT7iiB.om.w, I oent the day with atme mea until 4 oVhii-k. J" A boat eonn fStov,! Andrew, Rhody and 1 aat dowa) to a dinner of fried egga. bacon, cor bread and rofTra. Andrew, for Bhody, ap.li.giwd for the diuur.aaylng if abe. hail known I would be here abe would have "don killed a chicken." Steve, who wa very taciturn for ao hour nr more after I mot them, gradually liecame more loouaciou and haa ever aim In en the most comma uicative, moat friendly ami After dinner Steve ttkrd to aee my! pia tol; he examined it and pronounceifit maty.'Wherelipoo-' Andaaar took it .apart, ailed it and returned it to me. Stove wanted to buy a plated gold ring wore, but up m telling hini it had been aent ed to me, he'aiiid f ahould keep it, but be would like to have a gold ring and asked m the price of tbiim, ' " Tlrey gave me much information aa to tbeir way of living, th bunting parties that had been in search ot them, and their sutKouful and often narrow escapee iw.m ihlr -pnrwu'n and fnmi jail, which I will make the subject ol uluia b-tUiik mure letters, th ppti.aw bold a copkeru. K : Before ttiey left tlmy wont-out of the houa and held an animated eonveraatioa of perlinp half an hour's duration in the garden, alter whtcb Bteve aoareaaeo me : " We've trusted three nien before and ebery one of dem betrayed us, ao' we awo' we d ni iier trust no atranger agin, out you look honest, aa your atory pears to tie all ttitcht, an' we ia gwine to trust you some. Now you's got aliodt Donatio 'a abootia Bvsa, we are gwine to keep you beab till you can pot in oi raran aow wa kuxbd doha- i HOB. We won't hurt you, an' yon kin travel tilx.ut whar yon hab a mind to in tli place, but you inunt wear an oatb dat you won't try to go away without u let tin' you. We'll treat jou well u' aliow you whar Haiiil.T was captured an' killed an whar Mak Sanderson an I ay lor and salt de rest Of dem was killed, aud tell you all about dem. But you bub got tostay heali a week, and we is gwine to send a teleirrauh to de p .per for a Joke dat. we Sab got yW, afl' dry : vwijh - tjm outlaw aiu't all dead yet. - , TOO CAH'T OST AWAY, BOBOW, wilbont our knowing it, and djn jit miybt be powerful bad for you." .1 ii somewhat dismayed at thi) speech, but expressed myself satisfied with the arrangement I aw I would hav an opportunity "of aeeing wild life not leu that t-aa in no great usnger ir f acted honestly towards my captors. PART TO MSKT AO A IN. The outlaws then sluug on their equip meuta, aod after promising to meet me at the. New Bridge," threw mile distant, the next niirning, itr.Mla into tbe beg ry pine forest, and I went bark into the cbiu, where Khody taught me how to rub suutf. ' (To BK OPCTIKUKl).) ! CJTONI WORK. Partlea Ruildhtg, Altering or Repairing, and neeaiugsuy,aescriitioa ol . . t STOE CUTTERS' WORK Or Masonry, wrW nremptly snd cheaoly dons, are lnvile.1 to addresalhe uuderaUcn. d, a prue lira! stona-nutler, wiio, will gire iuiuiedale at teutiou to their calla. n : M0 NUMB NTS set ap to ord., or renalred, and fdundaSoaa for same supplied, .renea and encloeuroe for llemetery Lois fumiabed st low prices. Ordera niav'be left st Hsrdware houa ef Thoa. H. Urlgga FayetteTllle 8t., orsdd-eaaed to unit i:ai iiij, . maran-lm. Box Jos, city Pot utho. PREMATURE US Ot THE JlAlR msv be entirely prevented' by the uae of Burnett's uoeoame. it uaa nsier laiiea te srreei asrsy, and .to promote a heallhvaud viiforous irrowui. It U st the sains time unrivalled sa a dreaeisir iu, toe luwr., .1 i i fv , if CAST THEM OUT If then are aov Ha- esses whieb deserve tbe naaie demooiec, llyar psoais U one of tbem. It racks And tears Uia syateia like a vsritaUie fiend, and render fife a turtles. Tbe msdltrinca of the dlasnary rill notexVellL Cast It out with Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Hitters. Tliera is no f.-rut of Indigestion or liver camplsiuttbatean with aland ibis potent tonic and alterative, t , NO- LaDt'S TOlLtT C0MPLBTB uul.rs mt b the. frairrant Soxodont ttBto tin bream iwert ooors It imparts, tlie iruma a rut red- ass soon assuaa, tbe toetb utiick ilfi auibastar tint, and seem a pearls set urcural aw. n-t ). .i,'i ., , ; afto.000 WILL BE PAID for any remedy which will curs Chroiue KbeamaUsm, Psiua ia .IMjJmbSj.BltCk.iod Cheat, Bur I braat. In sect BUoita, Ciup, 0yM'ntm,--Ct and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. Toriiaa' Vens usn Liniment -eatsMiaaeo m imi.i never fails, liuld by theJ)riigKist4 Depot 10 Park riace, new lora. CARBOLIC TSALVk, recoramonaedTnTlie Isadiiig uliyidulsna and lbs president of tlie New YirlLHoard of Health, as Uie most won derful hesltmr compound ever known, tirrss MMaM'twlM to Sra, vMSjlkilMUuf soe;. cuts snd wounds, snd a most invalusbls sslvs for sll nnrpoeea Bold everywhere at Ms ccats. lohn j. Hemy,"eo(e. Pronrkbir,, w iMttut Place, ITewIdrtr- BVAPNI U Oploro parided of its slckea- ing ana aotonns pniperties, aiseovered bv Dr. Burslow, Professor of Botany; Detroit Medical College. A most perfect anodyne aad aooiDiag. vptata, Swa ran, lieinl.l, new lore.' - , - .. - .....j. CRISTADORO'B HAIR DTE ta lb safest aod beat, it Correeta tbe bad effect of inferior dies, wans tbe blaek or brown UnW it asu- nuees' are tdentleal Is aunra. Faotarj as aaaiipaa iiawitogw sors.', , t UPRATTB ASTRAL OIL-rsfest and heat ulumlnstlng Oil ever made. Doe not take are or explode, If the lamp is apset or broken. flt4WMl .. . I II , . : , . u L. 1 n, j . . . , I from It,' Ol! Houss of Vuarle Pratt, usaee is.o, new ions. THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver 'Oil m Uia world ULHassrd dt Csawelf mads on tbs sea shore, froai fnish, selected livers, by Caswell, Hscsrd A Co., New York. It la ab solately pnrend sweet. Patients who bare oc takes it , refer R to all thersi Pbrai ciawaavadsriasd tt superior to any tb other oils ui Aks awket. , JOUVIN'S INODOROUS KID 0L6VE 0UC AH CR rcsWrrs Kiiktt irlovs enal to sew. for sale by DrotlaU sad fsttcy floods Deal en. Pries 25 cents par bo Uia. g. C. WtlU aVCo.. Kewjork.. "y 4 ' ' " ' rtlSLtlH PHILOTOKEN It aw esUhllaned, autulal MuaMta l,v 1hib,.I U ... . ... . and equally erhVieot aa a nervona antidots ta all eases of Nervuaa Excitement, Stomach sad bleepleaam-sa In mabi or' female, .Ooldefery- w liars for It a butth,. Morgan kalsy, Druggists, New York, Ueeersl Aleuts. , '.. A TOirTHfl'L tPrr'ARANf T sad a beau tiful, clear comuleuoa Is lbs desire of every body. Tbia sllect is produced by suing (J, W. Laird'a " Bloom of Toatb," a barmleaa beanti Ber ef tbs akin. Will, reuiov all. diendors ttoa, Ian, freckles snd sunburns ' Tha aae of tbia debghltttl toilet prrjaru..B cannot he de teutnd. for sale by sll DnicirUt and Fsoev woods Dealers, IihH tulj it , Kew l ork. MRS. Wlnstiw-aaofiTlHrinn firms- It r ttevr Cs tiuleauuerer f roio. paiu, enres wwdJCulic, rrxula;e! tlie stomach and bowels. eorrrcts sclauv. snd dormr the ' cmeess of teethiuic h ia invarnsblA Perfect! v Safe M. all eases, a mllliona of mothers can testily. , - b deodira rnR s alii. T A few Lt,U Fluur, ebeap to c1e con- il Jones i co. 11,-nmfnL W iLIlMCrtE LOCK tfiWrtrat- VTSPl'T t l VfiiFj J)R. JOIiXhO. i " ' y-H Pkviaebui of :thW eetehraUd lnatttulton. itia. Z2rJZm .. th. .reat ll-tsisla of. Kb Tonaiii- liulatjr tri-flw hen ,l1 ic.lv. ol-aHiBt swt etnl MBa.ty ta tba world for all eirrMf or alnuea "lkeX" the Bark or I.lml l- trVle ea, AlfaeiiojiLttiSwfl''' B"iI.T yiv un tan llCSiia.eca, luipofriicr, (.merer r uiliii , pVrroaares., l)ypeT. J"""'' apiriU, '.aal.rti of ld'aa, Papltai ion of U.e lrart. Timidity. Treaaolii x. Im'e of rbitlil i, liiddia. tH-ea- of tb H;l Throat. N or Skin, ArTe. 0 a.f Uw I. Ivrr fcuuKa, atuBweb or matl tbois terrible IMa.ir.b-rj IXfrom .lit.ry lUhltaot Ymnh-sm-aiit and ...bury practles . fatal to I hew r Uma than tha aoug of tha Byrma to tlwla fioera of l'lysaea7tl'rbthnf toelr mlUrU llaat boiws or lit leljisUoBV eendeniiK mar rUure, &-, luiposaiMe, ueattoyhig both body sud Build. TOONO MEN f-wekdlv. who hesbe-are tao vt. ttaia uf .llUH-y Vice, that dreadful ao awi9tw baMy'wbleb snaually aweia to au anumelj ; Iboaaanda ol younr mea of lb mot eialted toleiiu and brilliant biteih-cl. who uisbt oth raise have enlraiierd lUUliioK aVnatea with Ute tbuadenof eloqueuee, o waked to ecatacy tlie Uviug lyre, way call Willi full i-ouodeoi e, I r i . MABRIACt It! Married person, or Tmm! mea ot.emlut hig aaa-riain, aware of fluaicai v-l-N'aK. buss of PriM-reallve Power tlmioteiieyi. Sur vova Ixeltabillty-, Palpstatii.a, Onanie Weak nee, Nervosa llebllity. or any otberllUuall icatjoa, apeeAily relurre.1. .(1(1. Us wbo plai himaelf under theTSr of Dr 1. may rellirluualy roukde In bia honor aa a Keatleman, and conBdonty rel) upon hia skill aa a phyatriaii. ' OROANIC WtARSEM ' Immediately Cnred and full Vigor ReaUtred. Tbia diatreaatnar Arf etionwhli-b. reodrra I HfemUaahlarri "'arrlaJhn-- lb. i w ... .jT;Tr.r-7ir-Tni,ivniee i mywrisii In luleroeaa. Tonnar oeraonaarw tooapl.o,-oin Dtinmiiv law miw . ,, w , -. ... niiT excesses from not being aware of tin itwltwt eonsequenoi-s tbaaaaay ensue. Mw. wbo tbat anderatsods tbia snbjeet will pretiiutl to deny that the power of prucrealkie la loat sooner by tboae falling Into Improow baMts tbaa by law pasateut 1 Beaulsa beleg deprived of tbe pleasure of b-altiiy ottaprina;, tbe moat as. ion a and destructivs ayratoms of both body sad mind art Tbe avetes bet-OOMa deraoK ed. t'ns Phyab al and Mental Function weak ened, I Jaas of Proc eallve Power,, Hervou' IrriUliiUtv, Dranepala, Palpitation of tbe Heart, lndireatoB, ConatltuUoaal libllily, sr.d Wsstiug o the Fraraa, Uoturb, Vonsump llon, Decay and beatb. - ACURKSr-lEDltT WARBkNTBDi , Persona ruined in hsalthy by nuluai ve4 pre teader who keep th Iruilna mouth alter aooib, taking potaonona and Injurious coin puanda, abovid apply Imaiediately. , i , . . DR. JOUNSTOrJ... - r Member ef the-Royal College of BorReona, Loudon, (Iradaala of one of Uaanoat emiuent Colleges la be United elate', and tlie beet part of whose Ufe haa liena ap at in ike bus pltals of London, Farts, Philadelphia slid else where, haa enrcled aome of the ui.rst sabm lablng cares thai wees ever knows r many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great aersouanesa, beinir, alarm t-d t amidun aounda, baahfutneaa,-wi k Ire ifntnt W.xWo. anoud.d some times with .de rangement of mind, war cure imrandurssly T- PARTICTLAB WQTICE. Dr. I. addresses sll those who hav Injured tt cinael.. ea .r-y . lmproMr iadulirenee andaoli wry I. anna, wbk-b rata uuui voayaira winu, sbbiUiik tbem for either baaineaa, study, ao. t'lety or luarruur. . '. ' - i - Tbes' are aom of tbe aad saalsncboly ef facts produced by Um earthly habit of youth, iz : Weakn, as of the back and Limbs, Pains is the Fl.-at. tltmnoaaof rhfht, lw-l Mae-i ehsr P.-a,.iUiiUllott -f die Hesrt,- pyaL p.'paia, Nervona Initslillity, lieianir. liieiiT of the DfKa ive fuacuona, Ueueral Debibty, Aiuiotoiiia of touauuiptlon, ttc. MENTALLY Tbe fearful enerta on th miiid are much to be dreaded. Loss of Menu ory, Couf ualou of Ideas, Depresaion of Bpi lts Evil EorelHidings, Aversion to Society, Belf lli.lriiBl, Love ot Solitude, 1 liiiiulty, die, sr some of tbe evils produnaa. - Thousands of perasna of all sires ca sow jtidire whst la the raw of their slaeUiiinft health, loa iik ti ir v Igor, bto-omitin wsk, Kle, nervouaand c-aiaewded, ba.inir,asmKU - sp)earsi.ce sbtiut the eyes, cough aud symptoms s( Con seal pU. a, -. ., : YOUNG MEN ? Who have Injured tbemetve by a eertsi praeties, ledulirrd In when aloue, a kahit fro Silently lesrn,d from evil eowpiiH.na or'sl school, the eg cU of which am ubrhtly fell,. 4evea when asleep, and If not curttd rt.uders narnaKe Iwptis'Hile. snd neatroya notn mind sod body, should apply immsdiately. i W bat a pity Vbat a youna man. tire bop of his country, the prids of Pis parents, skoals! be sustrbed from sll pr:petit sad sujo) ar at of life by III couae4uence of deriatina: from tbe path of aat n re. and bulBlgiiig Ip a eei tain secret habit, Sueb ta.nou must'betore co templating .- . . j MARRIAGE, ! Reflect that a Bound nitnd snd boay ire the most necrsssry reajubvites to promote con B bisl haiiidoess. ludeed, without these tbs Joarney uirvuxh Ufa bacuinns a Weary plla-rlia sice, tlie prospect boarly darken to tbe v.ew. the mind becomes shsd wed wilb despalr.and filled with tlie melancholy reflection th,t tbe happlaess of anotber is bliirjitsd si b our own. , A CERTAIN DISEASEv.fi When the mlagultted and tmnradttat v'obiry of-phssanre linds-bs kss liul.ili.-d the seeds of Ibis naiaf al,diaease. It bw often hairen fuit an ill-Uinediaeie of abaineur dread of dis covery driers I im from a,!jii to IIiok wbo, from edorsaon snd leapccisbuily, eau alone befriend bim. - He. (alia into tbe hamla of Ignorant and deslgiiniK br tendors, Who, ki capabte'of enrtag, Nlcb bis pecaaiary tnb aUacs, keep him trillnig muoib after rs''l., or sa king aa tbe smallest fee esa ue obtained, sad ta despair hssvs him wilb ruined health to aiKbovsr hia galling aUaaopoliituieut oa, by tbe ass of bat dead y aoiaon, Meecury, csua kbe eauatftutioaal yuipvoms of this horrid dissaas to make heir appssrsnea, aaeh-ss Bt cerated aore tbroat, diseased nose, aoetaras pains in me bead aad nmha, dimubss of abrht, a Iks ahla bimaai as 4 arum, J bolbea oa tba bead, fac and exiiewliars. progressing with Irightful rapidity, till si last tbe palate ot the mouth or ilie bonea of Die boss fall hx, aad tbs victual of tills awful die aaaa. We.imtiBjkor. uL-ct 1, 1 .cyiniiiie.r Uoavtill death -ut period to bia dread: ui autferinf;, by sending bim to Hint nndi-rovcrod eoantrv " from wboss buura ao traveler re turns." '. Toaea-h, Ifcewfore, Dr. Joluiron oflcr the mostceruin, speedy, pleasant and tOuctnal' remedy U) the world , . Offlce, T Ik dertok. tu, BalliBBWre, Star) land, f Left hsad aid going frara Baltimore at reel, a few doors from the coraer.Xf ail not to ob serve ssrae and number. ' . IrT No letters rsai-ivrd saleae post paid and eontaining a atamp to be aaed on tbe reply. Persons writing abouid elate aga and send a portioa of . advertisonenb deacribii g tymp- Tkeoctor' DIPLOMA bhjiga li h oftlce. ltADORSEMENT Of THE PRESS. ' The many thousand cured at tbia stabHali ment within tb last twenty years? and tbe numerous important snnrirsl operations per formed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by tba Rrprefentstivrs Of tbe PreM Snd mans othasra aeaia before tba psbde. baaidt bia staudhig saaman of honor and responsibility, issaai- Acicnt gnarknte to tfjS amirled. -T... 18KIN DISEASES BPEKllLT CCRtb. .taV-w-dlyt . , ,'v V I '' 3sr- T .1 0 1, Any person easrtt aeTllng Pinor wRhla thm mlie of tbs Forast Paper MiUa, win ha arrested aad pasiahed to the full extent of tbe law. WM. F. As1 HEW. . Raltlfh, Jan. IS, 18T-dU , . ' NOTlcm, V p ; tUtia- auOlaed aatb Adminlttratof of tbe sstate of lbs Uie Mrs Abbs rt Baaadere, I ;lve aatlre a all eeedUert w tbe estat to Biaba payisveai fortbwiib, sod to ad credit. its to prrKul tbeir claiius to me. . aemp i. battle. Ratxma, reb'ylttat, IbTA . feWiBdow., . -.,;.. J jgg BBLS.HI6ET. r; j mat IS-tf -'0 T. 8TB0SACU BRO Wa a ONES A CO.- W AUCTION At COklMLSSION MERCHANTS, - ,f-T.f , Bauiua, a. a arpt27-tf v . r :l ni.e voni-.r mn'ri, ar,me wefj bmk, f ale uu tuaoaalle terms. - . WTsrKf.r.A vvt . ,1 , ,,, , , ". A W'ONDEKI't't BUCCESSr - THE 0REAT lnnt bwl'M - Adrwi-li.Iim l ;OF de VAUXlKT A WlLTZ, ....... ... .. . BI,,HK a rann iflers nniasinircllaait iiidumneyu t. UaMlst ! Ill llir Mllllla 11 htfTrxlittl low ralajwV k'ini k'lratL ( iutaat Hvisri . v ' - ' Srd-lb. bar.eat c.r.m.Uon M M, lias. tl i .j, 4lh Promptitude In Alii nar'stll onktn tMrtscastmbsiPawa,MI ltiUn. ' Bo lusertlOna ta weeklies snd tti. a . uaaains; p-emmmjar lfo. , " . AW.-a Utitt atad serai tvh tuar Uktl rswvetrV.yfww4'aaa. ;t AP bongM r-or Aireotj kss existed o,i. j ' Jseusry last, wabsve ,ssokK our u.lr(" . . niuulwr uf Um, leadlag BH-n baula of " L iwood aud alaewhere, iuilu.llu UVy brv L. Ksdwav. Maim Valuiine, R,;,;ij- y tit t.'lrsrblbaivttls W.-jlea Mi 1 Viririai. bowea St Meit,r, Baltiwoie, .Marittla L,i W.M-ka, (Ihlo Baltimore bustiusa ouilT, Annlror.x. Oslof" 4),, aWliis.vfa.iS many otuars.- , t , , as AJpffiUnf la IfMftmtt,' Agrinltur fti irHt'flr faMm Kfrmlt$ . , C'jllasaiaw write for allmsU.. Tuiswn, ixmt vo ao-ruiau, even if y(, deeids s to advertise flmtiiiek as. (let sa ratliuala mail out aud tndn. yourselt Addr. M ' " deVALCOURT A WlLTZ mar. In dd w. ; Kkbrsoad, Va gALKOP VALL'AUUi liTliiu , , r , 8ILVEB JEWELRY. 4c - - - On Saturday, tbe flth of April oart, at tha maids.- of Uie bile Joifgv k. M. simdsra. I W ill sell at aacttoa maay very vshnble - I; n i am, istaAagnn pf p'rima , by lbs old Masters, ' Including Buunineeal picture of TH" ASCNtlATtftrfrTH t "TfltUlS; FLOWER-PIECES, AC: ' Many of these pslotlnra ar ariglnab. t A lao st the mum time aud plsos, artkbaaf furwitare,ikewu baavdsotae. SILVER AND PLATED V'ARl ' Also s splendid1 ' " i ' , ; DIAMOND BRACELET. . ; Bale st U o'clock, L M. Terms mostlis reOiL,tjU-re-1 from date. . hEP P BATTLl, Adm'r .. .. v of Mra. Aisha H. atoandeni roar ltt-td. ,.,,!' jAiJt oE VJLUBL SEAL EblATKI , By virtue of orders msde In the apeelsl ers ceedmr aow pendlnir Iu tbe Superior Coart of.. Wske County entitled, Oeorue U. Loaewa aid oilier to tb Court; ( ivories H. LouveeauS others iKalnat ( ard ae B. l.oure and otiin; and John W. Cain and others to tba Cimrt; Uie ttudsrslgned. apioinled rommiMitiaer far tlie! purpose in said orders, will, on stard,y the 4 k day of. May next, sell st tin Cosit Houae door in the c ty of Raleigh, tbe follow, inifdcaerilied real estate: . Int. lbs lot aow occupied by R. B. Andrawi A Co , fltimte on tbe eastern able of Psiatts vlM If tn;'or' psrt of bat Ko. ib.hwilis. plan of said ciiy. I hia kit kaa InXTof 'twenty-two feet on Payetieville Btnwt sat runs bsek to W.luimK'ou aireeb- . . imd. The, bit a,i)oinins: Ike fdrmar, t v monlytfiowu t tbetlrawitniaTi-tol, b bis iis a part of Hie said lot Ne l-HJ ; frbutinx lwn ty feel aud four birbea on fayeiu-ville stnet and nluuuur bslk oas baadred and ertouty six feat, ana la bouu.led 00 the foutii ly las tot no owned by 1 P Prslri.'.' -- Md. A hit sit at hi ttas Ksatern n- nrhnat Rsisirhx. adobmig.ih. lajida of Jotta Boas, Hal Bird and uf? el TbnTTiaiiaiulBg amm' one tliird of one acie, and Bow ib ihi jaiaisi si.Hi af Miaoa tans - 4th. A bit adjoiiibit; the lot laat desert tied, and bonnded bj it and Ibe mnda of A. Hiss and John Moss, Bonisiiiulif about yie bait ot one acre, and now m tbe posses, loo of Hear? JoUI'S. ""' ' " - .'nb A perret f tend situate near tbe city of Kalrifh on l.e llollciuau Roud, alj..i.iiin Its lands of J. VV'. Wataou, formerly owmil by Klin Duiroeand by bet Sold to A. l Uibk i, dca-d ttih. A parrel of Ian altnata in the ('maty of Wake, about nine miies ftuui KaJ.iiiti, oa ibe old llillidibroiiKk r.,ad, being tin. bid devised by Wil iaiu Holluway, dte'd, to tt children of bis son Thmnsa Ilollosay, aad deabriiHted aa lot. Nd. 3 111 areport muua te Mm Stilierair Court of Wake Connty by I'oas mlaaiom.ra appointed to make partilh of tba lauds of tbe e id W ill lain Hotloway is a tnri at proceeding enllllrd, eVarab Lee aed oiben BKainat iliiam D. Holloa ay aud other. TsaMil uie third cssb, lbs reawus ia equal instalments )sbla in one and twu years rsivetively with interest from dale, st eeps lb the ease of the lot erst dearrib. d, si te Ui.ll the terms will be mads known oa las tojot.sato., " ' JOHN OATLIN0. , March 14-td. loiamiaaluiier. k C ALTED WITH EIRE." A NOVEL, BY H. M. LaO RANGE, E. i. HALE A BON, Puauaaaa. K. I Bocsd ni Ciora, 13 Mo. Pait !. mi 1 s-. 1. V a .a -a a t a j thw nrndtlt . i un u mom. w awioi m - r- - G, ot fav North Croliiia MtUr It H wrmtr i an nm bbbiw biiiii whiwiiii w ii i i n oa who desires to ;encoursgs and nstlrs genius, For sale at the Book Eton of . ' . - ., . AXERED WILUAEl mar. 18-tL ' - TOTICEI ,w . ' I have sold my Korestville Ma",1.fJ'rt"T5 Company property aud Kaper All d.bta du wis forpaiwr moat be P ttast Comisoy ; snd all tkbta due from coijint oi, or alMiat the Paper Mii pres. Bte,J to tbat company lor wllhmt'" psvnieut. M'iiX F. At ka. HalelKh, feb. S, 187J-dtf City papers ropy two. wak JZZ?. bills lr invmeailat toe otbl of lM .(' at rail o( Aenaa, i iJ. . "i-ste-i. pROVlBIONS. 16,000 Lbs. Side and Hams. J,000 do pnr!jarl fobl-tjtf ipiIE HEW HYMNAL, 1 - v ; fOB tJ M TAB PaOTIlTaST WD ."':""' ' Canntcar "; . , - .1 ' Joat received lawrrenl atofto'ofw" snd at price from 0 eta. to l3.0 Eor ml at the Book Sto.e of- , - , ALFRED VtUU1' ' ..I ItTuRDFEMALE A ADEMY.t'V'' f .!--4.S M.s. M K. Mitcl.rH. rw- ; Tssv ;,",; Mrs. Mra 1h W, H M.icvow. IV, H M.icvow, ' 1 V.il " san-iais of tills iwdiuat " smned d asmrr loth, JI.WajJW C reobu-a wiib terna. sre, n,.ee'toK t" i fanwm .- Ad Irieniw 01 r . ui' bell, of tba Cbiveraityof hx h Mtl see an d a - " J N : - . airr r ,naJ ai oa my prsnilc on 11-t, , .ml Marsoo nod eowdiii 'w, Halt'O r. . a B. years t, UIH..BO"' . wirj kse CiS'. fcSi and mepi.ifl Jtl t,i ' poa-iva, er &U' Wlb.NS, TAsCaT GO. mirsa-sw,....,--.,....!. L..r'".t" t-1 --e-i ' l-'f.

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