ess?- THE SENTINEL JOSIAIf TURNER, irn Editor. T. B. KTNaSBURT, iwrAto Editor. ' SATURDAY, MAT ft. 1878. 3l STATE DEj!liTlC-C3HViIII mm HoN. A. S. MKKRIMOX. Of RuTeotub. ruB.tll.rt. aoveuiti'B: , iiu,, jjhn jjc;iies, ; Of Craven. ' ; vya rmitt eKL. '. ;. JtV W, M..SI1IPP, : Of llnkiw.bur,'. j... B TBtlsnuXB : , I Maj. JOHN ttr. GEAIIAM,- . Of Prr,je. . . BoB iKfBitTakf f'f T4TE : i ' JOHN' A. VOMAC'K. ; Of Chatham. 1 ru atjoitob QfH. C. , LEVEXTIIORPE, i Of Caldwell. ron rrr rct,ic iKriircTros : . K. JIENDENIIALL, . Ot Guilfoid. r rrr riiBUn wobm: . J. 11. SEP AttK, Of Wake. Seutliiel for the Campaign. A tho Guliernaiorial nd Prewitential '- Cimpxip-mnws-to !- exciting Important, w have coacluJad to fun ish th' SeshxeIi. at tb following Uberal tlUK. . 1 Copy Wnok'y Bentlnsl mMtts, 1 . 1 4 opias " '.. . Jt " " x fj !WI fjQ M II II II 44 , l ,VJ Om eopy free to Uw up uf Club of li end Bpwards. : 1 opy aeit.W.kly 9m met, man'hs, I'J W Coid ' " " - " " . II J 0 I II 't 44" , 44 ( .1 Qii . M 44 ' 41 41 44 II t.0 Tin Copy Ires to settur up of Clb of 10 Bed apwaidA. ' " ..v t cnirTtt8sBttBtir wnwii,1 e B Oopte " " " 4' l 41 at 5 44 14 44 4)( U ID 44 44 44 44 ( IUU On mpr fiat o rilt'T ap of e'h ot ID 4ird. ruH.usnisT or tub anisi Tlml thf pulitis Diy b ndmatd ot the ron liiiim of UiiiTgi t Tiia CuTcnilyr' . (ulij ia tiit $ ruiVntmpnt of . th Orml ' Jurj of 0r!ige, ipokea nf In uf Uatie of TburwUjr It. Tbe preMDtinMit xhouM barclxwa mor JBilnttil id dirwt, !)l gnint the tntdcM wbn ha t run . tin Uitivwily . political ntvchilM nl fW the mnBfr tiloplnl ly Billy Buiitli and BHty Huldiftt In runniiiK (be Jinrtli Carolina railroad. Major 8uilb ran Mime of tit Ual mw UnWa of tin Btata into Virginia to bunt worlf bauar.tfy dared to rata tba Onaaor atiy tifket, " Virgtni, Temieax,' Kmtmkj and other BUti have hundred of iurij mea . who All Hwsir college! and rb,oo!a father tbaa ba inatracted at our oara L Diversity by auch acitawags m Pool, and ancb car ' net-batirera aa Martlln and Brewer, If the Graud Jury had preaented tbe truati by aarae, tbe fullowing carpet baggert , would hare appiared la the li.t. Joba R. French, ei membor of CoriBreaa front the Edenton dUtriot, now KTgeaiit- . at anna or doorkeeper to the Senate at the Federal Capitol. Tbia truetee ba Ueeo out of tba Stat lor twa yearf or mom. Next, Judge Tourjree, who U put down la tbe catalogue aa from Alleghany county. W know that Ttiurge aquaUad about in Caawelt and Guilford, but we Ter koew that Alleghany bad beea'dsflled by bia fml ueiaoo. ,i , ' Brros Laflio ia a tninlee from Pitt " fouaty. f bit trtstee of tha fniveraity fed tbe State two carrying with bin) Stat bond, and much ready caab .girea and ruceiTed ti a bribe. Recalled time and agaiu npoa tha leg'ulalure to Impeach thia truate for drankeniusM, ' Tbe but we heard , of him he was in Waablni(tu city caning Iloldea, e the graodeat iilaio In North Carolina. rAW-W late Adjutant-Ocneral and chief ot detec tirea, ia alao a truater. Thia t route aeemi . to bay gone op with II l len, .Elik and the late war. He made a campaign agalnat the werya bt-fora Oen. Qurman took the Held. . , ' - Hugh Iunnfnfi trtatee, and though dead, ia not to be OTarlnoked. He lora'ed the pcuiteutiary, and k bm b died Lit tUflekl'a bond kr iiO.OOO a iound among bit valuable paper. J. C, Abbott, Ut tnited Blate Sena tor, b ba $20,009 ef tbe people' tcwey la bii ptwket,-t alas a tnnrtee. '7 Catic g giren tiat of tbe carpet bag traateea, we bow nam a few nativea. ,TT will, begia with tbe eame of Ova A. Orabarn,' of Mjntg"mer county. Oeecfie'a .AttailiniiUreaJc't3ia'jt)ilh erary. Tba laat tiding we bad of tbii truate were that the pelice were marchirg hiia off drunk to the guard houae, Jim. Windy biSXy Umltno i Batire urtee. Wbeo elected there wa an Is dictment pxnding;agaiat him fortaiiog Darr'i mule. Tbere I nothing literary ia thia. But E:!!y- we charged with teJ ing Ben. KitUcU' la bookt, and hence Tin pretaifiou claim to literature. Billy may hate ll other q'uaUfication tor. cirumr I biui, but we hare not heard ot thrro. Just here a gentlirnan remind n fiat tbe l).itit Conrcatioo i to aeasion, nd th cLari4c:er ef the truatee of tb VnirersSty ahould not be dicuMe8 before trarger. V btre append theicdict Bcnt cf tli Orange jury i Tie Orand Jiirr of Orange ft tprine terra, '2, wouid" rrpectfuiiy pwent to vor ii jimr the pnent conditioa of tbt jiroi-ny bilorginir to tb VBiremty of hfiib cV:in'at lbpel Hill. Thi m- ;';,ii n, f .iscJtd in piifear.f of a proA . i .n ui li.t constitution of 178, " lUat ail nlal karoicg abell' be duly encour-t-' 1 and prtaoitd to one or aior tifci-j TeraitMt " baa, from ir eon) 17tW. aoder a charter arraBied in beea kept op unul a is-c-nt ly oor priw BC eonatnutt" n that "the L'niwmi'y "f Nurtb'CaMlina, with all It lamia, euK4lamata awl fran chaaea, i amter tha mo trot of tb Mat aad ahall he held to aa tiw.-par.ble mvm avrtiiiia with the free-aUe aeh""! raf em f tb at;e." TBrKrahd jury, front io fMla'ioa before tbem.leara that only oa meoiber f the Faculty, the preaideot, remain, and that the hkIIw. K the rollrge ia beinK baJlr plunderratt and tbe college eampua,one tbe avart twaotiloJ ia the I'uited iat, i depredated nri, and -that cattle waadcr through the o-'l-k-gc builJip. and that t he chxpvl, where prarer and divine torvir were wont to be iteld, la bow often naed aa a place for ttie tlU-t purHiaea. Toe litrari wlihh belonged to the literary aocWtie. formed by the ttadvatey'Biw often ided and reliable hooka ahatracted. T he Orand Jury praavat the metier to your lienor ia Um bop that aon tep. can be takes to pmerr trie prop rty Irotn-ruin, and Mil maana devitasd by bich, aa Intt tided tr tb cooaututioo. th UucfiU of the Univeraity may be intended Wthe youth uf tb Slat P. C.CAKttBoM, Fuitmao, , S. & C'LtrTon, Atxsa Kbowb, " Jam P. Ot-aat, C. O. Maaatiaai, N. D. Baih, " J. B. Lbatbi, J. R Wbateb, .... ... Abu. Ma0tBT, J.A.f ciMtertTB, 4l'an McChacbui, F. C. Obib, J C. McCowtr, JamwkW. BAteit, J. J. Una. I certifr that the ah ia a true copy. GEO. LAWS, Clark. TUtt SAIS0F ABX9 QUESTION. Wlten Carl 8iburz and Cbariet Sumner hegaa firat to mor in tbe matter of illicit aale of jrraitojhe French during tb progeria) of th FrBeo Pruiai War, all th Grant dog opened full moathed npoa tbent. Big and little doge Blanch, Tray and Wbeatbeart, all bvked and yelped BMt tocifafou4y ft , waa quit apparent that aoriirthing aerioo was to pay behind tb political drop- curtain. Ati th party baffli nmtea u denouncing Schurx, Bumnef A Co., a uo faiUtful Senator and oopatriotic Amerl eaoa. - llarft't W-tly, ?il amy of tb SuuxtVrra ppet lhl ht JKrilMently .tf dearnred to defam . and rob th South and ha trTetied our moat aaored grle thi vile paaderer to power at one ployed tbe grain of Naat to burlewiu thoa Senator aad to make Infauou tbeir prala worthy acta. Par partnlh, let U y, we do not rVmember that Bum ner ever rendered bi country before any aervloJiierw dreamer, tacbolar, rhetoriclaa, but fa aalical and foolifth. But In the afTalr of th auic of artna to France when that omintiry waa engaged la' a furiou war, fiumner acted with a wiedm and patrio tiam that were quite commendable. ' Frome wecka but little haabeen heard of tb lneeligivtioM that Were W b mad. ' Atter Carl Scliure'f two vary able and eloquent apeechee upon the tub ject, It , itnpoasible for theAdmlni tra lon friends ia Congrca to ignore the matter or avoid luveatiifation. A few day go, Mr., Acker, from tb minority of tli Committee on Kipeudlltire in th Wait Department, eubmttted a report in reference to th al oi arm to France. It will be aeea that tit fact elicited go to mtabliah tb aad fact that In thia de partment a In all other, the Adminlatra tion ia corrupt and uofaitbful to law. The minority report tte that the greater number of wiineaae who a ere caamioed wer officer of the War and Ordinance Department, or were connected there with. It argue that th War Depart meat bad given a very loose, latit uilli.a- riatfoonatrucUon to th act of Congrem of July 80th, 19(8, authorizing th aaie of iamafti arm a, ordinaoc iture tc which b) dangcrou to a republi can form ot government, where ctrict cOQatractlon of .all act of Congrcaa ouirht to b th rule. It ahdwa farther, that th War aad Ordnanc Ie- partmeat moat hava known, or could bar known, if they had been so Inclined, that tb greater part- nearly all of th anna were delivered at th pier la New .York city, which wa tb pir of tb French ittaiiim, ird, '-" L;k m,k ""' wer in tbe babit of landing ; that aom of th arm wer delivered directly on board; of French tteamar in th praeeno of pHvont In th employ of the Ordnance StliWir1rMew-m"ci,TnfJ- actually delivered In boie that bora th mark of R F., which wa nnderatood very generally to itand for French Repub lic It abnwi that aom of tb arm war delivered after October, 1870, tb day on which it wa certainly knows that tb Remington wen tb activ agent of th French Republic, or government . Th report then Vguea, that lbi pro ceeding might-bav rtaulted Pruiaia might have taken umbrage at each a violation of th neutrality 1 we, If It had bean t eaptiou a torn other govern meat, ant) w might bar keen Involved ia all th horror of a war with tb great- eat power ia Europe, .,'.' A to to flaanciai matter, it em that th total amount received by tb govrn- . ment llii.tht.UIlM.lold Wat OjiljatlJOiCi S3. Tbi turn 1 (aid to have bee expend-. ad In tranaportation and getting th armt ready, but no itema.ot eipeuiiitun have boen furoiibedv Ouly one peryoo i known to bar received any cominiasion hr th Unsanction. Ha got 1 10,000 from aom Baltimor armt dealer, who operated for tb Navy Department V Tb whol buainea throughout la di graceful to our government, but It charac teristic of tb corrupt Incapable who manage affair for th nation. If every ttanaacli'on of the Grant Administration wa closely tcrutiniaed it would reveal treachery, ignoraor and wrong through out Whomer may be elected to All tbe next Presidential term it i to be sincerely hoped that it will not'b Grant His record ia tb moat damning poaalM. It i rauk with rottenness and I an offence to th beat people id the nation. Let ut get rid of th fellow. Let ua unit at last, ia returning bim to Illinois to dream out hi duUtxiatinc, stupid to tb laat tod en- Tdppd in tb smbkt c kit ttcrcal cigar, I J .CI T" I.T B 17 I Till Ml- AA. I ' " Ul. fftTliw. ; Rm. w - ."""i. v.wwi h,... - r . t . nfAT asDtctLr iraviirKS. Th " Radical candidal t Oovemof, the Httt Sanelfun;, of tb Capiiat, toUt lb urgrora at Oxford, am'uog a hunilred other' abaurd and rldieiiloB otterancei, that yfrrlUsi "( Cmenatiff Ueu nwuU Ut their lH-rtu. Of count th Ignorant darkey belieted. al tbia, and will ao continue to believe aa long aa he ia told that hie bbertie areno ered,ut eaa be takm (root him at tb opd,"a of the Coaacrrativ party. - - - But ia anything other than miarepreaea- tatb and aufainx to be ct ported 4 such ntan atuall-beer boliticim of the moat ioAuiteainal Tt I II i onljf bop of s'urerM W to deeeiy tlte creduloaa ne gnt, knowing wait that th army f offioe bolijert and office arekea, will be troe to tlmir inatiiM-ta nd awine like will eat at the trough at which their daily ewiil i lti:Vv,, . We took occasion oa yesterdsy to refer to the tactic tht wilt be adopted by tbe enemie ut .Ruforta and Ri trench iout. They mean if potWbt to win tba eumiag (ght They know their career of outrage and villainy will terminate furever if tbey should be defeated. Tbey kno the in dignation of th intelligence and respect ability of tb State, and seeing th hand writing on tb wall, thuy are g ng to mak on more daaparata, prolonged atrug gl be&JC'they will yil l or si vanquiab- Sinelmiigu will do hi part, lie aara be lain fur 'tb flghtfrom' now nntil Augiwt Th peopl of North Carolina, inataly "- tor tbeai, know a good deal of thia email man's doings ; they know something ol the nn scrupulous and bitter feelings that fill this tyrant's little ami! ; and tbey will art iaely and eJt, when tb;e iecti4m' day cmne. Doubtless be ia ready with what ever of talent he may poam-i, backed b) all hi cunning aad knavery, if poaub to deceive tbe peipte, and by aitful ap- . peals, bold aMeitlons, (ecloin arguments, and false ntateuien'a,l to " perplex and daalt" the " Biatunot eonnsitbi" uf hie ad veraariea, but he will eignally (ail in hia tteinpts; alT bis diaguiaea will b turn way, all bi deception nill b exposed, all bi-tophUuw -blown, to thekiss,. ail . bi . baa and despotic acta will b thor nughly ventilated, all bi groa and av g " deformity" be " y . " AnaUimlfd In every aerr'a am) alnew, Wltfe eoastatit wun&t and euataiu plot (eat " Tbe penpl will not be allowed to for get hi flagrant aad oft -repeated abuse of power hi high handed measure hit dirly.wk, Cherokee to Currituck in a tliotiaentl place by a tlioufend pnaeni, hia out rage od indoceacie will be heralded and denounced hia uaurpatums, hit Crimea, hi baseness, ahall aim lie expuced, again and agaiii, until even hia hard cheek ball born, aud even he will not-dat drfend hi devilih deeds" any longer. With areeaalt;, the tyrsol't plea " It will matter but little what be or bis friends may urga that hia outrage npou the right of tha peeople may tw con doned. He may angrily Inalrt that he was moved by high tmpuk and noble consideratioo in, what be did. They hav folloed bint from tbe hour he ac cidentally became Governor'through all his revolutionary and tyrannical act, and they hav Men the spirit of tb Innovator and despot is all that he ha dona. He -will find that no manTln North' Carolina at leant when tlte people are unawed by Federal bayoneta, can violate constitution a! guarantee and legislative privilege with Impuultyt end be will find that tin constituted powari of the Stat are stroneer and higher and broader and mora durable than tb will of ny place man, however 'unholy his ambition or inaatiabl hia dartre, or auicrupulou his act. Tb people are fully aware of tbe danger, or will b before ih Angaat tad November elections, and tbey will ties up aa one man to avert tbe danger, and to save tbe stet and country. In th beal of our people-there ia too much lota for country; too deep an attachment to order and right, to tolerate by their vote tny experiment la th art of deatructior Thtfi will hold Ouir public m-mn( U lis erevi'trcniwrlf thoss petty tyrant men of th smallest mental calibre, but broadest cupidity and ambition -Grant tb Uaeleas, and Cald well the infinitesimal--that they cannot nbct-tbi--gvrBBwnt nrdretrojush. bbertie ot n free people. T condemn by an overwhelming de feat those corrupt jnd aggressive official It to vindicate tbt DinJsty of th law ; is to perpetust th bleaings vast and un measured, of civil liberty; is to restore peace; and order, and good government, with all their attendant train, to the wbole coontry. Every man who really lovot hi Stata, avery man who really ap prsciatea tb blesaltigs of a wall regulated constitutional government ; ereryXinan who fttiftAf regard nut twdal wU. being, mr who desire to enjoy la peace what be pciweaati ; every man who eher- Ithe proper car for tb purity, integ rity and dignity of bi oooulry win vot against th re-election of tboe magnlS ct JjagajMtLlliB-r-twin. Jfclkiea In crime and oppreeaion ;Ulyae the First, and Bmtlfungu the Last -i , ., ,. i. .i i . - BISTORT OF XOHTh CASOLCU. Tbt pspen ar still discnming tb neces sity f a Stat History. It baa been re ported that Got. Graham is now engaged npoB such n work, but w sappoa it is premsture. 'W ned not my It would be very pleasing to Of if h should anter upon tb pre pa ratio of a work ao much needed. W clip th following from communication in th E. City Economic .- "In yonr iau of S3d AoriL I87J. vou publish aa editorial under the above cap tion, in which you org that Gov. Graham, shall writ th Hiatory of North Carolina and xprea your gratificatioa, to find, in om of your axehangea that tb Governor, baa under consideration, th Kirgeetiua mad by yoo, in on nf yonr eariy nnnv bera. UoM huartiiy, dor th writer, join in your desire, to have a mor full aad perfect Hiatory of the Stata written ; and be believe, that tliar i no man in th Stt, ao well calculated to perform thia "labor of raw " a Gov. Graham : and he Joins, with you, ia this appeal to tb (lor- I . - ... n I , ,. - ... I t . m M.kU tw M. . Mh .9 ! UH1 D AUUII BVVC- t , Tor the genllael, TO .ALASKA TWELVE MONTHS IS SITKA. OeiUism r th Aatiee iWtaat, (Artr matrof Li ft ray'tyu Zm-nswi efmet tMf th turumt (ritt a, aua dtmcriptmm J tht awuuaar id which Ar tWry lit - awi, at. - tUTBt. Ai.aaaa Taaairoiis, i : i ... Mareb 81, 173. - Jfaera. EJiUm .-Tbe expetttsuce and oija rrstinua ut a twelve moutha reaideiio,' in tbia plerv, haveaui g ated topic (or all additional tetter to your pwpr. We pro. puae to devote the ureaeat letter, to a de- c iptloa of the latmiera and catorae uf tba - ttotuaklan " or rtitka Indians having beea tavored with tbe m-wt ample npnri unity to utwerve tbem-cevea to the inmuliie of tttetr ever day tile. - ia the territory nf Alaska, eontainii.g amiie Ml .VJO.OOO aorea, M ba beea ml atabd that ther are' 75,OUO ave whti h w must t ilowa as antoog our Alaekan acjnuilioo thia eMiusata we think mnat r hirbly imaginative, and mint certaioly inclu.l the Oriiiln-ln, theNorthern and Wratera Vshiu.o. A tea ttan and Aitmtw Ktumo, aad making allowance r cooairtersirte ela-tth-ly oi expmatiHi, wa prrnune that ID a. pimi'e aad dMtinot acttleaieai of tbe true na live, which are uaiveraally known under in nam ot Itviiau, who occupy tbe in terior and tb tea, with population of about 20,000, will be nearer th truth. We hav nut been able to extend oor Journey northward -further ttwn Sitka, hot hav at Itti point, at dttcrent timea. met repnetitativ ; of . these various tribes, especially the VakuUh'a ' who inhabit tha viciuitj of Berwig Hay, W stisll however, io the piaacst eooflrv ourselvc to tb one tribe, tbe diaact of which (. w preom also their cnatoins) dift-r but slightly from that of tb utlinr tribAl Imhao. .; For tbe ioformntimi of the reader, we will state that our relation will) Una tribe, to winch we later, we my say tiaa been principally oiflcinl " pursuant to a per- vmpuwy, butadegaiiily Mpnasiva order wuicn we reinembef to bi received ome twelve month ago. In obeying tht order and upon lasuoiing our new role ot duty, we ti-uiid that our principle ron ceru would be toward exteading the tease of life ot this tribe if it wei in our power observe all the rules nf etiquette with the ears worn Indisci Dncbm " fraternise freely wi.b the " Vegetarian if there were anv each, lso Ui Tbom poo niane Hjdropwths, aad alas with alt tbe old grand mother of th tribe, who might make pretension as mid-wive, th tatter of which it would h ao difficult matter to rucojoiar. Th I on' orhament aliaped likfelatr-iUgh piopting from the lower lip once a a would not be uiilj fuf got ea. We boldly eaterrd Upon our work, uf which we will now sie.k. Prvvioua to Ibis tjiue we .nli tnakso Uim to kaowteifgeoi' Indian ciinbinm aud iu n turn. W bad teen th chief of th " l irikf of your sute, - Boahy h ad," but we bad never seen aa Indian Village bet. ire thia one, and a w enterud rtiuf lite seat time, witbour inleipfttr, were not In tie surprised to aa we did, ao Urge a settlement, tnatend ol ending th " Wigwaiue '! which we had aaaoviaued iu our mind from early lxy-hix-d aa a part of Indian life, w found om 00 or 70 log houses at rung 'along tl tiora large and eouioMious capable uf holding the entire population wbi h is estimated at from I J to 13 10 Men, women and cbl dren, beside duga ia such numlMrK aa to d.f,. rljua..Xh. j are the regular ludiaa itiig, which, tiMteail of barking, howl like wotv, W call them "Coyote. ' 1 - . Of tbt tribe w further note th fol lowing t Bkiu generally fuir, bairblack thick and ooanw, with little or no beard- broad flattened lace, unusually low fore head, and cubic shaped cranium.- They lend ptarm and coo tin ted atat of ex istence, hav but tew want, exiat prinii pally npoa deer meal, fish nod wild ber riea ra very, dirty, though they have plenty of water know but little of what civilised Bullous call modesty. Th men exhibit contiderabki talent for carving iu wood, and tbe women display gaud taste in head work, and in braid work. They reverence the Crow and are aUientiiioua enough to believe that tb " Medicine Man," will afu-r death turn into a crow, tteldom if ever hava beea known to ex press gratitude f t Uvora, and what ia very remarkable, eia to experience little or no pain nioa tbe taftictioa of tbe moat se vere tuiturea. Tbey bsve no wligion whatever, and burn the bodies of tbe dead, usually lowing an interval of three day before tbe body i burnt Th body during this timccupying sitting posture, the face covered with a mask. Tbe body is aca eralltr burned, just back a few rod from Urn honsc of tb deceased, after giang through the prrliuiinariM . of ' being (waueii out at tna nouaa ttinnign aaairow opening in the ridge. At k burning wnicn w Kline!' a anon time aim, after the body bad beea taken out we ob in wir "iiiii .pipias, wwtatyiw.aty-A.. arttched to a bve d-ig who nnderwaotth 1 ascent to tna ruot 1 hair whol maneo vera over n burning ar aa curious to stranger for th tint time, aa they are likely to pre disgusting. - The men gather around th burning pile, leaning ea long wave), ana tnemtd grandmothers Wtth luete trtsckeued ' lares, bjuill v n preasiv of their grief over tbe deocaaed Their wailing and subbing ara pureJy art! ficial. ' .. Dering tbs period -f nbild-birlb th women are excluded from their hotfae. uecnpymg a temporary hot ctosw by their bouse, where an remain rrom ten to tuir . .. ." Kespecting toe neaitn or this tribe, to which w will briefly alluda. W un. roe that tb reader would infer, tbat a ardy rac, living a tbey do aimoet In tha open air, and lurrouaded by all tb external conditions, which tend toward ffood health; ahould b th most free rom disease, . bnt uch far from being their true condition, Bom eine months inc a building formerly ased s s school room, located just maid of tbeir village, wa opened a a Dispensary for tbeir apecial benefit, mrdicin and medical at tendance furnished them gratuiiiousiy. Th daily attendance increasing from 200 the- first TBTOtbtw- twr nTTOtti Oft Febrnsry just passed. In th nosoloirlcal lit of diseases, during thi time, it would appear that then are but few diseases which tbey ara axempt from. Injuries and diseases, most common to all narta of tn ooay, lucn wouuua, ateesea, ulcers, Jtc-, hsv been yery large m number In OuiBZa, or that enliviutng instntment bich "Dickens " call tb American ca tarrh together with pntumonia, rheuma tism and reaeral diseases with also the various affection of tb eyes, constitute the greater part of the disease fhr which they tpply at th dispensary for remedial r.iet A ,gteat number -appear to be deformed by rickttaand hip joint disea. For the time under review then haa been twenty death, one ot which w of acci dental origin, and on auicidal. Tbt' greatest mortality I from inCUmation of the lungs-irhuiTYing th pstient rapidly off, tbe gmrteet nuinlier dying in tbe month i f March and April, period not embraced in that under preseut re-view. 1 1te ttatiK of this trilw wt found to b front sctual measurament of luu men, and alao the same number of women, aa follows- The avcrag height of tbe mea wa fir feet six and one half incher-tht of th women, S fiet on ao J one half inches. Tbe tallest Indian measured belonged to tha " Yakuts" bibs, h BMawriug a set W war nnabi ta obtain anything Ilk fixed reistHitt between be'eht aad weight th proper acale not beiogj at head but wa ieel 'enured that tbatr average weight would eonsidrrably ex caed tM remytta obtained by actual.- im-a -uredM-nt af the l-lglit and weight of a large auinlv of healthy white persons . The Sitka Indian, aa alao tba oilier iribd iudune living much farther north, have eoomoUKly bu-ir beads, ia fact coa; akuoUly so. and wnnld prubatny attract J luu ftntiimof ajrtrangeraral!tinK ux roet and would noat likely be ttie Bist tiling be wi-uld n"'ireof the Indian. ' We avail. d ourMlve of the lindant leisure we had tojipply tbe tap nieaaar to tlie "crsuwa id souw Dtty or mine ot ttieae varioua tnbea wilbont aetecliiia, consiat-. ing of ttie " Cbimayans,'' INidsh'a Yaku uta, -Stakhln, : Hitka. Cbitkalits and kake'a. We easa wotbujg lor tb phre nological doctrine io iu -detail, believing it to be mora liable to lead ua actray than aright. ' Wa are far from believing that tlte crania is an Index of th intellectual power or, lh individual. In thia intc ihe apparent ample capacity of thecere- iiral ca a xpird fo rikingly. in dieed os to apply th meawar. Befor' comparatlv amtomy bait raai-hed It pitisout advaocd standard, tb belietvrs la the d-Ktrine, or balf ck.-noe of phrt nobgy laid it down maxim that man Had lit largest brain in propotio to the Mza of hi body, th weight of th b-aiu i.. ns tnthst ot the budv beins 1 23 to t 3, but' w now know under our prenent-j advanced knowledge, tnat uite tutement l (ar from being true. Th brain of tha sparrow bear a proportion of t 25, and ftic common canary bird of 1-14, with I other cnmpiriaon which ws might cite. ITh reeuiti iM.uiaed from our own seas- lueiaeots, show tb avarag meauremnt to be twenty three ud three seventh 'inches the y largest crania measuring twenty four and on half incbe. Thus far w hav been uaaticcewful in obtaining tbe crania of en of thi tribe to ascertain tb internal capicity in cubic inches for tbe raaon that but few earape the ordeal of burning very soon attir death. Tbe wile ot a "chief," or p rbai s the " wodiciu man," may be buried I t one year before bi'ing finally burned. Vi e sometim sijd sighted trarwutrfeci,'' and did oonaidarsoie -pntiaicning -anouga ti. a least bring ut neat to th bankrupt cy court and then failed to obtain tbe crania. We might bare bribed an t - trance Into their village after d dk, bt.t the wolf looking dogt which tbey have, did1 eometbiiy wward cooiiug our ardor , nines which e have abandoned the un dertaktng, as we, object to, losing our lira while endeavoring to teaumct th skull oi an inojiao, ana sues iw-ur sue rise in ba log our name Spelled wrong upon .th bul ia. ' ' ' tMww, theer, "that w hav been baffled ia lb uodwtakiag, wa will briefly relet to tbe resulta ntitaiaed by others who hare been mora furtuual than ouraelvca. f iie nvsn capacity in cubic im hiw of th avera fe erauia of th Gaucassiaa rues has bank found to beeigbty 4)evacubk:Uicbi'S, and h d of the Alunigmal trj,fes, eighty, which does not include tli Indians ot Alaska. ' W will not ' extend our :: sketch of the Litka Indian, further, feeling that wc have already trespitsaed too much upon your specs. Wc hare spent a year at Ditka, priucipnlly In upon tlie Kusaiaus and Indians Hie former of which we hav frequently alluded to in previous letters leaving poor " La" until now. Our exteuded acquaintance with bim ha prejudiced na in bis favor, lie ia always lull to tba biim of goid. humor. In 'iiairioui as a rule, is punctilous in bis vigils tu Ihe back dour of yonr kitchen, nith a deer upon hi back, while the madam brings up th rear with a basket ot clauia, a Irralk-caught hallibut or sal nion, and maybe a gallon or two of native erautierriea. . tie calla ns all " Boston meu," and eein delighb-d under the " recouatructioo" from tb Uustian regime to tli American. When the mineral and eoal resources ot this country are fully developed we predict that Most of th labor will be don by. tb ludiaa inhabit ing 'he territory. W now close our baatily written letter, noping it perusal wilt not too much Cattguu Ihe indulgent leader, and will say n mm adieu.- N KW BOOhS! - MABEL LEE; Htm AtiTBon or "nouTuit antn,n .. - V i With llliutratlon. Just out Price is p ler, 1; uclutu, 1 So. . i , MORTE DARTHCR; SirTbumasMsUiry' Book of King Arthur nu ihi nuniv aniliie Ot UM HOUlMl isUle ai pagna. Uoltt l Ut . BALKED WITH FIRE; si A LAor aitcaaoao', a. o. , ' . nandaoUMly bound to cloth. Prlc II. . Bend tor them, or anything la tbe book lies, tu . , i. A. doN Ka, bWkseUer and BtaUonsr, tar It it Kalelgh, N. C. 'pi!AS-!'-ACT;&l Adwtaess of 70 pr nt. m Clsak an asear- tslaed vala will b aud os BUI ol Lading of cooalgameuta to our koase. Iuterett at rat uf per cent per aanuia. pruuipt is liinu maila, nith clin k for hslamr iln thip. per Immadlstaiy aa sals of good. v Sole Importers of th XI OJlo brand fpsnltb MamUcurU. HOFrM A w, LEW fo , - , Tobacco ComuMstoa Munbanta, 1 bi jLXchtvirA Placn. aurlAod6m Biuwom: yd. una ' Jgl SCOCHCB 1I0S1? ISST1TCTWSS l- , 8ECVRITT AGAINST FIRE i XMOHTn CACOXslTJA nALCiou, n. c:' Thi Comnanv. bow Bear th eloas of the third year oi Iu axlateuee, coaUuaes to writ Polk tea, a fir rtfa. ou alt riaaac ot tinnm able property. - All Loaaes are promptlv dtaeted and nald. It " 11UMB" atrapidly growing w public m pubti toluss favor, an sppcela. wow s proem ilb coutideoc. 1 prorwrty tn Ni Ti IN ALL PART OF THE 8TATJ un a i ,tn)uiM. AliX. C. B BOOT, Vspb PBvsmtnrr. R Hi BATTLE. Jr.. Puuuml ' " : 1 BEATON GALES. ,-. '- I ' ttLApKI cowt't.ii. eorsrsTmon. , W. U. MUKlXUAi,AH' sept B-tf ' . Fspers new sdwrtlithir torts "Boms" wDI nlstws ewlnUtuU tins for Is advert isttat.i. airaaav is wen ggkF HAJfd AND TtJ.NUUES, -. amokso nroumg Baet, v ; - Faltoa Market , do. I1 . may ttf W. C. BTRONACH At Co. i i iii QANNED FRCIT AND VEOETABLES. may S tf W. C BTRO. ACB A Co. B ACON AND LARD. .C.nam, , " Sidaa, . . i - - Icd, Bulk Slde ' ' Bulk PorkT .-. Caavataad BaaM la rrest aha ti dime , at A. C. BAl NDkttJ A Co'a, bov 89 tl .'-its-aj M-arvut SlrL7 IkrOkTH CAROLINA C0. 1,000 Lbs , 5. C. Baena Ram-, tOAA . ilde,' -' ,au Lbs , DevUnaksr Cared Ham ,1 ! . a.y 1 1( , LEACH BKu a. JtLOL'Rl rLOLBM rUiURIII AO Bbla. Family Flour, auy t tf LEACH B10'I. "II7"ASTKD. AOKN'I no TO SO PEK vv mowUi tivcrvwhera. Male ao FeoiUe, tn 'ifitroduee tbe irenulne linoruved ItAU- eHALI. a.Wt.Sii . MCI!1MK- ThU-aia etiias will .ut-h, k as feU, tuek, bind, braid, eor quill, aad eraheoWr la bmm superior nuuiner Prto", only f IS, fully and wa ranted tor ev years. Ws will pay llwai tor any auc.ui, bigb price or low, ibat will sew a slruBKer, more beautiful or mote, elastic eaor ttiaii out - tt nuaea - the ElABf 10 UM K bl'ITCH. Every aeeond sUhheaa be cut an abll tbe cloth eaa atH be pulled apart wilhowt leshng it. We bay Aeeut f lutrto t oo per muslb, an expenMs, or a esmaiia sioa trixa whl-i t tcs tbst amount eaa be UM-te. t or eueatar aa tarma, apply to or addrota, . A. MARSHALL CO. - fco- lui Massao KrassT. - . A l or. rAoVioliDo Brbr hnpoaed bijb by othsr paruea traveling ttiruiuh the eounlry MlwHiir -U worthiest- eaai Itwa wiaebiaaa aiider tba asm or otberwise. Oar ia tbe ouly rsuulne aad really aheap maclun BlUUfl'.lUIIMl. . ta.tLC.Vai. , a H-Sbv JJlLOWp fEID For sal from th Kslyya OarJeus, Pitts hW, B.C. j . W B JO.HIS A (XI. ' sprfj-tf. . . BEPOKT Qf thtemtiHi&if tht Ofiw' National B,k of KnU yh liorth rwtws, si (At ot w 'J rwsSssjtr VtttkfH WW. ' - i i , BSSOCRGB. ' j ! Loam and ilUcounU, - . I Uii.OtVSe Onrdrafw, " ' 0. M B.iiidt to necure clr. Ulation, Wi,J UU O. B. bonutsiidsecuilUes on baud, bu.UuU lai Other stocks, bunds aud morUfSKt-a, UU,'i4 7i from Redeeming aad Reserve AgeuU, . l,OT93 One from other National flunks, l.llHu 14 I'ue from otber Banks and bauken, 3,m HI Baiiklns; Housi-, la 60U UU Furniture and Fixture, 4..VU UU I urmit eipesam, ,"lit) 7b Tun paid, l,wr si Premiums, ; W.8 UU Casb iUiiis, Includinr stsinps, ; Mi ?b Hills of omer Aauoual BsiiU, I.VJl uu rractiontl curr. ncy, , a.unu ii Legal lander aui, ' ao.uuu 00 oj,Hjr7 oo l.oou ou iimiiinss. Capital Stock paid lu. eurpius runo, rront-and 44144a, ISaiionid Bank i Irculsilfm outstand ing, IW.ono 09 tndividud DeiKisita, SUM.Oil SI Due to National, 1,7IIU7 Oue to Baukt and Bankcra,- -B.DIS utt TrTnTW fl.'cSiaef 3f UWtltiieus Rk-' tUaai Bsnb, (to soletnaly awar tfasi tbe sbovs atdtemeot is correct to tue 'est of my kutvwl edge and beii.if. P. A. WILEY, Cashier. BubscHbed and sworn to beiore me tlie 1st day ot Uti, A. IX. laTi. A W. IHYWOilD, Notary Public,"'" Correct Attest: W. E. ANiisaaoN, 1 ' W J. Iljiwaina, Pirermre. A. D. Aaoasas. ) v may eodlw . A FAVORITK CAT Overturned lamp ut a Memphis Bona th other day, sud Before the tkti eould b tx tlugnlthed, three houses hsd been burwd snd Hf O.OOO. IXOST. ASTHAL OIL. It WlLLBOV TAKE FIRE - It a burning lamp be overturned. FIKE TEST L?5 Deg's. for gal Only st ti Hard war H..ase of may t tf JULIUS LEWIS CO., Julius Lewis &. Co DEALERS IN METALS, . As follows. BAR IRON, j, CAST 8TLEL. 'v IROX AXLES, TIN PLATE. LACRSMITU TOOLS, SHOT, BAR LEAD, , ' - BPRINUS,' IKON WIRE, . TfNC, etc, ste. ; RUBBER mar I-U SILTING. . WillLaaig A llay-wood, -- -1 Wnoi,xALB aitb Rxraa Ditcaoarr. Bsve In Store tl weD selected stock ot drnes' medtcmea, ekamicala, painta. oils, dyettuds, patent medicines, pbanaaceutical prrparatioaa, perfumery, fancy articles, lam us. tmokhur uid cbewjor tobaueo, aeirara, suwt and brandies wine ar oaered for sal at lowest surest octlw-U 1ST. OTIOII Toe kit of land, eonulnine sboat mnm dtuated oa ewaro sad lulmton stMets. In ut aaaierB v aru oi in city el Kelemn, aow MScupied by Joba Kay, has besa divided tato sonvsaimt lota, which are for sale. T Term one-thtr caab t ona tlilrff-rhl. la six months, snd the other third In twelv B ptst mf" trie IsbaV sa iSridLd uiio i..iiiWv be seen st the Court House door, si Use souse oi -oun nsy, whim omce ol Moore A tist ling, attorneys at by w. ., uuv vui os giwaatsed, n desmax Io nurrbast win rrml. to vvwmvi E1V4V. SKMlUk: A 1STI K.i K febST-dtf Attorney at Law yiNSTONB , . Cat and Roe Herrings, low for Cask. "-ajt- W. H. JO.NCoAOo. 0 8T LA ND WARRANT i bis Is to give Botlue thit I Intend making iy.,.uuB ,v mjc vuHnnitsiown- oi rantlont tor a DnpUcat Lead Wsrraat la ilea ot one bvtusd to Msrtu H. Sbaw, widow of Calvm U. lihaw, Co. U., N. C. VdU.' klexlaaa war for luu sere of Land, which Vae iasusd sbout tbe yoar ls54, snd was lost In Ui anui between Arkanaaa and Ralrli;b melima lath year lb) lit, and has nerer been recoversd. apr ;. MARTHA R. SHAW. . OTTON AND O Cnnpply and del etaitWoulb Rsilr Cora f IsnU-r, Isielv CORN PLASTERS. 'liver, on short ott .1 Railrosdt. jm,.' ,.n.,. tai Cur flsnm, Istelv natented. ri4 mA brooks' iHriaOrated Planti-rs, amtth'a Preuisu "liu". and tn beorra Improved Plsntara. Our tanMrroatrht td A.sil UKsuMlTe ol thta Planters 10 aacur rood stands, sully wotted and save tim And fcnor, ui,, TwiTT hi. lOWLBB, gTT,fl wlti' IUCHS V Co., y 7 aanntttaresof anddealerilB I,Iachincry A ?Iows. Ut'ia IigiKt, liw Iilli,rra Iithiit. rr, it-, It pilfffi.- .si. a awn IRO CABTISOB OF ALL DFJCRimoSS, MADE TO ORDER. Would call tha attention of th pubUt to their WROUGHT COTTON SCREWS, all slses ad kagtha, for head r power. . ' Also, vtoeb-Crowetl' Psteot IB0S FMSCISQ, , . , omsthlog saw, ood, end cat.r. I Also, to our sew psttera, baprovcl BUNNV BOUTS COTTON PLOW, a andenbtedly th most popular aud eh peat good eottoa sod eaiurauu pmw uisuw. Partle ncoedtag any kntd Caitlugt for Mines, Mill. tilt ether Machinery, or Repalruut of say kind promiliy eiacuud, would do wall Ui gtv ut tbeir or ui MOLA8BE8 AND FINE SYRUPS. St. bbla. 8. H. Molasses, , , t l lereee " " .- ' Hbda. " " 6 H nds. New Crop Cuba. v t bbla. Musovda. . - . 5 " NeaTOrlisan. ! - Bdvsr Drips. . LEACH BROS., , aprll-U uro-era. T 0 THE LADIES. 4 I would nspectfully asJC th attanUon of the ladies of thi towa and But to my LARUE STOCK OF MIL LI NEKY LADIES' FANCY A no Famishing; Goods, ; lit., te. . To daalrrs ia th country and also tu MUliasi I her to aa , Uut 1 eaa furnlsb tbam trtaaased s wall aa naUtmined GmliwfsNir aa thsy eaa buy the same in tny houae In N York City. All I ask la Utah - MRS. CCTTINCIE1T will stUad to the retail Millinery branch aa atuaL ;.. . Our place ot bualaaaa I still st ' No. 49 rnyettrvllle Strert, with ITS only change tt being on th FIRST FLOOa,': ISAAC tETTINUKK. Instead of ap stslrs. sprS-3m. Z , Tho Caollton,, rtItU "RW AND BEUTlfUL HOTEL X is t ow o: ea to tbe public Located 4e tb tit of the "Old koantas. lioud," as twnded by aa elegant front uu naitlmur streut, it is eouveuieut alike tu the btittneas man and tb ton rut . It it tu only Hotel In lUltlmore of the new style, embracing Elevators, butts uf-Rooms wiib Balba ana all eosventeseea : pertcl ten klilstiOB aud light thruugkout aad waa planned j and budtaa a liolel,'niew from its foundation. who visit balli mors, tbe Pruptisiar will chsrjrr 9 per day .or tbe Rooms oa todrtb aud Bftb Boors, maklati tb eUlferenee oa aeiaontoi tbe elevation. Ordinary tranaleat Rale for tower boots, a per mem Unset ot tb desiring to take ad vantoge of the above rate, will plesse aotlfy tna ciera oeiore Booms are sssiguea. li.Iimorn Elbvavob roa vbb tna or , : f-nasT, is auaaua oosstastlt, from a. at, to 13 p m . thus rendering tn apper sioria aeeeasiut witnimt latutue. The aadaraianed luters to hiaeamwrof over .iniriy year, as- Housi aisnsnr m Mew lor and naltimora, eomdent tbat, with a new aud modern bousa, he oaa give antlrs aalisfactioa 111 luAgaturts.,,,-.!.. HA8fr Baliiuwra, Md., March IKTi. Proprietor, aprluim jyjOLABSEB AND 8T8UPB. 60 Bbla., t. H. Byrap, SO Tierce MoUuuhm, I .8 Rhda. do. ' . BHtf LEACB BRO'S. s. POTATOES .' 'BWEET POTATOES ' J., J, ' 150 Rut. Bweet Potatoes last received. spr lt Q. X. BTRONACU dt BkO. c 0 R M M E A L m Bus bolted Meal. apr xb tf G. T. BTRONACH A BRO. 2fiA A CORB8 OF OAR WOOD FOR UU V Bala delivered either In tba city era th IU of lbs N..U R. iL, eniy t mue from ihe city. apr w u ts. 1. omuiiAUii bko. "JSg-IW CUT HERRINGS. 3 Bbls. jost received. apr Q. T. BTRONACH A BRO. BBLA. IRISH POTATOES FOR Flanb big tad table, iist melttit ' ' aprlStf W. C. BTRONACH A Co. P5 A BBLB. OF FLOUR FROM FINE to Family. Juat received. ' " " ' aprlS-U W. C. BTRONArB A Co. LICOHICE ItlASS AITD STICK, ITALIAN, : SPANISH, GREEK, TOKET AND FOR SALE BY HENRY M. Importer and Agent for No. 73 Water Street, and 19 Old Slip, - - - - - ' NEW YORK. ' ' . - . i) ' CIHrmCATES tnm th leadinr Uanufacturers in Virnia, Iv'orth1 Carolina. KnM Jaitsauri, Indiana, Illinois, Warranted Superior, At Armt for W. V unmit 1 m rnml.i, NWId' V-bht OrdlPtprompUj- aWX?-OdvSa, VJ''IRNMENTJtVA. Laitulra, kiu Coltes, lf 11 u TTtott BALE, G.T. 8TROMACH AimV tW Bu-beUSwe-t Pots.o, PJ : , ii a Co, piAXO FOETEST usui L.-.iu.iuarijii OFNEVV XuZ? to wbKk they Imvits stteuUoa. The w msourcos of this company iu the thin. -!" them to put ihFif PtsBos at . macs iwSlSr l.u, 4nlMhtf .-I ... ... laid J ' -" 41440lltl8MSt .. . about to ..urebass will ana u a,"', ' uiair ".-l tsns uu eaauiin, ia Puumm Iwlore punbsaiiut alaWborsT -Baud I or clr. ill. r to .- . .AJtKSPlKWNdtSOw Cot. Usigelsndaaliahun ttftlte mart ii , i RjiWa.n GtuvtiL Warohoiiio,- " WANVlLiE, VA. o IS SALB 0 LB AT TOBsoOO WE Mav Just put an additlua to str n sreboute. niaKlnu it t.i. i...... best arrswed house tut lbs batiusit in o,. Town. Jl ilk iu bugs doom snd 1 tiy-UV.u? WairiMit 1iw-IcimI n in iL. UJ..... J. 1 -n -r - vii.,u4j ftl SichL Dry rilalls or hursca, Oiiod nana, i jr. tersto cook and aleep iu. Prompt sUunui to Uis mleitttt and ouutort oi i-uullariJ thair teams .-. oct l-dly i OjrlCOr TBI PlUIMX ISSISAKCI Couram , Hsoaowai, iltwiuas. Stbkbix CaowiLL, Pnttliiant. Cbaubum Baoa-A, Vic-President, Via K.Cxt, Marlu asentary. Vmylai Br II, Agtol fWr Au. b "TV " to'iefor. that Hia PUuulx Inaurauu Cuinptiiv uf Bo-aT Ij u HI pay ALL her low tu thTci,.., , out . I bar NET bUKPLLd, ovtr sllllLS",!? livio bar sowed and ready tut ti inlaw, ur coudiuua oa Octobw 1st IsfL Is sa fat lOWat . 1 44.14. c-ssb Capital, . . tsroa durpiu, ; i,rmo,ni) os Los, te'., ad lusted but not due, ., 736 is 44, Wl, , . ,ra Cblesio wUI notaxeeed. ' aur event, . ... . 13.10 Aug ) Aad wo are Brmly of ta oganbie ' Lll.LL tha Inaa will k. ,1 . acMma. ' 4 The Pbenlx Insuram s ComiMiy, of Brook lya, -is -aw-Hay wmtMlwndaurr-nt, aait nn n - 4Ui um iusmw at l hmu(o oel at lu Bat tariJa. A ewrps ol Adjuaiars have been ilUpsubed ta the arena of dnwit with insUatUont ts mtUe all toato ahd m th same is t AsH. W iMH.ifratuUie uur pauwaa aad rartalvm oa our good fortuiuk : .v. kll!PENf,ttllWKi..:i. BOV AO-if " Prwi'l IWtl 1st I a 1 mmmK I v - ir . .iliGeariniShafijn Pulleys fgotEjiruifiiiil' J.BtN0 FCRA CIRCUUiLlvS: . Jan 14,1X71. fyibhLGdd BLATan. i . Just received a lot of the new patrnt Kobe leas Birliuol blaUs of different sises nd pm-fa, from Stl to t cents each. 1 bey siate as Lno se whea tbey tall aud aru not aa.ll) tsuksa. , w vi aaia a. i. A. JONES' ! aiu- xl-ti. - H""li etui ' "Tho Tribune? A" WEKKLT I1J.UbTRATK Ct palKB taMr, of tbe-atwye title, sol as edited sn.l published by tbe ttudert-sBtd, na. aud after the Hd TuesCay la May aeit, ia tas port ol tha Liberal Republican aim Cene-o vativ cause of ttie Biale, and of tbt alvis country Tb STnemw will advorste ties ox and hi form, tlie Onu-I'erui (Piwiilential). principle, aud all th important subject, bem lofor announced in the H vis: I at veraal Aniaesty Public Bchoolsiuiui.djsta Koaiimpuon ot fpeeta Paymeats a Ant a Congm-a recognising oor Uomeslisd Law IA AlmtUitm if th aVIaJa- JnKmal AVwawl Avatns th f uudinit ot lbs ISstiossl dsia I 4 per cent, lone bonds ihe srestett po asls pr ttretioa again tl konopoiiaia sihrid scoso my lu avery drpu-tmeut of the state and a tionil governmculs vouipteta Keloria of tbt Paiiilc service, in aU braiichea, bcih elate and Nauouul. sud Ut slevauua of sons but tl - and capable men io olll. tlie equiuUr eoa promiss of lb old debt of Uw buua, tad lbs mtira repudiation of the new Uis on.aae salion of a Cuuiiuls ion, to ba paid froa las bUl Treasury, in aid of, Iu.ignilk a comuromismir hostili.v load Sscrst full 'sal Oriraniaalloua of w ha. ever naina or charscier tb divisioa ot tba nut into t Judttial 0luiclA.du:,A-J.A4t4 si.lsoiw , ail uiieving uu-petBaggere leave w-Hai- Nuihtng of personal cbsrscwr shall ap pear ia to eolouioa of Tht Ji nW, sditun; alty or otberwise, that cannot be taltaiiUi7 proved by either recorded or Uvins svidet es. 1 be canvass will conUuue six monuia TneiHU WIU be pubilskud at the luijowitti cheap rate: , for aingi copies, . . . tkLB BATES 1 ''S. ninm mm i S.U, if teen coidut, . . , v ivau, sn.oa 6.11X1 fci Twenty . -Thirty Forty ! . fyfty I4U1 twrvuty-flv CO) lea, " Ou hundred ' Invarlablv eosA in adrVsnni , It is eonlidroilv expected that W.OM ! ill k. ..- nhn mtv ao mousy la Pott Otbee Onlar m ixKis,l'ih;a Letters at Edilor'a nsk. ' . A truptUina smr fcnil fl" - .. . -,....A4- iu jrvnt wui pe nauriassc -vertlslng medium. H H ..X Ba'lisbcbt.N. C.., April ua, WA prUH-tf . ; - TVTRS. BLAIR S BOARDINa HOUSB, Mi Blair, having located favoraMv, tje" of HarveU aad Salisbury streets, will mvtj grateful for patron-. Persons vWirt" board, who prefer to furnish ibelro"f''7 can accomodated, l sbis boarders atf-"-ally desired. . ' - ' syirt-tf. : ; Si AM i t:U, a KnUmsa tots''J.?, VV a tmail Whtorhood i; competent t toaell Anglish. MsUu-a, Latin and Greek. . . -nana- MuHeooMweU recommended fe tnev and moral character. BcbOvl I" 1st Febrnsry next, . rurinCP ten.aidli B.A.CKLl)tr. sicni MORRIS, the V. S. aJictCanada, Ohio, Sew lork, and csnans. r Powdei'ed LicofJiOS. bis IrsnorlstioM of Llcoric M thci, tlitd fruo.w yf HnT1'"' l.ilitii JAMEAPIR8SON AST,; s,,,,. . Usspn. that ouiy.kwm 'JSXSJ MWaTervheel -V

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