" . " ---'4- THE SENTINEL. M NOOTH CaROUSTA. ' j. .- . . .. ', -,. Kan Ilcad'will be open to viator talk summer. ' x - t The Ciotsn tJheries hsv atopped fur tha present "MM. , The Episcopal Sunday School at Ellx, wit h concert toa cnnrAue. v , Bishop Atkinson will consecrate tb jjaoopal church at Cireenaboro on th ,Th eolijtrt of Gov. Vance's elrprsut Irt- nm before. Ah Sl Lcm t(Utrry Society -riw ttn. Young WnrrcB B. Short, it the Literary Orstor m "WO exercisea the n jo cl at Prisxelon, to cum 08 on June tib. -" . - ' ,- S Mr. John WHVeramt, Wring mr Tur ner ' Mill, " Little River, Cooimined etii cidr oo last Thursdsy morning. He was subject to periodical ioseuity. , . Th Municlpel election on Wednesday, mulled In the following rota : 1 " Jf.iyi: R. M. 8ioa, UI. . - -Comminioert.Hruy, 14 iHogrart, 143 ; Bockmann, UO; Collins, 128 i Dodton, 124; taldweilyllS. opharnoii ticiit. May- 43." ' . " Oamiaei acre Albright, 61 ; Bslstey, 51 ; tkeele, 48 ; Ben bow, 40 ; H cAdoo, St ; Tmr,JH.0rmnAfr Patriot. Tbi Dmhai. Swamp osfiba Read leaf cinder tailing in black flake ore our city, how cleurl V that there ii fire in I he Desert the Diffcial Swamp it clled by many of nor people. ' At sunset, tha amok, gar untnistaka lle style, lb location tut tha conflagra tion. - .. Tha iwnirip It, evidently on Are due west t tbe city; and if not checked by rein, will Jimutmttt and drive tome of the tmamU of i ha swam p region to the wood around tliecity. So boyrfget your (Tuui and rifle in order, and let tie have a jrood old fashioned bnr 1U. WKo't afraid. S. City Kamomitt. " ' , Salem, Tow Elkctiom. On Monday tha following municipal officera war elected: ;. .. TY Mayo A. Fogla.' Commmlontn H. W. F rie, John D. Fieaem, Dr.T. F. Khlo, H. I. Short , C. 8. Harser, J. L. Bilow. Vtn-Un Tuiea Electi . Tb following .petaoua were elected a: municipal oHicaa "In the town of Winrtun f--- Mayor T T Beat. . CommiuimurtH. A. Holder, Calrin Miller, N. W. N.ding, Ed. Ppach, A. a Oorrell, C. B. Wataon, J. 8. White. - fa tmtt ::; , : In the Goldnboro' Municipal election, C. a WhIUker waa elected Mayor, beat ing Or. Cogdeli 83 vote. The Mmmger - Fmeath'ia h"win W 'awbaf'wHIe only one of tha candidatea oa the demo cratic side, Mr; W. W. Frmnaa,' baa been elected, two dMcocrata wer elected by the rrpublicana, viz. : Dr. A. U. Uaris and H. riUbU Weil. Two of.thote elected may be culled non-affiliates, aince they don t beling to either prnly. Baidt Mayor Whiiakrr, Major 11. U Grant ia the only radical no tha whole Boards . Tbia gora fir to take tlie almg out of our defeat ARur all it ia not a Waterloo. The workmen hitre begun onv the new, hotel at Goldsboro. . k " A JIau Don. -Mr. iea. W. Willonh. by on Monday killed hie lurgu ynrj dog, vliii'h had sbown indkatiana of hydro plbdiia, , -flo haa certainly acted wiarly anil hie example eliould be followed by our fit I ns geutirally. HWkiv' Arfu. Mr. W. W. . Hohren, the Impeached ek Governor of North Carolina, baa re-; turned to ltnleih-to Hvc It ia to be I. oM d tbl the republican party will not illaturh hia mlii-ttmeut iM it ia atreadr biirilni-d with too many of his kind. Ji. Y: 'hcei.inf Pott, (Hip.) ' CAMoLiffa Srminart, near Hookerton, Greeue county, bail fifty five pupil. The Annual t ommenreinent of thie inttito it ion take place May 3(J:h aud lst. i. 'A. B initx, Eq , h cnnaenled tu deliver the addreui to tho pupili on the ora-moo, at 11 a. r FiiiUy, the HnLL'araliru Mtatngtf, t ' ' TT arc ylaed i learn that the com mittee appointed to open booki of ub arr piion to ihe.Wiliaingtonand Seashore K. K have tlim far received about $10, NKi ia aabacrtptinn to the Road. The proiiect aro very fair now, and we bare uo doubt tiul tlmt the enterprise will be carried tlirouuli auccewfultv. We eaw the liet of aubxcribem, and it emUacei annie of the moat reliabl butioet men In An Aaanciation of the Mechaoira and Workingnjen of Goldsboro and vicinity waa peruxueestly orvanized on Saturday evening but, and the following officer Were elected frw the enuinir term, viz ; President- Cajit 8. D. i hillipa. . Vice Piesidenta I 0. Whituitr and J, B. WhitakerIr, - i ' 'I:A : BawiitoMi VV-H-.-Owtti; - . Treaurer Dr. D. Cogddl, OaUtbor MiMtnoT, .... r . -,- :l v Pkiuoxl. Oo WeJacsday oar aanr s'ttiTri honoied by the" prewnr-ti ff Tfa beaier and caiidiilnte for Goveraor, and Cit, Pnm'l T. Wilhaina, the laleaied po litical editor of the.Riletgh JStm. .Judge ,; (erriim !. jriideil on ln armor and la in the field, where he estpecta xa reniain it.m ow ' until rh day of the Aogitat . -1 elwti.,n. With aucb a leadtr there ia no ' j auth a thing aa full IbiA. . ' 1 . ., " ... ' E lenton hna tb efEcfaJ Maannic cluir . Oncaoocnpied by George WnehiojrMni, a . Wonhiptul MuKter. It ba alo many ether inwetii.g. antiqne relic. The , houiie oiM'e iicciipieit by O.iveraor Eden, In ahicii anojrraph tetter, written by u: General Green, at' the Jtaeolution were tound, iinonj eorne old p:iper, there. -H M 1 anr tlinn-h of .nw'HeToIution ry architecture. The old colonial eonrf houae, whobrr itall wa naxl, aa it ( ' ow, ou tiiniive oceaxiopa, by the ciliz' ef KdetrtonrbiVorethe Di-daition nj I di peodence tu dreamed . of, or Georir i "Vahingtin w a name a hall i whiirh .! iiidife Iredell, of the United Stale So preiue C nrt, duticed in powdered wig, ' fir which J iukv M"im waa welcomed to , Edenion by Dr. James Xorcoin, ia the Bme of tliecii.lTwand in which ayung i niiliab aailor. nfierward Gor(rr IV, King f Knclmd. d.tm ed a minneite with the b He of Edenn. The "dear old town ia bill of hintor uifmuric,ftnd many relii, Jfi unto d, arc do jbtlees Mill prvaenrcd. ( v S ij,Jth city A-me!(. Cm. Maury ht resioned bi poaitloo in the Virgiuw M litar iueiitute, to take ffitt'ln pepcmbcr next, , - TiieCumberliin,i SMitr turned radl I etd iIk-b died. It niade two ieauea in V Urnl" durilig the third week: th itevil juuieU tipuu it and dumamled ... it.iouL , .... . ,v , ; ... ... ,. Mi-ft Kiiit Ana Thorp, widow of Jona fboru, a revolatikinarT vet-rsn. died ' ( tnWi tHainiyi a if w iy aiuu at tb CiyCTSKATI KOMISATI0S9. Th Cincinnati conTention baa dime iu """ " aa prefltcd the ran y""? ? the euontry that could bn been aelected. Thia k the opinion of aU with , whom we hare eoa,rard po the aabjocfc It Kcited aot a little rawaiuum when annouaced npoa our atreeu yeaterday, and few who would not w biet but Wllhnlv m tnut th deatink of the mrittltli lii aiu l. keeping: The- Tjtitfbm adopted by the convention, too'ia a verv good one, aad :"v'j win una any onmculty in at nod. ing aquHrelv UDoa it. Aa " lookitr... i. Vienna," we way be permitted to exprea aa impartial amnion that, Giant will cover thi to ba th hardeat wall he hu ' butted bi Irallrt lined aainat. ; Greeley and Brow are both accfnl.liU w uw peopw or tne Bootn, ana If thev have to decade .bHween thia ticketaiid .L 1 .. - . - ' 71 another lour yar' trial of Grant and hi Dayonet rule there will not be much heai. taacy aa to which horn of tb dileuima they will take, s ' (gtebmoad Whtr.) The qneatio for thoa who art not Re publican ia not ia tbi declaration in all reepect th kiad of on they would have faanwd, and are the candidal nominated tlx men thev would bava ohoaen. had tha choice been fartc to them but aince they have to cbooe between a Liberal ticket and Grant and Colfax or Grant and Will ana, or Grant and aome other illiberal Re publican, and between the Cincinnati platform and auch a on aa will be nut iorth at Philadelphia, ought th-". fur a moment, to hesitate in that ehoi. I We do not are how any rcaaoaatae man can heeitate. Than Horace Greeley there i not a mora liberal minded, twit ri otic oooacientioua, Urge-hearted titan in the country. I here la not a child old enough to take aotioa who it not familiar with hi name, and that name is eaeociated in every mind witb benevolence, expansive philanthropy, patriotism and sturdy in' depenos. Mi very crochet and Indl-r-roat point have something amiable about tbenJ. Governor Brown, the Cincinnati candi date for Vic President, is a gentleman of flo culture; of political training and ex perience; ti itikja social position, and of to oioM uoerai senumenta. ills guber natorial canvas ia Missouri showed him to bs every inch a man. II is triumph over the Adminiatiatioa and extreme Radicalim. and his bold assertion of Lib eralism brought him luiore the whole country. - tnmiow virgmuw j So fir, then, as we are concerned, the Cincinnati convention acted wisely ia leaving ue out of view. It ia a humilia ting fact, but it it the truth, that we can only come into the fight as the horse-boy U(1 CSmp followers of Bruce, when lliey showed themsulvea oa . th crest of Mi historic hill at Baandckura ; but H is equally true that the sentiments and opin ions or in nortnern Uemocrat Should have been treated with decent . re spect. Thi,' we fear, Iota nut been done. nr. Ureeley ba dealt too many trenchant blows, which have been dclivf ered even to the shearing of bone and marrow, to be readily forgiven ; and we are more of the folly of a Ji'atiousl llrro- oeratie Convention than' , -ever efre.-'rt our fears aboula be realized, the "cake of republican institution will b all dough ; " tb ""of, lmservatism will be in the Are ; " and the only qnestioa with us will not be put j " under which Ring, Bezooiaa I "; W trust that this question will not be put ; we trust that the lesders of th North will rite above party dispute and grievance ia this sti prem boor of public danger, and wait with patience an expression of their views. Bui if it is put we ahall'know how to answer. . ; ...... - . (Honth Csrollnlsn J I Whstcver be tho cliaucci of tucifa for th Cincinnati nominee wbelhoi the tKiminstione be wise or not of this at least we are fully atiafled, that ii d. 1 1 th respect and sympathy ol lb outraged South. The effort for reform ,tlit the' liberal rrpnblieant are making is a virtu ous aad patriotic, one, that eeenia to us to deserve, it' it duo not command, th lull- '-( sueoest. t. -' -,--.i-..s s ' i ' (Columbia (Ot.);iiiqnln-r. , : The udnii list ion of ilumc Greeley for the Presidency is a leault that we thought improbable. It it needless to rernpilu late the objtciiouable acts of bis long and prominent political career, or to refer par ticularly to those persona! traits that com mend him to the reepect. and, confidence of all men! Suffice it to say that the con test between bira and Grant is a " Hype rion to.a Satyr."'. ' . . - The Democratic party of the country will now have to act io reference to this new political power (tor it is evidently a power ia th hand,! as wail ss witb refer- eoc to the radical or regular republican organization. : By their deoisioa, la view of the who politicsl field aa now pre sented, we, and we hope every democrat of the South will cheertully abide. Bat we neonate not to say that with " the hirhta aow before as," sad in view of the JiltfulLUll.y,it beiiig ibU to do belles, - aa well as the aanger or uowg a great deal worts Jy trying to do better, oar Judgment inclines us to advise a very la vorsbte consideration of th Cincinnati movement J)&olal Aa. i:o Boies Bnlk Bides, .JeJUklaVBUKtr. tlautl. I " - Ulasklast ui(JS, M Keg) rure lard, aprli-tf iaHi nam Fiaat , SO BbU. new Mackerel, W ' Cm Herrings,-. , s Juat reeelved. . aprlltf G T. irR)iAni ASKr" JtRsKs I HOB8E8 It - On good Fsrally Bar, . . " Urst ... " " Hrtxrf Msre, . " " "srm lions-, , Foraslsst - A. C. 8.VINUEK A Co'a, auv iatf - No. H, JSartul iHrw-t CHO IIS STXAMEBS SAIt (TtlT WCDirxspaT AXt SxTtSiiT. ( 17 PaiwWfS booked te s4 from ny KsiWsy ,-tttion H tVxjiort tn rrt Britain, IrelsndJ S s-wsyJBaeth-e, Denmark, enni)yv Tram, tAitHai, erti seal the L'uiiea aisies, . ' AT LOWEST Ct'BEENCT RATES. I Csbis fsr froaa New Tork to 01srw, IJfer ool, Londonderry or Q ir ewatQwe. 1 15, sad SA Inienaedade, toll. Btersre io. j DR.vm IfSSOED FOR ANT AMOPNt.i pirtla ssndlntr for their friends I Ui old mm i v ean purcliane tieielsat rednoed ri For luriaer tartli'Mtini sisj-lv lo lite Aseste, .. .,. . yaipi4lll.i BttKIUKKS, i ' . 3 Itowl'ox Clreea . t. '' Beapnaslbl Agents wanud a Tasa tsad (Vanuy. , .j ... - . assy ) diirjni Vpi f HAMs ANOMiIuHieiDESN. ( Bcon, lust to twri4. . N TOT1CR I To (As Meryv )8( -Verts Carvlm i' ' ' turn frarvVsTrnaT, Ss'aioa, May Itt, lari. W am ait recinnt into thi TnetMutiow ("..htVUi sentelKd fir a ' frm j., lV(.RKr DIM, ' ir - Iwputy Warden. MlWL XfS. A XltW NOVKL BT ( u ,:, R.4d, siiili.w of Vilrwtjlawa M r, ue H s-e. rir , p!. r edition I tw, do'i 1 , Sent v saauoa wu of orie. .-v . fin. n aNSteeVarft,'- ; 17-K Jf. C. Bik ttlgtav TOUR ' 1 ' uri IK THI OF SEW 10BK," a o v a P II E N I X ' ' : ' ' if ; ... .BROOKLTM." ' DOUGLAS BELL, V Ineorane Agent ane ITtf 'J'lP TOP WASHING MACHINE ! Washes Clothes thbroeirkl sritkaat rb bln or talarv u tee fabric. Umai tut tsrou. auu.ac so areiicj. KKTA.IL PRICE. - "'.' I Address, W. C. BAtW, Maasf eetarsr sad rVonrwMr. Troy's tuna, M. W. H. Mmrwv ir ju,i s i! w spr m aeoonus O e o H a u U VI Q 0 a o t o o a o o G lOtUI r . UAKDID, lata ot Newbern, N. .C wiva G E O v W , W E B B . osAi.xx rt . FINK WATCHES, RiUll JRWELRT. v, Ann vl,'.' .-. . .,' BTETlLIJfG BtLVKRWAIlE. , Mr Dsrden In -Mlllnil The slleiiUon of his rrieufls in tne smmhd wsta aes emtio wna the well Snow house of -eo. W, Web, ra a)ieet sliy iufurms Uowe tbaflie will neal nleaaed lu.tive hie personal slid carvtulstseo uon to sny rommiftetun Uisl aisy be entrus ted to him. He fcx-Ussa raa that as will be ertslild to plttai Uieat from his many years thperle&e iu Ui buniiRtiiS, his koewlage ot the wsn of the pooie of Uie ektuth. sna the ,extmMlve etock of ttrt-( lees goods that sr? e.alantiy kept 1 store. Wnen ihe wlecileo of sriieus u left wm& Biin ba wui t,s par ttcelsr pains to ernru tee best and saoet suit-atil-, or will cheerfully givs soy rufrnisU(n in reply to lninirka by inall coneernine use liueluea. Geo VV.- Webb Bosses s specialty of TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WAKE how tn such general use aud sdsnlrably adap ted for Tea Mate, TI1 wsra, lea Pitchers, Ac Mr. Uardua will also bs visa la save sit friends call oa him wueaevsr ihey come to llalttmore. and eiamiue the new UeaL.ua la Jewelry sod Bilv r ware. Coaiisa i.Tiaosa asn Ltoart BraaxTa, Bslvimobs, M. way dAejewo 0 LOTH I 1 O NOW IN STORE FISE BLACK stlTa 1 of oaf wa Mannfaetara, F.qasl lo Style, .... ' . Quality and Make to iie heat Castoas Wort. st nkes Sfy per:ria lees - rcTLTt.zys3 op onxra rtms ALWATBIS BTilCK. ;.; V -SL JJ. , JaifDUE'.r rl A . CO, ,. j igTWfS' CWfanaiM''aw- ' 117 Fayetterille gtireet, spriB-ty v ' Rsicieh, si c. SALE OF VM.l-'ANi.K LtNU IN WAR . ;. RKK COUNT! . n onraaaaceef S decree made aftil eseorded at Uie Noraiara-r Tens, lolL, of the i Ir uil l osrlof tlie L olled elates, 4th i. irenit sod Diatrlctof North Carolina, is treauit of James A. Novum and ba wife, Sallie, tlia.,b.ai Asais, Saaisel Buiterwarth and Jabs Meet. Asia, piairibns, acainst rcter k. Dsvaavtlra- datrt. Inhall nnwxed te seU a the door ot the Ixwirt Hcssn. m the town of Werrentow, aa the th Mooy of Mar, ltwi, tne tract of land deaenbsd in tbe pleading known aa Lanro " InUieCMnty of M arreaand lsselv eeeep ed kv the Said fetee R. iMris containing tf.uuu sere asore or lees I he seid tract of land was conveyed by deed of tnortis.fe bv the aaid IIstis to the plaint ff Sallie AV Noisd1 tc'nssbrth .AmM, eamael F Bu terwoiik si)J Julia McK. Amis, wbicli deed waa moved anil rcirMervd In the proper Uoenty oa the' lfrth I l. At S-nUinhw I -U.I V the huid will be eol , sniijnct to the coa tintrent lutenat in the aaid wjortsfae deed aeeiloned, to tbe hhrbsat bid-tec "tor cash, the pnrchaacr V il- c b-nd ssd antticieBt securiu to par the seen! Mae dc cntn-o in t-e pleadings smoonUngin th tobd M tt aoo per annum darins toe lives of the four seen Isnts r ircrliirlc s the some fnsv"bereite becoene due. end in additka thereto trie pttrchsMT ball pay la esaa the ten of fa Wl sn-ioo of wtiletl f.)J0 fe principal snd bears ietervst si sit lor cent nnltl pad. whtch aeini of $e,lt to tun Incla : Uh- l.,i)ily wult-h fell due lb dtk Heu-naier. I-"I Tie parctiaser eball ale pay Ihe eo-la i1 theanit. ihr uiie.oi tne iua unaa ne re rained aitai ihe aai.1 saduidcs siili b: anti.-ti'-d x Si 4 MlM K tiers atirll d tAswtd. d, Clrcnit.ti,4rl vv.Tld n As s -d wTarrntoa l?lc ef pv. J 0H5 ARkta TR050. BOOKBISDER A HI) HI. A MR BOOK If AN ' Cf AC'lLktsV ovxa tax aoata caaoLiss sxtoasToaa, RALIIOH, K C. ' ' Trial. Ciecntlon, VUiates add Recordlse Oocset hi a. If to otdr. N'eui Caroims Xctxjrts ami other law B-s, homid ia sup.rior Law aimlaar. tiaalnjfHnjaitMra tal Uw Ju-uorts sspTtnai sod odd aaotbaes laAsa m tidttui tvt tdaeV is . . , ., as a, w-w t: , ' I ' . . . . c . i sii 5 0 S.2 -Sil --g I n w u e t -a mi W sJ ' Cai "'-'' ,gJ ' 4 'V -I'"- as o 22i a. r. aiooma .. seas utum ,. MOC&B aV QATLINCk, AITOSHITI AT LsVW, v ' RALIIGH. H. C Mats and Federal Coarts sad th Coartsof as 1st sua aa Jadscsal lttslricta aovxl-tf. - A-ttornovs at LaWi RALEIGH, N. a A. a. uaraioss. y U. PACK, : ATTORJTET AT Uw, Fnxes is tbe senral Cmiru of tha nth Juaieial lfistrkt, sad kt the bupmu Court of Mortk Carolina, frunipt auniuoa gives to we euuecnoaoi nsiina. . aov.ut ' " ' ' , G. F. BASON, ' ' -'ATTOBKrr.AT LAW, ;:lls' eRAnAM,'. c. Practices la Alamsae and adjoining eoua- hss, ann ia tat supnme aud L. a couru. fohW-Sntt , H . K. N A M II , - ATTORNXT AT LAW, ;,i 1 IHILLSBORarK.-C.,""" Practices myOmax snd Ike sdjotailug con llet. sad ia tee auursius aad V. a Cuurts. . fek KS-dSmt - x traexaav j. a. uwe. PABKEE Jf L0XG, ; At T O B.n'e T 8 A T L AW, -GRAHAM, M. O, ' . Practice m Alsntaeea and the sljoiubitj eeoatles. an m the Bunreme and U.S. Courts, tab at-a-ltar . a a. auax. asa!,. wtuuaa. . BUAIJV A" WILLlAHa, AT T O SHE V 3 AT LAW , BOCKT MOCJTT, H. C. WILLIAMS BrXlf, ATTORRTR ATyLAW, , RALEIOII, M. 0. . Business letters asy ba addressed to Reeky tf oaut or KaleUch.' I talma collected la any pari of North Car olios. , . ' , Praetiewi tb BenraviM Coart of ths Bute sad us th federal cWt at Rslsi-. ., . ISDSW-IUt a. a sue, A.ttorney at Law, ' -'r'" RALEIGH, H. & j: f" Will sttend the SuteW Feral Coarts hel ia the eountte of Waks and Mew Hsaover, D ENTAi. MUTICR. liittll ferthnr entire end antrl the etsh!sli. saent of a suitalile orftca, orders for m pro fessoonal service, auy ba left with C 1. hotfli or st the Blale Nstionsl Bans, wben 1 will promptly stleud the resideacesox mWuttU. j Jan s-if P. B48 k!K, J. M. CttAWFOKO, DENTIST. OrPlCK, OS PA TK TTK Vltl.K ST., OPPOSITE TUCRRR HAUj ... t .Mu.ii. : ! ' Q T i U K D U f Kt, Jl-' ;f ATTOBNa-T AT WW, ,, Raleigh, U. C Praetleas la the Courts Of Wake, and ia the Fsdersl Courts, s-ivas siaeisl atteulioa to. tar srxulBg of ea.ues la tu aupreme Court ol C, soiled claiws aaraiuil sny Pire or Life lasarsnee Company iu uie toiuai dutes, said suands pmmpity to any uUier piufeaaiottaj trasiueaa uiLraeued to him. i - t VsTaV. UAKLBiiOWJiE, - .. . PORTRAIT PAINTER, f. . . Ho. i FsyettevUle SlreeL Lffeetse rtrtare palotod from life, Photo- grfcptis or DHKUereotypus. tid family Portralu snd Picture thaittab- ty repsirea aad restored to freshuvas . ; Bar o-ooia I WAVTIa OJ.ASUC I. at. tii.i.an. CLACK & xrLtES,; I AIIOBHKY8 AT LAW - BALITAX, . a, -1 Practice t sll ths Coarts of Hatlfar. North. mptoa, Rdgeeoaatie sad sfsrua eoanttea, tu uts supraau uwn in norm tsroiiua, aad it. Uis Fadarat Cem-ts , : -f-- , ,. .s, ,r OeuscUoas aud In an v part of North Car olina, . "',,,....., mar-dlr W-rrctrK'tV.W!tV6, A.a"raaauji i II. C. OLIVE at toV'"-',1 Dxaixx uCrNtt.MrciSDrxi at Commission MerehMts,! apex; jr. a "'. '"' Orders -fee UntngW snd Lmnber, filled mmptiy and at low prices. 3 apr 'dsodHia m . ,.':,'"''!:!:. . ,. ,. r- . i q o 11 o etui. Ni ihiowys CE.onGTA" COTT0S CI caatraaalasff as flea sarflawtowawaasala, I am Agent fur tb aale of that Cotton bis snd will he pleas d to exhibit thein to any one deeirhif to pare Haas (sins, Tbere are s xrest saany la ase in this seeUoa of isa eonairv and I nave rot to Sod ou that doe sot do ail Ui it it was guaranteed to do. Any auaibat f -jfc am ti a -eaa i cer- I- ws - -v. einiinAtn. PkRIoR Tahla Cataarr. Mleer putnt rlaa Mlvar Forks. RoaW best Tea ud Tabls Hpoona ;apr80if :M . W, H. duftiLS aV c. j . THE W1L8.H C0I.LEOITE ISBTITCTE. soeld s giving Uie tsoat winder snd thoroaxa inatractto as the ,aal literary, arusue aad ecasnuile braacAv, hsa Uspart-Sf-nt of AavMseis Economy snd i ierlcaUlaf f yoBnf Lallea,sndof djctcWfara, urtwad fare snd Ihmmttogy. Iirr ronog tsenacrtien. dr the ettclseit control of Mr. ' W. West-l-ok. OcvMoaat lactams by-prod W. c. k. .rr. TuiUou from U to i0, and board lU CladUig eir-rv'tnnl f 15 permouth.. TtVkJTAR HaVlaaXt, A. Jf , i tsr T-diw Prineipst ,. rtlxAT THttt.AU Eta ACLEA-NtkS. huivis Cardeell's eedenrsted Reperstnn SshI keantrs,' with Or wiUisat aoeae pavers, 4. 1 n-r.J at ssr ilepot a th kaitrusdtsl aMU. ft tw 1 r rs prices wit frcixbt adOcd. t edcrs el: mi Id be sct.1 la early to am ure o rtinwe Is time a Ute prospect la good f a LrU' harvvaa.-. - - f' . "JAMitJ ji ,Toni.Fa.i MAItV RANKCK. Stive Of Svtl 1 It-ill. I.I Ml H is jfe ve .eia faeoriae- by Charlie t ermln, prVj w ama ea by Basal va railelot of p Ire. JAi. If F'-Vil aft,' '$r7-af JL'C Boo bwra, , PEOFtSSIOSA-L ca 1 ,.a ar- ! .! . crrizmm BA11K, '- ;rsVasaCT.,'Va- : J( a FtMlPER. Paasinna. -' " N. tf T.tNNdK, Vl. s PasaiosKf. " D. A RIl)Kh, saaisa - I atBMJ. UAiu!C AeaiaraatCaaaiat. ' . - maacvoaai . , t Aearew Wults, m W. L. Wattrtaa, ' Frank Polls, , . i R f . ArrlutW. J. t. WaUissasoa.' ? W. R. Maliory, - W.M. Tapoay. Dtp srvs naslnsl b oo, an. via. er Craatkit. for which cerUHeatee all! he U swed. psTshl tn kind, oa aessaaa. With Inter est from date till paid. iatsaasTalJeasUaa dtUy balioess enbjeot tOClMSk. I C'olltfi tbtna on aTl scraaalU polala, and re turns mads prouptly, ,i ar la-tf v , i- StTidwell Brothers, 1.7 Murray Htsroet, . No w York, ' Jfsnnfscturert and Jobbers of BOOTS & 8H0BS. rot WCTIIEKM TBADE, Hawaeompletaeteek la all lines, lacladbg thstr eopular (is as it Br a Bala, Kit Plow Buoea snd Woassa rkaaAia, i I Oi derdsoUcilad sad saraf ally filled st towtet market rate.- J. K MOO S, 'jsaaOdW B CirfllMl LOl IM Ink lllvt.v v lit RHAW, AVI) VARM l!l T11R . ; F 0 II" 8 A L R. For cah or credit to salt sweehasera. Tha Motel Pmtwrtv a bantsiu. and hidldflus' Let iu the heart ot town. i , J , Also. Uie P all olanisiion. Also, the flench phuutliss, lb Hammond pra aad Um star- i , yum. aiffi I IU apr 17 tf . .HI. . MtlRRU, Agent, JJR1GOB A BROTHER'S .(.,..,-.;.-... CAVAiMoa o . ' rtOWKHASB fSOti'ABIM SSKDII, And Saintnav Flowarfag Balbs, for WTs, Sow rsdy, tHWMStinit af. o, 'l paste,, ua ruaeu Uulad paper, wit apwitrde of 4ou seiavmU euts, snd tu hmmtifiU csarvd ass. Cover, s hesutiful dos.icn. in eolors. Ih rkibeat Cdlaioxue ever published.- Send reels tor a copy, not oiM-bstf tha value of tlie eulored plaica' in ure Jlrmt order, aluenutlng to Hot lessllian SL thtibrieaef Catailarjaa.JbJS...aiJJ be refliud' d in aitda.. New euauiulcis p.seed ott taeeame liMi.ina; wil oltt k'eee te eld t aeUniMira. aJuaHtyaf secsis, slseof pseketa, prieca sad iMiituis ollered, asske it to ths adtiuiUKe of sli to purchase aetnls of us, , Be Cstak'ifue for extrsordiuarv liidutvtticiiie v lou wtiiinias It if you do not see our Cat logiie before orderliuf reeda. aimer or Our two ctiioinoe ror IK.l, ales lt)J4--one a flower tiisve of bullion. Plsuls. couaiatlng of Llliea Ae. llisothtv of Auaual, OHmmsl slut rervuuial rlauts, guarauteed Uie 1 most BLBUAsv ruaii cuaoeioe ' , ver latned In thia countrv A superb' parlor ornament) wailed, it id, on rwwtpl.of i-'' tenia; slau tree ou coudiuwu speosed in Catalogue. Address ' . UMJuhti m. Hocbcauo, Horn l'aik. DTI HOTELS &o., ..;t,rUIEEK!4I HOTEL, CHEBTNUT IT1IIT, ' OlTIWITIt Ol.l ItllKI-XKORNUC HaIA, rHII.AIiKUMIIA. tV M. HEL'LIKOa, pKOFuixToa. ! spirit! . Ti U J ' gT. CAT11 ABINK'S, ONTARIO, j 'A 1 'STCPDESSO ilflCSE j AND BAT1I9 f ' itt connection with Uw celebrated walk of , BALIXE HISFRAt WATER . ,! ...-'.-.- :.-. -'I Is saw opes for the reception of visitors , Parsons ds Irons o engag'ng tiosrd alii please address the PmjsaiaaaA. ' ' ' BEVERLY TUCKER SON JulyMf j; ,U-J- . ".' W I I Lh , PIANO tsccmcedad by sll wsa hse OAREFUU COMPARRll it with other ta the ;"EW SCALE, The Msnufarfarsv has succeeded In snaklr the MOST PERFECT PIANO FORT ' I passible i hiaaiss tsaiy wa plefwisai hy aC-T OSEAT ARTISTS Ok THE BAT ' j. Aad resoaaowaded ky all th A - LgAIITfO jl t WKPAPFRS-'1? Prices will Ue (oUad .at retaoUablli tent with lborog workuisiiab,p. .4 i, WaRBstOOMlsN Stb Avwaua, Haw Toaa, Cob. naay,J ean 1 u OPENING OF THE , SODA : WATER . SEASON; DCEPP & "JONES'. t pOlst' fparkllntf r-rxla Water, wif j-ennln fruit styrnpa, l atoyr dlapeMl fion our dew aud elexruut Feiintnl r sstvfXOT ;M, Vy- etfewlllo lrets. 'J thia branch of tsiawtneasa ,'wre gl-rm oar st riot poraoual attention. It ahall t our endeavor to maintain the hl,j-h ntnudnrd ot- rxceb teoco -wshloh It hna ao For the convrnienceVel peraon at a dlMtfttnasftand ttaODte who presfer to talte fawalix assaai Mtaaral WatarnJ at their homest, we'liave lnlrodnred Hiho llot tleai hoUllnjc out jnart pach, n-iim tehlch tha - trr can , lo drawn aa 1hi UUu u front ' tbe t.ostuita. 1. ' 's , DCEP A , tjTi.it - .. ..... .. . ! , M IS -KLLA N EOI"S. rnllE tiitEAT CAMl'AK .-. hI f.tit t 1 fi t- THE SElTINPiL Jt"y-f ett f '- i i Wt.LL.BK rCRSISHED TO SUBSCRIBERS Caixapalgti of 1072. AT TBE FOLLOWIXCI BEDfCED RATES ; WKEKI.V MrsNXIlNKJC. j i , ' . :'. " 1 Copy months ' 1.S0 S Copies fl.montlis, 6.S3 10 " tuoutha, i , 13.50 SO - months, 25.30 - .... . , V, .... ... ir.. ONE COPT FUEE TO 0KTTER UP oir cluh oif tio on UOtiiC fMUIISlClll I J KIE8. oiuU Wot'UIy tftantlnel. 5 ('jipies S niontht, 1185 10: ' one; coi'ir run to any osk OErriNU fl' A 'CLUB OF to Ai:'$!:S. ..OR : jtOBB.al . j: Sp , a.."tjtO -i-"-lfo' 1 l AI-V JKNTINEI.l I Copy fnidifhs, ' 3f . 00 ir fSopkesj' :rBiiTtrl IS tnoo O'lB COPT FREE TO CETTfR CP OF VlI B OF 10 OR MORE SVBf CIIBBH ,v;:i 'raj? . i i! t' ih A . S Th SlimsaX wt!l a furnished a As'refss for Three Months. ' fit fi :,4l ,.VTf . ..... The Sli set Presidential Campkn wD) be of greet aotasot sad interest to oor whole people. Evsry tltlasa should kanw what 'a ' i A- ' traaaplrhif ia th political wrld, that a assy 'r - J. 1 , t properry anderstasd kit political ebllgatUw, Tt SMtiaat, wilt eupply Ala with this aaesM hiforasstio. It si also endeavor te aU th pd of a good Uo78 Paper. ;f,-- Bead money with sD orders for papers, Address, ...-,. -S.t ..... . .V ' - . -. .. SESTIEL, .-. RaLsisa,' ' Bs; 10tl WsaWCo.JT.C, , ..... ;,.: .,..,., MISCELLANEOUS, f fJUASli OF lUHIttUH, Kirhmond ill Duiville tailruid ts, tVansihJbtatiox , ornB, i - VoRTU CAROLINA DIVISION, j V Coaraav Baor. K. ., ! ana aU, left. pa ed srter Sundar stares 81st rTO, stsil train, will he His over Hi Is lnvkdoa la so- tordanc with Ute followiue; T1.TIK TAULCi . IsUl.Mi aVAal'. STATIONS. aaaiva. las vat f Chartnlta. t w p. a. S X) " " t'oaH-ord, P. M. . -Ioj f awtaaurr, v LexInebHa. ltt,. V U IT liierh k-olot, . urejeaaborot, ..-.i ;UW -'- la.00 If. . SUA At ' : s m - T.n " ! l td A. M. Ss ' tu tu Tsl S I , i ompany euops, . Mlllaavo Dsrhaai's, - nais'nu, aaSiaa. ISoldaboro, I0J6 A, af. -'- i GOlNa WEST. BTATI0S. AkBIVB. : UAVB, - thsrlotls. ; to A. M I a aft f i ancora, rali.bury, Leinatt.n, ' lilh Puuic fjivonsboro. coenoeuy hbops, HllisU'ro, lu haot't, . RaJekh. SM A. K. 4i " Sl a If 4 OT . I t W a T Sstl a mj - .. Sll n .is. r. Kv !0. P. H. St it " All) a Sa T.18 - Alt - Atsi " Stlma, Ut.lboro ', P. M. Mail Trains wlU ran dally both ways ihe tntlrs leuK't of tbe koad, tjrpress Train will rn both wave between I ouinanv Shout and Chsrloit daily (Nunieay'a excepted ) - ireiini i rains win tub a nil war, ins ea Ure leaatih ot Iba Road (ttuaday's axoatad 1 A pssieoxsr ear will sa ataciiad to lbs frehthi traius bet erase t.ccetuboro' sod Golds boro' iorthasaeOBaiaodrUoa of paaacnirer. . W. ll.Ute.r N, spr 1-tt . ' Master Tran.ortauoa NEW NOVELS BT NOHTU CAROLINA aUTHOKo. Tk4 ffrrmU of iWsaa A Tale, br Mr Jam P. Irwin, of Charlotte, N. C, pspsr sdltiua prios aU saats, seat by mall a reuaiul of price. I i. H ENSISS. sirC" arST-tt N.C. Book nuw p U T A B L At , hfEAM SAW KILL FOR. BALK, . BUta IT.., tv. .- . 1 . ' ... . ., , . " v"i .(W.airWjlhU trll tb whole low, or halt to a partner who will f urnl a s n(d loett loa to run it as a Saw am, wui siili sna totwnuiu. Apply to 8EPASEB Ca, anrStf . . ,,TBK WAKEFIEm EAKTII CLOSET, , It by tit dda the Awr yet lawHHH r.u,un iftHrittR : .. N-e tin, ftir Ivwunttve ' Z UMDtulilul. at call aiul a.ain. lua. ... Two new oa hand at -'''' 1 4' ; , - W. H. JONES Aro!, ssay la-tf AicauU O Vf T I I . ' BLOB DUOONAL COATS AND VESTS, OLIVE DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS, . DA (ILIA DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS, Black Disgoasl Costs and Vest. 3at received at R, B. ANDREWS A CO S., i aprastf tlothlerk 300 BU8UBU Bol,TltD MEAL. iwU-tf 0. T. STRONACli BRO, B OA R 0, I esa furnish ten or twelve oeraons with fotat board Snd ctifnrtaniu roouu st ths realdeaeaof Mrs, Henry W. Miller, Nswbera Bimew Two offlc roonu In the ysrd now vscsbt , spra-U . , litu, B, BAKtlL r OVER $16,000,000 Assets! 1-: T K" A Life Ins. Co., ! :.' ' ' sa'.'---' i. taaus pollrlea t)aa Ltvs tram ' ,sAi'"-i-''t'',.A.S.XR'C,.Ifc.II.S.A,t..st,' The largest stuount oa any on UI It 14,- W. H. CROW, fiea'l Kasuwer, ' , North Csroliassed psrtof Vktlula.; lSSaisf-Sy77-aA!!r-4.. , - .jtsaB T I'i -. J .! . .?:."aiA:rrR.f- eo:- fab Asset a 000,000 00, Bepreseuted by ' '; ?, ' :,)' V.-ZV"1 H. crow, AjeutTr (sa IT tf . " Raleigh, Jf!c f)liiwABr:4.;;:-;.;;;. J i'"" t"t th body of Rofc- f if e.tund iatlia Conntyof Berths, snd HXI If eapinrrd outeide of tb eonnt. eald Hrtt,ters wasmirt, tcd of per jury at the enrrent terrh of Benle Hiipcrior Court an as- a4rr crf rnv eti.tody Vbue bans; Vaaea fnio, the Jail lo tiic Conrt llouaa r. w, hp i l. Whadaor, Msreh 11. IDTJ, ssa. la-ewlin. . nbenS. QOVBOT8TER3, VKAAUI PEACIikS, s ,t CANNED PEAClilS, . ' . : KL'NE'S MUSTARD, . . , V MIXED PICKLES, , .'. KH3ENCE COFFEE, , PLAlil AND FA NOT CANDIES, . i ) . t Raisins, . LEMON; CAKES, SODA CRACKERS, i ... , '-- - sU-.Ac, An. - . ' V holssslevsnd Retail may tf LEACH BRO'8. m 'Ku'" J Q BITS KE W MAC E EREL, ' ' V 16 Bbls. Sew Mackerel. ' W. C. SXROyACfl A CO, . sprO-tf, - , y. - ' illSCELLAMOlVS. OrtMsaBboro' Slouey JSt Xarkot BVTINQBATUOF BANK N01 F.S, Aa, ' WnJ0aSHOBkK!B.tSKPR.ANfl Bxeaaswa ainutsas, eiot tb .,.is nrarsr, a a -s u aaaiiaa,-, ly, C Bank of N. C... .......7...... iv Caps Fear.... - ...i.i... m - unuusua-.M .... . .'. a ?ki:; A 1 Grains,.. Leuuxloa. , " ioaur, yavclievul Msrehaula' MMbk .'-.. 1 1 F mor,' bank of UrsaJna4V'."."iVrv bllluua'and PUUm' l .. u .. 10 10 V uyinU bank Note svorajrv aoom ..... eViuUi Caroiuas a - ? '' fc s - Osorjria a . c. . b. stack "Z""T'"'': m l? V4, MU w ubw! 1" ".' -"d snd Biivsr, Porvb c arolms bono., I etied Maias " rarikea .ie loc,,. t trdeia for Haitk M,,u ..t. ia...,. hooera al ttaaat will wul imivs ml I nliinis fiai ia.,.. m t t- . , . - a. T . r-r.i vujt n c, anil be mad oa the day rece.v!,ly sura r aMitiuiuie, or ivt. ran V, ssdeeireeV I. - itis sad Fir InsuTBcee Pelldua isied ia " 1 22suu' ' ' THE PUSH ItTTli rstSASCB COXPAU HARTFORD, COrXKCTICUT MsMrt, Chssv F, Montssrus A Boa are tb vrel- General Aesat for Korth Carolina. ' aad Maryland. ADMINISTERED STRICTLT OS THE v w as. s a.i. ,00t,000 OF A68STS Th policies are eR "noa forftlUWe'!" NO RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON TRAVEL 14 Ml OR RESIDENCE. KsF Protnptly psje npou all tosses proved , . Oa Uvea tosures tea yean, or the tndowawat Pisa. , Ho Barte Oosrriirr at Boat oa Aaaoin. BALB10R AGENCY i JOII nivitenv a. . I SMA U A, S 1 , , Oinot k Btronach VJUipg oa second Soor. ... ? , ; .;, ' .. Afxniou, ExAxtncta, S P E O 1 a i, fT KINK DBIHB 8 II I R T 3, lt7tnI vT0K,e "'WH'Ktr e? "enT" rivalled for Fit, Di a.muti aiH Itiinwr.- I rlcea the sane as last scaao n.oa ui, Utul t the heavy sdvauce In Cotioi, aud Uhctis. c-f.' K- . ANUREHaaUaa .im ir : ,. Clothere, ' 1 ' ' m. "..' i.i'.ii"'T'' c ''" -; Latest aOrom thn f!fv ..'. ofVarlathoEast! umj iieei ioieei amio : j The puMIe Biat havlmr beeom semewhst appeased eeaearniac the fat of the Robeao entlsws, , yi , ; j ' , ; j- ' . , 'i Wcreliaun TaIIop,;i' ' .'... Beirs lesvs t announce to hit friends and rbi, thai a kss jut ratuutd t mm th' horlliern titles, wber. bs bas ael.tl th latest and must heauilf ul styles of GENTS GOODS, t . Coaslstlnf of "f11 B4EnIIlir - BROADaCTHS,'''.:i'.;'.'n V-.'iJ : D0E.SKIX3, ,. ' DUOOJJfALS, favOiCr CASSTVFPF.4 FBI XCH WORSTED. FREXCU AXO . Ik lullful Scotck Chn-ioti for Suits. I 1, . - . . : . Ta MA arVbrsfla Mu. faa.lV-. a,iaa A sa - - ear asjeu- fsUTsxeaU,, I tJU tan av .y ptiMbaadajr of , " - y " -1 -.1 , .. . C. WEsXtL, as 0-daa Rald.-,, SC. - T BIVT OttfiD" AT THE LOWEST ,.:.;:. :PK.Cii-. The' Inert and latest stock of BoUes aud . f bitt tvav-toaugbt t tb Cltyi, ,-..;..'..-,. At -,.-,, ,'.. v.. aprlMf CD. nUARTT rO'g. U TUE BEST BOOTS AND filtyijs IS th City lor th least money go to Bpr it tf - CD. BEAETT A CO.' Ql' BOOTS AD SUUtd UiVE Itf. Uw saUafsctloa thsa any others. . - -sprUU J . c. D. BEARTT a cc. JF 10U WAJtr THENicEalEAr fuB tb lesst sjooey, coats to '. . . apr U If CD. BEARTT 4 COS. QtRSTOC Or0KNI SFlh.Nlci:i.sri' Ocodt ctoaot b beaten la dyhasiid p.-.tcs. apt 13 If " . C. D, IIEAr.TI A CO. D REUS MARINO. Jins. r. j. m-timcii efTers her aenket to ths la Jit of I'lli i,li act fi.,.t. as MANTTA MAKKR a her rllnc near tl.s- Tnin di e NTX"ck; du Beall) and fronipiij. .1 car, of cj el euca has fl''cd bc lor Uie poiK(o. I'.uon Sge atllclb d. , apr ix it N O X A U A . Peveoeia di-trtie: to erchsnre rror-rtv la tha vitit.-fv in w..o.-j of I. a-- ,!, i.-t . v't c.. porty can bs scoomlf.!:ti 4 1 r n. i . . i ; lo aiilf. t. 1. ti;....s.4t, si, SAI.I U VV1I ll lihl-:, A Ni" Si;ri . now po-acr aid ti.t.-.i l.i becca, liiicr..a, if li.UN--' N Si-Mi, beat by 4U on on t . f t JaS. i. s.' am-iTT tf . N (' t IlMkl U V c. : ! ti.'-'i..',! Ane'lier !:.:' f'." j I. r tio-e l't n- ' ..!. n -tad I...e, i . 1 '..!-1, Y'-.r , ?r C-' V - ,