- f THE DAILY SENTINEL THCKnDAY. MA I8M. ;.-. ADVERTISING KATES. , Adverttwmnl will s mserirt m to risily .Hun ss ix foUowme vstss par uin of n k. or tea mtuMia uses. ' ' 0.,tfusettmt.... 1.00 i n"- ,aBl"mM'eourl-iiouMdoot. Sale V i mo's, ia ou I ; " ; W.0!l 10 1 ." ' - M. . Buooil" n .uo 1 t - MJ I AM to the sbevs relet for sseh additional mourn aa folkw.y - ' : ',"- -" " For 1 aatMiili, , 4:0 For T Months, 1.09 JniouUis,' tM WOO ' . . " 8.0 -1MtL'" " "0 M - ' 1000'- 14 11 " 7 WOO w " " 11.00 "la H - M.oo Tor the FemlrvYeskJy, "s1ju UiVae-nftlia of for the Weekly alone, two if ths of INly fotlfc JTallJ! n4 Bern! Weekly combined, sixty per ' on Paily rales .;'" For the lteily and Weekly combined, forty per ectit on Dully ralea yitrthe DsHvt teaii Weekly an Weekly spaa - Woes, nliwt oaf eanioa Bails rates',.. , Hiasrial Hotlcas, Bftjr percent on Dsllyrttes. Advntissnieats la local Column, US. ceuU per Una. ( . i. - ' , ,. . , I hours fn.m 7r A. M. to 8 P. M.; dururg . l. , 4. .1. anaiU rU V.u rodiatfibuted.) Tim if Arritaloml Closing thi Jfailf. WEiTKaa. NewOrleaaa, La.r Aoguttt, Ot-orgi, Oilurobia, 8. C'OharlotU, 8li bury, UpBbmt', Balem, C'bapel Hill, HilUboro'. 4c , due at 1.80 A. Ji. Close at P. M. . ' ' E:BW.-JCIiar1toa, 8.T., Wllmhi(i too. Near born, Beaufort, 0oldnboru',,&c, 4m IP, M oloaa It P, M-t- s- i ' NnBTBERji, "ta Weldoa. Near York, Baltimore, . Pbiladelplii ; WashlnKtoa, Kichmoa'J, Potemburg, Norfolk, Weldoa, c., due at 4 0 P. M., cloaa at 8:80 A. M , rTBTrrii.i.,Tlaf;hathaln BkK., auc A. M., cloaa 8 30 P. M. , , , . Ollic hourn fr ReUtereaLetlere and Mnftcy Ordta-.DedHftuieat, from 8 li0 . JNo iaaiM rcceivca or aena vd mniuj, therefiire-the offlct wUI Be he ..pened On r. . .. I IIOAf K ltAi.kiUu CijTTos ilAnKKT. Ri-portsd &s ractijr, Grocer, c., Market 8iuare. ' Rtipts'te-aJ Wbale! price firnj at CON8ERVAVIVENOMlSeVW48FOR CITY L'QJMIlitHyNB3. t j ).. i ; . middle wabd. M I ' lloa. aw f.isttuie,. v. u; ownacn, p. i Cheuthm. " ,'.; , , EAaTEBR WABD... i ' W. G. Upt iiurcli, O. T. Strpnach, Joan Armstrong. j. ' '; ' J. H. Scptiik, Peter fc,",l,le"miuin and Chnrlcs BetJy..--f. " '.' J;- ilV"' v ; i,..". I V.-sa'al Tit? ; DE310CRATIC-COX5BBVA-.... , 'jr 8TATR- TJCKJCt. ; ' i-' ob Govsb!VIi Judge A.i Merrlmon. ' Fow LiitrmsNART' GoyaasoB Mnjoi ,inoVW UugfieN of Cravm ' " fan AtroKintT OittlEKAL Jndje W, i M. Sbipp, of Charlotte . . " Foaj' TbkaUKE Major JohB -V. Graham, oJ Orange. . ; ' Jpot Secbktab or Btat John; A. Womack-. of Chatham ' ' Fon.i Al'PiT(K Lev6athorpc,1 of Caldwell; , .-Fo fiulS B IBTKK DKKX 0 PUBLIC h .,' rrincTios N. McndeulialljOf GuiWford. ...Fob 8npBBWrwiijit of. .pLt! iTlita tiz-t-Mt la ft rv aMtristilT Ode. wiU'r&eira "tl.o mi'.pUrt 4id,oraJmCTt y t " !" T ofth'sTeaplh. Tbey are all .meoXoi high .rf",F'ic'' f .tipllsV'ihycb, la x- character and iutellig'cnca. ,' " 'At excellent Plattonnof frfac'iptes Ss beet adoptel', Vhleb' wa'will publish to morrow. , . ; i , ' Judge lierriuiuf) addressed the Conren- tinn on yesterday in t speech distinguish -ad, f.it.i abitrty and alnnusact. ' Wi be able to nubluh at ootlias of it hereaf ter. ;, , ' :' ' Freemen, totcrs; tax pa)-ara of North " Cacolii the proper snet hart keen ehnscn bjf thousand' dcgatet ifter due consultation ami disciusion. It r mains for lonone'andaU to BO to work ' and elect Them. . 1 f m,m ' - i I v IMFOSTAJUT XMW81 -- j I fmnnwnia ; -' 1 fro Cincinnati that tIon. Horaca-Giiiea-1 ley, of New York, has been Bominatta tor i President, and Hon. Grata Brown, of. Missouri, for VvcPreaiJeut. ''J !, This it very decidedly the strongest ticket that could have been oomintd. N.,..-4irBoT.in Xora rot Sale. See' d!- tertbvJJmenV bf Mr. K T. Page, Cary, N. C. , Tn V.nrrnna return thanks to the Manriri ) t,VI 1'n-in.ilattos I attend acis. Bop tV ba gtvk mir aTWhia t the National Hotel . .- . 0im Focbtb Pae.W bhpt our readers will not neglect rcoJing the mat ter WW fotrtH ' Wti "iiurposier: tasking it readable and enjoyable. We stay here say, that Ws select wr matter wi"ftfceeai!r care, desiring to derate tnij ImproTtf atf coWrneii ? " To Or a 1 Adtbtmkbs. Wa bare ,i changed the general arraAgwnt of our aper so as to make it t more desirable adrertiaing medium. Every paga tow coatains 'interesting reading matter that "Will tend to snake one page as good 4 pW fur aa advert! fiacnt at SnOlUer.1 1 F."Ut . m celebrated bv o I .l...-i V. ii- -' ' - - . ICIIOW Citizen, " Tuhr Fire tonmarvwided dn rveanesdsy, the Raleigh Brut Band dis cotraing mm jgreeabl manic fur their IifPAOBTtxr Bali lTh- t.on -.i I i , B i"T I r J v" Wilt ,""' OB Ijaturda. oiit - TireKSioirFa Curiowkth title if n cecuingly neat lull, nemimonthJv P"Per. devoted to t d a4 th Knignl of Pythiaa, edited" and owned by John T Brltt, and pobUabed at GoJ4bomV f,jr 11.60 a year. We wUh it pnMparity. Pc Nickikq. The colored childrea of one of.our cily arhwila had a pic-nicTml on May day. Tbty paraded oar atretai with btnoerr, and 6f and ' drurt. Ami the preai or. busincM this notice was omit ted in out issue ofyearirday. Base Ball. A match g-lue wm play o yeaterday afternoon between tit Aca4 eaay aniJChytjaawballcraba, la theBnif tietOrora. Tbeaooringtobd.t Acadeoi 18 nine, fly catches; tbe City club 16 runa, 8 fly caicbea.' , i w Tm Miawic Mwrnn-Thi, month; I paWieatiott' has Vea wcWoV' It watly printed, by J. A. B.nl'z, at ViMi bbm', H. Q.. We Appe friend. B. ia meeting witttatiafactory iupportl in tbi entcrv piriae. ft-nitt , aeenia to be a " life " JSNausB Imkiobits.- We observl among the arHyala at the Yb"roug. noiue wuuia a oy or two, are eoine faoi lies of Engliafa immigrant, who appear ti be persons of tneans. North CaMlini. needs and greatly dedreaa good clans o!l industrious imnjigrans fpje.wo irill aid us in dereloping the fast resources ol oar state. ft - Oft Nkw- AovBBTisBHBim.-'We ayoald direct the attention 'of our'readrn to the advertisements of'Messra Primrose, Pott a.lliun.w iviun.At a: . . , - -.. . . .. , uaeiuein ui nr. u. Jones X. I.O., and the Penitentiary Not ice.. A ku a.a.Uia QiiHr i. r!l7tcportiPi ifUuaa!..Biiuk, Uiu- i reu s Bpuk and Kltft Baujs... , t ; His Lioht Kkhtobicd." Our frienil Ne4.Satti4 5ne nC.jiha tRu,o ,Cperi atitres, was so rrjtiu.'ed oo yctcf'ly.ovrr lhs" frora- Oiawaabnrn't -that fee-v-i able to read a letter without his specta Acaa dilnif'nVnklhot'bet'n abteTit do for years. Ha that was bllot almot4- can now aee.''"it is' tolJeho'ped "tb'at'soine or the ftctuiamy, bium may beXmade to ass before the August election is at hand. U -..'.II t J ' i . , A Rarb Chance-Tt-"9i.i'x-Tie raluable properly next door" sbnve le 8Ute Ntiivl Bank, will1 be anidrfin H(t- anoner UHpoaea ot- -r she lot extends frotu r.a'yctteyijlji Wreet Jf Vklliu!h(jlf A.stryt. Building new) two -atones' and 430 fit lart apply to;A ; PHILi THlEM.) . . .I.ii ..... t',ir f In)ptoatboaa arriTkl.in.0UE cilywe aiinouucxd " jesterdy,J,' srill,' deliver J'ths Memorial Addraas oa the 10th of liv. An addrens of this sort upon so teaching an oceaaioai by aoJiat.ngOishad patriot tad soldier, -i WgWy approprUteV. Ko man "bow uimwirbeilrt'ia We Jong fiyjht than General. Hampton, and none survivors biv,snff;tldin'ire: XoWgJive the illiMtrioas aoDlkXaroiiaian 4 i . j .na'aoiijrpBjtBiAiT'iff C6BvLTi.N. Tnt targe n Hnewamg-odawattaaiaitt trcmeiy bttsj law making all the necessary armngemeBta.r He' Informs as tfiai die fanvilTcs of the city bare r ponded nbUy, and, that the lafge delegation ! wiH be b. jsomcry and honpiUbly entertaind. -On. "Wednesday ha received in&umatiuu 4iifi,j4legta,o auuoa soiftw bfore beard from, would attend. A Urge detention will, be hare from .Baltimore There ia t great deal of talent ud no little teaming In this body OI elergyluen. I The j reporters i r; Jbe res NoT Bl timore gave "It aa-" tfrrfr ' tpfn lion. , that ..tht,, 0elitf M P Bptla OtetwatiM hM- ta.-tbtt -ity j it IMS, were th ablest and mc ifltcresting wbicB Xhef were twcsllei npoa to w- port, mere are lew auier uiiuisu-p up t(- mon Poiodcxter, Burrows and Jeter. Virginia, aon, A.j Broadasr Wwkirfv tnd Rniwilik nf ft- and Mell. of UtTYiria. Dr. Hell is the prioce of presiding elSqers incomparaU the best "hare etei seen.: Jbably f h three gtjsatest preafch- . . . .. a tl." it. ft:.. era that belong to wis twniuera Church art Dm Fuller; WinkbT," nd Broadua. Dr. Reynolds, of Columbia, H .r .mm ahnuld take to he the., aaost trt 1 ' m iiCctjtirqK,-rWt' reciv f f.tni cation on ysaterday io a gentltftui livina in Cnrrituck, wfthe'dateNpf March Its. Where Ittnu been all (l time only At bitH agttu or post irasu ra ran telL We regret the delny, as the matter tt eontaiaed had rstVttsact to tb Unutss. boro' Convention, and comes too late to stsirer.Vat putP. I wotidrf what causes my eyes to, b k I " aatit a (Vtn to ca(lrnin. - They are la twaakj place, , replitd fit 5 Vllsrry m. mt dear girl, snd yon till hare seeMhe aid of r ul.ts. . - WU.ich fad, tirf " ' ' j : THE CBEENSCORO- CONTEN hanitiw lilMirlu if tb Trie Iti tti -- tkt Suit. " ' " ' ' , SOME TWO THOUSAND DELBOATI X'-' m ATTENDANCE, '. , Judge Merrtmon for CdTeruor. FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. . The largest, the moat iinnnairig, Me Wt intellectual and th most teapeoyf- bte Convention eyer asaembled in North Caro'lius, convened at ' Greeneboro' ok WedneaoSy at 1 o'clock. Huch an out pouring. f the represent alive met of lite Itenxx-ratvc CUmnarvative people of the State never before took place. Eijhtif- cuiUics wore repreMiitud, alli-wi three or four excentiona. in mraon b me pi the ditlegaiions aa remote as Cnnt berland went unusually large." The'atten: dance of prominent gentleman was greatqr than on Any other similar occasion ean remember. The ConyentifM Tea tltld in s seat anil commodious wigwam erected steonkidef able expense for the soeasion, is a bvauli rul grove near -the depot. The building is ViHiantlj lighted 6 thirty large win dows and has three spacious entrances and aaa well youtriaUsd. ' It 'as tasta. fully decorated 'wiih wreaths and fei greets, and varlhlug , waa succestfully loos to reriaer climfiiltanle fhegrctt maw of people in and: aroiHHk the building fully two tkoummi Jvlfgat.s'w(rtT1'iJrit rtt the comim-lici men t of the pnceoiiiig. Wt hare as yet.nit been, able n pbtait list Of the delegates, but hope to do so Ample accommodation ifs alWd'ed t'lie press; atnongst whose represenUtivea wc noticed the foltowiiig: Capt. W. Biggs, TarborV JBeuthornar, JaS Osgood, Journal of Commerce; it. Pleasants; Richmond Dnpntcht 8. 0, h. Grcensbjiro' Patrif4 . David Baroc. Wit Uder , Uft H- lC.ilani.iiig, RoAWilce NwtJ. A. Bonus, UiilUsboro' Metsrnf ger; tV W. Harris, Birtikboro Advance CaptT. irraiir;. ninibor.Tticwd"eri JuntW "WrightX Sutcsvilm lBtellfgefirjei( J, Jl., .WalUra, Ijicbrai nd Whig t. Gei Dji,.uiy, sputiiojaKiiiAuc! wrrrtiat, tJhar Democrat j Murray, Washington Ex press j VV. Allcaoie. C'har. DUptcl; E. It.' Umjnt-TarboYor Enquirer; Ca(4. Thigpen, Rtconstructed Farmer 1 Dr. EL Matthews. Norfolk Jonsnal : K J. En Richard WiU Jour. J.. M. Arnold, (cot) Wil. Post ; C. B. Green, Durham Tobacco Plant ; Nat. Atkinson, Aasheville Cilixett, At 12 u., the convention was called to oriK'r' by' 'UtitH. D: W. Barriftger,- Upon wlnweHmUiMS'Hin.-.T. O. Fuller. was iinaninioiuly elected temporary chairman;, and UeectS Jiiit, Atkiniuin, the Atihrillc CUikk, Henry A. London, Jr.. of Clmt ham, Dr. H. E.T. Manning, of tbemaojic Krat, and W. W. Gnithrr, of Caldwell, were elected temporary fecpiUri..... fir Fuller, on taking the chair, spoke of UMsdUttSgtiiliai taii arttiurred upo him in being called upon to prenid, eyrn temporarily, over such a body of the intel ligence and Worth or the state.' He spoke of the coavenUoB as a grand nplieaval a the interest of popular jight and, 9V1I liliertyptnd presaged -the downfall of radicalism. Mr.'FolTer ipoko'cloquentl and at some length, and waa frequently hiterrapted by loud applause.' t . - - j Mr. B irnngjT mivcd that t committee IwdlTorxihAclA WltgWioHiVI ififtfifct be ppoinihd by the chair on permsncst tr ganizmion. j , . ' j 4 n nW,, Li ,l?y Mesired a cll of tin counties to ascferuin who wen pfeteutw Mr. Bawingertbea movrd the appoitt- ment of t committee of two on credta tiala, j .Hon. J.'H.'Haughton did not suppose there was a bogus-delegate it tb boost. He hoped 1hf ,cvll f enjnties would t dispensed with iiod that the convf ntinn atauld proceed to kainxiicaliami (C'heew. Maj. Sparrow' Wored for t call of the Counties Hi n t. .rt , f Capt J. J. Dfvis opposed the call and moved that every conservative democral present be eonaiWed a delegato.Jxt The mntioo to tall the counties prevail. ad and.ejgJtfivt wsrs. flPridi to be rep resented. Clay, Cleaveland, Graham, Gate en3 t?a!n"weru the only counties tot reprcsentwl ,i. s t t.:; ... i.f CaptT. C. Evan moved that the rep nf thi preai pressot be Invited Gen. A. M.Scal moved that list of lelegatts present called for for puir- cation. desinitl 1, let ibt, people see the character of the men present. Aituottd. This list cannot be furnished as many J tbii dclegatiotrww totnd'tii hW lists. 0 motion, Gen." 8. T. Carey, W. Ransom," Got. ' Ysnce, Hon. Turner, jr., uon.-. m. Lam, 1100. wi Shobtr-, H..-.T. L CliDgraan, Hon, Jtio. MaBninff, Won. it.' M. Soslew and -ffon. Juhn Kelt; were invUcid to scata tin platform. ' i." ' '"'! 1. H. Birriifgrt moved 4ai the chaft tP point aaommittttof two from, each tt grtssional district on jiermanent j '. Gtl: T,tt Clingman was now l.-ully lfcd for. " He said pi (irf .ovii- tlr was the grand r h- U-.A txm seen. He waa TeryWviVe 'ci ks'I jbhi'tderirig ricsltail't 'rp' keof them at t set of the Worst radicals ever known to biMory.,pB C'lingmaii endorsed the tincirmati' mova- tnrnt snd considered it Ibeiluty of confer- stive and democrats to snatait it. He a ftcOsitlyiatona4sd by a f-laus i Gov. Vanes was next kMi.llV railed fc bill urired the omvnition to. u'i'uc till. the pr.aDrnofj.'U)U!aioo banomplesri ' The chair now 'annhsncvd the commil tee'ot, orjja'ui'aiif ion,' ts"folTnwf " ',', ' -1st. DirUis...M4Hr .Th.was.s'ro' of BeaefWt, and D. ' Mi Carter, sf Beat ' fort. , ,1 jV.j'au,t(t", .anfl U. Vf. Humphnvy, of Wayne. t. ,1, ffri. J. A. Kneelhard, rellitrd; of New-Hanovv, and 'A, JL M,cKetfiiui'. at CuiubirTiinUr I 4th. Gen. W. R Cox, of Wafca, and i G. Willisms, at 'Stilt J. M. WoffK n,t.f Kaniiolph', Ail 9. vidon. I j C. Robbins, of Davidw J. 61 h. W. J. Yates, of Mecklenburg, anO a M. T. AkCauley. ftf .Uniut. M vtb, lw -TV- ArmBeId,or lrvdtlL tnl Jno, S. Hendsrson, of Rowan. 8th. David CAlemsir.brBilncbmrie.ani Wistnr Tt, rtf Chepikon. ju, , On motion of S. II. , Houghton, at t m., the couveiit'ou's'ij'.iumed .till thi o'clock.-'- 1 -n-cm AFTEBMOOB SLS.ION. The Coovontion met pursuant to joitrumertt 1 ! ' The comtnlttee on permanent organ i; tion, thea reporter as tUuMrt PrtriJtnl .Hon. John Km, of Ci well: : r' PraUtntt .1st.' Dri4rwt T. Jarvia, of TyrrtJIj, Snd. District t, Was. tfebtdnaiM), W.afnt I, VXT. MurphyJ J 3rd. Diitrlcl son. , ' : 4th. Dhrtricr, fiirerflregriryxGranTilli bIlWrjcL. JA,Gilu.erilHlJ'lJfd, th-istTl6t, CL J.Jl..Jlioui,Jluc leuburg. , . i - 7th. District, W. W, lmig, Yadkin. 8th. J. J. Erwiw, Barks. t.d Sserttarie.' Y. F4 Pyffv, fluilfor. W. W. Galther, Caldwefl ; H. A. Londod, Jr., Chatham ;- Dr. H. Jt. T. Manning, Hai- SuK Nat. Aikinaao Buncombe. Th rn,mill. tn renoWca the rules of the" House' of Rcpresentativet fitr thitj eovemment of tha convention. Tbt 41 port was adopted. i - r Hot. Jao.. Krr. ot-. UWng.tho hr j ... - r . i . , i . i sttempt a synopsis of the Judges speech, or of that oi Gorj'Tane, that ftlbwe4. reserving to another occasion, t prettj full report ol both. Both speakers en d'irsed tbeeincloaatfuloveroentand argil tha co-operation oLtlue.true met of thie south in the movement. At the yjMbislon of GC5V. VanceV speeclt, .i'" ,Mf. OaughtoB moved that the chairap point a coniuiittrs or ens iroiu eacn con gresaioual duliict oo a platform of let to repirt to ths Be next lueetiuit of li 1 convention. Gen. Cox moved that ttlf IfWolutiddt touching ttM mat lcr.nf. t platturin . be r ferred without debate JM Ibo proposrii commitit . Adopt a. Maj. Engelhard moved to make the prt- pod .nimijte firfrm each congress ional district This amendment prevail ed. Khd ths" resolution at amended was adopted, i, 4 4, Mr. Waring moved that t resolution tf cordial greeting be tent ti the Cincinnati convention., i '-" t .. After debstt, this motion was ruled out of order, and the matter was referred to tbt cbmmittoe ow t platform.1? ' " 1 . Col. J. F. Hoka moved Juhstrit voting for candidates e-jch county shall vote her kstrenglh jt the. Hoasa at Rtprateniatixta. CoL Bterlf WO.ved, to amend by makitg the baaia of votiug tb actual etrenffth pf the Conservativ jrote giysn for Judge 4 gkipp 1 xuUjuiueach ,100jrot tst lor onipp, ana ens vote ior every iisu tits over fifty. " Considerable' orlpwUron wat Nnle So I i this amend men4 by Jess J. .Yeates, Giles Mebane, K ITttldweJI, Mr. Stamp, of die Tafboro ysfrertnd ofbea, and Steele withdrew the Amendment Jl Kat tBiiiliinced that list ,ntas iwom be based on ths new apportionment' '' CoL J. F. Hole moved lh eonven do now prscesd to eh nomination of a candid atar frgTrrvr,' Adopted.' X E. UUtJwov !.. noaua4itd Iloa. S "Hei-ritnott.',, ..; " J.t t-r . Gen. A. J. Dargan,fton)ipeJ io. p M. Barringer. , , I I 'niinle4 Bo(i. J.'jL Ifi. Augustus Grshufn, gsri.y, noni.nsded Josiah Turner, Jr. ' . Jr. !Tarner said h dealred no ' cn-it whiteTrj"He had Ixwl engage n site grstWui task ti pulliiig Aiwn .Villainy ah d it tn etrdeavar to -redeem bit fitatar, ai.J detiasd to contisus'tlisi fighiv I'jrTtWed h'w friend, Mr. Orthiira, to.'sdtlldrttk hir nanvet svok.ii wssscaoroiuij none, t "Cot T. 'A. GiUner touilhated Judge Shipp. , ' There beieg no, lon?r nommaUous trt waamovea to sojourn uu s ociocs so- (4ninrMWl-irtVi srA.aisi.iiv) It A motion for t recess for- twenty at otes waa rejectej. Mn, ; lc rrrsf wirbdrrw-he name ol Jsd(r w.MtiWbt taslanajHiiiW 4-X-i 'f I- 0a iooti. h 'ji't'V'M fit t li. '.iuf Jt ' taken, to allow dcLJS tuionlt. X At the expiration ol lou bidiitv the ftiiiiiot m called to 6r3" l Chaf Ktssn, Esq., of jpu'ike,'"pt,o tested attain., tliyot being bow gone iito. .. It .was. tiia .Wiah of ; dvlvgaf -s to Consult, at tt the merits of tiie sevwra as pirant and he thought, K prrmmtre to into the nomination till theiist- fonit was reported and adoptwl. ' lie moved to prnMpons ths 'tots tul to ok- ' i-, snf- ,'af Sjt ... N oenvwreir one; oi xne oesr speecnes oi iii Duplin , Liucoln ,1, . Altx'kleuburg, , 1 Hit,-. Wf will Bot tB tb.is hurried rcpoHt (Oia.h.w l. Kowst Wt)ts.ll-HcvutUas Mi. i-V"?-. f.mi'k and Mr, ITnigliton conclif re with. Mr. ib KjRusL. Mr. Turner moved to lev tb reotios to pistpon oh the table. lie saw no tse'iyi pVtlW the vote, for hot"Vsr"ttt tlrt- aomination would be bsartily supported If tali) be, ybtt nomtnat my ftisnd Gi. IWripgor, we 'wi alf sh'out all fight f' it you noaiinale, my. fruwuj St, lacl all- will say alt vfarht a4 If yrat J honilnats my Ifiehd " Judged J Merrlui-ti ItU W'U . wy ( ;ail . .righV'', , (Cheers,), I know 1 east sad. no watt la this mat teT.titwenrbff to .' I wotrld be wi lins'ta iAi ". I! ' .1 '..i.ll.ll ' ', AlbesMrlt tousd 01 aat.nf .CbcwWea, the right sort of me. Tlveit was so a ceiaaty fin; postponement! VTlfe1 merits me, several CMdidV.tiaa pesn Oiacui f year, and nothing fartbet reouini dt to trmks tifc sHeorion. -"- '" 'The 'motion to n'ost'iVoos'vi'ts tabled' --..ajL-T- . .- '-..-, ..; 0 a i.w.'M. IbitHotufl pvuveii Uit 'lots. taken by 'billot, but withdrew it in cow buenee off storm of ttisapprobatfon.' " tusemiyvniijoB iocs voiea M roiiown Whole numbsr of vote cast Its, necessary to a choice' S JMerrimoo 79, Lsachil For, JsVi Jfiwri'sssk-Alamtnct l. AJlf Kh.y1,,rW P, Blade, f( rVuBMsic f, Biincoml)t"ll Camden 1, Cttthanri CaaweU t,Chowao 1 Cly 1, Craven '?, C4- tumhut I, Canbciand t, Davis lBdgt- I'? VT I, Franklin l,ratj j ,Ue 8,' Gwoe, 1, 0ul.rord'. ttvywama, 1, uenusreot. xt .uemuta Jncksna t, Johnston t; Jones I, Maoos sd'iaoB 11. Martin t, Hitchcfl 1, M.ini- gomere i Moore U. W' MWd- ver ay Orange 1, Pasqustank t. Person. PftfS, ItSbreoir ft Horlrlnffhmn t, BlrtH srfpr4;il,,SampbS"l, 'Buiy,l UuTotf Wakt , .Warren s vkathJngton 1, Wllspta 1, Yancey t! 61 eotntles, 70 totea. ' 'W Mr. XsocJt-iAtht 1, Bertie 1, Burke 1, Caldweii i, (larteret 1' Catawba 1, Dt 1 10Srt,. Uaaton 1, HallUX lieUell , Upolr I.McDoweB' 1, Northampton 1 P'1f)'l'B. X hinaPa''i. U.'' f te t, Tyrell 1. Watauga 1, Yadkinl-i- i.r.i - 1 . . - . .. . . . I. snd Jt t.tt,n 'J '! -t:n;..- if It waa auired Xhat, t committee ,le I app unted, to intiirnt Juibze. A)i'rriBV'B I of his nomination and. rtqujpst hjs ,inj- mediatt appesranoa lu , tha eoovsnxiorl lHit. 4hs hour bting lata tht"opmtitttp were tnstructtal toreuaest lus stteuitaaor I of Judge Merriwon. to-tuorrow morning. the chair uet lannounono, in lullow ing commtftetAn plaAtorm, ' - v)MMrTTt9K OH PLA TFOTlkt ist District Thos. 'Sparrow and T. j tia." , ..!,, j. I Hiid-J: H. HauglKon ailfl h: 'Yi pnuq-'hfumn'irev " " ' - 3rd. T. C Fuller add A. McRat. 4lh. p. At, Daftmirer lutd 3Uhn Mat. ninif1. Jr. ... ' ..V .. "I, ,.U .4- i Sth.-X IL DIIlara trnd 'AL M. SnUe. n.h'Jnft. F' Hoke and .1. It. ' Brow a. iin. a. v vowies. ana rt. r, Arm geld. ' ' 1 " ' ' ' j ' 44. L 4lt'i.Jr 4L -1 -a Si 4, l iL om. I no. i iingnian snu rt. avctt. 0(1 motion the nomlnsiions ws tntle uhsuimoinV amidit the grestriit enthli.isnia. On-' motion iif G. tV-alet tbi) fconve tfuh adjoOrned tilt 10'o'clork to morrot. llanssland t Miller, I .. i. . "T". SS .w .i. -I.J-.t, DsnsS BtLBtet atal Bassj"1 -1 . tsnd buyers . may jejy c, Piirpluisiaf . tUrsot iront th Propscty Owmmws. NolV ' Mictdlarasn' w. Acsats aUowsel 1 ''to BptWat or ohargw aa " ' "' avanos ot th OWUers "" ' ? ..".! '. tVt. , V. Houses and Lots for Sf iriiiji ,i,,4,l.,4.i Honse, ,13 menu, en gonu. St. t , t.ino. 4. , .... 4U..44J,, t . C SlUlAl fM4 , W Lots on Ksrstlevill street ' ' 100 to r'tBoBsnd lot " 'tBosstnl lot " - tilut Ml tot on Nasty street, !m .100 to hi . kallmsS touM,. it ; 7.. lol .MUltboro' read, KOO'to a sirt, tsoo in !, t House aud lots MB feast at. UoilMjafiil loios nerwrssvs ' Bnesne feraoa street. - ' t Uims aaa Tuf par's Chard, .liilUUBtSU'cstt.., v. (.'.-!, t Lout saw Hoil souls roa4, ' 'Bw!mU?n$ k.ies?'Tilir3if .1 ' tutOO -tfctnanBV.tntWassstCT 3 tote-oft Morxsa suset (ossr, , 1 .. u . Sous on, ) . ..o 4.1 . .1 . . .... ittV. tt 1 Hour snd lo'a, on B)oiint -.1 I'.r.Ki s arV.i 4.4, fwa -kui- Alo'ui attt lots nsav B.ount -'d sorest: i ' 4 li'tnaav ssosns. lt.4av-na. t. 4 . 1 miir.lrmn mats ttsass. . r;,. .., ""t.inB' 1 wi:v.9sjaiismis4,,, ... Uouaa, sro-iuis, os frtfa St ,. ' t, 3 L.IU'KvJt onl'Maiii44ti)n,'"t -'J -. SU Murlao atesats, . 1 100 tO kri,.k A - '4 f Houaes ana lots OB tlarest . anlt tlau atraets. aw rair ' " ' - row.it. ! . ..'tut tMft IlooM . roon. lot W acres, L . uuuaa t rontua, io isi seres, .. . ' bit rrorh cllV. ' 'T s"-' t.tuo srrs rarui nesT Viiis,"i t per aijrs: -4.J1 ...ja t.. I,..1 son... . t Sou r Faroi'D.,- Htfntsvirfs- SU-r i o-. Hb'r sMSs-sat ftt-MlilS-iV '-J l lmuuvd sutislr, j 4V', ItiOiO aeras nasr Mdricaiiton. , ' Uura enttiltv. ' WFrU: iWarM tjltlu sees'aar OsWerllla,' M 11 rnf tun"; ir'i'ii'a . snaw.fviifs, traors or ii.r; n tm r ,4..,.j . or , (4HitM444.ar4l '..irui (UU) al U44I lUwt tfciati Ba sts MOIKi AV4MS 4 AllUer, 1 T"- "f hk. SIT-CIAL 0TICKS. ' BATCHELOR'S HATA JJTB ' Tiis .1'lct.diJ Hair by Is tM boat lstiis world.. H4vml44,iTl44it(U,lwtaiiUi4eriiM,sai soteostiualaaa, or any vitajle- poiaosj lo prodw parsljiia o dfsslh. AvHid tha rauiitat ail ij.'liilf e ireah4Utaa IWaULrfip virtn-n1 lb aotKM pnaanw 1 iht rrn"4a f A W? Uvr's tt44.e Live baa had -iai vws sal4waii4Mt imiMt.,... xo sitbuld its HiKrritr aa u. ' 'y ta-r,'.,'t Hair l roai fc Of ii'H.wn, l-iitl'B ao I'l'i-' j si i iv'ia ci., .i. 14 si is . ci., a. i . -j l i hi i - f ivranani avenue, - "' - n wi inw !-.? tt ; FaveAsstttBi ssssl, . .: SOUiauu . . - U44444A4S4V. a ifchi LATE TKLElilsArillCiSEW Hieelal tHspilrh to the Sirrine' .J 1 ''GlrtRsBo'B,, N. C.,My. Majiw Ji'diB Huhri, oT Crate'u, aomij naied for'' LieuU-rin'tAoverni'r on ' first billot, without a' counti by aeclamatioi . For TrtaVurer,' IMajor J"ha W. Grahan , of Orange, on 11 rut billot, wflliout a oiiuui , ,hy awianiaioqi Tk Attorney' General judge Ihfppvtj a.-cfamkt'n.' tot&c. retary of bUUv -' J. A. W6m4i kl of Chatham on tliird ballot, without count . For Auditor, Genl.' C. Leveni tborptj'of Cald arell.' OR first ballot, wi.tl nut a count For Buieriniudeht of Public Instruction, Dr. Nerius Meniiunj- ba)l, of Guilford on iflrat balh.t without a eonntj For t-upeiintendent iiTPublit ,yjrtuv at jih,' t ' tValte', W'tccjaj' n , ... f Dying theiporning session the noro nations, were, all .made and a platforit reported and unanimously adopte Si t.X )i nj. Judge MerriuioB took llit suna ,pat watijuin'JsiaaTn-any remiw He snoko over an hour aud is now at hail past, one, being followed Vy jMnj. Ilujjtiii who uiaaes a nne ininrtajuon. b. i -. ."- M.tltKKT. ''.. j - " -, "m- SZl Flour bl4fclvaptfiiig-.mnion,to lair extra (4 to $.?3 : K""'t to choics .. ,.t ll.'K' 1.4 'A. ,11 A I IA WIS, n piaj uuu , m-wv m lower, red wmtar'wrsMtrt 80 to Itt, tiGrf lawar.,. lLcefinn. 4 luu 1 A. Pork 80. l4U;d uuchatigiiL (Turpeinine tiriii, 8al Itoaia irai sallow snaiJy.'1 'Ffiguii Money, supply It eacessof ths dnnAt't to lit' UoveruuH-nu si roiiK- I XlVnirooC, "Mr"t,.V.tto rw- dnll; bpUnd l Wll'l V(-OjUsiis Hit to'ti 8J9. .j .fcatj, 4v4'lisi Mk-ini I ' " " FitOM WA'TiiNtiTo-'r; ' WJ' WAai.Wl.','Hat lIt'fs 'orncialli snnoine(J that this govVirniTieiTt will tw modify Ms aaa, but sttauUS Kaglana stats pose, iun slit.ia, t bt))li(te.reut and flit l iiiled Ktiitea neutral, to waive conaei qitetitttl datnaifWI,' oh eiWount'ofthrtt sels fsmptntr iheiie-.' the' Unitvd'HtaUi tilt waive r Utt Jon.cUWifriitiu ia this loatani-e. , , I (ins million tiirrt hunurm inoiiasna Han) Of fbrJo ccirt. bomll htrt bse fal'i - ... us I..,..! ix, I Tha di kt itntciiKint shows a decrease welve and t half Bullion. CuinTntli TwAHUff nearly brit" tidtldrcd siitl' nil mlDiosk otowbci ' KiUrlctt! 'o4 rtlire eightt. liilllioiis.' ,"'" "V" '; The Pnsiden.' bat 'siffhVid ttlo blH fi free tes and coif, . ' It ones into effect ol July 1st snd remits Im 'tariff on tuesUic thsa.la bunoVi.J ,.t 6,1 ... - . . it ' ', " , . 1ujU .COSqEfiSlONAL.. ... , WAsamui'OH. Slav i. srkatb nous till fiir a depot lor tha Italtiuiora and Fo tum.id railrusrl tvnt retiortcd; ' j A bill, rausslHia llio pnitumuan ol pM- notiost it tbt stalf d UAttiuont of tbt army, paaseu. Navsl spiimprlilflon resunied,-" ' " TremliiH, from tbt omnititlet oa bid clary, reiwrtwl a bill authorizing terms of .1.- It L...1 LJ.t.... I:...4 4.... . .. tdt llie IvUliei piniaw ji4miiH;k out p uc eld at Fort Gibson, ludiiui Territory. JHorWK.-4-A bill removing the Kamuia tribe of Ijuliatu to tht Indian Territory pd aa-lliii their, land to settlers, paaard. The (ariif diacusalon reahmed, ' Kelly gave Biitlct that he' would more to striktout tbeenscting clause at the pror tilltt. tucng .j twnr .J..'."'; j Onner, pf Texas, nnde t Ire trale speech.' ' " ' .ti ' FBOM CiNt LSNATt ' CltciKSAT. Tilas .1. Tlie Mianetnia delegatiot, standa nine for Trumbull ami two for Davis, Tha Southern States all represented, but the Northern snd middle States wrk a much lar shntr,-- Seversl nioaaitsnu. Uemoeratai are; here wsUihinii tot progress ol anairs, Illinois is nera pi full toroe. I as id-venue piaua is unoxeq The'tmtlt arm chain, sent for th eoh eBtloB 'Presidani, wts oocupiod by John Adaint whan be signed the leclsratioB bf Iudependenca. It Is quite plain black witn am aeoorauons, upnoiswreain sanu a'gs.-hif-:r ' k y i J. Thers waa nlwing by. brass band from bt. Louis, stationed air the door. At signal there was a general entrant of aelegates,'anttig them several cot men from lbs toiilhwntatea. ... i.i, Tht flof't of the hall it nearly filled y I ncre ia out oieaftrv sireariance sfMSilatowii hi whom i Shsiu sitw 'I hundred: inr itrwiii ltoiwwi'wtsiajh ww 4 niy live hundred., leiej fu various paruiWf ACOoinniodaU twen Group are gathvieU lu various parts the hou tn aninisted eoovt rsatios, eft tsViHWdlseiltisiniftuoatiU nnaettlsd points ot ditlerencs, U Is aulhoritatlvoly sta1 that Fauton left town this taoming. ti is frtonds srssijhienKiwIj reiwjf vd tsto tht M.uwj0jiiriii(s, .. j iriirosvenor, of St. I-ouis, called th cobvention to oiitrr; Tn brief jiiieerjri. nevlsinml gri twiporisnre of stuse ini- vsotim, uio hvicm. is numbers of.jvie gates and thii Uttosl rprwienlistittn of die public sentiment ever saaemOU"! ; tllat sentiment which alwsyt dornr snd always sbati nils Ut ootlalry, . us wisdom ol Ibis oouveatioa and tli.,W"tii and Hill of the pniple at tha next fall election will make it mre aicceaiui. i neei not sik, tlss-tsnsl-lippead tor' harmony ito 4a vtw atiasMosisa (iieie, -toiiosctitia ..hi ,suestHl .party ,tp,, tkt their liibTal till ties . Ularil ' tola mntu: tueot "for 'riTorrn.' " lis nominated' or leiSfKirnry diamuan,- Jo'le Htithley Mt- hoavs, ot Siluii,, Jt. aaa. ttanisd uaant Biopaty MaUhews saW: It hi no idle Huction when 1 say It ts nnpoasilie to trrf-Bt tht clCrp't-oi.nn1lllth' Whiih I rwaiwanfl-aenspt-ttw wiwjKfiectsi kenot eoalerred B4n.ins.i i.Mt. iuiircpsrd to relsre tn aaaiwnu'ioo ol the UutiesioT the chair wiih stub ieiriiukt as ere ani.ro-' "fsrtti If the chsW. - No oris could get O, ipte ti SM 'Wast wouloTTie Ihv rr iij; '::.;& i.'1'i fet '.tltf.ljf j''" was that tile lid'. .. " u' i Hi it is the votes of ttsrrn sod isflunstiail pentna of tha pnopl thai thry to Joner ttogs to ajmr he collar pf party, j;heiSrJ , J--" We have beretotor been awmMr of th wpubtinift ptrty." Bevrot" ashatwd to have to-awn that asmsvThe past of the xrr.y wss coinmeivM in ,i. wirk ofsohtaoUnJ lhe l uii.u smt !oo. ' Its sotlt hid Lh-cmW a'p.rt oi th fiiudajnental- law1 r - -wMh-t'tiie iiriiM'iote atisqualllv t aiii Uiots.Uie law bsi, been establklied, II tonntd sred thitcijoveiition, lhit Jvbvlltbti .i I..4.. . 4.4 t.,, .a.si sgamat lit n-piililit'sn parly, ths hiah wt eulogy of prliii'iies M lhs( party tor -siiows that tn p n-ty has Digti eouragt to set abott. th work of n lorining itit, (applAUse,) tb parties cannot Tiva on past repuutioa. It Wat because tbtiae whoctmtrtit lhe Ri'pnblicsnJ mschinsry sad pfiBCiilr,- hav 4iete thvot trora thwi true nuipts thai, tti 14 ...... 4. . .1 4. . 1 . : . . 4 1 .Mi44,vtwu,t iiai own iuiuaia, ; ( . The war ha ended and peace bus come to might the end of triilimrv mle. fr.heeral sad vsry4bing (has k .slivs and. tans we emoert o( ths dead past. , Ths convention sojourned till ted 0 chick' to-nisrrbw morning; after rasoi ing that aswfl Basts doletraiion ,haM slsr( delenates rijusl in number to douiiletht yotot of eacn 8k.ts in th Electors! Col tga' ' ' . " "-; : : ' i Th ' New ' York deleratioi had ti. xiUng' rnsetngi ' la deleitre'w preMnt. ,lt was. resolved Uiat .th Nt Vork deli gallon oati its vols for iloract 4tl..l. I . ' J . I J fj J U4414I UWfUd t.Hj U4M4,C i UVtllt fTn.(Or retire consult at totr. 'attal which, th voin shall M Aaatirtsreektrj SMtijvct w 111 dirw:uin of tbt dehigstiooi FRtlV 'NEW' YCfltlt.' " Nkw Y'ork.' Ka. t.-ths Methmn Genrnti Coiift react apeoeii at 10 oV.U- thus - sprouts', in. Acaalatuv of Musk-I nfMotiyn, ,, ,, ..., , bishops il rnt, bmipttoq, A dies an onus were present ' ' '"' 1 " I Ttr house It erowded trlMt deiesttci snd the general public, u ,1, j . Kov Dr, Harris. m reflected ecrei try- I --A pmpoalt'oB 1'anr - th sncond 'Tsttriotivssol and admit lay detegat as i part .1 ot . lit General It'onterence, , -at taken up, and alter considerable discus! sion, it was carried by t vote of 27D to Hi . 1 1 I'iS, r" 1 'urt i FKOM KiaOPfi.,.,! 4 ,.t I Lttooiv, May 1. Bishop Frntalur., tsecl retary of ths feoitut ,Ecumcuir.al CouocilL is dead. ' ' . . .. . ..- r - Pnore - WflHatiT Fft-dei frir Willis llrtr,-sf th House of Nsaaait, la dead! Ourrespootentt, reportt, several juinpr fights htrein th Carlist were tuccessful) tkranno delays" atfacltlng tli i'siliatt " Navarre' till fhe fiirces itochMWeuti tUUU4fc4ild4 .4,t.f ,I4 !..fl 4,4; ...It is rumored, that. BiuiicL has seui material aid to Amadous to Mm auiouut of ten bullion francs. New Ad-trtsTtiBomcnts, nf fiKD WHIBKT, BAURKLt FOB i O Bala. Ap,lyw -.'.7n -' 1 avaj iraa .i.tt.-i l n , ja. w 1 1 AO. L'VOH ttALK. lOOBo-hsls Sweet rolaWPI'Htlnrt. ' ' may II ut .j-i. . .UjU.4i so A Co. NIC HAM AND BtytJHT 8ljS S. C. Baeon, jiut to band. 1 tnsy.s-w w.ju. vim st no. : - -4 ttniSSTONS" - " '" ' VV ... i-. .t .1i .1 . i r ..i'.i tut snd Rot Herrlnrs, low for fai.h.. ' mayBlf ; " - iT.'lt J0NKJ AC; -ItilR BALK. i . ' . .i..,.,iT ,,, ...,,.., Jt I -.- 4-1 40 'UiiLt' '.V Wt ,ri.tty.i .Tsro nicely, tiyruvel Lo's.ln the, vllltss of Carjrr- t eh lot lias a iiUrely nuii-iieil nt Ijouse, "WtUl srx munu, tad non-rtf rm ins Aera, . This lilacs taaossesiC4)uiiWst vantaitea, sood aeltiHila, kooU society, ws'er, snd ns tltrnnr Bh'rra,,'-' .--.j C'oinatataiioa t skats to sad boat Vallt may h had at two cents par mils. Trains ai almost any liottr tn Die ttav.' Ts gootl cliiatws mealiovswiuunsoiucim'p,, , t(1 Ai'i'iyto ... i 'A . PA0K, . snayS rlSw t sry, K. C. r v . H ' t E t , .41 T V B 0 V, I i g ... .A ,,,114,. I . .,i ,i.-,... ..... At. ' PElIttOSC, FETTT t f... 44j ( t t B V R T 'A .C E,L E B UA.IE t) . ,s .'isl.-C , ',.- t, a ,rt nooxa, " oAiTERs, CojiAf relsjat Oxfbrd't b n o E -8 BlRTr5 PRIZE MEDAL gaitehs, - ..,.. , . t- ' sitOEa, METT.0?CI.tTAM TIF8 YOSEMITE STRIPES -4 . ,.a,. ..... TRTMROfE, FETTT A NEoUOM8 bf (Aa Cswfiffe V f M ,M,itoui n,H : JkohuK. AorrACana'isii. sl lAaiaal t,Mk4i I 1il.lf.l.4 . Ill Milt l.. 4-., ... . ' - - ' - - Y Itsaoi.aijarj-. t"l Loans and Dliieooela..., ......... .14"i ft "i t .Ten, nil 14, t.875WT V.'b. Bolida trt 49Cur! elrplilatlon . ."pvi, HiiM U..B. rvoMts and avesnttssaa lias., .till. 000 'im Other i. k. Honilaand M"Hira,- .,:.7'.".S On from HeeJaemhuY and ftiwrvt ' nau.. . u ... . w .. n an 41 tlua fri4is othar NaUuns) Banka... . I.I-Ih! I Me Inxs ixtisr BaoKAand bankers 'lit, t ueceiit a 1 tuiata.. , ,.,, ....... Tataa ??..;",.,., 1 . Br44Rlnima, 1! -.1 .'.t ; ... :.'. . . J,M US . 1 o -. .',7t ai.l.'l ha w tn m .' :u 't, !"S,. .TJ.flllO IJ t a.S Heasa, hsclntlna ilanip. HlUSOf Olio MUIOU4W tMtlSAl.... V r4K-ttottl ,t urrcut v,,. , ... Hpeei, eoiu,: ,....1...... Legal tender notes j.. (... .... ''' i.::-AM6 i J... Llsu.iriss - - : -.4 j flsnttal atstk pskt !... ... JlUOfts. no tsc-tissite. ..,................4 I 4tf 4V I'rotit aud !-" M.UAl sfl Natio044j bsus, circulation outwUnd- ; titf. ..,.;....:......-. .'. . ... ..'.... wm) no . 1 .. '. l l l.' 114,014. J BWilOl on . . ,.. . .1. . a H.:u.. ...... S7 Air S 1 -' - -;- (.-m.utia Its I. W. 8. f riirir Aat raahlur of th-Snu, NalKinal J-adik. K.il. I U 4o soUiuuIr aae.v Uiat UiS s'vs auir.ia.nt i toKxt b ill boatot nay kuowaJ tit heli.-f. . , . - - --- - n: p. 1 li. sr.fjLH.. 1 ; ,,-& .C . . A"t 1 ashlar. rntvioul .lit "'ra to bet'K-e sis Mis iiijl If Ol )., V I"'' . '- A W. JT IflT'i if). .... , I'i,':J w . w. v las, 1 - 1 . . . . J (. fi. , i 1 Ui.ui.l o. Yi ua- -, ,j .. .J,J... r 8V-" 3 5t sv A K BTCArtfTnitO Ar,ivT-" Dsnutni-as W thi dmaiki, utit ti, " aHilnos B.irk of me hov I nn, treat tas tblliisn Vslleva tn p..rfs4 1 rjl'fr.t cat MusoUsul, IhS BUjal Srlui Iitul arlleSl tc Us UaUi Uat S bi una was er a.i.iwd Inter HltliKEN'B UVES Ayto roR L, ' avsry cbss oi t'mup can he t m, 1 w tiat taM, e, 1. Iili -Vsi.su. Lui.uKAm warris fur )wi, and uavaT . hotua itwmeaL Usi.ous iiiw.niVI. suumrjf, .tollcv tors liirost, cnta, Buruaa susi r-a.ua. noli h, L? aruti:. "i2 po, 1" Cart tiaes, hm ierfc . JtXlt neraelf Wonld net' Have IWeBTManf . Sal u sw ojuLm. "uaaxl os UaS- ji liuui ,, wivwmrs to so. lira auo it. taw tiut uarl of It ; UJ '( . sorltus to V4W1.SIW UBi4 fcu., w turf an iiuourfc, ui.4l.ur, or ulu, . Uis p.ouf ot tosOls 'dlxwunu, loriMU liver VtOal Woofl, ir u wluJ1 Ufc wsu.a!s,b tai.ivo.j4i4 VihaOas 8iirai.aaa1l.u?.. attuwrwhisl rsatsuy,. BUBRJT'SCtH-OAIVH -Vool'a neit; I . pouwue. 6r tvio,lv J.-,lulluuui r se4.it iaoeou.s sitii Coiau.o . a HaTI fciasaaiaa.. u suiSora u,a baar Siuo hi u, . l.ir sivsa it lies iiisaiiali4..iv....i .... .. . 1 "t-es-... .- , t '.i.U.- 4 ...... a xur irom a..uu( anwreolis, U. t,aa aiZf.. avans-smr ramda 'c .nuiwa." tri er tv . taaiulas couu..a u . i'nU'. . . aud bo acciueuia Uir or hwirw tl , ji j . "I csrrstr trow tisrumg, .rmj; ot hau.U JA lll kiVtU at 1.4.44a .'..U .4,,,.,. . . Nw fork, r-, " A ftEAUTirni .'whit is '."..''T: .:' p ooinoj n-uu,.", .UreB,, In..kl , suuhunw, sn(lalluUidUax,io,.u,a.. ir,wu: . teavtnx tn eomtHetaii, bti.x a .J heauuisj.. sold ,t,u ,vlats. ilm pre.., rauos u snur.1, ,r h& ZIFE1 ssaeant. 4 t i'i!f,,W uo"'" wl. i.ro FOB DTtPEPiUA. t,:"i . lnr.mi aa a tr..vtiiivaitmiv t'v-Ver 1 1 ier, HU.'r,ultl i, ,tM Kire t'nu,iA.w,ies) 1ft ,,r ut Uao.a.a, . 44f S)4ll,..h,lw . ..4 awl l7 Sl Vnutgiat. 1 th. Inut ug, ' m .rw, . l"1""" rew.vrrtun truui tev. j r vMiw susaaar, la ass ixr.sg.ual .,..i.. .,- i HMtLKf't- fSRMItfSM 4V4.t rlu 44... nl ftirruuta of Vrovoa fuu, ai 10, 4 t imr rtt & nri' uwiljllarrul iM Matey a,,d,ihetr pismuoi. if 11 dUB I MM llmni l.l 1. j . u . kar li aa. . , r -'fi '"' M lit III. Ui 1 y Unary tWBcl liw rf. WA ' tt njslo in uA- J TntrftftiS ''wi ;nv" v. fc ' J;tr BO UtU. .Tsa aeiti 1c k'nnmn - . ngand urcrmrviiiit tha uis and .. i-oid by all Urng.u. 1-, lea and M edits .r 4'.s..k.. wsussiai., ,,s Kr. 0 .1 CARBOLIC BAt.Vff ....iii . ... bn, UooiiMuud. Puyalrlaos r jwund U as the w.t wonitorful reui.Uf vBr Suu.n. rrirt'tStttu p.r twit. John F. Usury, aol. . rToorieturi t Colleite Ptscs, y urk " OHklBf ADOIUi'B li aim ivvst l-T, 1. . a luiKKi UM diu,, ,. IMUfcll is iK-youd COuUngeOv ), U.a n.ttri aule liva in ii4.ni : l imparl tu Uia ll.if, uuiiurei- uoicritvciHuuu aaiaat and Ui ssvsr 'lautof 1 uy 01 e.'iur, nourimueni aud eUut.tiuy MaDUlarlarv. US U.u,,,.. 1 v . T 8VAPiTrA' li ftnli, kirlrt.J '.,i'o. ' r' In tod puiaouoiM faioa.. It Is a nerfu 1 anodviis sot pioiluciog tnwiail,, m luw Iwtlw,s..Bt oplwo. John fair, '.misu h. . w.' 1 ttiay'MtJiia4;t9'l" . UL'Z J.SUliAXCii. - S11USIR4 Isa T 11 A - t - . ,,,, N ruicxix amit i.sritirE ronriw. - ... , . 1,1 - ,.,., ,-- HABTFORDa CONtCTICX'Ti's .Kits'. Chas. P. Montajjus A Bon are ths f el. ktowa Getum' AgenU, foe Mr'th CareHss. and Maryland, - i -. , . i - ADM1K18TXK1 D tllICTI.Y ojf .nja -wtlUAXt'LAN. ,000,000 Of A8fs Ths policies sre all "noa orftitable'." j HO R8TRICTrON8 PLACED O.f TBATtL UhQ OK RE81DINCB. ' : -' ' ' ' taTFroniptly pays apt all losses provpd , 4 Oa hres Insures tan years, er Uis ' Xntowmsnt Plan. -' So Bat ss Costrsar a Eoita ot, ABHoan, RALEIGH AilSXCTt ' 't JOHN DJCVKKHUX, OtBcs la Btronsi:h buildup oo ssi osit ador. MxniCAl, Fjcamivsr, IT Bov3tr r o u o -1 a g t-; U ,.' ' N 'V a 1 .-. St- 1. 1 a v 2 ifc) ? ?r , ..W..i. 4 4 s-s ,-.,.;ai s (a- a. K - M -: O 00 !l i t.S .i : a .5 - M3 ',. rt 3 u ai- ' u a u o ' 0 8 at 2 e-t e - ,13 0 x H a.1 a 'a Si.ooo.otioiSf'i:',!. B-daA4 Morti-as u tbs K-iri.. r, Ml from .te to 3 T,ii,,'a at 1, ,, ; s .. frnm tl.Sw to VjXuo ),',. t j, ,,,,, i ., ; tlSeilillL'4, A.C . Aiao, .Vi-.ii -4. . - 00 P i,,.. i) l: , ' . eSt'l,4u,vU-J,r "TV fl-E';!. !,-' ,f v iit- .n -wlu,l, I'm o'ii.x v.t Uioa., Willi f.iU 1 .i' 1 . i . T- i-isi ami f- JU.il.4l,' t il i. .- fit .