A IPoetry- TUB LA2.D 0 THE j OUTH. ' "- .,: , V ; land of the Bulb, imp-rial taadl "" . il'in p iud u.t apt entwin rx I ' Ho aw.at ibj any nm e.w v band 1 '' 4 How flr lliy iVinH 11 Bat not 'or u.i. ob ! ant f"V t ,a, ' v I te thy Belde Is rorm ; Thud Baat a Header ap , aa- , Tao art my autiv bouia. ; Thy rlv-ra mil thr liq'iid wealth -fcaefWW'iw.t 4o4bwiMwr 1 tiT ' We end valtey W--.ni Mh health, A ad trrweit with vc.4r It ... But not fur thy proud etrm, !. J" Nl fof t'lT V rf'HWr Br.,H uiinv ul'i. I elm t 'be- 'ihoe arr ftit Ball. h . 1 "And 1 i-on'i heat rl't m.e U ihluev dud M'-an th ruy cu i I . I.il-e guwcr fa;y awecil aldea,: .7 I heir heaiu ire enie la pearta, Ali-Ill ll'l . O din aa clvl UftetBJ tv here'. their foot!. i r II jW i mi i Uien, wliila lovh g tbam. V Not tor uiy Bat: booie,? . 1 and of th fontl, linpriel land I 'n -1 Imu ht're'e a beaitli to Ulie L l'-( th Ba-uuUiB '.arrirra 'adr M Uioa lot b t adfrrt . M dark d ecualoa'e bauaer ae'er i M ave rj t iljj fcr la inuu ; - ' B'lt hldUM ' V 'til'-, turnee wOQ Will ill 1 41 ear hid B Uve bonn YirtOllNIA.. - Norfolk h atiipped thir flrtt 'cleta oi WraWberrie tor thw .aon. , Mr. Jnn. S. f'ullen, frne of H olilnt TI art was Krva fr l in LtnclibU'S On iut IVtdnattdnT, the tolof knuae. barn and ' blm-kamiili nuoj) of Mr. J"h5 f iiiiitHiHj, tii rtpiif layiTKnia coonij, wa ilMtrojf j by C.-. .' ijmotily ol tubacea t tlit lime iii li t i"liwon tiousff, aand A Whmtt uivliii).-, ulut, liarnrw n l kturgt Uit iA tool, ci ihtiojed, lunilTii.g Itiw or two tboitmod Uolltrt. fli'itm nnf t. M. Georgt W. Mkj thai), t. aor ot Citnlinc nHintjr, died auiMcDlT ii) Sun.hiy of apipUiT. wliil on bii war to Z no hui. h. lit wit m't ratlin il id' s;i nllnuan Ui4 pij-alax aji'l titk H'lti tiHnvt. M4K Ku.l p.o. - A man by tlio nama i'l Itarna, in luuitii.(f In t-ii on tlicrait of iht C LeMurak anil Oliio htilnxd tt t'iTintio, oa lnir.ay ni(.ht UatoiiaHKI bit lotimt, Mil unl tu i wiwii tfaa cars, tttd wtt run ottr anl isitiitljr killnl. . CliarKt Iwn Cm. kjtl, Po ilit 1 in w'tlie dittuty, laat Frular, in lilt turn t. ibiirt )mr oj hit t, Th Wyilit-iUt ntrprim atyt: , U I npruikl lit ixiutjr arveml term lu llw LsyirtU and aw n il in oihur ulti.ur piibiws trut, Iwtyl di:liargMi bkilotim with faiili fu!nw;ii hubIiuhiuh to Lia const itin aia. Xr. hailm tfncl'tn hat Jiii-t Lib ap rxiintf J iii i.i.-jl diric'l'f tii'l wiranut at ' Ili'B I'ollige; It ii Mlii liial diim tjior tltontioa will in fiilm lit ni to I In ttuilt of niir in tint tkinout raUbiitli Bwtit ibta bu hiih-rti Uea. - i Hit A. M Wua.lell.xif NorUi C.r. oliut, di liverrd t mnatcrljr tpetictl la lb llouae of KeprrMuttlivrt nkentl; on the C wdninii o tli Houilh llr. W'tilcltll it t Ui"ulicr of itta o.iuuililmoii Alkgffi On'. rrn iu lite Houtb, tt4 wtt llionxiybl) MU'd nn tblt tuliji-et flit cxpiMiiion ol tbe hTKHwr of tlie Kit K!m criimwtr, (lit UiMutroii flW tt oftba etnb!ilKiJ wlifj nl tlw Utttcronmlt towtnla Hit poiicor Ibt fotllli, aud tht nutragm and rolieriut fHrjirirtttiil bj lh hurilo ol ftipai'uiba roliliu who ) turnrd toon uooa tlKiiu, u only etiiallHl Iit Ihntof Ui lion. Uuiihi tv. ooibtu), wtiote ircm great to cb on tbt t line auujvr.f Ik . but circuidtea lurougiiout tut Bouto a " BLOTiKO-P'DIX DeinoffttU intl : C onsf rTBtls. 1 Popular Uptt for the Ci mpiifiv John Bpelinan, ICtlitor, ' . JlALF.iaiIt n. c. -i . . , On or about WoJiifaJay- the 8fJ Intt., will to l.-uej tlie Brat number cl tbe Tui'U't Cairjpaio fiiar, bearing tht above aama. Il w ill lit iaaued werkly till theel.iae of tUa Attguat ektliont " ; .vtcmia." Sinifle enpiet,. . . ' u - . $ ,85 Club of fle to J upwa4d, to ua.l. f, Breeoiilet for " - , 1.00 " B'etlin PuuJtr 1 will heartily tad Timorous! tupport the nomineea of' the "Oret'iu'TiSii! r Coovf Qtioa ted expoat and denounce, unrtlmlinglj'. Radical raacalily and tbniKt. , It will be target than, but much upon the plan of tbe M LitlU Ad drr to BUOCtsanfully Ciiu.lut'leJ by the undi'rsigru'd during the memorable atg pain o( 1900, ami will oreajiontlly coa lain appropriate illuatrationa. A paper CrarkM iniUcoura,ao4 Ui tAte.bj,BA.iVl,lLteJ, it rauch Beededy by tbe great ma of the .i- x'.t .....i r.tri.'.TI t i;c')t aii'4 Auook l.l to ai lu arouKltlg them to the deplorable conJition tow hiob - wt ntt Aff rcSarxrl tf TUdtcar villalhy and nilii ril!i 1 Tit fthtoriber calta pnH ibe ctrre, lra Jinj mm of tht SUI lra!d him la reacliing the popuUr mind tij giving to tliit" p'ipet- tlit wiJeat circuit tion. A tliglii effort oa the part of each of ttich in the trreral eounticn of the Stat will tecure ai one a circulation at thirty (Atfvnnd copitt which wilt be the meant of laying important IncU ami dguret before one to two buadred tboo-and readert weekly. The effect of tliil need not be dwi lt t-pon. To tcbie euch a seAttt imrelj is w r hy littl eCbrt- Sta it nt be made I 6enl in Uu listt of tab iicriptlont," Already tbi-y come In clttbi of teat, CHios and huuditd.. Thecaah in oat In all tax accompany tbe ordora. . . A VmiCrJ numlur of teleet adertlra taenia will be inaerled, by orgeat requeat, a'. tl.V pr iuch for the Brat and aereoty. lire centt eath sulin qu:nt inaertion. Tht i;it'-- moil iio aecorapatiTtht adrertiae- raekta. AJdn;,. X0, EPELMAIT, E Oj tor 4 Prnprietor, ; ;.. ? : Raleigh, K. C. J'J6ur b-etlitj-en of the preea will a id to our obliiiaiions by 'gleiBaj the alOTe a ft JuH:rtiona aadauch notice at ticj t-liHik tl.t nitcrpri-e tafrila, and a!ao iiy e.vti E ling to us the irot of aa ei- l bail 'p. . a : V.r. J. C. Jl'tmlcroft Psvia. the agent on tt' "Tt of the United State before the fj.tu in I ..icit al if At I'i! ration, who bat l un at Kemu for t'nue'iib, will kt to fi i.t.'i iv f ir C'oi' r'nc. lie niKCttto , . in rala taturdaji ' I - It A I L RO A D S VILMINUTOX A WKbUOM K. H. CO.. Orrica Ca r. Eta. aa Bn't. hwt. , : Wiumwrua, C. UffJ, t. ; . -S. w .iw MnMlr UacWh iHUat. Wall ( J ikta n. 4 will W ilaiKlua at . ok . m mi k aa..at am at ataia at. aH4 -UU law to w a. aa. and 7.i B. m. i ame Vun ml uu a. iu- Vi p . T tfcaua.B. aU4 itai a. law umr TbettaftnUft ili not rtw u aitudny. . . , Aa wi'iiunvHWUim " trwn w V, UmflimloB. J0.3U a. , aHT, wn ?rt'Ul,l makiiix cloH auuiMCUua a " .ro' lor lUkixli. KriuiamK, (lolllro tt t.a.ta.. iiwl arme at Wilmington at p at - tu. . iMina ir.vr w limltuftoa a. laa. as . nd Wi-Ufcm. lu no a. aa.. nmiw-t alowsi? w"k f atioro' HrliH-h train. lillt vmmmite Vlt .nig WilMintrton and W ;l.lou oo ktoBtUn tMltillKiava aim rnyw, mwww lUi UK l arburo' Urancii Wmbi. ' , jaftt ; - : Sua-. Snot. pHAN(f OX BCllltWLXe. , ; , ; CHATHAM BAI1.ROAD tJOMPASr, aonittHiaiaT'a 'rn , K.i ....u N. t' . MoT. 7th 171 ' Oa iuiA alter V c,iu1y, Oim-uitwr Bit 171. . Iraina OB the t baUiMa Haiirwd UI rut iiuly iSnuJjiy ciusitl aa follow: Mail Traw tmu Haiela kiw r. airlaataanfurd.........T..l - Mail Iraia tacnai Bwjrfora.r.t - arniwaat KaJriii i..fc.U Mail tram maUea rlniw iiulioii at Ra)rtb wllk Uia KaklKb Oaaloa Katlroad kl WhI naa ail wi w. ai lawfurA with tbr Wet.ni lUllroad w aii 4 froia tayatWtiUc aul i.iuU on W tis kUllnad. A. B AMURKWia, ' ao aV U vguawimim QHAWOtor tw:HKIt-l. - . EA1.EI0H ft A8TO!f B. . CO., i)tnirai)at't Ort tca Ral.ttoa, M. ft, No. 7U, lim Oa and attar Toeadar ttowmbar ?ih fn traiua oa tlie lUlewb atUaatoa Raaroad, Will ran dull)' (Bund; aweptadw aa lotiowat . . .... Matt. TB1IB. v Uaa BWtb A tJ. at Hrldua. uw r. Laama Wla.i. ,..,.,...,. 4. W W , at. Arrivaa at H-MfM . r. . , AUCoMaoOatlOJI TUH, Caavat aUWt , a l r. . rrialHidua.... m. at. uva W eldin . , w. 1 a r. at. irrivoa at tUMK !. . Mail train aink-w cuwa conaaoTioa at Web loa with tba RcalHiard A Koanoka Railroad wd Bay Una Htaiur 1a Baltimore, to and mm all uolnla Morth. Waat aud nortnwoal and wltb rtnbinx rUilniad u Fvtcrarmnf, Itkbmoud and Waoh 1111; ton City, to and (row all pottiia North and NortiiwsaU And ai Kai'-kh wltb U North Carolina Hail road to and torn all point Bouth and ttoatli foal, aud wilJi Uia uiuXbata nattroaa to Jir iihI awl ra.tftUfllle. . firota uoiiatuin and fnlffht tiaini. eonaxet at W Hon wiUi Arouumaatioa and Frcigbt Ua.ua on Bt-atinard Koaooke Hailroad and rViara'mr Hailroad. And at KaJi(b, with Maiii'RittMa aoa aiwaot watua aa voru ilrullu katlriMHl. ' feraoua llvirur aloas U una or tea Koaa eaa rialt Kali ni In I ia akonung u Anwouaooa 1'in u-aiu, ntliuua wrerai noura. ana return aov wiae tfruing. A. uu'unii ( uov -tI u wiia. autia. rUVIIN." - -18,000 Lba. tidat and Hama. 3,uaa do pora M. Jb 1 dtt 1.EACI1 BHOTlltna. lLHNUiyN N.JRTU CAK01N I T Xill? mm : INSURANCE CO. .oirit'MSi , ROB'T It. MlWAN, Prddit ' lulll W. ATKlNaON, Viet Prutiileat, P. U. CAMfcRON. Bi rroUrr. Or. ti, A ANUHReON, Medkal Dim tor. DIRECTORS? i J. W, A rataaoa. General Intarwet Arrat I. B. Gaaiauia, i'reaid at Ba'ik ol New Hanover. V. W. KiauBKUa, Grocer aud Coainilaaloa Men-nan i, 0. M. BranMAii, of Wrklit A S etliuan. T. 11. Mca.oi. ol W. A. WblUbead at Ca.. Fayettevilla. K. H. ru, rrmlilenL H, 8- Xilbmb, Couuntaaioa MerehanL AAiuiiiii, ol Wiillanl ttrolhera. ,W. A. imwieof Nonlimp A t uruiulug , G. W. Wiu.ua ,( VtiUlauu A Muribl tu Mnaaar, or . Murra at lo. A. A-aa W iaai l l neeatt avCav-- Roar, llaaaiaa, ot Uaweoa. Teal A lien- obur. - Ai.tt. Bra t'T, Brtiun. v ica-coavtu. ol I Bjirunt A Hloaou r. jsvaeav. auornevat tw. i. D WiiXaaia, ot i. l, K UlUtae A CO., ayetieriue Jaa Ci McRaa, Att'y at Law, FayetUrllla. I. a), aaLLl, MerenaaLanaBaviiia, t, I. tor. Meretiant, Lambartoa. SPKTAL FEATCKK9 AND ADVAN- tel. N reatrktlot oa Bdeae Travtt 1 Sd. Ne extra charge oath Uvea el Ftaaalea. I ti. Follclet Iaeoalratlblt after Five Tatra. 4th. Tba rate of Interest on the Faadt ef the Company higher than thoa oa the fund I of 1 onijuooce located ta other Bute, that ta taring larger Viviuenot to roucy ttoldert. Blh. Tba Direetora aad Officer of the f?om. pany are promlueat bOK lat JA H (LI N I A N . who are HNOikN lo be aaeaof INTAGklTr aaawvatu. ,'.; .,. i , Y 6. Tba rompanr It eUbllihed Oa a aalld and permanent balt, lie pa bavinv beet takea j to tticrwia Uie capital stock to aoou.uuu. 7Xh. Au. tat FoaDa or eaa Ooatrawr Aaa 1 vaavap u vaia tTara aa Ciace- La ran a mono oim owa Paon.a. i hi fact ehoula eommend Ui Ooauwiir. i aoota all other, to North Car liulana. tt wrltkaown that hnndreda of thouaaiua ol Doilara ia Lll rewrama are amiaiilv aeut North to enrich orth Capitaliaia, Uiu ouilnaaJI diaiidnr onr people of tamenae amount which .bould be kept at fcauve. Oa thai irrowod tu Iricail ol Unt Lomtian eonBdentiv atiueal to ever too of tb Old North a lata, and aak their aup portfortbta Hoata IrartTUTioa. which, while It otyerttutiatauUallv all the advanuwi of noruera vouipauiea, nipa to nuild ap auMB inmuiaara. - . JAMES D. BROOKS. ! - Ceaaral oaperitaing AcenV I - H:ik-:ehr !-. l.. . DR. I. HAT WOOD, I R. W. . HILL, aieuieai axainmera, Partiea apoivliig for airrndet eaa eommnni eat wiw t. i tint Local A-ent or t. Brooka, GeueraJ Agaot. i ' . aprli-ll. ; , . u. ED ASH COA LI I . N I am dauy expecting OJilS HUNDRED TONS OF CO At BUITABLI FOR GRATESI If pnrd aeed to rrt?e, tt will ba told' cheap. ' ' V ,i ' - ' - DOUGLAS BELL, StptST-tf Jrt (0 tit JaTb'.n.;rl, .,f LIFE IVSURAN'CE. f Till "7 aMTIO.XlL LIPB INSURANCE CO OF Tint larraa ttiTui or tiutKt. ' - PaiLtDtLntia, f a. a aaarlal Art T Ciairaaa. Ia. .Casltcpital. $1,008 808. ANNUAL RTATEMKNT.' JANI ART 1, IS7-1. -I- E- . V pllita..:..j.....i'',,-.- I Iitalibi actnrblt 1H K10 M Increa abi Natraak AaaaU dar- iinr Um tear B,I ra ABSKfTB.; Caab la Bank aad Truat Con- t'UH.a...,. ................. t IOHKI IB Government, But aad Miiaicl- i Di Bond.....; ' tm.tuto Loant amun d b firat Mort "onH Etal. 7,.Tt an loan oa t Ollauralt ?.1t),i4 Iiel.rrndandUDiaddrrainiuaia. ll'alwal Atvratt luta ..., i. ,...,, . HI total AaaeU January J, ln7a, f.,lMtW A I.IABIItITKS. . Total amount reoubd to naf. lr iuaare all outaianduut ri.k, I l,o." 017 Ud lnme roortti) but not dur . . . . eSl.WW W Total Itla!ii1ltiiw J in 1,1172, l.tM. ,7uri .V! Bun.lu. (K4-itNit addiiional WtuiuauialHreruBi,;...'. f I.IMf.lWKJti No Am'iI rollrixtiiiraidbi IH71 3,0X1 .1,b. am roiuaaa uj lorn Jul i, ton, 1,Ui lu,UJtt,I X A fTltOCi TO K ( OTil'AW. DISTINCTIVF FEATUKKA L A HQ B ( ' A f I T U I i ,IUJ,IIU0 ) ' rkiincirr.A'.ci'RiTT, t UN IBAClB UfcriMITr:. mqihviuknuiulumohb. . BtO K PlUt-N. TWO lMiLLAHB. Ot A at7Tta fi BKkbV r.M I to " CO.VaKKVATIVE INFLUENCE or utr ilk -tif.RXirTfOXT0Rra.ITINa tA'lI'MK-l POIJOY NERtr. r- W('KLI) Wll.it. ; PLANS SIMPLE LlW RATES Of fKAMlCM. orricEBB I I'LiRKNCE II, CLARK, Prealdeut. r llaaar u. uiajta. Wash lurtoa. i ... B. A. Kol4.1, PtiUadelnbUi, ( I Jar Cuoki. Uiairiuaa t inauca and .xix'uUvt toutnlltea. KaaaauH w. raat, nulaitrlpbia, Beciwtary and A iMu. ra I J'.h M. Buri.a, AliUot gecivtar - In ttft-al ol luUcrilf . whu trw deainMu of tranaaUna: the buiueaa ol Life luaurauca aaoa bwmt and eurm rvnu-lplaa, um Cornel luij w ire.area to unar aa uoeral UiducaOMatt aa can Daanorded by IU low ratot. ! - Ai4lcationa lor aKenttiaa or for policlea auty lit made to tbe Cbuioanir aa Ita llraiu.k I Itti.v at aiuiauaijiuia, or aa I P. P. PESCUD, Jr.; tiaaaaiL Aoairr, wH-lf Baleich, N..U Q ENBRAL INBUBANCR AGENCt I T&e KiitiOttalLife Kef Tort The rbtBli rin tt Brooklyi, IlOUCiLAA BELL, Aireat, OtBoaaaxt the Varbwo Uotl. Mttttt CRT BB'OEiVRD At tmmt, pettt & rewsoi-i. BURT'B CELEB RATED BOOTN, ITEJta, Conyrroaia Oxlbrd'a . t .f. y t 1 1 1 it B H"0 E 8 BL'RTa' PRIZE MEDAL f'XIP., METROPOLITAN TIER, FOB L A D I B I . TOSEMITE STRIFES ...... PRIMROSE. PETTT A NEWSOSTB. MES' BUOVELSI AKE3' SPADE I JOWLAND'S SHOVELS I A large lct lot of tht abov rood it T. B BRIGOS'. I Biwled propoaala will b received by tn Piliicnml of mr N. C. Inatitutloa for tha IWF ana Imiuu wnd th Burnt, arbif tbe aext twenty day, lor tba b-lUn of t eoalract build-aa addliloa to tha ln.iliuik, aa Me draft aad atcinea'bimL wbivh eaa tat aeea by l b Board reaarve the rlcht tn reluct an bid that ma be mad: All arbnoaaia lo be auurceeea w ana ooaru oi iiuaL, atay a-ajut ICE NEW MATTRESSES. Lalelv recelvedi. direct from tha man a 'act up-1 era another euiply ot aincl aad doable Mar- j areaaea at very reducea criee ja.wius.w. iuni.r.a, may Iw , Cum. Merchant. ' HORRENT. A kadom mldeaca aa Paetirelll nireev rioiiM baa a Kooma, one acre irrotine. 1 1 lawroen opoaloa alreaj at oeotw i Hiaaru. ( Vt.AWVMUa CO." COMMISSION MERCJIAXTS. ECLECTIC wv::e.. OlXi 11a hrtaadVd tor .utm ia ordraarr karoaaaaa taanpa, whraariod Ibrbt aaat arfcci t r- Rf Iroai a.Ttdat ar aairad. It a urciiarrd mcfttlly MUw ; i HUOSON-RHEI. OIL-WORKS imictau' aaKt;aixao rot Purlfir, BHIIatMrjf and t'eomnmf. lacaiaiMad ia raa. caaca aad nriiaa Uoa. by J. 0.' Brewster, LAM Pa), Ac. a . . . aaaaf rua- Mi IMSm. - '. ' MISCELLANEOUS. 4 R. 8. TUCKER CO. rufUUK !KV.4(MlfMItHfeR, 7 1 BHaadiSr.yeUUla l. , V V V" i" -: KAUluii, N .C. , : Hat t larf aad EatateWe Aaa rtouut of f.T?-'.' atmataat .. 1 . j D R K 8 8" . a O O D si Bmbrte tut Otalatet Hor'aHiawv COIXJRED BlLKBr BL ACK SI LK S, . -' - - JAEA VIBE 81I.K j, HILK AND .WOOL DUES GOODS, Irl.b and freui'h Poj.lina MEDIUM PBKEP PHkad GOtiDB IN OliEAT VAKIETT. I MOUBNIVtJ I)RE8s OfMr8, THE LAR- UBr BfUCa, IN THE C1TI. Bbawla White IViods ' Krai and naiaitalina Lacra and lioaaa ITunuauiug Ory Ooodt rrl, Plqna, Waltt aad Buff Lhira. " Dolly Vardeoa" ia creat arkfy. ' Uollt Vardaa Baarbt-4ara; tad aev aa- aoruioi.it. , , Alna raraaol and ua UaabRllaa. l adwa and UeaU Kid GloVetia ell the atw onadea, W. H. B, . TCCKER A CO. - ety - ."-i - --r - - I .f.-fAne'aa". Tkle Haa will sot break at tfaa Eye, a tbe tya and Blade are all made I root oue piec of cvwway aroo. For Bale by leb 14ltf T. H BRIUGB. ITtOB BALK. Two nicely Imnravcd ko a In the l (aire of Cary. E eb lot lie a .aieely auklwd a nouae, with ait room, and con alna about i na Acre Tin a place ooaseaaea peeullar aU- antKea, 'twKl acboola, rood aocivty, good wa er, anaao Lwaor moi.e. ConirauUtion t rkata to aad from KaleLrk nay b had at two cent per mile. Tralnaat aliwoat any hoar In tl.a day. Jo good ciUaaoa tna alio wut be tola cue ip. Aup y in A.F.PA0E, ayld-Jw tary.N.C. It K SUCH .TAILOKIMO EflTADI.lSUMENT. n BSD SON M K Jl CHANT TAILOR r.r.l.a rUik. . ..(.... .. 1 a.i- I Fowigl Cldlhtv Ciulioert lid Tl. Iliri. iTETTRVILLB STREET Oppoelta toarkat Iloiaae, "ttittmTrt !T 'fa;"- Retunia kit thanka for put favort, and taket pleaaara la aaaoaattng that a ktt Fa- tamed fron, New Tork, with aa Baa a ttoek ol food aa could b aelected from tba beat ua- parted '!. FRENCH AND ENQLiaa CLOTBa, CAbbI- MERER AND VE8T1NGS. ' i J will U t th aaoel maooabte prtcaa, x- 0Loairat.r toa caaa. BaUafacUoa (uarta- Tat aaat at French workmen uir.iroy4. p aW''r"r'' 'j Joaa a. Nai. . - .- ' W. J. Baxaa. J01IX B. SEAL & Co., Cnunissioa, MorchantE, O Kit EBAIV- Produco Dealers . Agmltfor At ml oJVopea Gvme, DaUvared free ef cfcarga aa tha tar at ftwtaaAoatk. Freight from Porttaaowth St per torn. 1 1. 1 h . .... - . - t i iflred,UitiTAmeaUwlUbaad ta take pavwMal la eottoa af tt tinfer tn J. Devavenz. or V A wiai. Baleittrh. ... " : j leo-aMoa. r . - ,i UtJABlSUGABjl s:Xt':iU-'' BUadavtlA, .'j. - , U. TeHow.J i. ? : , , ,. Domorar,. ' PouiRleo, ' 'V Vr for aale verv low wt - A. C. MCNDKRd a VK, o?Mf B, Martla Street. r"1 RETONI STRIP La, rBlMBObK, raTTI A PAWSOaft, i.j.;:.:-::r.5m.- "MISCELLAXEOrS.1 Ia pursuance ot as ai-i of the General Ataeoil)ly,raiiBed tbeJSddaj of January, IH7I, I hacaued itr be publiahad the. Mlowing i rartifM ropjr of "an art to altxr tlio tWaitulioa of North Carolina. - K. J. WAKKKX. i All ACT fit lttr tlu CmMttattv of , Cmnaia I. Tbe (general Aaaemtily of Xortla. AjaroiMH- ato-tat - ttbrrr-liMliii-ot all the oo-ialirm ill arh Houaa cnwur rini;; - That he t 'onstitulion of lliia State t altrrrd aa bdiima, to wit ' AuK-tni arrtion tix. of I lie flrat artiole, lay atriktnu out the; time flaimu (lfereof; down to ami includinir the word r hut I hie bring tbe claasa reiating to lite tau aeut Amend nertbio two of the arrnnSjtrt ntjartit I lly." ami by atilkina; out toe word iiMtrrting in lim Mieriof, tlie word "bien nially Mnif in referrnr. tu tbeaesaimia of the (Jeoeral AMenibly. ,T ,-. , - Aiiifiid aeutiog tfre f the atroin article, by atriking oat ail that pmxilet tbe wl' "the auid Urtinte UiatricU.' and by alriking out tht phrase M aa aloreaaiil or in aitid eoftiiin ; tlie partaao mri. kn out having releren to the Ml ale ceimtw. Add a new aection to the aecotid article to be mylcd "aecllon Stl," and to rand aa lollowa: S' Tlic uieiubvr itf.tbe Ueneriil A wwmlily tball each reet ive three buudn J dollar, aa a eooipenmtiiHi fir their aer vieea dining I loir Unn, aulijoot Aiaih rpgiilatiorM ip regard to liuie of payinunt asl rtiluctn.n lor oofi attendance aa utay be tmafnlN'd by law ; but, tlit'y nay have an ail.litiooal allnwnnie wbt-a Uioy are railed V ut'ther JO upecial teaalun, and mileage aiiall be ten ceate Kraule Cur rafb araai. Amend an-tinn one of the third artiste by ttriking out the worde foar yeara," where they occur oral In nam xiiu, aad inserting, in lieu thereof, the word. two year. lieinK in refuretica to tlie teriuoiil eiruiive nHUwrt, - , w . tttrike out the wordt " ttuuerinlemli-nt .af Public Work," wherever thy'oe-ur in tbe Constitution, tbua ab dialling Unit offi'-e. A mnnd tection tlx of the third mt.ijr4 by atrtking out the word H anniijilly;' aad iiiaerting, in lieu thereof, I he vrnr.l .' iiioti niilly ;" ao aa to oonlorin to he provision re pecting the aeaeioo of the (jriH Titl As. aMiibiy. ' 1 Strike ont ectione4wn and ihree of tb.' p Hirth artu le, being ffe- pioviaion a hicli leler to tht apimiulini-ht uiid ilnlitsi of the Code t'ominimsioniTTi, . Alter tertiim four of t ha tonrtli art irk-. ao that aaid aection ahuH rn!. fnllo-4 TlreiTrtnnarMittoi ol the Slate ahail vested in a Court lor tbe trial of nniM-ai-rt niunta, a Miir.-me uourt, HUienor t ourM, aueh iiiU rinr (!oiirt aa raT be tttal'ili.Hhail by law, and Vmi1a of Junticm of the l'eee.:H. f: :,! j . Alttir tertioo tight of the fourth article, ao tint aaid auction aball read ta loliowa : " The Siiiurroe Court ahall eonaiat of a C4iie Jo-tire-aiid two Aaaoebrte-iriMtieea-- J'ivpvM, That thit ahall not apply t the juntkea during . their pteaont term of lfiNBrBliileiaa' tiy.'Sttltifli; 'liatirtiSiT'oill?' orwiae, the numlwr of Anoctate 'utioet ahall b retlured to two, ... AlU-r trrtiori twelve ol the fourth arti- cle to that aaid teclioo alian lead aa roM Iowa; -The State atmll be .lividwl into nine judicial diatricta, for each of Which a limine ahull be rune f and in each dis ti tet a Superior Court ahall ba.iield at leust twice in each year, to continue f . r ttich time in each county reapectively at may be preacribed by law. The General Aiwuilily aball lay off aaid diatritta iiv due time, to that the taid oine jitdet may be cboaen and liegin" lbcir oliiiiai term at tlie 6 wt general election for member of Ilia Ui n eral Aaaemlily which ahull occur alter the atitlratlon nl thit tectum. Tbe Uenernl Aaaemlily may reduce or increase the num ber of iliatrii-U to take effect at the end of each judicial teroi.", . ',, , .. Btrike out avctioo thirteen of the fourth article, which Bxet the present judicial diatrlctt, . ' ' .; Amend tertioa fourteen of the fourth article by atriking out all after the word 14 office," and Inm-rting, in lira of the part to ttrickeo out, the following: "Tbe General Aaaembly ahall preacribe a proper tyttein of rotation for the judge of tba Superior Courts, ao that bo judge may ride the tame Uiatrict twice In tucceaHion, and the judgea may alao exchange d Mett with each othcr,teinay be providvd b J blw.', " ; ' Strike' out aection fifteen of the' f.uirlh article, and inaert iu lieu thoreol, the tub lowing;. " J b Ueiwml Aeerably ahall have mt powrir to di jirtvB ill judicial ilB amht , 4 any - power, or jaritdictian whieli riirhtfully twrtaina to it at a co-or dinat departrtteol ; but the Ueneral Aa aembly ihall allot and diatriliote that pnr Uon of thit power and Juriwiictioo, which doea not pertain to Hit Supreme - Court, ....onp; , con preacri.HM m lliw ramttitutnm or wbicb may be eatablUhod ny-iai l aara miwt i -tt tltlj deem bint, provide alao a proper ayateui of ap- peait, ana regulate u raw war) neeeaaa ry the met Inula of proceeding, ia theexer- ciae of their power, of all the count be ow die Supreme Court, to far aa Hie tairie may oa done without conflict with other proriaioB of till ootiailtutloo.'i-.i,, , Strike out aecdont ait teen, aeveuu-en. nineteen, twenty five and thirty -time of Amend aection twent aix of the fourth article by atrikinir oat all that part whjoh r Dc'ranrir Kitrinrj wtmwvtnr ww I lo aaid taction, and, in lieu of tht part Itrirken out, inaerting the followlnir: Tba judir -fik and th any courts which may be eetablhdied bv 1 .w, aball be chotea by the vote of the qtialifled elect ore, and for eucb term at uiay be preacribed by tew, The trotert each precinct, eaubtished al it elstwhcre provided fhr in thia eoruttitution, (hall elect two justice! of . the peace for inch terra at may be fixed by tew, whose juria dictioo ahall extead throogbout their a pectire eountira. Tha General Aaaembly may provide tor toe election ol more than two (uaticerof tht peace in thoae precincta I i-1 t. . . . : . ' ' i , I wuicn conmin ciuva or wwna, or in wntcn other apecial reaaost render It expedicot Tba chief rflgitrateaa .cities -tad moot porateti town el all haa the jadjcial pow trt of juatice of the pence." A mend aection thirty of the fourth ar ticle by atriking ont the word " towa tbipan and raweftirig, ia lien thereof, the word " piaciocti ;" alao in tbe laat aeateo.ee of th tarn aectioa. atrikt out th Arorda " tha coJaniiaaintieia ol the county may ap. a ant to each office for the unexpired term," and in lie thereof icaeri ftM ap- potaimeoii to Bit eucu vacancy hr the aaexpired term bU be mad aa may , tie prewcribed by law.' ;, . Amend teetiimt one atid tmrt of the fifth art uie, by ttrlkiag out tba worde " eoramuKUuaert or the teveral countietj: where they occur in aaid aectinrit, and ia lien thereof inaerting the word "county authoritiea attabliabod and authorized by law." ,-. t ' Strike oat tertian, four of tht fifth arti cle, relating to taxation to pay tba Stale debt aad lolrrweV . ' ,, Amend aretioa aix of th fifth ' article by inaerting after the word " iuatrument " in taid aection tbe wordt " or any other peraonal property. Intert Uie word " and " before the word 1 lurvcyor in auctjoa one of th teventb article, and aJnkeout tba word tend five CMnmiaakmrr " ia aaid aection ; alaa aild to aaid aectioa tht following : Tim General Aaaembly tball provide for S tva- tem of county govern mtat for t tevuwl couotioi of tba butt," . - ' Amead tcctiortwo of the eeventh V ticle. b ttrikinf ont tbe word "commie awwnra" and ia lieu thereof inaerting the worth) Vooi it v authorise eaublwbed and ..iilwiritedriv law." and in the tame tec tUow alrtke out rue - "Words, tlie.regb.t of deeyla ahall be ae Vie ekefc ofl tlie IJird of wmiroownioora. .1 titrike but aectioo three of tlie aeventb article, and ia lien tliereof insert tbe fol lowing : "The count authoritiea eatah llahed and tutbo iced by law ahall tee that the reapectlve onuntlea are divided into euitablu number pi tub diviaiona, aa eonvo nl,;nt. ajjvovipaaAin.abiine.M4)t(Waad marked nut in dtfiuite b.aaiLriea. which in ly lie nlierril a ben neiwary. Said aul diviaiiHia thai' lie known by tlie name of precincta. They, ahall have no corporate power. The townahip Klivernnieiita are aWiahrtl. - Tbr iiouuitaneT the pre cincta ahall be the tame an I In we which lurclofiire ill lined the tovfnaliipauulil they ahull lie altered." '.. Istnku.oiU eei-tion four; fire, il, ten anil eleven of the Tth article, w hit b idatet Uttiie towmJiip ayatiiii. ai , , t Amend aeciiiiiw i-iartlt and nine of the aeventb arliclc, by atriking out the worde fir townauiia ' w nrrwtuey iHcurin earn acctiiHt. ... , " " ' "- " ' . Strikeout aection Ihree of thw ninth article, and in lieu I hereof insert the follow ing :" he Uenernl Aurannlily tball nuke auilulile nrovisioa uy law lor the manage ment ami rcjrulation ol the public erhool, and for perl'eftitig Hie jteui of fioe pub lic, instruction.? ' Strike out Oilion fivrnf the ninth ar ticle, and iu lieu thereof, inaert I he folhit ini; .: ' The fiencrnl Aaaembly aball have power to provide fT the eleitino oflrua. eea of the t'litTeTeity of North Carolina, in whom, when shown, ahall be vented all the Briailetfe. rii?ht, frunclii8eiiaiidt- dnwmentetiiruiolore in atiywi'W granted to, or cenfertvd uxm tW-ri uinl of Trua tact of and CntveisirAra; and the (icneral Awenihlv mat.inttke vui h nrnh-iuni; law a id reguj.iitont fnun tnnu to time, ua may anijexpcrtietft, lor the nvuu- utiiMiic and maBsgenieiil' of satd I'ttiw- mtv. ... Strike out aectiona thirleeii. futirtecn ar Htteen of tbe ninth article, relating to I be LuKi'rily id Ninth Carolina. Auictid aectiiui ten ol the eleventh article by atrik ing oat tlm word "at the cliarjje if tbe Htnte," and in lieu thereof, insert the ird "by .Uii' StiiiM-; and thoae who d nut own iimrierty over and atxive the lilt-lend atrd rn rHonal trnpeity pre-' criln-d by Ihia l'onsjliftion, or being minors, whoxe pareuta do not ow n pro perty over iid nlVve the name," nhall be cared for nt the charge of the Htale." Alter aiytiou tvten of' the bitirtremb artivJciHi Unit mill aection iJiail road aa foilowa; "No peraon wlto shall hold any irii-e or ulacji.l-titat-Of jmlifr trmlcr the ilea .Matvtj, ot aiiy UtpjuliHWrtftrn-oL or urtiler lhi fifile, or uielcr any other Htale orKiiveri.nieot,hitil hold orexcrciee any other offim or p'ace of trust or iirolit tliidet the authority 1 of thin Stale, or be eligible lo. neat iu either b in- of the 'Oeneral AtariiibJrv, "'I'hniilM. That noth ing In n in e 'ill. lined ihall e.vlend to ofli rem in Hie tniliiia, iutieca of the peace, Q'lliiii.j'ai'MW'ijd.lJijWW-thiiriUiJiiir uiu miKHioiM:rt for eperial . ptirpowt," Add amilber section to the fourteenth iti,nHlwliP"inyjrjil "wwlim l'Hriitl to read ait billows ; "County ullu'ei-s, juiilicia ol tlie nt-ace and other ofut en wlnuw olio I ceil are abolished or .changed in an wav brlirtr-dtTiTtmrraT.I1 coulioue 10 eJicrci.sc their linetiina until any ptiivisiiitifi necctwary to tic made by law inurdir lo give full effect to the alter tiivtiH, to far aa relate to aaid otlicein ahall hare beeh madv, ' lt oumUcrtriet'ction in th'e article from w hich any aection haa been ttricken, without the insertion of another in it atead ; and give lo any new aection that number Which by tiiia method would have been given to tbe tectioit ftr w hich it is rubatitotvd, ami tlie alteiationt ahull beeiulioiiied into the coual itntion, ami tlie aectloua numlierei conaecutlvely. n Kali tied the 19th day January, A. P, ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Orrica or Sim hktahv or 8tatk, KAt.aiiun, Jan. ml, 1B73. I.' Hear. J: Meaniatrrer. tWrkarw rf State, heivli ' -- ----..p., -. ly ceruiy tuai tne torcgoing ta a t true copy J tin original act on file in tola oilic. H.J. MENNINGER, Secretary a Mate. jaa 3:1 nftin rpO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. Dimble Refined Pnndrette, of the ' l.odi ManafartnrliiK o." for aale In Iota to autt cue torn era. 1'iita'article ta aotd for half the prtet ol Uie other fertllizera, and ia cheaper for tto-. ttia,Tr, Tobifm 'and rituliitet than iny ether lo tbe market. Il l made anlindv Iron Uie aWit-aoll, offal, c, of N. VT etly. Price, delivered 6u board in New Tork city, twenty live do. law per ton." Leak attention tu the lollowinirUati4ponSab): ' f J. A. J: Aakew, uf Coleraln, N. C, In a let ter dated Sept ll-Ui, Into, aayatj'l letaeveral plaobira bate eotne til the Doable KehDed Poudrette.' true eaya be want Ave ton next aeeou to (nit nnder corn. I naed four ton on corn, and aithoiurh tlie aeaaoa wan unfavorable Ml)1(lblhetl v- one who aaw IV I tkU 0 tamt fertlliaer for iWI ever at." I lawie). Melieary; wlew Miwwewa .kVHVM I aoaeTdale ol Auiruat li, Isro, eaya: " I'poa the recounai'ndalion of Prof. Conk, -ol the w eeraey atate JiKticuitaral College, who aiialyeditbel;odl Co 'a Doable Kenned Poa itre lie, i a-editveryexteuaively twoynaaaaaTO. Kliin tear I naed, In connection with a nclh bdr(N. H. Dudley,) about j,50U worth ol Double Kenned Pouilrette. 1 can cheerfully reeonnead Uiia' tu be, a a I believe, a cheap and vmluahlh eouceutiatcd fertiliser." Apaorphlet, xiruta; lull direclioua, Ae SSmvDiiiaUuB iu , tent JAMK8 T. rtlSTI-K. C6 Cortlaudt atreet, New lurk. old hv Nlt-rnKMr 'rihn-H'' A- nrv..1r viaHr',j t f'- mMvMm, "?" f a,""- wataa WFaaalia aawaepwaitaaaaawAte Tortsuiuuin; Va,,aud Quatuuiey Broa. Co , solium, ., leDn-UiXWXrn M a.STALLf Tbe feaiful effecU on the ESTABLISHED FOB THE Xranurportwtiou auul LcioaiUoa I . ,. ,- .."OF , '. NoRTraajr ato Eckopbah BarAuu KORTH CAROLINA V TUCKER HALL, KALEIGH. V. C ' '; THIS Company hat beea ia aaceeaafnl opt ration tor nearly two veora, and will V(. tinue Kbla Laaaa, or Kaar real eaUU, on tha moat f 1.V1 imliU' (.nn. iH 1 ri.-.i. tha moat favoralile terma. aud If divided tub. email tracu are mure aalenble. All peraoohaiin Laada-to-aell wflj lod It to their Uitereat to call at our edict, Or ear reepood with a, at our tacikUe lor aeibag art Tax 1 ip or la Minai Trent aaa wrrar aww. and wa call upon all .North Carolitiiaa to aid a tn proinoUni: Uila great eolerpriat, and beh to build wpnur waate phk-ea. . A i ne r reaiuent ana uirectort of the company are well known -, and iwraooa antruating bua- weaaia aoeir aanoa, nave tha heat aaaoraaar that they will be burly rejireeebted. W hare ao csnnecuoa with any other Land Agency or company proleaaiag to do buaiueaa in Uii State But are oper.Uiur anl nid the nam and tyiaol "Tua.Nokia Cam im. i..n ,.,,,''..., I . H , irwrvd by BpKud Act I 01 ii,I:"uta" F-tiraanr bih Ail -- . A.idreaa ill eommnalcatloua to "Tha NorU Oarobaa Land Co., or to Wa. BH,iJeerntar GLO. LTrTLJi, Pre. Wat Soofpt, Sec'y. ;.. , DIHgCTORt: v Ll. Oe Lrttler en. R. F. Hok Ho. W. bA Dr. J. B Smith, Hon. I. b. cUn man, Wm. Bcott, Eaa. , 'aallldtwu, . ' :l QLASBlCAL SCHOOL. . Tba exerelaei of my ebol wffl be reanrood atta Loveyoy Academy, oo Monday, . j ujuoa per moat . . ... . i iaaa-il TUOA B. BAHXT, A. M A BEAUTIFUL LOT OF n p Lace - 1 EmbroiJeriew, .1 Uandaerchk-fai Ac ' .At " - ' obidq rAiitooETraisiuiie, oi A 0 MetLWAlNE, Prealdeut, Z... iTWilliV VhPreallA I. aV- laVniieT.ii lt BAM'L B. PAUL, lliianrc t'omuilft). A. O. MclLWAlNE, U'ArK y PA.tl D. B. 1ENNANT, , T. T. BRO,x.iIl A M. BjMALlfOBT. A G MilLWAINE, DIRECTORS: A. O. Wi feflwalne. lTArcv Paul, T. T. brwicka, 5 J Joha ArrniKlon, ' ticorKe Caaieroa, . K. l. ki'lwaiue, Charlea W. bpieer. -K. G. Peerratu, D. B. Tenntnl, Wat. R. Mallory, Via. Cameron, H. A. Martin, VV'ta. R. Johneon, Gaotxr H Ilavte, J. C. trraka, joaa Maun, B. B. Bolliat;, lr. D. W. Laaailer, .u ji.,1.. .ill I . T'. M ... ... i ABtong ua orarera anq. aueotora a in ne loumi aoiw 'bat aatnea ol a,,i 7 andJall! brlMtrity, aa aul be a KUreu!ae, UitU truat repiwed la tbea Tit5,1" f and lalllituily kept it .. T .. ",""IUb With ao ample Capital, moderate rate, Pollctai noa farCeltable 'aifta '. V la iid III tact wth every advantage that ii with prudtucJeud aji ttLuT i. . ""a hohtera, thia enaspany appeal with cuntdfuce to the peoplt ol NorLt coW',lt'' buu ii.ii I . uicui u. ituwiiniHiki . I . nil L'i I, il A Board ol direeturt will aoon be eabtbuahed la liaWlVb. who -rn ....Zi-' .. . of funda received in North Carolina. ;- ' .-t-nneeia, tu I hia arraiMremeut-wiy keep m elrcnlatioa a capital among onr own neorj .1 1 n tolora to a Kreat witaaat bean aeut aliroatt to aevuiauJaw la thf ' or 11 k' fnKb ilietaut eomuianttie. Our condilioii are ao simple, and au 111 .'"l'Hm aa d. utly Invite eomiiariBott with any company ia the world. ' - ir- Kirt. W. II VirV lllarna at law. ... ... . -. - -. ..- .-- - ji'ur iu lid w it TJAJ.TIMOR8 LOCK IK1SP1TAL. f dr. joinMiv, PhyKiciaa of thia relVbrated lnalitatlori. rlla rovered. when hi thn tlretl Hoiiiul of En rope, viz: England, France and eliwiwliere, the. certain ee,lv, pi aunt and effectual remedy in the world for all taeeaaet or tbuae ot tbe avatem. " Weakneaa of the Back or Limbe. ttrirtn'ea, ArtVetionol iheKidfieyror Bladitjrr.-lnTolira-tary DUrbarifea, linpotency.tii'iieral IK'hillty, Norvoeaneaa, "fyrapcrxtit-- IjiFurnir, tiw Siiirita. Wutoa of Idi aa, Pamtoioa nf the Heart. Iluiidlty, Treaalilina, Uimueaa ot tturl.l or GUldlneaa, Uineaaa 01 UM Head. 1 nruaK NoaeorBkiu. Allei'tl mtof the Liver. t-iinipt. 8tomaeli or Bowela tlioae terrible Dmir liir arlai ntr from Solitary HahiUirl Vonl.li -iBi'KtT and lohtarv practtoea Mi. re fatiil to thr vte lluie than tba aoagol tlie Syrena to the tla linern ol L'lyaaea. hi itlitliuE their uio-t bdl Pant ooiiea or anttcioaiioua. r.ndcrini' mar- viainvc.i tuipuaalble, deatroyin both body and uitaa. touno wri kspccullv who have lavome the vi fin of military view, tliat dreauini ami ea trar'ive bat.it whirh annually aweep tn aa atiliuwli erava thoaaanda ot vouac aien ol the imir-t exalted taleuta and. brilliaat totclhct, who mU:ht olb -rwiae have entranced luteiua Benate with the thunden of etiMfuanre, or waked to ee.tacy the uviug lyre, may eau with tnll euaUilenoa. ,..:,' MARRIAGE. Married peraon, or Tonne, met ermtampUt inay ma-4aira, aware ol Pbvah-al Weaknrm, tiaaof rroureaTtve rower (intpoteuey), wer vova Kxellanility, Palpata'ion, ursanic Weak-aei-B Nenoua lebirity. or any other liUuali ttralion, kit'vdily relieveil. 'lie who place hioierlf nndrr the cam of Dr. J. may roliKl oly rontble In hie honor aa a Hentleman, ami eonndeiiUj rely upon hU skill ; aa a pflyucutu. ORGANIC WIAKlfEBB 1 Immediately Cured and full Tumr Reatnred. Ihia diKtrawaintr A IT etbai which rendrre lifr aiia.-rable and marrtatra impoeaibla-da the I peoany paio oy ana victuua ox Fduproper in oulicencea. TounK peraonaare tooaptiocotn- f.I" btiag awara 01 taw . areauiui eonaenaeneee uiatmav eaiaoe. now. r. who that undarataada thia enbjeet wi aanbieotwill eivtend to deny tht the power of prooreatioe la hut aooncr by tlioae fallina; Into Improuer habit1, than by the prudent Beetdaa lietna; deprived ot the pleaaure of health otfaurinr. tire anwt ae loua and deatrueuv ymtoia of botli budy and mind art e. Tbe ayateui become drrauK ed, t'M Ptayaical and Meiit.il Fuuctlon weak ened, lma of Proe eatlve Power, Nerrou IrriUbllity, Dyapepala, Palpltatiiw. ot tbe Heart, ludUreation. Conatiuilloiial bbilltv and Wauling o the Frame, Coiuch, Cooauup- muii, mjxvj auo uvmuu a A CURE BPEEDILT WARRANTED. Peraon rained lnbftallhv hi anlnammt nre tenderawho keep th iu trifling mom It alter month, takliw poiaooon and hilnib.ua com pound, thouid apply Inunedlately. " DR. JOHNSTON, Member of tba Rnval nollieni of .in. London. Graduate of on of the niut .niiiu,i i i-O'texe IB lie United atate., and the beet part of whoee life baa been api nt ia the boa pitala bf London, Parla, Philadelphia and clan, where, haa effeeM tome of the moattabtn- ...Br au uiav were ever Known ; man If... a 1. 1. ; . i. . . . ' . ' "a u,e.n,!1 ana ears wtr . i8ieci), ereat nervoubfaal WiW'jrVii.: C taddeu aoanda. baabfuinraa. wi h fr. e ' bloahinK, attended aometimea with de- ecaentef mind, ware cuaed immediately. f ' TKE FARTICTLAR S0TICK. 1 I'r. J. addrewetll thoae who have bijured em.ebea by iinpropur indulp-nce and anil ry bablta, whk-h rata both body and mind. uniiiUiur them lor either baaineaa, ttudy. ao eietr or nurrburt. '. . Theaa are aomt ef tbe tad awlanehnly ef. reetw prod uced bv tba earttil fiabibi of voi.il;" via: Waakmaa of tb Back aad Limba. Paina " i"" p Mimneaa oi atirnt, Lone of Mna- pepeia, Nervou .lirilahUity, Detaninment of lu- 1i.aa.ne a uncuca, l..wra AaebHir. - . . f- i-tC . , "W"WI"P"CIU, IS. mind are mock to be dreaded. Loa-of Mem-1 ory, uoutnalonof ldeaa,DepreaidoBof spi be Evil rorebodiiur. Averalou to Bociety, itit'. DUtruat, Love ol solitude. Timidity, die, are tome ot We evil produced. . t , Xbousanil ot person of all Are can now iudira what it the canaa of their decJiaine hcalUi, loa at; f. air vbror, becominii weak, pate, aervoaa aad emaciated, bavin a email- lar appwarar.ee about tba eyea, eomth and tjmptoma ol Coaaaaptioa. - 1 - TOUNO- MEN f .s v. Who htvJured themeelvet try a eertxtu pmctloe, tadubred la wbea aloe, a hebil f re quenliy learned from evil couipanioni or at ui eneeia orwnien wre Bihily felt. ""li, ana u bo cur id render marnam impiawinla, and d-ttroy bo h mind aad bodr. aiiosld anult lmuuk.L.oi , W hat a p.ty Uia a yoninr man tb hope of have two of the ' Four Kev-WafOr -Uac-uatrv, the pride of hte parent, abould Neither premium to aubiwriher. be anatched from kll proapectaand enjoymrat CJont to lnlia can be allowed nnleaaUia -. VJ i .minui-iiwvi aeTiwuua: iroin i "'" k " v. - ana inaounng in a certam ecret habiV Buck pertoat jaaat, before coa temputinc I . Retaet that t toamf mind and Body are the mot neeeaaary rroataiiet to preniote eonra tnal bappineaa. indeed, wluiout three tbe f'"l wirouitn ne neeomra a weary v Iplia- age, the uraZe.'t hoorVv datkrn u. the iw thV.lnd'WoShoV t.tr 'Jj mu -iiu uie njuoanen erwr-neelloa Het the hapijioeaa otajiuuiewiadaiafiilcd with one own. A CIBTAIJI JWSEA3E. When Hit mlaenldeel mnA lm"rmn of pleaanrt Snda be haa -Imbibed tne tccte f Uii painful diaeaae. it t-m ofin k.,.,,. n,.i la 111 timed tenae of thame or trend of du N.PV AiklAH kin -. ...1 ! 1 . 1 1 ... . . ill V, .. -IT'; eew wna, " riacaiioa and reapectabUity, eaa alone befriei 1 him He fall into tu hand of amoraul and deaurnin? pre encera, who, la I oapable of enrbuy. I ch hia pecuniary u "wi mm y unn inning monia alter month, or aa long aa the amaliuat tee can be obtained, and Hi ilwpair leave bun with mined beallh lo Mooter hiaiaillne ditappoinlraent : or, by tll ua Of that deadlV UoiuVn. Mmn-nri ... the constitutional aymptoma of thia borrnlj .- u... . b i. ii .jivmmk, am u aa ai- rerated tore throat, dieaned none, Bocturnal p. oe naa ana um'j, eintneM ol a gut, deaftieaa, node ou the alna bone ind arm, blotchet on Ui head, face and extrenntlet, progree.inir with frlirhHul rapidltv, till at laat tbe peMe el the mouth or the bone of tlie BUM tail iarB4 th vkttnt ef tin awful Oif WSHk - ; l CUB: llaiiacer aud BaeretaryV fJr.4iAatji.ii DONN, t "wilcti IHm. , ' Rirrillve f'omiulltc. .- GKII. H. IIAVI8, UAVIDCai I o. K, T. AKklNUXON, t-ALUNDEK, Robert l. Maaa, liavui Calltmirr, B A. Pluniinrr, Jaiuea C Kiddle, J. P. fVlbauiiioii. W. H, WilleMna, W. Jnm.s Duma, K. T. Arrfnict a. ' llartkiu av.u , . a M w'; A. A. Alien, i. .. ' r Ku O Oi ill . l.'era, Utf -n. I., i. . . . Itlim .H. n i'.ii ww auawiif il n. i.i . in . . - n.O.V7iIHanis. AiMAUiMt l(.CNERtt.Aav A iriiV" p7l.ft?.'i.N(,4'TU tA'USA j - .u.., .1 eaae hwom. a horrid oblect r UoutHldeatl, put,. p,rioJ ia u-ZZt trW, by aeldi,,,, hG wTthS I eounini "huaniiB h.r, tuna." " www To b. therefore. llr j.u.v.. ' moat certain, aneiti, .ik-..,; tVtT " retaedy in the world. ' aTh ta . ,aa. ' . "! , " '' ' "'""'i RH I rcdcrlck It ;ft hand able binf fmiia Biltiman itrf '. ..-ti, Mv 'wruer. ru aottaia. naiue and unintwr. . t lT .No le b ra rceiv. anlei raMn.ia'eui .i.iaintai auuipto be a tei n T H m wrltiuir at'oald atata ai Colli ten .rtut"" ' 4vmUwu,u doaeiiUmt Wa I 'I be Doetir' DIPLOMA hanfrata kboiAt I E.NDOK8EMENT OP TUS m. Tbe many th'-ueaud eared al thiietUih. m,,"t JJi J" be laat twer.ty vcara asi aa BiiiucMua important auryieM otm .m a, formed by Dr. Jobason. wili,ea. ai a., Keiireaen alivoa of tbe Pre and aiaajafoaj "7 "" "'e apiarl aeaUl kt mnu belor 1 tlie public, beaidea FlU lUuJtaf ai a man of honor and reap "aWbiiiu, utial. 0 lew traarantee to the aitltcted. BR IN DISEASE etEi-DII.T Cl'EED, aiar 3teiy. . OTI(T. ITlJlFtJ niil.lLlIllKd WANTEDr loVl T need apply who cannot itlv com! rae eaeea and the neeeaaary tKiutla, A t4 "iw Hiuit) for enerelte men to aaake Inaa tea a four UiuuMitd dollare tier year Applr ax H.llkVH, Gew'l . AKaat, Lit AaaiaJaiaua o( Aaevua, apS4-tf, Ralearli.il . pil UHIM'sV PATENT BA811 BAUSCkA We dealre lo aell county rleil fortliko' Imiiroremetit In ranh Halaneea, palaalai beat lain, i-uw, in uie louowuia; tuaniiea; Halifax, GnUford, ' AleiaadW. ' arreu Kandoli.h. Hiiaea, A xtia. Caldwea, ' . Vt atauaw , Burka CbarelaoA Pulk. Rutbertiid, MuDwaU. Yancey. Keudiivna. Buih-onioa MadiaOU. ' baywuoi Grant Uie, Naah. Franklin, WHeoo, , Jobnaton, Harnett, - H.ioe, Cliatiiam, Alamance, (Ventre, Uaawrll, KtN'klnt(ha Jai'kaou, Macou, - Moati(omer;, Buuilcy, , Davitlaoa, L Foraytba, -Htokea,' Burr, 1 adkia, Davw, . Rowan, .... I mil 11, Gaalua. LiuiHilu, Catawlia, Cl..-l x vuvivaee. P. A. Wll.FT. IMICGI.AA RV.U. 'J'llK BEST PiRlODICAU Of Till DAI. THR OREAT 1 ENGLISH QUARTERLIES AND ' c , BlarkTtciTi EJInJurgh IicaiiR, jaraiBTto at THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHJMd 00, 140 FaHoa Street New Tork, ,df oW ow (Ao-ii (A pea IA. r(k. The Edinbnivb Review, . liuirterlv Review, Tbe Weatminaler Kevie"" Th krioiui DnartrrlY Rene, Publlabcd Quarterly Jan y, April, Joly, bd. '- , AX ' ' ' ' ' , lclved'i JrTdiaharta X9"' (A fao-aimUo of Uie orlRbial) PWi' ',-M.' Monthly. . .. TKKM8 or ti-BacaiPTioa : v For any owe Review, .......... Wpwia. For an two Review., JL FOTanrthrw 'KevTewa;.r.7rrriir.t7i For all fonr tteviewa . . . .... B w Blacawood't MaOTWne 4 or blackwood and ailevtrwt.; imv mmwawimiiiKi e IW..-W.,, i.' .- in .... j .. . u. c.-. I". lA " PoMaee. two cent t number, toteprrpj J quarter at tlie oihoe oi debvery. -, - Cltiatr - A diaconnt of twenty pDreent will b'' ed to elatw of fonr or more perso. J"": fonreopieof Blackwood or el oof RT. 111 be aunt to oa koV for U; w cooie of the four Bevtewa aiid BIekweH and ao on. ' . . w. Teeluba of ten or more, hv ad'Wos toB above dlacounV a copy rrathi will helw , to the getter u p of Uie clu b. amtiaf i. New edbacrlbera tor tbe year ,"!tm"JtZ without chame, the aumbira lor ttn qua. ter ol l.lol uch pcriodleal at U! w auliacrtbe tot -.vzz - Or, laatead of the above, new to'w"r eala. mav have, aa mvmium. en al ' a. may bave, a premium, en 01 1 viewa1 for IWI ; auuacrloere to all Rev; reaf u reailtted dlrectl tn douh?i. 1 oituiu can be givea to cluoa. -ra 1 o aecure premium, It win ne make early application, aa the tk au- lor mat parpoiNi la iimitea. aa Circular with lurther Informal lot " Bad eo appliewtion. . Tat LtosiBB Scot rr. to. . " " 10 fultoa aliaet, N P . THE LEONARD SCoTT PUBI IEH18 Cft - -' : AiaorrBt-na ' Till! FA RUHR'S CV1E To Scientific and Practical AgtVditrf By HtuKtcTKruaw. F. K 8 , EnnreB- the late J. P. Noiito. Profcaaor ""'.: AirrlcBltnreln Tale Colles. h' h ' I wo row. novel octavo. r . nnmerobf engrarinjr. Price 7 ; by toau. P" .,a H i: -".i 1" - (1Qn femaLE KEMLNABI TJ I a. Tt Fourth Seaaloa win opea oa I in luHbwUoa comnitw V.i ti bum with th adrantautuX of a Female Bcbool. .rleeei Inaawaitioa thoronrh ; lnrh'n"7 tui tc and auceemfu!; mrrr la.lluy o""" ' qoiriua; a Uioroiii-h wiaca'.ioa; cb' or Cl colar eimtalnlnf full rrtictCu. tjiply to the Prin.lj-aL. lit. H0BG00D, A - aorSe-lf ; ' .'