I 9 - ;.i mi m 7 :7-...'v7 I. - Ill--aaMMnMBBBBBnBMBBMBBBBBSBMMnMBMBBBMBWBBBBBBWBMBBaBW'" mL M ii ' -17 .. AY-, I VOL. VII. , ' v , ; . ; ' jailn Jicnfmel. jOSUi TIM Eli Jr., Editor. MBX SriLIlX, AtwtiaU k Ual EdiUr fliOFESlLLNAL CARDS. , f. BOOM Jo) MIUH - MOORB 4 QATUNO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,, , BALRIUH, H. ft gut sod Federal Ctrarte and th Coarts ol MendWkJsdtoialDiaUlcto, . . so l-tf. PBlLUrS A. IKtEKmiWON, Attorneys at Law, BATJldn, N. a- s. t. rnru.ii". 4m ask-u. A. f. tnOKM. ATTORNET AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. ft, . . If 4 fll.lt. Prarlli'iwi in me WTrm vnrv wt vw o.n JuH Wl OiMiicl, mill lo tlw H,Mvinr t'ourt uf u a, lit Priiiuttt aLAhulIuu vivea to U. F. BASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW," GRAHAM, M. C, PrarUra In AhunaBce and adjoining roan tins u.l is Uie Supreme aud li. a. Court. It) ."J-aillt . ' li r k.n as Hi y: ATTORNEY AT LAW, HILL8BORO N. ft, . -rraoticci lu "ratura end the adj'lnlngcoun lit,, an-t lu Uu; jtoprenir auil ft-A-Courta. -lull t-ant 'i ifiiiiw.-" -.-r, -a ton PAKKKR'.i: LONG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .x-, o EAtiAJf, k. :tu........::. . "Prir'le In Alaunoee nd the (Joining coumim una in tlw BupMiw wd U.B. tuurt, lei) JMMat . ,' ..Lit. uma. --.jU-: ttM'i.r-Mu mm Bl A. WILLIAM, .. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BOCKY MOUNT, V. ft WILLIAMS BCNN, ATTOKN1T8 A THL A W g BALIIOII, M. ft . Baslnrw I-IUt buj U sddKMfd to Rocky Mnaiil f Hjlelh i )liu cuitiMiud In to; art ol North Cr- ollo PntiUct in tin B;imii Court of th Bute uid u ih j IfeUiTnl Court t hltlj(U. 1. 1 w MISCELLANEOUS. Q ENKRAL IN8UBANCB AGKNCI I LIFE AND ITRE.I Th? Vitintnl lift nf flew TatK n I MU 11UUUU1U AUiV. WI HUH The Phenii Fire of Brooklji, DOiJGLAS BELL. AKent, tept tt-tt Office out Ui KwIkmo UeteL riUUKE FKceil PEACHKi i ciiule F rah Toraetoee. f V Wuilow' iiii Cora, . ; . " . Lime itean m r Vtf W. C. 8TKONACU CO. NTAL notice. Until lurther oollfe id until the enUhlUh- Bwnt uf Miuble )in, , orden for mr pro Kirvk-e, oi? Or. lift wllh C D. Hartt or Kt the tttate Na'liouol Kank, when 1 will promptly attend the nldeoc of patlunta. jaa-a i. BAt tWK. ' J. II. chaw roup, ; DENTIST. t etrt4J:tra. 0 VIDE D 0 PRE, V ATTORN BT AT LAW, , A Raleigh, N. .C. J Traotlcea Lu the Court ot Wake, and la Um . TmUrK Courti ictvea ape!fa atwtoUon to Uie riung of esHM' lu Uie ttuporuie Court of X C, ciKitji cUiitia atiilnnt auy Fire or Llfr Iuraac Cuuipauy IB Uie United BUtee, aud atUuiia promptly U any oUwr prufaaalouai bumr intru ioJ to him. . (LARK X MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, HALIFAX, M. ft,,. 1 Prwtl.-ln all lhConrt of Halifax, Noittn ampton, Edicrctwnhe and Martin counUee. lu Um Hupreuio Coui t at Noriu Carolina, and lu the Federal Courts. CoUecUoua awde la any part of North Car ollue, uiarWly : JJAtl liATI Belee of aplendld ny rweHeil. febaMlU T. BfRoNACH A BRfJ. gHOKED BEEF TONGUES. 1 Rereired to day. ".. i5 Mr. C 8TRONACH A CO. Otiftl WOOD!! bKt. ft ilj ,,-n at tLe riptht at -it 4M wl or d. hvrT ia Ui cilr where it tmy de . I i. A. JONES,1 21-tf. a Book Store. JST0T1CEI The lot of laod, Vont lining about trt tent ueue4 on S,rm and kdmion atrwu, la -u WvtI of um city of Rairiirn, ao -oij by Juno haT,ha area divided Into jWraTemeut k.t, which are for eel. lermn on Uilra cuk; one third parabU ' pniha, and the utW tuird in tw.dn aiooUi,, wtth Inu re fro.u av of uie. k. ef todi'lited into lota, may "J eo at Um txiurt Haue d.Kjr, at the Boner Si ..J! r' nr l " " of Moore A Oel w, attoriH n.t l.w In 1 "''""We tula will be ftiiraaUed, and rtraona. dexme , ,,u .Ke will arr-ty to j, ... MWKB 6ATU.N0, UlVlXSlTRANCE. Ao. - . OVEXl $16,000,000 Assets! . i :;. if if i ... . . j 'm T 1ST A Life Ins. Co., lane polkiea apou- Uvea from SO TO 60 Tim Ihciciiti. The larjceet anount oa any one Ufa. la I JU, ; I W. H. CROW, GenM Manager, . , '.. ' North Carollua and part of Virginia. .. iETSA FIRE CO, Cash AueU 14,000,000 00. Bepraaebted by - W. H. CROW, Agent, iaa 17 U Raletxh. N. ft HOTELS Ac V.V.4,.. , ... HEHICiH HOTEL CHEITNCT 8TREET,fc OrroaiTB Old Lmdcphndenc Hall,' pltiladelpiiiaI. " "aTlL IIEUXXNG3, IFBUtro7 aplBdtl QT- CATUARlilE'8, ONTARIO, ..' i CANADA; "T TBI "STEPflKSSOS DOCSE.'t ' AND BATHS 1 .: la eoanecUoa with the celebrated well of ' SALINE MINERAL WATER ' b new open for the reuepUoa of . rititora. Fanotu deairoua of tug board will plea addreaa Ike PrOjUtua,. BEVERLY TUCKER A SONS. Julyt-tf JOHN B- AMYETT, ... Ik SOVTB FBOXT STJii'k'T, ' ..'T3-"iiBWBaaui, 4 c. - Wbobuale Grocer and Cooimiaidon Muft-Jieat. Hp elal at'rutloa paid to the purehaee of Grain Older, ro.pectlully aolii lted K..-fura W W. a VVtiiard, t'q., RelelKh, N. !. . . . Bur7-dtnt A R T. tiEORGB B. BAKER can ternmffiodnte til or ehfht peraona with irxiod Board and Lodging at tl-e raeidm of Mra. U. W. Mill. r. rorner Newtiern and fereoa atreslA. Roome laive aud couiforWilu, euruant t, IBTit .....--.! KOTI4 I-:. . OOP SOLICITOUS WANTK.D. NONt in r-. rl Ktilklay aa Kia nannill irivat itiumI l.f it G' IWI laUVUflaUlU MlillaklH irrt rr. Bfl'IJ Mi ITT ANTED, a ronUfltnu WtflWe rWnr of VWUILPCIiCUti lU kjl-kA-ll JblJlAaUta) Jam atPlakal W1, wita mad UreolLi . .. Ma 4. Him w cl . rfcommcDucA IuT romjw. tf-JiL'jr aUiJ iuinal UtkJit;itir A'iiAji U balgall silt ruoi'iiaW'T ttcxt. - : r : ,feb.iild4 i B. A.CKUDUP. QLA8SICAL BCUOOLb. - ; j The ereri'lma of my arhnol will berennmed at the Lovrjny Academy, on Monday, Jan. WAv " ' - v " " s ' ! ,M. " Trillion per mouth - V6.DU liiaa tf THOS B. BAILET, A M. JOHN ARMSTRONG. " ' BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOKMAN ItVAi'TllUIfU , tni ru aoaru caihujma aooaaroaa, - BALEIGH,N. C. . T Trial, Irerutlnn, Minute aua Reebrdlot Dorkefa'aiade to ordir. i North Carnllna Report and other La Booka, bound lu-aupenor Law Blniling. kliftittnir ntiailMra of the RnoorU llnolh'd and odd nuubera takao Is axcluwtc for uiud' L I8ftf UTTER AND LARD. 10 Flrklaa Sae Goabea Better. Half bbla. and keg pure Lard. Biar -dU i ,r-rt- ,'( LEACH BROS. JjStOLRAtl B01I nSTlIlIlONJ ! ) SECURITY AQAIJWT FIUB I ; NOSTn CAR0LHVA im hmm coipit - BALEICM, n. c.:. Thh OompvT. now aear Hie eloM of the third veer of lie emiatmce, continaee to writ Pour-fee, at fair mtee, on all cleaeea of nuur able property. All Lowe are prompt I v adju.ted and paid. Tbe " IHM E" kt riaiy fro. In In pbl favor, and appmla, with eonft.lrece, to imut era prop'v m floria uanmaei agents Ix 111 parts or the state. C B BOOT, Vim P , R H BATTLE. Jr., Paaaioairr. ' ,' BEATt'S GAl.H, ao., "' PLLAHKI t nPKIt, Bi'rm'Vtaoa, ' f W. H. MUROOC'H.Aaa't.BBO. ' , eppt tr-tf ptwre o nrverttnlnr. for the "Home" will pteww anrtiinia UliJ tor ie aureiuMuieuie !ae-r2;- HARDWARE, & o . MLo-BUoMiLBI " i AMES' SPADE I JOWLAND"S SHOVELS I I A lar Le lot of the above (ooda at T. H BRI(H19, - lllhi cl-rAINUAllI.N LJIMMONS Gltt'B IIOF8I 81 M Mi N8l MATTOCKS! (JISIMONS' RAILROAD PICKS I , . i SIMMONS' BROAD AXES! ' IMMONSTIIOP HATCH UTS rt A good aMortment ot the above "STAN DAK ft" itooda on hand at r "BOTTOM PRICKS." - T. H. BlilGOa JSK F)R I.ui'm " Vofdinc I loo. - Thia Hoe will not bruik al ike E.e, ae tbe Eye aud Blade are all made from one piece of Norway Iron. ' '" KorSaleby , feb.lMtf ' T H. BRIGG8. A' LWAVS IN BKAaONI HANDSOME BIRD CAGES. si'perb'toilet SETS. :"B iCTiFtMSi' RAf irrf Unnse Furulahlng Good, of every known dearrlptloB at liardwara Mouat ot, JULIUS LEWIS CO , tnarJl tt Raleigh, N. C. JOW IN STOCK!, 75 DOZ. ELWILL tiOKS, ' S u ALL STEEL HOES, . M " C. .8. HANDLED HOBS, m PAIR3 TRACK CHAINS. Thv gooda wrn purshatrd bef ura the re- ....... cent advance on price. JULIUS LEWIS CO , Kalelgh, M. C. mar2l-tf. . Julius lewis a to.. Will eofllloua to aell at very low prlcea, their very exteaeive atock of - . . j HARDWARE 01 EVERY DESCRIPTION, uar 21-tf. . : " ' . . '; . . fMISCELLANEOUS. G SEEN PICKLE In iIim and looae. i mar S-U W. C. STRONACTI A CO. JA8. A LKACU A CO., THO.MASV1LLE, N. C. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers "T !., womn, b-iya aud ijilee' ahora. .We nave an.mp ete uwk fur Uie oriii( and euwiiirf trailo Prlivw lower tliMt toe aame tuoot faa be bouKliI ia auy BorUnra Buukrl Ait wore warrauuta. 1 r. . uur!-tiw. ' . I r OMk'lcTlBLKACHlN'utt I y7:.:...7,L77... Anlii'lieUng an advance in the BAW aula- rial, we have purckaerd and have in atora , 75 baka Unblnkhed DunraUca. v, Saxaaua of llk.ni,Ued pum.aUi-a of Uieumat popular and etuiiilird nialca. on Wbleh ................... .i,A..7 .... -...j.,, ' Wk CAASOT BK CUDERSOLD. W. H A B. 8. TUC KER A CO. f,h.9llf TOTICE.-; - . ' All Indcbled to the lra of Ura. T. Btrrmarh. are rv'iliju4 ui ruiae forward and aettle at ijnre enueL.1 . a hir voenal ront rar-ta eileL .iid. thiHW having rlaiina aainut the firm art i Ur. v. ii w yrmmm uimw, iue mui. but nua he paid at onca Mr the will be tuned over for eoliucUou. a n . wrDjiuiriu )aa S-tf v per Wiwaij, TuaAavaaa. . StndTrell Brotliors, 17 Murrwju.J?l"oet, 'l ' '"7'' 7 How Tori;, ... v Is' . -1 ; Jfaoufartomi and Jobbiira of . B00T8 & &H0E3, HOUTHEIIN TBADE, - ..... -.; . -v. . Hare a complete atock In all tinea, bsctudlh( Uulr popular Gjauia Btati Buj, Kir Piiriw Sanaa and Woun Paaaue. -v Orden aoliclted and carefully tiled at lowett mvkct rate. V i. I. MO0;E, Sa! iui 80-dun RHEIGn, N. HOXDiT, APRIL 1,1812.7 LIFE INSURANCE. 4 1 THE NATIONAL LIFE maw INSURANCE CO OJfTllit. miTaniTH r auska. . PlILADALratA, Fx. : i. p.... Chartmd hy larlal Art er Ceatraea. IMS. Casii Capital, $1.003 900.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT., " - JANUARY 1,'wia. Rmlpta...t'.T. lllthurMoeoU . 741 too S i Si4l, ft lorree-ein Net Caak Aaaeto dur lu( the year..... ASKITSl Cark Ib Bank and Trut Coia (wni.e,.. . Uovernaumt, State . u4 Munkt pal Boiula.... . Loaiu aerured bv Ural MOrt (aveon K. EUU). ........... "" Uuauaoa Collater.)., . Deferred BBd Unpaid PmuiluuM, . Aoerued lutaieat. ..,...... S8.VI18 S3 iss.sH as 84A.UQ0 00 r..u u IP. Dill 41 Total Aaaeto January 1, IWti, 'J,1.'W,--W 84 - - LI A BILlTE4r- V--- Total amoant required toaafrly iaeure aM unauwiHaii ebka, I 1,4M,1V) Loaaea reported but Bol due. . .. ua.tM Si Total LiabUIUea Jan. t, I 1.0i,7U8 Si Surptua (Serurltv arldltlonal lo Htliwurauce Fund,). .. . II.WIA") 82 ... .,. ,.,,- .""jj'j,"""' '"Aiii't"" PoUctM lansrS W 1871, . :. . .B IS.tmi DOS Puiixiea la foraa Jan. 1, taTi, T,WNt I,0jU,7 S A BTKOXG STOCK CO!vIPA Y. DISTINCTTYF FEATURES. 7' LARGE CAPITAL ($1,000 000.) CASH SV.-TKM, PJtRFECT ' BOUBITT, CONTRACTS DKFIfflTE. NOlIVlk.NUI)(.LUS10NS. sro K PLAN. 1 two dollars of assets to bviri dollar of liabiluy. conakhvativb influence of capital, liberal non forfeiting AEATl'KKS. 1H(.1CY NEARLY , , WORLD WIDE. f PLANS SIMPLE. LOW BATES OV PREMIUM. . OFFICEBS I CLARENCE H. CLARK, Preaideat ItBNUr D. Uuuaa. Waithiiigtoa, I vip.'i. E. A RoLLtxe, FhUadeli.h, f jAt Cooka, Chalnaaa tuaare and ' EaecaUve Committee. Euauaoa W. Pbr, PhUadelphla, SeureUury aud Ai'Ularv. Johv f. Btrrl.aa, Aaalatant Secretary ToagmiU of intrgrttv, who are dealrom of tiaaaactioa; the buatuoae ot Life iuaurwee upoa hountaod conwet princlplea, Uie Com Nuiy ia preiered to otter aa liberal iuduuwneuto a can be attorded hy ite low ralea, AppUeatlone for aKenciea or for poltrlet nay be made Is the Company at ita Branch (Mttca to Philadelphia, or to . . . . . . P. F. PESCTJD, Jr., tiaaaRU. Aoairr. arlt tf ' RaidiiU, N. . i NSURE YOUR UPB IN TUB 6STA.TIONAXj of new yoek," . , AIDTOCra ' ' " ' 11 P II E N I X of BROOKLYN." ,:TjpUaUS BELL, 1 17-tf " Inauraara Aip nt jsq-ow ot.NiNa A Lrg and Coauplekt Stock at V TRAVELING) BAGS, , 1 rj A . - i SOLE LEATHER VALISE3, 7.' SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, Which wUl-aoH at LOWEST TKICIS POSSIBLE. B. B. ANDREWS AC, Clothier aud Genu' Furataher SeclO-U IMB,PUSTEB AND CEMENT. Another aupply ot heat Suildera' Lime, all Inuip, la .lore Agricultural UaM, at f 10 per toa, for com iieuog. i" Caauiued and Land PlmaUr Bad Hidiaalk Ca leuk aiwaya ou hand . - - JAMES M. TOWLES, Agent. febi-t 1872. 8PMNO STYLES. , 1572i -0 -JUL.:.:..--:-- -- ' '' ICaaaof w Spring tyla ...... . ;. ' : . SILK ILAT8I' Krai and ligliC Trie oalj 5 M. . -. 'y : ' , W. H. K. 8, TCtXIS CO tb.S?l!f . . ; MISCELLANEOUS. Joua B. Naau -m . J.Bukaa. J0IIN B. NEAL & Co., CommlsBion AtTerchants, 7'.. n- T '"O '.'-' Produce Doalora :;r NORFOLK, Yk. xl joif fur thi mU ff Putnpto Oven.' ' Ihtllvered free ef charge on the eara at POTUnouth. KTelght troai rartaaawth 14 par too.-, . , ,". tf deelred, lioeral arrangeBento Will ha to take payment la cotton of the atiauUic Refer to. J. Devatanx, or M. A Bledeoe, fcbaudSm. : pROP. RE1NOU)S' SCUOtJL BOOKS. 1 A KIa Ot IWSTBDCTHtBAt. ' . IOUTI1EKN SCHOOL BOOKS, Prepared by Pro'reaor J. L Reynold., of the llalveialty of Routh Carolina, rouiaUue ot Reva uda' Pictorial PriuMT, loc . Ehuueatary peih'r, the. - . . Primary Ki-ailer, ar " "Sroad Readir.tHc, v: Tklrd Hrarlrr, ah: P.mrtk Krader. Wr. Fifth Ue.de-, ll Stfc. 1 keae booka form a aerie the moat latereat tar aud beautiful aver otterta to the pubHc. Ihcy are ivtHMumended hy many eminent tearnera, bv the Boa' d of rhool Coiumtealoa ea of SimiUi Uamlliw, and are ia uaa h th atkpula of Ueoruia and Cou'k CaroliiM. . No better or cheaper hooka can ha had in or out of the Htate.' " - Copli-e arnt by malt for etamldatlon OB ra- eetpt of hall Uie above ur eea. A krftrr ilunmar will he bmhI to Teach wv of private and pulilic achooia, aud toaMr chanla, than they can set oa any ether aeriee oi ocaeoj nooaa. JAS. H ENKISti Atr-r s N. C Bookatuee, KaieiKh. mart-tf 1871 SPRING TRADE. 1872 CROQUET. Complete eotaat WOO, ft .00, S9.00, 16.00, tlJOQ, 18.00 to 130.00 Beat, i FISH! MO TACKLE. Boda, Hooka, Usee end Baaketa, UAJBB IJALU. T All Um leading kind at rednoed price. GUNI. . r ,s Jloahl and Single Barrel PISTOLg. . I: Tke Popalu and Approved kind. 1- ; AMMurvinoiv. Of every deacrlpUoa, N. B All of our Cnxjaet, excepting th i00 act, have Bradley' Patent SvckaU for the Bridget, a great addlUoB. Dealer hi Sportaraea'a Oooda and ether lutereated, aliouid arnd for our Pile Llat of Jglnted Flahlng Boda, the beet aud eheapaat OoodalathaBarket. 1 7 fout.tney7trimijle a CO," , 'JV. r 7 W. BaltimortBtrMl, : SALT1MOBE, MD apeodlvdAw . .., . mm ATERWHEEL, Mill Gearin.ShaflinU Pulleys U8END fOB A CIRCULArUfef Jan It, 1BTL U1SKTI vv J"1 - A kit of Bowen'i four year old Rv. tebWMIi . tt T. OTUONACMABRO. Jj IN EST SYRUPS. , K ,, x ... -, i .' fel-dtf fl.T.ITRONACH A BRO. QORN WU1SKKY. ISMda. Copper DlaTOlTS ti. T. 81 RONACH A BRO. Wa. r. MBAraa, Taws. B. MoDaamAa, ......... ( ; . , Wbv T. Law. . Graves Warehouse. DANVILLE, VA. KM tbi AL or lba Tnataeoo W1 E Have Juat put as addition to our WaMioaM, ibaklnr; It the torgeat and btafvanirM kouae-or toe hwaifMa la toe Tow a. W ith IV larifa Ooa aa IB aky-uguta. W agona lucked apui Uia Warekouea at uuhk Dry dUHa fur horae. Ouod room for Plan ter! to cook aud alcep ia. Proinirt atteuUoa to the lateraatiand contort ot rtaateaaad their teaiua. . . tHi-il,., f ...... . )i i glDfcS, HAMS AND SHOULDBRS. 10,000 Ik. Wr.iera SI .tea - ,( StowUk-ra. S.0U0 " liia A C. H.au. LEAH BR')8. JC8T RKt'ElVED. fmtxtij Family Flour, ' tonne and laa, Lara aud Baaoa, Freak KUUer,, Orange, ; Coronet, CauduK. Ac.. Ae. . At . HT IStt B. it. HARRISON'S. Q BAHKKLS IK18H POTATOES. 4 Barrela Early Jloae. )a&U B.t. HARRiSON, MISCELLANEOUS. QVKB COAi FOB HEN AND BOY 8', N i A anw tapply ot Flue, Median) and Low L 1 '- Prtead Overuoata. . ' . . Juat received at ...... B B. ANDREWS A CO., , '. Clvtwiim, Wwrt door to Tackar HaH. dee 90 tf CXTIZnXTS' DAX7XI. VOkjfSJt HTCAMOBM A.VD TABM KT3, ParaasBt'BB, Ya. Paid l p Capital, ; $32S,000 JOS It (THXIPKH, PMtnuT. N. M TANNOK, Vica Paaeioaar. D. A. W EIKIUEK. Caamau. BSMd. HABIUOUN, AMUIAJf CAiSiBB. I Andrew Whlta, W. LWalklaa. Frank Pot -.: .jLaiB -T. ArrlngkiV- 4, f, Jt IMHawoa, .. w. . Jlaliory, Tppy. Par sits nmlTd In Uou, S it. van, or Cuaaaact. tor which nmltrataa will he la aued. payallle In kind, oa demand, with lu tor eat from dale Ull pakl. . . laTBkuar altoaed oa daltr hetaaceaaalijeet to ohe.. Cullertinua oa all accewlble puiuU, Bad rev tolwa anade pruaiptiy, - awr U-lf VtrM OAKL BltOWNE, PORT1AIT PAINTER, No. IS, rajreevllle Btraet, Life ataePkituie patutod troui Ufa, Photo- gruphe ur i)agartMHyMM Old family Portrait and Picture. tkorouKU ly repaired and ruetored to truahuea uiar w-oina pOTTON AND CORN PLANTERS. la atora aaaaulaa f Uie " Eureka Ton Plauleia" and the Swltk preuiiuia Catum Plow. Can aupply any niak ot thee. Inval uable hlp o abort antic. ' JAMES M. TOWLRB.' laarSMt, . .. NOrtli CtrollaB Lutd Company, KSTiBLTSITED FOR THE , THuaoportaatloxt and Xooatloat Konnn akd Iusprah Banuas nr ' NORTH CAROLINA. TUCKER BALL, RALEIGH, N. ft THIS Company haa keen la aaceeaaful opa ration fur auarty two yean, and wiU a Uaa to bbll. Laaaa, or Rukt real utatt. oa toe eaoat tavorabto tana aud tt eUvUed lata auui tracta are more aaleatMa. Alt peraon kavtuK Landa to aell wul SnS H to their totenal to caul at our office, -or ear mpon4 with aa, aaoar laciUitea fur aaUlug arw weieaerog every uay. and we euk agiou U Morto CaroUniao to nid 04 in pruaeotiiif Uiia gnat autarnrlaa, and heiu to mum Bp our waste pa ouua up our waste waste pi.. lb I'leaidaat aad Dlreeian of thaonaiiiaBV Dli Iv an weU kuuwa j and peiaoua entrusting buef. mwm lasr nauaa, save w oeat that they will ka fairly repreaaatod. la IMr kaada, hav Uie beat aaai Wa kav no mwMciii with any other Lead Affearyoreoauiaay profeaalu; to do kualnasa In tola Stata but am oparaUna; 011 fy nude to naase ud atyhj of "Tea Musra CaaouaA Labb oarABi," a chartered by Special' Aet of to IKialatura bearlug data I uoraary kvk A D. tout. - ... Addruaa all wMaiunlnatloaa to Th Morti Carultoa Land Co., or to Wa. Si-otLSecmturw (JKO, LITTLK, Fnb, Wn. Soott, SoCy. MttacroMi:'. " , -. Cot Geo. Little, Uea. K. F. Hoke, Hoa. W. Bees Dr. i. . Amlta, Uoa. t. L. clha aaau, Wbl Wott, let , JaaltiAwtl c" IKRKIN8 A UOUrE'S PATENT NUN kiptoaive Keruaeae ur Coal OU Laiapa, and Balety Filling t aua ' (Mar JO,tM ia uaa. Nut use ka ever spiudad Tb only abao Imply aafa and rleaa lAmp maoe. 'lite uuly tobher AA fackuy rutoa are UAKI BROTHER, ' S4S Waet BalUaur BL, BaiUmore, Md., (I au ot VlagluU.) EVSend tor circular aud uric liak. ..... 1. A r . YOUNG MEN CONTEM PLATING . Buaiuaaa Life should atlead h - BRYANT, Bf (tATTOlj A SADLER BUSINEKM COLLKOE. tiWw&fcyPBr1'prBr'na" 'lwrflaa,flBApBY1B& altlp. aocloae two eiAiaiM aiiu e.ldrww W. M. BAIILEK, Praa't, f. M I. .1 i -M. - "BltM.e, Md. 'HO FARMERS AMD PLANTERS, a Kiubta Refuted Poudretto, of the Lodl Mauufacturlug o.H f,r ale ia Urte to tott cue PiiHcra. Tula .rtlcle la ld lor A(T(A, priot ot Um other frruiuwra, aad I cheaper for OM uana, ln and ryrfM. ibea any x w Mi ueruua.. it la uiartir entirely fruaa the nitrt nl, iillar, c , tr N. Y. city. Price, dtlvid oa hoard la New York eity, twenty t.e do. lent per ton. 1 aak attoaliwB to Uaa following Watiatoaial : J. A T. Aekew, ot CMerala, N. C, kj a let, tor dated Sept liltk, IMtt, ; " I letaevarul plantre hav aows of toe Double Hwknad roadrstu.' One anya ha wauto ve loaa seat M,uu to put uader oora. I uaaa f oar tone oa com, aud elUHMgh the aaaaoa waa aafavorable It aatouiaued every ou who aaw It.' I think It the beat ferUhaer tor cora 1 ever aaw." Daaid McLaury, of New Brunawirk, B. J,, Huder date of August li, IH.o aaya: Upoa th nvoamrmlaUua of Prof. Cook, ot tta New JeVaey out Airru altural Cotlega, who aiialyaed UM Lull Co. 'a Duntil Kenned Poa drwtte, i ud H vary sareujevrly two yeara ago Tbie year I eed, lu cooaecthet wiik a aeiifh aetb borN. H. Dudley,) el .Hit S,MM worth of Doe eta Itoaued Pouitnlte. 1 ess ekaerfulla rrcoiiHueftd Una to ba, aa I bulieve, a cheap i.d HI.i.fil a.m. turiT.il femUrr - vx Apswiilet, gwiaa; fuU dhtetuous, Ad., bbM ob aplUR'awos 10 - . JAM EST. POUTER. W CorUendt atreet, Mew lurk. Sold by 1 Nlenw-ver. Ethereds A Brooka, PorlMKmik, Va. aud (juaUiDii-r Bro A Co , Nutfiiik, a., tub -dfca - 100 BB1A. FLOUR. ;.. ... v atU-tt A T. STRONACH BRO. OR 8 ALE I i , it , P.OOO GrsjiO Vine) r . f Ot h fottowlng vaitotiaa ! lYES SREDUNU, CONOOBD , --.-.ri -.; CATAWBA aw - : SCPPPlRNONa ' ' " . W. H. JONES A CO. JJWB BALE! ' "" BYE FROM, WESTERN N. C. , . W, tt. JOM3 4CO, ' - LIFE INSURANCE. 't u Jn i .. ft it ij) . rflltm MLTCH ISolliXCE cosrisT, ..... tl .." . ,A v ' " HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT a! cava. Cltaa. P. MuoUa-u A Sua are Um wel kaowa Geaen Aeato tor North CaroUaa, aud Marylaad, .,,".. ' ADM1N.1BTEKED STRICTLY OH THE MUTUAL PLAN. 8,000,000 OF ASSET? The putlukN ara all "bub forfeitable'!' NO RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON TRAVEL UNU OM RESIDENCE. ( Promptly pave upoa all loe proved , Oa Htm luaarea ton years, or th T Xudowment Plan. " J ur Ma Sab Ooatpaai At lioui AaaoAP. BALEIGfl AGENCT: JOHN DEVEREUX, Eiij., Ode la aireaeck. balldlug oa aacoud Sour. MknlCAb BkAHIkBB, ' W . P. M A L L B T, M . D . nvlBU 7 MISCELLANEOUS. F ERT1LIZEKS FOB SPRING CROPS. W oSer to Uta trad aud to plan bra la VIRGINIA AND MOBTH CAROLINA, r.- ;tV;.-';..7r7.' ; Tha SoUowtng' MTANDAMD rXUTILlZKBS: xtU0 tone BradkxPatout 8uperphiiiiriaUl of 1 80S tea Bradley! Baa Fowl Guano. 80S ton Eeeee'iSolubl Pari 8c Guano, IU0 ton gwalaa Peruvian Unaao, - 1 SOO.toaa Oroaad PUsUr. . , .' 100 toa Bradley't Tobacco Fertillaer. W eleo ofler Uut FartUiien manufactured by tfc PETIRfiBURU FERTIUZER COMPANY. . . ; v' The Bum area wt o8er with all eouSHcuce, having aald them fur the pW eixaara. ' fc0ur tonna to the trmd Art litieml, and wc bivi! eovroApouth'Uce'froiB planter. s ycILWAINB A CO, 0 E i 3-.-R21 o -S tf If P 253 1 p . a . ? S-tSB S E a . o V5 " ll . U olSI -1 P i im a b s . 9- PI i & -"' -7. gg - g a II t 8 if "8 1 fc S 2 D 1 P-o S CO J jS " I 6 W 3 7-- r ' . 3 rt !'. ss- -g-. 1 -8 6 . '. fM. 119. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. jOJRSALEI: ' - 100 Buahela Eaatcra Pea Nut-Due sating and planum Pnaa. ar-u W. H. JONES A CO. 'OR SALE I Fmab canned Pearhe, put up In Oianxe W.H. JOaKb A CO. aiard-tf laVrn siUltflTV InnrrMma mam delivay ., W. M. JONES C CO. star (M - ' plOB REST I "- A CotUge Houaa and lot, la th Northern portion uf .h ally. auu-B-U W. H. JON Ed A CO. QOTTON AND SHUCK MATT RA be: 4. AnotVier lot inat iwvIm. 'Im. 11'. and aald a K really rvOu.-ed price - a.... -4AM.IUI1A, MkB-tf Com. Merchant. gO TCH OATS. . j Mack Scotch Oat, welding 47 pounJ to aiar 4-lt . .-, W. C. S1RONA0H A CO. Q UOtCB W8HEB BUTTER. Prl Factory and Elk Mouutala Cheeae, 1 atore to iay. aar S-U , yf, C STRONACH A Co. - JCMBEKI LUMBER! ' l.ao.h n KmIMI.w k. a i , . . vm Aurauueu a. low prkwe by SiplylBf to arw-aa a, U. LSI A CO. gllGARI SUGAR 1 1 SlaudardA, KilnC, . . C. Yellow. - Duuonua, Polo Hlco, Fr aale very low at A C. BAUNDK.KO Co., tin, S, MarUa Streot. aovSStf II OR8E8I HORSES! I On good Family Hon. " " Draft -" BnwdlBrai, - - km Hone, For aale at A 0. SAUMUKK8 A Co'i - kk tf . .. ., ,., Martin atreet. ACOM AND LARD. M.C. TUme, . -: . , " etoee, m, Bulk Bide, Bmk Pork, - - Csnvaaeed Ham In emit ahunditnc . at A CSAUNiVkm Co'a., or IS tf No. , MarUa direct. JNDEX DIGESTED OF TUB PUBUO Acts, Ordioancai and Rcaolutioui - OF NORTH CAROLINA. SIS CM TBM SXriSID CODS. Dlgwtod aa they war anactod. BY HOK. a F. MOORE. Th Initos present Dietaries! Memorau- 1 . t I.. dura Of the Spirit aud Fueling of th Umet during th anUr war. Price 75 cent. , St prepaid by J. A JtlNES, " - dec II If BookaelleIUlcigS.N. 'tyOOD WORK AND IRON WORK, For Cart and Waroe. Bar 1-lf JltUUS LEWIS A CO. pHB ALL BIGHT' , , ' COOIINO STOVE, Without rival, at th Hardware Hour of JULIUS LI Wirt dt CO., uart-tf RaleliiU, N. C. JARLY RO6E POTATOES, Prlnr Albert " Early tim.dri k Jm-taoa W lute " Juat received by .MaCAtf W.C STRONACH A CO THE GREAT TERTILIZER. Whakh't Raw Boks Bcria-PitoariiATR. : INANDAROrOtiAaABTBEtJ.auOlUa. Manufactured by ' i - v ALT0VttiNTi"ctC WiViainytoa, DtUutar. Wt are pnird to furulek 'he alwro fcrllK" liar in any quanUty for rash, or oa tint, to prompt paying cuatouiers. It. A. PARKER. . ; No t South Sid Market Squar. . feb SMJ.u. rKSOU TAIL O KINO A :,- f t:-. ,., - i ,, ESTABLISHMENT. XI. .DX3DCOII. M SB On ART TAIL OR, Alto MAIM IV Portal Cloibt, fiuimm tnl TeJiop, FA YETTIV'ILl.E 8TREET, Oppo.lt to Market House, 77 ! ' ' ' juuciqa, .v. c, " Beturu hi thank tor peat favor, nl " tekra pluaaur la usounclng that ha haa re turned from New York, with a una a atock of good aa could b trkctcd fmm the bent Iru. ported FRESCH ASD ISGLISn CLOTHS A.sl. ' ! , MKRE3 AND VEJTiN .'S. i ; , . I wiB Mil at th ni,t ns, p'-V. x rUtNVKLT roa oait. Satiffartk-a guar-m. teed lu e-icrv r-iiicl, or no asle. . Th heat 0 Fn u.lt work utu ani.'.'.jcl. Bit lit-iia. ,1 iiad ik lixaa)

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