- - - JflBt irELIil iueiiU I Ufil Editor, KDNESIUY, APRIL IT, 1871. . Daily. IMW.i SIX MOTUl....fll4. Seed Weekly. IMfW.l4 " ll iOUttCt... w MMtlJ, ease jm ST A tit VO.fVBXTlO.f. Th 8lato Coaventioa of tha Detto- eretie Cooarrvstirt Party of North Cero U mill B at Ohbcnibubo,' cb W DBBtDAT. tin riWTdajroC MaJ BfXt. IX-lcgetet to the eawtswattow wtll Irt patted over th!iveraj 'riitroaJa. far one fan. ' ","', rj .paimLm v ! A t we stt4 -yesterday 'Okld well k ff&it It It by bo meant carta! n(bow evrr, that Settle will Twelve the rjaaiini tion, IJto Maridty pigiit lh laU ntd eomewhut changed, and 4 appeared doubtful whether tba "Washington ltl 1 tick, publishes! Uy ua yestftday , coato te rutted tli rough, Caldwell adetcrmpaed1 ta flijbt it to tin bitter end. lie H f ported to htvl laid, f H Hat caaak to a pretty 44 ah mt when Wetlilngtoo fit j it to make up a stale ticket for North Carolina I" in M to wP'fbrtooi to t boll Tba n.-oirrsmroe oa Monday Bitch wtt that in t).aWni dCkjIitm tadLthj eeadt a llgtt to prolong 4ha conteet be- twee", htnatetflhil Mlw I Iba fourth or fifth ballot, ft third mea vat to te taken cd and that juta 'U'ho other 'til tbt JtBue faced J)u1a Ibfd, f) 0 welt must be defeated and thapkrghwioua . enough. . The htw-aliplipg- peopkef, the State Will exceedingly rejoice to lean this, and console tbrmselyra with tlit rvAty'Uou, that wbaU'ver my betide, the worst ewan la the ttato bat bcea thora at bia pea? ad will tborUe- tliud from tba public gaze, heartil) deapiaed and pai'ned 1 in J to tilt' L,4.i ' . . . . fl" - aaaleauMd, nn by 4tejiwa).aiiilaal boueah'iliL' For prtj b bat diiraned bit ttatt ana romlc'rtd Dimtdr tjnjaagn u.:' loMkft ajlJahiljiftrAmea,, aj wltll tlie chrtcleritio iiigratRude of hit party " hi ; It to be kfcked adrift- onwapt, uubonoml and antung ttoept ar rt in merer now ting hit mM4 $ojif!jt'p fed likl nnAin flbakctpoajr,t the biles airrerp4rvanl tew hi that bad he terro(T Tii itsli aoj ieple with the with whk'h he hat terfed kit aart,' wauld not hare kfl liim if tk oVplveauJe piiaitioo he now occupitel :-"TJi '!' if The programme ytm( farther derel- oped. The "pulat Tat. Uargmr It oa tht Hale ticket fne AUeraey Chjnetet, ad Fat Troaauror Dave Jt-aklat it f tut aoethet term. Curtit U. limgdaa bat ftiemea worthy of all tteef,' tat Uie titu , tenant Oerernorih I p, in nrjru Pries, f Wilmingto--tntl Wtr, tiotwiihtinIfDg Hto otdt-rt Irotn WtJtiatta City thatoe egro fat to tit homluated to ty i-ilU oa the ttato tk-ket) eirifig Wnjit natUm genorally thou1l hit Vltimt fail to " befarorably Wtfaldwefl! m6ti light ttaadi bet ween prio obl tod the1 Wak-' ingtoa cabinet, J4 r.0r- lB..huul1r awaiting the reault. Tie rirosl atlo. a eonrentioa sow la , aiieuuk nftkuKtw .'Orleaat paaseil rreoltitioit railing epos their colored frleodt joiht aiweral tnutt) era ttet to latiat npoa retptctabie poti tiooa oa the aerertl ttate ticketa, wd Price it true rsprownltHre af, : kit. aA aad- will fitkfUy aarry eat Me hwtrtie tloaa, tod he will be tuitalntd by hit data. It wilt be eioardialpj baaeHaJ I or int puny in-ii 1 1 1 to mrytot Hie Wathingtoa program oi la regard to the negro " order, ' ' ., rot Secretary af Ml tie! Jretk kl4 Vtt IlDwcrtoa, thick lieatUd Lofiin aaj t'rinh Ileop Nenthrry hart the fljM.Ow'lfel Binder M out la Ilia cold; lie It a " ear- pel bapger" in whnnj Jt li e r ) now, no harm, aiace hli ftlhct'ln law, tul fjuaton, Iim mh4 "Ti tnd l.e hat ttetdily rlliait Id tka im.inil 'fnw .the Mnaak.i ajr a.., m.j. U t. . , , 1, WIV element it likely IS be n llWa and a.Jt will aot do to ignore the rarpet baggen, ton, Ihe Dctir may come in. f But il.li) aiufiuie. ,.Tle Washingtna City tiukot it ahead. T'JSSt.at,, .KM.'.. X...04i ' Yum Axrf(iju.r moyiwicst. We ttrfito attcnflon to ll.oroport of Ihe itnuieote antilrauti jaaatiag, ahahl T at Oopur Inntituta, Now York, fa Friday titgttt tsrtj-TUr'' thr"tpwii -of Senator Tranquil oa thi4 oiai wbict followed to morrow by that of Senator 6Vbarv- ' . r. i . : . V v KXLi Tht course of thit ptper UtrgMij to, the "lib ral rcpuhlicau movement " it welt aaduratoed, tad in giving the t peer lice of Senators Trumbull and Schurt we must be uaderaVsod at maretj catoribg to the Batumi dual re of aor reaJert to k now wliat U pngrewlnjf, In tLTt at Is 4Mhr matters. To be ' turt we art thor oughly an ti Grant and antl-reJIcel, and look with C.vor"on eretyihirig tcadipgio (tn (rttroctloa. W preff , however, to wit the action' 'at the Cincinnati con tention, with t-'i tingle tietMt-v toal we would thnwt aawbttacle In the way of any movement with tht professed aiattai , thit new one and (lil fin poving character of its Sew "York ilemoaatratioa.-- - In Washingtoa Cit v at we leam, tiit New York meeting bat created t panic la , the Grant camp. .Tut auuuitd totiflar. ence of the pt (rw' wretki bat dlap- pcarcd. , The IW.iUut now tmoket fuiv .ouk'y hd eihiblt little of, hi wrmtfd ' atotidity. He hat bttuia taap Utah and tnarliah tnd iH-tempered prtwmrty, txii Hit tlcpartmcntt au4 p'Sut holdcr .are BervouIy tnxiout, .. - j w --V The Ugh! aa it atandt is too prettrto be rpnijlt'd. - Itanslt off. " ' The Dinxtrit ef the Yiryiuia TekgrtV11 CoiapiMiy propie to extend thfir line ' from Alexandria to WHminicton, N. CH tin Fredi Yii-I.bburg.Ru l.m.md, rVfartbarg, Weld.m, i'c. Ttn- tiue t prtwnl cktoudt II Ibfosigh Iho Valley of Virjiuia.', ;'; ' ( IMMENSE MAS.t MKETIN'O AT TUB COOPFJt INSTIH'TE. ; first Una of the t nip-ten tUmiXTI JTaV TWT AAl"TCTi ii I.UtT-OX ASO CKKKUITK'M. no wows nkpoti.sm. EljOyt'ENT tirEKCIIfca H HKSIaTiiKU I aMWTVW4- tiXM, - 'lr MUM-JUKI. Th IrtiipelSi tnftlit . bt ihc jf tat etc., , f c. iltuuaw ahti Graal mm-lina hlil in New York CU ttn Triday uln'Til last, et 1th a rrportlii iuH of Mi epttrh ' at feunti tt Truo.lmll, to he f.illnwrd to innrrow by tilt aiMWlt of Ht-uattir Carl tkbora. We vi " ; ! , a Ilia mooting waa prrimpt tne ttKMt hnpntin, ihe aaeet aiUiutitic ail the lariceeket-4 WlU la f NcW York. The Wrld tayJrf it: " -' Nevel linra tbt Cooper InekHwte waa air Vi ka LiM-h frmi.fiiliiil .mlimkal ftlk the lXi(e h'.ll of tlmt butldingV In the annate knd on tlitf sidewalk in fr.ifit of the JUiuftute ibnae crowduoKreKa tea at aa learl hour, ami ttmve, lung ( it t tj tltnoaaiinaV Otat Ihefcirit-Wat HluHiL Iff inajitin an entrance ttilhin. liring of ctnnoa " thd - vinliMloa of (ire- workt attric.ttMl ttill greater MtuitMn to ri tint tliny- MMttituile alnwly eillected, e0..rAt- Vtl4H4tMtr Pl'Hie-Wttiiod to ? admit tM OMUe p.tMM-WltM the door y. T aorrMortaaaatairt waft IImu jrniwl to tuiturw lion: the bitted.-. iuli l to the nrnin hall mum while the hall itwiir a a llchte elci tl. chrrrinii taaat htrw Ktiiig Uumiihity. ,?')" mliiiiate ll plae on lie crowd fiiulu l idle, but it l enough lay that Uer aura tlinuaail priwent, aod aliuoej at tinny mure were turtwtl twar witliit ealoJae ediaieiott. Tfct hull a liUjrljf iniJMiiata for llieorcatian, and It la evident that if the tarda of the re loreMndurifig theoniiiing cainpaiga are o be e nMilteit we nmtt bare another and tr- g plac la Mew York to Mrtiuln tht whea (hey meet io'counnll, Tht crowd large; and prominent dreated an chsnttend tt at Kwiiottabtt 01. It wtt iirimd niaty of onr. tnott lt)rM They were wall nil lo div. inrJudtmr nwr eiifc-wttitiat' :nien. mei hantr and liolitiL'i , )Jiertt. nJ BfpuW). eana, tlolin tit ut,Ainericatii without to ii in'a HfTwinuiiiui. m waewn I lera-e C4 tability, and hKr theijtyTu.i it wat trulyfreprtaeujaliv ia churttier, I. .l.V..n viiThBjiellig Wat preetJed nrjbj ,(.4.i t iuierii At t;.)nkling,-ai.trt ty two baoilred anl twehty vioopreildenta, with t-fleuadnflajjjrtliitw. fejjreltriaji. Atnonifit thtat , cfliccni are the naiuen of dm. li-reoaUreeloj', Hoaea JI. Oria Oell and eeorae niore of 'iha, leading aieo of Daw YoAla every nrafeaiioaand Bur The fullering wat announced tt " , j tub n.aTr.aK. ., a ntu'i.taXtKiH of rameivi.iu m.n ar KRW tMk .rrBi.M:a wmo r tvoit jnm Slat iraaitTi ivvTl'in. - , :!(J .W wetmaa taat tut poiiucat mmb of indlvl'tuaia jiuia. cooveuUia auouui be t k0 fh (Vi it the inauence of political; pHtMnm ; t 1 "-- ' aar-r ar Bfliust. oiHcial Intel eilb their ffurerbe coin)elled to pay tribute h llncaroai Doer. We belir that public ellve are, or Wtel tor publleoMiveuienoe, Hfcotrld be. taAont at wards for parliaaa sm vices uor.f'...p nal r tirgrandueuient ; that nf otlknils ahoolil be con qa4 WlHi the tyi' l letter of lot laws creating aaca oniunus. Wt Wile thaUba Oiumpfrof rrpulill eaa ftriBcitici it of BarimiiHiut imrjortanrt to tbt eouii. and tint lh sucveaa thoae nrioch.lii in thA-tJitfobia' tional electifa does bo depend on any ana innivmoaii l-i J ' ' Z: Vff believa hat th. prospeHty t( thf eouutrv deWHiids tfiorOouh. rtdical.ianri humediata fcfnrm in all dvpartmeit af tba public Uarviaa, otvil, miUur,.sii4 navaj lieort inat tilt " one Icrtn nrinctnloc for the piesjihmtti; ollloa wilt eoualuca, more to thai tad tltta Any other 0num,.j KewYorM,Aprri3, W. - I ot CDairaita men miroitucea aatir Tmiulmll, aj wl received 'wit, threw limes three, sring theaW. ' lie Add Foxtow PTfeKKU Ifltnoav nearlv tlx tm ytara 4 .M.44ajoi.iJm jmrnmbm, fe udieajrj is the cite of Mew York. We era toca Just entcrinit upoa What wat k own wi the Fremont cam- pin. Hi' iiH4noa tnea outoie the ahctber tlarori should be eouutry was spread tnti the (te Terubirlto of the Unittd Htal Mny people' thnnot that the govirniDcat af the Cniti d Hish t, at at the Lniti d Mlstcs, by the 1,rw hnimnff 1(tWrkrfltJmBy"I! power, was ojipreaatw and unjust, and a uartv waathtn or(;(aiid which did not uccocd in tat election, tmt wlioan seed wat tcaltertil which lore fruit in 1800 in tba tlralinaj tf Abraluua IJucoln to the Prwddcney of tttet'trtWit Brafc- fTTifi ft 1 Tlte sltve h'liing puer. In Its trrognff and folly, refpsetl to wbinil to an a.linlu tatrition whirh tbould In Koviaml4 by the friend b(fiwilnni,'thoiiml.i it wat well understood -that there waa an intention on tba part of Via republican parti aBdoo eonttituliuna right to Interlure wiih sltTery to, th ttaka where it existed, itut thetlare-boldmR paw tr unwilling to ri Uta slavery where waa, undortook to slit- niemiwr the Ainioa and art up a govern meat la onelialf ut It whiiii should rest npaa ilaeery at iu corner rt. me. Than followed the jgreat war, carried oa for tha puriMMt of the malntonaara ef tht Unirtn:1 tnd sliver (went down, never more to ria lbreto. (Cheera.) In thitt great ttrugcla maijy A patriot IVH tnd uiaAy; uiore are leeaamong Oa, on their persons wutmrte reciaved ia Iramlomi's naiue and t grttcfld ciiatry wl4 vwuhrtjliiih an iuory oi,, ia aeroaa wuo nil anil pro y pensions lor tbt widow tide amply uu orphans i ho ranoia taaenc aa,: live war cleeeq, ha arm tea wurt diabaadrd. and sjavai tutvos)ar-t)m ver prohibited by consti- duent. v 'htn tht T,aai rightt of at) ere esiabiuoea uro''bont the land, rn vision wot made r the debt iiicurnsj in tie maintcnannt of tht ruion. that k tha tijrmeat or the aoniitiea and tieaeieattvf aj.hliers should be ftiretef; erect, and thit the debt of the rx-liels and payment fur klavet should aeter be made. Euce Uivb (treviakia- hit been made by wkirk tha ty-bt incurred M ingrsdua), eoqiw of eitinctioB to-day. Al( the staba are, foitoreil to 0ieit.l.TrnM reto-, timis iu Ihej tu loo, and what now is' there to JrHtili') the happiness and peace of Mi It poop I 1 rM prottum to ram td mission bad now become to grtt that the chatnntal announced to Die polit ollicert Who? were emiTvoriiig to karp bat k the thrn'', that there WW no objiic liH to pcrmtttiii thii filling up of the twin. Xhf 'Henator Hull rMimuJ. 1 Bat tboif.' to inquire when thit iulcr- i . V, JI' - . - - M K.v dirquirtudfl and nnjnw tbroutfl oa the eonulrv. ' There V Vfer1 ratuK ft the ditaatifai-trtiei oi l the . ,!. ahicli f raa on La brfSS tills Uui ii.e nmV u( kb, k'-'f hH nH t.-li inartv hi pvg S to kftdia ciited bihi- tU i) pmle at lrg-j lihii tM iK-mie a targejtltot: iixt ia tter!fle'!iit artorrti-r pro c4 iip" whl i prehior. iibg ! atca tolliftfitla.' htrr .a J.t UM Mdrrevct.a)etf ur And iwinxtlfter toSltjke tlietr and km p alive'tlie halot ami ttu " BeaWdu d;rA ,d. nmoeUt the fi'f eon- mate caune WtL-aal ni kit's, and km Oft ovavitiea eriin'ndcreii bf the war, it the MMitinniuM of nohtlcal diaaMtiliew aft rhe ooc iiion for the hit patwrdewiT. la nmaiaiieor of tlii" eontinuewe the (overiiawDlt ia the Ute iiaurir.!tionary . rMate bare lallen Into tne nan.it m inei aaat I mi ilveaturerera. wbo hava iitoeJereiJ the ueoble of lhea Watea -ewreetf leM lhaa you ia tbetuty ! New Vk haee been plundcrewrtryf mt net. fi-TI"'-mmO'L I (AppltuM.y'Why ' are the dawMtitie enutiaanl I way era rney not remevti, and all the euple eu f r ar ch iawl I 1 think there are t Wo taut, and tavo.tloii,lli;ft it "t tfri Hurt and tie other poKlicaW- AppU.e ) The mrru-tarr one thitttoa dteaUwrt t'lould exclude frooi'rtretHBneu to aU flute tttata tht H.riter leading men tbar tid there of larue i ioerience and caiwcltr ; tad1 'khhoaaTa-reliey- ere faiWa jttrtag the wat tlry were not juaiiea dot piun IjHid cbowint: k Tiieir eaola ion hat tbniwa three jfcrerqawnU into the aandi f n who hava aeed their pWor to1 pluaaVr the. aanple-aver whom Iher rule, auii rwe)ien two-ownnirp fttotce hat. born twollea , in iu tnatanrea teot Fold fruoi lint they were lfi.re ttia war b.faa -1 he aeto ofAlalit waa kat tbaa ".0OO,0W ta 1WK), and At the. pr,ent tune lie eontln rent and afMotute di 1l It Bear 110,000, OOO. The) ddbt nf r(nrida,"itiiHl wit bat 4 3t,tH) at tlnMwaica4lret nf the war. haa been twullen to fl.t.OtNiio that of Uedrgia from f S,O0,OW to t4J 000,000 ; aid toey itoa't mm hart what yoa had In 'the city ofr New Yortt to thou fof the toioney expended, lor 1 txtliere j(rB had tome chrpHt and uie rurmtuit tor yrVSFy7Ii'W lie to wow ) lor iiiew vaw ucoie wim n have been ! incurred tnd put upoa the pertiile. Another mtaoa f'r ctHitiuuing tl.a- hnfltteid linalMllliea la. aa I hunt aid, of partiaan character. The piea ia authont uarVt MilmealiMtiitiw ac to much rauKAl Bpt hi to tfwfe. To illimtrall wkat I meaa 1 ail refer to what took place In tilt Mate of Georgia a few yean eirfr, aliea-i rnt 'atnie4 DuDra k wat iroveroor. Whea the leinalature of that aUte-wat about to be uriranianl it wat understood thal-l-tala BanKintJid tieeft eiccret wno. were taooring anoer po- Itncai diaatitlltlea. i tier ware iflvea to understand thattaoaa M them wba wnaM tattaia the aovernor could have their po litical diteliflitiea removed, and thoat who weald Dot doiaa W4 fiefiuittoifHo take their teaia W tle iaUior' ueUbi rave ittJi. wattlutt the political dwalntitlnt were rarooved (torn aucti at at'ted with the governor, aid tit othert w tr1n(tl aa'l lie laai Rontml of that livilature and wceutleaVlh fanuming' upon the tule t )!: fm. y-t -rati urn to i llot the ttatt toearapa pun iitfliueat trhich would have followed the trantlKnrnrinrtttfit.' Ttt 1T With hicrtn tier) of C4iiigm4 ekrred rront heae kottlh era arktea, ! They miMMrd 1v Tem.ive tbeir poliiidal daaUtieiee ftwat atHiereaat aixKlinyrt atarajn ready to-4 it where tBcy can gala favor. . s , 4 v , ' Thrne ClMwm were here heartily given for ilnraee (trwlcr. who wat aatiied aa the plttlttrrB ) ' , nenatorrrruoibuil I am glid to bear tor a- rhaart war. to bnaor aT tat Int haaiplon. I belieret in t he tumtnr Jiud lie proclmiind it Hold I J J" f inivciml an-' naly. trteiiewfd rln-enl), Ooa gmt, meaturt.'wien, wltrk ii drmantied in the "tine of efcoueeiy, ia the aaMM of-ipeaiw- eatl ine iniwrenia 01 ail, to lh p. aaga f artwmt KlirrmiiovTng piilincai diiabilitlea.! (fhttcbecrhiB )" An'rtber caute ontcmiplithit kniong the pmle it. uie one i wmco wie uainmaa of this government; it uardr-jna.1, aa f t wtl ,a luui b monuy, to carry electtunaV hot in the iiittiKiiwrlatiftitiHiBtp rise to mat iiixn uignity-. nut in the in tereat of a li ti..n of a Mltf "tTat ah.' plauae ) dt isma.iriu-tro al kawa-u in me riiyr pi ew i ore, for jt naa.re ceiitly beau diarloard hr an mveeliiutinu tjayiuiu 4hKk ti iai.thie.-t-iv-MhM yuuj ciwian i uieMbere(U) tjljed with uxn Iligjjilai MtiavluK reieivid their ap poinUuenlt n Cnnqi.wc (d theil Bil.JJ tfTTtlhi ir ajltility, tnd of their capacity to ili e tiigartiit-iintHitof llieti' afflnsa) IvtfTtiS bttSUSUrettt oftlir cuuBtryraro appoiatail baaauta of the iiitluenct it it supposed they can cirrt at some ' primary aletriim otaUtt coat tit Ion, or.lo tcacbmir vo4i th4iai.plMwhoiiii ip, tfutt r. at.tfie U, nwy I v-in mom avsiein oi oaraaa the ipeaaat marry,'' wart mtnv rv44l cannot stun la iAuhl ut ruil nr m,r IJie olliceai u many localillea at taiwi IWJrtJoaad I their anlanta for nartr our tMwea. anovif tue do not perform the par liUoai dutquiiit p thaw- 4iw-ery anoa nl reiuoved, aftd, otlmi subtftiilod . . i . . . i j r wAviWiH ti tctive to politic ..attiim IrwuJthis iiiastioo of tlis-.tivilaervice OHd inaj paJBcny uuiore you, i oome aaoiher aiiaaurt Which should create aiiii m throuahout tha country, J allude particularly to tli tawuiptlou ut .uuwar ranted powc4 ,iHi tha pai at' toe Worsl govern uieoa aaet tea alupartMeaat ef th lederal itiitsrmaeaK'1-' It Ibarra. rtiirlnV eineu oy uio fco i uiotuji-rpoa.tirn neter hefort ea lettf into m j and altlMiagh, in my opUl, these vwvar at ant oc tattoo, at 7airr ' time" tlurlnj the 4 if to rxrruiat I tuy, uhrotutilauoaai aa thorn v on Ihe atrt W the f-irl ens eriii icut, otlunv to it ilia euntttlntifin OHHI'TS upon the federal ((oirrt.imeut a'l the poaort'lccieciury to be vxeicin.1, even ia war kr li a nb..IWi such at we had. beralai it tuthoritca con glass to naat laws lonpniuoa Owwa limii, recti. m aid . rciJalli' ; aud whea it hat' the tuthority tormtawtyfil1at purpose all the . power aereasarv to glv It efect it given also. I will detain you t f w momenta Ja mii Ing ont how li ivdra gnrernment'baa I xm tba rtrWaf Uie atataa. It M doing It y hyislatiop to sohm extent Itccently at klnuMt eTerV ttttfoa of ( jin- greet- mwt'krl paaaed Uking away from your state tribunal jurinltctioa raj tht Sx ,K.'n f,!11 'f""'r'arfbits- io totleotl I'oltrUi ftm of thine lawt that have ibecn patted , With at ytHxHrj -)ireWe doclared anAitMirOrinW by' theVof ' , Itlla,.-asai 4itrolufd into llongrr. creating, nldithioal eiiruitt llimuhmit tha whole cotnuy, wWe ww Jitdgia, aa ra wtiltaxvejtoaw'k mlreas lor gnvania, aot ia tbt coarti estariltshed bv fnunrlro ia jWTpwa fittoa amt tocahiiea,' to ia wesiiir.1 prat Li imlma tnitusns.il byaceitral fkwer, utarwhooi jouhsveno control. jLiitnulrmeora are aJaomsde, tnd pertipa the meat atarmttiff of tlL bv tha military) payor $t the goemieeuU ine miniarj wwer aaecrnii to tVsQme the duiua la limginj to tWl T.lfiiTrt of lata, aad Uitt In defiance of Uws I will alluda. agaiid to tha statedf O(ofgi .which was uh-r military recouatnvu.ji. It had Hrctci t k-uislalure in l?flt' JiHicuHUa. btd arin in rnrird la the or ganirathm itm ;-gilwtuit: inlloutjki; ami in l!MI9jiir IsTO the count pasted a law Utvlarinir that all port-m who M Uen relurae.1 at elected to ihe UvoJaiure of Ooorgin.jlhich Mate at the-ttme-wu under an ocer ia that military depsrt rnent, should Uke t orrUin oath to ijuali if U nifinbara of the leiniOAtiire. . And the Jaw ptvti.K d "tiit ft ,l,..vi.I U a kiouy puuiulatbleiij tmpriseuuicat'io tht J ,) (JTfl.t ti tl ! Vm aay a to aWw anifa ani awaiber ton rlticlea IB Ukiae and parUpatiog in t lie orKaiiUatioa of Hi lavilaltre. tod Vonld f a aeliere ir tfih"ai.:li",a Uti' m II l altttii.iiiiik tt.iiliIiJSe -- Itrew, ami allien annum wart tuu jcted that offiirrr to ' iuipnaon meat " ant leai " tbaa twa yeart In he pfatirrff Way! (MM aotk ever txfiAf It I j Yea, kit (inciter w Tefi-rrcirtij rtieAttliwottlie Judjfiil- tlieatnatt it MMHiaxra -Haeea. uu A r. prt pat made by that c-oeuuiiUce, drawB uo 1 bv rienatia bdmands .' nf Y r asuat, aa anient friend nf the aitniinittnt- Miaweainifcsing ia ailid trrma that tbt C MOOilIlrel were cvns rinee , wi) is tba aetton kit the military tuthi-nUet Waa cnutnrv 14 law iapploe.nd thaf. I be onlv oticever taken of that hot raK'', l.ita)(oVaoacbmeiit 'BpoB tiie rihu ot the legislature and the people or Ueorgia. .V f. w Vi a siro coiitrreas psiat'd another law'that mi olfHwr lb vegol anily' t'leUlO iluwnarge ine luwiious in a em dtire, and jyaj "fto,;dt But know loot ih - ,Wito-4iaai-4 - BHe -H-aaf AlHeert acting aa mretamH I (Aprdaate j iot llat paasea durins Ihe aeaaioa id cooitrea that we do not receive -Mstaeaurca trimi toe ITesnlenl ol ine uniieu niaiea. b-llvered. aot to that- tueWitarv fW wbona the law provides and psys, but by an iifli,rr-r.e ojtinr m the regular army. (Atolaoat and hisHes.) Pelww-citixnoa, aanaaa' Andrew Johnny bad tent me " trm uo i n osnj aoo trantz'Ml a "trulsla'urn for you, and la tell you Out certain nvrtoit should take trait tad certain othcra should not and there It aa) -poailiva atatuie of coajtreta against that would It not lie a roe usurpation 1 Tbert was Bo authority ir it la tiie cimatitution of- Uoorgia thrre wat t poettlve act of iini?rs aualiitt tt . becau that had been done by the in ili tarv suihorltii-t drfHhif Alldivw Jolilitnt UiiieiraupK.iTelittT House Willi military omixrt mMTiaTLnng the firtHHloat of civilians emitmry to law, do yoa tlniik M would have bwea pnami over unnoticed t How kmg Csn-lhis ppople UfuBorve I heir liberties if they i)Oi.-ttyiliiit- to 'hia etieroarbmeot ol thoae fu atithnrltr' nnnn them r tAp- blauae.I Hie safc.lv uf the cillzcli, leluw say. to ytui, pod Uw peoteuUoa lo his per son and ia lie pnip-rty, at to to) found hi local laws jwhb'h the people themselves adiuinihtor-f (iplUi ) and not is a oputrar govtrumcut w lute all thai powrra of the goveynuteut ta aumiiiaml ; and il this aysUia ' of - tawiiaachmetit ' hi per- ittott to go' on, the Sj it not distant hua our r.ipu'jluan . tvliui, lianfj upoa the Idea of k division of iwers batweee 0lt loitct i Iroveriiin' nt and tha state. sVibyVrA IrpaatoiBieil Into a itoapotiNn. with all power at,, , w aatiuigtoa ; aaa care not wlailher that power rxeruiaed by a iintpCTwoT-a -ntimari'- ly live hundrell w-rwintlleil a tongrvtWit iiWtiaHy ticiiM4'(uippli'ia.) AititUtu B'tMue-e tow Uadi) prwoUmeii by asen high in autfutity that tha atatea uf this L'uion havciaach iiwc rt oelr air ant con fWrel li jRihrttl'"t1tr trie I nite.i ; ijuios, wuea Qirecuy um re verse Ik 'trael mtui Uie atolut hat e ail power etcept puck) aa ho-oMMiiiiin of the tiwiisst as wiet n. conicrrca upoa inc. i:uiltalSul4jii of hat a'itlihcltl from the etotatn Th diucraura ia Uiis :.. The "V- arnmcnt uf (lie United Htatea is a govern irravvf jrettvaitva jihwett. i Thun In the stale tb (joverumeut It lulu Mil ; they have sit power But deninl them, while the reilrral govtrniBent baa uo power, except Ui h aa it giyaai to if tapalaUiM iaad sue llHLiiiaitOist'tloa id the Uuttrd ttialetttys ia Umih, tor it ileclarea, lu one ol at ameodavrntA "All power aot coo hired hy thit t'onsiituiion of the United Mtatet it reserved W4ae. ataeea tatptrrivaty ot to Tht pdopte lot the Mates." Hat 1 pass trout llieat epaotmeata at the iedenii (ruv eraauMit P iaavspar atattar tbai ti oma. ulainea ot", eW uisiK, ap ncrtia ut a-e loudly than snk ItHAer4 tkt (jvplM tht gorernpieot, Ttibj tueojs W be I toTnt ol couwimVup th aVvf otB ceakv i V j hero, r ktVui, tiy f lork, Orstl -tUteuned -1A robNriet which were jbeiaf BntotkVf' hy tp.ite to f Mli..Meb 1.1 ,a utA..fcl (..KM. . 1 tbocnt jovwetpHrJ, llitt caawfl tht) ixwiole all owef Uie Nud. to look to thi ir offlcials ami nsouitain -avhst diaimeiiioa tloy were ioiklnj if 'lia-nuiney which af oiilreSTittlftifi flu.uiAiu1 OiUhe Uf at Wrlctga ki'veral iof' tht , tliy iynnialt hi iaasa oi,nyfctei.l pf ruxitui. bfibya, Mit hther i4Tences,'tnd ire" now autniring (lie penaHi.a of their Crimea in rlaon. (Applause j In the governiaeot of tiie ajtxaaaal Htatas, altbouiih wa have not beea atlle pvwueafth aud discinteall tUocoffnp-.l tiont-tt jufli, . apiua wa hurt only Jual tceii Mil surfcu ot what eiistl below. atUiampsgh hat bcea shown to show that abuats exist I will illustrate by refercoot to Iwu or thfoe' cases. ' tme thtt hsim-Lall cently occurpd tnd been brought to light I la toat ot ti tjuawplroiiav at th Vurreav ty, an olherr ho hat cbargtrof alffht uattoait list k of thecouutry : .without wkow awrto whoae duty) it ia to supervise and watrlt 'thiku 'hca wgitatoeo, ' f to thaiiiteia a be no fraud noon ine towi-ar ap-m tbt Ppl " A Ithra tew works it, bat been .diseoveted that that Otllcet'wht'A 4m avaa inuuiruiat tola tha civd a a Ureaenl fntin one of nt olll erl a rarrhige aod hm neat lp the city m. vTaaiiingaiB,,, iifwaaouterrail walk ina down tha awmiMitocouiiumr with aa uliioor a ho bad I wen tumntoned there to mv aaannaaot of twrtsia dsfloa;io-a.to hibik tndor misuse of the money of th peoiihv. Afterward be walked out Willi Um bead of the bureau, ltd na hit way poeara a cams ire thop he walked in aad bouirnt him uot aarrew and bar. Oisn. ' The clerk, it Mi proved. ! alas ra. lvd aumeyt, . WelL whst bannoaed f I The committee -th itt IhTcstijuteil this-V j cooiuuitot, friendly to the officor aniN Iriendly to tke" uimlniatration-tiported i bat ia their "Viuioa the uood maaaMinant oi xne currea-y oi. ids bureau required loa(,ieere anteiia ueacQangcut Uieoiltcer at ilia nntu or ine ni nutmentv it.,K Wr.l .TheVtpon' that offli.er waa uS,. milled to ro-fco -o out of ulUoa hon.,r. ably oa reugkwuaa.0 Why, ttw year. ra rectaiecst -wnaa the anestloa wat itkedl 'e Hut . . Trt-astiry ivjowtmewt what-wat to be cpHiu iiw wie w st aim too 4owa tha: American flag whea tt-wsa tabawl aa the Custom hoiiaf building, the reply from Uie TirAsViry ljuirunnt waa, nitoot bios on line spot That reply thrilled eyery paMotio heart How Was it here pith ll near rpnvlcta.1 of tamprriog with aba sMkk oflkert whom accounts he ... axamininrt j Why, bt wat permiti4 to reeigB. Now), auppoat tlmt oMicer had " "-"t" nm oiacRarirevw anfna political irnip ya iWHIt.' finnnsn ha k.,1 rcfoppj ij, ,a, ip aseeatmeut for party putposct, lh be Bad n fused to Bait lufl Jenco to lack a rmmarv meeting . oxitnd ooevwlkm trl ttie int.jxn of anue fav.aito, p-rlupt of un,t congress !"' k H liiio. hit pU-e, do yoa think he won) j pave Van permitted' to r,cw t 1 W li, th p dito-at gnHoline' would hava iavie dwn and i.ff wm.iJ bis head, ami ko .Ironkli-s. p,Hly wowid haia tumid.-.! ,t of .pa,aaeawaat ! to all other) ..olikwra the tate nf ' Uf we, ajlpa (wtrayed them, (A ppl.wse I There ta pnather ortl.tr 'kha lias , been receolljiJavadligated,. only aluihtly a as I ihink-r-oa of Uie tabiaei Hn the eiet r of ona of; tot i drrjartnwubt-k .t!? iil .vJ'.ai xi-wtr !t md a Hat ai TiBJllumitM,lrayt aimnl this: A lew eetrt Ago. during iie war. the aorernenr nt rtortd into a erwtnrt with eertaiit Deraoaa to build anaia wiveaeala. After ,4t.e ryw , wire matte TM g;eramet.cnaard lie m-iwwbt1 a)awf-Tt-f attegai tftat they dolied the contraithira. iiiAmpli tlUa ot the rrawK t whilt.thev milTiied lumi ia taiynea) 'AT 4fa rtaf irtt orka af uiatw.akand ialeir. " la Hie idi 117, two yeaaanr the war wet ovc. I giinmmmit, iW machinery of the rcpul they complained that IlieV had m$rhl I Ik-an party, ia.iu tlw lianUauf tiie 60,000 great hwa br reaana if Ih t w'um of I In ,avyri f 4 f f-ked Op lie ai.l. V'Y )frvt i-el ti It auihini i)gllw,'ir Larr.J Xitrf'to HoBtrtie i InniUf 'f HWra to etamiiia mt atitir tuwiafahrt and are ah if anything waiuo Uiomi. Thit bierd met inf repitcld that there wtt due theat eeatnaHort In rVnucO'ieace d tbt actioa of tba aoveranHVt l IS.- ,500. Ttierenpoa the government of Ihe United (kales, 'thn.ah its t-.tburets iu iH pa-aed k aw 'direvfing 5 til. tilli) m be paid these Cootrectors in fttH-af all claitot '. Bniwioif KM tbt eonstrUi'li.in of thee vtewels, Tht mimrv was paid and ntwiveil. llotit t think that oglkVaa4iae b-n the end of it I But it was not. Oh, no! Kelt, w t '"Ut ay law, the secretary oraniaed anoitM-r hosrd and told theiu to muuira iula thit matter, and tbeg did examiae, and tliey repiirted, that ( tba eootracturt might l have I'JS.OO more. Thit ha tniard, oow, pf bia up a lutKaffltustee. 1 litre waa aa law directing him to appoint thit Imaril, it there Wat ia leaf; by another aecrHary. But he appoiuhMl U of bit own volition, tnd ibod what do he do) Why, bu pays them this t'lJ.OW biidi. What do you think of tha ! And he not only pays, that BHHiey, but he pays it itltuut any a'pnurmPo(i to pay it Pgli. The consul u ka of yoarcmmtiy ikudw. 1 that muoay shall only be paid out of the treasury in pursuam-e ol tpproprintiniis male by Uw. What aulliorn had halo Uke the moiiey appropriated iu lHliil and 1870 for work done in 1HI17, ir twforo thai , The oltioer uuuut juet as well btve ukn to;i,noo out of" the I re. UrTwtttioT aii r eaivrtaaTtl- W"BltT titst ' ar - Will haWtSlf BU' tatj1 WiWW aa pi htvt taken tht particular pvaqfe he did. Ho notooly viol did Iho law by paying money on an account that has beeu aettled, but also by lakiug Itioni y that had never ua appmpriat.vd fortuch a purpose. What it tiie answer to that I The auetvet Is (hut that u his aoastriK'tioa of the law. (lA'K b-r.) Whit would yoa think of the construe. tion of t'onirac.t that one' of von kad made tu pay out of your f mplovees f 1 1 j,- 000 oa a oontrct in full of all claims growing oat of the tranaaction, aud. he wat pi I'omt ta yoa afterwards and msover U3.000 of. yea, and Too, olferiug your rv ueipl, wat teld, " My const ruction of the traeipt- ia .that 'you j a , U3,00Q mure." I here tt no rxritai pie tt. aod it ili coun try wat not, lull of thean violutioiui of Ihe law pud plundering of tiie treasury' 'ii h a trantiM'tioli at that would oreate aa in- -eiignation ttrrrtigtr th WhinWmtry, but tUert t to ibili'li ut It th it you overlisik t(iuu bitwelMe ol the biw and, pibuipurp, priallum iif lbs 'puldm money. (Ap dan;i H is laid bt nme, "Oh,, tliere Wat no Inu-ttion to do kny wrong.' Tin; qrteiititnr to' wit"tmTtf"mtcnrtio.-An: aowiluit at 4mrch may gitveru, hbi tuljsctt justly or he tiay opprvasand eiulave them. 1 he qitnthw is not whether the military otficcnt he tts di-taile .k rs.Mai tat fuLlua ill III Vlhajis iir whillir I tie nnniljt. riea par monev oat .aecoanta whirh 'are justly due.' i'llieqiicHliou j,hH4 lliev'auy authority td pity the money 1 I Miiuk uothing Watdue iu this cata.:; Djeor not dua.Uwre was no authority In the Secre tory to upon hit account slid iiy this tU,eOt liasiilet. 1 lava thtai rHTuti.v, fel low citianis. Hinted to yon UihI slavery hap paep Hltolisla-dv that the right! of all the I otuxeas at tan country nart to ettnu liatoid that the rcbollfon- haa ItNitl put' owa j the ttap'f restored to their former j poaiuna iu uuwa. AU (bune nus luint bsve been tettti-oX ...and anv person who) Bow undertHkm to disloib tbemor to elute the public mind in re feHce to them must do to far tot pur- pottol (fivtrtiug attcotioa fiom Uw Itvi iao i (of tho tonev ( Apulsiiss.jj Ana wnat tre Tlnmer I have fled p atatt to you 'what they were. Thryrebra ip ute eatroeriiraenr ny tne rMcrl givr eruiuHil lixin .jlic rwhts of' Stale aud local goveitiineutt. , They rototo to aiu- potty and to aiannir nhe-rmiat ritthtt of I tall the great pripctple lyiritf at the fnqn- f o;iir HI Ihu . licpuplicun , P;atv. I hiy relitc to a' ri'fonii in our revenue I ayspiui' y wkkk toxuitoui aall W o wciii an n sii trrnngea at n oear rtjosti) an iar ati-pessiblo upoa -U brtoattiet of iniiustry, wilhout ,iiw.eiw(b(Ji aaoltpinik tor tut bcnelit of aniiuier,-.Appisiie ) I wliicti are iunu daw. It there be any They tcUte to the puritlcsti.m uf the clitibUcan who hat not indepetideoca and aervlce. ikpd the adioitiitiriitioa of govern- I numhood eniiugh t meot Wilk teora tnd moat, hy which plunilorerssball lajf drive) I from HMtvr4 (erica of 7" good7"good ") - I and the positions plucil inj Upj iuudt ol itoaeatfienj Now, why cannot this be qonil . I nail hoiied, lellow citizens, that this should li aatvwniJfila-d. llrnifcd. the liislrutuititlifiei of those now havuia it control of the 1ove.rnnicnl. But the ex perience of the past 'kcatippipl ciMgvois I and IIim i,hM,,l u. .1. .a K... u,Mil,..l M. I ei through the agency of the ruling I VHe lor iieiitrai uraut, wtw ,u as politt spiriu bow saUroliingtheai. (Applause.) cAlly dnad 4 Andmw Jaiankl physical Profeaaiiiil ta be for amnottv. ther defeat I ly (great lni"hter and tpplauarH -let every amui-My bill, that is offered Wy limi totiiapr ltd! iiHuriirruout araonduientt. I Ptofaeilrig td be for civil arrwic mfaias, I Wvtatlr.to atwlrftltr!?. ciunpiwi jt, ( Applauae.) PralBssinir wiw iouu voti to lie to tavor or the lull at invest ipt tion aud the weactioa of abneg, they appoint committeet contrary toall partlniiKtntitry practilenv-e-(itplauV) irr: H mmam arH-f ti olijert to find nut whether " ' tlniacs rxiat ; onraniiet) ta-'to rw" controlled by the tncnits jof the accused, pad fhnoi which every peraoa U carefully excluded tt'ho Jwlieves that abu exist and want a strict investigation, '(.ippltiwo.) Had UiatcousHa been purauwl in New York, do you think yoa would have unearthed 1 1 1 & . ,'. 1., t a , t. . , l "' ' iiohmb i wmnmm .wiren it was UUf- Wvere.1, tbiU millloiM of dolltra hud been oaaadered it thucitv bv oorruiit ode-iala. and tlpwe . otfi. iaW J4. beaa eallauVupja ui tppoini a comaiituw ot loveatnyiti.m and had seleaied their own cummithe - (laughlorl -.hi yoti tlilqk o could have prMMitlitai tl.ui Why, it -tooki-vmul mnu,Huv .a ik;,v.7, wiih' ,sie mwii -t lance of' the'slirnt lawyers in Anwirtf, f asoniiit io aarerupn wnere trip money ol wnicn yon ni ueoa ruoimi had goo and wb hid. itWOei ved it ; aaai I ihiak H it only within a! few weeks yoa hart beep able to aod ii tnd I dont think rou have found it all yet. It it any wonder, tiiea, that these committor have only aaca tht tarfac of the coernptmo, wiio which pearl every ilepsrlnient of thia govern ment Is reeling, Wty fellow-citiwins, before Una tif Viru the ordinary ex peas ia at in is government, "excluding I paymeai m inter-as ana pensions, were I teat thau $00,000,000 per tear. Wl-st de I ' t i..-. . I yow tuppoae Uiey wero but year I .Why, at wiU ba anid, )rrbapa, the untry' iiu growa and busiuess hat increased True, but bat the population incnaaed to that prtip.r.pinjI-has' it doubled within the I this at a repobUeao, anximveeor the euc ad ten years ilsit ' theatroawnary ex. 1 tiailim'grrBm.-nt ahd thert-viral jenae.i.1 tiieg,iyi rjuit iloabledl , io ot yon pty any piorsywe it asore, ta kt awt a I very xiruiu aosu ui tour nuiuatora et lae t loreiua arrvic than too paid Ixfure tlwj .i of tht olirferi.rf efvil Ftfif I , I)o vou nay ' rv '- "i -'nvi. oylhingVore to your Ju.lg.t ( lVrha atritui ui.ice, lm rary ..uttta, Aad th aaMaausi et.- xiia ci mi s'wicS , vntin a. far from bein Onubled, tbouhf aot buret been added to ii per ceat, , Aa toy iud. I ' to U per ceat, ,. Aa toy Judj I minateroiiL need aot expend l0.000,- i U00 a tom. aow. exelnaivelr of what it I B5 in intereiit and oa the public dibi I to BHia. k'iJly uidlioiie id WIIi 1 tffrw ixiirtii av oe aaven oy aa eoun'om I mritm--ttllnaaM. But. at I reMl, have been unable lv kra f ilnt ahwtit'i thnmah the inntruirMU- tallTvai atweWitmg eoniret. i-Vkwd I wbv f liruecV the. machinery of the othce bolibfrt ufaUiia country. I he; cue t r. puhlic-iB p . lj by mm king con 9"t, aud oiheiwiw Uirough the ia tlmmutalil iar ttremben lf ningrm aiwwhere-rw-ii)ialiiiB wiib -ttcm;tn h.n Ihcy owe their plaeei,at)d towltoa the aieinhrre in turn, mant oT their, oae their ar.ita in cunt'rejm... ll.iw, then, it t retiHily to be obtained t . Are Iheae en cro.u biui-ols Bnn the rights of the peo im tfl contHiae-rthis .collretyon of taxes to be tituaBdered wuong ihe hirslingt ol the pirty u go na nniu rue people auu tlietuHeUea-lNkund baud and lott to iccb I ml power at "tt akiuuton,' that taxes them at will and o.iacider mopettiuon iu favoiiti at it O.t'ascs? Yw, there Ut Kiiici v. Hut thai remedy must come from the pcop'e. Yosi Catnot obtain i irouih intk'tn. WbiT folill 1 u art" i.iovn lil fow.ird. They are aifuT of deiiuni inllonn wlilcli will lie hurhd alJ them by this cnnlrdling pirty iiichiu ery: and , if today the jHiuho men of the repiiblican party would talk o t openly, as they a ill talk with you pnvslt H. in reui,. to ibv tnuMa Of tne govern ment and pie exisiiiig state of things, a corrcctbiu rou d Imi di!y olitiiincd liut tliey Will not do it It can' only In accouioliijlail. tt 1 fov. Utfoui'li the lieo pie, aud t avill txkea bold, energetic, slid 1 r.oltlii p '-oph' to accomjiliMh thia ei.j.ri. I lie ticpuiiicvin pTiriy n-ui a noie reetro. It haaj rwirloruh d many noble (hd. I'artT ties and paf y ;ifltilii,in and force of tiabit ars strong. Men dislike to Ureik tlieiH:-lie4 anil sididcr these aseoctiaioiis, aivd will luiiy t it Iron I atcMi annee id tiMliceV "BBs'TswW'TPiaT IcWiig, I tut "ghyt tn betienf.'in "tho errantry that will nrnuse-rtsr hnnrst sentiiuentj and tend to a uorrition of thine abuses. A imUlif.l A njit ic hat' nrrA Ipm ' ihat there will be a iiieeting of ludcpeudeut Kepublicans in the vity of ('iaciniiail (spplsus. ) J-on the Hrat day of May next. That will be a meeting, p it of oili('-holdert assembled fiit the; purt if divwiiig fclieime to tii,iKvink the people, and niis I, ail them by pnMituting the (mine of grait ri) to their wicked scheme, but it will be I meeting of honest, sincere men, determined to being about a reform and piiriticaiion of the government. (A p pWuxi.) I am glad to say that the iodk OHlioae are .that the best element ol Ihe republican Jurrty Wilt' tor aianaidilod an th.it nct'aaidii. I notice fmm my own atatc, Hkih frw :.',fUyt, ihiil t'tiiUl has litu'ii isuidj signed, at I am tolil, by all but two of 4 he electors, aad I lielieva by very atate blth-er who Wat elected na the twlwit wlthAbriihiHn Lincoln in 18 1, ex wpr.'px'Htkpt, h gnviirncj) of the ttate siii, J kliow, by the auditor, of. the ai a e, the Hirebwy of ihe statu, I h; treas urer of the ktaie who were ringed on the mmt tlcketl with Mr. Miicotit. I have rmtr-mttmatio-HH--tletat Aud this can, if;; yat ;wiWit tt in your bands be lisdv a aucoena. But to make it a success repuliliciineiBWtt bopreparr.e' to fta'ia"! I put down the iniuiona of a party, and t'UlliL,To(UelrtB(1 tnrelmgk tld rihit - ves and robliers who plunder the uuoplo, twid'who will etmiininomeatooa trem what I they call " tha; Prty."; ho- eaose they itt tbeiu-ielret up to be the iti'pyblican party. -l Jiuifhter tad ap plauae.) Kb more like the ''Republican party are lliiiJluiiI'rerf tnd 'thieve a nirta of rltirltv and hiinxstv than the "evil pim' wat like tne Angui uaurioi (Uaghter.)j They wilt fo oh, not div (NtKing th4 isaueii or the. present dat S i! Hut (biiintr the coming politic 1 c.unpaign theesume persons will be. en Kiged ti-hSnSr inver agnin tbt hit l let of the war. and lboKhifl2 slaverr and nn'. ting'dowo the rebfllliod. ' To your demand for an holiest tdaiinistoition of the gov eniuM'nt tht-y -w ili. reply. vou are trmt'ir ft tie .Jtei) tbllcan party." (An plauar.) To yiVur dcinkod, for reform rn law mantier id' appoiuting aud irmovinit from ollluel they will answer, , We ulioiiahed jltverr." Te ynut demand lor reloraitboy wi;l answer, " VVeTrnt down tba retieHionJ.'' Aud whea yoa demand nmnr-ff anf restoration of .t tacial I bo Ilervouiaij aisi harmony smonir all oa P'lople, tha n ply will, la by ru-j.iiig tliu I aifo. irn tuu living ltsaea nt, uw pre cat they hnviiiAb cimcOrp ftn-ther than hi Lrtaiu puweiiin sacking to reiurrcCt thoae culleiapt Jiltauctl deouhc;a(lon8 and sub U-rfugta, lp) )ns pa btislucss to go to-Cin- cinnati. ( Apphuiw.) let Iwiili Kcsr the collar and tour 'then burden wbnJi the whippcrs-in bf the party put n poo him 'And jel fjiost old Bodrhoiit nf bulb oftf ties, those who ttill tulknf, repuactinu liiKitive slavt lawa, auii etpactmg to voir Tot Andrew Iacksuaf and' thoat wpa ate atill tjAlkino at nwtftnty dtiw-w than.tuilti.ifi these old Beurboiis Bxhl their,' balte over an. I coit)iuiie to bury .these dead issues. But tot the Independent crpobM progress, in Beforni, in the living Issues oi Ina ' 1 SI tli4f.tMASl an.l lot them tlierp intnijrnte inrau,nn vliii h, recetving the support oi. ail good men aod live men of tall. parUes, thsil give wt aow ami . aaittep fptatMiuwat.... ..(Ureal app'aoir-7 1 ' '' - Mr. nroelcy Uiea roaa tad apiroacked tha kiHttterk stand. He wis loudly choertid JlSrli Orc lcy tadj ; GujitlkmkM i B- fore hearing Genera! ftehim wo havea mttar from tteaator Fi o- ton and x-mie other proposition to pre sent to you,N which Hr. Julian AIluo will mwiwui i- -j ' Mr. Aflcp then road tba following lutioo; t , " .i. . Baehti. Tliat a coinmiUet of Iwentv- Qve lie apniiited ly tbechiunaea of thit uuaiUuif iisr alia .susrw ass af tukino lutih uioaefrataa itre-rnimred to promote the pnni - ipfea T-ti iiiis evening auring toe ciming pty.-,ileiitial campaign. Tim restotaijiiHi wat tHwnistMMMly tJopt- Th bdloppig lettor wut lb read fioil iermtor Ft-utin : '' , 'V'5'""-'" ;.t- - ;;i., - I .,.:..,lv irl'i! iui, !W'-iM i! -,5K '.' I.ttTTVP rttoxt Srhator FtSTiiS,! Kit OP FiakNl t CiiftiiTTiea tew . .. ".""". t- 1miv St fv-t W A,(INU tMiep 6rTi Nt, Stati ferPAtu," Norow, Aptil llrUT?. 5 A.r (S.r: il rtnni V. with yott fn morrow Yibriq bnt I il.ini nrrow libritl bnt I lb-cm it nn ilnlv i.. say til .a inc. piovmueut lor bdoruii aud Ikirily of iro-ka-iulua in tha stale watt .'Kit . . : t f nation, od toterure M the h.-mt- nt nffirrs a ri pubflntn ttaim-in. tr.imr.i in r. publicaa idd, halt tn hmri j'tvmpa. thy. It is a rt veoaity of the hisr. ' I y fraternal fliug tlirooj,'hiuUhe try. 1 Very nay,, ; .... - - - - 11 S. FhVXTON.- LIo rn l.rre4t,ntk Au tonkluie;, N, T. IirteBaf.1 Jlilk Inn it1 aa t li . a. T "T1'. sJT " ! WHIf.fU' ,Tli c'jmuihl.a appoUtwJ unlet tlit iesi"iig reaoiutKiB wat then IDBowiocd. (Senator Sdbi Mhurx'Mprjack ku aul acxt.; r jBBi'iai; ""rw-t, f a"-trvvx 5 ' t "S ' ' ' 4j"t I itsaafaiiaret of and dealers ia T.Tachincrv. & Plows. 4-V . . tlCtlB Eljilfa, Bit Illlt, rril iaflM'?tHirs Uial tree. t a we Luw," to buy . I7, If, It'pairfJ, Bia4rLJIlUxtlUlia-A, :.. ' Woald ft& ihe tttenttot of the public to their WROlMUi:TTyS .to all sls-a aud konttis, fur band or wwsr. Alto, to tleb-Croa til's Patent somethiug ttw, oooD, sod isnr ! - AJse, to opr aew psttern, luipruv 4 F i- ' .ii r. BUNNY iSOUTil COTTON PLOW. uaJoohli JIj the moat popular aud i kospmt Kooa cobtou aa J cuiuvailus: plow unula. Parties saisediiig sny k'ud of C'twllwga for Wlrtr-, jfllU," '' ' ' - i , . 7 and other Maeblef nf, or Keialrbir of any kb Koini'iiy meet, ai vvmi no wen tr or eis. tpr ,o-.iw4 -rr AONoLIA JK ANIHFUIKA. ,li iiat w.b lr 10 Mjibt'ihV ern !tf. irwu Ui4 nrtseot sbbmhi. will ulesr-s stiud in orders tor Oitlrery: taoaipatrleit- wM money order. Tlit j houlu n trsn-uiauuia Between AprHIOti, ami May loth, to piaarstasU. sue eeas. Very iHuUlnl plsata furaiaheil si trots torcau uj t eacn.. rumit- as id cooks we iHit-iiruwu aid sa'e to' nijve, l.nl uaai iau a44. Maea.iNaa are rer tcaiee li'.vers wouli dueweU lo outer eai IV. Ve'l in ilnictlona seat rtu trees C',7 1 . I L K LIKNIIIJ.Y. . ? . Plt-ro, . C. The sbovn are airrtenr-xrown. aal. woil Uiree tnues a wuca aa treat rruai twsma. hleh rarely live. - itrai-iini -J- tGiiicxaor ta Hcuu.u Koari ims iu.yx Teas TirilO tOj THB rKKSKIVATIOI if TUEI B xiaa, Piraaa say . Viiiawi Ut Tp vaaaiaL,a a ............ '"iiEittilKb-s paent tfrAnrpftfN fiaE.::ISD BCMEAI PlP"',lPI. w5 -XjwXL. ft f' i ,,,iri ni AWAROKP TBB PuiIB MkO.US AT THE VtaPLpa Fmb n "Lou now n" AT THB txitlBIIIoM UttlVXIUKlXB IS ranm, ' kwr Thb Wiii,d' Fan iw New YoJik. .r-jt? . Iff dm. -wJ 1 . -''''''''''''iw-aaxawatJ , (ll . i WipLBOrTr?ll'ww'A'.t?Hl ll"e ti-Awarded ai toe Parja, h(bltioa toUto, ;'Be I Hafei la the ' World CUAiuplon lUnlipr'ft,:. Saft'a Patent high and low sleel-wetnet, e-wjrbhyet wl'h Patent frankllnba. Proof -irauiat ih Wow pipe, tt well as tha drill.- TPIth Patiol I'T'" Htooye rvaaeaaa Pa Hast BuuoBr-nna isnjrt. l nxI against weui jesummOyitreu only hy HEKHINtA FAftRtkA aminr iU " ' tfilaH&llnttlle&f M1F U,irm. at M V i T ' ai vi',, rmuaeiptiia HERR1JIO, tAKREL A StlkHlVANi Mrw ,nnna .1 K ., .ri .... , " i epeaeooswi , - i t , 1 4- Sitt f)Ft V4UTAHI.K tIII .- , J aMTAlK. - i" UKAL KS .rt nFa. J- . i k I . 6 uted on iSlra Wio, III ae wild pa ototy at toe Vourt Howse door la thaettyot KahOet at i p tt , aa amp Bay of AonL ISM the itreeT ot land aUnaia kt 'Pa pvrn ' hna p t ut called lint wilmfawtaa ar IbitkMnaa Rnaa. V.IM, lyinc- w im Buavna sua or las aim coutaiaiuic bewea two.eai a bait and Uwe scire, wuerroa . It- tairkawsa aual rvklta The avad vlU tie tout ta twwsananla aareea. line Ir-mPiat Said etrast Pawt mk! Want hw iireex aa naming hack tuulb mbtmX-IWt I ae wiae Daseat aoahaiainr mrmr ij.-lu nt Um oulh-taut pwOan 4 thwfenwer. tine tlaiwesnddomuaar lla urtea oill P. iaU-4 iueaslipaai Us imhii ta be paid to w; nimpiiiiu oi io4 ana two year '-; aj, ot no, I UK! a nn IKHl till lull rtywiud, j . I . w " - I ii t- ' Nl.'iu tor saw'issaiwet. PLOIIK! ILocifn't'ii'w a.atfc4 . i, i a -r. ,i'f-,s-a a ...t I'l , Ili. T, ITaoKsUm BH.- feh-asitr T , Will 4-eel4 to tie fl-lieat W.lir j i J-l,a v-wv iiouae ueor. oa nonuay, April la, iv uei.uiiHt iois : -r Uttftot imatliic stMNit oneliiiLlr. sliily ieulve Ha.ifax street and runuinif bas k tavutomi l.antred aee ri(;tily feet, ,ni HU l, Hun k I m4 awalhatf kwiaaB shk ,ri roama, kitcJMa kul.i'1 uuwi ouUMiiiuuiai, tnod waUr apd Erst rate ekrd.-o-a yen plniaasu miiieaee Ok IroaMas; ateiitr feet 'Tnnftr atraod ruiwOa ha t one; ,.fr, pad eWhlj lt a keaa tful huititltit; hit ' J ' ' lknas Paiklais tola. Jmaaia irlt rat totohmjr air..!, and ruawne .toctt one aaaatoalaad ft Jnt-ad uk-. lipiiuiw lula, . Te Tetwt tctiHpaiodatlBi;. aaaJa- kansvtrT oa ay ot aabs. y - - - .i Joo. B. BATtHFUilt, - aprSU. . . f, torsy-f4 .VMI PA LB. AtVw .bblA rkr,'ebeap to etote eot irnmenl, W.Ja.yo.MBAjasysi war la-tt . , , ! i t! '''''wK .I'll ii! r. l"-j I ' 7 TnscnrrjTOrs: NEW UlrUDjJlMiW GtiULM i. f Fob spring juti, at ' ORFK,!ll MTHKIBmUtHIANIt e lbtrUBllttti.oda,atllKirlowestea.k . .. : .. ... ,.......1. .. . " I , Come a"d tiring your friel da. snj l-tl A Uwirfjods, Br yoa wilt lioi a ' I tanl aMHiruweiis oi uie latest iyviJU''t si sueebutiea, api b as French, ttrilUI it iesa ttOOI, Bis. k aud t ii ey Hi as, real nd uuiuihw Jsi pilkw. l.irjl ard.a r-uties PlapU, t.ria- Canihrta, IaWaaJite. i t 1tHte eomoleb- ae.ortn.srtt ell aatw'.a. .1,... b,..l(UM .f.u 1... riusu Print-i f ttw with , i s-l .. to ' laorcs, loraaua-s eprnicaea eiHrr . t H.Mi'y l.i. t iat kaaca s ! lbs ttre p,,. I I Ore t iiHMt. I have ai a tude4 a, aiy 1.. Hiiuili, D.OUorul. LmA. ai.U' Ul. fiundi maub tr VM:i u !i,,( i TFT T3.TTzZlzrW- ofamMms large Sirtn Btork." llna.au U lSnl.ad.. , , . ' , Iln Lawns, Iu, iUireal A. 1'ass.aii And a a rat or'th maaa And Uiu.li 'Htaiwava vr s oi i uwiw r ui inn etore, lix-k. 5 1 s t'ri)it IrtUe tKiiia ' tdutvs a aeu MtlUM tsu aa,a . , . Lr B tellii, III has su. hs iiod e Knaarksbiy rlieap I the norm fur bit Ti ins 7!f;." " n And bv hiMl!Vmia ennultui i... k Ine eaaiuic lis Ire-lit. 0 0 ly he slrii n, ' ' ' f I A ' With aaa.p-auoB If fair Ueaklia I alL I I j a 4 Totrast th.rh-h and the puor. hoik shk LtBie T.ipeMf'Fliy, At mm. Malt. St I -,,..,, 'KINT81 Pltisfsl' 1 "'-i 1,000 pieces lit bt sold at trom Ti tn i-m . . 5 CMMia. inu rtrtCiTritttPtt-ki,,,i. , rr. r thia, aud araw.il worth ip,"'-il er pass by t'reeek's ah. a v.a - yoa ever saoaey N want to bu '.OT Jtjjj NOTION D EPA Bill E MT ' ' ' ' is v.-ry eoubilett eouaialiriK' f kuMea, tar, H hnddirita, I u.-kluita, Lac, aod Laea paxla, . kihb.m", Hasid twuawta, rant, Cult, aud 14. lars, linens, M.oves auu Hosiery, sc , Ac, Ihiuk oMtiile of Fancy when ii want uf foods in that line. :" 1 1 " - S rtJR tttM AND BOT4' WTAR, tu4 -.Abs.Wiilc.W(X Twse.lt, tea and I.I1I1H II.xmIS ' 1 r,,.,,.;. . I - I'uttohsitea tnd aoaipetitioo, as i kate 4m tNatt iasannient m " the eu..r aud tpsrwui aw aaa to pass by AlarUs .- iiall 10 b. tus yosisslyva, tut limy aiuat bt . toll-, lot ,1,fa ,.. , : . BLtACHEq AND BROWN DOMESTIC? 1 -1 ksra Isrirs tliw of tbaae tr odt snd pnu?ht at Mar rhrtil lima to. att at luua it v leheaper' ttiai any house In Ihe ell, an 1 will atnarasuv p icj a iiiorvery JTIHtwne. Jtmaatt'') a ad.ta wlirn boa hi, Pow bouxlit, ar who Ooa.-ht 1, ttaia Just the maa te s.B yea ik fteaf I .-niv'-o .... GESTl,Bln3 ANU.dilLDBBN'l HATS. Block lanrt ; tssort-aent -ood, and 1 (rest ' many st.vles,tiew aud pikaa rLf'd- I waul tu ' sell Ui.au, 4tep riKbt.toto CaaaCB'f waVa . yuwaatajlat PABASdlil PARASOLS! . , " Tant lsiuoif wh.-n yoa will wsut them ami'1 ws hate aeuy very yttt. 1 jj ... , li -T8 AND aMESl ' , And when I pay B joU and Hhuus. XaMaa tkst I stand ahead ui toak llnw ami h ivs 'he must tiHiipt to atbpi talent Is lB.:iUy, t4' luaaa.lv you. ui my aaseruuu can aa u; I'eynrii i STRAW MiTTlNu'-AND'm CUrTtls. tfyWIomVapit ....'. .'i1 ,!'..,.:. , ImuorUiitj asratafaateitb fue eaaleasers. 1 rk'M!iuyjji-V.ro"to.aJdLaiLiul..pyai ' aloiiK the Kabroad, will ba.e liicn khhIs as-- . t .livtr. iMreansJ eiar.to-arthts hi ntno. - A' few worpa tu ay auatevwas fneacs sa t . taPaeert. I Uiru uaalro. h alaia Maitiv... ... oifar toihu Kiods twlow c6at, L rjif 10 sell ulnars, iipt to 1 snraiHtl foreanl btanwsa. - 1 ' y jrooeparar new;-boBstittte teweat-ralesr- and aoid at piieas w;bKU jcbal tail cu-i0 n Uoiv The lda4lsa of . p-tves mmaard 1 1 lbs wbwh) ttotk k uinforui y uialuiaiur.l, ai d Uis 1 r.'peelivc I'ni s CIU, ao.aiily ipu lalet, I f but every cxiyllii nyteapd flia, ity, ai4l -ail 1. 1 f i die tuple Kradua tu'd ubv.-liuas iK.Vivs u, k rare. styles at aro not easitr obtained cl abera. 1'horootTkiy aaitoleat aaUania ale i4ukrrtand hv demands and ens. te lee ef -huaiiieaa, tepd' to aiaka tat vtouiw taw at house Pare. I ttutdtnl bv nrloGiula. rather ttaia aotiev tt hat bea tn v ii to icuinaa well aa paoj tea. mera. placiPK only such ooUa in Ui. i hands us uuu ut; uoisusity t 1 rauoui uaaidsd aitiyxy m- apeci. St. ' j T r(i larao-dlniwAt. 1 ;ik,l,. ,ti-f L'J .! ,l;.ii 1 ' .1 1 ralca-v taollv. I IB-'Obnca rnvsvlf kesildt'latt . for M(iyMr tlie.Li at, Kivlli. at ah . hv p oa Uie (mill itu ol Mat, I 0 I O. U u liaUkli.v .fOit to pa belt lpraiplesse copy till day, - " Tlo.TnE llMU "" it .0 en. n-i TaJdraaimtisileraaie taa aUaaboa tA llni'ladi uf oi,l town stid ttaPt to ay I ) HlflliARG. MIT. JtVA'b't'-,',f,,w:', i. LADIES VIT1t,at till ,3 li 1 J '1 A wA.t tt T1- 'fa Furn.slilijcr iiOOd.t, O.C., avr. riUaii.ua ji.N sdl iJ e.Ou..Ja u.lrta-eai ." coafitrr' aad also to To deninn WftiueiV Tbt tmMymSf tkwt 4 eta rprpsak " thcmlriniinedjWeWaaptr1mole4' ... ... JX . r?a.a. a- Wa.a ts they pap inty theatipe in aay koast' kt Nrf rl t 1 ura &iin. .1 jtii r ssa it a visa, ,, " TPVYtC. '1 awwiavssiiwyrwrsea ' aiaaaj . aaea as aasi wsa , t wfltattewdPti , o "mi n t u the retail Jiillinerj txsnch as Our4laa of batlueaa.kl si 01 a.., ! I Fu)elteville SIimiV' wii'liuj mdy tbiujre'trTiemg o;vp''' .tf.Il. I t:s ie- K. II '"'fgAAg'ffitTtHOK, inataad ot pp 0 1 .if,nhH U 8FATiaTIAQAIfiST-rII--i toll i W rl- woiirncAiioiairjA fl ItBLdUltaaA.. tv. a- . L 1 - 4 JS Tat. r,-A. n. Uia .loss of the ItUird veai at ws'existrBa-e. r-oaliotei to ante i folk-tea, lap Up- rsAos, oaaM.eia.ew el hasar- iiwoprrly. 1 t- ' .... j.u. All uinws aye iireuipuy aojuau. 1- -The - in lU fc " i,idly crw iu( la pakaia iyor, and atitk ils, wttpcwnnttVica, to maaa rs oj'i-rt as poiiP iaroiina Aiwapiiw 1 It JX'FXRTS'OF THE ITATt KtrrT,!VictpBatoaTrT. H kt. KM I tr, Jr. A'aa 1 KA f ON HAl.KS. BSC- I'l kWkl l tl t r.u, auraa " ' ui,M. ll'RlUUI,Ato'rto- " 1 ' " Taf..4vertWn !. lias 'n leaa. sanatlliaa laav imt i - wxlT'4n tJto-ttw E ! T . iitiicVitluetf ' tt ,p.,a, Ut u. i,y a i., l-, r,il.M. If"r i nf main streets anil svda.icoi y a, lt Pl BAKUaON. -t tprU-Ma j iVi -l li 11 - r t k .11

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